#it might have been joes. he was one of the first people back after the event
skizz-that-man · 5 months
i'm still hung up on how every single time scar is in a group conversation about the charity stream he only talks about grian. "i'm glad grian got to ..." "did you go to olive garden for grian"
it's all he thinks about. grian. grian closer to him in physical distance than ever but still so so so far away. all those things grian wanted to do, maybe wanted to do with scar, maybe scar wanted to do with him. all those plans they had that they didnt get to do
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trippinsorrows · 1 month
without you + one
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authors note: hi, friends! so this is a foundational first chapter, meaning its intended to lay down a blueprint. there may or may not be some foreshadowing.....
but let me just say this. i have no intentions on drastically changing anyone's characterization from book one. e.g. joe has always only had eyes for reader. that won't change. he's all about his family.
do not read this story if you haven't read 'with me'. it won't work as a standalone.
warnings: language, some angst, fluff, and suggestive themes
song inspo: be without you by mary j. blige
words: 5k
Two weeks.
It’s been two weeks since your life was forever changed in a night of pure magic.
Two weeks since the love of your life proposed to you in the most beautiful way in the most beautiful place on earth surrounded by the most beautiful people.
Just thinking about it still brings on chills and goosebumps. It might just be one of the happiest nights of your life. 
And even returning home, being with your family, enjoying your pregnancy has continued on the theme of love and contentment. 
It’s almost nearly perfect except for one little thing. One tiny little human you just so happened to have created who seems to think that she has first dibs on a certain fiancé of yours at any given point and time.
Callie has been loving every single second of Joe being home on indefinite leave, and while you’re happy for her, happy for him that they have the time to spend together, it’s like she wants to spend all of her time with Joe.
And that’s fine, except for the fact it’s like she doesn’t want you around at all.
They’re playing tea party and she hits you with the, “mommy, it’s for daddies only.”
He’s having her help him cook, and she hits you with, “mommy, you can’t cook.”
She’s suckered him into watching Moana with her for the 18th time, and she hits you with, “mommy, I wanna watch it with daddy.”
Sis is beyond possessive. It’s gotten to the point where you almost feel jealous of your own damn child. An absolutely asinine thing to think, let alone feel.
It’s why when Joe jogs down the steps after getting her down for her nap, you grab him by his shirt and yank him into the office. 
He’s understandably confused. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You bring your finger to his mouth, silencing him. “Not so loud. You’ll wake her up.”
Lord, Jesus. This may be harder than you thought. “And she needs her sleep, and we need time to talk.”
That seems to help him reason a bit better. “Okay.”
Pouting, you take him by surprise, shuffling into his chest as his arms naturally move around you. “I miss you.”
He chuckles, kissing the top of your head. “I’ve been here, baby.”
“You know what I mean.” Pulling back, he brushes his thumb across your bottom lip. “I miss spending time with you. Just the two of us.” Realizing how that could sound, you quickly clarify. “Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing you spend so much time with Callie, and obviously, she loves it too. But your lil’ bodyguard doesn’t seem to want mama to have any time alone with daddy.” 
And it’s the truth. It fills your heart with so much joy to see the beautiful bond and relationship they’ve developed in not even a year. They’re inseparable. 
But that doesn’t negate the fact that you miss spending time with him too.
“And we haven’t had sex since in over a week. A week, Joe. I can’t go that long without your dick. You know this.” He smiles, big hand laying on your baby bump. Like this shit is funny. Like it’s amusing that you’re going through dickdrawl. “That’s not funny, you asshole. If I have to make myself come one more time instead of you, I might just lose my shit.”
“I get it,” he finally shares, hand moving along the small of your back. “I miss you too. Miss my pussy…”
His voice drawls into something teasing, and it makes your pussy flutter. See, just his voice alone has you feening. Groaning, you mutter, while trying to settle yourself, “and it doesn’t help that she’s been sleeping with us.”
Calista is only four-years-old, so it’s natural for her to want to sleep with you and Joe. And you don’t mind that, don’t mind giving her that comfort. It’s just that it’s been every night since you returned from Disney. Not only that, when Joe gets up, she likes to get up. Even to the point where he'll just be working out in the gym, and she still wants to be around him, sitting on the floor talking to him or just playing on her tablet.
She’s even fallen asleep one time in the gym, with him having to stop his workout to bring her to her bed that she woke up from and managed to scamper her cute self right back into bed with you.
It’s just been…..a lot in some ways.
He nods, suddenly suggesting, “maybe we can try talking to her.”
“And what are we supposed to tell her, huh?” You’re legitimately all ears for any recommendations on how to word it. “Callie Bear, you’re spending too much time with your daddy.” Even saying it in a mocking tone feels wrong, giving you a sort of itch. “I’m not trying to have our child in therapy because of shit we caused her.”
“And you say I’m dramatic.” He rolls his eyes, emphasizing his point. “She’s a smart kid. I think if we just talk with her about how we have to share time with each other—”
“Ha. Share. That’s funny. That girl don’t wanna share you with air, let alone another human being.” It’s a partial joke, partial truth. A frown suddenly falls on your face as you think this over more. “You think something’s going on with her?” 
If you didn’t have his attention before, you definitely have it now. “What do you mean?”
Shrugging, you do your best to explain what you don’t quite fully understand. “I don’t know. She’s always been super attached to you, but it’s been more intense lately. Like she’s holding on even tighter. Like—”
“Like she’s scared to let go,” he finishes for you, deep voice settling into something almost despondent. “You think she’s scared I’m gonna leave or something?”
It’s a bit of a stretch but also something you can’t entirely rule out. “Maybe.” With a new sort of determination, you advise. “You’re right. We do need to talk to her.” And for completely different reasons than when you first dragged him in for that conversation. You just want to make sure your baby girl is okay.
That’s the only thing that matters.
On the topic of Callie, you’re reminded of something. “Oh my god.” Gasping, you move away from him. “I didn’t get a chance to show you.”
Curious, he asks, “show me what?”
You reach for his hand, walking over to the desk that’s almost entirely done with being set up and open the first drawer. Grabbing the still unopened envelope, you reach it to him, a small smile on your face. “I wanted to let you open it.”
Joe is understandably confused until he flips the envelope over and sees the sender. His expression immediately softens. “Is this—”
Nodding, you share, “it came in the mail yesterday, but it just slipped my mind to tell you.” He doesn’t say anything, instead focused on opening the envelope as he carefully pulls out the certificate.
Callie’s new and updated birth certificate. 
Moving closer to him, you snuggle yourself into his chest as he uses one hand to open and read the document you two have been waiting on for nearly a month now. Everything has stayed the same except for one section, that one section bringing on all of the feels for him. For both of you. 
Father/Parent’s Name.
The section that was once blank now reads in printed, black, unerasable ink: Leati Joseph Anoa'i. 
You can just feel the immense love and happiness emanating off his big being. He doesn’t need a piece of paper to tell him that he’s Callie’s father. You know that. But this is the piece of paper that gives him all the legal rights as Callie’s father, the rights he should have had from the very beginning. 
Holding onto him just a little tighter, loving him a little harder, you murmur against his chest, “now it’s always as it should have been.”
“I’m thinking strippers. One on each side of the aisle. Shawty throwing ass to the left, and shawty shaking titties on the right.”
Any conversation with Alexis is bound to venture into the deepest parts of fuckery, but this has to be a new level. “You want me to have strippers at my wedding?”
She’s looking at you like she can’t understand what’s so crazy about her proposal. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
Eyes widening, you lean over the counter that’s littered with countless bride magazines and her Macbook Air. “It’s my wedding, Lex.”
“And?” She shakes her head, stirring some of her chocolate pudding. “You love strippers.”
“I do, but that doesn’t mean I want them at my wedding.”
She’s rolling her eyes, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she murmurs, “if you wanted to have a boring ass white people type wedding, you should have just said that.”
You laugh. Wedding planning was always something you imagined doing with your closest friends, and while you’re thankful to have Alexis here as your support and interim wedding planner (because you’re still very much on the fence about that), her tendency to do the most is definitely obscuring her view of logic and what makes sense.”
“I don’t want a white people wedding, per se. I just don’t want anything too crazy.” That’s the best description you can give, because this is all so new to you. You naturally play with the stunning engagement ring on your finger. Part of that confusion is because you’re still a bit stuck on the fact that you’re actually engaged.
To the literal love of your life, at that.
A dream that’s become a reality.
It still feels a little too good to be true.
“Fair, I guess.” She doesn’t seem to agree that it’s fair but won’t push either. “Well, have you at least thought about where you want to get married?”
That, you actually have. Once upon a time, it was in your hometown. Now, you’d rather not get married at all if that was your only option. “I’m thinking here.”
“Florida?” You nod. “Wow. Okay, any particular reason why?”
Shrugging, you answer, grabbing a chunk of pineapple from your fruit bowl. “I don’t know. Joe’s family is already here. It’s easy for my mom to catch a flight out. And anyone else I’d like to attend would have to fly here too anyway. Plus, this place is really beautiful.”
The fact that life has only been up since moving here to be with Joe is a major plus too. But, that doesn’t necessarily feel like it needs to be outright stated.
“Got it.” She starts typing on her laptop, and you have no doubt she’s already created a Google Doc to track everything. It’s one of many things you love about Alexis. She may be crazy as hell, but when she’s on it, she’s on it. “Now, the biggest thing, maybe the most important thing, is gonna be the date.”
She nods, “yeah, like when you want to have the wedding.” 
Fuck. As silly as it may sound, you hadn’t even thought about that. Still so caught up in the high of actually being engaged to your soulmate. 
Alexis continues, “I’m guessing after the school arrives.”
You roll your eyes. “What did I tell you about calling them that?” 
“Okay, the brood.”
She throws her hands up. “Don’t get mad at me cause the freaks freaked too much and now ya’ll starting your own little tribe.”
A heavy sigh leaves your mouth as Alexis continues to go in on you over your multiples pregnancy. For the most part, you’ve really come to accept and be okay with it. There are times though where your mind gravitates toward the childbirth portion, and your vagina literally starts to ache at just the thought of that trauma. 
Shaking your head and pushing away those thoughts, you return to the conversation at hand. “That’s a good point. I don’t want to walk down the aisle big and pregnant.”
“Exactly.” She types some more. “When is Joe going back to work?” Another great question that you don’t have the answer for. “Oh my god, Y/N, girl, just what do you know?”
“He just said it was indefinite leave!” You throw out in defense of your lack of knowledge. “Definitely not before the babies get here, so after September?”
“And you know he’s not gonna leave you alone with three newborns to take care of, so I can see him staying off air for at least a couple more months.”
That makes sense. “But, he’ll have to be back in time for WrestleMania, I’d imagine.”
“Most definitely. Didn’t you see that one promo he did? Roman Reigns is WrestleMania.” A smile falls on your face. You most definitely did see that promo. It’s one of your favorites that he’s cut. “But the next one isn’t until April, I think.”
“So maybe January?” The smile shifts into a scowl. “He can’t be gone that long though. The fans would lose it.” Thinking back to the Smackdown clips you saw on social media, you point out, “they’re already chanting ‘we want Roman.’”
It’s a bit bittersweet seeing Smakdown clips without Roman, seeing someone else hold his championship belt. But then you think about what that sacrifice gave you, what Joe giving up his title has awarded you, and it takes away some of the sting of it all.
You also feel a bit better knowing Joe is still playing an active role in the Bloodline, just behind the scenes. 
She sucks her teeth. “Ain’t that about a bitch? They fake asses acting like they weren’t the main ones wanting Cody to finish the story.” Alexis' borderline anger makes you laugh a little. “Oooh, Joe nice, cause the way I would give them the middle finger, retire, and live out my life with my fine ass wife and 12 children.”
Your eyes widen. “Don’t even put that out there, please.” You've definitely learned now about the power of the tongue. “If I was carrying any more than three children, I might just die.”
“Naw. Childbirth would do that for you.”
“Shit, sorry, too dark?” Lord, this girl really has no filter sometimes. “Do you guys want more kids after this? Like, forreal?”
Alexis, despite all of her shenanigans, seems to be on point with the questions. “I don’t know—”
“You don’t know?” That seems to be the answer that actually has her floored the most out of anything else ya’ll have discussed this afternoon thus far. “Bitch, this man put three children in you. Three. You really trying to risk that happening again?”
“Of course not. I just—I don’t know. I don’t think I can really answer that right now. Maybe once we learn the sexes, cause what if they’re all girls?” The likelihood of that happening has to be slim to none, but just like multiples of this quantity can be an anomaly, so can all of one sex. “I want to give him a son.”
Truthfully, you’re praying hard that at least one of them is a boy. You know Joe will love the kids the same. Fully and without inhibition, regardless of sex. But, not only do you want to have a little boy for your own reasons, but being able to continue on Joe’s lineage, maybe even passing down his name to your son would mean even more.
Of course, Alexis is quick with the dumbass suggestion. “Make one of them a tomboy.”
You close your eyes, forcefully stabbing the next chunk of pineapple. “Alexis, I swear to God.”
She leans back in her seat, adjusting her top. “All I know is if you think I’m babysitting four kids, you are sadly mistaken. I’ll take care of my little Cal Gal, but these other newbies are gonna have to prove themselves.”
“Newbies? They’re gonna be literal babies, Lex.”
“And? My beef is rated E for everyone, newborn babies included.”
Lord, this woman is giving you a headache. “I guess there’s a lot I still need to discuss with Joe first before we actually get into planning.”
“Agreed.” It’s a conversation you’re almost not looking forward to simply for the mere fact you don’t want to start thinking too much about Joe’s leave ending. Just wanna enjoy the here and now. But, you know it’s something that needs to be done. “Make sure to ask him about the strippers too.”
As he has almost every day since the start of his vacation, Joe handles dinner for you and Callie. Well, mostly you, since little Ms. ma’am insists upon helping Joe cook, and he insists upon you resting when you make the mistake of telling him you’re experiencing heartburn. It’s a common symptom given you’re about two weeks away from hitting four months and something you experienced when you were pregnant with Callie.
However, he takes all necessary, or maybe, unnecessary precautions, having you sit and rest in the living room, watching some random station while he works in unison with your firstborn to prepare dinner. 
He makes grilled fish with a side of rice and broccoli for the vegetable. It makes you laugh every time he encourages and tries to convince Callie that she needs to eat her veggies or else she’ll never grow. Sis looks like she doesn’t entirely believe him but takes the plunge anyhow. Plus, better him than you trying to convince her.
You’ll let him take that battle gladly.
And while he cleans up the kitchen, handles putting all the leftover food away, you tackle Callie’s nighttime routine, specifically her bubble bath, hygiene, and hair. Her bath takes a little longer than usual, somewhat because of your bump, but mostly because with her new disney princess themed bedroom came an attached disney princess themed bathroom. This includes a shit ton of bubble bath additives that any kid would love, many of which she suckered her daddy into buying during your Disney trip.
You don’t even want to know how much that man spent on Callie in that one week timespan. It seemed like everything she saw she wanted, and he wasted no time in pulling out his black card, buying it for her.
You can only pray she remains sweet and humble with a daddy like Joe who’s seemingly hellbent on spoiling her rotten. 
Getting her in her pajamas and securing her bonnet over her head after putting her curls into a pineapple is the easy part, and she’s nearly bursting at the seams to get out the bathroom door for a reason you already know and don’t need to ask. 
Cause as soon as you’re done, she’s like a speeding bullet, rushing out her bathroom and room, straight into yours.
By the time you get everything back and put away, she’s found her target. Joe is sitting on your bed, Callie tucked into his side with her chosen bedtime book in hand. She surprises you though when she looks up and smiles brightly. “You can come too, mommy.”
This has to be your first invite in at least a week, and it makes you genuinely smile as well. 
“Thank you, baby.” There’s not an ounce of hesitation as you move over to the other side of the bed, climbing in with them. A brief shared look with Joe gives you the signal you need to jumpstart the conversation you’ve been thinking about all day. “Callie, daddy and I actually wanna talk to you about something.”
Instantly, she’s frowning, pouting almost as she snuggles closer into Joe’s chest. “I don’t want to talk.”
This makes you frown, as Joe also looks taken back by her response. He rubs gentle circles along her back. “Callie Bear, what’s going on with you?”
You pick up on her hesitant reply the same way you’re sure Joe does. “Nothing.”
Placing a comforting hand on her arm, you softly point out some of the things that have led to this conversation. “Calista, I’ve noticed you’ve been spending a lot of time with daddy. And you sometimes don’t even want me to spend time with ya’ll.” Licking your lips, you do your best to keep your voice as calm and soothing as possible. “Are you…are you maybe scared about something?”
And it’s when she looks at you for a second, that fear flashing in her eyes, you know that’s what it is. Something has her nervous.
Hating that something is bothering her and especially that she’s keeping it in, you whisper, “Please tell us, baby.”
And it’s Joe holding her a little tighter along with your gentle coaxing that seems to do it, seems to break down that wall that hides her truth. She sniffles, “I don’t want daddy to leave again.”
“Calista…” You hate seeing her so sad, but you especially hate seeing and hearing the pain in Joe’s face and voice at the fact that he’s indirectly the reason for her sadness. “Baby girl, I’m not going anywhere right now, remember? I’m staying here with you and mommy.” 
You’re thankful he doesn’t really highlight the fact that he will eventually have to go back to work. Callie isn’t stupid. She knows this, but it’s not what she needs to hear right now.
And your chest tightens as she sadly points out to Joe a trauma you still haven’t had the space to fully process. “But those people took me from mommy, and I couldn’t see her.” Eyes glossing over, it breaks your heart to hear that she still thinks about that. That being separated from you the way she was is still impacting her. “What if they take me and I can’t see you or mommy?” She adds on in a way that twists the dagger in your chest, “or they make you leave me like they made mommy leave me?”
At that, he pulls her onto his lap, carefully lifting her chin to make her look at him. “Calista, listen to me, sweetheart. No one could ever take you away from me or your mom. Ever.” He speaks with such conviction and determination. He needs her to believe what she’s saying. You both do. “You’re our little girl.”
“He’s right. I know…I know that scared you, but your daddy and I aren’t going anywhere. We promise.” Reaching over to cup her face, you ask in a way that’s more telling than questioning. “That’s why you’ve been wanting to sleep with us.”
She nods, quietly explaining. “I don’t want you to be gone when I wake up.”
“Oh, baby.” you reach for her and she climbs over to you, hugging you tight, head against your chest. “Daddy and I are gonna be here for you, always, okay? No matter what.” Chuckling a bit, you wipe the tears from her eyes. “Even when you’re all grown up and don’t need us anymore.”
She looks between ya’ll, almost wide eyed. “Noooo.” She reaches for Joe who moves closer to the two of you. “You’re my mommy and daddy. I’ll always need my mommy and daddy.”
Her innocence warms your heart. You love this little girl so much. More than words.
“We love you, Callie.” Joe kisses her forehead as she holds onto his arm. 
“I love you guys too.” Her voice is less laid down with that big weight she was carrying around, and it makes you happy to know she feels a bit better, a bit more secure. “Can–can I still sleep with you guys tonight?”
“Of course, baby.” The answer is easy. Knowing now why she’s wanted to stay so close, it would feel almost cruel to deprive her of that comfort. “Of course you can.”
Megan Lowery is having a shit day.
Beyond a shit day, really.
The first issue being that her stupid alarm didn’t go off. A classic nuisance that almost everyone has experienced at one point or another. 
Except for her.
She’s never had her good old faithful iPhone alarm not get her up in time to tackle the day, until this morning, which has since only gravitated from bad to worse.
Because of course her coffee machine decided to act up. Any other time, she’d have zero issue brewing her morning cup of Joe, but not this morning. No, this morning she was forced to forgo her addiction of almost twenty years nor did she have the time to stop and buy a cup due to already running late because of her dumbass alarm glitching.
And the shitty day couldn’t be completed without some asshole bumping into her and spilling their deliciously smelling coffee all over her Free People blouse.
Put plain and simple, it’s a bad day, and she’s already over it before it even hits 1pm.
It’s why she sits in her meeting, doodling on her legal pad instead of listening to what probably could have been an email.
Megan jumps in her seat, eyes scanning the room of coworkers who sit watching her carefully. She clears her throat. “Sir?”
Luke, her boss, crosses his arms. “Am I boring you?”
Yes. “No sir, of course not.”
“I think I am.” Megan has never liked Luke. A product of nepotism, his father created the casting company she works for back in the eighties where he grew it to the major success it is today, only to pass it down to his son a few years ago after ailing health. And while Luke isn’t a bad CEO, per se, he’s not the funny, down to earth type like his old man.
No. The man is a Grade A asshole sometimes.
And this seems to be one of those times.
“Then what was I discussing?”
Fuck. Megan has always hated looking stupid, and she’s usually pretty good at both paying and not paying attention. But without her coffee, it’s damn near impossible to achieve that feat.
“Actually, sir, Megan was just whispering some ideas to me for how we can get Reigns to sign on.”
Megan shoots a vicious look to her work bestie, Paige. She smiles, her perfectly white teeth a stark contrast to her tanned, freckled complexion. “She’s got some great ideas too.”
Luke is smirking, and she knows that he knows Paige is blowing air up his ass. That doesn’t stop him from having his fun though. “Perfect, then I suppose you won’t have any issues taking on the assignment.”
Megan swallows. She doesn’t even know what this assignment is. But the thought of letting her asshole boss get one over on her literally makes her nauseous. With a steel smile, she accepts, “Of course not.” 
“Perfect.” He smirks. She has to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Smug bastard. “I’ll forward you the file and contact information for his reps.” Luke looks around at the rest of the employees. “Meeting is over.”
As everyone empties out, Luke being the first, Megan waits impatiently for everyone to depart before turning to Paige and punching her on her arm.
“What the hell?” She hates being put in situations where she has no idea what’s going on, and this just so happens to be one of them. “What did you just get me into?”
“You could just say thank you for saving my ass, you wonderful goddess.” Paige adjusts her glasses and opens her laptop, typing away before sharing her screen with Megan. “This is what you’re getting into.”
Megan is still annoyed as her eyes land on the screen, but that irritation easily drifts away when she sees who is on the screen. “Holy shit, that’s Roman Reigns.”
“Duh.” Paige says with all the sass, explaining. “Universal wants him for an upcoming film they’re doing, but WWE just announced he’s taking an indefinite hiatus, so it might be a hard sell.” 
Paige, of course, selected a photo of the former champ in the ring, shirtless, hair down. Looking literally like the Gods put all of their talent into one pot and poured out him. Megan then asks, “why is he on hiatus?”
“That’s the sad part.” Paige does some typing and pulls up an article. She points to the several headlines that all say the same thing just in different ways. 
He’s engaged. 
“I swear, all the good ones are taken.” Paige pouts. “There was actually some drama he was in a couple weeks ago but it’s all died down now, I think. I’ll have to send you the tea. Nevertheless, he’s engaged and expecting another child with his now fiancé.”
Megan clicks on one of the articles that show Roman and who she’d guess is the fiancé. A frown falls on her face. “Seriously? Her? He could have done way better.” Exceptionally. Megan could never see someone like him, body sculpted by Zeus himself, with someone like her who looks like she’s never even seen the inside of a gym.
“Regardless, that’s his lady, and they already have one kid together, so he’s really off-limits.” Paige shrugs, closing her laptop. “Thankfully, all you need to do is get him to agree to do this film.” She snorts. “Baby on the way, planning a wedding, how hard can that be?”
Megan rolls her eyes and flips off Paige who laughs while standing up. “Wanna go get lunch? My treat.”
Shaking her head, Megan politely declines. “No thanks. I’ve got a few emails I’ve gotta get caught up on. Raincheck?”
“You bet.” Paige winks and walks out, closing the door behind her to leave Megan alone with her many thoughts.
Paige is right. It’s going to be a challenge to get Roman to sign onto this film when he has so much going on in his personal life. Some might even see it as DOA. Megan, however, has always been intrigued by challenges. She’s never encountered a situation where she didn’t get what she wanted. Where she didn’t get who she wanted.
On a film.
Of course.
Pulling out her phone, she googles his name, scowling when one of the first photos is of him and the fiancé and their kid, she’d guess. She easily pinches on said photo, eliminating them and filling her screen with only him.
Head tilted, twirling a piece of her hair, she says to no one in particular. “You and I are about to be very good friends, Mr. Reigns….”
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The Editorial Board of the nonprofit Philadelphia Inquirer wrote the kind of column that SHOULD have been written after the debate by major mainstream media news sites--but which wasn't. Yes, it is understandable that many pundits think that Biden should step down after the first debate, but why weren't there also pundits demanding that Trump step down? Fortunately, The Philadelphia Inquirer did so. Here are some excerpts:
President Joe Biden’s debate performance was a disaster. His disjointed responses and dazed look sparked calls for him to drop out of the presidential race. But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office. In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump. Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that? To build himself up, Trump constantly tears the country down. There is no shining city on the hill. It’s just mourning in America. Throughout the debate, Trump repeatedly said we are a “failing” country. He called the United States a “third world nation.” He said, “we’re living in hell” and “very close to World War III.” [...] Trump told more than 30 lies during the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world. Trump’s response to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection he fueled was farcical. He said a “relatively small number of people” went to the Capitol and many were “ushered in by the police.” After scheming to overturn the 2020 election, Trump refused to say if he would accept the results of the 2024 election. Unless, of course, he wins. The debate served as a reminder of what another four years of Trump would look like. More lies, grievance, narcissism, and hate. Supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks. But he mainly spews raw sewage. [...] Yes, Biden had a horrible night. He’s 81 and not as sharp as he used to be. But Biden on his worst day remains lightyears better than Trump on his best. Biden must show that he is up to the job. This much is clear: He has a substantive record of real accomplishments, fighting the pandemic, combating climate change, investing in infrastructure, and supporting working families and the most vulnerable. [...] There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be. [color emphasis added]
I highly recommend that you read the entire editorial.
Although it looks like Biden might be suffering from some cognitive issues related to aging, Trump has alarmed experts by some of his own cognitive slipups during rallies. Just because Trump didn't show those issues during the debate, does not mean they don't exist, since cognitive slipups can come and go in the early stages of cognitive decline.
Regardless, as The Philadelphia Inquirer pointed out, Trump's debate performance was built on lies, and his hate-filled talking points did not bolster confidence in the agenda he might pursue in a second presidency. Trump's childish behavior towards Biden during the debate also reportedly contributed to Biden's being distracted.*
______________ *According to Newsweek, Biden told George Stephanopoulos during a recent interview, ""When I realized that even when I was answering the question, when they turned his [Trump's] mic off, he was still shouting, and I let it distract me." That Trump was doing that and the moderators didn't tell him to stop, is troubling. And since Trump's mic was turned off, the viewing audience did not realize it was happening.
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hainuwelle · 5 months
The third man theory
Note: This theory takes as starting point Aurora's Fun theory. It states that the invention in which Gaster fell was a new version of a warp door that would have allowed the monsters of the underground to escape to a timeline in which the war against the humans never happened. If this experiment were to work, it would have allowed for a happier ending than the True Pacifist one, because more accidents and deaths would have been prevented.
Sadly, Gaster's experiments went wrong and he was scattered "across time and space". The only other time in Undertale this expression is used is when we call Papyrus in Sans's room, the one that gets us lost in a seemingly endless darkness when we enter it, with a door that suspiciously looks like Mystery Man's grey door and Deltarune's warp doors. This key expression used by Papyrus tells us Gaster's creation and untimely demise should have something to do with these doors.
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If this theory is correct, the invention in which Gaster fell would have been under our nose the whole time.
With the FUN theory video in mind, something about Mr. Elegance's dialogues caught my eye.
Evidence 1 - Mr. Elegance, if we didn't previously talk to Jigsaw Joe:
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Evidence 2 - Mr. Elegance if we previously talked to Jigsaw Joe:
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For a flaming teleportation door one would assume to be magical, the vocabulary used to talk about it sure sounds mechanical and mundanely machine-like : « Fix up », « working on it », « got this door workin’ », « it might break », « fixed that door », « it should work without any issues ». Intriguingly, it looks old, and yet, it is new to the Darkners, who have never seen it before. Is it really Darkner technology?
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Of course, to an experienced Undertale player, it looks familiar, similar to the one to Sans's room.
This brings us to my question: Why did Toby Fox add these two different Mr. Elegance dialogues about this door? What purpose do they serve?
It can't be to alert the player that they could malfunction if we haven’t previously talked to Jigsaw Joe, since they always work properly regardless. It’s not like this triggers a side quest asking you to talk to the puzzle man if you don't want a 1/6 chance of the door teleporting you into the void. And they don't serve a comedic purpose either. There is no joke, no punchline. So why warn us about the breaking hazard, if the warp doors never break in the first place ? Why specify that 3 people are needed to get them to work smoothly?
Because this isn’t really about the Scarlet Forest shortcut. The door might not break in the game, but it might have broken somewhere else. This is really about what went wrong with Gaster's experiments.
Time to bring in evidence 3:
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First, let's note that this tweet isn't exactly talking about the same situation as in evidence 1 : Mr. Elegance talks about a door that two people got to work and that might break, while Toby Fox talks about a machine that's already broken and that two people could never repair.
However, evidence 2 tells us that when three of them worked on it, the machine should work without a problem. So if we assume that these dialogues are really about the creation that led to Gaster’s demise, this means that the reason things went wrong is because one person was missing.
Two people worked on the machine instead of three, which led to Gaster's disappearance. Yet, we know that two people were trying to repair the machine once it was broken. This means that after Gaster's disappearance, the missing person came back.
Now let's imagine that Gaster formed a trio with two other colleagues that we'll name X and Y. The Royal Scientist is working on a door-shaped machine that would free the monsters from their imprisonment. As the fate of the Underground lies in his hands, a lot of pressure is resting upon his shoulders. The role that X and Y had in this creation is unknown. Gaster could have even built it on his own. But thanks to Entry n°17, we know that shared his experiments with two other people. And thanks to the Japanese translation, we know he was rather close to them.
After the construction of the machine, Gaster and X try to get it to work, but without Y. Maybe they walked away from the experiment, maybe the other two didn't trust them enough, we don't know.
Despite this, they manage to make it work with just the two of them. However, what Mr. Elegance predicts happens, and something goes wrong. Two people just wasn't enough to assure that the machine would work properly. It's too unstable. It malfunctions. Gaster falls inside, is shattered across time and space, and the machine breaks.
Now let's come back to the end of Toby Fox's tweet. ”Neither of them could fix the machine, no matter how hard they tried. No one can." Notice that "neither of them" means precisely two people.
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After the incident, Y comes back, but Gaster disappeared. The trio is now a duo. Y and X do everything they can to repair the machine, but can't. No one can. Because Gaster, the person necessary to its reparation, is no more.
If this theory is right, what are X and Y’s identities? And why was Y absent during the creation of the shortcut door machine? A lot of questions have yet to be answered...
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joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Imagines: Get It On*
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summary: after a road game win in San Francisco, you know Joe’s gonna be in a certain mood when he gets home. you had stayed in Cincinnati with your twin boys and Joe couldn't wait to celebrate the win with you. Being able to predict that, you decide to play a little prank on Joe.
warnings: talks of and illusions to smut, mostly fluff, funny/unserious
pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
Bye week - October 18th (with flashbacks from October 15th & 12th)
(y/n’s pov)
The bye week was something I had been looking forward to since week one.
With the calf strain before the season even started it had been a little harder for Joe to get into the groove. He’s been more down on himself than normal and it was clear to me that he needed rest which is exactly what a week off would give him.
When Joe was home with me and the twins he wasn't Joe Burrow the quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, he was simply “Dada” to his boys and “Joey” to me.
He loved it, being away from the bustle of the NFL and being with his little family.
After a morning of sleeping in and cuddling, Joe cooked breakfast while I watched the twins, who were playing on the floor with their toys while sitting on their playmat.
They had just said their first words within a week of each other, both saying “Dada”. I thought I would've been jealous if my boys said Daddy, Dad, or Dada first but the situations in which they said it were so sweet that I couldn't have been upset.
The boy’s first game was at home against the Seahawks a few days ago. I sat up in the box with Robin & Jimmy plus my boys.
Tyson was sitting on Robin’s lap while I had Miles on mine. Joe ran out and Robin bounced Tyson on her lap saying “Look there's Dada!!” to which Tyson loudly squealed and cooed his first word in response to his grandma.
I hurt my neck with how fast it snapped in his direction from pure shock.
Miles said it just a few days before after Joe came home from practice.
Joe walked through the door and immediately found me in the kitchen feeding the boys. He walked over and kissed my cheek before turning his direction to his boys. Miles was reaching out to his dad and Joe immediately picked him up.
“Did you miss daddy?” - you smiled
“Da.. Da!” - Miles
Watching Joe’s eyes widen before he tossed Miles in the air was the sweetest sight.
“Thats my boy!!” - Joe yelled
Now back to the present day, Joe was in the floor with the twins passing around this tiny foam football. “Teach ‘em early” Joe would say.
I sat scrolling through Tiktok when a funny video came up on my fyp of this wife pranking her husband by lighting a candle that smelled like farts and putting it in their bedroom, after seeing the husband's reaction I immediately ordered the candle in hopes to do the same prank on Joe.
I had to laugh as I glanced over my phone at the unsuspecting victim. This was going to be hilarious.
October 29th - After 49ers game
Everyone seemed on cloud nine after the win over the Niners. I stayed back in Cincinnati with the twins while Joe was in San Fran. My parents ended up coming over to watch the game and overall it was a good day.
It wasn't long after the boys went back to the locker room that I received a text from Joe.
Hey mama.
To other people, it might seem like an innocent text, but to me, after all these years with Joe, I knew where this was headed.
Hey, champ!
A couple of seconds later when Joe replied back, I couldn't help but bust out laughing.
Whatcha wearing rn? 😏
I looked down at my current fit and thought about whether I should tell the truth or lie to please him.
Nothing special. Just a pair of your sweatpants and one of your Bengals shirts.
I got worried when he didn't message back for a minute or so, worried that I had disappointed him.
Sounds sexy.
Boy. 💀
Listen, I'm feeling really good right now. I gotta go shower but I'll text you when we're on the bus to the airport.
Talk to ya later then! Enjoy your shower, baby.
Ttyl, love you. ❤️
Love you too!
After I hit send, I put my phone down for a bit and ushered my parents out of the house. I’d hopefully get a shower, get the boys to sleep, and clean the house up a bit before Joe got home.
He'd definitely be getting home late but after big road game wins that would end in a long night for the both of us.
This also meant that tonight would be the perfect night to use something that I ordered back during the bye.
What was that you may ask?
A candle that smells like farts.
Now I’m not a big prankster but I will never pass up an opportunity to mess with Joe, it's been like that since we started dating in high school.
45 minutes later I had gotten most of the dishes washed in the sink, along with putting the clean dishes from the dishwasher up, and moved on to folding and putting away laundry.
It was always fun putting Joe’s clothes back up in our walk-in closet due to how diverse and unique each article was.
I saw the different suits and past game-day fits as a reminder of all of the ups and downs Joe and I have been through together.
Moving over to hang up his favorite grey jeans, in the corner of my eye I caught a view of the jacket Joe wore the day of the AFC Championship back in 2022. That was the same night Joe proposed to me and the thought made me smile. When the memory of what had happened later that night popped into my mind my once-innocent smile turned into more of a smirk. That was one goooood night.
My thoughts ended up interrupted when my phone dinged but seeing Joe’s name being the source of the tone made my smile reappear.
How’s my wife and my boys doing?
One of Joe’s biggest worries, since we found out I was pregnant, was him not being around enough for his kids to have a good relationship with their father. Every away game Joe seemed to check up on his little family every chance he got and though it was incredibly sweet, I worried about how he thought about himself parent-wise. He was an amazing dad, the boys loved him so much
We're doing great, baby. Your boys are already asleep and your wife is just cleaning around the house right now.
We should be home in a few hours but don't feel like you have to wait up for me, it'll be late.
I'm def waiting for him, I thought to myself with a laugh.
Okay! Are the guys all feeling good after the win?
Oh yeah, everyone is hyped right now. They're blaring music and have asked the bus driver to take a detour to the nearest club twice. LOL
You guys should go! Y’all need to celebrate.
It took a few minutes for Joe to respond but when he did, his message warmed my heart.
No thanks. That would just take time away from getting home to you guys. I miss you and the boys so much.
We miss you too. Especially the boys, who kept yelling “Daddy!” every time you were on the TV.
When I read Joe’s reply it was a complete mood shift, but I can't say I wasn't expecting it.
Did you also yell Daddy when I was on the TV?
Omg, Joe!
You'll be saying that again later, baby. 😉
Big wins always put Joe in this mindset but I couldn't help but giggle at his forward texts.
I was brainstorming what to say next when I remembered a little photoshoot I did the other day when Joe was away at practice. These pics would get him worked up for sure.
The pictures were of me fresh out of the shower in the mirror with nothing but his jersey and a tiger-striped thong on. The jersey was hiked up on my hip to where the panties were visible but my phone covered my face, the star of the show was the huge “9” on my front.
*Attachmentt 3 images*
When a few minutes had passed by and Joe hadn’t said anything back I started to get worried. He's on the bus right now... what if someone else saw the pics? Oh no.
If someone else saw those Joe’d be pissed. Oh no.
Holy shit, mama. You look fucking gorgeous.
Oh thank God, I thought.
You like what you see?
Screw like, I damn love it. Those pics are just for me, right?
Your eyes only, J. ❤️
I had no idea what was going on with Joe other than his texts, so I was completely oblivious to him struggling to contain himself in front of the guys.
You don't understand how much I'm struggling right now.
Struggling how Joey?
I knew exactly how he was struggling but I wanted him to come out and say it.
I'm getting so fucking hard. The last thing I need is the guys seeing a tent in my damn sweats.
Just a couple pics got you worked up?
y/n, baby how do you still not understand how much you turn me on after all this time?
Idk, Joe.
Plus baby it's not just the pics you sent me, it's also thinking about what's bound to happen when I get home.
What's that?
I'm gonna get you naked and show you exactly why you wear number nine. Sound good?
Can't wait.
We're boarding the plane, I'll see you later my love.
See you later, Joey.
*time skip*
It was almost two in the morning and there was still no sign of Joe. I was starting to get tired and was genuinely considering just going to bed.
Rolling over onto my side to get comfortable, I had just closed my eyes when I heard the garage door opening. Meaning Joe was home.
I removed the covers from my body and slipped out of bed, running my hands over the front of my satin nightgown to flatten it out before going downstairs.
By the time I made it into the mudroom, where the door that connects the garage to the house is, Joe was already there taking his shoes off.
“Hey baby.” - you smiled
Joe flinched before he found my eyes, his gaze softening as he did so.
“Shit babe, you scared me.” - Joe laughed
“Sorry, how was the plane ride?” - you
“It was fine, everyone was pretty much asleep so I just sat there on my phone… thinking about you.” - Joe
“Is that so?” - you giggled
“Yes ma'am. I missed you like hell.” - Joe
I opened my arms for him and he immediately walked over into my embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as my hands ran up and down his muscular back.
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips before letting his hands drop from my lower back down to my butt.
“The boys still asleep?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
“Just us then, wanna go upstairs?” - Joe
“Before we do that… when was the last time you ate?” - you
“I ate this morning and had some snacks on the plane. I'm low-key starving but I made a promise to you about what was happening when I got home.” - Joe
Pulling away from his arms, I pecked his lips before patting his stomach.
“Let's get some food in you, then you can fulfill your promise.” - you winked at him
Joe grinned as he followed me into the kitchen, he sat on one of the barstools as I looked in the fridge.
“What do you want?” - you
“You.” - Joe mumbled
“What was that?” - you turned to face him
Joe smirked at me before dropping his head with a laugh.
“Nothin. Uh, whatcha got?” - Joe
“I've got leftover chicken and noodles, sandwich stuff, bacon for a BLT…” - you
“Chicken and noodles are fine.” - Joe
“Okay, I'll heat that for ya.” - you
I popped the container into the microwave and made my way over to Joe, laying my head on his shoulder.
“Sorry if I'm kinda clingy, I just missed you.” - you
“Don't ever apologize for wanting to be close to me, baby.” - Joe’s hand moved to cradle your head
Just a few seconds before the timer went off, I stopped is as to not wake up the twins with the loud ding.
After handing Joe his food with a kiss on the cheek, I walked upstairs.
I told Joe that I went up there to finish cleaning up but in reality, I was lighting the candle. The directions said that it would smell like vanilla for the first 30 minutes, then it would gradually start to smell bad.
Once it was in a sufficient spot I made my way back downstairs. Joe was in the same spot he was when I left but now he was just in his grey sweatpants as he ate and scrolled on his phone.
The floorboards creaked before I was completely in the kitchen and Joe looked behind him to make sure it was just me.
“You look incredibly beautiful in that nightgown by the way.” - Joe
“Well thank you, a special someone bought it for me.” - you
“A special someone?” - Joe gave you a confused/agitated look
“You bought it for me you goof.” - you laugh
“Oh!” - Joe laughed
We shared small talk as he finished eating. Talking about dinner for the rest of the week, the grocery list, just little things.
Joe abruptly stood up and walked over to the sink to wash the Tupperware his chicken and noodles were in. My eyes couldn't seem to peak away from his body, his back muscles flexed with every scrub he made making me feel hot all over.
He grabbed a towel and was now facing me as he dried the dish, my eyes still drawn to the veins protruding from his hands and arms.
After it was dry to his liking he put it up and the cabinet and sat back down on the stool next to me.
With a longing glance at each other, Joe swiftly grabbed my waist and pulled me off my stool and onto his lap. My hands landed on his chest as his mouth was immediately on mine.
Joe’s hands gripped my hips and slowly slid down to my thighs.
“You still got that tiger-striped thong on?” - Joe
He was grinning up at me as his hands slowly slid under my nightgown. His eyes turned dark when his fingertips reached my hips and he hadn't felt a band.
“No panties?” - Joe’s voice dropped an octave
“No, sir.” - you
“Fuck, y/n…” - Joe groaned
I felt Joe’s hand start moving down toward my inner thigh and I had to stop him. The confused look on his face made me giggle.
“Can we do it more… vanilla tonight?” - you
“Oh yeah, that's okay with me. Whatever you want baby, I'll give you.” - Joe
“Okay… now where were we?” - you
Joe moved his hands back to my waist and stood up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
He started up the stairs, taking them two at a time as he continued kissing me.
Joe’s pace changed as we passed by the twin’s room to make sure the sound of us rushing to the bedroom wouldn't wake them up.
Once in the bedroom, Joe shut the door and moved to lay me down on the bed.
“Did you light a candle for mood lighting?” - Joe grinned
“Guilty.” - you laughed
Joe laughed along with me as he climbed on top of me. The candlelight accentuated the soft features of his face and enhanced them, he looked even more ridiculously beautiful than he already was.
The faint smile on his face melted my heart as he admired me.
“Gosh… I love you so much y/n.” - Joe
I reached up and combed his curls back with my hand before slowly moving my hand lower to stroke his cheek.
“I love you too, Joe. So so much.” - you
Joe gently pressed our lips together. We engaged in a thorough, slow-burn kiss, that had my toes curling in my fluffy socks.
Very slowly, Joe’s hands moved from my sides and back up my nightgown. He started gently inching it up my body as his lips never left mine.
Once it was completely off my body, Joe disengaged his lips from mine to pull it over my head. The only thing I was left in was my bra.
“You are so… beautiful. Unbelievably beautiful. You're just… breathtaking y/n.” - Joe
His eyes scanned over my body with so much love behind them. I wanted nothing more than to lean over and blow the candle out, knowing It was going to ruin this intimate moment but it was too late.
Joe’s once content face was scrunched up in disgust as he abruptly rolled off of me.
“What the fuck is that?” - Joe
“What do you mean? Did I do something?” - you
“I don't think so… unless. Babe, did you fart? If you did…. goddamn!” - Joe
“Joseph Lee! I did not let one rip while we were trying to get it on!” - you
Joe tried so hard not to cackle but ultimately failed, his nose re-scrunching when he took a big inhale.
“What the actual hell is that putrid smell then, I know for sure it wasn't me! That smells so bad that if it was me I'd be in the bathroom right now.” - Joe
I giggled to myself as Joe hopped off the bed and started smelling around the room.
“Joe baby, you look like a damn bloodhound smelling around like that.” - you hollered laughing
“Well, I'm trying to find whatever the fuck that is so I can get rid of it! I'm not going to bed until I get some sugar.” - Joe
My laughing only got louder as Joe dropped to his knees and started looking under the bed for the source of the stink.
“Maybe there's a dirty pull-up under here…” - Joe grumbled
I rolled off the bed and grabbed a pair of Joe’s boxers that were clean and in his pile of laundry before slipping them on and walking over to his nightstand.
“Baby get off the floor.” - you
“Hold on! I think I'm getting close!” - Joe
“Joe! Get up! It's the candle!” - you laughed
Joe suddenly stood up and looked at me with a confused look on his face.
“How is it the candle? It says vanilla?” - Joe
He walked over to me and I plugged my nose before blowing it out and moving it toward his nose.
Joe looked at me hesitantly before leaning down and smelling the freshly melted wax. He immediately jumped back and gagged at the terrible stench as I seemed t never stop laughing.
“God bless!” - Joe
“I pranked you pretty good huh babe?” - you
“That was not funny at all, and now our room smells terrible. Looks like there's no sex on the menu tonight.” - Joe pouted
The way he exaggeratedly pushed his bottom lip out in a frown had me grinning. I got on my tiptoes and repeatedly pecked his lips till his pout turned into a small smile.
“We can sleep on the couch and watch movies tonight.” - you smiled
I watched Joe’s smile fall back into a pout as he pressed his hips against my thigh, reminding me of his dilemma.
The unamused look on my face only made him more whiney as multiple “please y/n” fell from his lips.
“Here, how about we get in the shower and I suck you off at the end. Would that make you happy?” - you sighed
“No. I don't want pity head.” - Joe grumbled
“Boy please you know pity head doesn't exist in this relationship.” - you smirked
Joe’s frown once again turned into a smile as he took my hand and led us into the bathroom.
Once both of us stripped naked and got in the shower, Joe got his head before he pressed me against the shower and finally got what he'd been craving since the game ended.
After we cleaned each other off and hopped out of the shower, our bedroom had finally gone back to smelling like it normally does.
When Joe flopped on the bed he almost immediately knocked out.
“Tired?” - you kissed his forehead
Joe nodded and I kissed him one last time before cuddling up to him and falling asleep.
One thing you can take from our relationship is no matter what, get you a man that'll still rock your word less than 10 minutes after he thought you let out the worst-smelling fart known to man.
Authors note: a random daydream turned into one of my fav fics ever. 💀
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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imaginesig · 4 months
"Ditch the clowns, get the crown / Baby, I'm the one to beat"
Pt. 2 of “Can someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived”
Lewis Hamilton x ex!reader (barely)
Joe Burrow x singer!reader
What happened between the breakup and Y/n's release of "The Tortured Poets Department: Eros." Once again I stole this entire story line from Taylor Swift. The timeline doesn't line up perfectly with the original but I do what I want
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Liked by user4, user83, user92, and 920,092 others
Yn_updates: after the drop of TTPD Y/n was seen at the Cincinnati’s Bengals game today!!
tagged: yn_ln
user1: she rlly said, bye futbol and went back to her roots
user2 it’ll always be Y/n and her little drink against the world
user3 chat what is going on
user4 I need Twitter to get working on a timeline bc the breakup album just dropped, but we think her and Lewis might have been broken up for a while before she went on break, but now she’s writing for a new man who is possible on either the Bengals??
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liked by user98, user3, user1, and 928,282 others
yn_updates: Y/n at the last regular season Bengals game!
tagged: yn_ln
user1 ugh why does her break have to end before playoffs!! I don't want her to miss any games!!
user3 same! I've enjoyed seeing her and her fits
user2 even if it didnt the Bengals aren't predicted to go far this year
user4 I NEED to know what's happening bc there is no way she just up and decided to attend football games this religously
user5 and they're not just any football games, Bengals games. she didnt even grow up a Bengals fan, she was raised a Titan's fan
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liked by user43, gracieabrams, sabrinacarpender, and 928,923 others
Yn_ln: Ugh South America!! Y’all are as beautiful as sparkling lights at midnight!! Big kisses to you all!! 🫶🫶
tagged: no one
user1 ahh best night of my life!!!
user2 she was so giddy and happy tonight
user3 im glad someone else noticed
user4 guys the surprise songs tonight where the first ones since the breakup about Lewis that she wasn't mad or sad
user5 was Lewis in attendance? Are my parents back together??
user6 nope, while Y/n was giggling her way through Delicate Lewis was attempting to overtake Lando in Italy
user7 we all see her smile right??
user8 I NEED to know who was behind it
user9 I've been searching but as of right now no one other than family and close friends were in the VIP tents
user10 when she sang it seemed like she directed it in one area of the crowd not the tents, so maybe this mystery person was on the floor
user11 normally I would call this theory crazy but people who were there said it was clear the second surprise song was clearly aimed at someone in the audience, but no ones been identified yet...
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liked by user93, lahhay10_, teehigins, and 823,929 others
joeyb_9: "You look like bad news, I gotta have you" or sum
tagged: lahjay10_
user1 WHAT
user2 guys is this who I think it was
user3 my worlds just collided
lahya10_ great night- one for the books!
joeyb_9 you got that right
user5 im assuming we're all thinking the same thing...
user6 they were on the floor too, not in tents
user7 J'marr only posted a story about the night and didnt dress up, so it has to be Joe
user9 brother thinks putting "or sum" makes it less obvious
user10 what if he's just a girl like us with hyper specific captions
user11 the fact that he dressed up on theme for the concert made him 10x hotter
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liked by yn_ln, joeyb_9, user5, and 678, 982 others
bengals: "It's been a long time coming..." 🏆
tagged: no one
user1 admin you aint slick 🤨
user4 her face?? Babe I saw her whole body go flying up when they won!
user5 ugh she's a good luck charm across all sports
User6 but this time the man backed her up with his own skill…
User7 damn Y/n fans switch up quick
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liked by yn_ln, teehiggins, bengals, and 918,289 others
tagged: bengals, yn_ln
yn_ln so proud!!
joeyb_9 ♥️
joeyb_9 💪💪
teehiggins that’s how we do!!
joeyb_9 that's how we do 👏👏
User1 OMG HIM AND Y/N???
User2 their celebrations were adorable!!
user3 I’m glad after all the speculation they’ve made it official \
user4 He is not afraid of showing her off🥹
user5 it makes me so happy for her
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liked by joeyb_9, user93, user3, and 928,928 others
yn_ln: I'm with the winning team
tagged: joeyb_9
joeyb_9 so much better than a good luck charm ♥️
yn_ln ♥️♥️
user1 Lewis punching the air rn
user2 fr, she really called him a loser with the caption
user3 lmao I love shady Y/n
user5 IKR
user7 is she with the winning team or are they the winning team??
user8 y/n and Joe >>>
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liked by user79, user91, user91, and 918,901 others
Yn_ln: surprise!! "The Tortured Poets Department: Eros" out now!! This edition includes two new songs, "So High School" and "The Alchemy"
tagged: no one
comments have been disabled
Twitter post songs release:
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Twitter first Paris show:
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liked by joeyb_9, user82, landonorris, and 829,927 others
yn_ln: Fuck me up *Paris*!!!
tagged: no one
user2 ugh buying more tickets now bc I HAVE to see the new set
User3 all the symbols I CANT
User4 she looked so stunning
User5 I cannot y’all Joe was there!!!!
user6 I lost my mind at all their moments!! Hes so shameless unlike Lewis
User7 Paris was so lucky!!
user8 it was adorable to see Joe smiling and SINGING all throughout the show, including his songs/TTPD set
user9 ahhh the singing got me!!! her exes would never
user10 all the friendship bracelets her received and wore-- he was so cute
user11 I love that he has arms full and refused to relive himself of any!!
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liked by yn_ln, user9, yn_updates, and 918,928 others
joeyb_9: Baby, you're the one to beat ♥️
tagged: yn_ln
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thearkman360 · 28 days
How Batman: Caped Crusader wasted Firebug
(MAJOR SPOILERS for Batman: Caped Crusader & Batman #318)
Hoo-boy, this is gonna be a long one...
When I heard that Firebug was going to be used in Batman: Caped Crusader I didn't pay it any mind outside of "Oh, using an obscure Batman villain that's like Firefly who isn't Firefly" and when I watched the episode with Firebug I found him to be a funny little goober villain played by Tom Kenny, that might as well have been Firefly, and nothing more. I was a bit shocked by his death since it was very sudden but other than that I didn't care.
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After this I decided to look up Firebug and discovered that he has this whole backstory and motive not used in the show. In the comics, Firebug is a veteran named Joey Rigger that targets and burns down apartment buildings in Gotham City not out of rabid pyromania but out of a sympathetic cause; the buildings are deathtraps! (well at least the first two, the third was just bad luck)
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His baby sister was killed after ingesting lead paint chips from the walls of the apartment the Rigger family lived in, his father was killed after falling through some stairs and breaking his neck in a different building they moved into after Rigger's sister died, and his mother had a heart attack when the elevator she was in got stuck.
Joey was serving the military at the time when all of this happened, leaving him with a strong sense of guilt. After coming back home, now with demolitions expertise, he decided to ensure that nobody would ever be harmed by the apartment buildings again and that's why he burns them down as Firebug. His plan is to just destroy the buildings that killed his family and then go back to normal. He even sends anonymous tips to the police so that people can evacuate in time, though he first encountered Batman when he was saving people that were still stuck in the building. Not saying his actions are morally correct, the third building was literally just a bad elevator, but you can't really blame him.
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Eventually, Batman foils Firebug from destroying the skyscraper that killed his mother and Firebug tries to suicide bomb himself, Batman, and the skyscraper but jumps at Batman, who dodges, and Firebug falls out of the skyscraper and explodes.
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Firebug is a really interesting and sympathetic character. In a way he's a dark parallel to Batman; their families were killed by a part of Gotham City, they have expert training in their field, and put on a silly animal costume and try to enact vengeance on the part of Gotham that killed their families.
In Caped Crusader, he's Firefly with a name change. They have Flass and Bullock mistakenly call him "Firefly", he's a deranged pyromaniac, and he has nothing more than that. Why?! Why not just have him be Firefly? Firebug has had two successors, Harlan Combs (a suburban father that murdered his kid's babysitter) and the third Firebug was some asshole that bought Joe Rigger's shit from an auction.
In the Caped Crusader episode "The Night of the Hunters", Firebug targets the slums of Gotham and tries to burn them down. Why not incorporate his backstory and have these slums be where his family died? In the comics, Joey Rigger was depicted as African-American in his first appearance and then white from then on. I'm surprised they didn't have that be part of the plot. Joey's neighborhood was a slum overlooked due to its African-American population and that resulted in poor living conditions that killed his family. But nah, they just had him be bootleg Firefly.
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TV show screenshot: Batman: Caped Crusader
Comic screenshot: Batman #318
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
Reinvent Love
♥ ♥          Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You and Joe are treading new waters. You’re no longer flatmates, but still close. More than friends, but nothing defined. Nothing labeled. Determined to not lose what you have, though. But, can you?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, language, adult themes, jealousy, accusations, soft fluff, season 3 of my flatmate!joe
Author’s note: we got trouble in paradise !!!!! same sidenote once more: you don’t need to have read define close or explain us, but it’ll obviously give you backstory, which might help!
Wordcount: 3.8K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Excruciating, if he thought about it too long. Fine, if he just sucked it up and went with it. If he didn’t spend hours and hours and hours of his time stuck inside his own head, it was fine.
Your pace.
He was going to have to go with your pace.
If Joe was going to win this... contest he was having, mainly with himself, he was going to have to stick to your pace. Like he had done before. And yea, it was slow. Maybe even stagnant most days. But he had always let you take the lead and had always let you find new normals between the two of you.
It had worked like that when you lived together, and it was going to have to work like that now that you no longer did.
Was it awful?
Because in which direction were you even moving? Joe had no idea. You might as well have been going backwards, there was no way for him to tell, and it was eating Joe alive. But he was just going to have to deal with it.
Your lead. Your time. Your pace.
With your new flatmate, your inside-the-flat behaviour had drastically changed. What was once the exact location of all the intimacy was slowly turning into a place that resembled outside. Where strangers were (Josh). Where people could perceive you (Josh).  
The safety was gone, a little.
When you stirred awake after falling asleep on your sofa, and Joe was still sat by your feet, casually holding onto an ankle still, the first few seconds of seeing him there made you smile. He was watching TV, which was showing something you hadn’t put on, and the changing lights that illuminated him gave you a good look at his profile. At the curve of his nose. At his slightly parted lips. His tongue working along his teeth. Along the inside of his cheek.
God, he looked fucking perfect.
Even with his hair too short and unstyled.
Even with his tongue pushing his face into weird expressions.
You got to wake up slow, felt like you’d been out for over an hour, easily, and loved the little fragment you got of how things used to be. Just the two of you on the sofa. TV on. Soft touches. No one else there to make it weird. To ask questions. To give looks.
Just closeness and gentle affection, a touch of protectiveness as you were being held by the ankle as you’d napped.
But then you heard a kitchen drawer close behind you, and you immediately balled up in a knee-jerk response. You pulled your feet right from Joe’s lap as you tucked in your knees. Ripped your ankle right from his grasp.
And it was silly.
It was just your feet.
Josh likely would’ve seen them on Joe’s lap already.
He would have had to have let Joe in too. You remembered the key you had meant to slip back into his coat pocket but had forgotten about.
All Josh really knew about Joe was that he used to live in the flat, and that you still remained good mates. Close friends. Sort of flatmates still, but not, because, location.
You had gone through every which way of describing you and Joe whilst trying to remain an air of casualness.
Yea, Joe would still come over a lot, since you were friends, you know? Normal stuff.
But then your friend had gone, “Ha. Yea, all right. Good mates. That’s one way of describing it.” Like she’d known anything – she didn’t.
She had no idea.
Not a clue.
She couldn’t have, because you and Joe weren’t like you and Joe were around others.
You didn’t blame her, but you’d quickly changed the subject anyway. Swiftly moved onto a different topic. Asked Josh if he liked pizza, because you had pizza a lot in this flat. Josh did like pizza. But, only without any cheese on. “I’m vegan.” You didn’t think that technically even counted as pizza. But, sure.
It was just your feet.
And it was just Josh in the kitchen, likely not even paying attention to where your feet were.
You realised it a second too late though. Your knees had already been tucked in, and Joe’s face had already fallen. You could see how his eyes darted from you to your new flatmate over the back of the sofa a few times.
In a bid to save yourself, to save the situation, you straightened your legs again and pushed both feet into Joe’s thigh. Masked it as a tired post-nap stretch and smiled through a yawn, doing your best to move on as quickly as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, there had been some quiet conversation going between Joe and Josh. Soft spoken words, no louder than the TV, but not quite whispers either. Voices hushed and kept low because, she’s asleep. And she’d come home and looked like her Friday had lasted a whole month, Josh had chuckled as he picked up the empty pizza box, tidying up.
Joe had scrunched up his eyebrows and couldn’t help his little pout as he’d cast his eyes down to look at you.
“Yea, the pizza sort of gave it away.” He’d said, and for a moment, Josh’s mind swam as it tried to make sense of what Joe’d just said.
And Joe saw, but he didn’t really want to explain it. Didn’t want to tell him that, pizza sort of meant a lot. It was just food, and not even your or his favourite, but there was comfort and routine and pizza sort of belonged to the two of you.
Pizza was yours.
Josh didn’t need to know that.
“Oh, no, this was mine – I had this.”
And, oh, my God, Joe could really fucking kick himself for thinking the worst.
In casual chat, Joe puzzled it together. You’d gotten home. Seemed annoyed. Tired. Overall just in a terrible mood. And Josh had offered you a bite of his pizza – the one he was already eating when you’d walked in. And you’d looked at it for a second and then had gone, “Not hungry. Thank you though.”
Joe was the worst.
He watched you sleep and you looked so peaceful. So soft. He was the actual worst person ever. Drawing conclusions where there wasn’t even anything to be drawn in the first place.
Joe watched you as Josh quietly cleaned the kitchen. Listened as he complained about not being able to open the window in his ensuite, how it would get stuck all the time, and asked if Joe knew anything about that. Joe didn’t tear his eyes away from you as he said, “Yea, she was meant to get that fixed, but ended up just opening the bedroom window to air the room out.”
Your cheeks were slightly blushed, and you sounded a little congested. Joe could hear your breath rumble a bit, like it was getting stuck in your chest. Start of a cold, maybe, he thought, and he knew that it was probably one more thing that had added to all the bad today. All the bad that had made you text him to come over.
To fix it.
And he fucking loved fixing it.
Joe wanted to make you tea and feed you soup and stick you into one of his hoodies. Stuff your hot water bottle into the pocket for good measure. Hold you close to his chest where, sometimes, if he held you there for long enough, you’d suddenly cry. You would sob without explanation, bury your face into his neck, and it was weird but Joe would fucking glow on the inside from the knowledge that you deemed Joe safe enough to get your tears out.
God, he was so fucking gone for you.
Loved you.
Loved you loved you.
Did he not want you to have a nice flatmate? Did he want you to have one that didn’t offer you pizza after a long, rough day? Was he really that terrible of a human being?
He did want you to live with a nice person. One that did offer you pizza after a long, rough day.
It just upset him that it wasn’t him.
He wanted to be the nice flatmate.
Like he had been.
Fucked that up all by himself, didn’t he?
Joe had to remind himself of all the reasons why he made those personal choices. And the plan had been working. It truly had been. But then you’d just pulled your feet from his lap because Josh was there and... were you embarrassed of him? Was that what this boiled down to?
You pushed your feet into Joe’s leg as you stretched and yawned, and Joe waited for Josh to walk out of the room to tap you just above the knee. To squeeze you there.
You looked up and around, just to make sure you were alone, before you held out your hand that Joe then grabbed hold off. He pulled until you sat up and then, in a rogue move that he didn’t see coming, you leant in to kiss him.
Josh was just down the hall, door wide open.
And you kissed him.
Not moving backwards, then.
It was only short. Just a quick small little thing, but it was lips against lips, and it startled Joe so much, he couldn’t even think to be quiet about it. To not let his lips smack the way they naturally would when giving someone a kiss.
If that bothered you, you didn’t show it, mind too sluggish to catch up to what was happening maybe, and Joe grinned as he softly said, “Hi.” after you broke apart.
“I’m sorry.” was the first thing out of your mouth. You meant for texting him to come over and then promptly falling asleep on the sofa before he had even made his way over. You hadn’t meant to do that.
Joe heard your apology and took it to mean, sorry for the hard flinch away from him, which seemed silly now. You had just gone and kissed him. There was hardly anything left to be sorry for now, was there?
Joe had taken a step forward by being casually intimate with you in front of a stranger - held your feet in front of Josh - and, at first, you had shied away, only to then meet him there on your own terms a second later - be casually intimate with Joe with Josh just in the other room.
A new normal.
Your pace.
It went like that for a while then.
Joe would take your whole hand without asking, only for you to snatch it back and then give him a finger.
Which was fine.
Made Joe secretly smile every time it happened. He started being able to predict it a little too. Knew that if he’d overshoot, he’d end up with what he wanted in the first place too. Which, if you zoomed in on that a lot, could be classified as manipulation.
But you were happy.
So it was fine.
You were trying and so was Joe.
You were trying when, a couple of days later, you found yourself in a pub with Joe and a couple of his friends and he’d convinced you to just get a quick drink, just the one, and yea, that was okay. You could have a drink with Joe’s friends. They were kind, fun people.
You ended up meeting everyone outside, and after a round of greeting, you offered to go get drinks inside. When you came back to join the group, Joe had sat down on a barstool and you went to stand beside him. Handed him his drink. Cheersed him before you went for a sip. And then you felt his hand curl around your hip.
You tried the whole time.
Blushed the whole time too.
You couldn’t hold his hand as you walked home from the pub after that one drink.
But you could accept his scarf getting draped around your neck when he noticed you were cold.
And you were also trying when the two of you were on the tube together, and Joe had spotted someone subtly point their phone at him. Instead of acting like he was alone, like he was just out and about on his own for a second, he sat forward a little and moved his arm to touch your opposite outer thigh. It was meant to be protective, and it did shield you from having your picture taken, but it took a lot for you to not move his arm away and get up to stand near the doors where you could pretend you didn’t even know who he was.
You couldn’t turn around on the escalator to look at him after.
But you could accept the hand on your lower back as Joe guided you towards the exit of the busy station.
You were trying. Actively trying. And it felt like agony if you thought about it for too long. But it was fine if you just sucked it up and went with it.
Joe tried too.
Joe tried his best to be normal about you going out with Josh and some of his friends. Just told you to have a good time. To call him when you got home.
Joe tried his best to be normal when you told him Josh really wanted a dog, and maybe that would actually be so fun, wouldn’t it? You would go to pick out one with Josh, because if it was going to live at the flat, you would have to get along with it too, and wasn’t that smart thinking? Joe had to remind himself that you weren’t getting a dog together, but, that was sort of exactly what was happening, wasn’t it?
And Joe tried his bestest best to be normal when after being buzzed up into your flat, he found your front door left open for him to make his way in by himself, because you were too busy in the living room where Josh was playing guitar and making you laugh by singing about what you were doing and trying to make things rhyme. And then Joe had to try even harder when the song quickly turned into rhymes that made fun of him, which only made you laugh louder.
Josh was a nice guy.
But, fuck Josh.
After hearing the giggles Josh was able to pull out of you, Joe became determined to let Josh hear what other noises Joe was able pull out of you.
And for a little while, you relished the attention. Joe had learnt a thing or two about what you liked in bed by now, and he knew how to drag it out for maximum pleasure too.
Joe had laid you down on your own bed, spread you out and undressed you real slow. When you’d gone to grab the hem of his T-shirt, he’d taken hold of your hand and brought it up to his mouth to kiss it.
Just you, then.
All about you.
Which was... you weren’t going to lie, this was fucking fantastic.
But it became a little weird how Joe kept turning his head to look at your closed bedroom door every time you let a moan slip out.
It became a little weird how he kept softly instructing you to be louder for him.
“Come on, let me hear you.”
It didn’t feel wildly out of place, but... something felt a little off about it.
You didn’t mention it until afterwards, when you were sat with your backs against the headboard, and you could see how it lingered on his face; something was off.
Joe was quick to turn his head to look at you, and he immediately smiled to hide whatever you knew was brewing underneath the surface.
“Are you okay?” you tried to hide your worry with warmth, which was silly, because Joe’d already seen it.
Joe lifted his arm to throw around your shoulder and pulled you into his side, warm sticky skin to warm sticky skin, and he kissed you on your hairline before casually answering, “Yea, of course.”
And you knew he was lying, but you kept quiet. Silently played with the folds of your duvet over your lap and waited until, finally, you heard Joe sigh.
“Promise not to make fun of me,” Joe started, to which you didn’t respond with words, but instead found the hand that wasn’t curled around your shoulder and intertwined your fingers with his.
Joe took a moment to find the right words.
The silence gave your brain time to panic. A million things went through your mind. Every single little thing you’d done that could’ve maybe upset him.
Something was wrong, and you were the problem, because you had definitely fucked up, hadn’t you?
What had you done?
The key.
You kept forgetting about his key. It was there on your dresser. You could get out of bed and give it to him right now if that was–
“I don’t like that there’s a guy in your bedroom.”
Was he... was he being serious?
You moved away from him a little to get a proper good look at his face, and followed his gaze to see he was looking at your bedroom door again.
And... oh, God.
You didn’t like that.
That left a weird taste in your mouth.
Made you frown at him. Made you grimace a little.
You understood what he meant. But Jesus fucking Christ.
“Joe...” you started, moving even further from him, sitting up properly now.
“No, I know... I know,” he sighed, lifting both hands that he then dropped into his lap as he made a stupid face. “It’s stupid.”
Which was exactly right.
Joe was being stupid.
Joe had moved out and had forced you to get a new flatmate and now he was being a real child about it. Was calling your former bedroom your bedroom still, which it wasn’t. Was calling your flatmate ‘a guy’, like he was some random dude, which he wasn’t.
“Josh is my flatmate,” you said, trying to make the point that it was normal for him to be in the flat with you.
And then Joe felt it.
Joe felt whatever was inside of his chest, that stupid dark little monster that had been bouncing around in there all night, he felt it crawl up into his throat. Into his voice box.
It was too quick, the reaction too fast.
Joe knew the words were unfair and undeserved and ridiculously accusatory without any real legs to stand on.
Joe heard himself say it. Heard himself snap the words, and they were out of his mouth before he could even begin to try to stop them from even being formed at all.
“Yea exactly.”
That green fucking monster.
Joe saw how your face dropped. Saw the disbelief and the confusion. The did-he-really-just wheels turning behind your eyes that slowly clicked into their yea-he-did slots.
You knew what Joe meant, but desperately tried to find the humour in Joe’s face, because surely, he must have been joking.
It wasn’t a funny joke.
And then, you realised it wasn’t a joke at all.
Joe didn’t smile or laugh. Just looked at you, expression slightly stern but otherwise blank, and holy fucking shit.
You remained calm.
Wanted to fucking scream at him, yell, “What do you think you’re accusing me of exactly?!” and, “Please say that again, but slower, will you?!” but, you didn’t.
Instead you turned around and slowly got out of bed, taking one of your pillows with you.
“No, baby, wait,”
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I– I didn’t mean it like that. That came out wrong,” Joe rambled, but you slowly stalked towards the door.
“I’m just,” Joe rubbed an anxious hand across his forehead. “God, I... I don’t know.”
He couldn’t even say it.
But that was okay. You heard him loud and clear, anyway.
“Please come back to bed.”
You reached for the door handle and had already decided you weren’t going to come back to bed. You’d sleep on the sofa and Joe was going to have to think about what he’d just said.
Just before you stepped out, you turned your head over your shoulder and looked at him.
Sat in your bed in his old bedroom, chest bared, leaning forward into his own lap like he’d been reaching out for you as you’d taken the four steps it took to get to your door.
And it was the cruelest thing in the whole fucking world to realise right then and there that you... shit.
You fucking loved him.
What he said had hurt, but what he hadn’t said hurt worse. The silent, I know what you are like as a flatmate because I have lived it and now you have another one, rung loud in your ears, and you understood right then that the only reason it felt like your heart was bleeding was because you loved him.
You opened the door without looking, but then heard the soft sounds of an acoustic guitar being played in the living room, and looked towards where it came from.
“Baby,” Joe tried one last time, and one of your hands shot up in warning. He had to stop calling you baby. Had to stop talking all together.
“I’m sorry.” Joe apologised again, voice much softer, much more sincere this time, and you only thought of how Joe wasn’t allowed to be the cause of your pain. Had he not learnt from the past? Had he not listened to you then?
You looked back towards Joe, who was about to open his mouth again to say more apologetic words, you were sure, but you stopped him before he could.
“Joe,” you warned again, but stepped into the hallway anyway, reaching for the door handle on the other side to close it.
Just before you did, you made direct eye-contact with a man who knew he had said the wrong thing at the wrong time, but you just needed him to know extra well.
So you dropped your shoulders and said, “You’re the guy in my bedroom.” before you shut the door.
Joe didn’t move.
Just stared at the wooden panels of the door.
And shit...
You were right.
He was the guy in your bedroom, and why the fuck was he even thinking about anything else?
What else was more important?
Joe had to really force himself to not go after you. You left because you wanted space from him and he didn’t really have any other choice but to take your lead on this one, did he?
Your lead.
Your time.
Your pace.
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
@choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn,
@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
@phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @solzi1420,
@songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73,
@werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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happeehippie · 1 month
instagram j.b.
Summary: follow along with joe and his wife evie as they go through his football career.
*face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist
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liked by evie, bengals, and 607,427 others
joeyb_9: my first dump
view all 7,629 comments…
sam_hubbard_: excellent
charmin: First dump huh, we got you covered. 🤝
> evie: ohhh. this is crazyyyy! 🤣
evie: big dumps only. make sure you wash your hands after.
> joeyb_9: if there’s one thing i’m good at it’s post dump hygiene.
user: the arms?????
user: chess king
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 910,003 others
evie: like we were in paris..
view all 3,201 comments…
user: i’m obsessed with you guys
millyg: i double tapped every pic bc well i love you
> evie: not the triple double tap!!! 💗💗
user: do you follow him everywhere
> evie: he typically goes to football practice alone.. so nope.
joeyb_9: i was taken by the view..
> evie: careful jb your swiftie is showing.
> user: it’s okay ev, we already know he secretly loves her.
> joeyb_9: i only know the words because evangeline has listened to it no less than 500 times since we landed..
user: does joe always have to make an appearance in your posts?
> evie: i mean.. he’s like.. idk.. my husband??
user: yes yes yes
> evie: xoxo
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liked by evie, lahjay10_, and 690,720 others
joeyb_9: with @voguemagazine doing some new things
view all 6,829 comments…
nfl: 🔥🔥🔥
user: gosh i love u
evie: babe literally who gave you the right
obj: Brrrrrrrddddd
user: @evie tell us the tea.. did he have the bracelets on under the suit?
> evie: 👀
user: joey you know exactly what you’re doing
> evie: yes, he does.
user: this is great on so many levels
user: very chic joe!
> evie: a major hottie
user: ev how do you handle the epic levels of thirst under joes posts?
> evie: i just can’t really blame anyone.. i mean 🥵
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and 890,826 others
evie: pasta 10/10
view all 703 comments…
user: you are perfect
millyg: MRS worldwide
> evie: angel face.. come see me soon.
user: eating good huh?
> evie: eating GREAT actually
joeyb_9: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
> evie: lovie 💗
user: i remember when you used to do lives eating mcdonald’s in bed, now you’re eating pasta in paris!!
> evie: dreams really do come true..
> user: don’t act like you got yourself here, you’ve been piggy backing off joe for years.
> evie: yes, i’ve been using my HUSBAND for years to get rich and famous (even though when we started dating he was a backup qb). go to therapy.
> user: eat them up bby.
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 567,129 others
evie: i’m so in love that i might stop breathing
view all 5,829 comments…
millyg: damn near 10 years together and you’re sooo obsessed with each other. it’s sick.. and precious.
> evie: quit being so jealous mills. you know i love you too.
user: i am SOBBING
> evie: me. too.
user: i want to be you when i grow up
user: happy sunday, you deserve this love.
> evie: i’ll do everything in my power to make sure i keep deserving it.
joeyb_9: forever and ever x
> evie: never gonna change. 💗
lahjay10_: oh burrow is going to be obsessing over this
> user: @ all the people who complain about her posting him too much. he loves it shut up.
> evie: you said it 😅
evie’s stories:
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*tell a friend to tell a friend…. she’s baaaaack!!! i just couldn’t stay away from evie for long, idk how often i’ll update these throughout the season but they will be coming sporadically. meanwhile, send requests!
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earlycuntsets · 3 months
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07/2005 rock sound
english translation:
"mikey's way" before hitting the road again, heading for Germany, the band members take a lunch break… The waiter asks them if they prefer sandwich bread or a "French baguette"? The Way brothers choose French bread. Once served, Mikey Way's face falls in front of his roast beef sandwich. "It's raw!", the bassist wonders. (the only time of the day when he spoke…) "That's normal, it's eaten like that!", his brother replies. "Oh? Okay…"
"It was unmanageable on the day of the concert. It's too much stuff in one day. As a result, we rarely have time to enjoy the places where we stop for more than a day." Gerard then joins the rest of the group in front of the Carrousel du Sacré-Cœur. Together, the five of them happily indulge in a photo shoot organized for an English teen magazine. The photographer is keen to take advantage of the very 'Frenchie' setting of the Montmartre district. Under the astonished gaze of a few tourists who wonder what is going on, the group takes their place in front of the merry-go-round. "This is the first time we've been asked to smile for a photo shoot!" laughs Ray Toro, guitar. A fan of Jean-Pierre Jeunet's film, the group then recognizes a few places seen in the film Amélie Poulain. The tour continues, with a few comments on French architecture and culture. As soon as they arrive at the first comic book store, everyone forgets their fatigue and doesn't waste a second rushing to buy the new Star Wars figurines and other comics.
A customer stares at Frank before asking him if he's in a band: "Do you play in The Cure?" Frank bursts into laughter and answers in the negative before going to tell the others his little story. After a few purchases (Misfits figurines, etc.), it's already time to get back on the tour bus. "We write a lot on our tour bus. We've practically converted the 'lounge area' into a studio! We've already written a few songs. We might even go back into the studio after the tour. It's a bit different, but it's a logical evolution since Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge," says Gerard Way, who recently did some backing vocals for Every Time I Die's new album. But the band's current news is on the road. "We're thinking of doing another tour in the United States in September," Frank continues. "For the moment, nothing is certain, but it could well be that we open for a big band with whom we've already played…" Green Day? "We can't say anything," smiles Gerard. In any case, playing with Green Day has taught us a lot. Just by watching them. They can fill stadiums and keep a constant communication with the audience. Billie Joe is an incredible frontman. We are much better on stage today, partly thanks to opportunities like these. It's amazing to go from 300 people to 10 or 20 times more. A real challenge for us and also the best learning for a young band. […] Otherwise, we really want to do splits with other bands. We were talking about a split 45 with Alkaline Trio, it will be done according to our schedules." Time is on your side!"
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shiroganeryo · 2 months
DGM 252: New perspectives and confirmations it has given us
⚠️First of all, I'll be tagging this under DGM spoilers so if you have somehow stumbled upon this even if you're avoiding spoilers for Chapter 252 (or the most recent DGM talks as a whole), this is your warning to turn back now!
And secondly, I'm under the effect of allergy meds so please pardon me if I'm talking gibberish 😂 But the latest chapter has given us some food for thought and I've been mulling it over.
There are two points I want to cover in this post; the first one being much extensive while the other is rather short.
1. Bookman Jr.
The reveal that the guy we had thought to be Past!A all along was actually the former Bookman Jr. in one of the best twists Hoshino has given us in a while - she sounded very proud of how we were all misled by her narrative and honestly I tip my hat at her for such genius - has also fueled questions about his identity.
I'll start by saying I do not believe he and Cross are the same person. That's not what I'll be talking about so I'm playing this card right off the bat. This theory, although popular, has always had way too many gaps for my liking and after the latest chapter, the chances are practically null that it's true.
If you want a discussion as to why, this post has put it into words better than I could and I agree 100% with OP's point, hence why I don't see the need to say anything on the matter.
But there's one thing that I'm yet to see people discussing and it's about the talk Lucia had with Joe back in The 222nd Night: Searching for A.W. - Hypokrisis.
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(I'm showing what I believe to be the official translated English version by Viz and there's a reason why)
For a long time, people have debated about this small exchange between Lucia and Joe. There's no doubt the one they're talking about is old man Bookman, so we can confidently affirm he's the one waiting at the Campbell Mansion.
And what about Lavi? This is where the next dialogue from Lucia comes into play:
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Since this is probably the version a lot of people have read, I must make it clear that the like "Junior, his successor, isn't here" was a mistranslation. Here's the original:
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Lucia: Koukeisha to naru Jr. wa mou imasen. (The one who'd become his successor, Jr, is no more.)
I've double-checked with the Brazilian Portuguese translation because it tends to be as close to the original as possible, and surely enough, it's translated correctly:
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(image courtesy of the volume I own by my so-so phone camera 😋)
"Junior, who was his heir, is no more."
The literal translation for what Lucia is saying is "isn't among us anymore", but that's an expression in Portuguese that means that someone has died/doesn't walk on Earth anymore.
While the mistranslated English version and the original Japanese/Brazilian version have similar meanings, the way it's worded gives the sentence a completely different meaning: in one we're led to believe Jr. isn't physically there at the Mansion, while the other two make it clear that Jr. has died.
And that's exactly why that, after Chapter 252 dropped, this scene is given a new perspective - because Lucia was referring to the former Bookman Jr, and not the current one.
We don't know the whereabouts of current Lavi - cue in the chair jokes, I unfortunately love them all - and while I might be wrong, I have my reasons to believe he's alive.
It just doesn't feel like Hoshino to kill an important character off-screen, plus she has said we'll see him again eventually and that the mystery of what's behind his eyepatch is still to be revealed (and will only happen once Bookman passes away, something that will possibly happen before the story reaches its end).
I have the feeling Lavi still has much to contribute to the story and he's actually one of the characters that, to me, seem to have the highest odds of making it alive until the end. It also isn't mere coincidence that Bookman picked the same alias for both Juniors, since Lavi has mentioned in a discussion room that the aliases refer to their record logs and the Holy War is being recorded under 'Lavi'. There's unfinished business to be taken care of.
Using the mistranslated version to illustrate was important because I've seen people wondering where Lavi is if not in the Mansion, while others were afraid he has died. He's very likely in a predicament, but dead? I don't think so.
So that only leaves us with one viable subject for that dialogue, that being the former Bookman Jr. (now affectionately dubbed Lavi Sr. by the fandom).
"But how come they didn't know Bookman already had a new apprentice back in Chapter 222 if the Zoogles mentioned it in Chapter 251?"
Yes, it's a little odd. What I can infer from this is that they either 1. Didn't know Bookman already had a new Jr. because he had been unconscious and only after they stabilized his situation they could talk, or 2. Did know about the current Lavi but believe him not to be ready to take on the mantle yet while Lavi Sr. was (but unfortunately deserted the clan).
Since only the Bookman and his appointed apprentice, who was born with the seal, can exchange information and records via their blood, it might be not that off the chart that the Zoogles weren't up-to-date on his affairs since they're not Bookmen themselves but rather a bloodline of people scattered across the globe who are supporters of Bookman's mission like Lucia has explained. Yet, even if they aren't all-knowing, it seems odd for them not to know something as vital as that about the person they're supporting.
And of course, there's also the possibility of option 3, something else that I completely failed to consider right now. Time will tell which one.
Note: By the way, the Lucia in 222 and the Lucia in 251/252 are indeed the same person; Hoshino seemed to hint there's a reason behind her sudden aging that we don't know yet. It's important to make this clear since what I've said is related to dialogues delivered by her.
2. Past!A = current Allen
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(image courtesy of Kougeki Scans' Chapter 251's translation)
There were theories around and people still considering the possibility of our current Allen being a clone and all sorts of theories because of the unexplainable age gap between him and Past!A, but it seems the deaging theory has been fully confirmed by Chapter 252, as we saw it taking place before our very eyes.
There are still some mysteries surrounding it, but seeing how Apocryphos mentioned the "Helix", we can't help but be taken back to the explanation we've previously seen about the Helix of Life (The 221st Night - The Clown's Joke).
Since that's a topic that feels like there's more to it as of now, I won't be discussing the how and why Allen deaged, especially with the unseen variable in the mix that is Innocence; who knows if that might make the Helix energy behave differently.
I was on the "deaging theory" train because Nea was able to recognize Past!A all right when he looks in the mirror (The 214th Night: Searching for A.W. - Awakening) and also questioned the presence of Innocence on his body as well as how he hadn't aged but instead had gotten younger (The 215th Night: Searching for A.W. - By Your Side).
There are many mistranslations in the official English version of these two chapters (214 and 215) that have fueled countless misconceptions within the fandom but I won't be pointing those out in this post since I'm not here this time specifically to talk about it.
Note: Mangadex seems to have nicely translated versions of these chapters if you want to check them out for a recalling - I can't confirm fully but what I read of them looked consistent and faithful to the original.
Anyways, back on track; now that we've seen what took place 35 years ago in Chapter 252, Nea's bewilderment at the current situation of Allen back in Chapter 214/215 makes a lot more sense.
And even more interesting is that as soon as he noticed the Innocence lodged into Allen's left hand, we see the image of Apocryphos, as if Nea could feel its presence. Turned out that meant more than just Apocryphos being able to resonate with all Innocence, but rather, that the very reason why that Innocence had found home in Allen's body was by its intervention.
Just what the hell, dude. That was, once again, extremely well-played on Hoshino's part. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hello Doll! New fan here! You're so precious! 🥰 we NEED pt 2 of BoB "Sleeping with them for the first time", my request: Speirs, Toye, Eugene, Webster, Buck. AND pls wrote more Lovetropes! I've read it so many times, that I can quote from memory! xoxo
A/n this might be dirtier than pt1. Will do a pt 2 of love tropes ofc. Lmk if you have some people in mind for that
-this is a work of fiction based on the actors portrayal only. Every ounce of respect to the real heros-
Warning: NSFW, plain sinful smut. Lots of language. Minors dni
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Ronald Speirs
- this man will change your whole perspective of sex afterwards. You've both been pinning each other for a while and decide to go on a date. Yet the whole time you both have been practically removing each other's clothes with your eyes. Lingering touches, flirty behavior. Lets just say that you didn't quite make it through all the courses before Speirs asked for the check. You make it back to his place before he immediately kisses you. You start removing clothes while grabbing and feeling any skin you can both get your hands on. He turns you around to unzip your dress, taking it off your figure. He spun you back around to pick you up and set you down on the kitchen counter. You remove his belt and tug at his pants and boxers until the both of you are head to toe naked. He gives you a looks off 'are you sure' you nod yes before he lifts you legs up and fucks you. Praise after praise, surface after surface. It's a wild ride.
"Fuck you feel so good you know that princess?"
Joe toye
-he's sweet and spontaneous. It's a similar experience to George luz where it happens after a few dates. It starts slow, careful almost. But eventually you melt under him. He kisses you harder, Backs you to a wall. You remove each other's shirts. His hands unclips your bra. He makes hickies after hickies up and down your neck. He picks you up and brings you to the bedroom. Kisses down to your skirt to take that off as well. This man would love to praise you. And his voice!? He will mutter the most downright bad into your ears. He could make you come from just that alone. I feel like he's big on moaning you know. Your make him feel so good he's going to let you know that. Will do anything you ask him to do. You want him to touch you. He's instantly rubbing your clit, you want him to suck you Titts, he'll do that too. Fuck you harder and faster. He'll break the mattress. Will make you finish at least twice. Once on his cock. Then he'll clean you up with his tongue. But he is sooo sweet with the after care.
"God I wish you could see yourself right now doll. Getting fucked properly"
Eugene roe
-he's honestly a little nervous. He doesn't want to hurt you. It starts back at your place. Some wine after a good home cooked dinner. The alcohol helps with confidence. It's slow and passionate. He would be completely fine with kissing you for hours on end. But you've had one too many dirty dreams about this man so it's now or never. Eugene will be so great with foreplay. Makes you feel worshiped like no man has ever made you feel before. Always checking to make sure you're ok. When it gets time to really dance if you know what I mean he's super scared that something is going to go wrong. This poor man. You are so worked up from his touch that you have to tell him to just shut up and fuck you. It's like a switch goes off in his head. And the only thing he can suddenly think of is you. He fucks you until the only thing you can think of, only thing you can scream is his name. He robs you of every last breath in your lungs. It's dirty, passionate, sweaty and oh so good. Best God damn orgasm of your life. When you both finish and clean up. He definitely raps you up in his arms.
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"Giving me the best dick of my life"
David Webster
-HERE ME OUT! One bed trope. But it's not at a hotel or anything. You head to his place, have dinner, watch a movie, whatever. Oh no it's dark and raining. How about you stay the night? Oh crap this is a one bed apartment. You get the point. He offers you the bed and he'll sleep on the couch but you say that's silly and to just share the bed. Webster already had a huge crush on you so his ears turn a bright red, but how can he turn down the offer to share a bed with you? You get ready and both go to bed. It's awkward at first until he breaks the silence with one of those deep questions and you start talking for hours. One thing leads to another and he's on top of you. He kisses you until you lose your mind. You run your hands up his bare chest until you reach the stubble on his face. You slowly remove each article of clothing on the both of you. The air is thick and warm. Can you imagine how feral this man will go if you praise him. This man just wants some love ok? He asks you how sure you are about this, not wanting to cross any boundaries. You agree enthusiastically. You tug at his hair. Run your hands down his back. He kisses your neck, holds your waist. He's so gentle with aftercare too. From here on out you stay the night more often.
"Just like that web don't stop, so good, you're so good"
"Fuck sweetheart you're gunna make me come"
Buck Compton
-I know this is sorta cliché but fire sex. It's around the holidays. It's cold, snowing and dark outside. Inside it's warm, cozy and comfortable. You are still in puppy love faze. It's sweet. You are both on the couch blanket on top. Fire crackling. Buck reading you a book. You have thought about it a lot, sex. Yet you've never really got there. Steamy makeout sessions. Been there and done that. But it hasn't made it farther than that. But gooood you want it to. Your hands wander over him. Getting more and more close south each time. You rub his thigh, testing the waters. You can tell he notices by how his adams apple moves. You slowly undo his belt as he continues to read the book. He lets you pull his jeans down and slowly remove him from his boxers. You move your hand tauntingly slow. Not moving any faster in hopes of riling him up. He puts the book down and pulls you up to his lips. He removes your shirt and bra. Flips you over to remove your pants and underwear. He's sweet and confident in each move he makes. He kisses up and down your inner thigh until he finally makes it to the center. He gives you a taste of your own medicine. Slowly keeping you on edge with his tongue until you beg him to fuck you. And he does just that. It's better than you could have ever imagined.
"For fucks sake buck if you don't get up here and dick me down"
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0blobthefish0 · 1 year
Just one small change - full fic
addison montgomery masterlist | main masterlist
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Addison Montgomery x Female Reader 1351 Words
"Here you go," Addison says handing over the papers to Derek.
"Divorce papers," he states as he examines the sheet. "You've already signed," he mumbles, and she glances over at you as you work.
"Yeah, yeah I have." A small smile on her lips as she looks fondly at you.
When Addison had walked through those hospital door, you couldn't believe your eyes. She was there, in Seattle, in the same hospital, in the same area, at the same time. You hadn't seen her in years, probably well over a decade now, but there was no doubt that it wasn't her. She looked good. She looked really, really good. Her long red hair curled over shoulders cladded in fur from her black coat, a grey skirt wrapped around her hips and she wore heels that aided her already tall height. Addison Forbes Montgomery was always a force to be reckoned with. So when you saw her stood behind Derek Shepherd and, poor, Meredith Grey with that look in her eyes, you couldn't help but stay a little while. 
That night had been a while ago, and you watched as she settled into the hospital, though the tension between the three were, understandably, rising. You hadn't decided to make yourself known to her as there was never a good moment, the last being that first night she was here, there was no need to rush anyway, she might not even remember you, you had changed substantially since. 
You were in the NICU, there had been an emergency c-section last nights and the baby was so small, probably the smallest one you had ever seen. You were checking his tubes, making sure everything was working properly, when salmon scrubs caught your eye. You glanced at her as she walked past the glass, a smile was on her lips as she talked to the person next to her and you felt your heart flutter. You focused back on the baby and felt yourself wince, when you had left school knowing that you would most likely never see her again, you though that was it which left you to just push your massive crush on her to the side instead of dealing with it. And now you were paying for it, fawning over her like you did so many years ago. You needed to do something. Anything.
You found yourself in the bar, slowly sipping on a small glass, dressed up and swallowing all your sorrows away. You had gone on a date and left as quickly as you could, the types of people you found were unspeakable, you hoped to never see that person ever again. You signalled for another when you felt someone take the seat next to you. You glimpsed at them and when your eyes caught red hair you looked again. It was definitely her; well, you thought, it was now or never.
"Bad day, Montgomery?" You questioned as Joe passed you another drink. You picked it up and swirled the liquor with the straw, staring at it, looking, hopefully, unbothered. Meanwhile, Addison had turned her whole body to you, at recognising your voice, in shock. Her eyes surveyed your side profile as you stirred your drink and, after a while of no reply, you looked back at her. Addison could not believe her eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed with a smile as you took a sip of your drink and Addison, did that thing she always did when she was embarrassed, brought her hand up to thread through the top of her hair, pushing it back and tucking it behind her ears while she let out a small laugh. You watched as she did that and you felt your heart flutter, bringing back old memories. 
"You following me, Y/l/n?" She smirked as she was handed her own drink.
You shrugged, "Only if you want me to." Addison chuckled and pulled herself closer to you; this was going to be a long night.
You were definitely drunk now, and so was Addison. It was late and the two of you were still sat at the bar talking.  You had no idea how your conversation turned to this point, but it had.
"What're you going on about, Addie? I had the biggest crush on you in high school, like for the whole of high school," you blurted out and Addison was never one to hold back.
"How about now?" She flirted back with a smirk, her eyes heavy from all the drinks.
You paused, thinking about your answer, "I'd be stupid not to, you're gorgeous, everyone, at least, has a small crush on you, Addison Montgomery."  She stared at you and you stared back. "I'm so happy you're here," you smiled and she smiled back, "we should probably get going," you mumbled and patted your bag for your keys. 
"Whoa! Whoa!" Joe started, stopping you. "I'll call you guys a cab," he nodded.
"Smart," you looked back at Addison and pointed at him, nodding, "smart." 
You woke up first that morning, light spilling from the curtains and stabbing you in the brain. You let out a groan as you rubbed your eyes and let your arm fall back down the the bed, only to whack someone. You quickly pulled your hand away as you whipped your head around to face them. Familiar, red hair spilled over the white pillows and you felt your eyes widen. You lifted the duvet to discover that you were only in underwear, what had happened last night? 
Quietly, you moved from the bed and moved around the room, stepping on random items of clothing, and quickly pulled on something decent and clean to wear. You stepped into the kitchen, your bare feet on the cold tile causing you to hiss out in pain. A clock shone the time in glowing numbers and you picked up the pace, you were going to be late. Did Addison have work today? You didn't know; it was better to let her sleep, you'd leave her a note, a sharp pain travelled through your head, and a painkiller. 
Addison let out a yawn as she stretched out from her sleep, she let out a satisfied hum as she curled into the pillows. Her eyes flung open and she sat up, this wasn't her bed, and where were her clothes? Her eyes scanned the room and she quickly found her coat pooled on the floor, she stumbled her way toward it and rummaged for the pocket. She pulled out her phone and her eyes widened at the time. She opened her phone to find that she had a text from... you? When the two of you had exchanged numbers, she didn't know, but she was thankful for it now:
"Morning, Addie, sorry for having to leave you. I didn't know if you had work so I just let you sleep, there's a glass of water on the table and a painkiller, coffee in the brewer that I know you'll probably need and you can take whatever clothes you want from the closet. Hope you feel better than I did, and there's some money on the kitchen counter for a cab home. Again, I'm really sorry that you had to wake up alone."
A smile made its way onto her lips, you were always so thoughtful and she quickly made her way back to the bed to take the pill on the side table. Your bedroom, she was sat in your bedroom, in your home. She nodded to herself, it was very you.  All these years, and you were still you, butterflies flittered in her stomach, it was weird being here without you. 
Addison made her way into the hospital around midday, she had gotten home in a cab and had the money to pay you back. Derek didn't want her, she knew that, she had always known that, she just wasn't ready for it to be over. And now she was doing what was best.
"Here you go," Addison said as she handed over the papers to Derek.
He took the papers and looked at her before flicking through the sheets, "Divorce papers," he stated as he examined them. "You've already signed," he mumbled and Addison glanced over at you as you work.
"Yeah, yeah I have," a small smile made its way onto her lips as she looked fondly at you. 
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serasfanfiction · 3 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18
Ah, coffee. The nectar of the gods. Both a blessing and a curse in one.
When it had first made it's way into Hell, Lucifer hadn't given it much thought. Tea had been the go-to wake up drink for thousands of years, and while a nice drink, it had never done much for him in the stimulant department. He had maintained for years that coffee would likely have the same lack of effect as tea.
Right up until he'd had his first cup of joe.
And hadn't he been wrong. He'd nearly been bouncing off the walls for hours, before spectacularly crashing later that day. It had taken some experimentation, but he had found that if he drank half a cup of coffee over an hour, followed by slowly consuming the rest over the course of the day, it gave him the boast he needed without sending into an energy-high followed by a massive energy-crash.
Oh, what he wouldn't have done to have coffee for those first couple of years after Charlie was born. Lilith may have become Charlie's main caretaker following her toddler years, but Lucifer had been her go-to parent for those first several years.
Easy baby or not, Charlie had never had much of a sleep schedule. It was something that had followed her into her adult years. Lucifer was fairly certain that was his fault, as that was a trait they had in common. Lilith had been an early to bed, early to rise sort of person. Worse, she was a morning person.
Since mastering the art of drinking coffee, Lucifer had joined the rank of coffee lovers and dependents, unable and/or unwilling to start his day without one. Some days, it really was the only thing that woke him up.
That particular morning was one such morning. He had been up most of the night, first at the ceremony and then taking hours to unwind enough to sleep. He had eventually fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning, not that long before people would start waking up and starting their day.
Half asleep, despite the late morning hour, he wandered downstairs to the kitchen. As he passed the foyer, he thought he saw Angel and Cherri suspiciously hide their faces behind their hands as they whispered to each other. Charlie and Vaggie were huddled off to the side, the former making some rather extravagant hand motions at the latter. Husk might have looked like he had swallowed a lemon, which didn't look too far off from his usual disgruntled mood, so it it didn't set off any alarm bells.
If Lucifer had been more awake, he might have guessed what all the fuss was about. He might also have brewed his coffee and then immediately teleported back to his room to avoid any gossip about his (lack of) love life.
As it was, he wasn't a fully functioning fallen seraphim until the caffeine started to hit his blood stream and he missed all the cues.
Twenty minutes later, Lucifer walked back out of the kitchen with his prize in hand. The cup was already a third of the way drank, steam still rising up out of the cup to show it was pipping hot. Caffeine not having had remotely enough time to work it's magic, Lucifer proceeded to make his first mistake of the day.
He walked into the main-lobby-slash-living-room.
Charlie immediately tuned into his presence the moment he walked into the room, which should have been a clue she was on the look out for him. Her vaguely nervous expression should have been another one.
Lucifer, in his sleepy state, only picked up on the latter one. "Morning, Char-Char." He wrapped his hands around the cup, letting the heat seep into his fingers. "Everything alright?"
Charlie took a deep breathe, rubbing at the back of her head. "Well, dad, we, um..." She trailed off, her gaze flinting over towards her girlfriend, who held both of her thumbs up in encouragement. Charlie smiled, but the quality of it fell between strained and for real, which only served to alarm Lucifer even more. Pressing her hands together, she pointed both of her pointer fingers at him. "We wanted to congratulate you."
"Congratulate me? On what?" Lucifer had the nagging feeling he was forgetting something. Not for the first time, he cursed the fact that he just wasn't a morning person. Getting the strong impression he was going to want to be awake as possible for this conversation, he proceeded to make his second mistake of the morning.
He went to take another gulp of coffee, just as Charlie said, "Well, on your new relationship with Alastor!"
Lucifer choked, the coffee going down the wrong pipe, something he had always felt was a bit unfair considering he was never quite certain if seraphim had lungs. It somehow still never stopped him from nearly choking when someone said something so outlandish it was outright ludicrous. Startled, Charlie darted forward, hand patting his back as he attempted to wheeze and hack up a possibly non-existent lung.
When he felt capable of talking without immediately coughing, he managed a half strangled, "What... relationship?"
Charlie exchanged another look with Vaggie. She continued to rub his back as she explained, "Well, we saw the videos of your dancing with Alastor and thought..."
The blonde king placed his head in his hand, suddenly understanding the, well, misunderstanding. He had known people were going to draw conclusions, but he hadn't thought about how it would look to Charlie. She had known they were going to the ceremony together, but he somehow doubt it had crossed her mind that it might go as far as an evening full of dancing.
"There's no relationship," he denied, running his hand down his face. "No relationship what-so-ever, really." He smiled at her reassuringly. "Alastor just likes to dance."
In a show of how comfortable Angel had gotten around him, the porn star shamelessly pointed out, "He wasn't the only one enjoying that dance." He leaned his chin on his hand, smile outright teasing and knowing. "Looked like you were going to do a bit more than dance for a moment there."
Lucifer's treacherous mind went back to the moment in question: the moment where all it would have taken was leaning just a little bit forward, and then they would have been ki--
He ruthlessly cut off the thought as he felt his cheeks heating up. He had resolutely refused to think of that moment since it had happened. He had refused to think about the fact that it had been haunting his dreams during what little sleep he had gotten. He was certainly not going to think about that moment in front of his daughter, her girlfriend, and her friends.
He cleared his throat, holding up one of his hands. "There is no relationship," he emphasized. He turned to Charlie, taking hold of one of her hands in his own. "I don't know if there will ever be anyone after your mother, but if there ever is, I promise I will tell you." He paused, adding, "Preferably before it winds up on a gossip rag."
She smiled at him, relief visible in her eyes. She patted the back of his hand with her free one. Supportive, she said, "I'm not going to say I wouldn't be thrilled if you and mom got back together, dad, but I just want you to be happy." Her mouth twisted at the corners. "Even if it's with Alastor."
Lucifer winced. "Not happening." He took back his hand, wrapping it back around his mug to give himself something to hold onto. Turning to the hotel's oldest resident, he asked, "How... bad is it?"
He didn't need to explain what 'it' was.
"Oh, it's bad." The spider sinner giggled as he held up his phone, a news headline in big bold letters read, THE KING OF HELL SHACKING IT UP WITH THE RADIO DEMON? "It's been all 666 News would talk about last night."
Lucifer resisted the urge to put his face back in his hand or retreat back up into his room and not come out for the next century. It could really go either way, at that point.
A touch of sympathy could be found in Angel's eyes as he said, voice as close to reassuring as the blonde had ever heard it, "Aw, don't worry, your Majesty. I'm sure it'll blow over as soon as the next scandal pops up."
Which, knowing Hell, wouldn't be that long.
Lucifer internally groaned. It wouldn't be soon enough, if one were to ask him. He almost glanced up at the ceiling, towards the direction of Alastor's radio station and suite. He wondered if the Overlord had seen the news and how he was responding to it.
Knowing him, he was likely thinking of how to spin all of this in his favor, if he decided to entertain it at all.
Unwilling to let the news or thoughts of a certain radio demon sour his morning any further than they already had, Lucifer scrambled to change the subject. "So, how are things going with the trust exercises?" He didn't have to try hard to look interested in his daughter's latest plans, although he mentally apologized that he was mostly asking to distract her from his own issues. "Thought of any new ones?"
Charlie, bless her, was all too happy to talk about her latest plans. Snagging his arm, she tugged him over to a corkboard she had set up. Various hand drawn notes and print outs were pinned to the board. Some had parts of them crossed out, while a few had stars on them. "I think I have some new ideas!" She pointed to the ones with the stars on them. "I was thinking maybe we could try this one out at the next meeting." There was nothing forced about this smile when she turned it on him. "What do you think?"
Happy to have something else to think about and even more happy to have her asking for his impute on anything, he squinted at the page she was pointing to. On it, it gave detailed instructions about different team building exercises and how to carry them out. The one in particular that she was pointing to was called, 'Human Knot.'
It appeared to be fairly simple. A group of people stood around in a circle and got themselves 'tangled up' by taking the hands of two other people. The goal of the exercise was for the group to untangle themselves without letting go of anyone's hands. It sounded like it might be a fun activity, if everyone was willing to get touchy-feely with everyone.
Alastor would never agree to participate in this. Lucifer wasn't certain he would enjoy participating in this, either. The thought of touching so many people who weren't family or close friends was overwhelming. At least, while sober. It gave him too many Twister vibes and the less he thought about that game the better.
There was a reason it was Asmodeus' favorite 'family' game.
Scurrying out of the wood work, Niffty appeared with a needle the length of her head. Speared through on the end of it was a cockroach the size of her hand. Disturbingly enough, it was still twitching. She peered up at the board, her eye lighting up at the details of the trust exercise. "Ooooo! That one looks fun." She peered up at Lucifer in that way she did that always set his hackles up. "I can hold hands with all the bad boys in the room..."
Lucifer laughed nervously as she scurried off as quickly as she had appeared. Something of his true feelings must have shown on his face, because Charlie's smile was beginning to slip. Which was just not allowed. "It's fine," he rushed to reassure her. "I'm just worried not everyone will want to participate, because of the level of touching." Desperate to save her good mood, Lucifer pointed to the option underneath the one she had showed him. "What about this one?"
She leaned in, reading the name. "Two Truths and a Lie?" It wasn't one she had starred and her tone was a bit dubious.
Angel appeared at their side. He stabbed the board with a finger. "Now there's a fun game, especially if you turn it into a drinking game." He waggled his eyebrows at them, suggestively.
Vaggie rolled her eyes. She came up behind the sinner, her hands on her hips. "We are not doing any drinking games during trust exercises."
The sinner pouted at her. "Is it your mission to suck all the joy out of my life?"
The former exterminator was unimpressed. Ignoring his theatrics, she asked, "What does the game entail?"
Angel's phone pinged with a notification. Loosing interest in the conversation in favor of whatever it was, he wandered off across the room to pull it up. Out of the corner of his eye, Lucifer saw the spider demon become caught up in what sounded like a video clip, he wasn't paying enough attention to make out the audio.
Feeling invested now that he was interested in potentially participating, Lucifer jumped in to answer. "Pretty much what it says on the tin. You tell two things that are true about yourself, along with a lie. The goal is for everyone to try and figure out which is the lie."
Charlie tilted her head to the side. "And this is supposed to... build trust?"
Vaggie seemed to be catching on. "It's a way to get to know people, babe. You get to tell people thinks about yourself, while they try to see how well they know you in return."
The host of the hotel didn't look convinced.
Lucifer cracked a grin. "Come on, it sounds like it'll be fun, Charlie." He lightly patted her on the arm. "We could try it out now and see what you think?"
She looked to him, and then to Vaggie, who nodded. Charlie mulled over it, before nodding her head. "Okay! If everyone wants to play it, then we can do it during the next trust exercise." Getting more excited the longer she thought about it, she hugged her father around the shoulders with a single arm pulling him in tight against her. With her other hand, she pointed a finger to the ceiling. "We could have a meeting right now, in fact!"
"Uh, I hate to interrupt," Angel cut in, coming back towards them. His tone more than anything, caught their attention. He sounded horrified. "You guys might want to see this."
Lucifer, Vaggie and Charlie shared a glance between themselves. They all gathered around Angel's phone, which he had turned around to face them. Tapping the play button to start the video, a familiar voice came out of the teeny speakers.
"Breaking news: A new video was dropped today showing not everyone played an equal role in the fight on Extermination Day." Katie Killjoy's face was replaced by an aerial shot of the roof of the Hazbin Hotel. In the background, angels flooded the skies, hinting as to what day the video had been recorded. The recording itself appeared to be mid fight between what was quickly identified to be Adam and Alastor. Lucifer's eyes widened, his stomach dropping as he realized that despite having taking on the most powerful angel to visit Hell after Lucifer, Alastor didn't have any angelic weapons on him.
Why? Why would he be so reckless. Lucifer had seen the shield wielding angelic spears, so why didn't Alastor have any?
Holy shit, he had actually taken him on with just his own shadows.
The recording fizzled, temporarily cutting off as Alastor throwing Adam into the old hotel sign. Lucifer's blood turned cold as it phased back in, just in time for Adam's guitar to come down and slice effortlessly through Alastor's staff. The radio host looked confused for a moment, before realizing the extent of the damage. This much Lucifer had already deduced from seeing Alastor's broken staff weeks ago and while he had been suspicious that more had happened, it was still difficult to watch what happened next.
"It seems Hell's resident old timer bit off more than he could chew," Katie was narrating as Adam swung his guitar - made of pure angelic grace - straight across Alastor's chest, sending the sinner soaring across the roof. His momentum was only stopped as he hit the barrier. The sinner crumpled to the roof, blood splattering the ground beside him, damning evidence that had disappeared when the hotel had been nearly destroyed in Adam's attack not that long afterwards.
Tiny hands and feet scrambled up Lucifer's back, signaling Niffty's return. She must have been drawn back by the commotion. Normally, he would have been extremely uncomfortable with being used as a living cat tree for her to climb, but in this instance he was too absorbed by video to pay her much attention. A part of him also knew that she and Alastor was close, whatever their relationship was with each other. It would have been more surprising if she hadn't shown up.
"He needed so many stiches after that." Niffty made a low, mournful noise at the sight that greeted her on the phone's screen. "He was in so much pain..."
Lucifer's whole body froze up. Alastor had needed stiches?
As if coming unfrozen, Charlie gasped in horror, her hands flying to cover her mouth. Vaggie's expression was grim as she placed a hand on her elbow. As angels who had seen the kind of damage angelic grace could do to sinners, rare that such a weapon was employed, Lucifer and Vaggie both knew that such a wound should have been fatal.
Lucifer had thought that Alastor's staff had taken the brunt of the attack. That maybe he had only been grazed, at worse. That should have been the extent of the damage.
It had never occurred to him that Alastor might have taken the attack full on.
It was baffling that Alastor was still alive.
The video didn't come with audio, so they couldn't hear what Alastor was saying as he did the first smart thing he had done since he decided to take on Adam without a useful weapon and retreated. "And there you have it everyone," Katie was saying, her tone and smile gleeful as she soaked in the suffering of someone who had quite the distance to fall. "The supposedly big bad Radio Demon running away like a with his teeny, tiny, fluffy little tail between his legs like the fucking coward that he is."
The screen pulled away to show her cohost, Tom Trench. "Do you think he ran off to wherever he was hiding for seven years?"
"Who gives a shit, Tom." Katie turned her head in such a way that it appeared to break her neck. "He's a washed up has-been who should have stayed away--"
The phone disappeared, Charlie having darted forward and hit the pause button. Her hands hid the screen from view.
For a long moment, the present group blankly stared off into the middle distance, trying to digest what they had just seen. Each of their faces ranged from out right horrified (Charlie's) to grim (Vaggie's and Husk's) to some level of worried (Angel's). All of them were thinking the same thing: about Alastor's disappearance for several days as they rebuilt the hotel and the varying degrees of relief everyone had felt when he'd reappeared, seemingly just fine save his missing staff.
No one had questioned why he'd disappeared.
No one had followed up to make certain he wasn't hiding a wound and potentially actively dying.
But now they all knew. There was no unseeing this, just as there had been no unseeing Sir Pentious' last moments as Adam vaporized him like he was nothing.
Lucifer, personally, was kicking himself for not checking on the wound when he had Alastor trapped. He had known something was potentially wrong - had seen the evidence in the damage to the microphone - and yet he had allowed Alastor to side track him like a willfully blind fool dancing to the piper's tune.
Lucifer found himself moving before he'd even made the conscious decision to do so. He plucked Niffty off his back, the little maid making no protest as she was lightly placed down on the ground. His cup of coffee went onto the coffee table. The moment his hands were free, he was preparing to open a portal to Alastor's room.
"Dad?" Charlie's voice calling out to him made him pause.
He turned to her, placing a hand on her other elbow. "I'm just going to check on him."
She placed her own hand over his, squeezing it as she bit her lip. "Dad, you saw how badly he was hurt." Guilt was visibly crashing down over her as her eyes welling up with tears. "I knew something was wrong. Why didn't I check to see if he was okay?" Vaggie stepped in and hugged her as Lucifer squeezed her arm.
"He clearly didn't want any of us to know he was hurt." He debated saying anything about the blood drinking. Alastor had looked tremendously better afterwards and it might go a long way to easing some of her worries about how injured the sinner was. He just didn't know how to explain how they had gotten to that part.
He decided to settle for a partial truth. "He didn't tell me how hurt he was, but he's already let me help him some." Charlie sniffled, turning hopeful eyes on him. "If I had to guess, I'd say the wound is all healed up." He smiled at her reassuringly. "I'll see if I can get him to let me check to make certain everything is better, okay?"
She nodded, wiping at a tear. "Just, make certain he's okay." She moaned, low and wounded. "I can't lose him too, dad."
Lucifer looked to Vaggie, who nodded back to him. "I got her, sir."
Lucifer stepped back. His instinct to stay and comfort his offspring at war with his desire to make certain Alastor was okay. The only reason he was going to be able to do so was because Vaggie had her and he was likely the only person who could make certain their resident radio host wasn't being eaten up from the inside out by any residual grace Adam might have left behind.
A quick burst of magic opened a portal directly into Alastor's room. He stepped through without waiting to see if Alastor might need any privacy, not wanting the sinner to potentially turn him away. He was going to get that idiot into letting him inspect that wound once and for all, even if he had to sit on him to do it.
Curse Alastor and his stupid pride for not having said anything! He could have put in it the favors with his microphone, for crying out loud.
"Alastor!" His voice echoed through the room, disappearing off into the bayou. Lucifer scoured the sinner's room from top to bottom. He didn't see him in his bed, nor at the fireplace, nor at his little table in the bayou. He raised his voice to as loud as he could make it without causing any damage. "Come out, you asshole, before I hunt you down!"
No response.
There was a possibility he was out in the bayou, as there was no way of being sure how far out it extended without going out into it. He had one foot out on the grass, when the old fashioned radio on Alastor's bookshelf crackled to life.
"Greetings, sinners! It's come to my attention that there seems to be some questions about my health recently."
Lucifer threw himself across the room, grabbing hold of the radio. His head darted up as he stared up at the ceiling. He could teleport himself into the station, but that risked interrupting the Radio Demon's broadcast. Until he knew what exactly the sinner was planning, he didn't want to spook him.
It didn't mean he couldn't keep an eye on him, though.
He crossed the room in seconds, throwing open a window. Looking up, he could see the On Air sign was lit, indicating that Alastor was indeed in his radio tower. Launched himself out of the window, Lucifer took flight as Alastor said through the radio, "Never fear, dear listeners, because nothing as simple as a silly angel could take out the Radio Demon."
Lucifer snorted, coming up to hover in full view of studio. 'Silly angel,' he calls an actual archangel that had destroyed the hotel and by all rights should have killed him.
Inside the studio, Alastor spotted him. The sinner's eyes were aglow, pupils turned to dials. He had grown as large as the room would allow him to get without taking the roof off, antlers extended out like fingers reaching out to the sides of the room. A bright green 'x' marked the spot on his forehead. As his eyes fell on the little king, a streak of black drool dribbled down his chin as his smile elongated far beyond what should have been possible for his face. His fingers twitched and curled, a single finger pointing to the other side of the tower. "In fact, I think a certain voyeur needs a little reminder as to why he should mind his own business."
Lucifer frowned, not understanding what Alastor planned to do at first. It was only because he had come out the side of the hotel, furthest from his own room, that he isn't hit by the powerful wave of radio waves bursting forth from the tower. Startled, he jerked out of the way, spinning around mid-air to see where they were going.
He watched, unsurprised to see them heading for VoxTek. It figured that Vox was behind the video. He'd had footage of other parts of the fight, it shouldn't be surprising he had been spying on Alastor when Adam had come a calling. When he didn't see another wave leave the tower, he chanced moving around the obstruction the tower made of the view to better see what effect that wave was going to have.
It was difficult to see from that distance, but he could just make out the wave hitting the satellite. Could see the plum of smoke rising up as the machinery went dead. The satellite was still standing, but it likely wasn't operational. At least, not for the moment.
He raised an eyebrow at the redhead through the window. Petty, much?
Depending on how terrible the Alastor's eyesight was - deer had notoriously bad eyesight- it was entirely possible he couldn't see the damage he had inflicted himself. Regardless of his poor eyesight, he somehow knew anyway, perhaps having that much confidence in his attack. Alastor's grin was pleased as a cat having caught a canary. "Friendly reminder that I won't be as lenient next time."
The radio in Lucifer's arms cut off with a crackle as Alastor reached out and flicked a switch on his board. The two stared at each other, waiting to see what the other planned to do next.
When Alastor didn't move other than to settle back down into his more default appearance, Lucifer decided to come to him. He disappeared in a swirl of magic, reappearing a moment later in the studio. He fully materialized back into being behind the redhead.
Alastor didn't turn around, continuing his work as if he didn't have his back to someone who could easily kill him with a flick of the wrist. Lucifer took the time to study him more in depth than he had in the previous months. The sinner didn't move like he was in pain. Then again, he never had. The only indication he had ever given that something was off was when he never called on his microphone in the months before he got Lucifer to repair it.
There was nothing to tell he had ever taken a hit of pure angelic grace to the chest. Lucifer didn't feel anything coming off him either.
A visual inspection wasn't going to be enough, when it came to this kind of wound. If he was to do a proper inspection, he was going to have to talk Alastor into letting him touch him. It was almost a shame he hadn't known when he was healing Alastor's ribs and side two nights ago. He could have checked then and this whole conversation could have been avoided.
The silence extended. Lucifer was suspicious Alastor knew why he was here and was planning to wait him out. The little king fiddled with the radio's dials, suddenly glad he had decided to grab it, if only to give him something to do with his hands. One of them was going to have to kick start this conversation. It might as well be him. "You didn't say Adam got you in the chest."
The sinner made that little 'hm' sound he liked to make. It could have been in response to what the blonde had said. It could have just been in response to something Alastor was seeing on his equipment.
"Angelic grace is bad for sinners, you know." Lucifer's hold on the radio tightened, not quite certain if he was being ignored or not. "It can grow like a cancer until it burns you up from the inside out." He leaned from foot to foot, feeling more twitchy the longer Alastor didn't speak to him. He stopped the moment he noticed he was doing it. "You should have said something."
Whatever Alastor was looking for, he seemed to find for he nodded at his equipment in satisfaction. He finally rose up off his settee, the movement as fluid as ever. "There was nothing to worry about." He stepped around the furniture, waving off the concern as if batting away a fly. "I had it handled."
"'Handled'?" Lucifer's eyes narrowed, suspicious. "Handled how, exactly? By having Niffty sew you up?" His grip tightened on the radio, enough to make it give a little creak of protest, but not enough to truly threaten to break it. "You couldn't have known I was going to offer my blood. And just because it healed the physical wound that doesn't mean it cleared the grace."
Alastor's eyes zeroed in on his radio in Lucifer's hands. The thinning of his lips indicated he wasn't thrilled with the idea of his property coming to damage. "What exactly do you propose to do?" He reached out to reclaim the radio.
Lucifer took a step back, keeping himself and the radio out of arms reach. "Let me check the wound."
The sinner's fingers twitched before curling in. He let the hand drop. "What does that entail?" He followed after the blonde, first one step and then another, meeting each retreat with an advance.
Lucifer continued to back away until his back hit the window. On reflex, he glanced behind him. All that stood between himself and a drop was a thick panel of glass.
Alastor took advantage of his distraction to steal back his radio. "Out with it. You're too twitchy for this to be a simple look over."
The blonde flexed his hands, now empty of anything to use for stress relief. "No, I'd have to touch your bare skin to be sure there's nothing there."
The hand not holding the radio came up, all four finger splaying out as Alastor laughed out a short, sharp, "Ha!" He wagged a single finger of the same hand at the seraphim. "Not going to happen!"
Before Lucifer could protest or attempt to make his case, Alastor disappeared into his shadows. He scurried past him, slipping down the trap door and out of the studio.
Lucifer stared at where the redhead had just been, gapping. That... That idiot! Didn't he hear the part where he could be infected with the equivalent of a deadly poison that could be eating him up from the inside out?
Growling, Lucifer opened a portal back down into Alastor's room. If Alastor wanted to see who was more stubborn, the hundred-something year old sinner or the first sinner himself, Lucifer was more than up for the challenge. Stepping through, he found Alastor over by his book shelf, returning the radio back to it's prior resting place.
Frustrated, Lucifer marched over to him, seriously considering throwing up a barrier around the room to keep Alastor from running away again. "Hey! I wasn't done with you, mister!"
Alastor finished setting the radio to his preference, and then turned around to meet him head on. "I hardly see how we have anything more to talk about." He placed his hands behind his back, the very picture of unconcerned. "I've already declined your offer."
Lucifer threw his hands up. "Aren't you worried? This isn't a game! This could be your life on the line!"
Alastor leaned in to his personal space, his lips starting to twist into a smug, cat like grin. "Tell me, sire, why are you so worried?"
"Hello? Really?" Lucifer crossed his arms, defensive. "Have I not said that if Charlie cares than I care?" He sighed, looking away and begrudgingly adding, "She was really upset when you went missing and it would break her heart if something happened to you."
Alastor considered him for a long moment. Suddenly, a very loud buzzer tore through the air, causing the blonde to jump. "Hm, no, I think not." He flicked at one of the Lucifer's blonde flyways with a single finger, eyeing him up and down as the shorter of the two glared at him. "You know, I could almost believe that was the reason." He leaned away, tapping his chin. "But we both know that's not the whole truth."
He stepped around him, walking away and putting some distance between them. "I propose a little deal."
Lucifer scoffed, defense turning to irritation. He was starting to regret attempting to help this asshole. "You can't be serious."
Coming to a stop half way across the room, Alastor came to a halt. "Oh, come now, sire. Not that kind of deal." He spun around, one heel coming together to click against the other. One hand settled against the small of his back, while his staff appeared in the other. He used it to point at his uninvited guest. "If you tell me the real reason you care so much and I like the answer, I'll let you see for yourself that I'm perfectly fine."
He almost couldn't believe his ears. Lucifer stared at him, incredulous. "Are you actually holding your life hostage over this??"
Alastor twirled his staff, a mock considering look on his face. He shrugged, far too nonchalant for the subject. "Hm, I guess I am."
Lucifer could feel his self control fraying at the edges. He had clearly been far too lenient with this sinner if Alastor wasn't even remotely taking him seriously. He held up his hand, palm facing the redhead. It would be easy to just knock him right off his feet with a small burst of power and hold him in place while he just checked to see if he wasn't actively dying. He really ought to. It might just remind this arrogant little sinner who was at the top of the food chain and who was at the bottom between the two of them.
Alastor stared at him down, patiently waiting him out.
After several long moments of arguing with himself, Lucifer lowered his hand. He hissed, as much at himself as it was at Alastor. He couldn't do this by force, not because he wasn't incapable of doing so, but because he was trying to get Alastor to agree of his own free will. "Fine!" He stalked over to the deer demon, coming to a stop just before actually touching him. Pointing his finger up at Alastor's chin, he confessed, "Fine, I'm worried because I'm a fool and I actually care about you! I would be genuinely upset if something happened to you, are you happy??" He pointed at the bed behind the redhead, nearly breathing fire as he growled, "Now sit down and let me help you."
Alastor nodded at him. "There we go, your Majesty. Isn't it better to tell the truth?"
"Sit!" Lucifer pointed at the bed, this time with more emphasis, his tone making it abundantly clear he was not going to repeat himself again.
The redhead proceeded to show that he had some self preservation instincts in that stubborn head of his, because he didn't press Lucifer's buttons again. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs and settling his hands on his knees, body language just as carefree as ever. "Would any skin do?" He held up his hand, indicating he was willing to take his glove off to give him access to bare skin.
Lucifer took a series of deep, calming breaths. He was tempted to just smother the redhead, but since that would defeat the purpose of preserving his life, the blonde put the idea on the back burner to come back to later. It would make for entertaining fodder to think about while he was trying to fall asleep that night.
When he could speak without possibly setting something on fire, he shook his head. "No, I need access to the wound." He let some of his empathy for Alastor's dislike for touch seep into his voice as he said, honestly, "Sorry. I'll try to make it quick."
Alastor paused, a quick flash of trepidation appearing across his face and then disappearing just as quickly. His smile took on more of a mask like quality, as he reached up and began to undo his tie. He set it down beside himself, the protection gem Lucifer had gifted him resting up against his thigh.
His fingers didn't shake, didn't tremble in the slightest as he unclasped his coat and unbuttoned his shirt, but his discomfort was visible in every line of his body.
Button by button, he revealed first his neck and then his chest. A thin layer of - soft, Lucifer' treacherous mind reminded him - brown fur lined his shoulders, disappearing under his shirt. A lighter, fluffier bout of fur ran down his chest, fluffing up as it was freed from the restraint of Alastor's shirt. A nasty, ragged scar peaked out the bottom of the poof of fur, running along his side. Partially hidden, the scar appeared to run from Alastor's left collar bone to the last of his right set of ribs.
How he was still alive continued to baffle Lucifer, no matter how thankful he was. He held up his hands. "Can I approach you?"
Alastor gave him the stink eye, ear twitching. He almost looked insulted. "By all means, sire. Be my guest." His fingers gripped the sides of his shirt just a little too tightly, belying his words with his true feelings. When he released the fabric, it was almost like he was prying his own hands free. He settled his hands in his lap, back ramrod straight.
Lucifer moved carefully, but not too slowly. He knew Alastor wouldn't spook. He wasn't actually a wild animal. It was still polite to approach with caution, in case he needed to stop at the drop of the hat. The redhead watched him approach like a hawk, ear twitching with every noise Lucifer made.
Lucifer came to stand in front of him, close, but not quite allowing their knees to touch. He reached out, finger ghosting over what he could see of the scar. It must have been painful. The skin over the collar bone alone was thin. The length of the gouge threatened quite a few ribs. He couldn't tell how deep it had gone, but it had not healed prettily.
He pressed the tips of his fingers to the skin near the base of Alastor's ribs, the fur just as soft as it had been on his arms. Lucifer forced himself to focus, to ignore this tidbit of information and store it in the same box he kept all the other things he was slowly learning about the redhead's body, but wasn't allowed to think about. He closed his eyes, reaching out his senses.
Alastor felt human, his sins dripping like fresh blood from his soul. Lucifer could feel the way the power of his soul mingled with the darkness of his abilities. The wound itself had indeed completely healed, although traces of its damage ran deep. Several bones had been cleaved straight through, the organs beneath clipped. Alastor had only survived as long as he had because of his particular brand of magic being uniquely adept at keeping things sewed into place and Niffty was apparently very good with a needle. Without both, he would have bleed to death for sure.
Most importantly, though, to his vast relief, Lucifer could find no trace of Adam's grace anywhere within the sinner's body. Despite the obvious damage it had made, somehow, nothing lingered behind.
Alastor caught his wrist, his grip tight enough it might have bruised another sinner. Lucifer's eyes snapped open. He allowed Alastor to pull his hand away. He didn't try to free himself when the redhead didn't immediately let him go.
"Well, sire?" Alastor looked up, his sitting down giving Lucifer the height on him for a change. "Am I going to live?" This part was said with a degree of teasing, as if to say, see, I told you so.
The fallen angel reminded himself, not for the first time, that, no, he did not, in fact, want to strangle this guy. He smirked down his nose at the redhead, enjoying the fact that he could do so for a change. "Unfortunately." He ignored the way Alastor smiled at him, as if he knew how much he was enjoying being taller for a change. "You're either secretly an angel or just one lucky asshole. No grace leftover whatsoever."
Alastor threw back his head and laughed. "As you can see, your Majesty," he said with no small amount of mirth, "I am certainly no angel."
Lucifer snorted. The Radio Demon was a sinner, through and through, and quite happy with that fact. Some humans never got over their lot in the afterlife, but Alastor had embraced it with eyes wide open.
He watched the redhead loosen his grip on his wrist, his brain promptly short circuiting as Alastor twisted their hands around until he could intertwine their fingers. "Um."
"Since his Majesty has taken such good care of me..." Alastor reached out with his free hand, snaking it up and around Lucifer's waist. The blonde might have squeaked when he was pulled forward, legs automatically parting to stand on either side of the redhead's. He only stopped when his knees hit the side of the mattress. It also brought their faces within inches of each other. Alastor's voice was noticeably deeper as he offered, "I think this deserves it's own reward."
Eloquently, Lucifer managed, "Um?"
"Your reward is: I'll let you in on a little secret." Amused with his response, Alastor stared up at him, eyes half-lidded as he stated, "I also seem to care about you, Lucifer Morningstar."
Lucifer froze, too stunned to speak. He felt like he had utterly and completely lost the script and had no idea where this was going. With anyone else, he might have been able to take that statement at face value, but Alastor had long since taught him that no weakness was too small for the redhead to exploit. Sputtering, he asked, "What?"
"Ah-ah, I know you heard me." Alastor's thumb rubbed along the edge of the top of Lucifer's pants, a simple back and forth motion the blonde was suddenly all too hyper aware of. Goosebumps broke out along the alabaster skin under the fabric. "No need for repeats just yet."
Lucifer wanted to pull away so he could clear his mind and think.
He wanted to lean in and soak up every bit of attention Alastor was willing to give him.
He swallowed. "But... but you don't even like me?" He meant it to be a statement, but it came out too much of a question. He knew he hadn't read the sinner wrong, and yet, here they were, very much off script for their usual back and forth. To say he was confused would be an understatement.
"Come now, your Majesty." Alastor narrowed his eyes, giving the blonde a gentle shake. "I think I know my own heart."
Lucifer didn't dare to breathe. "And what does your heart say?"
"That I can't think of anyone who suits me better than you do." Alastor leaned ever so slightly closer, their noses brushing as he brought their faces as close as they had been just before Mimsy had interrupted them. As close as they had been during their dance during Octavia's coming of age ceremony. "What does his Majesty's heart say?"
"Are you asking if we can get together?" Lucifer was getting too many mixed signals. He had to know what Alastor really wanted. "Romantically?"
"And if I am? Would you 'get together with me', sire?" Alastor's expression was surprisingly patient, as if he had all the time in the world to devote to sorting this out. "Romantically?"
Lucifer thought about all the times Alastor had tried to usurp his place at his own daughter's side. Thought about all the terrible, hurtful things he had said before and after Lucifer moved in. Thought of all the ways they fought and clashed with each other.
He also thought about how Alastor had helped him down from his panic attack. How it had felt to have someone come to his defense, even if he hadn't needed it. How it felt when they danced, both in private and in public. How the weight of his body had felt laying on top of his own.
He would be completely crazy to agree to this, but there was only one answer he could give.
Alastor's smile turned triumphant, but not mocking. "Fabulous!" He stood abruptly, knocking Lucifer off balance. The only thing that kept the little king from falling over backwards was the redhead's arm coming up around his shoulders. Lucifer's face briefly brushed a chest full of downy fur as he was spun around. The back of his knees barely had time to brush the mattress as Alastor deposited him down onto the side of the bed where he had been sitting second beforehand.
Lucifer stared blankly ahead of himself, not certain what had just happened. Not certain what was happening.
Alastor released him, stepping back and letting go of him completely. Lucifer's heart dropped down to his feet, for a split second thinking that he had gotten this wrong. That he had misread the situation. That this was just another game--
A hand pressed against his cheek, snapping him out of his spiral. When Lucifer looked up at him, he noted that the redhead had merely been buttoning up his shirt.
Alastor ran a thumb over his cheekbone, and then gave him a pat. "Now, I believe there's at least one person downstairs who would like to hear I've received a clear bill of health. Shall we go reassure her?" That patient expression was still firmly in place, his gift for reading people allowing him to pick up nearly immediately that Lucifer's mind set had begun to go downhill.
Lucifer still wasn't sure he understood what had just transpired between them. He needed Alastor to just be clear with him. "Wait, what about--?"
Alastor was already spinning around on his heel, slipping his arms into his coat and heading for the door. Over his shoulder, he called, "Come along, sire." He paused near the door, turning just enough to look back at Lucifer, who was still rooted to the spot on his bed. The sinner held out a hand, palm up in invitation. "I did say us, did I not? I believe we might have an announcement to make, do we not?"
A wave of relief washed over Lucifer. "You..." He jumped up from his seat, not quite running, but certainly not simply walking across the room to take hold of the offered hand before the offer was retracted. The leather of the glove was smooth and cold to the touch as he wrapped his hand around it. Lucifer stared down at their joined hands, marveling at the fact that he was being allowed to do so. He looked up at Alastor. "You want to go public? Just like that?"
He somehow would have thought Alastor would have just let people come to their own conclusions. He seemed the type to enjoy the attention of everyone's speculations.
Alastor pressed his free hand to his chest. "Sire!" His tone was scandalized, although his eyes were squinted with mirth. "Did you intend for me to be your dirty little secret?"
"No!" Lucifer flushed, trying to pull his hand back, only to be denied. He admittedly wasn't trying to free himself very hard. "I just..." He frowned, genuinely concerned. "It's so early and... new." He stared down at their hands, squeezing lightly. "Literally just now, new."
Alastor fell silent. He didn't appear to be offended by the protest. "Very well, your Majesty," he conceded. He released Lucifer's hand, bemused by his king's look of mourning at the loss of contact. "We will keep this between ourselves, although I doubt anyone is going to be fooled."
Lucifer decided if they were really going to start dating or whatever they were doing, they were going to nip that in the bud. Hands on his hips, he pointed out, "Well, they certainly might if you keep calling me that."
Alastor's eyes narrowed. "I beg your pardon?"
"You know... 'your majesty' and 'sire.'" Lucifer waved a hand in the space between them. "You can call me by my name. I know you know it." He smirked up at the sinner, regaining some of his confidence now that he was back on firmer ground and understood the situation better. "You said it not even ten minutes ago."
"Hm, Lu-ci-fer," Alastor said, drawing out the word as if he were tasting it. Trying out how he liked it. He pulled face. "I'll think about it."
"Ugh, why do you have to be so difficult?" Lucifer grumbled, half heartedly. He reminded himself that he had more or less done this to himself. He had accepted this idiot into his life with each inch of allowance he'd given and had now agreed to become romantically entangled with him on top of everything else.
"Ha!" Alastor opened his door. He held out his cane in front of him, indicating that Lucifer should go first. "We both know if I were agreeable all the time I would be boring." When the blonde cleared the door way, the redhead joined him in the hallway and shut the door behind himself. "And then where would we be?"
Boring was the last thing that came to mind if Lucifer were to describe Alastor. Alastor and boring were so utterly and completely not on speaking terms, they weren't even speaking the same language. He let the sinner set an easy pace as they made their way down the hallway to the main staircase. "Maybe." He was tempted to elbow the sinner, but just because he had been allowed some liberties, he wasn't certain how much (if anything) had changed on account of the change in their relationship status. He put it on a to-do list of things to discuss the next time they were alone. "But it would be nice if you were at least agreeable sometimes."
He wasn't actually expecting any sort of agreement on that part.
Sure enough. "It's too early in our relationship for me to start agreeing with everything you say, darling," Alastor snarked back without missing a beat. The ends of his lips quirked into something closer to a smirk.
Lucifer felt a shiver run up his spine at the pet name. No one had called him that in... well, he didn't even remember the last time Lilith had called him that. Called him anything other than his name, really. He had forgotten how nice something as simple as an endearment was.
Alastor's smile edged a little closer to a smirk until it was almost more smirk than smile at his reaction. Lucifer had the sudden foreboding feeling that the redhead was going to milk that new discovery for all it was worth.
He wasn't terribly worried about it.
As they made their way down the staircase, walking side by side, not touching, but standing a little closer to each other than, Lucifer felt like things might actually be turning around for the better. He was getting to repair his relationship with his daughter. He had a brand new romantic relationship to explore, something he hadn't had the chance to do in some ten thousand years. He was still having depression spells and there might be some backlash from Alastor's and Vox's ongoing sniping at each other, but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle.
He stared at Alastor out of the corner of his eye, an almost giddy feeling taking root in his heart as it started to really sink in that someone actually wanted him. Wanted to be with him.
He didn't have a clue what the sinner was thinking, nor was he absolutely convinced of Alastor's motives. He still had whatever his second favor was. However, mysterious motives and taciturn attitude aside, Alastor wasn't half bad as a catch, if he did say so himself. If Alastor was being honest about this, he thought they maybe actually had a shot at this.
Yes, Lucifer thought to himself, a slight skip in his step. Yes, he quite thought things were indeed looking up.
For a brief moment, he forgot that the universe hated him, always on the look out for when his life might be headed in a happier direction. That the universe had it out for him.
And it was more than happy to remind him of this fact.
Part 19
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sinvilles · 3 months
Gathering my thoughts: Danielle Stopframe analysis
also like. I'm not concerned with whether any character in the series was "redeemed" or not. the show was cut in half, and so was every character arc. hence we end up with a show that got cancelled when all the main characters were at their lowest point of development in the narrative, and all the surrounding characters getting half developed to a point of mild satisfaction.
Danielle seems to get the least amount of interest when it comes to what makes him tick. He's a favorite of mine because of all the characters in Moralton, he's one of the few who is very unashamed of who he is and wears it on his sleeve. And I like that his weird presence is built up from the very start of the series. He's over the assumptions of others, and chooses to be himself, which in a show where the major theme is repression juxtaposes him as a foil to the rest of the town.
I wanted to make a mental inventory of this character, starting with some of his personality traits:
The Coach
Danielle is a body builder, and athletic coach to both adults and children. He's coached tennis, track, plays golf, figure skates- he understands discipline, long-term goal setting and is patient enough to work with others to achieve what they're trying to get. Being good with kids has nothing to do with it- its all about being consistent and doing it every day. He seems to approach everything like this- more of that obsession quality. Though he's not beyond trying to perform witchcraft to speed thing up a bit when he gets impatient.
He doubles as your typical gym bunny gay man. Self eroticized, willing to do anything to achieve that romanticized ideal. This brings us to the next bit.
Narcissistic qualities (classic + clinical)
Stopframe is obsessed with appearances. Good appearances means discipline to him, which might be what attracted him to Clay in the first place. But its all very surface level of course. When he sees people without discipline- like the hedonistic satanists, many of whom were overweight- their indulgence, both sexual and gluttonous, turned him off so hard he called it a night and went home. Which is funny coming from the guy with a piss kink.
"Sorry Clay, its just not worth it."
It echoes back later, when he throws out Clay's picture the moment he calls him up for a nightcap at midday. It seems he was either unaware of the extent of Clay's alcoholism or that it had never been that bad up until that point. I think the latter is more likely, since Clay's drinking isn't as pathological throughout the series until we get to Nature. Also suggests to me that Clay, while already having drinking problems prior, started drinking more after he met Danielle. We do see Stopframe say he's "better when he drinks" at least once, and Clay can only really go out and see him at Forghetty's. But this is a tangent for a Clay alcoholism analysis.
He cares very little for his family- Shapey is little more than a long distance trophy to him. I guess. I think. Shapey hugged him that time so I wonder if he ever gives him presents or comes to his birthdays (he was at Orel's). He only spends time with Joe when he's foisted upon him, otherwise ignoring him. He assumes he isn't any good with children, I think because he dislikes Joe's attitude.
A big reason I think his development is unfinished- and this is under the lens of character arcs as want vs need, where getting something they needed makes the character whole- is that we don't see him own up to the fact that he's as flawed as anybody else. He admits he has a problem, but he didn't find the root of it- namely that real love involves accepting the flaws of others and choosing to be there for them anyway. He didn't even own up to disrupting the Puppington home, which he had done intentionally and calculatingly for years. All interesting paths for his character.
Person Addiction
Danielle, much like Clay, has an addiction. It's a lesser known thing called Limerence, or "Person Addiction". Not everyone is aware it's even a thing- some people go through it once in their life, some people cycle through it over and over. There are people who mistake it for love. Scott Adsit once mentioned in a promo that Stopframe is "obsessed with Clay because he hasn't slept with him"- it's one way to describe it, specifically the way a lot of men tend to experience it. Having been through it once I can say with full clarity that it makes you feel temporarily insane and can mirror both anxious attachment and OCD. Realistically, it only feels much creepier than it actually is, because very few who go through it in real life ever want to indulge it the way Stopframe does- pictures everywhere, seducing the guy's wife, fathering a child with her just to insert his DNA into their family, so that Clay raises HIS son alongside his own... absolutely cuckoo bird. Even the part where he says Bloberta is only sexy by her association to Clay- that is the logic that person addiction runs on. Because Clay is literally a hit to him, he gets an oxytocin high from being near him or thinking about him. When he's away from Clay he goes through a withdrawal, sitting alone in the shower and holding himself. Clay is his worst habit.
So, walk with me… his plan to sleep with Clay involves sleeping with his wife first. Because if she commits infidelity, what's to stop Clay from doing it? and then he just has to wait years for the ball to drop and for Clay to eventually walk out. He has no problem fixating on this for almost a decade, but actively puts off ever interacting with Clay until the first episode of the series- even then its just to watch him piss on the wall, and then walk away. He avoids knowing Clay, because I think for a long time he's afraid of ruining the idea he has of him in his head- the idealized Clay that doesn't exist, the built up image. This is not to say that Limerence doesn't happen if you know the person well (its worse somehow), but he's able to easily quit him the moment that Orel tells him what Clay is really like.
It's not easy being queer in a place like Moralton. For one, the gay dating pool must be tiny since so many would be in the closet, or move out altogether. The culture is so 50s adjacent he might have to limit himself to cruising public bathrooms or exchanging letters long distance- its no wonder he fixated on Clay. Something about it might feel "safe" to him, compared to actively getting to know somebody. I don't think he has a problem getting laid so much as a problem connecting to others, which was why it was so sweet to see him make an effort to have a fun day with Orel in the finale.
I might be in the minority on this but I don't think Stopframe is related to Bendy. If the Secondopinionsons wanted to keep Joe's mother a secret they needed to fully cut ties with anyone in her family- and she was a child at the time, so some hush money was definitely involved, maybe enough to send her to nursing school. For Stopframe to be babysitting Joe, he'd have to be in the immediate family of his father- the fact that he has a different name is of interest to me, and the fact that he's so much younger than Dr. Secondopinionson. He could very well have been a bastard child who either changed his name later or was raised primarily by and named after an unwed mother- perpetuating the cycle with Shapey so to speak.
The Romantic Agnostic
He's a big fan of Gothic Erotica, and vampires. Big on fantasizing. Open to trying anything. He is wishy washy on the topic of religion, switching from worshipping God to Satan on a whim. Makes sense, if God loves all his children, but hates homosexuality, and Satan hates all humanity, and loves homosexuality- you've got a 50% chance of pleasing either. I think he probably loves Halloween.
andddd thats all I got
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joeshiestyslover · 2 years
christmas (baby please come home)
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pairing: joe burrow x reader
summary: on the way home from the patriots game, joe and the team have flight troubles and might not make it home in time for christmas
warnings: language, a little bit of suggestive content
a/n: i wanted to get a christmas fic out before the new year so here you go.
joe was so excited to be finally heading home from the patriots game. after the near loss, joe was on the plane and going home to his favorite person, you. joe smiles to himself as he thinks about you most likely being in the kitchen making a large amount of desserts for just you two.
and he was right. you are currently in the kitchen of yours’ and joe’s shared home frosting sugar cookies while singing along to your christmas playlist. you couldn’t count the amount of time you’ve been in your kitchen even if you tried. like joe, you were excited for him to come home from the game. you opted to stay home so you would be able to get everything ready for tomorrow.
on the plane, the pilot announces that there are troubles with the plane’s engine and they need to make an emergency landing. “fuck.” joe says. if he isn’t able to make it home to you for christmas, he will lose it. once they land, joe asks the pilots when they can get a flight. “i don’t know, son.” one of the pilots says. “it could be in a few hours, or it could be tomorrow. i’m sorry.” the other one tells joe.
joe runs a hand through his hair, and ja’marr notices his stressed out state. “you good joe?” ja’marr asks him. “what am i gonna tell y/n? we’ve both been looking forward to this for so long, and i have no idea how to break it to her that i might not be home for christmas.” joe tells him worriedly. “just call her and tell her man. i know y/n too, and i’m sure she’ll understand.” ja’marr reassures. “yeah you’re right ja’marr, thanks.” “no problem joe, and tell y/n i said hello.” joe just nods and pulls out his phone to call you.
as you’re adding the finishing touches to the cookies, your phone rings. you wipe off your hands and pick it up, smiling when you notice it’s joe calling. “hi joey.” you say. “hey y/n.” you immediately notice something’s up with him because he almost never calls you y/n. “what’s wrong?” you ask him becoming slightly worried. “listen i’m so sorry but the plane had engine troubles, so we had to make an emergency landing. we don’t know when we’ll be able to get a flight back to cincinnati, so i might not make it back in time for christmas. i’m so sorry honey.” you want to cry, but you don’t, knowing it’s not joe’s fault. you take a deep breath and reply, “it’s okay joe, it’s not your fault. just be safe and i’ll see you soon, okay?” “yeah okay. thank you for understanding baby. i love you so much.” “i love you too joey.” he hangs up the phone and you look down at your beautifully frosted cookies. you now have a sour feeling in your stomach because he might not be able to even eat them anymore. he might make it back in time, you think. there’s still a chance.
you continue finishing up the cookies, and as you are doing so, your favorite christmas song starts to play.
(christmas) the snow’s coming down
(christmas) i’m watching it fall
(christmas) lots of people around
(christmas) baby, please come home
you chuckle a little bit, thinking about how this song fits perfectly with your current situation with joe. you start to sing along softly as you finish the cookies and start to clean up.
they’re singing deck the halls
but it’s not like christmas at all
‘cause i remember when you were here
and all the fun we had last year (christmas)
once you’re done cleaning up the kitchen, you remember you still have to wrap joe’s presents. you walk into your closet and grab his presents that are hidden away under your clothes and shoes. you set everything on your coffee table and get to work.
after wrapping joe’s first present, you look up at your christmas tree, remembering when joe helped you decorate it and even lifted you up so you could put the star on top.
pretty lights on the tree (christmas)
i’m watching them shine (christmas)
you should be here with me (christmas)
baby, please come home
before you can stop it, you feel a tear roll down your cheek. you quickly wipe it away and shake your head. “there’s still a chance that he’ll be here in time.” you say to yourself. you begin to wrap joe’s next present, a pair of spongebob shoes you had custom designed for him. your brain quickly goes into overdrive as you’re wrapping, and you’re able to forget about joe for a little bit.
you don’t know how long it took, but you were finally done wrapping presents. you put the tags on all of them and set them under the christmas tree.
you quickly clean up your makeshift wrapping station and sit back down on the couch. you order food from uber eats and turn on national lampoon’s christmas vacation, your favorite christmas movie. you can’t help but think about how joe should be sitting next to you, laughing with you.
you had hope a little while after he first called, but now all your hope has completely dissipated. but you can always celebrate the day after right? it wouldn’t be the same, you think. all you want is to spend the perfect christmas with your perfect boyfriend eating a much larger amount of food than either of you should be eating.
your food arrives, so you pause your movie and head to the front door to meet the delivery driver. you open the door, but when you open it you’re greeted with a “merry christmas eve baby.” you immediately freeze. “joe? i thought you weren’t gonna be able to make it.” you tell him unable to contain your smile. “well, i was able to catch a flight a couple hours ago, but i decided not to tell you so i could surprise you. as i was pulling up i noticed the delivery guy walking up to the door, so i paid him to give me the food.” he says proudly as he holds your dinner out to you. you laugh and take the food out of his hands. you set it down and immediately jump into his arms.
“i’m so happy you’re home. i didn’t wanna celebrate christmas without you.” you tell him on the verge of tears. “me neither honey. but i’m here now, so we can celebrate christmas the right way.” he pulls back and looks at you with such love and adoration. you both lean into each other and share a sweet kiss. as you pull away, you lead him into the house and grab your food. when you bend down you feel joe give your ass a quick slap. you stand back up and give him a look. “what?” he asks. “i haven’t seen you since yesterday and i missed you.” he says defensively. “did you miss me or my ass?” you ask sarcastically. “both?” he replies jokingly. you just smile at him and grab his hand so you can sit on the couch together. “what are we watching?” “christmas vacation.” you tell him. “yes!” he whispers.
yeah, this christmas is gonna be perfect.
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