#it was for one of dr3's fics and I thought it would be cool if he stood in a particular way thus spider leggy sam was born
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llitchilitchi · 2 years ago
i love your creeper csam design so much!!! i've been wondering, is there a specific real-life creature you were inspired by? the way you draw him feels very spider-like to me except spiders arent quadrupeds
thank you!
there wasn't really any conscious real-life inspiration going into the design as far as I remember, I just wanted to do a creeper design that wasn't a cat centaur cause those were becoming popular at the time and I thought to myself "hey, the warden is fucking terrifying, let's make him even more so"
the main influence on the design were some old concept sketches I did back before I even got into dsmp (back in 2020) when I was messing around with some creepy "biblically accurate" angel designs. this is one I was able to find
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holy-shit-dangan-ronpa · 6 years ago
@cheinsaw said: gimme that nanami/sonia hot take
Don’t really ship it, but that’s probably because nanami just isnt a favorite character of mine. Romantically? It could happen. I’d be okay with it. I just can’t really find myself being invested in them as a pairing bc i just dont care too much about chiaki.
Anonymous said: opinions on toukomaru post-dr3, and on chihiro x chiaki?
Toukomaru: they love each other. Platonically or romantically they mean the world to each other and both are great characters and i love and support them. I dont think danron will ever have wlws that are as top tier. That said komaru is a minor and i am so tired of panty shots with her. We dont need em!!! The touko i know is going to grow outta her togami crush and realize komaru was here all along
Chiaki x Chihiro: i cant see this romantically. they dont really have any canon connection but i see chihiro as more of a parental figure for a.i. chiaki, even though, all things considered, they probably arent the one responsible for creating a.i. chiaki.
@roomofangel-s said: saimota or rantaro x shuichi
as in which one i like more? saimota. i love saimota so so much, man. as for amasai, i like it! the game makes rantaro out to be ace but i can still kinda see them together? rantaro often gets characterized as a playboy but he isnt, but i can imagine him being flirty if he like, gets permission, if that makes any sense? hes the kind to respect boundaries and all that and that is very valid of him. saihara is a bi disaster and definitely thinks he is hit bc lets face it, he is
Anonymous said: Shuichi/Happiness
yes!!! i am so down
Anonymous said: Kaede/Living
Real talk? i am like the only person who was glad kaede died. call me what you will, but i just didnt really like kaede. her design irks me, and she strikes me as “genki girl” in a lotta ways. it was cool seeing her go outta her way to murder. seeing my favorite character become the protag and basically be guaranteed to survive? oh i was so happy, because until then, i was so certain he was a goner
Anonymous said: How do you feel about Haijime and Mahiru as a ship?
Personally, Mahiru just Strikes Me as Lesbian, or at least, bi with a women preference. I can see them as good mlm (hinata being bi) wlw solidarity. great life partner friends, but i cant really see them as in love with each other. they definitely both shittalk their teachers in private though after becoming friends
@birded said: give me all your favorite dr trans hcs! 😍
i dont have too many? but saihara does give me Vibes. feminine voice, self-confidence issues, all that. in a non-despair au maki has to help him take his shots bc he has butterfingers and is also afraid and bc kaito still needs some help with the whole internalized homophobia thing (he would be understanding it’s just he grew up with old people so. yeah)
(the rest of these questions are also from birded im just not gonna tag them a bajillion times)
what's your favorite piece of dr content? mine is dr0 owo
i really liked all of them tbh? i really liked the atmosphere of dr1, the dr2 characters, the v3 ending... i really like drae but god i wish i were the creative director so we could remove that weird tickle minigame and all the komaru panty shots and kotoko undressing. i cant convince myself to read dr0. oops
what's some obscure or little/meaningless stuff in throughout the dr series that you really enjoy? what's some stuff you wish people talked about more?
definitely the use of honorifics! the nis translation removes them which is really sad bc they tell a lot about how the characters feel about each other! ishimaru uses -kun for everyone, which is kinda boyish but respectful! naegi uses -kun/-san bc hes nice, along with saihara and akamatsu.  hinata is just plain rude and uses none of them! i wrote a post abt one of my fav honorific moments here
what are youre thoughts on trans girl chihiro? what about thoughts on touko/komaru?
toukomaru i said up above, but, as for trans girl chihiro. please dont fucking kill me but. it’s not canon. danron 1 was written in 2010 and i doubt kodaka really wanted to make a cool story about a trans character. if chihiro was female, they wouldnt go outta their way and say that they’ve been “lying” to everyone. the game makes it clear they identified as male, and only dressed as a female due to their weak nature. trans people are the gender they say they are, and chihiro never goes and says “im actually a girl,” ya know?
in fics and stuff though? hell fucking yeah. go for it. if you think chihiro is trans go fucking ham but at the end of the day it isnt what kodaka wanted to write, just as much as i think maki is a lesbian and he went and wrote kaitomaki. youre allowed to take fiction and rectify shit you dont like in your art bc sometimes content creators are just bad. go wild
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yuzuria · 8 years ago
Bnha for the 1 and komahina for the 2!
001 | bnha
Favorite character: kacchan!! i havent gotten around in bnha lately but hes still my number one angry sonLeast Favorite character: the grape pervert i forgot the name, monota? mineta?5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): i dont srsly ship any of these but i enjoy some like kiribaku (yebc of u) momojirou is cute!! todomomo dekuraka (tfw ur str8) and tododeku Character I find most attractive: hatsume and momo!! also /sweaty/ midnightCharacter I would marry: maybe momo i adore her a lot Character I would be best friends with: uraraka!!! the sweetest summer child. id rly love to be in their group tbh iida (?) and deku are cool tooA random thought: i need to relearn their names and catch up. i stopped reading at ch 69 (yes i did that in purpose so i can remember)An unpopular opinion: hmm not rly i dont even know whats popular or not My canon OTP: is there one? hm nahNon-canon OTP: nahMost badass character: iwant kendou itsuka to kick me and step on me and make me her personal punching bagPairing I am not a fan of: teachers/teachers and don’t ever tell me teacher/students existsCharacter I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i still don’t rly know yet !Favourite friendship: are deku and kacchan’s mom besties or was that just a hc? if not then for the main trio and momojirou
002 | komahina
when or if I started shipping it. my thoughts: okay so i think i’ve known them since 2013, i was a lurker and had seen stuff of them. i even had a bad impression of them bc said materials let me saw the “fanon komahina” with crazy stalker ko x tsun maso hinata so i stayed away as much as possible from that order (till now tbh it scarred me). then dr3 happened ! i invested a lot of time while dr3 was airing to get to know them and spoiled myself to the majority of sdr2, i was in denial in that period tbh bc i was dissatisfied with their rship in sdr2 bc of the lack of closure and how i believed hinata won’t ever return komaeda’s feelings (as how i put it before when i still didnt know better) it’s almost hilarious i was in denial i ship them while i read their top fics in ao3, 100k word fics included, every night then wake up and tell the world nope! i dont ship them! then it just happened, the denial decreased, i started to read more abt sdr2, followed ppl and read their thoughts about komahina, kibou hen already ended, occasional rts (spams) their art in twitter then before i knew it, i never expected myself to like komahina but im in here deep
What makes me happy about them: how do i even start… i had to sort through my memory bc almost all of their canon interactions make me sad. ok first thing i love how one’s smile has impact to the other, of how hinata thinks ko’s smile is calming and drives his worries away and how painful it was for komaeda to remember hinata’s that implies to weigh equally as his death in sdr2.5 ( this is sad and not happy wtf ) hinata wanting to understand komaeda, komaeda feeling serenity when he’s with hinata, the dangan island scenes!! the ridiculous ones with “i don’t mind if you want to see me naked”, hinata taking komaeda to a carousel, komaeda being nervous around hinata when he noticed they’re alone, hinata never expressed disgust or called ko “creepy” in canon unlike the others where he thinks komaeda being confusing. and hinata reaching out to take komaeda’s hand twice in sdr2.5 
What makes me sad about them: everything in sdr2 wtf? one, there’s so many unsaid things between them in canon, like komaeda saying less about his feelings when there’s more to it, him lying about lying about his condition in his last fte and hinata’s confused and frustrated over that? he didn’t know which are true or not and he simply can’t figure it out alone. komaeda and their hostile situation are definitely not helping. also where he shrugs off thoughts that could lead him understanding komaeda’s true feelings as “overthinking” especially in chapter 5. but in the end of his fte, hinata acknowledges he feels a mysterious bond with him which is true, of how they look after each other in a way after everything and other else.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i back off before i start to read those i think are gonna annoy me but i hate myself and i still checked so here are some,
-the fanon komahina mentioned above goes here without a doubt-the crack fics that spam and flood their tag… like really? shrekmaeda? trumpmaeda? s*mmer l*ve???-the “uwu so pure cant hurt everyone! pls protect me hinatakun” komaeda and “hide in my arms babe im here for u” hinata-just. very aggressive and clingy komaeda.-violent dom/sub, noncon, hate sex-shsl slut hinata-kun-fucking komaeda who’s stuttering every single time
Things I look for in fanfic: i’m up to anything! tbh i’ll accept any post dr3 where they’re happy or alternative post sdr2 where it’s angsty with pent up emotions and both of them have to deal with a lot of things left from the simulation (im disappointed sdr2.5 didnt give us drama :0 ) or just simple fluff aus good for the soul. angsty aus bc sadness is never enough to me. canon divergence!! im happy to see some twists made within sdr2… and dr3 please. 
My kinks:  komahina being passionate with each other : ‘  D
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non Non No. this ask got very long do you think i even have the time to imagine either of them without the other… well there’s kamukoma, technically it doesn’t count, and that’s it
My happily ever after for them: komahina moving on from ordeals together finally reached a complete understanding, they might still hit a rocky road along the way but they have each other to rely on. that s cheesy, most probably, but please
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nosakkayuuma · 7 years ago
Year-End Fic Round-Up and Meme
2017 Fanfiction Round-Up (Template adapted from https://trey.dreamwidth.org/584.html!) My AO3 page! Total Year-Long Wordcount: AO3 tells me 18,160. Actually about 4200 of those were written last year but at this point I will take what I can get, so, Genghis Khan, you belong to 2017 now. Also, I wrote a whole ton of words in draft form, but it doesn’t count until it gets published, so I guess this year’s work will bolster next year’s (fingers crossed) word count!!
This year I wrote and posted: 6 whole new shiny fics!!! (OK, 5, because Genghis Khan was actually written by 23 December 2016 or so... but it’s near enough to 2017 that I’ll count it.) They’re all oneshots varying from 1.5k-4k in length, and fall in either the Inazuma Eleven or Saint Seiya fandoms. More under the cut~
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I wrote a heck of a lot less than I thought. Should probably figure out how to write faster next year. I have been thinking of taking 1 day out of the 5-day workweek off for writing, but ultimately I think it’s either anime/manga/video games or writing which is not a fun thing to consider. This year, I have played a lot more video games, which I think is a great thing, but maybe not if it affects my writing (not saying that it does... correlation does not equal causation x)) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Saint Seiya fits the closest, because even though I had started watching it by then it firmly fell (and still falls) in the category of fandoms where I don’t feel like there’s anything I can contribute. What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? It has to be What draws me to you. No contest. I feel like I just about put myself into a depressive funk for 2 weeks just writing it and it was really worth it. And, for once, the title came to me and I didn’t have to do silly Google tricks or listen to a million songs to come up with a title. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? This year was so tame, I guess the biggest risk I took was in [redacted] (it is still not posted under my account due to being judged in a writing contest... but it is up, go look for it please) where I played around with nonlinear narratives... KIND OF. I guess I should take more risks next year, which I was already planning to do anyway but am definitely gonna do now! OKAY I went back to this because while I have mentally blocked out all the effort of working on [redacted] from my mind because it’s taking like four months to judge a contest and I’m a little frustrated... umm... I mean, anyway. I definitely thought long and hard about meta for once when writing it, and tried my hardest to make it so that readers had to put the pieces together to figure out what I was trying to do. One can say I was too subtle; honestly I’m not sure because there has not been a lot of feedback. Still, while it was a gruelling experience writing it, it was fun in the end, and the end result is pretty nice too. From my past year of writing, what was.... My best story of this year: What draws me to you My most popular story of this year: It was First Time according to hits, but that’s to be expected since the Saint Seiya fandom is a lot larger than the Inazuma Eleven fandom. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: What draws me to you What draws me to you What draws me to you also [redacted] Most fun story to write: Okay to be honest, it was Peripeties, mostly because it was so fun to revisit the world of Renegade (my Fudou longfic about him between Shin Teikoku and Inazuma Japan) again and also think about what my convenience store gang OCs would be like a few years on. Antagonistic Fudou flowed so easily as well. Also I really enjoy thinking about Teikoku high school :^) Story with the single sexiest moment: I guess I’ll have to say [redacted], since there’s like, an established relationship in it which is probably the closest thing to sexy. I mean in Genghis Khan Someoka and Fubuki share a Look and in What draws me to you Fudou and Sakuma fucking hold hands. What more do you want from me!!! A kiss?! Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I guess that’s on my to-do list for next year. Actually, one of my WIPs (the one I wrote 20k words of notes/first draft during NaNoWriMo for but haven’t got around to refining) will have elements of that...  Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Definitely A Request, because I never write Gouenji or Kidou so I learned quite a bit about them while writing it. Which is probably a hint that I should challenge myself next year lol.  Hardest story to write: I don’t remember any of them being particularly difficult to write, which is weird because when I eat my own cooking I remember how much effort I had to put in to make it (although the fact that there’s a much shorter wait between cooking and eating probably explains that). Probably What draws me to you. I obsessed over every word, I did so much research (but it was interesting reading), I focused so hard on the vague images in my mind and tried to translate them faithfully into text... Biggest Disappointment: I am not entirely satisfied with [redacted] which is probably a good thing. I don’t think it’s quite exactly what I wanted to write, but only minutely different. Biggest Surprise: I guess I didn’t realise how big (or HyoShun-starved?) the Saint Seiya fandom was until I posted First Time and watched the hits grow day by day. Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I already did all of that in Renegade so I guess being its sequel, Peripeties is probably it. Favorite Opening Line(s): When Raimon had been told that they would all be sent to various schools around Japan to serve on their reinforcement committee, Someoka had been over the moon. Finally, some real responsibility. Then they had told him that he was assigned to the boondocks. From Genghis Khan Favorite Closing Line(s): I mean I could pick any of my emotional punchlines or whatever but who am I kidding, it has to be from First Time. "Nii-san," Shun finally said. He took the potent cocktail from the counter and drank, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Whoever said we weren't?"  Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere: His heartbeat quickened, and he was about to drop Fudou's hands, only to freeze as Fudou started to tug his fingers closer in with his own and intertwine them together. Their palms touched, and Sakuma felt the calloused skin where Fudou's fingers met his palm. He couldn't help but close his fingers around Fudou's cool hands and give them just one light, hesitant squeeze. The answering pressure sent Sakuma's heart madly aflutter, and Fudou flushed, complexion growing darker even as he stubbornly maintained eye contact. The two of them stared at each other for the shortest eternity, or was it the longest moment? To be honest, there were multiple contenders for this just from What draws me to you alone, but after a close fight this won. Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:  1. What draws me to you, New Year’s festival at the temple, Sakuma in a suit, Miyabino next to him, both staring at a rogueish corn vendor Fudou in a dark blue kimono who’s fanning the coals with a rolled up sheet of newspaper, to the orange backdrop of the setting sun. I WANT THIS SO BAD I CAN’T EVEN 2. The final punchline of First Time. Shun’s sly grin!!! 3. What draws me to you, Fudou and Sakuma holding hands and all around them is the flowy, fluffy white of sakura petals 4. The chicken nugget confrontation in Peripeties! 5. Sakuma being a badass in [redacted]. Shouldn’t be more specific than that but I don’t think there are many scenes of Sakuma being a badass in that fic anyway... Also I have to say that my friend Ro illustrated the shooting stars scene in Peripeties and it’s soooooooo. Good!! <3 Fic-writing goals for 2018: 1. Finish Real Illusions, my Souda- and Sonia-centric post-SDR2 [Super Danganronpa 2] fic. OHHHHHH MY GOD. I THOUGHT THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE YEAR SINCE DR3 /AND/ NDRV3 WERE BOTH RELEASED. APPARENTLY NOT. 2. Finish part 1 of Blind Sin AU, and also think of a title for it instead of constantly calling it Blind Sin AU all the time, I guess. 3. Finish Redemption? To be honest I want to focus equally on original next year so I’m not exactly going to write 20 fics or anything like that. 4. Oh, yes. Try to push myself by writing characters, situations, styles, structures etc. I’m not familiar with.
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