#it multiplied 5 times the original price cuz delivery fee-
n41r · 1 year
Cards and Plastic Sleeves
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Yesterday, the plastic sleeves I ordered finally arrived~
I didn't sleeve every cards that I have, mostly the guys I still use for battles, in training, or the first card of that character I've ever printed (ex: Lv. 1 or Lv. 2 cards)
Even if it's not every cards that I own, it almost took me 2 hours to sleeve everyone Given tho, I kind of get distracted at the middle-
I also want to write out a bit about why I suddenly feel the need to sleeves every cards that I currently and will have for the future
TLDR; Don't use photo album that use PVC for card collecting if you don't have innersleeve for your cards
Around August 2023, I ordered an photocard album that are usually popular among KPOP fans, because the size is perfect for photocard
And well, what do you know? The size is also perfect for Oreca Battle cards-
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The inside of the album is very nice! If I wasn't wrong, the sleeves size is around 7 cm x 10 cm, so plenty of room for the cards
And not only that, they are also come with 2 sided sleeves! So I can arrange some of the cards to be placed next to each other, like this arrangement for Powan and Dante~
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And furthermore, this album got that big window on its cover, and you can put your fav picture as the cover!
I did use one of my spare Culann card as the cover at first, but overtime, it changes into one of my ridiculous doodles that I printed sometime ago along with my wanderer cards-
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Currently, I'm using the one where Culann is chasing Tanta, but that's not what I'm going to ramble about
I'm going to ramble about what happened to my cards after months of being inside this album
As the TLDR at the beginning implied, the sleeves materials are made of PVC plastic (as described by the vendor on the online listing)
And these PVC plastic, yea? They stick to your cards/photos like, dangerously sticking
So it was probably around September, when I was planning on testing wanderer cards on the arcade I was deciding on what kind of team I need to use, so I pull my cards outside of their sleeves
And lo and behold, crime of modern age(?)
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At first, I was a bit surprised at how rough the surface of the cards have become, but I thought since none of the ink are sticking to the sleeves, we are still at safe area Oh how wrong I was...
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Out of all of the cards that took some damage from this ordeal, the ones that got the most critical hit are Hayate and Bub
The damage is not very noticeable on Hayate, since it's just a small amount on his hair
But Bub on the other hand, got a very big chunk of his ink taken away by the PVC and got a pretty big white blob on the left side of his card Thankfully, Bub's OG background do have some white elements, so you can dismiss the missing ink as part of the BG
But sadly, the fact that most of my cards' surface becoming rough is not something that I can do anything about
That's why I decided to immediately buy some innersleeves to protect my current and future cards from any further damage that the PVC album might do to them
You might wonder, "If this PVC album is so bad, why not buy a new album that's not made from PVC?"
Buddy, this photo album is pretty expensive- Not only that, it's also very pretty- Also, the sleeves that got ink stuck on them cannot be cleaned/removed, so I don't think I can sell it as a second-hand item either
Anyway, that's my journey about PVC plastic and the importance of putting sleeves on your cards Don't forget to protect your cards, buy sleeves /slapped
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