#it probably wont happen because the mini stock market is my nightmare and also because idler
krenia · 1 year
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double hit means double the oversharing @johndoe-r @officialmisterrose
- absolutely obsessed with roguelikes/lites and anything that has randomly generated ("repayable") elements most notably tboi and Hades
- my username is a name I made up for a story about elves and dragons when I was like 8, it's now stuck to me like a parasite and I can't call myself anything else online even if I try
- one day decided I'm a completionist and now every game I play is played with the intent of 100%'ing it yeah it it clashes with the roguelikes part yeah
- had an embarrassingly long warrior cats phase, yet still can't draw furries
- I have really bad social anxiety (but still for some reason cannot shut up) so sometimes it takes me like, literal 2 hours of psyching myself up to socialize in the smallest of ways
- "hates pink" to "owns pink cat ears headphones" pipeline (came with egirl fashion sense for some ungodly reason,,)
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