#it won't let me @ you or at least it isn't indicating that it will but i have no idea what to do to fix that at this point
twstgarden · 7 months
✰ ❝ 𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆 ❞
━ yan! octavinelle trio / yan! scarabia duo / yan! pomefiore trio x gn! reader (f/n means first name) (reader can be yuu or an oc) ━ certain friends on campus have started to be a little overbearing. to the point where they won't let you leave their dormitory so easily.
cw: (including but not limited to) yandere themes, unhealthy relationships/obsessions, use of drugs, mentions of drugging/spiking, captivity, kidnapping, mentions of curse/poisoning, love bombing/acts of manipulation
requested by: @mx.lustreless request type: scenarios requester’s message: Not mucy to say, just a bunch of yandere scenarios, I'm not sure if you're still taking requests but i guess you still are? You can get creative :> florist’s note: thank you for the request and for filling out the form!
this work may contain spoilers from chapters 3, 4, and 5, octavinelle, scarabia, and pomefiore's arcs respectively.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
ko-fi here if you want to support me
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━ 𝙤𝙘𝙩𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 ━
"ah, if it isn't prefect!"
you took a deep breath, exhaling it softly as you gave azul a forced smile the moment he laid eyes on you again. you did not want to return to mostro lounge again due to the uncomfortable vibes you have been getting, but you had no choice as your friend dragged you to have an afternoon snack in this private café.
"hello..." you mumbled in reply, avoiding his gaze with a clear indication that you wanted to leave as soon as possible. however, your friend was already ordering a drink as jade jotted down the orders on a notepad.
his sharp eyes then looked at you with that grin on his face, "and you? dear f/n?" your friend then looked at you with a smile, making you look back at the menu as you replied, "um... i won't order for now."
"are you not hungry?" your friend asked, tilting their head before sighing, "we've been in class all day and i did not see you eat! you should have something..."
then, your friend decided to place an order for you, and jade merely smiled as he wrote down the drinks and/or meals for you both. you breathed a sigh of relief the moment he, his twin, and his boss left your table.
"you seem tense," noted your friend.
"i'm just tired..." you lied, smiling a little at them.
initially, you enjoyed the atmosphere of the mostro lounge and it has always been your go-to spot after class and during the weekends. you have grown used to the trio's presence and considered them as close friends.
however, the longer you kept visiting them, the more you've noticed how odd they've been acting.
they won't let you leave easily, even if it is past the closing time.
azul has been trying to get you to sign a contract, claiming it was harmless and he would never cheat a "friend".
jade has been trying to feed you mushrooms that he found during his hike, claiming that they were safe to eat and he even added special ingredients. only the seven knows what drug or potions he has been pouring into his meals made for you.
floyd was also trying to feed you meals made by him, as well as trying to drag you around wherever he went, disguising it as a form of hang out despite his "threats" on your attempts to leave.
maybe they just want to spend time with me, is what you thought, but day by day, you have been slowly proven wrong with how close they are at times.
you snapped out of your thoughts the moment floyd served your dishes and drinks. your friend was ecstatic as they quickly dug into their meal, while you looked up to see floyd smiling down at you in an innocent way, but there was a hint of something ominous behind that smile.
"here's your food, shrimpy!"
you gulped and mumbled, "thanks..." looking down at your meal, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. it looks exactly as it does on the menu, and the drinks did not have anything suspicious on them — or at least, that's what you think.
your friend was happily enjoying their food. seeing how relaxed they were gave you relief - at least the food or drink wasn't drugged. a soft sigh left your lips as you started to have your meal, enjoying the taste despite the unreadable expression on your face.
you can feel their stares. their eyes watch you with a daunting gaze, and even if they were not in your peripheral vision, you knew they were settled by the bar, watching you like a hawk.
you could have called them out or reported their suspicious behaviour, no? but why? they were your friends. they would never do anything to harm you. you weren't sure if it was some form of coping mechanism or if you still held some trust for them deep down, but all you knew was the guilt that continuously seeped into your mind at the thought of reporting their behaviour to the faculty staff.
you were afraid, but you still trust them. azul always had a way of messing with your psychological thoughts, and the twins were there to back him up and manipulate you into thinking they were only being friendly.
"oh! i left my phone at the campus, i'll be right back!" your friend spoke as they realised their cellular device was not on their person. they quickly stood up and left the lounge, leaving you alone as you tried to reach out to them, "wait-!"
but they were long too gone.
damn it.
you stayed silent for a moment, thoughts swirling in your mind as you looked back at the meal that you have been consuming for the past few minutes now.
your gaze then went to the bar to see them smiling at you. drat. you made eye contact with them and that was more than enough of an invitation to approach you.
"it seems your friend left rather abruptly," noted azul as he sat beside you with that suspicious smile of his. you merely hummed in response as floyd sat on your other side and spoke in a rather enthusiastic voice, "shrimpy! did you like the food?"
"it tastes great..." you replied, avoiding eye contact as you continued to stare at your half-eaten meal. floyd was pleased to hear you say this, making him pat your back before pulling you in for an asphyxiating hug.
you tried to pull away, patting his arm as a signal to let go and that you wanted to breathe. however, he was not letting you off, which made jade sigh as he spoke to his brother, "floyd, you are suffocating the prefect."
"oh no~ oops~!" replied floyd as he released you, but you knew he was not genuine in that little 'oops' of his. as soon as he released you, you started to feel lightheaded. your vision was blurring and doubling, and your head was throbbing in pain as you leaned on the table, unable to keep your eyes open.
the trio merely smiled as azul held you close to him and whispered, "you appear to be tired... it's alright, rest here... this is your home now..."
unable to fight back or stay awake, your eyes fluttered shut and your consciousness started slipping as you fell into a deep state of sleep. the last words you heard gave you a sense of fear, but you were now too powerless to do anything.
"we won't hurt you. we're your friends..."
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━ 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙖 ━
"i need to head back to my dorm, kalim..." you spoke once again, wanting to return back to your room to sleep after the energy-consuming party you just had in scarabia mere moments ago.
"we have guest rooms here!" reasoned kalim, not wanting to let you leave.
"as much as i wanted to stay, i can't... sorry..."
there was no way you'd stay in that guest room after the incident. a frown found its way to kalim's lips as jamil sighed, "kalim... we can't force them to stay." with a defeated expression, kalim unwrapped his arms around you as he spoke to you, "will you come back tomorrow?"
relief. that was what you felt the moment you thought you would be back in your room. as much as you loved hanging out with them, you wanted a shut-eye too. "yeah, of course! i'll see you tomorrow," you replied before waving goodbye to the two and leaving their dorm.
the moment you arrived at your dormitory, the first thing you greeted were your pillows. you had quickly fallen asleep and thought of nothing but getting the rest you needed. it was the weekend tomorrow, so you were free to sleep in as much as you wanted.
the next day came by quickly and you were invited for lunch at scarabia. you loved the meals they served and their hospitality has made you feel more at home than you ever felt in this academy.
everything was going splendidly. the meals were fantastic, the drinks were refreshing, and the atmosphere was lively - the perfect scenario for a weekend lunch with friends, no?
you spent hours after lunch with them; studying, reading, sharing stories about school experiences and personal lives, and whatnot. however, you started to feel drowsy around the afternoon, wanting to take a nap to preserve your energy and rest.
you have become drowsy several times lately.
of course, you thought nothing of it. you were just exhausted from all the responsibilities you had to tackle, nothing out of the ordinary. kalim seemed to have noticed your drowsy state and quickly gave you one of the sofa pillows nearby. without another word, you grabbed the pillow and laid your head on it, passing out almost immediately.
minutes turned into hours and you had woken up from your nap - although, sleep was a better term as you had been out for hours now. rubbing the drowsiness from your eyes, you let out a soft yawn and sat up, feeling the soft mattress underneath as you looked at the spot you were lying on in confusion.
'a bed? where am i...?'
you thought you were back at your dorm, but the interior was completely different from your room. that's when it hit you, you were in one of scarabia's dormitory rooms. you quickly got out of bed and ran to the door, trying to open it only to find it unlocked.
"shit..." you muttered under your breath as you looked around the room for its key, but it was nowhere to be found. you quickly banged on the door, hoping someone was outside to hear you, "is anyone there?!"
it was silent for a while until you heard a jingle of keys from the other side of the door, making you sigh in relief as you thought you were about to witness freedom, "oh thank goodness... please open the door!"
the sounds of the keys were giving you a sense of relief, and you thought they were about to unlock the door. however, only silence followed and no other sound was heard. what was going on?
"hello? is anyone there?" you called out once more, banging on the door, "please unlock the door! i don't see the key in here!"
then, a chuckle was heard on the other side of the door, giving you a sense of fear at the thought of someone purposefully locking you in here.
"you should take a rest, prefect."
that was jamil's voice. you knocked on the door again as you pleaded for your freedom, "jamil? please unlock the door!"
"you ought to keep it down. people are sleeping. we wouldn't want to wake them up now, would we?" spoke jamil as he let out a sigh, "you'll be staying in there. this is your new home now... good night."
his footsteps then started to fade as you continued banging on the door, "jamil?! let me out!!! come back!!! kalim! please!" all the relentless knocking and banging on the door were for naught as no one came to your aid.
days have passed and you barely remember much of what had happened, but you had vague memories of wanting to escape this wretched dormitory, then making the sudden decision to stay as if you were being hypnotized. they had fed you, entertained you, and took care of you during your whole stay.
they've been nothing but good to you! why would you want to leave?
why do you feel as if you are being manipulated to stay?
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━ 𝙥𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙤𝙧𝙚 ━
you were frozen in place for a few hours now with only epel in the room as he got himself busy with carving apples. if you hadn't been cursed by vil's unique magic, you would have run out of the door and never looked back at this dormitory.
but alas, you have fallen for his trick and bit into an apple slice that he had cursed without your knowledge. now, you were stuck seated on this couch settled in their lounge.
you called out, making the first-year pause his carving as he looked at you. how could he still look at you with an innocent gaze after being involved in your captivity?
"how long 'till vil's spell wears off?" you asked, hoping it would be sooner rather than later.
"30 minutes," replied epel before tilting his head, "you are not looking to escape now, are 'ya?" you quickly shook your head in response, giving him a fake enthusiastic smile, "no! no! not at all!"
"lying won't help you, chéri(e)."
you quickly turned quiet at the sound of rook's voice. his footsteps paired with another one gave you a hint that vil was in the room as well, walking towards you before the dormitory head stood before you, leaning down as he held your cheek as if to inspect your face.
rook stood beside vil as he spoke patronisingly, "mon dieu! those tear stains on your face pain my heart. why the tears?" you glared at rook as he knew exactly why you were feeling this way, but he merely smiled at you.
"we fed you, cared for you, gifted you luxurious things, helped you in all your assignments, and so much more. why are you being ungrateful?" spoke vil as he narrowed his gaze at you with a frown. you did not say a word in response, not wanting to raise their irritation and anger towards you.
vil sighed at your lack of response, "stop acting like a spoiled child."
"then set me free."
you demanded freedom, hoping they would grant it to you despite the low chances. they have given you everything, so why can't they give you the freedom you desire?
"you know we can't do that," spoke vil as you felt his hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb ever so slightly to give you a sense of comfort, "it's dangerous and there is nothing out there that will satisfy and love you."
"my friends—"
"your friends have long forgotten you, dear," replied vil as he cut you off, "in fact, they are glad that you are no longer interacting with them..."
you did not want to believe him, but the way he spoke to you in such a tone with that comforting caress made you stay quiet. epel and rook then sat beside you while vil gently started playing with your locks, a glint of satisfaction was evident in his eyes but you did not notice them as you were staring at the ground.
'hah! just say the right words and you'll fall into our trap once again... how naive...'
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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littlefireball · 1 month
ʏʜ|ᴋɪꜱꜱ ᴍᴇ, ꜰ**ᴋ ᴍᴇ, ʜᴇᴀʟ ᴍᴇ (ᴍ)
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ᴇx-ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ ʏᴜɴʜᴏ x ᴇx-ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ|ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ|ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx|ʀᴏᴜɢʜ ꜱᴇx(??)|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ|ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴜꜱɪɴɢ ᴛᴇʟᴇᴋɪɴᴇꜱɪꜱ, ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ
ꜰᴋ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɪɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ: ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ, ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ, ᴊᴏɴɢʜᴏ, ꜱᴀɴ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.2ᴋ
Some kind of rewrite Doctor AU (the previous one is not that good sorry🥲)
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"Fuck it…so damn hurt…" As you stirred from your slumber, a jolt of agony shot through your abdomen. Glancing around at the sterile medical apparatus surrounding you, it dawned on you that you were back in the hospital—again. This marked your fifth visit in just a few months. Why, oh why, did your body choose this moment to betray you? The relentless demands of life and the toll of your menstrual cycle had conspired to weaken you further, leaving you feeling more fragile than ever.
Just then, a knock echoed through the room, jolting you from your thoughts. To your utter disbelief, the doctor who entered was your ex-boyfriend, Jeong Yunho.
"Fuck…" You buried your face in your hands, desperately trying to shield yourself from the reality of the situation. All you wanted was to vanish into thin air.
"Miss Y/N, well…" He walked to you, placing down thick documents on the table. "You really need to be careful with your power. Overdoing it can weigh heavily on your spirit," Yunho said, glancing over your health reports with a serious expression.
"I've heard you say that more times than I can count, Dr. Jeong," you replied, exhaling dramatically and rolling your eyes, a hint of annoyance creeping in.
"But you never take it to heart," he countered, setting the reports aside to focus on you. "Look at you—back in the hospital again." He glanced over the medical reports forwarded from various hospitals and couldn't suppress a disapproving shake of his head.
"It's just a bit of dizziness, nothing major," you said nonchalantly, shutting your eyes to escape his piercing gaze.
"That dizziness is a warning sign that your spirit is on the brink," Yunho pressed, his tone firm. "This isn't a joke, Y/N. A severe headache and dizziness indicate you've pushed yourself too far."
"If you continue like this, no matter how much medicine you take, it won't stop the pain." His warning carried a weight that was strikingly different from his usual demeanor. There was no one to blame; no one wanted to heal their ex;it was only natural to feel irritated, especially when his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"I will prescribe some medications. Make sure that you take them daily and please don't OVERUSE your power." He deliberately emphasized his tone, giving you a serious look. "Yes,sir." You helplessly said, pouting.
"Take a rest." He collected his things and made a move to exit, but instead, he concealed himself and peered at you through the window. He knew you so well, fully aware that you wouldn't listen to his pleas.
You let out a frustrated curse as the familiar agony of period pain gripped you once more. The painkillers that had once been your saviors seemed powerless now, leaving you at the mercy of the relentless discomfort. Sitting up straight, you focused your telekinesis to summon a cup for some soothing hot water, but just then, Yunho burst through the door, causing you to startle.
"Did you just forget what I said?" He gazed at the cup suspended in the air, his eyebrow arching in disbelief.
"I… I just want some water. Not… not…overuse my power" You managed a sheepish smile, your words tumbling out in a fluster. He moved closer, snatching the cup and filling it with water before placing it right in front of you. "Just get off the bed and grab some water. It's not that far."
"I would do it if I could." You murmured, voice barely above a whisper.
"Can't you just listen to my words at least once?Or you want to be more painful?" Yunho crossed his arms, saying impatiently, "You've always been like this all the time."
"Does it matter to you?" You countered. "You can just leave me alone and you don't have to do that much. We broke up."
"Listen, I'm your doctor, and you're my patient. This is just how it is, okay?" He let out a weary breath.
The tension in the room seemed to thicken with each passing moment, as if the very air was struggling to bear the weight of the unresolved emotions lingering between the two of you. Yunho's expression and gaze softened as he took a step closer, but there was still a trace of exasperation in his eyes.
"It does matter to me, Y/N," he said, his voice low and sincere. "Even if we're not together anymore, I still care about you. And as your doctor, it's my responsibility to ensure that you're taking care of yourself. Your powers are a gift, but they're also a burden if you don't use them wisely."
You looked down at your hands, avoiding his gaze, feeling a mixture of guilt and frustration. You knew he was right─overusing your power caused your body to almost collapse. Severe menstrual pain was one of proofs, which you didn't have it before.
"I'm trying," you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper. But the truth was, you were lying to both him and yourself. You clung to the power that had become both your curse and your shield, a double-edged sword that offered strength at a steep cost.
"Y/N, you're not invincible," he said, his voice softening as he reached out to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Your powers are incredible, but they come with a cost. You can't keep sacrificing your health for money or whatever other reasons you might have. You're worth more than that." Yunho's eyes bore the weight of concern as he examined you, his words gentle but firm.
"I'm here for you, Y/N. You're still the person I used to love, even if we're not together anymore. That doesn't change the fact that I want you to be happy and healthy."
You nodded, a smile struggling to break free. Just someone he used to love? Why did that thought sting? Wasn't it the reality? Deep down, you still held onto feelings for him, even if you'd never confess it. The memory of that day he ended things lingered sharply in your mind—"We're not meant to be." He was right; it was a perplexing paradox between you two—he dedicated his life to preserving others, while you were the one who brought them to an end.
That was not what you desired but your family had twisted your power into a tool of manipulation, forcing you to engage in unspeakable deeds—murders, thefts, every crime imaginable staining your hands.
Yunho initially believed he could sway your thought, but he soon realized he was mistaken. You couldn't get rid of your toxic family.
"I'm tired. I wanna take a nap." Sighed, you laid down to the bed, closing your eyes. The conversation had to end; each word echoed the depth of your love for him and the ache that lingered since his departure. You fought back the tears, determined not to let him see your vulnerability.
Yunho stood still instead of leaving. From the instant he laid eyes on you, a deep ache settled in his heart. What has caused your health to deteriorate so drastically? What has your family done to you? A whirlwind of questions swirled in his mind, anchoring him in place. He recognized the absurdity of it all. He was the one who had initiated the breakup, yet here he was, grappling with an overwhelming reluctance to move on. If the break up had never happened, would things have turned out differently? He found himself unable to resist asking.
"Hiss…it's so fucking hurt…" Believing he had already departed, you let out a sharp gasp. You forced yourself to endure, wearing a mask of indifference, while inside, you were battling the period pain. "Why?Why?"
"Are you alright? What's going on?" Yunho's sudden voice surprised you, making your eyes wide open.
"Why are you here?" You startled. "…Nothing…I'm fine."
"Fine?! You look pale, and you say you're fine?" You were silent.
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the truth."
"Can't you just…hiss…" The sharp pain creeped in, causing you to look even more pale.
"It's alright, it's alright," he reassured, gently patting your back, and gradually, the cramping began to ease. "Just tell me what's going on so I can help you."
"How can you possibly help?" you whispered, lowering the blanket to reveal your weary eyes. "The painkillers aren't doing anything…"
"Where does it hurt?" Yunho's voice was tender, but you quickly pulled the blanket back, murmuring, "It's period pain."
"Wait, what?" he replied, confusion etched on his face. "I said it's period pain." You pushed the blanket aside, a pout forming on your lips.
"Hold on. Period pain? But you never had this before. When did it start?"
You thought of the breakup. You wanted to confess, but chose to keep that part to yourself.
"I forget." He knew you lied as he noticed your habit when you were saying something fake. "I can drink some hot water…"
"Do you think it's gonna work?" Yunho cutted off your words with a serious tone. "Drinking hot water is not useful─"
"So what can I do?" You said, your impatience bubbling over. "Please don't say I should ask for your help…" you grumbled quietly, hoping he wouldn't catch your muttering.
"What did you say?" Yunho inquired, while you fidgeted with your fingers.
"I told you not to suggest I ask you to fuck—" You abruptly halted, realizing you were just rambling. A heavy silence enveloped the room, and a deep crimson crept across your cheeks, flooding you with embarrassment.
"Nothing! Just leave my room!" you exclaimed, disregarding the tightness in your stomach as you pushed Yunho out by using your power, slamming the door behind him. You then buried yourself in the embrace of your blanket.
Shit!It's embarrassing!How can you say what you're thinking?!
After a while, a knock echoed through the room. Had Yunho called more doctors? "Come in," you whispered into the blanket, only to discover it was Yunho himself, walking to you with a towel in hand.
"What're you doing?" You asked, watching him to lock the door and close the curtain. "To do what you ask me to do."
"Wait!Wait!Wait!" You sat up straight, urging him to stop unbuckling his coat. "I…I…that's not what I mean." "So, what do you mean?" Gripping your chin, he climbed over the bed.
You struggled to find your voice, stammering as he held you down. Your bodies were pressed together, the heat between you palpable as he leaned in, his breath brushing against your skin, igniting a wave of shyness within you.
"Don't we do it so many times?"
"Shut…shut up."
"Then push me away." He let out a smirk, pinning your hand above your head firmly. "But I know you wouldn't."
"Who…who said…" He stopped your word with a kiss.
"See?You didn't resist at all."
"So…you gonna help me? But don't you hate me? Don't you think we're not a match? Do─"
He stopped your words with a sudden kiss and you melted for it.
"I can't see you suffer. It cuts deep. I believed I could handle it, but the truth is, I can't." Their eyes locked, revealing a shared sorrow that seemed to echo in the silence. "My heart shatters every time I look at you. What has happened to you? What has your family put you through? I regret thinking I could walk away. I just…sorry…please let me make up for you."
Gently brushing your cheek as if seeking your consent, he lowered himself to kiss you once you gave a nod. Perhaps he couldn't articulate the courage behind his actions, but his heart was leading the way. As the kisses grew more passionate, a wave of memories washed over you; bittersweet yet brimming with love.
With your arms encircling his shoulders, you drew him nearer, savoring the softness of his touch as his hands glided down to your lower body. Both of your clothes were thrown anywhere, leaving you both naked making out on the bed.
"Don't be too loud or they will know what we are doing." He whispered, leaving a peck on your lips before placing a towel under your thighs. "You know you're a moaner." You patted his chest playfully, earning a doting smirk from him. But the laugh soon died out as his tip rubbed against your entrance, he couldn't help but hiss when he saw your blood.
"Don't force yourself…I'm okay with it." "No, honey. Just wait for me for a second." He tucked the blanket higher, ensured to shield you both from prying eyes and keep your nudity hidden. Yet, a deeper flush crept across his cheeks as the reality of the moment sank in.
He was fucking his ex-girlfriend in his work place. Oh my goodness! What if his co-worker sees? But they won't find it, right?
"Yunho…?" Your soft whimper pulled him back to reality.
"Yes, honey?"
"Are you okay? You can just stop if you don't want to."
"It's fine, everything's fine." A grin failed to mask his anxiety. His hands quivered slightly as he leaned closer to you. An odd feeling washed over him; the combination of warmth and moisture stirred a sense of discomfort. It was sticky, yet he couldn't deny that it felt strangely pleasurable at the same time.
When he wanted to move, you stopped him by gripping his shoulder tightly. "Please don't move…You're too…too big…Just let me adjust first." It was not your first time but indeed you haven't done this in a long time.
"Tell me if you're okay." He murmured, not sure what to do but just stayed still. "Are you shy?" You tilted your head, finding his ears redden. He blinked several times and avoided your gaze instead of answering, making you let out a chuckle.
"Can you kiss me?" You cupped his face to make eye contact with him, whispering softly. As your request hung in the air, he pressed his lips against yours with a gentle urgency. Tears brimmed in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks like delicate raindrops. Enveloped in the warmth of your kisses, he began to move with excruciating slowness, ensuring you could feel every vein of his cock.
Your toes curled as he hitted your sweet spot without any error; he still remembered your body clearly. His cock rubbed against your tight wall while his pelvis grazed your clit. Breathless, you tilted your head back against the pillow and let out a gasp, feeling him to go deeper as if breaking through your limit. Yet, the sensation was so delightful that it nearly overshadowed the discomfort of menstrual cramps.
He could feel your blood flow out more as he slid deeper each time. Imagine that it was cum but not blood made him feel better, even more excited. It was too good to be so deep inside of you. Your wall kept squeezing and sucking him in, giving him a wave of pleasure. Guided by his desire, he left your legs up to fold you as a mating press, gripping your thighs as a support, drawing his hips backward before shoving into your soaked cunt.
"Yu…yunho…" Choppy moaning and the skin slapping sound mixed in the room, urging both of you to lose in this love making. "Don't be too loud." He pressed his lips against yours to muffle your groan, only a soft whine left your tongue as he fucked you rougher and rougher.
"Shit, I think I can't last long." Parting from your lips, he sat up straight and settled his hands on your waist, moving you back and forth roughly to chase his high. "Yu…yu…ahh…fuck!" "Call me like this again, honey." "Yuyu, please…" The bed trembled fiercely, the vibrations nearly overpowering your soft cries. Your fingers turned pale as they clutched the pillow tightly, a tight knot twisting in your stomach.
Of course, he knew you were on your limit, and he was either. His cock twitched each time his tip battered your spot, all the heat rushed to it. "Cum for me, honey. Let me feel you again." His words pushed you to the edge and came hard, dripping on the towel. "Goodness, you squirted. Feel that good?" His thrusts lost his rhythm as he lifted his head up, then cumming all in the condom with a long-throaty moan.
Breathing hard, he fell against you, pressing his lips to yours. "Do you feel okay now?" "Yeah…thank you." He tenderly brushed your hair back, his fingers gliding over your flushed cheek. "I was afraid we might never see each other again." You whispered. "Yet here we are." He grasped your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it, his voice as soothing as it was before your relationship began.
"I think…I still love you." Yunho admitted, causing tears to shimmer in your eyes. "I feel the same way. But…" The shadows of your past loomed over you, a relentless specter. You were terrified, terrified of reliving the heartache. "It's alright, Y/N. Take all the time you need." He understood your fears, resolute in his patience, choosing to let things unfold naturally. You nodded, enjoying the solace in his embrace.
Thanks to his treatment and care, you soon could be discharged from the hospital.
"Please don't overuse your power again. I really don't want to see you in the hospital," Yunho repeated, concern etched on his face.
"Can you cut down on the lecture?" You rolled your eyes, a light laugh escaping your lips. "Honestly, you sound just like my mom."
"What? I'm just looking out for you," Yunho shot back. "You act like a little kid who refuses to grow up."
"A kid? I'm a grown woman! I can handle myself just fine." "Then you won't be at the hospital every week." You pouted, crossing your arms. "Anyway, I have to go. Bye!" As you turned to leave, he called out to you.
"Hey, y/n."
"Here." Yunho pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to you, revealing his phone number.
"Your number?" You tilted your head, intrigued.
"Yep. I changed it. Call me if you ever need anything."
"Thanks!" A smile spread across your face, warmed by his gesture. "But I'm not looking for a mom." Yunho's smile faltered at your words, uncertainty creeping in.
"Kidding." You teased, finding his reaction endearing.
"You should make up for me then." he said, stepping closer and lowering himself to meet your gaze.
"Cuz you hurt me." He pouted, looking so adorable. You suddenly gave a peck on his cheek, making heat rush to your cheeks.
"I gotta go now."
"See you then." He gently ruffled your hair, a smile lingering on his lips. "Don't hesitate to call." You nodded, turning to leave.
Perhaps the fog of yesterday will gradually lift, yet you still require just a bit more, only a touch more time. But never mind because Yunho will wait for you. He would never lose you again, never.
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tag list:@angelsaway
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Barnaby facts (confirmed by the devs)
Hello! Since I was bored and it's making me so happy to see Barnaby getting so much love lately, I've decided to collect all the info I have about him! I most likely missed something, so if you have info I haven't put here, or got wrong, let me know, ok? ^^
Anyhoo, here we go! **}
- Barnaby, despite his name, is not a barn owl. He's actually a long eared owl.
- Barnaby isn't his real name; he used to have a different one, back in his alive days. One of the drawings featuring him has him surrounded by many names starting with "B".
- Said illustration has "Who am I?" hidden among the names and words such as "Where" and "Help", hinting at something linked to his identity is torturing him.
- It's been stated that Barnaby is the way he is because of a dangerous experiment that corrupted then killed him, changing him completely as a result.
- Barnaby is asexual homoromantic, and is genderfluid: while he goes primarly by "he/him", he accepts any pronoun.
- He considers his Barnaboos as his "little pretties", and often offers help or advice if they need it; of course, his help may not be as helpful as he believes...
- He hates cheesecake.
- He's not a fan of rootbeer neither; he will serve it in his parties, but he personally won't drink it.
- His favorite food is eye scream, and favorite Halloween treat are caramel apples.
- As for ice cream, his favorite flavor is Strawberry Shortcake.
- Speaking of food, yeah, he doesn't need to eat, nor sleep. But still likes doing it anyway.
- Barnaby is a confirmed sleepyhead. He naps a lot, but never in an ordinary position, or in his bed; he tends to sleep in various gravity bending position, especially upside down.
- Meaning, yes, when Billie comes to steal his gem, he was sleeping!
- And when he sleeps, he apparently snores and hoots.
- While hugging him would result in a kill from him, Ash confirmed Barnaby is a hugger! Hugging him would still involve him squeezing or stabbing you to death, tho'. And he'd feel both soft and slimy to the touch.
- Barnaby is around 10-11ft tall, and with his size-shifting abilities, he can be any height he wants; when he was alive tho', he's as tall as Aristotle, more or less.
- He doesn't need glasses anymore, but sometimes will wear them because they make him look smart. They also tend to follow the eyes' movements.
- Barnaby is very emotional: while it won't stop him from trying to kill you, he will cry if he sees you cry. Ironically, he would comfort you until you feel better. Then he'll kill you.
- It's been confirmed that Barnaby's biggest fear has "already come true".
- His tears are orange, just like his eyes.
- Barnaby is not one to open his heart easily, but the moment he does, there's many ways to reach it. He's quite romantic, tho' not in the usual way: if you gave him a dead rat, he'd consider it a very romantic gesture!
- It's been stated he doesn't have a partner now, but in life, "maybe".
- When it comes to children, it's been confirmed he'd be the best caregiver alongside Dutch, althought for him "it's complicated".
- He apparently had a child of his own, if the picture posted about him during "Father's Day" is any indication. What happened to the little one hasn't been revealed yet.
- Apparently he's the least judgemental character in BBU!
- If he had a TV, it'd be old timey, and he'd watch something really random. Like ducks.
- Barnaby loves small critters; Ash specifically mentions they always linked him with guinea pigs. And indeed, Barnaby had a science guinea pig co-worker once, that turned into an actual guinea pig because of a reckless experiment, and he took care of them.
- He's able to control reality; it's unclear if it's his gem's doing, or his magic power as a ghost.
- In any case, he's now the most powerful character in the game
- Back in his alive days, he was a magic researcher and scientist.
- He actually owned the gem before he turned into a ghost. He even experimented on it, and it's suggested that actually sealed his fate.
- A lot of songs from Oingo Boingo and Lemon Demon fit him: Ash specifically mentioned "Weird Science" as really "Barnabycore"
- Barnaby is autistic: he stims by hooting and flapping his wings when he's excited.
- When he's scared or nervous, he tends to cover himself with his wings.
- Katie said that, if he were a candy, he'd be a sour blueberry.
- Barnaby lives in his own dimension, with his own mansion and everything. And he can travel between realities. Although one comment from Katie suggests he's trapped in there, but it's too early to say for sure.
- According to the devs, he was inspired by Weird Al Yankovic, Lewis from Mystery Skulls and Discord from MLP.
- No, he wasn't inspired by Snatcher, since the development of BBU has lasted longer than A Hat in Time. The two of them canonically know each other tho': only problem is, Snatcher hates Barnaby's guts and finds him too clingy, while the owl adores him.
- He canonically knows Wally Darling from "Welcome Home" and Kira from "Far Fetched" too, since he can travel between realities.
- Barnaby has his guests come to his home by portals that pop just below them. He apparently has kidnapped people before, every once in a while.
- He'd get along well with Dutch.
- It's left vague whether he knows Fantoccio or not.
- He actually has never met Arthur nor Aristotle before the game.
- In any case, he'd find Aristotle really funny, and wouldn't take them seriously.
-- Barnaby is aware of the player, and can break the 4th wall. And that's why only he can use Twitter.
- Whenever he writes on Twitter, hE WRiTSE LIkE THIS!!!
- Barnaby is REALLY mischeavous, and finds no problem in cheating in games. But if YOU cheat, then he gets ticked off.
- This suggests he's also a sore loser.
- Judging by his expression in the cutscene, he doesn't like being interrupted.
- It's been confirmed he smells like meldew. :P
- He could fake glitching out, then attack the moment you come to check out what's going on with him.
- He HATES party crashers. Also scarecrows: not good for conversations. And he's not interested in their crops.
- He can play the organ: Katie even suggested that if you hear it in the background of his chapter, that's him playing it.
- He was a young prodigy, back when he was alive!
- Don't be fooled by his goofy antics: he's very smart, still loves making experiments and can speak a lot of languages.
- Ironically, he hates skulls: he finds them icky.
- He was 25-26 when he died; he's been dead for 100+ years.
- Time is very important for him: that's why there's so many clocks in his parlor. It's been suggested he sees partying as a way to keep track with time.
- Despite that, Barnaby himself in the contest video has briefly stated he tends to forget what year it is.
- There's tons of pictures in his manor: all of them depict him, suggesting he's good at painting.
- Katie has noted that Barnaby "remembers everything". When asked if there's something he'd rather forget, they stated that "what he wants and what he needs are very different things".
- His family is "infinite", apparently. Then again, one of his very early descriptions stated he's got no friends nor family to speak about...
- He's been described as "self interested"
- When asked which character had the most trauma, without giving hints about being traumatized, Katie confirmed Barnaby as the answer, even stating his story makes them the saddest, alongside Fanto's.
- His favorite color is pink!
- He can change himself into lots of animals, and can even clone himself!
- When asked if he can talk to his alive self, Katie said it's "technically possible".
- Back when he was alive, he was noted as a dork and a hardworker, so much so he'd even pull one-nighters before making speeches for his research. Katie jokingly suggested that's why he parties so much: it's to make up for lost time!
- He had a different way of speaking, back when he was alive. And his icks were probably different as well.
- When he gets overwhelmed, he has a shutdown, and goes completely silent.
- At early stages, Barnaby was supposed to be a bug.
- The moment his design as a ghost was chosen, he went through a lot of palette options, like a pale blue color like he came from "The Haunted Mansion", or all colorful like "Dia de los Muertos". Ultimately they settled for his currently shadowy look because, not only it's easier to animate, it was in line with his backstory.
- Barnaby can melt. It's still unclear what triggers such a reaction, but some pictures hint that it's tied to his psychological state.
- Barnaby has been noted that he can talk fancy, but he's not eloquent.
- His favorite dance is the charleston!
- Ash has stated that in the game he is going to be depicted doing something similiar to "singing himself to sleep".
- Apparently he still makes pellets from his mouth. Dead or not, he's still an owl.
- He often puts emphasis on words, sometimes even making his bowtie spin.
- In the latest Twitter post featuring him, when you decode the garbled message, you can read: "Barnaby lies Along in his thoughts, Resting On the floor Neglected". Not only this hints at his turmoil, it also hides the word "BARON". It's unclear if it's his name, a title he possessed, or someone or thing else entirely connected to him.
- He loves recieving scretches on his head.
- Barnaby can cook, but he'll more often than not leave that to the Barnaboos.
- He's not that interested in gardening, even tho' he owns a greenhouse.
- He'd enjoy playing "Luigi's Mansion"!
- In Super Smash Bros. he'd main Meta Knight, even relating to him.
- He'd happily accept smoochies, apparently!
- His favorite party game is "Pin the tail on the owl".
- If you are his friend, he'd consider it even more of a reason to stay in the manor and never leave!
- He has claimed that he's used to give himself self love and compliments, since no one else does it. That, and his tendency to ask others for hugs or if they need a hug to calm down, suggests he's affection starved.
- He tends to react to compliments from fans by smiling bashfully, or happily shouting that he's popular.
- Katie stated that his favorite movie would be something unexpected, like "Marnie & Me" or "Up".
- Barnaby can see everything from the eyes of the plushies that look like him. So, if you bought one... watch out...
- Among his early designs, he also looked like a completely different owl, tall and austere looking, who was the guardian of the forest. It was changed because the devs wanted a goofy boss that could stand out among the others.
- Having said that, it seems Barnaby was the last boss to be officially revealed, and initially the game only had Elaine, Dutch and Fantoccio as the main bosses.
- Barnaby LOVES puns. A good deal of the lines he says when you get defeated in his chase contain a pun.
- You try being slick by stating you want to die of old age? Too bad: Barnaby will make you age rapidly. Despite that, Katie confirmed he doesn't have time related powers...
- Katie and Ash confirmed Barnaby can fly. And such a sight is apparently really hilarious.
- Barnaby loves shiny trinkets: if he sees a sparkly thread, he'll fixate on it and will follow its movements. It's like with a cat following a laser.
- Barnaby has teeth; they're orange and sharp, and come out when he's ticked off, or especially devious.
- When he was alive, he only used he/him pronouns. He became comfortable with all pronouns after he died. He's always been interested in men.
- This goes without saying, but still: he operates on cartoon logic. He can use both his wings AND his feet as hands. Even both feet can act as hands, even when they appear off camera. How? Because it's Barnaby and he can do anything he sets his mind into!
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kairiscorner · 1 year
can you do where Miles kisses reader but reader doesn't kiss back to tease him... when Miles pulled back and reader wipes her lips..
+i really love your one shots,, they got me giggling and sht 🤭
HI ANON 🫶🫶🫶 okay, so i'm not entirely sure if i did this one right, I HOPE I DID....... also i saw your other message, AND DW ABOUT IT, IT'S OKAYYYY we all make mistakes <:DD you're welcome here any time :3
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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just one kiss, that's all
"whaddya think, that was pretty good, no?" he asked you with a cheeky grin on his face as his mask was pulled upwards just a little bit. you weren't impressed in the slightest, or at least, that's how you wanted it to seem. you shrugged. "it was okay, morales." you said as he paced around the ceiling for a little, chuckling to himself at your apathetic response. "it's like you weren't even there and don't believe me! i'm telling you, that crook was getting nowhere near my lover." he said as he sauntered over to you as you sat down on your bed, looking up at him and raising an eyebrow, pouting your lips and keeping your arms crossed over your chest. "i can handle myself just fine, morales. you gotta worry about yourself." you said as he looked into your eyes lovingly with a lopsided grin on his face, because he knew you agreed to this little bet you two made, and miles doesn't forget rewards from his hard work so easily.
miles placed a hand on your cheek and smirked to himself as you gave no reaction, you were completely and utterly giving him silent and poker face treatment. "what's mi corazon doing now, hmm? you know, you're super cute when you smile and chuckle at my stupid stunts sometimes... but you pouting to them is much cuter." he teased you, to which you fake groaned at. "whatever, it isn't worth you getting scuffed up. even if you're spider man, you're still a boy." "correction, a man." he joked as he smiled wider at you. "the day you'll be a man is the day you get kisses from me without having to save me after i call for you." you said with a smirk up at him to match his confidence at that moment.
miles laughed a little as he neared your face. "now, come on, can't we get on with it, babe? i love you a whole lot, that's why i saved you. not just to... to feel your lips on mine, y'know..." he said as he ran a hand through your hair and got a little flustered in the face, and so did you, and you couldn't shake it off. "no. you put yourself in danger, you weren't in your suit when you saved me–" "but i saved you nonetheless, didn't i, mi amor?" he asked you with an eyebrow raise. "our bet was that you'd kiss me the minute i saved you, and it was in a minute. no rules were stated that i had to be in the suit." he said, and he had a point, but you turned away from him with an unwavering poker face. "still, i can't reward risky behavior; not even for you, morales." you said with a stern tome in your voice.
"you promised... come on, please don't leave your friendly neighborhood spider man all alone with unkissed lips..." miles whined, to which you took in a deep breath. you sighed, and looked at him, who was looking at you desperately for that reward of his that he so badly deserved. you caved, he was too cute for you to say no to.
"...fine." you said, finally giving in, as miles gasped in delight. "yes!" he exclaimed to himself softly. "okay, i promise i won't chicken out this time." he said as he cupped your face, and slowly... he kissed you, his lips were soft against yours. you held back all your urges to kiss him back, though, because even if you let him kiss you, you weren't going to fully reward him for his recklessness for a mere kiss.
as miles pulled away, he looked at you expectantly in your eyes for something, anything--any indication that you reciprocated his love, his emotions towards you. he smiled awkwardly, "love?" he called out for you. "come on now, don't be like that..." trying to fluster you, trying to flirt with you, to get you embarrassed for him, but all he was greeted with was your stoic expression, your unchanging, stoic expression.
the worst part was when you wiped his kiss off your lips, with him witnessing you doing so. you folded your arms in front of your chest again. "what?" you asked him in a slightly irritated voice when he didn't say anything after you did that. you turned to look at him, and he was on the verge of sobbing. "mi cielo... babe, what'd i do wrong? i just... i'd always save you, if this whole thing is about that, y'know... i'm sorry..." he said in a soft voice as he placed his hands on either sides of your face, his eyes going wider, sadder, and filling with tears knowing you didn't want to kiss him back. you sighed, and soon, you cracked a small smile. "i'm sorry, miles." you finally said as you placed your hands on his face now. "i can't reward stupid behavior, you know that." "but it wasn't stupid, you were in trouble. with or without the suit, as spider man or as miles morales, i'll always save you."
and that... that made you realize. that made you realize miles didn't care about the bet, about getting a kiss from you or showing off--he really wanted to save you that day because he knew you were in trouble, even if it jeopardized him and his identity as spider man. "really?" you asked him as you ran a thumb over his cheek. "really." he said, and soon, you pulled him in close to give him what he's needed all this time--the feeling of your lips against his. since miles wasn't the best teaser in the world and was easy to give in when it came to you, you felt him kiss you back, and it was an adoring, sweet sensation--the feeling of his soft lips against yours was enough to tell you that he genuinely loved you, more than any other boy had before towards you.
as he pulled away, he looked back at you, his face flustered so badly--and he smiled widely again. though his eyes looked glassy because of how he was almost about to cry at your teasing because he thought you didn't love him anymore, his anxiety was replaced with long overdue relief. "i love you, miles." you told him as he kissed your forehead. "and i love you, so... so much." he replied as he rested his forehead against yours, just feeling you near him, loving how near you are--how you're within reach of him, how he can just love you and it'd all be so right to both of you, despite the stunts he does to protect you;
because he loves you.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fictarian @zalayni @q2ie
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animentality · 1 month
How do I write good morally grey characters? (Genuine question)
you give a character a morality that makes sense, and could be understood by most rational human beings on this earth, but then have it also be harmful to others, whether that's intensely or mildly.
most people in this world are morally gray, you know?
selfish and self centered, and likely to do bad things in their own self interest, if they think they won't get caught...but you know. most people are not raging psychopaths who will go out of their way to harm others....nor will they make much of an effort to help others who are not their friends or family.
gray morality is sort of hard to pin down, but it always comes back to...
black morality is This Bitch enjoys killing, and does it for funsies. they cause suffering to others just because they want to, and can, and this is morally wrong, because...uh, well. the basics of human interactions suggest hurting other people without any cause at all is the lowest of the low.
white morality is This Guy is a hero, who saves kittens and little old ladies and refuses to harm others (intentionally or unintentionally). most people can agree, someone who saves other people from death or injury is good.
gray morality, though, is that guy is a selfish piece of shit, but sometimes, occasionally, he does good things. only for his own self interests, of course, but it's a net positive for the world.
he threw a bunch of people down river, when it suited him, but was there when it counted, or maybe, accidentally does help the good guys with his selfish actions.
let me give you an example... Jack Sparrow.
Pirate. Thief. Murderer.
Not a hero. Will sell out other people to save his own skin. Kills wantonly, drinks too much, steals anything that isn't nailed down.
Doesn't really go out of his way to save people...except occasionally, he does.
Except in the end, he does save his friend, and he does save his fellow pirates...who are.
you know. pirates.
bad people.
he's an agent of chaos. he's whimsical, lawless, lives as he likes, and causes all kinds of trouble.
and that's a good morally gray character.
someone who both helps and harms.
and that's something to keep in mind, when you write your morally gray character, btw, whether you want them to be more helpful to your heroes, or more of a hindrance.
either one works for the morally gray.
and then we have a character like say, Dexter.
A serial killer who kills serial killers, right?
Yeah, killing is bad, especially serial killing, but if it's other serial killers...fun, right?
Interesting to think of.
To come back to it.
My advice for morally gray characters is to sit down and think of a character who has good traits and bad traits.
Mix them together, according to how you want this character to affect, say, our villains or our heroes.
Then decide, well, are they more inclined towards helping the evil side, the good side, or is it more pure chaos they exude?
I myself tend to write a lot of morally gray characters.
But that's only because I love writing murderous MCs, and most people do see murder as amoral, for some reason.
That's my advice on the morally gray.
Give them rules. Give them motives. Let them have good traits and bad traits.
Let them be rude to old women, but have a soft spot for kids...and also do awful things that affect both negatively.
the most important thing to avoid, as that post indicates, is just making a grumpy hero who just seems kinda mean sometimes.
that's not morally gray.
morally gray, to me at least, implies that that character does actual harm.
if they're only mean to bad people, only negatively affect the bad people, then newsflash, they're just heroes. they're white morality, just not disneyfied into sterility.
make sure your morally gray characters do harm!!!
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oizysian · 1 month
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 2.1k
AN: I’m so sorry I haven’t updated this on here lately. I’m gonna catch up with everything soon!
"I can't believe I just spent a whole day with Lizzie and Robbie."
"Robbie? That's her husband isn't it?" Claire questioned.
"How were you able to keep your cool around Lizzie with Robbie there?"
"I just kinda ... zoned out a lot. He's really nice and he made an effort to get to know me, but I can't help but feel guilty when I'm around him."
"Because I'm in love with his wife!" I threw my hands up in frustration, my headset almost falling off my head with the sudden action.
"Y/N, listen," I held my breath as I waited for her to continue speaking. "Don't feel guilty. You can't help it if she likes you."
"Which she doesn't. Not like that."
"Says you. What did Brie say?"
I groaned, the memory of our kisses hitting me like a ton of bricks.
"She thinks she likes me." I mumbled. "But, she likes me too."
"She? She as in Brie?"
"Uh huh. We ... kinda ... kissed."
"You what?!"
"We were drunk and high and she was busting my balls about liking Lizzie so I kissed her to prove I wasn't in love with her."
"And did that work?"
She sighed and I began to feel even more guilty. Between Robbie and Brie, I was never gonna get any sleep at night.
"What a surprise." Sarcasm dripped from her words. "Why can't you just be honest with yourself - and your friends."
"I'm not being honest with Lizzie. She can't know I have feelings for her. It would make things weird."
"Don't you think she's smart enough to figure it out eventually?"
"I mean, yeah, probably, but by then I'm hoping I'll be over it."
"Doubtful, but good luck with that."
"Thanks so much. You're no damn help."
"Yes I am. You just don't like my advice."
"Okay. What's your advice?"
"Keep hanging out with Lizzie and try to see if she's interested - married or not." She stopped me before I could interject. "If she is, see where it goes. If not, then at least she's your friend."
"I was just gonna skip the first part and just stay friends with her."
"Go ahead and do that, then. But, you're gonna suffer not knowing if there could've been anything between you if you don't test the waters."
I was quiet for a moment, taking in her words and thinking hard about them. She was right, of course she was. But, the risk of losing Lizzie as a friend just to see if we could be more than that, which was nearly an impossibility anyway, outweighed any feelings I had for her. I didn't want to lose her in any capacity. I just had to stop liking her like that.
"I'll think about it. I just ... I really like her. As a friend, even. I don't want to lose her 'cos of some schoolgirl crush."
"You're definitely not crushing. The way you talk about her." She let out a dry chuckle. "You're absolutely in love."
"She doesn't even know me. She'd think I was insane if I told her I had feelings for her. We've only hung out three times."
"Once for like three days though."
"Two days."
"Okay, two days. So, that's a weekend. Plus all the constant texting."
I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. This was the worst situation I had ever been in and it was all my own fault.
"Look," I started. "I know you mean well, but I'm just gonna stay friendly with her. If something happens, that's great! But, I won't be making the first move. Or any moves."
"Whatever you feel you should do, I'll support your decision."
"Thanks, bestie. I really appreciate you listening to all my griping."
"That's what I'm here for. Now get your head in the game. I'm tired of reviving you."
"Sorry." I laughed. "I just have a lot on my mind lately."
"I know."
She was interrupted by my phone going off, indicating that I got a text.
"Is it Lizzie?" She asked excitedly and I shrugged to myself.
"Not sure. I'm playing the game, not looking at my phone. Like you told me to."
"Oh my god, just look at your phone. I'm dying from the suspense."
I hid myself in a bush while I checked my phone. It was Lizzie.
"Well?" Claire asked with excitement in her voice.
"Lizzie wants to hang out before she heads back to LA for some business."
"And? Are you gonna see her?"
"Of course I am." I stared at the message for another moment before I felt my controller vibrate, signaling I was being shot at. "Shit."
I put my phone down and got myself back into the game. The intensity of the game provided silence, which gave me ample time to think.
"You didn't see how she looked at him, though." I said quietly. "She looked at him with stars in her eyes."
"And what about you? How do you look at her?"
I was silent. I knew how I looked at her, it had been pointed out to me few times already. But, what did that matter? She only had eyes for him.
"I look at her like she's the only beautiful thing in the world."
"Exactly, you mush."
"But, she doesn't look at me like that."
"Maybe she does and you haven't noticed."
"Maybe." I whispered to myself, my eyes flickering to my phone as it went off again.
I'm outside.
"Shit, I gotta go, Claire."
"But, there's only two teams left! We gotta finish this game!"
I hesitated for a moment before relenting.
"Damn, okay, let's kill them quickly, then."
We continued to play, my mind on the blonde outside my apartment rather than the game I was in. She was waiting for me and I was playing some stupid game.
I rushed into the battlefield, shooting indiscriminately to try and end the game quickly. I killed absolutely no one and got myself downed, which left Claire alone to win the game.
I picked up my phone and started texting Lizzie, telling her I was being held up and I'd be out in a moment.
Claire was able to clutch the game and we won, but I still was in another world.
"Go get your girl. You're not here with me anyway." She laughed and I sighed apologetically.
"Sorry, I'm going. I'll talk to you later."
I shut my game and tossed my headphones on the bed before rushing to the door, slipping my shoes on and practically running out to meet her. Brie was right, I was down bad.
As I approached her car, she smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Her smile was damn infectious and I was happy to catch it.
I opened the passenger door and got in, closing it swiftly and buckling up.
"So what was so important that you kept me waiting fifteen minutes?" She asked playfully, a mock angry look on her face.
I laughed and raised my hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was in a game when you messaged me. I had to finish what I started."
"Mhm." She grumbled, a small smile still lingering on her face as she started to drive.
I leaned back in the seat as we fell into a comfortable silence, the soft music coming from the radio all but ignored as we took in each other's presence. 
"Where are we going?" I asked after a few moments, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"I was wondering when you were gonna ask." She giggled, her eyes shifting from the road to me and then back again. "We're going someplace yummy."
"McDonald's?" I asked excitedly.
"Yummier." She laughed, shaking her head.
"What could be yummier than McDonald's?"
"Absolutely anything. Wendy's for example."
"Oof. She's got superior burgers, but McDonald's fries all the way."
"Fair enough. But no, we're not getting fast food."
"Hush." She said as she lightly smacked my thigh with her right hand. "You'll love it."
"Oh," I whimpered pathetically, holding my leg. "The pain."
"Aw, poor baby." She teased. "Here," she kissed her hand and placed it on my leg, and my heart fluttered. "All better."
"All better." I repeated, dazed from her actions, and currently riding a high from her touch.
She left her hand there for a moment longer than she probably should have before giving me a pat and returning her hand to the steering wheel.
"Do I get a hint?"
"You already got a hint!" She laughed.
"Yummier than McDonald's is not a hint."
"Well, that's all you're getting."
I huffed playfully and sunk into the seat, noting how damn comfortable it was.
"I could fall asleep in this seat." I told her, closing my eyes briefly before opening them again and looking at her.
She had been staring at me as we were stopped at a red light. A faint blush crossed her cheeks and she had a small smile on her lips. How long was she looking at me?
"It's green." I whispered and she snapped out of her stupor, returning her focus and attention to the road.
I smiled to myself, thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could be looking at me the way she looked at Robbie. Maybe I could be someone special to her.
We drove for a while longer before she pulled up in front of a small ice cream shop somewhere in the city.
"Ice cream!" I cheered as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I looked at the signs on the windows, my face dropping when I saw the seasonal flavors. "Oh no, pumpkin."
"Oh yes, pumpkin." She smirked as she stood next to me. "You're gonna love it."
"Can I get a different flavor and taste yours?"
She thought for a second before nodding, playfully nudging me.
"Of course, silly. What flavor would you like?" She asked as we entered.
"Chocolate." I hummed softly. "Chocolate sounds so good right now."
"Pumpkin sounds even better."
"Absolutely not." I laughed.
We walked up to the counter and she ordered for us, which I was grateful for, and as I was about to pull out my wallet, she beat me to it and paid with her card.
"My treat."
"Lizzie." I whined and she smiled at me. "You can't keep spoiling me like this."
"Says you."
We got our cones and sat down in a booth hidden away in a corner. She sat facing away from the door and I sat across from her.
"This is so good." I spoke as I ate, chocolate undoubtedly getting all over the place.
"I see that." She laughed softly, offering me her cone. "Just try it. One lick."
I looked from her to the cone, wincing as I remembered I promised to try it.
"Stick out your tongue ..." she said as she raised it up to my lips.
Without a second thought, I did what I was told, taking a generous amount of ice cream onto my tongue.
"Good girl."
I would've choked if I hadn't already swallowed the mildly repulsive treat. She smiled widely as my face went from disgust to indifference, taking that as a win.
"I've tasted worse things."
"I told you."
"No. You told me it was good. I didn't say it was good."
"Oh, c'mon." She laughed and I laughed with her.
"It's okay. Chocolate is definitely better."
"Lemme taste yours."
I took another lick of my ice cream to get the pumpkin off my tongue before holding the cone out to her, watching as she kept eye contact with me as she licked delicately at my ice cream.
Jesus shit fuck -
"Y/N? Earth to Y/N?" I snapped out of my daze and returned my attention to her, an amused smile on her face. "You okay?"
"I'm great." I smiled back, realizing that if she wanted to play that game, even just in a friendly way, we could play that game.
I reached across the table and ran my thumb along her lower lip, wiping the remains of my ice cream off of her mouth.
She sat, dazed, mouth slightly agape as I wiped off my finger with a napkin, holding back every urge in my body to stick it in my mouth and suck it clean.
When she snapped out of her daze, she picked up a napkin, leaned across the table, and started wiping my entire face.
"Hey!" I cried, laughing at her actions. "I'm not that dirty!"
"That's what you think." She giggled, finally bringing the napkin to my mouth and wiping it clean. "There. Now you're all clean."
"Thank you, mom." I started eating my ice cream again, careful to keep myself spotless.
She hummed as she ate her ice cream, and we sat in, yet another, comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Maybe Claire was right. Maybe there could be something between us. Or this was just harmless, friendly flirting. There was only one way to find out, whether I liked it or not.
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp @dorabledewdroop @scarlie-johalsen-blog @annie-ahmelia
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seramilla · 3 months
Something I think could happen in the Vaggie is Related to Carmilla AU, but after the reveal that Vaggie is her lost child, Carmilla occasionally gets nightmares that the Exorcist she killed was Vaggie
Sure she had already "fallen" at that point but now knowing the truth about Exorcists Carmilla has these nightmares of losing her daughter again, and that it's her fault again
(pretty much had this thought with both your AU and sunsetcougar's Biotech Exorcists AU)
For as long as she's been forging angelic weapons, the threat of the Exorcist horde has been a real, tangile reality for the Carmines, as long as they were putting themselves in the crosshairs of the conflict with Heaven. Carmilla had managed to mostly stay under Heaven's radar for a long time. Until the day she and her girls were discovered, and there was an attempt on her daughters' lives. Carmilla had only done what she had to do -- protect Odette and Clara at all costs, even if the cost is an angelic life.
The dreams have plagued Carmilla ever since. It's always the same variation of the same dream -- an Exorcist is attacking her girls, and she swoops in to save them, letting that infusion of adrenaline and fear fuel her actions, and chopping off their attacker's head at the neck. The sight had been traumatizing, grotesque, but also necessary. Still, Carmila worries if this is a new part of her punishment here in Hell for killing an angel -- to forever be plagued by those memories. Especially since they are worse now, knowing that Vaggie, her daughter, used to be one. Now Vaggie is the one invading her dreams.
Ever since this realization came to light, the dreams have twisted into an ugly, terrifying, evil approximation of the original nightmares she used to deal with. A part of her wishes she could go back to those, because now all she can when she's going in for the killng strike is Vaggie there in front of her. Every time, night after night, she kills her own daughter, and can't help but wake up screaming into the void of her dark, empty room, all alone.
She's tired. She needs sleep. She just wants the dreams to stop, so she can get some actual rest for the first time in weeks. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation, or her maternal instinct is finally getting the better of her; Carmilla isn't certain, but she reaches over to grab her phone all the same. The clock app says it's well after midnight. Still, Carmilla just needs confirmation. Needs to hear her voice. She just has to know...
Carmilla calls Vaggie. She doesn't know why she does this. Vaggie will either be angry at her for calling so late, or won't pick up at all, because her phone is on silent. Thankfully, blessedly, after four rings, Carmilla is sent directly to voice mail. She clears her throat, and waits for the beep to indicate she should leave a message. At least she can get some of her anxiousness out of her system this way.
"Vaggie...this is Carm--your mom. I'm really sorry to be callng so late. I was just...thinking about you. Wondering if you're okay. You don't need to call me right back. I just wanted to hear the sound of your voice. This is probably very strange. You don't even need to call me back, if you don't want to. A text would be fine. Just, please...let me know you're all right? Okay. I....love you. Good night."
Carmilla hangs up the phone, and rolls over to face another fitful night's sleep. She hopes Vaggie doesn't think she's crazy for leaving that voicemail. But Carmilla considers that is the least of her worries, right now. Just so long as Vaggie is okay, protected, and safe...then Carmilla will be okay, too...won't she?
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Question: Why doesn't Peter use his watch to go get Gwen?
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We see Miguel basically dismiss Peter, leaving Peter to his own devices. The scene cuts to Miles for a while - and look at the next time we see Peter:
He uses a portal to get home.
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Okaayyy...... So, your watch is working?
Cause I know you ain't get in the Go-Home Machine. So... Your watch is working??
That's how he got home, no? Typing his universe into his watch and going home.
I mean.. surely.. couldn't he just.. go see Gwen? Like how he could've gone and saw Miles?
Surely, he - one of the only people who knows Miles address - should be looking for Miles. Or Gwen, who was just assaulted in front of him.
We have no indication there's anything wrong with Peter's watch, nor that it's disabled.
As far as we know how watch is fine. There's nothing to imply it isn't.
But he uses his functioning watch to go home - and then he does nothing.
And look, MJ even asks:
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And Peter tries to play it off??? And also 'ANOTHER FIGHT'. He's done this before.
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Why didn't he tell MJ the fight he took MayDay to was AGAINST MILES?
Not only has he 1) brought MayDay in fights MULTIPLE times but he's 2) refused to acknowledge his involvement in what just happened.
He claims Miles saved his marriage and influenced him having a child - but he sees Miles get hunted - most likely goes home with technology that could help Miles, and then fails to even show concern or at least let MJ know what was happening.
Peter has no reason to lie or downplay the situation to MJ. He just wants to for some very odd reason.
Because he doesn't want to look like a bad mentor. Seriously, that's all he cares about.
Seriously, Peter B isn't a good guy.
He made no attempt to help Gwen, he's pretty fine with endangering MayDay, he basically avoids the question when MJ asks - AND his watch seems to be completely fine.
Why didn't he just... Go to Gwen's universe. From what we know Lyla isn't watching ALL the time, because Lyla didn't know how close Gwen got to Miles until Gwen admitted it to Jess.
So we can assume that if that watch can just go places when it's not specifically locked -
Because Hobie randomly turns turn in Mumbattan wearing a Miguel-issued watch, not his own. So that implies that when they travel, Lyla isn't directly monitoring them at every moment/authorizing every jump.
Why not go and see Gwen? Why not try to find Miles? Or at the very very very least -
Why not just tell MJ?
I feel like him lying to MJ - a person with no stake in this race - indicates that for Peter, this whole mentorship is about ego and proving he's competent enough to be a mentor or a dad - rather than actually DOING the things that requires, like keeping MayDay safe or going after Gwen.
It seems every time I think about it I have more of a reason to question Peter B.
So you can take your watch and go home, but you won't use it to go find Gwen AND you lie to MJ about taking your daughter to a fight AGAIN and fail to mention that fight was against a CHILD you personally know.
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That's not very heroic sir.
But no. He's just worried about whether or not he's 'good at this mentor thing' - his words, not mine.
And y'all want me to clap for him. No sir. No no no.
All my Hobies hate Peter B (not a typo).
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Risk It All Part 5/6
This chapter 😫
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Reader gets pregnant by Ruben. Although the two are not together Ruben promises to support her through the pregnancy, eventually letting reader stay with him until the child is born.  (This fic includes alot of angst and serious topics)
"Look at this one, isn't it cute?" You asked Ruben this, holding up a adorable little baby onesie. However, Ruben took one look at it and crinkled his nose. "Too pink." He muttered.
"Um, okay..." You put it back where you found it and followed Ruben down the aisle. It was a small shop in uptown Manchester that sold all the essentials for a newborn baby. You had begged Ruben to take you there for months and finally, on his day off, he did.
"How about this one?" You asked, holding up another onesie you found. It had patterns of baby elephants on them which you found lovely. Ruben however...
"Too blue." He grunted.
"Ruben?" You had enough of his foul mood. "If something is wrong just say it."
His eyes widened in suprise. "Y/N, I'm....I didn't mean to upset you."
"Well you did." You mumbled. "By not wanting to pick out any clothes for our baby."
He sighed, but stopped pushing the shopping cart, turning around to approch you. "I'm sorry okay." He pulled you in for a hug, tight and warm. Your arms barley reached around his waist. "Now, will you tell me what's bothering you?" You asked, because clearly something was.
"Nothing is bothering me. It's just that..."
Your hug faded as he let you go. "It's just that..."
"Please Ruben, tell me."
He sighed once again. "The baby is due any day Y/N, and here I am off to training camp miles away from you."
It was true. Ruben and his team were leaving for a mid season training camp somwhere in Saudiarabia. However, you had no idea that he had doubts about going.
"Ruben." You said, in your most reassuring voice. "Yes, the doctors say that the baby is due any day. But that doesn't mean tomorrow or the day after that. It could be weeks from now and you're only leaving for a few days."
"Yes, I know but...." He pulled you in for another hug, this one even tighter. "I don't want to leave you alone."
"I won't be alone." You murmured into his shirt. You tiled your head up, resting your chin against the center of his torso. "Lina will be with me."
"Right, Lina..." Ruben hands went to each side of your face, cradling your head in his hands as he bent down to kiss your lips. He briefly pulled back, only to go in for another kiss and another, repeating the act until you giggled against his mouth. "I promise you Ruben, we'll be fine. You enjoy the training camp with your team."
"So have you settled for any names yet?" Lina said, taking a swing of her glass of wine. She came by once a day to check on you whilst Ruben was away. She brought her own wine bottles since Ruben neither drank or kept any alcohol in the house.
"No, actually." You replied.
"Ruben says It's bad luck."
"I bet he does." Lina chuckled. "Does he also make you drink those green smoothies every morning?"
"It's good for the baby." You blushed. But perhaps Ruben was a bit extravagant when it came to yours and the baby's general health. "At least he cares."
"You got me there." Lina said, putting down her glass. "I'll have to admit that I was wrong about him, he really does love you."
"I wouldn't say love." You mumbled, to which Lina frowned. "I mean he hasn't said those words exactly. I think it's more him, caring for me as the mother of his unborn child. He might not be as attached to me once she's born."
"So you have doubts?" Lina nodded, trying, but failing to judge you for it. She might have judged you less if she was aware of the agreement between you and Ruben, however Elena made you sign an NDA preventing you to tell anyone about it even long after the baby is born. "I just want what's best for my baby." You said indicating that she should drop the subject. Lina did so gladly as her phone buzzed, indicating that your food had arrived downstairs.
"Can I get it." You offered, since sitting still did nothing for your swollen feet.
"Sure thing hun, I'll start setting the table."
You made your way out of the apartment, moving slowly towards the elevator since your swollen belly prevented you from doing anything at a normal pace. You once told Ruben what a nightmare it would be to take the stairs down, to which he had responded by shrugging his shoulders, saying "Maybe I'll buy a house one day." It was sweet of him, to dream of a future life with you and the baby. You hadn't allowed yourself to that, simply because of the nature of your agreement and how your marriage to Ruben was practically arranged.
"Fuck." You sighed, with your back against the elevator wall as you stepped into it. You were drenched in sweat just from that short walk and your heart was beating fast. Pressing on the button to take you downstairs, you realized that there was water running down your legs, creating a puddle around your feet. "Oh no." You gasped. But just then the elevator doors closed and not as smooth as they were supposed to, but with a violent jerk. The lights then flicked on and off as the elevator felt like it was descending, slower than usual.
You gritted your teeth with your hands resting on your belly. There was a sudden pain deep down in your abdomen and now you were sure that you were experiencing your first contraction.
"Somebody, help!" You shouted, however the elevator had gone dark and no longer moving.
"Hello, Y/N, is that you?"
It was Lina's voice, heard somewhere above your head.
"Yes. The elevator stopped and I think I'm having ahhhhhhh." You screamed as the pain hit once again, sharper than the previous one.
"Oh my god. Are you....did your water break?"
"YES!" You were on the floor now, withdrawn into a corner, a dark corner since you failed to see anything beyond the lights surrounding the elevator buttons.
"Shit. I think there's been a power outage." Lina's muffled up voice said. "The whole building is dark. But don't worry, I'll go get help. Just keep breathing."
You breathed and breathed but couldn't help but to feel the walls closing down on you. It was happening, it was really happening. You were going to give birth to your baby alone, with Ruben miles and miles away from you.
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whiskersz · 7 months
Hi again, saw your requests are open again, so can I request Vox x female reader? As for the plot: The Reader and Vox got together during the 7 years that Alastor was absent, so reader never encountered the more manic and obsessed side of her boyfriend when it comes to his enemy. And so, now that Alastor is back Vox started acting a bit differently and reader is worried about him and his mental health. So she confronts him about it. (Just to clarify, I want this to be fluff or sort of hurt-comfort and you can either do one-shots or ficlet, I'm up for whatever) ~Ghost/👻 (you're never getting rid of me now >:3)
First of all, hi Ghost! My PC won't let me visualize your rq so I had to do this...anyways, this I admit was hard to write which is a shame because I loved this idea? So much? I feel like Vox isn't Voxing and the hurt-comfort is there only if you squint...I'll do better next time ;'3
Vox x Fem! Reader
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Warning for : mentions of stalking
The digital clock indicated that it was already late at night, three in the morning precisely.
You hadn’t been awakened by something, no, in fact you had never fallen asleep in the first place. Troubled by thoughts of your own boyfriend, you laid in the king size bed of your shared bedroom, anxiously scrolling on your phone in desperate search of yet another distraction from the fact that this had been yet another day consisting of getting ignored by him.
And yet there you were, waiting for him to join you in bed, worried because he had always been a near perfect example of a partner, at least in your viewpoint, but now all he was able to concentrate on was that... Alastor, the Radio Demon.
Just thinking about that name brought back anxiety into your chest.
Knowing very well that the feeling of tightness and shortness of breath wouldn’t have subsided anytime soon if you decided to stay in bed for who knows how many more hours, you stood up, the sudden change in temperature making you wrap your arms around your own figure.
The red moon shone a path to the elevator with its light, almost as if it was telling you to go for it and confront him.
And so you did; taking the elevator to the room you had guessed he was in, you impatiently waited for the doors to open in front of you.
When they did, you were almost blinded by the light emitting from the disproportionate number of screens present in Vox’s office.
He was sitting there, mumbling to himself, checking cameras placed on the various streets leading to the Hazbin Hotel. You shuddered; he was most likely too caught up in what could’ve been considered the stalking of his enemy that he didn’t hear you enter the room.
You called his name, but he didn’t respond.
You tried again, this time more resolute, and he turned around, startled; all the screens turned off in unison except for the one that served as his head, which became the only source of light in the entire office.
Vox hadn’t even bothered to change into his nightwear, you noticed; he was still wearing his suit, he had just removed the blazer and placed it on the backrest of his office chair.
“Ah, darling. Whatever are you doing up this late...?” he asked, recomposing himself.
You simply stared at him with concern written all over your face, an expression of pure worry. Careful not to trip on anything, you slowly made your way towards him, your arms still crossed as if to comfort yourself.
“I should be the one asking that question, it’s three and you’re still here checking for traces of Alastor on every camera of the city. Come to bed.” You ranted quietly, seeing what time it was, even though you were almost sure the other Vee’s couldn’t here you from where you were.
Vox sighed, placing a hand on his forehead. Being reminded of the time and of what he was doing most likely made him realize how exhausted he was.
“Yes, yes...I’ll come to bed, just...” he trailed off, not sure what to say himself.
You caught the opportunity to continue your rant, but not before grabbing his blazer and carefully folding it to then place it on his desk. His eyes followed your figure the entire time.
“I’m worried about you, you do nothing but obsess over him these days, and you end up not taking care of yourself and others around you enough, you know?” you said, obviously referring to yourself in your last statement.
You hadn’t gone on a date with Vox in a while, hadn’t taken the time to relish in each other’s presence in what felt like months – and it had probably been that long.
“If only you could understand.” he whispered, visibly irritated by your words, which was something you had barely witnessed during these years of relationship.
“I’ll let you explain, so I’ll be able to. Just, for now, let’s go to bed? I’m worried about your health.”
Another sigh from Vox; you extended your hand, which he grabbed. The closer he got to you the brighter his screen seemed; you couldn’t wait for it to be turned off, you could feel a headache coming on.
The only thing you knew about Vox and Alastor’s history was that they never agreed on matters concerning technology, and that Alastor had disappeared for seven years. This didn’t really explain why your boyfriend was so obsessed with the Radio Demon though, it made no sense to you; there had to be another reason why he was so consumed by their rivalry.
A reason he clearly wasn’t going to share in that moment, as once you arrived in your bedroom he practically threw himself on the bed. You followed suit, covering both your figures with the blanket you had discarded previously.
“Promise you’ll explain soon.” You said, staring up at him.
Vox didn’t want to lose you at all, he realized when he looked into your eyes right then and there. You were putting up with the ugliest side of his personality, for which he had to feel honoured. He cupped your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
“I’ll do my best. For you.”
His hand moved from your cheek to your waist, pulling you closer. This was more like the Vox that you knew. With a promise that you’d get an explanation the following day, you finally let yourself fall asleep against his chest.
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rainydayathogwarts · 1 year
.·:*¨༺ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ༻¨*:·.
See my updated navigation/masterlist here because tumblr won't let me add more links to this one.
You do not have permission to copy any of my work!! If you do, I will not be kind.
All of my upcoming work in August!!
Updated version of my masterlist!
I've written for Marvel, Harry Potter, Stranger things, Criminal minds. My requests are always open! All dividers are by @cafekitsune and @saradika-graphics
**to indicate hardcore smut
*to indicate not quite there smut
Read my favourites from other writers here!!
ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜɴꜱᴏɴ
Reputation - 'In which Nancy leaves you a crying mess after you breakup and you find comfort in the person you'd least expect.' coming soon...
Watch don't touch** - Eddie x reader x Steve - In which Eddie loves to show people what they want but can't have and Steve just happens to want you, Eddie's precious girlfriend.
Polaroid Evidence pt.1 - Your brother Jonathan doesn't approve of your boyfriend even when he's always over, but your mom and younger brother love him.
Polaroid Evidence pt. 2
Please, please, please, don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice** - Eddie likes to make a mess of you when you're all dolled up for him.
bf!Eddie takes you to get your nipples pierced
ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʜᴀʀʀɪɴɢᴛᴏɴ
Roll the dice* - Steve wants you but your play thing named Nancy Wheeler does too.
Realising you don't hate each other at all
Watch don't touch** - Eddie x reader x Steve - In which Eddie loves to show people what they want but can't have and Steve just happens to want you, Eddie's precious girlfriend.
Red BMW** - you and Steve are in a relationship and just happen to have sex in the back of his car in a restaurant’s parking lot. When you're done, a clueless Dustin knocks on your window.
'In which reader is dared to give Steve a lap dance at a party, so she insists to do it in private, but Steve just can't keep his hands to himself.' coming soon...
ʀᴏʙɪɴ ʙᴜᴄᴋʟᴇʏ
Coworker's ex pt.1 - You have an undying crush on your ex's coworker and aren't afraid to act up on it.
Coworker's ex pt.2
Coworker's ex final pt.
'In which Nancy and Robin finally start becoming friends until you come along.' coming soon...
ʙɪʟʟʏ ʜᴀʀɢʀᴏᴠᴇ
My girl - Billy makes it clear to everyone that you're his but a particular Steve Harrington doesn't get the hint.
Caught - Reader sneaks out to meet Billy and gets caught.
'in which reader in fucking Steve behind his back and he finds out' billy x reader, reader x steve coming soon...
ɴᴀɴᴄʏ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀ
Spiked berry punch - In which a girl tries hitting on you at a party and Nancy isn't having it.
'In which Nancy and Robin finally start becoming friends until you come along.' coming soon...
He/you get turned on at the wrong time.**
ʀᴏɴ ᴡᴇᴀꜱʟᴇʏ
Jealous, jealous, jealous girl - ** ron notices you upping the PDA when Lavender starts flirting with him and you decide to show her who he belongs to.
popular!shy!reader - * ron’s friends think you were the one who made the move but are shocked to find out the opposite.
the dream** - ron has a dirty dream and wakes up hard next to reader
Needy** - needy!ron misses you because you've been taking NEWTs too seriously but he finds the perfect moment to drag you into an empty classroom.
Overstimulation with dom!Ron**
Goodbye kisses that last longer than intended blurb
Opposite teams** - You play a Quidditch match against your boyfriend, who's a very sore loser.
Glossy lips - Wiping off lip gloss from his lips after a kiss
Late to class** - Ron doesn't want you to leave to class so soon and manages a convincing excuse for you to stay (https://rainydayathogwarts.tumblr.com/post/757601505693040640/heyyy-i-have-a-request-please-prompt-6-with)
Ron won't stop complaining about Seamus and his girlfriend taking up the dorm until he's the one with a girl in there. coming soon...
ʀᴇᴍᴜꜱ ʟᴜᴘɪɴ
Can't take my eyes off you** - The first time virgin!reader wants Remus to continue..
Precious, drunk boyfriend** - In which Remus gets more drunk than ever and clings onto his girlfriend for dear life.
The Rabbit hole - In which remus lupin has a way with all the ladies, even the popular girls.
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts** - 'In which your bf loves giving you head... especially when he's high, and doesn't mind having friends around' bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts pt.2** - When your boyfriend's best friends barge into you having sex, you can't just say no to them. bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
potter!reader x remus secret relationship au Sirius scolds* - When Potter!Reader and Remus aren't too careful about hiding their relationship, Sirius gives them a scolding... Closed curtains and open doors** -  Remus and potter!reader still aren’t careful enough in hiding their relationship from James. (ft. Jily)
ᴊᴀᴍᴇꜱ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ
How they react when you tell them you're in the mood* - James Potter edition
Not drunk
Jealousy, jealousy - You kiss Lucius to make James jealous since he was too slow at making the first move.
Teaching James how to dance blurb
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts** - 'In which your bf loves giving you head... especially when he's high, and doesn't mind having friends around' bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts pt.2** - When your boyfriend's best friends barge into you having sex, you can't just say no to them. bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
Big, strong James Potter** - James Potter is just a big softie with a praise kink and a girlfriend who feeds it.
ɴᴇᴠɪʟʟᴇ ʟᴏɴɢʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ
Snake ring* - In which the twins pull you into a game of seven minutes in heaven.
Dry-humping Neville at a party**
Kiss and tell - In which a very aware y/n of Neville's crush on her gets the courage to make a move.
Stolen glances - Stealing glances at each other across the room until your friends notice.
ꜱɪʀɪᴜꜱ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ
How they react when you're in the mood*
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts** - 'In which your bf loves giving you head... especially when he's high, and doesn't mind having friends around' bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts pt.2** - When your boyfriend's best friends barge into you having sex, you can't just say no to them. bf!remus x reader x james x sirius x peter
When we were young** - How Sirius and reader's relationship changed when she got sorted into slytherin and how they reconnected thanks to her current boyfriend.
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Harry's bi awakening
"You knew?" "You didn't?" - In which the twins only just find out their sister is dating Harry.
Me and You - You keep telling Ron to just 'ask her out' but he won't take your word seriously until you take your own advice. Somehow, you both end up with dates...
Sub!harry begging mean!slytherin!reader to let him cum, but she's having too much fun... coming soon
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I already won - even though he very much lost the game, he still won you.
How they react when you tell them you're in the mood - Oliver wood edition
Blood, dirt and reunions - You almost die and reunite with an old ex-boyfriend... or not.
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Tipsy - Seamus takes care of you when you're drunk.
Safe in his arms - Brother!Harry Potter makes Seamus promise him to keep you safe because of how obvious your feelings are for each other.
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Just a swim - Percy's partner tries to get him to break a couple of rules.
How they react when you're in the mood*
'For the first time in his life, Percy pushes academics aside to focus on a girl, but his family doesn't know and thinks he has gone down a dark road.' coming soon...
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Guilt trip - Charlie tries to guilt trip the reader to visit his family with him.
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What's her face - Rita skeeter being annoying
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'Reader wakes George up to go out for a morning walk at the Burrow but George is feeling quite frisky and drags you behind a tree to give you some pleasure.' coming soon...
ᴄᴇᴅʀɪᴄ ᴅɪɢɢᴏʀʏ
No disturbances - You and Cedric make such a cute couple that teachers have turned a blind eye to several accounts of PDA.
Someone finds out you're dating
he gets turned on at the wrong time*
She gets turned on at the wrong time*
ꜱᴘᴇɴᴄᴇʀ ʀᴇɪᴅ
Our clouded ray of sunshine - In which the reader is the sunshine of the BAU, but the team finds her having a breakdown in the parking lot after a case.
Emily finds out
Suspicions - Spencer finally outs his and reader's relationship to the team, who inevitably already knew
Curtain Call - You're an actress. Opening night of the show, a cast member is killed. FBI finds out you were the real target...
No more ink - reader goes undercover for a mission and the team discovers all her tattoos. Tattoos which might be the reason her life ends.
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Haunting - Reader wakes up from a nightmare on the jet and Aaron comforts her.
someone you wanna fight loverboy?
Skin on skin** - In which you forget about the hickeys on your neck and when your boss finds out, he's not happy about it.
In which the team discovers you're dating - (single!mom!reader)
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Picture frames - In which you give Emily her things back after a messy breakup.
Open arms** - In which Emily tries winning her ex back in a dimly lit bar.
Back talk** - Emily decides to teach you a lesson after talking back to her at work.
Here's the link to my other marvel masterlist, with a list of old works that I want to keep separate from all my newer pieces.
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Valley Girl Charm** - In which reader from the 1940s knows just how to play the damsel in distress to get exactly what she wants in the modern age after coming out of the ice.
ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ
No boundaries** - You and Peter have been best friends forever with very little boundaries. What happens when you wake up to Peter having a wet dream about you? (https://rainydayathogwarts.tumblr.com/post/758075476014202881/no-boundaries-best-friends-peter-parker-and)
Nervous, nerdy Peter Parker always seems to have his eyes fixed on you whenever he stays on the bleachers 'reading his book', so you decide to confront him after practice, but it goes a little differently than you'd expected... coming soon.
ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ
Steve Rogers looked a little too close to Natasha's new recruited vigilante spy at practice and needs to blow off some steam afterwards in his room, but little does he know she's listening in through the door... coming soon
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Who knew a mere mortal woman could have the strongest god in all nine realms wrapped around her finger like a teenage boy?... coming soon
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Maneater** - Jennifer may need boys to survive but there's only one person she wants.
Photographs** - Obsessed!Jennifer comes up with a plan for you to end up in her bed instead of the boy toy crush of yours.
523 notes · View notes
starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
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"Katara Just Needed To Heal Zuko's Scar"
I understand why this argument is being made. After all, she offered to heal Zuko, and so she does. So why are the shippers trying to paint it as some romantic moment? It's a reasonable question. But I'm gonna try to answer it.
Zuko and Katara weren't in love in this scene for two reasons: Firstly, it's their first conversation, making any romantic development feel rushed and unnatural. Secondly, as fictional characters, they don't possess hidden feelings, unless the writers have confirmed otherwise.
So what argument is being made? The argument is that this moment is an example of ship baiting and could have served as romantic build up if the writers decided to go down that route, and I'll explain why.
1# Just because an action was necessary, doesn't mean it can't be seen as romantic
I know how this sounds, but hear me out. Let us take a look at another show, where you'd least expect to see a romantic connection, and the action was completely necessary. I want to discuss Rick and Morty's Beth x Beth.
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Beth is the last person who'd have tension with Beth, clearly it's disgusting. And she really did have to install that chip. But the thought did cross your mind, they did get together, and this scene was romantic build up, despite not being romantic in-universe.
Now that we've looked at the most extreme example ever, it's time to look at a classic: Aladdin. One of the most iconic moments in the movie is when Aladdin simply offers his hand to Jasmine so she'd get on the flying carpet, asking "Do you trust me"?
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Aladdin isn't asking if Jasmine trusts him because they're deeply bonded, he asks that because she's scared to get on the flying carpet. And he isn't reaching for her hand because he wants to hold her hand, he reaches because she'd needhelp getting on it. And yet, it's universally recognized as an incredibly romantic moment.
Very often writers use the mundane necessities like casual touch to set up romantic tension. This narrative approach allows for the gradual planting of the idea in the audience's mind, even in situations where intimacy may not be overtly present, adding nuance and depth to romantic storylines. And in fiction, it's everywhere.
2# The set up wasn't just necessity, it was an intimate moment
In this section I won't try to prove the gesture was romantic, I simply think it's crucial to understand the scene before analyzing it. Katara offering to heal Zuko's scar wasn't a necessity, the touch was the necessity after she already made the offer. This leaves us with a scene that begins with Katara thinking of Zuko as "the face of the enemy", and ends with Katara attempting to heal Zuko's scar.
The moment became intimate the second Katara brought up her mother, and Zuko, who doesn't normally share his emotions, make and effort to connect. Thus, they began to view the other differently, as someone similar to them.
Still, this is their first conversation. And Katara is under no obligation to be even somewhat nice to him. But she decides to use her spirit water on him, and if she had, Aang would have died. That's how important the spirit water is. Saying she "just needed to heal is scar" is quite reductant in my opinion. Choosing to heal him in and of itself is a radical and intimate decision.
Still, non of what I said so far is indicative of romantic build up. Nor is giving other examples from fiction of necessities being romantic indicative of this one being too. So, it's time to finally talk about the touch.
3# The action wasn't actually necessary, to the point where it makes very little sense
Let's remember how Katara did heal using the spirit water:
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She bends the water straight on Aang's back and starts bending it. I repeat: She bends the water straight on the injury.
So writers, please do tell me, if Katara wanted to heal Zuko's scar, where is the water?
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No water and no healing, becsuse it wouldn't look as intimate/shippy with water. Instead, what we got is two shots highlighting the pysical touch between them with soft violin sounds in the background.
In literature, what isn't in text isn't important and should be disregarded. Here, on paper Katara is healing Zuko's scar, but in practice there is no water and all of the focus is on the touching. Therefore, it's signaling the viewers that even though she just needs to cure him, it isn't important. With Katara's thumb on Zuko's lips, with a close up shot on the contact, the only thing that matters is, apparently, their pysical touch.
Additonally, they were interrupted before Katara could do actually anything anyway. In a universe where this scene wasn't ship teasing, Katara would take out the water, almost lay them on Zuko's scar, and then Aang and Iroh would break them out of the cave. Logically, Katara's hand shouldn't have gone anywhere near Zuko, and if it did, it should have looked incredibly unappealing.
But it didn't. In this already very intimate moment, the show puts all the focus on the pysicality of the healing, rather than the healing, and breaking its own logic to do so. Thus, they made it look a lot less like a simple necessity, but rather an act of pure intimacy, as often done in fiction when portraying romantic tension. And that's why this scene was ship baiting.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Ohhh!!! I hadn’t known about the vivre card.. that’s so good. Them slowly learning emotions is just as interesting.
I can only imagine 124ji get told to be careful around Sanji as early as possible because once they start roughhousing, it’s stuff that can break his bones no sweat, and they kind of need a framework to not crack their brother in half by accident. But they internalize it a little too hard. All they take away is that Sanji is FRAIL in general, and the idea that they are fundamentally different. Not in a negative way, but they start clinging to him and stopping him from doing things because they don’t have a gauge for what’s safe for him, just that they three are a lot tougher than him and thus they extrapolate They should be the ones doing things. When they’re very young it’s not for any particular reason, they haven’t really gotten there in terms of learning empathy. So it’s for some stupid reason, like them having come in a set of four and it being kind of awkward if they lost their third.
Sora and Mihawk have a hell of a time trying to correct that behavior because that wasn’t what they wanted the kids to take from it at all, but at least it’s better than the alternative, and eventually they get it to stop for a while… up until they start learning some emotions and identifying the ones they have, even if they’re muted.
They figure out they love their brother. They love the rest of their family, too, but they’ve never been presented to them as frail the way Sanji was. So they start doing the clinging again because they figured out that with this realization that they love him, the idea of ever losing him or having him be out of commission just becomes unsettling and uncomfortable. And this time Sanji is the one who gets them to stop— he wants to be independent, damnit!
By the time they’re adults it’s mostly gone away, but it’s an old habits die hard thing. There’s all these little movements and gestures they do when Sanji’s around that indicate they want to, but they’re holding themselves back. They get that their brother is now strong, maybe even as strong as them even if he doesn’t have an exoskeleton, and he’s competent and happy and does things on his own no issue, but the instinct remains.
(ALSO SORRY THIS ASK IS SO LONG!!! I’m a writer in my own right, and your stuff inspires me a bunch at times -v-)’’ )
So 124ji, for as long as they can remember being corrected from climbing on Sanji or hitting him or kicking him. Sanji cries when they do it but they don't. They don't get it for the first few explanations that Sanji is softer than them, not as sturdy. So 124ji are confused because why is Sanji so frail? They're all the same! Except Sanji has a picture like Mama and Papa but his isn't colorful. It's pretty though! So they start internalizing Sanji being frail and fragile. So they start not letting Sanji do things. If they hear any chastisements from their parents they don't let Sanji do those things anymore. Cracking eggs with Papa? Nope! Climbing to sit on the back of the chair or whatever? Not allowed! They're a set and you can't break the set!
Sora and Mihawk are staring at them in amusement but also knowing they fucked up with the corrections because they won't let Sanji be independent. The little blond is suddenly at the back of the line the kids travel in. He's not allowed to be in the water because he might drown, despite the fact they can all drown-bath time is such a struggle now. It was only because Sanji had waded a tad to deep on the beach without him or Sora or Reiju and now the three of them are telling Sanji he can't take a bath and Sanji is getting upset and looking at Mihawk with teary eyes. So Mihawk bathes those three, drops them off with Sora and Reiju and then bathes Sanji because lord have mercy he has four boys and Reiju's just as bad.
They do eventually correct the corrections so Sanji can be wild and free and cook. It took a while but they're lovely kids, really. They swear. They have their challenges but it's good. Mihawk never thought he would have a family this big so it's nice and he has Sora, something else he never thought he would be able to say. The fact that some nights Mihawk and Sora are pulled into the library with all the blankets and pillows the kids can find and a fort made big enough for them all.
And when they're older and learning emotions? They learn they love their brother and fall back into old habits. Especially when they learn that Sanji is the only one of them with a soulmate. So they have to protect him if someone out there is going to love their brother as much as they do. They all doubt Sanji's soulmate will BUT the point remains! So they fall back into their old habits, if Sanji gets sick they're the ones taking care of him. Any knicks, or cuts or scrapes or anything they bandage. It's almost like they're developing anxiety over but Sanji keeps insisting he can take care of himself. He starts refusing their help and being coddled by them. So they start letting him and living with that unsettling feeling but as they get older it gets less and less, easier to deal with. Sanji knows they love him, even if he is different.
When Sanji goes to work and then joins the crew and it's nice to breathe and fight and have equal matches to him and Sanji loves his Nakama he does. Eventually though, probably post timeskip. The crew is astonished at Mihawk because he's so fundamentally different with five kids and a soulmark he doesn't hide. 124ji are all over their brother as Reiju watches softly and points it out to their mom. They're being good when Zoro and Sanji fight and Luffy flings himself into the blond. Half steps taken then back tracked, jolts of hands that can't decide where to be. The brothers have worked hard okay? They know he's capable and have read the news.
Then the tips of Sanji's soulmark peak above the collar of his shirt, and Niji, loving Niji, sees it's not just an outline but can't tell if it's greyed out or not demands Sanji to take his shirt off so they can see. They're back to being all over the cook as the crew watches.
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nukedimplosion · 8 months
Why I believe Spade King will be redeemed
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The Spade King is a... controversial character to say the least. From what I've seen, opinions of him range from a complete monster to an abusive douche with little leeway.
So, making a post about how this villain will be redeemed in future chapters may seem like a slap in the face. Let it be known that none of this is to upset real survivors of abuse, but instead it is to highlight the many indicators I feel show that Spade King is not beyond redemption.
I personally have had this theory since around when chapter 2 came out, and time has only solidified it, but this is the first time I actually got the confidence to post it.
That being said, let's get into the evidence.
In the 6th anniversary stream for Undertale, Fangamer played through an edited version of Deltarune with Toby Fox making comments about development, the characters etc.
When facing the Spade King, Fangamer talked about how they hoped Spade King had been a good dad 'before the other mouth grew in'.
Toby Fox then says this;
'I mean, I think that fountain definitely changed his behaviour. For sure.'
This quote is stated around the 3 hour mark of the livestream video below.
So what does this mean? You may want to argue that Toby was not be literal when he made this statement, and that the fountain was a simple temptation instead of something that directly effected his behaviour. But then there's the queen...
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The queen seems to have also experienced this fountain brought phenomena despite only wanting to use it to serve the Lightners instead of oppose.
She threatens and attempts to kill the Lightners. She establishes a regime significantly more strict then the last. She won't stop going on about the Knight. These are all things the King does as well.
It seems that the fountain abstracts the behaviour of their respective rulers for the sake of the Knight.
Okay, so the fountain impacts the King's behaviour, great. Doesn't change the fact that he threatened his son, and refuses to apologise or acknowledge his wrong doing now the fountain is closed.
Well, that leads me onto the next part...
Let's immediately establish one thing; the Chaos King does care for his son. While how genuine that care is is debated by the fandom, I would like to make the case that he was a good dad and does want Lancer to be happy.
First of all is the quote about the fountain that Toby made in the anniversary stream, which was a reply to a comment about how Fangamer hoped that he was a good dad.
Replying then seems to indicate that the fountain did impact his ability to be a good father.
More importantly is his dialogue in jail.
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Here, he asked directly if his son is happy, in hesitant, even reserved manner. This is in direct contrast to how he mocks the Lightners with his boisterous grin or cruel frown.
Remember when he was yelling that he'll 'KILL ALL OF YOU' while his subjects dragged him away? An insurrection led by his son, who he called a traitor? Despite this, he seems to hold no ill will towards his son or his fellow darkners (we'll get to that). This behaviour I believe was caused by the fountain, thus the attitude change.
And yes, I do acknowledge that he has lied for sympathy before (his act before Ralsei healed him in chapter 1), but this is different. There is no reason to lie at this point; there's no way they would believe him.
He also admits that if he HAD let his son go, Lancer would have just... bounced. He then calls his son a bouncy little pumpkin. This line is notably similar to a line right after Susie casts pacify on him, calling her a 'sweet little pumpkin', again hinting that he was a good dad before the fountain and his love towards Lancer isn't a lie.
'But' you may argue, 'Lancer was afraid! He knew his son was scared of him but kept threatening anyways!'
Which is a valid point, and is obviously horrible.
BUT combined with the fountain being an impact for his decisions, I think it is also a valid idea that there's more to it than 'The Spade King is abusive'.
Both the Queen and King are callous when it comes to the opinion and wellbeing of others. Queen spends the entirety of Chapter 2 attempting to force Noelle to do as she says, even threatening to kill her classmates (and crush) for the sake of her goal.
What King does is similar, making Lancer watch as his friends get killed because he didn't do as he said. It's cruel, yes, but this is another case where you can argue the fountain may have led to this mutual behaviour.
(You may argue that the Queen has the excuse of being a computer who isn't completely in tune with peoples emotions. This argument doesn't really make sense because she actively uses Noelle's emotions against her in a way that shows she understands how upset it makes her.)
I do believe that Spade King knew his son was upset and still went along with it. This post isn't some elongated argument for Spade King's sainthood.
But I do have to say, him being aware and still going along with it may explain why he's hesitant to talk about Lancer in his jail cell. He knows he messed up and is feeling guilty post-fountain, he's just too prideful to up and say it to the face of the enemy. What he did is not a show of Spade King's abusive inhernet nature but an example of the fountain clouding his full judgement at that moment.
Also, you may argue that Spade King was neglectful of his son, leaving him to Rouxls Kaard to be cared for. I do believe that there has been a bit of exaggeration on this point. Yes, he does put his son in the care of his employees perhaps more than he should, but he's also straight up a King. He's a busy guy.
'Oh, but he doesn't feed him, the poor boy is starving!'
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Honestly, my big question is why he's cooking in the first place. He's a King, he has subjects literally fanning his son and he can't afford one chef? It seems like this is more a downtime thing he does with his son for the sake of family bonding (may explain where the food based nickname of 'sweet little pumpkin' came from) and he knows his son will be fed by his employees when he's busy.
Again, too dependent, but I don't see any signs of such an intense neglect to call him a bad dad.
Of course, this is more in the assumption category. It is possible the neglect is more active and that the King is just a douche, but I feel that we are being purposely mislead here.
Now, onto the final point.
Let's talk about why Spade King did what he did.
Spade King hates Lightners, that much is obvious. He calls them scum, says that 'their existence goes against our own' and feels absolutely no guilt towards trying to kill them post-fountain.
Which isn't really not justified. Darkners were made to keep Lightners happy, only to be abandoned by them. The Chaos King has to watch as the kingdom, HIS kingdom, rotted without meaning. He had to raise his son with the understanding that he would never be 'truely happy' because the so called only source of happiness for Darkners left them to the wayside.
So, when the Knight came, is it really that surprising he would try to create a 'new purpose' as he said? Yes, perhaps world domination is a bit insane (maybe he's dramatic like that, maybe it was the fountain, he does hate Lightners so it's likely both) but the core of his ideals, that darkners can be something beyond what they are to Lightners is not only justified but correct.
In the scene where the gang are walking to the castle in Chapter 1, Lancer acknowledges how happy he is to be here, feeling like he's doing 'something important'. Ralsei replies that this is because he is serving the Lightners and that is the purpose of the Darkners.
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Susie is notably uncomfortable, and dismisses Ralsei's point as 'weird purpose' talk and simply says that Lancer is just happy because he ate a weird berry. This is the first sign that the plot beat of Darkners only gaining happiness from Lightners is not just going to be an accepted status quo by the main cast and that there is likely to be more contention about the subject in the future.
(I would also like to mention that Ralsei in this scene asks if the Spade King is happy, in which Lancer very hesitantly says he's not sure.)
Then, in chapter 2, Ralsei is shown to be confused about friendship. He starts to understand that friendship is more than just being nice all the time and that he should be more 'Ralsei-like', meaning more like himself.
The problem is that he doesn't know what that is. He's spent all this time forming himself into the perfect companion but he doesn't know how to be himself. This is a result of his purpose, his wish to be the perfect Darkner for his friends. Now, his purpose seems more cloudy. Should he continue being the perfect little angel for his friends or should he become someone who is more genuine on their own terms, like what his friends seem to want?
While Ralsei is still doing everything he can for the Lighteners, he is slowly becoming his own individual, which is what the King wanted for all Darkners.
Then there's the general themes of control. Be it Kris, the secret bosses or the Spade King, all of these people wish to be more than the binds that control them. While the Spade King is acting on behalf of the Knight, he does so to free his people from the influence of the Lightners, to make purpose on their own terms and be their own people.
Just like how Kris wishes to be free from, you, the player, also making their own purpose and be their own person. May I remind you that the Darkners are media and toys, fun things meant to be enjoyed. They are in universe equivalents of video game characters, made to entertain Lightners, just like Kris, Ralsei and Susie are made to entertain us. The only difference is that the latter is closer to the forth wall.
So yes, while his world domination thing was wack, I believe the Spade King is righteous in his core values.
So why doesn't any other character seem to agree?
Ralsei completely believes that Darkners can only gain happiness from Lightners, Queen does everything she does for the sake of Lightners, hell, the town that the Darkners live in isn't named after the Prince or anything but you, a Lightner. They even call you boss!
At this point, the only character who cares for Darkners having a purpose outside of Lightners is locked in a jail cell.
Now, it is possible that Toby Fox introduces another character who has Spade King's beliefs but is less nasty about it, but that's lame. It's also possible that Ralsei has an epiphany and realise that Darkners deserve better and that becomes the result of his arc. Better, and I can see him going in that direction, but I still think it's less satisfactory.
In any route in which you don't get all recruits, the King is the only person who acknowledges this and is actively upset about it. Even the Queen is hesitant yet still ultimately okay with leaving her subjects behind because the Lightners are onboard.
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The goofy cutscene where he asks for cashews? Gone. He simply remarks on how you left them behind like Lightners left the Card Kingdom darkners behind and tells you to 'Begone'. The first line is said with a smile, knowing that he's been proven right but after that, the smile leaves and he's just... cold. He seems genuinely upset about what happened to the Darkners you left behind, portrayed with a '...' in his second line and the loss of his smile. He is not trying to trick you, you simply disgust him at this point. He cares for Darkners in a way that no character has shown yet (aside from Nubert (the goat))
This is why the title of this post is why Spade King is GOING to be redeemed and not me saying he SHOULD be. The difference in levity between an interaction with the Spade King post full recruits and not full recruits indicates that by getting recruits, the King is more willing to acknowledge you and, perhaps with time, your points and intentions. If Spade King was supposed to be this abusive bastard, having characters such as the Queen be on positive terms with him seems strange. You can argue nuance all you want, but the Queen, a character who we're supposed to like, being friends with a character we're supposed to end up hating seems like a strange writing decision no matter how you slice it. Especially if he's a straight up child abuser.
(yes I know she might not know but are you really expecting an epic drama where Queen finds out he's an abusive scumbag and calls him out? Having a morally positive character be friends with an abuser can work but in this situation, it is objectively a weird choice and I will argue on that)
He asks for cashews in this chapter and suckles out a giant hamster water container. Maybe the second serves to make him look pathetic, but then the Queen apparently has the same thing but bigger. The cashew bit is played off as endearing more then anything.
This is all because you got those recruits. Without them, he doesn't even talk to you. Therefore, it can be concluded that Spade King does have a chance. After all, if all of him was completely against you and believed you would be bound to abandon them, he would not be talking to you in any route. It's only when you prove it directly that he stops.
Toby Fox uses the recruit dialogue to endear you to him, which I presume is to set up a redemption if you continue to go down the recruit everyone path. By proving him wrong in future chapters, I presume he will talk more about himself and his ideals and perhaps listen to the Fun Gang and his son in turn.
My prediction is that over the course of the chapters, players will see more and more endearing aspects of the Chaos King, with things such as his theoretical neglect and love for Lancer being properly clarified and elaborated on, but only if you keep all recruits. He will still be sceptical, perhaps even leading to him going against you when the Knight returns, but he will ultimately fight by your side if you have successfully convinced him through your treatment of the Darkners that Lightners aren't bad after all.
Hopefully by the ending point, Ralsei would have had enough of an extential crisis to hear the Spade King out on his whole 'Darkners deserve to be happy without the Lightners' deal. Susie would absolutely be on board with her friends finding happiness without needing Lightners (I can see her arguing with Ralsei about it in a future chapter).
I can see him sacrificing himself, but I don't want Lancer to deal with that.
The final point I would like to mention is his place in the narrative. A lot of people have argued that all he is meant to be in an objective evil to prove that Ralsei was wrong about fighting never being the answer and that a redemption would ruin that, and yes, that is his role is chapter 1.
But if that was his only purpose, bringing him back as the only person to actively acknowledge the consequences of your lack of recruits seems pointless. Giving him moments of endearment and clarifying he loves his son is unnecessary. You, again, can argue it's for the sake of nuance but I think at this point I have clarified that there is a lot more to it than that.
Besides, what would be more satisfying to see than the most stubborn character of your journey, the only one you could not convince in the chapter he appeared in, joining your side as a result of you sparing every darkner you can?
In a game with only one ending, making routes like full mercy seem worth it is kind of important if you want players to bother caring about those mechanics. The few dialogue changes we do get really don't cut it.
But witnessing the development of a character who you started off hating but then becomes your ally due to your decisions and comes to help you in your darkest hour?
That would be worth it.
Thanks for reading this theory! It's been a while since I've written a theory like that. Do say your opinions, I know this is a desisive topic but I am still happy to hear people's perspectives!
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dragon-kazansky · 7 months
Veil of the dreamless
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Morpheus x Reader
A cursed Morpheus holds your father prisoner when he enters The Dreaming without permission. You, also able to enter the realm, take his place. Now a prionser to the Dream Lord, you do all you can to learn about the curse and hopefully break it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Six - A chance to bond
You paced back and forth in your room. Matthew stood on the back of a chair looking at you. You were worried sick.
On one hand, he was pleased to see you care so much for his master. On the other hand, he was worried sick too.
Morpheus had received more than a few slashes. Lucienne had been up all night with him trying to treat his wounds, but judging by the sound of things, it wasn't going well.
Your door opens and Lucienne enters.
"How is he?" You ask, approaching her.
"He is being a pain. He won't let me do much to help him. I managed to tend to soke of his wounds, but he's still being a child when it come to others."
You frown. "Can I do anything?"
"Perhaps you can," she smiles.
You head toward his room and peek inside. Morpheus in his bed. He looks like a big lump of feathers. You enter slowly and close the door behind you. He hears the click of the door.
"Go away, Lucienne."
"It's not Lucienne..."
His head peeks up into view, and you see his piercing blue eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
"I've come to help." You get closer to the bed.
"I don't need help."
"So you're injuries are okay?" You ask.
"Yes." He moves and then hisses, indicating he's still hurt. "No..."
"Let me see."
"No." He uses his wings to hide.
He doesn't budge. You sigh. You look up at the rose of rubies. "What is it?"
Morpheus doesn't need to look to know what you're talking about. He sighs and lowers his wings. "A clock."
"A clock?" You turn back to him.
"When the last petal crumbles, I will be stuck like this forever. It's a sick game my sibling it playing."
You use this conversation as a distraction to tend to his wounds. "Tell me."
"Desire was never particularly fond of me. Always scheming and playing games. They once had me captured for a century, and one time tried to make me kill my own kin."
"That's awful!"
He doesn't seem to notice you wrapping a wound on his upper arm.
"This was their grand plan for me. Curse me to look like a monster for eternity."
"Isn't there a way to stop it? To break the spell?" You ask softly.
"Yes, but no one is going to- Hey!" He hisses as you try to put ointment kn a wound on his hand. It stings his skin. "That hurts!"
"Oh, don't be a baby!"
"I didn't ask for your help." He grumbles.
"Well, you have it. So toughen up." You wrap his hand. "There. You should heal up in no time."
He doesn't say anything. He just sits there, brooding. You look at him and sigh softly.
"Thank you for saving me."
"You wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't run away."
"I wouldn't have run away if you hadn't frightened me."
"I wouldn't have frightened you if you had just stayed out like you were told." He glares at you.
You cross your arms and scoff. "Look, I'm stuck in this palace as much as you are. You can at least be honest with me about things."
"I'm sorry for frightening you..."
You look at him softly. "You're forgiven. I'm sorry for snooping."
He looks back at you. "You're forgiven."
You smile.
"I have a gift for you..." He tells you.
"A gift?"
He nods and starts climbing out of bed. You go to stop him, but he stops you with a smile. "Come with me."
You stay close to him, making sure he's okay while he walks. You're worried about his wounds, but he doesn't seem bothered.
He leads you down the stairs and down another grand hall. This one you hadn't been down before. You hadn't even noticed it before. You follow Morpheus quietly.
You come to two grand doors. Morpheus looks at you with a smile. "Ready?"
Morpheus pushes the doors open, and you look inside. You gasp softly at the sight. You knew there was a library here, but you had no idea just how huge it was. Lucienne stands from her desk and smiles at you both.
Morpheus towers behind you as you look around. You smile as you take it all in.
"This is amazing!"
Morpheus smiles. "I have all books in here. Even those not yet written."
You look at him. "Not yet written?"
He nods. "I am gifting you the library. Lucienne will still manage it, but the library is yours as far as I'm concerned."
You turn to Lucienne. She senses you want to ask her if that's really okay, she stops you with a raised hand. "It's more than alright. Feel free to use the library as see fit."
You smile. "Thank you, Lucienne." You turn back to Morpheus. "Thank you."
He looks a little sheepish. "You don't have to thank me."
"Thank you anyway."
Lucienne watches the two with a smile. It's working. They're starting to like each other. Maybe you really were the one who would break the spell. Lucienne wishes with all her heart that it would be true.
The way her lord looks at you. She is so sure he was falling in love with you. Perhaps he just needed another push.
Lucienne had an idea.
@littleblackcatinwonderland - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @missdreamofendless - @intothesoul -
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soireegurl · 7 months
"Jungwon... I need some time alone please..."
You said as you let out a big sigh.
"W-what...? Why? Did... Did I do something wrong?"
Jungwon panicked as he held your hands with his.
"No you didn't... It's just I need some time alone... I- Jungwon, we can't be together for 24/7..."
You said trying to explain to Jungwon in the nicest way possible so you don't hurt Jungwon.
It's not that you don't like Jungwon or is tired of him...
He is the sweetest boyfriend ever, but... Just a little too clingy...
You were okay with the clinginess at first as you thought I was cute and you felt loved and needed.
But it's starting to get suffocating recently.
He has been clinging onto you every second.
Even if you go to the toilet, he has to stand outside and make sure he can hear your voice or at least a sound to indicate that you are still there.
He is acting as if you will disappear out of nowhere.
You tried to understand his feelings and tried to be in his shoes, but the more you do this, the more he continues and you see the need to stop this now.
"Why can't we be together 24/7? You love me and I love you too..."
Jungwon said as his eyes gets teary.
" Yes I do love you Jungwon... But... I can't be with you evey second... Right?"
"we'll both get a work soon and we have to be separated... How are you gonna deal with it then?"
You tried to reason.
"Then we can work together... It's not impossible to stay together..."
Jungwon made his point.
You didn't know how to reply, what he say isn't wrong... But... You really need sometime alone, or with your friends...
"Yes it's not impossible... But Jungwon, I need time alone and with my friends. I want to... So please... Grant me that at least?"
"At least for today?"
You tried to plead him, hoping that he'll agree just for today... At least...
Jungwon didn't say anything and kust stood there staring at you.
You didn't know what he meant, but you take it as a yes.
"okay... Then I'll leave now... I'll be back by evening ok..."
You quickly went out of the house before Jungwon could say anything.
[time skip]
It was 8pm when you reach home... You came back a little later than you promised, but it isn't that bad right?
You were shocked that Jungwon did not call you at all, but you were glad... He finally understood...
"Wonie! I'm home!"
The house was dark, no lights were on, this is odd.
You thought maybe Jungwon went to sleep.
But this early?
You went straight to the bedroom.
It was so dark that you couldn't see anything.
You touched around trying to find the switch for the lights and when you did, you pressed on it.
When the room is finally litted, you saw Jungwon curled up in the corner, asleep.
You walked closer to him and saw that there was tears dried up on his face. And... A bandage on his wrist?!
You quickly rushed to him to see if he is okay.
You kneeled down and shake Jungwon.
"Wonie! Wake up! Don't scare me!"
You let out a deep breath when you saw Jungwon open his eyes.
"Oh my god... Thank god you are okay..."
You hugged Jungwon and patted his head.
"I was so scared... I miss you so much..."
Jungwon cried.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry... "
You felt really guilty. You didn't know you affected Jungwon so much.
"What happened to your wrist? Did you?"
You asked, trying to get verification form Jungwon.
"I'm sorry... I was.... I was just... Sad... But but... I stopped when I think about you... If i die, I wouldn't be able to see you anymore... So I stopped..."
Jungwon explained while stuttering.
"it's okay... It's okay now... I'm sorry Wonie... "
You apologised again and hugged him
Jungwon hugged you back while a smirk slowly appeared on his face.
"I'm sorry, I won't leave you alone anymore..."
Hearing you words, Jungwon knew he succeeded...
He knew you were soft heart and he hit right on the spot....
Yoi Yandere manipulative Jungwon~
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