#it was also our go to answer when we should analyse sth in class
when i was in high school, french was one of the three advanced courses that made up my final exams and bc not a lot of people took french as a main subject, our class was relatively small. we also got along well with our teacher, so over the course of three years we goofed off quite a bit.
for example, at the beginning of our last year, there was an exam where all of us mentioned the concept of “l’épanouissement personnel” in our literature analysis after discussing it in class, which our teacher commented on with a chuckle.
so naturally, for the entire rest of the year (yes even in our finals), there was the unwritten law to incorporate “l’épanouissement personnel” into every exam, no matter the context.
now imagine the first years all taking the collective challenge to sneak the same arbitrary word into their history exams. maybe it’s a word trein used that ace thought was hilarious or one he stressed the importance of so strongly that deuce had it written down five times on the same page (for which ace obviously clowned him). or perhaps it’s not a word but a historic date or event, which is now brought up in every exam.
it’s definitely ace’s idea, so he eggs deuce on immediately. epel is always here for some mischief and so is ortho. jack and sebek turn their nose at the idea, but at the accusation of running from a (human) challenge, they change their tune real quick. after a test it becomes as important as discussing the answers to ask where the others mentioned the agreed upon word/event.
maybe there was a concept/book/statement so dumb covered in the second year curriculum, azul, jade and jamil couldn’t help tearing it apart in a discussion. and bc nrc students are petty by nature, they all referenced it in their exams as well.
riddle didn’t want to but bc it was discussed at length beforehand, he used it as a negative example subconsciously before he even realised it. ruggie, again, is here for the mischief and kalim and floyd “studied” with jamil and jade, so they actually remember it being discussed and just wrote it down.
we all have that one teacher who hammers home the same key phrases every year to the point where you could recite them in your sleep. and at this point, the third years have listened to professor crewel repeating the same chemical principle since year one.
it’s always the exact same words and intonation, leaving some students to mumble along when he recites it in class. no wonder then that it becomes second nature for all of them to scribble it on their tests at least once. at the end of the day, crewel notes it with a “good boy”, so there’s only upsides to this.
i guess the only fitting conclusion to this post is to say that goofing of with your classmates is important for l’épanouissement personnel—
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