#it would be funny if zarbon meet brianne
susiceri · 5 years
New home, new life
After a lot of issues, the pair were happily walking through an extremly crowded street.
-You know... This is really exciting -said the taller one -. We're finally free of the army... And we can live without stress in this beautiful city. Together.
Their hands touched a little bit during a second, causing them to look into each other's eyes and smile widely while finally holding hands with a huge blush in their faces.
-Yeah. And I have to admit that... This Universe 2 is wonderful -responded the other.
-Haha, it's true that this is the universe of love.
They continued walking in the avenue when they saw a lot of people joined in front of a building with lots of neon lights.
-What's happening there? -questioned the shorter with his black eyes trying to find the reason of that amount of people reunited in that place.
-Let's investigate it, Dodo! -shouted cheerfully the one with golden eyes.
-W-wait! -Dodoria felt the grasp of their hands loosening and separating and suddenly felt quite anxious with the idea of loose his loved boyfriend in the middle of all that people - Zarbon! Please, come back!
But the green haired man wasn't listening. He just went with all these citizens to look at the reason why they are so excited. And then, he saw it. There will be an audition for a beauty contest.
-For God's sake! I can't believe it! This is a perfect opportunity to show all my charms!
He turned around to look at his mate and tell him about his wonderful idea, but discovered he wasn't there.
-Oh no -he froze at his tracks when he saw himself completely alone -. No, no, no, no! Dodoria! Where are you?! Dodo!
That's when he saw in the middle of all that people a pink spiky arm that waved into the air.
Zarbon walked through the crowd trying to approach his mate, getting a little nervous when the others pushed him in the opposite direction. Tired of not being cappable of meet with him by walking, he started levitating and finally got to the other's side with a relieved smile.
-Hey -he said gladly at him -. Did you miss me?
Dodoria looked a him with a pouted face and turned it into another direction.
-Aw... You're mad at me for letting you behind, Dodo? -he said with amusement in his voice as long as he wrapped his arms around the chubby shape of his dear couple and hugged him with all his love.
-Hhhmmm... -murmured the pinkish with a frowned expression -. I prefer to stay by your side. You know... Not at the bottom of everything.
Zarbon looked at him with a sad face, knowing that he shouldn't have broke their holding.
-Sorry for that... -whispered while caressing the pink hands of the other -I shouldn't...
-Don't worry about it -interrupted Dodoria with a soft smile -. I suppose that this thing is quite interesting and you wanted so bad to know the reason...
-Yeah! -cried suddenly Zarbon, making Dodoria jolt in surprise -It's a beauty contest! And I want... I need to inscribe myself! Right now!
-Heh, okay. Okay. Hold on just a moment. I will accompany you, my gorgeous Zarb.
The two of them went then into the building, going through the agglomeration of citizens to inscribe the beautiful, tall, green haired man into the contest.
-You'll surely shine on the stage -thought Dodoria looking at him writing excitedly his name. Zarbon will shine and he will receive all his brightness with the biggest amorousness in his eyes.
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