#it turns out when i am pmsing (tmi) writing is very difficult
everystephoftheway · 1 year
Moving your mug away from the corner because you placed it down without looking at it.
Being subtle
The mornings are, by far, the most overwhelming part of the day. Multiple pairs of tiny feet are running around and all points of the day, but in the morning Percy’s mind is still trying to fight off the cloud of unconsciousness and all of his kids–whom he loves dearly–make it very difficult to not want to curl into some cave like a bear in winter. 
So far, two of their three rascals are awake this morning; Vesper seems to be regaining those couple hours lost by a bad dream, and both parents are not complaining. Vex has Wolfe in her arms and Percy has Leona, the twins hell bent on rising with the sun. A tiny hand reaches up and grabs at the back of Percy’s hair, and his head leans back with the firm pull.
“Ah, ow, darling. Let’s not–” he reaches back and–with more strength than he thought he’d need–pried her little fingers open. “--do that. I’d like to keep my hair as long as physically possible.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about baldness, my love.” Vex has Wolfe on a hip, arm curled around him, and a mug of coffee in the other hand. “If you haven’t lost it from stress by now, age has no chance.” 
Percy breaths a laugh and gives an accepting nod. “One can only hope you’re right.”
“I’m always right, dear.”
As Vex went to sip at her coffee, the toddler in her arm leaned back in an incredible show of flexibility. His little back arched as he threw his hands over his head, and Vex lurched forward.
“No, no, no, no!” The coffee mug just settled on the edge of the counter as she threw it down to grab at Wolfe with her now free hand, saving him from cracking his head on that same counter. 
“Wolfe, what was that?” she laughed.
Percy’s eyes never left his son and wife, but as Vex made sure their toddler didn’t hit the ground he leaned forward just enough to hook the mug’s handle with two fingers and slide it back so it wasn’t so close to the edge. Even exhausted, even distracted, Percy always looks out for Vex and her happiness.
Leona giggles at her brother’s antics, and Percy can feel her start to copy him.
“Ah, no, let’s not hurt ourselves, alright?” He places a sturdy hand on her back. “I don’t need anyone or anything hitting the ground this morning.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Vex reaches for her coffee and takes a long sip, seemingly unaware of how close she was to losing it. “Come on, dear.” She looks at Percy. “Let’s get some breakfast going.” 
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