#it was like 'and there are ribs...' 'ok next we-' 'and on the ribs there are tips...' '...ok then-' 'and the ribs are connected
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my IELTS preparation tutor asked me to describe the structure of an umbrella and i believe she thought she asked me something easy but little did she know how complex umbrellas actually are... she got confused about what a runner is and tried to move on after i described the ribs but i just kept going
#don't ask the hard questions if you don't want to know the truth#it was like 'and there are ribs...' 'ok next we-' 'and on the ribs there are tips...' '...ok then-' 'and the ribs are connected#to the runner by stretchers...' '...ok' 'and on the ribs there is a fabric panel...' '...ok-' 'and
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I was like 11-12 years old when I figured out at a boring-ass church activity that you could put rocks into little plastic spoons and then pelt people who annoyed me with them. I did this for the rest of the activity, and at Sunday dinner the next night was bragging about my victory (cornering the mean kid who picked on my youngest brother and pelting him with rocks). One of my cousins was like “no way, that sounds SO fun! Let’s do that RIGHT NOW!” So we grabbed spoons and went and got pebbles from the back yard and launched them at each other.
The problem was my grandma sold her soul for the world’s most resilient plastic spoons so we could launch those fuckers HARD. I gave out welts like candy on Halloween, and I got them back in kind.
So we resorted to taking cover and giggling until we got whacked, then yelping, then returning fire.
My cousin hid in my grandpa’s little fishing boat. It was a good boat, but simple and honestly underused. We didn’t know the little windows on it, meant to keep the wind out of my grandpa’s face while he drove, were cracking. However, they were definitely cracking. Eventually it became obvious and we realized we had been being dumb.
This was NOT the first time in my life I’d been dumb roughhousing and broken something, and I had developed a reputation in my family as being “suicidally honest” so I was the one to deliver the bad news. My grandpa let out a pretty good chuckle and said it was OK, tousled my hair, and asked my grandma to bring me cake. I am not kidding. I learned later he hated his boat and only bought it for his kids’ sakes, since he thought everyone needed to know how to fish. At the time though I was just bewildered and pleased at my good fortune. FINALLY, at long last, being honest and telling the truth about breaking something expensive was getting me cake. I knew if I kept trying it would eventually serve me, and now so had CAKE. I was pleased as could be.
My dad, on the other hand, was livid. He LOVED that boat. He spent several weeks each summer recovering from breaking ribs in that boat every year for about 7 years prior to this incident. He had great memories and memories that boat. So he told my Grandma NO cake for me AND that I’d be coming by this weekend to fix stuff around the house and pay for the broken window with my babysitting/lawn mowing money.
Obviously I was devastated, but that felt more in-line with the way things normally went when I broke something expensive so I just figured it was OK. My grandpa gave my grandma a look and sadly said “Ok, have her here on Saturday to help me with some yard work.”
That Saturday my dad woke me up at 6:00 sharp and drove me, sleepy and bewildered, to my grandpa’s house. He was mumbling under his breath the whole time but he thought he was teaching me consequences for my actions so he was ultimately OK with it.
We get to my grandpa’s house at 6:15. My grandpa is outside with a ladder hanging Christmas lights. The lawn is freshly mowed, the trees and garden are weeded and well-tended to, the carnations in the front yard look immaculate, and my grandpa has this giddy mischievous look on his face. He tells me he was so excited that I was coming over that he couldn’t sleep, so he did all the yard work himself. He asked me to help him put up Christmas lights and decorate the Christmas tree, which I did, then said that because I was such a good helper I could have some pancakes for breakfast. I was sent home with the slice of cake I had been denied the week before, wrapped to keep it as fresh as possible.
The whole way home my dad looked a little miffed, but told me that he was glad I had been honest and was proud of me for helping grandpa. I know he wanted me to Learn a Lesson™️the cowboy way, like he had as a kid, but didn’t have much room to complain since I’d still been Put To Work.
I think that was a lesson for both of us, although I’m not totally sure what it was supposed to show me. I think it was my grandpa’s way of showing my dad that discipline without tenderness doesn’t count as much. He died last year and I miss him terribly, as does my dad. I hope that my story of victory, drama, punishment, and ultimately a secret second victory is meaningful to someone else out there, but if not it still means a lot to me ❤️
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Hiya ennnabear!! Back with another req ( ゚ 3゚)
can i ask for sum sevika x hyperfemme!reader? Could either be a fic or a list of headcannons, nsfw or sfw, i really dont mind !! >3< the prompts up to your interpertation!! Whatever u feel comftorable with!! \(^o^)/
I can just imagine Sevika, with her pastel pink, poofy-dressed eyecandy, sitting on her lap as she plays cards .. the people shes playing with all sorta eyeing reader because like what the fuck?? And reader is just like 'oh sevikas just so adorable shsjkassjksksk cutie patootie i wuv her!!!!!' while Sevika is off in the distance beating someone half to death because he touched her shoulder .. on accident ( ゚ー゚)
also, i beg of you to use inspo from that one scene in deadpool where he meets yukio. I kid you not thats where i got this requests inspo from.
"What in the fuck knuckles is this?"
(Sevika, with a literal living doll in her lap) "Shes my girlfriend you intolerant shit."
"Woah! Pump the hate breaks, fox-and-friends! Im just suprised anyone would date you! Especially pinkie pie from my little pony."
aaaaa i love this woman sososo much ( ´∀`) my 6' criminalistic murderer drug (shimmer) addict babygirl (〃_ _)
thanks in advance if u decide to write this !! sorry for the agonizingly long yap sesh (^_^;)
(and now to crawl back into my pit of lesbian shame .. (ФωФ))
HIII ANON sorry this took me so long to answer but i’m occupied with writing 2 sevika oneshots so i hope i can earn your forgiveness once they’re out 🫶 also i yapped a lil about hyperfemme!sevika here so ignore the fact that i can’t follow a request to save my life!!! 18+
ok so the way i envision sevika’s girlfriend would be a little bit… drag-ey?? i don’t really know how to explain it so allow me to elaborate…
1. we already know that femme lesbians are feminine in a way that’s different from feminine straight women (more cutesy, stylish, female gaze, etc.) but also…
2. with the way people dress in zaun (when they’re not murdering each other) and the general way they’re animated is very costumey. lots of face paint, masks, sophisticated outfits.
so i think in the arcane universe you’d probably dress something like this. painting your skin weird colors, covering yourself head to toe in body glitter, wearing expensive wigs, corsets, and heels that look impossible to move in, and stuff like that.
that means sevika would try to make sure you’re comfortable 24/7!!! especially if you’re wearing something potentially dangerous like heels that are two feet tall, she wouldn’t let you walk the whole night, instead picking you up and hauling you around.
as if the money silco pays her isn’t enough, she makes tons of money from the guys she gambles with. she spends every last PENNY on you. it’s not like she needs to spend it on herself though, her arm and her scowl are a pretty deadly weapon, and she doesn’t go all out with clothes like you do.
also i think she’d completely fold if you ever wore a low cut top or even no top when you go out with her (and she doesn’t believe in bras… so…) especially if you have piercings in/around your tits, she’d be fondling them and groping them all night!!!
she 10000000% has a thing for public sex!!!! while she’s playing cards, she’ll slide your skirt up (if it’s even long enough…), and have you ride her strap. the dumbfucks she’s playing with would gawk and stare at what’s obviously going on in her lap, but she’s about to rob them of their money, so they really shouldn’t be focusing on it.
oooh and once you finally cum, she’d be like “good girl, now give me another. okay?” and her fingers would start vibrating as you slump down next to her… of course you might get weird looks, but if anyone tries to say or do anything about it she could literally just kill them. (or maybe she’s feeling nice and will break a few of their ribs instead, who knows…)
she’d be constantly covered in some kind of your makeup. especially if you wear a crazy color lipstick like bright blue or something, her lips and cheeks and nose would be that color the whole night. and if you wear body glitter, it would look sooooo pretty on her skin. she’d be glaring at people all night like 😡😡😡😡 but her face and hands would look like ✨✨🌈🦄🩷✨✨
adding onto that, she’d look sooo pretty if she let you experiment (which is a pretty big IF), but imagine her with her hair curled, wearing pretty purple glitter on her cheeks and arms, in some sort of heeled boots that make her even taller than she needs to be, and in a dress?? in a short dress??? sevika in a short dress???? i’ll (s)cream right now…
if someone manages to corner you and talk to you about sevika, the conversation would be hilarious and very unproductive. they’d be like “why her? doesn’t she scare you?” and you’d be like “sevika? my little baby bear?? my knight in shining armor who screams at the sight of bugs??? no… she doesn’t scare me…”
meeting silco and the rest of the last drop crew would be… quite the experience. they’re all staring with wide eyes, practically shaking because of how scary she looks, and then there’s you with your hands entwined with hers, some of your bright pink face paint smudging onto her cheeks and neck as you nuzzle into her. silco’d find her alone for one moment and ask “who the hell is that?” and she’d reply with “my girlfriend. 😾 don’t mess with her.” and he’d be like “your girlfriend? your girlfriend is a barbie doll?? o…kay… congrats to both of you…”
#neeeeeed feminine sevika asap#wifey in a dress… hell yeah#sevika#sevika x reader#sevika arcane#arcane#arcane league of legends
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Hello there, how are you? I don't know if you take requests at the moment but i want to ask you if you could write something with Liho?
Maybe something like, Liho didn't like any partners Nat had before Yn, and since they got together Liho likes Yn, Nat thought that maybe more than the cat loves her.
And maybe Yn left some clothes in Nat's house and when Liho misses her, she went to i don't know, a jumper, and sleep on top of it. And when Nat found Liho, she send a picture to Yn, and went next to Liho like saying "i'm gonna marry her soon"
So, this isn't exaaactly the request, but it is where the story took me! In any case, I hope you enjoy it and thanks for the prompt :)
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
Natasha knew how to protect herself.
Don’t trust anyone, always look over your shoulder.
It’s what kept her alive for so long.
But it’s what made her lonely too.
The few people she dated took her dettachment as a challenge that they happily accepted but soon abandoned.
Others were disinterested in complicated affairs from the start, and so things didn’t move past a couple of dates.
Then, you.
Medical staff came and went around the Compound. Most of the team had enhanced capabilities to heal themselves; for her part, Natasha was too stubborn to go on her own.
That’s how she knew she was seriously injured.
“Agent Romanoff” you greeted, a wary smile on your lips as Natasha struggled to focus, the white lights hurting her eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“Yeah, that tracks” you nodded, turning away from the chart to look at her. “Do you remember anything?”
“An explosion…“
“And before that a bullet to your side. We were able to fix it by resecting a small portion of your liver and spleen, but you’ll need rest. For now, I’ll monitor you. Let’s think about discharging you in a couple of days”
“I can take care of myself” she objected, but struggled to sit up, pain invading her right side.
“That would be the feeling of cracked ribs” you nodded torwards her side. “I’m not asking if you want to stay, Agent. Your teammates are coming and going for missions or other engagements and you need to be monitored 24/7 for possible complications”
“What you’re saying is, I’m a prisoner here”
“Of course not” you closed the chart, smiling. “We don’t let the prisoners watch tv”
It had been mere hours, and Natasha was restless. There was nothing interesting in the tv, her phone was dead and it was ridiculous she was held captive here for “observation” when no one had checked on her for the last three hours.
“Sorry about that. Busy day here” you said with a smile, checking her blood pressure and the chart. “Any discomfort, pain?”
You nodded, asking for her permission to do a physical exam. Natasha scoffed but agreed with an eye roll.
“Bowel movement?” you asked, checking her pupils.
“Ok, no need to get defensive” you placed your hands on each side of Natasha’s head. Your gentle touch made her squirm, and she was able to inspect you closer.
“You’re pretty” Natasha blurted out. You chuckled. “I am so sorry, I don’t know where that came from”
“No need to apologize” you smiled. “It’s the concussion”
“Vitals are good, I’ll come back to check up on you in a bit” your pager went off. A large group of agents had just gotten back from a mission. “Squeeze the button if you need anything. Enjoy your stay with us, Agent Romanoff”
“When will I be able to go… home?” Natasha said, but you closed the door before she had a chance to finish her sentence.
Natasha hated being wrong. At midnight, the pain got bad and yet, you had to convince her she needed some medicine to ease the discomfort and rest.
But whatever you gave her worked wonders. When she openes her eyes, you were on the couch next to her bed, going through some charts and reports.
“Hey” she said. “I don’t know your name”
“Y/N” you looked up, smiling.
You sat next to her, checking her vitals as she drifted in and out of her sleep stupor. By the time she was fully awake, it was almost noon.
There you were again, munching on a cookie as you scribbled on a sheet.
“You don’t have to stay here all day”
“Oh, it’s no bother” you said, not looking up.
“No other patients right now?”
“No, it’s actually because every medic and nurse is afraid of you and they won’t bother me when I’m here”
“Glad I can be of service”
“Are you hungry? We can get you something very light to eat” you finally looked up, trying to hold back a yawn. It had been an intense night in the emergency medbay.
“What are my options?”
“Oatmeal and that’s about it”
“No coffee?”
Natasha shruged her shoulders and nodded. You smiled, walking out of the room. At least three interns were waiting for you, asking all kinds of very stupid questions. You turned to her, as if saying, “I told you so” and left.
For the rest of the day, Natasha was the perfect patient, which obviously made you suspicious.
You repeated your physical exam, asked the same questions, got the answers minus the hint of sarcasm. You were about to turn and leave when she asked again.
“Wait! I can go home now, right?”
“Your hemoglobin is still a bit low and I’d like to wait at least another day”
“I can’t wait another day” Natasha said, glaring.
“Agent Romanoff, you can’t even go on missions right now. Whatever it is you’re so eager to do, I’m sure it can wait” you insisted, trying to avoid an argument after a 48 hour shift.
“It can’t” she insisted, and the monitor began to signal the rise of her blood pressure.
“Calm down” you asked, walking back to her bed. “Please tell me how can I help”
“It’s complicated”
“I’ll tell you what’s complicated. Pulling out bullet fragments from your stomach while I try to keep you from bleeding out. I was in that OR for eight hours and would like to guarantee you recover fully”
Natasha looked at you, and you sighed, sitting by the edge of her bed.
“I have a… cat”
“I need to feed her”
“Can’t someone else do it? A neighbour? One of the other Avengers?”
“Liho doesn’t like anyone, but me. If she hears or smells a stranger, she’ll freak out and attack them or try to run away” Natasha explained. “It’s not ideal considering my profession”
“Yeah” you nodded, thinking about what to do. Moving Natasha was not an option right now. “Let me try”
“Try what?”
“Try feeding Liho, is that her name?”
“It’s dangerous” Natasha warned you, sure it would end in disaster.
“My shift is ending, I can go right now” you ignored her warning. “If I could discharge you right now, I would. Don’t want a cat starving on my watch”
Natasha nodded, and gave you her address. You were surprised she had moved out of the Compound, but then again, a chief surgeon wasn’t privy to the Avengers every move.
The spy made you swear you’d call her if anything went wrong. As you opened the door to her apartment with the spare key, you were expecting to find a giant, feral animal waiting to sink its claws in your flesh.
“Liho” you called a couple of times, making sure the door was closed so she couldn’t escape. “I’m a friend of your mama, she’ll be back in a couple of days”
You were looking around the living room, when a thud behind your back made you jump. And there she was, a black cat with beautiful green eyes -that strangely, reminded you of Natasha’s-. You stared at each other, waiting for someone to move.
Liho did.
She let out a meow and rubbed herself against your leg.
“You’re the cutest” you cooed her, relaxing as she purred in your arms. “Why would Natasha even say you’re scary?”
While the cat jumped around, you searched for her food, cleaned her water bowl and her sandbox. Once you were done, you called Natasha.
“You owe me an apology”
“Did she scratch your eye out like Fury?” she sighed.
“No… wait. Is that how Fury lost his eye?”
Liho jumped on the kitchen counter, purring and rubbing herself against your arm.
“Is that Liho?”
“Yes. She has been purring and following me ever since I got here, Nat. She’s the sweetest cat and you were calling her crazy! In fact, you don’t owe me an apology, you owe it to Liho. Come here, gorgeous”
The cat responded to your words and Natasha smiled.
“I’ll stop by again before I go back to the hospital. Anything else you need?”
You filled a tote bag with everything on her list. Once you were done, you said goodbye to Liho. Thinking it might be funny, you took a selfie with her, smiling as she snuggled on your chest.
You sent it to Natasha, not thinking much of it.
Natasha’s blood pressure increased as soon as she saw the picture. No nurse dared to comment when she turned off the monitor with a smack.
“Is this really necessary?” Natasha said, fidgeting on the wheelchair.
“Humor me, Agent” you asked, pushing her to the entrance of SHIELD’s medical facilities. “This is the last time you have to follow my medical advice”
Clint was waiting for Natasha, and he looked as you wheeled her his way, clearly amused.
“How did you manage to get her to sit?”
“I have my ways” you winked at the man. Agent Barton was a far better patient, if only because you had his wife on speed dial.
“Remember, rest. Take your meds and call me if anything feels off. And say hi to Liho for me” you helped Natasha to the car, closing the door as she settled in. You waved as they drove off.
“What was that about your cat?”
“Oh, Dr. Y/L/N went to my place twice a day to feed her”
“And she survived? She must be special” Clint chuckled.
Natasha had to agree with that.
Liho was happy to see her human again, roaring like an engine as she rubbed herself on Natasha’s legs. After she came back from the hospital, the cat would never leave Natasha’s side.
The Russian also noticed that you had kept her place clean, and left some groceries and food for the first few days of her home recovery.
It was a strange feeling, being taken care of. Not unpleasant, truthfully, when it came from you. As she stayed in the confines of her apartment, Natasha pondered if it meant something else or if it was just wishful thinking.
You checked on her via text message, and that was all you could really manage to do, as you had back to back shifts and emergency procedures throughout the week. Still, you made sure to send some food to Natasha through delivery apps.
By the time you finally had more free time, it was a chilly Thursday night. As you were leaving the hospital and walking to your car, your phone rang.
“Please, not another emergency” you sighed, surprised at the name on the screen. “Hey, Agent Romanoff. How are you feeling?”
“I’m doing ok… but I might need your help”
“Nat, what’s wrong?” you dropped all formalities, rushing to your car.
“I’m fine, it’s Liho. I left the window open and she climbed all the way up the emergency stairs. And I tried but can’t go out and reach her”
“What do you mean you tried? You should have called me right away! Anyway, doesn’t matter, I’ll be there. Don’t do anything stupid, those are doctor’s orders”
By the time you got to Natasha’s apartment, a storm was fast approaching.
“Hey, sorry for bothering you”
“It’s not… blood!”
“What?” Natasha looked down, at the place where you were pointing. Right on her stitches, there was a small stain of blood. “Oh, must have happened when I tried to reach for her”
“I knew I should have kept you for another week at the hospital” you grumbled, leading her to the couch. You found a gauze in your emergency kit and lifted her shirt, applying pressure. “Do not move. I’ll be right back”
“The stairs are slippery” she warned you as you stepped out the window. Natasha was surprised at how graceful your movements were.
You looked around, calling for Liho, but the clouds were covering the moon and the sky was dark, making it almost impossible to spot her.
“Ok, fine” you climbed up the steps, holding on to the rail. Taking a deep breath, you let out a high pitched call. “Kitty. Where’s my kitty?”
There small beads shone in the middle of the darkness, and you reached forward. Liho complained, clearly scared about the height. A thunder made her jump, climbing a lot higher.
“Liho, I take it back. You are crazy”
By the time you were able to reach her, it had begun pouring. You placed the cat inside your sweatshirt, to protect her from the rain and have both hands free to climb down.
“That was fun” you said, going inside soaking wet. You almost slipped and Natasha caught you by the waist. “Thanks” you said, feeling warm as her hand went around your back. You couldn’t help but look at her lips, and Natasha caught on, leaning forward.
In that moment, Liho peeked her head from the collar of your sweatshirt, protesting at the uncomfortable feeling of being drenched.
“Here, you need to dry” Natasha offered while you closed the window.
“Thanks, Nat”
She came back with a towel, yoga pants and a t-shirt. You tried not to swoon at the idea of wearing something of hers. Still, you said thanks and disappeared in the bathroom to get changed.
“Let me have a look” you asked when you came back, inspecting her abdomen. “Looks like it was just a small stitch on the edge of the wound. I’ll fix it if it’s alright with you?”
“Yeah, sure” Natasha nodded, and laid back as you prepared the sutures and wore gloves. You applied some local anesthesia and began to work.
“My technique is flawless. The scarring will be almost invisible” you promised.
“So, I can still wear bikinis?”
“Yeah” you nodded, trying to stay focused while the image of Natasha in a swimsuit floated around your head.
“I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Liho” Natasha said in a low voice, which almost made your hands tremble. “Too bad my doctor hasn’t officially discharged me, or I’d take you out to dinner”
“How about some take out instead?” you smiled, cleaning the wound and helping her up.
“That can be done for sure”
You had pizza with beer, sitting on Natasha’s living room while Liho jumped from your lap to hers. It was the best date you ever had.
Pretty soon, the alcohol and exhaustion caught up to you and when Natasha came back from the kitchen, you were fast asleep in her couch, Liho snuggled up in your chest.
Natasha smiled, covering you with a blanket. Liho purred, and your hand went up to scratch behind her ear on pure insctinct.
“I like her too, Liho” Natasha said with a smile. “She’s definitely a keeper”
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✧₊⁺ Crushing pt 2
✨yall asked and shall receive! Here’s a part 2 of this drabble. I hope Yall like it! Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!
✨Warnings: MDNI 18+, friends to lovers, belly bulge, fingering, p in v, neteyam writes on you
✨Word Count: 2.3k (this was supposed to be a drabble).
✨ all my characters are aged-up! If you’re uncomfortable please do not interact with my post.
“So y/n can I ask you something?” Neteyam mumbled as you both sat together eating some fruit he picked for you. It’s been a couple of weeks since he saw you wearing that his name on your back and since then he’s been easing you into the idea of spending time with him. He has successfully managed to make you set a couple hours just for him alone which makes him extremely happy.
“Go for it” you answered waiting for his question, “I saw an avatar the other day, he had a tattoo on his shoulder and it reminded me of the Metkayina when we went…I know it’s also a human thing, have you ever considered getting one?” Neteyam asked sweetly.
His ears twitched as he looked down at you sitting so cute and small on the log, he looked like a giant next to you, but that wasn’t something that bothered him anymore after he over heard Kiri and Lo’ak talking to you about like na’vi men. He knows he has a shot he just needs to act before someone else does.
“Oh yea I have a couple right now I was hoping to get some more, I like how they look I just can’t decide what to get” you chuckle. Your laugh was ever as beautiful but that’s not what caught his attention this time, how could he have not known u have tattoos already, all the man does in his spare time is look at you.
“You have? Since when?” He asked his tone was surprised, you expected it, no one besides the woman who gave you the tattoo knows you have them. It’s not a secret really but you just never thought anyone would care. You thought it was cute neteyam was so interested. “I got my first one when I was 19 and my second about 6-7 months ago. It just finished healing.”
You’ve had this tattoo for years? And he’s never seen them? How? “Can I see them?” He blurted out making you giggle, “I can’t show you out here silly”Oh so these are intimate tattoos, even better.
“I have one behind me ear and the other on my ribs” you gestured to the places with your hands as you finish eating the fruit. “I’ll show you, let’s go back to the lab” you jump off the log and Neteyam follows suit walking behind you.
When you arrive to the lab neteyam pushed the door open for you to walk in and you take your mask off and he grabs one throwing it around his neck. Neteyam followed you through the hallways bending down so he could fit, he looked cute crouched down like that.
You walk into your room and shut the door behind you, Neteyam naturally made his way to sit on your bed, it was a big bed he could fit there easily but it was low to the floor so when he sat down, he was almost at your height but not quite.
“Ok look” you walked up to him and stood were his knees were and pulled your hair over your shoulder pulling it back for him to see the cute atokirina behind your ear behind your ear lobe (I’ll put pics of the tattoos I imagine below) it was small he couldn’t see it probably from his far away you were.
Instinctively he put his large hands on your bicep and waist and pulled you closer slotting you in between his legs. His head moved closer to see you your tattoo and your felt his breath on your collarbone as he looked at it.
You’ve never been in this kind of compromising position before especially not with neteyam. It made you slick, you squeeze your thighs together hoping his amazing na’vi nose doesn’t pick up in the scent change.
“Atokirina…” he whispered next to your ear “Tsal lu yuey sìn nga” (it is beautiful on you) his voice made your shiver, you took a deep breathe trying to calm your raging hormones. Neteyam’s hand that was on your bicep now ran through your hair pushing it back more and brought his head down so his lips could touch your tattoo.
You gasped at the feeling of him kissing you there, it was always a sensitive spot for you. Your eyes shut as his tongue darts out to taste your skin, “taste like you..”
“Neteyam… it’s healed you wouldn’t taste the ink” your voice was breathy and your legs felt weak. It was only when he heard your voice he realized what he was doing to you and boy did he love these cute reactions, “where’s the other one?”
He pulled back his head and look at you, your face was slightly blushed and your lip was trapped between your teeth, “here…” you raised you r-shirt up to right under your bra pointing to the tattoos of the knife curved under your left breast with 2 feathers hanging off the handle.
Neteyam recognized that knife, it was the one you made go him when he passed his rites of passage at 15 years old. It was 10 years ago but he never changed that knife for anything. “my knife”
“Well yea I thought it fit nicely in the spo- what are you doing neteyam” his hands moved to the base of the t-shirt you were holding up and pulled it swiftly over your head exposing you in your bra and cute shorts. Your bra was a pretty baby pink with a bow in the center.
“Neteyam!” Your hands fly down to cover your bra, “mawey (calm), just want a better look.” He pulled your close by your arms that were crossed on your chest and then pushed them out of the way so he can see the tattoo. His head dipped examining the details that are his knife on your body.
His lips met the stop kissing it before darting his tongue out making you suck in a breath. “You look beautiful, so so pretty with these, you want more?” He asked you.
You nodded your head meekly at him trying to stop your panties from leaking. “Where?”
“M-my back maybe, my thighs” you said softly. He smiled, his head came back up holding his body up to his full height. Neteyam’s hands sat on your hips running up and down twisting your small frame in his hands. He loved the way his fingered unintentionally touching when it crawls up to your waist.
He has you so close to him, his scent invades your nose so you could imagine how strongly you must smell to him. “Tell me to stop?” You didn’t say anything. You didn’t want him to stop.
Neteyam kissed you softly on the lips, his finger tips squeezed your flesh as he ran his tongue over your bottom lip. His lips were so soft and tender. His mouth was much bigger than yours, his kiss progressively got more heated and his grip on your body got more intense.
You pulled away feeling Neteyam strain his body for air and brought the mask that hung on his chest up to his mouth. Neteyam took in a deep breath looking at you with his golden eyes. He is so fucking fine!
He pushed you aside and grabbed a dark blue permanent marker that sat in your desk. He pulled you onto his lap making sure you get comfortable before he leaned back against the wall next to your bed. “Gonna let me draw some tattoos on you baby? Want one here right?” His large hand slide up your thighs making you shiver and you nodded your head meekly.
Neteyam opened the marker and slipped his head to your neck sucking in your soft skin. Your human skin bruised so easily he absolutely loved how sucking on you for 3 seconds could turn you red.
Your eyes were closed as you took in the feeling of his tongue on your skin and his hand moving lightly with the cool marker pressed against your leg, you couldn’t see what he was writing so when he pulled away na moved the marker you looked down at your thigh. There in bold capital letters was NETEYAM on the entire length of your thigh.
The slight made you blush, is he staking claim? Is this some kind of ownership? Whatever it is you are loving every part of it. You don’t touch it not wanting to smear the writing but you glance up at him only to see him waiting for your reaction.
You lean forward and kiss him roughly on the lips. “Neteyam will you do something for me?” You pull away batting your eyes at him, “anything baby”
“Fuck me” your request caught him off guard but he proceeded anyways. He picked you up and laid you on the bed softly, he kneeled on the bed in front of you pulling off your shorts and underwear in one swift move. Neteyam laid on the bed next to you throwing your left leg over his thighs, and pushing your right up in the air spreading your legs. Neteyam observed your soaking folds gliding a finger through them collecting your slick.
He brought the finger up to his lips to taste you with a sweet hum he brought his finger back down to circle your clit. With another finger he slid into your weeping hole. You head your head on his shoulder as you watch his movements with him, his other arm was thrown over your shoulder keeping you close as he finger fucks you open.
Neteyam added another finger then another speeding up his pace until he was shaking your entire lower body, “Neteyamm AHH” you scream when you gush on his fingers. Your head was buried in his neck kissing his warm skin softly as he assaulted your cunt.
Neteyam pulls his fingers out licking them clean before be lays flat on his back and moves you to his lap, straddling his hips. “Now baby, where else do you wanna get a tattoo?” Your mind was woozy as you stared at him, you still felt the stretch of his fingers in your cunt. Your hands press onto his abdomen leaning forward, your hair fall in front of your body.
Neteyam wraps as arm around your back and with his fingers he unhooks your bra ad falls down your arms exposing you to him. Your tits bounce when they fall free and Neteyam’s eyes were glued to them. You took notice and guided his hands towards them so he can touch you.
You bit your lip feeling the way he tugged on your nipples. “I- uh, I think on my collarbone and my back, my legs, maybe right over here” you run your fingers over the side of your waist where it curves inward so perfectly. Neteyam didn’t waste a moment scrambling for the marker and pulling you close right his initials, ‘N.S.’ above your collarbone where your shoulder meets your neck.
Then he moved the marker down writing the nickname you call him ‘TEYAM’ vertically down the side of your abdomen. He dropped the mark after admiring his works and pulled you up to sit on his abdomen while he unties his loincloth. You drop your body down kissing his while he does, your breast press against his hard chest as you stick your tongue in his mouth fighting for dominance which he won. When you pull away a string of spit connect both your lips and he raised you up laying you on the bed and him on top of you.
Your body is dwarfed beneath his as he lines his cock up with your dripping slit and slowly push into you. This is the first time you’ve ever seen a cock so big you weren’t sure it was going to fit in you. As if he read your mind, he bent his body over so he face is in front of yours and kissed you, distracting you from the painful stretch.
You focus all your attention on the way his tongue moves so seamlessly with yours and you don’t even realize when he’s bottomed out inside you until you hear his grunt. “So tight baby, so fucking tight” Neteyam groaned, his head dropped down onto your shoulder and you wrap your legs around his sexy waist and locked them together.
Neteyam started moving slowly listening to your loud whimpers, you’ve never been so full before. “Tey, s-so full” he pulled his head up to look down at you admiring they blush that traveled down your hot skin. His eyes traveled down your body, watching the way your tits bounce with his every thrust making him speed up to see them bounce harder.
His faster pace made you tear up, your jaw was slack you couldn’t even form sounds because he was fucking you so good. Neteyam admired the writing he left on your skin, and his eyes made it to your tummy, your every full, bulging tummy. His eyes widen slightly as he watched the imprint of his huge cock moving in and out of you. When he bottoms out, his tip was right up to your belly button.
When you come on his cock your moan loudly and gush on him. Neteyam felt his entire cock get wetter in your snug cunt and his head dips down into your tits sucking on your nipples as he speeds up his thrust. He pulls out and lends back stroking his cock so he can cum on your body, “Fuck, fuck gonna cum on you baby” he whimpers as his cock shot up onto your breast and stomach.
Neteyam was panting as he dropped to the side of you looking at the mess he made of your body. He grabbed his discarded loincloth and whipped the cum down and off your body pulling you close to him, “You did so well for me baby, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked his voice was concerned. “No, no it was amazing tey” you said in a weak voice.
“Hey baby, next time I see my name on you, want it to be permanent.” he kissed your neck wrapping his big arms around your body. And who were you to deny him what he wants?

@rivatar @xylianasblog @strongheartneteyam @delusionalwh6re @nilahsstuff @m1tsu-ki @kylimarz @quicktosimp @its-jennarose @r11k4 @xrollingmyeyesx
#neteyam x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam#neteyam avatar#atwow neteyam#neteyam smut#neteyam talks#neteyam fanfiction#neteyam fic#avatar the way of water#neteyam x human reader#neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan#neteyam x human#neteyam x human girl#avatar neteyam#neteyam x you#neteyam x y/n#neteyam x oc#neteyam x female reader smut
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After a stressful week at the office, Joel knows just how to take care of his wife. AKA Joel Miller doms the stress out of you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: No Outbreak AU. Established relationship, husband and wife. Dom!Joel x Sub!Reader (light). Tiny little age gap (like 5 years? I'm picturing Joel at 44 and reader at 39?) Unprotected P in V sex. Oral sex, F receiving. Creampie. Overstimulation. Aftercare.
Length: 5.4k
A/N: This is totally self indulgent. It's also like... entirely smut. Sorry. But not really. OK love you bye!
Joel knew what you were after the minute you kicked the door closed.
It was Friday and it had been a hell of a week for you. Joel had done his best to support you through it - he’d finished up one big job on Tuesday and didn’t start the next one until Monday - so he’d taken the lead on keeping the household running while you put in extra hours and came home frustrated and exhausted every night.
He knew it wasn’t going to magically be better just because it was Friday, so he’d spent the day trying to make the end to your work week as good as he could. He went to the HEB and got your favorite snacks, picked out flowers for the kitchen table, even went by the liquor store on the way home to get everything you’d need to unwind at the end of your day. He started smoking ribs early that afternoon and was outside to sauce them when he heard the door slam behind you.
Joel didn’t need to see what happened, he knew from the sound that you’d thrown the door open and then kicked it shut behind you. He’d bet the check from his next job that you’d be face down on the couch, your shoes and briefcase a little trail from the front door to the living room. He shook his head, taking a swig of Shiner before closing the smoker and heading inside to find his wife.
You were exactly where he thought you’d be, taking up almost the entire length of the couch, flat on your stomach, blazer still on but your heels and bags scattered between you and the front door.
“Aw baby,” he said sympathetically. “That great a day, hm?”
You made a sound that was caught somewhere between a grunt and a groan.
“Want to talk about it?”
You made the sound again and Joel tried not to laugh at it.
“Here,” he said, coming and adjusting your legs so he could sit beside you on the couch. You groaned as he did but he guided you from lying on your stomach to sitting up to leaning on him, your face in his chest. He put his arm around you and gave you a squeeze. “Tell me what melted down.”
“We have our quarterly earnings release going out in less than two weeks,” you sighed. “And it’s a shit show. Legal’s been reviewing that shit for what feels like an eternity and I need to issue the goddamn release announcing the date of the full release but I can’t do that until I actually know that legal and financial are going to have stuff sorted in time and the CEO has emailed me twice a day about it the whole week because sure, the legal team definitely falls under my department…”
Joel held the still mostly full bottle of beer in front of you and you took it from him, your fingers brushing his and you were quiet for a moment as you took a sip before handing it back.
“Also, HR is going to be the death of me,” you continued, on a tear now. “I swear, it shouldn’t be that hard to find a qualified entry level candidate but here we are, still short staffed 10 weeks after I got the OK to hire. They’ve sent me two resumes, Joel. Two. I called them today to ask how many they’d received and they’ve had 226 candidates apply and they’ve sent me fucking two! I refuse to believe that just one percent of applicants were remotely qualified so I asked them to forward me all the applications since, apparently, recruiting can’t do their damn jobs so I’m going to have to do it for them…”
Joel nodded along, handing you the beer periodically when he felt you getting too worked up. He found himself, not for the first time, awed by what you did for a living. He didn’t understand much of it, really, and he was thankful he didn’t need to. He wasn’t cut out for that kind of shit. You, on the other hand, had jumped in with both feet when you’d started at your company seven years ago when the two of you had just started dating, You’d risen up the ranks quickly and you now had a team of several dozen people reporting up to you. As gentle and sweet as Joel knew you to be at your core, he knew you were also unflinchingly driven at work. During the COVID shut down, he’d gotten a glimpse of it, listening to you take people - mostly men who seemed to think you weren’t as capable as you clearly were - to task and get things done. He was eternally grateful that, when the two of you fought, you didn’t take him down the way you did people who crossed you in the office. Though that stood in sharp contrast to how Joel heard you talk to the people who reported up to you, with you seemingly always happy to lend an ear or provide guidance or take the heat if they fucked something up that was going outside your department.
Unfortunately, that meant you had weeks like this one, where plenty went wrong and you had no one to pass the buck to. And he knew as well as you did that you wouldn’t just let something fall apart, not if there was a damn thing you could do about it. Even if that meant working yourself into the ground.
After a while you just deflated against him and he handed you the beer again. You took a long drink, emptying the bottle, and Joel took it from you to set on the side table.
“Feelin’ better?” He asked, his nose brushing your hair.
“Kind of,” you sighed, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Somethin’ more I can do?” He asked, trying to make sure that he wasn’t nudging you in the direction he was hoping this would go.
“Yeah,” you said, something shifting in your tone when you said it. No longer frustrated and fed up, instead needy and wanting. You sat up from him and looked at him through your eyelashes, practically pouting. “Turn my brain off for a bit?”
Joel’s heart picked up, heat and tension already gathering low in him.
“Aw, my baby need me to fuck her stupid?” He asked, reaching out to cup your face in his hand. His thumb traced along the arch of your cheekbone as his eyes locked on your blown pupils. “You need me to make that big brain of yours slow down for a while, that it?”
“Yes please,” you breathed. He could feel your skin getting warmer below his touch.
“Please what?”
“Please sir,” you said, holding your hands up with your wrists together, like an offering. “Please fuck me stupid. Please sir.”
He quirked his jaw before he smiled, dark and low.
“Good girl,” he growled. He got up and closed his large hands around your wrists before pulling you sharply to your feet, looking you up and down as he did. There was something that drove him wild, seeing you like this. Dressed in your armor of the business world, a place where lesser men had to go to you for permission to do a goddamn thing, and you came home to him, begging him to strip you down to something small and vulnerable and easily consumed.
He wasn’t sure why you’d picked him of all people. When you’d met almost eight years earlier, his first thought was that you were way out of his fucking league. A friend of Tommy’s then girlfriend now wife, you were a few years younger than him but had clearly kept your life on the right fucking track the whole time instead of driving it into the ground for a while first. You’d gone to college, built a damn impressive career, had goals and dreams and plans for yourself. You were beautiful and smart and funny and kind and the first time he’d taken your clothes off he was still not entirely sure why you were letting him do it.
He’d been even more surprised the first time you’d shared with him that you wanted him to take control in the way he was now.
“I just have to make decisions all the time,” you’d said, folded into a corner of his couch with a glass of wine in your hands. “I just really want to have someone else take over for a while, you know? Not have to make any plans or take care of anybody else, just enjoy and be enjoyed.”
That, Joel had thought, he could give you.
It wasn’t something the two of you always indulged in but there were days like this one where you seemed to crave it. Maybe even a step beyond that - you needed it. You needed the safety of Joel’s guidance, the comfort of his control, the ease of his pleasure. He liked to give you those things. More than liked it, sometimes he lived for it.
Today was one of those days.
He led you to the bedroom and stood you at the foot of the bed, your wrists still firmly in his hands as his eyes searched yours.
“You just want to be my little doll, is that it?” He asked, his thumbs brushing the inside of your wrists. Your pulse was heavy and hard. “Want me to take control so all you have to do is feel what I let you feel?”
“Yes,” you breathed.
“Yes what.”
“Yes sir,” you were practically squirming.
“What are your colors,” he said more than asked.
“Green, yellow, red,” you answered quickly.
“Where are you now?”
“Good girl,” he guided your hands so they hung at your sides. “Don’t move until I tell you.”
He watched you resist the urge to nod and he slipped his hands below the lapels of your jacket, running his hands over your skin for a moment before shoving the sleeves down your arms and leaving the blazer in a pile on the floor. He watched you swallow, your throat working and he tried not to think about making you kneel and taking his cock into that pretty throat of yours. He knew just how good it would feel while you sucked him, how fucking good it would feel to come down your throat.
Maybe later. Right now, he needed to take care of you. And that’s exactly what he was going to do.
When Joel touched you like this, it was like something unspooled inside yourself. There had been a knot in your stomach for days at least - maybe longer - and nothing had worked to untangle it. Not crossing things off your to do list at the office, not the yoga class you’d skipped lunch to take, not the iced latte your assistant had ducked out to grab you that afternoon. But Joel’s hands on your skin as they slipped the slender straps of your satin top down your arms were better than anything else, especially when your mind wasn’t going a mile a minute thinking of ways to please him in return. You watched as he moved to undress you, his eyes heavy and hot and hungry as your top pooled around your hips. He reached around your body to unhook your bra, casting it aside before cupping your breasts in his large palms, groaning as he did.
“You feel so good,” his thumbs brushed your nipples. “My soft, pretty fuckin’ girl.”
“Joel,” you whimpered, clenching your hands into fists to keep from reaching out to touch him. He’d told you to stay still and you had to obey. If you didn’t, you knew he’d drag out your first orgasm for what felt like an eternity, bringing you just to the edge of it but never letting you fall into your climax until you were a desperate, dripping, squirming mess.
“What, baby?” He almost cooed at you, just a hint of a teasing edge to his tone. “What’s my baby need?”
“More,” you whined. “I need more, please, I need…”
He took his hands off you then and looked you in the eye and you almost reached for him before you caught yourself.
“Who decides what you need right now,” he said. You moaned and he ignored you. “Who. Tell me, pretty girl.”
“You,” you said.
“That’s right,” he nodded. “And I’ll give you more when I decide you need more and I decide I’m done enjoyin’ the parts of you I’m enjoyin’ right now. So. You stand still like a good little doll and we’ll see when I’ll let you have more. Got it?”
“Yes,” you said.
He took your chin in his fingers, forcing you to look him in the eye.
“Yes what.”
“Yes sir.”
His crooked smile dimpled his cheek.
“Good girl.”
He returned to touching you, running his large and callused hands over your shoulders to your chest, holding and massaging your breasts and you could tell he was taking his time less for himself and more because he knew what it was doing to you. That it was making you achy and desperate and the thoughts that had been weighing on you all day at the office were slipping out of your mind, drifting far away into the ether.
“Think I remember you sayin’ something about more?” Joel said, his voice low and gravelly as his hand slipped over your stomach, below the bunched fabric of your shirt, below the waistband of your pants until his fingertips were brushing your bare mound inside your panties. You whimpered. “How about I give you some more, hm?”
His index finger reached out and brushed the top of your clit, sending a shiver through you, all the heat you had inside yourself pooling low in your stomach.
Joel chuckled.
“Think she likes it.”
He pressed a little lower, a little firmer, working your sensitive nub in slow, languid circles.
“She like this too?”
You nodded frantically.
“Thought I told you not to move,” Joel said, stern.
“No buts,” he cut you off. “You wanted to give me control so you give me control. Otherwise, you won’t get what you want. Got it?”
“Yes sir.”
“You’re lucky,” he said as he went to open your pants. “Got me all worked up, too. Too worked up to draw this out the way you deserve, squirmin’ the way you are.”
He got on his knees in front of you and gathered the fabric of your shirt, pants and underwear in his hands and pulled them all down in one go, the sudden exposure of your skin to the air making you gasp and goosebumps scatter over you in sharp little pin pricks.
“Fuck, there you are,” he groaned, his hands coming to grip the thick swell of your ass, his fingers digging into the meat of you as he pressed a kiss to your stomach just below your belly button. You moaned, wanting nothing more than to tangle your fingers in his curls. You clenched your fists tighter, nails digging into your palms, acutely aware of where he was touching you because of the absence of him everywhere else.
He trailed his mouth down to your slit, his tongue dipping into you there, brushing against your clit, the heat of his mouth in sharp contrast to the cold air against your wetness. His hands slipped up your back, finding your waist before Joel stood, his still clothed body so close to your naked one.
“Lie down for me,” he said, a little breathless. “Middle of the bed.”
You rushed to obey and watched hungrily as Joel undressed himself, his black t-shirt coming up and over his head, his jeans opening to reveal his tight boxer briefs with his thick, hard cock straining the fabric. He took off everything before crawling up the bed over you and, for half a moment, you thought he really was going to give into you that quickly, give you exactly what you wanted that fast. But instead of settling between your thighs with his heavy length brushing against your slit and his mouth on yours, he fell to the side of you, the weight of him jostling the mattress. You turned your head to look at him, confused, and he laughed, dark and low.
“You didn’t think you were gonna make me give in that fast, did you?” He asked. He slid one arm below your ribs, his hand coming up and around the back of you to hold your breast while his other hand teased a feather light path down from your throat, over your chest, your stomach to your slit. “No, not done with this yet.”
“You just lie still and let me worship you,” he said, his palm cupping your mound, his middle finger settling between your lower lips as he put gentle pressure against your clit. The tip of his finger circled your dripping entrance but didn’t slip inside where you were aching and desperate for him. “Want to enjoy you for a while.”
He didn’t give you a chance to protest, his mouth finding just the right spot on your throat at the same moment he added pressure to your clit, grinding his hand against your most tender place and making your back arch below his touch.
Joel kissed and licked and sucked along your neck, your collarbone, your breast, his cock brushing against your thigh as he manipulated your body and you could feel his precome on your skin when it did and you were desperate to touch him there, to feel just how hard you’d made him, make him start to unravel the way he was doing to you.
“Don’t even think about it,” he said, a finger sliding inside of you, making you groan.
“But I want…”
He pulled back from you to look in your eyes and you could tell from the glassy look on his face that you probably already looked like a fucked out mess.
“You tryin’ to make me feel good or you want it for yourself?” He asked, brows raised. You tried to find the words but couldn’t. He nodded. “S’what I thought, you sit still like I fuckin’ told you. You try to touch me and I won’t let you come, got it? This is about you, not me so you’re gonna lay there and take it, understand?”
“Yes sir,” you whimpered.
He went back to working you over, adjusting so that he could fully kiss down your body until his head was between your thighs, two fingers buried inside of you as he looked up your body to your face.
“New rules,” he said, pressing his lips to your clit for a moment and sucking it into his mouth before continuing. “Want you to come and I want you to come hard. You’re allowed to touch my head to put me where you need but you do anything else with those hands and we’re startin’ over. Understood?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl.”
He practically dove into your pussy, his thumb working your clit, his tongue licking deep into your channel. The fire in your belly burned brighter and it was like you could feel all the blood in your body pulling into the center of you. Your hands flew to his head, the thick of his hair and the heat of his scalp almost sharp against your fingers after having felt nothing but your own palms for what felt like forever. You rocked your hips against his face as he ate at you, a finger slipping into you alongside his tongue, working the inside of you deftly so that you were never empty but never lacking the friction of him moving in you. His fingertip curled into the soft, sensitive place inside of you that he found so easily now, adding the perfect amount of pressure as his thumb and nose worked your clit and you felt your pussy get so tight and hot you worried, for half a second, that it would hurt him before every worry flew out of your head entirely, your entire body flooded with waves of pleasure as you came on his tongue.
Joel worked you through your orgasm, never letting up as you moaned and panted, your grip on his hair easing as your body started to go limp. Your pussy was so sensitive when your climax eased but Joel didn’t pay your little whimpers any mind. He pulled his mouth from you but added another finger, fucking into you with his hand and adjusting so his palm was grinding against your clit as he did.
“There you go,” he panted, wiping your slick from his mouth before taking his cock in his hand and working himself with it. “That what you needed, pretty girl?”
“Yes sir,” you whimpered.
“Good,” he said, his eyes ranging over you, dark and hot. “Because now it’s my turn.”
He pulled his fingers from you and spread your thighs a little wider, lining his cock up with your still weakly grasping hole for half a moment before thrusting deep into you in one devastating go. You gasped at the stretch of him filling you like that, the inside of you still soft and tender from your orgasm. Your fingers scrambled at the blanket below you, your back arched and taut and you tried to hold onto something - anything - in your head beside how he was splitting you open.
“I say you could use your hands like that?” He asked, his fingers finding your wrists and clamping around them. He pressed deep inside you and folded over you, bringing your hands with him, pressing your wrists down into the mattress over your head. “Didn’t think so. You’re my little doll right now, ain’t you? Mine to do what I want with and I want you to take it.”
“Joel,” you whimpered.
“That ain’t my name right now, is it?”
“Sir,” you corrected, resisting the urge to rock your hips up against him. “Please!”
“Please what?”
You couldn’t put words to what you wanted to ask for and Joel just smirked before releasing your wrists and sitting up, looking down over your body to where he disappeared inside of it.
“What I thought,” he said, his hands pressing your thighs wide before his thumb trailed over where you were split open on him to your clit, teasing you in a slow circle that made you jerk involuntarily below him. He took it away, his hand on the soft flesh of your thigh again. “You leave those hands there and take it. You can take it, pretty girl. Know you can.”
With that, he pulled back, slow and aching, before fucking back into you, hard and fast with a forceful grunt. You watched him fuck you, his cock slamming into you with enough force that it jerked your body up and down the bed. You were lost in it, the way you could see his muscles flex, the way his eyes ranged over you - watching the place he was spreading you open and the way your tits bounced for him and up to your face to meet your eyes and back again. It was almost hypnotic, like there was nothing else in the world that existed outside of him. He was controlling you totally, fucking into you with enough force that you couldn’t even breathe out of sync with his thrusts, your body just something he could manipulate and pleasure and use however he saw fit.
You weren’t sure how long he fucked you like that before his hands ran over your thighs to your core, his thumbs brushing along your clit, pressing into you there and working you in hard little circles as your channel started to tighten around him again.
“There we go,” he panted. “Got another one right there don’t you? You’re gonna give it to me, aren’t you pretty girl. Gonna give me everything, ain’t you?”
“Yes sir,” you whined, your fingernails digging into your palms as you fought to keep your hands still.
“Good girl,” he pressed himself deep as he worked your clit and returned to his same punishing rhythm, the head of him finding the place inside you he’d claimed for himself. He left one thumb on your clit, his other hand stretching up and over your stomach, fingers splaying wide on you until it was in the middle of your chest where you knew he could feel how your heart was pounding behind your ribs. The feel of him everywhere was overwhelming, the tight spool of pleasure that had never fully relaxed after your first orgasm already wound unbearably tight again.
“Want you to come for me,” he said, voice needy. “Want you to be a good girl and come. Give it all to me, baby, want you to just let go and give it all to me, let it all go, c’mon and come for me, make me fuckin’ feel it…”
You cried out as you obeyed, your channel fluttering over his cock as he kept fucking you deep and hard. You could feel your orgasm in the very center of you, in every muscle and every nerve, your climax taking hold of you so firmly that you felt a gush of liquid rush out of you.
“Fuck, there you go,” he said, not letting up. “Fuck baby, love when you squirt for me, such a good fuckin’ girl…”
The wet snap of his hips into you was obscene and, as your orgasm eased, your body was already drawing tight again. Your heart raced and you could feel everything, everything, so sharp and harsh and overwhelming. Your head swam, your skin prickled.
“Love feeling you come for me,” Joel was still fucking into you, hard and bruising like he was trying to climb inside your skin and claim a place for himself there. “Love when you get all tight and desperate, love making you all needy…”
You let out a fucked out little whimper, tears pricking at your eyes, not able to see straight through the haze of your already building orgasm. Joel leaned over you, his cock buried deep but going still.
“You with me, pretty girl?” He asked, his hands sliding up your arms to find your wrists, holding you gently in place. You couldn’t seem to find the words to answer, too overstimulated to think of anything beyond how he was filling you and surrounding you. “Gimme a color, baby.”
“Yellow,” you managed.
He took your limp wrists in his large palms and guided your hands to his skin, resting them on his broad shoulders.
“That help?” He asked. “You can nod.”
You nodded quickly, your breathing evening out, body still tight and strung out.
“Green,” you said, the tears that were in your eyes slipping down your cheeks but not being replaced by new ones.
“Good,” he shifted inside you, pulling back a little before thrusting in again. “Because I ain’t done with you yet. You keep those hands right where I put ‘em and just focus on coming one more time for me, need you to milk me dry, baby.”
But his pace eased, less frantic and more desperate, working you slow and firm from within. He buried his face into your neck, his mouth finding that place that sent shocks of pleasure through your whole body. His hands ranged over you, fingers hungry and grasping at your skin, his hips working against your clit as his cock found its home deep within you.
“Know you’re close,” he said against your skin, lips still close enough to brush against you as he spoke. He kissed along your neck, nose teasing along your throat. “You got one more in you, baby, I know you do.”
“Sir,” you whimpered, pleading, not sure if you wanted to come or wanted to just dissolve.
“You can come,” he fucked you slow and deep. His public bone pressed against your clit and your back arched. “Want you to come, want to feel you come. Make me feel you, baby. Be a good girl and make me feel you.”
You dared to let yourself move, just enough that you could rock your hips up against him, working yourself with his body as you felt him grow impossibly thicker and harder inside you. Or, maybe, you were just tightening further around him, body clinging to him in one last desperate push for closeness as your climax hit again. You cried out with it and you couldn’t just leave your hands on Joel’s shoulders, instead latching onto his hair and sliding down his back, pulling him flush against your body so the only thing left in the world was him and his skin and the thick of his cock as he started to pulse inside of you.
Your orgasm almost hurt it was so intense. You could feel every inch of Joel’s cock in you, the heat and softness of his skin against you, every muscle in your body going rigid and tense for a moment before relaxing. Your vision went spotty and you got light headed and you lost track of time.
The next thing you knew, you were in Joel’s arms, cradled against his chest, his fingers trailing a gentle path along the edge of your hairline and jaw, thumb brushing the plush of your lips.
“There you are,” he said softly and pressed a kiss to your forehead, his large hand coming to rest against your cheek as you turned your head to look at him. His eyes were soft and warm and there was a gentle smile on his face. “How are you feelin’ love?”
You took stock of your body for a moment, everything feeling light and airy.
“I’m good,” you smiled a little.
“Yeah?” He said, his thumb brushing your cheek. “Take a deep breath for me, OK?”
You nodded a little and did as you were told, only realizing then just how little your lungs had been inflating before.
“How’s that feelin’?” He asked. “Good?”
You just nodded, still smiling.
“How about this for the night,” he said, going back to tracing an easy trail over your skin with his fingertips. “In a few minutes, I get up and get you water and a cocktail while you put on that pretty little swimsuit of yours. You float in the water while I look at ya and finish those ribs in the smoker…”
“You’re making me ribs?” You almost pouted, your brows going up.
Joel chuckled.
“Yeah, that OK?”
“That’s my favorite,” you said, feeling like you might be about to cry.
“I know it is, baby,” he said, kissing your temple again. “S’why I made ‘em. Got that potato salad you like, green beans, cornbread too. Even got that chocolate cake you like so much…”
“The Oreo one?” You sniffed, tearing up.
“The Oreo one,” he brushed your hair back. “You still with me there baby?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, crying a little. You weren’t entirely sure why, just every emotion you’d had over the past week seeming to bubble up at once. “I think so…”
“You’re OK,” Joel said, pulling you closer, his lips gentle on your skin. “I’ve got you.”
You just nodded against him and focused on how his skin felt on yours, his warmth and strength grounding while your mind was still swimming.
“What about after dinner?” You sniffed.
“We can watch one of those movies you like so much,” he said. “I know the ones that’ve been on your list, you don’t gotta pick unless you want to. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “But… can we just stay here for a little while first? Please?”
“Course baby,” he said. “Whatever you need. I’ll take care of you.”
You nuzzled into his skin and breathed deep and you didn’t really know why you’d been so stressed when you got home to begin with. You just knew that you had Joel and that, as long as he was there, everything else would be OK.
#fanfic#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller x oc#smut fic#dom!joel miller
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Omega Pt. 18 (Natasha)
Summary : you're annoyed at Natasha and took some memories with your family
Pairing : Alpha ! Natasha Romanoff x Omega ! Fem Reader
Warning : Cut, bruises I think that's all
Word count : 2,132
Series Masterlist
{OMEGA PT. 17} {OMEGA PT. 18} {OEMGA T. 19}
NO one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.

“Does it still hurt? "You gently sat besides her while she's busy tending to her wounds. You felt bad when she was quickly sent out for a mission when she got home; her bruises and her ribs weren't fully healed when she was called out for a day mission, and now there's cuts added to her already beaten body.
Of course she talked to you first before she was sent off, reassuring you and making sure that you're fine before she leaves again.
“Not much, but it still stings a bit.” It's been 2 days since she came home from the mission, and it hurts you every time you see her cleaning her wounds that Natasha tries to avoid showing you her bruises and wounds.
“Let me help you.” You took cotton balls and rubbed alcohol to clean the area of the wound on her right waist.
“I can do it, you know.” Natasha didn't stop you but watched you closely, but you shook your head determined to help her.
“I know, but I still wanna help you,” Natasha winces when you dab the cotton with rubbing alcohol on her wound.
"Sorry,” you whisper, but still continue with her hissing at the pain of the alcohol. Once you're sure that the area of her wound is properly clean, you dab a Povidone-iodine with a cotton ball on her wound. After that, you patch her up, moving to the next wound, and do the same until she's all done.
“Thank you,” she whispers, putting on a shirt. She groans when she stretches her limbs, but a sudden frustration gets into you, making you roll your eyes at her.
“What? "Natasha asked, catching your sudden change of mood and turning to face you.
“Tell me,” she whispers, taking your hand and giving you a small smile.
“Nothing, I’m just annoyed,” she said, moving forward, sitting in front of you, and looking you in the eyes.
“Why are you annoyed? ”You close your eyes and look away, thus making Natasha chuckle at how cute you are.
“Don't look at me like that; I can't stay annoyed at you.” You cover your face with your hand.
“Then look at my face, love; I don't want you to be annoyed at me.” She slowly peels off your hands, and you pout at her with a frown.
“Tell me, why are you annoyed? ”You sigh and move to her lap, resting your head on her shoulder, and Natasha quickly wraps her arms around you.
“Cause you're reckless, you always come home with injuries—not just some injuries but serious injuries,” you whisper, scolding her, and she runs her hands through your hair.
“I’m sorry, I promise, I’ll be more careful next time,” you sigh in relief, closing your eyes and turning your head so you're smelling her scent.
“Guess who will be going to the carnival? "She whispered, and you frowned, leaning back to look at her.
“Who? "She gives you a peck and squeezes your hips.
"Us,” she smirks, but you frown, not loving the idea.
“But you're injured; we can't walk around the carnival in your state, plus who will be looking for the pups? ”You start to play with her baby hair at the back of her neck; that gives Natasha some comfort.
“Don't worry, I’m good to walk around and do some activities; Helen approved, plus the team will be with us; they offer to look after them.” You're still not convinced, so she keeps stealing a kiss until you're chuckling.
“Stop, ok, ok, but still you need to take breaks once in a while, ok? "She salutes you, and you roll your eyes at her.
“Yes, whatever my love said and commanded,” you smile and peck her.
“Ok then, jno extreme rides, even the bumper car, you also need to sit at least 10-20 minutes." Natasha quickly makes a sour face, but you ignore it and keep looking at her.
"Ok, that's fair,” she mumbles with a pout, and you smirk at her when you remember one thing you need to forbid her.
“And no haunted house,” her eyes quickly went wide and looked at you.
“No haunted house? "You hum while nodding, but she still can't believe it.
“No haunted house for you! "You bump her nose with your pointer fingers, and she sighs in disbelief.
“But that's the best part and the only thing that makes me occupied since I’m not allowed in any rides except the carousel and ferris wheel,” she whines, but you shake your head.
"Then we were not going to the carnival.” You stand up and turn to walk away, but before you could turn around, she took your hips and made you stay.
“No, fine, fine, fine, I’ll do it,” she sighs in defeat, and you kiss her cheek.
“Thank you,” you softly whisper, and she smiles quickly, hugging you and resting her head on your stomach. You smile and comb her hair with your fingers.
“Anything for you, my love, anything,” she whispers. You smile, then look down at her.
You've never expected she'll be like this or your life will be like this, but all you know is that this is one step forward for the life you wanted for your family.

“I told you to get it easy! "You scold her and help her sit down on the bench, Wanda and Vision following behind you two, strolling the stroller, single stroller with Wanda and double stroller with Vis.
“You shouldn't push your body; Nat, Dr. Cho, give you permission, but still, your body isn't fully healed.” Wanda follows, then gives you a bottle of water, and you hand it to Natasha.
“No internal injuries nor stitches being ripped, just elevated breathing.” Natasha rolls her eyes on the two, and you glare at her, making her look down while calming her down.
She's been walking around for hours, trying rides when she gets the chance—when you're with pups, in the bathroom, or just her making excuse to go somewhere while you rest your feet—and as a result, her body was hurting, especially her wounds.
She hates to admit it, but she regrets not taking your words, and now you’re annoyed at her, and instead of you two having fun, your here scolding and glaring at her.
“I shouldn't have said yes earlier; you think I wouldn't know about you sneaking on rides.” You scold her while dumping the towel a little harsh to try off her sweat, then give her a painkiller that Dr. Cho prescribes.
Now Natasha is like a lost puppy, sitting besides you, head low, hands on her lap while she plays with her fingers and staying quiet, not wanting to add fuel to the fire she makes.
“I’m sorry, they are tempting,” she mumbles, for only you can hear, and you sigh.
“Were good here, Wands, Vis? Thank you, though. We'll have the pups later, for now you can go have fun,” you said to them with a smile, and they nodded at you.
“You sure, we wouldn't mind if we stayed here a little bit.” You shake your head and kiss the pup's forehead.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” With that, they bid their farewell, and once they are out of sight, you turn to Natasha.
“Stay here,” she nodded. You took your bag and went to the food stall to buy some food and brink for the both of you.
Once you get your order—burger, fries, two slices of pizza, and soda with a bottle of water—you get your tray with food to the table Natasha was sitting in.
“Here, eat it all.” You put her food in front of her, and you sat beside her and started eating your food.
“Eat now, Natasha, so you have strength,” you said when she's not touching her food and keeps looking at you.
“I’m sorry.” You look at her and sigh, then lean in, cupping her face and kissing her lips.
“It's ok, I understand, but I would appreciate it if you listen to me next time.” Natasha quickly peppers you with kisses, and you giggle.
“I promise,” she then lands the kiss on your lips with a smile.
“Now eat your food, so we can stroll around with the pups and get some pictures,” Natasha smiles, loving the idea of a family picture.
“I love that idea,” Natasha mumbles, and you smile, seeing the sparkle in her eyes that you've never seen before.
“So eat your food and rest your legs so we can walk around.” Natasha quickly finishes her food, too excited to take photos with her family, especially with her daughter.
“That's fast,” you comment, finishing your burger, then sliding your pizza and half fries to her.
“I’m full; I can't eat that anymore,” Natasha says, clicking her tongue five times, then looking at the food you push towards her.
“You shouldn't have ordered a lot if you can't finish your food; it's bad to waste food.” You pout at her, but she still took the food, but she sends you a knowing glare.
“I’ll eat this, but next time, get the only thing you can finish, ok? "You nodded while drinking your soda with a straw.
“I understand,” then you reach her face and kiss her lips with a smile.
Natasha sighed, then took a napkin, then started to wipe your face and mouth. You have some crumble around your lips with some sauce, then you have sweat on your forehead.
Once Natasha finished your food, you two quickly go around looking for Wanda, and you found them on the carousel. Wanda and Vis had the two boys, and Yelena has Natasha's princess. Then Kate and Peter are the ones in charge of guarding the strollers.
“This is a good spot to take a picture,” you point to the left of the carousel. Natasha quickly holds your hand and goes to Kate, knowing the ride will end soon.
“Kate, Peter, could you take us some photos over there?"Natasha asked, pointing to the camera on Peter's neck.
"Yeah, sure, Ma'am,” Natasha drags you to the spot, and she positions herself behind you.
“We will be having a family photo after their ride too.” You inform Peter, and he gives you two thumbs up.
“In count to three,” Peter informs, then Natasha quickly puts her arm around your neck, tilting her head to the left, then you hold to her arm and smile.
“1...2...” Peter counted, and Natasha smiled, putting her lips to your ear.
“I love you, my love,” she whispers to you, and your body quickly reacts, looking at her with a smile and adoration in your eyes, and that's when Peter presses the shutter, taking a complete, perfect picture.
“That's gorgeous.” Peter jumps with excitement when he sees how good and how you could feel the love in the photo he took.
Your eyes widen and you blush at the compliment Peter gives you, and when you look at him, he's showing Kate the photo, so you hide your face with your face.
“Don't be shy; you're really gorgeous, honey. One more picture, what do you say? "You look up at her and nod.
“But please, I want a decent one; just stand beside me; no more cheesy comment,” she chuckled and nodded at you.
"Ok, ok... Peter, could you do one more? "Peter smiled and nodded.
“Yes, whenever you're ready,” you wrap your arm around her left arm while she holds your other hand and leans in, smiling, then resting your head on her.
“That's sweet,” Katae awes; that's when the three with a pup come smiling.
“There they are,” you smile, taking one, then Natasha took the two boys.
“Come on, Peter, another one.” Peter quickly gets into position while the three pups are giggling, and he quickly snaps a photo once you two are ready.
“Is it good? "You ask, and he quickly opens the photo and goes to you.
"Yes, it is,” he shows you two, and you're mesmerized at the photo.
After many photos, the team decided that it's best to go home when the clock hits 7 p.m. They want the pups to rest peacefully, plus they are exhausted from all the rides, games, and walking. Of course every member has a picture memory; you all even took a photo in front of the carnival.
So here you are at the passenger seat, fast asleep while the pups are sleeping too in their carseat at the back, and Natasha is smiling, looking at the back, and to you, her hand is resting on your thigh, squeezing it.
She can't get rid of her smile no matter what; she just loves this day and is happy that the four of you are here.
#natasha romanoff#natasha romanova#natasha x reader#natasha x y/n#black widow#black widow 2021#marvel black widow#natalia alianovna romanova#natasha x you#natalia romanova#natasha alianovna romanova#natasha marvel#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff fanfic#natasha romanoff fluff#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanov x reader#natasha romonova#natasha#alpha natasha#omega reader#omegaverse
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Haunted car Au part 17
I guess I will put another warning here, a few more swear words, and honestly, probably a lot more in future chapters. Duke, Jason, and Danny just feed off each other's gremlin tendencies (mine too). This is not a 'get along like a house on fire'. This is a forest fire. These three in a crack fic of pure younger sibling energy went a wee bit out of hand, and I feel sorry for what they are putting Babs and Dick through.... Not sorry enough since I am still writing it and giggling like a school girl, but I empathize.
Previous. Masterpost
“Heeeeeyyyy, Oracle. I have some good, interesting, and bad news.” Jason asked Barbara as soon as she picked up.
“Hood, I swear to every god on this planet, It better be a big emergency, I just got to sleep.”
Jason winced. “Sorry O, good news, I found Danny-”
“Where, is he ok?”
“Calm down Barbie, he is…. mostly fine.”
“Interesting news, we need a magic user. Bad news, it’s a Constantine question.”
The sound of the static from the phone was the only thing that proved that she did not hang up on them.
“Hood, for everything holy, Explain.”
“The Batmobile started acting weird after the other night when B had to come back early because of his bad concussion and broken ribs. Don't let him downplay it, I saw A’s report. Anyway, it was acting weird, so I looked into it and ta-da. It seems like the missing street kid is possessing the car.” Duke quickly explained.
“What is our lives-” Barbara whispered just loud enough to be picked up. “Ok, since we now know more information, I will call Zatanna and Constantine. Unfortunately, they are on some sort of mission that is scheduled to be done in a few days. Can I trust you two to keep Danny safe? Has anyone told B yet?”
“Fuck B, he didn't notice and dropped this on Signal, benched him even, like it was his fault!” Hood argued. “Besides, he doesn't get to adopt this one-”
“Are you volunteering then?” Barbara snarked.
“Fuck off, no, B does not need another kid.”
“We can all pretty much agree on that.” Duke muttered.
“How did you figure out it was Danny anyway?” Barbara asked, changing the subject.
“I downloaded all of RR's PowerPoint sound files into the Batmobile’s radio storage.” Duke said proudly. “We were able to somewhat communicate, but Hood was the one that got the Danny connection going.”
“Ok, so what do we want to do until the magic users respond?” Jason asked.
“All we can do is keep it on the down low. Keep Danny safe in the cave, and hope that Constantine doesn't go on one of his after mission benders for a week.” Barbara sighed out. “So, I know this is a very hard ask, but stay out of trouble while I get some sleep.”
“Ya, ya, Barbie, I will keep the gremlins in line.” Jason said as he hung up the phone.
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism
@atinygracie @okami-love
@lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple @ehobep
#dpxdc#dcxdp#haunted car au#Jason is lying ya'll#there is no 'in line'#he has no lines#or rather#his lines are no murder and no drugs#a really low bar all things considered#here is hoping Babs gets 2 hours sleep#she deserves at least that much
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Can we get a zombie horde with a gn! Reader where their abusive family finds them again?
after years of inactivity im fucking back ! sorry for the long long wait but at least im able to put out a few more fics !
Zombie Horde!Reader's Abusive Family Finds Them Again
CW: verbal abuse, abusive family, (mentioned) being rejected food
💀 You haven't always been alone in your travels, in fact, you were with your family when the outbreak happened. But to be fair, you never liked your family..
💀 They would always bully you, boss you around, even put the blame on you whenever something bad happened, the torment didn't end even when there were zombies banging on your doors!
💀 In fact, because of the virus, they got even more cruel to you.
💀 They would take away your food rations for any small mistake you did, make you take the night watch for days on end, even send you out to get supplies just because 'you talked back that one time'!
💀 You couldn't take it anymore and left, knowing anywhere would be better than being stuck in a house of people who did nothing but torture you.
💀 You thought you were safe from them, cuddled up with Ribs in your bed as the others wandered around the abandoned mall, but it all came back when you heard a familiar voice shout out your name from the distance..
💀 "(Y/N)?! I know you're here you runt!"
💀 It was your dad...
💀 Ribs sat up as soon as he heard it and snarled, crawling out of bed and going out to see the commotion.
💀 Your heart raced as you followed him, but it was hard to walk with your body trembling at the thought of seeing him or any of your family again.
💀 "Jesus there's four of them!" "What are you waiting for you stupid bitch?! Shoot em!"
💀 It seems your mom was also there..
💀 You run the broken escalator and see the horde fighting with your family, gunshots ring throughout the mall as you see your beloveds blasted with bullets.
💀 You weren't scared though, they were dead after all, but it was still heartbreaking seeing them get hurt.
💀 You pick up a nearby rock and throw it at your dad to get his attention away from the boys. They all look at you, your family glaring at you while the horde coos at your presence.
💀 "(Y/N) you come here right this fucking second we're coming home!" Your mother shouts at you, walking over angrily and grabbing your arm strong enough to leave a red ring.
💀 Bo fumes and pulls her of you "You stay away from my mate ya hear me?!" he growls.
💀 "It talks?!" She yelps as your dad comes over as well. "Mate? Don't tell me you're hangin out with these monsters! Are you that much of a dumbass?!" he scolds you.
💀 You shrink, knowing whatever you say will make things worse..
💀 "Why you little whore.." Your dad growls, about to slap you, but Screw runs over and pushes your dad away, sending him back a few feet.
💀 Ribs and Soda smile and clap as Bo and Screw help you up.
💀 "You ok darlin?" Bo asks you in a sweet tone. "Is your arm ok? Does is hurt? Do you need a bandaid? I have a pink one with a cat on it.." Screw looks at the mark your mother gave you.
💀 You smile and assure them everything's ok.
💀 "Fucking freaks..(Y/N) do you hear me?! Get your ass up and let's go!" Your dad yells at you again as he stand up.
💀 "They're not going anywhere mean guy!" Ribs growls at him.
💀 Your mom is to the side next to Soda, she sneers at him and he looks back at her, giving her the middle finger, making her scoff and look away.
💀 In a shaky tone, you ask how they found you. You've cut off contact with them for months, there was no way they could find you..
💀 "Hah! Your dumbass thought you were just some person in the middle of nowhere? Half the state knows about your little talkin freak boyfriends!"
💀 You look down in shame as Bo and Screw comfort you "I think it's about time you folks leave..." Bo says, glaring at your parents.
💀 "Oh no you're not kicking us out! We came all this way to get this ungrateful little leech back! We gave them shelter and this is how they repay us?! You should've learned your place and stayed put!" he berates you. You finally snap and yell back at him, telling him all the things you've endured in their household, how you were treated like dirt every day, how you were much better off without them.
💀 Finally you firmly tell them to leave, pointing to the exit as you look at him with no fear left in your eyes. He scoffs "Fine..go get killed on your own then! Don't come to us for any fucking help!" he yells as he leaves, your mom in tow.
💀 Ribs laughs at them as they leave while Soda smiles at you.
💀 After the whole interaction, you were completely exhausted, the boys huddling up with you to calm you down.
💀 You give them all well-deserved kisses for protecting you, they all coo and chirp at the affection and kiss you back.
💀 "Do you still want that bandaid?" Screw asks you softly.
💀 You say yes.
this one was pretty short but expect more fics to be sent soon ! love you guys and remember that youre awesome and amazing !
#yandere x gn reader#yandere x reader#oc yandere#yandere oc#yandere#male yandere#tw yandere#yandere x you#yandere x male reader#yandere x darling#yandere monster#monster boyfriend#monster smut#monster x human#monsterfucker#monster lover#zombie x reader#teratophillia#terato#poly yandere#yandere poly#multiple yanderes#zombie#undead#x reader#yandere male#poly x reader#polyamorous#polyamory#poly relationship
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Nanami as your work crush
Wc: 3406
Content: coworker nanami, I hate capitalism,co workers to lovers😩😩😩😩, FLUFF,confessing love, nanami being the best man on earth
A/n: pls don’t make it flop 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
Despite hating this job with every fiber of your being, you still find yourself waking up at 5 a.m., eager to get ready for work. Why? Because there's this one random blonde guy who makes your heart race more than it should, his mere presence glowing and shining like moonlight.
He often shows up in the most mundane clothes, his face lifeless, only smiling when he absolutely has to. Yet, on some mornings, he arrives with two coffees in hand—one for himself and one for you. You shamelessly admit to yourself that you enjoy this special treatment from him.
"I hate this job."
"Me too."
This is the usual exchange between the two of you, always ending with one of those faint smiles appearing on his handsome face, which inevitably does something to you.
"Actually, I don't hate it that much. There's still something good about this stupid work."
"Besides getting paid?" you ask jokingly, unsure of what he's trying to say.
"Hmm, yes?" He flashes that infuriatingly charming smile before walking away, returning to his work.
During lunch breaks, you, he, and other coworkers usually head out to grab a meal at the coffee shop. You try not to read too much into it, but it seems that whenever you're in a group, he always makes an effort to sit next to you, walk beside you, and engage with you the most. It’s like fuel for the fire, making you fall for him more and more, beyond your control.
"You like pasta?"
"Yep, why?"
"You always order it."
"Yep, I love pasta."
"Me too. You know what, I can cook the best pasta ever."
"I don’t believe you."
"I can cook it for you… if you want."
The idea of eating something your crush has made for you sends a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"That’s an honor."
"How about tonight, at my place, if you don’t mind?"
Of course, you don’t mind at all, but the thought of being alone with your crush at his place tonight fills you with a nervous anticipation.
“That sounds great. “
“See you after work then.”
After that, your heart doesn't stop pounding against your ribs for even a second. You know you can’t focus on work now because your mind is too busy daydreaming about what might happen tonight, just you and him, alone, on a cute pasta date.
No, it’s not a date, you quickly remind yourself, trying to erase those fluffy thoughts and ground yourself in reality. You push through the rest of the day, working until 5. (with him as your only motivation)
"Let's leave."
It’s only 4:30, and he's already texted you with this message. You hate yourself a little for thinking that he’s as eager for tonight as you are, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. Normally, you’d overwork yourself and stay late, but today, you choose to be kind to yourself and call it a day earlier than usual.
"Great, I’ll pick you up, and we can walk to the parking lot together."
There are countless words you want to scream out of excitement right now, but all your fingers can manage to type is "ok."
And within a minute, he's right behind you, and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, so scarlet, so bright. You can only hope he doesn’t notice.
"You’re red, are you sick?"
For god's sake, he never fails to make you flustered.
"I’m good," you reply with a smile and a forced giggle.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, let’s go," you say, your voice overly cheerful.
You try to keep everything seeming normal, as if you're not secretly dreaming about kissing his lips right at that moment.
"Is it too cold?" he asks as you settle into his car.
"No… not at all, everything is perfectly fine."
God, you sound like Mickey Mouse right now, trying so hard to conceal your nerves that it comes off as unnatural.
"Do I make you uncomfortable?"
No, not at all…not really. The word "uncomfortable" isn't the right fit, it's more like "nervous." He makes you so nervous.
"No, I’m okay, really. Please stop worrying."
"How can I not worry about you?" he murmurs, his voice soft as he throws his arm behind your seat to back up the car. You catch a glimpse of those veins, and WOW who could blame you for daydreaming about this big, gorgeous man?
"Why? What is it about me that makes you so worried?"
"You’re always so hard on yourself, working too much and doing OT almost every day," he says, and you’re genuinely flattered by his concern. Little does he know, the reason you stay late is just to spend more time in the workplace with him, the hardworking man who makes the long hours bearable. And yes, he's also right, you’re always so tough on yourself, trying to prove that you're good enough to be here, to be working there.
"You’re always overworking yourself too, Nanami," you reply, and little do you know that he does it for the same reason. He loves to watch you from afar while you’re absorbed in your work. He cherishes the midnight coffees with you, making even the harshest nights feel like a dream.
“I guess it would be best for us if we stopped overworking and had more homemade dinners like this,” he suggests. Is he asking you out?
“I hate seeing you drink five cups of coffee a day instead of having a proper meal. I can cook a lot, and I’m really good at it.”
“Are you talking a big game?” you tease him, his words always find the way to make you genuinely laugh.
“I can cook for you every day. You deserve to eat something good for your health and taste.”Now, your stomach is doing the thing,not the rumbling with hunger, but tickled with overwhelming butterflies. You feel like you might burst if you don’t get a handle on it soon.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you, Nanami.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? You can call me Kento.”
He’s older than you, and you hold a deep respect and admiration for him. Using just his name feels like it brings an intimacy you’re not sure you can handle, and you’re terrified that you might not be able to keep your feelings in check any longer.
"No, I can't."
"Yes, you can."
You try to resist, knowing you might actually die from blushing too hard.
"I prefer you to call me by my name.” “Kento Or Ken, your choice."
Your entire insides feel like they're about to explode. Why does he have to be so cute? You want to be the one who gets to call him "Ken," such an adorable name. And "Baby" or "Honey" would sound amazing on him too. You long to be the only one who gets the chance to call him those sweet names.
"Kento…" you whisper, so softly that you can barely hear your own voice. The only thing echoing in your ears is the sound of your racing heartbeat.
"That’s... I like that. It sounds great coming from you." Is he trying to kill you or something? You might actually get a heart attack if he keeps being this cute.
As you arrive at his house, you're greeted by a beautiful garden filled with flowers. The sight is so sweet, making you smile as you take it all in.
When you step inside, you immediately sense warmth and comfort. His home is impeccably organized and tidy, what an ideal man.
"Make yourself at home," he says, guiding you to the living room. You sit on the couch as he turns on the television for you. Then, he heads to the nearby kitchen and begins preparing the ingredients for your dinner. The whole scene feels surreal, like you’ve stepped into a dream where everything is just perfect.
"I can help," you say, getting up from the couch and following him into the kitchen.
"Let me, please. You have just one job is to sit, wait, and enjoy our dinner."
That's probably the hottest thing a man could say, and you can't help but feel greedy, wanting him all to yourself. The thought of anyone else having him makes you irrationally jealous. You can only hope that everything he’s doing is because he likes you too, at least half as much as you're falling for him.
"Can I watch?"
"You can," he replies with a smile.
You giggle a bit as he chops the vegetables. "Enjoy the view?," he adds.
Very much, you think, though you only say, "Probably..." with a playful smile lingering on your lips. You want to kiss him so badly right now.
Little do you know, he's doing his best to focus on the knife and the vegetables because it's nearly impossible for him to tear his eyes away from your pretty little face.
He needs to kiss your lips so badly, it can actually kill him.
After an hour of talking and exchanging glances filled with unspoken tension, the two plates of pasta are finally served. Yours is carbonara, and his is pomodoro, both look incredibly delicious.
He doesn’t stop watching you as you take your first big bite.
"How’s that?" His voice is filled with anticipation.
"Ummm," you murmur, savoring the taste. "I think this is the best pasta I’ve ever had in my entire life."
At your words, he smiles and laughs, as if he’s just won an Oscar. But to him, it’s not about the pasta…it’s about you. You’re bigger than any prize on earth.
As the hour passes, you find yourselves gossiping about coworkers, chit-chatting about random things, talking about work and food, and eventually landing on a more serious topic…
"Are you seeing anyone?" he asks, and your heart rate skyrockets.
"No," you reply, trying to stay composed, as if you’ve never dreamed of being asked this question by him.
"Are you interested in dating?" he continues.
Yes, yes, fuck yesssss only for you, you think, but instead, you ask, "Why do you ask? Are you trying to flirt with me or something?" You mean it as a joke, not really expecting an answer.
"What if I say yes?"
Your pupils widen at his response. "What?" You are so shocked, can’t really comprehend anything now.
"I'm sorry—"
"No, I think I heard you wrong."
"No, you didn’t… but if you’d rather stay just friends, I’ll understand and respect that."
“I think…no, I know I love you. I’m sorry if this ruins our friendship, but if you don’t feel the same way, just tell me, and we can go back to how things were.”
His gaze is so soft, unlike anything you’ve ever seen from him. He hesitates for a moment, licking his bottom lip quickly before speaking again.
“I love the way you always show up with a genuine smile, even though I know you hate working here. I love how you joke around just to make people laugh, how you make fun our boss, how incredibly smart and beautiful you are. I’m nothing compared to you.”
He pauses, searching your face, trying to read your expression. “You make me want to live like a normal salaryman. I’m on top of the world every time you say, ‘See you tomorrow’ because I’m the one who gets a chance to see you tomorrow and another tomorrow and every other single day. I want to come to work every day just to spend as much time as I can admiring you, being next to you. I want to be the one who takes care of you. You make my ordinary life feel so special, and I love you…most ardently.”
Is it the wine you’ve had? Are you dreaming, or is he really confessing his love to you?
“Are you drunk?” you ask, your voice trembling slightly, still in disbelief at what you’ve just heard.
He chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Hell no, I’m not,” he replies, his voice steady and sincere. His eyes lock onto yours, full of a quiet intensity that leaves no room for doubt.
“I truly love you.”
The words hang in the air between you, so heavy with meaning that it feels like the world has paused. You can feel your heart racing, pounding against your chest as you try to process everything. The warmth of the room, the soft glow of the lights, and the remnants of dinner, all of it fades into the background. All you can focus on is him, as he’s standing up from his chair and pouring his heart out in the most genuine way.
His expression is earnest, a mix of vulnerability and determination. This is the man who, just moments ago, was making you laugh with casual banter, and now he’s baring his soul to you, leaving himself completely exposed. You can see the slight tension in his posture, as if he’s bracing himself for whatever might come next, yet there’s also a softness in his gaze that you’ve never seen before.
He takes a step closer, reaching out as if he wants to touch you but stops himself, respecting your space. “I’ve thought about this for so long,” he continues, his voice dropping to a near whisper.
“Every day, I’ve held back, afraid of ruining what we have. But I can’t keep pretending that my feelings aren’t there. You’re all I think about, and I can’t stand the idea of not telling you how I feel. Even if it means risking everything.”
Your mind races, trying to catch up with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you as you can feel the way his breath hitches slightly as he waits for your response, the subtle tremor in your hands as you try to steady yourself.
This is real, you realize. He’s not joking, not exaggerating. He’s laying his heart at your feet, hoping you’ll pick it up and keep it safe. And in that moment, you know that this is a turning point, a moment that will change everything between you.
You swallow hard, trying to find your voice, trying to navigate through the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. “I…” you start, but the words catch in your throat, too tangled up in the disbelief and joy and fear all mingling together.
“I’m sorry, you must be so uncomfortable right now. Let me get you home… It’s already late, and I can’t let you go alone.”
No, he’s got it all wrong. You’re not uncomfortable you’re just too overwhelmed with joy that you can’t find any words to describe it . But he doesn’t give you a chance to explain, assuming the worst.
“Okay,” you respond, the word slipping out before you can stop it. Maybe it’s because a small part of you wonders if he’s actually drunk, that maybe he didn’t mean to say those things and now regrets it. Maybe he just wants to get you home and forget this ever happened.
But you can’t let it end like this. “You can walk me home. It’s 15 minutes from here, no need for a car,” you say, trying to break through the invisible barrier that’s suddenly risen between you. You’re lying it’s almost 45 minutes away but you just want to be with him a little longer, to figure out what’s really going on.
“Really,never know that you live around here.” Of course he doesn’t know. “Doesn’t matter let’s go.” he agrees, giving you a soft smile, though there’s a sigh that escapes him, as if he wants to say more but is holding back.
As you both step out into the cool night air, the silence between you is thick with unspoken words. He falls into step beside you, the warmth of his presence just a breath away. The tension from before lingers, but there’s also a tenderness in the quiet moments as you walk side by side, neither of you in a hurry to reach your destination.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable tonight. I just… I couldn’t keep it in anymore. But I’ll understand if you need time or if you want to pretend none of this happened.” Finally, he speaks again, his voice gentle but firm.
“No,” you blurt out, the word catching in your throat as you stare at him. “Ken…” His name falls from your lips, soft and gentle, as if it caresses his heart.
“Listen to me,” you continue, holding up a hand before he can respond. “Don’t say anything right now. Just… let me get this out.”
You take a deep breath, the weight of your emotions bubbling up inside you, and you decide the only way you can say this is through a story, a safe distance between you and the overwhelming truth. “I’m going to tell it in the third person, because saying it directly feels too embarrassing.”
He tilts his head slightly, waiting, but his eyes don’t leave yours. You press on.
“There’s a woman,” you begin softly, “the most ordinary woman. She got this job a year ago, and everything changed. She had to move away from her hometown, didn’t know anyone here, and for a while, she felt so alone.”
Your voice trembles slightly as you continue, but you push through. “Then she met this man. Just a regular, normal guy. He hated the job, just like she did, only doing it to pay his bills. But there was something about him…something about his smile, about how he always showed up when she needed someone. And that smile, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, never failed to drive her insane.”
You risk a glance at him, and his expression has softened, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. You swallow, continuing your story. “They became close, coworkers, friends. But she wanted more. She needed more. So she started working overtime, just to have a little extra time with him.”
“And today,” you say, your voice lowering, “it’s like a dream come true for her. The man she’s been in love with since she started working here…he feels the same way about her. But it’s so hard to believe, so good that it doesn’t even seem real. She doesn’t know what to say, so her silence makes him think she’s rejecting him, even though it’s the furthest thing from the truth.”
You finish, the last words hanging in the air between you, fragile but full of meaning. You look at him, your heart pounding in your chest, unsure of what he’ll say.
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, his lips curl into a gentle, knowing smile. “So… what happens next in this story?”
“I don’t know,” you murmur, turning your head just enough to avoid meeting his eyes. “You tell me.”
He gently reaches out, his hand warm as it grazes your knuckles, and slowly your fingers intertwine. “He takes her hand, just like this,” he says with a tenderness that makes your heart race. “And he realizes he's the luckiest man on earth.”
Your breath hitches as he continues, “He’s so happy, now that he gets to hold the hands of the girl he adores.”
You look up at him, his gaze filled with a warmth you’ve longed to see for so long. “What happens next?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“He kisses her,” he says, leaning just a little closer before adding, “Only if she wants that.”
Your soft giggle fills the space between you. “Yes, she definitely wants that.”
He smiles, closing the remaining distance between you, his hand gently cupping your face as his lips meet yours in a tender, lingering kiss. The moment feels unreal, yet more vivid than anything you’ve ever known. The night seems to glow, not from the moon or stars, but from the way he makes your world brighter.
In his arms, love no longer feels like a distant mystery… it’s here, in the touch of his lips, in the warmth of his embrace, in the quiet joy that fills your heart. And suddenly, being a "normal" person in the ordinary grind of life seems more than enough because now, you have him.
How wonderful life is, even in the mundane, when it's shared with someone like him.
#kento nanami x reader#nanami#nanami fluff#nanami kento#nanami kento fluff#nanami kento x fem!reader#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento x you#jjk x reader#nanami headcanons#nanami x you#nanami x reader#jjk fanfic#jjk fluff#jjk x you#jjk#nanami x y/n#nanami my beloved#nanami a man you are
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Hank Voight x Reader
Combining @desimarie12 wanting step dad Voight and @pear-1206 wanting fluffy Hank/self defense fluff
Warnings: mention of abuse
Brandon Edwardson was well, he was a horrible man. He was abusive, manipulative and a drug addict. You needed help getting away from him. You knew if you stayed with him his poison would only spread to your son Theo. He was only a month old and everything good in this world. You knew if you could get away from Brandon while he was still young enough you could make sure Theo would never be like him.
You sat at the table in the break room at the school. You were staring down at the tea in your hand, trying to breathe around what you were certain were at the bare minimum cracked ribs. You’d fought Brandon for the first time. He’d thrown something at Theo’s crib. Had you won? No but you stood up to him and that was the first step wasn’t it. “Hey” you glanced up to see Brittany Henderson sit across from you. She taught science two halls down. “Hey” you greeted around a grimace.
She gave you a small smile then slid a card across to you. You picked it up and saw it was for a sergeant Henry Voight. “What’s this?” you asked and she shrugged “If you’re ready to leave he can help you with whatever. Just call and tell him I gave you the card. He’s a little rough but he’s a good man” “How did you..” you started but she cut you off with a wave of her hand “He helped me and my mom a long time ago” you picked up the card and held her eyes “Would he come today?” she nodded “Tell him he hurt you over the baby. He’ll come”

You owed Brittany your life. Henry or well Hank as he preferred was indeed a good man. He’d come to the school that very day, had been discreet to talk to you and when you explained the whole situation he’d told you he would help.
He sent uniforms and movers to retrieve yours and Theo’s belongings,helped you get a new cell and put a restraining order on Brandon where he couldn’t come near school grounds or near Theo’s daycare. Since you currently didn’t have a place to go he’d told you that you and Theo were welcome to stay with him, he owned a three bedroom home which was currently mainly empty.
“I’m barely home and when I am I won’t be in your way” he promised as he showed you into the house while you carried Theo in your arms. “Are you sure about this Hank? I could keep staying at the hotel until I find a place?” he shook his head “You’ve been there three weeks sweetheart. I’m sure. Those rooms sit empty. It’s fine” “Thank you” you told him for the thousandth time and he nodded “Get little guy comfortable and I’ll order some dinner”
You sat across from Hank at his table eating the food and couldn’t help but smile. “I know I’ve said thank you a lot but I actually feel safe for the first time in a long time” you nearly whispered and he smiled, his rough voice softer than normal considering you’d just gotten Theo to sleep “I’m glad. I think we need to work on you some form of self defense, maybe get you a carry permit if you’re comfortable with it” you nodded “Ok” and he nodded “Ok, eat then you can get some rest”

Hank had apparently been responsible for new security getting hired at Theo’s daycare. The day you walked in and spotted them you hadn’t even asked beyond Hank telling you they were to put your mind at ease over the possibility of Brandon getting anywhere near Theo.
The longer you knew Hank, the more you were seeing that men could be good. He was rough,yeah but he was also kind. He would come in from a bad case then help you get Theo to bed. He would call you during the day to check in and you’d hear him yell at his unit to shut up before the door of his office would close and he’d talk so gently to you.
You were falling for him. You stood next to him at the firing range while he showed you yet again how to break down the gun he’d deemed the right fit for you. You grinned when he stepped behind you and put his hands over yours “You know I can do it Hank?”
He shrugged “Not looking like you’re complaining sweetheart?” you felt your face warm “Not really” he moved his hands with yours as you broke the gun down then put it back together. After you’d done it twice he put his hands down on either side of you, his body trapping yours between it and the stand. You cut your eyes back at him with a smirk “Can I shoot now?” he laughed “Go ahead”
You pulled your ear protection down and he did the same then motioned for the targets. Every single target you hit dead on. You felt his hands brush your hips as he watched you and even then you managed to not get distracted. Once you were done he hit the button and the targets slid up. He nodded approvingly “Good job. I think you’re ready for your carry permit” you grinned “Good, will that make you feel a little better?” he shook his head “Not really. You would be safer with me of course but I can’t be everywhere so this is the next best thing”
He stepped closer to you and brushed hair back out of your face, eyes following the trail “I just want to make sure you and little man are safe even when I’m not there” you smiled, feeling your heart flip “You’re a really good man Hank” “I think you’re the only person in Chicago that thinks that” you laughed “Am I the only person that knows the real you then? You have your moments of being rough but deep down you’re not a monster”
His eyes went from yours down to your lips then back up. You smiled slightly “If you’re worried I have some hero complex and you think you would be taking advantage I don’t and you wouldn’t but I am gonna be a little disappointed to find out later that you wanted to kiss me as bad as I wanted you to and you didn’t”
He smiled and gently cupped your chin before bringing your face to his, brushing a kiss against your lips. The moment his lips touched yours you sighed happily against his mouth, your hands going to his shoulders to bring him closer.
When the two of you had to break away from each other to be able to breathe you smiled at him as he said “I don’t want you and Theo moving out. I want you to stay” you smiled softly “Ok”

Everyone in the unit could see a difference in Hank. The man was damn near agreeable some days and there were a few circumstances where he terrified Adam by having a smile on his face during the day.
The problem was no one had any idea what had changed. Was he on some sort of medication? “Maybe he has a girlfriend?” Hailey offered and Jay spun around to face her, his jaw falling open “Hank with a girlfriend?” she shrugged “We’ve thought about every other option”
They turned to look back at his office where he was talking to someone and all of them studied his face. He was wearing a smile and they were all a little freaked currently.
You were damn near the complete opposite of Hank. You were a teacher for Christ's sake. You were younger than him, had a child that wasn’t even a year old and you were sweet. You baked muffins for him and cupcakes for the kids of your class. He’d wake up on his days off to you dancing around the kitchen wearing one of his shirts while Theo picked at Cheerios in the high chair while you cooked or waited on the coffee.
He’d fallen in love with you quicker than he’d ever imagined, Theo too. You and him were currently fighting to get Brandon’s rights stripped away. Well you were legally fighting, he was calling in favors.
He was sitting in his office, doing paperwork when his phone rang and he smiled to see your name “Hey sweetheart” he heard you take a deep breath “Hank, the daycare’s closed and my lawyer just called. I have to be in court in half an hour or they’ll do another continuance”
“Bring him to me. We’re not working a case and if one comes in I’ll bounce it to Major Crimes” he offered and you hesitated “Hank, I can’t ask you to do that” “Good thing you didn’t then. Drop my little man off at the precinct. I’ll take care of him” “Ok. I’ll see you in a few”
When Trudy called to say she was bringing you up Hank walked to the stairs to meet you. You smiled as soon as you saw him “Baby, I can’t thank you enough” he shook his head and reached for Theo who was already giggling “Hank”
He took him and had him on his side before you smiled and stepped closer to press your lips against his in a quick kiss “I love you. I’ll call as soon as I get out” he nodded “Ok sweetheart. If you need anything let me know. Good luck” you planted another kiss on his lips then kissed Theo’s head before jogging back down the stairs.
You no longer had gotten out of the gate then Hank turned around to see all of intelligence staring at him “What?” “You have a kid and a girlfriend?” Jay asked, either the bravest or dumbest out of the bunch. He shook his head “Girlfriend and currently step kid” “Currently” Hailey asked and he smiled “Doesn’t matter. Everyone this is Theo”
The unit traded looks, Ok this explained it. Hank was in love.

You were so excited you ran into the precinct and smiled at Trudy “Pop the gate please” she cut her eyes at you with a broad smile “Good news?” you nodded “Very, I wanna tell Hank first”
“Well go” she waved a hand and you heard the gate pop. You snatched it open and ran up. Hank was standing next to the detective he’d introduced as Jay reading over a file with Theo asleep on his shoulder. You froze for a minute just to take in the view before you let yourself be known. “Hank” you called and he looked towards you “How’d it go”
“We won” you told him and he smiled “We won” you nodded “They fully stripped him of his rights. He is no longer Theo’s father legally” he never was any other way. He nodded towards his office “Lets talk” you smiled at the detectives as they all congratulated you, apparently haven gotten the basics.
You walked in behind him, rubbing a hand over Theo’s head and froze yet again when you saw the pack n play “Where did that come from?” you asked as he put Theo down in it. He shrugged “I called someone” you shook your head.
He reached a hand for you so you let him pull into his arms. You braced your hands against his shoulders as his went to your hips “You know we already decided for me to adopt Theo?” he asked and you nodded “Yeah”
“I was thinking you both should be Voight’s” you raised an eyebrow “Huh?” he slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring “Will you marry me?” “Are you sure?” you asked, barely able to respond around the knot in your throat. “Yes”
“Then in that case of course. I love you Hank” he smiled and brushed a kiss against your lips “I love you too” then slipped the ring onto your finger and you heard his unit start clapping. You cut your eyes at them and he groaned “Oh yeah sweetheart, those are my kids”
You laughed and waved at them “Yay! Step kids and Theo has big siblings” he shook his head “I love you sweetheart but don’t encourage them”
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I need some more of reader and John moments bc🤭 loving for it
If you asked Nico a year ago what he'd be doing today, he sure as hell wouldn't have said this. Thinking back on it, he can't even begin to imagine what that poor sap of his former self would even say.
'Driving the girl I'm sleeping with but also care about six hours all the way to Pittsburgh to pick up John fucking Marino who she just so happened to fucking love.'
Yeah right, he thinks bitterly.
Your foot nudges his elbow, sock clad toes pressing right into the soft spot of his funny bone. Nico takes one hand off the steering wheel, grabbing at your toes and pinching just hard enough to make you jolt. Giggling, you spring away from his hands, feet falling from the center console and he feels that tiny moment of bitterness fade away.
Especially when you pop your head into the front seat, cheek pressing into his bicep.
"You're supposed to be buckled." Nico scolds lightheartedly, an endeared smile rising on his lips when you nuzzle into the soft skin on the underside of his arm.
"I wanted to say hi."
He scoffs. "You should've sat up here then."
Nico can feel the pout that droops across your face. "I wanted to sit with Johnny."
"Decisions, decisions." He hums, "I wouldn't have fallen asleep on you like he did."
Your hands reach forward, locking around the arm he's got outstretched towards the steering wheel. "You can't, you're our driver."
"Ouch, from boyfriend to driver all because he got here?"
Giggling, you tug on his arm until it falls to rest on the center consol. Instinctively he offers you his hand, and you thread your fingers through his. "My boyfriend, our driver."
His stomach swoops pleasantly, butterflies fluttering around the empty crevices of his gut and ribs. Boyfriend, he'll never get tired of hearing that. A flattered smile dimples his cheeks, unable to form words he just hums.
"Can I come sit up there?"
"Not while the car is driving."
You make a noise of complaint. "Can we stop for food?"
"When I see somewhere to eat, yeah."
You point out the front windshield at the next exit. "McDonald's."
Nico makes a face. "Not good for you."
"If you feed Johnny bad food it'll make even more tired and lazy."
Damn you and your sneaky ways. Nico puts on his blinker, moving lanes to exit the highway. "And shorten his lifespan, hopefully." He says under his breath, flinching when you bite into his arm in retaliation. "Ow, what was that for?"
"Because I love you."
Nico shakes his head, taking the exit ramp and suddenly you're slipping away into the backseat. He hears you shuffling, comes to a stop at the light and almost instantly you're squirming over the console.
"Oh my god we're five seconds away from the restaurant!" He complains, outraged that you still wormed your way up here after he said no.
"The car isn't driving." You smile, blowing your hair out of your face and settling into the seat. Nico shoots you an unimpressed look and you buckle up as he pulls into the almost empty parking lot. "What am I supposed to get him?"
"I don't know. I guess we wake him up."
Nico stretches his arm across your body, holding you steady as he slams on the brakes. The rolling car halts, tiring screeching and you flop into his arm. Johnny however crashes into the back of Nico's seat, yelping as he scrambles to get his bearings.
"Nico!" You gasp, and he cackles. The car rolls forward into the drive-thru lane and you unbuckle to turn to Johnny. "Are you ok?"
A curly head of hair pops into the front seat, Johnny's narrowed gaze locking on Nico. "Fine," he spits, and you comfortingly run your fingers through his hair. Nico ignores the way it makes his own scalp ache, wanting to feel you play with his hair too.
"What do you want to eat?" He asks, casually. Which was the wrong move because now he's debating with you about a burger or spicy chicken sandwich, but also nuggets sound good, and did you see the happy meal toy?
"Oh my god pick something!" Nico exclaims, and you both fall silent. A heavy tension sits in the air and he's tempted to roll down his window to air it out but doesn't want to risk the workers hearing him yell at you two like children.
So he just glares at Johnny, who is looking from you to Nico, and you're watching both of them with wide innocent eyes. Always so sweet looking, like you did nothing wrong. Like you didn't trick Nico into this whole stupid road trip when Johnny is capable of driving himself.
Still eyeing him, Johnny mutters out of the side of his mouth to you. "The driver is grumpy."
Nico swears he can feel his eye twitch, feel a stroke building in his brain and he's two seconds away from just driving off. "He's a much better boyfriend," you whisper, as if he can't hear you. Nico's unamused gaze moves to you, and you blink at him with big doe eyes.
"I want a double cheeseburger please, with a tea."
Nico sighs. "Ok, and you?"
Johnny forces a polite smile. "Number 3 with a coke please."
Huffing, Nico shifts to roll down his window just as he gets to the speaker and menu. "And a better driver, sheesh."
"Oh for fucks sake!"
"Cara, don't let him throw me out of the car!" Johnny pleads, hiding in the back seat again. You shrug him off, leaning into Nico's shoulder again and laying a hand on his thigh.
"Please let me keep him?" You pout, and Nico obviously can't say no so he just goes back to ordering.
Maybe on the highway he can throw him out of the car, Nico thinks but deep down he knows he can't. That's your Johnny in the backseat and as long as you want him around, Nico will make sure he's there.
Even if it makes him want to rip his hair out.
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Summary: You try to keep your relationship a secret!
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
It was fun at first.
The thrill of sneaking around, secret glances, hidden touches. It had been quite a ride to get to where you were with Natasha, and knowing how the team could be, you both wanted to keep your relationship to yourselves, at least for a little while.
One of your secret spots were the stairs. With a building so big, it was natural that everyone took the elevator. It was the perfect place to meet the redhead and more often than not, the conversation progressed into an intense make out session that left you breathless.
“Is the elevator broken?” Steve asks as you come back from one of your little escapades. You jump at his presence, your mind still thinking about the feeling of Natasha’s lips on yours.
“Uh… no. It’s working just fine. I like to take the stairs to… exercise”
“That’s a nice idea. Maybe I’ll try it one of these days” he nods.
Cap and his obliviousness, sweet old man. He has no idea you’re all flushed for reasons that have nothing to do with coming up the steps.
Still, you think nothing of it. He was probably trying to be nice when he said it was a good idea. The next day, when you’re lost in Natasha, intoxicated by her supple lips and the way they move against your own, you miss the sound of heavy footsteps and an off key whistle.
“Crap” Natasha is the first to react, breaking apart. You turn to look down, Steve taking the steps two at a time.
Fit bastard.
“Morning!” he says, too happy for your liking.
“Oh, hi, we were just…”
“We?” he echoes, and you look around. No trace of Natasha.
“I mean, me. I was just taking a break. I think I’ll go back to taking the elevator”
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, just a bit agitated. Nothing to worry, Cap”
Steve nods and smiles.
“I told everyone about your great idea. I think people will start using the stairs more”
“Oh, that’s just peachy”
Once again, he is oblivious to your actual feelings. After he’s gone, Natasha jumps from behind the staircase.
“Jesus, how did you manage to do that so quickly”
“Well, you always have to be ready for a quick escape, detka”
Natasha leans forward and pecks your lips, but before she can do anything else, you drag her back to the hallway.
“You heard Cap. Our secret spot is no longer secret”
So far, you haven’t found a decent replacement for the stairs, except for a supply closet. And by God, you are not that desperate.
As you cook dinner, Natasha comes up behind you, and you relax against her.
“I’ve missed you” she says against your shoulder, placing small kisses that tickle you.
“I missed you too, love”
A hand goes around your middle and she toys with the hem of your shirt, lips kissing your neck, and that sweet spot behind your earlobe that makes you shiver.
“Nat” you moan, and you don’t know if you want her to stop or keep going.
Yelena answers that for you as she steps inside, eyes widening. You draw blank, because honestly, how can you explain this?
Natasha takes matters into her own hands, literally, as she hugs you and pretends to do the Heimlich maneuver.
“She’s choking” Natasha says and Yelena scrambles around.
“Oh, my God, Y/N, please don’t die”
The redhead pretends to help you, squeezing your middle and you cough.
“I think I’m…”
Unfortunately, the blonde is too freaked out and pushes Natasha away, thinking she’s helping you.
As she presses against your sternum, you are suddenly out of breath and you swear you can feel your ribs cracking.
“Ok, I’m fine, Yelena, thanks” you break free of her hold, sure that your sides will be bruised next morning.
Yelena doesn’t let you cook anymore, so you end up with a dinner of mac and cheese, and Natasha’s sister sitting in the middle while you three watch tv.
“I’m sorry” Natasha says when her sister gets up to grab another soda.
“Just for the record, this isn’t the type of choking I had in mind”
“They’re gonna be here any minute” you say against Natasha’s shoulder.
“I know” she bites your neck and you sink further into her lap.
The Quinjet, out of all places is where you find some privacy. The rest of the team will join shortly, as you have a recon mission.
But you can’t keep your hands to yourself and you end up naked, straddling Natasha’s lap as she moves her fingers inside of you.
“God, you look so pretty like this” she says against your chest.
“Nat, more” you plead. It’s too much and too little at the same time. She listens, moving her hand faster and your hips match her pace.
“God. Yes” you collapse in her arms.
“Request to open gate” FRIDAY informs and you curse, because you want more than a second to catch your breath.
Sneaking around is getting old now.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up” Natasha says, helping you up. She looks proud when your legs shake.
“Shut up” you say, which only makes her smile wider.
While the team enters the Quinjet, you go back to the bathroom with Nat as you hurriedly put your suits on.
“Red? Y/N?” Tony calls for you.
“Here” you raise your arm, feeling a bit tense. Maybe you pulled a muscle.
Stark nods your way and starts the Quinjet, while Steve goes over the plan with everyone else. You stay seated, vaguely aware that something feels different but you can’t tell what it is.
“Be careful” Natasha says when you part ways, squeezing your hand.
Your job is to keep an eye on the guards at the south gate and stop them if they are called to attack the intel team.
Which unfortunately does happen, so you run to shoot, kick and punch at every one of them.
There are two guards left, and as you reach for your gun, something incredibly unexpected happens.
Your suit opens right in the front, revealing your red lacy bra.
“What the fuck” you shout, looking down.
The guard in front of you opens his mouth, completely enthranced by your cleavage.
“New strategy?” Tony flies over, knocking him down. He sends the last man standing across the room.
“No! I don’t know what happened!”
You try to cover but the leather is not giving in.
“Ok, well. We’re done here so you can put all that” he gestures to your chest. “Back in the Quinjet”
Rolling your eyes, and with your arms crossed in front of you, you walk back to the jet.
As you lock eyes with Natasha, you finally notice how her own suit is loose on the shoulders.
You switched when you were getting dressed.
“I like this new look” Sam wiggles his eyebrows and Natasha sends a widow bite straight to his ass.
“Oops” she shrugs her shoulders as he glares.
Feeling a little better after that, you go inside and find a t-shirt to cover up.
When you leave the bathroom, everyone is silent.
“Ok, it’s not like you all haven’t seen boobs before. So get over yourselves. Except Steve, he gets a pass” you bark at them.
“I’ve seen boobs before” he tries to say but no one pays attention.
Natasha stays silent and you think she might be upset or reconsidering this whole thing.
You expect the worse as you land and she leads you back to your room.
The redhead holds her finger up, taking your shirt off and sinking her face in your breasts.
“Mine” she grumbles, her hands squeezing possessively.
Well, at least some good came out of it.
The atmosphere is tense.
Clint, Wanda, Peter and you are playing Jenga.
Honestly, you are the one at a disadvantage here. With Clint’s aim and the enhanced individuals, you don’t stand a chance.
The way Natasha looks at you from across the room doesn’t help either.
It’s been a few days since you were together. Fury called her for an urgent mission and you had to resist the urge to sneak into the Quinjet and beg her to fuck you against the console.
And now, she’s back and you can’t wait for the night to wrap up so you can wrap your legs around her while she eats your…
“Gah!” Wanda screeches, knocking over the tower. “My mind, my eyes”
“Wanda, a word?” you plead, dragging her out of the living room while Clint and Peter stare.
“You” she slaps your arm. “And you” she glares at Natasha as she approaches, pushing you both to her room.
“Sorry, we are keeping it a secret for now”
“But your thoughts are so loud” she massages her temples, clearly distraught. “I was so focused on the game and still I could hear everything, see everything”
“Sorry” you grimace. “Do you think you could… not tell anyone? For a bit”
“Oh, trust me, I’m very eager to pretend none of this happened”
“Thanks, Wanda” Natasha says and the girl nods.
“It’s nice to see you both happy. Just try to keep your thoughts to yourselves”
“We’ll try”
Wanda nods, walking out. Natasha’s quick to push you against the wall, eyes darkened by lust.
“Wanna tell me what was on your mind?”
“Can you at least wait for me to leave the hallway?!” Wanda screams from outside.
“You have ten seconds, Maximoff”
“Thanks, I hate you”
You figure a little distance from everyone will do you good.
So, you get tickets to a Yankees game and spend the day in the city with Natasha.
Even if you are only a half hour away from the Compound, among the sea of people, no one looks at you when you hold her hand, or share a kiss in the middle of your walk.
“This is nice” you smile, bringing her hand to your lips.
The first half of the game is slow, but you enjoy the time eating popcorn and making comments with Natasha about the score.
During the break, several people in the audience are featured in the screens. A girl chugs an entire beer while the crowd goes wild.
“Damn” you laugh, but the next image you see is you, next to Natasha.
The kiss cam.
“No, we’re fine” you wave your arms and the crowd boos. “Ok, not nice!”
“Don’t be such a baby” she smiles, pulling you closer.
“Pretty sure Steve and Bucky are watching the game back home”
“You jump, I jump” she leans forward, allowing you to decide if you wanna do this or not. As your lips meet in a short kiss, everyone starts clapping and cheering you on.
“Are you sure about what we just did?”
“Very. I’m tired of hiding. You make me happy. What’s wrong with that?” Natasha says and you smile against her lips.
“You are so getting lucky tonight”
But before you can kiss her again, both of your phones go crazy with texts from everyone on the team.
Tony: Is this why Wanda asked me for a way to erase her memory?
Sam: Now I know why you electrocuted my ass, Red!
“Still think we made the right call?” you roll your eyes as the texts keep coming.
“Absolutely, detka” she says before kissing you softly.
Yeah. It’s gonna be ok.
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Alpha!Todoroki x Omega!Reader
➤ Alpha’s are so stubborn when they’re hurt. And this one is being exceptionally more stubborn then usual
Warnings⚠️: rut mention
»»——⍟——««A/n: yall know me i love omegaverse but like 🥲i just hope my writing is still good
Omegaverse Key

̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
"Shoto, stop fighting me." He doesn't answer, continuing to squirm. "Shoto, stop." He pulls his hand from yours, squirming more. "Shoto."
Your alpha has always been a baby when it comes to getting hurt and someone needing to take care of him. This time, after a nasty battle with the latest villain all the pro heroes are trying to take down, he's left with a broken arm, broken ribs, and a fresh new cut across his chest.
The doctor ordered him bedrest be the requirement for him to return home, which he insisted on, and you promised you'd be there to take care of him. The only problem is Shoto insists on not wanting your help, being the stubborn alpha.
"Shoto. Shoto, let me change your bandge." You reach out and try again to wrap the bandage around his ribs. It's the last thing you need to do. It took you about thirty minutes to change his arm cast and fifteen to get him to swallow his pills. "Shoto," you sigh, feeling him move out of your reach again.
You sigh from frustration and sit back, crossing your arms. "Shoto, why are you being so stubborn? I'm trying to help you."
"I don't need your help," the first words he uttered since the whole ordeal started.
"Oh?" you shrug, "ok." You get up from your spot, kneeling on the bed, setting the bandage wrap on the edge, out of Shoto's reach. "Alright then, come get the bandage and re-wrap yourself," you say, crossing your arms and looking at him.
Shoto's head turns, looking at it, and then turns back. "Don't need it."
You roll your eyes, turning around. "You have actually got to be kidding me. Shoto, come on. Stop being so difficult. Just accept my help. It's not the end of the world." It's silent for a few more seconds. "For someone so hurt, you sure are moving around a lot to avoid my help."
"I wanna go in my den."
You sigh again, your head hanging low. "You cannot be serious." You get up and walk to the door. "I am going to go make dinner. And when I come back, we are going to eat, but before that, you are going to stop fighting me so I can change your bandages. Because I swear to god, Shoto, if I have to call the doctor and order a sedation drug, I will."
You walk into the kitchen, taking a breath and trying to calm down. You decide to make some quick cold soba, hoping maybe that'll be a good bribe toward him; maybe getting him to corporate. It doesn't take long, and sooner enough, you're walking back toward the bedroom again.
"Alright," you begin, setting the bowl on the nightstand and sitting next to him. "I need you to eat, and I need you to let me change your bandages otherwise I can't take you to your den Shoto. I need you to work with me."
The other reason you're so bent on getting his bandages changed and in a comfortable spot is cause his rut is due to hit soon. You can smell it, his scent stronger, and obviously his attitude is declining, but the doctor specifically told you he can't do any of those activities, not while he's still recovering.
You decide to take another approach. "Please, alpha? I need you to let me take care of you." He sighs, and you can tell if you want to do anything, this's your opportunity. You grab the bandages, start the process, and do it quickly but carefully, and finally, his bandages are changed, and you can relax. "Ya know, if I ever get hurt like this, I hope you realize I'm getting you back good."
Your clarity only lasts a few minutes, those minutes ending when a strong, musky scent bleeds through the air. His rut.
#shouto todoroki#shoto todoroki#shoto x reader#todoroki x reader#todoroki fluff#shoto fluff#alpha todoroki#alpha!todoroki#alpha shoto x reader#mha shoto#bnha omegaverse
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GOOD LUCK, BABE! #2 ⋆ 정국

what happens when you leave everything behind, only to be faced with it again years later? eunbi is convinced she was given another shot at keeping all she ever wanted, but it’s difficult when that all is her childhood best friend who doesn’t want to do anything with her anymore. how to earn his trust back?
☾ pairing: non idol!jk x fem!oc
☾ genre: childhood friends to strangers, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
☾ word count: 9k +
☾ warnings: alcohol consumption. explicit language. underage drinking. this whole thing is fluff vibes imo. like jk is just a little loser who misses his best friend. gureum debut! i love this dog so much he deserves his own one shot.
☾ author’s note: hello !!! i hope this chapter isnt too slow for u guys.. i like this pace tho! we r starting to get to know our ggukkie better. but we’ll get to eunbi too! oh also, theres little hints that help understanding the timeline of the whole story so 👩🏻💻 thank u for ur time!!
ps : dal = moon in korean; boreumdal = full moon in korean. it’ll be useful as you read hehe.. ok bye!
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two ⋆ ribs
The first time Jeongguk got drunk, it was with his best friend. At the age of 15, the number of coming-of-age movies he had consumed with her by his side was more than he could count on both his hands and feet, never having enough of getting lost in a world that seemed so entrancing yet far. Not only because his age wasn’t exactly the one depicted in those films, but mainly because Busan didn’t offer such scenarios. Jeongguk was continuously inspired by those, so much so that he’s confident when admitting it was exactly that genre which got him to take directing and film production not only as a silly dream, but as an ambition. No matter how crazy it sounded to everybody’s ears, he wanted to follow that path, because only then he could translate his wild and eager imagination into somewhat of a concrete, tangible reality.
Having Eunbi by his side was only a bonus. At the end of every movie, after impatiently but silently waiting for the credits to roll (she knew Jeongguk took those very seriously, almost as a ritual), she would vomit every single thought she had harboured regarding what she had just watched and Jeongguk felt seen. His same hunger was reflected in his best friend’s eyes, and words, and passionate gestures when yearning for those experiences. The only difference was that, if Jeongguk was content with only jotting down their endless brainstorming after a long session of movie watching for future ideas that he hoped he could bring to the big screen, Eunbi was longing to bring those to life.
”I really wanna get drunk,” she whined in the older boy’s ears while munching on some remaining snacks, attentively observing Jeongguk’s skilled hand doodling what looked like two people watching the sunset on a beach. With time, he got used to staying focused on whatever task he was leading even with the girl going on about whatever passed her mind, but this time he released a chuckle and let his pencil roll down the couch, shifting his attention to his sulky friend.
“Why would you want that?” He said with a curiously amused expression, entertained by the pout on the girl’s face while she took his sketchbook and delicately traced the beer bottles he had scribbled earlier.
10 Things I Hate About You had been the current topic of discussion, being the last of three movies they had watched that afternoon and the one that Eunbi liked more. She couldn’t stop geeking about how cool Kat was and how she wanted to be her when she grew up. Jeongguk thought her little moment of admiration was funny, and let her go about it, “Everybody says it’s bad for your health and bla, bla, then why would they make it look so exciting?”
For the first time since their five years of friendship, Jeongguk thought of himself as the more rational one of the pair. Even if older (by one year), he had always been a bit childish around her and seemed to need his best friend to scold him with her witty, book-obsessed vocabulary. Thus, saying he was surprised by Eunbi’s claims would be an understatement. It was like the roles had switched when he said, “Well, it’s fiction. It’s supposed to be exciting.”
In response, he got the same glare he would reserve for her anytime she would tell him off for his immature behaviour, with an addition of an eye roll and an even sulkier expression, emphasised by her crossed arms. The boy giggled at her disappointment and snatched his sketchbook back from her hands, retrieving the pencil from where it had been buried under the cushions so he could resume his earlier activity.
However, the sudden silence was unsettling. It gave him a moment to realise he had never really been surrounded by quiet when hanging out with his neighbour. The Converse-lover girl would always fill any empty space with words, thoughts, songs, even random sounds made with her mouth, or hands. He was not sure if he should be thankful for such unusuality or if he should search for hints that could be hidden behind her odd quietude.
He went for the latter, and he was proved right when he lifted his head from his drawing and found his friend torturing her lower lip with her front teeth, staring into the void with narrowed thinking eyes. When she noticed his gaze on her, she exchanged eye contact and, unable to hide it longer, a mischievous smirk made its way to her mouth. Jeongguk shook his head, “You’re not seriously considering-“
”I’m just saying!” Her talkative self was back, sitting cross-legged on the couch and fully facing Jeongguk, trying to get him to direct his whole attention to her, “Dancing on a table seems fun…”
Jeongguk scoffed, amused by the way this one movie seemed to have had a huge impact on Eunbi’s running imagination, which he was very familiar with but, as he was having this conversation, he doubted if there was more he needed to discover, “Do you realise Kat was about to fall-“
”And! Got saved by hot Heath Ledger. Twice!” Jeongguk was used to being interrupted, especially when the conversation was about one of the girl’s favourite topics. He didn’t know Heath Ledger was on that list, though. He frowned, “You think he’s hot?”
Her response was as simple as a Duh!, making the boy feel stupid for questioning what seemed to be an ultimate truth. He rolled his eyes and went back to doodling meaningless details that would complete the image that had been clouding his mind, only for his shoulder to be shaken by a whiny Eunbi, “That was not the point. I’m telling you I wanna drink alcohol.”
Jeongguk snorted, taken aback by the unexpected outburst of confidence, then widened his already big eyes at her, signalling to quiet down, “My mom is literally in the next room.” That only got the daring girl to shrug her shoulders, eyebrows raised, and expecting an answer to her admission.
The older one sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed and contemplating. His meditation was interrupted by his determined friend rocking his body back and forth by the sleeve of his t-shirt, in hopes of getting what she wanted. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but figured Jeongguk could find a solution for her. Said boy tried to get the constant pulling to stop, only when it wouldn’t he could only lightly push the younger one away, knowing it would cause a huge reaction. And not even three seconds after, she laid down and acted as if her arm was broken, and her whole body severely injured, faking cries and whines. Jeongguk laughed, “What do you want me to do? Where would I even get it?”
It’s like she was waiting for that exact question, because the moment it was asked her acting immediately came to an end, as she lifted her body up again and sat straight on her heels, “Your dad has a whole collection of random bottles. He won’t notice if one is missing.” The quick response sounded strangely rehearsed, and Jeongguk furrowed his brows.
A smile danced on his lips at seeing his best friend trying not to break too and instead maintain a serious composure, wanting to make her intentions clear and unmoved. Jeongguk was surprised at her sudden resolution, figuring it must not have been so sudden after all, ”How long were you keeping this inside?”
”Literally forever,” she eventually broke, releasing a long breath, her body bending down with it but then regaining its straight posture, resuming her Convincing-BFF-To-Get-Drunk plan, “Movie was the last straw. Please Ggukkie?” She mustered her best puppy eyes and Jeongguk narrowed his, unbelieving of all the tactics she was using to get to her goal.
”No.” He strangely managed to sound firm, despite Eunbi insisting and now deepening her pout, making it hard for the boy to deny her request, “Dad will kill me.”
”I’m sure he won’t notice,” the way she was talking made it sound like she knew exactly what needed to be done, as if she was explaining something as obvious as Heath Ledger being hot. The look in her best friend’s eyes, however, let her know he wasn’t fully on her side yet, so she came up with something unexpected even to herself, as proved by her dubious expression after uttering out, “I will also steal a few beers from mom.”
Jeongguk fully broke out laughing then, nose scrunching and eyes squeezing, hand over his belly while muttering something close to You’re insane, and that went on for a minute, the reaction carrying at seeing his neighbour being as serious as ever, not even hinting a smile (even if she was doing her best to suppress it).
When the chuckles eventually came to an end, the brown-haired boy shook his head and went back to his drawing, leaving the girl incredulous at being ignored like that by who she thought would always be her Number One Supporter. She gasped, mouth hanging. Jeongguk smirked amusedly, seeing her through his peripheral vision, “What?”
The younger one whined and fussed on the couch, impatient with Jeongguk being seemingly impossible to convince but stubborn with wanting to make him agree. When not even her begging worked, going ignored as everything else she was doing, she sat silently just following Jeongguk’s hand on the paper. The boy thought it was over, until Eunbi let her mind speak again, this time more spontaneously, “You know, this thing you’re drawing, it could be reality. Not just film reality, I’m talking about us two drunk on the Busan beach, enjoying everything it has to offer. Can you really resist it?”
Eyebrows wiggling and a mischievous smile on her face, Jeongguk knew he was being difficult just because, the idea of getting drunk with his best friend had sounded inviting right from the start. Little by little, he was breaking, still hesitating when he admitted, ”Busan beach doesn’t sound that exciting but… Yeah, that would be pretty cool.”
At that, the girl’s eyes went sparkling, hopeful of finally winning her battle, ”That would be suuuper cool! C’mon, Ggukkie.”
Her hands were back on his shoulder, shaking him with less vigour this time but still making the boy giggle, “How would that even work-“
”We sneak out.” Once again, her rapid reply sounded so sure, it almost scared Jeongguk. He wanted to laugh again, but something in the girl’s expression made him hold back, slowly being persuaded by her convincing tactics, “I got everything planned. Let’s put the movie brainstorming aside and keep the get-drunk plan brainstorming going and I’ll tell you exactly how we’ll move through it.”
Jeongguk hesitated. The light in her eyes made him put the doubts to the side, ”Alright.”
That same night, they put the plan into action. It wasn’t too thought-out, but Eunbi had a way with words that made anything sound magical and captivating, just as those directors Jeongguk admired could depict their young age in a way too fascinating vision. They had decided to sneak out of their windows at 1 a.m., and before that, they would get their hands on what they had agreed and figured would get them drunk enough: whatever hard liquor attracted the boy more out of his dad’s collection, and two beer bottles from Eunbi’s fridge.
Both of them were clumsy with their actions. If they had to complete this initial part being together, the whole plan would have failed with how much one would have laughed at the other, and vice versa. Jeongguk made the bottle clink with another, while his best friend in the house next to his closed the fridge too hard, causing uncalled-for noise. The sounds were amplified by the quiet of the night, making the youngsters awkwardly stand still for a second, terror-stricken in hopes they wouldn’t get caught. What followed after was hastily placing the contents in their backpack and waiting some more by their window, ensuring no odd movement was heard from their parents’ room. When everything seemed under control, they nimbly climbed out, landing on their feet.
The first to appear outside was the younger one. With every fast and speedy beat of her heart, she felt it coming up her throat. All her senses were ten times stronger at that moment, and she could feel a jittery sensation travel through her whole body, running in her veins and seemingly unstoppable. She tried to, by harshly biting her lip and clasping a hand over her chest. Where the heck was Jeongguk? And why was she so cold? She wished telepathy existed, as she hoped with all her might that her friend had brought a jacket she could steal.
When a minute passed and there was no sight of the older boy, she felt utterly betrayed, and tried to come up with any excuse that could justify Jeongguk’s delay: there were none. If she could make noises she would whine, both the cold and the wait being unbearable.
Jeongguk appeared seconds later, looking like a deer caught in headlights as his feet landed on the ground with a stomping sound. Eunbi couldn’t help the snort escaping her mouth, quickly clasping a hand over it while the boy made his way to her with big eyes and his pointer finger laying over his lips, demanding absolute silence.
The two didn’t utter a single word until they were at a safe distance from their houses, and when they looked back and noticed how those were becoming smaller with each step they took, the smiles on their faces grew bigger. The girl in her Converses giggled and incredulously shook his friend’s arm, “What. The. Heck. We did it!”
Jeongguk let a nervous chuckle escape his lips, sharing that same excitement mixed with tension that he could feel oozing from his best friend, now hanging from his arm, “We did it. Now, where do we go from here?”
“Trust me, Gguk. I told you I know my way,” once again, the younger one managed to sound convincing enough, and Jeongguk let himself put his whole trust in her, too agitated to argue. However, Eunbi expertly noticed the unusual edginess in her friend’s nodding and lost gaze, so using the time it took to get to the beach through the route she knew best, she let out every single thought that passed her mind. Just as the dynamic between them was often like, but this time it served as a way to distract Jeongguk; and it did. The boy chuckled there and then at various comments, adding to them too. He laughed loudly when Eunbi admitted she brought some strawberries and water, just in case, and called her a dumbass. They then proceeded to have a meaningless argument about it, all while he took note of how the girl’s skin seemed to prickle with the soft wind, and laid his hoodie on her shoulders. They had a subtle way of caring about each other, which nonetheless never went unnoticed, but still not really mentioned.
1 a.m. was dark, darker than they’d ever witnessed, and if it wasn’t for the tall buildings behind them, the beach would have been completely surrounded by obscurity. The closer they got to the sea, the more the moon also helped reduce such blackness, with its light reflecting in the water. The pair sat down on the sand, picking the spot they had claimed as theirs during one of their many beach days on the hottest days of summer. There wasn’t much talking now, both of them eager to start the final and main part of the plan, but none of the two brave enough to break the seal.
Eunbi wrapped herself around Jeongguk’s hoodie, her knees to her chest and her chin to her knees, observing the boy sitting by her side with a playful smile dancing on her lips. Her nose scrunched tenderly when he reciprocated it, and her voice was suddenly small, “You want a strawberry?”
”You dragged me all the way over here to eat strawberries?” He chuckled at the girl’s out-of-character embarrassment and lightly shoved her shoulder, getting a lively giggle out of her. She shrugged, putting up her best innocent act, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jeongguk didn’t say anything while he unzipped his backpack and took the main character of the night out, a bottle of Absolut Vodka, the one that had scared the boy less out of the whole collection, its liquid clear like water and seemingly free from danger. Who knows, maybe it also tastes like water.
He was proved wrong not much later, when he brought his mouth to the rim and gulped the first sip, its burning taste firing up his throat, then extending to his chest and finding home in his stomach. Jeongguk emitted a loud groan, eyes squeezing shut with the force of the foreign feeling, and distanced himself from the bottle to cough. The younger one had watched the whole scene with big eyes, unconsciously following every movement of his with her head, attentively studying his reaction and then laughing at his disgusted expression. She stole the bottle from his hands and repeated the same actions.
Unexpectedly, she accepted the sensation much better than the older one, only shaking her head fast in hopes the liquid would go down rapidly, and then taking another huge gulp right after. Jeongguk snatched the bottle from her hold to clasp it to his chest, his brows furrowed, “Woah, slow down there.”
”If I focus on how shit it tastes, I will never get drunk. Let me finish it,” her eagerness triggered Jeongguk’s competitive side, bringing him to swallow down a bigger amount than he had seen her sip, gulping loudly and then standing still, as if to prove a point. See? It doesn’t affect me either, that’s what his eyes were screaming. Of course, Eunbi didn’t back out, a silent race starting between the two the moment she claimed the bottle again and looked him right in the eyes while drinking. Jeongguk laughed too loudly, but he couldn’t control it, “That’s how it is?”
In between sneers and roasts, the competition went on until Eunbi announced her whole world was spinning, and the liquid covered a little less than half of the bottle. Jeongguk felt irrational contentment brimming his mind, making his body feel light yet still shaken by adrenaline. Unlike his friend, he could at least form coherent sentences, though. He had regulated the amount of alcohol he was ingesting, so that he could ensure one of them could still lucidly operate in case anything happened. He had also pulled the bottle away from Eunbi’s mouth multiple times whenever she would overdo the quantity she was drinking, but he figured it still affected her way more than it did him.
Indeed, a whole 10 minutes had passed of her munching on those strawberries she just had to take with her while walking in circles around Jeongguk’s sitting figure. Before going on that ritual-like path, she had also tried one of the two canned beers, and the littlest sip of it had made her declare it as the worst beverage on earth. Jeongguk didn’t mind it, surely liked it more than the clear vodka, but made sure to empty the opened can and hide the other in his backpack, in case his very tipsy friend wanted to try some more.
From his sitting position, he looked at her grinning when she would share bitten pieces of the red fruit with him, while still keeping up the constant walking and the random babbling. In the midst of it, she would also laugh to herself, and then resume her muttering, making the boy laugh as well with no exact knowledge of what she was saying. He just went along with it, didn’t get what was so funny but figured he was too tipsy to entertain meaningful conversation.
As he kept observing her, he saw her look up at the sky, the movement too fast for her spinny head, “Ouch.” She squeezed her eyes shut and quickly reopened them, only to be welcomed by black patches appearing and disappearing from her vision. Then, the starry sky is what she saw; the moon was next. She laughed at that too, spinning around a few times with her arms wide open.
Jeongguk does find a reason to laugh along with her now, his friend acting too silly his heart feels content just watching her, ”You look so dumb. What are you even doing?”
Giggles are her first response, followed by her suddenly sitting down on the sand, on the spot next to him. Jeongguk noticed some of the strawberry juice had dripped down her chin, so he cleaned it carefully with his thumb until there was none. She hiccuped, “Gguk, I think- I think I love the moon.” The sudden admission was out of context, but he accepted it. A little over an hour had gone by at that point, but once again she assumed the position she was in when they first arrived, knees to her chest and chin to her knees, with that same soft smile directed at him, only with sleepier eyes.
With the hand that was already close to her face, the older one moved some of the locks that were blocking her vision, then gently placed them behind her ear. He melted at the pleased expression on her face, her eyes gently closing. Jeongguk had always felt a sense of protection in her regards, just like a brother would to her sister. He wasn’t much older than her, but he still felt like he needed to be someone Eunbi could lean on and look up to. He followed along, nodding, “Yeah? You do look like the moon.” The tender moment seemed to have been interrupted by his comment. Her soft smile was replaced by a frown. Huh? Did he say something wrong?
With Jeongguk seated next to her, she turned to fully face him (the fast movement probably causing her head to hurt again) and furrowed her brows, “You do realise that’s not a compliment,” the same confused expression was now mirrored on her friend’s face, so she kept explaining, “You’re saying my face is round and puffy.”
The boy sitting cross-legged also fussed so he could be directly in front of her, facing the tipsy girl when he smirked, “Your face is round and puffy, Bee.” The grin turned into a full laugh when she hit his shoulder with a stronger force than usual, making him stumble. At that, she shoved him again, intent on making him fall on his back.
”What the hell? No, it’s not.” When she realised how weak alcohol was making her, she backed down from her mission and instead sat on her heels and crossed her arms, annoyed by the stupid smile on his face. She narrowed her eyes, “If anything, you look like a coconut. Fuck you.”
The boy feigned his shock, the act quickly being revealed by his uncontrollable giggles. The alcohol was getting her way sassier, and she was already too mouthy for his liking. Still, he was never intimidated by that, instead living off these moments just to make fun of her and wind her up further, “Should I call you Dal? My little Boreumdal?” His sickeningly sweet mocking voice was aggravated by his tickling under her armpit. She swatted him, “You’re being disgusting. I’ll throw up everything I drank on you.”
”I dare you Dal,” he wiggled his eyebrows and shortly after he figured that was the last teasing comment he could allow himself to throw at her before being pushed fully to the ground this time and receiving harmless punches on his stomach, which made him burst into lively laughter. The sand was getting in his hair and all over his clothes, but he didn’t care, his only goal being winning the nth fight between them, “Ouch, Dal stop-“
“Don’t call me that!” She was fully screaming at him now, her vodka breath fanning over his face while she kept tossing him on the sand, giggling along, “Stupid coconut.” Between laughs and jabs she didn’t realise how close they got, Jeongguk also working his way to free himself from his spot on the ground, resulting in her determined attitude trying to block him by sitting on his stomach and pushing his shoulders down.
However, when she felt his hands on her wrists, the contact triggered sudden awareness in her mind, registering the compromising position they were in, her whole face changing colour. With her movements being haltered, Jeongguk also seemed to notice the quick change in her expression. After a moment of silence, of her staring big-eyed in his starry eyes, a tipsy 15 year old Jeongguk could only come up with, “This is the first time I’m seeing a red moon.”
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
It’s the echo of her voice, yelling Shut up! in his face that startles him awake. When he takes in his surroundings, he relaxes in the bed again. Jeongguk was right when he predicted how hard the simple act of falling asleep would have been, following being so close to the cause of his nightmares after years. He checks the time displayed on his phone, 6:08 a.m. His alarm isn’t set to go off for another hour. Sighing, he’s aware trying to get some more sleep after it had failed to find him would have been useless, reason why he goes on a staring contest with the ceiling.
It becomes a canva for his running mind, which projects the last image that he saw behind his closed eyelids: Eunbi’s face being centimetres to his, her head crowned by a shining white full moon. He’s unconscious of the smile creeping up on his mouth, but when he feels its sides twitch it turns into a deep frown. He hates his own brain for doing this to him, but is also aware the girl coming back so strong and unexpected in his life played a huge role.
It’s not like he was ever confident with the possibility of fully forgetting about her. How does one forget about the moon? But he could still say he had done a great job at keeping her locked in one dark room in the back of his mind; until not more than three months ago, when she showed up beside Dahye, her big smile greeting the rest of the group, but breaking in pieces when she spotted him. Had it been such a disgrace for her?
Jeongguk can’t blame her if she felt like that, because after an initial, very brief moment of surprise, excitement and sparks, he was surrounded by doom. It had been gruelling battling against the kid inside him, probably confused as to why his first instinct wasn’t to hug his Dal. It’s as if that version of him got stuck right in the place he was left, and when he saw her again he wished to pick up from where they had stopped, never having gotten closure. Last night would be an example: the urge to keep an eye out for her, care for her safety. It’s like telling a child Santa Claus isn’t real, and watching his world break. But Jeongguk needed the kid in him to be faced with the truth badly, before a light gets switched on in that dark room of his brain he keeps her in, and next thing he knows she finds the key to open it and escape.
That truth being the fact that everything changes, and people do too. Although, compared to the first time he saw her drunk, he wouldn’t say there were any changes: she would still mutter incoherent nonsense under her breath, and laugh for no apparent reason. And it had the same effect on him, pure amusement and adoration. But this time, he couldn’t let himself indulge in it.
Jeongguk can’t stand his brain being manipulated so easily by his heart, and rather having to sit helpless while witnessing such conflict, he figures he can start his day ahead and get up from his bed. What awaits him is a train journey to Busan in exactly two hours. With summer break starting, he had concluded he could use the most of it to be with his parents, starting by the weekend ahead. He’s fairly excited to be in his hometown again after months, and with the way his mind has been taking him back in time through the memories, he finds it funny how he used to depreciate Busan and fantasise about Seoul, when right now he would do anything to not be surrounded by the capital’s chaos. You truly never know what you have until it’s gone.
Jimin, being also from Busan, had offered to drive him there and go with him, but Jeongguk refused. He’s aware his best friend was just being nice, a leading characteristic of his nature, since he also knows Jimin doesn’t really enjoy being back in his city, and tries to stay away from it as much as he possibly can. The blonde had opened up once to his flatmate, admitting how home wasn’t really that for him. Seoul was his one and only occasion to escape it; he loved it here, and had finally built what felt closest to a home. The fact that Jeongguk is part of it makes his heart swell with joy.
He’s as quiet as ever while he packs the last things in his backpack and exits the flat, making sure the door isn’t shut too loud so as not to wake Jimin, who’s probably going to suffer from the worst hangover as soon as he opens his eyes. Still, the brown haired boy now wearing a baseball hat over his head shoots his friend a text to let him know he’s left the house. A cheeky Don't miss me too much :p is sent after that.
Considering he still has a significant amount of time left before the train leaves (more than he had deduced yesterday, when he had set his alarm at 5 a.m. for 7 a.m. and had gotten even less sleep than that) he picks walking to the station over taking the bus, in fear if he sits anywhere he will fall into deep slumber due to his single hour of sleep and fuck up his whole getaway plan. The walk contributes to waking his senses and shaking off the weariness, his mind finding it especially hard after the previous hours spent in the small suffocating club, swimming in the smell of alcohol and weed, and being surrounded by blasting music.
When he gets to his destination, there’s still 30 minutes left before the train arrives. He sighs while he sits on a bench by the platform, and waits. Two cigarettes later, he figures there’s nothing else he can do but put his earphones to use and play the first album in his recently played. When not even Twenty One Pilots’ Vessel can avert his eyes from batting until they’re slowly closing, Jeongguk forces himself into a staring contest with the nothingness, in hopes the illusion of having to win a fight keeps him awake. Until even then his vision starts to unfocus, and in his zoned out state he feels like passing out on that same bench.
His phone is his last resort, mindless scrolling on social media apparently the only activity capable of avoiding his mind from completely shutting down. When he gets to Instagram, rather than checking the new posts on his feed, he clicks on Dahye’s story popping up as the first one of the list. Stories are a fairly new feature to the app, but he soon came to learn how much his friend loved it, documenting every piece of her life through them. What he didn’t expect, and surely didn’t need, was her recent updates to be a rundown of Eunbi’s recovery from her drunken state last night: firstly, a close up of her baby face, with cheeks covered by smudged mascara and what looked like tears, and a pout so pronounced with furrowed eyebrows; soon after, a sneaky shot of the girl completely bent over the toilet, almost hugging it, Dahye captioning it with her new BFF!; then, an hour later, Eunbi peacefully sleeping surrounded by all sorts of pillows and plushies. Dahye ended the small series with a short apology to her roommate, adding i love u @song_eunbee hehe.
When he realises the unconscious, dumb, stupid, smile on his face, he jerks his head up and shuts his phone, violently shoving it in his sweatpants pocket. Blinking a few times, he also notices how he quite literally almost missed the train, only then registering it had stopped in front of him and was ready to depart again. Jeongguk quickly gathers his stuff and makes his way onto the train, searching for any seat that is close to a window overlooking the outside. He thinks if he can focus on the view for the rest of the ride, he’d be able to shut off the urge to go on a three hour Instagram spiral. He knows he’s so wrong when not even two minutes in, he physically can’t stop his hands from retrieving his phone and looking up song_eunbee on the app’s search bar.
He’s relieved when he clicks on the first account that pops up and finds out it’s not private. In her profile picture her face is half covered by her hand, but the dimple adorning her cheeks doesn’t hide the fact that she’s smiling. He’s welcomed by quite a few posts, varying from landscapes, friends, family, baby photos, random kittens on the streets, club nights, and some selfies. He learns she’s pretty big on Ariana Grande and that she still loves the moon, as confirmed by the crescent moon emoji being the only thing in her bio. He can’t help but foolishly wonder if looking at it at night makes her even subconsciously think of him, and the fact that he kept calling her that nickname even after her protests. A handful of the pictures on her feed portray the moon too, and one of them is captioned with Kat Stratford’s unmistakeable monologue: but mostly i hate the way i don’t hate you; not even close; not even a little bit; not even at all.
Jeongguk was right when he predicted he would be a victim of an Instagram spiral, because for the next hour he studies her posts more attentively, the people she tagged, the people in her comments, the places she visited, the quotes in her captions. He is so consumed by curiosity, and maybe something more (awfully close to envy, anger and misery) that he doesn’t even notice the sleepiness completely dissipating from his body, his mind now running to connect every single pin on the imaginary board his own brain had offered for him to better analyse her account.
Until, after being extremely careful for the entire endless minutes spent on her profile, he accidentally clicks on her story and before he can react, he’s left to stare at the picture until the 15 seconds finish. He blinks. Keeps his eyes shut for a few seconds. Reopens them. Clicks on the story again. Only one side of her face is showing, and beside it it’s her middle finger, on top of it FUCK YOU @dahye.lee96 !!!!!
He shuts off his phone and puts it on his lap, squeezing it in his hand from time to time. He takes deep breaths every one minute. Considers deleting his account, or his whole existence. He doesn’t know what to do with himself now, his eyes closing but not with the intent to sleep. He’s trying to block his flow of thoughts, unsuccessfully.
The incident haunts him for the rest of the trip, causing him to check his phone constantly and contemplating flushing it down the train’s toilet. Only when he sets foot in Busan’s station he’s able to distract himself from it. He sports a boyish smile when he sees his parents’ car parked outside, and bashfully lets himself be coddled by his mom’s praises and his dad’s content grin before driving away. He’s almost 21, most people his age feel too grown for this type of affection, but he will never deny it. That’s enough for him to stop worrying about his earlier slip. It’s still in the back of his mind, though.
Opening the door to his childhood home, he’s greeted by a fawning Gureum, his tail wagging so hard his whole body moves with it. The white Maltese has been the family dog for almost six years now, and giving him a new life after rescuing him from a shelter had cured Jeongguk’s loneliness and heartbreak; he hopes it did the same to the dog. He blocks out all kinds of noises and questions from his mom while he spends the first ten minutes in his house entertaining Gureum’s zoomies, using a sickeningly sweet tone that is only reserved for the small pet. To the point Gureum almost looks like he’s had enough of being called a good boy, feels like he can confidently reply to who’s the best boy ever? with the correct answer. Me! He just barks.
After settling his stuff and catching up with his parents on university and life in Seoul (he doesn’t mention that Eunbi is a new entry in his friend group, yet) he spends the whole morning in between naps, sleepiness eventually catching onto him. He dozes off after lunch, his tummy full and content with his mom’s cooking, which he had dearly missed, and ends up sleeping for more than intended. Next thing he knows, it’s 5 p.m. and it takes him some time to readjust to the reality surrounding him. He drags his feet to the kitchen to retrieve a snack, only to sit again, this time on the couch, Gureum finding home on his lap. The sleepyhead is close to spacing out again while munching on some Peperos, until his dad asks for help, his voice coming from upstairs.
Jeongguk finds out his most recent obsession has been decluttering, and that’s what he was called over for. His dad had collected old stuff that belonged to Jeongguk in two boxes with the intention of getting rid of it, but he still wanted to make sure there was nothing his son still needed, or valued. The boy is glad for such consideration the moment he spots his old Samsung camcorder in between worn plushies and damaged toy cars. He can’t imagine what would have happened if he wasn’t there; he figures the camera would have probably got thrown away, with his dad’s eagerness. He gets sensitive over it, entertaining a small argument with his father about it and forgetting the task he was supposed to complete, instead returning to his room to check on the camera’s contents.
Leaving the door ajar, he can still hear his dad’s faint voice calling for him and asking for truce, and even if Jeongguk’s little fit of anger is already over, he is too enthralled by the device to acknowledge any other sound around him. It had been a while since he last picked it up, not only because ever since he started university the boy had managed to afford better equipment for his short films and casual moments of inspiration, but also because what is stored in there could potentially break the thin line of sanity he has been walking on for the past weeks.
The first videos he’s met with make him chuckle, his big 10 years old eyes reflecting in his equally wide 20 years old ones, still sharing that same love for filming and blabbering on about his passions and ideas. With time, the contents captured by the camcorder changed, from video diaries of family trips and shared meals, to dramatic storytellings starring any toy that could be put to use. He can see the exact moment he began developing a bigger interest for directing, and his various attempts at finding new original shots and angles put a sweet smile on his lips.
Until, one particular clip marked an important switch, and the introduction of who soon after became the main subject for the rest of the images filmed on the device. From the moment she met him, Eunbi had been a constant presence anytime he would hit record on the camera. Their very first encounter is documented by it, when Jeongguk had forgotten to stop the recording, too startled by the sudden changes occuring right in front of his eyes; nevertheless, it resulted in a pure, authentic fragment that he’d never been able to replicate. There is no way to, the earliest smile she directed at him was captured by those lenses, and that started everything which followed.
He can spot the point in which they eventually got tired of making up stories to play out through their toys, even with the addition of Eunbi’s impressive Barbie collection. They also tried replacing the dolls with their own selves, but changing outfits and makeup for every single clip was only fun for a short while. Four episodes later, the both of them left the telenovela they had started taping unattended, and looked for a new reality to portray, even if it was always only for their own eyes and enjoyment.
Jeongguk was searching for something more simple than cliffhangers and plots. He now remembers how even his little self would always go back to that initial scene that saw them together for the first time, Eunbi’s small voice greeting the camera with the sun beginning to set behind her. He wanted his shots to be characterised by that same unadulterated, filtered feeling.
That is most probably what led him to start a documentary about their friendship, just what he had said behind the lenses while his best friend tilted her head to the side, sporting a confused look on her features, unaware of Jeongguk zooming in and out on her face (which probably got Eunbi to yell at the top of her lungs later on), “Was I unaware of you being a National Geographic reporter?”
“Are you calling yourself a beast?” Jeongguk could be heard chuckling in the microphone at Eunbi’s incredulous reaction. That was how it would always go between them, a constant back and forth to battle on who had the last word in. The girl just scoffed, clearly scrambling to find a quick reply, but only managing to roll her eyes with crossed arms and muttering something close to says you. It seemed the older one was ahead, for now.
Jeongguk grins at everything that follows next, and he tells himself it’s because he’s amused by his younger self’s manners, but it’s not like those were the main subject of his shots. He quickly comes to terms with the fact that if he wants to keep scrolling through the videos, he’d have to be constantly faced with Eunbi; there is really no way of escaping it. Jeongguk had underestimated the amount of clips portraying her, to the point the idea of a documentary seemed more like an excuse to film his friend. Make her his first muse. It was Eunbi playing, doing her hair, secretly trying on her mom’s clothes, blowing candles on her birthday cakes, revising for tests, baking Christmas cookies, coming up with friendship jingles; and everytime, she seemed so natural, as if being in front of a camera was all she was ever created for. She insisted she always wanted to be a teacher, though. He wonders if that changed.
He doesn’t know how much time he spends crouching on his desk with the recorder in his hands, but he knows it has to be hours when he gets to a close up of Eunbi’s face, her sleepy eyes and sheepish smile immediately taking him back to the night that infested his dreams hours earlier in his bed, his assumption being confirmed when he can see the sand extending behind her figure. At that point, he figures the relatively small amount of alcohol they had drank had already dissipated from their bodies, only leaving them feeling hazy, but in a good way. The wind makes it hard to decipher their slurry dialogue, and he misses the reason why Eunbi suddenly stole the camera and pointed the lenses at him. It makes him realise how little he showed himself in front of those. His timid smile probably gives out why: contrary to his friend, he wasn’t a natural. Still isn’t. He works better behind them.
He rewinds the clip a few times, curious as to what they were talking about. He can faintly hear Eunbi mention how that scenario looked so much like the drawing Jeongguk was working on that same afternoon. He doesn’t remember what it was, wishes he still had it. Then, the girl balanced the camcorder on the half empty bottle of vodka and stood, struggling to bring the older boy up with her. Now next to each other, Eunbi looked like she was instructing Jeongguk how to pose, and he figures she was trying to recreate that same doodle. She laughed hard when the boy shoved her, visibly annoyed with being moved around, more so with the girl seemingly repeating something again and again in his face. Her voice got louder, but the recording couldn’t quite catch it. From her lip movement, it looked like she was saying Put this in your movie! Put this in your movie! Jeongguk giggles. Was he already working on something? He wishes he could return to that moment to know, and maybe stay there for some more just because.
The boy is startled by sudden soft knocks on his door, jerking his head up and placing the camera on the desk, his hands sweaty from holding it for such an endless amount of time. He hums, signalling to come in, and he smiles when it’s his dad timidly peeking out and lifting his brows expectantly. Jeongguk giggles, “Dad, I forgive you.”
The older man sighs with way too much energy, exaggerating his relief and then coming to his son’s side. He smiles, ruffling his hair, “Are you hiding a girlfriend from us? This thing keeps going off,” handing him his phone, he cackles when he sees Jeongguk’s panicked expression. He must have left it on the couch earlier. And what does his dad mean with “girlfriend”? Phone going off? Does this have to do with him viewing Eunbi’s story? Is she publicly shaming h-
“Anyways. Dinner is almost ready, Gguk.” His dad pats the still alarmed boy’s shoulder and exits the room. As soon as Jeongguk hears the door close, he dashes himself on the phone and unlocks it. It keeps pinging with texts from his friends’ group chat, but there’s no new notification from Instagram. He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding, but his relief is short lived when he comes up with another thought: was he that irrelevant to Eunbi? She didn’t even think of requesting his account? He frowns.
His initial idea was to quickly scroll over the messages as to join his family downstairs, positive it was probably just going to be either Seokjin sharing awful unfunny memes or Hoseok updating the group on the next possible catastrophe looming over human beings. He furrows his brows when, instead, he’s met with the whole group chat coming at Jimin, for no apparent reason, after his own name was mentioned.
Jiminssi, 7:48 p.m.
heeeyyy so…. ggukkie’s bday is very soon guys
Dahye, 7:50 p.m.
Yoongi hyung, 7:50 p.m.
Park Jimin.
It’s in two weeks
Jiminssi, 7:51 p.m.
im just saying
its gonna be exciting!
Dahye, 7:51 p.m.
shut your mouth rn.
Joon hyung, 7:52 p.m.
Bro I thought I could trust u w this
Jeongguk is even more confused when, as he goes on reading, his friends keep brutally bullying Jimin, going as far as threatening to ban him from the next club nights out that he himself had planned. He chuckles at his friend’s misery, but soon remembers he is somewhat involved in it. He pouts, angrily typing.
Jeongguk, 7:58 p.m.
What is this about
Hobi hyung, 7:59 p.m.
baby it’s nothing
Jeongguk, 7:59 p.m.
Its not nothing
I wanna know
Like the baby he truly is, he keeps spamming the chat with messages to make himself noticed, until he sees Jimin’s texting bubble going on and off.
Jeongguk, 8:01 p.m.
My dear jimin what is it
I know you wanna tell me 🌀🌀🌀
Jiminssi, 8:02 p.m.
The next thing displayed on his phone is an incoming group videocall from Namjoon, but Jeongguk remains still staring at himself on the screen for more seconds than necessary, registering the sequence of events that had just occurred. Camping? His birthday?
He slides to answer the call, and he giggles at the imminent chaos he’s welcomed with, all his friends throwing shade at Jimin while he just laughs along with his roommate. As all the members keep joining, he still doesn’t notice a certain someone missing.
”Was this supposed to be a surprise?” Jeongguk finds it hard to stop his laughter, both because of Jimin’s incapability at keeping secrets, but also — and mainly — because of the excitement he feels at the news just revealed to him.
”Well, duh. Jimin just had to ruin it,” It’s Dahye who replies, and Jeongguk can see the indignation on her features even in the little pixelated box she’s now displayed in. She then proceeds to entertain an argument about it with the boy she mentioned, and as everyone just listens and tries to excuse Jimin’s reasoning, Jeongguk searches for Taehyung on the screen. When he finds his eyes, he’s already wiggling his brows and the younger boy silently chuckles, mirroring his actions. It’s been a couple months since the two of them started suspecting something going on between Jimin and Dahye, even with the former always denying it. What is undeniable is the tension between them, though. It is showing right at that moment.
Jeongguk decided to intervene, having to raise the volume of his voice to be heard over the soon to be (in his and Taehyung’s opinion) lovebirds, “Guys, guys. I’m not mad. This is amazing. Thank you, really. Are we the only ones going?”
He questions just because in the last period they were often times joined by Seokjin’s girlfriend, as well as a couple of Dahye’s friends, and he genuinely enjoys their company, would be totally okay with them being present to celebrate his birthday. Seokjin himself speaks, “Sora is coming, and I think Iseul and Aera are also gonna be there. Oh, and of course-“
”Guys!” His phone tings, signalling a new person joining the videocall. It’s Eunbi. Oh. He almost didn’t consider the fact that she is most probably going to be invited too. Well, obviously. From what her camera is showing it looks like she’s outside, more specifically waiting at a bus stop, headphones on, “Sorry, I just saw the texts. Jimin, why the fuck would you do that?”
As the topic of the conversation moves once again on Jimin being awful at secrets, Jeongguk dissociates for a minute, no longer giggling along. He realises this would be the first birthday of his he shares with her by his side after years. He’s not sure how he feels about it. Can only sense a nervous sensation travelling his body, and making him feel uneasy. His furrowed brows and sudden silence don’t go unnoticed by Jimin, while on the other side Jeongguk surely doesn’t seem aware of his internal battle showing on the outside. He can’t let one person ruin his own birthday. He just has to ignore her. How hard can that be?
When he returns to the reality surrounding him again, he absent-mindedly listens to the others talk and can only distractedly pick up that the attention has been shifted to a complely different matter, Eunbi seemingly finding it funny assuming from her loud pearly smile. He frowns, his confidence wavering. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy to ignore her. Still, not wanting to dwell too much on it at that moment, leaving it for his future self to worry about, he leaves the call not before thanking his friends again. He misses Eunbi’s fond smile as the others shower their baby with praises, dismissing his gratitude with this is the least we could do for you, Ggukkie boy.
When he joins his mom and dad downstairs, it’s oddly quiet as they eat. Gureum places himself under the table and sighs, laying his head on Jeongguk’s feet. The boy can perceive the eerie atmosphere, so he asks about Gureum’s health and shows genuine interest when his dad updates him on the dog’s improvements. His mom, however, defines herself as an expert when it comes to her only son. She can spot even the tiniest change in his demeanour. Still, she knows to be delicate when asking about it, “Is everything okay, honey?”
Jeongguk stills with the fork in his mouth, looks at his mom with wide telling eyes, then nods. He hesitates, gulping down the previous bite, “Uh, my friends and I are going camping for my birthday.”
His mother smiles a big one, “That’s nice!” She seems aware something is being left out, so she inquires further, “But…?”
The questioned boy plays with his food while still munching on a big bite of it, “I guess I kinda forgot to mention it,” he starts, trying to mask his embarrassment by talking with his mouth still full. When his mom glares at him, he forces it down, “But, huh… Eunbi is in Seoul. And she’s Dahye’s roommate, so she’s coming too.”
It’s his mom’s turn to be silent. She looks like she’s taken aback, her mind working slower than usual to register a name she hasn’t heard in a long while, “Eunbi as in Song Eunbi? Our neighbour?”
Jeongguk unconsciously furrows his brows. The girl hasn’t been their neighbour for years, and never will be again. He doesn’t know why such a simple definition of her makes him feel edgy, “Yeah, our old neighbour.”
”Right… Well, that’s good, no?” Mrs. Jeon tries to lift up the atmosphere, even while knowing the mentioned girl could still be a touchy subject for the boy. When everything happened, a piece of him had been taken away with Eunbi’s sudden departure. There was seemingly no way to mend his heart, and as time went by Jeongguk closed up more and more every time his old friend was brought up, to the point she was never mentioned again, as if she had never existed. That illusion seemed to help the boy move on. His mom is not sure how her son feels about it now, but she unknowingly figures the scar has to have healed after all those years, and maybe seeing Eunbi again even brought her son to the closure he needed. When Jeongguk just nods, she hopes that is the case. His mom smiles, ”Invite her over sometimes?”
“… Yeah, mom. Huh, I will.”
#jungkook x oc#jungkook x original character#jungkook x female reader#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook x y/n#jungkook fanfic#jungkook angst#jungkook smut#jungkook friends to lovers#jungkook fluff#jeon jungkook#bts fic#bts x reader#bts imagines#📓: good luck babe!
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How Far Away? Part 12
Caleb x Mc
Tags: unplanned pregnancy, presumed death, depression, miscommunication
Mentions of suicide
Summary: Mc and Caleb fight right before he goes on a long mission into space. Caleb ends up MIA while Mc finds out she's pregnant. She struggles to deal with the grief while Caleb is fighting for his life to make it back home to her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Laying on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on your belly, you absentmindedly put a handful into your mouth.
An old cartoon movie playing on the Tv in front of you, it was nostalgic but you were only partly paying attention.
Your little girl was currently dancing the samba inside your tummy. Her little head pressed up firmly into your right side of your ribs.
Reaching down you could lay a hand over the pressure and feel the hard little curve of her head.
She was quite insistent on making her presence known.
Maybe it was to comfort you.
Her little movements made the bowl on your tummy wiggle up and down, like it was laying on jello instead of your firm belly.
Wondering about names, you briefly thought about naming her Apple as a joke. But no, you’re not a celebrity and while her dad may like apples, she didn’t need to be saddled with a name based off an obsession with food.
Ah well, you’d come up with something. Your stomach grumbled despite you shoveling popcorn into your mouth.
It wasn’t especially filling but the baby made you feel so hungry despite popcorn starting to fill your stomach.
Wandering into the kitchen, you scanned the fridge for leftovers. Oh there, there’s some leftover chicken. Dumping it into a pan to warm it up, you set it on the stove and wait impatiently.
The smell started to fill the house and made your mouth water with anticipation. God, you were so hungry you could eat a whole cow.
You’d think that a baby so small still, wouldn’t cause hunger like this.
Arms came up behind you, wrapping around your belly. A sleepy head laid onto your shoulder, breath hot against your skin.
A low voice next to your ear
“You could’ve gotten me up, I would’ve made you something.”
“You’re still recovering, besides we have leftovers so I’m not exactly exerting myself too much here.”
“I thought I was supposed to be your personal assistant for the rest of your pregnancy.”
“That was before your heart stopped and you refused to come back for a while. You took two days to wake up Caleb. That doesn’t exactly make me want to ask you to hop to it and make food for me.”
Yes, Caleb was stubborn even in death it seems as it took 10 minutes for his heartbeat to come back.
Maybe he subconsciously thought that you would be ok without him, maybe you screaming at him after coming to your senses to come back or you’d beat his ass, helped him come back to the light.
It took another two days for Caleb to regain consciousness. You had nearly strangled him for doing it to you once again but the sight of him finally awake with a sleepy smile, had just sent you, tears and all, into his arms.
He had only been awake for a day and he was still recovering. The nano probes seemed to be hard at work as Caleb had reported to Sylus that it no longer felt like ants beneath his skin.
You had caught them nerding out together over his arm just a few hours ago over a video call.
They had been talking all morning and it made you feel lonely…
“So you have a bird that you built yourself?”
“Yes, I’m quite proud of him. I named him Mephisto and he’s quite a beauty. I only wish that he wasn’t so sensitive to water. I’ve tried to tweak him but the solution still eludes me.”
“He looks magnificent. I’d love to help you with him, you’ve already helped so much with my arm. It’d be a way to pay you back!”
You watched from the doorway as the boys gushed over technical stuff that flew over your head a bit.
Shaking your head in disbelief, you’d never think that Caleb had basically hated him not too long ago.
They sounded like long time friends.
“Hey, what are you thinking about?”
“Just thinking about when you wanted to set up your next play date with your boyfriend?”
You blink innocently at him
“Yes, your boyfriend. You two spent all morning talking, it seems a shame that we should keep you two apart.”
“Oh for- he’s not my boyfriend! I was just giving him an update on the progress on my arm.”
“Uhuh, for three hours. ‘Oh Sylus! I’d love to help your with your bird! You’re so smart! Thank you for all your help, you’re my savior!’ Don’t worry, I’ll set up a play date for you two boys soon.”
“Really? You’re going to regret that!”
You pretend to think with a finger on your chin
“Mmmm, no I don’t think I will.” Laughing as you plated your chicken and tried to move towards the table.
A hand takes the plate from you, placing it on the counter.
Lips meet yours in a flurry. Sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, his hands coming around your back and your head. His thumb drawing small circles on your bare skin left by your shirt riding up.
This quiet intimacy was one of the many things you had missed while he was gone all those months.
Pulling away to rest your foreheads against the other, breathing each other in.
“I thought this was supposed to be a punishment?”
“Do you want it to be? Cause I can take things to the bedroom.”
“Mmm maybe when you can prove to me that you’re all better.”
His hand slides down to cup your backside
“Oh I can prove that just fine.”
Rolling your eyes, you push his face away and turn to your food.
“I’d rather eat.”
“Who got me pregnant?”
“Point taken.”
Sitting down at the table, you start to devour your chicken with zeal.
“Actually, I was thinking of going to scout out Ever’s Headquarters here in Skyhaven.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for that? Seems a bit soon.”
Coming over to stand behind you, he puts his hands on your shoulders, large enough to reach down to your breasts. His hands began to massage you and you almost melt against the table.
This was playing dirty to get you to be putty in his hands.
“I’m not going to actually kill him yet. I just want to go take a look, see where the best place would be. I have an idea of what I will most likely do but I need to double check.”
Looking at him with suspicion in your eyes, the emotion coming through in your voice
“That’s what happened the last time you went out, it can’t be a spur of the moment thing. This guy is the head of a big company and we can’t take it lightly.”
“I promise I won’t.”
“I’m choosing to trust you.”
Caleb comes down and kisses your cheek, smoothing your hair down.
“I promise your trust isn’t misplaced.”
Caleb looks up at the building with trepidation. He hadn’t been lying when he said that he wasn’t going to do anything today besides do some scouting.
He hadn’t told her yet but his brain felt a bit like mush. Like he had received a concussion which made sense since he did receive some amount of damage to his brain.
Caleb hadn’t realized how much that chip was affecting him. He felt so light and all of his emotions didn’t have to be tamped down.
Anger, joy, sadness, all of it was there at the tips of his fingers.
That chip had really made his worst qualities come out into full force.
Hopefully it would let him make this plan with a clear head.
With his brain feeling like mush, his Evol felt weaker for the moment.
That was worrying but he’d give himself some grace.
Okay, it was showtime.
With his uniform in place, the blank mask on his face, he made his way up to the secret top floor.
No one paid him any mind but his brain kept whispering that everyone knew. They could tell that he was a dog unleashed and that they would try and get him back under their thumb once again.
Taking a subtle breath, he gets his anxieties under control.
The head of Ever wasn’t always on the premises but with the Professor dead. The man in charge was here to take care of part of the void left behind.
Caleb had an idea of what he wanted to do when it came to assassinating him but he’d need access to that man’s office first.
Well, that’s when an opportunity presented itself.
“Hello, Caleb. Fancy sssseeing you here.”
“Hello, Viper.”
“Wow, I’m sssurprised you haven’t attacked me yet.”
Caleb twists the other man’s hand behind his back in response.
“Uncle, uncle!”
Such drama, his evol is weak right now. He lets Viper go with a flourish.
“Now, what a way to greet me. After I came here to tell you that the big man wantssss to talk to you.”
“Thanks ever so much.” Sarcasm coming from his tongue with a heavy tinge. As Caleb walks away, the other man calls out to him.
“There’ss sssomething different about you.”
He did not need this, he needs to bring Viper to his side somehow before he blabs his mouth.
Viper loves to call him his friend but really he just appreciates the strong.
“Do you think that I’m strong, Viper? Who will you choose to follow in the end, I wonder?”
Leaving him alone to think on that, he heads to the head of the company's office.
Caleb stands in front of the large desk with his hands folded behind his back.
It was always dark in this office, the only light coming from the doors leading to the balcony.
The building was quite high so it left this impression of a billionaire looking down on the rest of the world from his solitary dark room.
The other man sat in front of him, his hands folded in front of him on the desk
The two regarded each other with vague interest, waiting for the other to break the odd silence.
A battle of who will give first.
Caleb has a lot of patience in this department, he’d stand here all day. This was all for her sake after all.
Standing there, he surveyed the room for anything he could use.
An alcohol cart in the corner, self help books and poets like Samuel Beckett and John Keats on the bookshelf, the way the room is always kept dark, energy boosting drinks, the way the room seems to feel so bleak.
An idea had already been formed in his head but what he had collected so far just helped it along.
Yes, this would do nicely.
He had promised not to do it today, he’d go home and wait for another day but taking the time to survey was worth it.
The man in front of him broke first
“Colonel Caleb, we don’t usually talk in person, one on one like this, do we?”
“No, sir.”
“I’m glad to hear that you returned from that deep space mission alive and in one piece. The Professor seemed quite distressed about the whole ordeal.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I seem to remember that the day of his demise also coincided with his check up on you. The time of his death happening almost not an hour after you left.”
“It was unfortunate, sir.”
“Mmm, yes.” As if the death didn’t really bother him, but Caleb caught the tightening of the other man’s fingers on the chair he was in.
“It has left me with quite the predicament. No one left as capable as he was, to head the Fountain of Atei project. We frequently send you out to keep our dogs in line and it puts your life on the line.”
“Yes, sir.”
“It honestly leaves me with so few options that it brings me back to a plan that we had kept on the back burner. You know the one that I’m referring to?”
Caleb tells himself not to react, this man wants to see him break, show a feeling.
“Yes, sir.” Keeping calm was like keeping a lid on a boiling pot.
“Mmm, I suppose you do. Well, I’ll be putting together a game plan to bring in our new asset. It will need a new team to bring it under control. Which is where you’ll come in, you were manufactured as a pair after all. Your sole purpose was to keep it under our control.”
“Yes, sir.” Murdering this man would never be able to sate his lust for bringing these arrogant bastards to heel. They think they can just walk over everyone in this world, modify humans, control wanderers, play the chess board so that they alone come out on top.
It was sickening.
“That was all I had to say to you, you can leave now.”
“Sir.” Caleb turns to leave and is stopped at the door.
“Good to have you back… Caleb.”
It sends an eerie shiver down his spine. Not gracing this man with an answer, he leaves without a word.
Coming home, he feels exhausted. Putting on a front, for work and for his love was draining.
It must not be enough because she notices how he really feels in an instant.
“Bed, now.”
Caleb doesn’t have the energy to argue and goes to sleep instantly.
The next day, he’s talking with Sylus once more and goes over his preliminary plan with him.
“May I ask why you’re going over this with me and not her?”
“She tends to want me to put my safety as the utmost priority when she is. I want to do this, this way because it’s fast and efficient. It will save her. I told you what they want to do with her. Can I trust you to help me?”
The unspoken words being, can I trust you to help me which is really about helping her.
They each knew the other's feelings towards her, it wasn’t a topic up for discussion but they could trust the other when it came to protecting her.
So the plan began, Caleb gave a rough outline to her but kept the finer details to himself.
If this went downhill, she needed plausible deniability if they decided to question her.
Caleb waited at a corner store on the street below the balcony of the building containing Ever’s headquarters.
The very balcony of the office he had visited a few days ago.
This is where Sylus came in, sending Mephisto in to do surveillance and relay information to Caleb.
They need to wait for the right moment, their target needs to be on the balcony alone.
He had been sitting here for an hour, looking unbothered with a book in hand and a coffee on the table in front of him.
It had taken some convincing to let her let him out on his own for leisure for so long, but having Sylus come along convinced her.
Not that Sylus was physically present, but she didn’t need to know that fact.
“Target in sight.”
Caleb gave no indication of being bothered, the only signal being a nod of his head as if agreeing with what he was reading.
A small pad nestled in the pages of his books gave him a view of what Mephisto was seeing now that the target was in view.
The man was watering a plant, how quaint.
“Beginning now.”
Slight red energy creeping around the target’s legs, manipulating them so that the man walked haltingly and unwillingly to the edge of the balcony. Coming up to the man’s waist but it was no matter for Sylus.
“In position.”
The man pulled himself up onto the railing, standing with uneven balance. The energy just barely showing through Mephisto’s eyes, manipulating the man’s body. Caleb’s power pinching the man’s mouth and paralyzing his tongue over the distance, seen only through the screen.
The energy lets go, the man falling forward, no longer being held up.
The fall was not fast enough for Caleb, wanting the man to suffer and make sure that the fall really killed their target.
Placing gravitational pressure on the falling man’s back, speeding his process, already starting to crush his bones. Keeping his tongue paralyzed, so no one noticed the man falling yet.
The illusion that it was this man’s choice being supported as he didn’t make any noise, as if he accepted his fate.
The man hit the ground with a small splat and boom. Concrete cracking and blood blooming, like a flower of hope for a new world.
All happening across the street from the corner store that Caleb was at.
“Confirming no vital signs.”
That was all he needed to hear, getting up and gathering his stuff unbothered. The sounds of a siren in the distance, the crowd gathering around the fallen body, it was as if none of it existed to Caleb.
Tasking the clean up and crushing of Ever to Sylus. Recruiting Viper to help take it down from the inside as it was no longer the all powerful cooperation that he had been interested in, in the beginning.
It was all over on Caleb’s part.
He was finally free and so was she.
Only one more part and it’s the epilogue!
Tags: @moonberry69 @supermyeon22 @tinnyrabbit @gavin3469 @marina27826 @crowleysthings @tabi-callico @midiplier
@his-ocean-emissary @rosalyne08
@xaviers-pookie-bear @tsunamethyst @thejujvtsupost @cherrybeomgyu
@gojosballsack69 @apple-lov3r @dinochocochip @violetpurplez @raiyuxa @nickibunny23 @sh3sa1dwhat @playboygeniusphilanthropist @flwerie @lynnlovesthestars @twilightsmissingfur
@kasuumi @i-messed-up-big-time @mcdepressed290 @mc-cos-charm @needsleep3000
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