#it seems like quarantine has actually reversed their growth
aquarri · 1 year
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gallickingun · 4 years
I hope you don't mind me asking... How did you get followers? I want to start my own blog but I want to make sure I can reach audiences I want to reach. I don't have any friends who know I write, and honestly I'm not sure I'd want them to read my works anyway. I get embarrassed easily. It's much easier for me to talk to someone that I don't have a face for. Does that make sense? Probably not. But how did you start your adventure here?
I want to preface this with follower count can make sense, or it can’t. I’ve made friends with some of the most amazing, most talented writers who have less than a thousand followers. I’ve made friends with amazing, talented writers who have thousands of followers. I genuinely don’t know how to trick the algorithm into listening to you, haha, but just know that numbers don’t equal talent; popularity does not always equal skill. So please, even if you don’t have the high follower count of someone else, don’t let it discourage you from writing! Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone grows differently. 
But, I’ve found that it all depends on who you write for, what you write, and how often you write. 
Who you write for: Bakugou is one of the most popular characters. I truly didn’t know this when I entered the fandom, but it was really what got me started on the upward climb. I’m by no means a big blogger, lol, but I know that writing for Bakugou was what helped me out initially. He was originally the only character who I could write for because he was my favorite and I hadn’t really gotten too far into the show. I think the same goes for other fandoms - if you write for the more popular characters, who have more content in demand because they have more fans, you’re more likely to gain more followers. 
DISCLAIMER: Do not let this keep you from writing for other characters who are less popular, if you prefer to write for them. Content is needed for all characters! I am desperate for some Sugawara content, but he’s not one of the more popular characters that people write for (see: Kuroo, Ushiwaka, Bokuto, Oikawa, Iwa, and Akaashi). If we only focus on the popular characters, the ones that get us the most growth, but those aren’t the characters we love, the content can seem disingenuous, if that makes sense. I got lucky by Bakugou being my favorite. But like, when I try to push out Kaminari content, I find that it’s a real struggle for me because I don’t necessarily vibe with Kaminari as a character. The same goes in reverse. If the minor characters have your heart, but you try to force out content for the popular characters, it can be tough to write and come across like you don’t really want to write it. Write who you want to write! 
What you write: This is a really big deal right now, but I’m just gonna say it lol. NSFW gets more notes. I don’t say that to force you into writing NSFW content - I actually had never read/written NSFW content until this past March, and I’m 22, going on 23. Originally, when I decided to start writing, I wanted to be NSFW-free, but some stuff changed in life and in writing and I chose to make the change.
Also, I’ve found for each fandom, different things are more prevalent. For instance, the BNHA fandom seems to do a lot of AU’s and full length fics, but the Haikyuu!! fandom seems to do more traditional works that follow canon and then the content itself is mostly headcanons and short scenarios. I think you have to find what works for you and write it to the best of your ability. I suck at headcanons, I’ve never really been able to do them and they stress me out. So I stick to full length fics. I know this means I’ll do better in one fandom versus the other, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to start only doing headcanons just because it’s what’s popular. 
DISCLAIMER: This does NOT mean that just because someone wrote 10k words of smut, that it’s better or more involved than your 10k words of fluff/angst/domestic/etc. writing. Unfortunately, there are horn dogs out there who are especially touch starved during quarantine. It doesn’t make anyone better or worse because they choose to write about being naked versus being clothed. Please don’t let this discourage you from writing SFW-only writing, as there are tons of people out there who are just as desperate for some comfort fics about cuddling completely clothed. 
How often you write: When I first started, I had a lot more time on my hands and was able to pump out content much quicker. I grew pretty rapidly in a short period of time because I was able to consistently put out content. Since I’ve gotten more busy and my mental illness has reared it’s ugly head, I’ve not been able to write as much and I can tell my follower count growth had tapered off. But the pace in which you post content generally helps increase your follower count, because people know that you will continuously feed them with the goods! Sometimes it might be good to set a schedule so others know when you’ll be posting - say a new fic every Friday? Or sometimes it can be good to keep your followers engaged with thirst posts (SFW or NSFW), or specific nights where you do events that focus on a certain character or genre. 
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF TO PUSH OUT CONTENT. Please be aware within your own self what your limits are. Just because one writer can sit at home and push out tons of short scenarios and drabbles during the day, but you can’t, doesn’t mean either of you are doing anything wrong. It just means that one person has a different availability than you. I don’t really do thirst posts a ton in the same respect that others do them, because I know that I’ll want to write a whole fic out of the couple of sentences that my followers might send in. However, there are many others within the fandom that can respond with a few paragraphs that take a few minutes to type out. It doesn’t mean that they’re better than me and I’m a horrible writer, it just means that in this area, they’re more skilled or have more time. 
Also, don’t be afraid to tag people and send out DMs! I promise your writer idols are not nearly as scary as you think they are. And they’re probably just as excited to get a DM from you as you are to talk to them! I was really hesitant to reach out to anyone before, because I never really did much chatting in other fandoms, but the anime fandoms I’ve been apart of have been very kind and welcoming, and helpful! I made some of my closest friends because I tagged them in my works or I joined a server with them in it, or I read their stuff and reached out to them to fangirl over it. Don’t be afraid to reach out, even if you just keep the conversation focused on your writing, it’ll still be worth it in the end! The worst thing that could happen is they don’t reply or the conversation fizzles out. Either way, you will have made a connection, and blasted one another with some serotonin.
Remember to take breaks. Take a hiatus every once and a while! Take some time for yourself to recharge. If this begins to feel like a job, like an obligation, and you feel yourself dragging your feet just to put out content, please step back and reevaluate. This is a hobby, it’s supposed to be fun. Once it stops being fun, take a breather and reassess what you’re doing. Sometimes this means closing requests, sometimes this means opening requests, sometimes this means participating in collab fics, sometimes this means disconnecting entirely. This is just tumblr, in the end, and you should be able to take care of yourself first rather than pinning yourself into a corner to try and post content for the sake of your followers. In the end, everyone wants you to be happy and healthy, so you can put your best foot forward in life and in your hobbies. So please, for the love of everything, take a break every now and then. Disconnect, recharge, and regroup. 
I also had a blog before this one, my main, so I’ve been on tumblr for eight year prior to this. I’m not going to even claim that I begin to understand how this hellsite works, but I will say that I’ve been writing on here for a while now, since way back to my band blog days. Eventually you just write what you want to write, and chat with your followers and your friends, and you’ll grow organically. When you start to pressure yourself over it, it can become like a cloud looming over you, and then when you don’t perform up to your preset standards, it might be a little disappointing. Follower milestones are cool to want to achieve and celebrate, but don’t pour all your focus into them. For the most part, I use milestones for celebration events to give back to my followers, or to set goals for myself like opening commissions! But they don’t determine my worth as a writer, because sometimes the tumblr algorithm is more giving to some rather than others.
Whew, this was a doozy. But I hope it helped! Some of these answers might come off a little crass, but I’m just trying to be honest. Don’t let anything deter you from doing whatever the hell you wanna do.
You wanna write that rarepair? DO IT. You wanna write character x character? DO IT. You wanna write about your Original Characters? DO IT. 
Whatever it is you want to do, do it! And have a helluva time doing it 💕
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How to Endure: Cancer in the Time of Pandemic
[Originally posted March 28, 2020]
Hi all, Welcome to a very special birthday post from me in which I mostly think about what it's like to have cancer in the time of a global pandemic. As a way of topping my last year's celebration--where I was just about to start chemo--this year the world is sheltering in place under quarantine orders as an unprecedented public health disaster unfolds around us. (Sorry if my prediliction for dramatic narratives is in any way responsible for this fact...) I've been trying to work up the energy to post and let you know that I'm doing ok in this time of a global emergency...as ok as anyone I guess. I should say right off the bat that I am not, right now, immunocompromised, although I am at risk for it. We can all hope my system keeps bouncing back as it has done to keep me out of the most vulnerable group. (I do also have lung tumors, so a respiratory infection would automatically come with complications.)
Mostly, I spent a lot of the past two weeks wondering not if but how the pandemic was likely to affect my cancer treatment and I finally have enough information to confirm that, as of now, I'm still able to stay on the study and get chemo as planned this coming Thursday (April 2nd). I had been scheduled to get CT scans on Tuesday, March 31st to assess whether the treatment I started at the end of January has worked well enough for me to continue on the clinical trial. Although I get so many that it has perhaps come to seem routine, "scanxiety" is a very real phenomenon because these are how you learn whether things are going well (or well enough) or whether the disease has "progressed" and you have to regroup and try again with a new treatment plan. It had been since October that I had had a positive scan, with November showing a halting of improvement and December and January documenting the reversal of recovery. So obviously I was anxious and wanted them as soon as possible. Hearing reports of "non-essential" treatments being canceled, my Penn oncologist and I decided to try to move my scans up. After many phone calls and the efforts and good will of a number of doctors and hospital staff I was able to get them on the 23rd in Princeton (avoiding both the drive into Philly and the potential for exposure there). I'm glad we did because I learned yesterday that the treatment has been working fine; not great, but well enough that a) some tumors got somewhat smaller, b) no tumors got bigger, and c) no new metastatic sites were observed. Clinically, that's ruled as "stable disease" b/c in order for it to be a "partial response" you have to have your cancer go down by at least 30%. But reversing the trend of growth is still a win, and perhaps more time will see more results. And crucially, I do not have to investigate a new treatment option or try to change in the midst of what is soon to be the crest of the pandemic wave of cases. It's only relatively lucky, but I will take it! I have also seen reports in the cancer community about people having their chemo canceled as non-essential, which was shocking to me. I wrote last year about feeling like cancer should always be a "red ball" case that gets rocketed up the chain for testing, insurance approval, etc. and being shocked that it just wasn't. I understand that in some cases where a cancer patient is immunosuppressed, even attending a treatment at a hospital may pose greater risk than delaying it because the risk of infection is such a threat. But that is an extraordinary statement to make, amidst a daily barrage of extraordinary statements. Not all the stories were that clear-cut, though, so I was glad to hear from my doctor that as a stage 4 patient my scheduled treatments will not be bumped. I cannot have any visitors (and it's a pretty rough thing to do alone), but I can and will get through this. We all will. Because we all have in us more than we know. *** Shortly after my beloved grandma died (suddenly, from complications during surgery) my dad told me that one of the last things she said to him was that she would be ok because, "I'm a warrior." And she was. From a tiny place in the woods of east Texas, as a teenager she ran her family's store during the Great Depression and cared for a mess of brothers. When my daddy was eight years old, she and my grandfather picked up and moved away from a community where they knew everyone and had for generations to Dallas--an unfamiliar big city--because his younger brother had been born deaf and they wanted to send him to a special school. She founded and ran her own school, an income she supplemented with other jobs while my granddaddy was away walking pipeline for an oil company. When I knew her, late in her life, she had lost her sight but continued devouring books on tape and listening to the clues on "Jeopardy!". I was the first and only grandbaby and I was adored (not to say spoiled). The only times she actually saw me, before she was blind, I was just a few months old, chewing clean laundry in the basket in which someone had deposited me. As I grew up, she would feel my face, my hair, my ever-increasing height (and joke each time that "I'm going to have to saw your legs off!"). She would listen to my voice on Sunday phone calls; do crossword puzzles with me, as I read clues while lounging on her velour sofa; offer a "piece of Hershey" or a stick of spearmint gum from the same blue tin on the table in which she kept her cigarettes. She could still piece quilts by feel, even though she couldn't see the fabric, and advised me on the 1ft patchwork square I made for my doll's bed. She was weakened, exhausted, blind, and often in pain (which she tactfully never mentioned with me around). Except when she changed to a polyester pantsuit for visiting the doctor, she wore carpet slippers and housedress with a pack of Marlboros in the pocket that she lit from a gas burner, leaning on her walker by an ancient stove. No one knew quite how old she was when she died--our best guess is eighty-three--because she was also the kind of Southern lady who told no one her real age. She was a warrior in that, despite all that had happened in her life and all that was happening to her body, she kept on going. She endured.
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When I search for inspiration to continue with treatments that make me feel worse than the disease, to fight so hard to save a body that's betraying me, to stay in an increasingly terrifying world that's betraying all of us, I think of her last words. I'm a warrior. I will endure. Believe it or not, you are also and you will too. In our struggles to continue with our lives in the face of monumental uncertainty and paralyzing anxiety, our greatest achievement is to keep on going. We fight (each of us different things) so that we may endure. It is not pleasant. It will reduce you to tears. You will exhaust all your emotional resources. But you will triumph. I have been fighting, existing in crisis mode, for 14 months and that is how I know that you can do it. You must grieve (and allow yourself time for it) for what you have lost, including a sense of safety or normalcy. But as you press on, you will find that inner strength or resiliency. I'm sorry that this is being demanded of you. It is not fair. But that will not change it. You may grieve, cry, fight, and struggle but, ultimately, you will accept that your way forward, your treatment, is to endure. I've reflected a lot on social media about how living with stage 4 cancer accidentally prepared me for the experience of the pandemic. I wrote a coda to an essay that will be published--likely this May--about the "Body as Data." Since the coda itself will probably change by then, the situating evolving as rapidly as it is, I thought I would share it here. Thank you for being with me and providing that community that has been the saving grace of treatment. Love, Bex *** As of writing this essay, it’s been 14 months since my diagnosis. I have tried three different treatments, two of which were clinical trials, one of which I am still enrolled in. It is approaching my thirty-sixth birthday [it's actually today - March 29th] and everyone is sheltering in place because of the coronavirus. I have lived more than a year now tolerating the same kind of existential uncertainty and fear of an alien invader in the body that the world as a whole is now experiencing. I have played my own doctor, watching my body for signs that a treatment is working, or that it is not, in much the same way. I have tried to anticipate what will happen if I become immunocompromised (as I currently am not, but am at risk for) and given up many of the pleasures that made my life better before (traveling, going out with friends) in the name of my health. I have offered my body up as data to research scientists with the goal of furthering not just my own treatment but the survival prospects of future patients. I did not know that throughout this year I was in training for a time when we would all of necessity be regarded as bodies with the potential to produce valuable data about the spread and effects of COVID-19. We are starved for numbers, for data on infections and recoveries and for statistical models that may relieve us of the uncertainty we feel about the future. I cannot provide that. But I can tell you to be cautious readers of data and statistics that speak with any pretense to authority right now, even though I crave them too. Cancer is invisible and so are viruses. This particular virus can inhabit the body but produce no symptom and live for days on surfaces. It may be in us. It may be in those we love. We are in the middle of the data. We are the data. Susan Sontag wrote in Illness as Metaphor that “Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place” (3). A pandemic transcends borders but does not do away with the kingdom of the sick. As someone already resident, I can say to you: welcome. The hardest thing about being here is the grief for what we have lost, including a sense of normalcy. The best thing, though, is what we may find: community in a time of crisis.
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illegalastrology111 · 4 years
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Sudden and unexpected events that force monumental changes individually and on a mass level worldwide, are usually preceded by significant astrological shifts in the movements of planets, into different signs, as well as retrograde cycles.
In the case of the Corona Virus, it was obviously in gestation before it actually made itself evident, regardless of the mechanism by which it came into being, released and then transmitted individually/globally.
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The astrology cycles that appear to be connected to this virus manifesting, go back to 2019.  Uranus was retrograde in Taurus, August 12th - January 14th 2020, indicating sudden financial changes.  Neptune retrograde in Pisces,, June 21st - November 27th, highlighting a  lot of hidden things going on, that were not necessarily obvious until the cycle moves forward.  Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, April 24th - October 2nd, - upheaval and endings of established structure of security, career, authority and power. Saturn retrograde in Capricorn, May 2nd - September 18th - confronting “lessons” from the past, taking responsibility to build new foundations.   Pluto and Saturn in the same degree (called a conjunction in astrology),  January 7th - 14th 2020, but still in shadow (more about that next month), December 20th 2019 - January 23rd 2020.
Jupiter joined Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, December 3rd 2018 -  December 19th 2020.  Jupiter acts as a magnifying glass, shining a light on strengths/weaknesses, good/bad.  The beneficial aspects of Jupiter are good luck, expansion, opportunity growth, higher consciousness and study, religion, beliefs, other cultures/countries, long-distance travel, publishing, truth and legal matters.    
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Nearly all of these attributes are playing a part in  not only the spread the spread of the virus worldwide, beliefs about the cure and the truth about what is actually happening.   Jupiter is also the planet of protection in the zodiac, bridging safety to the sign in which it stays for one year, currently being Capricorn.    Therefore it would be wise, to heed the warnings (Saturn) of taking precautions to protect oneself from being infected (Pluto) with the virus (Pluto). Saturn also rule quarantine and isolation.
All these transits were a precursor to major upheaval (Uranus), transformations and endings (Pluto),  of established structures (Saturn), taking place in order for new foundations and guidelines to be built.
When Uranus moved into Taurus March 7th 2019, it brought in an energy of eventual financial crises occurring.  Uranus rules  crises, sudden unexpected events. that lead to reversal of fortune.   Taurus, rules money, material possessions, self-worth and personal resources.
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Pluto represents viruses and infections. Saturn represent established ways of life/security and karma. With both Saturn and Pluot in Capricorn, December 21st 2017 - March 23rd 2020, then July 2nd 2020 - December 20th 2020, certain life lessons needed to be learned, in order for  a smooth positive transition into a new prosperous cycle/, way of life to occur preceded by the appearance of Corona Virus. 
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Saturn began its transit into Aquarius< March 23rd - July 1st, influencing a cycle  of inventions, experimentation, humanitarian concerns, sudden unexpected events,  that with Saturn must be focused and structured, for better or worse.  Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which happens to be in Taurus at this time.    If you add these two aspects together, Uranus in Taurus, Saturn in Aquarius , the unexpected events of the Corona Virus, demonstrating symptoms of a cold (Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn),  caused great upheaval and crises, (Uranus), to individual/global finances,  personal resources, ability to earn money and material possessions (Taurus).  
However, one issue cannot be ignored, the fact that the virus was hidden (Neptune in Pisces - Neptune rules Pisces for sometime and was retrograde, June 21st 2019 - November 27th 2019, then Mercury retrograde in Pisces February 17th - March 4th.    Pisces represents things that are hidden, not obvious to the naked eye, even though they are there.   Mercury went retrograde into Aquarius, March 5th - 10th, staying there until March 16th, when it moved into Pisces unit April 12th, when it moves into Aries.    All this indicates,  there is still a great deal not known about this virus, at least on a public level.   Public affairs are ruled by Aquarius.  
Mercury retrograde is also a sign of mishaps, mistakes, misinformation, problems with communication, difficulties and delays  with travel, business and agreements, which seems to sum up current events.
During the Venus in Gemini cycle, April 4th - August 28th (Venus rules cures) and the sign of Taurus and Libra), there will be a lot of conversation about finding the right cure. However, when Venus retrogrades in Gemini, May  13th - June 25th,  there will be many failed attempts and suggestions to find a cure, a lot of misinformation and mistakes.
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A vaccine maybe a long-time (Saturn) coming because it has to be invented and experimented (Aquarius) for better or worse.  The virus came to light in the “shadow” of Saturn moving into Aquarius. Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn briefly July 2nd - September 29th and stay in Capricorn until December 17th, when it moves permanently in to Aquarius.  This means the virus will probably abate or seem to level out, then resurface and continue to be transmitted (Uranus),  the closer Saturn gets to moving back into Aquarius,  until a suitable cure is invented.  This could go on into 2021, especially when Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius December 20th -  May 14th 2021, bringing a lot of activity to find a cure.  This particular Jupiter cycle is most likely to produce one, at least for the time being.  
It’s important throughout this turbulent cycle of fear, insecurity and doubt (Pluto and Saturn),, that new simple structures and foundations of life are put in place.  Each person on an individual and mass level will be tested (Uranus and Saturn), to their limits, guided to change exiting habits, ways of living, security, career and goals, (Saturn).     As a result personal and group karma will be brought to the forefront to be confronted , which is necessary for positive change to happen. New ways of making money, (Uranus in Taurus),  become a major focus for the good of all (Aquarius).
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Life can be a challenge when positive change isn’t occurring in harmony with the Universe, which then creates scenarios, sudden unexpected events, that bring about the necessity for change to happen.   This is one of those life altering moments in time. Personal responsibility to help ourselves and others wherever possible is important, remembering the affirmation  “Another’s need is my command, my needs are already the command of the Universe”.
Those who have the “eyes to see” and “earshot hear”, the Sound of the Universe , with consistent introspection and reevaluation, will survive this crisis (Uranus) and be the most prosperous in Mind, Body, Spirit and ’Soul.
Information provided here is solely based on past, present and future astrological cycles shared through astroxstyle.  Only to be used for entertainment purposes only.
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blobpost · 5 years
Coronavirus Diaries: March 17
It’s been a few days since the last update, and I’m still keeping busy with React. In other Corona news: 
Control, contain, suppress, pass through, lockdown, herd immunity and other  communication fails
A few countries are pursuing a “controlled” approach to containment and letting it “pass through” some populations as they work to protect the vulnerable. It’s still unclear if you can truly become ‘immune’ from the virus once you get it, but my country is doing the same.
However, both mine and the UK failed at communicating this. People didn’t take “herd immunity” well, and they were left with the notion that the UK government deliberately wants to infect people: 
“People have misinterpreted the phrase herd immunity as meaning that we’re going to have an epidemic to get people infected,” says Graham Medley at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Medley chairs a group of scientists who model the spread of infectious diseases and advise the government on pandemic responses. He says that the actual goal is the same as that of other countries: flatten the curve by staggering the onset of infections. As a consequence, the nation may achieve herd immunity; it’s a side effect, not an aim.
Indeed, yesterday, U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock stated, “Herd immunity is not our goal or policy.” The government’s actual coronavirus action plan, available online, doesn’t mention herd immunity at all. “The messaging has been really confusing, and I think that was really unfortunate,” says Petra Klepac, who is also an infectious-disease modeler at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “It’s been a case of how not to communicate during an outbreak,” says Devi Sridhar, a public-health specialist at the University of Edinburgh.
The U.K’s ‘Herd Immunity’ Debacle
Flatten the curve has a much better ring to it, but it does presuppose understanding the curve. A similar thing played out on Twitter in my country, despite an otherwise mature and measured speech from the PM. The head of the local CDC went through the same motions. 
Similarly, the media had wrongly called our restricted freedoms a ‘lockdown’, though we’re nowhere near a lockdown. France and Italy are now in lockdown. The crisis is managed decree by decree. People need permits to travel. Police walk the streets. We have some restrictions: Staying at home for the asymptomatic is encouraged, and mandatory for those with symptoms. No one is enforcing or penalizing. Gatherings over 50 people are banned, so museums, coffee shops, restaurants and schools and universities are closed. The borders are open, yet few are flying in given entire fleets grounded and other countries banning non-essential travel. 
What next
Either way, the UK already backtracked from the so-called controlled approach once a new report came out based on Italy and early UK data instead of previous projections modeled on a form of severe pneumonia. This last report says:  
“Epidemic suppression is the only viable strategy at the current time”.
A suppression strategy, along the lines of the approach adopted by the Chinese authorities, "aims to reverse epidemic growth, reducing case numbers to low levels and maintaining that situation indefinitely".
It requires "a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their family members", and "may need to be supplemented by school and university closures".
But where we are now is that we can’t suppress for 18 months. There is no right answer. But people are starting to realize this won’t last two weeks. Or two months. We’re not like China, taking draconian measures. And even if we did, there’s no way to know when and how it will rebound, and whether we can control it once people start socializing again. 
So regardless of what the government does or doesn’t do, here is this warning from Italy: 
Please stop waiting for others to tell you what to do; stop blaming the government for doing too much or too little. We all have actions we can take to slow the spread of the disease — and ensuring that your own household has enough canned goods and cleaning supplies is not enough. You can do a lot more. You should do a lot more. Stay away from restaurants, gyms, libraries, movie theaters, bars and cafes, yes. But also: Don’t invite people over for dinner, don’t let your kids go on playdates, don’t take them to the playground, don’t let your teenagers out of your sight. They will sneak out with their friends, they will hold hands, they will share their drinks and food. If this seems too much, consider the following: We are not allowed to hold weddings or funerals. We can’t gather to bury our dead.
Hello From Italy. Your Future is Grimmer Than You Think.
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