#it takes Leo a hot minute to get used to it
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Coming Home, Part 2
No warnings, just angst
Part 1

"Hey," he tosses the damp towel over the stool at his desk, and the door to his room clicks closed as he smiles at you softly.
"Hey," you smile back, standing up from the edge of his hammock, and walking the few steps to greet him. Hairbrush in hand, your scent is scattered into the air as you detangle your mane. He hopes you don't notice him breathe deep and hold you in his lungs for just a few moments.
It's five am. The boys got back about an hour ago, and after debrief and showers, it was just about time for bed.
Everyone had been so happy to see you.
You're not even sure your feet hit the concrete beyond the threshold before Mike scooped you up into a bear hug, giving you a tight squeeze, "Y/N!!! Welcome home, babes!!!" He'd crowed, grinning and swinging you back and forth.
You went limp in his arms, as was protocol, flopping around and groaning in mock exasperation, "Miiii-iiiiii-iiiii-iiiike..."
He set you down with one final squeeze, as a hand descended on your head from above, "Hey, D!" You'd chirped, turning around and hugging your best friend around the middle.
"I'm so glad you're here," he'd said with a relieved chuckle, hugging you back. He had been itching to start a new project, but he needed your help to get going.
A cool voice came from your left, "Welcome home, Y/N." You grinned at the eldest Hamato bother as he wrapped you in a tight hug. Leo was also very glad to see you. Working with Raphael had been a nightmare since you left. More than once, he'd had to call you and shove the phone into Raph's hand when his hot headed brother would start to spiral.
Minutes after you arrived, Donnie's tech confirmed some intel about a deal going on tonight between the Purple Dragons and an up and coming gang downtown. Ever the city sentinel, Leo insisted they all go see what was happening.
"Is tonight the only night you can do this?" You'd asked, attempting to keep the disappointed whine out of your voice.
Raphael had tried desperately to think of a reason he could say "no," sighing apologetically when he failed.
You'd sighed, too, and stepped closer to fix one of the straps of his harness that had turned over slightly upon his enthusiastic greeting. You'd smiled up at him, which he returned softly, effortlessly, invoking midnight memories of you seeing him off when he used to stop by on patrol. That indescribable feeling that this was right, you fussing over him. Natural. That you're exactly where you're supposed to be. "Then go," you'd soothed, brushing your hand over the now flush kevlar, "Unless the lair blows up, I'll be here when you get back," you reassured him, adding brightly, "and Donnie's going with you, so I'm probably safe!"
"I heard that," your friend in purple said, smirking as he walked past, messing up your hair.
"It wasn't a secret," you'd sassed, in the same tone of voice, sticking out your tongue and raking your fingers through your hair to set it right.
You'd spent the night catching up with Splinter on all the things you know the boys weren't going to tell you. What's actually been going on in the city, and how the boys have really been, over the best cup of tea you've ever had in your life, or, at least, since the last time you'd sat at the low wooden table.
The look he gave you when you'd asked after Raphael did not go unnoticed, and you were grateful when he chose not to follow up on the blush that darkened your cheeks.
Now everyone is winding down and setting off to bed, the two of you are alone in the warm comfort of his room, and you're desperately trying to ignore the single drop of water working it's way slowly down his collarbone.
It moves through a channel between two of the larger scattershot scales on his shoulders, and down into the soft skin of his upper chest. You feel your face grow warm and turn away, clearing your throat. You take a couple of steps towards his hammock, faking a dramatic yawn, which quickly becomes a real one, complete with a stretch that feels very good after a whole day traveling, and a whole night worrying after the four of them.
He tries. He really does. But the moment you're shirt rides high as you stretch your arms above your head, his eyes are all over you. It would be actually impossible for him to forget how beautiful you are. He keeps a photo of you on his nightstand... and as his phone background... and in his sketchbook he's not obsessed shut up. But seeing you like this? After ten months?
It's his first drop water after wandering the desert for nearly a year, and he drinks you in, greedily. So much so fast he starts to feel dizzy. He inhales and licks his lips, attempting to look away, but as he does, his eyes sweep over a flash of his color.
"Woah, hold up," he says gently grasping your upper arm. On your right shoulder, in red ink, is the word "bijo" ("beauty"), in hiragana ("美女"), "When'd you get this?" He asks, brushing his thumb reverently over the tattoo.
"Couple weeks after I left," you say over your shoulder, a smile curving the corners of your mouth. You'd been wondering how long it would take him to notice. What you didn't expect was how his touch made the long healed ink feel so blissfully painful, "I was feeling homesick and wandering around Little Tokyo, and there was this tiny closet of a shop with this even tinier old man who didn't speak a lick of English doing those, um... Tabori, tattoos? The hand-inked ones?" You mime the tapping method and he nods, familiar, "well between me, him, his grandson, and Google Translate we eventually figured out what I wanted, and..." you shrug.
Those damn roses again. The most beautiful pain pierces his heart and he can barely breathe. He's never said it out loud. It's cheesy and stupid and so so lame, and if you accused him he'd deny it until his very last breath, but almost since the day you met, you've always been the "Beauty" to his "Beast".
You're smart. Quick, and clever, and can help him work out shit in his head in a way that makes sense, not to mention how you're always ready to jump in and lend a hand with their special brand of bullshit. Your self preservation instinct needs work, but, honestly, 10/10 for enthusiasm. But, more than anything, you are so damn... loving. You love your people fiercely, activity. You see them, really see them, and have noticed and brought each of them back from the brink more than once.
You've saved his life in more ways that he can count, caring for him in a way no one else ever has or would or could, and he doesn't deserve it. Not you, and not this feeling. But you're here. He knows what he is, and what is permissable. He's intimately aware that you know he can never be a part of your world. But... you're still here.
You came back.
"Do you like it?" You ask.
"I love it," his voice is barely a whisper. He knows that if he speaks too loudly, the exquisite pain of you will overwhelm him and come spilling out. That he'll fall at your feet, and weep, and tell you everything.
He has to disengage before he does something profoundly stupid.
"Okay, shorty, assume the position," he orders, releasing your arm and straightening with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks down at you with narrow eyes and a devilish smirk.
You giggle, turn around and throw your hands in the air, bouncing, "Uppies!"
He snorts, wrapping his arms around your torso and barrel rolling the two of you into his hammock. It's a well loved and practiced ritual, and you're both laughing as your settle against his chest.
There is a feeling that happens when you crawl into to your own bed after a long time away, when the familiar comfort, scents and sounds of home, wrap around you. No matter how long you've been gone, or what happened while you were away, this is peace. This is safety. This is sanctuary and love and... home.
Growing up, all you and Casey had was each other. "Home" was something you carried on your back to the next building with a bed. Most kids get to take it for granted. Go off to college, and come home to visit, and fall into bed, and into that peace. You've never had anything like this. Felt anything like this. The feeling is deep and profound, and you aren't expecting it. The moment you settle into him, and that peace washes over you, you gasp as something you didn't know you'd been holding on to, releases.
Your vision blurs and your fingertips tighten at the lip of his plastron as you curl into him, heaving a shuddering breath.
His arm tightens around your waist as he rakes the fingers of his other hand through your hair, his hand lingering to hold you against him, "I got you, princess," he rumbles, as you fall apart.
You'd been playing it close to the vest for so long, pushing down loneliness, doubt, disappointment, all in service of a new adventure. And it was wonderful! You had fun! You worked your ass off at something you love with good people as enthusiastic as you are. You'd faced down some of the slimiest people in Los Angeles, and you'd made a name for yourself among your contemporaries.
You'd also dealt with the expected sexism and the expectation, in some cases, that certain *favors* were to be performed in service of career advancement. You never went there. It had cost you, but you persevered. This was what you wanted. What you'd been working so hard for. The chance of a lifetime and you took it and it WORKED and you were amazing and it just felt... empty.
Six months in, you'd decided to go home. You'd spent the following four chipping away at your boss to open a satellite in New York. It took you threatening to quit entirely, and they just couldn't have that.
It would be a pay cut and longer hours, but at that point you didn't care. You'd felt like you'd drown in all the moments you couldn't share with him. Things you'd unload or laugh at or just talk about, and every night you didn't hear that soft landing overhead buried you in loneliness.
It's not like you didn't try to get over him. You went on a few dates. But it was always people that reminded you of him, and it was over the moment they didn't. It wasn't fair. You hated yourself for it. You aren't that person. You don't just use people. Two months into trying, you gave up.
You'd missed him. Not just the sounding board, not just the safety, him. His eyes, his hands, that beautiful bashful smile he gets anytime you compliment him, every single bit of him. And now you're here. And you have him and everything that comes with him, and you didn't have to give up your dream career, not completely, anyway, and you can finally let it all go.
He holds you close without a word. It's almost surreal, the suddenness of you being here, and as he finally allows himself to process that this could and quite possibly would be the new normal, his eyes fall closed. You're home. He doesn't know who he's thanking, but he's definitely thanking someone.
Your tears subside eventually, and there are several long minutes of peaceful silence, like the quiet in the air after a storm, before the birds realize the rain has stopped
"How's that for a year's worth of repressed... everything?" you almost chuckle, sniffling as he kisses the top of your head, softly, "So yeah, I missed you kind of a lot."
"I missed you too, princess," he says softly, "so damn much."
"I promise never to ever do anything that phenomenally stupid again, ever." You swear into his collarbone.
His brow furrows. "Stu- what did you do that was stupid?" he asks, half looking down at you from his position.
You push yourself up on his plastron, meeting his gaze with a look that says it should be obvious, "I left you," you say simply, He exhales, his heart stuttering in his chest. He'd forgotten how easily you can make it do that. "A mistake I won't be making twice."
For a millisecond, he can't breathe. You can't be saying... A half smile turns his lip, No, of course not. You just missed him. He really needs to get a handle on himself, or just you being here is going to kill him.
You reassume your position laying against him, your head tucked between his neck and shoulder, running your fingertips along the line where his plastron meets his chest. You frown when you find a break in the scute that you don't recognize. "This is new," you whisper, fingers tracing the groove.
"Mmmm," he affirms, softly. A sound you feel more than you hear as your touch moves along the channel. It's deep, at least an inch, a quarter inch wide by four inches long, and months old. This kind of injury would have laid him up for at least a couple of weeks.
He can feel your jaw tighten, and your hand stills, tensing. He hadn't told you. No one had. Which means he'd specifically asked them not to. He takes your hand in his and raises it, brushing his lips gently over your knuckles. Your eyes fall closed as he places your hand back on his chest over the healed injury, but doesn't let go, "I didn't want to worry you." This is a conversation you're going to have later.
He sighs, deeply, and a quiet thunder rolls within him as your bodies mold against each other in familiar comfort.
You drift off together, at peace, for the first time in far too long.
A/N: "Bijo" means beautiful woman, technically.
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One of my fave things about Valgeace is how Jason can be so gentle with his loved ones. He's a big strong dude, trained to be in the military from a young age, but he's sweet and caring at heart. It makes how careful he is with his easy strength even more apparent
And Leo has not had gentle in a long long time
#jason is sweet and careful with Leo#and its whiplash from how Calypso treated him#it takes Leo a hot minute to get used to it#jason grace#valgrace#leo valdez#pjo hoo toa#talk#pjo
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Astro Observations~ 46
Mars conjunct venus individuals can easily swing from being the sexiest in the room to their most obnoxious.
Uranus square Venus natives are so confused romantically lol. I’ve seen their relationships be very on & off cuz one minute they are in love the next they feel nothing & are detached. Their feelings for you go from hot to cold. If you value stability in your relationships these are not the people for you lol.
A lot of people with Mars square Venus in their natal can be big cheaters. In my observation I notice it’s difficult for them to be loyal or only mess with one person.
Moon in Scorpio men are super prideful. They’ll lose you before they come off as vulnerable or “weak” to someone. They act like they don’t have feelings but will lose their shit if you actually leave😂 I also notice they are usually super monogamous. Even if they act like they don’t like you if they see you flirting with someone else all hell will break loose 😭 they do not play about that. Deep down they can need as much attention as a Leo moon they’re just more embarrassed to ask for attention.
Taurus mars men usually prefer a conventional type of partner. They can go for a more housewife type of woman.
Mars/Venus in Libras do not know what to do with themselves when they are single. They can be big serial daters.
Moon in Libras i notice tend to have flatter faces.
Heavy Venus in the chart can give the native big anime/doe eyes. Also they have the BEST smiles everrrr💕
Cancer moons tend to take longer to move out of their parent’s house than most I notice. They will live with their parents till they’re like 30 I swear😭.
Aries moons are super outgoing but I notice they enjoy being alone & doing things alone rather than with others. They are super independent.
Capricorn moons tend to have a harder time in their romantic relationships. It’s harder for them to show affection openly which can make their partners think they aren’t that into them.
Mars in Geminis are always on the go. If ADHD was a placement it would be mars in Gemini. They need constant mental stimulation or they can get very depressed & self destructive. They are more likely to have multiple jobs/hobbies. It’s super hard to link with these people cuz they stay busy. Be careful not to neglect important relationships because of your restlessness.
Jupiter trine ascendant gives the native a very healthy strong body.
Venus conjunct ascendant in the first house are obsessed with their appearance. Sometimes to their detriment. Gives an amazing body shape usually.
Gemini Venuses love getting their nails done. Anything that draws attention to their hands such as rings, finger tats, acrylics ect.
The most annoying underdeveloped moon sign imo is Leo. These people can be so childish when immature.
Mars in the 3rd house people usually get in trouble for speeding. Driving fast calms them down a lot.
Mars in the 8th house I read somewhere can give a very painful death ( not to scare any of you guys😭).
Uranus in the 12th house people hide their quirks to fit in usually. They have really original eccentric personalities deep down yet most are forced to act basic.
Sun in the 1st house people can become big narcissists when insecure.
Saturn in the 7th house people could’ve been used to others calling them a “buzz kill” or “too serious”. They also tend to find humor in bullying? Like mean people are hilarious to them. I think that’s a big Saturn thing in general they love “mean humor”.
Saturn in the 5th house people could’ve been judged heavily for expressing their personalities. Usually these people are super talented but it was usually shut down by others from a young age due to jealousy. This is why they can grow up being very robotic. They are also very awkward when it comes to crushes and love until much older. Could be the last one in their friend group to get married/lose their virginity.
Moon in the 7th house people tend to marry pretty early.
A lot of people on the autism spectrum have heavy Aquarius in their chart. ESPECIALLY moon in Aquarius.
Having a grand square in your natal chart can be SOOO exhausting! You are constantly being forced to evolve and grow. This gives an opposite effect from the grand trine. With the grand trine things flow to them naturally & talents come very naturally but they can be very lazy with it. However grand squares usually have to work extra hard to achieve success, nothing comes easy for them unfortunately. When you surrender to laziness with a grand square it can completely ruin your life & make you 10 steps behind everyone. It forces you to overcome any laziness.
Best sex I’ve ever experienced with mars signs have to be TAURUS, Capricorn, Virgo & Aries. I feel like people are gonna come for my throat cuz I didn’t add Scorpio mars but I honestly think their sex can be overrated. They are just big horn dogs.
Virgo placements especially the sun and Venus tend to stay virgins longer than most. They don’t need physical affection as much as most placements (especially Venus in Virgo). They’re more into the mental aspects of love.
Your biggest crush probably has a lot of 5th house overlays with you. Especially (sun,moon, venus & mars).
12th house synastry can either be your soulmate or the most traumatic experience you’ll ever have with a person.. no in between.
Leo suns with a Venus in Libra tends to have SO MANY CRUSHES.
Moon/Venus in Pisces have terrible boundaries.
It’s easy to get along with someone who has their sun in the same sign as your Venus (also trine). It’s very difficult to stay made at them for too long, you tend to view each other with rose colored glasses.
On the other hand, Mars square Venus synastry can make you annoyed with eachother easily (especially as the Venus person). Every time I had this with someone as the Venus person I genuinely found them so annoying & corny lol. Theirs this bizarre sexual tension however that can make things kinda awkward especially in a friendship. The mars person tries too hard and can be too aggressive in trying to get the Venus persons attention to a point where it’s a turn off. Timing in general is usually off (eg; one can like the other when the other isn’t interested then it can switch where the one who wasn’t interested becomes interested then the other loses interest😭).
Aries risings tend to have bigger foreheads (ex; Rihanna). They also tend to have a very good head for being bald or having pixie cuts. Their heads are usually really well shaped.
Taurus placements (especially moon & sun) can struggle hygiene wise when they are depressed. Like forgetting to shower or going days without brushing their teeth or hair.
Cancer suns can either be extremely corny humor wise or be the funniest people in the room. A lot of comedians & YouTubers have cancer suns.
Mars in pisces are usually amazing singers/dancers.
Aries sun men tend to be more interested in a person when they act like they don’t like them lol. This can also be true with Venus in Aries.
Cancers love when people open up to them emotionally/vent to them. It gives them pleasure to nurture others.
Neptune in the 1st house people tend to look like a different person every time you see them. One change to their appearance such as changing hair color, or different makeup/clothes and completely alter what they look like. The definition of shape shifters.
Moon in Geminis love experimenting with different looks/aesthetics. These people are also lowkey shape shifters as well. They can also be addicted to dying their hair lol. ESPECIALLY during mental breakdowns!
Saturn positively aspecting Venus in synastry are real Ride or Dies. It hard for you guys to leave eachother alone (especially Saturn). These people can heal past relationship trauma together🥺 i see this aspect in a lot of married couples. Saturn/venus aspects are really the glue to a relationship. Even if you have great chemistry/synastry with someone such as Sun/moon, mars/venus, Pluto/venus it will fizzle out fast if their isn’t enough Saturn influence.
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Is Leo Number One? : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: you shouldn't be jealous of a dog, right? but somehow charles just can't help it

A sigh came from Charles as he walked into the living room to find you laid out across the sofa. He slowly stepped in, eyes landing on the space that was just beside where you were, only to find that space taken as he got closer towards you.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Charles told you as your head craned round, hand stroking against the top of Leo’s head who laid beside you. “I was thinking about making the most of this hot weather and going for a walk.”
“Yeah?” You smiled, “make sure if you’re going out that you put sun cream on, it’s too hot.”
“Oh, I thought maybe we could go out together.”
You smiled weakly across at Charles, nodding down at Leo who was fast asleep beside you, tucked in nice and close. You didn’t have the heart to move and disturb him, with him snuggled so tight Charles couldn’t even see him when he first walked into the room.
“We can always wait until this evening when it’s cooler, then we can take him too,” Charles spoke.
“Charles,” you called out, watching as he spun on his heels to walk back out of the room, “where are you going? I’ve barely even seen you at all today.”
Charles stopped where he was and turned back around, “you look like you’re just as sleepy as Charles is, I’ll come and talk to you later when there’s a space for me.”
There was a hint of disappointment in Charles’ voice, having got himself excited that he could lay down beside you just a few minutes earlier, Charles couldn’t help but get a little upset that the space was in fact taken by Leo, enjoying your company as he got some sleep.
Charles couldn’t deny that he loved seeing how well you and Leo got along, but if he was honest, sometimes the two of you got along too well for his liking. The spots that Charles used to occupy were taken by Leo, the games you used to play with Charles were replaced by games with Leo instead.
You slowly tried to push yourself up from where Leo laid, trying your best not to disturb him. Charles watched you carefully as you managed to sit up, swinging one leg over and then the other, watching as Leo stayed perfectly still, completely unaware that you had left him.
“There’s always space for you,” you told him, smiling across at Charles, only for his expression to remain blank as he watched you too.
“Not if you ask someone else,” Charles murmured, his eyes turning to look at Leo still snoring away to himself.
The more you watched Charles, the more you noticed the way his eyes narrowed on Leo. There was almost a frustration there towards Leo, who had no idea that with his needy behaviour he was somehow managing to make his dad feel very jealous towards him.
“Leo is harmless,” you reminded Charles, picking up on exactly how he was feeling.
“I know,” Charles sighed, slowly walking back into the room. “It’s just annoying how he always wants to spend his time with you, like I’m no one to him.”
“He adores you, that’s not true at all Charles.”
Charles moved across and sat beside where you were, the two of you shuffling close and creating a little bit of distance between you and Leo. “He doesn’t cuddle up to me like he does to you love.”
“Sometimes I think he’s still getting to know you Charles,” you admitted, “sometimes you’re here, sometimes you’re not, he’s still learning about who you are.”
“I guess that’s true, I’ve not always been here for him to get familiar with me.”
Whilst Charles was off and racing, you were the one at home most weekends taking care of Leo. He was familiar with you now, he knew you were always going to be there whenever he wanted a little human companionship, whereas with Charles he never quite knew whether he was here or not.
“It’s all still very exciting for him too,” you reminded Charles, “he’s still young and figuring out everything, he’ll probably have a new favourite next week.”
“Clearly you just give better cuddles than I do,” Charles shrugged, nudging against your side, “he’s not exactly wrong, you’re a good cuddler.”
You both were drawn to Leo as he rolled over and stretched out, his eyes searching around to try and find where you had gone, noticing that the space beside him was now empty.
Leo slowly steadied himself on his feet, walking across the sofa and taking a seat again, but rather than climb over you both and sit where you were, he tucked himself just beside Charles against the top of his thigh.
“See, he just loves humans,” you chimed.
Charles reached out and stroked over Leo, encouraging him to fall back to sleep. He couldn’t hide the smile that was on his face at the distance that was between him and Leo, silently reassuring himself that Leo really did love the two of you equally.
“Still want to go out on that walk?” You teased, chuckling as Charles’ head shook in reply to you, not wanting to move and risk seeing Leo move away from him.
“I think he might hate me again if I dare move now.”
You understood sometimes why Charles felt so pushed out, with you and Leo at home together most of the time, he missed out on a lot, particularly as you were dedicating so much of your time to training Leo too.
He wanted to get involved as much as he could, but undeniably Leo had the better relationship with you, the one who was always there with you and taking care of him.
“I bet during the off season he won’t leave your side,” you told Charles, “he’s clingy just like you, you’ll be glued to one another’s side.”
“Thank you,” Charles whispered across to you, pecking against your cheek. “I know it sounds stupid to be jealous of a dog, but you’ve made me feel a lot better, and a little less bitter about the fact that Leo always gets your attention instead of me.”
“It’s not silly,” you assured, squeezing against his hand, “although it is a tad funny looking at those envious eyes trying to stare Leo out.”
Charles couldn’t help but let his smile turn up, “he’s hardly going to understand me if I tell him to stop stealing my girlfriend from me, is he?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Charles, surprised by just how jealous he was. You knew equally just how much he loved having Leo too, even if he did try and steal you away from him, creeping up when Charles least expected him to be by your side.
“There’s plenty of me that can be shared between you and Leo,” you tried to Charles, but his head shook back at you, wrapping his arms around you.
“As far as I’m concerned you’re all mine,” he warned, “I can guarantee that I love you so much more than Leo does anyway.”
“If he could, I think he’d argue otherwise.”
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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Kinktober Day 7 - Spanking - CL16, MV1
Charles Leclerc X Max Verstappen X Reader
TW - Spanking, punishment, double penetration, Mean Max, Mean Charles, Bratty reader, squirting, degrading terms
WC 2300+
"Please, Charles! Max isn't home right now," I beg Charles for the third time in the past 10 minutes.
"Amour, you know damn well he will have both of our asses red if he finds out. Which he will," Charles tells me.
"Fine," I say while getting up with an eye roll. I make my way through our Monaco apartment with Leo hot on my trail before I make it into our shared bedroom where I find Jimmy and Sassy both happily sleeping in their cat tree.
I make my way to Max's side of the bed where I grab my favorite vibrator before quietly sneaking into our guest room and shutting the door behind me. Double checking to make sure the door is locked before stripping myself completely and making myself comfortable on the guest bed.
I decided if Charles wasn't gonna make me cum cause he wanted to be good then I would take matters into my own hands and deal with the punishment later. That is if I even get caught.
I'm not even 5 minutes into my solo session when I hear the front door open and Max announcing his arrive.
"Im home, liefde," Max announces making my anxiety peak a bit knowing exactly what is going to follow as soon as he realizes where I have gone off to and what I was doing.
At this point it was too late to turn back so I might as well make the most of it.
"Where is Y/N?" I can hear Max ask Charles while I have the vibe firmly places against my clit. I whine out at the sound of my boyfriend's voice knowing even if I find a way to cum in such a short amount of time it won't feel half as good as it would if it was Charles or Max.
"She's mad at me," Charles replies back to Max. I can only imagine the confusion that is starting to set in for Max. It was rare for me to be mad at either of the boys and even more rare to disappear when mad instead of solving the problem before it could get any worse.
"What did you do to her?" Max asks making me smile a little but it quickly drops when I remember my ass is about to be at his mercy.
"She's needy. Like so fucking needy. She begged me no less than 5 times to play with her in like a 10-minute span," Charles informs Max.
"So where is she?" Max questions again not understanding why I suddenly disappeared. I normally just continued to beg Charles knowing he would eventually break.
"I'm sure in our room. She kinda just got up and left," Charles tells him honestly. It's like I can feel the wheels turning in Max's head because no less than a second later I can hear both of my men pass the guest room door straight into our room. Then back to my door where I'm sure now that they are focusing their ears, they can hear the soft hum of the vibrator.
"Y/N you have 3 seconds to open this door!" I hear Max's loud voice ring out, making my anxiety reach an all-time high. It's not the bad kind of anxiety but the kind you feel waiting for the best roller coaster in the whole park.
Knowing my punishment is already going to be bad enough I truly don't want to test him, so I clip the power off of the vibrator and rush to open the door.
when I get the door open I find Max with his arms crossed over his chest and Charles is just shaking his head knowing it's about to be a long night because of my actions.
"Get on the bed on all fours and wait for us," is all Max says which has me a little more confused than anything. Normally when I'm about to get punished Max takes matters into his own hands and physically moves me where he wants me to be.
"Give her 30," Max tells Charles as soon as I'm situated and my ass is in the air waiting for the punishment. I have my head turned so I can watch them and I can see the confusion written all over his face.
"Why?" Charles asks clearly not excited to be the one to hand out the punishment. While Charles did occasionally dominate me he was always more about pleasure not pain.
"She wanted to play with you, not me," Max tells him like it was the most simple thing in the world.
"Max, please. You always punish us," Charles tries to reason still not understanding why it had to be him.
"Charles, you know how she is when she's needy. She's going to find a way to cum with or without either of our help. You left her alone, so you're serving her, her punishment is your punishment for letting her be alone long enough to get a toy and lock herself away in another room," Max tells him finally revealing his plan.
"Please Max, I do not want to hurt her," Charles tells Max letting his dow eyes droop a little more than normal.
"She fucking loves this shit Charles and you know it," Max tells him. I can see from here Charles is really fighting with himself. He was the good boy and did everything Max told him but this was new for him. He had never once been the one to dish out one of my punishments and he was struggling to grasp at the idea.
"Color, Charles," Max finally asks seeing the same things I'm seeing. While it was technically still a punishment we made these rules because we enjoyed the dynamic and regardless of it being a punishment or not we had safe words for a reason.
"Green," Charles finally answers softly while making eye contact with Max.
I watch as Max makes his way to the bed where strips down into nothing before sitting right in front of me just out of reach.
"No. Stay there and watch me," Max says when I try to crawl closer to him so I can take him into my mouth. I just let out a loud whine before settling in and waiting for my other boyfriend to dish out my punishment.
The first slap to my ass rings out through the room making me whine at the sudden contact.
"1" I softly count. When I felt another one it was on my other ass cheek making me gasp.
"2" I continue my counting.
"She thought this toy could make her cum just as good as we can," Max says in a teasing manner clearly enjoying watching his loves play.
"No, I just needed -" But couldnt finish my sentence before another slap was issued on my ass. One that had more force than the other too. It took me by such a surprise I lost my breath.
"3" I gasp out when I finally remember how to breathe again. While this wasn't the hardest spanking I had ever received I wouldn't have known it wasn't my dutch boyfriend if he wasn't sitting right in front of me.
"Give her 5 in a row," Max informs Charles making it clear that while Charles might be handing out the punishment he was still the one in charge.
The next five spanks rang out in the room making me whimper at each one.
"8" I count again once Charles finishes the quick 5.
"Fuck, Charlie. Too much," I whine due to how rough he was being. I loved every moment of it, was just shocked at how hard he was spanking me.
"Shut up, Cherie," Charles replies back laying another group of 3 slaps on my glowing ass.
"11" I gasp in surprise looking up at Max to find the same look of shock on his face.
I can feel Charles rubbing my ass in a rough yet soothing manner before his hand left my ass before raining down on my ass again.
"12" I say right before I felt another one ring out.
"15" I gasp lightly falling forward on the bed from the force of each slap no longer having the strength to hold myself up.
"Give her a second," Max tells Charles sternly when he aggressively grabs my hips to sit me back up.
Max leans forward stroking my hair while I let a few stray tears fall at the pain.
"Color, liefde," Max asks me making sure I'm still enjoying everything.
"green, Maxie," I whisper out before feeling another slap on my ass.
"16" I continue counting just like how I was trained to do.
I feel another series of slaps on my ass all directed in the same spot making each one hurt more than the one before.
"20" I finally gasp once I catch my breath from the shock of it all.
I start to feel a series of spanks reign down one my ass all in different spots this time all the while Charles is lecturing me.
"I can't believe you're brattiness got me in trouble. I was the fucking good one, you were the damn slut and now I'm in trouble," Charles says while finishing out my punishment.
"30" I cry out once the abuse to my ass has finished. As soon as Charles steps back from my ass I collapse on the bed and start crying softly. Not necessarily from the pain but from the fact that I had gotten Charles in trouble with me even though he had done all the right things.
I feel myself being pulled into the arms of one of my boyfriends and only know who it is from their smell.
"Amour, it's done," Charles says softly making me whine into his neck and gripping onto him a little harder.
"I'm sorry Charlie. Didn't know I would get you in trouble too," I mumble into his neck making him laugh a little.
"It's okay amour. I kinda liked watching your ass glow a beautiful shade of red from my hands. Like my own little art piece," Charles announces clearly proud of the work he had done.
When I finally come back to earth completely I lean over towards Max and pull him in for a kiss which quickly turned into him pulling me out of Charles's arms and into his lap where he instantly sinks his hard cock into my tight pussy. He slid in with almost no resistance simply from how soaked I was.
It didn't take Charles long to join us by slipping behind me where I feel his fingers slip into my ass using my own arousal to make it slick.
"Oh fuck," I moan out when I start bouncing on both Max's cock and Charles's fingers.
"Cum, you little slut," Max tells me which has me instantly shaking from the intensity of the orgasm I was having.
I'm not even fully recovered before I feel Charles slipping his cock into my ass stretching me even more.
"Fuck," I scream out from the stretch and burn I was feeling. They both allow me a few seconds to adjust to their size before they both start moving in me.
"So fucking tight. We spend so much time in these holes and you're still as tight as the first time we played with you," Charles whispers in my ear making me moan.
"Such a little whore, taking two cocks like you were made for it," Max whispers in my other ear, sending chills down my spine from his dirty words.
"Our little whore is about to cum again," Max announces as if Charles didn't know.
"Cum for us, Cherie," Charles tells me which has me letting go and falling over the edge. I feel myself start squirting all over the three of us. While I'm still squirting I try to pull myself off of their cocks but Max holds me in place and continues fucking me in a brutal pace making all of my juice stray all over.
"Next time you cum, it's gonna be when we fill you up with our cum," Charles tells me making me shake.
At their pace, I can feel myself growing close faster than I would have liked.
"Close," I gasp between moans.
"5" Max starts both Charles and I's cum count down. It wasn't something we did all the time but when we did Charles and I loved it knowing by 2 or 3 we are both ready to cum.
"4, both you little whore better hold it," Max grits out making it clear that he was also on the same edge we were on.
"3" Max finally says after what felt like forever even though it was probably only a couple of seconds.
"Please, Max" Charles moans out making it clear he wasn't gonna last much longer.
"2, Charles, you better fucking hold it," Max grits out again continuing his brutal pace on my pussy.
"1, cum for me," Max grits out which has all of us falling over the edge together. I can feel cum filling my ass and pussy helping me ride out the most intense orgasm of the night.
Once we all come down from the high of our pleasure, I feel Charles slowly slipping from my ass making me whine own from the burn of it.
"Sorry, Cherie," Charles whispers out once he's fully out. He leans down and gives the back of my head a couple kisses.
I slowly start climbing off of Max's dick making both of us hiss in from the sensitivity we were both going through.
We give ourselves a couple of minutes to regroup our thoughts before we start our aftercare routine. Which consists of plenty of kisses, reassurance, a shower, and of course plenty of cuddles with our fur babies.
#formula 1#f1#f1 smau#f1 instagram au#formula 1 x you#formula one imagines#formula one smau#f1 x you#f1 imagine#lestappen#max verstappen#3316#mv1#1633#charles leclerc#charles lecrelc#cl16 x reader#cl16#cl16 imagine#cl16 one shot#cl16 x you#mv1 x you#mv#mv33#mv1 imagine#mv1 x reader#mv1 fic#lestappen x reader#lestappen fic#lestappen fanfiction
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The Dark Knight
♤Rise!Turtles with a Batmanlike!Girlfriend!Reader!♤ ♤Headcannons♤
♡REQUESTS OPEN♡ Request rules here

》He thinks you are the most badass person ever and prouder he even pulled you
》At first you scared him while he was on patrol with his brothers. And out of nowhere a bat girl swooped in from the shadows and beating up the foot clan...solo and not dying
》Thought you were a mutant at first
》Then you just started interrogating one if them by your deep voice and lift them over a skyscraper, they folded immediately
》He was terried because you were so imitating and dressed in black. Like the boogeyman, scarier because you were a women
》On another patrol, he seen you again, followed you, until you appeared out of nowhere and asked him why he was following you
》Shocked you weren't weirded out by him, you simply told him you knew what he was. And you had been doing research about mutants
》When he is dating you, he is constantly bragging about it...especially to Donnie because of your technology, intelligence and company
"Yeah? I pulled her, oh! You don't have a rich cool superhero girlfriend? Well that's too bad." *checks his nails*
》Brings you to patrol as a secret weapon/interrogator
"Where is HE?!"
"I ain't talking, this height wouldn't even kill me"
"That's what I'm counting on." *drops the guy and breaks his legs.
*leo is swooning and thinks it's hot (not in a sexual way) "I love that woman."
》INSECURE! And gets even more petty when he is jealous. He'll start doing stupid stuff to impress you. To the point you'll have to reassure him you only have eyes for him
》doesn't help your the attractive introvert type
》jokingly calls you emo and slightly concerned about how much eyeliner you use
》You spoil him so much he is constantly bragging about it 😭
》finds your moral code weird, what do you mean you wouldn't kill but you'll beat them until they need medical attention?! But encourages it
》Has your merchandise and NOT ashamed of leaving them all over the lair and his room
》Gets you anything that has to do with bats, expect bat jokes. Lots of them
》You can train with him with ease, yes, you are better at combat. And you two spar with your gadgets/weapons (you always win in 20 minutes)
》When you revealed your secret identity to him, he is more in love.
'SHES SO BEAUTIFUL?! Stay cool Leo...'
》You'll even invite them over to your mansion, and they'll find any excuse to go. Because well...you have expensive stuff and cars...
》Leo annoys the HELL out of your butler, Alfred. You know Alfred is a BADASS and close to attacking Leo
》Sometimes youll get trumamtic flashbacks of the night your parents were murdered or other sadistic things you've seen. When Leo is there, he'll try shifting your focus on him, by watching a movie and snuggling with you.
》He secretly would've loved to meet your parents, they seemed like amazing people to you and Alfred
》Sometimes he thinks your planning gets over the top but he knows you have MAJOR trust issues
》When you are talking about detective stuff, he tries to listen but he just doesn't get it. So he's there staring at you like, "place name backstory stuff" so he loves it when you, and I quote, "talk smart"
》Steals your gadgets when you are away, you know but you let him get away with it. Even your mask at times and makes impressions of your raspy voice when in costume
*appearing from the shadows*"Leo what are you doing?"
》Now he has a mountain of batarangs in his room
》You have a tracker on him he doesn't know about
》Almost killed his brothers with your batmoblie
》You grounded him from kisses for a week, my boy was tweaking from just the first day
"Itsy bitsy BaTsy" *him in a corner with wide eyes going mental*
》Genuinely worries when you don't sleep for days, even though you look attractive with tired eyes, he still tried to take care of you
》By getting Alfred having him help him with getting you to bed
》He always indicates any physical contact, kisses, hand holding, hugs ect.
》Loves when you suddenly save him during a battle? My boi in loveeee
》His life practically revolves around you
》Leo loves you and everything that comes with you <3
■Lowkey extremely terrified of you at first. You have a dark and cold demeanor AGH-stuff of nightmares
■Then, he seen you with children, you always had a soft spot for them. He probably fell in love right then and there
■He approached you like the gentlemen he is, that's when you two became friends, you admired his morals and overprotective nature. He just thought you were more cool the more he got to know you
■He confessed his feelings during a fight when you almost died this was your response:
"Please don't die on me! I-i love you"
"I knew..."
■Sometimes can't get over your deep voice when in battle, it catches him off guard
■Find your strength and workout routine intense but he would commit and do it with you. Also loves when YOU pick HIM up
■When dating he is a absolute sweetheart, a bigger one than before
■Has a batdoll merchandise plusbie he bought of you and sleeps with it every night
■And you spoil him with whatever he wants just because
"Where'd you get these rare accident ninja weapons?!"
■Overprotective of you, yes he knows you can protect yourself AND others, but he can't help but worry about you and gives you medical attention
*you got back from a mission and take your mask off*
"Hey Babe, how was it?"
"Eh, nothing, just simply got thrown off a skyscraper, but I should be okay in an hour."
"That's nice-YOU GOT WHAT?! Let Raph take care of ya"
■Alfred absolutely adore Raph and Alfred sees Raph a son, which you find adorable
"Lady L/n, when will Raphael be arriving to the mansion once more?"
"OOH! Is Alfred gonna be there?!"
■Him and Alfred have a "Night Bat" code name for forcing you to sleep when you are up for days
■When you revealed your secret identity to him he's flabbergasted
"You're so pretty" like he's in a trance
■You two LOVE going in your gamroom and go agaist each other, yall get so competitive 😭
■We all know he is a perfect big boi, so of course he gives the best hugs and cuddles. Which you'll never admit to anyone...
■Yes, you have a tracker on him he doesn't know about, for safety
■NEVER admits it, but he finds it attractive when you suddenly save him, he gets SO RED
■Gets nervous to touch your expensive stuff, he just doesn't want to break anything :( and you assure him it's not a problem if he does, I mean, your filthy rich after all
■When you are talking about detective stuff, he gets...some of it. He's consitrating so much when you are talking about it with him but ends up tweaking
■When you wake up in a cold sweat, he has boyfriend senses and he'll comfort you for HOURS! No girlfriend of his will ever be lonely at times like this
*going through a trumamtic flashback*
*runs through your wall* "RAPH IS HERE BABY! DONT PANIC!" *has pillows and tea*
"How'd you even get past security-"
■You had to upgrade security and your walls
■Sometimes he wishes he could meet your parents, you also would like that. Kind of confirmed your parents would've loved Raph
■He loves the suit on you, yes, it looks intimating and scary, but knowing it's you in it makes it cool
■Insecure! He sees a lot of people admiring you, understandable, but still! He's just thankful your dating him and doesn't really get jealous
■Any that has to do with bats he'll get it for you this includes any eyeliner because of how much you use
■Admires your moral code, since he isn't big in killing either. But cool with torturing >:)
■THIS TURTLE LOVES PHYSICAL CONTACT GIVE IT TO HIM PLZ 🙏 because he is too shy to ask, even when dating
■He has a "I can fix her" mindset with you
■This boi will do anything for you and loves the feeling and YOU. Just you <3
◇This boi thought you were a mutant because of your speed, agility, voice and strength. Also the bat thing I guess
◇Also the most intimidating thing he's ever cake across
◇In the most Donnie way possible, he approached you, that only resulted him getting pinned onto the wall by your surprising strength
◇he probably fell in love right then and there. AND by the fact you were human and able to take any mutant down
◇but, of course, he didn't want to show that, so you two somehow became friends after running into each other in patrols
◇also shocked when you don't freak out about...him. but you informed him you are doing a case about mutants
◇overthinked about confessing his feelings, I mean, you are hard to read when it comes to emotions, so he just went for it
◇he literally researched everything about being romantic, but like, what do you get for the girl who has everything...AN EXPERIENCE and he confessed his emotions
◇That's when you told him you knew and kissed him
◇I mean...your a detective...
◇when dating, you trusted him enough to reveal your secret identity
"By Newton, you are so stunning."
◇fanboying like a school girl on the inside that he is even dating you. Gets to the point when he'll forget he's dating you, then gets giddy when he remembers your his GIRLFRIEND
◇Like Leo, he BRAGS to his brothers or anyone
"That's awfully impressive, but my girlfriend does that for a warm up, not to brag."
◇doesn't admit but but WAS jealous of your intelligence and cool gadgets you invented
◇Has a batdoll of you he sleeps with every night and will never admit it
◇when you invited him to your mansion, he's shocked about how rich you are, like "ho, is you rich?"
◇should have known by the expensive clothes you wear 💀
"How'd you get this Atomic Lass limited edition golden 24k gold and Dimond figurine from 1982?!"
◇absolutely encourages the amount of eye liner you use, he thinks it brings a little ✨️dazzle✨️ to your look
◇unintentionally ANNOYS THE HELL out of Alfred, my bristish man done
◇You are his secret weapon for mutants or interrogating anyone
"I'M going to get a cup of coffee" *leaves*
"Good luck with that" *cocky chuckle*
*appears from the shadows and throws a mutant 5x their size across the room* "WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!"
"Oh she is so remarkable" *bro in love*
◇Always has to call a mystic medic when you fight a mutant
"I'm calling a mystic medic" *sees you beat their ass* "that's my girlfriend."
◇Embraces the violence you bring to the table
◇LOVES and HATES your moral code, he loves that you unintentionally beat criminals senseless. Hates that you won't end their lives, Lame.
◇Thinks you are the most badass person he's ever met
◇loves when you are telling him about detective stuff, he is genuinely interested in learning this field about science
◇Sometimes he is worried about you when you come here extremely injured, there was a time when you came back with a bullet in your arms. So, he insisted he nurse you back to health
◇there are times when you wake up from a traumatic flashbacks about missions or your parents, he gave S.H.E.L.D.O.N a "cry cry" protocol. It's just him giving you a plushie of himself saying, "please don't cry beautiful" until Donnie actually gets there
◇You are S.H.E.L.D.O.N's mother
◇makes any excuse to come over, totally not for your cool technology and gadgets...no
◇Donnie is extremely insecure when it comes to you. You're attractive, smart, rich and talented. Doesn't help your the attractive introvert type. And there are a lot of human guys out there he sees trying to get close to you
"Scoff! He's not even as smart as me! He's not even as buff as me!"
◇hates he can't do anything about it, he would love to torture them >:)
◇Please reassure him and compliment him 😭
◇There was a time he was kidnapped, you came and defeated 100 mutants easily, you just came home carrying him bridal style, he was so ashamed you had to save him but thankful, more than thankful
*looks at you with puppy eyes* "I love you."
◇Would sometimes steal your gadgets to give them the "Don upgrade" that would typically mean he would make them more lethal
◇Has stolen your batmobile more than ten times, you'll hear his manic laugh in the streets
◇You both don't sleep for days, so either Alfred or Raph would force you two to sleep
◇Donnie thinks your workouts/even warms ups are too intense
◇You both spar a lot, which results in an hour long battle
◇Donnie would give you and invent you anything that has to do with bats or can help you with gadgets
◇Donnie initiates physical contact believe it or not. Sometimes he'll get touch starved with you. Preferring hand kisses and forehead kisses.
◇This boi cherishes and very proud of you, he just loves you so much <3
☆When he saw you, he immediately thought you were so cool! Mutant or human, he wanted to know you
☆He decided to approach you, not seeing him as much of a threat, you replied, that was the start of a beautiful relationship
☆Mikey is very emotionally intelligent, so he immediately recognize his feelings for you
☆Not panicking, he simply was upfront with you while being his adorable self
☆He was kind of flabbergasted when you told him you knew...
"H-how did you know...?"
"I'm a detective." *kisses him*
☆When dating you only seen that Mikey is an adorable agent of chaos, but hey, you are too
☆Absolutely loves the amount of eyeliner you put on! He'll even ask for you to put some on him
☆CRAFT DATES! You two cherish those dates, you do it in your art room in the mansion, which is Mikey's favorite room in the mansion
☆When you revealed your secret identity, he immediately fanboyed
"AW! You're so cute!" *grabs your face and has cuteness aggression*
☆You two are the definition of black cat and golden retriever
☆Never gets jealous! He knows you are a catch but he knows you won't let anything go between you two
☆Conflicted by your moral code, he is not for violence. But glad to do so >:)
☆You spoil him rotten and he is always so touched 🥲
"I can't accept this."
"Because it's just-too Beautiful"
"This was 1.2 million dollars Beautiful."
"I got it for cheap I know"
*confused Mikey*
☆Him and Alfred get along so well, even helps in the kitchen. At this point Alfred looks foward to seeing Mikey over you
☆This turtle is VERY CLINGLY! He'll attack you with hugs and kisses randomly, like you, he'll hide in the shadows
☆doesn't mind PDA
☆He will be in cloud 9 when you save him from the foot clan or anything! Just hundreds of knocked out mutants on the floor and he's admiring you like a lovesick puppy
☆Very much like Leo, whenever you are talking about detective stuff, he'll be like, "place name, backstory stuff"
☆Love's your gadgets! He'll mess around with them and loves your flamethrower for some reason...
☆Anything that has to do with bats will make him giddy just thinking about you
☆Whenever you get trumamtic flashbacks of the night your parents were murdered or any missions you were apart of, he'll cook you something amazing or bake, whatever you want!
☆Dr.Delicate Touch comes out whenever you're in danger
☆He bites you....that's it
☆Hates when you don't sleep, he won't drag you out to bed..BUT he'll snuggle onto your lap until you sleep
☆Love's you with tired eyes or not, you are perfection to him
☆However, he has "I can fix her" mindset, with you
☆You two LOVE sparing, sure, he hates even potentially hurting you, but you always remind him you will be perfectly fine
☆He has cuteness aggression towards you, you really don't know why
☆He has stolen your batmoblie with his brothers, happens once a week
☆You will randomly surprise him when he thinks he's alone
*dancing* "YoU MuST bE wHoO HeRmes MenTIONeD-"
*appears from the darkness*"Hello Michelangelo."
☆Forget bad cop good cop, try the psychotic cops
☆He has a think for breaking people's kneecaps?
☆This adorable psychotic turtle loves you and knows your perfect <3
#emeralds fanfics#rottmnt#tmnt 2018#rottmnt x reader#rottmnt x you#rottmnt x y/n#rottmnt donnie x reader#rottmnt donatello#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt disaster twins#rottmnt leo#rottmnt leo x reader#rottmnt raph#rottmnt leonardo#rottmnt raphael#rottmnt Raphael x reader#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt michelangelo#rottmnt mikey x reader#dc comics#batman#batmobile#x reader#fanfiction#fanifc
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can I request Leo Valdez smut?
he starts getting handsy at a party with a hyperfem reader in a short skirt and they go at it in a bathroom.
i can definitely do that for u, this one got away from me and i think u can tell i mostly read smut lmao
have u declared urself squirrel anon? or is that just what u use lmao
content: no mention of protection (be smart y'all), coming inside, mirror sex ig?, orgasm denial (just once, fem recieving), exhibitionism if u squint, she/her pronouns for reader
For the tenth time, I push Leo's hand out from under the hem of my skirt. I lace my fingers with his, keeping his hand still under the guise of being affectionate as I continue the conversation I'm in the middle of.
Of course, with one avenue shut down, my ever-creative boyfriend finds a new tactic; his other hand.
His fingers sneak around my waist, fingertips just tracing over the hem of my crop top, nails catching lightly at the pale pink fabric. I don't even need to look at him to know he's barely suppressing a smirk.
"Keep your hands under control," I whisper to him once the conversation has moved away from me. "I don't want to spend the night adjusting my clothes from your groping."
Leo stifles a laugh, head turning to nose at my cheek. "Then don't adjust them, let me see more of you." His hand on my waist slips upward, fingertips barely brushing the side of my chest.
"I'm gonna kill you," I hiss, but a smile keeps pulling traitorously at my lips. His hand in mine squeezes at my fingers, inching our joined hands over my thigh.
His voice is soft and a little raspy, hot against my ear. "Fine, but can I fuck you first?"
I sputter a shocked laugh, whipping my head around to see the tempting glint in his eyes, paired with the teasing smirk on his lips. Raising an eyebrow in disblief, I dart my eyes over the rest of the room full of people.
"...are you being serious?"
It's as if something lights up in him, sitting up straighter and tightening his hold on me just a little. "I wasn't, but I am now!" He grins, teeth biting at his lower lip. "Can I? Holy shit, can I actually fuck you right now?"
That's too many things said way too loud for my dignity, and I smack a hand over his mouth to stem the flow of excitement. "If you shut the fuck up, maybe."
Leo nods earnestly behind my hand, eyes wide with anticipation. He pulls my hand away to give it a kiss on my knuckles. "I'll never talk again."
"...sounds highly unlikely," I laugh, standing up and smoothing down my skirt.
The speed at which Leo navigates through the party to an empty bathroom is suspicious, almost as if he'd planned it, or was maybe so needy he'd kept an eye on which rooms were empty. The minute the door shuts and locks with a click, his hands are on me, lips pressed hotly against mine. My back gets pushed against the door and I gasp, Leo taking advantage of my surprise to deepen the kiss and lick into my mouth.
He tastes of whatever dumb cocktail he'd made us earlier, declaring himself a professional mixologist because he was good at measurements. My eyes flutter closed, hands running up his chest and into his hair, drawing a soft moan from him.
"So pretty," he breathes, words pressed between kisses, his hands tugging and fisting my clothes like he can't quite decided what to do with them. "Can't believe I let you go to this party without ruining you first."
"Let me?" I tease, pretending to be offended and half-heartedly pushing him away with a hand on his chest. Leo whines at the disconnection of our lips.
"You know what I mean," he murmurs, pressing me harder against the door and working his hands under my crop top. "Wear whatever the fuck you want, but it's gonna make me go insane."
I laugh, cutting myself off with a soft, short moan as he gets two handfuls of my chest, squeezing and groping as he pants against my lips. With a swift movement, he shoves my top up under my arms, revealing the dark pink bra, the tiny gemstone in the centre glinting in the bathroom light.
"Fucking hell, baby-" He almost whimpers, eyes fixed on the swell of my tits under the pretty garment. "You want me dead, is that it?"
Just to really drive it home, I lean in so my lips are pressed against his ear. "You like it? I was worried you'd be able to see it through my clothes, but I guess not, luckily my skirt is just long enough to hide the matching underwear."
I briefly worry for his knees as Leo falls to the floor, and I giggle as he drags my skirt unceremoniously down my legs. As promised, the matching dark pink panties are on display, gemstone on the front and all.
One of Leo's hands goes to my thigh, and his other hand guides one of mine to his shoulder. "Hold on, pretty girl."
Before I can get another word out, his mouth is on me, tongue licking a broad stroke over my underwear. My hand fists the shoulder of his shirt, a loud gasp pulled from my lips as he buries his head between my thighs. His free hand yanks the thin, damp fabric out the way, holding it as he laps at my pussy with an almost feverish intensity.
My stomach swoops deliciously as he circles my clit with the tip of his tongue, head falling forward and hips bucking against his mouth. His brown eyes meet mine as he looks up from below me, and I can see the delight and desire in his eyes as he sees me cover my mouth when he slips a finger inside me.
His tongue circles and strokes at my bundle of nerves, long finger pushing in and out of my hole and curling at the perfect spot to get my legs trembling. The familiar knot in my gut tightens further and further, my walls spasming around Leo's fingers as he slips another one inside me.
"B-Baby, 'm gonna come-" I pant behind my hand, gazing down at him desperately. "Gonna m-make me come, fuck-"
He pulls his fingers out, tongue slipping back in his mouth with a dirty grin. "No, not yet."
"What?" My jaw drops, frustration taking the place of the pleasurable tension in my stomach. "Come on, I was so close!"
"I know." Leo shrugs, before standing up and grabbing my waist to bend me over the bathroom counter. His hand tangles in my hair, the other yanking my panties down my thighs to my knees as he stands behind me. "You're gonna come on my cock."
I moan at his voice, the words so matter-of-fact, like there were no other options; either I was gonna come on his dick, or not at all. Skirt discarded on the floor and underwear out the way, Leo undoes his pants with one hand, shoving them down along with his underwear. The way he sighs in relief as he wraps a hand around himself makes a shiver run up my spine, biting my lip as I watch his reflection throw its head back.
"You're so fucking pretty, you know that?" he murmurs, looking down and nudging his tip between my legs, moaning lowly at the way my arousal coats the head of his dick. "How do I even function when you're so gorgeous in your cute little tops and tiny fuckin' skirts?"
I don't know if I'm supposed to reply, but I can't when he presses into me, both of us moaning in unison. He doesn't look away as my pussy swallows his cock inch by inch, his hands gripping tight to my hips.
"I lasted two hours," he pants, groaning low in his throat as his hips meet mine, sinking as deep as he can into my cunt. "Two hours needing to be in this pretty little pussy, I think that's pretty good considering my distinct lack of impulse control."
My eyes roll back as he suddenly snaps his hips, a sharp moan falling from my lips. "T-Two hours? We've only been here- shit!- an hour and a half?"
"Yeah, well," Leo laughs breathlessly, beginning to build up a rhythm, letting go of my hips to brace himself against the bathroom counter as he fucks me into it. "Wanted you before we even left the house, the second I saw you looking like this-" He punctuates his sentence with a particularly harsh thrust, a yelp catching in my throat as I scramble for purchase against the surface of the counter. "-and now I can't decide whether to take you home or f-fill you up with my come and make you go back to the party."
A rush of heat pulses through me and I clench around him involuntarily, gasping unsteadily, dizzy at the image he conjured up in my mind. I feel him laughing lowly against my back, his nose burying into the crook of my neck.
"Dirty fuckin' girl, you got tighter," he teases, hips getting faster, snapping his cock into me over and over, a hand reaching down to find my clit. "Is that what you want? Want me to pull your cute pink panties up and hold my load inside you, trying not to ruin your skirt?"
His middle finger gathers the wetness from my folds and smears it over my clit, making smooth circling motions that send electricity through my body. "F-Fuck, yes, don't stop," I whimper, catching his eye in the mirror and moaning brokenly at his dark, mischievious smirk. "I'm gonna c-come, want you to come inside me, L-Leo, please, baby, wanna h-have your come!"
Leo swears several times in Spanish, hot and fast against my ear as his hips stutter against mine. "That's it, pretty girl, come around my dick, wanna feel it, come for me and I'll fill you up, okay?"
I nod frantically, and it only takes a few more seconds of his finger playing with my clit before I feel that knot in my gut break, pulled too tight as I spasm between him and the bathroom counter. My whole body trembles, and Leo sinks his teeth lightly into my shoulder. "Feels so good, h-holy shit, did so good for me, there we go..."
He lets out a gutteral groan against my skin, his hips stuttering to a stop as he pulses inside me, thick come painting my insides. His arms wrap around me, nosing against my neck as he rocks his hips a little, panting hard.
After a few moments, the aftershocks settling, Leo eases himself out of me, shushing my soft whines with kisses pressed to my shoulder and neck. His fingers move to my hole, gently pushing against it to stop his come from spilling out too much as his free hand carefully pulls my panties back up my legs.
"My beautiful girl," he murmurs, voice thick with affection as he adjusts the fabric to make sure it's comfortable, kneeling for a moment to press a gentle kiss to my pussy over the panties. He helps me off the counter, arms around me as he litters kisses over my cheeks and nose until I giggle. "There it is, that's my favourite sound."
"Cheesy," I whisper, tone stupidly loving as I grin up at him, arms slinging around his neck. "Are we really gonna go back out there and pretend nothing happened while I ruin my underwear?"
A pause, and he shrugs. "I'll buy you more."
i hope u enjoyed, this kind of got away from me but i'm not mad about it
#pjo imagine#leo valdez#leo valdez imagine#leo valdez x reader#leo x reader#leo valdez smut#leo imagine
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hiii can i get a smau percy x daughter of persephone who loves flowers and lives on a farm
✸ pairing: percy jackson x daughter of persephone!reader smau
✸ notes: tysm for requesting & im sorry this took a hot minute, but i hope you like it!! 🤍
…now playing: love grows (where my rosemary goes) — edison lighthouse

persea_: i’ve officially made friends with the ferns 🫡(thank you yn for not letting them eat me)
tagged: @flowersforyn
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g_man: are you…are you AWARE of how ferns work?
╰┈➤ persea_: yeah i am. 2 words: chomp chomp
chqsingannabeth: who’s…who’s truck did you steal?
╰┈➤ persea_: what’re you a cop?
flowersforyn: guys don’t be fooled by the second pic, this was the aftermath of him DROPPING me
╰┈➤ persea_: one, didn’t have to expose me like that & two, I SAID I WAS SORRY
╰┈➤ persea_: i bet it does 😗😉
╰┈➤ g_man: reminder that this is a PUBLIC app
ghostking: pls don’t break her
╰┈➤ persea_: did…did u just say PLEASE?
╰┈➤ ghostking: i take it back. break her and i break your neck.
team.leo: why she violating a tree like that
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: leo just bc you didn’t get hugged as a kid doesn’t mean nobody else did 😒
tysonn: ask yn if ferns will be my friend too
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: they absolutely will tyson, we’ll have to bring you out to the farm next weekend <3
╰┈➤ tysonn: yay!
╰┈➤ persea_: me too, right?
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: …
╰┈➤ persea_: RIGHT??
notpipermclean: yn get this loser off our farm, the kids are asking questions
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: NO🤗 im gonna report you for hate speech
╰┈➤ persea_: mf YOU’RE hate speeching ME
╰┈➤ sp4rky: @ team.leo the girls are fighting 👀
╰┈➤ team.leo: 🍿🫢
…now playing: strawberries & cigarettes — troye sivan

flowersforyn: fav boy on the farm!! 🍓
tagged: persea_
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chqsingannabeth: your face being cut off of that first pic is CRIMINAL 😩 not percy’s tho, that was a gift from the gods
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: im srry babe, i looked goofy 😔
╰┈➤ chqsingannabeth: oh no ma’am, you could NEVER
persea_: the best day with my absolute best girl 🩵
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: kicking my feet & giggling, ILY SEAWEED BRAIN 🤍
g_man: WHAT did you do to make those strawberries look so scrumdidliuptious?
╰┈➤ persea_: dyslexia just took me OUT with this one dude 😭
╰┈➤ g_man: nobody was talking to you brotha 🙏
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: grover bud i use my mommy’s magic, hope this helps 🫶
persea_: don’t let her lie to you, people. i thought my first fit was BOMB & then she made me put on that sweater cuz it was cold as hell outside
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: i want you to read that again…slowly
notpipermclean: save me yn the garden princess …save me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: have no fear bae, im here 🫂
╰┈➤ persea_: yn, babydoll, i beg of you, PLEASE stop hitting on people that aren’t me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: there’s enough of me to go around perce 😒
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: YEAH PERCY SHARE
sp4rky: why is bro carryin a whole bakery on that swing
╰┈➤ persea_: jason…🤭
╰┈➤ sp4rky: I PLEAD THE FIFTH
flowersforyn uploaded a story!
@ g_man replied:
why is bro so silly 😭
idk but he’s the silliest
@ sp4rky replied:
tell him to leave the flying to me
i’m not telling him SHIT from you
@ persea_ replied:
idk what ur on about, i look terrifying here
oh yeah, i’m shaking in my boots
great, now can you pls come help me get down?
yknow, i can’t kiss you from up here
i’m otw 🏃♀️ 💨
#୨୧ love letters#pjo#percy jackson#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson x fem!reader#percy jackson x you#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo fandom#pjo smau#percy jackson imagine#percy jackson oneshot#percy jackson thoughts#pjo x reader#smau#pjo x you#daughter of persephone
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Hi! Could you make a preferences/hc of the pro/hoo characters how they cuddle and/or sleep with there s/o?
cuddling hcs with pjo/hoo characters
a/n: these kinda went into general pda hcs, but hopefully it's still good tho
warnings: possible hints of angst + trama, cause who dosen't have it :')
reader tends to be gender-neutral // my masterlist
i feel like when cuddling w/ annabeth that there's not really a big spoon or little spoon posistion
it's mainly just your arms wrapped around each other, just a tangle of arms and limbs
dosen't really hug you too much in public but always needs a goodbye hug from you before you go somewhere
she also likes acting out as your pillow with you head on her chest/lap (she probably reads you a book too :))
her hugs are really comforting and warm
she always knows when you need one
she can just tell
she's memorized your body language to a t
might whisper some comforting words here and there
could make any surface feel soft when her arms are wrapped around you
i think she likes to be held more than to hold someone
she can hold you tho, and she's great at comforting you
likes to hum or sing you little songs and melodies
she likes when you play with her braid too
overall good experience
i feel like she gives good bear hugs
she has some meatystrong arms so her hugs are kinda firm, like she's reminding you that she's there and no one can hurt you
her hugs are also surprisingly warm so they're extra comforting
connor's hugs are a little more firm then travis's but still all the more comforting
he likes taking his time with hugging and cuddling
he likes spinning you around too when he gets excited
travis hugs are very playful and warm
likes to come up from behind and give you a surprise hug
also moves around a bit when cuddling but it's fine, he just wants to get in a comfy position :))
also loves spinning you around
i kinda feel like he's a side hugger
so not too big on cuddling
he's not exactly avoidant of pda but he's not looking for it
might put his arm around you every once in a while
when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon, he finally feels like he can be of use and protect you from the cruel world :')
gives the best bear hugs (both literally and metamorphically)
at first he's pretty awkward w/ hugging but grows to love it
he can shapeshift into just about any animal to have a different cuddling arrangement
one day you're being snuggled by a dragon, who's wrapped protectively around you, and the next you're holding a cute lil labrador puppy in your hands
needless to say it's an overall wholesome expierence :)
the first time you hugged him, poor goat bby didn't know what to do
like where is he supposed to put his hands??
but after a while gets used to them
not to big of a hugger but enjoys it
has to get over the awkwardness of it at first tho
but afterwards enjoys it
just never sneak up on him
i don't know how else to describe her hugs other than sweet
her hugs are super comforting and grounding
just sneak up on her and give her a surprise back hug
she lets out the cutest giggle whenever you do it :')
even though she probably heard you coming
always wants to make sure you're comforting when cuddling, she dosen't want to overstep any boundaries of yours so
not exactly looking for cuddles or pda in general, but he's not going to hate affections either
he'll most likely be wanting cudddles after a long day of praetor duties, helping at chb, or school
he won't want anything else, just to be held by you for a few good long minutes
with that being said however, he is more of a big spoon type of guy
he's like a human furnace
always super hot warm
very comforting and cozy
he loves snuggling
in general he's a very touchy person so a arm's usually always around you
loves holding you
after a long day of working on little trinkets and fixing up things he likes to be held by you (arms around your waist, face on your shoulder)
play w/ his hair pleaseee it's very soothing
he has some pretty strong arms so his hugs are a bit firmer than he'd honestly prefer
likes to put his hands around your waist with your hands placed over his
also he likes when you just play with his fingers or stroke his arms lovingly
((also has a really good grip
he isn't much of a hugger, to other people anyways
but with you, he practically craves your touch
it always has to be in a closed off space tho
he's not the biggest fan of pda, but alone with you,,
he practically clings onto you like a lil koala bear
loves wrapping his arms around your waist and burrying his face in your neck
he just needs someone to touch every once in a while to keep him grounded :')
side note: he is pretty cold, like ALL the time so ye
percy the pillow jkjk
fr tho, he likes just placing his head on your chest as his arms around your waist when cuddling
also is a fan of getting his hair played with
he goes back n forth between lil spoon and big spoon
he also just finds your presence itself very comforting
and your smell
goes to sleep with the biggest grin on his face
another hummer
she likes it when you braid her hair
she also like brushing her nails through your hair and scratching at your scalp
she likes holding you more than being held
can be very comforting
a quick hug from her also brings a great feeling
appreciates signs of pda in general
enjoys holding you and playing w/ your hair
can just walk up to you, give you a hug and walk away randomly
she is moreover a quality time person sooo
not really a hugger tbh
she has lots of walls built up sooo
she's also not much of a physical person
but she might be good with a hug or two after a long day
if she were to cuddle she'd be pretty stiff at first and need to ease her way into it
likes wrapping her arms around your neck and just looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes
she really likes being held from behind when sharing a bed
also likes to play with your fingers
his hugs are so warm and comforting (obvs)
i feel like he'd be the type to just be gossiping w/ you while you two are tangled together, he's playing with your fingers and all but still has your undivided attention
probably majority of the time os the big spoon but would like being the little spoon on especially hard and stressful days
as much as i looove zoë, i don't think she is much of a hugger :'(
she's very stiff at first bc she isn't really used to soft touches or touching in general
but then eventually relaxes and will end up not wanting you to leave her
she likes when you play with her hair
she can give good back rubs
she proably will end up being the little spoon on most days tho
also gets tired and ends up wanting cuddles
it helps give her a space of calmness after a long day out hunting
it's soothing
#lydscare;#hoo x reader#heroes of olympus x reader#pjo x reader#percy jackson x reader#pj x reader#heroes of olympus imagine#percy jackson imagine#annabeth chase x reader#bianca di angelo x reader#calypso x reader#clarisse la rue x reader#connor stoll x reader#travis stoll x reader#ethan nakamura x reader#frank zhang x reader#grover underwood x reader#hazel levesque x reader#jason grace x reader#leo valdez x reader#luke castellan x reader#nico di angelo x reader#piper mclean x reader#rachel elizabeth dare x reader#reyna x reader#reyna avila ramirez arellano x reader#thalia grace x reader#will solace x reader#zoe nightshade x reader#percy jackson headcanon
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I cannot stop thinking about how much Leo would adore domesticity help
Fuckin.... dishes. Cleaning the table after a family meal, his family in the next room all happy and full, and seeing you wash a plate off in the kitchen, and he just implodes a little. Any time you offer to clean up he's right there with you, wiping up crumbs and collecting dirty lasagna dishes from the stove and packing up the leftovers. It's like meditation and a little like cocaine, he thinks, the way he doesn't think he'll ever get enough of the way you look doing something so normal. He's microdosing on a normal life, and then you crack some dumb joke neither of you will remember in five minutes but he'll remember the warm, bubbly feeling that goes with his laugh until the day he dies.
Laundry, too. Folding your towels so you don't have to, thinking about how nice the warm, soft fabric feels on his hands, thinking about how much it feels like your smile. Looking up at you from across the pile of freshly-dried clothes and trying to match the way you fold your shirts and letting out a sheepish laugh when you try not to laugh yourself at his attempts.
Straightening up, scrubbing surfaces, organizing clutter, fucking cooking (which is a whole other post)- he just eats up every second of it, because it's safe. It's calm and comfortable. You're letting him into your life or helping him with his, you're taking care of a problem together, you're a team, you're his partner.
And when you let him help you? You're tired from work or dealing with a flare up or depressed or overwhelmed and you let him break down the boxes littering your floor and pick up the dishes that seem to multiply every time you blink? You trust him with your things enough to let him take over part of your to do list? His ass is in heaven. He hates that you're not yourself but he fucking loves feeling useful and he wants nothing more on this planet than to be useful to you.
Then he's hit a wall some time, right, he's exhausted and stressed and can't take one more instance of bullshit or he'll just crumple like a tower of blocks, and you offer to take care of some task for him. Maybe it's just making his tea or maybe it's putting equipment away in the dojo or maybe it's being an extra set of hands for Donnie in the lab so Leo can meditate instead. And this man feels it physically. It's like a hot bath or that perfect stretch after he wakes up. You put a hand on his shoulder and he looks at you and you smile, and say I got it, and he gets hit with such a strong wave of I love you that he has to take a second to get himself together.
In summary Leo's an acts of service bitch and in this essay I will-
#leonardo#leonardo x reader#no because like. he's too stubborn to let you take care of things so you'd have to Insist. but even so#*headcanons#*writing#2014#2012#2007#2003#tmnt 2014 x reader#tmnt 2016 x reader#tmnt 2012 x reader#tmnt 2007 x reader#tmnt 2003 x reader#x reader
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Leopold finds your vibrator and has to take a seat on the bed for a hot minute
You come home to find him trying out all the different buttons and and settings and getting increasing flustered and confused
I stared at this ask for a good 2 minutes with my mouth open and now I am thinking such horny thoughts and now you get headcanons you didnt ask for
Leopold accidently finding your toys
Okay so Leopold didn't mean to find it. It was an accident really. He was just trying to help around the house and tidy up the place. He didn't mean to find this uh, thing in your room.
Poor Leo had no clue what he had stumbled upon. He pressed a button and the whole thing started to vibrate and he dropped it in surprise.
He just kept pressing buttons and studying what each one did, it wasn't until Charlie stopped by that he was able to get an answer as to what. Item. he had found.
Let's just say that his face turned as red as a tomato. He left it on your bed and just. Stared at it. How exactly did you use this? Half of his mind was incredibly curious about the technology behind it and the other half couldn't stop thinking about how you used it.
By the time you come home he's just. fiddling with it. At first you're completely mortified. You snatch it out of his hands and try to come up with an excuse of why you have it.
Then you notice he's not mad or anything. He's intrigued. Interested. Kinda horny. He's thinking about something and a smirk comes across your face as you set down your stuff.
"What are you thinking about baby?"
You gently run your hands along his chest as he stammers out an apology for invading your privacy but you shush him. You take off your jacket and play with the edge of your shirt. Leopold can't help but stare. He feels guilty but you enjoy it.
"It's okay, you got curious."
Poor boy is so flustered and wide eyed. His hands slip under your shirt. Rubbing circles into your sides as he shyly thinks about how bad he wants to watch you use it.
How he wants to use it on you. What he can do with it.
"I can show you how it works."
Lets just say it was a very informative night for him.
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Technically, they weren’t supposed to be in each other's cabins.
But after fighting in two wars in the last two years, Chiron had decided to let some things slide. And so the Poseidon cabin became the go-to meeting place for the older campers: mostly the seven and company.
As a result, the cabin had slowly begun accumulating various comfort items and was morphing into a strange college dorm room-thrift shop hybrid. There was an old, peeling leather couch Jason and Leo had dragged out of the big house a few weeks ago, surrounded by random folding chairs and an assortment of beanbags Nico had totally not shadow traveled in from an ikea in the city. There were two and a half mini fridges (two working, one broken), a strange assortment of video game consoles the stoll brothers had provided and quite a few puzzles.
Since he and Nico had started dating, Will found himself hanging out in Percy’s makeshift common room more and more. That evening, he had just finished a sing-along session with his siblings at the campfire and was making his way across camp to the cabins. The warm summer air was filled with the smells of campfire smoke and sea salt drifting from the shore. A calm smile on his face, Will strolled up to cabin three with an extra s’more in his hand.
The interior was lit up with fairy lights and a blue lamp in the corner: cozy and inviting. Leo and Piper sat in some beanbags, playing some sort of card game. Jason and Percy lounged on the couch, throwing blue jelly beans into each other’s mouths (or at least tried to) while they yelled at the video game on the large tv screen that sat on the floor, leaning against the far wall because someone had forgotten to steal a stand. Nico perched on the edge of a crusty armchair, a controller in his hands and gaze focused on the screen before him.
Will stepped through the door with a soft wave, which Annabeth returned with one hand from where she was braiding back Nico’s hair as he played. Jason popped a jelly bean in his mouth as Will sat down at Nico’s side. “Holy shit. Nico, you’re sub 6 minutes and you’re already at Lernie? What even is this build?”
Nico smirked, not taking his eyes off the game, but leaning into his boyfriend as a hand carded around his waist. “I told you Grace, Beo is bugged on mirage shot. It’s totally OP.”
Percy tried to catch the blue projectile Jason tossed at him, almost falling off the couch in the process. “Yeah but even with the bug I’ve never been able to make use of hunter’s mark like this before. How are you even doing that?”
Nico shrugged, the silver chains that dangled from his ears glinted in the moonlight. “Practice.” He replied, taking down a hydra head in one blow.
Will took a bite of his s’more and squinted at the screen. “What even is this?”
“Hades.” All three boys replied, and Annabeth snorted. “It’s a Greek mythology game.” She supplied with a roll of her eyes. “Nico’s the main character.”
“I am not the main character.” Nico retorted, eyes never leaving the screen. He mumbled under his breath as the screen shifted, “fuck stupid room 34 witches. Dammit.”
Percy tilted his head in thought. “Actually Nico, you kinda are. I mean Zag is the son of Hades, his main weapon is a sword, you both look like you belong in a hot topic ad–”
“Fuck you, Jackson.”
“I said what I said– oh shit smoldering air? No way!”
Jason almost choked on his food. “Dude you’re gonna go sub ten at this rate.”
Will glanced at Annabeth. “Do they always sound like they’re speaking ancient greek when they play this game?”
Annabeth pulled the hair tie around her wrist off with her teeth. “Yup. Hate to break it to you, your boyfriend’s a nerd.”
Nico scowled. “Am not.”
Will pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Oh you totally are.”
“Listen Solace– HA! 9:58!” Nico jumped up and tossed the controller on the floor in victory, flicking off the animated Hades he had just defeated. “Get fucked, dad.”
Will watched him fondly. “Of course you would be good at the greek mythology video game where you get to kill your father.”
Nico dropped back down on the chair and slipped into Will’s side, taking the s’more his boyfriend offered him with a grin. “I’m nothing if not on brand.”
#pjo hoo toa#pjo#nico di angelo#percy jackson#annabeth chase#jason grace#piper mclean#leo valdez#will solace#solangelo
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ROTTMNT x Reader
s/o on their period hcs
Rise! Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey x Reader
fluff :D, afab reader, romantic, mentions of blood, MENSTRUATION 🤞, swearing, Leo being stupid 🤌
- He didn’t know what menstruation was until you told him
- “Wait, wait, wait. Slow down a sec. You’re telling me you BLEED out of your...you know, for a whole week every single month? …and you don’t, like, die?”
- I’m not going to lie to you, he’s a little disgusted. Not by you, but more so the whole bleeding and shedding your uterine lining thing.
- Lowkey hates your period more than you do
- glares at your uterus /hj
- “Uuuuggghhhhh, why does it have to get in the way of everything?” “Hey, don’t blame me! Blame god for that.” “Gods a bit of a dick, if you ask me.”
- If you believe he isn’t going to make period jokes, you are SORELY mistaken
- OF COURSE he’ll come over and cuddle if you ask. He’ll use any excuse he can to see you.
- “I mean, if you really need me that bad-“ “shut the hell up, Leo.” “ok sorry.”
- most likely to piss you off (bc he’s stupid)
- massages your lower stomach and is surprisingly good at it
- watches your fav movies and shows w/ you
- tries to make you laugh so you’ll feel better if you’re not in a good mood or cramping
- agrees with everything you say when you’re ranting about something or someone (he’s scared not to)
- he doesn’t know what the hell a pad is let alone a tampon or menstrual cup
- bust out the water bottle and tampon to show him how it works and he’s gagging
- “oh my god…it gets bigger like that??? In your…oh god-“
- he’s on edge the whole time with your mood swings
- “Must be nice to be a MAN.” “How is that my fault?”
- “it’s OUR period, babe. Uter-US.”
- terrified
- he can hear you bleeding
- “what’s a uterus?” JK JK JK (maybe)
- he also didn’t know what a period is, and still doesn’t really, fully understand after you explain but still supportive nonetheless
- “you shed your uterine what now?”
- “Right, right…and you bleed out of where?…OH-“
- he just really doesn’t get how you deal with it all
- he knows you’re in pain, bleeding, and uncomfortable. that’s all he needs to know to not like it at all.
- he is SPRINTING 🏃♀️ to get you whatever you need (frantically)
- pain killers? chocolate? hot tea? a heating pad? a pad/tampon? to be held? don’t even worry, Raph’s getting it for you.
- he would reach into a pit of burning hot coal and crush them into diamonds if you asked him to
- if you have them, your mood swings are making him nervous
- “Raphael, stop staring at me like that.” “sorry.”
- will be your shoulder to cry on and just listen if you need to rant (even if you’re being unreasonable)
- offers to let you hold his teddy bears for support
- you want him to come over? he’s knocking on your window not even 5 minutes later. you want to go over? of course! you want to be alone? no problem, just let him know if you need him.
- he really just can’t stand to see you in pain or sad. (or angry)
- “I know it hurts…it’s ok, Raph’s got you.”
- asks April for advice
- Obviously he at least knows what a period is, just not all the gory details. Who do you take him for? Leo?
- He does his research when he starts dating you so he can be prepared
- He’s really trying not to think about the fact that you bleed 24/7 for a week every month of every year. All that blood- he just can’t do it. It’s not by any means a comfortable subject for him.
- Being comforting is not his strong suit, but he tries his best (sort of)
- keeps some extra pads and tampons in his lab for you (and April) if disaster ever struck
- also has a stash of pain killers (big forehead = big headaches JK I LOVE HIM I SWEAR)
- tracks your cycle. and dreads the couple of days leading up to and of your period.
- ^ “By the way, ugh…you’re gonna start menstruating tomorrow.”
- Yes, he refers to it only as menstruation.
- “Don’t be like that, Y/N.” “Be like WHAT?” “Wait, no..that’s not what- I didn’t mean- please don’t cry-“
- he is stressing
- ^ “Y/N, I can’t know what you want unless you tell me!”
- makes hot tea for you
- claims he could come up with and invent something to “take away all your pain” but tbh I wouldn’t trust that if I were you
- pats and rubs your back for support w/ cramps
- “Donnie, it hurts so baaaaad.” “Shhh, I know it does. Just relax.”
- massages your lower stomach pt.2 not as surprisingly, he is good at it but he’s just skilled with his hands in general (NOT IN A FREAKY WAY YOU FREAKS)
- He will 100% come over and lay with you in your bed if that’s what you ask for
- Sigh. Will let you cuddle in his bed if you swear on your mother you’re not going to leak on him or his bed
- Asks April for advice (poor April)
- Has heard of menstruation (mostly misinformation), but he’s never had to worry about it until you started dating
- will let you explain exactly what it is and why it happens
- “Wait- a whole week?! You don’t just bleed it all out at once?” my sweet, sweet boy
- very sympathetic and open about it. He can’t deny it’s a little icky, but it’s your body’s natural function and it’s not like you can help it at all so he’s very understanding
- recognizes your PMS very well. whether you get really irritable, energetic, emotional, etc.
- after the first couple cycles he sees you go through, he starts to be able to read your needs to some extent
- cooks and bakes for you 👩🍳 really anything you’re craving as long as it’s within reason
- holds you anywhere and any way you want him to
- it’s like he can feel your pain
- “Shhhhh, it’s ok. I understand.” “..no, you don’t.” “you’re right.”
- gets you pain killers if you need some
- pretty good at handling your mood swings
- If you’re a crier on your monthly (like me) he wipes away your tears :(
- “Let it out, Y/N. You’re ok, I’m right here.”
- makes care packages for you with your favorite things (snacks, drinks, feminine products, stuffed animals, heating pads, etc.)
- if he comes to your house, he’ll offer to run a warm bath for you and wait for you to be done
- not necessarily scared, but definitely a little more careful with his choice of words towards you
- actually the sweetest I love him sm
- watching movies and shows if you don’t feel like getting up. or even just laying with you if you don’t feel like do anything but sleeping
- he’s very proud of himself for taking care of you
- “you’re the best, Mikey, thank you.” “Yeah, I know.”
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise donnie#rise leo#rottmnt x reader#tmnt#rise mikey#rise raph#rottmnt#rise donatello#donnie hamato#rottmnt raph#rottmnt leo#rottmnt donatello#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt x y/n#rottmnt headcanons#rottmnt x you#rise leo x reader#rise donatello x reader#rise donnie x reader#rise raph x reader#rise raphael#rise mikey x reader#rise michelangelo#rise leonardo#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles x reader#tmnt x reader#rise of the tmnt#rottmnt donnie x reader
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@oknutzy-week-2024 !!!
On The Line
Part Three
It was uncommonly hot on the day of his and Leo’s final, just as Finn had said it would be.
But Logan was used to the heat. He was up 4-2 in the first set. They’d gotten stuck at deuce for a good five minutes during the second game and Leo had pulled the extra two points off, but Logan was going to take the set. By the time Logan did so, he had soaked through his shirt and his hair was sticking to his neck and temples. Even the audience’s applause sounded dulled by the heat. People had straw hats and fans and more than enough iced drinks and white wine to go around.
He was winning—not that such a thing couldn’t change in a snap. But it was roasting and he liked the way he was playing. He could have a moment of fun. When he got to his chair at the changeover, he glanced up at Finn. He had his arm stretched along the back of Luke’s chair, who’d stayed to watch even after being knocked out by Sebastian Montague. Logan liked seeing them getting along better. Yeah, because I won, Finn said, no matter how many times Logan insisted Luke had never seen him like that. Finn was saying something intently to him—something about Logan’s forehand if his gestures were anything to go by—when he noticed Logan looking at him. Finn tilted his head.
Logan tossed his hat on his seat before pulling his sticking white Nike t-shirt over his head. He heard Luke’s laugh before he’d even freed himself of the shirt. He kept his eyes down, and his smirk, as he used a towel to dry his torso the best he could. He fetched a new shirt from his bag, sifting carefully around his fruit and spare rackets to find it. Just before he pulled it over his head, he glanced up again. Finn had his chin in his palm, hand discreetly covering his grin. Luke thumped him on the back. Finn rolled his eyes at Logan and then pointed down at something near Logan’s chair. Logan looked, thinking he meant his hat, but instead there was a cooler there that hadn’t been before.
Finn had send down bags of ice neatly rolled up in towels that Logan could drape around his neck. Logan glanced Leo’s way to see if his team had done the same. He couldn’t tell, but what he did see was—it was something. Leo peeling the white fabric of his shirt from his long, shining torso. He used the fabric to wipe at his face and neck. He had one of those bodies that appeared more lanky until you really got a look. He was strong and defined and—
Logan looked away quickly. He looked up at Finn instead—but Finn was watching Leo. His eyes darted to Logan’s and he raised his eyebrows. Logan raised his eyebrows back. Finn grinned, fanned himself, pointed at the towels, and flashed him a thumbs up. Logan rolled his eyes and took one of the ice towels out from the cooler Finn had sent him and draped it around his neck. He glanced over at Leo again, who seemed to be intent on soaking his fresh shirt in cold water. It made it cling to the muscles of his back and chest, the white fabric going slightly see-through.
Logan took the second ice towel out and held it. Technically, they weren’t supposed to talk during change overs. But… He glanced again at Leo’s flushed cheeks, and then at the full-sun side of the court he was about to have to play on.
Logan got up and crossed in front of the Umpire’s chair and stopped only when his shadow fell over Leo, making him look up. Blue. Blue, blue eyes, as blue as the shirt he had been wearing at his and Finn’s doubles final. He was obviously confused as to why Logan was standing there, his gaze darting towards the Ump.
Wordlessly, Logan held out the towel. When Leo just stared at it, Logan cursed under his breath and leaned forward to drape it around Leo’s neck. The audience mumbled, then awed, then began to clap as Logan went back to his own chair.
He hadn’t been trying for anything to get applause about. He just knew how it felt when the heat began to creep in. Leo looked grateful for it, holding some of the coolness to his cheek.
Logan went to the base line and readied himself for Leo’s serve, backing up several steps so he would be able to return its power. Leo had a small serving routine. Nothing crazy or obnoxious. He rocked once on his feet, made sure his hair was out of his face and bounced the ball three times. His long torso stretched as he tossed the ball up.
Logan only barely had time to draw his racket back, and even when he did, his return went into the net. Logan turned away as the crowd applauded. He went back to the baseline. He blew on his sweaty palms and took his steps backwards.
Leo pushed his hair out of his face. he wore a thin bandana tied around his forehead, but his blond hair curled over the top still. It was handsome, really. Logan wouldn’t give up his baseball hat for anything, but had always liked that style on other players.
Logan managed to return this time, and they rallied. And rallied. They hit the ball back and forth, running each other around the court for long enough that the crowd was gasping with each get. Logan could pictured Finn’s face. His clenched fist pressed to his lips the way Logan had only seen when watching his own tape back. He loved when the camera cut to Finn during a replay and the commentator’s talked about him.
There’s O’Hara. He was very tense during this point. He’s very invested, obviously.
And then, when Logan won the point, they’d show a slow-motion replay of Finn leaping to his feet with a fist raised in front of him. Logan would get to watch the way Finn’s mouth formed his name when it was slowed down. Logan. Yes, Logan.
Was it bad to think about taking your boyfriend to bed during a grand slam final?
Logan leapt for Leo’s killer volley and slammed it down perfectly in the corner and the point was over. The crowd erupted and Logan could practically hear those commentators now.
Excellent tennis. Incredible, just spectacular, these two.
It went on like that. Sweat in Logan’s eyes, insane rallies that seemed to last forever. They trapped themselves at deuce over and over again, back and forth back and forth until they were bound to lock eyes before serving again. Daring each other. Sharing this together. Little silent communications that Logan could all but hear in Leo’s voice. Here we are again.
After a particularly brutal thirteen minute game filled with running, Logan shot low over the net, spinning it so it would drop short. Leo sprinted for it hard (Finn’s voice: God, he shouldn’t be able to run that fast with all that height, but look at him) but the ball bumped over the top of the net tape before dribbling over and bouncing twice. The crowed oohed and Logan held up a hand in apology as was customary. No one wanted to win points like that.
For a moment, him and Leo were face to face right at the net. Right there. Blue, blue, blue.
“Désolé,” Logan said, out of breath. The French slipped out.
“Want to go six hours again?” Leo’s smile was crooked.
Logan couldn’t help it. He laughed. They turned away together, back to the baselines. He looked up at his box. Finn tilted his head at him and Logan shrugged.
They went seven hours. Gruesome. Glorious. And when Logan hit the ball into the net on Leo’s match point, Leo fell into his back in the grass and put his hands over his face.
Logan dropped to a knee, hardly able to breathe, but he rose quickly. He didn’t like lingering after a loss. He wanted off the court. He wanted out of the sun. He wanted Finn.
But he met Leo at the net. His palm found Leo’s and, unsure what made him do it, maybe the exhaustion or all of those small glances over these hours, but he and Leo pulled each other into a brief hug. The crowd was there, their player’s boxes and teams were there, but this had been between them. This had been a rematch, a battle. And Leo had won.
“Thank you,” Leo said softly to him beneath the crowd’s roar. “That was amazing.”
Logan didn’t know what to say, but he looked up at Leo as they pulled back and did what he thought Finn might. He tapped a hand over Leo’s chest, his heart really.
“It was,” he said.
Finn was waiting for him in the more private hallway they’d agreed to meet in if he lost.
The words from Leo’s victory speech were ringing in Logan’s head.
I want to congratulate Logan and his team on such a fantastic tournament. Logan, Finn, everyone…I mean, there is such love and support in Logan’s camp, it’s… It’s inspiring.
Logan pushed his face into Finn’s neck.
“Good game, baby,” Finn whispered. He always touched Logan hard after a loss. Firm palms on his back that almost jostled, but they felt good. Grounding when Logan might’ve just floated away on self-doubt. “Good fucking game.”
Logan let Finn take his weight and Finn did. He tightened his arms around Finn’s waist. “We lost.”
“He’s really good,” Finn whispered when he had his lips against Logan’s cheek. “He’s really good, and you’re really good, and chance has to go one way or the other, stop beating yourself up right now.” He put his hand on the back of Logan’s neck and hit pressure points with his thumb and forefinger. “Hey, stop it.” He used his grip to ease Logan’s head back to look up at him. “Stop it.”
Logan made some sort of pathetic sound.
“Let’s go get that steak you love,” Finn said and began pressing kiss after kiss to Logan’s cheek. “Gonna buy you dinner and get you that red wine you like,” he dropped his voice to a whisper. “Then our bed’s waiting, and I love the pillow creases in your cheeks. Gonna put them there myself, how’s that sound?”
“Really good.” Logan let his eyes slip shut. “He’s really good.”
“I know.”
Logan felt so tired suddenly that he nearly spoke in French. “Nous—We have to go to the party, we have to show up there. Because of our doubles.”
Finn removed Logan’s hat and stroked gentle fingers through his sweaty hair. “Yeah. Just twenty minutes, then we’ll leave.”
“Non. Non, we stay, it’s our victory.” Logan reached up to put a palm on Finn’s cheek. “We won. Love you.”
“I love you, too. Hey, c’mere.” His brown eyes were firm. “It was a great fucking match. Okay? Like, Jesus. It was a great match. It was hard and it was fucking unbelievable. Those rallies, and that tie break—fuck, Lo. It’s like…”
“It’s like we were born to play each other. I know.”
People said that about rivals sometimes. Like they existed to be playing at the same time. Logan believed that right now, he really did. He existed to face Leo Knut. He existed to be held like this by Finn O’Hara. He existed to face Leo Knut.
Finn kissed him gently and Logan floated away on an entirely different feeling. He wasn’t sure he could name it.
“Go get on the bike,” Finn whispered into Logan’s mouth, and Logan smiled.
He didn’t care so much about his suit this time around. Him and Finn wore simple black and Finn clicked Logan’s watch into place. Logan smiled at the thought of how his sponsors could make him wear this thing whenever and wherever, but they’d never see how reverently Finn put it on him, or the way he kissed his wrist after he was finished.
The ballroom of the Wimbledon clubhouse was already full and swinging by the time they’d arrived.
Logan leaned into Finn. “I thought it started at—”
“So, we’re a little late,” Finn said quietly in Logan’s ear. “You’re welcome.”
Logan laughed. “Oh. You’re…”
“You can tell me what I am later,” Finn whispered. “Incoming.”
Before the flock of admirers reached them, Finn had grabbed both of Logan’s hands and pulled him right onto the dance floor.
“Agh, Finn—I’m not good.” Logan laughed when he promptly stepped on Finn’s foot. “Finn—”
“Shh,” Finn murmured to him, ducking to press their cheeks together. “I’m celebrating my victory.”
The song was lively, but Finn kept them quiet and drawn together. He did spin Logan out a few times before drawing him back to his chest with a kiss.
“Why are you good at everything?” Logan said. He’d switched to locking his hands around the back of Finn’s neck to keep him close. He was light-headed by how Finn looked in this light. He could barely feel today’s loss, which maybe wasn’t exactly a good thing, but he didn’t care.
“I’m not,” Finn said. “I just make sure I’m good enough for you.”
Logan clicked his tongue, realizing too late that he had sounded exactly like his mother did when playfully scolding her children. He stepped on Finn’s foot on purpose this time, light on his toe.
“Always,” Logan said. “You are, always.”
Logan didn’t know any of the names that spoke to him. He smiled. He shook hands. He kept one hand firmly in Finn’s. He redirected any praise for their doubles victory onto Finn and accepted praise for the lost match against Leo. He took sips of Finn’s whiskey until Finn put the glass down and told whoever the hell they were talking to that they had somewhere to be.
“Ready?” Finn asked. His hand, slipping back into Logan’s, was cold from the glass.
“Ouais. So ready, champ.” So many men had called Finn that. Hey, champ, good game, champ, champ champ champ.
Finn laughed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on.”
Just as they turned towards the doors, a voice spoke from behind them.
“I hoped you would be here.”
Logan watched Finn turn first before he did. His face…lit up at the sight of Leo. A bit. Logan had to turn to see.
Leo smiled. He wore a soft, dove gray suit. His tie was gone, though, his collar open at his neck. Logan could see a fine golden chain there, dipping and shining against his collarbones. Logan stepped closer to Finn and curled his free hand around Finn’s wrist, just above where his other was clasped. He wasn’t sure what he meant by it, but Finn squeezed his hand like he understood.
Leo took slow steps towards them and set his drink down on the way. “I hoped you both would be here.”
“Who passes up clubhouse parties?” Finn said. “Especially ones for a well-deserved winner.” Finn didn’t let go of Logan’s hand, but held out his free one to Leo. “Fantastic match.”
Leo’s eyes flickered to Logan as he took Finn’s hand. Logan’s eyes went from their hands to his and Finn’s, almost in one line.
“Thank you,” Leo said. Again, he looked at Logan. “It really is a privileged to play you. Thank you for the towel.”
Logan bit the inside of his cheek. He felt Finn squeeze his hand.
Nice. He was a nice person, so why did everything get stuck somewhere between his chest and throat when Leo Knut looked at him?
“You looked like you needed it,” Logan said. Finn squeezed his hand harder. “I mean—I mean it was hot.”
Thankfully, Leo laughed. Finn kind of did, too and Logan squeezed back.
“It was.” Leo’s eyes dipped down Logan’s form. “It was…” Leo glanced behind him. “Were you about to leave?”
“We were,” Finn said. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving your own party so soon.”
“No, no.” Leo paused, considering them. “But…It’s tradition for the champions to dance together.”
The men’s and women’s champions, yes. That was true. Logan looked to where Lily Evans, clad in a silky dark green dress, was laughing at something Natalie Darcy was saying and pouring them both some more champagne. “You already danced with Evans.”
“What about the other champions, don’t they count?” Leo asked. “Doubles…for instance.”
That hung in the air. Logan could tell Finn was as speechless as he was just by the way his shoulder briefly stopped moving against Logan’s. Leo stood there looking down at them with his hands in his pockets and his chain glinting at his throat and his soft smile. Without the bandana he tied around his gold hair while he played, Logan could see the slightly longer length. He’d pushed it back from his face in gentle curls.
Logan had held this look that Leo was giving him before. Not in a ballroom but in a hallway, and not with Finn holding his hand but with Finn’s kiss, one of Finn’s first kisses, on his mouth.
“What,” Leo asked with a tilt to his head that was almost teasing. He remembered, too. “You don’t count?”
“Who…” Finn began to say, but had to break to clear his throat. “Who exactly are you asking?”
“Either one of you. Or whoever wants to go first.”
Logan’s heart started to pound. He could feel it against Finn’s palm, too. His suit felt too hot.
“I know you’re together,” Leo said at their hesitation.
“I believe you were the first to know,” Finn said. Leo’s eyes widened and Finn smiled—that cocky smile. The one he gave Logan in bed sometimes. Logan startled a little, seeing it out in the open like that. Something like pride spread warm through his fingertips. “If memory serves.”
“I…” Leo swallowed. “I just meant you don’t have to worry about…”
He didn’t finish, but Logan wasn’t worried. He was Finn’s. Logan looked up at Finn just as Finn looked back at him. Those brown eyes. He wasn’t entirely sure what Finn was thinking.
“Go,” Finn said softly. He smiled at Leo a little and put a hand low on Logan’s back. His finger tapped Logan’s spine. Bum-bum-ba-bum. Logan sent him another unsure look. “Don’t you think people want to see their rivals dancing?”
Leo just smiled, looking pleased, and turned halfway back towards the dance floor.
“Take me to dinner after,” Logan whispered to Finn, and tilted his face up.
Finn touched the underside of Logan’s chin with soft, curled knuckles, keeping him there, and kissed him.
Logan let his hand slip out of Finn’s and followed Leo. The song was slow but upbeat. There were other couples dancing, but none like them. It didn’t bother Logan anymore. He’d had one year of Finn pulling him out of his shell and into the closest Logan had ever felt to being himself. Finn did it with kisses all day, with jokes that made Logan laugh in crowded restaurants. He did it in museums where Logan looked his face more than the art. He did it in bed, sinking deep to Logan’s core, Logan’s back resting against his chest, Finn’s teeth on his neck. He did it on dance floors. Finn knew how to make an elegant fool of himself, and Logan was learning to enjoy things rather than just be good at them.
Leo’s hand settled on his lower back, the other gentle in his own, and Logan was right there on the dance floor, pulse flying. He looked back at Finn. He was leaning against the bar, watching with dark, soft eyes.
“We’re not really rivals, are we?”
Logan was drawn back to Leo. He had to look up farther than he did with Finn, especially when standing this close. They turned in time, giving Logan flashes of the people around the room. Everyone was looking. Smiling. Staring. Gaping. At least no one was snapping photos. That he could see.
“In their eyes we are,” Logan said of the room.
Leo glanced around, too. Logan was eye-to-eye with that gold chain. It dripped down between his collarbones like a little trail of honey. Logan licked his lips then realized what he was doing.
“You’re going to have to tell me what you’re thinking,” Leo said.
Logan huffed out a laugh. “I’m not good at that.”
“Finn always knows what you’re thinking,” Leo said.
“Ouais,” Logan said. “Because he’s Finn.”
Leo smiled and applied a bit of pressure to Logan’s hand. “You keep trying to lead.”
“So do you.”
“I thought I was, since I asked you.”
“Oh,” Logan said. “Ouais, you can.”
A few seconds of silence went by, and Leo laughed.
“Sorry,” Logan said, unable to help a smile of his own. “I’m trying not to.”
“It’s all right,” Leo replied. “It’s…It’s like you’re still trying to beat me.” He ducked his head down a little. “We’re just dancing, Logan.”
Logan tried his best to relax. The eyes around them were moving on. At least, some of them were. As the room spun slowly around them, Finn came back into view. He had a funny expression on his face. They moved on too quickly for Logan to decipher it.
“Thanks for agreeing,” Leo said. “It’s nice to dance with another boy. For me.”
Logan nodded. He was staring at the gold chain again. It was next to a dark freckle. And come to think of it, Leo’s hair had streaks of gray in the front most strands. Not an age thing. A bad hit to the head? And had he known Leo Knut liked men? Somehow, he thought he had though he didn’t remember learning that.
A flash of that look Leo had given him, that night in the dark, velvet hallway. Finn’s mouth on his neck, Leo’s eyes locked to his. That smile. That sort of not-smile. Logan knew that smile. He’d felt that smile on his own face, when he had only wanted Finn without having him.
“You don’t have anyone?” Logan asked. “You seem like you would.”
Leo’s hand tightened around his as he led them into another elegant turn. Logan hadn’t stepped on his foot once, he realized.
“No,” Leo said. “Not yet.”
Leo had said that confidently. No regret, just waiting and hoping. He tried to put that tone to the boy he’d first met, dumping a waffle on his plate.
“You seem different,” Logan said carefully.
“Less…” Logan wasn’t sure how to put it.
“Scared of you.”
Logan scoffed. “Là, mais…”
“Je ne suis pas.”
French. Something in Logan relaxed as it always did.
“I wasn’t going to say scared,” Logan said, relieved to be speaking his own language.
“Good,” Leo replied in the same way. “Because I’m not. I never was.”
“What were you then? And don’t say, like, in awe or something.”
Their song was beginning to end, Logan could tell as the slides of violin and cello got longer. At the languid tempo, he became aware that his heart had calmed. He still hadn’t stepped on Leo’s foot.
“I used to have your poster on my wall,” Leo said. “Finn’s, too. When I was at home, it was in my bedroom, when I went to tennis camp it was in my cabin.”
Without thinking—maybe because he was so used to doing it with Finn and when else was he this close to someone who wasn’t Finn—Logan laughed, grimaced, and let his forehead fall against Leo’s shoulder. Just as quickly, he straightened, flushing, but Leo looked pleased.
“I was in awe,” Leo said before Logan could apologize. The last note of the song played and Leo slowed them. They’d ended up near the center of the room and Logan felt a little—numb. Tingly. Light-headed. “Because you’re just as handsome in real life.”
Leo’s eyes went somewhere behind Logan—to Finn? Was Finn watching them? “Both of you.”
Logan stepped on Leo’s foot and fumbled out an apology. Leo just smiled as they stilled together. Around them, people began clapping for the musicians. Slowly, Leo released Logan’s waist. Had his hand been under Logan’s jacket the entire time? Logan realized that his was closer to the side of Leo’s neck than his shoulder. If he raised his thumb, he could have brushed skin. It was how he danced with Finn.
Leo covered Logan’s knuckles with his other palm before letting their hands drop. “Let me know if you ever want to dance again.”
#o'knutzy week 2024#o'knutzy#Logan tremblay#Leo knut#finn o'hara#lelo#finnlo#sunfish#tennis au#sports au
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Clean Slate
Ah, the passage of time. If anyone has been here since the first phone call, you may be entitled to financial compensation (or an AARP membership). Character credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
On the first ring, as always. “Hey.”
“I was thinking about going back to Gryff for Christmas.”
“Oh.” Surprise, but pleasant surprise. Regulus shook his pan of sausage. “Yeah, sounds good. You always have a room here. Or were you staying with the cubs?”
“With you.” He stretched his neck from side-to-side. Tension bled out of his forehead and shoulders at the familiar roll of French on his tongue. “If that’s okay.”
“Always,” Sirius answered immediately, almost hasty. Regulus wasn’t sure they’d ever get past that. Ah, well. The damage was done.
The line remained quiet for a moment. Sausage sizzled, and he turned to the pile of green beans on the cutting board. Leo had taught him how to snap the ends off with his fingernails, and though he was better now about not chewing them to the quick, he still didn’t like the feeling of stuff stuck beneath them. Regulus had really only called to clarify plans.
“How—how are your friends?”
“Good.” Sirius liked to talk, even if he wasn’t very good at it. “Jax and Kris set up the living room last night.”
“Do they still have that stupid poster?”
Regulus snorted under his breath and carefully sliced the tip off another bean. “They tried to hang it in the window.”
Sirius groaned.
Regulus grinned. He supposed he could have a little mercy. “Don’t worry, it’s under my bed.”
“Somehow, that’s worse.”
“I can’t get rid of it. It’s their favorite possession. They have a thing for your long hair and the murder face. Jax is still waiting for the day you spontaneously get divorced and need a hot young college student to rebound.”
He wasn’t sure whether the gagging sound Sirius made was real or exaggerated. As long as he was in mild torment, Regulus was happy. A simple, ever-amusing perk of long-distance communication.
“I hope your classmates are less in tune with pop culture.”
“Hockey, yes. Pop culture, no.” Regulus eyed the pan, then added another knob of butter to be safe. There was nothing worse than a burnt vegetable. “And my classes are going well, thank you for asking.”
“You’re welcome.”
He rolled his eyes. It didn’t matter that Sirius couldn’t see it; the message would certainly get through.
“Don’t make that face at me.”
“I’m not making a face.”
“You always make faces.”
Regulus stuck his tongue out at the microwave above the stove.
“I can feel you doing it again.”
“That was a different one. I’m taking physics 3 this year and it’s making me want to eat a doorknob already.”
“You’re anemic enough that it would probably help.”
“I take my supplements!” Regulus argued, shaking his pan. “Not my fault we were force-fed protein in fucking sun-less Canada.”
“We had sun, you just never went outside,” Sirius countered, like it was some sort of argument. “I don’t have to take supplements.”
“Well, you’re perfect and bulletproof, as everyone knows.”
Regulus angled his face at the dark phone screen when he pulled a face this time. It was a good one. Pity that Sirius couldn’t see it. He should’ve gone for FaceTime.
“Are you starting a fire?”
“I’m making dinner.”
“Not all of us have a home cook.”
“I can cook now.”
“Oh, you’ve been housebroken.” Regulus blew out a mouthful of steam as he tested a piece of sausage. “How thrilling for Lupin.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“Takes one to know one. I learned that last week.”
He could feel Sirius shaking his head. “Knutty is formally banned from teaching you new slang.”
“You’ve never said ‘no’ to him in his entire career.” Regulus let the line hang silent for another half-minute as he turned the burner off and began scraping his dinner into a bowl. It still bore a faint orange tinge from last year’s finals-week spaghetti run. He fished a piece of pasta out of the water and popped it in his mouth, grimacing at the heat on his tongue. It was cooked well enough—at least, he was hungry enough to forgive a more al dente texture.
“By the way,” he started, as if his stomach wasn’t stuttering. “I think I’ll be back in time for family skate.”
The shuffling sounds on Sirius’ end came to an abrupt halt. “That’s nice,” came the faux-casual answer.
Anxiety made a valiant effort to claw up and silence his tongue. “I was thinking about going.”
“Well,” Sirius began, then paused. Regulus swallowed a few times to clear the block in his throat while Sirius pondered. “I—yeah, sounds good.”
“I want to.”
“Good.” Sirius’ relief was audible. “Okay, good. You can change your mind.”
“Don’t be weird about it,” Regulus ordered as he toed his slippers on and made his way to the apartment’s tiny coffee table. They’d get chairs at some point, but for now three pillows sat on the floor beside it.
“I’m never weird.”
“Boo, liar.”
“I’m telling Lupin.”
“Do it. He likes me better. I can cook.”
“I’m—” Regulus caught himself at the last second and felt Sirius’ breath hitch on the other end of the line in anticipation. “—not joking, I actually want to go and play stupid ice fetch with your irritating friends, and nobody is making me feel pressured.”
“Don’t sound so…” He wrinkled his nose and stuffed a mouthful of pasta into his mouth. “Smiley.”
“It’ll be good to have you home.”
“If you’re weird, I’m staying with Leo,” Regulus threatened. “For real, this time.”
“Right, because you love being around people who are engaged and anywhere near a holiday, or mistletoe, or the magic of Christmas—”
His loud groan silenced Sirius’ words, but not his laughter. “Get your laughs in now, before I whoop your ass on the ice.”
“Would love to see you try.”
“Don’t sound so thrilled.”
“Everyone else is going to underestimate you. I won’t be nice like that.”
“You’re never nice,” Regulus lied.
Sirius let him eat in peace until he was scraping the last bits of cheese from the bottom of the bowl. He heard the faint beeping of the dishwasher buttons in the background and glanced at his own sink, nearly overflowing with haphazard dishes from the first chaotic weeks of their senior year. The apartment was a pleasant change from living on campus, such as it was. Jax and Kris had offered to pay rent—tried to strongarm him, really—but a few withering looks had finally made them relent. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was his. Theirs.
The string lights lining the ceiling weren’t strictly allowed, but Regulus liked their gentle blue cast. The blanket Remus and Sirius had sent as a housewarming gift sat cozily on the back of their couch. Curtains from Jax’s mother let in just the right amount of light in the mornings.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?”
The sound of Sirius’ voice in his earbuds startled him. “Yeah,” Regulus said. “Yeah, sure.”
“Even for laundry.” Sirius tried for wry, and it made Regulus crack a small smile, but it was gentler than either of them intended. “Don’t shrink your clothes. Check the tags.”
Always do, he thought, but kept it down. “Good advice. No centipedes here, yet.”
Sirius’ laugh was a little weak. “You’re just not looking hard enough.”
“Eugh, don’t say that.” Regulus blinked fast, tipping his head toward the ceiling. “Hey, this washer even has a ‘normal’ setting, if you can believe it.”
“Oh, wow. Lucky you.”
Picking up the phone on the first ring, always. For four years straight. “I’ll see you at Christmas.”
“We can come up in October, if you want.”
Of course Sirius had the academic calendar on-hand. “I’ll be gone that weekend with the guys. We didn’t want to be around all the new parents. They’re very damp.”
“And you melt when water touches you, of course.”
“Of course.”
Sirius let out a quiet breath. “See you at Christmas, Reg. Call me when you have flights.”
“Stay safe.”
“Always do.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do here,” he corrected.
“Miss you.” The streetlights down the road were just starting to come on. “Say hi to Lupin for me.”
“He’s in the other room,” Sirius offered. “You can say it yourself.”
“I’ll talk to you both enough at Christmas.”
“Call any time. And let us know when you hear back about graduation tickets.”
What a terrifying thought to leave for the end of the call. “I’ll forward it to you.”
“I’ll keep an eye out.”
“Okay. Bye.” And before he could second-guess himself—“I’ll be home soon.”
“Don’t talk to strangers,” Sirius answered. Regulus heard the truth under it. “And do your laundry.”
#regulus black#sirius black#sweater weather#vaincre#lumosinlove#fluff#bittersweet#my fic#fanfic#remus lupin#leo knut#phone call
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I saw you were taking ‘Leo x reader’ requests so I thought I’d throw some ideas out there!!! :D (they’re random ideas I’ve been writing in my notes app so sorry they’re not too planned and specific…)
1.) (rivals-to-lovers) Fighting over music on the Argo II with him. Either over aux or they’re neighbors on the ship and he plays his music loud so reader does the same to drown it out… and then it turns into a little petty loud music battle.
2.) (???-to-lovers) Reader is cold so they go to his room for an extra blanket because he’s a human furnace so chances are he sleeps without one. He doesn’t have any but offers to cuddle with them. Others find out and snap a photo in the morning.
3.) Reader spends money on him (paying for food, buying something he was looking at, etc.) and Leo starts crying because he hasn’t had someone do that for him since his mom. With a fluff ending
4.) Like number 3 but with a surprise brithday party, maybe a confession at the end or maybe it’s already an established relationship?
5.) (friends-to-lovers) Percy and Leo are joking about who is more charming/attractive and the reader picks Leo. One of the others is like “Percy obviously, he’s everyone’s type, literally almost everyone has had a crush on him or found him attractive at first”. And the reader is like “Speak for yourself.” Everyone just looks over at them, even Leo is shocked lol. Maybe he gets flirty with them after and teases about it.
6.) Same as 6 but it’s some other camper making fun of him and the reader stands up for him. Maybe they fake date or something?
7.) Leo and reader are on counsler duty helping younger campers for arts and crafts. Reader makes him a friendship bracelet and he wears it all the time.
I know there’s a lot, but I just wanted to throw stuff out there for if you’re ever in a writing block, you don’t have to reply to this either any of the requests if they aren’t something you’re interested in! I just love your work (sersiouly your writing is so good omg) so I thought I’d brain dump ideas!!!
⋆·˚ ༘ * he built a fire just to keep me warm

warnings: one sexual reference
pairing: leo valdez x fem! reader
right side, left side, back, stomach, sitting up. no matter how you slept it was still insanely freezing in your cabin. you’re three blankets were not enough to radiate warmth through your body. you lie awake for gods know how long, staring at the ceiling, then back at the clock, a repeating cycle between the two. you take another look at the clock: 1:58 it reads
great, so you’ve been awake almost the whole night and now it’s yesterdays tomorrow. an idea, an idea, you scan your brain for a genius idea that will help you sleep the rest of the night. would another blanket do? no it won’t because five minutes after you’re still cold. turn up the heat? then it will be too hot and there’s a possibility your siblings will complain. you’re left with only one option: get a fourth blanket. you’ve run out of blankets, your three currently being used, however you know the perfect boy who would be glad to give you one of his, and it’s your human furnace of a best friend leo valdez
he had told you many times that he sleeps with only one singular blanket since he tends to overheat with any more than that amount. he had said however that if you ever needed an extra he would be happy to give up his one for the sake of your happiness
you remove the three blankets from your body, standing up and unfortunately embracing the cold of your cabin. you slide your slippers on and throw one of leo’s sweatshirts on- another thing he had offered to you one night at a campfire, you recall it almost vividly, and the faint scent of fire still lingers on it
you had began to make your way to cabin nine, the cold air of night almost worse than your cabin, but nonetheless you power through it. once arrived at your much anticipated destination you open the door slowly, the warmth of the cabin warming you up instantly; you don’t know what you would’ve done if leo wasn’t a child of hephaestus
you make your way to his bed just fine, having spent many mornings taking this path to wake him for breakfast. you stand on the side, watching him sleep so peacefully, you hated to wake him from his sleep, he never got much of it. perhaps it was creepy to be staring as he slept, your worries got the best of you though, you felt terrible waking up for a problem of your own
“perverted much?”
you swore you saw the underworld for a moment, a hand flies to your chest and you breathe heavily. you watch as leo sits up in his bed
“oh my gods” you take a large breath “I’m sorry, I don’t- jeez- uhm, could I use your blanket? It’s freezing in my cabin”
the moment the words fall from your mouth you realize he has no blanket. a frown forms on your lips almost instantly
“I threw my blanket in the closet for the summer, haven’t taken it out yet” there’s a long pause before he speaks again “you could sleep with me though?”
sleep with leo? only your fantasies were privileged enough to be granted that honor. just sleeping right? this can’t be that bad. just go to sleep, that’s it
you crush and best friend leo valdez is asking you to sleep with him? this can’t be right
“are you sure?” you ask
“of course” he moves over to make room for you to lay, you gladly do so, eager to get warm
It’s awkward for a moment. side by side you feel his warmth through his shirt, was there any way he could just simply give it to you? probably not, you’re only option was to get any closer if that was possible, you push away this thought though, he was your best friend not your boyfriend
for a while this was how it went, you assume he fell asleep shortly after you joined him. was it the heat? your sleepiness? were you possessed? you’re unsure how it happened but you find yourself cozying up to leo, a position much to couple-y for best friends. soon enough a warm arm is wrapped around your waist, sending you into a deep sleep
you would say this was the best night of your life. the many campers taking photos in the morning would agree
#xoxochb#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo series#pjo fandom#percy jackson#pjo#percy series#pjo hoo toa#leo valdez x y/n#leo valdez x you#leo valdez x reader#leo valdez#percy jackson x you#percy jackson x reader
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