#it went well!! a little nervewracking with the speed but it was okay!!
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Drove on the interstate for the first time today 👁 👁
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Don’t Let Me Fly (Now I’m Afraid) - SoPe Littlespace Drabble
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(Gif source - misticalsuga and anpandan)
A/N: So I literally just opened my drafts to start writing and the new comeback trailer just came out (EEEEEEPPP) What better way to celebrate our wonderful Min Yoongi’s solo than with a cute SoPe fic? ;)
Here ya go!!
Pairing: Little!Yoongi X Caregiver!Hoseok (OT7 on the side)
Rating: G
Words: 2172
Fluff, pure tooth-rotting fluff, little bit of hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: There will be the beginning of a panic attack in this story, but it doesn’t evolve into a full-blown episode. However, I wanted to put a warning just in case that kind of thing triggers anyone.
Every time a music video dropped, Yoongi would do the same thing; turn off his phone and hide whenever and wherever he was able to. Without fail, the second he opened YouTube and saw the newest upload from the company, the eldest rapper retreated into his shell and avoided everyone so he couldn’t see their reactions to whatever response the fans had to the new content.
One of Yoongi’s biggest fears was that their fans wouldn’t like the new music they put out, but isn’t that every artist’s fear? When Yoongi thought of hell, he thought of brokenhearted expressions on his band members’ faces and a gaping hole in his own heart.
This time was a little different than usual as it was Yoongi’s comeback trailer releasing - his first since BTS had blown up on an international level. He was always brutally honest about his feelings in his songs, and this time was no different, perhaps he’d even shown a bit more of himself than before.
This time, Yoongi didn’t just turn off his phone and hide, he took it a step further and locked himself up in his studio.
When midnight struck and his relentless refreshing of the BigHit YouTube page finally updated with the new upload, Yoongi had shut the window on his laptop, definitely not letting out a little squeal as his heart began to pick up speed in his chest.
The rapper tried his best to distract himself with his music (like he typically did) but his hands were beginning to shake and his ears felt a little like they were stuffed full of cotton.
What if the fans hated the new song? What if they were disappointed that it was him that got the spotlight in the comeback trailer this time and not one of the others? He put his inner thoughts into the lyrics and what if the fans were disgusted by them?
Besides all his own personal insecurities, he knew it would be difficult to live up to the standard of Namjoon’s comeback trailer from the year before that had received so much praise and set everyone’s expectations for the next one even higher.
Yoongi was frantically clicking away at his keyboard and mouse with still shaky hands, the new beat he was working on ringing throughout his studio. It still wasn’t loud enough to cover his heartbeat pounding in his ears, but it was something.
A distant knocking began invading Yoongi’s thoughts, getting louder and louder the more he focused on it, and eventually, he realized that someone was knocking insistently on his studio door.
He blinked and glanced away from his computer screen, belatedly realizing that his eyes were dry and stinging - a familiar feeling that came when he’d been staring at one place for far too long.
“I know you want to be alone, Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok’s familiar voice came, muffled through the door between them. “But you’ve been in there for nearly twenty hours and you won’t respond to any of our texts to make sure that you’re okay.”
Twenty hours? Had Yoongi really been in there for that long? No wonder his stomach hurt; no doubt he was hungry.
The rapper’s body began moving on its own, getting up and walking over to open up the door.
Hoseok stood there in dark track pants and a gray sweatshirt, his dark brown hair mostly covered by a black beanie. He looked surprised when he came face to face with his hyung, most likely not expecting him to open up the door so easily, but a lively smile took over his expression quickly.
“There you are!” he exclaimed, “Your eyes look bloodshot. How long have you been staring at the computer screen for?” The dancer walked past Yoongi and made himself comfortable on the older’s plush sofa.
“Approximately twenty hours apparently,” Yoongi replied, his voice raspy from disuse.
Hoseok pulled the older by the arm to sit down beside him on the couch and gave him a knowing look. He, probably more than anyone, knew the inner workings of Min Yoongi’s mind.
Yoongi felt himself wanting to blush at the vulnerability he felt but held it back desperately. Judging by the growing fond quirk of the younger’s lips, he wasn’t successful. Curse his ridiculously pale skin for showing any color so easily.
“They love it,” Hoseok said suddenly, catching the other off guard.
Yoongi blinked, confused, “What?”
“I know that you’re always afraid of what the fans are going to think of our music, hyung,” Hoseok reached out and touched the older’s forearm assuringly, “They love your song. It’s already got over sixteen million views and the comments are overwhelmingly positive.”
Yoongi felt out of breath still, his heart fluttering like a bird in his chest. “Yeah?” he breathed.
The dancer grinned, “Yeah.”
A wave of relief went over Yoongi, so astounding that it made his head feel light, airy. It wasn’t really surprising that he slipped into littlespace in just a few seconds. “ARMY like Yoonie’s stuff,” he stated, his voice soft and a bit higher in pitch than Big Yoongi’s.
Hoseok eyes widened a bit, delighted, “Of course they do, baby. Your music is always filled with so much passion and honesty, there’s no way it couldn’t be good.”
If Big Yoongi was kind of shy, Little Yoongi was the absolute epitome of the word. His cheeks didn’t just dust with pink, they became completely stained in a dark red. His bright brown eyes evaded the other’s gaze as he let out a quiet whine at the praise.
Perhaps the lead dancer enjoyed the bashful expression of his normally composed hyung a bit too much, but he was always a pretty shameless person.
“Now, why don’t we go back to the dorm and grab some dinner,” Hoseok suggested, “You’re probably pretty hungry, huh bub? I bet you didn’t eat at all since yesterday.”
The still-blushing little shook his head vigorously and pouted out his lower lip, noticing for the first time that his stomach really did feel achingly empty. “Yoonie didn’t.”
Hoseok felt too much love filling his heart at the sight of his baby pouting cutely and looking up at him with big eyes. “After we get some food in that tummy of yours, we can see about watching a movie with the others before bed.”
Yoongi gasped quietly, his mouth turning a round ‘o’, “C-Can Yoonie and Daddy and hyungies w-watch Little Mermaid?”
Like any of them could look at Yoongi with his big, sparkling eyes and cute little pout and say no to him.
Hoseok chuckled, “I think that can be arranged.”
“Okay, we can all agree that Eric is the best Disney prince, right?” Seokjin inquired as the credits of The Little Mermaid began rolling.
He received a few hmm’s in reply.
“He’s sexy as fu-fudge,” Jimin said, nearly cursing in front of the little (Jungkook snorted at his slip up and received a firm kick in the shin in return).
“He’s also really nice,” Taehyung added.
“I don’t know,” Namjoon pondered, his thumb and forefinger holding his chin as he thought seriously about it. “Eric was so easily manipulated by Ursula.”
“She cast a spell on him!” Jungkook argued, “That’s not his fault.”
Hoseok turned to look at Yoongi, who had been suspiciously quiet for the last few minutes. The little was perched on his lap, dressed in his orange kitten onesie and his favorite baby blue blanket bunched up in his arms. “Well, what do you think, baby? Do you like Prince Eric?” the lead dancer asked.
Everyone’s attention was immediately on the gray-haired male who blinked up at them all with wide eyes. He had a blue pacifier with a little dinosaur on it stuck between his lips, bobbing with the motions of his mouth. Yoongi didn’t make any effort to respond.
“Aigoo,” Hoseok hummed, running his hand through Yoongi’s hair. “I think our Little Yoongi has slipped to Baby Yoongi.”
Taehyung and Jimin squealed excitedly and immediately ran from the room to get some of Baby Yoongi’s favorite toys. It wasn’t often that Yoongi allowed himself to slip so much and none of them were going to pass up the opportunity to play with him.
Namjoon, who was sitting beside Hoseok and Yoongi, let the baby grab onto his hand and begin playing around with his fingers curiously.
Jin moved to turn off the movie and changed it to play some cute children’s show.
Jungkook cleaned up the leftover remnants of their pizza, stacking up the empty boxes and taking them to the kitchen. He returned and sat himself down in front of Hoseok’s feet, leaning against the older’s legs so he could watch Yoongi’s bright and innocent expression.
“He must have been so anxious today to slip all the way into babyspace,” the maknae commented.
Namjoon hummed in agreement, “Yeah, well, Yoongi put a lot of himself into that song. It’s always nervewracking to share something that gives everyone a glimpse into your heart.”
“It’s an amazing song, though,” Jin added, “And ARMY, of course, loved it a lot.”
“Of course they did,” Hoseok said, his hands running easily through the little’s gray locks. “ARMY loves it when we’re honest, it helps them relate to us even more than they already do.”
“I can leap in the air, but also plunge,” Jungkook quoted, “That lyric really captures what it feels like whenever we release something new. It’s like we’re taking a risk, jumping off a building and praying that we’ll fly instead of fall.”
Namjoon smiled a small understanding smile and said, “And even though ARMY loves us, and we know that they do, there’s still that fear deep inside of all of us that this is the time they’ll hate us.”
It was quiet for a moment as they all thought about just how true that was.
Yoongi made some babbling noises on Hoseok’s lap, drawing everyone’s attention towards him once more. The little baby was frantically moving Namjoon’s hand up and down in the air with his own, giggling cutely behind his pacifier.
The others couldn’t help but grin fondly at the action.
Jimin and Taehyung came bursting back into the room at that moment, brandishing armfuls of coloring books and crayons, as well as countless baby toys.
Yoongi’s eyes lit up even more if it were possible and he sat up straighter in Hoseok’s lap. His hands reached out towards all the toys with cute grabby hands.
“What do you want to do first, baby?” Jimin asked, the smile on his face so big that it nearly made his eyes disappear.
Not being able to properly answer, Yoongi reached for the specific toy he wanted, tucked under Taehyung’s left arm.
The second youngest happily pulled out the familiar toy and handed it to the little, “Of course our little Yoongi wants the piano!”
Yoongi set the small toy piano on his lap hastily and began hitting randomly at the rainbow-colored keys (though there were only six of them). The notes rang through the living room as all attention was on him. He finished his performance after a few moments and looked up at the others expectantly.
They all burst into cheers and clapping, praising the little. Taehyung leaned over and ruffled at Yoongi’s hair while Jin pinched his cheek and cooed.
“I think that might be our next hit!” Namjoon exclaimed, chuckling.
“Our next BIG HIT!” Jin added.
There was a pause where they were all registering what their oldest hyung had said, and then there were groans filling the air.
Jin was laughing heartily at his own joke, “Get it? Because our company is Bi-”
“Yes, hyung, we get it,” Jungkook deadpanned, cutting his hyung off.
Hoseok, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung all looked mildly embarrassed while Jimin let out his squeaky giggles alongside Jin’s infamous windshield wiper laugh. Little Yoongi didn’t really understand what was going on and eyed them with big, innocent eyes.
“Alright!” Jimin stood up and clapped his hands together excitedly once he gathered himself, “Who wants to do some finger painting?”
“Um, I’m not sure that...” Namjoon started.
The leader cut himself off when once Jimin picked up the paints and Little Yoongi finally understood what was going on. The little squealed and began bouncing on Hoseok’s lap elatedly.
They all knew how much Little Yoongi liked to finger paint, but they also knew how messy he was while creating his masterpieces. However, looking at how happy Yoongi was, there was no way they could say no to him. 
“I’ll get the tarp,” Jin sighed and stood up from the chair, half resigned and half fond.
“I’ll dig out our painting clothes,” Jungkook added, looking nearly as excited about painting as the little.
None of them said anything, but it was clear as day in each of their thoughts; the inevitable post-painting wreckage and clean-up were worth it if meant their Yoongi smiled so brightly like that. They’d do anything for their Yoongi.
A/N: I felt like I kind of ended this abruptly but what’s new.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this <3
Also, if you have any requests for me, you can go to my Request Guidelines page :)
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svtnreactions · 6 years
“occult” CH. 2 - BTS x reader
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bts x female reader
romance / fantasy / action / etc. ??
word count: 5563 
plot: after, accidentally, causing quite a disaster for your family, you land yourself in the ‘twilight zone’- a home for kids with more than human abilities. you’re meant to spend your time there learning how to control your powers. however, fate has another thing in store for you and your housemates.
hii everyone! i just wanted to say thanks to all of you who took the time to read ch. 1 !! and even more so, to thank those who left kind messages to let me know i should continue :)   ily & enjoy!
- cc
                              << previous chapter - next chapter >>
Today, with yesterday's experience in mind, you had gotten to breakfast right on time. In fact, many of the boys still weren't there yet. It was currently only you, Jin, and Namjoon at the table.
You took a hefty spoonful of your oatmeal, looking at Jin as you chewed. He was chattering about the dream he had last night, and you nodded your head as he went to show that you were listening.
“-and you were there too, Y/N.” Jin pointing his spoon at you with wide eyes, “Well, except, you didn't have any legs.”
You covered your mouth, nearly spitting out your food as you laughed at this. “Stop dreaming Y/N, as an amputee!” Namjoon sputtered beside you, his words fading off into a loud laugh.
“I can't control my dreams!” Jin fired back, the volume of voice quickly increasing. They were arguing in good fun, smiles on both of the boys’ faces.
“You know, I'm glad your ability is super speed, Jin.” You shook your head, still giggling a bit, “If you were precognitive, I’d be worried right now.”
Even though it was your own joke, you laughed along with them. It made you happy to be getting along with them. Acceptance has, and always will be, the best feeling.
“I can hear you guys from the third floor, you know.” Yoongi announced irritably. He yawned into his hand as he made his way to the kitchen door.
Namjoon chuckled, “Morning,Yoongi.” His greeting was brushed off, in fact, Yoongi didn't even glance in his direction. Namjoon showed no sign of surprise or annoyance. You wondered how the boys dealt with Yoongi constantly giving the cold-shoulder, scoffing to yourself.
Hoseok and Taehyung were the next to enter. You watched Taehyung’s cheeks lift until he was grinning. Whereas, Hoseok had a beam on his face the second he came into sight.
Taehyung caught your gaze, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked at you. “Good morning!” He said happily, him and Hoseok following in Yoongi’s footsteps.
“Good morning.” You and Namjoon chorused.
Now, the three boys had settled at the table and were downing their breakfast as Jin summarized his dream once more for the newcomers.
“Well, that's bizarre.” Yoongi commented once Jin was finished, his lips curved up in the slightest. This was probably the most amused expression you'd seen him make so far. “Do me a favor and keep me out of your dreams.”
“Why do all of you think I have some sort of lucid control over them?” Jin defended, “Your appearances in my dreams are not by my own accord.”
You giggled, the noise fading off as you looked up at the clock mounted beside the doorway. “Oh- aren't we supposed to have class now?” You puzzled.
“Class is only on Mondays and Fridays,” Taehyung was quick to explain. He pushed his fringe out of his eyes as he spoke, still suffering from a serious case of bedhead.
When he failed to elaborate, Namjoon added, “The rest of the week is individual training with Headmaster.”
The gears began to turn in your mind as you remembered your talk with Headmaster Lee the day before. During which, you’d agreed to begin some sort of training with him. He had mentioned that not all of the boys’ powers required regular training. You held yourself back, feeling rather compelled to ask who that was.
“That reminds me,” Hoseok interjected, “I have training today, and Headmaster told me to bring you along so you can observe- to get an idea of what it’ll be like for you, or something like that.”
You grinned. Knowing that you would soon begin your own training, a cocktail of nervewracked thoughts had been mixed up inside of you. However, being able to experience Hoseok’s abilities created a kind of excitement that masked those negative feelings. “Cool! I’m really interested in seeing what you can do.” Your voice was filled to the brim with expression. You thought about asking what his ability was for a moment, but decided against it. You would soon find out- and a little patience goes a long way.
“Oh, and Jimin is supposed to keep you company-” Hoseok continued, glancing around the table, “But I guess that won't be happening.”
Taehyung set his spoon down and pushed his bowl of almost untouched oatmeal to the side. “Where is Jimin?”
Jin let out a deep sigh, “He’s probably still sleeping. He was up all last night worrying about Jungkook.”
“Namjoon, is there any news about Kookie yet?” Hoseok addressed the older boy. He attempted to break his stony expression with a smile, but eventually gave up and allowed his face to drop. “I figured if Headmaster was to tell anyone, it’d be you.”
Namjoon shook his head solemnly, “I haven't heard anything, but I know Headmaster is working on it.” He answered Hoseok, but looked at all of us, “This has happened before, and everything was fine. So you guys shouldn't worry.” Namjoon offered consolation, but the unsure sound in his voice really defeated the purpose.
“He’s never been gone this long.” Hoseok’s voice was nearing inaudible- It was almost a whisper, but his words really packed a punch.
For a few moments, a tense silence fell over the table. Only the sound of silverware scraping against the bowls could be heard.
“It’s time for your training.” Namjoon finally cut through the quiet, addressing the boy across from him. “Tae, why don't you go with Y/N?”
Taehyung nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting. “Sure, yeah.” You looked at him with a smile that was supposed to be reassuring, but probably just looked pitiful.
“Okay, let’s get going.” Hoseok said, with a grin, as if the past five minutes had never happened.
Soon enough, you were seated beside Taehyung at one of the desks in the back of the classroom. You crossed your legs, watching as Headmaster and Hoseok had a hushed discussion in the far corner of the room.
“What are they talking about?” You pondered, Taehyung’s eyes flicking to yours at record speed. “I mean, are they going to do any actual training today?”
Taehyung laughed, though nothing you said was supposed to be funny, and answered, “They’re probably just prepping a little. Don’t worry, we’ll see some hands-on training in a little bit.”
“Oh, okay.” Nodded to show that you understood, you didn’t wait long before firing your next question, “I’ve been wondering- does Headmaster have an ability?”
Taehyung’s eyes lit up playfully. “Yeah, he does.” He was being short with you. It wasn’t to be rude, though- he was roping you into the conversation, waiting for your curiosity to get the best of you.
“And what is it, exactly?” You glanced at Headmaster Lee out of the corner of your eye, becoming more conscious of the volume of your voice.
“Let’s just say, that if he didn’t have it, you wouldn’t be here.” He strung you along, shooting you a grin.
You noted the boxy shape his lips formed and took a moment to think about how unique his smile was. “What's that supposed to mean?” You pushed, raising your eyebrows expectantly.
He fixed his fringe, and then finally, he continued with a more serious tone, “Headmaster can sense what other people’s abilities are, if they have one at all.” He paused, watching his words weigh on your mind.
“That's how he found me.” You pieced. Much to your pleasure, the blanks in your mind were being filled in. “That's why I’m here.”
“That's why we’re all here.” Taehyung nodded, glad that you had caught on.
You had about a million more questions and craved to hear all their answers at once. Since your arrival, information had been coming bit by bit and that was bothersome. But, nonetheless, you’re grateful that he could answer any of your queries at all.
Taehyung’s expression had changed rather quickly, his eyebrows furrowed with a look of perplexity. “It is a little strange though. . .”
You puzzled, “What is?”
Taehyung seemed reluctant, but answered, despite himself, “That Headmaster brought you here.”
You opened your mouth, your shoulders slacking as he interrupted, “-Oh, they're starting. Let's watch.” Taehyung clearly didn't want to continue that conversation and he wasn't all that good at hiding it. You were frustrated that you wouldn't know what he meant by that, and made a mental note to pursue the topic later. Your eyes tore from Taehyung’s tanned profile and towards the front of the classroom.
Hoseok and Headmaster Lee were parallel to each other, standing in the big, open space in the front of the room. You were beginning  to understand why the classroom was as large as it was.
Headmaster leaned down and placed something between them. You cocked your head to the side with interest, realizing that it was a small ceramic pot. A little sprout peeked out from it, its’ leaves stretching upwards.
Hoseok looked back at you, his smile bright as ever and his eyes filled with determination. “Prepare to be amazed, Y/N!” You laughed, watching him as he waited for his instructor to give the signal.
Headmaster nodded lightly.
Hoseok responded by stretching his hands outwards so they were hovering, palm down, over the pot. You leaned over the desk and squinted, waiting for something to happen. A few moments passed and you looked to Taehyung with a quirked eyebrow. The question was written in your expression- am i missing something?
Instead of saying anything right away, he reached out his hand. Using his thumb, he softly turned your head back towards Hoseok. “Look.”
You focused again, your eyes widening in awe.
It began as a steady, slow change. The sprout rose, surpassing the lip of the pot. Then, it sprung up at full force, as if Hoseok had been properly warmed up.
He bent his leg, straightening out the other and placing it behind the bent one as if he was bracing himself. He waved his hands at the ground with force.
Suddenly, the tall plant exploded outwards into a series of vines. At an amazing speed, they trickled in strange patterns across the floor boards.
“Wow..” You breathed, eyes bright with wonder.
“Plant manipulation.” Taehyung said matter-of-factly. You could feel his eyes on you, but couldn't tear your own away from the phenomenon happening around you.
The vines were making their way onto the walls, intertwining with the nooks and crannies of the book shelves. You felt a tickle on your ankle, looking down to see on little vine curling over your shoe and up your leg. You laughed, looking at Taehyung, “This is amazing!”
He beamed at you, seeming truly jovial. “Isn't it?”
The plant crawled up your torso and around your arm, ending in the palm of your hand. You watched as a bud sprouted and bloomed. A small, pink flower emerged- about the same color as Hoseok’s hair.
You looked up to find the boy himself, staring at you proudly. You smiled at him with great enthusiasm, communicating just how impressed you were with him. “Another beautiful ability…” You thought, with a momentary tinge of jealousy.
Headmaster was looking around with a small smile. “Now, let's see the reverse process.” He instructed.
Hoseok nodded, focusing his energy back on that task at hand. With one sweeping motion, the vines retracted- much faster than you would've expected.
They shriveled, swallowing themselves up. The flower in your hand closed, as if on a video playing backwards. Soon, the vines ceased to exist and the sprout was back to its original state.
“You've been practicing.” Headmaster was smiling fully now. Hoseok looked pleased with this statement, nodding rapidly in response. “Let's go again.”
You were laying on your bed, studying the outlet beside your dresser with intensity. You got up, crouching beside it. Pressing a finger to its surface, a soft buzz filled your ears. After a moment, a burst of purple electricity climbed your arm until it reached your shoulder, then disappeared.
You were very aware of electricity sources, in any given place, since you were a child. It was like a tickle of static in the back of your mind, one that you were forced to get used to, as it hardly ever went away.
And it didn't take you long to realize that, not only could you feel it, but you could generate electricity. You could control it- to an extent.
You let out a long sigh.
As usual, there was a lot for you to think about. However, one question was the heaviest on your mind since Hoseok’s training session.
What was so strange about Headmaster bringing you here?
It could have such a simple answer- maybe Taehyung said that because you're the only girl? 
Or maybe, it was much more than that. Either way, you had to know.
You’d considered catching him on his way out of the dining room earlier, but didn't want to put him on the spot in front of the other boys. Surely, now would be a better time?
You bundled your sweatshirt sleeves, which were much too long for you, at your wrists before reaching for the doorknob and exiting your bedroom.
You'd gotten to the stairs, but before proceeding, you took a moment to consider what you knew about the house so far.
The second floor, when you go up the stairs, was Headmaster’s office. Additionally, it was lined with many closets that Namjoon told you had house necessities and supplies. The third floor was, of course, the maids’ quarters, where you had been given a bedroom. You hadn't been on the fourth floor yet, but you knew that it held the boys’ bedrooms.
You grabbed the railing and climbed up the stairs.
The fourth floor hallway was dimly lit, four tan doors lining the walls. It had hit you pretty quickly that you didn't know which bedroom Taehyung was in, but there was light spilling out from the two nearest to the staircase. So, you might as well start there.
You let out a deep breath, reaching out to lightly rap your knuckle on the door closest to you.
There were voices on the other side of it, but at the sound of your knock, they went silent. The door swung open slowly, Jin looking down at you with a confused face, “Oh, it's Y/N.” He announced, looking over his shoulder at the boys behind him.
“Hi Y/N.” Hoseok craned his neck until you were in his line of sight and waved. Jimin, who was practically cocooned in covers as he floated above the bed, followed in suit. You returned the wave, sending them a little grin.
“What's up?” Jin quirked an eyebrow at you, looking skeptical of your sudden appearance. You didn't blame him- it was rather odd for you to just show up like this.
You almost forgot to respond, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly, “I- I’m looking for Taehyung.”
This made Jin smile smugly, “Why am I not surprised?” He looked almost devilish as he pointed over your shoulder to the door behind you and chuckled, “Well, that's his bedroom.”
You rolled your eyes, willing the heat in your cheeks to disappear. “It's not like that, Jin. I just need to ask him a-” You huffed, “Whatever, forget it. Thanks for your help.”
Jin winked in response, or tried to, and began to close the door again, “Goodnight!”
“Night,” You muttered, bothered that his insinuations had been able to fluster you.
You stared at Taehyung’s door with a  new determination. At first your knock was met with silence, then a rustle of blankets shifting. You heard Taehyung’s footsteps coming towards you, and then the door swung open.
His eyes were over your head for a moment, as if he was expecting someone taller. But when they found yours, you found yourself having trouble holding his stare.
Taehyung stood in front of you, shirtless from the waist up. Below, he was sporting loose, gray joggers, the waistline hanging just low enough to reveal the waistband of his underwear.
It felt like you had intruded- though, you had knocked. His broad shoulders demanded your attention, you traced his collar bones with your eyes, noting the occasional beauty mark decorating his upper body.
You wondered what Jin would say if he saw you and Taehyung in this state. With pink cheeks, you tore your eyes from his chest.
“Hey, Y/N.” Taehyung’s voice was raspy, he cleared his throat before smiling boyishly and continuing, “I was not expecting you at all.” He laughed.
With your eyes trained to the floor, you stuttered out, “I can do this another time if you want. I mean, if i caught you at a bad time.” You were already taking a step backwards.
“Wha-” He seemed momentarily surprised by your reaction, before stopping to reassess himself. The next time he spoke, he was the one who sounded nervous, “Sorry, I totally forgot. Let me put something on- don’t go, okay?”
“Okay..” You looked up as he sped over to the bunk beds behind him. The covers on both the bottom and top bunk were strewn about and clothing was thrown just about everywhere.
Taehyung had snatched up a mustard yellow hoodie, turning away from you to you to put it on. You eyed the muscles on his back as he slid it over his head.
As he spun back around, you made sure not to be caught staring. He smiled sheepishly at you, approaching the doorway once again. “Sorry, again.” Taehyung said.
“You don't have to apologize.” You assured him, laughing awkwardly.
The two of you stared at each other. No one spoke for several moments, but you barely noticed. You’d found Taehyung’s presence quite comfortable since you met him. He's a warm, friendly person- and a little spacey too, but even that seemed like a nice quality to you.
Eventually, he spoke. “So, what can I help you with?”
“Right!” You were sucked back into reality, shaking your head with embarrassment, “I just, wanted to ask you about something you said earlier. At Hoseok’s practice.”
The corner of Taehyung’s mouth twitched for a moment before he suggested, “Why don't you come in?”
You stepped into the bedroom and allowed him to close the door behind you. Taehyung reached for a wooden chair next to his desk and pushed all the clothes off of it with one motion. He held his hand towards it invitingly, then placed himself on the bottom bunk. “Okay, so, which thing that i said..?”
You sat down. Your question seemed a little stupid now. If you were being honest, you weren't really sure why you went through as much trouble as you did to find the answer. “I was just wondering- what did you mean when you said, it's strange that Headmaster brought me here.”
“Oh, that.” Taehyung blinked, “Headmaster hasn't trained any girls in years.” His response was just as quick, and just as simple as you expected.
“Yeah, I figured it was that.” You nodded, disappointed, but not all that surprised. You contemplated leaving now, a little embarrassed that you sought out something with such a predictable answer.
However, Taehyung began to elaborate, taking you by surprise.
“Well, that made me think-” He spoke without any clear emotion, “That if he went out of his way to scout out a girl after such a long time, you must be pretty powerful.”
So, there was more depth to his words. For a moment, you were happy.
But, a bitter feeling soon clouded that. “Powerful,” You voiced with unease, “Or dangerous?”.
It didn't take long to realize that you had just revealed a part of your inner self to a boy you barely knew. And of all your insecurities, this was the largest. You struggled to make a convincing grin, trying to erase some of the impact of your words.
Taehyung seemed to reel back. It looked like he was struggling to keep his face from dropping, and so his eyes searched for yours with great intensity.
Looking everywhere but at his gaze, you noticed the boy’s hair tousling, as if air was blowing toward it. Goosebumps peppered your arms at the slight cold that had come over the bedroom. As you looked for an open window, that may have been the source of such a draft, Taehyung answered you, his voice just above a whisper.
“Both, I guess.” He had finally responded, a little grin returning to his face. He chuckled, but all the warmth had left his voice. “What’s the difference?”
Namjoon moved his piece forward, landing it on your side of the board, “King me.” He exclaimed, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.
You sighed dramatically, but complied, placing another one of the checkers on top of his. “This isn't fair, you're too good.” You complained, pouting your lips.
“Yeah, I’d just give up now.” Jin called from the couch, where he was currently flipping through tv channels, “There's no beating Namjoon at strategy games.”
You looked to Hoseok for support, who was playing around with the potted plant in the corner of the room. He wagged his finger back and forth, making the plant rise and fall over and over, pausing only to respond, “Sorry, Y/N, i'm going to have to side with Jin on this one.” Hoseok agreed, “The only way you're winning is if he lets you.”
“Don't listen to them,” Namjoon suppressed a laugh, not seeming to mean what he was saying in the slightest, “I’m sure you'll do better this next round.”
You were about to respond when some movement caught your eye. Taehyung was walking down the hallway, but he skipped the turn towards the living room and went towards the dining room instead. He hadn’t even paused to say say hello, which seemed a bit odd. Maybe he wanted to go unseen?
“Actually, as much as I’d like to lose to you again-” You pushed off the ground with your hands and stood, “I have to go… do something.”
“Suit yourself!” Namjoon shrugged, dimples showing as he gave a closed-mouth smile. 
None of the boys bothered to ask what that ‘something’ was before you exited the room. Your speed picked up when you were out of their sight. Turning a corner, you arrived at the back door just as Taehyung slipped behind it. 
You took quick steps towards it, so as not to fall too far behind him, and looked through the glass panel on it. You hadn't been in the backyard yet, but from what you could see from your bedroom window, it was mostly forest. Full of curiosity, you reached for the handle.
Just when you began to turn it, a hand grabbed onto your other wrist pulling you gingerly. “Wha-”
“Don’t.” Strangely enough, it was Yoongi staring down at you. His hand remained on your wrist, his grip much more delicate than you would have thought. It was quite cold as well, but that wasn’t all that surprising.
You looked down at Yoongi’s hand, his porcelain skin contrasting against yours. Following your gaze, he retracted it. “Don't follow him.” Yoongi continued, placing his hand in his pocket instead.
“What? Why?” You almost laughed, turning around completely so that you were face-to-face. You looked back out the window to see Taehyung disappearing around the house.
“Just don't.” The sternness of his voice made you draw back, a pulse of energy involuntarily running up your spine. The lightbulb in the fixture above you grumbled with static. Your eyes shot up to it- you knew what was coming.
Before you could do anything to stop it- if that was even possible- the glass blew apart and rained over both of your heads.
Yoongi took a couple steps back, his eyebrows raised in awe. “What the hell?”
You felt bile climb up your throat as you looked at the busted fixture. When you were younger this was a major tendency of yours. One that frustrated your father deeply, though he always tried to hide it. 
You were much more unpredictable as a child- anyone’s guess was as good as yours when it came to knowing what might set your ability off. Though, that’s still not completely false.
“I-I’m sorry.” You groaned. “You surprised me.”
Yoongi looked at you with obvious disbelief, “You did that?”
You were frowning, a mixture of feelings plaguing you. Slowly, you reached up to pick a piece of glass from your hair, nodding as you did so. Yoongi looked at the ground around you, little shards of glass littering the floor like confetti. And then he did the unexpected.
He laughed.
 And it wasn’t his usual chuckle- he was beaming, his guffaws filling the space around you two. You'd never heard this from him, or seen the smile that came with it.
“So, that's your ability then? Blowing stuff up?” He was teasing you, like usual, but his tone was surprisingly light hearted this time.
“No, It’s not blowing stuff up.” You meant your reply to be mocking, but could hardly pull it off. Yoongi had never been this openly entertained by something in front of you and it was rather refreshing. Maybe he wasn't made of stone after all?
His smile had faded into a smirk, but the amusement was still there. “Then what is your ability?”
“Electricity.” You replied, the both of you looking at the shattered light bulb as you did so. “I can generate it…manipulate it,”
Yoongi hummed with interest, “Well, that explains it.” His usual mask returned, “Blowing things up would be a lot cooler, though.”
“Yeah, no thanks. I cause enough damage as it is.” You shook your head wearily.
Yoongi leaned down and used his hands to shake out his hair, little crystals falling out as he did so. He let out a sigh, “I guess I should tell one of the maids about this.”
You opened your mouth, but just as you began to reply, loud voices echoed down the hallway.
“-Turn it up, Jin!” Namjoon yelled, a sense of urgency in his voice.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you, and without a word, he sped towards the living room. You followed, right on his heels, not bothering to dodge the glass around you.
The room was in chaos when the two of you arrived. In addition to the other three boys, Jimin was there now, his dark circles prominent against his fair skin. He looked worse than ever.
All four of them were standing and staring at the tv, frantic looks on their face.
“Rewind it, hurry!” Jimin fretted, shaking his Jin’s shoulder as he did so, “Go back!”
Jin shoved him off, “I'm trying, I'm trying-”
Yoongi and you moved to see what they were staring at, “What is it?” Yoongi asked, squinting at the broken image of a newscaster.
“Are you sure that's what you saw, Hoseok?” Namjoon was dead serious. He, like the other boys, completely ignored Yoongi.
“It had to be him.” Hoseok’s eyes were wide with worry.
Jin let out a strangled yell in frustration as the image on the television cut into full static. There was an uproar in the room, everyone yelling and cursing at the thing.
Without thinking, you strode towards it, placing your hand against its siding.
The storm raged outside your window, the sound of rain on the roof becoming much more violent. You were seven. Bundled up in a blanket and sandwiched between your parents, you were safe from the cold outside
It was movie night, or it was supposed to be. The three of you were watching on live tv and the satellite was having difficulty fighting through the storm.
Your mom frowned, “I guess no movie tonight then?”
You let out a disappointed sigh, “You can fix it, can't you, Dad?”
“I don't think so,” He looked at you with an apologetic smile. Ruffling your hair, his eyes lit up at his new idea, “Maybe you should give it a shot?”
“But, I’m not supposed to use my electricity.”
Your mom laughed, “It's okay, Y/N.” She lifted the blanket from you and ushered you off the couch, “Just try it. Nothing’s lost if it doesn't work.”
You took careful steps towards it, pressing the pads of your fingers to its’ surface. Closing your eyes, you urged the spark inside of you out.
A fizzling sound came from the speakers, the image appearing on the tv once more. It happened much quicker than you'd expected- in fact, you hadn't expected it to work at all.
Your parents hooted, applauding you for your good work. This was the first time your powers had been used for good, and it made your heart swell with pride. Because of you, movie night commenced.
You curled back up on the couch, reaching for the blanket. You felt your mom nudge you. She pointed outside as a bolt of lightning stretched across the sky, whispering, “Isn't it beautiful?”
“Be careful,” Yoongi called to you. He was doubting you, and rightfully so. The only thing he'd seen you do so far was destroy a light fixture, after all.
First, the newscaster’s voice came back, loud and clear. The television’s image was flickering, a fuzzy picture coming up every few seconds.
And then, all at once, it was back. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until a relieving gust of air entered your lungs. Clear as day, the woman stood on camera, speaking into her microphone, “-this strange phenomenon-”
You backed up until you were beside Yoongi again, catching his sideways gaze at you. He quickly looked away, but you could've sworn there was a small smile on his face.
The rest of the boys were too worked up to even address what you had just done, all of them screaming about rewinding the broadcast.
Jin pressed the button quickly, chewing on the inside of his cheek with concentration.
“Right there!” Hoseok held up a hand, “Stop.”
“What are you guys so-” Yoongi puzzled, receiving a series of angry shushes in response.
“Here I am, at the site of one of our most obscure stories in a long time.” The woman said into her microphone. She was at the edge of some train tracks, her bright red blazer popping in contrast to the drab colors of the urban area. “Two days ago, ten year old Marcie Tate was playing on the train tracks when a runaway train barreled her way. Luckily, she was saved. However, it's the way that she was saved that shocks everyone she tells. I have Marcie with me today, let's see what she has to say.”
A young girl came into frame, her hair pulled into tight french braids. “Marcie, can you tell me what happened, just how you remember it?”
Marcie nodded, shooting the newscaster a smile. “I was playing with my friends and when they saw the train, everyone ran but me.”
“And why didn't you run?”
“I was scared. I couldn't move.” Marcie’s gaze faltered. She quickly recovered though, her toothy grin making a comeback. “But it's okay because he saved me.”
“Who saved you, Marcie?” The newscaster moved her story in the right direction.
Marcie stuck out her bottom lip, “I don't know his name. But I think he's a superhero. A boy put himself in front me and put us in a giant bubble that kept us safe..”
You knitted your eyebrows together in concentration as you tried to piece together what was going on. The boys seemed to understand fully, though, a couple of them gasping.
“Thank you for speaking with us Marcie, We’re all relieved to know that you're okay.” The woman said, “A police helicopter in pursuit of the runaway train happened to be recording. We managed to get our hands on the footage. This is the raw video, and has not been tampered with. What you're about to see will surely take you by surprise.”
The video was awful quality, and the only sound it had was the spinning of helicopter blades, with an occasional unintelligible voice through the police radio. The camera was following a train moving at a very unsafe speed. You sucked in a breath as Marcie came into the far end of the scene.
Then, in an instant, another figure showed up. It stopped in front of Marcie, and although they were almost just dots from the helicopter’s view, you could see it wave its’ arms around. A blue orb came around them, just out of thin air. Even though you knew Marcie was okay, you grimaced as the train came in contact with the orb.
You weren't really sure what to expect, but this was beyond your wildest imagination. Not only did the train not hit them- but it bounced off of the orb, as if it was light as air. It flew backwards, going just as fast as it had come in the other direction, if not faster.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the television. Yoongi was just as mesmerized as you, whispering under his breath.
Another round of panicked voices rose up. However, Namjoon’s was the strongest above all. “Jin, go get Headmaster.”
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