#it wasn't just A Hot Take it was also like 'here's how big ancient horses were compared to modern ones!'
blujayonthewing · 1 year
that post that was like 'the problem with most centaurs is that everyone makes the horse part too big' opened my eyes but also now that it's been pointed out I can't unsee it
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shamaste · 4 years
Some history lessons from a Dutch coach / shaman:
So, whats realy the case is about slavery, and when did it begon? First of all, it aint true what they told you about slavery, it's just because to make you feel bad about yourself, and also to make them feel better about themselves, over you. Making you feeling quilty. This is called: being a slave of the past. Sooo,...!
Lets take a look at this theme, a hot not so pleasant issue these days: slavery. Slavery, it has a long history. It excist much longer before the first Pharao ruled, it's started... With the early Egyptians whom needed work people. By concuring tribes, they've get tose slaves. So it was by warfare. That was 'the normal' in those days. And that will keeping on for millennia until now. And now: We humans, we have slaves. Yes, our slaves, our pets, cats, dogs, horses and more...! Only for our own pleasure, to fill a gap of.....? Having pets? It's for me also a form of slavery. I don't have any. I don't want them either. That's why. Its as a 'higher lifeform' uses a 'lower lifeform' for the need of something, that's missed, to forget, to make money with, to fill a gap. And a life is taken away from its natural habbitat. Just to obey you, for making you happy and even making money with them...! Get it?
Slavery, is old as humans exist and what is realy the case? People are sometimes also treated like pets. To serve a few. A small group gets better by having slaves. That's the case. Now, renew your view in this aspect and ask yourself: is that what i think i know the real truth? Truth.......: Its in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty is. Its a matter of perception. First: It's what you think, what is influenced by others. Therefore its not necessarily the thuth, so it seems.
The first victims of slavery were? Those were the white people. For at least 2500-1500 years, maybe longer! Greeks, Kelts and other people conquered by Romans, worked as house slaves. Everyone seems having slaves. The slaves were transported or to be shipped thru Europe and also Africa. Doing dirty labor, for the wealthy Romans, Arabs, in return for shelter, food, safety etc. Also by Africans, especially from the northern of Africa and Middle East: the Pharao's, Berbers, Arabs, Nubiers (black Pharao's) and other rulers, had their slaves too. When they are in war, with eachother... by conquering them. And mostly, those slaves came from the southern of Africa, and they were negros, very dark skinned and they called them: Lam Lam. The men who can't speak, with no house, meaning, culture etc..! They considdered them as a 'lower lifeform'. And still some do. About this they say: -the negro's- have inherited their slavery and it is therefore in their dna and passed on from generation to generation. "Once a slave always a slave!", they say. just like the castes in India. Once born in a lower vast, always in that. Thats still going, even in these days.
And those people from the North Africa, Middle Eastern still saying: cNegro's , they have inherited their slavery. Its in their blood, and its passed on, to be a slave" ...... so the say. That's racist. . So, is everyone who's a descendent from Africa by nature a slave? Thats cultural divided. Still it happends now in Africa, do you remember the war between 2 tribes, groups, between negro's, and their tribes: Hutu's against Tutsi's. That was then a real heavy clash. 10 Thousends of people died. And still they hate eachother, even now, still they do. Unwilling to forget the past. One tribe feels -because of the other tribe- a form of discrimination. A tribe was considdered by the other one as not... or at least entitled as 'lower humans'. They felt dicriminated by the others. Please note this: It's between by black people.
Thats the way it goes, or still goes on in Africa, for also thousands of years. Yes, even that its going on. A long time before white people came to that continent.
It happends long before white traders bought theirs slaves from them. Then a new wave was coming, to get or make new slaves. This time, because of religion. The moslims, who used black people as slaves, for spreading their believes and the word of the prophets, Allah. Or forced to go to war for them. Also long before 'the whites' had their slaves. Till the year 1200 - 1300, they used slaves. Everyone, who didn't had the same faith as they, didn't believe in Allah was considdered a enemy of them. They were an unbelievers, apostate and unclean. That was for the moslim the only reason, -in that time- a good reason to inslave people. Also the unclean white Christians. Crusader tours had their heydays at that time, heretics against heretics. Or other non-believers.
Slaves, especially those from early Europe, were chosen ..... -not because of their skin color-, but because of their cultural background. By rejection their way of living, or believes. Slavery was everywhere in those days. And it still is, even these days..
Knowing this, that the Africans, Muslims were the great motivators of slavery. Where lays now the confession of guilt?
Christians were well trafficked too and well earned as slaves, as hardworkers shipped to Baghdad, Cairo and Constantinople (now Istanbul) .. those nations, these city's, they trived on slaves. In those days was having a slave: status, prosperity, welth. Like a farmer having a big stock... of cows.
Jews also became a slave trading people. Welth? Is that seen as cultural. I think it. Rich nations develope a culture of welth. Welth created by slavetrades. Until the 14/15th century, only Black Slaves were shipped in Africa, between Middle Eastern Persia, north African and Turkey. 16 th Century.. its the beginning of the golden age im Europe, upcomming nations, Spain, the Dutch, England, Portugal... France. Looking to expand their kingdom. By conquering. War is everywhere in Europe, even in my country, Spanish, France. The Dutch was tryving. Rich, but a small country, but good in trading, they founded the VOC. 16th century. USA doesnt exist that time. Amsterdam was the capital. Means New Amsterdam something to you? Etc.
In ancient Rome were mostly European slaves, mostly white, from conquered countries. In Africa later there were Persians, Egyptians, Arabs, Berbers who shipped Nubiers, Ethiopians etc. They were sold as slaves, they've captured.
That was big busines, slavetrading. Slaves, they were used as war material. To spread the faith. To make money, to make a country welthy and great. Its wasn't about skincolour, but about healthy, muscles, for labour.
So ... A little review: Its a part of mankind for a few thousand years. Especially, later when the Muslims, tribes of North Africa and Middle East thought that they could make you slave as appropriate unbelievers, by different culture or believes. And therefore there were quite a lot of slaves those days, made and traded by them. A long time before white people got that same idea of getting slaves. Not a single white man to be seen.
Only from 16th Century, centuries later: the time those wealthy whites came to negotiate with these groups, black slavetraders, to buy the slaves from them. So, in those days......: slave trade, it was like investing in welth, thru people, they work, you urn it. Prosperity, expansion drift, money. Those days, that were the biggest motivators. Not because of the skin color. Some slaves were realy wanted, very popular and therefore very expensive to buy and they made a lot of money for traders. So what was realy the reason about about slavery? The prosperaty youre living in, was created by all the ancesters. All of us, blacks, whites, reds, yellow. Our biggest lessons is not te blame or making others feeling quilthy, because one cannot be achieved without the other. Prosperaty works both ways. Youve have to work for it, also for your own freedom. As i did for mine. If you are poor? Ask yourself this question: why is that? Is it your believing that it isnt for you? Because of your skin? Well look at Obama, he is Brown. But sees himself not as a victim. Do you?
Thats my history lesson this morning. Umbraise yourself.
That's how it begon and works.......Slavery. It is something else that a small group of people wants us to believe thats its the error of the whites, where black slavemasters sold them on the whites. So i think, It is something Cultural, based on faith and money. Not from skin color. When its skincolour the reason? Then its all about money, and the jalousy of having enough! Why should people plundering those stores? Not because of skincolour, the want that big screen tv , radio, expensive clothes they coulndt effort, so then steel it? Its a pitty to react that way.
Slavery has existed for as long as man has existed, from all over the world. Most of Africa itself., the beginning. This is my vision from a historical reality and what really happend in those days, point of view. But thats the past and we are here, the now, we are the future, not the past. Remember.
Good day.
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