#it was Not purchased. yarr harr
tomwaterbabies · 10 months
tonight i will be watching fnaf movie with friends with the pretentious, arrogant, high-and-mighty attitude that none of it will mean anything to me and im just there for the practical effects and animatronics. will it be a bad movie? probably, who knows, i dont care. look at the jim henson creature shop creations
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not-gray-politics · 1 year
I think something that's important for people to recognize is that you can like something and also call out/be aware of its problems at the same time. Like, you can like the amazing animation in spiderverse and also acknowledge that it has a fatphobia problem. You aren't a bad person for wanting to like some aspects of something and not others. I think a good way to draw lines is to see: - if the problematic or bigoted parts of a piece of media are central to its plot (if removing them would change large parts of the story or characters, it's time to reconsider what you gain from consuming it in the first place. It can be hard to let go of media you grew up with or feel attached to, but sometimes it's worth it if it means not internalizing harmful ideas and caricatures) - how much money from purchases/support goes to the creator if the creator is the problematic part and not the contents of the media itself (this is easier solved than the other points cause if the answer to the first point is no, you can always give things the ol yarr harr 🏴‍☠️ yknow what im sayin) - whether the person/people creating said media is using their monetary gain or popularity to actively influence politics or has made it a direct clear personal goal to attack certain groups of people (For example, a handful of insensitive or harmful jokes will always be bad, and it's up to the individual if they want to forgive something like that or not, but there's a point of no return when it goes from shitty jokes to active intentional malice and outright attacks. It's why I can try to enjoy other aspects of an anime that has a small handful of fatphobic jokes in it that can be skipped, but I will never support anything the kardashians make because they actively work in the diet industry which destroys people mentally and physically every day. Or how I will never be okay with anyone supporting J.K. Rowling because she didn't just write some bad tropes into her books, she's actively attacking marginalized communities in real life and has become a supporter of outright fascism. There's a line and it's pretty clear.) These are just my guidelines and thoughts though, lmk if there's something else I should've included or mentioned
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breanne-says-boo · 2 years
Very, very random but if you’re not a movie “yarr-harr swashbuckler” Amazon has a 50% off purchase deal for the original Interview with the Vampire 1994 movie for Prime members. It’s $7. You can watch this and the new trailer coming out today to sustain you until the tv series comes out in October.
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