#it really is tntduo for the Joker
fullcirclehuh · 1 year
wait slime and Mariana literally gamed the court case. That was the best possible outcome they could've gotten and it wasnt even one of the original options
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reesiereads · 3 years
just found ur blog, its very pogchamp (any tntduo headcanons btw? i need writing prompts) :3
Heslo! I’m glad you like it despite the mess XD
I do have a couple! Hope these help to inspire you:
Quackity actually doesn’t smoke unless Wilbur’s around. He’s too busy for it and he thinks it makes him look unprofessional. So when Wilbur wants a smoke break he’ll just bum a smoke off him and either light his cigarette on Wilbur’s lighter or on Wilbur’s cigarette (the first time he did the second Wilbur dropped his cigarette out of shock)
Wilbur. Is. So. Fucking. Touch. Starved. Quackity pets his hair and the guy just fucking melts. It’s the kind of thing where his pupils will dilate and he’ll legitimately forget where he is or what he’s doing. Quackity jokingly calls it his ‘off switch’ and definitely takes advantage of it when he wants Wilbur to shut the fuck up for once.
This is a more random idea but Wilbur builds card houses. Not like little ones either, his are always super tall and intricate. He builds them a lot while hanging out at the bar with Quackity; just pulls out a random deck of cards and starts building. Quackity tries to mimic it but his houses always fall really quickly.
Wilbur carried around the same card deck he’s had for YEARS. It’s missing one card though; a joker card he gave Quackity back in Pogtopia. Wilbur assumes Quackity got rid of it and Quackity isn’t about to correct him even if he’s wrong.
Wilbur and Q play board games a LOT. It’s like their way of winding down (other then smoke breaks obviously). Poker is an obvious choice and Wilbur teaches Q competitive solitaire but they also play Chess and Checkers from time to time.
Wilbur has this thing about needing to do something with his hands while talking and sometimes he’ll just grab Quackity’s hands and fidget with the guy’s rings while he talks. He didn’t even think about it the first time he did it and Quackity was too confused to really say no. After he just gives in without a thought; not like it’s causing any trouble (and maybe he finds it just a little endearing.
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elytrafemme · 2 years
good evening mare, it's me, Callizinc...... 🐴 :]
calli i showed my irl bestie the joker beatboxing video Are you proud of me
calli it's kind of hard for me to believe that i only met you, like, a few months ago. because, at risk of sounding intense (admittedly i sound intense in all of these that's just my nature and everything), i think of you when i think of horses. i picked up your speaking patterns. i think of you when i think of encanto. i think of you when i think of nine inch nails you get me!!! you get me
okay i talked about this with liv but the whole. dramatic spiel i give way too much, this community helped me after a difficult time my mutuals really helped ladadadadee, yeah, calli, you have no fucking clue how much your company has helped me. you have no fucking idea. and i can't vocalize it because i am actually crying right now which is an embarassing look for me, so. just guess?
you are SO fucking funny dude, and so enjoyable to talk to. i hope you never worried that id stop following you after you stopped posting DSMP because you could talk about a phonebook and i'd still be fully interested. i keep wanting to namedrop "my friend calli showed me this" at shcool then i realize that nobody there would know you can you fucking imagine that cringe okay
calli you're just. you're so fucking awesome. you're SO fucking awesome. and people like talking to you, and your interests are so cool, and your art is SO neat. i'm really fucking glad that i met you in this hellhole like so glad that tntduo kissing really got us here KIDDING!!! kidding
if you need any evidence more of how much better youv'e made me life, your kindness when rbing things and leaving stuff in the tags is what made me realize hey, i should be kinder in tags too. i believe in this idea that one kind act someone does doesn't equal just one kind act-- it equals every kind act that came of it. so congratulations calli by that logic, every single time someone has ever been happy about me writing something kind in the tags (y'know, how we met and stuff), that was because you're so outrageously kind that you made me want to do better.
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