#it was probably good that Juvia wasn't around xd
pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
I'm bored, so I'll share the few hypothesis I have about the Oracion Seis' 6th member in HTRYDS:
- Elfman (maybe still in beast form) for the sheer drama (in which case Mirajane is definitely FT's fifth member, with Natsu as a second, less likely possibility). Also, it's the only way I see for him to be reintroduced based only on canon events. (I'm still not sure whether you really killed him or he'll come back at some point. So. He makes the list.)
- Kagura. Brain tells her he'll help her find her brother and... Lies about stuff. Blames Jellal for everything, and so on. A lot of angst possible, plus the confusion of who the hell is that kid and why does she hate Jellal that much until Erza remembers or Erik hears something.
Less likely ideas :
- Minerva. I don't really have a reason for this one, the idea comes from another FT fanfiction I once read, in which she replaces Meredy in GH in an alternative timeline, as Meredy (and Ultear and the Tower kids) were saved early by FT thanks to the info given by Crime Sorcière from the original timeline. But yeah, uh, I really can't explain that one.
- Karen Lilica, who was captured but not killed (but that might clash with Loke's storyline, because his contract would not have ended then... maybe). To use the sad-boy-stick on the Pegasus boys, for once. In that scenario, Sorano probably learnt a different magic.
- Yukino. Because why not. Stil, grasping at syraws here. (and once again, i don't believe both sisters would use Celestial magic in that scenario)
- Meredy. Yeah it doesn't make much sense, but I mean Precht could have sent her away as a punishment for Ultear's failures... And, you know, I'm sure bad guys have a system of favours and debts set up. Precht could use having Brain owe him. (Oh, and would Juvia be the fifth FT member then? I mean it could be fun, especially with Lyon and all, but... I mean, you don't have to do things the same way as canon, so. I feel like Wendy would actually be a much better candidate here.)
- That Daphne girl from the anime. Let me be honest, I hate that arc as I do all the "anime only" multi episodes arcs because I feel like they're not realistic - they don't fit in the general plot. Still, you could introduce her. Beats having to make up an entirely new character. (Also, she replaced Ultear in the aforementioned fanfiction, which is probably the only reason I even remembered her.)
This one is pretty hard to figure out. None of these hypothesis are really satisfying - unlike for the fifth FT member where some guesses seemed pretty good. Who knows, maybe I'll have a better idea by the time that arc begins. (But thinking about this made me realise the 5th FT member you end up choosing might be a clue.)
Have a lovely day!
PS. I just realised my hypothesis are basically only girls - now that's sorta weird XD.
Ahaha, this is going to haunt you until that arc, isn't it? XD (Excellent >:D)
Lol, you had one guy-guess, even if he's super dead. (Sorry.) Always interesting to see the logic behind these. If anything, it ensured me that the 6th member wasn't as obvious as I thought XDD (Though when I get around to one or two of those side stories, maybe it will be? Eh, the 6th member will be an early reveal once the arc starts, at least, even though we got an arc and a half before we get there.)
On a random note, I agree with you on most of the anime-only arcs, though there are bits and pieces of some that I do like. (Obviously I built half of this series off of the one anime-only scrap of Acnologia's backstory, soooo...) I've really been cherry-picking through it, going for things I enjoy and/or things that I can make fit together in a cohesive whole with some love and duct tape. Daphne's arc was one I scrapped immediately, though I have played around with inserting her in a smaller, side situation, (or maybe a role in a later arc) but I don't have anything concrete as of yet.
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