#it starts bringing up a war and I was like 👁👄👁 the what
Of all games to tackle the damage left by war and its glorification, I didn’t expect it to be this
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blorbologist · 2 years
hmmm top 5 favourite cr campaign moments? 👀 from any campaign or from ur choice
This is Long because I Cannot not gush
1) The Cathedral in Campaign 2! The fucking AESTHETICS, the DRAMA, Caleb smashing the window, Yasha nearly killing Beau, Pumat Swole, the shift from glorious cathedral and stained glass down into the bowls of the building, Matt and Ashley's HDYWTDT. It's beautiful and hits so emotionally hard and I simply adore it
2) All of The Fancy and the Fooled, but lets say the party + After especially. Fancy formal dress Mighty Nein is Divine, for one! The Bjreaus jamming out to the Ruby of the Sea's performance while Beau trips balls, locking out the creepy fuck on a balcony 2 electric boogaloo, the maneuvering to get Essek out of there and confront him, and the incredible Shakespeare Liam fuckin OBrian brought when Essek was finally cornered? "You were not born with venome in your veins, you learned it"??? Hi hello?? And ofc Welcome to the Mighty Nein ;;;;;
Also, Fancy and the Fooled was the first episode I ever caught live, and I watched it with @insyndiar, so itll also be special to me for that reason <33
3) The conversation with Syldor in Heredity and Hats. Everything - Laura fuckin Bailey's incredible emotional range, "If I could pull the blood of you from my veins and give it back, I would. I want no part of you", the contrast between Vax and Vex, how Tal tests the waters for titling at intervals prior during the conversation, The Title, "So good sir, despite your relationship with her, do watch your manners", the Literal Mic Drop. The meaning of the moment too, with the Twins confronting their father and letting him have it, and how it ties into Percy and Vex's convo the night before and he found just the perfect way to support Vex in this time (and show he loves her because Oh Shit he Loves Her). And how giddy she is to bring up her new title for the rest of the episode!!
Ok this is getting hard now Fuck
4) Can I just put all the moments between Imogen and Laudna after storm nightmares here? Hell lets include those nightmares, too. The panic and fear and frustration Laura brings to the table, every time, every fucking time, the imagery, the desperation. And how Laudna is so gentle and supportive and just *there* and their dynamic is so soft and strained and im. So excited for Imogen's first nightmare after their fallout last episode because i love them but they need a dose of Angst
5) The Hag. Just. What everyone offered, how much we can speculate about those that didn't get to offer anything? Beau had me devastated, because she was regressing and Marisha was so cmearly mourning potentially losing her character,,,, Yasha going in right after Beau bc she just realized she loved her not long ago, NOTT OFFERING TO RESTART THE WAR?? FUCKER?? And of course Jester's incredible fucking power play because Laura Bailey wins at D&D
Honorable mentions:
- Saying bye to Frumpkin :c because my childhood cat was a white tomcat and he just left one day (keep your cats inside people please). I started bawling 30 minutes into the 7 hour episode boy it was A Time
- Nonagon final battle, just. Holy shit. Everything. Marine layer, Beau's double nat twenties, 'Caleb they need you', almost got a mind controlled Essek, the heals the love the fear the horror visuals ughhh
- Kaylie revealing her identity and Scanlan's reaction
- 'darling take off the mask' 👁👄👁
- the escape from the King's Cage
- inviting Essek for dinner and the hot tub
- "do you want to talk before or after"
- Sunken Tomb :))
- Jester wingmanning Yasha / Beau tripping on Yasha / The Poem
- I could beee herrrr Beacon
- Vex testing out the broom (especially when Percy freaks out over it being unsafe)
- Wall of Fire
- Three orcas chasing Avantika
- Keg <33
- when Beau and Caleb act like siblings, or Vex and Vax do <3
@fatal-blow fuck u <3
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(💜 sorry for another ask but I had to wake up so early… I mean it’s literally 5am here and I have to do something to put myself in a better mood for the day lol) So one more thing about the sleepover thing, my obsession has now extended to the idea of Luke, Reggie and Alex in actual pyjamas and Bobby thinking that’s weird lol! So like… Bobby shows up and he’s literally just wearing his jeans or whatever and he has never brought a pair of pyjamas with him to crash at one of his friends house’s in his life. He usually just passes out on the couch or the floor in his clothes if he’s at someone else’s house since they’d usually been drinking or whatever lol. Anyway, Bobby gets there and like… Luke obviously because it’s his house is already there and so is Alex and they’re setting up their little bed on the floor made out of an extra mattress his mom kept and a bunch of blankets and pillows and Bobby is already like 🤨 lol, and then Reggie comes over and Luke is like “okay guess it’s time to get into our pyjamas” lol, and Bobby is like wtf lol, so they go to Luke’s room and the boys are just changing into their pyjamas and Bobby is just… standing there lol, so Luke is like “aren’t you gonna change?” And Bobby is like “I didn’t bring pyjamas dude” and they’re all looking at him like he’s crazy and Alex slowly says “you know this is a sleepover right??? Luke did you forget to tell him we’re sleeping over??” And Bobby is like “uh, no dude I don’t usually change into pyjamas when I crash at my other friends’ houses” and Reggie is like “……..you guys sleep in your underwear? That’s pretty weird” and Bobby’s like “no! We…. Never mind” so Luke gives him a pair and they’re like… the kind he wore when he was eleven lol, even in his own house he usually just sleeps in his underwear or a t shirt and sweat pants, but the guys are changing and he doesn’t want to make a big deal so he just starts to change and all the guys are just… changing in front of each other so that’s kind of weird too, and at one point Reggie asks Luke if his underwear is new… Which… if Bobby noticed one of his friends had new underwear and actually admitted to this out loud they’d probably beat him up on the spot lol. They’re boxer briefs with monkeys on them and Reggie wants to know where he got them and Luke says “I dunno dude my mom got them” and the Reggie snaps the band of Luke’s underwear and Luke yells and he and Reggie wrestle on the bed for like five minutes and then they get kind of pooped from wrestling so Reggie is just laying on Luke’s chest while Alex sits cross legged on the floor next to Luke’s face and tells him some story about how he’s 90% sure he saw a lunch lady pick up a chicken nugget and put it back and serve it. Bobby is watching Luke laugh with Alex while Reggie just… lays on Luke’s chest with his eyes half shut while Luke lazily drags his finger tips up and down Reggie’s back and his Bobby is literally like this 👁 👄 👁 lol! He is literally just standing there in Luke’s geeky pyjamas by the door and he can’t even process what he is witnessing lol. Eventually Luke tells Reggie he better not fall asleep because it’s a sleepover and that means they gotta stay up late, but Reggie whines and groans when Luke shifts him off. Reggie finally puts his Star Wars pyjamas on and Bobby is still just standing there wondering if this is all a prank lol
oh my god just the mental image of Bobby wearing geeky pajamas that are probably too small for him is KILLING MEEEEE or even like if Luke passes him some enormous t-shirt and some shorts or something it's just totally not Bobby's style whatsoever and i'm just dying thinking about it!!!
because you're 100% correct that Reggie would have Star Wars pjs that's just the rule ok he probably has like six different pairs!!! and Luke probably (at one point) had matching pajamas but he literally cannot keep them together to save his life no matter how many times his mom rearranges his drawers so he always ends up in mismatched pjs and doesn't care one bit. and Alex probably has like somewhat normal pajamas for a 15/16 year old (idk how old they are in this instance i forget) that are like, athletic shorts and a slightly oversized tee.
but Bobby hasn't worn like LEGIT pajamas since he was probably eight years old and any sleepover he's been to since then isn't so much a sleepover as "hey come to my house and we'll get wasted and eventually pass out" and so he's just SO CONFOUNDED that these guys actually have sleepovers in the same way that he's always assumed girls do and like, he finds it super weird but also he strangely (and sort of desperately) wants to be a part of it???
i just. i have a lot of feelings about Bobby being the outsider and wanting so badly to fit in with the other boys and they just welcome him with open arms because they're all so caring and loving and Bobby just doesn't know how to accept their love!!!! 🥺🥺
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