#it was pretty empty this time because we went later in the afternoon
mydream-synopsis · 12 hours
hmmmmm may have gone to the kn8 exhibition again
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
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My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
AESPA Winter x Male Reader (POV)
2. The Study Date
We talked about her grades, and agreed on a day to meet up and study. We decided on a Friday afternoon, in my little room. I was barely fitting in. But at least she is small. However, I had a feeling that something was off. My bully suddenly becomes a friendly face? No. I was sure that she has a plan to make me look ridiculous or guilty. I was going to find out tho. This was the sole reason I accepted to act in her little play.
On the other hand, It was killing me to think about what ifs. What if all of the bully thing was a cover up because she really liked me? Or this was the way she flirts? What if she expresses her feelings this way? It was hard to stop think about all of those. But after that day, she stopped abusing me verbally. She only smiled and wawed at me until the day of our meeting arrived. Thursday night, something unexpected happened. My routine, I brushed my teeth, get into my pyjamas and lat down to my bed then started scrolled through my Instagram. As I scroll down, Instagram has suggested me a familiar face. It was Minjeong’s account. Although she was hanging out with the richest girls in the school, her account was pretty modest with 17 followers. My finger wanted to push the follow button, my brain resisted. But in the end my heart was the one who stopped the argument by chooising my fingers side. I pushed the follow button. Her account was private. And I really wanted to look at her photos. Five or six minutes later, she followed me back. My hear was racing as I went to her account and started looking at her photos. I realized that I never looked at her as a girl. She was always my bully. Since I came here she always showed me her bully side. But you can feel that getting accepted into her account was a rare privilage.
Before looking at her photos, I wanted to check if she follows and boys. But she wasn’t. 17 girls, and there was me. The only boy she follows. What I was thinking? What I was expecting from her? Be my girlfriend? As I started to look at her photos, I realized that I probably in love with her. But I also despise her. Hate her. But I want her. I desperately need her attention. Her abuse. Out of the blue, I got a boner when I look at her photo. The urge for jerking off to minjeong was all over my head. But once I did that, there was no turning back. I was ashamed, angry and happy. I don’t know how to describe this feeling. Only thing I want was to kiss her. But I hold myself back. I needed to understand her true intention.
With all of that in my mind, I fell asleep. Then, I woke up to the doorbell. I looked at my phone to see the time. It was nine in the morning. It wasn’t be Minjeong. We agreed upon afternoon. But again, I was expecting nobody. So I thought it was just wrong, or my landlord. I ignored it. But then she messaged me on instagram. The message was saying “Are you sleeping? I’m at your door.” I rushed ot from the bed, and opened the door. There she was stading in from of me with her messy figure. No make up, her hair was all over the place. But she was wearing a skirt with no socks or something. Her pale white legs was very intimitading. Her legs were exposed but she was wearing a thick sweatshirt. “Aren’t you cold?” I asked. She laughed and answered. “My lower body never gets cold. Only the top. So I only keep my upper body warm. Because it makes my whole body warm.” I picked up her bag and invited her to my bed. Because it was to only place to sit. “I don’t have anything to eat, we have to order it if you’re hungry.” I said. “No, don’t worry I’m not hungry. But i will be.” She answered. Of course, I nodded. “Which books did you bring with you?” I asked. “I don’t have any books. I have my notebooks.” She answered. She gave me one of her notebooks. I took a brief look at her notebook. It was mostly empty. Some of the pages there were drawings and a couple of words related to the subject. It was totally weird because she was not verbally abusing me or anything. She was just looking at me in a way that could melt my heart . There was an awkward silence for a moment. I decided to break the silence by asking “So, what are we studying?” I sat on my bed while asking her the question. She came closer. And said “Nothing really. I lied to you about all the my father is going to remove me from the school thing.” “ I knew it!” i said loudly. “You knew what?” She answered curiously. “I knew that you’re hiding something from me.” I answered. She took the notebook off from my hands and threw it somewhere in the room. “And what is it that I’m hiding?” she asked me. She was so close and I was feeling so nervous. “I don’t know. You suddenly stop bullying me, and then this happened.” I answered. I was avoiding eye contact. And I knew that she was directly looking at me. I decided to look at her. I turn my head towards her. Then we made eye contact. And I have to admit it. She was looking like a dream. That eye contact made us get closer to each other. Our lips were about to touch. Then it happened. We were kissing. She put her hand on my belly while I hold her neck with my hand. Her hand were navigating through my body. I did the same. I put my other hand to her thighs. Then, with a sudden move, she grabbed my cock. I had a boner. Of course she realized that because I was still in my pyjamas. But we were still kissing. My tongue was inside her mouth, our tongues were dancing with each other. Suddenly she stopped kissing me and put her hand inside my pyjama. She started to jerk me off.  I couldn’t believe it. She was my bully and then, she was jerking me off in my dorm room. What a way to start a toxic relationship.
As she got faster, I couldn’t help but lean back. I was feeling amazing. Her little hands has such a good grip that I had a feeling that she will rip it off at some point. “Tell me when you’re about to cum.” She smiled as she talked. A moment later, I gave her the signal that I’m about to cum. She stopped. And seconds later she started again with a slower pace. I was about to cum, but I couldn’t. Because she was not letting me cum. “What are we even doing?” I asked her. She told me to shut my mouth and wait for her. I did not had any choice. “Are you about to cum?” she asked again. “Yes” I answered. She got faster. And I came. Her hands was covered with my cum. But she got faster and faster. It was painfull but I never had a better orgasm before. She licked some my cum off from her hands and got up to wash her hands. I was not expecting this to happen. “Are we going to talk about this?” I asked her. Because I was so curious about her intention. “It was so obvious that you don’t have a girl to satisfy you.” She sit beside me after saying it. “That obvious” I asked. She nodded with a little smile. “You’re pathetic.” She added. “I only gave you a little of me. Wait until you see a bigger part.” “You don’t have to pity me, Minjeong.” She pushed me back to the bed and sit on top of me. “You really think I pity you? Should I pity you” I said no. I was getting my strength back. So i hold her and get on top of her. “Tell me one reason not to fuck you right here.” I asked. She giggled and answered. “I can’t. But will you? Do you have the balls to fuck me?”  I was so furious. A part of me wanted to fuck her. But my logic got the best of me. I got up from the bed. “I knew you don’t have it.” She said. “Are you tired because I jerked your buddy to hard?” She was tempting me to fuck her. I realized that. “You hungry” I asked to change the subject. “Yes” she answered. “What do you want to eat?” She looked at me with her pretty eyes and answered my question. “Your heart.”
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bisonaari · 2 months
Käärijä Summer Camp report
I don't really come here anymore and I don't think I'll be back anytime soon, but I still wanted to make a post about this! It's probably gonna be pretty long hahaha
Last time I travelled with my husband, but this time with the amount of things to do and people to meet, he preferred staying at home and took care of our little balcony garden <3 Thanks to him we now have a full ass jungle on our balcony lol
My flights were really uneventful. My first flight to europe was so empty that I had a full row to myself so I could have some good sleep time (albeit a bit uncomfy lol, plane seats are so hard), but that was it.
When I got to Helsinki, I was welcomed by a bunch of GOOFS omg
@mitamicah @j-restlessgeek @teal-skull @katinkulta @clovermoonspell and her friend from Norway were all there, Micah and Susanna arriving a bit earlier than me. We all went to the place I was going to share with Missy, Susanna and @kaarijalist for the next two days.
Those people. Are the best. I fucking love them so much you have no idea. Everyone I'll tag in this post is an absolute cutie that I love but I'LL SAY IT EVERYTIME Skull gave me my birthday present in advance and I just BWAAAAAHH that was so sweet ;A; It was a Jukka autograph that they got for me back in Böle (now framed in my living room ehehehe) and a custom bracelet for me, inspired by my kääryle tattoo ;A; I loved it so ridiculously much it was ADORABLE
I learnt later that day that I wouldn't be able to meet @likearainbowinthedark until much later in my trip and it was a bit sad, I really missed them ;A; Friendship at first sight during february, and now I have to wait MORE to see their face again??? UNFAIR!! And also I had made little crochet frogs for them and their wife ohoho I couldn't wait to give them to their new owners <3
We also met with @formulalakana and @carpblu at a cafe during the afternoon! I was a bit burnt out by the whole you know… flying 12 hours thingie, so I ended up going back to our place but it was still lovely meeting with them they are amazing people!!
The day after that was the actual Summer Camp meet up day!! We all met at the mural together with many people already tagged here, but also @jaarijani @smimon @icbimakb and @tuherrus !! I can't believe that we just started to talk on tumblr and we were all there???? In person??? In front of that stupid Käärijä mural, exchanging bracelets and laughing together? That was just amazing
After a group picture, it was raining too much to have a proper picnic, so we went to the Tikkurila library to actually have some time to hangout and share snacks and gifts from our countries, and draw on each other's clothes and notebooks hahaha. A really, really lovely time with everyone, I'm so happy it went so well. On one side of the room was the Summer Camp flag that Skull had made, and to me it was perfect.
I also was sitting next to icbimakb and I had some time to nerd out to them because they're my fav artist of all time and they let me look at their sketchbook and it was an honor and I don't think that my eyes will ever recover from looking at so much beautiful art. @shirtlessradfahrer arrived at about that time as well.
A bit later we were joined by @follivora @wednesdayday @king-krisu and @khihi !! They didn't stay long but it was fun to finally meet after seeing them on tumblr for such a long time !! Some of us went to queuing, the rest of us stayed to clean up and we went to the venue a bit later <3
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The Backas gig was one of the greatest moments of my life. Seriously. Everything went SO WELL??? Missy, Susanna and I headed out to the vip area for the pre show meal, and the food was amazing seriously. I wish I could have eaten about 3000 more of those fucking potatoes they were INCREDIBLE. We were looking at people running for barricade with tenderness hahaha, like "Look at our children <3 So much energy". Then suddenly, Missy spotted him. The Häärijä. Chatting to people next to the merch booth. She had to stop eating immediately because she had gifts to give him, and there might not be any other occasion to do so. I also handed her the fanzines because I'm a bit too shy and I don't have anything to say to Häärijä hahaha.
Part of my Backas report in a previous post ! I'll just focus on the untold parts here
At the venue it was time to meet @hyviihommi and @omppupiiras and also @blatantlyhidden and @because-its-eurovision !!! And wait also @tmrwds and @taidotonheiluja and some more people that I don't know the url of but I know are fellow tumblr users!!
I can't say how much I loved this gig. Hugo was really great, he looks so much like jere when he was younger hahaha. Käärijä was in SUCH a great mood, he was smiling so much and having the time of his life being on stage that day I don't think I'll ever recover. It felt so good being there and having an artist in front of us who was having a blast. I was dancing with Skull and Missy (my immediate neighbours hahaha), looking at Micah and Carpblu having a blast in front of us, enjoying the music that I had been listening for more than a year now with other people who also loved the same music. It was such an experience I will never forget this. We also got Paidaton riehuja!! I did remove my shirt hahaha. If I wasn't wearing a mesh shirt and a bra I would have gone full tits out hahaha, but it was too much of a hassle. But it was SO FUN being able to take part in this!!!
I don't usually listen to It's Crazy It's Party, but live?? It's seriously top 10 of the greatest moments of my life. Seeing everyone around me going fucking insane was incredible and I wish I could go back to those moments.
After the show, we stayed around a bit to chat more. We took another group picture, who is absolutely perfect and I will cherish forever.
Our little group went back to our appartment by taxi and we missed the occasion to say taksit on jo pihalla I'm very disappointed smh
We were already losing our minds because of how well the meetup and the gig went and everyone getting to see their blorbos and have pictures and chats with them, when Missy looked at her phone and SCREAMED because Häärijä had made a story with the fanzine holy shit. You don't know how fucking proud I was. I think I looked at it for 5 hours straight hahaha. He doesn't know how a video that probably took him 5 minutes to film and post made every artist's day it was INCREDIBLE.
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(this is a terrible selfie but whatever HAHAHA)
On thursday, it was matching tattoos time!! I am now the proud owner of a pineapple tattoo, matching with Missy, Jay, Cass and Micah. I am ridiculously happy to have it. I feel like we really are a weird family and I found my people. I love it so, so much.
Got to meet with @pianist-chan that day as well!! We all had a lovely picnic together as a group in a park, then one song at a karaoke bar! Micah and I didn't vibe with the bar so after a huge peak of anxiety we all decided to leave hahaha. It was lovely hanging out with everyone anyway so whatever hahaha.
Friday was the Allas gig!! I met up with the gang in the morning to go eat breakfast together, and we ended up getting @hika-chachachan at the same time after we both discovered that we're not the only french fan here HAHAHA. Sorry for everyone with us, we spoke in french most of the meal time because it was fun not having to speak in english for a short time hahaha. Later that day, we took a picture making the JUL sign, the only correct pose for cringe french people uWu
Then I went back to my hostel for a nice nap, got some food with Kat and then finally joined the queue one hour before doors. (I got to see @izpira-se-zlato and @n3ongold3n there! And also I could hug Bec again 💚) We got a pretty nice spot so I'm not disappointed! Although this time Jukka didn't notice me but it's fine I can't win everytime hahaha. The gig was also a lot of fun, nothing much to say here! I didn't realize at that time that it was my last time of this trip seeing Elsa, and I only fully realized it after she left :' ( I would have hugged you a lot harder hahaha
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Saturday, Benjamin Peltonen and Erika Vikman gig with the kcord gang!! Before that I went to eat lunch with Cass!! It was sad saying bye, but I really had a fun time with them ;A; <3
I was super late for the gig and arrived after doors because that one guy in my hostel didn't realize that THERE IS ONLY ONE TUMBLE DRYER FOR THE ENTIRE HOSTEL DON'T LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES HERE AFTER THEY'RE DONE. URGH. He told me he just went to take a shower because it was taking too long WATCH YOUR GODDAMN CLOTHES MY DUDE I was so annoyed hahaha
Another session of meeting up with new people! This time I got to chat with @labda-kesho @beesgobzzzing and @dragon0blood and some more people I don't know the url of!! Anyway we had a great time! Benjamin looks like an angel, and Erika is…… you know how Erika is I don't need to tell yall HAHAHA. Everything would have been perfect without the extremely drunk girls around us spilling their drinks everywhere and literally falling on people. They had to be escorted out during Erika's part because they were way too annoying for everyone.
On sunday I FINALLY MET WITH EKO YIPPIE IT WAS TIME. I went to visit them in Espoo and ended up staying chatting with them for like 5 hours big oops hahaha we get along so well it felt like 10 minutes ;A; It was also my first time taking the bus by myself in Finland like a big girl!!! For the tram Elsa helped me so I could take it alone after she showed me how to, but the bus to another city?? That was a first one my mother is very proud
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Monday, I went to Suomenlinna! When I lived in France 20 years ago, I lived right next to the ocean in a coastal city. Then we moved inland in Canada and you don't know how much I miss the ocean every single day. It's the #1 thing I miss about living in France, so I HAD to go to Suomenlinna. First of all, being on a boat again was so great, I really had missed that. It reminded me of the ferries I used to go on to travelfrom my dad's place to my grandma's place. Great times hahaha. Then I just wandered around for three hours, minding my own business and avoiding people hahaha. I sat next to the sea listening to the waves for hours. And it was the BEST. I think it cured me of 28 mental illnesses I didn't know I had.
On tuesday, I met with Eko once again but in Helsinki this time! We went to get tea together and chatted for another couple of hours HAHAHA. Teemaa in Helsinki is a lovely tea shop and you should definitely go!! I also went to the Skywheel on my way back I just HAD to yknow, Käärijä tourism
After I got back to the hostel, it was packing time to leave Helsinki for other horizons.
My next stop was Oulu! So I headed out to the train station on wednesday morning to go on a 6 hours journey hahaha. At least it was a direct train, and the guy next to me was only here from Tampere to Seinäjoki, so I still had quite a lot of space for myself.
Once in Oulu, I was staying with @theplantbish and her partner. I cannot say how much I love her. There are not enough words to express this. The other people I immediately fell in love with I had already met them prior, so no surprises here! (Yall know who you are hahaha) But it was our first time meeting and it was like we already knew each other from 25 years ago. We went from total strangers to great friends in about 5 seconds, and then it took two days to have heartfelt late night conversations crying in each other's arms lol. Anyway this whole paragraph is a love letter to Plant you are amazing and I love you. I can't believe that in two weeks we got to talking on a daily basis hahaha.
Anyway, we also met with @gaysontoast because we went to pick them at the airport and WOW what a tornado of bubbliness <3 They were absolutely wonderful to have as a roommate!! (and they sleep like the dead hahaha)
In the afternoon it was my first time meeting with @submariini and @ravensofskyhold as well! I'm scared that I will run out of available tag spaces like you can only tag 50 people per post lemme count a sec ok we're at 33 still good (but absolutely ridiculous that I got to meet 33 people from tumblr in the same week??? what happened to not meeting strangers from the internet lol) but anyway all lovely people!!
The day after, it was finally time for Suomipop!! In the morning we went to pick @punanenmarli from the train station! Plant and her got back to Plant's place walking hand in hand and it was the fucking cutest shit I had ever seen ;A;
anyway I was completely normal about this show. Hm. So normal. Even during the french part in Lähtee käsistä. So. Normal.
The others wanted to go see Kuumaa during the evening and I would have loved to as well, but it was raining, I was drenched and cold and miserable and instead just headed back to Plant's place where I was soooo normal about Bess.
On friday, it was my birthday, yippie!!! The clowns from kcord (NOT PEJORATIVE IT'S THEIR NAME OK) got me a card that they all signed and I loved it so much a a a a a a ;A;
We wanted front row for the Käärijä gig later in the evening, so we were there at doors and immediately went front row, which meant that we also got to listen to Viivi and Yö ! Tbh, I really liked Yö, I understand why they're a legendary band hahaha.
However, between the two shows, Plant came back to our group and told me that Jukka. Sorsa. Was. Hanging out. In the VIP section. Which we didn't have access to lol. So we ended up just watching him from afar, when I noticed that he and his friends were leaving the VIP section and crossing the festival area. I told it to Plant who asked me if I wanted to go see him but I was like naaaah I'm shy. So she asked if I wanted her to come with me and I immediately said yes HAHAHA. We went over his little group and when we arrived at about 10 feet from him we waved, and he immediately came to us to have a chat WHAT A MAN I LOVE HIM. I was so fucking awkward (leading to this great interaction… me: "I just wanted to say hi!" Jukka: "well… hi" AAAAAAA IT WAS SO AWKWARD LOL). He noticed the earrings I made out of the guitar plecs he gave me and reached for them sir excuse me do you want me dead hahaha. I didn't say much after that but we still got a picture together that Plant took for me ILYSM
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I met with Kat, Lou and their friend just before the Käärijä show and it was amazing as usual. This man knows how to perform hahaha. WE ALSO HAD THIS WEIRD MID-SPEECH SHIT TALK??? JERE WH A T???
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After Käärijä, we headed up towards the other stage to Kaija Koo. I was on my phone for I don't remember what, and Plant poked me to tell me "are you on your phone? how often in your life are you gonna see Kaija Koo live??" and she was so fucking right omg. I put my phone back in my pocket and it was absolutely great, got to hold hands with Plant while dancing, seriously amazing. One of my best birthdays ever if not THE best.
We had a meal at Hesburger after everything hahaha (I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS HESBURGER), and in the not quite night of Oulu, to me everything felt so, so right.
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I said bye to Kat after that but it's so ridiculous we live in the same country LOL I should visit Toronto at some point
At Suomipop, we got to see first Portion Boys and they were so full of energy what a show!!! Nothing can stop them, not the heat, not the wheelchair, NOTHING.
Smitten, Omega and I got to dip our feet in the water at the suomipop beach and it was so needed the sun was HOT that day. The fact that we weren't allowed more than our feet in the water was a tragedy though smh
After that, it was time to my beloved ARTTU WISKARI, I got into his stuff just before flying for Finland so I was delighted he was going to be at Suomipop!! Ed came with me to see him what a gentleman lol (seriously tho I really, really appreciate it!!)
Last suomipop show for me was Elastinen! While watching him I could only think that this was the most shark looking man I had ever seen HAHAHA.
After Elastinen, the group went to see Apulanta, while I went back to Plant's appartment to pack my suitcase, sadly.
On sunday, it was time to take the train again. Plant took me to the train station and we ended up crying so much hahaha I was a mess in the train. But if it hurt so much, it's because it was equally fun, and I can't wait to see her again.
I was headed to Tampere, then Turku! Skull escorted me to my Airbnb they're so lovely ;A; We talked together for about 6 hours lol before I had to leave to do some laundry. While my clothes were in the washing machine, we explored the k-market to find some Pirkka merch but it was all gone, so I just got a lovely @windows95man shirt hahaha. COME BACK TO TUMBLR TEEMU YOU BELONG WITH US
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The day after I met with Skull again to buy some Posankka merch! Posankka…… my beloved…… the most beautiful pigduck of Finland <3 I got a reflector, in true finnish fashion hahaha. We then headed up to Luostarinmäki, an open air museum on finnish craftsmanship from the past. It was ridiculously interesting and we spent 3 hours where we only got to half of the museum LOL, we're nerds. Too bad…… I'll have to come back to Turku……… so sad
In the evening we watched TRAFIK and some more Powerwolf music videos, what a great evening holy shit
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Interestingly enough, on tuesday I met up with… Skull again lol, they joined me in the park in the afternoon, we stayed here for 2 hours until we left to go to a student bar to get a lovely hot chocolate <3 It was absolutely delicious!
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Wednesday, last day in Finland. I met up with, you have guessed, Skull again lmao. We headed to Vantaa (because I had a plane to take r i p).
Skull and I then headed to Arttu Wiskari's Allas gig. We were quite lucky as the rain had just stopped (btw Kallo I still have the rain poncho I stole from you lol it's in Canada now sorry).
We had so, so much fun. The gig was just really fun and light hearted, everyone knew the lyrics, and it was the best ending for an amazing trip. Nothing like dancing with your friend on good music!!
I hugged Skull and cried in the train. Familiar scene, lol. Me sobbing in trains in Finland. I love you so much Kallo.
There are no words left in my heart to express how loved I felt during these 17 days. I will be back. I promise. I can't bear to not go back when I left pieces of my soul with dear friends. Take care of them please, I'll be back to put some more of my soul in them. I love you. So very much. You made my life really bright for a short time, and knowing how good it can be to be alive I want to feel this again.
To all of you, who are my soulmates, my siblings, my loved ones, my beloved: thank you.
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months
Reassembly 5
(What the frick is the bat guy about???)
They did serious damage to Lexy’s credit card in the form of a cast iron pan, a pot, basic cooking utensils and a four-person set of dishware before they even made it to the grocery store.
Peter tried not to go nuts there. He really did. But Kon had that empty kitchen! And to be honest, shopping was major wish fulfillment. Even though he knew he wouldn’t be eating all of the food he got way into it. They stocked up on easy freezer food like pizza rolls and fries. They got pasta mixes and jarred sauces and they got snacks and sweets. He even got Kon baking basics. It might take Kon a while to get into his fresh bread era, but it was going to happen. Peter was calling it now. Kon was just that kind of guy.
The last thing he got was meat. Meat and cheese and fresh vegetables. Peter ended up putting back half of what he initially put in the cart because, honestly, Kon didn’t have a massive super appetite and he didn’t know how to cook yet. Vegetables were just going to go bad, so he only got what he planned to use that night. He also stocked Kon up on breakfast supplies- bread and jam, eggs, sausage, coffee and tea and juice.
‘I wish I was staying with Kon to eat this. I’m going to be hungry again tomorrow.’
Peter pushed down that greedy little thought where it belonged. He was going to be eating lunch and dinner with Kon tonight, since they were cooking together. That was already really generous on Kon’s part. He couldn’t ask for more.
The boys ended up making spaghetti. Peter wasn’t the best cook in the world, but he could cut onion and garlic to cook meat in, shred in carrots and zucchini, and add a jar of red sauce to make something nutritionally dense that tasted really good. Kon hovered over his shoulder watching this process and making faux sports commentary. 
“Go away!” Peter shoved Kon with his shoulder, laughing. “Go start the garlic bread.”
“...Garlic bread?” Kon asked hopefully. He seemed way younger than he was sometimes. “You can make that at home?”
“You can, if you get to cutting garlic really small.” Peter tossed him a bulb without looking.
They ate dinner while watching some drama that Kon picked out on a streaming service. “Holy shit,” Kon said quietly after his first bite. He put down the plate and took a photo.
Peter snorted. Kon must have sent it to someone because his phone went off constantly after that.
He wasn’t even done eating their late lunch when he first wondered where he was going to sleep tonight. Peter stared down into his pasta like it might have some answers. When should he leave? What would he say if Kon asked for his phone number? He didn’t have one. He couldn’t give Kon the number to the phone he had on him– he was pretty sure that he really should get rid of it in case someone was tracking him. 
He should ask first. If he directed the conversation it would be easier to be normal than if he was just answering questions. So Peter swallowed hard, made himself smile, and said, “This was fun. Wanna hang out again?”
Kon noisily slurped down some sauce and wiggled in place while he chewed and swallowed. “Yeah, we should!” he agreed. “You uh, free later this week?”
He was jobless and homeless with no other acquaintances. 
“I have some time,” Peter said casually. “I’m kinda busy tomorrow, but the day after? Should I come over in the afternoon?”
“Yeah!” Kon bounced up off his seat for a moment. “We can finish the projects. Or work on them, at least.” He screwed his face up with a thought. “Can I get your handle or number, in case my work pops up?”
Peter’s smile turned fixed. “Actually, not now,” he said as casually as he could manage. “I dropped my phone in water. I just have my Dad’s old phone right now for emergencies.” He didn’t need to add that lie, but what if he needed to pull out the flip phone later? He didn’t want Kon to think that he just hadn’t wanted to give his number.
Kon laughed. “That sucks, man,” he empathized. 
Oh thank Thor, he bought it. 
The fabric was dry by then, so Peter helped Kon cut it out and sew it into place. Kon modeled his new look in the living room and then took approximately two hundred selfies while Peter worked on his project. Kon eventually flopped down on the sofa upside down and started sketching out design ideas. Peter glanced over and saw what looked like a boob window cut into some kind of top.
…Kon would look great in it. Peter didn’t comment. He smiled a little more when he went back to cutting out pieces for his own jacket.
Peter looked over on reflex and cheesed. A shutter went off. “Can I send that to my friends?” Kon asked, so casually that Peter knew it mattered a lot. “Cassie says no way did I meet someone without her.”
“Go ahead.” Peter gave a thumbs up for reasons even he did not understand. Good thing he wasn’t a weird little guy! 
Kon looked relieved. There was less tension when he went back to looking at his phone. “Thanks, man. You want to think about dinner soon? You’ve been working for a couple of hours.”
Peter had to blink a few times to process that. Oh yeah, he was pretty stiff. He stretched experimentally. “You’re right,” he said, mildly surprised. “Huh. What did you have in mind?”
Kon shrugged. “Pizza?”
Peter hummed. “We can pull that off,” he decided. “We have… two more jars of marinara, one will do. Cheese, the bell peppers- yeah, that’ll work.” He stood in a smooth movement. “Could you get the flour down from where we put it- yeah, thanks.” Kon hovered back down and handed him the bag.
“I meant that we should order it,” Kon said, but he didn’t protest. “You can make pizza? At home?” He was delighted by this new information.
“You can make basically anything at home,” Peter said, because it apparently needed to be said. “Can you look up a pizza dough recipe?” He got out the salt and tried to remember where he’d put yeast.
Pizza did not go quite as smoothly as the pasta had. Kon brutalized the dough by over mixing it and the gluten developed bonds strong enough to rival the Hulk. But it was still edible! Kon was openly delighted with what he had made. Peter stole sideways glances at him, wondering if he should reassure that it was a great first try.
‘..I’m not sure he knows that it’s really tough,’ Peter decided. He said nothing. They watched one episode of Kon’s selected drama before Peter decided it was time to go.
Kon seemed surprised when Peter said that. He blinked at him a few times. “It felt like I was at the tow- a sleepover,” he said self consciously. He forced a laugh. “Yeah. You wanna leave your stuff here?”
Peter looked around Kon’s surgically clean living room and wondered if Lexy’s cleaning staff would throw away his stuff. “Yeah, sure,” he said, because it wasn’t like he had a place to store a project. “I appreciate that.”
He left not much later, making his excuses and backing out into the night with dread that he didn’t want to face curling in his gut. The feeling intensified as he got down to the lobby of Kon’s apartment building.
It was dark out, even with the streetlights on. The air was cold against his face. Peter huddled into his jacket, hand wound tightly around the strap of the bag with everything he owned in it.
At least he knew the time. It was a little past 10 pm.
He needed a shower and to sleep. The gym should be empty now. He could break back in, shower, and then go sleep on the library couch again. Even if the librarian came in early again, he could get a few hours of sleep.
He woke up again to the sound of keys in the door downstairs. This time he woke up feeling much better rested. Peter wandered blearily until he found a clocktower and realized it was nearly 9 am. Nice. He was working on his sleep debt, then. He surely hadn’t spent more than an hour between traveling to the gym, showering, and getting to the couch last night. That was maybe 9.5, 10 hours of sleep?
He left to a new hotel for a breakfast buffet. This one was particularly sad. He had two pieces of peanut butter toast and a glass of milk before he heard the front door staff quietly phone someone else asking if they had any teenagers staying at the moment. He left pretty quickly after that and walked for a while, heart pounding. The police didn’t descend on him with sirens and lights, so he was probably okay.
‘I can’t go back there.’
Later that day, Peter grimaced and took a moment to indulge in burying his face in his hands. He was overwhelmed and he still felt shitty and dirty and gross despite his shower. Maybe it was getting spotted as a homeless teen eating from the buffet? Yeah. Probably that.
He was in the library again, sitting in front of one of the older computers and hoping he'd get a reply from a potential client who had asked for some information. 
Maybe it was a little weird to spend all day in the library. He was on notice for librarians acting like they wanted him to clear out, just in case.
But, assuming no one had any problems with it, why not spend most of his daylight hours there? He could study computer science, use the computers to do his work, and be somewhere temperature controlled for free. They also had pitchers of coffee and tea for free that he took advantage of. 
He was hungry, though. He was always hungry. Maybe it had been a mistake to go to Kon’s house. It almost felt worse to be hungry again after eating everything he wanted two meals in a row. Peter suppressed despair. He was doing his best! He was taking care of himself.
"Is everything alright?" 
Peter shot up and gave a sheepish grin to the librarian. He hadn't noticed her approaching, but he'd been lost in his head. "It's fine," he said. 
The older woman gave him a sympathetic smile. "Well, let me know if there's anything I can help with. It's what I'm here for." 
Oh. Before she could turn away he blurted out, "College!" 
Her face lit up. "Are you applying?" 
"I need to." Peter wrung his hands together. "But I don't know where to start. I want to go somewhere with a strong sciences program but I think I need to go there on scholarship." 
She sat down beside him, an easy smile on her face like this was a topic that she enjoyed. “Do you care about where it is?”
Peter shook his head. “It would be best if I could stay in NYC since I know here, but I’m willing to go anywhere that meets those conditions.”
She nodded slowly. “There’s a few places I can think of.” She hesitated. “Do you expect to be eligible for testing related scholarships?”
“Yeah,” said Peter, who was so good at tests but would probably falsify the results that he needed if he didn’t manage to take tests in time. “I test well. Very well.”
“That’s great! And you said sciences? Technological sciences?” she didn’t glance at his current computer science book, but she didn’t have to. 
“Yes,” he said, not entirely sure what he should be focusing on. Engineering, to build some kind of portal? Astrophysics like Dr. Foster, to find an Einstein-Rosen bridge? He’d have to get his foot in the door to figure out what was going on in the fields here. Shit, he should have looked into that already. 
“And you would be looking to live by yourself, on campus? Or off? With family?”
“By myself,” Peter said, and wow that was depressing. “And whichever way is cheapest.” He cringed as he said it. That felt pathetic too. He wanted to say he wanted to live on campus since he’d be more likely to meet people that way. But honestly, he had no resources, at all. He couldn’t afford to be picky. 
The librarian’s smile was a bit fixed now. “I… I almost hate to suggest it, but have you considered Gotham?” She continued before Peter had to decide whether or not he should admit he didn’t know that university. “It’s a dangerous city to live in, but it’s very affordable, and there’s extensive funding for the sciences and student support services.”
“...Because it’s a dangerous city and doesn’t get many people?” Peter confirmed.
She was doing her best to keep a poker face. “That’s right. They have a brain drain situation at the moment, so the sciences are really well funded. I think you could probably go there with full support, though that might be contingent on taking an internship or job in Gotham after graduation.”
Huh. He considered it. He’d never heard of Gotham, so it had to be a city that didn’t exist back home. But so what? How bad could it be? It was like, Chicago or something? He could handle that. He was Spiderman. He was an Avenger, sort of. So he directed a real smile at the librarian. “If I could get a full scholarship there, I would go in a heartbeat,” Peter said. “Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll look into the university there.”
The librarian patted the side of his chair as she stood up. “Wonderful! Let me know if you change your mind or have any questions!”
He ended up having a lot of questions, actually, once he started looking into Gotham, but he didn’t think, “What the frick is the vampire bat guy about?” was what she’d had in mind.
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Leave The Door Open 3 | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f)reader
Genre: smut, fluff, humor, just straight up porn.
AU: established relationship
Wordcount: 7,020
Summary: Jungkook keeps buying toys to torture you with, but this time he bought one for you to use on him.
Warnings: Language. Just a whole lot of smut.   
Smut warnings: Explicit sex. Unprotected sex (Wrap it folks). Pet names (Sparkles, Baby, and Kookie are used an OBSCENE amount). Edging. Pegging. Oral (f & m receiving). Fingering. Light choking/breath play. Use of sex toys. Anal and anal play. Spanking. a lot of Biting. Multiple orgasms. Overstimulation. Technically cum eating. Creampie. I’m sure there’s more. I’m tired.
Rating: M / 18+
AN: Here we are again. Where I say this wasn’t meant to happen. Part 2 was the final and I was happy. But @btsgotjams27 is a genuine menace to my brain and after three or four rewrites, here we fucking go again. This is straight up porn. There’s not a single moment where it isn’t. Read More right at the beginning so you know it’s smutty. Thank you @here2bbtstrash​​ for beta-reading my filth. and the gorgeous @classicseffects​ for the banner and divider. I do not deserve either of you in the slightest.
and as usual, please leave feedback. Either with a reblog or send me an ask. It’s greatly appreciated. 💜
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Jungkook after two weeks of celibacy was no joke.
Every time he comes back after one of Taehyung’s matches where he stupidly decides to be celibate, you think that maybe you’d be able to keep up with his intense stamina and filthy thoughts that he had planned over the course of fourteen days, but you were wrong. While he had all that pent up lust, he’d never leave you alone longer than two days without making you come. He was obsessed with your moans and the way your body felt in his hands as you fell apart for him. 
No matter how much either of you said no more, that you would try to do the two weeks without an orgasm with him, you’d only ever make it a day or two before his hands were back on you and he’d bring out a new toy he got for you. 
The most recent, however, was not for you. It was a few days after Taehyung had an apparently huge match, and you purposefully stayed away from Jungkook for the two weeks so he could focus on getting Tae ready, even going as far to stay with Jeongyeon for a bit. When he finally got back home Friday morning, he pounded on your door only to pound you against it once you let him in. 
You had sex with your boyfriend throughout the weekend, with moments of sleeping, eating, and a shower or two in between rounds. It wasn’t until later Sunday afternoon, when you were both sitting on your kitchen island surrounding a nearly empty pizza box, that he remembered his purchase. 
He hopped off the counter, your bed sheet still wrapped around his bottom half, and went to dig through his luggage he left by the door until he shouted in victory, scurrying back to you. You had just bitten into the last slice as he hopped back up, smiling at you, your legs crossed in a giant shirt you stole from him, a blanket underneath you to keep your bare bottom from touching the cold counter. You had no issue sitting without a blanket, but Jungkook had insisted he needed to protect his “favorite thing” from the cold surface.
“Why are you so smiley?” You ask cautiously. Any time he gets smiley, it’s because he found a toy to torture you with. “Kookie, I really don’t think I have it in me for more weird toys and experimentations of what my body can handle…”
“It’s not for you, Sparkles.” His grin grows wider, and there’s a glint of something dark in his eyes. Interesting.
“Oh? What is it, then? A cock ring? Pretty sure you can do that pretty well with just your hand without paying for a silicone rubber band. I’ve seen you do it.” You watch his face redden slightly as he shakes his head and puts the small box in front of you.
A-Play Vibe Beginner Plug
Your eyes shoot up to meet his. “Do I finally?” You put the pizza back in the box, wiping your hands on whatever’s closest to you, it’s all going in the laundry later anyway, and crawl into his lap, cupping his face. 
“Do I finally get to play with you?” You whisper against his lips, a smile creeping across your face. He bites his bottom lip, toying with his lip ring, and nods slowly.
“I don’t know about fucking me, but…this could be a good start?” His face shows excitement, but his words sound worried, hesitant, and a little scared. His hands run up and down your outer thighs, squeezing your hips with every pass. 
“No, it’s okay babe. We don’t have to jump straight to that. We can start with this. We can go as slow as you want.” You card your fingers through his hair, grasping at the roots near the nape of his neck, and pull him into a deep kiss. 
You both relax into the little makeout session in the kitchen, his hands finding a way up under your shirt and smoothing across your back, before finding their way back down to your hips as you roll them against his growing erection. 
“When can we play?” You murmur against his cheek, kissing down to his neck.
You two had spoken about this a few different times. You didn’t think it was fair that he could play with your ass, but you still hadn’t played with his. And he never once denied wanting it. He had stated he was bisexual like you were, but had only bottomed twice, both being rather unpleasant experiences. And you knew he was a switch like you, but you were both perfectly okay with him being more dominant as your brain often turned to mush around him. 
But since that first conversation after you two made your relationship official, he had been cleaning himself out and prepping, just in case you decided to go for it, every time you two had sex. But tonight was different, tonight wasn’t an “if'', it was actually going to happen, and he was suddenly nervous.
“I just need to…to prep…first.” His hands still your hips, and you look back at him, slightly worried.
“Are you okay? Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah. I mean…I’m cleaned out and all that. Just…nervous. It's fine.” He softly chuckles, but he still sounds nervous.
“Wanna take a shower together? Help you relax?” You gently grab his face again, running a thumb across his lips. He smiles, kissing your thumb, and nods.
“Yes, please.”
You giggle, crawling off him and hopping off the counter with his help. You turn back to him, kissing him again after he hops down next to you. “This is gonna be fun.” You smile, taking off your shirt and tossing it on the counter, Jungkook doing the same with the bed sheet. 
You both head into the shower, bringing the toy in with you after cleaning it first, and confirming that he had charged it prior. 
“First, let’s just take a shower, okay? We’ll take it super slow, Kookie. I want this to be good for you.”
“Usually it’s me saying that…” His brows pinch together and you laugh as you turn on the shower, holding the shower head away from the both of you to ensure it’s a good temperature. Once you put it back up, you grab your shampoo, squeezing a good amount into your hand before turning around and prompting him to lower to your level. 
You both enjoyed this part. You did it often in your relationship, especially on days with multiple rounds. One of you would start to feel too dirty and it was off to the shower for you both. You felt this was the place you two were the most intimate and vulnerable with one another, way more than sex made you feel.
It’s the act of taking care of one another in ways outside of bed. And outside of buying things, cooking, cleaning, and other acts of service. Being completely naked in front of each other and helping to clean away both the physical and metaphorical dirt and grime from day to day life. You both loved it. Any excuse to shower together, you’d take it. You both even went as far as going through the store, sniffing each shampoo, conditioner, and body wash to find the three that you both liked and got a set for each apartment. 
Once you’ve both shampooed and conditioned each other's hair, giving him soft kisses in between, you reach for the body wash. You squeeze some out on the washcloth and make it sudsy before he holds out his arm for you, as per your routine. You wipe up and down his arm once before continuing across his chest to the other arm. You get so lost in the action of cleaning up your boyfriend, that you almost forget why you were in the shower to begin with.
Once you feel satisfied about getting all the soap on him, paying a little extra attention to his behind, you set the washcloth aside and let the showerhead wash the soap down his body, your hands following suit until they land on his abs. You lock eyes with his, silently whispering kiss. He complies, leaning down to grab the back of your neck and pulling you up to a loving kiss.
You smile, deepening the kiss as your hands trail down his abs, tracing around his pelvis, brushing your fingers over anything that isn’t where he wants you most. He whines into the kiss and you smile, wrapping your tongue around his, swallowing the moan he lets out as you finally grab his now fully erect cock. 
“Good?” You whisper softly, and he nods, kissing your nose. You give him one more quick kiss before dropping to your knees, hand pumping him slowly on your way down.
“Baby, please.” He whimpers as you kiss the tip of his cock.
“Shh, baby. Just relax and enjoy and I’ll take care of you, okay?” He nods again, hissing as you suddenly wrap your mouth around him and shove him as far back as you can until you're gagging.
“Oh, fuck, baby. That’s fucking perfect.” He bends forward a bit, hand on the back of your head, gently pushing you down farther on his cock. You give one tap to his thigh and he lets go, allowing you to pull off, breathing heavily as you both watch your saliva mixed with his precum string between him and your mouth. You look up at him, making sure he’s still okay before wrapping your hand around him again and lifting up so you can wrap your mouth around his balls while slowly pumping him. 
You don’t get to pay too much attention to his balls, though, when you feel him twitch in your hand. He’s close, which means although you said slow, you need to pick up the pace just a little bit. You give one last open mouth kiss to his balls and move down to kitten lick at the secret sweet spot between them and his hole for a second before finally getting to where you’ve been wanting to be most. You lay your tongue flat against his rim, adding the smallest pressure to gauge his reaction. 
He let out a hiss, tugging you away from him, muttering wait a few times. You back up on your knees, confused until you watch him turn away from you, lifting a leg and resting his foot on the seat in the shower and leaning forward, shoving his ass in your direction. “Is that better?” he quietly murmurs. 
“So much better, Kookie.” You sigh out a laugh, crawling back to him and massaging his ass, spreading his cheeks and bringing them back, watching him clench and unclench. 
You dive back in, licking a circle around his rim, causing him to moan out again as he presses his ass further against your tongue. So you go to work, adding more and more pressure, spitting on his hole before teasingly putting enough pressure to try to press your tongue past his muscle.
“More, baby. You can do more…” He muffles his moans in one of his arms and you pull away enough to slap his ass just once.
“Don’t you dare muffle those sounds, Kookie. I want to hear every sound you make, okay?”
“Okay. Sorry, baby.”
“You will be if you do it again,” you threaten, but you know you have no real dominance here. Maybe a little in this position, and for the situation he allowed you to be in, but not enough to enable punishment or anything he’s done to you in the past. You both know this, and yet he treats your threat like a real one.
You bring the lube out, shower still on, but it’s not enough to keep him comfortable. You add a little dollop to his hole, setting the lube aside for a moment, and begin adding pressure with your index finger. It eases in pretty easily as he allows his body to fully relax for you, teasingly tugging at his cock. You drop out a little more lube, adding your middle finger next. 
The sound he makes for you could only be described as what you’d like the sounds of heaven to be. He cries out, smacking the underside of his thigh, biting his bottom lip to focus on anything else other than the urge to come.
You’re having too much fun with this, slowly adding a third finger when you feel he’s ready.
“Fucking hell, Kookie, the day you let me fuck this little ass… You’re gonna be so full with me in you, baby. So fucking full. You’ll be begging for it.” 
“Mmph,” is the only sound he can make. Words no longer exist in his brain as he shoves his ass back, fucking himself on your fingers. 
“That’s so hot, Kookie. Keep going. Let me know when you want the plug.”
He waits all of five seconds before he strains out the words “I want it,” groaning as you pull your fingers out. You quickly reach for the plug and add a generous amount of lube to it. 
“Ready?” He nods his head furiously.
“Tsk tsk, Kookie. What’s that you’re always going on with me about? Using your words?” You bring your index finger back to his rim, pressing lightly. 
“Fuck, Sparkles. I’m ready. I want it. Put it in, please.” He sounds desperate and you love it.
“Now you know how I feel, teasing jerk,” you smirk, slowly easing the plug in, marveling how his ass easily swallows up the thickest part. 
The deep and scratchy whine he lets out is enough to make you want to come. You press the plug in a little further until it’s fully in except for the handle.
“All good, Kookie?” You rub your hand up and down his lower back, smiling as you watch him clench around the little toy. 
“Turn it on,” he mumbles and you turn off the shower, getting off your knees.
“Get on the bed and I might.” You decide to have a little fun while you have a little bit of control and give his cute ass another nice slap, making his hips buck forward, the plug pressing in deeper ever so slightly. 
You’ve never seen him move so fast, rushing past you and crawling onto the bed, sitting on his knees with his ass resting on his feet. You dry off quickly, exiting the bathroom with a smug grin on your face. 
“I could get used to this view. You, sitting there, waiting patiently for me with a plug in your ass. Waiting for me to do literally anything.” You crawl behind him, wrapping your arms around him and resting your chin on his shoulder. You reveal the little remote control in your hand and kiss his shoulder when he lets out a low moan. 
“You want me to turn it on, Kookie?” You kiss the shell of his ear and feel him shudder. 
You nod, showing him as you press the power button. You barely hear the vibrations but you don’t need to to know it’s on. Jungkook’s posture straightens up and tenses. You can hear his breath catch in his throat as he leans back into your chest.
“You okay, Kookie? Less or leave it?”
His head lands on your shoulder, looking up at you with his adorable Bambi eyes struggling to stay open. 
“Yeah? My Kookie wants more?” He nods, his hands gripping your shins on either side of him. You kiss his temple as you turn it up twice. “Fuck your hand, Kookie. Pretend it’s me your cock is pumping into.”
He obeys, rushing to wrap his hands around his cock, still wet from the shower and the amount of precum leaking from the tip that he smears down his cock before bucking his hips up into his hands. It’s not a perfect rhythm like it usually is, because every time he bucks up, he clenches around the plug, causing the vibrations to feel more intense. 
“Baby. I can’t. I can’t. I need to fuck you for real. Please. Please let me fuck your perfect tight cunt while this is vibrating in me. Please, baby. Fuck, I need to be inside you with this in me. Please.” His head, still resting on your shoulder, is turned toward your neck and every pleading word is whispered against your skin, making your core flutter. 
Before you can even decide on whether or not to give up control to him once again, he pulls himself off you and in one swift movement, flips over to pin you down on the bed, hovering on top of you. His lips return to your neck, marking you repeatedly, licking over marks from earlier in the day. 
“Let me fuck you, baby. Let me fill you with my cum while you vibrate the toy in my ass. Please? I want it. I need it.” 
Fuck this man and his begging voice that make you so goddamn weak. 
You pull his face away from your neck to bring to your lips. Kissing slow languid kisses, you reach down between you both to guide his cock to your entrance, barely giving him enough time to notice you easing the head in, allowing him to snap his hips into yours once he realizes he can. 
You both loudly groan at the stretch. You wrap your legs around his waist, pressing him further into you, and your arms around his shoulders, keeping his lips near yours at all times. 
“Fuck, I can’t do it slow for you, baby. I’m sorry.” He whimpers against your lips, pulling his hips back and slamming into you repeatedly, eventually finding a good pace, hips still faltering from the vibrations. 
“Fuck me, Kookie. Fill me up.” He growls against your lips in response, moving back down to your shoulder and biting down as he moves at an unrelenting pace. You’re sure the back of your thighs will be red or bruised from how hard he’s slamming his hips into you, but you don’t care, crying out his name repeatedly until your body is shaking as you come around him. Jungkook groans into your shoulder as your walls clench around him, urging him to fill you up with his cum. 
You grab the remote control next to you and turn off the vibrations as he collapses on top of you, letting both of you take a moment to remember how breathing works. After a few moments, he sits up, pulling himself out of you with a small hiss and using his thumb to shove the cum back inside, not letting any go to waste. 
He gazes across your body, admiring every inch of you. God you’re beautiful is murmured a few times before he catches your gaze on him, and you lock eyes for a moment. 
“How’re you feeling?” You ask, like you don’t know the answer. You can see it on his face. But you’re still shocked by the response. 
“Like you’re the only person for me.” He says it so softly, so kind, so full of love that you can’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth. 
“I love you.”
Both sets of eyes go wide. Yours full of panic, his indecipherable. Before you can backtrack or awkwardly add to the sentence, he’s back on top of you and his lips are on yours. 
This kiss is different. You’ve shared many types of kisses with your boyfriend of two months now. The desperate and needy kisses, the aftercare kisses, the reassuring ones, the random mid-conversation kisses, and the lazy half-asleep kisses, just to name a few. But this one? This one is unique. This is one that you both know will only ever happen a few times in your relationship, during specific moments like a wedding or having a child. This is a kiss of fully understanding each other and being on the same page about your feelings. This is a kiss saying a million words in one silent moment. This is a kiss of pure love.
It doesn’t last as long as either of you wish it would, but both of your lungs need air, so he pulls away first, pressing his forehead against yours, noses touching. His arm snakes around your back, gripping your waist and lifting your chest up to him slightly. 
“You love me?” You hum your response against his lips that now refuse to be away from yours for longer than two seconds. “Baby, Sparkles, y/n, I fucking love you so goddamn much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” 
You both grin into the kiss, teeth clashing together before he moves down to the nook of your neck. Kissing your skin, whispering his love for you over and over, the fingers on your waist digging into your skin as if you’d disappear if he let go. 
After a few moments, you hear him mumbling into your neck. When you ask him to repeat he takes another second, placing another kiss where he’d previously marked, then lifts his face to yours. 
“Fuck me.”
You stare up at him, unsure of what to do next. 
“Are you sure? You just said you weren’t ready for that yet, Kookie.” He slowly nods, kissing your forehead. 
“I wasn’t earlier. Now it’s all I want. I want you to get that strapless toy out of your damn box and I want you to rail me until I fall apart for you.” He smiles through his words, leaning back down to your ear. “I want to fall apart for the woman I love. Will you let me?”
You have no idea where you got the strength, or if he just let you, but you push him off you to lay on his back as you straddle him, pinning his arms above his head. 
“I need you to tell me again that this is what you want. That you’re not doing it just because I said I love you. But because you actually want to me to fuck you.” Your eyes dart between his, checking for any sign of doubt. 
The smile you’re met with is enough to make your heart melt. 
“Y/n? This is what I want. It’s not because you love me. It’s because I love and trust you. I want you to fuck me like I just fucked you.” His voice is steady and you don’t see any glimmer of hesitation or fear in his eyes, just love. So you nod, giving him a quick kiss before hopping off him and grabbing the strapless dildo he had once been confused by. 
You take it to the bathroom to clean it up and grab the lube before sitting in front of him, tapping his thigh and prompting him to lift his legs and spread them for you. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, Jungkook, I swear. This view is…only for me,” you smirk, running a hand up his inner thigh, palming his cock once and moving down to the plug, pushing it a little further to make him wince. 
“Fuck yes, baby. Only for you.” He watches you play with the plug before slowly pulling it out, squirming and trying not to run away from your teasing. 
You grab the bullet vibrator, placing it inside the little slot on the dildo and try to line it up with your entrance. 
“Let me, baby,” he whispers, sitting up to bring your hips closer to him. He takes the toy out of your hand and teases your clit a little bit before fucking it into you all in one go. You groan out his name along with a few vulgar words until you’re both confident it’s secure, moving to scoot back to between his legs when he grabs your thighs. 
“What?” You look down at the beautiful face below you. Big Bambi eyes darting between you and the synthetic cock in front of him. 
“What, you wanna suck my cock, Kookie?” You push his hair out of his face, wrapping your fingers in his hair at the crown of his head. He nods, opening his mouth and laying his tongue flat. 
“Fuck, okay,” you whisper, letting him lead you further up to him so he can wrap his mouth around the dildo. You say nothing, just watch him in awe as he sucks like his life depends on it. 
You don’t even notice one of his hands sneaking between your legs to slip two fingers in against the toy, pulling it, and you, closer to him. You yell at the feeling and the sudden jolt forward, accidentally pressing the dildo further down his throat, taking him by surprise and gagging. 
You try to pull away to let him off you, but his free hand grips your thigh, keeping you in place, and his fingers tugging you closer from inside. You whimper, eyes locked on one another, asking him if he’s okay. He just blinks slowly and pushes himself closer to you, bobbing up and down slowly. It’s once he’s got the entire thing down his throat and his nose presses against your pelvis that he uses his thumb to find the power button and turn on the vibrations. 
“FUCK!” You try backing away again, but his grip on your thigh is too strong and his fingers inside of you are pressing the toy against the your g-spot, forcing you to fuck his throat as he gags, saliva dripping from his mouth. You lean down, both hands tangled in his hair now, trying to bring yourself down to him, but you can’t stop thrusting your hips as you feel yourself coming around his fingers and the pulsing toy.
He finally lets go of your thigh and removes his fingers from you, turning the toy off as well. You pull his hair, bringing him off your cock, and you’re almost ready to come again just from the big goofy grin on his face. He has tears streaming down his face, a little bit of snot from his nose, and saliva running down his chin as his tongue continues to hang out of his mouth.  
“I knew you liked licking the toys when they were covered in my cum, but I didn’t know you were that much of a cock slut,” you laugh, brushing his hair back as he nods at you, still a little out of it. 
“But you’re just a slut for my cock, right, Kookie? My perfect, beautiful boyfriend, desperate to shove his girlfriend’s cock down his tiny little throat, gagging until he’s crying?” He finally blinks and swallows, nodding slowly.
“Your cock slut, baby. Just for you. Please, fuck me, baby. I want your cock in me.”
“The shit that comes out of that dirty mouth, I swear to God, Kookie. Should get another cock to stuff in there while I fuck you,” you chuckle, pulling his head back again to kiss him. 
“I’ll look into a good one,” he rasps with a grin, laying back down as you back up, resting between his legs again, letting them rest on either side of you. 
You squeeze some lube over the dildo, making sure it’s properly covered before adding a little extra to his hole, stretching him a little more with your fingers first. You look up at him again for one last ask of permission. He grins, teeth playing with his lip ring, and you nod, silently laughing to yourself as you press the head against his waiting hole. He closes his eyes and leans back onto the bed. 
The moans that come from the man you just confessed your love to are music to your ears. If you could make them your ringtone, you would. If it could be your theme song, it would be. There’s no other sound like the sounds he makes because of the pleasure you give him. 
You take your time pushing it all the way in, having to make small thrusts every now and again and adding a little extra lube to make sure he’s comfortable. Your eyes keep darting between the strap easing in, his erection swelling, and the fucked out expression on his face. When his eyes open, meeting yours, that’s all you need to push forward and have your hips meet his ass, the strap fully inside. 
“Baby, it feels so good, please move. Fuck me. Don’t be gentle.” 
“You don’t want it to be gentle? You want it rough? Like you are with me?” You tease, using your hips to pull out of him ever so slowly, just leaving the tip inside. You lean over him, one hand intertwined with his to hold you up, the other sliding up his torso, scraping his abs and around his pecs before wrapping around his throat.
“You want me to ruin you like you ruin me every night, Kookie? Wanna be edged and denied orgasm after orgasm until you see stars and feel like you’re going to combust? Begging and crying to be allowed to come all over my cock? Is that what you want?”
He nods and you shake your head, gripping tighter. “Words, Kookie.”
“Yes. Fucking yes.”
“If you insist…” You trail off, feigning disinterest as you slam your hips back to his, thrusting the strap as deep and as hard as you can. The vibrations are barely noticeable now, something you disliked about the toy the first time you used it. Once it was in him, it was a lot lighter. But this time, you think it might actually come in handy in playing with him. 
You let go of his throat and his hand, sitting up straight to grab a pillow and lifting his hips to stuff it under him, giving you a much better angle. You grip his hips and just go for it, picking up the pace and making sure each thrust goes as far in as it can, rolling your hips to ensure it does each time. One of his hands reaches down for his cock, hoping to give himself some relief. You smirk, smacking his hand away.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Kookie. But you’re not coming yet. You let me know when you’re close though, alright?” He nods and you take that opportunity to spank him harder than before.
“Words,” you hiss after a specific thrust causes the vibrations to hit your clit.
“I’ll tell you when I’m close, baby. I- fuck, I promise.” 
“Good. Fuck, Kookie, I wish you could see- ” You stop mid-sentence and look around your room, thrusts continuing, but at a slower pace, until you land on it. “Hold on, babe.” You pull out of him, not even trying to hide the smile you make when he cries out.
You hop off the bed, scurrying towards your full length mirror, dragging it to be at the foot of your bed. You tap Jungkook’s leg, telling him to move so you can lean against the headboard. 
“Ride me. Face the mirror, ride me, and watch my cock fill you up, Kookie.” 
He looks somewhat hesitant, not sure if he could actually ride you or not, but you look so gorgeous, sitting there waiting for him, he has no real choice but to crawl back onto the bed. He rests his feet flat next to your knees and his hands on the bed beside you, leaning back so he can see himself position above you. You apply a little more lube to the dildo and help him ease it back in, making sure he was watching the entire time.
“Fuck, did you see, Kookie? Did you see your ass swallow it up?”
“Yes, I saw,” he mutters in between pants. He leans his head back onto your shoulder like he did earlier when it was just the plug, and you kiss his temple.
“Get to work, baby. Watch as you fuck yourself on my cock.” He whines, lifting his head back up to keep his eyes on the mirror as he slowly lifts above you before slamming back down over and over again, his rhythm getting better and better, driving the both of you insane. 
“Ugh, fuck, I’m close, baby. I’m close.”
You almost forget he’s watching you both in the mirror, so he doesn’t miss the sinister smile you have at the warning of his incoming orgasm. His face drops a little. He knows what you’re about to say. 
“Do it, Kookie. Be a good boy and stop your orgasm. But don’t you dare stop fucking yourself.” You grin at him through the mirror and he looks down at his cock, leaking precum and ready to burst. He mumbles various curse words as he begins the process, wrapping his index finger and thumb around the base. He moves his other hand down to grasp his balls, but you reach around to wrap your hand around his throat, making him stop all movements.
“Did I say to stop watching yourself?”
He lets out a whine of frustration, catching his breath before he resumes, eyes locked on his actions in the mirror. You’ve watched him edge himself a few times now, and every time you swear it’s the hottest thing you’d ever seen. But this? Him riding you with your hand around his throat, watching in the mirror while edging himself? That is the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. 
“Such a good boy, Kookie. You’re doing so well.” 
You’re not sure if he can even hear you, but you assume he did because you can faintly hear him mumble “I’m a good boy” under his breath. 
You watch him, too focused on denying himself to acknowledge your hand slipping under him, finding the button to increase the vibration and pressing it twice the second you hear the groan confirming he stopped his orgasm. 
“Uhhhggguuuuuhhhhh. Baby, please. I can’t.” He’s crying, his breath ragged, his body shaking, and you decide to finally be nice. 
“Stand up, Kookie,” you murmur, raking your hand in his hair again, tugging it a little to make him moan. He leans forward, whimpering as he lets the strap slip out of him, and slowly moves to stand up. You turn off the toy, pulling it out of you, briefly admiring both your cum and arousal mixed with his cum from earlier covering it. You toss it aside and crawl across the bed, sitting in front of him as he desperately tries not to touch himself since he technically hasn’t been told he could yet.
“You have two options, Kookie. You can only come inside me, either like you usually do or my mouth. Which do you want, baby?” 
You keep your eyes trained on him, but your peripheral tells you he’s having a hard time not touching himself, so you relieve him of that frustration, slowly pumping him while he considers his options.
“Yeah? Wanna come down my throat?” You grin up at him, starting to move off the bed when he stops you.
“Lay on your back, head over the edge.” You raise an eyebrow up at him.
“My fun over now?” You pout, doing as he says anyway. He nods, brows pinched together, taking over for your hand on his cock. 
You lay back, dangle your head over the edge, and open your mouth wide. He lets his suffering erection smack against your face once or twice before he shoves his dick down your throat, too impatient to care about your gag reflex. But you don’t mind, you steady your breathing through your nose and let him abuse your throat with small but deadly thrusts. It’s not even a full minute later before he growls under his breath that he’s coming and two seconds later, buries his cock as far down your throat as you can take it. He comes like he hasn’t in weeks, coating your throat in the delicious bitter taste. 
He pulls out and slumps forward onto the bed, exhausted. You smile, sitting up and rubbing his back, clearing your throat a few times before speaking in a raspy voice.
“You okay, babe? Too much?” He rolls over, turning his head to face you and softly smiles. 
“No, baby. It was perfect.” You grin, moving some of his hair out of his face. “I love you.” 
“Mmmm. I guess I love you, too,” you chuckle and his nose scrunches up. “I’m going to clean myself up really quick. Wanna take a bath after? I’ve got some bath bombs and bubble bars from Lush. Even a melt thing. I’m not really sure what it is, but it looked cool.” You both laugh, but he nods and whispers a ‘yes please’ before closing his eyes, trying to relax. You lean over and kiss his cheek, hopping off the bed and heading into the bathroom to clean up.
Jungkook is almost fully asleep when you emerge from the bathroom and whisper in his ear that it’s time to get up. You come out with a wet towel and offer to help clean him up, but he says no and quickly does it himself before following you into the bathroom where his mouth drops.
There are candles carefully placed everywhere, one of those mood lights dimly lit, and there’s soft music playing in the background.
“What the…?” He looks around in confusion, jumping slightly when your hands meet his waist and your voice is near his ear.
“You always do the aftercare after ruining me. My turn. Let me take care of you, Jungkook.” He turns to face you, and you’re grinning ear to ear, arms wrapped around him, standing on your tippy toes. 
“Okay. Aftercare it up, baby.” He kisses your forehead when you return to normal height and watches as you skip to the bathtub, turning it on and finding the right temperature, letting it fill up. 
“I got these as a joke for me. But since you let me have fun with you today, I think you deserve them more.” You break out a bath melt and toss it into the tub, not really knowing if you were supposed to do anything else. It’s not important. You break out the bath bomb shaped like a butt shaped peach and let him smell it first before dropping it in. Finally you break out the peach crumble bubble bath, once again letting him sniff it before tossing it in under the water faucet. 
You both watch as the colors swirl around, the melt completely melted, and the bubbles growing bigger, covering the beautiful colors from the bath bomb. You turn off the water and help Jungkook get in first, slipping in behind him once he’s a little settled. 
“Shouldn’t it be the other way?” He laughs as you pull him back against your chest, your legs wrapping around his waist. 
“No. You’re the one being cared for, therefore I’m the big spoon. Accept my loving care and stop asking questions.”
It’s silent for a moment before you’re both giggling. He winces a little when he tries to find a better seat, deciding instead to roll over and tug you down a little. It’s only enough that your head and the top half of your breasts are above the water. He maneuvers you both around until he’s found a more comfortable spot on his stomach, resting his head on your chest near your shoulder, facing your neck.  
“Better?” You rake your fingers through his hair again, silently thanking whatever gods exist for him not cutting it since you got together. You love grabbing it and playing with it, and he just looks so damn good with long hair. He nods into your neck, kissing whatever skin he has access to. 
“Good. You did so good, Kookie. I’m proud of you,” you whisper, and you don’t even need to look at him to know he’s grinning. 
“You did good, too, baby. I see what that guy meant by top three and made you brownies.”
“So you agree I didn’t fuck a guy for brownies, I just fucked a guy so good that he made me brownies?”
A full body laugh, muffled by your skin as he buries his face into your neck before pulling back. 
“No. You absolutely fucked a guy for brownies.” 
“Fuck you.”
“You did like almost an hour ago. It was great. Ten out of ten would get fucked again.” He snorts when you glare down at him, bringing himself up to kiss you, wrapping his hands around the back of your neck. 
“I love you, Sparkles. Thank you for this.” His whispers land on top of your lips and you can only find yourself mumbling your love for him back. 
The rest of Sunday is spent like this. In the tub, rinsing off the damn sparkles from the bath bomb in the shower, having a little spa evening with face masks and massages for each other. With work the next day, it meant no more intense fun time, and you’d be lying if you weren’t a little bummed, because now you had to actually clean up after your sexapades. Two loads of laundry, both of you cleaning the toys, wiping down the island counter and throwing away the take out boxes. When it was finally time to sleep, you both passed out in the freshly cleaned sheets. 
When you wake up the next morning, Jungkook is gone for the day, out training with Taehyung. You slowly go about your morning, brushing your teeth before dragging yourself to the kitchen where you’re caught off guard by a box on the counter. There’s a mini balloon attached that says Thank You! You grab the little post-it note on top and laugh out loud, opening the box to see six individual brownies. 
I can’t bake to save my life. But I can walk to a bakery. Thanks for the sex. Xx
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Thank you for reading if you did. It’d mean the world if you reblogged or let me know what you think. 💜
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fanficshiddles · 6 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 43
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It was just over halfway through the summer holidays, Claire and Loki had taken to living together like a duck to water. It was like they’d lived together for years, everything just flowed so well and they just knew it was meant to be.
Bat seemed ecstatic having Claire around all the time too, because of course having two human slaves to feed you and pet you all the time was much better than just one.
‘When is your dad coming to collect Bat?’ Claire called through the house to Loki as she snuggled said cat, before heading through to the front door to put on her jacket.
‘After he finishes work this afternoon. So she won’t be on her own for too long.’ Loki said as he brought their suitcase down the stairs.
He then headed through to say goodbye to Bat. Telling her that her grandpa would be along to collect her later.
Just as Loki joined Claire back at the front door, they heard beeping from outside.
‘That’s our ride.’ Loki said as he grabbed their case and opened the door for Claire.
They stepped outside and Claire waved at the group that was in the minivan. She was shocked to see Chris was driving.
‘Chris is driving?’
‘Yeah, one of his mates owns the minivan company, so he gets it for free as long as we pay for fuel and any issues we cause, of course.’ Loki said with a sigh as they made their way down the path.
‘You’re still not happy about going with him, are you?’ Claire said knowingly.
‘Nope. It will be fine once we are there, he’s staying in the glamping area. Says that camping in a tent is beneath him.’ Loki rolled his eyes.
‘Ah well, probably a good thing.’ Claire laughed. ‘I’m still surprised he’s joining us.’
‘The only reason he’s going is because his band is playing at the festival.’ Loki said.
‘His band?’ Claire raised an eyebrow at Loki.
‘Yeah, he sings in a band in his spare time. Not that he has much spare time. Just a hobby more than anything.’ Loki shrugged.
When Claire and Loki got on the bus, they both laughed as drinks were already on the go. David tossed a can of beer at Loki and Jessica patted the empty seat next to her for Claire, thrusting a can of a blue lagoon cocktail into her hands before her bum had even hit the seat.
‘Let’s go! Get this party started!’ David cheered as he leaned forward and patted Chris’ shoulder.
Chris shook his head in response as he pulled out onto the street. Michael was sitting up front with Chris, though he had a can of beer too.
Loki sat next to David. Jessica and Claire were opposite them, then Matt, Hannibal and Spencer were in the back row along with Hannibal’s partner, Will. Claire had only met him once before, but he was really nice.
‘No need to guess that Severus isn’t joining us?’ Claire asked as she opened her cocktail.
‘Nope. He never does.’ Hannibal drawled.
‘I think he’s spending three weeks at the cabin by the woods we went to during Easter. Think he liked the idea of fooling around in the woods.’ Loki laughed.
‘Typical.’ Matt chuckled.
Micheal was in charge of the music on the drive there, though he was pretty good at his choices. Along with the early drinking of alcohol, it got everyone all hyped up and excited for the three-day festival.
Claire was surprised to see that even Chris looked to be enjoying himself, as much as he could anyway since he was the driver. Though he did join in with some of the karaoke that was going on and seemed amused at the antics of the others.
During the drive there, Claire noticed that Jessica kept glancing round at Spencer quite often, even when neither of them were speaking. She noticed that Jessica seemed to have a rather goofy smile on her face when she did look at him.
‘Is there something going on between you two?’ Claire whispered to her.
‘Whatever do you mean?’ Jessica asked, trying to act casual.
Claire gave her a look. Jessica then caved instantly.
‘Ok, ok… So, we are kind of a thing. Though aren’t really telling people just yet.’ She whispered to Claire.
‘Oh my god, that’s so exciting! So happy for you!’ Claire had to contain her excitement.
‘Thanks. I really like him. We had a one-night stand about a month ago, then we met for lunch and it’s just gone from there.’ Jessica said with a dreamy smile on her face.
‘Does he know about vampires?’ Claire asked quietly.
‘No, not yet. I’m waiting for the right moment to tell him.’ Jessica replied.
‘Good idea. I have a feeling he will be cool with it though, he seems the easy-going type.’ Claire smiled.
‘Yeah, I think so too.’ Jessica said hopefully.
When they arrived at the festival, Chris headed off on his own to his ‘glamping’, while the others continued on to find somewhere to pitch their tents.
‘At least there’s a group of us, we will be safer.’ Matt commented as they passed by a lot of rowdy drunks already.
‘And don’t worry ladies, plenty of men here to look out for you.’ Spencer said playfully and looked at Jessica, who blushed a little bit.
‘I think it would be Jessica protecting him more than the other way around.’ Claire said quietly to Loki and winked at him, making him chuckle as he draped his arm around her shoulder.
They found a decent spot not too far from the entrance to the arenas, but also not too close to the main walkways so they were nearer the fence-line, where it would be a bit quieter and away from main traffic.
Loki and Claire were obviously sharing a tent, so was Hannibal and Will. Everyone was a little surprised when they realised that Jessica and Spencer were sharing one. So they had to tell everyone that they were dating. Claire was glad it was out in the open as she didn’t think she’d be able to keep it a secret once they had more drinks.
David, Michael and Matt had decided to share a tent as David had a large one with three separate sections.
‘No, that doesn’t go in there.’ Claire argued with Loki while they fought with their tent.
‘I told you we should have just gotten a pop-up tent.’ Loki huffed as he tried to read the instructions again.
‘That would be cheating though. Putting up the tent is half the fun.’ Claire teased.
‘Yeah, this is a bundle of fun.’ Loki huffed as he tried turning the instructions sideways to make more sense of it.
He let out a small yelp as Claire whacked his ass with one of the tent poles.
‘Oh, that’s how you want to play, is it?’ He growled and launched for her. Claire let out a squeal as she ran away, but Loki didn’t let her get far before he grabbed her and playfully bit at her neck, making her laugh and squeal some more.
After a little bit of teasing and fooling around, they eventually got the tent up properly. Then it was the task of blowing up the bed. They had a foot pump, so took turns doing it.
‘Is this even going up?’ Claire asked.
‘It is… slowly… very, slowly.’ Loki said after peering at it from a few angles to check it was actually working properly.
‘I feel like I’ve been pumping for hours.’ She sighed.
‘I know what you can pump for hours instead if you like.’ Loki said suggestively with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
‘Calm those eyebrows down, vampy.’ Claire giggled.
Eventually though, they got their bed blown up.
‘You better not pierce it with your fangs, or you’ll be sleeping outside on the grass.’ Claire warned Loki as she sat down on the bed to test it.
Loki laughed wickedly and tackled her down on her back, she laughed as he slid his hands under her top at her back and began tickling her. They rolled around for a little while, she tried to escape his long teasing fingers, but he didn’t relent until David shouted at them from outside.
‘Tents aren’t soundproof guys, we don’t want to be hearing any mischievous business going on. Or you better buy us all damn good ear plugs.’  
That made Claire laugh even more and Loki too, he relented his attack on her. ‘I’ll get you later.’ He growled at her and kissed her on the lips.
‘Mmm, that better be a promise.’ She grinned at him.
Once the group was all happy with their tents, they set up some chairs in the middle and had a couple of drinks before going into the festival arena area. There were some bands playing that night, though the main ones were on tomorrow and the following day.
They ended up meeting with Chris, Loki wasn’t overly fussed as he’d had a good few drinks so was feeling pleasantly tipsy and didn’t really care anymore that he was around. Since he seemed to be behaving, too.
There was a band playing on one of the smaller stages in a tent arena, so the group went along there and hung about at the back to enjoy the music and drinks.
At one point, Claire went up to the bar to get a few more cocktails for herself and Jessica, they were both getting through their drinks pretty fast compared to the guys. When she was waiting for her turn, a guy went up to her and she just had a feeling that he was a vampire.
‘Hello there lovely. Can I get these drinks for you…’ He trailed off once he got closer to her and she noticed his nostrils flare slightly, then he looked sheepish and stepped back. ‘Sorry. I understand you’re with someone. Enjoy the festival.’ He said politely with a nod and then walked away, with Claire not even saying a word.
When she got back to the group, she handed Jessica her drink then went to Loki’s side. ‘The whole being claimed by a vampire really does work for most vampires, huh?’
Loki raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Someone hit on you?’
‘A vampire was about to, but then he must’ve smelt you on me or something as he quickly apologised.’ Claire said in surprise.
Loki’s body relaxed instantly. ‘That’s how it’s supposed to work, and usually does with mature vampires. It’s the younger ones you sometimes need to watch if they aren’t respectful.’ Loki put his arm around her waist and tugged her in close.
Claire smiled goofily. She had a feeling telling Loki about that would get him all protective, even though he already did his job of protecting her just by having her claimed.
Chris was slightly to the side of the group, even though he was sort of conversing with David and Michael, he was also watching the couples of the group. He noticed the way Claire was clinging to Loki, also Hannibal and Will were pretty touchy feely for being in public. Even Jessica and Spencer were pretty close, the way she looked at him with adoration in her eyes…
He had a weird feeling in his stomach, though tried to push it to the side. But after a little while, he ended up leaving the group to see if he could find a woman that was drunk enough to lure back to his glamping tent for the night. For a warm body in his bed, more than a feed… Though he would be kidding himself if he said he wasn’t going to feed from her too.
Later into the night, the group were all pretty hammered and right in amongst everyone else, jumping and dancing along with the crowd of people. When the music finished, it was just before two in the morning.
They made their way back to their tents and Claire was so drunk she couldn’t even see properly where she was going, Loki had to guide her back, even though he was far gone too.
When they got into their tent, Claire didn’t even take off her clothes, she just fell onto the bed and passed out instantly. Loki was able to take off his shirt but that was as far as he got, he collapsed next to her with his arm draped over her. He was able to pull their large double sleeping bag over them, which would do for tonight.
The following morning, Chris woke up and noticed the girl he’d found last night was still in the bed next to him. He had indeed fed from her too, though he decided not to kill this time and just make her forget about the feeding part of the night.
He figured since she was a reasonably good fuck, he might find her again before the weekend was out. Even if he did feel like she didn’t satisfy him quite as he had hoped. He wasn’t sure what was going on lately with him, but any girl he fooled around with just didn’t satisfy him in the same way as usual. It was like there was a deeper itch within him that couldn’t quite be scratched.
Deciding to leave her there, he went to one of the nearest food stalls for breakfast and decided to order enough for the group. He went into the tent area B where Matt told him they were pitched in, and it didn’t take him long to sniff them all out.
‘Well, well, well. Aren’t you all quite the sight for sore eyes.’ Chris chuckled.
They were all in the middle of their tents, looking so rough. Claire, Jessica and Hannibal were lying on the grass, still in the same clothes from last night and they looked like death. The three of them had spent a while in the porta potties earlier puking. Michael and Matt were sitting crossed legged on the grass, with their heads hanging down and sunglasses on as they had banging headaches. Will, David, Spencer and Loki were sitting on chairs with big glasses of water, looking rough too.
‘I’ve brought some bacon butties for everyone.’ Chris said as he placed the bag down on the camping table.
Claire had never moved so fast in her life as she shot up and crawled like the girl from the ring across the grass to grab one. Loki didn’t have the energy to laugh, no matter how amusing he found it.
‘What’s gotten into you, being so kind?’ Loki commented as he eventually reached out for a butty.
‘It would be a shame if you were all to miss my band’s set. We’re on in four hours, so I suggest you all get washed up and drink more water.’ He commented with a little smirk, glancing once more at the sight before heading away.
Claire didn’t care what his intentions were, heck, even if a complete stranger had offered her some good greasy food right now, she would’ve bitten their hand off for it. It was just what she needed, she felt so much better after it.
‘I really wish we had showers.’ She groaned as she sat back against Loki’s legs.
‘Baby wipes it will have to be, love.’ Loki said regretfully as he slid his fingers through her hair, making her moan a little as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his gentle touch.
‘I hope you brought plenty of packs.’ She mumbled to him.
‘I thought you packed them?’ Loki asked, his fingers paused in her hair.
Claire’s eyes shot open and she tilted her head right back to look at him. ‘Please tell me you’re just joking…’
Though she could tell by the look of horror on Loki’s face that he wasn’t.
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fostercare-expat · 11 days
It was an exhausting weekend with some high highs and some lows. Younger Brother got an eye infection so he had to stay home on Friday. So I came home early from work to relive my helper. Saturday was a pretty good day with some drama when Younger Brother tripped and you would have thought he broke his leg but he really just got a tiny scratch. He screamed the second he hit the ground, no waiting to assess how he actually felt, just straight to terror of being in pain. Later he limped around saying that he couldn’t straighten his leg because it would hurt. I pointed out that it doesn’t hurt right now so if he straighten his leg it might not hurt either. That sent him into a blubbering cry. He honestly is so scared of pain that he really feels it in anticipation. It’s going to take years of addressing this issue to change it, I think.
He was at his Mom’s house on Sunday, and I arranged to have my ex take the girls for the afternoon so my boyfriend and I got a precious few hours kid free which has barely happened lately. We biked to the beach to fly his drone, we stopped impromptu at the pizza place that’s always completely full but we managed to snag a pizza. He commented how nice it is to eat a pizza without Younger Daughter picking all the topings off and then leaving her crusts to be eaten. I’ve got to agree! We even went to açai too. And home again to a lovely empty house with an hour to spare. And we made good use of that hour. Younger Brother was dropped off at 7pm and he was in a foul mood just coming out of the car. Transitioning from home back to my house is really tough for him. He was clearly doing everything he could to get himself into a temper tantrum. I did some great parenting but it wasn’t enough to fight the trauma monster and he ended up screaming all the bad words at me, which he has barely done before and he even tried to hit me a few times, managing to pop me in the mouth which thankfully only hurt a little, but that’s never happened before. He’s been with me for 6 months now. I would have hoped things would be more stable by now but they aren’t.
I’m going to start setting the expectations that on Sundays nights after he gets home that he eats if he is hungry, then gets ready for bed and can just play alone in the room until he falls asleep. He just can’t handle more on Sundays. And I can’t handle him.
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buckysgrace · 8 months
7. I Keep Looking
Gator Tillman x Oc
Part 7 of Every Little Thing!
Wow I am uh gutted after the last episode lmao
CW: Cheating, p in v smut
It had been a week since she’d last seen or heard from Gator. The silence was crushing, but she supposed it was what she deserved. She had lied to him, but she felt it was fair considering what he’d said to her. She thought she would’ve eventually gained the courage to tell him again, once she had a few weeks to mend her broken heart and have thousands of miles between the two of them. 
In some odd sense, it felt freeing to admit to someone else what had happened. No one else knew, at least, no one was supposed to. She definitely hadn’t planned on Gator snooping through her files from her doctor’s office. 
“What’s on your mind?” Hugh questioned as she pressed her palm over her abdomen. She blinked for a second, trying to ignore the empty feeling that had suddenly settled over her. She shook away her thoughts, burying her grief once again. 
“Nothing,” She breathed out softly, “Just a little stressed.” She smiled softly at him, snapping her attention back towards the party that was carrying on around them. The sun was warm, almost too hot as it sat high in the pretty blue sky. 
Hugh looked nice, almost too pristine in his black slacks and his white, long sleeved shirt. She’d warned him that it would get too hot, but he still insisted. He had a pink rose buttoned onto it, matching the ones that decorated her white flowery dress. 
“Your father has invited many people.” Hugh said slowly as he swirled his cup of water around in his hand. She nodded her head, thinking that he was very right as she turned to look up at him. 
“He is well known,” Daphne teased in agreement, “It’s mostly relatives. And you remember my friend Daisy. It won’t be too bad.” She said, tilting her chin up as she balanced on her heels to try and pinpoint where Daisy had disappeared to. Daisy had always wanted to make her break from the town, but had fallen short like everybody else. She thought that Daphne was crazy for returning. 
“I don’t know,” Hugh replied softly, “I’ll be married surrounded by people I do not know.” He said at last, expressing his feelings over the whole ordeal. She paused for a moment, unsure of how to approach the touchy subject about his family once again. 
“You’ll get to know them,” She reassured him softly, “Come on. We can do introductions and then we can dance.” She smiled as she took his hand gently, knowing that he didn’t like to hold her hand for too long. He always said it was because his palms were sweaty, but she often wondered if there was another reason for it. 
Around and around they went, slowly introducing Hugh to everyone who had attended. He was right, there were many people. Even some that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She knew better than to complain. Bruce was paying for it and at this point, this was as much his wedding as it was hers.
She retreated after she ditched Hugh off to Oliver, her cheeks tired from the tight grin she’d been wearing all afternoon. She had a thing later of sweat against the back of her neck from the sun that was beginning to beam down around them. She hoped she’d put on enough sunscreen.
She brought a cold can of Coke up to her lips, enjoying the way it bubbled and tickled at her throat as she gulped it down heavily. She felt as if she was a few seconds away from gulping down the entire snack table from the nerves that were beginning to grow inside of her. 
“You look good, mama.” She turned quickly, her eyes widening as a drizzle of pop spilled down the side of her lips. She wiped it away quickly, licking her mouth clean as she looked up at Gator.
Her heart thumped roughly inside of her chest, beating to a rhythm that only he knew as she tried to find the words to say. He looked good, handsome. His hair slicked back in the usual way, a slight grin on his face as he squinted down towards her. She wondered if he’d started wearing contacts again or if he was just neglecting to do so. 
“You came.” She stated softly, mentally kicking herself for how hopeful she had sounded. She glanced away, trying to pretend like she hadn’t been hoping to see him again. She had feared that she’d ruined it all, that he hated her. Not that she could really blame him. She had kept a heinous secret from him. 
“I figured the invitation was for me too,” Gator tilted his head as he looked upon her, “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be here?” She let her eyes linger on him for a moment, noting the nice pair of jeans he wore as well as the blue button up shirt. He left the top two buttons undone, exposing his chest hair. 
“No,” She shook her head softly, “I’m glad that you’re here.” She said at last, truly grateful because this meant that he didn’t completely hate her. She faltered underneath his gaze for a moment, feeling cautious as she brought her fingers up to her lips. She rolled her tongue over her lipstick, no longer feeling the scab that had faded away. 
“Dance with me.” He said simply, not asking as her eyes snapped towards him again. Her mouth suddenly felt too dry, as if she’d swallowed hundreds of cotton balls. 
“Gator,” She sighed deeply, “I can’t.” She mumbled, keeping her voice down as someone walked past them. She noticed the slow walk, the curious eyes as they were surely trying to pick some sort of gossip up. She wouldn’t allow that. Not today. 
“Why not?” He asked her seriously, his lips curling into an amused smile. She parted her lips, feeling like he was making this harder than what it needed to be. 
“Someone may get the wrong idea.” She replied softly as she pulled her arms over her chest, crossing them tightly to keep her hands to herself. She felt like she didn't have much restraint when it came to him. 
“We went to all of our school dances together,” He pointed out, “What’s different about this?” He asked her seriously. She shook her head, her lips curling up into a smile ever so slightly. 
“I’m marrying someone else.” She reminded him gently, feeling like this whole thing was ridiculous. In the back of her mind she knew that Gator should be the one she was marrying. They just wanted different things.
“We’re just two friends dancing,” Gator drew out slowly, “Unless there’s something else?” He asked her with mock interest, tilting his head down as his eyes fell onto her features. She turned towards him, suddenly feeling a little shy. She wouldn’t bring up feelings again, not after last time. 
“No,” She replied, “There’s nothing else.” She stated slowly, locking her eyes in on his brown ones to challenge him. She waited for him to reply, to beg her to leave Hugh and whisk her away. Her heart hammered roughly in her chest as he looked down at her lips. She wondered if he could see how desperate she was for him to say those words; to want to be with her. 
“Then what’s the problem with dancing?” He asked her huskily, taking a small step back to pull the vape up to his lips. She huffed, shaking her head as he blew the smoke out towards her. She scoffed, but had to admit that it smelt better than the cheap cigarettes he used to smuggle into her room. 
“Nothing,” She shrugged her shoulders, trying to keep as nonchalant as possible. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle her body so close to his, “Just as long as you won’t step on my toes.” She grinned as she stepped off the porch, settling onto the makeshift dance floor that Bruce and August had settled out for them. 
“I don’t do that anymore,” He mumbled, almost a little pouty as he followed behind her, inside of the barn that they no longer used. They’d spruced it up pretty nicely, but it would still need work before the wedding. The sun dipped in through the large windows, decorating the floor, “That was a long time ago.” He told her, as if she needed to be reminded of it. She’d spent his Junior prom barefoot, her feet on top of his shoes to keep from getting her toes smashed and bruised. 
His Senior prom hadn’t been much better. She’d had braces then and had spent most of the night spitting out mouthfuls of blood from where he’d accidentally popped her in the mouth after he’d been trying to tighten his tie. Still, she had been the only one in her grade to go to prom all four years. She had a different dress each time as well. She supposed she was just a smidge spoiled. 
She just smiled in response, trying to ignore the ache in her chest as he placed a hand on her hip and pressed his palm against her own. She inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his cologne as his eyes fell down to her face again. She glanced around, noting that Hugh was swinging around a very unamused Noelle not too far away. 
It felt natural the way she moved with Gator, the way her skin molded against his. She felt warm, but it had nothing to do with the way the sun was shining on them. She looked anywhere but at him, afraid that he’d be able to read her thoughts with a simple glance. 
“You know what I think?” He asked as he pressed his fingertips lightly into her skin, drawing her attention back to him. She drew her eyes up slowly, focusing in on the moles on his cheeks instead of his warm eyes. 
“What?” She asked softly as an intense sensation spread through her chest. She wanted to look up at him fully, but she wouldn’t allow herself too. She wondered if everyone else could see just how pathetic she was at the moment, if they could see just how desperate she was for him. 
“I don’t think that you really like this guy,” He murmured in her ear, letting one of his hands slide lower and lower down her back. She gasped softly at the sensation, her eyes widening as she stared up at him this time, “I think you’re just trying to prove a point.” He replied huskily as he pulled his hand away from hers and began to trace it up her arm. She felt a thin line of fire spreading from where he’d touched. 
“Gator,” She warned him as his palm brushed across the side of her breast, “You’re going to get us caught.” She told him quickly, pulling both of his hands back to an appropriate place on her hips. She held onto his hands for just a second before she put her arms over his shoulders. 
“Don’t you want to know what the point is?” He asked, looking a little cocky as he bent a little further. She traced her eyes over his features, feeling like he already knew the answer to that. He was teasing her, toying with her emotions. She straightened herself out a little bit, trying to ignore the way his hands were drifting lower and lower. 
“Alright,” She said softly as she drew her eyes up towards him again, “Since you clearly know me better than I know myself, what sort of point am I trying to make?” She asked him, flicking her head just a bit to get her bangs from her face. His lips curled up into a smirk.
“I think you’re trying to make me jealous.” He whispered lowly, his head tilted in her direction as he spoke. Her eyes fell to his lips, feeling drawn in by the way they moved as the words rolled off of his tongue. They were such a soft pink, like the inside of a flower.
“Oh, am I?” She questioned him, drawing her eyes back up to his gaze. It was hot and heavy, entirely too intense as her heart continued to thump roughly against her ribs. She was sure he could hear it if he listened close enough. She hadn’t gotten with Hugh for any of those reasons. When she’d met him, she was sure that she’d never see Gator again. Desperation had brought her back. That was all. 
“Mhm,” He said softly, nodding his head as the next song began to play. It was slower, a little too sensual as the sun began to dip underneath the hill. The rays caught against his skin, lighting him up in a warm glow, “I think you just want to catch my attention so I’ll ruin your little wedding.” He mumbled as his fingertips pressed lightly into her hips. 
“Huh,” She drew out slowly, turning away from his gaze to ensure that they weren’t being too conspicuous, “That’s a fun little theory, but I wouldn’t like the scandal. You should know that if you’re so smart.” She pointed out, trying to keep herself from playing with the collar of his shirt. He pulled her a little closer, just enough for their clothes to brush against one another. 
“You already started a scandal by marrying someone else,” He mumbled underneath his breath, his gaze hot and heavy, “I think you like the attention.” He spat back, challenging her as his hands wandered a little lower. She felt a shiver racing up her spine.
“I think you’re full of it.” She told him in response, but made no effort to stop his movements. She waited, almost hoping that he would do something rash. She wanted to know if he really would make an effort to stop the wedding. 
“I guarantee that you’re only with that guy to try and upset me.” He said again, rocking his hips forward just a bit. She felt her breath hitch for a moment as she pressed her fingertips roughly into the material of his shirt. It felt nice against her skin. 
“I guarantee ,” She drew out slowly, “That you’re just trying to get a rise out of me.” She told him seriously, wondering if he was just trying to make her cause a scene. She wouldn’t. If there was something to admit, he’d have to be the one to do so. 
“Is it working?” He asked as amusement spread over his features. She had a strong urge to move her hand so she could touch his skin, but resisted. She chewed on her bottom lip, hiding her own smile as she shrugged her shoulders.
He swayed her back and forth, dancing with her for far too long as other people passed their partners back and forth. She blinked softly, thinking that maybe in a different life this could’ve been their engagement party. 
“It’s getting hot out here,” He mumbled as his fingertip rubbed softly over the trail down to her ass. She watched him, slowly nodding her head in agreement, “Some iced tea might be nice.” He suggested slyly. She felt her heart racing, clearly knowing there was a pitcher on one of the tables for that exact reason.
“I can make you some in the house,” She replied instead, her heart hammering as she pulled away slowly, “With lots of sugar.” She played it off, trying to act like she was doing it for his benefit. She had no desire to make him anything.
“Sounds nice.” He agreed, watching the way she finally dropped her hands from his shoulders. She turned slowly, exhaling deeply as she pulled her hands to her stomach. She played with her fingers, hoping that Gator was keeping a safe enough distance that it wasn’t suspicious.
She felt a little safer once they passed through the crowd, back up to the porch where no one was lingering. She took one last glance around, grinning as Gator stepped in front of her to slide the door open.
She paused, her heels tapping against the floor as she walked through the dining room. She peaked in the kitchen, in the living room and up the stairs to ensure that no one was lingering in the house. By the time she turned to face him, he was on her.
His large hands cupped her soft face, squeezing as his lips brushed against hers roughly. She craved the taste of him, the feeling of his hot mouth against her own. She brought her arm across his shoulders, pulling him closer as his tongue brushed against her bottom lip. 
“Someone will see,” She mumbled as he continually pressed his lips against hers, snapping out of her little haze as she became more aware of the large glass windows. She dragged her mouth against his just a messily, kissing him harshly as he pressed her against the counter, “Not in here.” She begged him softly, ashamed at how she couldn’t find it in herself to push him away. 
His lips curled into a lazy smirk as he gripped her waist, pushing her towards the dingy laundry room. She giggled, trusting him as she messily walked backwards and blindly searched for the light that would expose his features to her once again. She didn’t want to do it in the dark. She wanted to see him. 
She messily unbuttoned his shirt, struggling at the frantic way their lips were dragging against one another’s. It was sloppy, messy as his tongue flicked against her own. She tugged it off just enough to let it hang limply at his sides.
She breathed out, admiring his soft muscles as she pressed her fingertips against his shoulders. She touched his freckled skin, her eyes dancing across his pretty moles before pressing her fingers against his puffy nipples. She brushed her nails through the hair on his chest next. She slowly dragged one finger down the trail, dipping down across his belly button and his lower abdomen before she stopped at his pants. 
He pushed her back against the washer machine, hiding them away behind the door as she flicked her tongue across his lips this time. She gasped as his large hands squeezed at her boobs, lightly kneading them together before his hands moved further down. 
He pushed her dress up over her hips, groaning softly as he took in the lacey thong she was wearing. She felt her cheeks heat up, flushing at the cocky look that grew in his warm eyes. She pursed her lips together, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the loops of his belt.
“Who's the needy one now?”
“Just wanna feel good,” She whispered softly, fully aware of the desperation that was etched across her features, “I want you to make me feel good.” She whispered a second later, feeling full of lust as she tugged his body closer to her. 
He paused, his mouth dangerously close to hers as he examined her for just a quick second. His eyes lingered against hers, like he was trying to tell if she meant her words or not. She tilted her head up towards him, fluttering her eyelashes in hopes that he’d be able to tell just how serious she was. 
She kissed him first this time, her lips dragging against his sweetly as she tasted the sweet watermelon on his lips. She brought one arm around his shoulder, resting it lazily as she tilted her face up closer to his. His fingers lightly draped across her hips, just barely dipping against the material of her panties before he pressed one large hand against the back of her thigh and placed it over his hip.
She could hear her heart pounding in her chest as he used his other hand to free himself, his cock hard and glistening as he slowly pumped the length of his dick up and down. She watched, her eyes burning into his skin as she thought of how long and thick he was. It’d been so long. She wondered if it would hurt.
“Gator,” She breathed out softly, her nose brushing against his as she turned her gaze up towards him again, “I haven’t-,” She stopped herself, unsure if she should clarify what she was going to say. She didn’t want him to think that she would forever be waiting for him, that she was pathetic. Even if she was.
“S’alright,” He spoke softly as his pink lips curled up into a gentle smile, “I’ll go slow.” He promised, his gaze intense as he held onto her eye contact. She swallowed roughly, wondering if he could feel just how hard her heart was thumping inside of her chest. 
He pressed her thong to the side slowly, exposing her pink clit and folds as he slowly dragged the tip of his cock across her wet pussy. She inhaled deeply, her lips parting as she admired the way his eyebrows were slowly beginning to knit together. He was handsome, pretty even. 
She wrapped one hand around his bicep, the other digging into his shoulder as he languidly stuffed his cock inside of her tight walls. She exhaled, her lungs empty as his thick cock stretched her walls out. She turned her gaze away from him, looking down at where their bodies met as she watched him slowly disappear inside of her. 
It burned and was slightly uncomfortable as she felt herself clinging to him. It wasn’t as unbearable as their first time, but just enough to make her press a hand against his hips to stall his movements for just a quick second so she could fill her lungs again.
“You alright?” Gator asked hoarsely, his features tight with pleasure as he pushed her hair from her eyes. She felt like her tongue was two sizes too big, as she suddenly couldn’t form any words as she willed herself to adjust around him. She nodded her head, trying to focus on the pleasure rather than the slight pain.
He brought his lips down against the crook of her right neck, licking at the mole that was delicately placed there before he dragged his lips up slowly. She shivered underneath his touch, her thighs jerking as he nibbled across the sensitive area on her skin. He licked at her skin slowly, before bringing his lips back to the same spot.
She exhaled, feeling the pleasure beginning to coil inside of her stomach as he pressed the remainder of his thick cock inside of her warm cunt. He dragged his fingertips forward, dancing them across her clit in a teasing manner as a soft moan left her lips.
“Gator,” She crooned, feeling like she had jolts of pleasure that were trickling through her veins. It spread through her body. To the top of her head and down to the bottom of her toes. Everything suddenly felt too good, too warm as her cunt clenched down around his cock, “More. S’alright. I want more.” She begged earnestly, rolling her hips forward to make a point. 
She cried out softly at her own movements, gasping as her clit brushed against his soft hairs. He pressed his forehead against her own, his breath warm as he dug his fingertips into her soft thigh. He groaned as he slowly pulled his hips back and then pressed his cock deeper inside of her velvety walls.
“Christ,” He spit out, his eyes looking at her lustfully as he slowly rocked himself backwards and then shoved his cock in deeper inside of her. Her head fell back with the movements, gasping at the feeling of being stretched around him. The burn was pleasurable this time, leaving her with a dire need for more. She gasped as she held onto him, wondering how she’d gone three long years without feeling him like this, “This feel good?”
“Yeah,” She cried out softly, pulling him closer as the edge of the washer began to dig into her back. She didn’t care; didn’t even care if he left marks on her. All she could focus on was him, all of him, “Feels so good.” She reassured him, tilting her mouth up towards him.
He groaned softly, his warm breath tickling against her features as he did so. She whined at the feeling of his hard cock curving up into her, dangerously close to the spot that made her see stars. His lips curled up just so softly, like he already knew what he was doing. Their bodies molded into one, like they were falling back into place after being split apart. 
She brought her lips against his again, stealing the groan that was forming on his lips. She swallowed it, flicking her tongue against his in a messy way as he squeezed tightly at her thigh. She wondered if he’d leave bruises on her, if she’d have to cover them up. The excitement of possibly having to do so was almost too much for her to handle. 
Her pussy squeezed around his cock, coating him in her slick as she squelched around him. The sound of their muffled moans bounced around in the laundry room, hidden away by the loud sound of the laundry machines at work. 
He roughly moved a hand up to the top of her dress, forcing it down enough to free her tits from her top. Her boobs bounced with his rough movements, getting slightly wet from the spit trail that fell from their messy kiss. She moaned at the feeling, enjoying how his fingers spread the spit across her hardening buds. 
She got lost in their kiss, lost in the feeling of his cock brushing against the spot that left her whining and whimpering. Her body shook, desperately willing for him to be closer to her. She parted her lips, rolling her tongue against his once again as a loud moan formed in her chest.
“Daphne?” Hugh’s voice rang out from the kitchen, dangerously close as Gator placed open mouthed kisses against the side of her mouth. She felt her eyes widen, her pulse quicken as she was sure they’d be caught.
Gator moved his large palm over her mouth, silencing any sounds of pleasure or protest as he continued to rut his cock deep inside of her. She felt her eyes fluttering as she fought to keep them from rolling back in her head; fought to keep her legs from collapsing in pleasure.
“What do you think your little boyfriend would think?” Gator whispered harshly in her ear, his breath warm and hot against her earlobe as her cunt dripped along his heavy cock. She turned her eyes towards him, her eyebrows knitted together from the pleasure that was vibrating against her clit, “Does he know you’re my little whore? That you belong to me?”
She shook her head, feeling like there was drool falling from her lips as she looked towards him desperately. She didn’t want him to stop, not even if it meant Hugh finding out about them. For some reason it only spurred her on, made her dig her heel a little deeper into his hip.
“Are you in here?” Hugh’s voice rang out again, the sound of his shoes tapping against the floor ringing into the laundry room as he walked around the kitchen. It took everything in her to keep from crying out as the tip of Gator’s cock pressed against her g-spot, nearly rocking her over the edge right there, “Your mom wanted more pictures!” He yelled a little louder, a sense of amusement in his tone.
“You wanna go out like this?” Gator teased her as he circled a finger around her hardened nipple, before pinching it softly. She whimpered against his palm, her body twitching in anticipation as she did her best to warn him with her eyes. She wouldn’t be able to keep herself quiet if he kept teasing her.
She mumbled a soft no against his skin, whining softly as the pleasure continued to build and twist in her stomach. She desperately pulled him closer, her nails digging into his skin as his breath continued to fan over her face. 
Gator let out a soft groan, his sweaty forehead brushing against hers as he pressed his body closer against hers. She licked at his palm, teasingly moving her tongue around as she enjoyed the way he rocked his cock inside of her. She savored every inch, each vein and curve of his cock as her pussy clamped down around his thick girth. The sounds of their skin meeting, their bodies molding into one rang quietly in the room as the sound of the door to the kitchen slowly slid open then shut again.
“Is he gone?” She whispered out harshly, her voice breaking in pleasure as she tried to keep her eyes focused on him. She tried to memorize the way his features twisted in pleasure, how his neck tightened as sounds of pleasure left his lips. 
“I think so,” Gator groaned as his lips fell open against her mouth, “Jesus. You feel so good.” He spoke against her lips, barely sealing their mouths together as his cock continually hit against her bundle of nerves. She cried out, her body clamping down around him to keep them in sync. 
“Mhm, I’m so close,” She breathed out harshly, her mind fuzzy with the pleasure that was racing up her spine, “You make me feel so good.” She whined softly, wishing that this feeling would never end. 
He grumbled underneath his breath in response, whispering something so low that she couldn’t even make out what it was. She felt her body shivering in response, the pleasure becoming overbearing as she felt her stomach muscles clenching tightly together in awe. 
“Gator,” She whined, her toes curling tightly in her heels as she dug her fingertips into his skin, “Oh God.” She gasped loudly as the bridge inside of her collapsed, throwing her pleasure over the edge as she came with a cry. She wiggled against him, her eyes filling with stars as he brought her as close to heaven as they could manage. 
“Fuck, Jesus, fuck.” Gator spit out harshly, sounding just as desperate for his release as his nose brushed against her warm cheek. She licked at her lips, trying to keep from being too loud as her cunt ached around his throbbing cock. 
He filled her, his hips pressing deep against her as his head fell into the crook of her neck. He groaned loudly, clawing at her thighs as he emptied his cock inside of her cunt. She whimpered, her eyes fluttering shut as his warm spunk coated her walls. She wiggled her hips, her clit throbbing from the sensation. 
She clawed at him just as desperately, not wanting to miss one second of his flesh against her own. She could feel his heart throbbing against his skin, beating in the same rough rhythm as her own. He sighed against her neck, leaving behind a small dribble of spit as he rose to face her again.
She stared up in awe at the way his eyebrows had relaxed, the smooth lines on his features and how home like his eyes suddenly felt. She liked staring at them; enjoyed how they seemed to be a mess of different colors. They were a warm brown, but sometimes they seemed to have a vast amount of green mingled in them. Sometimes they seemed to be golden. 
She took in his flushed skin before her gaze fell to his cupid's bow lips. She brought her fingertips up delicately, touching them as if to confirm that he was real. She watched the way they moved against her skin, and she enjoyed how soft and wet they felt against her. 
She moved her hands up to his hair next, slicking the messy strands back into their usual position. His eyes stayed on her the whole time, like he was waiting too. She wished she had the strength to push him off, to tell him this would never happen again. 
Instead she brushed her nose against his again, enjoying the rough way he was still breathing as her eyes fell shut. She fell into her own little fantasy for a moment, imagining that this wasn’t wrong. She imagined that Gator was hers and that everything was okay. 
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 8 months
Part 3
Still recovering from a gangbang...
(They took turns filling me with cum, then hubby and I went to dinner with my family)
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On Saturday we didn't do much sexually because we had alot of errands to catch up on, since last weekend we obviously couldn't.
That Saturday a few guys from the gangbang showed up at our house hoping to have another go at me, but hubby turned them away.
Later, while hubby was in the shower, couple other guys showed up.
I was instructed to shew them off, but... I knew hubby was going to visit his mom tomorrow, so I whispered to the guys "come back tomorrow", and I gave them a time.
Fast forward to Sunday, my husband left as I knew he would, then later the couple of guys showed up.
I remembered one guy from the gangbang, but I honestly couldn't remember the other one, even though he sweard he was here.
No matter, they both showed me their paperwork so I let them in.
They both took turns fucking me. Each one came in me and left. Nothing really to write about. It was pretty vanilla, I layed back on the bed, spead eagle while they emptied their cum in me.
A third guy showed up and it was the same quick vanilla fuck as he came in me.
Afterwards, I text hubby and told him a few guys just left, and they came inside of me.
He messaged back "I am driving home".
He came into the bedroom to find me still laying in bed with a tank top on and no panties. The last guy had left no more than 10 minutes before he came home and I  hadn’t really moved since they finished fucking me.
Then he saw it. A large pool of cum just sitting right on the tip of my pussy. This sent him over the top and he dove in to lick every possible drop of cum out of my used cunt. The taste of salty cum mixed with my juices was one of the best things he luvs. I moaned with every sweet thrust of his tongue against my pussy. Despite being freshly fucked, I was ready to go for another round.
My husband and I engaged in a long, wet kiss where I got a chance to taste those guys cum and my juices together. It was sloppy, but hot, and we absolutely loved every second of that exchange.
While we were kissing he took off his shirt and managed to get his pants off at the same time.
We didn’t have a lot of time, and he couldn’t hold himself back much longer. He pushed me back on to the bed and slid his cock into my welcoming pussy. I was absolutely soaked, and I could feel all the fluids inside of me flowing around his cock as he pumped in and out of me.
When he finally came he released a torrent of cum into my pussy. All the sexual animal like energy came out in what felt like 5 gallons of cum into my eagerly waiting body.
We kissed some more, I rolled over, and we both lay exhausted from all the events in that afternoon.
After cuddling for about ten minutes and doing some recovery, we had to start getting ready as we were having dinner with my parents. I got dressed by putting on a lightweight dress that came down to my knees with no bra and no panties on underneath. I knows this drives hubby absolutely crazy.
Met my parents at the restaurant, and carried on about our like normal married couple with a family would.
The whole time at dinner all I could think about was my pussy full of the cum from my husband and three strangers. The fact that I wasn’t wearing underwear I was dripping out of my pussy, right there under the table in front of my family.
The fact that my parents, sitting just a few feet away, don’t know about their daughter being handily fucked all afternoon drove me wild. Hubby and I both exchanged the occasional glances during dinner mixed with a smile and a wink. He had to try and suppress his raging hard cock pretty much the entire dinner. On the way home, I admitted nearly the entire dinner my pussy was soaked, between the occasional “slip” of certain fluids and how horny I felt over the whole afternoon.
The moment we got home we immediately went to our bedroom, and fucked again. I didn’t even get my dress off. He pushed me against the wall, hiked my dress up enough, and fucked me from behind.
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
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mackmp3 · 11 months
sometime last year, in the summer, we were all just sitting at some on some average afternoon, and suddenly there's this cracking noise really really loud and a sound like gravel being tipped out or something, just loud and crunchy. and i look out the window just in time to see that this massive old eucalyptus tree that was just past the back fence of my backyard had fallen over. I just saw the ends of some of the branches waving around, much lower than usual. so naturally we all go out side, and the sky looks so much emptier. and i always loved that tree.
it would have taken to long to get the gate open, but i think i climbed up on it and stuck my head over? but i couldn't see properly, so i ran around the corner and down into the little park by the river the tree was (is) in. and this tree was really really massive, let me say, like at least three people would be needed to wrap your arms around it. there were two eucalyptus growing right beside each other, their roots all wrapped and intertwined, and people had formed a little path between the two trunks. it was the bigger tree, the one that was leaning over the river, that had fallen, had just cracked near the base, revealing that the inside was hollow and the sap was this bloody red colour. i'm not making that up, it was red as anything, i picked a bit up and still have it.
as it went down it had taken a gouge out of a tree on the other side of the river, and a branch had struck the shoulder of a guy who was just standing by his car, and hit his car pretty bad too, maybe. someone called an ambulance for him, i think he broke his shoulder but was probably mostly in shock. and there were people on both side of the river all standing around the fallen tree and this guy and his car just. looking. it wasn't like it was a windy day or anything, the tree just fell out of nowhere. the specific kind of eucalyptus it was dropped these little round hard seedcases that collected around it that people would always trip on. i've done it myself.
and later some people came and plastic taped off the area where the tree was laying, and eventually some people properly cut it down, leaving this big hollow stump with traces of hard red sap (i'm pretty sure it was red because of some kind of fungus. would be cool if it grew red mushrooms), and the little path between it and the other tree. and a gap in the skyline. looking out the window was disconcerting because it just felt so empty. the tree had always been there, i couldn't remember living anywhere else.
and it was just gone. out of nowhere. and it was just a tree but i was really upset.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
flower falling asleep at the library when she’s meant to meet h :( maybe they have a really hard exam coming up in a couple days and she really hasn’t been getting it even with Harry’s help so they’ve taken to spending their entire Saturday at the library and h has compiled some new notes and practice questions for her all pretty and color coded with his highlighters, and she was up all night the night before because she wanted to just get down the formulas they went over that day before he helped her with the newer stuff they covered that week and she basically said goodnight to h on the phone and then stayed up under her desk lamp until the sun was starting to come up, and by the time she gets into bed, she’s meeting h in three hours but she’s in charge of getting their morning coffees that day so she still gets there early and tucks herself into their little secluded table with a big sweater and her hair pulled up and the silence of the basically empty library just gets to her and while she was trying to organize her notes to show h that she figured out one of the formulas, she just… rests her cheek on the top of her hand with a yawn and closes her eyes for a few seconds- just a few!! but then h comes into the library 15 minutes later and sees her fast asleep resting on the table and he’s :( bc she doesn’t fall asleep like this ever and he knew she was extra stressed about this test and he sees all of the scribbled work she’s done laying in front of her, stuff that he never saw her do, meaning she stayed up late or woke up extra early and he’s just sighing and sitting in the chair beside her, slowly moving her things away from her and packing them back up into the backpack sitting at her legs before he’s leaning over with his chin resting in his hand and brushing his hand over her cheekbone and mumbling sweet little things to wake her up, seeing the hue of dark circles under her eyes and she’s embarrassed when she wakes up and “what time is it? wheres the stuff I had?” and he’s just telling her that he’s taking her to his place so that she can get a few more hours of sleep, but “no h, I need to work I don’t have time the test is in 2 days” and he’s just shushing her and “you know how frustrated you get when you’re tired, and it does you no good to be sleep deprived and try and study. we can work this afternoon” just being a little stern because she can be a stubborn little thing and even h has been a little bit more stressed about this exam and he doesn’t know if he has all the patience he always gives her when she’s going to be grumpy in about 2 hours, so he just takes her home and gets into bed with her and she’s immediately knocked out curled up into him and he’s sitting against the headboard going over the work she did the night before and making little comments and notes for her to mention later and she’s in a way better mood after she wakes up a few hours later and h ordered them lunch and it just turns into a cozy study session with notes scattered across his living room floor and just so cute :( - 🍓
stop:( like shes been working sosososo hard on all the information hes been helping her like the good girl she is but he didn't know hshe was working herself so hard that he'd find her asleep in their spot:(((( very obsessed w him knowing that he doesn't have the same patience as he normally would so he just packs her things up before gently waking her up to go home with him:( BUT OMG:(((((( as shes napping hes just going over her work and making little notes in the margins of what he needs to go over with her when she wakes up but overall hes so impressed w what she did and even the little practice problems she made all by herself to figure out and just:( hes so proud of her for being so smart and working so hard now he just needs her to take care of herself too:(
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lettersleftunread · 6 months
// the last falsetto //
dear you,
when i first listened to this song, i easily associated it with someone. the song makes me feel like i'm walking barefoot at the beach, feeling the warm sand in between my toes, my hair flowing freely with the cold breeze, and my chest feels light as i breathe all my frustrations out in the air. he feels exactly like that. he feels like sunshine.
but after looping it for hours and rereading the lyrics multiple times, i took back the association because it doesn't match. all along, there's an underlying reason why i liked the song, and now, i realize it may be because of you.
there's probably a million things i'd like to say to you, but honestly, i think it'd be best if i just ask — how have you been?
a part of me wholeheartedly wishes that you're well, and that you're living your best life. a part of me wishes you're happy. but the part of me that recognizes the pain you caused totally wishes the opposite. i can't blame her though.
do you even remember how we started out as friends? it was the 5th of december, and we had emptied a lot of bottles. we were both drunk, and you were muttering the most nonsense sentences the world has ever heard despite us having a sensible conversation because the alcohol already took over. when the morning came, we were waiting for everyone to finish getting dressed so that we can go home. you sat by me while i'm hugging my stuffed bear and asked "can i hug you?". you were clingy when you're drunk, and funnily enough, i am too so i said yes. i think that was the first out of the many hugs we get to share. too bad the count finally halted.
we met again that afternoon for a photoshoot, and you, despite sleeping so soundly on the jeep to the point that your friend carried you to his apartment, turned out pretty decent. you looked great, like you weren't hurling hours before. that day was filled with so much bliss, and it's vividly etched in my memory. little did i know, the 6th of december marks a start of a beautiful friendship — so beautiful that the world doomed it to end terribly.
i don't want to delve deeper into what we had because even i cannot verbalize what that was. was there even a concept of "us" or was it just in my mind? all these years, the chronic thought of asking "what are we?" haunted me and what's sad is that i will never know the answer to that. maybe it's better not knowing. maybe it's better to just settle with the fact that you were the reason why my life was filled with bliss for a certain point in time, and for that, i will be eternally grateful.
at the back of my mind, i have this small box filled with little details about you. i know the song you listen to when you need that little push. you know how to braid someone's hair because you do your little niece's hair. you have this certain hyperfixation on this one particular italian word. oh god, i still remember how you smell like -- intoxicating, gentle, familiar.
and at the same time, you knew things about me, things i never even had the chance to verbalize out loud, but you still knew because you paid attention.
it will always be a mystery to me how you knew that i loved that particular song to the point that you asked me to sing it with you. i will never forget every single time you braided my hair because you knew i loved it when people play with my hair. you knew i love stickers, so you bought one that matched mine.
your arms, up until now, are what i consider my safest place in this world. no one has ever come close to the way you made me feel that night – the security, the serenity, the peace, everything – and five years later, you still own a part of me.
i'd like to think we knew each other pretty well -- perhaps to be loved is to be known. however, like the seasons, you and i went through drastic changes. we outgrew a lot of things, including each other. although sometimes, i think about these versions of us -- the version of us who deeply knew each other -- where did they go?
at nights when i walk home alone, or during spontaneous karaoke nights wherein i sing duets with a different person, and whenever i get the urge to braid my hair in the morning before i go to work, the question lingers, "what if?"
i'd like to think there's a universe out there wherein we decided to give in to chance. there's probably a universe wherein i decided to tell you that i love you, and you eagerly said it back. there's probably a universe in which the yearning and pining were mutual, and the love was unconditionally reciprocated.
like the song we sang to each other, i'd come home after a long day because in that world, you'll be mine and i'll be yours.
but that's all this was gonna be – a "what if". ours was never a case of bad timing because we're never made to course through this lifetime together. what we were were just ships that pass in the night — meant to meet at one point in time, but destined to sail off on our separate voyages, never to cross paths ever again.
it's bittersweet that i couldn't even say that our time has passed because we never even happened, but i grew to accept that i was never meant to be a part of your story. not a sentence, probably not even a phrase. i never made a mark on yours, but do remember that you are a whole chapter in mine.
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emetogirl · 1 year
Saw your post about wanting to hear other people's emeto experiences and I'm going through one right now so thought I'd share. I've posted a few bits and pieces as they happened over on my blog, but I'll combine them all into one post for ya.
On Friday at work, I noticed that the co-worker I share an office with kept excusing herself to go to the bathroom. And then I knew something was really up when she didn't eat anything at lunch (we had a potluck). I confronted her about it and she admitted that she had been feeling nauseated all morning, but she hadn't thrown up. She looked exhausted and I encouraged her to go home; there had been a bug going around work and it was likely she caught it.
She left and I went on about my day. Later that night, right before I went to bed, she texted me saying she'd finally thrown up. And me, being a bit of a emetophobe in real life, immediately started feeling sick too. I tried to tell myself it was all in my head and went to sleep.
When I woke up yesterday morning I felt "off." Just kind of achy and I had no appetite. My stomach didn't really hurt, but it felt like a pit of looming dread. I usually wake up really hungry, so not having an appetite concerned me. I forced myself to drink some water and continued nursing my water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day. I really wanted to believe it was all in my head, but deep down I knew that it wasn't.
I also had an appointment to get my taxes done yesterday afternoon and that one little errand exhausted me. I took my temp when I got home because I was shivery and still really achy. My temp was a pretty low-grade fever (100.8) but it was definitely enough to make me feel blah. My stomach had also become really uncomfortable at this point, but I hadn't eaten anything all day so I wondered it was just hunger. I heated up some chicken noodle soup, ate a small bowl, and then went to sleep around 8 pm, hoping I'd be able to sleep it off.
A little after 2 am I woke up sweating like crazy and just knew I was going to throw up. I bolted out of bed and made it to the toilet just in time. I didn't even have time to freak out about it because it happened so fast. My anxiety skyrocketed after the fact, though, because I didn't want it to happen again but I still felt so bad and knew that it was probably inevitable. I was dizzy and seeing spots and felt so weak.
I stayed on my bathroom floor for about an hour just fighting the nausea until my stomach calmed down a little. Eventually I decided it was safe to drag myself back to bed with a trashcan nearby. I curled up in a ball to take some pressure off my stomach and ended up falling back asleep.
Woke up three hours later to a mouthful of saliva and grabbed my trashcan to throw up again. Emptied my stomach in three more liquidy waves.
I feel soooo much better after the second bout. I still have some lingering nausea but I don't feel as weak and foggy anymore. I had some water an hour ago that has stayed down and later I'll try some Liquid IV. Probably won't attempt food until tomorrow. My coworker said she only threw up a couple of times so I'm hoping I'm over the worst of it and it's smooth sailing from here.
Trying not to read too much into the fact that I caught a stomach bug the same week I started posting emeto content again haha.
Okay, first of all, Maddie, I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON THIS SUCKS SO MUCH!!! So many of us that are into emeto also experience emetophobia, and I’m probably one of the odd one’s out being someone that doesn’t. When you feel ready for food I always tell people it’s best to start out with the BRAT diet- banana’s, rice, applesauce, and toast! Usually sick tummies will tolerate those foods better than, like, a whole ass steak dinner😂
But worries aside, this was an epic story nonetheless and I can’t wait to read your post about it!
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jonathanwrotethis · 3 months
A kind of magic
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Where did Saturday go? Where do Saturdays go? Why is this not headline news every week?
I'm running on empty. Again.
After delivering a demo in the heart of the city, and having all the important conversations, I got home in time for tea and medals and then spent much of the evening working on some content creation for YouTube. The same again first thing this morning.
At this point the YouTube gig has pretty much turned into a second full-time job. I finish the day job, eat dinner, wash up, and then go again. Every day. The lines on the page in the Overlook Hotel have never sounded more true.
I spent this morning building computer hardware that arrived through the post a week ago. Hardware to build and review on YouTube. I was in WAY over my head. I never did electronics at school, and the closest I've gotten to building anything in the last twenty years has been IKEA furniture.
I got there. The video and accompanying blog post went out early this afternoon.
Since then I've been helping build furniture, visited the rubbish dump, and accompanied my other half to deliver our daughters to their annual rugby team awards dinner.
After eating half my bodyweight in chinese food earlier this evening, I'm now sitting in the dark of the junk room with a glass of wine. Taylor is playing on Spotify.
While on my way to London yesterday, huddled in an underground train, I overheard the subject of Taylor come up between some other passengers. A teenager was in the middle of attempting to cancel her for whatever reason when an older man across the train carriage leaned forwards. Something that NEVER happens.
"I've been a hug fan of all sorts of music since probably before you were born…"
I fully expected "Ok boomer" from the teenagers, but what he said next caused them to remain silent.
"She's the hardest working, most professional, and most dedicated recording artist I think I've ever seen."
A woman in her thirties sitting opposite him smiled - "well said". I broke into a broad grin too.
The train rolled into Paddington a few moments later, and we went our various ways.
I will freely admit - there's a part of me that listens to Taylor purely because it rubs some people up the wrong way. I love music. I've always loved music. Who's singing, performing, writing, or whatever - isn't so important to me. I just love music.
As Russell said at the end of Almost Famous - "what do I love most about music? In the beginning, everything".
I love that music can immediately transport us to places, times, and emotions. When I hear "U Sure Do", I'm at Oxford ice rink in the early 1990s. When I hear John Farnham I'm immediately in the Christmas Market in Frankfurt, talking to an old friend on my phone. When I hear "Blame it on the Weatherman", I'm arriving in San Francisco to visit my cousin on my own thirty years ago.
It's a kind of magic.
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keelt9 · 5 months
Cap. 3
Part 2
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“What are you talking about? A masterpiece!” Matias and Enzo were talking about the scene their friends just finished recording, when they hear in the distance a familiar voice talking enthusiastically.
Matias observes warily the expression of Enzo, after a hard session of persuasion with Mar, he just gets warning of her, if she sees this start to turn messier, she will cut it out, from the root.
“Be honest with me.” Matias gets Enzo's attention, he’s seeing him but his mind is immersed in something else. “That girl just caught your eye or is something more insanely complicated.” He didn’t get any answer.
“Because…come on Enzo, just see this girl, what? 4 times, talk maybe 2 and look at you, acting weird. I mean, yeah, find a pretty girl and catch your eyes, it’s ok, who didn’t do that? But since you talked with her from time to time you have a weird smile on your face and after what Agustin called “a short talk” you looked fresh?” Enzo seems confused enough to move his hand trying to rest importance and keeps walking. 
“You… Ok, ok, ok! It’s been a long year, and exhausting d…” In a useless attempt for resting importance Enzo tried to find an excuse as he started to talk. Matias takes a deep breath before dropping the boom.
“That girl will leave in two weeks, if this insanely complicated “thing” means something to you do something, in case it doesn’t I think we should just go back to our routine and stop this rare talkings.” Ready, the boom was off and Matias walked away not wanting to know if something blew out or it was just an empty one.
“Oh shit! Hey, Mar must be already waiting for me, I’ll text you ok?” Moises was about to protest when she continued. “I SWEAR, JESUS!” Both of them laugh as she rushes to put all the things she can in her pockets.
“Before I forget it! I already have the package, which arrived two days ago.” He mentioned but she barely caught his words before she ended the call, a few seconds later she crashed with someone and fell on the cold ground. 
“Sorry, sorry I…” She raised her sight and saw Matias already helping her to pick up her things.
“You know how to make entrance.” __ laughs and stands up when the sting sensation makes her look at her hands, both of them have deep scrapes in the palms. 
“Yeah, this one doesn’t seem to be smooth.” She opens and closes her hands trying to make the sting sensation fade away.
“Oh, am, we have a first-aid kid on the set.” __ was about to say it’s ok but the cold air and the open wound made her palms burn.
When Mar saw __ walking inside but with her fist tight and walking beside Matias with her things in his hands, giving her the indications for something happened, she rushed asking what happened when she saw the scrapes in her hands, both of them explaining what happened and that made her feel relaxed. 
Mar knows __ is well protected by her siblings, after knowing the hard times they had when Mr. Ovalle died; being the younger sister behind twins who were in the last years of their childhood, while two months ago just blew the candle of your 3rd birthday, making the following years not so friendly. Later than the beginning with Caro, she lost count of the time where Mrs. Mendienta and her went to pick her up after school and she was just sitting there sharing a bag of frituras with all kinds of salsas, no talking, just eating and keeping in company of each other.
“How long does she remain waiting?” One day Mar asked her little sister, she observed the eyes of Caro focus on __. “Carolina.” Her little sister shook her head. 
“Just a few minutes more, until one of her siblings came to pick her.” Mar looked at her mother and she just smiled with a press of the lips.
That night her mother will tell Mar the tragic events Lucia confesses to her the day they have to go to school for the little fight between the girls. 
Just one afternoon of doing homework in Mendiatas house was enough for Mar to make a strong bond with __, Mar found a new little sister to take care of. A few months later with the immersion of Enrique in the Ovalle family they were able to see how everything turned into something better.
“You should be careful, the cold ground and the fact there isn’t pavement makes it easier to get deep bruises than usual.” One of the paramedics told __ after treating the bruises.
The three of them thank him before he leaves. 
“Well, it seems it’s my turn to drive after all.” Mar adds but before she could pick the key, __ took a step ahead and grabbed it first.
“It’s scratch Mar, it’s not even a cut.” __ stands for they leave. “Thanks Matias you shouldn't stay, you look tired.” Matias refuses with his head and follows them to the exit. 
They talked about their plans for Christasm and just to make sure Matias got the message of __ departure, it was the first time __ mentioned out loud.
Enzo stayed a few seconds out, watching the stars above him, but eventually tried to rest importance to the chatting with Matias consequently the topic of __, so he went to the truck to change his clothes and enjoy the two weeks of rest.
He grabs his things but the voices coming from the entrance stop on his way to the exit.
“It's a shame!” He hears Matias with a cover sound, he’s giving __ a goodbye hug. “But it was a pleasure to meet you.” 
Mar felt relieved that all points to the imminent surrender of the ridiculous idea of Matias, she felt someone take a heavy bag from her back.
“However, if you ever come back it will be a joy to meet you again.” __ response to the hug.
“If you ever go to Mexico, give me a call and it will be a pleasure to receive you there.” A few seconds ago, they exchanged numbers.
“Wow, wow, dangerous offer.” Mar says, making __ smile. The tree of them wish each other merry Christmas before parting ways.
<It’s a shame> Was the thought of Matias, she’s a nice girl, really n…
“HOLY SHIT!” __ was right that they are incredibly skinny, and in the dark made them look like ghosts. “ENZO!” Matias recovered his breath. 
“Are you leaving? Go back safe, goodnight.” 
“Yeah, goodnight.”Enzo responds, it seems the boom was actually a useless firecracker.
After arriving home and preparing a small dinner, Enzo remains observing the T.V not even bothering to pay attention, Ada and Uma remain sleeping next to him. 
“I’m crazy.” His expiration radiating strong out of him.
“THAT IS NOT TRUE!” Caro, Mar and __ sitting in the living room with hot chocolate and a bunch of cookies and pancakes, playing true or dare.
“Yeah, right! You even bought a ridiculous teddy bear!” Caro is being exposed about the first time she confessed to a boy in fourth grade and he rejected her, with a horrible and dry <No way> Who got the last laugh? Before she left the school to move to Uruguay, that boy was like a puppy after her.
“Oh! I remember! Diego Vazquez.” Mar fakes a shiver. “Ugh, awful.” The three of them laughed so hard that it was hard to recover their breathings. “What about you __? Any guy who deserved to be a piece of your heart.”
“HA! The legend says, <Just the immortals will have the privilege to see.>” __ smiles bigger before sending her to bring more chocolate.
“No one, huh?” Mar insisted  and __ instead of feeling uncomfortable she just relaxed.
“Not even a scrap.” Mar phones start to buzz, she covers her face with her hands making __ giggles. “I’ll go to help her before the kitchen floor is covered in a brown liquid.”
Mar smiles before seeing the name on her screen making her eyes almost fall, she stands up quickly and walks to the stairs.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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It's the last day of the year! Honestly the worst holiday but also. It is nice to reflect. To get a little excited about what comes next. This year was a lot. And next year will be even more. And I'm excited for that.
Today was chill though. I slept okay. But I had nothing I needed to do so when I woke up I just stayed in bed. I stayed in bed until 1030. When I finally pulled myself up and made the bed. I went and washed my hair. I felt a little better.
Because it was later in the morning I felt better about eating Mac and cheese as a first meal.
I decided to try doing my eyeliner different. Which did not go well at first. I only had wooden pencil eyeliner. Which hurts my waterline. Later I would go to Walgreens to get a crayon kind and it went so much better and I feel very pretty. It is fun to try a new look.
I would feel very winded today. I was very congested and my ears were all closed up. I felt fine beyond that but it was frustrating how quickly I would lose steam today.
I would get some stuff done though. I would decide I should start making progress on getting rid of some stuff. This is very tough. Which makes me annoyed because I sued to be so good at it! But everything feels tied up in emotions and memories and gifts and people. So it feels next to impossible. But I was determined to at least try.
So I pulled out my trunk that I thought had extra knickknacks stored in. Turns out it was almost all just empty cigar boxes. Well then I would start to utilize those. And started pulling small objects off the shelves and putting them away. I chose some stuff to get rid of. And was not getting rid of a ton but I was making progress and that felt good.
I would take a break and lay down and watched videos. I did a little vacuuming but it was very half hearted. Eventually I would change the kitty litter and clean up a little.
I had soup for lunch. And then decided I would start going through the kitchen. Let's go through mugs.
We have so many mug. Just an unreasonable amount of glassware. But because everything is tied up with James's things I decided that the best way to handle my emotions with this would be to just straight up take out anything in the cabinet that I use all the time. I made some hard calls. But I ended up pulling out 7 mugs and 5 cups. This is wildly extream because we have so many. But I was proud of myself. And now James can pick the ones they want to keep and we can feel okay with getting rid of the rest.
So there was no confusion I moved all my chosen vessels to the cubby shelf. Which lead to me deciding to pull out all my water bottles and travel cups. Also from storage. This was way harder to purge. I use so many of them!! Often! I got rid of so many bottles already last year. But I am keeping most of them. I ended up getting rid of 3 cups and 3 bottles. I still have so many but I don't feel as bad because I have reasons for these ones. Plus I have some I leave at camp. I have so many beverage containers it's so silly.
I would go through our reusable straws next. I don't like the metal ones as much and some are weirdly thin and others have bad mouth feeling. I was proud of myself getting rid of so much.
Once I was done I was texting with James about how we should make lucky lemon pigs for new years. I had seen them online and thought it was so cute. So I decided I would go get us some lemons and pick up the eyeliner I wanted.
And it was beautiful out. I put on some music and enjoyed my walk to the store. I was in a good mood. And after I got what I needed I headed back home. I made a stop over to look at the free stuff from yesterday. There was still some neat gardening stuff. And I was able to get a brand new in the package garlic plate grater and some plant flags. Amazing. James will enjoy those.
I would spend the rest of the afternoon just chilling. Waiting for James. And when James got home I was so happy to see them.
They said I did so good with my purging. And it was decided we would go to dinner to celebrate before we went to spend a little time at the Chang's before we had our first footing for the year.
So that is what we did. We walked to brass tap and talked and had a really chill little dinner. The Chang's would have Chinese food so James just got a pretzel. I got a sandwich and we shared fries. It is always so loud in there but the food was good. The walk there was really nice. The walk back was a little tough on me because it's slightly uphill. I got very overheated. But I enjoyed the evening sir and James company and I just love them so much.
They kept telling me how pretty I was. They liked my new eyeliner. And they liked my very sparkly dress. I am their little disco ball. I felt really good.
When we got back home after dinner we had some stuff to do before we headed out again. We had some stuff to bring over there. And I was excited to see them. But my congestion was getting worse and I felt like my head was underwater.
When we got there George gave me some decongestant and that has helped a lot. But I was mostly just excited to see everyone. Katie was upset when she realized there wasn't any real vegetarian stuff for me. But I kept telling her I just ate dinner it's okay!! I would eat two spring rolls. Which were probably vegetarian. I couldn't find any meats in there. I kept telling her it was okay! I was just happy to be there.
I would also just love talking about art with George. We have a lot of the same favorite contemporary artists and I was telling him about the stuff I saw and researched in grad school and it is always just such a gratifying and intellectually stimulating conversation.
I also spoke to Julien and David. We got to talk about the house. David and Grace just bought a house too and it was fun to hear what they are doing with their projects. And they are engaged too so I'm excited to lend a hand and help them however we can.
It was fun but I was losing steam. My ears were opening up but my allergies were starting to bother me. So we hugged everyone and went home.
James has left there phone at home by accident and that has stressed me out. So I was glad when they found it right away. We opened some little gifts we got from James's cousins that was passed along to us from the Fulwilers. And James finished up the dishes.
I was hanging out here in bed texting my mom when I remembered the pigs!! So me and James would go and make our little lucky pigs. James is cuter. I made mine's to far apart and the ears were wrong. I moved the eyes but the ears could be better. Ah well. Still super cute and I'm glad we did this. I put them in the first footing basket. I picked a larger basket this year which I think looks a little empty. But I have all the things! So hopefully we have lots of good luck for next year.
There is an hour to New Year's. I made a TikTok and fed the fish and am just thinking back to all the things we did this year. The places we went and the stuff we saw. The things I accomplished! The art I made! It was full of ups and downs and joy and heartbreak and wins and loses. The only resource you can't get back is time, and I am grateful for every day. And I hope this new year will bring more joy. A new home. More family. More art. I am starting another temperature blanket. And I have so many plans. I hope that you all have a great New Years. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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