#it really depends lol there isnt a formula
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coldweatherhater · 1 year ago
i think its so funny when someone say they like a movie but can't defend it saying i like it but i know its bad i mean then you dont like it lmao ??
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konigsbergg · 6 years ago
any human au! :0
ask me about headcanons i have for aus; accepting always !!!
oh my god…okay so for human aus i generally have a few basics i like to go with for gilberts character (but sometimes i change it up, this is jus my general Formula)
he was raised by a single mom with his two (technically “half” cos they all have different dads) brothers (wilhelm the elder by a year ludwig the younger by a few more), and he has some other half brothers in lithuania and latvia from his dad. he has albinism, adhd and dyslexia (like in nationverse). he does poorly in school and is often in trouble, but excels with sports and math and science are the subjects he really good in. as a teenager he gets involved with mixed martial arts fighting, and even more so as an adult (i REALLY like having him as some sort of martial artist when hes older). sometimes i have him be a total delinquent, and is often in trouble, and sometimes this even goes into his adult life (i have an entire au where he is a gangster who sells hard drugs and is struggling w/ recidivism). sometimes he goes to jail for assault because that is just a very gilbert thing to happen. he usually goes to trade school if he does follow post secondary, but sometimes i like him getting into university for maths or science (and probably on a sports scholarship for track or wrestling, the sports hed be very good at- or maybe even swimming!) and becoming like a really fancy engineer or physicist. again, this depends on the specifics of the human au. oftentimes he tries to join the military, seeking a combative position, but doesn’t get in because of his eyes and skin hindering him too much to be in combat, and theres NO WAY he’d be working a desk job! 
lol a new favourite trope i have is him being a young dad…. dadbert is amazing and i love him as a dad, or a crazy uncle type. this usually happens via the 1 time he tried messing around with a girl in high school or shortly after (usually at a party), she gets pregnant, gives birth. but like 6 months into the pregnancy he comes out hes like “im gay :/”. oftentimes gilbert being so young means he isnt…an amazing dad at the start BUT i like him maturing as he gets older and stepping into that dad role once he is responsible and has his shit together- which usually doesn’t happen until hes in his late 20s for most of my human aus w him so far ! 
but yeah basically by the time he is around 30 or so this is when i leave it open to whatever the specific au is, but i like to have a general outline of his childhood bc i do really believe the childhood shapes the adult, gils childhood always has a huge impact on him when hes grown up. thanks for asking lol i can talk abt my fucking aus all day man !!!! 
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
Miscellaneous thoughts for the 'dark pokemon' game
* it could be cool as an actual hack of firered or something, but it seems that would require more coding knowledge than using apps like rpgmaker. Also there's that kit to make pokemon games in rpgmaker but it only worked for the really old rpgmakers and now its got copyright claimed by nintendo so its not really an option. Itd be easier to make this game in the latest rpgmaker cos its not really an outright pokemon fangame but more of a general mons genre thing that could have different gameplay if i wanted it to.
* or would it work better as an actual pokemon prequel thing? Like 'kanto was actually all dark like this back in ye ancient times' and have a bunch of prehistoric/caveman/400AD/whatever time period forms of pokemon or something? But thatd give me less creative freedom with the idea, yeah
* Not sure if your mons should talk or not? One of the initial inspirations i had for this was the underrated gem Swordcraft Story where your four starter monsters are more like a choice of sidekick! They dont actually fight, they just provide a huge different set of dialogue commenting on everythibg that happens, and its fab! But then the game kinda woukdnt have the collectable aspect and i feel that the long journeys between towns would get boring if theres no incentive to battle enemies. And long journeys between towns is kinda a big plot point and thematic aspect of this idea.
* Also i kinda wanna do Cute Pet Game Gameplay as a fun way of stepping away from the pure pokemon formula. And that'd perhaps be a bit weird if your pet can talk? I dunno? Well maybe itd be more like those baby raising games. But i had a separate idea for literally a monster baby raising game so itd be good to not overlap, lol. Wish i knew how to actually do touchscreen petting type stuff in rpgmaker, i mean its on pc so theoretically you should be able to do an equivalent with the mouse? Maybe try and cheat my way into it with my minimal programming knowledge by basically making a "map" where all the tiles are pieces of this one image of a monster, and then you walk over it to select where to pet...? I dunno lol! Anyway bonding with your mons is VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE EVERYTHING so i need to DEEPLY THINK ABOUT IT. deeply deeply contemplate huggin some babbu
* maybe the game's title could be something like dark walk/journey/stroll/whatever's a good synonym? Cos the whole 'monster tamers are cursed and must walk the earth forever in search of somewhere to belong'
* i'm not sure how to handle the beginning? Cos of the whole aspect of starting off looking like a cliche poke-clone and then slowly revealing the deep dark lore during the tutorial segments. So we'd sorta have to skip/abridge the day of our hero leaving their village, in order to not spoil it. And have a flashback later on at the most dramatic moment! But that means itd be awkward to give you the selection of starter monster? So i dunno maybe do like kingdom hearts and have a surreal dreamworld opening segment? The protagonist is having a nightmare about that day they had to leave their family behind, and everything can be just as vague and confusing as the plot needs it to be. You cpuld be some sort of vague faceless shadow until you decide your gender, and etc? (Protagonist: wait why did i dream i couldnt remember i was a dude)
* oh and maybe you can choose a custom gemstone for your monster summoning pendant thing! Cos if its gonna be one singular thing instead of consumeable pokeballs, itd kinda suck if you had no choice which one thing youre stuck with for the whole game. Or maybe it could change but itd be more like it evolves as well as the monsters? Start off with one design and it has multiple final forms depending on your moral choices during your playthrough. Oh, or if you choose it at the beginning, maybe it somehow affects your starter mon? Like the simplest idea would just be that each starter mon has its own pendant to live in. But what if the pendant choices were elements and then the starter mon is like a vessel to imbue with it? Like you get three designs that are..i dunno, attack defense and speed? And they each have a fire water or grass form, for a total of 9 unique mon options! That way i could keep it limited to three personalities to write, if i go with the idea of the mons being able to talk. But still have a lot more free choice! Oh or maybe its not even 3 elements but 9 elements? Like the three options change depending on the base mon. Attack mon can be fire, electric or darkness but defense mon can be something entirely else. Or maybe have overlap so there's at least two choices for each element but nobody has the same entire three elements? Im bad at math tho so i cant figure outhow to arrange that to make it work...how many elements wpuld i need...?
* maybe you could choose your rival's gender as well as the protagonist? Thatd be neat if they also looked different in every playthrough. I mean the variety of starters would encourage replays so we wanna have some other stuff that changes too. And if you could choose rival gender then it wouldnt be limited to the "always the opposite gend so thus heterosexuality" sort of thing. Oh and maybe what if other characters had potential smaller changes? Like your family members having similar skin and hair colours, or you have a single parent but whether theyre a mum or a dad depends on what you picked? Or if i cpuld figure out some other more gameplayish things that i could give replay value to? Like maybe you actually have a choice of what town to go to at each point in the story, and you cant revisit the other one without replaying that chapter? And your team options would be wildly different depending on which journey you took, so itd be a nicely large difference! Tho maybe make it so that most mons are still all available on each playthru, its just that some would appear early if you made a certain choice but be at the very end of the game if you chose differently. Oh and maybe the champion would be different depending on your choices!!! Like if you complete certain sidequests you might have just added a new candidate to the potential final boss roster! Itll be whoever's your bestest bestie by the end! Tho i mean with this different setting there isnt really a league or a champion so id just have to think of some other climactic ending thing, lol.
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jevonsays · 7 years ago
[12/3/2017 4:13:29 PM] Jecons: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/kobold-press/general-feats-3rd-party-kobold-press/create-wondrous-creature/ [12/6/2017 4:40:42 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: So I'm gonna need the formula for your character based on this fe at [12/6/2017 4:41:30 PM] Jecons: So I'm doing that at 12th level [12/6/2017 4:44:01 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Right so that's 144000 of your gold [12/6/2017 4:44:07 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: And everything else after that is? [12/6/2017 4:44:35 PM] Jecons: So its CR 13 squared x 1000 [12/6/2017 4:44:52 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Oh it's 13? So 169,000 [12/6/2017 4:45:17 PM] Jecons: Yeah cuz I'm adding +2 to my CR as per the template [12/6/2017 4:46:59 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Okay what did you get from ot? [12/6/2017 4:47:02 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: It* [12/6/2017 4:50:02 PM] Jecons: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/diamond-cr-2/ [12/6/2017 4:50:14 PM] Jecons: I'm basically using that feat to add the template to myself [12/6/2017 4:52:14 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: I fucking hate you [12/6/2017 4:52:47 PM] Jecons: What? [12/6/2017 4:53:33 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Diamond man [12/6/2017 4:54:08 PM] Jecons: Nope! [12/6/2017 4:54:18 PM] Jecons: I'm not making Diamond Man [12/6/2017 4:56:15 PM] Jecons: Also I have 2 questions [12/6/2017 4:56:20 PM] Jecons: Maybe 3 [12/6/2017 4:57:35 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Okay [12/6/2017 4:58:56 PM] Jecons: 1. Do Fey like Nymphs exist? 2. Are there any Fey paladins? 3. Can I add a deity to the setting? I'm not a cleric so it would only be for fluff. [12/6/2017 4:59:23 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: If you add a deity that isn't there then it's a cult [12/6/2017 4:59:40 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: FEY exist per usual [12/6/2017 5:00:21 PM] Jecons: The deity is the one from that excerpt I mentioned earlier [12/6/2017 5:00:37 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: And if the FEY can be lawful good then it can be a paladin [12/6/2017 5:00:51 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Like I said before it didn't really grab me so remind me? [12/6/2017 5:03:08 PM] Jecons: I haven't ironed out all the details of it but basically its a deity of a civilization that no longer exists, my character isnt a divine caster or anything, and its essentially very little more than a demigod at this point [12/6/2017 5:04:18 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: I would say it's cultish then since it's from the BR setting and not my own [12/6/2017 5:05:54 PM] Jecons: Thats what I'm saying, its not a cult cuz they dont have a following [12/6/2017 5:07:24 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Then if no one is following it why bring it up [12/6/2017 5:08:40 PM] Jecons: Its part of her backstory [12/6/2017 5:08:50 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Cult [12/6/2017 5:08:54 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: She is a cultist [12/6/2017 5:09:04 PM] Jecons: Sure, fine [12/6/2017 5:09:20 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Lol [12/6/2017 5:09:58 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: As long as she doesn't like talk about this being all the time then it's fine also if she doesn't get anything out of it then it's all Gucci [12/6/2017 5:10:20 PM] Jecons: Shes basically pagan, but if you really wanna rebrand her as a cultist.... [12/6/2017 5:10:41 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Yup [12/6/2017 5:10:58 PM] Jecons: The only thing she might do would be talk to it, in her alone time or something [12/6/2017 5:11:05 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Get those passive aggressive eclipses out of here [12/6/2017 5:11:10 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Sure that's fine [12/6/2017 5:12:02 PM] Jecons: Do you wanna go over my build or just as long as I have it ready youre fine w/ it? [12/6/2017 5:24:33 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: I like seeing the pages so I can ask questions [12/6/2017 5:25:42 PM] Jecons: mk [12/6/2017 6:14:23 PM] Jecons: hey jeph [12/6/2017 6:14:32 PM] Jecons: are you doing Magic-Psionic transparency? [12/6/2017 6:14:48 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: What does that mean [12/6/2017 6:15:04 PM] Jecons: Magic can affect Psioncs and vice versa [12/6/2017 6:15:28 PM] Jecons: so if I had dispel psionics it could dispel a magic thing, or if I had Craft Wand, I could make a dorje [12/6/2017 6:16:39 PM] Jecons: same thing works if I had Spell Resistance, creatures would have to make Manifester Level checks in order to affect me with psionic powers [12/6/2017 6:23:09 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Nah [12/6/2017 6:25:41 PM] Jecons: oh you're not doing transparency? [12/6/2017 6:27:13 PM | Edited 6:27:13 PM] Jecons: I would suggest allowing it, unless you wanna mix things in that are psionic based, as demons and outsiders generally only have magic-based defenses [12/6/2017 6:30:00 PM] Jecons: like if you wanted to throw a Tarrasque at us I would be way more able to kill it because its Spell Resistance wouldn't block my Psionic powers [12/6/2017 6:30:36 PM] Jecons: or Golems, since they're immune to Magic only, I could effect them fully because they're not immune to Psionics [12/6/2017 6:31:02 PM] Jecons: its just an easy way for balancing imo [12/6/2017 7:49:11 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Hmm those are good points okay I changed my mind [12/6/2017 7:51:08 PM] Jecons: ok [12/8/2017 7:50:45 AM] Jecons: hey youre not busy right [12/8/2017 7:55:24 AM] Duke Daddy Dick: I'm on my at to work [12/8/2017 7:55:35 AM] Duke Daddy Dick: Way* [12/8/2017 7:56:03 AM] Jecons: ah dang [12/8/2017 9:13:14 PM] Jecons: hey jeph question for you [12/8/2017 9:16:28 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: sup [12/8/2017 9:18:32 PM] Jecons: as per RAW (rules as written) it states that the requirements for scribing a scroll is that the creator must know the spell or have it prepared as well as have any material components and foci the spell requires. as per the Magic Item Creation Rules, and prerequisites for creating and item can be waived by increasing the DC by 5 per waived prereq, with the EXCEPTION of the Item Creation Feat necessary. This is what allows spellcasters to make any wondrous item despite not having necessary spells [12/8/2017 9:18:44 PM] Jecons: Understand that so far? [12/8/2017 9:19:49 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: I think so [12/8/2017 9:20:00 PM] Jecons: ok [12/8/2017 9:22:29 PM] Jecons: As per RAW, there's nothing stating that one can or cannot make scrolls with spells of a certain level, which would mean it runs by the same general Magic Item Creation Rules [12/8/2017 9:22:50 PM] Jecons: my question to you is if you're cool with running it like that, as it's left to GM [12/8/2017 9:27:41 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: You mean making a spell higher than your level? [12/8/2017 9:28:51 PM] Jecons: Yeah. You wouldn't be able to cast it normally of course, but you could sell it or do other things with it [12/8/2017 9:35:01 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Nah [12/8/2017 9:35:10 PM] Jecons: mk [12/9/2017 4:46:09 PM] Jecons: oh hey quick question [12/9/2017 4:46:35 PM] Jecons: can I take these two feats? [12/9/2017 4:46:41 PM] Jecons: https://dndtools.net/feats/races-of-stone--82/earth-power--796/ https://dndtools.net/feats/races-of-stone--82/earth-sense--797/ [12/9/2017 4:54:56 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Sure [12/9/2017 4:58:00 PM] Jecons: cool [12/9/2017 5:06:06 PM] Jecons: What kind of feat would a paladin take first? [12/9/2017 5:06:56 PM] Jecons: It's for the NPC my PC engages with in her backstory. Either you can make her up or I can just cover it [12/9/2017 5:11:20 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Depends on what your paladin dies [12/9/2017 5:11:24 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Does* [12/9/2017 5:11:45 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: Tank? Front line fighter? Archer? Team facr? [12/9/2017 5:12:15 PM] Duke Daddy Dick: And I'm coming up with the rest or the session so you can cover it that would be cool [12/9/2017 5:14:09 PM] Jecons: Alright cool, I'll just fold it into her backstory then! [12/9/2017 5:14:17 PM] Jecons: I look forward to what you've got in store! :D
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missjackil · 8 years ago
The Not-So-Bitter Sam Girl
Let me first establish that I love Sam Winchester with everything in me. I eat, sleep, drink,and dream Sam Winchester. Often times, like many Sam girls, I feel like he is treated unfairly, and that makes me bitter, but I read a lot of the meta from other Sam girls, but I don’t agree with a lot of what you all are bitter about. Let me also say, that I love Dean too. The brother’s relationship is the only reason I am addicted to this show. I couldn't care less about the monsters and most side characters to be honest, but I definitely favor Sam. I have only been watching the show, via Netflix, for just under a year, but I am a CHRONIC re-watcher. There isn’t an episode or season I havent watched at least 15 times, and some more than 40 times (yes its a sickness) the only episodes I dont watch much are Bitten and Bloodlines.  I will try to explain my view on some of the most common things I see bitter Sam girls write about, and hopefully give a new perspective. WARNING: This is indeed long, you may scroll through and read topics of interest, and feel free to send me an ask or a message about anything you would like to debate or discuss further :)
Dean gets more air time! From my point of view, I will agree this is the case, but not throughout the whole series. A prime example is the S4 episode In The Beginning, when Sam is only in the first 45 seconds of the episode. I dont consider this the show favoring Dean, but the knowledge that it was in a time when no one was sure if Jared could continue do to his mental health. He had a breakdown during the filming of Mystery Spot, and things were rocky for a while. I don’t know what was going on during the time of In The Beginning, but it’s quite possible that Jared needed time off. Granted there are no episodes were Dean is only in 45 seconds of, but they probably don’t like do episodes that the boys dont share time, after all, the show is about them both.  The Panic Room! Yes, definitely the panic room! It might be the first time I felt my bitter Sam girl come out. How DARE they lock him in a room to detox alone??? It tore my heart out! But on one hand, it was an extremely Sam heavy episode. We got to see inside his head through his hallucinations, which up till then, we’d only see glimpses. It was hard for me to piece together what exactly was going on with Sam in S4 until this episode. It was confusing. On one hand he had been his normal, cute, nerdy, sensitive self, but hiding his baddass, sexy, dark side. Up till then i thought he just didn’t want Dean to be angry with him for what he was doing, but then I realized, he was genuinely addicted to the demon blood, and didn’t want Dean to know because he’d want him (make him) stop, and he also feared Dean would hate him like a monster. He felt like he disappointed everyone he loved, even himself, and coming off felt like torture. (hence the Alistair hallucination) So story wise, we needed for him to be alone this time so WE the viewers would see what all he felt, which he may not have, if Dean sat with him to comfort him. And having dealt with addicted people personally, I know that sometimes, an addict will use their addiction for the sole purpose of having someone sit and suffer with them, which sometimes makes the addiction worse. However, the second time Sam was left to suffer alone in the panic room was 100% uncalled for (S5 My Bloody Valentine) If the writers wanted to show how bad Sam’s problem was affecting Dean, which Im sure it was... he could have prayed that prayer while holding Sam through the detox, and it would have been 1000 times more powerful. So this one, I am bitter as well.  Soulless Sam wasn’t that bad!! No, he wasn’t. I actually really enjoyed him! He was definitely hornier than our normal Sam, less inhibited,  snarkier, funnier, but still, not quite Sam. Why would Dean be so freaked out? Well, we’ll overlook Sam allowing him to be turned by the vamps, because Dean felt creeped out before then. So consider the fact that dozens of years, Sam and Dean were glued to each others hips for the most part. Especially when John left them alone as children, and since Sam was back from Stanford, and now, he was back from Hell, no one knew how, and not his normal self at all. Dean, being Sam’s soulmate, knew something was wrong, and at first was scared that maybe it was still Lucifer in Sam’s vessel. That to me, sounds like it could be scary. Think just for a moment, if the person you love the most, that you thought was dead, is suddenly back but not anything like they used to be. This would be terrible, especially if you thought there was a good chance they were actually Satan wearing their body.  Once Dean knew it was actually Sam, but without a soul, he could have lightened up a bit. Yes, I think so too, BUT Sam was still not anything like what Dean loved about his brother. Sam didnt love him back, didnt even care about him, he was Sam otherwise, but i dont blame Dean for wanting to get Sam’s soul back, especially with the knowledge that he could be fine, so long as he doesn’t regain the memories. And even if he did, there’s a good chance he could fix him.  Dean did act irrationally, wont argue, but we know they are both irrationally co dependent on each other, and if the tables were turned, Sam would have done something equally irrational to get Dean back. (As we see in About a Boy when Sam wasnt in favor of Dean being 14 so that the Mark was gone. He’d be willing to take Dean back, Mark included, so long as Dean was the Dean he knew and loved today) The narrative is heavily in Dean’s Favor! No, I dont think so. Occasionally yes, but for the most part no. When bitter Sam girls see Dean scolding or berating Sam for being wrong about something, most of the time Sam isn’t wrong about the thing. We see it, and most people see it, so the narrative makes Dean look like a douche. Yes, there are Dean girls that throw Sam hate all the time, but they’re not the majority. They’re just loud on Tumblr. Honestly, in real life, Dean girls, just like Dean’s looks, or personality better than Sam’s and thats simply taste. Tall, long haired, sweet, intelligent, badass, nerds arent everyone’s favorite flavor (dont know how that’s possible but....) thats fine, but ive yet to come across a real life Sam hater.  Theres some on tumblr and occasionally some might give Jared grief at a conference, but again, thats not the majority. And I see bitter Sam girls also throw the same hate Dean’s way too. But anyway, getting off point. Dean has always been “its not what you do but who you are” and Sam has always been “its not who you are but what you do” from early on. And we all know Sam’s view is better. Sam is always willing to talk, and give people/monsters a chance to choose good. Dean has only recently agreed to go that route too, but will still think “monster” first and then bend Sam’s direction. killing Sam’s friend Amy in S7 just because she was a monster, was a huge douche move on Dean’s part and everyone thought so Im sure. It was also the last time Dean killed someone for just that reason. Sam’s view of situations like that have always been to give the monster the benefit of the doubt if they wanted to be good, from the beginning, so that narrative has always been in Sam’s favor.  Dean was mad that Sam’s happy memories didn’t include him!! Not true. Dean may have been disappointed that Sam’s happy Thanksgiving memory was at someone elses house, but after that, Sam’s best memories were Deans worst. That’s what upset him. Not that Dean wasnt in them, but they were terrible times for him. When Sam was alone in Flagstaff with his dog, Dean was home worried sick that Sam was dead because he ran off while he was watching him. “And when Dad got home....” Dean probably got his ass beat. When Sam went off to Stanford, Dean says it was one of the worst nights of his life. Zachariah was manipulating their memories so it could appear they were happier without each other. Sam didnt get to see the part when he and Dean shot off the fireworks, only the part of Dean’s life when he was happy with Mom. I am sure that if they got to explore more of their heaven, they would have found plenty of memories that were just those two.  The writers feminize Sam and make him the Damsel in Distress!! Lord, I have seen HUGE meta on this and I disagree with so much. The male/female formula when there are two protagonists is a common formula to use. This is true, but it is not the only formula to use and its not always Sam that is feminized. Other formulas are the classic comedic/tragic, the big one/the small one, the smart one/the dumb one, light/dark, good cop/ bad cop and so on. The brother have fallen into all these formulas at different times. Sam has a few feminine qualities, it’s true, he cries sometimes and he’s generally nicer than Dean, he has long hair, compassionate and empathetic, he isnt as “butch” as Dean and is conscious of his diet. Dean also has feminine qualities, he cooks, cleans, and irons their clothes. He is very much a nurturer, not only to Sam but to Kevin, Garth and Charlie as well. Dean is much more physical than Sam is. Dean is usually the one initiating the bro hugs, and its not likely that the “Dean is bisexual” thing, would be a thing, if he initiated as many manhugs as Sam has. He cries more than Sam does, he admitted to have enjoyed wearing women’s underwear, loves chick flicks, and said “All women lie about their age” and Sam said “Wait, you told our waitress you’re 29″ and Dean said “Yes”. Often times Sam and Dean are paralleled with married couples, but not always, sometimes its siblings, sometimes best friends, sometimes Rocky and Bullwinkle LOL... but not always male/female, in fact, in the parallel of John and Mary Winchester, Sam is John and Dean is mom. Sam was named after their grandfather, and Dean after their grandmother.
Also, Sam is NOT a Damsel in Distress! My friend went through S1 thru 11 and counted how many times each saved the other, and Dean only beats Sam by 3 saves. Ahead by 3 out of 240 (some episodes have more than one salvation scene, some have none or they save each other) episodes is well within the margin of error and it means neither one is a damsel in distress. HOWEVER Tumblr makes Sam overly feminine! But that’s a whole other rant.  Season 8 was a horror fest of Sam hate! Omg is so was NOT! i felt there was more love from Dean towards Sam than any season before it. This season was an emotional roller coaster between the boys, its by far one of my favorite seasons (5 and 11 are my other faves) but i think all the meta written about being a Carver catastrophe and trying to explain WHY it wasnt OOC for Sam to not look for Dean, made some of you not watch the season, or at least, not all of the season, or watched it after reading the meta and thus missed the whole point. However I will agree, like even Jared did, that Sam not looking for Dean definitely was OOC for Sam, especially only knowing what we knew in the beginning. Sam went right away to the promise the boys made not to look for each other, even though he knew Dean looked for him when he went to Hell. It was very OOC for Sam to at least try to make sure Dean was dead first, he had no idea where he was, there was no blood or body, just black goo. Take into consideration that 1) It has been said that S8 was going a different route, but the producers decided to change it, so it’s likely there was more to that story than we actually got. 2) it was the beginning of the season and neither we, nor Jared knew that Sam would later say “I lost my brother a few months back, and my world imploded and everything rained down on me, and i ran” None of us knew that before hand, and Dean was never even told. All he was really told was that Sam was alone, and didnt know what to do so he fixed up the Impala, and just drove. Took time to enjoy the good things, and get a dog and a girlfriend and a home in Texas. Will I will agree that Dean didnt have the right to berate Sam, but he had every right to be hurt and feel betrayed. Sam later turned the table and berated Dean for having Benny. Again, Sam had the right to feel hurt and betrayed, but had no right to berate him, but since they both griefed each other about how they spent the last year, Ill call them both even. This fight that was nothing less than watching a married couple fighting over each other cheating, but once Sam decides to stay with Dean, and Dean cuts ties with Benny, the boys relationship is beautiful again. I say there was so much love shown even in their fighting because we learned part of the depth in which they love each other. Not unlike a married couple.” Don’t ever let someone be more important than me” And though I know, at the end of S8 when Sam was reminded of his “failure” by Dean, Sam was ready to die, but in the middle when the trails are about to start, Dean recalls what kind of life Sam wanted, and was ready to die so Sam could have it. Watch Trial and Error, I think its a great place to see where the boy’s heads are at, at that point in the season.  Dean had no right to trick Sam into letting Gadreel possess him! Absolutely true, he had no right to do that, but Dean knew it too. He knew Sam would never agree to such a thing, and he would rather die. But Dean JUST saved his life back at the church, despite that good that would come of if it Sam finished the trials. This didnt matter to Dean anymore if he didn’t have Sam beside him. It wasn’t like Swan Song... now he KNEW what life without Sam was like and didnt want to do it again. Now he sees that Sam is moments from dying, and has an option... a bad option, but an option. He acted in sheer panic. I cant honestly say I wouldnt do that either. But immediately after, Dean had regrets and fears. Did he make the right call? Was this angel gonna take Sam over or tear him apart? Dean wrestled with this every episode till they finally got Gadreel out. He knew Gadreel taking over and killing Kevin was his own fault and whatever backlash was coming from Sam, he deserved. Now after this I fully understand Sam’s hurt 100% and I think he was even hurt that Dean chose to leave afterwards, but his words at the end of The Purge hurt me for Dean’s sake. Not “Same circumstances, I wouldnt” because of course he wouldnt do the same thing. But telling Dean theres no upside to him being alive, and how Dean tells himself that he does more good than bad, but he doesnt, and “Ill hand it you, you;re willing to do the sacrificing, as long as you’re not the one being hurt” was crushing. Dean has always been hurt in his sacrificing, it was like Sam forgot Dean sacrificing his soul for Sam to live and spending 40 years in hell. So, where I will agree Dean says some crappy things, Sam has been guilty of that too. Both have every right to feel what they feel, but that doesnt give them the right to do or say whatever they want.  Dean always gets friends and Sam doesnt! Now this I think is basically their make up, not a narrative bias. Sam learned in S1, Skin that friends are a liability and having them in their line of work, puts them in danger. Sam is kind and compassionate and the one who talks to the victims and witnesses with care so they trust him, but he doesnt try to pull them closer, to be friends, because he knows its dangerous for them, as he explained to Adam in Jump the Shark. Dean knows this too, but he needs people. He makes friends and tried to have a family outside the job... it never works out, but he still tries. I think Jody is more drawn to Sam, and probably even Rowena, it also looks like Mary is more drawn to Sam,  but Sam is still leary of being close to people. I dont think this has anything to do with the writers wanting us to think Dean is more likable, but to see that the boys need different things. Like Dean has a lot of sex, he needs physical, Sam doesn’t he needs verbal. This is why he has conversations with everyone.  Dean has more dialogue than Sam! He does, often times, I guess if its measured, Dean has probably had more onscreen lines than Sam, but I think they make up for that by giving Sam the bigger story arcs. They give Jared the harder roles to act. Dean’s arcs are almost always the same, he is either more violent, or less violent, whereas Sam has been possessed numerous times, went through addiction and withdrawal, Soullessness, fighting against himself, and acting along side his own different personas, insanity, twice, hallucinations,severe physical illness, loss of loved ones,  sexual assault, and torture, torture, and more torture. He’s been as weak as a child and yet the biggest badass on the show ever. Dont think because Dean says more that Sam doesnt impact the show just as much, if not more. If both shared the same character arcs, it would be monotonous, if Dean didnt have more dialogue than Sam, compared to Sam’s story lines, Dean would look like the antagonist. Oh trust me, I wish every episode was Sam centric, but its not, thats not how the show works, and I have accepted that.  I know I missed many more, but I tried to hit all the ones I see the most meta on. i just want all you Sam girls (Bitter or not) to know that not every Sam girl has gotten as negative of a view as many of you have. Feel free to add to this if you want to, I welcome opposing view points too :)
33 notes · View notes
Life insurance policy?
"Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the most popular/best dental insurance in California?
Looking to invest in Dental Insurance, but I want something good, where I'm not paying so much out of pocket""
Why do Norwich union offer really high insurance quotes and then refuse to price match ! am 31 have 4 years no
why do Norwich union offer really high insurance quotes and then refuse to price match ! am 31 have 4 years no claims that claim was due to a car fire so not much risk and their quote is 150 more than anyone else
What is a good health insurance for J1 visa visiting scholars in USA ?
J-1 Exchange Visitors are required by U.S. Department of State to have health insurance for themselves and any accompanying dependents in J-2 status for the entire time that they are in the United States as exchange visitors. Minimum insurance coverage must provide: Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per person per year or accident Medical evacuation of the Exchange Visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $10,000 Repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500 Deductible limited to $500 per accident or illness I am looking for a health insurance that meets these requirements and allows to include my family (spouse and 3 kids). I was considering United Healthcare StudentResources but they increased the premium in 40% from 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 (considering the whole family). The IMG (International Medical Group) has the Patriot Exchange Program that meets the J1 requirements and is much cheaper, for example. Could you please tell the community the plan you have, pros and cons, and any other useful information?""
Car Insurance Companies + Excluding Drivers?
My brother and I are trying to get insurance for our two cars but are having a problem with one of the cars. My uncle gave me my car but we never dealt with switching over the title of the car. Most of the major insurance companies require that the cars be under the name of one of us. We have found some smaller companies that do an exclusion to deal with the problem but the rates are higher. Does any body know of any major company that allows this to happen? Thanks for the help.
I suffer chronic pain and have trouble working. I'm 37. I have no health insurance. I need advice please.?
I'm 37, and I have degenerative joint disease of both hips (related to a childhood hip disorder). My hips ache, but I also suffer chronic back pain/strain from the effects of a car accident in '04. I have no health insurance, and I don't earn much money. I am forced to live with parents. Needless to say, my life is not very bright. I also suffer severe depression brought upon by my life situation. I returned to college last year, and I am working towards finishing my degree (English/ethnic studies). I need help, both medical/financial help, but I'm not sure where to turn. The job I have is an independent contractor job (I'm not a salaried employee); therefore, I have no benefits. I just drive around to local police stations, pick-up arrest records, transcribe them, and send them in to company. Very basic! My life feels like a living hell; the only thing that makes me feel better is that I am an active student (CSULB) who is about one year away from my degree (better late than never). But I have extreme difficulty functioning day-to-day because of my chronic pain issues and depression. Living with my parents at my age makes my depression worse. I would appreciate any advice. The last full-time job I had was when I worked for the city of Los Angeles (up to 2007), but I had to give that up because of my hip/pain problems. It was a civil service job, so we didn't pay into social security. I'm not sure what I qualify for, and trying to search around on the internet is exhausting. I'm basically in this position: little money - chronic/daily pain - ho health insurance - difficulty working a regular job Thank you to anyone who might offer some guidance or recommendations. I live in Southern California.""
""Looking for cheapest car insurance, see discription thanks!?""
I'm 16 I get a 3.8gpa and own a 1977 formula 400 pontiac firebird, and live in california... I want to get cheap insurance my family doesn't make allot of money. what is the price range for someone with my credentials.""
What kind of insurance do I need?
I know nothing about insurance and this past year I've had a few problems which I paid straight out of my pocket. Needless to say it sucked horribly, thankfully my parents were generous enough to help me :) I now need insurance and its almost March 31st. I have a bad habit of procrastinating haha. So I know NOTHING about how insurance works etc. What is Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? covered california? (I live in LA) I dont need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to get insurance like Blue Cross or Anthem right? Why are people paying for healthcare PLUS whatever insurance agency they get like Blue Cross. I currently have NO income, and I havent worked for a year so no taxes lol. I know health care helps with something that involves taxes. I'd like to get insurance and I heard that Medicaid is good for people with no income, but I'm going to have a small income soon. Do I need to contact healthcare.gov or medicaid or coveredca to get insurance with Blue Cross? What do you folks recommend? HELP!!!!! What is the March 31st deadline for? Do I just need to apply by then? And is that deadline for just healthcare/medicaid/coveredca or is it for the actual insurance company like Blue Cross? I'm so confused... Btw, I'm male, 23, live in Cali, currently no income. Thanks folks! :D""
Should I sue my parents...?
When I was 4 years old I was in a car accident and my parents had a settlement with the drunk drivers insurance and recieved 100,000 dollars for me. At such a young age I didnt really know what was going on and they told me that it had to be put up till I was 18 and I couldnt have it. Well that money is no longer there and I am now 20. As I grew up they told me that it all just went to lawyer fees but obviously I am old enough now to know better. I found out from other family members that they just blew it. I am now married and have three month old baby and I could have used that money to help get a house for us or help with the financial problems that come with being a new parent or newlywed. Should I sue them to get what was mine to begin with and if so how do I go about it and what are the chances that I will win?""
Where can I find the best and affordable health insurance?
employer does not provide health insurance anymore. where can i find the best affordable health insurance that i pay for myself? thanks
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
Insurance on Giving Birth?
Me and my husband don't have any insurance and we want to have a baby, what is the average monthly payment for insurance that will cover everything from the ultra violet sound to the monthly check-ups to the auctual giving birth in the hospital.""
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast?
I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!""
Easy ways to save extra money on car insurance?
i am looking at buying a evo ix (for those who don't know, it is the quickest car under 50K) and i am just wondering how to save some money on car insurance. should i be listed as a part-time driver with a parent, as i am only 20 yrs old. ????""
What is the BEST LIFE INSURANCE to get?
Do you have a life insurance? I would like to get one but i dont know what companys are good and how much money.. I have ask state farm they have a 30-term policies and if u dont die by that time you get back all your premiums all the money u have paid. but is very expensive for 100k gotta pay about 45dls.
Health insurance please help?
When you roll over, job wise, when does your health insurance usually start?""
Car Insurance?
......bought a new car............still got the old one......transfered insurance from old to new..........want to sell old one, so if someone wants to test drive it, presumably its on their insurance????""
How much money can I expect to recieve from my insurance company after my car is declared a 'total loss'?
I was rear ended (not at fault) the other day my car was totaled. My car was a red 1999 Ford Taurus SE with 146,000. At first i was happy it was gone, but im now starting to think im not going to receive very much for it from my insurance company. It had recently failed the state(MA) inspection and needed some work (about $500 to pass). I looked up the Kelley Blue Book private party value in fair condition and it gave me an estimate of $1,450.... Really? Thats it?""
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
How much does health insurance cost?
I just got a new job and I am about to enroll in medical coverage. I'm a healthy 29 year old male and I'm going to include my wife as a dependent. I know there are a few different plans, depending on deductible, etc, but I just want to get a ballpark figure on how much will be deducted from my checks. My wife suggests it will be about $150 a month, or about $75 per check.. Does this sound right??""
Is it true that you have a red car you pay less insurance?
one of my friends told me that if you have a red car you pay less insurance ... i wanted to know if this is true and if so what is the reason for it .. thanks for the info and God Bless
Liability Insurance for an Electrician?
I am an electrician and would like to get liability insurance because I do a lot of jobs on my own. Where can I find this? And is there an inexpensive plan? I live in New Hampshire.
I have a question about health insurance?
I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?""
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
Buying a used car insurance question?
i'm buying my first car soon and i have a question. I dont have my license yet so obviously i wont be able to drive it home, my parents will. do they need insurance on it to drive it home or is there an acceptance on that?""
Car insurance excess reclaiming?
My car was written off back in sept 08 after two cars collided infront of me and one spun and wrecked the front of my car. Both parties are disputing liability and I have got nowhere ...show more
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.
How do I get insurance for my baby?
I'm 19 years old and pregnant and I've come across the problem of finding insurance for my baby. I am currently covered under my mom's health plan and can stay covered through college. Unfortunately, my baby won't be able to be covered under her plan seeing as how she will not be the legal guardian. Furthermore, I won't be able to get my own plan because I will not be working and will stay a dependent of my parents. Any suggestions as to the best route I can take to insure my kid? Thanks! Oh, and I also live in California if that makes a difference.""
Does anyone know where i can get car insurance?
does anyone know where a college student with bad credit can get a car insurance
Will the Affordable care health insurance start from tomorrow itself?
I am planning to buy health insurance since I am going through a medical condition and cannot wait for the treatment. Can I buy Obamacare insurance? I heard it will be effective from Jan 1 2014. I know its kind of stupid question but is there a provision in the ACT that if I buy the insurance today (11/21/2013) will it be effective tomorrow or can the expenses be claimed after Jan 1 2014. Also, if I am not able to cover myself from now till dec 31 2013 then what insurance do you suggest? Thanks..""
Auto Insurance Rates hlep?
In November 2007, I erroneously ran a red light and made a left turn, with the result was hit by an oncoming car. Some tow truck driver came and offered me assistance by taking the car to his body shop and have the car fixed at a much lesser cost. (the police gave me at fault ticket). The next day I called up my insurance company and reported the accident. In October 2009 I fought my ticket and my fine was reduced with 0 demerit points. I have my abstract which says AIL TO OBEY LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT POINTS TOTAL 00. Every year my insurance company raises my auto insurance at present for 2 cars and 2 drivers we are paying over 6000 premium. The cars are Mazda 5 2010 model and Mazda protege 2001 model. the accident car was Mazda Protege. My husband is the first driver and has a clean record for more than 10 years. I would like to shop for another insurance company. How much details about the accident would they ask me? My present insurance company has marked an 'x' on conviction free dsic. Could someone please guide me as what do I have to disclose at the time of shopping of rates. I would like to add that this inquiry is for the province of Ontario - Canada Thanks Regds Jo-Anne""
""I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
""Buying a car, how much will title transfer and all that cost?""
So I'm going to buy a used car and I was just wondering how much it will cost for me to legally drive it? Not including insurance. I live in Illinois and I'm 16 years old, if that matters. I've checked the DMV site and it's kind of confusing so I figured I might be able to get a quick answer here. Thanks!""
Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?
Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL""
Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.""
""How does car insurance work in America, and how much does it cost on average?
just want to know how it works over in the USA compared to britain.
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Do anyone know where i can get cheaper car insurance?
Im with Tesco and am due to renew my insurance next month but what im paying at the moment is sky high. Ive been on the road 2 years now, I have a reno clio.""
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
How much will my insurance be on a BMW 114i?
Ow much will my insurance be roughly on a brand new BMW 114i 25K, I'm 17 yrs old and I think this car is a 1.6l, please tell me how much the insurance will be for me, I need a price with and without my parents added to the policy, my address is 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 door hatchback Petrol""
Does it cost to remove someone on your insurance ?
I wanted to drop my sister off my insurance plan because she found a cheaper insurance company, does it cost to remove her ?""
Do anyone know how much is 15% on your insurance?
When you take the practice Driving test how much percent you get off ...and . I'm 22 by the way an also do Anyone know where a nice driving course to. Take that's affordable an worth it?
What lowers insurance for a car?
I am a 21 yr old male, and I know that I fall under the category of drivers who are not married, male, below 25 so insurance will be more expensive on me. What I want to know is what features make a car insurance less expensive? I know one big one is that it is a sedan and not a coupe. What else? (What are the big insurance savers?)""
Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance?
im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car?
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it?
i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks.""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
Anyone know about maternity insurance?
I am recently married and my husband and I have been trying for a baby. We just recently added me to his insurance and of course, added maternity coverage to it. We were told that it wouldn't take effect until November 1st. My question is-if I were to get pregnant before November 1st, would the insurance not cover the pregnancy? I have a friend that seems to think if I were to get pregnant before then, if I didn't see a Dr until after November 1st, then it should be okay. Any idea what is correct?""
What is the average price of car insurance a 18 year old?
I want an estimate; I keep saying there is no average... I need a price line or an example? Would it be closer to $ 30, $100, $250? I just need a reasonable estimate of what an average 18 year old would pay for car insurance""
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.
Am i covered under my parents car insurance?
i have my license, im 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car; am i covered under their insurance? i think they added me in their insurance. im asking because i have friends at school that drive their parents car, but have their own insurance, and its expensive. so how come they have to pay their own insurance, and im covered under my parents? and when my parents added me did their rates go up? thanks for your help oh and i think i have statefarm""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I live in New Jersey, Plan on buying a 2012 mazdaspeed3. I am 18, which of course will make my policy higher. Currently, my car insurance runs around 300/mo on my parents policy. I cannot join their policy with the new car as it will be registered to me. The following are the rates ive been quoted Progressive - 6 month policy, $5,000 + $1,200 due at start-up Cure - 6 month policy, 6,200 + 1100 due at start-up Liberty Mutural - 6 month - 5200 + 1500 start plymouth rock - 6 month - 2,2009 + 679 start Why are these all so expensive? and why do they only offer me 6 month policies? thanks in advance!""
Why are so many insurance companies hiring agents?
Is it because of the government trying to force coverage on people?
What is the best life insurance company in the the USA?
what is the best life insurance company in the USA?
Will my car insurance rate be based on how long ive been insured or licensed?
I have been insured on several cars regularly since getting each permit (the law in my state, even though I only had a permit, and went through about five permits) and I just got my full license (finally). My license number is the same as it was before when it was on my permit. Which one will my future insurance rates be based on? Length of time insured or length with a full license? Thanks""
Free health insurance coverage in the state of California ?
My mother In- law has come to join us to live in the united states. I was wondering can she qualify for MEDICAL in the state of california. Free health insurance
""Could $5,000 provide healthcare for a family?""
If this credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the ...show more""
""Nearly 18 and I need to drive, what is the cheapest car and insurance for someone my age?""
Nearly 18 and I need to drive, what is the cheapest car and insurance for someone my age?""
Would my car insurance covers if paint is sprayed on my car by family member accidentally?
My uncle was spray painting his deck (toner - penetrating oiling formula) and didn't pay attention and it was quite windy that day it got all over my car. Now would my insurance cover this claim or not? What you guys think what should I do? I think it will cost me around $7000 to $8000 and I have full insurance. Thanks for your replies
My auto insurance covers anybody who drives my car...is my teen covered? I cannot afford to list him....?
Me and my teen have a car. I have both cars listed on my insurance with full coverage. If he is not covered is there an insurance company that will cover a driver of his age without ...show more
How much will insurance costs?
I am under 25 years old, live in CA, and first time car owner and getting insurance on a car older that 15 years... which company do you recommend and why? Thanks!""
Cheap/Affordable Car insurance for a 20 year old Driver?
Hey guys, I've had my license for a couple of months (Just turned 20) and I was wondering where or how I'd be able to get the cheapest possible insurance. Also, is there any ways around it? like putting it under my Dads name lool? Thanks!!""
How much is the average car insurance in southwest VA?
Im 20 years old. Im moving somewhere in the southwest va area within the next month and was wondering how much the average car insurance will be
""Car accident, Insurance, How does it work?""
I was in a car accident yesterday and it was deemed not my fault. They guy rammed me with a truck, while i was driving a car. My whole back end was destroyed and the estimate at a local dealership came out to about 6000 dollars. The dealership said that their might be some internal damage to the frame that they can't see but if it is the frame, can i ask the other guys insurance, the one paying for rental, coverage, etc, to give me market value of my car, if it is the frame, My cars value is $18,125. Also i have a slight neck pain from the whiplash, Do I tell his insurance about this?""
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay ...show more
Where to have my car insurance?
My insurance is up for renewal soon and I have a little dilemma. 4 days a week I work away from home living with realatives close to my job and the other 3 days I am at home. not the best situation but as I can't take my kids out of school I have to go where the work is. Now If I insure my car at my realtives address it is 200 cheaper then at my family home but can I legally insure my car away from the family home.
Good cars with cheap insurance?
Does anyone know any good cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old ??
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
""Does the bank require you to buy flood insurance in antioch, oakley area? (california)?""
Does the bank require you to buy flood insurance in antioch, oakley area? (california)?""
""Hi, I Need to insure my car and I am have no idea which insurance company is best and cheap plz help!!!?
And I need to do it today. Anyone knows how to do it quickly and which company is really and cheap and meets the NYS dmv requirements?
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
Car insurance help? How much?
I'm 18 years old and I just got my drivers license, I own a Eclipse Mitsubishi 95.""
I am about to turn 16 and was wondering what kind of insurance I need?
how much it would cost thanks!
How much should I expect to pay in Homeowners Insurance?
I am looking to buy a home and am trying to calculate monthly cost. The home we're looking at is $95,000.00. Our taxes are estimated at $800.00 and the home is in great condition (the rural location makes it affordable!) Any quick tips for a quick estimate? Anything would be helpful! Thanks!""
Health insurance pricing and BMI?
A person's weight and height are found on a driver's license. From these numbers, you can calculate a person's BMI. Do health insurance companies have access to the information found on a driver's license and do they use this information for determining health insurance quotes?""
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.
Insurance on my boyfriend's car?
I recently got my license and haven't gotten a car yet. Since my boyfriend has two vehicles I am planning on using his car for work. He has liability on the car but I don't have any insurance and his insurance agent isn't sure if we can be on the same policy if we're not living together. Will I have to get my own insurance or is there anyway I can be covered by his policy? Please help! Any advice on the cheapest way to do this is appreciated. Thank you!
What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!?
I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)""
Car insurance help please?
I have just passed my driving test and have a car, but the car is in my dads name as he bought it for me, so he is the registered owner. Now I'm worried about the insurance as people have said its illegal to put my dad down as the main driver and me as a named driver. He his another car and a van insured but they aren't on the same policy, they are separate and will be from this one. Will it be okay to do this? I'm not going to be using the car very much and it will cost me an extra grand and a half to have my own name which I just can't afford :(""
What does no-fault auto insurance mean?
I live in California which, I think, is a no-fault state. What ramifications does that have if I'm in an accident? Does it matter, in any way, whether the accident is my fault or the other driver's fault? Thanks you.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
Cheapest car insurance in nj?
Cheapest car insurance in nj?
Adding someone to ur insurance?
i know ur insurance goes up but do have to pay the difference between the new and old price? or do u just pay the new price whenever it would normally be time to pay ur insurance?
What things increase the cost of car insurance?
im 21 and the quotes are huge!! help!
How do i get health insurance?
im 19 years old, im not pregnant, i have no children... im really clueless to the whats and hows im in college, im not no disabled, or blind or anything.. i just dont have health insurance.. i do have a summer job, but its not steady & once i go to school in the fall i wont be working anymore. i know medicaid is good but idk if im eligible, & idk who will accept me... i really dk anything lol. i do know i need health insurance! please help?""
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
Does a car not in use need insurance?
Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?
Drink driving & car insurance?
Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don't have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
Do you need car insurance if you're bonded?
If I have a SR22 bond do I need car insurance as well? I've heard about them letters the BMV sends out and I don't wanna lose my license if they ask if my car is insured.
Insurance costs a fortune?
Anyone know of an insurance company that can give really cheap quotes for teenagers. UK Based
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
Need of car insurance web service?
I am doing project in car insurance.For that i want web services for car insurance. Please anyone list car insurance web service available
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got 2 points on my license, i pay $700 a year now, and this is my first violation. I live in new york""
Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums?
how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down?
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
Auto insurance for a teen learner driver ?
My 17 year old has her instructional learner's permit (did the driver education, passed the written DMV test, had in car-driver training and is now working towards her 50 hours of in-car practise with us before she can take her driving test). I am confused about whether we need to add her to our auto-insurance. The driver training school says no , she is covered under our insurance already and besides, you can't get auto-insurance until you pass your test. The Auto Club, however, says she has to be added (but then they'd make money so I'm not surprised they say that). We are in California. If anyone can clarify things for me, that would be great ! Thanks.""
Is insurance cheaper with driving school or learning at home?
i want to learn at home.
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.
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