#it would be a dream come true to see that headcannon become cannon
ashtonisvibing · 1 year
look i know it's SO unlikely to happen but i need just- SOMETHING hinting at or outright saying that jackie's trans in this altrverse comic
a little trans pin/patch, maybe outright seeing him have top surgery scars while changing his shirt, LITERALLY ANYTHING
manifesting trans jackie so extremely hard now that we've seen marvin at the very least LOOKS like the sassy queer we know he is
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
My people, I love this and I hope you do. Its a long one, but I promise its worth it.
So ever since I read this head cannon from @yuriyuruandyuraart I've had one nagging thought.
Polygamous marriage is illegal.
So as much as I loved this story of them getting engaged, they couldn't ever get married, but I didn't wanna rain on everyone's parade so I kept it to myself. Until now!
While talking with @jann-the-bean I came up with this and Jan loved it! So I hope you guys do to.
So imagine that the 3 of them are going around telling their friends and family about their engagement, in the classic happy kind of way. It's all well and good, Dream is thrilled to find out his brother is so happy. However, then he realises the law and Dream pulls his brother aside.
Dream "Uhh Night...Can I talk to you?"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Dream "I'm so happy that you got engaged brother.."
Nightmare "........."
Nightmare "but?"
Dream "but..... But isn't Polygamous marriage illegal?"
Nightmare "......."
And that was the glass shattering moment. Dream wasn't trying to be cruel or anything like that. He was just generally concerned that Nightmare hadn't thought of that.
So later that night, Nightmare brought it up to his partners and of course both of them where upset when they remembered that law. So began a long talk about what they could do. In the end Ccino mostly just said that it didn't matter to him if they were married, so long as they were together. Since he's still just a small city boy, he didn't really see that there was to much they could do, he was content to just maybe have a ceremony where they promise to be life partners, but not marry.
Nightmare and Killer on the other hand were not satisfied with that.
That Night, when Ccino was asleep the two got to talking. I like to think that over the years that Nightmare and Killer have become icons for the poly community, much like Elton Jon is one for the gay community. The two of them decided that they were going to use this to fight for the right to marry each other.
It started small. Posts on social media, comments in interviews. They started speaking out that they should be allowed to be wed. Because they loved each other and the law shouldn't stop them. There where online polls and campaigns as their fan base who had been a huge fan of the throuple started to back them up.
This is when Ccino became alerted to what they were doing. He was scared that they could damage their reputations and careers over this. He told them that he wasn't worth everything they were risking. That if they really wanted to get married, the two of them could and he'd just keep being their boyfriend.
They told him no and then lovingly told him to shut up and they would take care of it.
So began the start of a long legal battle, which all together spanned about 2 years. From when they first started talking about it online, to when the find judgment was made. They were denied.
In the end the court ruled that if polygamy was legalised, it would cause alot of issues. Its a taboo for a reason, and some people would just abuse it for their own gain.
Both Killer and Nightmare were heart broken. Ccino told them that he was so proud of them for trying and that he loved them more then ever. But Killer and Nightmare were still really upset.
This upset Ccino, because he'd seen how hard they had worked and as he thought over everything, he realised that he was actually irritated himself. In fact, he was a little angry. So now it was his turn to say No.
Ccino "you know what? No!"
Killer "what?"
Ccino "they said they couldn't legalise it because people would abuse the system"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Ccino "well I say No! That doesn't apply to us. You aren't some guy who wants a bunch of wives. We are 3 people who all love each other equally. We should have the right to marry"
Killer and nightmare "........"
Killer "we thought you said that you were ok with it"
Ccino "I'm not. Of course I'm not! I want to marry you both! "
So this prompted them to start a new campaign. If Polygamy couldn't be legalised for everyone, then they was campaign for the court to give the 3 of them legal right to marry. If a man could get the rights to marry himself (true story) and a women could be granted the right to marry a building (again, true story) then the 3 of them should be granted permission to marry.
So they took it back to court and this time Ccino took a more active roll in it, though Nightmare and Killer were more dominant. Ccino appeared with Nightmare and Killer in some interviews, but even if his mental health was much better at this point, he still couldn't fully handle all the pressure. But he put in a lot of work behind the scenes to help his partners in the case.
They Luckily still had the support of the public. They argued that they didn't want to abuse the system, they didn't want to have the bunch or wives or a bunch of husbands. They were 3 people who all loved each other deeply and just wanted to be married to each other.
Imagine the judge in court asking them why they wanted to make it legal to marry Ccino and why they couldn't just date him. And Killer just stands up like.
"dude have you seen him!? Who wouldn't want to make that fluffy marshmallow their husband?"
Then as Jan said this leaves poor Ccino (who is sat next to him) just a blushing mess and he says “Killer, don’t be so loud it’s embarrassing..”
Meanwhile, nightmare staring the judge dead in the eyes.
“I agree he’s to adorable not to marry, I mean if we don’t marry him someone else may try to steal him. And I refuse to let that happen”
(thanks for these ideas Jan)
After another 2 years or so of fighting for it. After all the public backing and the long process. Killer, Nightmare and Ccino are finally granted the right to marry.
Just imagine Nightmare trying to keep composed in court, though his having a little party in his head, and Killer on the other hand just stand on his table in court like.
"yes! Ha!"
Then he points at Ccino "guess what fluffy buns! We are marrying you!"
Ccino is so shocked, but he's also so happy. He truly never would have dreamt of this happening.
The moment that Nightmare, Killer are handed over the legal documents, they don't waste a moment, they grab Ccino and jump straight into their car. Then they drive straight to Las Vegas to elope not stopping to change or pack any clothes or anything, because they don't want to wait a second longer.
Of course Ccino gets super flustered at their suggestion to elope.
Ccino "get m-married right now!? But don't you want to wait? And have some big celebrity wedding? You mentioned it before"
Nightmare "nope"
Killer "we've been engaged for over 4 years, we want to put a ring on it right now!"
Nightmare "we don't need a big wedding, or all that stuff. We just need you to say I do"
Nightmare and Killer "so... Will you?"
Ccino "......"
Ccino "YES!"
(though maybe they stopped to pick up dream on the way. Nightmare probably knows that Dream would kill him if he missed his wedding.)
So the 3 were married in a small Chapel. Nothing fancy, but for them it was perfect. They all agreed that they would probably host a proper reception and ceremony for their friends and family to attend later. But for now, they didn't need that, they just needed to be married. It was a very small simple thing.
They probably stayed in a Vegas hotel that night. Probably had some time to celebrate. I just imagine Killer waking the two of them up the next morning with breakfast he'd ordered like:
"Good morning Husbands"
And he just can't keep the smile off his face.
About a year later they have a more formal ceremony. Which of course is super fun. But for them it doesn't change that fact that their actual wedding was truly perfect.
And dam I just love those 3. Jan was the one who wanted me to share this with you guys and I really hope you like it as much as me.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dam it Dream XD
BTW, I know this most likely isn't fully realistic to what the legal system is like, but give me a break. I’m not a lawyer, I’m a shipper. Its fiction, just let me have it.
studio verse by @zu-is-here
original nightmare by jokublog
original killer by rahafwabas
original ccino by black-nyanko 
Oh and @kotikaleo I'm sorry I forgot to tag you! You always as to be tagged in this stuff. Sorry idk if you saw it
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franstastic-ideas · 5 years
Master List Oct Edition (2/2)
This half contains Yandere Month Special, Classic Undertale Headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and Franstastic-Ideas’ more personal posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding UT
Yandere Month—————————————
Oct 3
Frisk is on an ambassador trip?
Mafia Yandare hcs on both our sweet frans ♡
yandare King Sans and his Lady Ambassador!
cryptozoologist frans but ... yandare~
more yandare for me please! have you heard of echofell?
what about Murder Frans (Murder Sans x Frisk)
Ink x Draw? (InkSans x InkFrisk) but yandare???
Yandare Error x Core?
Where do the Horrortale brothers fall in the least to most nuttiest yandere spectrum?
These are my questions about the yandere skeletons [1. reasonability, 2. saying No, etc]
Oct 4 
yandere version of the convergence AU?
Any headcanons for yandere storyshift bros.?
yandare lamia??.
Oct 6 - How about a yandare frister?
Oct 9
Haven’t really seen much yandere!G!Sans. Could you do that?
Yandere Headcannons on Nightmare and Dream right?
But, what if a female touched his lady as a platonic gesture? (Yandere!G)
If G!Frisk would somehow found out how Yandere G can be if needed to
Oct 10 - yandere outertale?
Oct 22
yandare cuddles with the swap brothers 
What would Yandere Dance be like
Oct 23
So what about a yandere Dusttale sotry
What would Yandere WraithTale Sans do with Rosalyn
Killing is extremely rare and saved for severe occasions in my yandere-verse
Oct 24 - If Chara escaped and Papyrus was unable to find her?
Oct 27 - "he wouldn’t sleep until she was found"
Classic Undertale————————————
Oct 1
imagine Sans never confessing 
Frisk and Chara hear a lot of puns and knock-knock jokes from Toriel
why does UT Chara hate humanity?
Does Frisk or Chara have a backstory
thoughts on Asgore and Toriel coming back together
Oct 2 - canon fact or a fan theory, Frisk fell 100 years, after Chara
Oct 3
some papyrus x chara x asriel hcs
chasriel and frans double date?
Oct 4
Frisk and Sans reconcile after getting into an argument?
how about some gaster x frisk x sans hijinks?
Accidentally ripping your pants in front of your S/O
Oct 5
Other than losing Frisk, what does Sans fear?
Is Chara a tsundare?
Oct 6 - Why did UT Frisk climb the mountain?
Oct 8 - Sans’s Reaction to Papara In a Nutshell
Oct 9 - If Frisk did a genocide run and she had to kill Sans?
Oct 10
Frisk can flirt with Goat Mom and canonically flirts with Papyrus
why Sans was creeping around before introducing himself?
Oct 11 - What are frisk and sans’ favorite seasons
Oct 12
UT Frisk as someone who flirts with pretty much everyone
Is UT Sans was a bit more eccentric and wild about his work?
Would Pap ask Chara about letting him in the Royal Guard?
Oct 14
What does Papyrus think of Grillby himself?
Do you think that the Charas liked to play with their Asriel's ears?
Ariel will state that Chara "wasn't the greatest person’
How do you think Asriel and Papyrus feel about each other overall?
"prone to random bouts of stupidity when Chara is involved."
"And they have to share". Do you mean Chara or that one braincell?
When Asriel and Papyrus are competing, how does Chara react?
Chara's reaction to Sans’ secretly trolling Pap online would be?
Oct 21 - do the skeletons have peeves that their human lover does?
Oct 22
How would Gaster and Sans respond to a third rival
How Frisk/Chara felt about Alphys’ crush on Toriel and Asgore?
Undertale cuddles? o3o i want more of those!
How you think frans would spend a rainy day
How about surprise kisses? Chara initiating their first kiss?
Would Chara be the one to tell Papyrus about his cooking?
Has Sans or Papyrus seen natural disasters while on the surface?
Would Chara tell Pap Undyne’s feelings of him and the Royal Guard
Oct 23
can we some of that Frister cuddles?
What would Sans and Mettaton's relationship be?
in Undyne and Alphys' wedding. Frisk caught the bouquet!
Frisk/Chara receive x-rays. How do their boyfriends see it?
Papyrus with a human anatomy book of undeniable proof
Oct 26 - If frisk put herself on a near death state to save someone?
Oct 27 - Paps has told a skele-ton of puns in the game
Oct 28
"Papyrus thinks his jokes are better than Sans’s." Does Sans agree?
Do you think that Chara met Dr. Gaster?
Perhaps Sans and Flowey aren’t the only ones aware of the resets
How do you think Chara behaved at first towards the Dreemurrs?
Papyrus' reaction was when he found out that MK was a fan of his?
Oct 29
When you check the family photo, Chara's response would be "..."
Do you think that Chara cuddled with Asriel?
Oct 30 - "Papyrus feels the need to inspect them… just in case."
Multiple AU Headcanons—————————
Oct 1 - More gpapara headcanons please! child of the ruins hcs too?
Oct 2 - Frans aus reacts to Frisk suddenly dying and not resetting?
Oct 6 - Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these aus or something else
Oct 8
In order from least to most, who are the ten biggest tsundere
UT Frisk and US Chara when bfs are telling puns to other women?
Minus HT Sans, who are the most protective/possessive?
Oct 9
skelebros react to someone very openly checking out their ladies?
soft UT papara, soft househusband green, and soft UF papara
With each Papara and Frans couple, who kissed who first?
Oct 10
skelehusbands favorite places to kiss on their wives?
What would Older/Married Skelehusbands give to Younger selves?
how sanses react once frisk starts aging and eventually pass away?
what would their skeleton lovers react to "that time of the month"?
Oct 11
How the sanses feel if frisk had a previous love interest that broke off
UF, US, and SF Sans and Frisk are pregnant but the girls don't know
would Soul sensing be the same in reverse? 
Aww, man. I was hoping for them to freak out or something
Where to their wives like to kiss their favorite skeleton?
Lol, I can only imagine how freaked out they'd get. :3
If “previous love interest” caused Frisk to have a negative reaction?
Oct 12
Do the Frisks squish their Sans' faces?
what if the first kisses where started by the cutiebones’ lovers?
Do any of the Frans/Papara couples get into arguments
Is there a human that likes the Gaster AUs? 
How did each version of Sans and Papyrus go about soulmates
When did the Sanses realize that they were in love with their Frisk?
Chara had to deal with their ex-lover. How each Papyrus respond?
Oct 13 - Most Papyri refer themselves as "the great Papyrus”…
Oct 22 - Frisk/Chara with whom they refer to as a "boy friend"? 
Oct 27 - Have the Sanses/Swap Papyruses always liked bad jokes?
Oct 29
Do UT Chara/US Frisk had doubts that the Royal Family loved them?
Frans/Papara confessions where Frisk/Chara confess?
Chara responds to receiving a bouquet of flowers/chocolate
Other Headcanons————————————
Oct 1
Monster Hunter Chara and Monster Papyrus?
can I ask for FellGFrans? or FellGPap?
Persephone/hades-esque headcanons for both frans and papara 
Would HT Frisk ever fall in love despite him keeping her captive?
Oct 2
your pacifist horrortale...but swapped?
Reaper and Frisk as Hades and Persephone X3
Oct 3 - I was wondering if you’ve heard of an AU called Farmtale
Oct 4
a modern war AU where Sans is a spy and so is Frisk
any horrorfrans/papara hcs you could share with us?
About that Lamia AU... what would be the next step to courting
Horrorswap Papara please
Oct 6
Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these aus or something else
snippets from Feeling Bonely without you?
Your wild west au love triangle between Grillby, Chara and Papyrus.
skeleton bachelors in the HarvestTale/FarmTale soul events
Oct 12 - In outertale, sans shows frisk where shooting stars fly by
Oct  20 - What's your ideas about Core! Frisk and Error? 
Oct 21
Headcanons for semisolidmind’s Aslyumswap
Narrator-Chara AU head cannons?
“The Villain I Appear To Be,” does Frisk feel remorse for hurting sans
Oct 22
Swapfell papara/frans cuddles?
If the Convergence AU was a Papara reverse harem?
Oct 23
more cuddles! outertale papara/frans?
In the AUs where Chara and Frisk are "joined at the soul” explanation
Oct 28 - "Chara and Frisk are attached via soul", an alternate view…
Personal Thoughts————————————
Oct 1
Written Horrortale, Gastertale, or Underlust Papara?
Is this Reapertale? Or maybe it’s Greektale…?
can we take one of your prompts and write a fic of it too?
how to be you???
written HCs on love confessions or marriage proposals?
A recount of my AUs:
Your thoughts of HCs for the Six-Bones AU?
Oct 2
Have you read  “Sooner Or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine”
Reading through your posts about Crypto!Frisk, and I wanna say…
Oct 3 - Is Frister a ship exclusive to Cryptozoologist au?
Oct 4 - Opinion about the Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton) ship?
Oct 5 - Just imagine Flowey having the voice of Lil Gideon.
Oct 8 - Good news! My application’s been accepted
Oct 10
Would you ever be willing to write a Papyrus x Frisk fic?
Would it be okay if you could write about yandere Flowerfell?
Oct 12
I heard Flowerfell was based off of the writer and his romantic parter
if you were to choose between Frans and Papara
Oct 21
welcome back friend! how was your break?
HEY! It's been a while how are you doing?
Welcome back! Hope things have been well! :3
Are all AUs accepted here?
Oct 22
How do you feel with Monster kid x Frisk?
why do you like the idea of chara being evil? (no hate)
Thoughts on Friskriel?
Rosalyn makes me think you dont like tsundere characters
Oct 23
When a thunder character becomes abusive
I actually have the same feelings about Tsundere
‘I hate all tsunderes and everyone that likes the trope’, is not true.
Opinion of the AU's where Chara and Frisk are joined at the soul?
I don’t have too many headcanons about the characters of Deltarune
Oct 24 - About the Author
Oct 26 - Status Update 10/26
Oct 27
Why you should share your ideas with the world
Do you know Ragnartale by @naomyart ?
Oct 28
I have a phobia of injections
Well, it’s over and done with, until next year at least.
All the stories I wrote in the past, I still have them
Oct 29 - I think one of the most insulting responses you can get
Oct 30
Hey there! Where can I read your stories?
Sometimes my mother will ask about how my writing’s going
Holy... Cow! This took a while. But, November's list looks like it's going to be of a similar size to this, so expect the next one being split into 2 as well!
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matamisin · 6 years
Consider: Mina is a genuinely happy and positive person, but everyone has bad days (especially people who have been thru trauma, like seeing your loved ones regularly beaten to a bloody pulp). The thing is that Mina just. Refuses to show that trauma has actually been effecting her. She starts suppressing negative reactions to situations bc she wants to "stay strong." Beginning of the year? She cried when they got rescued from USJ. End of the year? "Lmao guess we survived another one! Ha! Ha! :)"
oh my god like millennial humor?? if yeah then lmao mina please
if not ahhh Mina baby you have feelings too that you gotta tend to!\
Alright- All (or at least all the angst headcanons I received) are answered below the cut! Please be careful, there are some, well angsty things in there!
TW: Eating Disorder, Gore/ Graphic Depictions, Homophobia, Depression, Suicidal Tendencies/ Self harm mention, Death, Possible spoilers to those not caught up with the BNHA manga- Please ask to tag if I missed any!
(looking at all these warnings made me realize omfg YALL DID NOT HOLD BACK IM CRYING ASK AND THOU SHALT RECEIVETH I SUPPOSE)
a-single-eyelash asked:
Denki accidentally hurt someone as a kid, say a sibling or good friend, with his quirk. It made him hate his work, until he saw a hero with a similar work to his. This is what made him think that not only is his quirk cool, but also that he can become a hero. Well until, he hurt Sero. His boyfriend, got electrocuted by him on the battlefield. (Sorry this is an idea I’ve had for a fic)
anonymous asked:
Bakugou is still sad, Sero is suicidal (Read to may fics about it man), Kami is legitimately afraid he’ll disappoint his parents, Tsu feels to normal, Kiri feeeeeelsss way to useless, and idk maybe Aoyama feels ignored. My own angsty headcanons.
Ah, yeah I can see how those can play into those characters!
anonymous asked:
Sero’s fight or flight response with a villains ice-like quirk (if your for that headcanon) OR Sero overwhelming his quirk trying to rescue a goddamn building of people
anonymous asked:
Ashido + Bakugou bond over their quirks being destructive and not really knowing how to use them to actually *help* people
oh wow, I’ve never actually seen it that way.
But how about this: while they vent to each other about how their quirks can’t help people, the other is like, full on giving them descriptions of how their quirks actually CAN but they just never realized and they’re opening each other’s eyes while having their own insecurities knocked down
anonymous asked:
Omg your angst au is so angsty it’s beautiful
AH thank you haha!
anonymous asked:
Angsty headcannon boi-  Sero was bullied in middle school for having wonky teeth and actually had braces. Which is why he has such a pearly white smile now.  Sero was the last in his class to get his quirk and when he did he was laughed at because it was a ‘useless quirk’
anonymous asked:
Angst head cannon.  Sero flinches whenever kirishima hardens.  Sero’s parents are majorly homophobic and are actually quite strict. So whenever sero isn’t with bakusquad he tries to revise but it doesn’t work and he’s scared to ask for help.
Aw, man that’s heart wrenching to have parents so unsupportive- I feel it :( He’s just in a constant worry state whenever they’re around
anonymous asked:
If you’re still accepting the angst hcs… i think kaminari gets like really overcharged whenever there’s a storm and since they moved to the dorms there’s nowhere for him to release all the excess energy. So he just kinda hides away in his room in pain.
Aw, that’s terrible!
I dunno.. I feel like that one day when someone finds out during a storm, they’ll like, ask the teachers about “where someone could discharge a lot of energy askingforafriend” and they immediately know who they’re talking about and they’ll ask Powerloader and Mei and others in their department to build something for him to discharge all the excess AND be able to utilize it somehow :0 just a thought!
anonymous asked:
My headcannons: Sero is anorexic Bakugou has PTSD Kaminari has depression Kirishima had self-esteem issues Ashido is perfect (canon)
Oh that last part- she is, she is *clap**clap*
Though.. I will say that just because the others are haunted by those- it doesn’t make them less perfect. It’s their struggles that they learn to cope with and grow from, and it makes them, well, them. Not a definition of perfect can define that :’)
(sorry just speaking from my thoughts cause these hit close to home ahhh)
anonymous asked:
Lmao i sent a lot sorry if their not the best but hopefully some heart strings will be pulled
transcandydemon asked:
Todocanon; todoroki has constant nightmares of the boiling water incident and of his father hurting him or his mom which causes him to not get as much sleep ie his calm attitude and how he’s not quick to get into conversations because of exhaustion
oh ya, such a traumatic past is def something that could still be haunting him in his dreams :’( but when the others notice, they’ll make sure to check up on him and try to find ways to help reduce nightmares or at least comfort him whenever they’re in his dreams
anonymous asked:
Deku head canon : deku is super jealous of kirishimas and bakugoa relationship since hes been trying to get close to kacchan for years and kirishima managed to do it within days
D’: He probably would feel that- jealousy’s very strong! But ah, in my personal opinion, i think he’d feel that, but after time learns that maybe it was best that he stopped dwelling on it and moves on, and learns to accept and be happy that he and Bakugou could at least be acquaintances that could eventually work well :’)
anonymous asked:
Denki headcanon: where he wants to be as close to bakugo as kirishima is and he tries so damn hard but takes bakugos insults to heart and he really does get torn up and upset about it(ex: the sports festival scene )
Oh wait which scene? Dunce face or?? :0 but yeah, I feel like he’d take it to heart at times. (but my bakukami heart tells me to say that when Baku realizes he gives him a good ass pep talk and beings hold back on his insults, or reassures Denki)
anonymous asked:
Bakugou could have PTSD and nightmares
Oh same headcanon! :’D Ah, but poor Bakugou. I’m sure the others would take it into mind and be aware of it and help him subtly so as to not provoke him, :’(
violetsare-tblue asked:
Bakugo: because of his inferiority complex, feels like he needs to prove himself over and over or he’ll be just the victim again  Iida: his left arm is completely numb. He isn’t paralyzed and he can move it. He just can’t feel anything in his hand or arm. Makes holding hands with someone feel empty and useless  Sero: he is so scared of being worthless as a hero and a person. He doesn’t want to be left behind by his classmates so he overworks himself and comes to school with random bruises
Oh mmhmm, I definitely see the Bakugou one! Especially after what he said during his fight with Deku, it def shows :(
Aw, Iida probably still looks back at his actions back in the Stain arc and regrets the errors of his ways. Luckily, I’m sure he’ll find someone who helps him through it and reminds him that mistakes don’t define him :’)
:’( Serooo MAKING ME CRY
casua-aria asked:
I have this Sero headcanon where he was the disposable (like how when tape dispensers run out and become disposable) friend in groups throughout his childhood, but now that he goes to UA, he has true caring friends that would never do that to him.
D: !!
That’s so sad- he must have thought his quirk was just life taunting him for being “disposable” hence the tape quirk :( but heck yeah, once he meets the students of UA he definitely begins to see that he wasn’t the problem in the past, but rather those that he was “friends” with!
anonymous asked:
Sero remembering very clearly all the pain that happened when his arm got cut off, maybe being a little scared of Kirishima for a few days after he first wakes up? Idk
Like maybe.. once he’s able to respond again, he flinches and has an anxiety attack when he sees Kirishima because the sight of him just sends a flood of the memory to play in his head OOF
anonymous asked:
A personal favorite that nobody’s really thought of: a villain cuts off one finger from each of Ochako’s hands so she can’t use her quirk
That’s so dark!! I feel like a villain would do that should they get a hold of her and, mm maybe wanna rile up someone close to her to lure them in
meptoonzart asked:
Kirishima traitor
                                                                                                                             Anonymous said:                                                                 
I have a lot of angsty headcanons about Kaminari specifically so I’ll just spam you with those. He attracts electricity, so he often gets struck by lightning and has almost died from it twice. Kaminari knows people think he’s the traitor and it eats him up inside every day. He’s been ‘propositioned’ by quite a few creeps because he’s pretty and his quirk is, well, what it is. He has nightmares a lot and it causes power outages, he’s terrified his classmates will hate him for it.(1/?(Idk2maybe)            
Sero got into a fight with someone after the sports festival, because how the hell did he make it into UA’S hero course, and Kaminari happens to be with him and he actively threatens the dude who started the fight with his quirk. No one bullies his friends. His overuse of his quirk is slowly killing him, he hasn’t told anyone that it’s destroying his brain. Bakugo reminds him of living in an abusive household but he doesn’t know how to say it so he laughs it off.(2/?(Okaymaybe4wearegettingthere)             
Kirishima and Sero are the first to find out about both the frying brain and the abusive household, and Sero asks Kaminari if he wants to go try something. Kaminari says sure and Sero reserves a training ground for them, and Sero swings around with Kaminari and he hopes it works for Kami the same way it does for him. Sero is smiling because he doesn’t know what else to do, but swinging through the air helps him feel better and free. It helps. But there’s always, always the anxiety (¾)  
the anxiety of ‘Maybe today is the day I fall’, but he doesn’t realize that Kaminari is helping him stay grounded. He won’t fall. Not when he gets to see Kaminari fuller of life than he’s ever been. They land on one of the buildings in ground Beta, and laugh like idiots as it starts to rain. Kaminari’s dying, Sero is a mess, and they just sit there for hours, past the end of their reservation, talking through their anxieties. Kaminari is scared to die. Sero is scared to lose him. (Okay1more4/5)        
Sero promises Kaminari he’ll be there, he’ll do everything he can to help keep him alive as long as possible, and he asks Kaminari how long he has from his last estimate. Kaminari laughs, starting to cry. Six years. Sero tells the Bakusquad, and they promise him that they’ll be there when the time comes. Not villains or Dadzawa could stop them, and finally it does. For only being a hero for three years, he’s made history for kids who have terminal illnesses (ranoutofspacedammit)      
 And the drawbacks of quirks come more into light. Kaminari may not be a great student or hero, but he brought hope to a lot of people, and everyone will miss him. They can’t hear thunder crack without thinking of him, can’t see the golden sunrise without thinking of his smile. Can’t even bear to look at the classic lit section in a bookstore. He saved people and raised awareness, but he wrecked their hearts as well. (Somehow this turned into a near-fic I’m so sorry Hope you’re doing well(Done))       
iamnootthedabmast-r said:                                                                     
Heard you want some angsty headcannons- so Kaminari tends to stay up due to his quirk and he likes to stay in the dormitory lobby, so he just sits on the couch on his phone or just sits there in the dark- but this leads to him finding some secretive angsty stuff about other people in the dormitory for ex; Bakugou comes downstairs and just starts cooking cause he has terrible night terrors and Kaminari just quietly witnesses as Bakugou cries silently while he eats. (Part 1)    
(Part 2) the next morning Kaminari kind of wants to try ask or comfort him but feels rude and awkward so he also kind of struggles with the knowledge of knowing that everyone in his class is a little to a lot of broken.  So yeah, sorry if it’s a little confusing- in awkward when it comes to writing what I want to write…
                                                                                                                             Anonymous said:                                                   
May we… suggest directly… angsty oneshots? Please feel free to ignore this if you preferred hcs
 (lmao sorry, im not caught up with the manga or anime to know what the first part is referrring to :’D) but ah yeah I’ve seen that headcanon, not too sure how to feel, but it’s out there!                   
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Say Something - Asra x Apprentice
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Note: This fic is inspired by chapter 13 of Asra’s route in the Arcana (so spoilers). Its basically my take on the arguement, the mc’s death and what happened when Asra went and dug for mc remains. In my head I think that Lucio made those in quarantine live in terrible conditions although there were wards in the Lazaret that were clean for keeping up a charade for Nadia and the people but The Apprentice was shoved in one of the wards with horrible conditions. Also although he’s non-binary Asra doesn’t mind being called him or her or anything as he doesn’t believe in gender (the creators of the game have said this in a Q&A) however in this fic he thinks that calling Freya (my apprentice/ mc) his ‘girlfriend’ has a nice ring to it (although he stopped this by the events of the game for the obvious reason that Freya does not remember their relationship or anything). It’s also my headcannon that my apprentice had the same body before she was brought back to life by Asra as she does now because the devil did something and made an exact copy of the body whilst leaving her burnt remains on the island. Also I have not read the other routes yet so if more things were revealed in those routes I’m sorry I don’t know the whole story and may be not cannon with the death. Anyway enjoy the fic...
Regret- noun: a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do.
Asra looks at the pot of stew as he cooks a stew for dinner. His mind wanders to the epidemic of a plague sweeping the streets of Vesuvia. The red plague they call it. The symptoms are not very noticeable except from the Red Eyes. The selfish thing comes into his mind. A thought that he’s been pondering for weeks about and tonight he’s going to suggest it to his apprentice and one true love, Freya over dinner. That they leave Vesuvia.
The door opens and Asra doesn’t even look towards his girlfriend as she walks in from closing up the shop. “Freya it’s almost time for dinner” he speaks to her cheerfully. Freya comes up behind him and leans her head on his shoulder “stew?” “Beef stew” “oh that’s nice” she has a certain sadness in her voice that Asra finds concerning “what’s wrong?” Asra looks at her his concern spreading across his face “there was a woman in the shop today and she said her son has the red plague and wanted to see if we had anything that could help- and I didn’t and it was heartbreaking” she says “nobody has a cure Freya” Asra says pulling her into a hug but she pushes away gently “but it made me think and-“ she says then takes a deep breath “Asra, I want to go and help those sick with the plague” Freya says her calm voice filling the room. Asra freezes speechless then he says something he’s sure he’ll regret. “no” “I’m sorry?” Freya can’t believe what she just heard. “I said no” “I think it’s the right thing to do Asra-“ she says softly “you could die!” He says bitterly taking her of guard “don’t you think I know that?” She says back her voice equally as cold “I don’t want to lose you Freya!” He shouts taking her of guard “well then Asra, what do you suggest I do? just sit and watch these people, our friends die and hope that we’re not next?” She says clearly upset over his answer but not shouting . ”we leave the shop and get out of Vesuvia” he suggests mock calmly, trying to control his anger however Freya visibly becomes more angry at this suggestion “How could you even suggest that?” She says angrily but once again not shouting “I- it’s the best option for us- we’ll be less likely to get infected and we’ll be safe-“ he says “Asra- that is the most selfish thing you’ve ever suggested- I can’t believe I heard that coming from you of all people!” She yells “don’t you want to be safe? Don’t you want to live a life together away from the fear of a plague?” He yells back “no Asra I don’t” She screams at him she’s never gotten this angry at him before and he’s shocked. “We-“ “No. I- I don’t want to hear it- not from you- not at the moment” she turns to leave “what are you doing?” He asks “going for a walk” she says and she storms out slamming the door behind her “Freya! Freya!” He yells after her but nothing. She’s gone.
Quietus- noun: death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.
Freya coughs and splutters onto the pillow her head is resting on. A tiny amount of blood that nobody will be clearing up tonight splatters besides her. She lays back down weakly. Her once green, now red eyes filled with pain. She’s caught the plague from a mother who she was trying to cure two days ago and had to be quarantined. She smells burning. The crematorium. That is her destination. She hears nothing but snoring and the occasional coughing from the other patients in hospital like ward. The ward’s stone walls now cracked and greying, the floors are barely sanitary and dust fills the lungs and irritates the patients. She looks at the mouldy ceiling. There’s a single window with no opening above her and she can see the early morning sky turning lighter with each hour. Her throat is dry. she gave up her glass of water so that a little girl could have it. She’s nearing the end and she knows she’s only got moments left. She’ll then be able to join her parents or her dad at least. But then she’ll be leaving her friends behind the baker, her customers to the shop, Faust.... Asra. Tears drip down her face. She wants Asra so badly. She wants to apologise, she wants him to hold her one last time, she wants him to tell her it’ll be ok, to beg her not to go. But nobody is coming. He doesn’t even know. “Asra” she whispers “I love you and I’m sorry” she waits in silence, thinking of her magician and the times they had. It’s still dark outside when death comes, swooping into the ward, he stops at her bedside, she takes his hand and he takes her into the unknown land of those passed.
Grief- noun: intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.
The news comes too late. It‘s two weeks after the argument and Freya had not returned. Asra although worried, assumes that she is staying with some friends and she needs time to calm down before they apologise to each other. Asra is down at the market one evening and a man, the baker tells him something. “Asra- how are you holding up?” “What do you mean by that?” Asra asked the baker confused “didn’t you know? Freya caught the plague two days ago and got sent to the Lazaret- I though everyone knew by now” “what? How?” “She was helping a sick family and she caught it. I assumed you were the first to know-“ Asra didn’t hear the rest. He runs to the docks where he hops on a boat to the one place the victims of the plague go to, the Lazaret.
As he passes most of the wards in the place, he see’s that the majority are clean and tidy but there’s one that isn’t. In that one he see’s a doctor cleaning a bed with a relatively recent blood splatter “where is she?” He asks the doctor on the island “who?” “Freya- ginger hair, green eyes- about 5’4?” “Oh her- she’s gone” “gone?” “Died early this morning” “where- where would I find her body?” “It’s sad though I liked Freya- good kid, attractive too-“ Where is her body?” Asra shakes the doctor by the shoulders out of his trance “she’s buried in plot 200 on the second beach- I must warn you she might be ash and bone-“ Asra has gone running to the beach before he could finish. Asra doesn’t even process the thought that she could be cremated- she could be just buried and still have a body there and then he could hopefully find a way to bring her back! Asra stopped at the plot on the beach and began digging with his bare hands hoping for something! He dug until his hands are bleeding he stops when he sees the sand turning charcoal black with white lumps in it. Freya’s remains. She was cremated. She’s not going to be able to come back. She’s gone for good. He’s not going to be able to say sorry. Say that she was right. He’s never going to speak to her again and Asra, defeated and distraught, breaks down in tears, the girl he had loved so deeply and the future they had dreamed about had gone from his grasp for good. He can only manage a few words as the tears hit the sand. “I’m sorry Freya... I’m sorry”.
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clinicallyfreezing · 7 years
Why destiel makes me mad and other interesting things about homoerotica in Supernatural
Let me start off by saying, I do not hate destiel and I have never hated destie.l I hate the how the shippers act and the things they do with the ship. Just to fill everyone in who might not know anything about this ship or the show, Destiel is a ship between Dean Winchester and Castiel who are two characters on the TV show Supernatural, which is aired on The CW channel here in American (not sure where in other countries) the show happens to be a big part of my life and to make a VERY, VERY long story short… I have had many problems with those that ship Destiel as I ship the opposing ship and we don’t see eye to eye on how it all works. Let me make it very clear that I ship Wincest and not Destiel, and I have many reasons why but this is not the time or place for that. Now, I did at one time ship destiel. Until I dove deeper into the spn fandom and found out that the separate destiel ‘fandom’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and I began shipping many other things (some cannon, some not.) My main issue with Destiel actually isn’t the part of the fandom involved! It’s actually the huge fact that it makes Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean, very uncomfortable (but hey I would be too when it’s being thrown in my face 24/7.) And it’s not just destiel! Jensen stated that Misha made him uncomfortable. With the panel situation I think Jensen was finally over it and sick of hearing about Destiel and all the Bisexual/gay comments in past panels. He’s not homophobic, he’s just not okay with it coming toward him and a character he’s spent so long developing anymore. He really loves his wife and kids, which is another story. And he’s been doing Dean since 2005 which is a fucking long time dude. That’s 12 years (or seasons) of character development. I’d be pissed too if someone came for me and my characters after 12 years of developing them and making them strong. Okay, yes, the destiel 'fandom’ is a very large part of Supernatural, however a lot of the shippers are very rude, overly demanding with the writers, and down right uncomfortable to talk to/be around. This doesn’t mean EVERY single one is but a lot of them are. A lot of them overanalyze 'subtext’ (for example a simple look becomes bedroom eyes and a touch automatically means the ship is cannon.) Let’s take the Cupid episode (05x14 “My Bloody Valentine”) for example. In this episode it was apparently stated that if a Cupid touches two people they’re meant to be soulmates just by touching and this one Cupid they think is involved with these weird ass suicides hugs Dean and Cas. Now, first of all it wasn’t stated how a Cupid does what they do, and secondly it was sadly overanalyzed by Destiel shippers. Please keep in mind the Cupid also hugged Sam. My real question to those that analyzed this is, if this was the case and Cupid did work like that then tell me why Dean and Cas didn’t fall madly in love right there? Because it’s not how it works. See, it goes a little something like this: the Cupid has strict orders from heaven on who is supposed to be put together, and that’s when the Cupid takes action to touch the two and make them fall hopelessly in love. Besides, Castiel states that hugging was how a Cupid shook hands. The Cupid had no order from heaven to hook Dean and Cas up. Can we also take the fact that Castiel is an angel into consideration? In the episodes that angels are introduced to us (like season 4) Dean and the other angels make it VERY clear that they are genderless. They have no “junk” as Dean puts it. Although whatever vessel they’re in would, an angels actual form doesn’t and they disregard gender entirely (listen they’re supposed to be perfect beings, I was a church kid for years and I read the Bible’s entirety in order to be the best kid in church, like I was better then the pastors children and I know my shit. Even Lucifer would be junkless) this is further proved by the times we’ve seen different angels in other vessels with opposing genders from their original ones. Lucifer takes form as a woman for a bit in order to get Nick (Mark Pellegrino AKA the best Lucifer other then my Sammu babu) and Raphael even took on a female vessel for awhile. Hannah also took on a male vessel for sometime before her death. Getting back to cas, I headcannon (and I’m 95% sure it’s cannon) that angels are Asexual. Cas only has 3 'sexual’ encounters in the entire show and one of them is only presumed to be true. He’s had sex once on screen as a human and not even an angel. As an angel, he made out with Meg all hot and heavy like claiming after he “learned that one from the pizza man” referencing the pornographic movie he watched while in the same room as Sam and Dean. Speaking of Dean, let’s talk some Dean. Dean is explicitly shown as being straight in the show (having a whopping 38 mentioned sexual encounters, (boo you whore!)) and as being quite uncomfortable and flustered in situations where homosexuality becomes a thing. We see this in a few episodes. During the starting seasons Sam and Dean are mistaken for a homosexual couple instead of brothers on many occasions. And in another episode Dean has a run in with a guy who actually becomes a big part of the episode and when he mentions having a moment Dean gets noticeably more awkward. Dean has also been very much on that one track mind of “straight pride!!” From the start of the series and that’s something we should look at as well. Sure, all Dean’s protesting kinda can make you think the opposite, but we really don’t know much about Dean’s younger life. We don’t know if he experimented or not or if he even thought about homosexuality at all because this isn’t something TV is ready for at this time. Let’s also talk about how Sam’s not so explicit sexuality and Dean’s very strict sexuality is a direct reflection of their personalities. Dean is so strict and never really shows many emotions (early on he was a goof and then he really got more serious) he’s a no chick flick moments kind of guy. So him being straight makes a lot of sense. (Other then wincest I happen to ship Dean/Jo and Dean/Lisa in my free time because straight Dean is cute Dean)
Alright, let’s talk about other things in spn that make me think and my headcannon sexualities.
I wanna start with Sam because his sexuality actually intrigues me. There is NO explicit sexuality for Sam. He’s just all over the place. It’s assumed that collage gave him more room to experiment but all we know is he was with Jessica in collage. I do head cannon that during the series he is bisexual or possibly even pansexual. Any who here’s some 'evidence’ to why:
1. BRADY- Brady and Sam had a “history.” In 5.21, Two Minutes to Midnight, Crowley calls Brady Sam’s “demon lover.” (And if I were Sam I’d totally tap that, Brady’s actor was fucking hawt) 2. Uh? Brad Pitt??- in one episode (can’t source it I forgot which one xD) Dean asks Sam who he was dreaming about, and sure it could be brotherly teasing but it’s sorta interesting that Dean says both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as if Sam was bisexual.
3. Crossroads demons- crossroads demons are supposed to be alluring to the one who summons them, and Sam happened to summon 3 males. I mean Sammy, any deals sealed with kisses? I think we could be asking his question to Bobby. So Sammy…
4. Jared confirmed Bisexuality at a panel?- now I watched the video of this and yes it was actually said.
Dean- I headcannon Dean as straight, however Sam’s his fucking world and he loves his baby brother with his all. (So I guess he’s Heterosexual/only homo for Sam? Is that considered Heterosamsexual?)
Cas- I headcannon Cas and ALL angels as Asexual. Except Gabe and Lucifer.
Gabriel- I headcannon Gabe as Pansexual.
Lucifer: I headcannon Lucifer as Pansexual.
Crowley: Bisexual but mainly Homosexual. He had an orgy with two men and a woman for fucks sake.
Kevin: I headcannon that Kevin is still working on his sexuality and who he is, so he’s bicurious.
If you have questions about anyone else let me know.
~Fic requests are open. Literal RP requests are open. Ask me about my AU ideas and prompts.~
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