#it sniffs dreams
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amielot · 5 months ago
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cloudwisp · 1 month ago
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“How does that feel? Any discomfort? Be truthful, I want to make sure your skin stays beautiful.”
“They’re perfect. Are you worried over such a small thing?”
“A man has his duty to worry over his beauty of a wife. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—you look absolutely gorgeous tonight.”
“Hm, I’m familiar with this scheme. Are you hoping for something to happen before the premiere?”
“Ah, guilty as charged. Well then, we should start heading out. It wouldn’t be good if we’re the last ones to arrive.”
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lulublack90 · 1 month ago
Prompt 19 - Sniff
Wolfstar, February 19, word count 935
Previous part First part
Hello everyone, so this is probably going to be the last flashback part unless anyone has anything they really want to see from Sirius's pov. I am probably going to slot some Sirius pov's in with Remus's going forward as well. Thanks for reading 💜💜
Remus yawned so loudly that Sirius’s ear began to ring. The last episode on the disk they were watching had just finished, and Sirius wasn’t sure what Remus might want to do next.
“So,” Remus said, turning to him, his voice had a husky tone that shot right to Sirius’s groin. “It’s getting late, wanna?” He nodded towards his hidden bed suggestively. Sirius’s mind ran at a million miles an hour while it decided what it wanted to do. He didn’t want to leave, but Remus had been worming his way under Sirius’s skin since the second he met him, and Sirius no longer wanted a one-night stand. 
A sultry smile spread across Sirius’s face. He shuffled closer to Remus, so Remus had to lean back into the pile of pillows and duvet to see him clearly. He leaned in, so there was no way Remus wouldn’t catch his words and purred. 
“Oh, I’m not going to shag you on our first date. No, I like you too much to rush. I want to spend a lot more time with you.” He fluttered his eyelashes as sweetly as he could and continued. “I will, however, take you up on your offer for a sleepover.” Remus’s face did an odd thing before it settled into a slightly mischievous look. 
“Will you now?” He questioned. Sirius could play this game, too. He wiped all traces of playfulness from his face and replaced it with his most serious face. 
“There is no way I am going out there this time of night. I am almost certain Mr Kebab shop owner is, in fact, a modern-day Sweeny Todd,” Remus snorted, but Sirius carried on. “No, seriously, that's why he has so many neon signs, so that when an unfortunate passerby gets all distracted by the bright lights. Then, he opens the door and drags them into the back, where he grounds them up into the doner he served me this evening, which is why it tasted so bad.” It was a daft story, but the more he thought about it, the more plausible it began to sound.
“Well, we can’t have that,” Remus murmured, a fond smile stretching his lips. Lips Sirius very much wanted to kiss. 
Remus got up and began collecting the duvet and pillows, dipping behind the blanket curtain to place them back on the bed. Sirius could hear him digging around in his drawers. Probably for something for Sirius to wear. Sirius felt like having one more bit of fun before bedtime and stripped down to his boxers. “They’ll drown you, but…” Remus’s mouth was agape when Sirius looked up. He spotted the pyjama pants in Remus’s hands and sauntered past him to the poky bathroom. 
“Oh, no, thanks, I prefer to sleep like this if I can't sleep naked,” Sirius said, winking at him as he shut the door. 
He had to take a deep breath after he’d relieved himself and used Remus’s toothbrush to brush his teeth. “Everything will be alright,” He told his reflection before he opened the bathroom door once more. “It’s all yours,” he said and hopped up onto the bed. Remus disappeared into the bathroom, and he made himself comfortable on the bed. 
It dawned on him as he listened to Remus brush his teeth that he was in a total stranger's bed. He hadn’t slept with anyone for over a year now. He’d been too scared his parents would find out. Yet here he was, waiting for the mysterious Remus Lupin. His heart began pounding as he panicked. What if Remus was a plant by his parents to make sure he wasn’t doing exactly this? What if Remus was some crazed lunatic who’d very easily lured Sirius back to his flat, which just so happened to belong to Sirius, and was going to harvest his organs?! 
The bathroom light clicked off, and so did the light in the living room, bathing the entire room in a green glow from the kebab shop downstairs. It truly was horrendous. He made a mental note to get on to Evan about it. Remus ducked under the curtain, and all the crazy thoughts Sirius had been having melted away. Remus would never hurt him. He could tell that already. 
He’d laid on the far side, but as soon as Remus slid between the sheets, he nearly cried. He could feel the heat coming off him and warming the bed. It couldn’t hurt, right? It wasn’t like he was doing anything, not really. He wriggled until he was against Remus. He flung his arm over Remus’s chest, tucked his leg between Remus’s legs, and let out a happy sigh. This felt so right. Sirius had forgotten how amazing being this close to a person was. Gods, he’d been so lonely. He nuzzled into Remus’s shoulder and, after a long sniff, began to drift off to sleep, with ideas of what it would be like to be with Remus. His dreams were so real that when he woke up, he forgot they weren’t together. He was devastated for all of five seconds when he felt something hard bump against him, and a soft grin spread across his mouth. “Hmmmm, someone's happy to see me,” He murmured sleepily. He decided there and then that he needed to keep Remus in his life. He’d fallen hook, line, and sinker for this man in less than twenty-four hours. He just needed to know if Remus would ever feel the same way, but judging by the hardness of what he was being poked by, Remus wasn’t far off. 
Next part
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kalukao · 8 months ago
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Sniff sniff
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paradoxoftrees · 2 months ago
I think Cross would be a high maintenance husband. He'd always be soggy and crying and feeling bad about himself all the time, and Dream, like, would have to deal with it all the time
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acoraxia · 6 months ago
work sucks actually they didn’t inform me we moved locations after spending 30 mins trying to find my boss and trying to contact them
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jhoneybees · 1 year ago
Have you ever thought about when you read fanfics, you feel so comfortable in that universe you're reading?? I'm specifically talking about Elvis X reader or CG!Elvis X little!Reader.
It just feels like home, homely, and gosh to live in that universe would be a dream, yeah it's probably a fan 'thing' I don't know how to explain it.
Just UGHHH to feel Elvis engulf you in his firm, strong arms, resting your head on his chest after his long day of recording, getting kisses on the cheek from him and getting called darlin', sweetie, sweetheart, baby, babydoll, doll, love bug, my girl.
UGHHHHHH I miss him so much, I want to cry.
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Just look at him...oh. my. god.
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magicalmutants · 2 days ago
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And if I said I saw suguru and satoru in these words what then?? WHAT THEN??
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editing-tips69 · 6 months ago
had a dream where me and one other girl won a contest to go and stay in the phouse for a few days
dnp left us alone for a few hours so ofc we are going around taking pictures and looking at everything and then they come home with norman, not dead and also not a fish, but a tiny baby pig.
apparently they had to give norman up because of the building rules (it was simultaneously the phouse and also an apartment) but he was coming for a visit and i got to pet him and play with him a little bit but he left with his new owner before the other girl woke up so she was really mad at me for not waking her up lol
the dream ended just as a bunch of other phannies were showing up so i guess they were turning the phouse into a phannie hostel or commune or something
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amielot · 6 months ago
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✨🎀 Bow 🎀 ✨
I think dream in panel 3 makes sleepy horse noises.
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transmcytshowdown · 1 year ago
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Submitted for: Rats SMP
Headcanons: Nonbinary, any pronouns
Propaganda: Snifferish stated that their Rats character used any pronouns; Snifferish uses she/they irl
Captain Puffy:
Submitted for: Dream SMP, Pirates SMP
Headcanons: Genderfluid, any pronouns
Propaganda: Confirmed that her Dream SMP character used any pronouns
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marsbotz · 15 days ago
when im thinking abt cute youngil/gihun moments and i remember gihun thinks hes married (he would never approve of cheating)
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fisheito · 9 months ago
i am still sulking about no aster. (give me a few days and a couple watermelons and i'll be back to normal)
#i was one of the people who (after the reveal) fell to their knees in the burger king parking lot. maybe even wailed skyward for a smidge#my petty side says the silhouette tease and tagline HAD to have been intentional to get us to think of aster#my rational side says that they probably did not think that hard about it#and NO they are NOT intentionally bullying familiar fans and feeding off their betrayed tears /... i hope 😂#no ears and tail.... twink who gets burnt.... WHAT WE COULD HAVE HAD....#me 1: don't you like garu? what's the problem?#me 2: i'm CONFLICTED ok. i can like the char but still feel BITTERLY DESTROYED ABOUT LOST POTENTIAL#I NEEEED THE TRANSGRESSIOnS. THE BREAKS IN THE PATTERNS!!!!#oh if we had a familiar treated as a clan member. an aster dante quincy banner. unbelievable. the comedy of it all#i mean. at least this trio is a new combo. AND they haven't been in summer banners before...?#er. summer banners likE THIS. with the beachwear and stuff.#gaAAAHHH but tthe fact that they made it garu#MEANS THAT WIPES OUT ANY IMMINENT DREAMS OF MY TRIPLE YOKAI EVENT#aaaaaahhh. i see. THAT's what this is about#what? like they're gonna suddenly break the pattern and have an event that's JUST yakumo and kuya?#please. we have seen by now that no molds shall be broken. *pathetic sniff*#i guess we'll just keep doing the same top-bottom pairs forever...#and certain characters will never get to mingle with others because they've been SORTED#into HOLE FILLER and HOLE FILLED-EE#*rolls around on the floor in a melodramatic whiny flopfest*#LET THEM ALL ROAM FREE RAAAAAAAAAAANGE
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majorxmaggiexboy · 3 months ago
okay but Professor Hob bringing Dream to the campus where he works just as a little tour and it’s fun and different and a nice change of pace
They meet a few of Hob’s coworkers and it’s all super pleasant but then one of said coworkers just sort of. Won’t leave. Just keeps inserting himself back into the conversation and it’s a long few minutes before he leaves
Hob notices this little shift in Dream’s demeanor, (a slight flicker of expression, like his look when Jed called himself the sandman but. With a bit of that you dare energy) so Hob’s like “Yeah Killian can be a little intense. Teaches advanced biology. Anyway, greenhouses! I haven’t shown you-“
“Not so advanced,” Dream announces, “He was just thinking of performing. a vivisection. On. Me,”
Hob stares. “Mate, if you’re saying you think he was flirting-“
“His daydreams are…colorful. He would not enjoy the reality of them.”
“Well if he doesn’t, that’s his loss.”
“Thank you, Hob Gadling. Were his tastes akin to yours he would be less inclined to disappointment.”
Please it would be so funny, Dream doesn’t explain Anything. from Hob’s perspective it’s Wild Shaksberd all over again, Dream is just abruptly super interested in this rando. Which Hob respects, sure he’s a little hurt but is also like, cool, Stranger doesn’t want to be boyfriendzoned, that’s fine. But he’s still friendly levels of Concern. Like “hey, is my coworker suddenly giving off creep vibes or am I just jealous af” concern
meanwhile Dream is still between quests at this stage so he doesn’t have much better to do than be intrigued by this idiot’s violent daydream and the hilarious implications of fitting his ‘type’ while also being an entity so far beyond his mortal comprehension. So Dream is observing and trailing after him like a hubris-eating polar bear playing a ridiculous game of “yes, and?” the way you would keep a telemarketer on the phone so they’re stuck dealing with you instead of scamming someone’s gran
naturally these two perspectives meet at some point and Hob decks this guy who had Just pulled a knife,
“Sorry, duck, I expect you were about to handle that”
Dream, who just got a bit staggered by the revelation of the collector convention and the fact that Corinthian will be there, was in 0% meaningful danger but also doing heck all to not get stabbed, “…………………perhaps”
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hopeforbountifulasks · 1 year ago
... it's never going to happen is it
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 4 months ago
Just finished replaying the entirety of Melody of Moominvalley in preparation for the dlc release! I won’t be able to get it right away but it’s the principle of the thing. Also I love this game and I highly recommend playing it if you want something sweet and heartwarming, even if you’re not familiar with Moomins (though all the Easter eggs make it a little more rewarding if you are a fan).
I’m hoping to see more of Sniff and Snorkmaiden in the dlc - I should hope so at least; Sniff is Fuddler’s brother and I just can’t see Snorkmaiden not wanting to help out with something romantic like this.
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