#it will be fine. btw. leon and cassidy had a bet going on how long it would take for seb and aubrey to fuck nasty
ruvviks · 1 year
– Afterparty.
Characters >> Aubrey Valentine (oc), Sebastian Vidal (other's oc) Total >> 5.8k words Warnings >> Alcohol, blood mention, drugs, NSFW, some vague mentions of uncomfortable sexual experiences, violence mention Context >> It's August 2081, some time after Cassidy and Sebastian return from the spaceship Elysium; the Cobras have started a collaboration with Aubrey's fixer business, which often leads to Aubrey and Sebastian going on gigs together, much like this one Disclaimer >> No cheating going on here, these men are in some weird undefinable polyamorous relationship don't even worry about it
‘Watch your step, darling.’
The motel room was mostly dark, some bright pink neon light from outside pouring in through the half opened door and the blinded window beside it. Both men entering struggled to find the light switch, simultaneously giving up before slamming the door shut behind them.
Not the most ideal way to spend the night- but they could not complain. Motels in Japantown were significantly better than the cheaper variants in neighboring subdistricts and taking the end of their recently finished gig into consideration it was safer than going back home for the night, in case any reinforcements had been sent to track them down.
‘Could’ve gone better, won’t lie,’ Seb said, the mechanical edge to his voice sharper than usual as a result of their long night out. He fumbled taking out his phone, squinting at the screen while turning on his flashlight and he shone it directly into Aubrey’s eyes who immediately attempted- and failed- to slap his hands away.
‘Always room for improvement,’ he mumbled in return, landing a successful hit on Seb’s phone and nearly knocking it out of his hands. ‘I’d say we did quite well considering the circumstances.’
‘Circumstances-? You mean the easily avoidable consequences of our own actions?’
‘I mean the unfortunate reality of the fine and significantly more dead than before young man being heterosexual and not falling for our irresistible charm. How were we supposed to know? Him dressed in a suit like that?’
Of course it was always a gamble- though usually their attempts at seducing security went a lot better than that particular night, where the incident had not only caused them to be unable to gather enough information on their target, but had also caused a huge fight to break out leaving more than a dozen gang members dead and the two of them covered in blood, scrapes and bruises.
Seb sighed a little more dramatically than necessary and put his hand on his hip, still shining the flashlight directly in Aubrey’s face and moving his arm around to dodge his attacks. But the upturn of the usually slightly lopsided corner of his mouth and the shimmer in his pale blue eyes told Aubrey the adrenaline of the fight was still in the other man’s system, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t feeling the same thing too.
‘We did what we could, and there’s always next time,’ he said, finally managing to get a hold of Seb’s phone and he tossed it on the nightstand, the flashlight illuminating the ceiling above their heads. ‘We know where the target is- can always get them tomorrow.’
‘Love how you keep saying “we”,’ Seb interrupted him, taking a step closer- using every single one of the nearly four inches they differed in height to tower over Aubrey, who felt anything but intimidated. ‘Shifting blame, now?’
‘Are you saying it’s my fault?’
‘I’m not not saying it.’
‘Now you’re just saying words back at me.’
Seb wiggled his eyebrows and Aubrey rolled his eyes, turning his head away- though before he could do that a strong hand suddenly grabbed his jaw, locking his head in place, and he sucked in a shallow breath when Seb pulled him in and leaned a little closer.
‘Trying to change the subject?’ he asked, not loosening his grip but simultaneously gently running his thumb over the edge of Aubrey’s cyberjaw. ‘We failed the gig, Bee. And I wanna know why.’
They’d been drinking.
Not as if it did them much; both men could easily down several bottles in a night and would barely suffer the consequences the next morning, a mild headache and some dizziness at worst but nothing an ibuprofen or- well, another shot or two- couldn’t fix.
But the influence of the alcohol, as little as it was- mixed with whatever drugs they’d been snorting and inhaling and shotgunning directly into each other’s mouths and the leftover adrenaline from the fight- was causing Aubrey’s head to spin in a way he had never expected it to in the presence of Sebastian of all people.
And naturally when said man reached up his other hand to wipe some blood off his cheek, Aubrey in turn grabbed his wrists and shoved him back into the wall, pinning his hands above his head and barely able to suppress a smile when a noise of surprise left Seb’s throat.
‘Too close for comfort?’ Aubrey playfully asked, though tilted his head in genuine questioning manner as he waited for Seb to respond- a simple shake of the head, causing the tips of their noses to brush past one another.
‘Perhaps you do have a point,’ he continued, tightening his grip on Seb’s wrists when he tried to wriggle himself free. ‘Suppose I was a little distracted. Rarely happens. Caught me on a bad day it seems.’
That was a lie. Aubrey was very easily distracted by everything around him, though that was not nearly what he was aiming for with his monologue, his free hand running down Seb’s half exposed chest under the glittery suit jacket that he was wearing- before he hooked his thumb into it to pull the single button holding the two halves together loose.
‘See?’ Seb said in return, slightly arching his back from the wall and rolling his hips forward- similar to how the two of them had danced together in that overcrowded club while on the gig, and it was almost as if Aubrey could hear the music play in the distance again. ‘So easy to just admit when you’ve done something wrong.’
‘Hm- You’re right. I’m sorry.’
The whiny undertone of Aubrey’s voice was feigned, though his spiked heartbeat was very much real, as was the blood rushing down when Seb’s hips collided with his own once more. He leaned in- ‘I won’t let it happen again,’ whispered right against Seb’s skin while pressing a soft kiss on the corner of his lips.
It was funny, how their relationship had developed over time.
To think that Aubrey had been jealous of Sebastian at first- scared of, well, what, exactly? That Leon would fall for a man in a committed relationship with someone else and Aubrey would no longer have a chance with him?
Seb finally managed to free his hands from Aubrey’s grip and cupped his cheek with one, the other freely roaming his mostly naked torso under the thin mesh shirt he was wearing. Their foreheads still rested against each other- and Aubrey grabbed Seb’s shoulder tightly when his thigh was gripped with equal force, foot lifted from the floor when Seb pulled his leg up to his own.
‘Good,’ he breathed, lips brushing past Aubrey’s with a hint of a smile lingering on them. ‘Wouldn’t want to get punished for it now, would we?’
From a strained collaboration in Elysium- circumstances leaving them with no alternative and Aubrey’s initial wariness of the two strangers on the spaceship lingering longer than necessary- to perfectly in sync teamwork back in Night City, both in their respective businesses as well as in the field. The last thing Aubrey had expected to happen; as well as all the kissing and dry humping in their work breaks, but he was all but complaining.
He leaned in even further, leaving a trail of kisses on Seb’s cyberjaw all the way to his ear- ‘Maybe you should, make sure it won’t happen ever again,’ teeth grazing past the sensitive skin just around his cyberware and tugging on one of his earrings.
‘I’ve been told I’m good at that,’ Seb replied, nails dragging over Aubrey’s thigh as he instead grabbed his ass and gave it a squeeze. And Aubrey merely pushed himself closer, tight pants even tighter now that he had given in to the tension in his lower abdomen and he reached up to grab Seb’s jaw-
‘I’ll be the judge of that.’
It was always exciting to kiss Seb- the sweet and sour taste of the cherry candy cocktail he’d been sipping away at earlier that night spilling into Aubrey’s mouth like a drug entering his bloodstream and causing his head to spin. A muffled moan left his lips when Seb eagerly bit his lower lip- and another followed when the other man took advantage of the moment by pushing his tongue into Aubrey’s mouth, teeth clacking together as they both pushed themself as close to the other as physically possible in the slightly out of sync kiss.
He felt weightless; quite literally so, lifted off his feet by Seb who tossed him on the bed and lowered himself on top of him, locking him in place though keeping most his weight on his forearms still.
‘Are you going to be a good boy for me?’ he asked, purposely deepened voice accentuating the raw, mechanical edge to it even more so than before.
‘Can’t make any promises,’ Aubrey breathed in return, grabbing Seb’s jacket to yank him down for another kiss- though Seb was stronger and pulled back right before their lips could touch, leaning down further to move toward his ear instead and causing the hairs in Aubrey’s neck to stand up straight.
‘That’s alright,’ he whispered, and pressed his lips right on the spot where Aubrey’s cyberjaw connected with his skin.
‘I’ll make sure you behave one way or another.’
Aubrey had heard that sentence before. Many, many times.
Had never had the money to go to college himself but had had enough friends to essentially live on campus with them, hopping from dorm to dorm- payment through providing tech services, shady hacking jobs or, well, through other means- free access to any and every party and other activities they participated in.
And he had always been so easily influenced by others. A strange need to fit in, in a way; perhaps not in appearance or behavior, but through playing along with their little games, people-pleasing left and right by doing everything they wanted of him just to feel something, just to feel like he was part of something, just to not be all alone.
How often Aubrey had found himself pinned to a mattress in someone’s shitty dorm room or in a random motel, hands freely traveling over his body, lips and teeth marking territory, hips rolling down and colliding with his own; how often had he stared at the ceiling caught in a haze of pleasure, breathing in the same air as the person- or people- on top of him, or underneath him, how often had he surrendered himself completely to strangers just to feel alive.
And he had loved every single second of it.
But it had never felt right.
Aubrey wrapped his arms around Seb’s neck and pulled him closer, lips brushing past each other before he slightly turned his head and instead licked some blood off Seb’s cheek. The bitter, metallic taste barely bothered him- he had become familiar enough with it over time after everything that had happened in Elysium- and leaned in for another kiss when a quiet whine left Seb’s lips.
‘Eager tonight, huh?’ Seb mumbled in return, his thighs locking Aubrey into place the second he attempted to push himself closer. ‘What’s the rush?’
‘None of your business,’ Aubrey mumbled back- but the sudden higher pitch of his voice and his heart racing in his chest gave him away and his eyes fluttered shut when Seb left a trail of kisses along his jaw all the way to his ear.
He still often could not help but wonder how things had changed so suddenly for them. He and Seb were friends, nothing more- right?- and both in a committed relationship with someone else, and while Aubrey was polyamorous and would not mind at all to broaden his horizons he had no idea if anyone else involved would be okay with that.
Yet somewhere along the way they had started to kiss each other. An accident at first- less so of an accident the second time round, and Cassidy and Leon were fine with it so obviously it had kept happening in the heat of the moment after jobs, during jobs, hell, whenever they would find a moment in the car waiting for a target or client to show up.
After all, why wouldn’t he? Seb was a very attractive man, a fighter on the surface but a lover first and foremost with a gentleness to him that nearly exceeded Leon; Aubrey would be lying if he said he had expected any of that from the man who had once been meant to become an Arasaka killing machine.
Gentle, and kind, and careful- teeth grazing past Aubrey’s ear and breath hot on his skin but lips curled up in a little smile as he pressed another kiss on Aubrey’s jaw, who in return could barely suppress a whiny sigh while running a hand through Seb’s silvery gray hair.
‘What’s the matter, Aubrey?’ Seb whispered in his ear, tightening his thighs around Aubrey’s hips the second his hair was pulled on with a bit more force than initially meant for. ‘You seem restless. Anything I can do to help?’
Aubrey was unable to answer, breathing shallow and head spinning as Seb rolled his hips forward and grinded down on him causing blood to rush down even more than it already had. Seb dipped his head forward- ‘Use your words, baby,’ softly whispered against Aubrey’s skin before he pressed a kiss on his neck and let his hand travel up Aubrey’s mesh shirt to grab his chest.
Is this really happening?
Another whine escaped Aubrey’s lips and he reached down for Seb’s waist, pulling him closer as his mouth involuntarily opened and he was only just able to suppress a shaky moan. And Seb kissed him again- somehow messier than before, thumb running over Aubrey’s nipple and his other hand gently holding his neck.
One thing would lead to another and before he would know it, it was already too late.
It had left him with more regrets than he could count on his hands, but his desperation- and addiction, to a certain degree- had rendered him unable to stop making the same damn mistakes over and over again, like a broken record player blasting the same old tune on full volume for everyone to hear.
And even now, still, Seb’s jacket draped over the doorknob of the motel room’s entrance, Aubrey’s mesh shirt dropped on the floor and their shoes kicked off and scattered across the room, it was happening again- but this felt like anything but a mistake, Seb’s body heavy on his own but comforting in a way only few had managed to do in all of those years, and despite the man’s teeth once more digging themselves into his lip and his hands gripping Aubrey’s body tight enough for bruises to take shape he felt safer than he had felt at any point earlier that night.
‘Mmh- Fuck, baby,’ Seb breathed, briefly pulling back to gasp for air but before he could fully do so Aubrey had already yanked him back by his necklace and he allowed Seb to steal the air from his lungs, the taste of his lips more addicting than any amount of pleasure he could give him. He moved his hands down, grabbing Seb’s thighs- nails digging through the tight leather into his flesh and it was met with an approving whine directly into Aubrey’s mouth.
How good it felt, to be that close to someone. How good it felt to trust someone enough to let them take full control- and in that moment Aubrey would let Seb do anything to him, desperately attempting to spread his legs locked between the other man’s thighs just a little further, searching for just a little more friction.
His desperation had never been all that reciprocated.
Not in the way he meant it, at least; obviously wanting the pleasure, but wanting the vulnerability too, both the physical as well as the emotional closeness with another human being he could not easily get out of any other situation. His past partners had mostly been chasing their own high- and their own finish- leaving Aubrey satisfied enough in the end but still wondering where he’d gone wrong.
But Seb was different.
The constant grinding since he had tossed Aubrey on the bed, the not-so-subtle glances to check his reactions between kisses and teases, the soft smiles before his teeth would dig into the sensitive skin of Aubrey’s neck- his fingertips leaving a burning trail behind on Aubrey’s skin as they traveled down and locked his hips into place, one hand slipping into the front of his pants drawing an embarrassingly loud moan from his lips.
‘I’ll be honest with you, this- this doesn’t feel like- like punishment much,’ Aubrey breathed, eyes fluttering shut as he rolled his hips forward to meet the rhythmical movements of Seb’s hand in the middle. ‘But I’m not complaining.’
‘I can tell.’ A quiet giggle left Seb’s lips with the statement and he sank his teeth into Aubrey’s shoulder again, speeding up the slightest bit when another moan rolled off Aubrey’s tongue.
‘Now shut up and let me do my job, yes?’
‘Good boy.’
Aubrey’s head was spinning.
Seb gently held his waist and Aubrey instantly grabbed his hand, squeezing a little as Seb began leaving soft kisses from his shoulder down over his collarbones and chest, following the curve of the cyberware crossing over his side to his hip and then back to his tummy and down his happy trail-
Surely he was dreaming.
The feeling of the other man’s lips locking around him was enough to raise Aubrey’s back from the mattress, arching into Seb’s gentle touch as he tilted his head up and opened his mouth for a soundless moan. The wave of relief quickly settled deep within his stomach; and he reached down to rest his hand on Seb’s head, fingers burying themselves in his hair.
Surely he was dreaming. Right?
Aubrey glanced down, barely able to see Seb through the haze of his own pleasure- their gazes met in the middle and Seb briefly pulled back, reassuringly smiling up at him before pressing a kiss on his tip and without hesitation took him back in his mouth, drawing yet another moan from Aubrey’s lips and he quickly covered his face with his free hand, biting down in a mostly futile attempt to keep quiet.
Oh, he was definitely awake.
His grip on Seb’s hair tightened instantly and Seb moaned, the vibrations sending shivers up Aubrey’s spine. But suddenly the warmth of his mouth was gone- ‘No, please, don’t stop-’- uttered before he could stop himself but simply met with Seb bringing himself back to eye level to gently remove Aubrey’s hand from his mouth and kiss him when Aubrey tried to protest, cheeks rapidly flushing red.
‘It’s okay, baby,’ Seb hummed, thigh brushing past Aubrey leaving him throbbing and tightening the building pressure in his abdomen. He leaned in closer to Aubrey’s ear, gently biting down before speaking up again-
‘I want to hear you.’
Curious, how self-conscious Aubrey could still get from time to time.
But he put no more thought into it, the gentle encouragement enough for him to let the worries slide off his shoulders as Seb moved back down and pulled Aubrey’s legs over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around his thighs before getting back to work.
And he seemed to know exactly what he was doing, cheeks hollow and eyes locked on Aubrey’s face- hand wrapped around his base and rhythmically moving along with the bobbing of his head, the occasional soft moan leaving his throat whenever Aubrey’s grip on his hair would tighten.
It felt so good.
Of course it did- Seb could do anything to him and Aubrey would enjoy every second of it, just like with Leon. The mere fact that it was them- not someone else, not some stranger he had only met a few hours ago but two men who Aubrey loved more than anything else in the world- it never failed to make him lose himself in his pleasure, muscles desperately tightening as he could feel himself getting close.
And Seb took notice too, significantly speeding up and grabbing Aubrey’s ass to pull him even closer, the cool metal of his tongue piercing dragging over Aubrey’s length and his hips lifted off the mattress once more to get himself as close to Seb’s touch as possible while another desperate whine left his lips-
And all of it was enough to push him over the edge with a relieved sigh, hips twitching as his eyes rolled back in their sockets and he pleadingly held Seb’s head in place; though it had not been necessary in the first place, the other man making no attempt to move away from him and instead eagerly pulling him closer, not stopping until Aubrey had given him everything he had left to give.
‘Fuck, that was good.’
Aubrey smiled at the compliment as he lifted his head, scrunching up his nose when Callum ruffled his hair. He left a soft kiss on the other man’s hip, then quickly moved his way back up and leaned in to kiss him- only to be met with Callum’s finger pressing against his lips.
‘Go wash your mouth first, honey,’ he absently mumbled, yawning as he shrugged Aubrey off and turned on his side. ‘Don’t feel like tasting myself on you.’
And for some reason, Aubrey had listened to him.
He had always listened to him.
And that very night he had once again made his way through the bedroom to the bathroom, quiet as he could as to not wake the others who had already been fast asleep, and he had cleaned himself up as Callum had told him to despite knowing his partner would no longer be awake the second he would return and he would have to curl up on the edge of the bed all by himself.
‘Good night, love,’ Aubrey whispered against Callum’s back, pressing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades and wincing when Callum groaned and rolled closer to Reyes instead.
He still missed them, sometimes.
Aubrey sucked in a shallow breath and nervously glanced down, watching as Seb carefully lowered his legs on the mattress and looked up at him with a soft smile on his face. Aubrey ran his hand through Seb’s hair again- then down past his cyberware, fingertips trailing the freckles scattered across his cheekbones and nose- gently resting it on the back of his neck to pull him up, lifting his head from the pillow to meet Seb’s lips in the middle.
A desperate but hesitant kiss, his heart skipping a beat or two when Seb momentarily tensed up against him; though his initial surprise washed off within seconds, melting into the kiss with similar passion as before but with a newfound softness that made Aubrey wish the moment would never end.
But before he knew it he was on his stomach, pinned to the mattress once more with Seb’s full body weight on top of him and his hands gripping Aubrey’s hips with significantly more force than before. Surely he was just fucking dreaming- the thought once more bouncing around in his skull as he gripped the sheets and whined into the pillow, momentarily unable to find a comfortable position.
‘Shh,’ Seb quietly shushed him, lifting his hips to give Aubrey more space and gently running his fingers through his hair. ‘You’re okay. Just relax.’
Another shiver ran down Aubrey’s spine when Seb’s lips left a soft kiss on the back of his neck- and another one a little further down on his back, and another one on his shoulder- covering him in sweet little kisses until the tension vanished from Aubrey’s body and he reached around to bury his fingers in Seb’s hair again, the other man’s hand guiding him so he could get a better grip.
The pleasure was always worth the pain.
But there was a clear difference between enduring and enjoying, Aubrey’s limits often tested in the past by inexperienced or impatient lovers, or his own efforts cut short after an early finish on the receiving end and their wish to not continue further.
And in the heat of the moment it had not bothered him all that much, time after time after time; just happy it had happened in the first place, finding satisfaction in the parts he had enjoyed. A nearly pathetic search for the positive- in what he had later found out had mostly been negative- in an attempt to reassure himself that he was fine, to convince himself it hadn’t hurt half as much as it’d actually done.
‘What’s the matter, Bee? You like it rough, don’t you?’
The other man did not even give him time to adjust and Aubrey quickly buried his face in his pillow on the next slow thrust to muffle his whines. It was true, he supposed- he did not mind being manhandled even a little bit, so why would this be any different?
Seb was not impatient like that.
He gently brushed Aubrey’s hair out of his neck and pressed a kiss on his skin, hands traveling down his sides and holding his hips to prop him up- fingers slowly working their magic as he waited for Aubrey to turn his head so he could leave a kiss on his cheek and Aubrey wondered if Seb knew it had been a while since his last time.
‘Want me to stop?’ he hummed in Aubrey’s ear, running his free hand through his hair and planting another kiss on his temple as he patiently waited for an answer- and when Aubrey quickly shook his head in response he smiled and slowly pulled out his fingers, drawing another loud moan from Aubrey’s lips and Seb gently held his hip as he lined himself up.
One thing would lead to another and before he would know it, it was already too late.
It had just been a simple gig; follow a target into a club, gather the information necessary and get out through the back door without drawing any attention to themselves. Well within their capabilities, a job like any other- but their overconfidence- lately bordering on arrogance more than either of them would willingly admit- had led them down the much more primitive path of violence, leaving them empty-handed, bloodied, and fucking high on adrenaline.
And somehow it had led them there to that flashlight-lit shitty motel room, Aubrey’s back arched into those first few slow and gentle thrusts as his eyes glossed over and a strong hand on the back of his neck held him pinned in place, thumb running in small circles over his cyberware.
But he could not complain.
Of course he did not know how much of it was genuine; of course he did not know how under the influence either of them exactly were, how much of what Seb did was merely to have fun and mess around and how much of it was-
How much of it was real, he supposed.
But it did not matter in that moment, the moans spilling from either of their lips loud enough to be heard from outside- not even the distant music and chatter from the bar could drown it out- echoing between the four walls enclosing them, in sync with the sound of Seb’s hips colliding with Aubrey’s own.
He loosened his grip on Seb’s hair and dropped his arm, searching for his hand instead and shaky fingers attempted to intertwine but failed to get a grip with each bounce of his body. But Seb noticed; and gently pinned Aubrey’s wrist to the mattress, tattooed fingers curling between his own and squeezing softly as he picked up his pace.
‘Harder,’ Aubrey blurted out, eyes fluttering shut and muscles tightening when Seb’s movements briefly faltered as if the request had caught him off guard, ‘please.’ Adjusted well enough by then to be able to take it and desperate for more, with his heart beating rapidly in his chest and breathing shallow in his throat as he felt a second climax steadily building up.
And of course Seb listened to him and wasted no time- teeth digging into Aubrey’s shoulder as he pulled him closer and his thrusts went deeper and more out of control, Aubrey’s eyes closing once more in response and the pleasure overwhelming him to the point no sound left his lips anymore all while Seb moaned loud enough for the both of them combined.
He did not regret it.
Aubrey loved Seb; no matter what others thought of the two of them, no matter what label could be put on what they had- he undeniably loved that man to pieces and no amount of drugs and booze could feign such adoration.
And again he did not know how reciprocated it was; knowing well enough just how much Seb loved Cassidy, knowing well enough he himself had been in merely a fraction of the other man’s life and knowing better than anyone that sex more than often meant absolutely nothing to some people, and this here could easily be very much the same.
‘Mmh- Fuck, Aubrey,’ Seb moaned, grip on Aubrey’s hand and hip tightening and his nails digging deep into flesh, his breath shaky and hot on the back of his neck and lips barely brushing past his skin.
Please don’t stop now, was all Aubrey could think in return- face pressed into the pillow and free hand reaching for Seb’s hair again, fingers fumbling to get a grip as he rocked his hips back into Seb’s thrusts as much as he could and he whined when he felt Seb finish buried deep inside of him-
And relief washed over him for the second time that night, whole body left shivering as a sob of pleasure escaped his throat and he collapsed on the mattress, Seb lowering himself on top of him and pressing his lips against his neck while still slightly moving his hips as he filled Aubrey up.
It was quiet in the room, now.
Aubrey let go of Seb’s hair and hand, a quiet and involuntary whine leaving his lips when Seb slowly pulled out and rolled himself off of him. And for a split second he could not stop himself from panicking- suddenly terrified the other man would get up and leave, leave him all by himself in that motel room, confirming his fears that it had all meant nothing-
He’d been left alone a few too many times in the past.
Perhaps that’s why he still missed them.
Perhaps he was still expecting them to come back.
Aubrey finally moved, carefully turning himself on his side as he cautiously watched Seb stretch and roll over to the arguably cleaner side of the bed. He hesitantly shuffled a little closer, head still spinning from- everything, by then, and as much as he knew it would be a smart move to get up to drink some water he was way too exhausted for that.
‘C’mere,’ Seb suddenly quietly said, his voice somehow even more mechanical than it had been before but it did not take away any of the gentleness to it, hands reaching out to grab Aubrey’s to pull him closer; and he allowed him to do so, shaky exhale leaving his chest as Seb wrapped his arms around him and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.
He did not regret it.
Of course he didn’t- how could he? Safe and sound in Sebastian’s arms, face buried in his neck with the other man’s arms wrapped tightly around his waist, their legs intertwined. He loved being close to him and whether Seb did too or not did not matter in that very moment, his face buried in Aubrey’s hair and fingertips gently running in circles over his skin.
Aubrey tilted his head and kissed Seb’s cyberjaw, following the curve sloping toward his chin up to his lips and Seb eagerly kissed him back, pulling him as close as physically possible while his tongue found its way back into Aubrey’s mouth.
It felt very real to him, either way. That had to count for something.
‘Good night,’ Seb softly mumbled against his lips, the kiss by then so slow that their heads were merely resting against each other and Aubrey smiled, reaching up to brush some of Seb’s hair out of his face.
‘Good night, darling,’ he whispered back, pressing a last little kiss on the corner of his mouth; but Seb was already fast asleep, head heavy on his pillow and arms still wrapped around Aubrey- perhaps even tighter than before, somehow, but Aubrey could not complain.
He carefully reached over Seb’s shoulder to grab his phone from the nightstand, turning off the flashlight and leaving the both of them wrapped in the darkness of the motel room. The neon lights outside poured in just enough for Aubrey to be able to see the outline of Seb’s arm, steadily rising and falling with each breath he took.
‘Hey- Where are you going?’
Aubrey blinked and turned back to look at Leon, who shoved two of his pillows out of the way and reached out for him, not lowering his arms until Aubrey was back within hand’s reach and he could wrap his arms around his neck to pull him closer.
‘Just wanted to brush my teeth-’ Aubrey quietly explained but his sentence was cut short by Leon’s mouth on his own, sharp fangs teasingly digging into his lower lip and hands burying themselves in his hair.
‘Who cares?’ Leon mumbled, eyes half closed when he pulled back and that goofy little grin on his face Aubrey loved so much, rendering him unable to stop a similar smile from spreading on his face as Leon kissed him again with such force it nearly knocked both of them off the bed.
Everything was different now.
Aubrey often had to remind himself of that fact- it was easy to forget, now that he was back in Night City and on a surface level everything still looked the same, down to the decisions he would take that would lead him to a situation such as the one he’d found himself in at that very moment.
He gently ran his fingers over Seb’s cheek and through his hair, struggling to keep his eyes open as the reality of it all finally started to kick in; and he suddenly realized he had forgotten to call Leon after they had reached the motel, and had not even managed to send him a text before- well, things had escalated.
Surely he will understand, right?
That was going to be interesting to explain the next morning.
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