#it was a bit of a learning curve for Iomhar too at first considering the stone hands and skin
arcxnumvitae · 1 year
🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant?👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? 🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual? (Iomhar)
@soulsxng || Sinday Headcanons
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🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant?
Iomhar was in his early teens when he started catching on that people were pretty. There was one particular gentry of his generation who kept shooting him flirtatious looks and coy smiles that set his heart racing and made it incredibly difficult for him to focus on the lessons of the history of the royal family or of swordplay. Eventually, this flirtationship ended up with a fling in the woods. Iomhar knew about the technicalities of it all, but knowing was different than doing. But in true Iomhar fashion, his level of confidence could've convinced anyone differently. As for the significance? Like a snowball rolling down the hill, Iomhar realized how much he enjoyed flirting with them, and how fun sex was. It was truly the beginning leading to the Iomhar that we know and love today.
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
Such a conundrum! Iomhar greatly enjoys penetrative sex, but there's just something about eating his partner out that he can never get enough of. He doesn't even care about receiving oral himself, he takes great pleasure in getting to pleasure his partner. He loves his feasts, what can I say.
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
I've got to say that Sivel has him beat in this one! Or at least, Sivel managed it in a throne room and Iomhar tried. But alas, it's expected for some fae to try and sneak off there during a revel and the king did not even want to deal with that nonsense. So no throne! I dunno, I guess the next best "you really shouldn't be doing anything in there" place that he did have sex in would be in the Council's meeting room, right on the table. While his escapades in the mortal realm are lengthy, and plenty are public, none of them hit that 'you might get jailed just because you annoyed the king/the advisor by having sex here' like the Council's meeting room. Also, this was before he was on the Council, though I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse.
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