#it took me way to long to find bw2
strawberryicemoon · 2 months
I can't believe with a franchise as big as pokemon that it's such a pain to find information about the dads (at least that I can find). Mostly its just message boards that keeps saying that the dads are never mentioned. I know it's a huge joke that the dads in Pokemon are just absent. And they are largely absent, but they are usually offhandedly mentioned. And I'm all for headcanons that disregard canon. But I still want to know what we know for sure in canon. Moms at least have bulbapedia pages that recount what few details we know about them. But the dads got nothing.
Based on what I remember/have heard this is what I know: RGBY - Dad likes watching sports. GSC - Never mentioned RSE - Norman DPPt - You mom says you're just like your dad, and Palmer and your dad started their journey's together and are friends. Palmer also compares you to your dad. He was apparently a strong trainer. BW - Your dad got you your TV BW2- Your mom met your dad while she was working at a Pokemon center XY - Your mom ran him over at a rhyhorn race once. SM - Your dad is still in Kanto, Rotom mentions that his letters to your mom make her happy. I think some of your belongings are mentioned to have been given to you from him. SwSh - Male Player's bag belonged to their dad at one point. ScVi - Never mentioned
Two player characters dads are never mentioned, three dads are only offhandedly mentioned, two dads have little anecdotal stories about them and your mom but no references to what they are currently doing, one is said to be working abroad, one dad is actually a character, and one is apparently the friend of your rival's dad and is apparently a good trainer even if he's never seen in game.
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personally, who’s your favorite Pokédex holder and who’s your least favorite?
My absolute favorite would be X. The two behind him are Y and Lack-Two, in that order. XY arc was my first Spe arc so it holds a special place in my heart. I also wrote a lot about Y and X over the years, which helps. I actually thought Lack-Two sucked based on earlier fandom reaction, but I grown to like him because he's really neat to me and a tragic character whose journey seems to span over multiple arcs.
My least favorites are Black and White. I can go on a long rant why I don't like them, but basically: I don't find Black engaging and I blame him for screwing up White's development, and White in BW2 remaining stagnant with her two unevolved Pokemon and actually losing her core character goal of being a successful businesswoman to finding Black (even if she couldn't) for Agency shiptease, which is horrible writing in so many ways. The fandom hype around them also contributed to my dislike of them. They also took the spotlight from Lack-Two and Whi-Two, the official protagonists of the arc that I actually am more invested in, leaving them underdeveloped too. I'm glad Whi-Two shows up in XY epilogue and Lack was in SM, but I wish more was done with them.
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I started typing this post about one particular Pokémon thing but then it spiraled into a long rambling rant-like thing so I’ll just put it behind a read more. Idk, read if you want my Pokémon opinions I guess.
I will always regret being a coward in middle school when Pokémon black and white came out. I bought it but then quickly returned it because I despised Patrat, the monkey trio, vanillite and a few other Pokémon from the BW early game and I was afraid if my classmates found out I was still playing Pokémon they would make fun of me (even more than they already did). So I ended up missing out on the games with the best sprites and, apparently the best story from what I’ve been told, in the whole series. Then Pokémon made the disappointing jump to 3D with XY, a game whose only meaningful contribution was mega evolution. Then we got ORAS which I thought was perfect. And then Sun and Moon which I loved, but was immediately soured when then they tricked me into buying the same exact game with Ultra Sun when I was expecting it to be like BW2, and then every game since then has been more and more disappointing. I thought sword and shield was fine when I played it, I quite enjoyed my playthrough because at the time I was just starting to transition and I found the games fashion to be very fun and Wooloo, Hatterene, and Dracovish we’re all Pokémon I adored (hated the starters though). Then Pokémon made the move of giving another studio the job of creating the Diamond and Pearl remake but gave them no creative freedom so the game is exactly the same but with an art style and 3D Pokémon models that I find significantly less appealing than the original game’s charming sprites (even if the load times are better). Then we got PLA which was an interesting semi-spin-off that immediately lost everyone’s attention because they waited like 5 minutes before announcing Scarlet and Violet, which are looking like they’re going in the exact opposite direction of literally everything I enjoy about Pokémon.
All this is to say that I guess Pokémon really isn’t for me anymore. I guess that’s fine. I feel entitled to being sad about parting ways from something I was obsessed since I was 4. I deeply wish they would spend far longer developing their games instead of pushing them out with ridiculous deadlines and crunch time, but I know they won’t because people aren’t going to stop playing Pokémon, and the plushies are where the money comes from anyway. Even competitive Pokémon went in a direction I completely despise. I guess whenever I get the itch to play Pokémon again I’ll replay an old game or delve deep into the growing romhack scene.
If Pokémon ever wants to win back the incredibly specific fan group that I’m in, they’ll spend years developing a new battle revolution or something with all Pokémon and moves in it (to fix competitive) and with animated 3D Pokémon that actually have the extremely charming character that they did back in battle revolution. This will literally never happen because there are more than double the Pokémon there were when battle revolution came out, the mainline games are already in 3D (even though I think the Pokémon look bad), and Pokémon doesn’t really care that much about their competitive scene. Or maybe they could win me back if they just stopped doing this ridiculous yearly release schedule and took a couple years to make a good game, but that makes less money so that also won’t happen.
(Don’t get me started on the PTCG I could rant waaaaaaaay longer than this about the PTCG)
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ruby3818 · 4 years
I want to do a follow up on my "Norman is Platinum's father" theory but this time for Moon. Big thanks to @skittymon​ for reminding me of this headcanon and also making me realise I actually hadn’t posted the Moon part yet hshsjd.
I'll resummarise the Platinum theory for context and added points but if you've already read the earlier post you can skip to the Moon theory ^-^
Platinum Theory
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Ok so in RS it shows that at the time of Rayquaza’s escape Yanase was working on the PKMN Association’s project of trying to develop an orb to control rayquaza. This is where Norman and Yanase first meet when Norman and Birch show up to help the survivors of Rayquaza’s escape.
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This incident took place 5 years before the events of the RS chapter/9 years before ORAS meaning Platinum was born roughly a year later.
In the Emerald Arc during Emerald’s flashback, Yanase mentions that someone with a more suitable method will have to stop Kyorge and Groudon fighting possibly hinting that she already knows of Norman’s plan to ride Rayquaza himself. (unrelated, but she also mentions the power of science being useless to control rayquaza which is a main plot point in ORAS...I love when Pokespe hints at future arcs 10 years before their release :’ ) )
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Also according to Norman in ORAS he continued to work with Yanase to find Rayquaza and work out how to use it to stop Groudon and Kyorge. Besides Yanase’s appearance in Platinum all of her and Norman’s appearances have them mention or hint at the other.
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As for Platinum’s personality and appearance she has similar hair and eye shape to Ruby, Platinum also has a problem with expressing her true feelings, her pride and concerns with how others percieve her. All traits that are similar to Ruby and Norman.
Genetically speaking it’s not possible or very rare for a blonde haired Yanase and a light-brown haired Sir Berlitz to have a daughter with dark black hair so the theory of Platinum not being Sir’s daughter is a common one.
Moon Theory
In ORAS Norman mentions that he met up with Yanase during the arc to gain permission to enter her research storage room and received the key, the key. This is the guy that will break down doors and force his way to important documents just to get the information he needs without a care for others. Even if not an affair thing he obviosly respects her a lot. He even broke down another door (belonging to the pkmn association, not her) this same chapter so it’s not a character development thing either. Note that he also mentions her by her first name rather than her title.
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Due to the unspecified amount of time between BW2 it is possible for Moon to have been born shortly after ORAS as long as it falls in the typical 2-3 years range.
As for Moon’s personality, she’s as refined and intellegent as any other Berlitz but she’s also reckless and will charge without thought to save others. A similar trait to Ruby which got him in trouble with Salamence and reccurs through RS and ORAS. From what we see of Sir Berlitz and Yanase, reckless isn’t a trait I’d use to describe them but Norman however has recklessness in spades.
Same reason as Platinum, Moon’s dark hair colour makes it unlikely that Sir Berlitz is her father. This also explains why he only mentions Platinum as his daughter in DP if Moon is either a “secret child” of Yanase, which is common in rich families where an illegitimate child would be sent off to be raised elsewhere or if Sir Berlitz knew about Yanase’s affair leading to Moon but not with Platinum.
Of course this is all just a headcanon born from a lot of coincidences but it sure is interesting to think that Ruby could have a sister or two out there. (Also I just really want more sibling dexholders...)
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epicspheal · 4 years
I kinda want to know how Hop befriended the MC of the game. Hop seems like a lonely kid that had trouble making friends at Postwick and if he did it was probably because his big brother was the Champion and others took advantage of that. But the way he praises the MC makes it seem as though the MC became Hop's friend naturally. And I think that's why Leon is so relieved that Hop has a good friend to look after him
Yet more stuff I hope they expand upon in the Crown Tundra DLC! I find it interesting (and refreshing) as to how the game sets up MC’s and Hop’s friendship having been established before our journeys begin. It reminds me a bit of BW/BW2′s set up with Cheren, Bianca, and Hugh. I found it personally more believable than the XY’s version “hey you just moved here, but now you have 4 new best friends” set up. 
I don’t know if the MC was supposed to have been born and raised in Postwick, but I get the sense they’ve been their long enough to have solid relationship with Hop. This is just going off Leon’s dialogue when we meet him at Wedgehurst with him talking about how much Hop talks about the MC. It gave me the impression that the MC may have moved to Postwick a couple of years prior to the storyline (at least after Leon had become champion and spent much of his time away from home, since it’s the first time you’ve met him apparently.). 
I would definitely imagine Hop having trouble making genuine friends like you mentioned. Of course there’s the obvious of him being related to the champion and kids trying to take advantage of that. Then of course I though about how at the beginning of the game he always talked about being Leon’s brother, and how that could come off as obnoxious to some and drive away potential friends. So it’s nice to know that the MC is a decent character who isn’t just friends with Hop to get Leon’s autograph or gets annoyed with someone who likes to talk about their celebrity family member. So it makes all the more sense that Leon would not only be relieved, but want to give us a starter Pokemon as a present to as thanks for being a true friend to his little brother.
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danwhobrowses · 5 years
A Personal Rant before Sword and Shield comes out
I’ve sat idly by for months, tried to weather a few negative responses but given that it’s now 6 days from release and I’m hearing that devs are getting literal death threats I’m going to put my foot down
If you’re already shitting on a game that hasn’t been released yet, you are all juvenile bitches, and I’m about to tell you why.
Before we begin, I’m not saying that you’re not allowed to dislike a game, that happens, but usually it happens after you play a game, not before.
You are viewing this game through a keyhole and judging the room and what you’re seeing is not worthy of this much hate. Let’s start with the big one Dexit: Not as Big as You Think Having No National Dex is of course not ideal, but it doesn’t ruin the game. Let’s Go has no National Dex, all it had was Alola forms and nobody whinged about it. Ruby and Sapphire didn’t have a National Dex until FRLG, and nobody whinged about it. Sun and Moon and Ultra Sun and Moon do not have a National Dex And Nobody Whinged About It Do you know why? Because it’s not actually a big deal. People who complain about it are bandwagoning because ‘Dexit’ is a meme, its name literally parodies an event in current Britain that many people don’t actually want to happen.  Now currently, the anger of Dexit is that Bulbasaur and Squirtle are not in it, which frankly is hilarious because the last wave of bitching was ‘Kanto mons are getting all the new stuff’. You wanna know how many main series versions Bulbasaur and Squirtle have not been in? Seven, only way to get them is trade and event. The other complaint is that there’s ‘only 400′ Pokémon. Remember those days where people were fine with 150? 400 is huge, in fact it’s 3 less than USUM and it’s not accounting for the Gigantamax forms Don’t let headlines fool you either, Sun and Moon had 302 Pokémon, it’s far from the ‘lowest dex number since 2003′. Do your own research with these things. Kalos’ regional dex was 151, BW2 was 300, BW 153, Sinnoh 210, RSE has 386 and GSC had 252 Don’t get me wrong, it smarts that some Pokémon isn’t there, but it’s not a dealbreaker, like let’s be honest here. For a good year and a half all your pokémon are gonna do is sit in an unused cartridge or a PC box, you’re literally whining about the fact that you can’t move your perfect IV Pokémon from one box to another. You could simply just let them stay in Let’s Go or USUM, you don’t have to use Bank or Home on continued subscription for that, so your complaints are only set on the foundation that you feel like you have to continually pay to not transfer your Pokémon, Finally, people act like these Pokémon are deleted forever, they’re not, this is for spacing to make sure this game doesn’t break down from the sheer mass of models and textures it has to maintain in a massive open world space, the local and online camping and battles. Just use the Pokémon that are there! There’s new Pokémon don’t you wanna try those? You can also look at FRLG or Emerald and consider that maybe more Pokémon will get patched in once the game proves to be stable. I don’t think you’ve noticed, but the Nintendo Switch isn’t as powerful as the other consoles out there, sometimes it runs like shit. Believe me on that one, Switch is still in a very buggy development phase. Let’s Go was kept small to test it’s capability and Sword and Shield can’t just fly in and give you all 1000 Pokémon just so one of the ones you want can be in there
You have to be much less obtuse with this, I mean this was a long time coming. You’re gonna have to live with the fact that not every Pokémon ever can be supported on one game alone. Disk, Download, Cartridge and Patch Sizes have limits in Compliance, you can’t just throw everything at it. Waah, the New Pokémon Don’t Look Good They do, you’re being petty. It happens every version, the people dislike the starter evolutions or just one in particular. Remember all the Oshawott hate? This all comes and goes because people have simply gone on the first instinct that ‘new and different is scary and should be shunned’ You’re that Simpsons meme when young Homer accuses Grandpa of not being ‘with it’ I won’t spoil to those who haven’t seen it, but I like the new starters, and some of the new Pokémon will need some growing but not every Pokémon looks good at first glance. If Mr Mime, Hypno or Gastly came out nowadays they’d be crapped on so much for lacking creativity or for looking weird. Look at Drampa as well, thing looks like Falkar from The Neverending Story, when I first saw it I thought it look weird but now I like it. You should offer these things time And actually fall back on past experience, you’re reacting like this isn’t the same thing that happens every version; the dex gets leaked, people whine about the evolutions, people get over it and accept that they overreacted. hIgH QuAlItY aNiMaTiOnS I’ve seen that video, 2 clips and you judge a whole game how classy of you? If you don’t see improvement you’re blind. You can’t shit on a game for keeping the battle animations, you can’t expect every Pokémon to move their own unique way to the exact position of the body part the opponent needs to get hit by, that’s just unrealistic. You’re also failing to equate to the new moves and all the new movesets. You have to ensure that each Pokémon is capable of calling this animation as well. The second clip in that video was Hop and Hau having the same rigging, and once again, that’s not abnormal. Rigging is not easy either, do it wrong and it sticks and deforms texture. There’s nothing wrong with Hop having one animation that matches Hau’s, you’ll probably find that many models actually have similar rigging as previous games. Because it’s not that big of a deal and it saves money, as an example look at Disney they copied hand-drawn motion and stuck a different character on them, Robin Hood’s Little John dances just like (animated, for those too young to know otherwise) Jungle Book’s Baloo The thing you’re also ignoring from that clip is the graphical improvement of Hop compared to Hau, Hau looks like a balloon with a smiley face but Hop’s face has depth and his mouth actually moves like a normal person, his clothes have far more contrast and complexity, but no just zero in on one fighting animation and one rigging that’ll surely be worth abusing a game that’s not even out... B-But Charizard I’ve already explained this before but Charizard is Leon’s main, it’s obviously going to have a Gigantamax, ergo it’s also going to be in the Dex. Does Charizard get a lot? Yes, but the reason is because Charizard is popular. One of the rarest cards is a Charizard Hologram Card, Charizard is one of the first version mascots, it is one of the most recognized Pokémon Ash has in the anime Reality of the matter is that like Pikachu, Charizard is a recognized Pokémon for all ages, it appeals to a demographic that’s not playing In Layman’s Terms: that part is not for you A reality you really need to face. Pokémon is a game for all ages, so elements of the game are not always going to be tailored to your age range. The gimmick of Dynamax and Gigantamax is for merch sales and young children because it’s got an audience there, you can’t expect the Biggest Entertainment Brand in the World to simply shut out a large fraction of its demographic just to appeal 100% to you And again, it’s not a big deal, so there’s a Charizard there, just save a Stone Edge and be done with it, if you hate Charizard so much this’ll be catharsis, but in actuality you’re complaining because it’s something to complain about Kanto are getting Everything That went down like a lead balloon didn’t it? Reminder that the first Gigantamax forms were Galar Pokémon, so you can’t really say that anymore. There are Galar forms from non-Gen I Pokémon too I assure you, but the reason Kanto gets a lot of them is because Kanto is the oldest. Let’s not pretend that other gens don’t get love either Or should I remind you of Mega Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Gallade, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Abomasnow, Steelix, Sceptile, Marshtomp, Sableye, Sharpedo, Camerupt, Altaria, Glalie, Salamence, Metagross, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Lopunny, Audino and Diancie? It’s true that the Johto starters could use something, but I don’t think they’re being purposefully ignored, perhaps the right design hasn’t come along. Rather it be done right than poorly wouldn’t you agree? The Devs Should’ve Done <Insert Thing Here> People who say this kinda stuff have no idea how a game is made. I have a First Class Bachelor’s degree in Computer Gaming and Animation Technology and I can tell you that none of the stuff you want them to do is easy. Even getting grass right is a complete hassle. You want small insights you should watch Corridor Crew react to Good and Bad VFX, they tell you about the mechanics of CGI a few times on those vids. This is what annoys me with the prior swipe at the Battle animations and rigging, even with 2 years this is a heavily massive workload and Game Freak have only recently expanded the team that work on Pokémon which makes communication much more widespread and difficult to manage, likewise they are working on other games too they are not just Pokémon, currently their next IP is why Toby Fox was able to do a bit of music for Pokémon, because he’s collaborating with them on another game. The work doesn’t stop, most of these people are overworked and still doing overtime, they bring out a good product and all it gets is ‘but it should have this’, and unless it’s a huge part of the game that’s needed to function then that’s really disrespectful Before you start critiquing on what the people making this game ‘should’ve done’ perhaps you should try to make a game yourself, because it is not easy even for pros, I call back to Toby Fox because creating Undertale took 32 Months to create, that’s 2 years and 8 months for those slow with math, it also took 3 years before it could be ported to Switch because the Engine couldn’t support the platform, Pokémon has less time to do that, greater graphical and animation quality to achieve and more characters to battle, attacks to animate and more songs to compose. Conclusion: You’re All Just Bitter I’ve already seen it happen recently but this group of people senselessly bashing something because of ridiculous demands, expectations or arguments based on a lack of understanding all combine into something I’m simply calling the ‘Bitterness Fandom’. It’s people hating for the sake of hating and trying to bring something down just because it’s been a popular force for so long, and it’s not just Pokémon that’s getting it It’s already been happening to Star Wars. The Last Jedi and Solo were great films but the Bitterness sank its fangs in and act like neither are as good as the original trilogy (like killing Snoke without knowing anything about him and Phasma before she could do anything is any different to killing Sidious and Boba Fett in Jedi or Maul in Phantom Menace and Grievous in Revenge of the Sith), a lack of awareness to reality and the desire to complain for the sake of complaining continues to infect Star Wars. We even have a thing called ‘Star Wars Fatigue’ Star Wars can’t release a film every year because of ‘Fatigue’ but Marvel can release 5 MCU films a year and nobody bats an eye. Those frustrations aside, I refuse to let the Bitterness sink in without me calling them out, because you are not Pokémon Fans. If you were you’d know that having no National Dex isn’t new, you’d know that the graphics have improved and leaks of the game happen every time, you’d know why Charizard is popular and that some features are not intended to be targeted at you Shock and Horror to the heavens above but games can’t do everything And if you’re that naive to think so then you’re clearly not doing your homework So let’s throw out an absolutely WILD suggestion shall we? Let’s decide our opinion on a game After playing it? Because shitting on something you don’t even have hands-on experience with it is a fragile pedestal to put yourself on. If we all think it’s bad then, so be it, but I sincerely doubt that is the case When my copy of Pokémon Sword gets delivered to my house I am going to enjoy it because I will not let petty and incorrect statements sway my feelings and I swear to Arceus if you think the Bitterness will bring down Pokémon that easily then you did not see the queue to the London Poké Center that had been amassing since midnight and was forced to stop taking more people when the doors opened What should matter is how you enjoy the game, play it before you judge it And honestly, don’t send death threats, why we need to tell you that is beyond me, the ones who made these games are people who have worked their asses off day in and day out to provide something you aren’t even going to play because one Pokémon isn’t in it, the irony is not lost on me when I say this but deep into the very bottom of my heart: Grow Up. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it, don’t bother people about it, we don’t need your shit here Enjoy the Game People
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Do you have any headcanons for Green/Red, Barry/Lucas, and Hugh/Nate?
Absolutely I do!
Green is the one who managed to get Red to come down from Mt. Silver by somehow beating him in a pokémon battle. Red was so stunned by his loss he just kind of followed Green back to civilization. This is the only time Green has ever beaten Red in a battle to this day.
Roy was already born when the couple visit Alola in the SuMo games and was about 10 or so months old (give or take.) And yes, they brought Roy with them! Leaf and Yellow (along with baby Amaryllis) also went to Alola and ended up having to babysit Roy a lot because of Green and Red’s frequent trips to the Battle Tree, whoops.
Red is technically unemployed, as he doesn’t really want to officially apply to be a professional pokémon trainer due to annoying bureaucracy. He still regularly seeks out strong people to battle with though, so his skills never go rusty and also because he thinks “stay at home dad” sounds way more boring than “Multiple Hall-of-Famer Professional Pokémon Trainer.”
They are a very sappy couple who like to show off how in love they are, though most of that’s Green being smug (”Look at me and my husband!”) while Red just goes along with it.
Green likes to think he’s a super cool dad who their sons will see as a role model but more often than not they go to Red for advice instead. Whenever this happens Green ends up pouting and needs to be comforted by his husband.
A couple where people sometimes wonder how they got together due to how different they are. Definitely a very wholesome case of opposites attract.
Since Lucas was Rowan’s assistant, the two didn’t really meet until they were around 13 and didn’t interact much until after the events of DPPt. They met by chance at the Battle Frontier and when Lucas mentioned he wanted to improve his skills as a trainer Barry took him under his wing as a “Professional Battle Frontier Tour Guide.” Their romance blossomed fairly quickly, though Barry was pretty oblivious to his feelings while Lucas was realizing that subtle flirting wasn’t going to cut it in this case.
Dawn officiated their wedding and got trained to do so especially for her childhood best friend.
By the fankid era, Barry is a Frontier Brain like his father before him and Lucas has taken over from his mentor Rowan as Sinnoh’s regional professor, though he still has trouble getting used to being called Professor Hawthorn!
While they only planned on having one child, mainly due to how much of a handful Gavin was, they end up adopting Balthazar by chance due to some unexpected circumstances. Namely, Barry helps Dawn (who is Sinnoh Champion) take down a Cult of Giratina after they kidnap Dawn’s daughter, Tanith. While there, they find a boy who was raised in the cult to be a sacrifice and now has nowhere to go. The kid got attached to Barry  so one thing leads to another and he and Lucas end up with another son (Barry claims that Balthazar being blond and having a long name like him was a Sign that he was meant to be part of their family from the start.)
Though Nate wasn’t the BW2 protag, he and Hugh were still childhood friends as he and Rosa are twins. They had quite a bit of romantic tension between them throughout middleschool, leading Rosa to urge them to try dating after getting fed up by hearing both her brother and best friend worry about the other’s feelings to her.
By the time the trio leave on their journey at 15, Nate and Hugh had been dating for about a year and a half.
Once it became clear that Team Plasma had returned, the two teamed up to fight them whenever they could, Nate mostly being worried about Hugh getting too angry.
Things reach a new level when, towards the end of their journey and when it’s looking like the final showdown with Plasma is approaching, Nate finds out he’s unexpectedly pregnant. While Nate himself is nervous due to his young age, he’s also excited and all the more motivated to defeat Plasma for the sake of his and Hugh’s child. Hugh, on the other hand, is incredibly nervous that Nate and the baby might get hurt now and ends up being rather overprotective of his boyfriend. This causes a bit of friction, but ultimately they’re able to work things out (with Rosa smoothing things over as usual whenever the two squabble.)
Glenn is born the summer after Ghetsis is finally defeated and Hugh and Nate stay in Aspertia for his first year or so, getting help from their parents and doing their best to raise him. At that, the two start looking for jobs so they can support their family, agreeing that whoever finds one first will take it, while the other will stay home to take care of Glenn. Hugh ends up getting unexpectedly scouted by Interpol, leading the family to move to Castelia, where they get married soon after.
Eventually, after Hugh gets promoted when Glenn is about 4, the family move to Opelucid to be closer to the League, which becomes their permanent home. When Glenn is about 6, they end up adopted their second child, Mindy, after her mother, Yancy, was looking for someone to adopt after she became unexpectedly pregnant. Glenn and Mindy are both handfuls but their parents love them (even if they hate each other lol)
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, May 26 - June 1, 2019
Another week, this one with the Legacy update. ... Though that was technically last week...
Legacy #007
1) I'm so excited to see were this will go poor moon and sun I can't wait to see what will happen. Also I can't wait to see what you'll have for moon's full team
Poor Sun... he wasn’t even in the chapter. Haha... What I’ll have for Moon’s full team? I’m waiting for her to fill up her canon team before I overhaul it.
2) Um, holy sh*t that was brutal
Perhaps it was. Hehe...
3) Why you gotta do moon like that feelsbadman
Hey, now. I said I was going to set Moon on fire in Legacy from a LONG time ago. Like... back when I was going through my Ultra Moon version. What is the reason behind Moon getting an attire overhaul? Her previous clothes burnt off. That’s why. Heh.
4) Firstly, the scene at Red's living room at night was adorable. Poor Y, so lonely... (actually, not really) And secondly, damn! That was so f*cking brutal! Oh god, please let Sun, Moon and Lillie be OK! Can't WAIT for the next chapter!
I'm also really anxious about the enemy's next plans and (hopefully) Blue's confession.
Hehe. Poor Y, just stuck in the middle of three couples. Damn it, X!! Hehe...
I like how absolutely everyone thinks that it’s Sun. Sun hasn’t appeared in Legacy yet. He’s not the one synonymous with “malasada”. So Sun is FINE. Moon is in the top 5 favorites thus will be able to walk this off. Lillie... is expendable.
... And Blue’s confession didn’t fit in the chapter thus it was postponed. Drat.
5) Things sure did heat up in this chapter and quickly. If there’s going to be platinum possibly in a icey situation next, then would y follow this trend of top favourites with something related to lightning/dragons or endangering the whole group? After that would leave us with red and blue hmmmm?sorry just some speculations
Anyways this story is one of my faves so keep the good work up!
This chapter was hot! It sure heated up! Aha...ha... ... Ahem. ... What, you speculating on some elemental shenanigans? Or... I guess types, given Pokemon. Heh. ... Nah. Y’s Dragon shenanigans has to wait until her Dragons fully evolve... soon.
And thanks!
6) Oh God, how do you even survive a direct hit from a Fire Blast? Hopefully Toxapex managed to get out somehow or at least the dex-holders and Lillie survived in some way (I don't think you'd kill them fast, though, but I just hope "lifelessly" was just an adjective as opposed to what I'd rather it didn't mean). Look at that, X can get jealous after all, huh? And poor Platina..glad she at least has Dia for some emotional support.
Now I really wanna see Dia floor those thugs. Awesome writing as always and can't wait for the next chapter!
Well, you usually don’t. But if you’re in the top 5 of my favorites, your durability increases!! Hehe... ... This was a glancing shot, I guess?? Sun is not in the fire, so he’s fine. Moon is... well, in the top 5. Lillie is expendable. And the guy who literally everyone mistook as Sun is equally expendable. ... Hell, even more, since I like Lillie more than that guy.
Yes, X will get jealous! He better be nicer to Y and fast before he loses her!! Hehe... And yes, Platinum has Diamond for emotional support as always. Her sweet Diamond. Her one. Hehe... ... Oh, Pearl’s there too.
With Diamond and Pearl using new/updated teams, they shall be quite the formidable force, enough to wallop any thugs who attempt to hurt their Lady! Her true knights!!
Destiny #002
1) I FUCKING KNEW IT. I NEVER TRUSTED THIS PETER BITCH FROM THE MOMENT I SAW HIM. Anyways, it's been a long time since I've reviewed, but here I am! Ugh, let me tell you, your stories five me life. I was so engaged that I wasn't even paying attention to the screaming, whirring, and the song I was listening to. Your writing was very smooth, like always, and it definitely did not feel like anything was rushed. Even though you put in three different stories in the same chapter. I am curious though, as to how they all tie together. Because now it seems that the only stories that might go together are Blue's and Y's stories, but then you wouldn't add in Platinum's for no reason. Unless... this vacation she goes on is to Kalos... If so, you are definitely very clever. Now, I think it was Mac who spoiled this for me. He said there were going to be deaths and I want to ask you, "HOW COULD YOU?." This is going to make me cry as I am already really invested in the story because your plot and writing is just so damn good. And honestly, even if you make me cry, you are a blessing and I would not be able to live without this. Thank you so very much.
I’m glad you’re really enjoying my stories, Mel! The multiple “stories”, as you put it, are to show the Dex Holders doing their own things before they all converge together. For Platinum, it shows her enjoying her life and time with her friends in a very sweet and cute setting!!
... Is the fact that the story will have deaths really a spoiler? ... Well, I guess if you never fully read my non-compilation stories (SA, Destiny, Legacy), then... I suppose. Oh, don’t worry. Destiny won’t make you cry as hard as SA would. Huhuhu...
I look forward to seeing more!
Destiny #003
1) I keep forgetting to put my name on these things dammit. Anyways, by the time I realized I hadn't left a review for this chapter, I was already on the next. That is how engrossed I was. But moving on to other matters, reading this chapter really took a toll on me, form the beginning to X and Y, realizing from your oh so subtle hint that Platinum was going to be a victim of this dude, to Diantha being defeated. It's tough, 'cause you're good at causing grief. Consider that a compliment from me because I find that a very useful talent (but I'm still cursing you for it). I have a feeling the other dexholders will be in this fic, so I am actually really curious as to how they all fit into this story. It would be great to see my babies once again. And with the way you write I find that they're not OOC like in other fics. That is very difficult to do as I'm sure you know, and I applaud you for that as well. Something I have noticed tho, is you haven't outright said that the enemy in this story is the Peter we met earlier. And that makes me wonder because naturally one would think that it would be Peter. But hmmmm, could it all be a misunderstanding? I don't think so, but it's a possibility. Anyways, its been a pleasure to read your work (like always) and I greatly appreciate you writing this!
Interesting to think that this chapter took a toll on you already. If THIS takes a toll on you... huhuhu... ... I mean, what? And yes, the others will be in the story. ... I think Destiny has everyone in it except for the BW2 cast and SM since Generation VII didn’t exist at the time. Destiny began when the XY arc had started, hence X and Y’s teams not being full or fully evolved. Your “babies” will have their moments in glory!
And thank you!! I was hoping to get your review for the next chapter before I made this post, but damn. Well, that response will have to be next week then. ... On Sunday the 9th, though since I’ll be gone for all of Saturday. So you have 8 days to cram in as many Destiny reviews as you can!!
DE #001
HES BACK! Now we need a chapter about it
Kind of late spoiler given the clusterf*ck that’s been going on since the update, but... heh. Yes, he’s back. Hell, it’s about time. Now, a chapter about it... well... I have one in mind that I’ll be working on... eventually. No doom though.
Heart #003
1) HOLY CRAP I love this fic so much? Haughtyshipping is my favorite (followed by commonershipping) so I’m so happy I found a work so well written and thorough!
Thank you! ... Well then. Thanks to you, I might have to update this story once more before this year ends.
Heart #004
1) Heh. That was pretty devious of White. I kind of want Y to find out what she did just to see her reaction. Then again, she'd probably kill White even if she is her senior.
Pearl's being quite sneaky. I wonder if Diamond will catch on to what Pearl's doing once he notices all of the extra clothes Pearl brought. He isn't the smartest of the dexholders, but he would be quite perceptive of anything that involves Platinum like that.
I'm sure the time at the villa will be a fun read, and I look forward to it.
Well, Short Story - The Feast is basically what happened in this chapter, except with the focus on the lunch, and White’s revenge. And in that one, since the “issues” of Heart is not present, the focus is all on White and Y. And Y does find out in the end that it was all bullsh*t. And thus vows vengeance. And so the infinite cycle of revenge begins again.
Oh Diamond will notice what Pearl is doing immediately when he shows up in the villa, and then doesn’t leave. Now the issue will be to hide their conflict from Platinum. ... But will he succeed with that?
2) AAHH this chapter was so cute! I love the female dex holders getting to hang out— so sweet! I’m so excited for the next chapter, too:). Amazing work!
Oh, I love writing interactions with the younger female Dex Holders. ... Especially since three of them are in the top 5 favorite Dex Holders... And thank you!
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I Don’t Think Colress Actually Hates Ghetsis
@icykalisartblog asked me to post another one of their analyses!
So… I might get a lot of hate for this post, but I’m really interested in Colress as a character and I’ve talked about some of these details before, so I feel like it’s worth talking about this in one place. I’ve been thinking about this a lot after USUM especially, since a lot of people were praising Colress for confronting Ghetsis in that game. Basically, this post will explain why I’m pretty sure Colress is lying when he talks about despising Ghetsis.
Colress is a Liar Colress lies often. He’s especially fond of minimizing the bad things he does and lying by omission. We can’t trust Colress when he states things because this has been shown multiple times.
In BW2, he says, "Those Crustle… Were they just lying here, out of energy, with their boulders on their backs?" on Route 4 when he uses his Colress Machine to reenergize the Crustle blocking the road. Later, he gives Nate/Rosa the device and says, "Here! This is from me! This is a prototype of my device that energizes Pokémon! It doesn't work on battling Pokémon, but you may find it useful for something! Well then, I wish you and your Pokémon a safe journey! Now that I think about it! In the Seaside Cave on Route 21, I saw something that reminded me of when we met on Route 4." In these lines, he implies that he stumbled upon the roadblocks. But we learn right after infiltrating the Plasma Frigate that Team Plasma set up the Crustle on purpose! This is Colress’s own team!
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Also, note that the Colress Machine Colress gives out breaks after only one use, and that the roadblock was right by the Plasma Frigate. It’s almost certain that Colress was lying about not knowing what was up with those Crustle and set all this up to lead Nate/Rosa to the Frigate to test him/her--putting a child in danger! Later, when we find out that Colress is a member of Team Plasma, he says, “The reason I have been traveling all over Unova and battling many Pokémon Trainers is because I was testing the viability of this approach to bringing out the full strength of Pokémon. In that respect, you've done an amazing job,” another sign that he led the main character into danger just to test his/her strategy.
Even when it’s clear that Colress is part of Team Plasma, he doesn’t say anything about being the boss of it. He just says, "Welcome! I was asked by an acquaintance to help with his research.” But then later, Ghetsis says this:
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So Colress was actually the boss the whole time, but never says so himself. He was minimizing his role in Team Plasma’s actions.
Earlier in the game, when the player defeats Zinzolin in Lacunosa Town, he says this:
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Zinzolin is saying that Colress is the one who figured out that the DNA Splicers were held in Opelucid City. This detail combined with the fact that Colress’s room in the Plasma Frigate has all the controls to the ship indicates Colress is the one who froze Opelucid City… but he never apologizes for that or any of the other things he did in BW2 or USUM. His never mentioning this is another form of minimizing.
Also, in USUM, Colress alters the device the Ultra Recon Squad asked him to create without their knowledge:
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After all of this, we can’t assume Colress always tells the truth. He often twists or hides the truth for his own purposes.
Signs Colress Doesn’t Hate Ghetsis
In USUM, the Ghetsis who’s part of Rainbow Rocket knows Colress well enough to make a call on his behavior ("Of course... The Colress of this world! But you should have no reason to meddle in my plans!”) even though this is a BW Ghetsis. This means he and Colress have known each other for years, which makes sense. Colress gives out the Genesect Drives in USUM, suggesting he had something to do with that, and Ghetsis wouldn’t have just chosen anybody to be the boss of his team. But, in BW2, Colress says, “For one thing, I detested Ghetsis from the start!" Why would Colress have such a longstanding relationship with somebody he hated from the beginning?
Maybe Colress hated Ghetsis’s methods and just stuck by him for all that time for resources… except, Colress is fine with being “merciless” as long as it brings out the full potential of pokemon. He says so back in BW2. Since he intentionally pit Nate/Rosa and Ghetsis against each other to see which of their approaches was more effective, do we really know Colress wouldn’t have told Ghetsis something like, “How fortunate that you defeated that trainer! I detested them from the beginning, but I had no choice but to test the viability of their approach,” if Ghetsis had won instead?
Colress tells Nate/Rosa at the end of BW2, "The things you and your Pokémon have seen and felt... Do they belong to you and you alone? If you would, please have another Pokémon battle with me. By facing you, I feel as if I can see what I should do from now on." In USUM, when he’s talking to himself in the Tide Song Hotel, he says, "If a Trainer trusts his or her Pokémon, even in the most extreme of situations, the Pokémon inevitably respond by unleashing their full power! Just like that Trainer I once met..." These quotes make it sound like Nate/Rosa taught him that treating pokemon with respect was the right method--it makes it sound like he learned his lesson. But in USUM, he keeps doing unethical and creepy things, like enabling Necrozma to forcefully fuse with Nebby, making them go out of control and putting them both in pain (so much for consent or “trust”). Also, if Colress hated Ghetsis and his methods, would he use the exact same moveset he did… and on Klinklang, his signature pokemon, no less?
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Would Colress keep making his Metagross spam Explosion, a powerful move that hurts his pokemon, in the Battle Tree?
Would he decide to do something so similar to Ghetsis’s evil plan, hurting Nebby and Necrozma and betraying the Ultra Recon Squad in the process?
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Would the designers have decided to mysteriously not show Colress’s face when he tells RR Ghetsis he despises him?
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Would Colress have chosen to deal with RR Ghetsis in a way that did as little harm to him as possible?
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Would Colress have creepily followed Moon/Sun and Lillie while invisible, letting them face off against dangerous adults? Also, consider that when Colress does finally reveal himself, it’s when Lillie and Moon aren’t in serious danger (they had conscious pokemon, unlike Ghetsis), and Colress chooses to play with Ghetsis by appearing and disappearing. Since Colress says he wants to study RR’s castle, it really seems more like he showed up to research everything and stopped Ghetsis because he was holding things up--not to help out at Wicke’s request. He even slips up and says, "This castle... Oh, of course! Necrozma's power to open Ultra Wormholes overflowed and resonated with intent of tremendous evil, twisting reality and causing this to appear! The vortex of power somehow...summoned the evil leaders, such as Ghetsis, from their worlds! It's all very interesting... Ah, I mean, quite a pain. I could put this power to much better use!" which is pretty disturbing considering he’s saying the power specifically drew in evil people.
Would Colress have explicitly stated that he hopes Ghetsis stays out of trouble in such a way that it’s possible he’s saying he hopes Ghetsis doesn’t get hurt himself?
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Also, Colress names Ghetsis many times in quick succession here, even referring to RR as, “...the evil leaders, such as Ghetsis,” and mentioning that Ghetsis shouldn’t be taken lightly (even though he took him pretty lightly just then).
I think all of these details show that Colress’s attitude toward Ghetsis is ambiguous, and that his supposed hatred for him is probably not real. The question then becomes, “Why does he keep saying he hates him?” I think it’s because Colress misleads people to get what he wants. It’s another way of avoiding blame. Note that he always says he hates Ghetsis when the protagonists are there--it’s another form of misrepresenting things to make himself look helpful and nice.
Also, Ghetsis Definitely Doesn’t Hate Colress
It’s probably worth mentioning what Ghetsis thinks of Colress. I’ve seen some people saying he abused Colress or treated him badly, making Colress hate him, but… there isn’t any evidence for that. He gave Colress power and resources, and doesn’t appear to have restricted his freedom in any way--Colress got to travel all over Unova in BW2, and was able to easily undermine Team Plasma in the process.
As I stated before, Ghetsis knew Colress for a long time, and he wouldn’t have made just anybody the boss. Since Colress has a color name, he might have held a rank similar to the Seven Sages even though he kept himself scarce in BW. He berates Colress once he watches him betray Team Plasma: "That blasted Colress! The fool is far too committed to pure science. This is how he repays me for making him the boss of Team Plasma? How dare he put his personal intellectual curiosity before our ultimate mission of conquering Unova!" And then Ghetsis… does nothing. Normally, Ghetsis has no qualms with treating his enemies with brutality. But he just leaves Colress at the controls of the Plasma Frigate after this without punishing him whatsoever! Similarly, RR Ghetsis doesn’t try to do anything when Colress yells at him and says he despises him, though he does call Colress a “bastard” in versions of the game in other languages. So once again, he gets angry, but does nothing to hurt him. Speaking of other languages, in the Japanese version of the game, the way the dialogue is timed is a little different than the English version. So in that version, we get to see that Ghetsis actually smiles for a split-second when Colress shows up.
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I really don’t think Ghetsis hates Colress at all, even though he does get mad at him. I can only theorize about this, but since Colress did locate the DNA Splicers and develop technology for Team Plasma and Ghetsis has known Colress for a long time, he probably figured working with him was worth it despite Colress being unpredictable. Ghetsis is really manipulative, so maybe Colress’s ambiguous attitude was even useful to him in some situations. In Conclusion
It’s not totally clear what Colress thinks of Ghetsis, but there’s a lot of evidence that he doesn’t truly hate him. I think the most likely possibility based on Colress’s phrasing and body language is that he respects Ghetsis, but also finds him amusing and uses him for his own ends. As for Ghetsis, he didn’t abuse Colress (just because he’s an abuser, that doesn’t mean he abused everyone he knew) and clearly doesn’t hate him, regardless of Colress’s opinion of him. I hope this was interesting to see!
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tumblunni · 7 years
okay im gonna just try and write down all my damn pokemon i can remember from every generation fuck fuck i know i could never get ALL OF THEM cos it was at least 100 each gen but i can hopefully remember my main teams??
~ Sun and Moon Team ~
Pulcinella the male Primarina (Egotistical smarmy jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold celebrity boy) Herald the female Mimikyu (nice grandma + amateur newspaper reporter, sends them back to the other ghosts at the thrifty megamart) Charlene the female Golisopod (never really thought of a personality for her? I didnt originally intend to use her but then she was really good and i love golisopod’s design?? so i just named her randomly after charon cos wimpod is kinda shaped like his hair, lol) (i think maybe one of those cowardly characters who’s brave when she needs to protect her friends? like eduardo from foster’s home for imaginary friends) Suspenders the female Lurantis (stoic samurai type, but also very sweet, naive and a little ditsy. easily gullible to pulcinella’s pranks cos she just takes everything seriously with samurai honor.) Ampere the female alolan Raichu (sweet mom friend of the group, makes everyone pancakes and mitigates all the conflicts. you’d think herald would outrank her in mumsiness but she’s more like the eccentric grandma who encourages her kids to misbehave, lol) Sherbet the male Muk (super chipper cuddly little toddler type fella who luv and support he friends) (OH GOD i caught a shiny muk in bw2 and i was gonna say they were cousins and i was so excited to have them finally meet.. aaaa... T_T) (THE COUSIN IS NAMED NOUGAT AND HE IS ALSO A SUPER CHIPPER CUDDLY BABY AND NOW HIS WHOLE FAMILY IS FUCKIN DEAD) (god that gives him a plotline to differentiate him from his alolan version but GEEZ i didnt want it to happen like that...)
and honorary member Neopolitan the Kadabra who was on the team early on but got replaced with Charlene cos when SuMo first came out there was a dumb glitch that prevented kadabra from learning one move in its learnset and it was just STUCK WITH NO ATTACKING MOVES FOR 20 LEVELS GEEZ but neopolitan was still a supportive friend yes possibly personality like that monk robot guy from overwhetch?
also honorary member: that leavanny that my friend Beezah traded me and i spent ages training it up to level 80 to rematch her and i NEVER GOT TO DO IT I think his name might have been cedric?? or some other c name??
~ X and Y Team ~
Didnt really think of personalities for these ones or have any big attatchment to them, except that the game came out on my birthday by some strange coincidence. funny how we’ve gone from that to losing games on my birthday! the xy birthday was like the only time my birthday hasnt been GIANT MISFORTUNE in the last seven years, and the only time i managed to meet up with any irl friends and have some sort of a party. so i guess i’ll remember that fondly about XY even though the story was possibly my least favourite in the series.
Namaqua the male Greninja Jayus the male Aromatisse (named for an OC of mine at the time, who’s also my steam handle!) Dwedd the female Gourgeist (who was actually my most powerful pokemon in sun and moon competitive?? god im gonna miss her now)
and I’m seriously struggling to remember if there were any others :P
~ ORAS Team ~
I played both versions of this so my team was kinda huger? Still not super memorable as a generation, tho. one of the ones im least depressed about but more depressed than xy. but still depressed about all of them. AAAAA
York the female Blaziken Roquefort the female Swampert (a duo! i played with both of them as my starters cos i only played a little bit of alpha sapph before switching to omega rube for the main playthru. i just love tabitha!) (oh and they were named for some of my ocs at the time.) Wesley the male Charizard (actually got him in XY but never used him there) Seraphim the female Salamence (REALLY sad about this one cos she was a gift from my friend Zoe whom i’ve now lost contact with, same one who gave me the birthday party when xy came out, same one who traded me like EIGHTY OTHER POKEMON ACROSS ALL MY GAMES and LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE ONCE and WAS AN AMAZING PERSON) Nick the female Gyarados (also traded from zoe. it was named after her fish who died :< I LET HER DOWNNNNNNNN) Tanka the female Gardevoir (just a shoutout to the one i had back when i first played the original rse as a kid, but lost along the way. it was also my username and the name of like forty different ocs for every fandom i had as a kid? i just thought it was a cool word. its the name of a type of poem i heard in class once) Pascal the female Ludicolo (Only one who i gave any sort of personality to. I kinda liked her so much she was more like my starter? i felt like she was a super chill badass. repurpose all those old chuck norris memes for pascal!) Lockjaw the female Banette and Hex the male Mismagius (actually pokemon i made as ocs for a team galactic fanfic i never wrote. usually i make pokemon ocs based on mons i caught, but these ones i went out and caught them to match the story. spent so long chaining mons to find a story-fitting nature for lockjaw that i stumbled onto a shiny shuppet along the way?? i was like “fuck but that isnt what i asked for, but i’ll take it anyway” XD) (oh and i named the shiny shuppet Chuckie) (oh and lockhjaw and hex were meant to be the rest of charon’s pokemon team to give him enough for a decent boss battle)
~ BW Team ~
Anotehr generation i didnt really enjoy? honestly there was a large gap between sinnoh and sun and moon where none of the main plots grabbed me. i still enjoyed the gameplay and the increased graphics for all the cool areas and stuff, tho! im just a plot lover so SuMo bumped the series back up from “just consistantly good” to “the best game ever” But strangely enough I did get really attatched to these guys, even if i didnt really think up personalities and backstories for all of them
Shogunkora the male Samurott (Back when i was in highschool i drank so much caffeine it was like a running joke i was ‘that cola kid’ so i just named my starter after a dumb attempt at ‘cola in a japanese accent’. Ugh, past-me!) (But Shogunkora was actually a casuality long before this! I lost him during the time i was transferring pokemon using a friend’s BW cartridge. I actually had to sell my BW game cos i was preparing to run away from my abusive parents and live in a homeless shelter. Thankfully i did indeed survive that! i had to pick on only one game to keep and of course it was sinnoh. But then i ended up losing the cartridge when i moved house and then finding it earlier this year and then causing me to buy bw2 and put the sun cartridge down and.. well, you know the rest.) Boku the female Leavanny (named as an in-joke cos my roselia was Ore in sinnoh. also a casualty who got lost in that hectic transfer.. alas...) Alviss the male Roggenrola (I was very fond of that pun. He managed to survive, and i even got to pet him in sun and moon! I miss him... gahh.. he survived so much and it was all for nothing...) Flint the male Lampent (i only just finally was able to evolve him in sun and moon, thanks to beezah’s help! i miss him tooooo... fuckkkk...)
~ DPPT Team ~
THE GOLDEN ONES god that was back when i was so extra into pokemon, aaa it legit helped me survive thru abusive dad times i got so atattched to sinnoh and all of these lil guys... fuckkkk...
Ore the male Roserade (Personality was like a cheerful and goofily oblivious typical shonen action hero, but like.. eight. He had a sad backstory where he was befriended by a kind old blind human back when he was a wild pokemon, and then some sort of tragedy burned down the forest and killed both that human and all of his family. And also burned off his hands. I mean, he’s a plant so he can grow those flowers back, but it was still super traumatic. So he took up his trainer’s sword in his burnt off hand stumps and promised to avenge him, and thus gained a magical girl style transformation into a human, somehow...??) (the theme for this party was ‘gijinkas’ and i thought it would be cool if there was a different reason behind it for everyone. he was the more magical type.) (oh and he really liked sandwiches) (oh and he was comic relief a lot cos he was a pokemon who turned into a human instead of vice versa. like ariel in the little mermaid where she combs her hair with the fork. HOW DOES HUMAN WORK) Mangos the female shiny Luxray (traded to me by another best friend that i lost touch with long ago, Clash. I miss her too, it sucks that now all i have is one well-protected drawing of an oc she gave me in high school to remember her by..) (anyway, Mangos fit into this random plotline by being the opposite to Ore. she was a human who got turned into a half-pokemon through an evil genetic experiment. And she balanced him out by being an ultra stern and serious mom figure. She was actually a policeman as a human, so she kicked a lot of ass!) (I know that this whole serious personality doesnt really fit with a name like mangos but shiny luxray looks like mangos) Zene the male Infernape (another shonen hero type comic relief guy?? but he was a teenager and comparatively buff, i guess? i didnt realize these two were so samey despite being opposite elements lol. i guess just the difference is that zene did more comic relief and ore did more cuteness factor) (he was also the least developed one in terms of backstory for being in this half-pokemon heroes team. I just knew that he was some sort of martial artist trainee who wanted to be the best, and that was still his goal after he got superpowers, rather than actually saving the world and all. he’d always recklessly get into fights and have no sense of danger, just HEY THAT THING LOOKS DEADLY LEMME PROVE IM DEADLIER) (oh but i did think way too much about how the law would work in this situation?? like, he was depressed and ended up joining this travelling group cos he got banned from the martial arts tournement he was in. having pokemon superpowers would put him at an unfair advantage.) (oh, i think actually his powers were just genetic or something? like it was a mystical power his whole family line had, but he was an orphan so he didnt know until he hit puberty and started breathing fire. but comedically he thought it was because he ate a magical riceball instead. “it was supernaturally yummy!”) Gaspar the male Haunter (Actually came from that one memorable trollish trade in sinnoh where that lady offers you a haunter and it doesnt evolve into gengar, DAMN YOU. i was determined to love him forever to spite her!) (oh and he eventually did evolve into gengar in xy due to a friend trade and me forgetting to tell her not to evolve him. i’d gotten really attatched to him as a haunter so i was sad for a while before realizing it was dumb and that i might have made my friend think i was mad at her?? thankfully we worked it all out!) (Gaspar’s gijinkaness was literally just... i Died.) (He was a human from the 1920s or something who died horribly and came back as a ghost to avenge his own death. but then after he avenged it he continued to exist, and he floated around aimlessly for a long time before learning to appreciate his second chance and form a new life and a new family. He was like the goofy sitcom dad of the team!) (oh, and he liked candy. i still maintain the headcanon that all ghost pokemon like sweet things!)
~ RSE Team ~
These guys actually were also part of my sinnoh team, but they originated from RSE. I didnt really get attatched to my pokemon in rse or gsc cos i was still salty over having my yellow cartirdge stolen and losing my starter raichu that i loved. TOOK THIS LONG FOR IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN, EH? *cries forever*
Reaper the male Sneasel (My honorary starter and oldest pokefriend. I miss him the most.. fuck..) (He was like.. kinda sirius black from harry potter? but teenage? and like.. trying to be serious? like, a total goober prankster loveable uncle figure but he wants everyone to think he’s a brooding dark antihero, and gets flustered whenever his true cuteness slips through. He looked like squall from ff8 except with dark skin and sunglasses??) (He was also someone who was a pokemon with human powers, instead of a human with pokemon powers. But he adapted a lot better to human society, he was just like.. pride at being wild? He hated the idea of being captured by a trainer, or now the idea of losing his true self and becoming like those humans he hated. So all his moments of failing to pass as human were more cos he refused to lower himself and do [insert normal thing here], rather than cos he was oblivious like Ore. But he actually did end up getting a soft spot for his trainer and becoming like a dad figure to her, like how mangos was a mom to ore and zene, and gaspar was the grandpa/dad to everyone in general. I had quite a complex set of relationships worked out for everyone!) (oh, and yeah, they had a trainer! cos i mean i was playing the game, of course they did. but it was more like the one token powerless human on a team of magical girls and boys. she just pretended to be their trainer so they could travel around pretending to be normal pokemon when necessary. and they were all bffs and protected her cos she didnt have parents. she was kind of a self insert..) (oh, and reaper’s backstory was that he was one of the shadow pokemon captured by team cipher, and then when he got rescued and purified it somehow gave him superpowers too or something. he was blessed by celebi and was like the chosen hero of that legendary. But he didnt wanna, he just wanted to use his new human feet to go buy booze and stuff XD) (i actually did get him in collosseum and he was my fave and best and i kept him forever and now he’s fucking gone) (fuck) Nether the male Sableye (Basically my oc Malachi?? its been all these years and i just suddenly recently revived his plot concept as his own character in his own original story. I hope maybe now i could do that with all the others in some way, so i dont forget them..) (he was all the same back then, down to dying from being bricked up inside a basement. except he became a magical gijinka instead of a more normal ghost.) (oh and this version had him as an adult instead of a child, and his personality was... vague? he started off as a loki-ish trickster and then was a complete jerk and then was the comic relief and then was a gym leader and blablabla. At one point he was even Reaper’s boyfriend, which is ridiculous now this character is a kid instead! (tho he’s still remained bisexual in honor of that) Funnily enough he was also Reaper’s sworn enemy gary oak rival at some point too!) (Basically he was the least developed personality-wise, so i dont feel bad that i changed him quite a bit as malachi. it doesnt feel like a change and more like i finally figured out what i originally wanted to do with him.)
~ RBY virtual console team ~
aaaargh only just got them and already lost them whyyyy
Chuppy the male Raichu (reincarnation of the first pokemon i ever got on my original Yellow cartridige, which got stolen because kids are ASSHOLES) (i cried for days and i feel like doing it again right now.. how little life changes...) Starlet the female Clefable Gumdrop the Nidoqueen
i didnt even have time to love you enouuuuughhh
i didnt love any of them enough aaaa
god this made me sad
but at least now i wont forget any of those memories
i dunno how to tag this so i dont forget
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thiefking · 7 years
What's the Two Looker theory?
the tldr version is that there are currently two lookers existing in the same universe, and that its going to be very relevant very soon.
but of course, that shortened version is worthless, because who would believe that without enthusiastic and lengthy elaboration? GET YOUR SEATBELTS ON CAUSE ITS TIME TO TALK POKEMON THEORY
(spoiler warning for sumo postgame ahead! also, seriously, you might want to go get a snack or something. this is long. really long.)
first up: you gotta know that gens 1-5 (and the remakes in those gens) are all in a separate but similar universe to the one in gen 6 and beyond. for convenience, ill call the first universe uni a and the second one uni b. 
(fyi most people refer to uni b as megaverse, but i want the names to match and nonmegaverse doesnt really... roll off the tongue quite as well, so,)
so you might be wondering what the fuck that means and how we know its true; to answer this we need to take a quick look at pokemons current timeline!
im unsure on which one of them came before the other in the timeline, but xy and oras both happen chronologically before sun and moon do. we know this because of dexio and sina appearing with the zygarde and mega evolution stuff, and wally appears at the battle tree as an older and more experienced trainer. 
these are canon, however for right now its mostly just hypothesis that chronologically speaking, after alola its sinnoh. the pkmn breeders from alola look IDENTICAL to the cowgirls/farmers from sinnoh, which doesnt seem to prove much about the order of things but it doesnt disprove anything either; its more like retrospective icing on the cake, since ill be explaining why i think this will be the timeline later on.
so, keep the idea of sinnoh coming after alola in mind. its also important to consider the idea of mega evolution as not just a game mechanic but an important plot point! basically, universe a has no mega evolution, while universe b does, and the differences in the plot between rse and oras are NOT retcons; theyre entirely different universes!
that might not look like it makes much sense on its own (without elaboration or if youre still attached to the belief that mega evo is JUST a game mechanic and not plot relevant or an indicator of anything) but its important to mention now, since as i explain more itll hopefully make more and more sense. 
believing this theory means you have to think about it like this, so while this isnt completely canon yet, its necessary to treat it like it is until you fully understand what this theory is all about and why it would make sense. if youre not convinced afterwards, then so be it! ... i mean, i dont understand how you WOULDNT be totally on board with this, but im not you and maybe youre not quite nearly as into spacetime shenanigans as i am.
now we head into sumos postgame stuff with the interpol! during this, we learn that there are people known as “fallers” that “fell” into a universe from another parallel universe through a mysterious portal, and seem to have lost most if not all of their memories. fallers attract ultra beasts, as the ubs believe they can somehow get home using them, sensing that this person is also not from this universe. 
looker explains that he was once sent on a mission to detain/kill an ultra beast. his team included a faller, who was unwittingly being used as bait for the ultra beast. looker felt pity for the ub and neglected to kill it, unfortunately giving the ub a chance to kill the faller, which it promptly took.
then its revealed that anabel is a faller, who was found washed up on a beach muttering something about protecting the battle tower, which is where you could find her in rse. 
but see, the battle tower doesnt exist in oras, instead replaced by the battle resort, and you do not meet anabel at any point in oras. the battle resort is also where you meet an amnesiac looker, muttering about a mission, speaking in a peculiar way, which is noticeably different to the way he speaks in xy and sumo. he did not make an appearance in rse, this isnt just reused dialogue.
lets put looker aside for a moment though and focus on anabel. while theres a possibility that right now there are two anabels, it seems that she and the battle tower never existed in this universe... but mega evolution does. the anabel we see in rse is the same as the one in sumo; she crossed over from uni a into uni b.
now, lets look at some facts here!
in platinum, bw and oras, looker has a... peculiar speech pattern. if you look up his quotes on bulbapedia, youll see what i mean; its very noticeable.
... looker completely lacks that specific quirk in xy and sumo. hes goofy, yes, but its nowhere near the same. its important to note that oras happens between xy and sumo, and again, that looker didnt show up in rse and that dialogue is completely new. the differences in these speaking patterns are not mistakes. they are fully intentional.
next up: lets crush a few doubts about this theory you might be having right now!
“this is a kids game! surely this is WAY too convoluted. pokemon isnt that deep, they wouldnt bother with a plot this complicated.” wrong. nope. incorrect. buddy, did you play sumo or any gen 5 game? i can only assume you havent, cause not only were the plots in those games the most detailed and involved and emotional, they were BY FAR the best. additionally, kids are a lot smarter than youd think, and i also not only know theyre going to explain everything, i know HOW theyll do it; but i digress.
“youre implying there are two lookers because one speaks a certain way and had amnesia but isnt it possible theres just one, who either isnt a faller or is a faller but had no megaverse/uni b equivalent, and he got his memories back by the time you meet him in sumo?” wrong there too! remember, its CANON that xy and oras happen BEFORE sumo.
now remember anabel, who doesnt have her memories back and had no idea she was a faller.
and remember that xy/sumo looker is very, very explicitly stated to not be a faller, because otherwise, HE would have been the bait on that mission and HE would have been the one who got killed.
xy/sumo looker is definitely not a faller.
but dppt/bw/oras looker is.
if at this point youre still having doubts, heres a question. can you offer any other explanation that is all based on canon information, without retconning anything or making something up, and have it all make perfect sense and resolve all of the issues that come with going against this theory?
yeah, i cant either.
hopefully at this point you should be fairly convinced, but hold on! i still havent explained why i think sumo will chronologically happen before the plot in the dppt remakes! i was all like “this will make sense later” but i didnt talk about sinnoh much at all and havent completely gotten you on board with this yet! well guess what yall ITS SINNOH TIME
a quick note though: past this point is a lot of personal observation/opinion and speculation. its meant to explain why i think this theory is spot-on, and elaborate on what i think is going to happen. im not speaking for anyone else but myself and im not stating my own opinions as fact or concrete proof; though i am saying that i think im right about this.
with that out of the way, lets begin! its going to take a while, but the buildup is necessary (imo at least) and yes, this is in fact relevant to the theory.
something to notice is that the stories in pokemon games have been progressively getting more involved and interesting. there was hardly anything in the first two, gen 3 started getting more involved but its not much to write home about, gen 4 took it up a notch, and then gen 5 the life ruiner broke the fucking scale and punched me in the face.
so, we have all these plots, getting more detailed, but... not a whole lot is tying them together at first. sure, a few lines make reference to other games, johto and kanto are connected both plotwise and literally speaking, theres even that cameo character in bw who was a rocket grunt in a previous game! but theres nothing really significant that ties things together.
well, at least until gen 4.
in gen 4, we of course meet looker, who as a member of the interpol has reason to make further appearances in other games. and then he shows up in every game afterwards, sometimes for a while, sometimes only briefly. less significantly but it does help the point im about to make, we also get caitlins first appearance, who ends up being part of unovas elite 4, and johto is a part of gen 4 as well, which was already a point of connection between regions, but gen 4 added the sinjoh ruins, connecting the games within the same gen!
after gen 4, the games vary in how much they connect to the others, but it definitely changed the standard.
and then sun and moon came out.
even the very start of the game: you move from kanto to alola, meet alolan variations of kantonian pokemon, meet grimsley and colress from bw/bw2, meet dexio and sina from xy, and watch sadly as lillie breaks everyones heart and leaves for kanto.
then, after that, you can go to the battle tree and meet not only red and green, but cynthia, steven, and wally, and you can find grimsley, colress, dexio and sina here too. or, you can go participate in the postgame plot with looker and anabel, who are also returning characters; though anabel is significantly more unexpected than looker. it was pretty unexpected finding out caitlin was part of unovas elite four, huh?
and hey, didnt sinnoh have a lot of weird space/time shit? palkia and dialga are the gods of time and space, and giratina has a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
oh... and alola has fallers and ultra beasts, who came from other timelines/universes... and you go into ultra space, which is a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
plus, gen 4 is the first where you can at any point walk around with your pokemon behind you, making you feel closer to your pokemon than ever, and alola shows a significantly stronger connection between humans and pokemon than ever seen before, even compared to xys introduction of pokemon amie (the trials, ride pokemon, the fact that humans are specifically stated to have influenced several alolan variations, z moves, the ceremony for choosing your starter, everything about the aether foundation/type: null, if you consider ultra beasts pokemon then lusamines a very literal example, there are LOADS of examples)
... and diamond and pearl are next up for remakes.
in gen 7.
paired with alola.
i wonder if the two games are going to be EXTREMELY connected?
personally im willing to bet that the distortion world IS ultra space, i think itd make a lot of sense of cyrus knew what happened in alola and became interested because of it, and that team galactic will be pursuing ultra beasts (which there will likely be more of). 
i also think uni a!looker and uni b!looker are going to meet.
imagine with me for a moment.
diamond and pearl remakes come out. you enter jubilife city, where you meet looker! you have a conversation, he introduces himself, then disappears. 
you move on, and-- oh! theres looker again! you say hello, but he strangely doesnt recognize you and introduces himself again. ... odd.
you see him again. he recognizes you and references your first conversation, but doesnt seem to know anything about your second.
a fourth meeting. once again, he doesnt remember your previous conversation, and also seems to be doing something entirely different, and... hell, he doesnt even SOUND the same...
now, after a while of this, hes realizing somethings up. hes a fucking member of the interpol, hes goofy but hes not an idiot. he guesses that he has an impostor, and begins searching for this impostor so he can confront/apprehend them.
sometime later, maybe in the postgame, maybe in the maingame, you meet him again and have a short chat, when hes suddenly interrupted by a phone call. he hangs up and informs you that someone spotted his impostor, and speeds off to go deal with this. he doesnt tell you where hes going, but he didnt need to; you can easily guess from the phone call that you should head to jubilife city.
there, you see two lookers arguing with each other, and loads of shenanigans ensue because looker is so goofy and endearing theres no way its not going to be hilarious and silly at first; but then when everything calms down, shit gets serious, and anabel ends up showing up.
im willing to bet shes going to feel some kind of connection to uni a!looker; nothing specific, just an odd, unidentifiable feeling that... ah, it eludes her. strange indeed that he seems to also feel... something, that he cant identify at all; he just knows its there. is it... kinship of some kind? but that wouldnt make sense, theyre both certain theyve never met, and theyre certainly not related. how curious!
of course, that only remains a mystery until they figure out this other looker is a faller, and everything starts simultaneously making more and less sense.
of course thats all just my own prediction for how itll happen, but i dont think im far off base at all and i think itd be completely in line with both lookers character and how pokemon games operate.
now, a lot of people believe that this theory means one of the lookers has to die, and to that i say what. no. look, that “there can be only one” shit is completely unnecessary and i REALLY doubt that theyre going to kill off a looker, especially considering how much everyones grown to like him (or at least everyone ive ever spoken to who knows who he is. seriously, hes too lovable for this.)
instead, i think the following will happen!
1) the lookers partner up and work together (and tell people theyre just twins)
2) they find a way to send uni a!looker back to universe a, or somehow create a way to communicate/travel between universes
3) we learn more about what happened in universe a, and why both anabel and looker were mumbling vague things about urgent missions when they were found washed up on beaches
im not sure that all of these will happen in the same game (in fact i highly doubt it) but it seems like the logical progression of things. 
i think im out of things to say so there you go! thats the two looker theory and how i think itll play out in canon! there are likely a few things im missing, but im fairly certain the information i provided isnt incorrect, just possibly incomplete (sure hope not though cause ive been writing this response for no joke four hours straight). hope it helped and also converted you to the two looker theory club, or the tltc. if you join you get a free croagunk sticker and also a heart-shaped locket with a picture of looker in it if you dont already have your own
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