#it was fine earlier there just wasnt any dryers so i had to come back
anotheraverageotaku ยท 6 months
i just wanna finish my laundry
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bishiglomper ยท 1 year
Oh my fucking god
I'm never stepping foot inside a nail salon again ๐Ÿ’€
Niece earlier was like. "(Bishi). I need to do something. Either I need an eyebrow piercing- I'll pay for your second earlobe piercing, yeah? Just come with me. That's option one. Or option 2, i want like some acrylic nails. If you come with me I'll pay for some like. Gel nails for you"
I voted for piercings. But the place is closed on Thursdays. ๐Ÿ’€
So we went to the nail salon.
The second I stepped foot in there i was hit with vertigo. Like i was prepared for the smell, it wasnt even a problem. But my head felt so fucking weird. It wasnt just vertigo, i was getting mild shocks of that jarring sensation in the back of my head too.
Oh, and when i stood up to leave the house i found out i had low blood sugar. I shoved a donut in my mouth on the way out.
So i don't know if it was thr blood sugar, the new situation (never had nails done before and the person hardly spoke English) OR.. it was a symptom of whatrver migraine fuckery was going on. But i got so shakey. I kept bumping my nails inside the uv light dryer. I had to slide them in very carefully, I was visibly shaking. Thankfully i was fine when he was holding my hand, lol it was just using my muscles that things went wonky.
But i got home and i dont know how long i'd had this new symptom, but sitting there I realized my teeth felt itchy. Staticy. You know the feeling. Like when a glob of frosting or something sweet or whatever hits your throat wrong and your teeth itch. My hands and feet felt like that too. So i went to lay down for an hour or two. I skipped dinner because i knew I'd be too into sensation overload to eat. So i got up when the itchy teeth feeling mostly went away.
Got up. Had more vertigo. I hit the landing and it felt like biological warfare against my retinas. The house felt so fucking bright. Which is weird because we dont have any ceiling lights, just lamps, so the house is usually very dark.
I found out sissy fixed one lamp so it wasnt entirely my head. But wow is it bad. I had mom find my wrap-around sunglasses. It's still really uncomfortable.
Also my eyes were itchy and gooey from cat exposure. Just to add insult. And its hard to look at my phone btw. (Bong water slept on top of me for at least half an hour, aww)
Then i get down there and discover i have the wobbles. Sometimes when i try to stand still my legs start constantly buckling and i look like a marrionette struggling to stand. At least thats what it feels like... Strangely enough it doesnt feel like im a fall risk or anything but its annoying. Imagine doing that while someone's trying to hug you. ๐Ÿ’€
I think im having a cross between a migraine and a fibro flare. Thankfully I'm not in typical pain. I feel the ironic pain tho.
But yeah I dont wanna do this again OTL
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