#it minseries
seratlantisite · 7 months
one piece live action worked bc actually they instead threw out the original plot and instead kept the heart of every arc, and rebuilt the story to capture those plot beats in a new way that suited the new run time and medium
they accepted they would never be able to make it 1:1, and honestly we didn't need them too because the manga and anime already are. and because they accepted that from the start they were able to look at what each arc was saying, how it was saying it, and instead were able to capture each emotional core in a different but very fitting way
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moltengarnet · 8 months
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Daily ‘Min #10, Circmin!
I bet he’s lemon scented. Maybe I should have called him Lem’min or something like that. Anyway this guy would be useful in many ways during a game of Pikmin. You could use them like bowling balls to knock over bulborbs before moving in for the kill with the rest of your pikmin squad.
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Anna Sawai in a red mermaid Vera Wang style gown at Emmy Awards in LA 24'
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jothishi · 9 months
Learn Astrology 107 | Mars & Rahu Planetary Combination @Jothishi
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actionyak · 2 years
the tooth I got a cap on previously didn't bother me since it was after it got a root canal
the one I got today still has nerves in it though and it. it sucks a big'n.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
as the local expert on unsettling or pathetic men: ewan mitchell as francis doyle in the mexican gothic miniseries. is that anything.
Thank you for the endorsement on my expertise I guess? But now that you mention it I think I could see it! It's been ages since I read Mexican Gothic but I seem to remember Francis being described as being very pale and handsome but not in a super conventional way, and I feel like Ewan Mitchell fits the bill. Admittedly, I have only seen him in roles where he's creepy and intimidating and Francis is basically the polar opposite of that, but I think like he does look right and I have heard that he has played a nice character at least once in The Last Kingdom so I bet he would be a great Francis.
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freak-accident419 · 3 months
dropping the first part of my minseries today around 5pm pst!!! i will be also posting this on Ao3!! click here for my profile :3
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thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support these past few days..weeks.. months?? <33
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androxys · 1 month
7, 10, + 19 for the comic book ask game!!
Referring to this comic collection ask game...
7: The comic you searched for for the longest?
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Robin plus Impulse (1996)
When I started collecting Robin (1993), I knew that it would be a long haul to get them all. I mentally fortified myself to getting the main series, but I didn't even let myself think about getting any of the specials, because I thought it would just Take Too Long. And yet here this was on my latest trip to my discount comic store! It was meant to be.
10: The prettiest cover?
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Nightwing (2016) #81 - Travis Moore Variant
Okay, the cover I think is the actual prettiest is the pride variant of Superman #32, done after Leyendecker. But it's currently hung on the wall of my office, and not accessible. Moore's pride variant for Nightwing is a close second. I love how vibrant the color is, how dynamic the pose, the way Moore rendered the light... gah, I just love this cover.
19: Best dollar bin find?
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Robin II: The Joker's Wild (1991) #1-4
Definitely the entirety of Robin II! Of all of Tim's minseries and self contained stories, I think this one is my favorite. You can tell they're a little beat from how often I thumb through them! But they feature a newly-Robin Tim who has enough training to know what he's doing, patrolling Gotham without a Batman around to look over his shoulder, going against the Joker. Plus, it has one of my favorite panels in all of Batman-comics--the one of the Joker screaming that he killed Robin.
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king-b0o · 5 months
Y'all can we appreciate adult eddie kaspbrak from the it minseries for a sec? Like that man is adorable
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Like, look at him
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schumi-nadal · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @yoellglia, @shambolicchaos and @rafasbiscuits for tagging me (I'm very late, but you're used to it), I love reading your answers and more, I love reading your works, please go on with writing sweeties ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have eight works but two of them are just translations of two so my works.
Ce que la vie nous prend/What life takes from us (Titanic 1997 & Titanic 2012)
Not just a game (FR)/Not just a game (ENG) (Formula 1 RPF)
I will always believe in you (Tennis RPF)
Caught in the storm (Tennis RPF)
And baby makes three (Tennis RPF)
It's just a bad day, not a bad life (Tennis RPF)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Wait, I need to do maths? 😫
114859 words if I'm correct and if my phone works 🧐
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I wrote a Titanic fic and a Formula 1 RPF fic an eternity ago (I really need to post the next chapters btw), some Tennis RPF too and I just started writing a MotoGP RPF oneshot.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not just a game (ENG) - 80 kudos
Caught in the storm - 37 kudos
Not just a game (FR) - 29 kudos
I will always believe in you - 25 kudos
And baby makes three - 18 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I always do! I write fics in small fandoms, we are a family so of course i'm answering to everyone! ❤
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Didn't finish it yet but probably: Ce que la vie nous prend/What life takes from us.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know... maybe Caught in the storm. 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The only hate I get is from me Never, my readers are the best! ❤
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I tried, but I just can't, even if I'm the first one to read smut. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, Ce que la vie nous prend/What life takes from us is a crossover with the Titanic 1997 movie and the Titanic 2012 minseries. But it was not crazy I guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, who would want to steal my garbage? 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. By myselft. That's it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would love to if someone wants! 👀
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Well, I wrote a lot about Casper and Matteo (Ruudettini) power and at the moment everything is about Fabio and Marc (Mabio supremacy) BUT my all time favorite ship will always be Drarry (yeah, nothing to do with what I'm writing 😭).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Knowing that people enjoy what I'm writing is my biggest strenght 🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am unpredictable and irregular: a day, I can write 6-7 pages in a row in a few hours and the day after, I'm just staring at a blank page. 🥴
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it, I do it in English when I translate my works haha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First since I start writing for myself in middle school was a Bleach think. 🤣
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I don't really know, I love my writing for Ce que la vie nous prend/What life takes from us but Not just a game holds a special place in my heart too and I need to finish those works fr. 🤩
Tagging: Nobody, i'm so late doing it so I don't even remember who already did it 😂 but if you want to do it, feel free to tag me!
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silver-and-stars · 10 months
Dang. Watched Jane Eyre the 2011 movie (love it), then the minseries from 2006. I actually liked the 2006 better ! I did not expect that.
I mean the movie is good. But the mini-series ? Their attraction and love is much more believable. Rochester is way more charming and Jane way more lively. They have a different take on moments and line delivery and I loved it.
Real nice. (bonus points for Toby Stephens)
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
If we think of "House of M" and "Age of Apocalypse" as line-wide AU events: are there any other similar stories in Marvel? "What if" stories that stretch across multiple titles for multiple months?
Just to be pedantic a bit (because, you know, that's what I do), I don't think Age of Apocalypse is a line-wide event, because it only took place in the pages of X-books and the rest of the Marvel Universe was continuing as per normal even as their Earth-295 counterparts appeared in Age of Apocalypse.
By contrast, House of M had tie-in minis and the like from Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and so forth - as well as the main event book which was very much an ensemble of the whole of the Marvel Universe.
I can think of other events that are similar - while Secret Wars wasn't a full-AU, there was this time gap that had a big impact on the status quo of Spider-Man, the Avengers, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Thor that was a big mystery as to what had exactly transpired, as well as the main 12-issue mini. (What an irony in that contemporary Marvel has ongoing series that are shorter than their first big event minseries.) Also, Hickman's Secret Wars is set in an alternate "universe" of a sort and a lot of the cast weren't really aware that Doom had engineered this "timeline."
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moltengarnet · 8 months
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‘Min #6, Kickmin
Although Kickmin are not any stronger than the average pikmin, they attack twice as fast with their feet to melt the health bars of any passing bulborbs.
The colors are kinda based on Ryu from Streets. I know Ryu's barefoot in-game but just pretend RFS has foot gloves too.
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wirtsroom · 4 months
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superblysubpar · 10 months
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we'll call it love masterlist
Hey, thanks for being here - whether you binged the series or have been here the whole year or you're literally just reading this and don't care to read the series. I know it's a little (okay a lot) cheesy to make a whole post saying thank you for a silly little fanfic but I've had a tough year, and I didn't want to make the post longer and well, here we are. Don't read it if you don't want to or you think it's cringe.
I wrote the "Rocketman is Dingus. Dingus is Steve. Steve is Rocketman" scene on November 25th, 2022 in the back of my mother in law's car while shopping. I had no real vision other than Friends With Benefits, modern AU, use the songs off of the Uncanny Valley album by COIN, reader hates love and duh - Steve falls in love with everything that moves. Over the course of basically an entire fucking year, a short, 4 "parts" "minseries" turned into this. This lovely, wonderful, infuriating most days, pain in my ass series that I'm going to cherish for the rest of my life. I learned and discovered so much about writing and about myself while creating it. We're truly almost at a year, and originally, when this idea came to me, I was back on my old blog and I just can't even express to you how crazy it is to know the notes I got on first fics to this journey to the new blog and this series...I feel like I can't say thank you enough or express how crazy it is to me and how truly grateful I am. While writing this I was thoroughly broken down to just a sobbing mess multiple times by comments, messages, and love left for the story - I have your messages saved, and they mean more to me than you could ever know. I made new friends while writing it, I daydreamed about these fucking idiots while on my first international trip, I'm chasing crazy dreams and it's truly all because of this story and you guys. All because of your patience and encouragement as I strung you along for almost an entire year just for a silly little fanifc.
A special and specific thank you to @sweetsweetjellybean I love you I love you I love yoouuuu and I know this was a way bigger commitment than either of us foresaw when I asked you to beta for me. Hours, days, and months of friendship and encouragement can't be acknowledged with a simple thank you, but it's the best I got. And another special thank you to @loveshotzz who not only is also an avid supporter, editor, and encourager, but gave me all the Chicago daydreams and sightseeing tour that literally is at the heart of this entire series. Red Hot Ranch idiots, Steve's apartment, Replay, the train, and many more things wouldn't exist without her.
Thank you for your endless support, for literally taking my hands and dragging me across the finish line, I don't deserve either of you 💛
thank you all for your constant patience, encouragement, and love. And thank you for letting me tell Rocketman and Y/N's story 💛
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winterhalters · 1 year
alexandre dumas minseries should be casted mixed race actor to played dumas
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