#it really is sad how much memory fallout lore takes up in my lil noodle
ithinkimauggie · 5 months
Was watching a fallout (tv) interview where the actors (who haven't spent their whole lives consuming fallout content) answered general questions about the fallout universe, and they accidentally misinterpreted one of the questions (the question was 'is wasteland in the fallout universe' and the actors answered 'yeah! There's a wasteland in fallout! It's the setting! :3) and immidiately in my head i started um actuallying these poor guys, and gamers it might be joever for me...
In case your curious though Wasteland (1987) the interactive rpg by interplay and precursor to fallout, is not canon to the fallout universe. It actually has it's own timeline and was revived in 2014 with two sequels, so to answer the question, no, she's a whole different beast :)
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