#it means nothing to him and everything to me and i feel everything and i have to live with that
parkerslatte · 2 days
Right Where He Belongs
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: mentions of a difficult pregnancy. mentions of death.
Summary: Y/N and Azriel were in love, and they still were even when Azriel was bound to Velaris for fifty years. When he goes to visit Y/N after so many years, he runs into a male who looks an awful lot like him.
Requested: yes. based off this request.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
“I need to get home,” Azriel muttered, pressing kisses down the side of Y/N’s neck. 
Y/N giggled. “You said that nearly an hour ago.”
“I know,” Azriel groaned, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. 
Y/N smiled and gently pulled Azriel’s head away so she could look him in the eyes. “My love, I will see you in a few days. Surely you cannot miss me too much.”
Azriel gently cupped Y/N’s face. “I miss you whenever I’m apart from you.”
Y/N kissed Azriel on the tip of his nose. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Azriel said before surging forward to connect their lips. 
Almost instantly, Y/N melted. She always did whenever Azriel kissed her. Every thought seemed to fade from her head until she was only consumed by Azriel. Her fingers threaded into his soft hair, gently scratching at his scalp. Azriel hummed in delight. 
Reluctantly, Y/N pulled away. “As much as I am enjoying my time with you, I do need to get to work soon. And so do you.”
Y/N pulled her body from Azriel’s and threw the sheets from her bare body and stepped into the cool air. From the bed Azriel watched her, nothing but pure love in his hazel eyes. He propped himself up on his elbows and shuffled up the bed until he could rest comfortably against the headboard, his wings slumped comfortably. 
Feeling eyes upon her, Y/N turned around to face Azriel. “What?” she asked, failing to keep a smile from her face. 
“Nothing,” Azriel shrugged. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “No, you were clearly thinking of something.”
Azriel shrugged once more. “All I was thinking is that you are beautiful. It’s nothing you don’t know already.”
“Stop trying to coax me back into bed, Az,” Y/N said and picked up Azriel’s clothes from where they were laying on the floor. 
Azriel caught them before shuffling out of the bed himself. While Y/N changed into her clothes quickly, Azriel changed slowly delaying his return back to Velaris. Once Azriel was fully dressed, he sat down on the edge of the bed and simply watched as Y/N styled her hair in the mirror. 
Y/N could see him looking at her in the mirror and she couldn’t help but smile. “I can feel you staring.”
“I’ve already told you, it’s because you are beautiful,” Azriel answered. 
“You’ve already said that,” Y/N said, turning around with her hands on her hips. 
“I’m only stating the truth,” Azriel replied. 
Y/N walked over to him and as soon as she was in touching distance, Azriel wrapped his arms around her as she settled on his lap. 
“I need to go,” Azriel said miserably. 
“I know,” Y/N said, brushing a strand of hair away. “But you will see me in a few days.”
Azriel huffed. “But that is too long. Why can’t you come to Velaris with me?”
“I still work for Thesean, Azriel,” Y/N said. “Just because I have been given more freedom over the past few months does not mean I can skip out on my duties when it calls for it.”
Y/N stood from Azriel’s lap and pulled him up with her. “Now as much as I hate to kick you out, I do have to get to work soon.”
Azriel sighed. “So do I.”
Y/N dragged Azriel to the door of her apartment. “I know that if I don’t push you out, you will not leave.”
Azriel chuckled. “You know me too well.”
“Better than I know myself,” Y/N replied and opened the front door. “I will see you in a few days, Azriel. 
The shadowsinger stepped through the threshold. “No kiss?”
Y/N huffed out a laugh and pulled Azriel close for a kiss. Everything within her told her to pull him back inside and take him to bed and never let him leave. But she didn’t do that. The moment her lips pressed against Azriel’s, Y/N was pulling away once more. “I will see you in a few days, my love,” Y/N said, slowly closing the door. 
“I love you too,” Azriel said, a playful smile on his lips. 
Y/N blew him a quick kiss and closed the door in Azriel’s face. Though she felt a wave of regret washing over her as she stepped away. Y/N quickly shrugged it off and went back to the mirror to sort her hair out. A few days. She would see Azriel in a few days. 
If only Y/N knew how wrong she was, she would have let Azriel remain in bed with her just a little longer.
50 Years Later
The moment after Azriel reunited with Rhys, he immediately winnowed to the Dawn Court. For fifty years he had yearned for Isla. There had been no way to contact her or send word, he was bound in Velaris with no way of communicating. That last time he had seen her, she had pushed him out of the door. Azriel wished he refrained only a little longer. He wished he would have coaxed her back into bed. Perhaps he would have spent these past fifty years wrapped in her embrace instead of sleeping in a cold bed, devoid of her warmth and scent. 
As soon as Azriel appeared in the Dawn Court he walked the route he remembered like the back of his hand. He would never forget it. Despite Y/N spending more time in the Night Court than Azriel did in Dawn, he still memorised every route possible to her apartment. An apartment he wasn’t even sure if she still lived in anymore. 
In the distance, Azriel could see the familiar building. He smiled to himself and quickened his pace. Azriel’s eyes were fixed on the building in the distance so he didn’t notice the figure stepping out in front of him until it was too late. Azriel stumbled back and maintained his balance but the figure was not so lucky. 
Azriel’s hand shot out to catch them but the attempt was futile as they went tumbling to the floor. 
“Watch where you’re walking,” the figure spoke, obviously annoyed. 
Azriel scoffed. “I should be telling you the same thing.”
The figure slowly stood to their feet and Azriel took the opportunity to look at them. The moment he did he felt his heart stop. 
It was as if Azriel was looking into a mirror. The male had the same hair as him, although styled differently. His eyes were the same shade of hazel as Azriel’s were, even the male’s dark lashes were the same. What Azriel picked up on most was the large illyrian wings tucked into the male’s back. Azriel’s mouth opened and closed. The male standing before him was related to him, there was no doubt about that. 
As Azriel’s eyes surveyed the male again, he noticed something familiar– very familiar. The male’s mouth didn’t match up with his at all. It was the perfect replica of the love of his life, even down to the slight scowl upon it. 
Azriel’s hands shook as the realisation dawned upon him. The male standing before him was related to him. And he was definitely his son. 
“I need to go…” Azriel mumbled before speeding off in the opposite direction of Y/N’s apartment. 
His heart beat so fast as his vision blurred. Azriel had a son. Not just a son. A son who was grown up. A son who had grown up without Azriel. 
There was an area surrounded by trees where Azriel hid himself from any onlookers. As soon as he was out of sight of everyone, he finally allowed the tears to fall. He had a son. Azriel had a child. Not being able to support his weight anymore, Azriel slumped onto the grass. 
Many thoughts swum through Azriel’s head. All of them of Y/N. She must have been pregnant before he was bound to Velaris. She must have sent so many letters that he wouldn’t have received. She must have thought he found out and left. More tears sprung to Azriel’s eyes. 
For fifty years, all Azriel had dreamed of was the day he would one day get to hold Y/N in his arms once again. Feel her touch. Hear her voice. Now, perhaps, he never would. If she thought he left her to have a child on her own. Let her go through birthing him alone–
Azriel suddenly stilled as dread filled his body. He had wings. His son had wings. Isla’s body was not fit to carry an Illyrian child. There was a possibility that she was not alive at all. 
A scream of anguish left Azriel as the realisation dawned upon him. All those hopes and dreams about reuniting with Y/N. Asking her to marry him. All of those hopes and dreams were shattered in an instant.
Azriel let his wings slump to the floor, not having the energy to lift them up. He clawed at his chest feeling his heart shatter as the thought that the love of his life may not possibly be alive. 
“Azriel?” A familiar voice spoke softly. 
Azriel’s head snapped up from where he was staring at the grass to look at the source of the voice. His tears blurred his vision but he shakily rose to his feet. 
“Y/N?” Azriel whispered. 
He blinked the tears away and Isla’s beautiful face came into focus. Wasting no time, Azriel rushed forward, as did Y/N. As soon as their bodies collided Azriel wrapped his arms around her as they sank down to the floor. 
“You’re really here,” Y/N whispered, emotion clouding her voice. 
“I’m here,” Azriel replied, his fingers threading in her hair as he cradled her head against him. “I’m here.”
“I sent so many letters,” Y/N cried. 
“I didn’t receive any,” Azriel explained. “I couldn’t receive any.”
“I missed you so much,” Y/N mumbled. “I never should have sent you out that day. We should have never left that bed. It’s my fault.”
“Hey, nothing was your fault,” Azriel said softly. “There was nothing we could do.”
Y/N continued to cry into Azriel’s shoulder as they held one another. Her scent was the same and it felt as if Azriel had never been apart from her. Holding her felt just like that last day they spent together. 
As her cries subsided, Y/N pulled away from Azriel to look at him. “There is so much I need to tell you.”
“I believe I already met one of the things we need to talk about,” Azriel said, taking Y/N’s hands in his and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. 
Despite the tears, Y/N let out a breathy chuckle. “He came to me acting like he had seen a ghost.”
Azriel’s eyes stung as he thought about the male he had met not even ten minutes ago. “What is his name?”
“Forrest,” Y/N replied. “His name is Forrest.”
Azriel nodded and looked down at their joined hands. “He’s grown up.”
Y/N nodded sadly. “I found out I was pregnant only the day after I kicked you out. It was too early to pick up on a shift in scent but I just knew.”
“That was the day I was bound to Velaris,” Azriel said sadly. 
“It was, I tried all I could to contact you but it was impossible,” Y/N said. “At first I thought you had received the letters and left me.”
“I would never do that in a million years,” Azriel said. “Isla, please believe me when I say that if I had found a way to come to you, I would have.”
Y/N cupped Azriel’s cheeks, wiping away the fallen tears. “I know you would have. After not receiving a response from you, I tried to contact Mor, then Cassian and finally Amren. When I did not get a reply from anyone, I knew that there was something stopping you.”
“When I saw Forrest, and saw his wings,” Azriel began, fighting back the tears, “I thought something could have happened to you. Your body is not built to carry a child with wings.”
Y/N trailed her hand from Azriel’s face to link her fingers with hers. The feeling of holding Isla’s hand again sent shivers down Azriel’s spine. 
“I won’t lie to you and say the pregnancy was easy because it wasn’t. I was so scared the entire time,” Y/N explained. “But despite how frightened I was, I live in the Dawn Court, a place with the best healers Prythian has ever seen. The recovery was tough and painful but it was worth it in the end just to hold Forrest in my arms, a beautiful boy who looked just like you.”
Through his tears, Azriel smiled, thinking back to the boy he had run into. A life he helped create. 
“And Forrest,” Azriel said, “was he okay after he was born.”
Y/N sighed. “His wings were damaged during his birth, the healers did all they could for him. A lot of visits to multiple healers. He can fly but only very short distances or it hurts him. Forrest always tells me it is not a big deal but every single time he flies he is always in an extreme amount of pain after.” Y/N chuckled. “But he has your stubbornness. No matter how many times I tell him to take breaks and work on the programme his main healer had put him on, he still decides to go out on long flights. He says it makes him feel closer to his dad.”
“What?” Azriel said in disbelief. 
“Did you really think I haven’t told Forrest anything about you for the past fifty years?” Y/N said, squeezing Azriel’s hands. “Even though he had never met you personally, he loves you. Admires you. He has only just begun asking recently, but he has wanted to meet you for so long. I never told him the full truth, mainly because I didn’t know the full truth and because I know that if I did, he would try anything to get to you. He has your determination too. He is your son through and through, Azriel.”
Azriel looked down at his hand linked with Y/N’s. “I have missed so much of his life. How can I ever be a good father to him? I don’t know a single thing about being a father.”
“And you think I know anything about being a mother?” Y/N replied, a smile pulling at her lips. “I have been one for fifty years and I am sure I am still figuring out things as I go.”
“Will he want to meet me?” Azriel asked.
“He would want nothing more,” Y/N said. “But can I be selfish for a moment, I am sure Forrest will understand.”
Azriel nodded, pulling Y/N closer to him.
“I just want to be with you for a few moments longer,” Y/N said. “It has been so long since you have held me in your arms.”
Azriel smiled at Y/N. “I love you so much.”
The smile that lit up Y/N’s face was the one that haunted Azriel’s dreams and nightmares. But she was real, Y/N was real and Azriel held her tightly to him, afraid that he would wake up in his cold bed. 
“It has been a long time since you have told me that.”
Y/N surged forward once and pressed her lips against Azriel’s. Azriel simply melted into her, knowing that it was real. Y/N was real and he was never letting her go again. 
“Forrest,” Y/N said, pushing open the door to her apartment. “I have someone with me you have been wanting to meet.”
Azriel stepped in the room behind Y/N. The apartment was different, there were different decorations and furniture but it was still all familiar to Azriel. He noticed the small gifts he had given her over the course of their relationship in obvious spots around the room. Azriel smiled. 
As Azriel stepped further into Y/N’s apartment his eyes fell upon his son standing still in the centre of the room. 
“Forrest. This is your father, Azriel,” Y/N said. 
Azriel took a deep breath and took a step forward. “I bumped into you just outside,” Azriel said somewhat awkwardly. “I am sorry about that.”
Forrest didn’t respond as he took a few steps closer to Azriel. From this distance, Azriel could see clearly just how much Forrest looked like him but Azriel could also notice all of Y/N’s features in his appearance, all of the features he loved so much. 
“It is good to finally meet you,” Azriel said, feeling far too formal. 
Forrest still didn’t respond as he took a final step closer to Azriel, his face not giving away any emotion. Azriel noticed that Forrest wasn’t too much shorter than Azriel himself but the shadowsinger couldn’t help but feel intimidated under his son’s stare. 
“I thought that maybe, you and I could–”
Azriel was cut off by Forrest hugging Azriel tightly. Azriel’s body remained rigid until he could feel Forrest’s body begin to shake as he cried. Almost instantly, Azriel’s arms wrapped around Forrest as he tried to calm his son. 
“It’s good to meet you, dad,” Forrest mumbled. 
Azriel’s grip only tightened on Forrest as he felt his own tears well in his eyes. He was holding onto his son and the love of his life was standing just behind him. Despite his tears, Azriel smiled. He was right where he needed to be.
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fallingformatt · 3 days
Matt x fem!reader
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summary: while walking to the bar with your best friend you accidentally bump into Matt, then later you unexpectedly bump into him again, leading the two of you to do unholy things.
warnings: FILTHY ASS SMUTTT!!! unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, overstimulation, slight degradation, slight praising.
word count: 2.9k
a/n: Thank all of you so much for the love on the last post, as I started writing literally so recently it means a lot to me. Also these scenarios keep popping up in my head and I write them down immediately and just work on them till I’m finished, so yea Im posting three days in a row. THIS IS SO GOOD DOE, not proofread.
"But I have nothing to wear," I whine as I plop down on my best friend's bed. She really wanted us to go out to this cute bar she found on TikTok.
"Wait, I have something in my closet perfect for you," she said excitedly, pulling out a black mini dress. "It's just a black mini dress, what so special about it?" I ask with a confused look plastered on my face. "It's not the dress that's perfect," she says as she starts to dig around her closet again. "It's what you're going to wear with it," she exclaims.
"Found it," she says and excitement can be heard in her voice. She pulls out a box that has 'GUCCI' written on it. She pulls off the lid and there are a pair of tights in there. "Oh those are really pretty," I say as she opens the packaging for the first time. "That's not the end of it," she says swiftly turning around as she gets on her tippy toes to reach the highest shelf of her closet.
She manages to reach and pull out this little, red shoulder bag that screams money. "See it's not always about what you're wearing, sometimes it's about how you accessorize," she says happily clapping her hands together.
We both do our makeup and our hair while listening to music, chitchatting, and drinking some wine. As I finish my makeup and hair I get up to put on the outfit my best friend picked out for me. "Be careful with the tights, don't ruin them," she turns her head and says. "Don't worry, I won't, thank you for the cute outfit," I answer. "Glad to get you out of the house," she says as she also stands up finished with her makeup, and takes her clothes to change into.
We both step out of the house, ready to go to the bar, enjoy a few drinks, and maybe take some cute pictures for Instagram.
The city is lively, people walking down the streets, the sun almost gone, as the streets get darker. A bit tipsy from the wine we had, we walked, headed to the bar as it's not far from her place, our elbows intertwined as we continue to talk about everything that comes to our minds occasionally letting out a small laugh when one of us tells a joke.
My head is turned to my friend as she's retelling the story about her most stupid hookup, and I can't stop laughing. One moment I'm laughing about my friend's story and the next I feel myself trip over a pebble as I lose my balance. My body doesn't meet the ground, instead, it meets someone's chest. I quickly lean back to stand on my own feet again. I look up and my eyes meet the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. I look at him as I study his features, the fluffy hair, the silver earrings, his light stubble, and finally my eyes meet his, his icy blue eyes I could drown in.
I snap back to reality as I hear his voice "You okay there?" he says, his voice just as attractive as his looks. "Yeah sorry," I say as my friend pulls me to her. "Come on let's go," she says still holding onto my elbow and we walk past this beautiful stranger. As we're walking, I turn my head back to look at him and our eyes meet for the last time as we walk further away from each other, both walking in opposite directions.
We get to the bar and order some drinks, we sit down and look around. The bar really is cute, the ceiling is covered in flowers giving the place a fairytale vibe. I look to my side and notice this huge mirror that's covered in pink bows. "We have to take a picture there," I say as my eyes light up.
We're now 3 drinks into the evening and the guy from earlier crosses my mind. His face, his voice, his eyes. I could imagine him in between my legs as he eats me out giving me pleasure out of this world.
"Hello, are you listening to me?" my friend asks as she waves her hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality and look at her. "Did you hear anything I just said?" She asks. "You cockblocked me," I say furrowing my brows. "What do you mean?" She asks confused. "The guy I bumped into, he was totally into me," I say confidently. "Oh come on, that interaction lasted 2 seconds," she said laughing. "It was enough to make me understand that I need to be dicked down tonight," I answer. "Do you want to go to the club?" She asks. I nod my head happily. We finish our drinks and head out.
We walked around 5 minutes before we were in front of the club's door. Loud music can be heard as we walk in, lights shooting and changing color as we walk deeper into the club. My friend takes my hand as she pulls me into the dance floor. "This is my song," she exclaims as we both start dancing.
Feeling the light buzz the alcohol gave me, I close my eyes and move my hips to the rhythm of the song. I put up my hands as I get lost in the song dancing my heart out.
When the song finishes and I open my eyes, my best friend is nowhere to be seen. I try to move past all the people on the dance floor in an attempt to look for her.
As I walk towards the bar, I feel my ass brush against someone trying to get past the crowd. I turn around and look up. My eyes widen, not believing who I'm looking at.
It's the guy from earlier, the one who broke my trip and didn't let me fall to the ground. His eyes meet mine as a lustful smile appears on my lips.
"You really like to touch me don't you," the pretty boy says. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, what do people usually do at the club?" He answers my question with a rhetorical question.
"Thanks for not letting me fall earlier," I say as I brush his chest over the place I bumped into. "You have to be more careful, watch where you're stepping, it could've been a stinky homeless guy, instead of me that you bumped into, I'm Matt by the way," he says, his charming voice making my knees weak.
"You wanna go dance?" I ask him, and without hesitation, he takes my hand and pulls me into the crowd at the dance floor.
We dance in sync as Matt's hands are placed on my hips guiding them side to side as my ass is brushing against his jeans, my one hand bent backward wrapped around the nape of his head.
I feel myself getting wet as I feel his hands starting to roam around my body, touching me in all the right places. I begin to grind my ass against his crotch feeling his dick getting hard as he lets out a hot breath in my ear.
Now one of his hands has traveled to my inner thigh as the other one keeps resting on my hip slowly guiding it up and down his hard, clothed cock. He sneaks his hand under my short dress, moving closer to my heat. His thumb starts to move in circles on my clit as his ring and middle finger move up and down over my clothed folds. I let out a moan as the pleasurable sensation entered my body. I throw back my head resting it on Matt's shoulder.
I feel Matt's hand suddenly stop, as he spins me around. "Follow me," he says when he leaned in closer to my ear so I'd be able to hear him over the loud music. His voice was dark, filled with lust.
Matt took my wrist and quickly led me to the bathrooms, he approached a door with a 'staff only' sign on it. When he pulled the handle I thought it would be locked, but it wasn't. We went in and it was as dim almost as the nightclub itself only a few colored lights giving the bathroom enough light to see where everything was. It was a big one toilet bathroom though, but it's still weird that the staff would have to do their business practically in the dark.
I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Matt closing the door behind him and turning the lock. He looked at me, his icy blue eyes were now dark, filled with hunger. He takes my hand and pulls me close, smashing his lips onto mine and his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. His hands travel around my body stopping at my ass, he grabs hard on it.
Without breaking the kiss he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I let out a moan feeling the cold buckle of his belt against my heat. He walks over to the counter where the sink is located and sits me down.
He breaks the kiss and looks me in my eyes, slowly kneeling down. His head is now on one level with my throbbing pussy. "Please," is all I manage to blur out.
I feel his cold fingertips trace along my thigh as he stops at my core, rubbing circles on my clit and I let out a loud moan. With one sharp movement, I hear the tights rip making me feel the cold countertop on my bare skin as the tights now have huge runs in them.
Matt's hands guide my legs on top of his shoulders, he pulls me closer giving him better access to my pussy, making me lean against the mirror that was on the wall behind the counter. I let out a whine as I felt two of his cold fingers moving my thong to the side now giving him full access to my dripping hole.
Matt looks up at me before moving closer, placing a trail of kisses from my thigh to my sensitive bud, causing my fingers to intertwine with his fluffy hair. He sticks out his tongue and starts licking circles around my clit. I roll my eyes to the back of my head. I feel his cold fingers pressing against my pussy, teasing me. "I need you," I manage to whimper under my breath and without any hesitation I feel his fingers push deep inside me, his cold rings pressed outside of my pussy.
I moan out loudly as his tongue and his fingers move in a rhythm giving me unimaginable pleasure. His fingers curled inside of me, places so deep I could never reach them on my own, his other hand holding a tight grip on my thigh. I feel a knot forming in my stomach. "Cl- close," I whimper out not able to say anything else.
His fingers slide out of my pussy and his tongue replaces them. Curling his tongue in my hole, I gasp out of the intense pleasure, Matt's now free hand traveling to my other thigh, holding on to it.
My sloppy moans fill the room as the pleasure is too much for me and I can't find the room to take in a full breath. "I'm about to cum," I moan out. He hums against my pussy, his tongue still in me curling inside of me. His voice sending vibrations through my core is enough for me to reach my climax. I let out a loud moan as I tug on his hair hard, bucking up my hips and rinding out my high.
Matt continues to move his tongue inside of me making my legs shake as the overstimulation rushes over me. My moans turn into loud pants, trying to catch my breath. My legs shake uncontrollably as his movements don't stop and he continues to curl his tongue, moving it in and out of me.
I try to move my legs, but Matt tightens his grip around my thighs, his short nails digging into my skin as I let out a hiss. I feel another orgasm coming, legs still shaking. "Don- pl- don't sto-" I try to speak in between my attempts to get some air in my lungs. I feel my vision getting blurry as I feel tears forming in my eyes from the intense pleasure.
My eyes roll to the back of my head as I feel Matt's thumb drawing circles on my clit. This is enough to send me over the edge and I squeeze Matt's head in between my shaking thighs as I cum for the second time.
I ride out my high and Matt stands up, his lips shining a bright red color. "You taste so sweet, I could eat you out all night," he says before kissing me and pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth.
"Get down," he says and yanks me by my wrists. As my feet meet the floor, I instantly lose balance as I'm not able to hold myself up on my own, still unable to fully breathe. Matt catches me, quickly turning me, my back facing him, and bending me over, pushing me against the counter.
I hear him unbuckling his belt before his pants fall to the ground. I look back at him and see him pulling down his boxers. He pushes my dress up revealing my almost bare ass as the only thing covering it is tights with huge runs and now holes in them.
I feel a sting as Matt slaps my ass making me moan out in pleasure. He pulls my thong to the side and without any warning he grabs my ass lifting it up before pushing his dick deeply inside of me, immediately kissing my g-spot on the first thrust. I let out a loud pornographic moan.
"Shit you feel so good around my cock baby," Matt moans, one of his hands placed on my lower back, the other traveled to my hair, weaving his hand around them to make a ponytail.
As he continues to plant deep, hard thrusts in me, he yanks my hair causing my head to tilt back, he leans in and places a kiss on my lips as his other hand now firmly holds onto my jaw.
"You're such a good girl for me, fuck," Matt growls breaking the contact between our lips, throwing his head back as his mouth falls open, his chest unevenly rising up and down.
Both of our heavy pants and moans are now filling the room. "Ahh fuck princess, you feel so tight, I'm about to cum," Matt moans out. My walls clench around his twitching cock as I also feel my orgasm coming, I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, just a high-pitched whimper.
"Look at you, you're so pathetic, can't even say anything, I have fucked you dumb," he says and I hear how smug his voice is.
Matt thrusts a few more times before I feel my orgasm taking over me, and my legs again begin to shake. "Oh fuck," Matt moans out as he thrusts deeply painting my walls with his cum. He lets go of my hair as he pats my head "You're such a good girl," Matt says.
Matt pulls out his cock and pulls the dress over my ass pulling up his boxers and his jeans. I try to stand up feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the slightest movement. I lose my balance and Matt catches me once again. "Awww, I have really done a number on you, haven't I?" He asks teasingly, I just nod as I don't have the strength to answer.
Matt leads me to sit down on the toilet before he returns to the sink, and wets his hands under the cold, running water. He walks over to me and places one of his wet, cold hands at the nape of my neck and the other one on my cheek to help me come back to my senses.
We stand there like that for a while before he wipes the mascara that had run down my cheeks with his wet thumb while looking down at me giving me a warm smile, leaning down, and pressing a kiss on my forehead.
"How you feeling?" he asks innocently as if he didn't just fuck my brains out. "Better, I think I'm ready to go," I say as I stand up. We head to the door and I lead the way, unlocking the door we go out.
I see my best friend, she notices me too and rushes over, "What happened, where were you, I was searching all over for you!" she exclaims with a worried but angry voice as she looks me up and down. "What did you do to my tights?" Her eyes widen. "I got revenge on you for cockblocking me," I say as I smile. "Oh looks like we've got a brat on our hands," Matt says as he chuckles, leaning in, his hand on my hip, holding me tight, so I don't lose support.
"Bump into me again sometime," Matt says as a small smirk creeps on his lips.
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lilghostiequinni · 2 days
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Pregnant Wife!female reader x dad!Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, Established relationship, pregnancy, talk of birth
Summary: Let's just say when your daughter is coming, Lando isn't the best in this crisis compared to the ones on the track.
Requested: NO / yes
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With the birth of your son less than ten months ago, you were ready for your daughter to be born.
Don't get it wrong, you loved being pregnant because you had an excuse for when you wanted more food or when hormones got too much.
But it doesn't mean you like the over overprotectiveness of your husband, and you could do virtually nothing other than sit there.
Normally, you love your husband's overprotectiveness, especially when other guys don't get the memo and ignore the ring, but you can barely stand to go to the bathroom without him worrying about you moving too much.
You couldn't travel anymore so before you couldn't travel anymore, you moved back to England temporarily to get help from your parents, from Lando's parents and family.
So you could rest while they watched your son.
It was the week of Silverstone when things felt differently, you told Lando, and he had the team update him on everything every few minutes that he was on the track.
So when Race Sunday came along, and you woke up with contractions and had Lando take you to the hospital only an hour before he had to be at the race, which you made him leave to attend and told him to win the race for his daughter.
So, that's what Lando did; he raced, with the pit wall giving him updates on you every ten minutes.
He won that race and did the podium and an hour of media before racing off to the hospital to be with you.
When he arrived, you were asleep, and no baby was in sight.
You woke up to the slight shuffling he made entering the room.
You watched as he looked around the room for your daughter.
"She went for testing about twenty minutes ago. She'll be back soon. And your son will be here with his grandparents around the same time," You tell him quietly as your throat feels so raw.
"Did you name her?" Lando asks as he stands next to your bedside, holding your hand and running his fingers over the top of your head. He kisses your forehead and nose before resting his forehead on yours.
"No, that's is the honor of her father," You told him as you closed your eyes and kissed Lando's lips.
Lando waterly smiles and kisses you again as a nurse comes in holding your daughter.
"Oh, you must be dad," the nurse says as Lando nods and takes the baby from the nurse as she hands his baby over to him. "What would you like to name her?"
"Alaia. Alaia Valeria Norris," Lando doesn't look up from his daughter as he says her name.
You watch on with a smile.
You know Lando panicked the whole way to the hospital that morning and after he left, because he was worried about you, about your daughter, about any complications that might arrive, like that in the delivery of your son.
Another way you are sure is because if you hadn't gotten to the car yourself, you're sure that you would've been forgotten at home until the hospital.
But in the end, it was all worth it. You watched your husband win a race again, and you are watching your little family grow larger with each passing moment.
Every hardship that the two of you had to cross to get here was worth it.
Worth it for the endless love you feel for your growing family.
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A/N: The winner of this poll.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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amirasainz · 22 hours
I admit I read everything with baby Sainz in it.🫢 And as I'm on a Lando bender again. (Loving all things Lando) I was wondering if you could write something with Baby Sainz and Lando about how they got into a fight and the whole grid is there for her and being mean to Lando but like the fight was something really little and silly. (Something like Lando not putting his clothes away)
I hope that makes sense.
Oooppp!!!! That make me so happy to know that people enjoy reading my writing. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as well and let me know if you have any requests. I will do my best to write them ASAP
No Part 2!!!
Trouble in paradise
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There were two things Lando hated dearly: fish and seeing his girlfriend cry. The first one is pretty self-explanatory. For him, fish tasted horrible and looked disgusting. It had a weird consistency and smelled—oh god, don’t get him started on the smell. The second thing, seeing his girlfriend cry, was because a beautiful girl like her should never have to feel any sadness. Her pretty eyes should never fill with tears, making the window to her soul more obvious than ever. Her perfect lips should never tremble, and her voice should never crack. Amira was made for being happy and carefree.
However, this morning, Lando managed to do the worst thing ever. He made his girl cry. And why? Because he is the biggest idiot on earth. The only thing she asked him yesterday was if he could start doing the laundry. Like the lovesick fool he is, he was more enamored with her presence than actually listening to her words. When she wanted to wear her favorite shirt today, which was in the laundry, Lando had to admit that he didn’t do anything. Maybe it was the current heat, her jet lag, her hunger, or the frustration that he didn’t do the simple task she asked him to do, but all of it was too much. And Amira tried to be brave, she really did. But she couldn’t help but let her frustration and sadness out through her tears. When Lando saw his girlfriend crying in front of him, he wanted nothing more than to cry himself. What kind of monster is he, making his perfect girlfriend cry because he was a lazy idiot?
The others around them immediately realized something was wrong when the couple arrived this morning in the paddock. Usually, Lando would have his arm around her shoulders, their hands intertwined, kissing her shamelessly in front of everyone and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. But today, they arrived with only their pinkies intertwined. Despite having a huge fight about something so silly this morning, the couple couldn’t stand not touching one another. If their unusual entrance wasn’t a huge sign that something was wrong, it was Amira’s behavior. Instead of wearing bright, vibrant colors, the young woman wore a black jacket with sunglasses on. Her blue shirt was the only speck of color in her outfit. If even THAT wasn’t a sign that something was amiss between them, it was on their way to the motorhomes. Instead of leading Amira proudly into his side of the garage, he brought her to the Ferrari garage. There, one could see Lando hugging Amira, whose shoulders shook. Without another word, Amira left a heartbroken Lando inside. One might have thought that something terrible had happened to his family, instead of him forgetting to do the laundry…
The news spread like wildfire that Amira and Lando had a fight because Lando couldn’t be trusted to do a simple task. The drivers and WAGs were furious when they heard about what happened. Carlos even went as far as keeping his sister inside his driver’s room, making her sleep and eat something. While Carlos was busy taking care of his precious sister, Lando had the worst day of his life. EVER.
It all started when he ran into Carmen and George. The couple were busy staring daggers at him while he was on his way to the media pen. Lando was so distracted by their glares that he didn’t see Lewis. He bumped straight into the 8-time world champion, who wasn’t very keen on seeing the young Brit. “Oh, sorry Lewis. I didn’t mean to bump into you,” Lando apologized. Lewis looked him up and down before muttering, “Seems like you never mean to do something.” Before Lando had a chance to ask what he meant, Lewis turned around and walked away.
A confused Lando continued walking to the media pen. During the conference, he was asked about his outfit ( new Quadrant merch) when Max muttered loud enough for the microphones to pick up: “Must be nice to have clothes you can wear because you can rely on your partner.” The atmosphere in the room became strained in a matter of seconds. The reporter awkwardly tried to move on. Lando wasn’t stupid; he knew what this was. This was his punishment for upsetting the paddock princess.
After a 40-minute-long speech from Lily and Kika about how important giving and taking in a healthy relationship was, Fernando calling him “El mayor idiota que ha existido en la tierra,” Charles letting Leo bite him, Lily and Oscar giving him the biggest side-eye ever throughout the day, Yuki “accidentally” pushing him into a wall, and Pierre starting gossip about him, he finally went to Carlos’s driver’s room.
He gently knocked on the door, wishing it would be his girl opening it. Sadly, today was truly not his day, because he was met with the sight of an angry Carlos. Before Lando had the chance to say anything, Carlos brought him closer. He whispered quietly in Lando’s ear: “If Amira wasn’t so damn much in love with you, you would already be under the earth. I know where you live, I know your password, I know your deepest secrets. If you ever, and I mean ever, in your entire life make my sister cry again, it will be the last thing you’ll ever do. ¿He sido claro?” Carlos only let poor Lando go after he swore to never do something stupid like that again. “Good, now you will go inside, apologize to Amira, and buy her a new freaking Birkin bag. Did I make myself clear?” Carlos sternly asked.
Safe to say that Lando did a lot of groveling that day. It took the drivers and WAGs 5 months, 1 week, 28 days, and 17 hours to stop with the “Lando-fuck-up” jokes. And Amira? She never had to wonder about a thing again; they now had a housemaid, Aurelia, who only adored Amira and not Lando.
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luveline · 1 day
Feeling a bit emotional and would really appreciate something short but sweet with Steve telling reader he's proud of them.
You’ve been through a lot. It’s not nice to hear about all the bad things that have happened to you, how people have been cruel, or how you’ve been alone, but Steve is grateful to get to know these things about you. He feels entrusted with something very important whenever you retell a bad memory; he can keep it, help carry it, take some of the weight from your burdened levy. 
He’s happy to do it, even in the moments where you forget all that stuff. 
“You did,” you insist, face pressed into the couch, a tired hand to his cheek as you stroke your smooth nail up and down his skin. It tickles badly. He never wants you to stop. “Steve, you knocked him on his ass. He had bruises.” 
“I don’t remember,” he lies. He smashed into Dustin so hard during a game of baseball the poor younger boy didn’t wanna play, and Steve was very sorry for the bruise he got to the coccyx afterward. 
“No, you wouldn’t remember. That’s convenient.” You’re just teasing, caressing his face, in a world of your own that Steve gets to be in too when he’s lucky. 
He thinks everything of you —you’re so sweet, so kind. Even now you’re lamenting that Dustin got bad bruises and tapping up to the corner of his eye with your fingertip, gentle, loving. He wonders how someone who’s experienced the hardship that you have would be able to just walk it off, but then he remembers you don’t walk it off. You carry it. You’re carrying it as you speak, and you're smiling at him. 
You’re Steve’s best friend, his great love, all the heartfelt junk. 
“I felt bad,” he says with a little laugh. “Does that make it better? I did feel bad. He hit the floor so hard.”
“Your laugh makes me feel like you don’t have enough remorse.” 
“I’m super remorseful.” 
Your fingertips slide into the hair just atop his ear, and you start the motions of a small scalp massage. 
“You’re–” Steve searches for the right word. Skirts around sincerity, and doubles back when nothing else conveys what he means. “You’re pretty amazing.” 
“And amazingly pretty,” you murmur, tucking hair behind his ear and pulling it out again as you scratch his scalp, a repetitive motion. 
“I don’t tell you enough.” He slips down in his seat to be the same height as you, catching an eyeful of your soft jaw, your lips, every inch of you kissable.  
“That’s not the sort of thing you have to tell me,” you say. 
There’s some awkwardness there. He really should tell you more. “I’m serious. You’re amazing, you’re so kind. Everything that’s happened to you, and you’re unstoppable.” 
He’s aggrandising, a little, to get through it without sounding like a too sincere idiot, but then he notices your expression shift at his tone and decides he can’t do that to you, because he’s not joking. He clears his throat. 
“I didn’t have much to do with it, but I’m proud of you for everything. You’re a good person, and you didn’t have to be.” He holds your elbow to pause your ministrations against his scalp, leaning in to kiss your cheek gently, though he stays there, and his nose draws a line down to your lips.
You breathe in without saying anything. 
“…You’re proud of me?” you ask under your breath. 
Maybe it’s weird, but he is. “I just think you could’ve turned into, like, a huge dick. But you’re you.” He puts all the weight on it. “You’re amazing.” 
Your hand falls to his arm. “You think so?” 
“Of course I do.” He steals a soft kiss before he puts his cheek beside yours, expecting your hug before you give it. 
You wrap him up like a pretzel. “Why are you saying this to me?” you ask worriedly. 
“I just want you to know. I’m always proud of you, and I don’t know if I ever said it out loud. I think it’s– it’s hard to get hurt so much and get up again, but you do.” 
“I guess you’d know about that,” you say, curling into him. Your hug is without stress nor worry, just a want to be close to him, your voice laden with warmth. “We keep getting beat up. Maybe that’s why we’re good together.” 
“And another hundred different reasons,” he says pointedly. 
“Thousand reasons,” you correct yourself. “Thanks for thinking about me, baby.” 
With the way you say baby, Steve will be thinking of you for the rest of his life. “Can I rub your back?” he asks. It’s your turn for some affection. 
“Oh, no, please don’t rub my back, you know I hate that,” you say, sarcastic mumbling as you stretch against his chest. 
Steve hooks you against him. “I know. I’m the worst.” 
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a business proposal, p. 7
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» series masterlist - ⟡⋆˙
» contents - ⟡⋆˙ fluff, slight angst, au, satoru gojo x f!reader, ceo!gojo, mentions of drinking and alcohol, reader being drunk and hungover, mentions of violence (nothing too explicit), reader going through some shit, gojo being a bit petty
» word count - ⟡⋆˙ 5.5k
» notes - ⟡⋆˙ hi everyone!! i'm so sorry this took so long to post, i actually started writing this pretty late into the day and it's currently 3 am as i write this 😭 this one was pretty fun to write but also quite challenging because i was unsure on how to continue, but here we are!! i now added a series masterlist link, making it easier for me to add for each part so please check that out and save it if you want to keep updated!! :) i also want to take the time to thank the people who ask to be in the taglist, i realize that answering every single request can be quite repetitive, but i can assure you all that i see them and it makes me so incredibly happy to know that you want to be tagged and eagerly wait for next part!! thank you so much for reading and i hope you all enjoy part 7 of this series! :)<3 once again, feel free to leave a comment or a private message to be added in the taglist. happy reading! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
» m.list - ⟡⋆˙
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“Wait? What do you mean my ideas got rejected?!” you exclaimed, trailing your stressed coworker around the office area. “The superiors seemed happy with it— they… They approved of it! God, I fought tooth and nail to make it all perfect!”
“I don’t know, [name], it seems like they must’ve changed their mind.” Your coworker replied, their voice tinged with exhaustion and empathy.
“But why? Why did Mr. Nakamura reject it—”
“It wasn’t Mr. Nakamura’s decision, [name].”
“Then who was in charge?”
“It was Mr. Gojo.”
You stopped in your tracks, disbelief washing over you like a cold wave. The office noise faded into a low and muted background noise as you tried to process what you’d just heard.
“Mr… Mr. Gojo? But... Why would he even be involved in this?” You asked, your voice barely more than a whisper, trying to make sense of the situation.
Your coworker shrugged, a deep sigh escaping their lips. “I guess your proposal caught his attention. Apparently he’s been taking a more hands-on approach lately.”
“I— b-but how can he reject it when it got approved in the first place?!” You stammered, frustration and confusion mingling in your mind. You could practically feel your heartbeat in your temples, each thud amplifying your stress.
“I don’t know. Maybe he saw something the others didn’t,” your coworker said softly. They stopped walking and turned to face you fully. “Look, this project is a big deal for him and the company, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he's being extra picky this time. You know how he is, he’s got insanely high expectations.”
You felt a lump forming in your throat, the unfairness of it all nearly overwhelming.
“R-Right,” you nodded solemnly, averting your gaze from your coworker, who seemed even more saddened on your behalf. “I get it. Thank you.”
Feeling defeated, you trudged back to your office and slumped into your chair. Sadness and frustration weighed heavily on your shoulders. All the effort, the all-nighters, all seemed to unravel with Gojo’s unexpected rejection.
Instinctively, your hand reached for your phone. Your thumb hovered over ‘Archaeopteryx’, the name staring back at you, evoking memories of a time when he had assured you that you could call anytime, especially when you felt down.
His words had been comforting then, a reassurance that despite the facade, there was a personal connection you could rely on. But now, staring at his name on your phone, uncertainty crept in. Would he still honor that promise, even after everything that had happened? Would calling him now make any difference? 
After a brief hesitation, you decided to dial. The phone rang once, twice, and then after a while it went straight to voicemail. Your heart sank as the automated message played, confirming that he wasn’t available to take your call. Or perhaps he didn’t want to answer?
Disappointment washed over you, mixed with a sense of abandonment. It seemed that even his offer of support had its limits, perhaps now more than ever. You hung up the phone slowly, staring at it for a moment before setting it down with a sigh.
The silence in your office felt oppressive now, the weight of the rejection from earlier crushing down on you again. You leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes and trying to steady your breathing. It was clear that you were truly on your own at this moment.
“This guy is unbelievable,” you muttered under your breath, glaring at your computer screen. “He rejected me again?!”
This was the fourth time that your marketing proposal had been turned down, each rejection more baffling than the last. The email included very vague reasons that made little sense to you, leaving you frustrated and questioning your abilities. It was becoming a frustrating pattern: every innovative idea you pitched seemed to hit the wall, despite initial enthusiasm from your colleagues and even higher-ups. 
With a heavy sigh, you rubbed your temples, trying to fend off the pounding headache that threatened to overwhelm you. Maybe it wasn’t just about your ideas; maybe there was something deeper at play, something you couldn’t quite grasp.
As you stared at the screen, thoughts raced through your mind. Was it politics? Personal bias? Or were you simply not seeing something crucial?
“He thinks he’s so high and mighty behind a screen, but he can’t even say this to my face,” you muttered, frustration bubbling within you. “So stupid, annoying, arrogant, piece of sh—”
Your words come to a stop as you read the rejection mail once more, feeling the sting of the impersonal dismissal. It wasn’t just about the idea anymore; it was about respect and fairness.
As you sat there, contemplating your next move, a feeling of determination began to settle in. You wouldn’t let this latest setback define your efforts or your worth.
Taking a deep breath, you closed the email and stood up from your desk. The familiar buzz of the office around you seemed distant as you focused on your resolve. Walking purposefully towards the door, you knew what needed to be done. It was time to confront this head-on, to seek clarity and demand the respect you deserved.
As you fidget nervously inside the elevator, your heart beats with anticipation. The soft hum of the elevator’s motor is the only sound in the confined space, amplifying the silence that envelops you. Each passing second feels like an eternity as the numbers above the door light up, counting down your descent into uncertainty.
Your mind races, trying to think of a plan. How should you approach him? What should you say? The weight of indecision presses upon you like a physical force, making it hard to breathe.
Suddenly the elevator doors slid open, and there he was, standing right outside. 
Your heart skipped a beat as you locked eyes with Gojo, his presence unexpected and intimidating. Panic surged through you, making your palms clammy and the thoughts in your mind scramble. This wasn’t how you had planned it. You weren’t ready to confront him like this.
For a brief moment, time seemed to freeze. Gojo’s expression was unreadable, his eyes assessing you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. You struggled to find your voice, to formulate the words you had rehearsed so many times in your head.
Without a word, he stepped into the elevator beside you.
The air between you was charged with unspoken tension as the doors closed. You glanced at him, trying to read his expression, while he avoided meeting your eyes directly. It was clear neither of you had anticipated this sudden awkward proximity.
After a few moments of silence that felt longer than they were, you gathered your courage and blurted out, “what’s wrong with my ideas that you had to reject them four times?!”
“It’s not quite hitting the mark,” he replied casually, his gaze focused on the doors in front of him. “I want it to be perfect. You can do better.”
His nonchalant demeanor caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were speechless. The implication sank in slowly — he wasn’t just dismissing your ideas, he was challenging you to improve them until they met his exacting standards.
“But I’ve put everything into it,” you protested, your voice wavering slightly. “I’ve revised it multiple times based on the feedback—”
“And I want you to redo it until it’s to my liking.”
“To your liking?!” You exclaimed, surprising him, “you listen here, I did everything by the book. The supervisors liked it, my colleagues liked it—everyone except you. So what is the issue?!”
Gojo remained silent, his expression unreadable. The tension between you grew more evident, the air thick with unspoken words, it was almost suffocating. Frustration bubbled up inside you, and without thinking, you reached out and tugged on his arm to turn him around, shocking both him and yourself with the boldness of your action.
He blinked in surprise, his gaze finally meeting yours, eyes wide in surprise.
“Answer me,” you insisted, your voice tinged with irritation and a hint of vulnerability. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because you aggravate me!” He finally exclaimed, his tone coming out sharper than he intended.
The word hung in the air between you, shock rippling through you— not just from the unexpectedness of his blunt response, but from the raw honesty that lay beneath it.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the atmosphere grew thicker and heavier, almost suffocating. You were suddenly aware of the closeness between you, the faint scent of his cologne, the warmth of his presence. His proximity was almost intoxicating, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that made your heart race. You could feel his breath softly brushing against your lips, so close yet not touching. His eyes flickered down to your lips almost imperceptibly, a fleeting moment that spoke volumes.
“I...” you started, uncertain of how to respond, your heart pounding in your chest.
He leaned closer, as if drawn by an invisible force, his intent clear yet unspoken. The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the charged moment between the two of you. His lips hovered tantalizingly close, the moment hanging in suspended anticipation.
Before he could make a move, the elevator’s chime shattered the moment, startling you both as you stepped back. The doors slid open with a mechanical whirr, flooding the confined space with bustling noises from the outside world.
Gojo hesitated, his eyes still locked with yours, a mix of emotions flickering across his face. Then, with a subtle shake of his head, he stepped out of the elevator without another word, leaving you standing there, stunned and unsure how to process what had just happened.
“WHAT?!” Rin’s voice was almost ear shattering as she leaned over the table in shock, “HE KISSED YOU?!”
“He didn’t kiss me—” You sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of your nose, “he just got really close, that’s all. But I’m pretty sure he was going to, like, kill me.”
Rin squinted at you, trying to focus through the haze of alcohol. “Wait, wait, wait. He got close... Like this close?” She mimicked leaning in dramatically, almost tipping over in the process.
“Yes, exactly like that.” You said, trying not to laugh at Rin’s exaggerated demonstration.
“Oh my god,” Rin gasped dramatically, slumping back in her chair. “And then what happened?”
“Nothing. The elevator arrived at the lobby, and he left.” You explained, your voice tinged with disappointment.
Rin pouted sympathetically. “That’s so unfair! Why does he have to be so mysterious?”
You shrugged, swirling the remnants of your drink in its glass. “I wish I knew.”
Rin suddenly perked up, eyes brightening mischievously. “Well, you know what you have to do, right?”
You raised an eyebrow, curious despite yourself. “What?”
“Make him chase you,” Rin declared with a tipsy grin. “Make him fall in love with you, HARD.”
You let out a small snort. “That’s highly inappropriate, Rin, he’s my boss,” you muttered as you took a swift chug of your drink. “Besides, I don’t think I want to do anything with him after the fake relationship thing. He’s always so… Demanding. And what if he finds out about the whole fake identity stuff? That’s just going to make things even worse. And his grandfather wouldn’t approve anyway.”
Rin waved her hand dismissively, nearly knocking over her own glass. “Pfft, who cares about that? It’s all about the drama, the tension! Trust me, if he got all up and personal with you, there’s obviously something there.”
“You watch way too many dramas, Rin,” you sighed, feeling a mixture of amusement and exasperation at her persistent encouragement. “Besides, I’m not sure it’s that simple. He’s… Complicated.”
“Complicated is just another word for interesting,” Rin countered with a wry grin. “Come on, you know you want to stir things up a bit. Life’s too short to be boring.”
Later that night, Gojo found himself at his apartment, sifting through stacks of paperwork and emails. He pulled up the latest marketing proposal from you, intending to give it another thorough review before making his decision. Each sentence he read seemed to blur together as his thoughts strayed to the memory of your encounter earlier.
Just as he was about to compose an email to provide feedback, likely more revisions, his phone rang. Confusion etched on his features as he saw your name flash insistently on his screen. It was late, and he couldn’t fathom why you would be calling at this hour.
He hesitated for a moment before answering. “Hello?”
“Hey,” came your voice, slightly slurred and unmistakably tipsy. “Where… Are you?”
Confusion turned to concern as Gojo tried to process your words. “Miss [name]—Miss Mei, are you drunk?” 
“Aah…” There’s a long pause from your end of the line before you start giggling. “Maybe a little? I went out to drink with… Rin.”
“Is she with you right now?” Gojo asked calmly, though his voice tinged with concern.
“No, no… She left a while ago. Her dad… Picked her up…” You sighed softly, “I just wanted to stay for a bit longer, you know… Drink my problems away.”
Gojo sighed heavily, his concern deepening “where are you? I can get a ride for you.” 
“I’m… Outside this bar.”
“Right,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dealing with this situation was going to be complicated. “Do you know which one?”
“Uhhh…” The sound of you shuffling about as you look around could be heard. “Happy-go-lucky bar.”
Gojo’s brows quirked up at your words. “That’s very close to where I work.”
“Hehe, I know,” you giggled again before continuing, your voice lowering in concern. “Anyway, can you help me? These guys won’t leave me alone and—”
“Come on sweetheart, live a little! Just get one more drink with us.” 
Gojo’s heart skipped a beat, his worry escalating as he heard the voices in the background. 
“Satoru, can you—”
“Listen to me carefully. Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you, alright?”
There was no answer from your end, only silence. The call ended abruptly, leaving him with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Without hesitation, he quickly grabbed his jacket and keys, his mind racing with worry and the need to reach you as soon as possible. The short drive to the bar felt like an eternity, filled with concern and a growing sense of urgency to ensure your safety.
As Gojo arrived at the bar, his heart raced with a mixture of relief and concern. Spotting you outside, he saw two men circling you, their intentions unclear but their demeanor showed clear aggressiveness. Gojo immediately parked his car and hurried over.
He approached swiftly as he harshly pulled the men away from you. They stumbled back, clearly startled and angered by his interference. You looked up at him, eyes wide with surprise and a hint of fear.
“Hey, who the hell do you think you are!?” One of the men slurred, his voice thick with alcohol and aggression.
Gojo’s expression hardened as one lunged at him. With lightning reflexes, he delivered a punishing blow to the man’s jaw, rendering him unconscious in an instant.
The sudden display of force left you stunned, frozen in place as you watched Gojo effortlessly handle the threat. The remaining man hesitated, clearly taken aback by Gojo’s ferocity.
“Get lost.” Gojo commanded sharply.
 The man stumbled back, fear now evident in his eyes, before turning and hastily running away.
Breathing heavily, Gojo turned back to you, his expression softening as soon as he saw you.
“Are you alright?” His voice trembles slightly, his hand reaching out as if to grab your face but then hesitating, pulling back.
You nodded dumbly, still processing what just happened. “I... I think so.”
“Come on, let’s get you home.” Gojo said gently, guiding you towards his car with a protective arm around your shoulders. 
The drive back was filled with a heavy silence, thick with tension that seemed to suffocate the air around them. You sat beside Gojo, your head spinning, not just from the remnants of alcohol in your system but also from the whirlwind of events that had just unfolded.
Gojo focused on the road ahead, his jaw tightened. The occasional streetlight cast fleeting shadows across his face, highlighting the tension that gripped his features. He stole a glance at you now and then, concern etched deeply in his face.
Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. 
You wanted to say something, to break the suffocating silence, but words eluded you. How could you articulate the mix of gratitude and confusion swirling inside you? You can’t even make sense of the situation right now, let alone understand your feelings towards Gojo. 
As the car rolled to a stop in front of your apartment building, Gojo turned off the engine but made no move to get out. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white with tension. You hesitated, unsure of how to break the silence that enveloped you both.
“Satoru…” you started tentatively.
He turned to look at you fully, his expression softening slightly at the sound of your voice. “Yeah?”
“I... Thank you,” you managed, your words stumbling out awkwardly. “For... For coming when you did.”
His gaze held yours for a moment, the tension in his features slowly fading away.
“I couldn’t let anything happen to you,” Gojo replied quietly, his voice tinged with sincerity. “I just... I couldn’t.”
You hummed in response, averting your gaze from his.
“This… This is a dream, right?” You asked softly.
“If… If this isn’t a dream,” you pause for a moment, hiccuping silently, “there’s no way you would come running to take care of me… Like this.”
Gojo’s expression softened, but beneath it, a hint of disappointment flickered as he processed your words. It was a moment of quiet introspection for him, realizing how distant he might have seemed before this moment.
But before he could dwell on it further, an unexpected giggle escaped your lips.
“What’s so funny?” Gojo asked, surprised by the sudden shift in mood.
You shook your head, the laughter bubbling up despite the seriousness of the situation. “I... I can’t believe I'm doing this.”
His confusion deepened. “Doing what?”
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. “My name... It’s not really Mei. It’s…” Your voice faltered, nerves and alcohol blurring the edges of your thoughts. “It’s [name].”
Gojo’s eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. Of course, he had known your real name for a long time now, but hearing it from you, especially in this vulnerable moment, caught him off guard.
“I know,” he said softly, his tone gentle and understanding. “It's okay.”
“I'm sorry,” you murmured, feeling a flush of embarrassment rise in your cheeks. “I’m so sorry—”
“It’s fine, [name],” he interjected smoothly, his voice gentle yet reassuring. “You’re drunk, you should go get some rest.” 
You nodded slowly, grateful for his understanding despite the awkwardness of the moment. “Yeah... I think I should.”
Opening the car door, you stepped out into the cool night air, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. As you stood there, unsure of what to say next, Gojo spoke again, his voice breaking through the quiet.
“Take care of yourself, [name].”
“You too… Satoru.”
The next morning, sunlight filtering through your bedroom window stirred you awake. You groaned softly, your head throbbing with the unmistakable aftermath of drinking too much alcohol. Blinking against the light, you reached for your phone on the bedside table.
As you scrolled through your notifications, a sense of unease settled in the pit of your stomach. There it was—a call log from last night, and Gojo’s name stood out among the list.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realized you had been on a call with him, but the details were fuzzy, lost in the haze of alcohol and confusion. Did something happen? Did you say something embarrassing or inappropriate?
Fear and uncertainty gripped you, and for a moment, you debated whether to call him back, to ask for clarification. But then doubt crept in—what if he didn’t answer? 
With a heavy sigh, you set your phone back down, burying your face in your hands. The hangover was pounding behind your eyes, intensifying with each passing minute. You needed a distraction, something to take your mind off the whirlwind of thoughts.
Just then, a gentle knock on your bedroom door startled you. Before you could respond, your father peeked in, a concerned expression softening his features. He held a tray with breakfast—a plate with fruits and toast.
“Hey there,” he greeted softly, stepping into the room. “How are you feeling?”
You forced a weak smile. “I'm okay, dad. Just have a really bad headache.”
He nodded sympathetically, placing the tray on your bedside table. “You need to be more careful next time,” he chided gently, concern evident in his voice. “You’re lucky your friend dropped you off last night.”
Confusion clouded your mind as your brows furrowed slightly. “Huh? But Rin went home before me.”
“No, no, it wasn’t Rin, it was someone else. I haven’t met them before but it looked like they had white hair.”
The blood drained from your face as a cold realization washed over you.
“White hair…” You whispered, barely able to comprehend what you were hearing.
Could it really have been him? Satoru Gojo?
Your father looked at you, concern deepening at your sudden change in demeanor. “Is everything okay, [name]?”
You stared at him, trying to process the implications of what he had just said. “S-Sorry... Did you say... White hair?”
He nodded slowly, his brow furrowing with worry. “Yes, that’s what I saw.”
“Oh my god…”
Panic surged through you, electrifying every nerve in your body. Your mind raced, tumbling through fragments of the previous night. Disbelief clawed at your chest, making it hard to breathe. How could this have happened? How could you have let your guard down so easily?
Your father’s voice seemed distant, muffled, as he called for you. “[name], are you sure you’re alright? You look pale.”
You shook your head, trying to clear the fog of shock that threatened to overwhelm you. 
“I... I need to lie down.” The words felt foreign, detached from the whirlwind of terror swirling inside you. You forced yourself to maintain composure, to not let the full extent of your fear show.
The pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place with a sickening clarity. Your thoughts flashed to the abrupt end to your fake relationship arrangement, where he had terminated it so suddenly, without any warning or explanation. 
And then there was the elevator ride a few days ago, where Gojo had suddenly blurted out that you aggravated him. At the time, you had brushed it off as one of his usual quirks, his tendency for dramatic declarations. But now, the memory took on a new, horrifying significance. His words echoed in your mind, laced with a bitterness that you hadn’t fully understood until now. “You aggravate me,” he had said, his eyes dark with an emotion you couldn’t place then.
It all made sense now.
The realization hit you like a physical blow, leaving you reeling. How could you have missed it? The signs were there, subtle but unmistakable. The way his demeanor suddenly shifted around you, the unspoken tension that had simmered just beneath the surface of your interactions. He wasn’t just annoyed by you; he felt deeply hurt by your deception.
You could almost see it now, the moment he must have pieced it all together. The realization dawning in his eyes, the sting of betrayal as he understood who you really were. The thought of Gojo, usually so composed and in control, grappling with that kind of hurt was almost too much to bear.
Your father’s voice brought you back to the present. “Do you need anything else, [name]?”
You shook your head, forcing another weak smile. “No, dad, I think I just need some time to um... Rest.” Your voice sounded distant, even to your own ears.
As he left the room again, you allowed the tears to fall, silent but heavy with the weight of your predicament. You had always known that going through with this lie was risky, but you had never anticipated it would come crashing down like this.
The following days were a mix of anxiety and avoidance. You called into work, claiming to be sick, and spent the hours in a restless limbo. The thought of bumping into Gojo made you feel physically ill. Every time your phone buzzed with a message or an email notification, your heart raced, fearing it might be him. The weight of your deception pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe.
The days turned into a week, each one more unbearable than the last. The four walls of your room felt like a prison, closing in on you. You couldn’t escape the gnawing dread that filled your thoughts. Every time you considered going back to work, the image of Gojo’s hurt and betrayed eyes would surface, and you’d feel a fresh wave of nausea.
You couldn’t bear it any longer. The anxiety, the fear, the guilt—it was all too much. You had to put a stop to this, to free yourself from this torment. The decision, once made, brought a strange sense of relief, mixed with sadness.
Sitting at your desk, you opened your laptop and began drafting your resignation letter. Each word felt like a tiny release of the burden you’d been carrying. You kept it professional, citing personal reasons and the need for a fresh start. Once you were done you took a deep breath and hit send. The email whisked away your resignation into the digital ether, hoping that Gojo would accept it and move on. 
You found yourself curled up on your bed late at night, trying to lose yourself in the comforting familiarity of your favorite show. The flickering images and familiar characters offered a brief respite from the turmoil in your mind. You hugged a pillow to your chest, seeking comfort in its softness.
Suddenly, your phone rang, shattering the fragile peace. The sound jolted you, sending a surge of panic through your veins. You glanced at the screen, seeing the ‘Archaeopteryx’ flashing insistently. Your heart raced, your breath hitching in your throat. You watched as it rang, paralyzed by fear and indecision, until it finally stopped.
The silence that followed was both relieving and tormenting. You let out a shaky breath, but the feeling of dread lingered. A part of you wished you had answered, to confront the inevitable, to maybe find some closure. But the thought of hearing his voice, of facing his anger and hurt, was too overwhelming.
The phone rang again, breaking the silence once more. You stared at it, your hands trembling. The impulse to ignore it was strong, but so was the need to face what you had been avoiding. Summoning all your courage, you hesitantly picked up the phone and answered.
There was a brief silence on the other end, and then Gojo’s familiar voice came through, calm yet tinged with an emotion you couldn’t quite figure out. “[name],” he began tentatively.
Your breath caught in your throat, and a wave of panic washed over you. The sound of your real name, spoken so softly, sent you over the edge. It was one thing to know he had uncovered your secret, but hearing him use your true name made it all too real. Your heart pounded, and you felt dizzy, struggling to maintain your composure.
“I’m outside.” Gojo continued, his voice steady yet carrying a hint of urgency.
“I need to talk to you,” he interrupted smoothly. “So please, just… Come out.”
“Satoru, I don’t think that’s a good idea—” you began, desperately attempting to find a way out.
“I won’t leave until you come out.” He declared firmly, cutting you off before you could finish, leaving no room for argument. 
“Okay,” you whispered, your voice barely audible. “Okay... I-I’ll be right there.”
You hung up and took a moment to steady yourself. Your hands were shaking, and your heart felt like it was about to burst from your chest. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, trying to muster the strength to face him, despite the redness and puffiness that had surrounded your eyes. 
With a deep breath, you made your way out of the apartment complex and stepped out into the cool night air. There he was, standing a few feet away, his tall figure illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights. 
“Hey.” He said softly, his soft gaze watching you intently.
“Hi.” You murmured, your voice trembling.
There was a brief moment of silence, heavy with unspoken words and emotions. You both stood there, uncertain of where to begin, each waiting for the other to break the tense stillness.
“How long have you known—”
“You really think you can just send your resignation letter and move on?” Gojo interrupted abruptly.
“H-Huh?” you stammered, taken aback by his unexpected question.
He stepped closer. “You think you can just walk away from this, after everything?”
Your heart sank as his words sank in. You hadn’t anticipated this—his directness, his raw honesty. The resignation letter had felt like a necessary step, a way to distance yourself from the pain and uncertainty. But standing here, face to face with him, you realized it wasn’t that simple.
“I... I don’t know,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “I thought... I thought it would be best.”
Gojo shook his head slightly, a mix of frustration and sadness crossing his features. “Running away won’t solve anything,” he said firmly. “Besides, firing you would be truly idiotic seeing how you are one of our most talented employees.”
You let out a small, bitter laugh. “Really? That’s what you’re thinking about right now?”
“No, that’s not it, [name],” he said firmly, taking another step closer to you. His eyes bore into yours with intensity. “I’ve missed having you around. And it’s not just about work. It’s about... Everything else.” He admitted quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.
He paused for a moment, as if searching for the right words to convey the weight of his thoughts. 
“You have this... Presence,” he continued, his voice softening with admiration. “It’s like the room lights up when you enter, and suddenly everything feels more alive. After you’ve been gone, it’s like the color has drained from everything. Everything just feels quieter and dull.”
Gojo swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing. “I’ve found myself looking around, expecting to see you, to hear your voice chiming in with ideas or sharing a joke. And when you’re not here, it’s like...” His voice trailed off briefly, his gaze falling to the ground. “It’s like something is missing.”
The sincerity in his words touched you deeply, stirring a warmth in your chest despite the heaviness of the situation. His gaze held yours, unwavering and filled with a mixture of affection and vulnerability.
“I… I don’t understand.” You managed to say, your mind racing to catch up with the implications of his words.
He took a deep breath, looking into your eyes once more, closing the gap between you until you could feel the warmth of his presence. 
“I’ve been trying to ignore it, to deny it,” he admitted quietly, his voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the city around you. “But I can’t deny how I feel anymore.”
You stood in stunned silence, holding your breath at the raw honesty of his words, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“I care about you,” he continued, his gaze unwavering. “More than I should, more than I’ve been willing to admit. And I have been in agony these past weeks. Throughout the times where we had to pretend, where I thought what I felt was part of the act. But now I know it’s real.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, his words resonating within you in a way that stirred emotions you hadn’t fully acknowledged before.
“I have feelings for you, [name],” he interrupted softly, his voice trembling slightly. “And I cannot keep pretending that I don’t.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. The silence stretched on, charged with unspoken emotions. You searched his eyes, seeing a mix of hope and nervousness reflected back at you.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words stuck in your throat. This was so much—more than you had ever expected, more than you felt prepared to handle. You struggled to process it all, to reconcile his confession with the tangled mess of feelings within you.
“I understand that it’s sudden,” he said quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. “And I won’t rush you. So take your time to think things over and let me know.”
His words lingered in the air, laden with profound meaning. Gojo’s patience and understanding only made your decision harder. You wanted to say something, to find the right words to convey the turmoil in your heart, but clarity remained elusive.
“I will wait for you, [name],” he continued softly, his gaze unwavering. “No matter how long it takes.”
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» taglist - ⟡⋆˙ @megumisthirdog, @inluvkai, @ieathairs, @roscpctals99, @laviefantasie, @snwvie, @sanriosatoru,@cc1306, @pinkprincessglitterzombie, @keaugh, @eolivy, @peachesnoranges, @indicatom, @jayhyunglover, @lunasolac, @iheartlinds, @fortunatelyfurrygiver, @devils-blackrose, @luvsymai, @reiiydained, @miizuzu, @mimiyuuuuuh, @blindbabycadder, @darlink-xoxo, @reagan707, @jonesmelodys, @hrtswinter, @hrtswinter, @pattyence, @j2upiters, 
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transform4u · 2 days
I was raised in a Christian setting, but I was always so proud growing up about being openly gay and flamboyant. Now that I’m older, all my old school friends are getting married and starting families. I used to think those straight guys were so boring and mundane for wanting to settle down. Now I feel so bored with my long time boyfriend. I keep having this weird urge that I need to breed and spread my seed. The more my values change, I feel my breeder kink growing stronger. Can you help me understand what’s happening to me?
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It's late at night, and the verse from Corinthians weighs heavily on your thoughts. "Act like men, be strong." Those words, ingrained since childhood through Sunday sermons and Bible studies, echo in your mind like a mantra. You've never truly understood them, I mean it was all just boring, conservative values your parents tried to install in you. But you were nothing like that were you. You wanted to be out and proud and attend every Pride parade you could, putting on rainbow beads and tight clothes----but that's not what those words mean "Act like men, be strong."
Yet, as you mull over these words, a realization dawns on you. Your concept of what it means to "act like men" has been shaped not only by your Christian upbringing but also by societal norms and expectations. Society has painted a picture of masculinity that emphasizes toughness, stoicism, and dominance. It's a definition that leaves little room for vulnerability, sensitivity, or exploration of emotions.
The urge to conform, to live up to these ideals, is strong. It's ingrained in your psyche, reinforced over years of conditioning.
As you reflect, your mind drifts to your boyfriend, the person you care deeply for but who seems to fall short of the masculine ideal you've been taught. You try to reconcile his kindness, his gentleness, with this notion of strength and manliness. Your lip quivers slightly as conflicting emotions surge within you.
A smirk begins to form on your face—a smirk tinged with bitterness and a hint of rebellion. You think about how predictable your relationship has become, how safe and comfortable yet lacking in passion and excitement. The thought of being with another man, someone more assertive, more daring, stirs something inside you—anger mixed with desire, disgust intertwined with curiosity.
You can't help but feel a growing anger and hatred towards your boyfriend. He's not strong enough, not manly enough to satisfy you. You start to question why you ever fell for him in the first place. His kindness seems like weakness now, his gentleness a sign of femininity.
As your self-inflicted homophobia begins to creep into your soul, you find yourself disgusted by the idea of having sex with another man. It goes against everything you believe in; it goes against the Bible. Your mind fills with rage, a rage that will fuel your changes. You know what needs to be done – break up with him and find someone who can truly make you feel alive again.
Your smile morphs into a cocky grin, reflecting a defiance against the norms that have shaped your understanding of masculinity. The rigid expectations seem suffocating now, and you wonder if you've been playing a role, conforming to a stereotype that doesn't fit who you truly are.
It starts as a simple sigh, a release of tension and uncertainty that has gripped you for so long. The weight of expectations—societal, religious, personal—pressing down like a heavy mantle. You yearn to break free from these constraints, to redefine yourself beyond the confines of what others expect you to be.
As you exhale, the sigh deepens into a grunt, a primal sound of frustration mingled with determination. You feel it in your gut—a sudden surge of energy, a tingling sensation that spreads through your entire body. It's as if something dormant within you is awakening, stirring to life with newfound vigor.
You let out a deep, loud, and obnoxious "buuuuurrrrrrrrrp" that echoes through the room. The sound reverberates in your ears as you feel it pulsate throughout your muscles, filling you with energy. You stand up straighter, chest puffed out proudly as if to say "I am here."
Your eyes narrow into a fierce glare as you think about all the changes that need to be made. No more will you settle for mediocrity or complacency; it's time to take control of your life and become the person you were always meant to be – strong, confident, and unapologetically masculine.
Your gaze lowers instinctively to your stomach, where once a softness resided, now replaced by a transformation unfolding before your eyes. The smooth contours give way to something altogether different—a ripple, a shift beneath the surface. Thick, cobblestone abs begin to form, each muscle defined with startling clarity. You watch in disbelief as your body undergoes a metamorphosis, sculpting itself into a form that feels both alien and strangely exhilarating.
A deep, booming laugh escapes your lips, echoing in the room. Your Adam's apple thickens perceptibly, your voice dropping several octaves in pitch. It resonates within you, a newfound resonance that reverberates with power and confidence.
Your biceps swell, veins popping with every flex, pulsating with strength. Your chest rises, pecs transforming into hefty mounds of muscle and flesh that demand attention. You can't help but marvel at the physical changes taking place, each movement involuntary yet empowering. "Holy shit," you say to yourself, feeling your muscles grow underneath your skin. "This is fucking awesome!" You flex your bicep and watch it bulge outwards like a rock-hard mountain peak. A grin spreads across your face as you imagine what else might be possible now that these changes have begun.
Involuntarily, you flex, feeling the newfound strength coursing through your veins. A laugh, almost primal in its intensity, escapes your lips—a laugh that breaks through the constraints of expectation and conformity. It's a laugh of liberation, of embracing what it means to be yourself, unapologetically.
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As you stand there, caught in the throes of transformation, you're acutely aware of the societal expectations weighing upon you. Masculinity, as defined by the world around you, seems to demand a certain mold—one you're unwittingly beginning to fit into. The laughter that bubbles up from within feels almost intoxicating, a euphoric rush of newfound strength and vigor.
But with each laugh, something shifts. It's subtle at first, like a distant echo fading into the background. Your thoughts, once sharp and nuanced, begin to blur. The intricate web of ideas and knowledge that defined your intellectual prowess starts to dissipate.
You chuckle, the sound now more boisterous, more carefree. The complexity of language and the depth of thought seem distant, replaced by a simplicity that borders on naivety. Words become harder to grasp, sentences more challenging to string together. The transformation is not just physical but cognitive—a gradual erosion of the sharpness that once defined you.
In its place, a new narrative emerges. Football dominates your mind—Nick Bosa's stats, the plays of the 49ers. It's as if sports trivia and player statistics fill the gaps left by receding memories of literature and philosophy. Workout routines and protein shakes become your daily rituals, intertwined with memories of frat parties where showing off your gains was a source of pride and admiration.
You remember vividly the time when you and your bros were goofing off, teasing each other for acting like fucking homos. Endlessly in the mirror, flexing your biceps and pecs until they shine with sweat. You could feel the burn as blood rushed to your muscles, making them grow bigger and stronger by the day. The sense of accomplishment after each workout fueled an insatiable desire to push yourself even harder next time.
You remember being at the gym with your bros, pushing yourselves to the limit during a grueling workout. The smell of sweat and testosterone filled the air as you grunted through each set, encouraging one another to go harder.
One day, things got a little out of hand when you decided it would be funny to rip a gross protein fart in someone's face during downtime. PFFFFFFTTT Laughter ensued but so did an overpowering stench that lingered long afterward – even in the showers later on, you found yourself growing dumber by the minute as if unable to process basic information like addition or subtraction anymore due solely to this lingering odor clouding your mind.
The once-keen mind now swims in a constant haze, like a permanent state of drunkenness. Thoughts are simpler, actions more instinctual. You revel in the camaraderie of locker rooms, the adrenaline of the field, and the thrill of physical prowess. Intellectual pursuits fade into the background, replaced by a newfound appreciation for physicality and camaraderie.
You awaken and find yourself at a raging frat party, where the air is thick with excitement and the beat of music pulsates through the crowded room.
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As you make your way through the crowd of the party, the changes become palpable. Your face, once marked by youthful innocence and boyish soft features, begins to shift. There's a subtle hardening of your jawline, a chiseling of your cheekbones into a more angular shape. The lines of your face sharpen, mirroring a rugged determination and confidence that exudes from every pore.
The party scene materializes—a frat house buzzing with energy, filled with the scent of sweat, alcohol, and the faint hint of testosterone. You remember the cheers, the high-fives, the sense of camaraderie that surged through you like a tidal wave.
Amidst the revelry, a cross necklace slips around your neck—an unexpected accessory that feels strangely comforting. It's as if with each clasp, a subtle shift occurs within you. The liberal, woke ideals you once held dear start to fade, replaced by a deepening conservatism and a newfound faith.
You find yourself thinking about how liberals are just a bunch of whiney pansy-ass snowflakes, crying about their lame-ass woke agenda.
You find yourself immersed in conversations about sports, politics from a conservative viewpoint, and the importance of faith in shaping moral values. Your vocabulary shifts, becoming peppered with phrases like "alpha," "bro," and "dude." reflecting a growing sense of identity—one that aligns with traditional notions of masculinity and righteousness. You bump into your best bro, Chaz, a linebacker for the college football team. He's already fucking wasted as shit. He's got a beer in one hand and the ass of some sorority bimbo in the other.
"Hey man, how's it going?" you ask as you give Chaz a fist bump.
"Fuckin' great," he grunts in response. "I just beat the shit out of some faggy snowflake loser who thought he was too smart for his own good."
You nod along in agreement, feeling your blood boil at the mere mention of liberals and their woke ideals. "Yeah bro, those guys need to learn their place," you say with conviction. "They think they can just walk around being all sensitive and shit...well not on my watch!"
Chaz chuckles before patting you on the back. "That's my boy," he says proudly.
You become more assertive, bordering on brash. Your actions are bold, filled with bravado—a display of confidence that borders on arrogance. At the party, you're the center of attention, regaling others with tales of conquests both on the field and in bed. The admiration and envy in their eyes fuel your sense of self-importance.
As the night wears on, you find yourself surrounded by like-minded individuals, bonding over shared ideals of masculinity, conservatism, and Christian values. The party becomes a celebration of these newfound convictions, a reaffirmation of identity that feels both liberating and confining.
As you navigate through the pulsating crowd at the party, your steps grow increasingly unsteady with each sip from your red plastic cup. The alcohol courses through your veins, emboldening you with a false sense of confidence. Your demeanor shifts subtly, from casual revelry to a more exaggerated swagger—a display of bravado that borders on arrogance.
Through the haze of the party lights and the din of music, you spot her—a pretty girl, a pretty drunk girl with her friends, laughing and chatting animatedly. Her long, flowing hair catches your eye first, illuminated by the flickering lights. She's wearing a stylish outfit that accentuates her figure, exuding a natural allure that draws you in.
As she laughs with her friends, her smile lighting up the space around her. She's wearing a tight, revealing outfit that accentuates every curve, drawing attention effortlessly.
You find this chick incredibly hot. Her tits look huge in her tight outfit, straining against the fabric as she laughs and talks with her friends. There's no denying that she's dressed like a fucking slut, there's no way she's not looking for some action tonight.
You can't help but think of all the ways you could pleasure her; how good it would feel to have those big tits bouncing up and down as she rides your cock while she moans your name. The thought alone makes your blood rush and muscles twitch with anticipation.
Without hesitation, you make your move towards them, hoping that tonight will be the night where all your fantasies come true.
With a surge of bravado and a newfound sense of confidence, you make your way towards her, navigating through the crowded party. Your muscles tense subtly beneath your shirt as you approach, a smirk playing on your lips. You know you've got her attention even before you say a word.
"Hey there, sweetheart," you greet her, your voice carrying an edge of cockiness and slurred drunkenness. "Enjoying the party?"
She looks you up and down, her gaze lingering appreciatively on your physique. "Oh, definitely," she replies, a playful glint in her eye. "Especially now."
You can't resist showing off a bit. With a confident grin, you flex your biceps, the muscles bulging impressively. "Like what you see?" you tease, punctuating your question with a quick pec dance, causing your chest muscles to ripple under your shirt.
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Her friends giggle in response, egging you on with cheers and playful banter. The girl herself leans in closer, her demeanor flirtatious and unapologetic. "Very impressive," she remarks, her voice teasing.
"Yeah, been hitting the gym hard," you boast, leaning in a little closer to her. "But enough about me. What's your name?"
As you flex your biceps, she can't help but feel the thickness of your muscles beneath her fingertips. Her eyes widen in surprise and admiration at the sight before her.
Blushing deeply, she bites down on her lower lip – a telltale sign of how horny you're making this little slut. It's clear that this girl is interested in more than just conversation; she wants to explore what else lies beneath those bulging muscles.
She introduces herself, her smile widening as she matches your flirtatious energy. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, punctuated by laughter and lingering gazes that speak volumes. You revel in the attention, enjoying the rush of attraction and the validation of your confidence.
"You know what they say," you smirk, leaning in closer to her. "Want to see what a real man is like?"
Without waiting for an answer, you yell over the music and laughter for your bro Chaz. He appears moments later with a keg in hand, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of this potential conquest. You motion towards him and he slides the keg closer before taking off again into the crowd.
Grabbing two plastic cups from somewhere nearby, you start to fill them both up with beer before handing one to her. As she takes it from your hands, your eyes travel down her body – lingering on those "big tits straining against her top and that fat ass encased within tight jeans…god damn she's hot little slut!" you think. With each pump of the keg comes another surge of desire; any notion of your old boyfriend is washed away by now replaced instead by an overwhelming need feel manly tonight here now this very moment right here right now while also experiencing deep-seated homophobia. The thought of two dudes kissing makes you want to puke. You can't stand the idea that someone might think you're gay just because they saw you hanging out with another guy.
Your disgust for fags only fuels your desire for the chick in front of you. She represents everything that's feminine and attractive - everything that a fag isn't. As she grinds against you on the dance floor, all thoughts of fags disappear from your mind as your horniness reaches new heights
Nothing else matters; the only thing that matters is getting laid tonight. As she takes a sip from her cup, your dick hardens in anticipation. Without hesitation, you grab her fat ass and pull her closer for a drunk makeout session while Chaz cheers you on from nearby.
"Babe," you slur in your thick New Jersey accent between kisses, "you're so fucking hot." Your hands roam over her body as she moans breathlessly into your mouth. "I wanna fuck you so bad."
"Giovanni—Gio—take me! You big Italian stallion; I need your thick cock!" she moans breathlessly, with that cocky smile still plastered across your face, there's no turning back now…your fate as the biggest college douchebag ready to plant his seed across campus has been sealed. You fuck the dumb slut with all the passion and aggression of a true alpha male. The cheers from your fellow frat bros only serve to fuel your ego, making you feel cockier and cockier with each thrust. This is what it means to be a man – taking what you want when you want it without hesitation or remorse. And right now, all that matters is claiming this woman as yours while satisfying your primal urges...
You wake up the next morning, hungover as fuck but feeling pretty damn good about yourself. As you stretch out your muscles and roll over in bed, two dumb blonde cheerleaders suddenly appear – tickling your thick abs and impressive pecs playfully.
"One of you sluts gonna suck it?" you ask with a grin on your face. They both smile back at you knowingly before climbing onto the bed to fulfill their duties as groupies...
As the two hottest chicks on campus go to town on your dick, you can't help but think: "Lord forgive me." But who cares about forgiveness when you're experiencing this kind of pleasure? Their lips and tongues work in perfect harmony as they take turns sucking and stroking your cock. You moan loudly, lost in the moment – enjoying every second of this decadent morning after.
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iceunhie · 2 days
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⟨ wc. 447 ⟩ jiaoqiu likes to think you aren't a good distraction, but you both know that's a lie.
a/n: wrote this at 1am low on sleep and not proofread. i apologize for the person that i am for this stupid fox
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“do you enjoy tormenting me?”
currently behind the kitchen counter of your shared home, the smell of the delicious broth permeates the entire room, spices and herbs that blend harmoniously to create a tingling experience for one’s nose, the sun’s warm rays by the window bathing the room in the golden afternoon light.
although admittedly, you cared less about that stew, the view and the smell and more about how jiaoqiu looks very good in an apron, his hair in an uncharacteristic ponytail, the sight of which makes you smile until your cheeks hurt. he can be so unhealthy for you. can a foxian even be that pretty?
“mm, take a guess.” you drawl, and jiaoqiu's face turns as red as his hair when he feels the weight of your body pressed against his back, your chin stabbing his shoulder. “is it working?”
you're clinging to him like a trotter is to its mother, and jiaoqiu's heart is beating erratically fast right now, threatening to burst out of his chest and explode all over—not a pretty sight. the incessant wag of his tail does nothing to help him either.
“i'll mess up the stew, baobei.”
“you're the most renowned medicinal chef in the yaoqing. you'll live, qiu-er.”
“but it's for you.” because everything he does, he does to devote himself to you. to love you, to keep you by his side, because he will never, ever get tired of this—of you.
“yeah, and it doesn't have to be perfect.”
“it's your favorite—i have to make sure it's according to your preferences….” which means it has to be perfect. (he'd do a disservice to you otherwise.)
“but i love anything you cook, jiaoqiu. i’m literally the embodiment of the term ‘the way to one’s heart is through the stomach.’ even if it's garbage, which it's not, by the way, it's the thought that counts, you know?”
he laughs slightly at this. you always did have a way to keep his spirits high. “still, you’re… watching me.”
“and i don't see how me watching is a problem because….?”
because i can't focus with you here, jiaoqiu thinks, though he keeps it to himself. because you make him feel warm and unable to comprehend anything but you. (the urge to lean into you, to touch you, is maddeningly difficult to control.)
“...you're a distraction.” he settles for that instead.
“a good one, i hope.” a very good one, to be exact.
you turn your head and press a light peck to his cheek, and warmth fills jiaoqiu from head to toe. though he raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes, he leans in to feel your lips for a little longer.
the stew tastes a little more delicious this afternoon.
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as you can see i wrote this with my heart not my head so i apologize for how clunky this is lol
@ ICEUNHIE: do not repost translate or plagiarize my works.
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lilaccmilk · 2 days
If you think I'm pretty, lay your hands on me.
(know you can't stop thinkin' 'bout it)
rich vampire bf! goes feral after you ask his opinion while lingerie shopping; contains: smut obv, vampire stuff(blood drinking, fangs), mention of aphrodisiac
You were out shopping. After shopping for the clothes and all, you decided to buy lingerie. Confused on which one buy, you decided to send pictures of you in both lingeries to your boyfriend who was at work; asking him for his opinion.
First mistake.
He texted you to buy them both. “But it’s expensive babe” you said to the man monster. He scoffed and asked you to buy them both using his card. “Fine then. I’ll be sure to show everything that I bought to you tonight!! Like a fashion show!” you exclaimed.
Second mistake.
Your boyfriend encouraged you to buy more but you shot down that idea. “Lemme continue shopping now, bye, love you” you hung up the phone.
Returning home, you took a bath and wore your boyfriend’s hoodie.
Third mistake.
He loved seeing you in his clothes, liking how they were oversized on you. You being covered in his scent was another thing that calmed the beast inside of him. You hear the opening of door and rushed to greet your boyfriend. He said nothing but just inhaled your scent, pulling you closer.
“Go freshen up!! Have to show you the dresses” you excitedly said, “Hm sure, start with the lingerie f’me yeah?” He spoke in a strained voice, as if holding himself back.
A while later, he was sitting on the bed, waiting patiently. You tried on the flimsy clothing—as if it could be called that. You laughed to yourself. You had sent a picture of you in a different coloured one, but as a surprise you got it in your boyfriend’s favourite colour — royal blue. You stepped out in front of him and looked at him expectantly. “How is it?” You give him a twirl.
Fourth and final mistake. All of these mistakes now tumble down from the edge upon you and you’ve got the consequence, in the form of your vampire lover.
You barely turn to face him again, before a snarl rips put of his throat and in an instant he’s picking you up and throwing you on the bed, with a sense of utter urgency.
“Fucking hell, been teasing me all day, sending pictures of you dolled up and pretty while I’m at work” he grunts out staring at you with eyes darkened by lust. For a moment he looks more like an incubus than a vampire. But when he leans to kiss your neck, marking you as his, his sharp fangs grazing your skin, clear all your doubts. He sinks them into your neck, drinking your blood. The aphrodisiac in his fangs enter your bloodstream, making your mind hazy and overcome with clouds of lust.
He gets out of his clothes, resuming the assault on his neck. You writhe in pleasure and —rip!
You gasp as the lace fabric tears open like paper in the hands of your boyfriend. “That was expensive” you say in shock. “I’ll buy you ten more.” He grits out, “Focus on me.”
He runs his finger through your clit, “Haven’t even done anything and you’re so wet f’me?” He muses and brings his cock in line with your cunt. He slowly slides himself in you, letting out a low hiss and the tightness and warmth.
Without waiting for you to adjust, he starts thrusting himself at a brutal pace. “What were you thinking princess? That you can rile me up and be left unmarked?—hah!” He pants out between thrusts.
“Didn’t -hngg-mean to rile you up-ah” you pant out pathetically. All your thoughts leaking out of you and onto his cock. “But you did my love” he growled. He loved you sure, but right now he was fucking you like he doesn’t.
He looks like he is in a trance, watching his cock piston in and out, in and out, in–
“You.” Thrust. “Are.” Thrust. “Mine.” He ‘s got you in a mating press, your knees all the way over to your chest. You feel flames of pleasure lick up your insides, trying to bring you over the edge. It doesn’t help that the words from your boyfriend make you feel lewd.
“This pussy was –hah– made to be mine. You were made to be mine.” One last thrust and pleasure washes over you in overwhelming waves. Thick ropes of cum fill your pussy. You pant heavily, feeling tired.
By the time you think that he is done with you, you look like you’ve been thrown to the wolves. But no— he is a vampire— a creature of the night. And the night has only just begun. You riled up the beast and now you have to deal with the consequences.
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my ancestors must be feeling real proud of me rn 😌
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blueicequeen19 · 2 days
Shot in the Dark
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Warnings: non-con, lady-napping, threats of violence, drugging, forced o’s, dark Rafe
A hand clamps down on your mouth and a strong arm wraps around your waist, hauling you away from the Chateau. You try to scream as you kick and claw at your attacker, the sight of JJ on the couch getting smaller and smaller as you’re hauled away into the dark.
By the smell of his cologne, you knew who it was before he even spoke. You were on the verge of a panic attack for an entirely different reason now. Rafe wouldn’t hurt you like you’d done him but he had no intentions of ever letting you go again. He’d made that vow after you’d shot him and left him to bleed out in front of the Cameron mansion. You refused to go down without a fight though. As soon as his hold loosened, you threw your head back and felt the satisfying crunch of bunch and cartilage followed by a string of curses.
“Son of a bitch.” Rafe growled, his hand fisting your hair and yanking you back just as you’d taken a step to run. Your back collided with his chest, nearly knocking the wind from your lungs as his arms engulfed you again.
“Did you miss me, baby?” Rafe groaned in your ear, a hand coming up to grip your throat in a firm hold.
“Fuck you.” You wheezed, digging your nails into his arms.
“I plan to.” Rafe kissed your cheek, smearing his blood across your face before yanking the door open on his Range Rover. He spun you to face the inside of the vehicle, blocking your exit.
“How’s this going to go Rafe? You can’t lock me up in your mansion forever.” You snap, resisting his attempts to force you into the cab. Something hard suddenly presses against your back followed by the click of a safety. Terror squeezes your insides.
“I plan to use whatever means necessary to get you to stay. Whether it be by force and threats or a baby. Either way you’ll be mine.”
“A fucking baby?! I’m not having kids with you!”
“How about I start with burning the place down with him still inside?”
“Have it your way.” His holds vanishes for a split second before something sharp pricks your neck and your world suddenly starts to spin.
“No.. Rafe..”
Then everything goes black.
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The smell of soap greets you first as you start to come to. Your hands graze your inner thigh as heat covers you from your toes to your chin. When your eyes finally open you see that you’re naked in a bath. The water is hot and heavenly. As you try to sit up, arms engulf you and bring you firmer against a bare chest and a hard cock.
“Rafe..” You rasp, your head still too heavy to make sense of anything.
“I love hearing you say my name like that.” Rafe murmurs in your ear, his lips grazing your neck.
“You’re nothing.”
“I don’t give a shit what you think about me. Those Pogues have brainwashed you. They turned you against me and you don’t even care.”
“Why would I care? After everything you’ve done to them? To me?”
“Tell me.. does he make you feel as good as I do?” Rafe’s hand suddenly cups you between your thighs, his fingers caressing the sensitive flesh that begs for attention. You bite back a moan as you plant your feet against the tub.
“Better.” You snap, attempting to shift away from his teasing but it only results in you grinding against his cock at your back.
“Is that right?” Rafe smirks, taking your earlobe between his teeth as he sinks two fingers into your aching pussy. A loud moan escapes you before you clamp your mouth shut, fighting off the intense pleasure.
“Stop it.” You bite out, digging your nails into his thighs.
“Why? You’re so close to cumming. I can feel it by the way your pussy grips my fingers, sucking me back in because you’re hungry for more.” Rafe taunts in your ear, grinding his cock against your back.
“God, I could come all over your back just listening to the sounds you make.”
“I’ll—shoot you— again.” Your body starts to shake with the impending orgasm.
“Go ahead. Ride me when you do it.”
“You’re fucked up.”
“Tell me you hate me as you cum.” Rafe adds a third finger.
“Say it. Tell me you hate me.” His teeth clamp down on your neck and his free hand twists your nipple as you suck in a breath.
“I hate you so fucking much.” You growl, your back arching as the release explodes from you. Water splashes over the sides of the tub as you thrash in his hold, warmth covering your back as he cums right along with you.
“Scream. Come on, fucking scream.” Rafe snarls, grinding his palm against your clit until you scream your second release. You jolt forward when he releases you, nearly dunking your head in the water as you fight to control your breathing and the way your body shakes. Just when you open your mouth to smart off, his hands grip your hips and yank you back, filling you with his cock in one go.
“Ugh, Rafe!” You reach back, fisting his hair at the nape of his neck as his legs pin yours open and his hands roam your body.
“Now.. about that baby..”
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ddodol · 1 day
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terms of endearment — s.es
drabble ⭑.��� synopsis ⭑.ᐟ eunseok tries out different pet names. content warning ⭑.ᐟ pet names galore, a bit suggestive but it's meant to be fluff i swearr, x and z erasure i'm sorry word count⭑.ᐟ 1.1k+
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you blinked at eunseok, wondering why he’s suddenly using a different pet name for you. “yes?” you replied with a small smile, making eunseok smile widely. he held you close, sighing at your warmth. “is there something on your mind, seok?”
eunseok pulled away, staring at your face lovingly, “nothing, you looked like one just now.” you laughed, putting down the ladle in your hand to give him a quick kiss, “you could’ve just said you were hungry.”
eunseok cupped your face lovingly, closing in on you as he placed kisses all over your face. you were so sure you were anything but beautiful right now, all sweaty and out of it as eunseok held you close. “seok, please,” you whimpered, slowly going insane at how affectionate eunseok was feeling tonight.
”i mean it, you look so beautiful right now, y/n.” you chuckled softly, staring into his eyes. you almost felt overwhelmed with the way he stared at you, stomach fluttering at how he made his affection for you so clear when he used to struggle with it before. “i love you too, seok.”
eunseok smiled widely, holding up a pack of snack that you bought for yourself. you huffed at him, “you’re not fooling me this time. when i asked if you wanted something while i was out, you said nothing!” eunseok laughed, leaning in to give you a peck. you take advantage of this, pulling him closer as you try to reach your snack.
”get better soon, dear”
you chuckle, weakly turning your head towards eunseok. “it’s not like i’m dying. someone just forgot to tone it down last night, right, eunseok?” he smiled sheepishly, laughing as he massaged your lower back. “my bad, dear. i forgot you had a bad back.”
”you’re my everything, y/n. please forgive me.”
you stare at him, slowly taking the bouquet he held up in front of you. it was your favorite flower. you clear your throat, trying your best not to get swept away so easily. “just to be clear, this doesn’t mean we’re good again,” you try to hide the growing smile on your lips as you look at the flowers. eunseok seemed to notice though, smiling widely at how adorable you are.
”okay, freak.”
you gasp at eunseok, slapping his shoulders as he laughed. “i’m not! it’s just a clown costume!” eunseok shook his head, “a sexy clown costume, y/n.” you rolled your eyes, “okay, maybe a bit freaky, but i swear it’ll look cute! i’ll put ribbons all over it,” you pout at him.
eunseok laughs, kissing your pout away, “okay, freak. can you put some of those ribbons on me too?”
”hey there, good-looking.”
you felt goosebumps all over your skin, scrunching your face as you turn to eunseok. “can you please not do that in my sister’s wedding?”
”good night, honeybunch sugar plum.”
you burst out laughing, falling back against his shoulder at how hard you were laughing. “is it that funny?” eunseok laughs with you, smiling at the adorable expression on your face. “should i start calling you that more?” you shake your head, “oh, seokie, please don’t. i won’t be able to keep a straight face.”
”good morning, my little insect.”
you weren’t expecting to laugh so early in the morning, weakly slapping eunseok’s chest as he pulled you close, “you liked honeybunch sugar plum last night, i thought i’d follow it up with something sweeter.” you laughed against his chest, “you’re so dumb, seok.”
eunseok smiled at you, “i know you had a tough day today, i cooked you some food.” you pout at eunseok, throwing yourself at him as you whined, “thank you so much, seokie.”
”alright, kitten, now you’re just asking for it.”
you giggled at eunseok, easily lifting you up and throwing you gently down the bed. “i haven’t even done anything yet,” you mutter innocently, smiling as he hovered over you. “you don’t have to when you’re this cute, kitten.”
”what a cute little loser.”
you smiled at eunseok, shoving a box at his face, “so are you gonna help me assemble it or not?” eunseok laughs, “where do we even start?”
”you look beautiful today, mommy.”
you furrowed your brows, “okay, i show a bit of cleavage and i’m mommy now?” eunseok chuckles, “you have glasses on too. you look hot, mommy.” you roll your eyes, “you’re not even into that. stop acting like you don’t beg to get called daddy every night.”
eunseok smiles widely, pulling you close to him, “i don’t have to beg, though?”
”okay, calm down, nutcracker.”
”i said i was sorry already! i really didn’t mean to!” you exclaimed, panicking as you watched eunseok writhing in pain. “i’m okay, nutcracker.” you couldn’t help but laugh, “if you’re okay, stop calling me nutcracker already!”
”you’re the only one for me, y/n.”
you rolled your eyes, “yeah, it didn’t seem like that when you were ignoring me all day.” eunseok giggled, “y/n, i was working.” you pouted, “doesn’t mean you have to ignore me!”
”just like that, princess.”
eunseok sighed softly, taking in the pretty sight of you going down on him. “you’re so pretty like this, fuck.” you smiled in response, bobbing your head up and down as eunseok kept his eyes on you.
”on my way, my little queefer.”
”song eunseok!”
”little rat, come back here!”
you laughed as you ran away from eunseok, squealing whenever he was close to catching you. “i swear it wasn’t me! i just heard it from sungchan!”
you tilt your head, waiting for eunseok to continue speaking. he just blinked, smiling widely at you, “just wanted to call you that.” you laughed, pulling him close for a hug, “you can be cute sometimes, seokie.”
”hands off my ass, eunseok!”
”you’re like a blind little unicorn, y/n.”
”seok, what does that even mean?” eunseok chuckles, “no, it's just that you keep bumping your head into things.” he pulled away to look at you, “and by things, i meant me.”
”you’re a vanilla girl.”
you giggle at the ridiculous nickname, “seok, you should know better that vanilla isn’t the only flavor i like.” eunseok smiled at you, “i know, it just sounded cute.”
”my bad, it’s cold,” you smiled sheepishly, snuggling inside his hoodie. eunseok laughed, placing a kiss on your forehead as he squeezed you in his arms.
”you’re the yin to my yang, y/n.”
you cooed at him, “aw, are you saying i complete you, seokie?” eunseok had a mischievous smile on his face, shaking his head, “i just thought i’d ask for 69 in a more creative way.”
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poppy-metal · 3 days
the notes... the notes....
they start off so sweet. art almost thought it wasn't meant for him until the second one showed up. the first one showed up on his gym bag. he'd left it on the bleachers. inside is a full page of just saccharine praise and admiration and a rave review of him. i learned about tennis just for you. you're so beautiful out there, so beautiful period. i've never seen someone like you. it's like watching and angel. the praise fills him up so much that he can't notice the glaring concerns. i know you're gonna be one of the greatest. you won't forget me then, will you? i don't know if i could live if you did. it's just the start of his fan mail.
the notes seem to follow him. it's not just on his gym bag. it's under his door, on his car windshield, the seat he always sits in for this class, and in his locker in the locker room (that's when he starts to get a little concerned). he knows he should throw them away. that he should be creeped out and disgusted even but... he likes them. he finds himself excited instead of scared when he spots the familiar envelope. they comfort him.
he loses a match and goes to a party to blow off steam. when he returns to his car, there's a note and a bag from a nearby store. his favorite candy inside. you go on and on on the note about how he was wronged. you were so amazing out there. those people know nothing. that asshole will get what he deserves. don't be upset baby, mommy will make it all better. your still the best. still my favorite. he finds himself re-reading the notes when he's upset. it doesn't reach him that the guy he lost to had his tires and windows smashed.
he isn't sure how to handle it at first when your notes become lustful. you'd never hid your affection for him. i mean, the back of your letters were always covered in kiss marks. but then you mention how turned on watching him play makes you. can't resist it for long, have to get my fingers inside me soon enough. you just sound so good. when you groan or when you curse. are you like that in bed? how you just know you could make him feel good. feel better than any other girl could make him including that fucking bitch girl he's "dating" (because in reality, he's dating you). i would never let anyone else touch me. won't use anything other than my fingers because i want to save myself for you. i'm only yours even if your confused about being mine.
art knows they shouldn't turn him on but he can't help it. finds his cock getting hard while he reads them. it's even worse when you start sending him polaroids of your tits and cunt. you look so slick in the photos, some your just spreading yourself open for him and others your fingers are inside of you. art feels guilty when he jerks off to them but he always adds them to the little box where he saves everything you've sent him.
- ☕
i literally had a dream about this that's how insane i am about being arts little creep <33
he keeps them in a shoebox under his bed - if anyone found it he'd say hes 'collecting evidence' to turn you in but really its because they mean something to him. he reads them on days when he cant even leave his room he feels so shitty, the sweet notes that tell him how amazing he is. you dont know it, and its oddly touching, but you've gotten him through the worst of his self hatred - the days where he could fucking shrink in on himself and fade into nothing, and then he reads your notes and he remembers there's someone out there who thinks this highly of him. who sees him and likes him - it gets him out of bed. he finds himself hoping that if you're having a bad day - that seeing him out and about is enough to cheer you up.
Its like this weird kind of bond that form even though he doesn't fucking know you. you become codependent anyway. he finds himself wondering about you more and more, in lectures, he'll idly glance around the room and wonder if any of the people his eyes bounce over could be you - he wonders if there's something about you that would give you away if he really really studied each and every person around him.
one day his eyes do land on you - you're taking notes because to stalk art you have to actually stay in college which means you do have to learn and study, unfortunately - and you feel his eyes on the side of your face, and you burn up inside. your palm starts sweating and you're half panicked half excited, is he gleaning anything? what is he thinking when he looks at you? you want to know so fucking badly. but you dont look up - sure that if you did you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from communicating everything with your gaze. and its not time.
what art is thinking is - you're cute. he hasn't really noticed you before, but he thinks you have a cute nose. he notes a birthmark next to your mouth. he thinks the glitter pen you're writing with is endearing. but you dont look up at him, so you're not his girl (his girl, when had he started thinking that?) - and he looks away, the small moment fades from his mind by the end of the lecture.
and when you start sending him pictures - he can't help it. there's been a worry, of course, that his stalker could very well be some greasy man or someone completely grotesque - but, god. the gleam of your cunt - the way your pretty fingers hold yourself open - he can see your little clit -
the note makes him groan i can't hold back anymore. i want you to see what you do to me - its not enough just to tell you. you make me so wet. i dont even have to warm up for it just thinking about you is enough to get me messy enough that my fingers just slide in. just my fingers though, i promise. i want my hymen to be broken on your cock - i want you to be my first. i belong to you.
beats his dick raw to the picture you send him over the weeks and eventually it gets to the point where he's wondering if he can take this - he feels insane - really insane - he thinks about writing you back. about putting a note of his own in the places you always leave one for him, so that when you go to put it there - you'll see his.
he thinks better of it. talks himself out of it. jerking off to pictures of your pussy you willingly send is one thing - actively engaging with you is a whole other ballpark. unless it was to tell you to leave him alone, there's absolutely no reason to. he'd be telling you its okay - he'd be enabling this obviously concerning behavior. he wont do it.
its just. you said you'd do anything for him. anything at all. would you send him a video, if he asked? would you show him more of you? he's been thinking about what your fingers would look like pumping in and out - the sounds of your pussy - if you said his name - would you get into degrading positions for him? how far would you go while still concealing your identity?
he doesn't need to know. it'd be fucking deranged to push you.
but you said you'd do anything. he's your prince, isn't he? if he wants to see more you'd have to listen. you'd have to.
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llilyrose · 1 day
Doodle for @the-bitter-ocean's In Cycles and Cessation au!!!!! (Alt. Version and writing under the cut!!)
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{You pat the spot next to you.}
{They take it, albeit a bit hesitantly.}
"Mira? What's, um... What's this about?"
{What's this about, indeed...}
>"You like the stars, don't you?"
{They hum, simply.}
"... Yeah."
{In the past you've struggled with sharing your thoughts, and the processes that lead to them. There's just -- there's SO MUCH going on in there!}
{At least you're good at remembering lines.}
>"I've noticed that you like to skygaze. A lot. And, you know, there's nothing wrong with that! But."
>"But you're not cloudgazing. Isabeau told me you're looking at the stars - the twinkly things in the sky?"
{He nods. It's permission.}
>"He also told me that, er, that thing you say sometimes - it roughly translates to stars in Vaugardian."
{He nods again, though it's more reserved. It's still permission. You haven't messed up yet. You continue.}
>"So I thought!! Um!!! Maybe you would want to skygaze with me?"
{Their smile is fond.}
"Mira. You didn't have to go out of your way..."
{No! You do!!! You absolutely do, because you know this means a lot to them, you know they're yearning, you're achingly familiar with their anxieties --}
{Change!! He won't even let you help him if you don't get anything out of it yourself!}
{... It feels like cheating. A bit selfish, to impose your problems on him, in a moment that's meant to be his. So you'll just... repeat your lines. Repeat it, Mira.}
>"The stars. Are they important to you?"
{Silence drags on. You hear the rustling of fabric. You're not sure if he's rubbing his arms or shifting to get a better view of the sky.}
{The lack of response urges you to bring a nail to your teeth. You make the beginnings of the motion, but Siffrin interrupts you before you get the chance.}
"Kind of. I think? I'm not ... entirely sure."
{It's the same thing they've always said.}
{The lack of change hurts you. The lack of change is comforting.}
>"It's okay."
{A breeze brushes past you. It drowns out the gentle sounds of their breath.}
>"This kind of thing is . . . complicated. For me, too, if you can believe it."
{Hook. You hear him turning his head towards you, curiously.}
>"The change belief is home, for me. Growing up in a House of Change, of course, probably influenced a lot of my thinking, but."
>"As important as change is, as close as this ever-shifting belief sits to my heart, I have a complicated relationship with it."
>"The housemaidens... each of them has Changed, at least once. We have festivals to embrace it! And I'm happy for them! I'm so, so happy for them."
>"But I'm disappointed. In myself, I think? Because... Because I haven't changed. Or, I have changed, but I've never Changed, capital-C."
{Line. You hear a disgruntled "hrmpf" from beside you. You keep going.}
>"And nobody is pressuring me. I don't have to. But, I feel like- in this belief, this belief that revolves entirely around changing myself, changing the core of my being, into something completely different, completely new-"
>"I like me as I am, Siffrin."
>"But sometimes it feels like I'm missing out on key experiences in my culture."
>"So... yeah. It's complicated. These things are complicated. It's okay to be complicated."
>"Is it-- are the stars something like that, to you?"
{Sinker. You look back, and Siffrin is staring at you, sadly. He notices you looking, though, and shifts his gaze back towards the sky. The stars. They're thinking.}
"... Yeah."
{They pause. You wait. You'll give them the time.}
{You have plenty of it! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!}
{No. Positive. It's okay.}
"It's complicated for me, too."
"You like to say I'm easygoing. I think it's just the way I was raised."
"To say I follow my belief is more literal than anything."
"The Universe leads. We follow."
>"The Universe?"
{Wait for your cue.}
"The Universe. It's... everything. It's everything at once, and also everything beyond?"
"It's... the stars, in the sky, I think. It's the waves crashing onto a beach, the whistle of wind in your ears."
"It's not like everything is predetermined. We just... if something goes wrong, or you think you see a sign, you can throw your arms up and say 'the Universe willed it.' And you wouldn't be wrong."
"I... don't really like that idea? That some higher force makes the decisions for me. That I can't shape who I am on my own."
"I don't like the idea that-..."
{They snap their mouth closed. You don't miss the way their voice cracked.}
{It hurts. It hurts you every time. Every time you help them it just resets. You're not sure how many more times you can do this.}
{It's like all your change never mattered in the first place...!}
>"You don't have to share, if you don't want to!!!"
{You won't complete his quest if you do this. You won't get his ability if you do this. You won't be family if you do this. But you can't anymore. You can't.}
"... It's okay. I just..."
{There's no backdoor anymore.}
{Your gut clenches as they speak the words you've toiled over for loops, now.}
"I don't like the idea that forgetting everything about my culture was for some greater purpose. I don't want that. I don't want to forget who I was, I don't want to forget who I am, I don't want to forget you! Any of you!"
{His voice is wet. Something pangs in your chest.}
"If forgetting is all I can do, if forgetting like this is the path set out for me, then..."
"What kind of person can't remember their home? Their childhood? What is a person without their memories?"
"is this what the Universe wanted from me? Is this all I'm for?"
{You've heard it all before.}
{And yet. And yet.}
>"Don't talk about yourself like that!"
{He flinches. You yelled! Why did you yell???}
>"You don't...! You don't deserve to treat yourself like that!"
{You can't stop yourself. The thoughts you bite back flow out of you like a river.}
>"'What kind of person am I without my memories?' You're Siffrin, that's who! With or without your memories, we love you as you are, the person you are!"
{You pause. He's scared of you, isn't he? You're being loud. Too loud. You're derailing the conversation.}
{Change is good. Change should be good. But it feels like every time you try to change your situation, it bites you back and turns tail!}
{You messed it up, you messed it up, you--}
{You feel a tug on your heart.}
"-is this all I'm for?"
{You smile, softly.}
>"Of course not, Siffrin."
{He tenses. You always notice it.}
>"You... don't have to deal with this alone. Why didn't you tell me? Or anyone?"
{They pull their hat over their face.}
"It, um... didn't really matter."
{It still hurts you. That he didn't think he could tell you.}
>"We'll never forget you, Siffrin. And you'll never forget us, either. I'm sure of it."
>"Memories or not... you belong here. With us. We love you, you know that, right?"
{They shrink back, flustered. It hurts. You've seen it before. You've seen it.}
>"If you're so worried about your lack of memories, we'll just... make new ones!!! Together!!!"
>"You're not alone in this anymore. You're here, with us, and we have a future to look forward to, together."
{He's crying.}
{That look in their eyes. You know.}
{You know he knows he is loved.}
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{You hate that you're getting tired of it.}
124 notes · View notes
6. baby, if your love is in trouble
Frankie Morales x female reader | let's get lost chapter 6
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Summary: You and Frankie aren’t together anymore but you’re in a good place. However, spending a week together for your mutual friends’ wedding on a luxury resort might challenge that slightly and realising you’re still in love with your ex is a sure-fire recipe for disaster … Tropes: it was always you, getting back with the ex, beach!Frankie (you know *that* photoshoot) miscommunication, only one bed, good parent Frankie Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of alcohol, some difficult conversations and some kissing(you’ll have to keep reading to know which order that is), allusions to TF canon events, brief discussions or references to addiction recovery, lolabee typical flangst. Word Count: 4.4k Notes: The next chapter is the last full one (there may be an epilogue) so we are very close to the end now. Thank you so much for all your patience and love with this fic, I cannot tell you how much it means to me. Also this chapter is dedicated to @undercoverpena because her art for this fic (and our chat about it afterwards) really reminded me why I love this fic and helped get me out of a little block I had, even if she made me cry (in a good way, honest) - ily jo!
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Time is strange on vacation. The time leading up to it drags, every second feels like an hour, every hour feels like a day. It’s exhausting and draining which only makes you need the break more. Time seems to pass normally - well, almost normally - at the start of a vacation. It's usually somewhere around day two, when the post travel fatigue finally abates, that time changes again. It goes too fast, so just as you finally start to feel relaxed, it’s almost over.
You know the end is coming. Soon Benny and Lia’s wedding will be over, soon you’ll be on a flight home and then you and Frankie will go your separate ways. Back to an empty house that’s haunted by what could have been, to a job that you don’t know if you love, to a life you feel like is existence when it could be so much more.
You don’t want to leave here, not when you and Frankie feel so unresolved.
There are memories of the day before in every inch of this hotel room. The bed that Frankie took you apart so expertly on, the bathroom counter he kissed you against in a way that makes kissing feel like a small world. You remember it was good before, but not like that.
You still love Frankie. It’s not an easy epiphany; it’s messy and painful and raw. That’s love though. It’s a dangerous yet fragile emotion.
You love Frankie. Did you ever truly stop? When you hated him, when you were furious and your relationship was nothing but scorched earth, it was always more from heartbreak than hatred.
There’s part of you that wants to scream triumphantly, to run into his arms and declare it to the world. It wants to live in this vacation bubble fantasy forever.
You’re a parent though and Clara changes everything. You both need her to have stability in her world, to be able to have her parents as a strong foundation. You’re sensible and scarred and oh so reliable now.
Love isn’t pragmatic, it’s wild.
This morning you questioned if it was enough, if the love could be enough between the two of you to repair those wounds and fill between the holes of your breakup, of Will’s wedding, of the lost trust and bitterness on every side.
“You look serious,” Lia says, a nervous expression covering her face as she sips her drink.
You blink, shaking your head like it can shake away the gremlins in your mind. “Sorry, I was a million miles away.”
The sun warms your skin as you look out at the bright blue around you. Sparking, azure contrasts with the bright white of the catamaran. There’s music playing softly by the bar, light chatter around you and a sense of peacefulness.
“How are you feeling? Are you ready for tomorrow?” you ask, focusing on Lia - definitely not Frankie.
No, you’re definitely not paying attention to Frankie who is just in your eyeline and is wearing a suitably loud shirt that’s completely unbuttoned, allowing a peek of his tanned skin, the faint hints of hair below his navel racing down to -
You jolt at the sudden reminder of what you were doing just a couple of hours ago. The feeling of his skin against yours, the weight of his body that was so welcome. He looks relaxed though, a bottle of soda in his hand, head tilted back as he laughs.
Is it just you who’s panicking? No, no, you don’t think it is. You notice how he looks away just for a moment, the way his free hand is tapping against his leg nervously, the feeling that if you look away maybe he’ll steal a glance at you too.
You hear your name and look back at Lia, even more guilt rising. This, this is exactly what you wanted to avoid.
“Did you and Frankie have an argument?”
“Well, you seem out of it and I caught you looking at him just now and … I thought things were better?” You hear the unspoken words ‘please don’t ruin this, please don’t ruin my wedding too’.
“We’re fine,” you say, “Good. It’s all good.”
“I know it must be awkward sharing with him, but you’ve nearly made it through the whole break!”
“Honestly, Lia, we’re fine. Good. Yeah, it’s not a thing.”
“I just - I’m very intuitive, I can feel tension when you two look at each other.” It’s the other type of tension, you think. The type of tension when just a few hours ago he was inside of you, where he was tracing kisses along your jawline. It’s the type of tension that only happens when after that you panic and make everything worse.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Frankie and I are -”
“Fine?” Lia squeezes your arm. “Just, just don’t let it fester.”
You want to tell her everything, you desperately crave her advice. You want to sip a cocktail and giggle with her about what happened, have her console your panic. This vacation isn’t about you though. It’s for her, for her and Benny. So your anxieties and secrets will have to fester, it’s the only way.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Nothing … relax Santi.”
“I’m not fucking relaxed when …” Santi says something you can’t hear.
“I was there, I remember.”
“Just, she’s not gonna ….” You need to get closer so you can hear more.
You edge just a little closer, feeling the condensation around the soda bottle as you lean just a little more so you can make out their words. You feel guilty but it’s a chance to finally understand where Frankie is in all this, especially after what’s happened today. It’s probably wrong to admit, but this feels like a litmus test of where this all could possibly end up, if there really is hope.
“She’s the mother of my child, Santi, she’s the person I love.” Frankie is so firm, so quietly assertive and matter of fact about this it takes your breath away.
He loves you. He still loves you and for the first time, maybe it does feel like enough. The warmth surges through your body and you smile to yourself.
“Love?” Santi spits. “After Will’s wedding? After that breakup? You might forget it was my sofa you crashed on, but I saw it all, Frankie.” And there’s the reality crush you were waiting for.
“I was high, I was high and it was a shit night for everyone and I’m sorry about that. It’s the past though. You’ve all gotta stop talking about it, stop waiting for her to react. It’s not right, Santi, not for her and not for me.”
“It’s not you, it’s-”
“She’s on eggshells, and so am I. We’re so scared of being the ones who wreck another - you have no idea what’s in her head. The pressure -” You watch how Frankie runs a hand through his hair, how he leans against the wall of the cabin.
He gets it, you think, he actually understands what’s happening for you and how you feel.
“Must be a lot for you.”
“Not just me, like I said.”
“Okay, I hear you.”
“You know, the way you’re being, it’s like you’re …” Santi pauses and looks at Frankie seriously “Frankie, oh shit. Oh shit. You two fucked?”
You freeze - how has Santi worked it out? Will everyone else now? The tension twists your stomach into knots. Is it that obvious?
“Don’t, Santi.”
“I warned you, I freaking told you that sharing a room was a bad idea.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever..”
“So, what now? Are you getting back together?”
“I don’t know. It’s not just up to me, right? It’s not that simple. Besides, it only happened today - it’s not been, we haven’t even had a chance to figure it out yet.“
“Oh, you slut, Frankie,” Santi teases affectionately. “So, I don’t even know what to say, bro. But you say you love her; she looks at you like … I don’t know. Sounds like you’re overcomplicating it. Isn’t it that simple?”
“There’s Clara - I can’t bring her down, bro, I just can’t be that fucking guy.” You watch as Frankie wipes his eyes roughly and wish you were closer to him so you could squeeze his arm and reassure him. You hadn’t realised he was worried about the same thing as you.
You hear your name being called and immediately cringe as Frankie looks around, a slightly startled expression on his face. Santi doesn’t say anything but he squeezes Frankie’s shoulders as he walks away.
He sees you standing there and just shakes his head a little - it’s not angry, it’s almost affectionate in fact. “You two are gonna be the fucking death of me, I swear,” he says in a whisper.
You don’t reply, you just wait because you know Frankie’s going to find you in a moment..
“How much of that did you hear?” Frankie asks when he spots you. He runs one hand in his hair and leans slightly against the door jamb. His eyes are downcast, avoiding you and you want to see them, to know what he’s thinking.
“Nothing.” It’s a terrible lie, the sort of tone Clara uses when she sneaks cookies or candy.
He says your name, draws it out teasingly as he cups your face to meet his eyes. He’s so warm, radiating body heat and ease. Comfort. It’s a pleasant warmth that eases your knotted stomach.
“I may have heard something about you being a slut,” you tease,” “And that maybe you’re worried about messing it all up too.”
“You didn’t know that?”
“I have been having my own existential crisis if you hadn’t noticed!”
“Yeah, your brain whirs pretty loud when those happen.”
“I’m always whirring,” you say.
He pulls you closer, one hand resting casually on your hip and he’s close enough you can smell the sea-salt on his skin, the slight ghost of his cologne and suncream too. You look at the hand on your skin, follow every detail of it up until you meet you his eyes. You catalogue every detail on the way; a mix of freckles, sun-stained skin and muscle, the stubble that just hours ago was on you, memories of it against your thighs intrude your soliloquy.
”I - I didn’t mean to make things awkward with you and Santi. I didn’t realise he … he had such a problem, with us, I mean. With me.”
“He doesn’t. Not really,” Frankie says softly, “How would Lia initially react? Santi is the one I went to after we broke up and maybe - maybe it’s hard for him to look at some of the triggers for back then. It’s not an excuse, I was - you know I relapsed before Clara, but it wasn’t bad then, it wasn’t as bad. It was just a few times and I was in meetings and dealing with it and then - then well, you remember what happened.”
“Oh.” You remember Frankie’s ashen face when he returned from Colombia. You’d been furious with him - exhausted from sleepless nights with Clara and an aching, terrifying fear that you were going about your life when Frankie was lying dead somewhere. It had been a catalyst for your relationships end, of course, but what it really did was light a spark for Frankie’s addiction. You wondered for a long time if Frankie ever came back to you or if he’d died like Tom, just in a less invisible way.
He’s back now though. He’s here.
He’s here.
You lean into him, kissing him lightly on the lips. A confirmation of the moment, of the feeling between the two of you. A reminder that you’re here too.
“I love you too,” you whisper.
“You heard that? I - if you want the truth, I never stopped. I’m not sure I could ever stop being in love with you,” Frankie admits.
“I’m scared of this, of what happens if it goes wrong again.”
“Then at least we tried, right? At least we know, because this limbo isn’t right either, baby. I think - I think we can do it this time. I’m clean and I don’t want to go to back, not when it risks Clara, not when it risks you. I don’t like the me back then.”
“I definitely got a lot wrong too.”
“We’ve got this.”
Frankie pulls you tightly against him, one hand entwined in yours as meets your lips again briefly.
“You and me?” you say, more as a question than a statement.
“You and me,” he repeats.
“We tell them after the wedding, we’re not taking over another wedding, Frankie.”
“That works for me.”
He kisses you again, deepening the kiss, as the two of you pour all the words you want to say but that get stuck in your throat into this moment. He spins you against the wall of the boat, moves his hand down from your shoulder to your chest, to the edge of your swimsuit and although he’s barely touching you, it immediately sends heat and shivers to your stomach. Frankie’s always had an effect on you, always been able to tease those sounds and crescendos of pleasure that seemed so far away before.
There’s something about his smile when he notices the effect he has on you. The hint of surprise in his eyes combine with a steely confidence, a slight cockiness that he is the one causing this, that you’re responding to him.
He moans into your mouth as you pull him closer against you yet, wanting to move somewhere else, somewhere you can be alone.
You stumble slightly and Frankie grabs your arm, places the other on the wall to steady yourselves. A tangle of limbs and the two of you smile. His phone falls out of his pocket, the sound echoing around you.
“Shit,” he says quietly.
You both spring apart and look around nervously. Close, so close. You wait for the voices, for one of your friends to call you or worse, to come over.
“We should -”
“Yeah, yeah. Uh - we should.”
You lean back against the wall and shut your eyes, willing your heart rate to slow down, letting the adrenaline burn off.
She’s the person I love.
Maybe, just maybe you were wrong earlier. Perhaps love is enough.
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The rehearsal dinner is an informal affair. Lia and Benny deliberately opted for an earlier dinner time so that Clara could be part of it and have already said they’re eschewing as much of the formality for the rehearsal as they can.
It’s considerate and thoughtful and you’re so glad you’ve been able to make this wedding trip work as a family vacation too.
Of course, in practice, scheduling the dinner for just a couple of hours after getting back from the boat trip is far more stressful than they may have anticipated. Especially with a toddler.
“I wanted to stay in kids club,” she cries to Frankie, face screwed up with tears and arms folded.
“I know, baby, but you’ll get to go after the wedding.”
“No, tomorrow’s Uncle Benny and Aunt Lia’s wedding.”
“This isn’t fair,” she cries, “we were making puppets!”
Frankie looks up at you helplessly. You’re half-dressed, your dress unzipped and no-makeup yet, your hair still damp from the shower.
“Clara, we need to get ready for dinner now,” he says steadily.
“Daddy’s right, Clara, it’s time.”
“Clara,” Frankie says, a hint of firmness slowly coming through in his voice. He looks exhausted but he’s meeting your daughter’s eyes, trying to gently assert that she needs to get moving. “It’s time to get ready now. You will get to go to the kids’ club again, but not right now. Now, we’re going to dinner and when we get back, you can watch one episode of your show before bed, okay?”
”Okay.” Clara had clearly forgotten she’d already negotiated that episode of her show earlier in the morning.
Frankie smiles at you as Clara toddles over to you, ready to comply.
“Need a hand?” he asks, pointing at the zip.
Your eyes watch Clara carefully choosing between two pairs of shoes as Frankie comes up behind you, touches the back of your shoulder before he glides the zip up and gently kisses the side of your neck.
“She’s not looking,” he says in a low voice, “and that fucking dress always destroys me.”
You smile, “I know.”
“Why, are you planning to seduce me?”
”Maybe, haven’t decided yet. Play your cards right and perhaps you’ll see….”
Frankie laughs, low and with genuine happiness. He claps his hands together lightly as he moves over to Clara.
”C’mon, princesa, let’s get this show on the road.”
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The dinner was a success and now everyone is milling around the bar, enjoying the sunset and each fleeting moment of this vacation.
Clara's on Frankie's hip as he talks to Will and Benny, one of his arms on Benny's shoulder as they all laugh.
You could get used to this again.
You're still at the table, having spent most of the dinner talking with Lia who is now working the rest of the party.
You take a sip of the dregs of your drink and shut your eyes, letting the moment sink in.
There's the sound of a chair being pulled next to you.
You open your eyes to see Sophie sititng next to you. She's wearing a stunning dress that seems to match the sunset and her makeup is immaculate as ever. You don't feel self conscious though, don't feel the usually creeping doubts rising.
You feel a little different actually. Maybe it's relaxing, maybe it's the vacation, maybe it's hope.
Sophie looks at you carefully and lowers her wine glass. “I know you are a good friend to Lia and that you care about Benny.”
“Of course.”
She leans closer to you, a subtle hint of alcohol and fruity cocktails radiating around her. “I also know that despite what you say, you and Frankie - you aren’t over. You still want to be with him. Everyone knows he’s not over you. I’ve seen your face this week.”
“What are you saying Soph?”
“If you two want to figure things out, to see if there’s something still there, then you guys do that. You’re both adults.”
“I’m sensing a but here.”
“I love you both. I do. It’s just you and Frankie are like storms. You’re beautiful and powerful and sometimes a little inspiring too. You endure and you survive, but you leave wreckage in your wake. Wreckage and destruction no-one wants on their wedding day. Trust me. I lived it with you that day.”
You burn with shame as her words land. The memories of Sophie and Will’s wedding feel like an albatross around your neck, something that can never be forgotten or erased.
You’re sick of it - it makes you think your friends will never truly support you and Frankie reconciling, despite Sophia’s words. If they’ll always be watching, guarded and waiting for the chaos or storm, then how can you and Frankie ever relax.
“What are you saying?” you ask in a low voice.
“I’m saying that this is Benny and Lia’s moment. I’m saying that I can’t - I can’t sit by and watch them go through what I - what we … you know what I’m saying. Not while you and Frankie are in a vacation bubble that isn’t - it isn’t real,”
“Things are different. We’re both different. Frankie’s clean now too.”
“I know, and I can’t pretend I know how it felt for you that day, or the ones that led up to it. I know you’ve been through a lot too. I just - Benny’s like my little brother and I know Will can’t say this to you, but we’re all worried. So, I’m going to be the bad guy, but it’s out of love, I promise. I promise. I love you both so much, and I love Benny and Lia too.”
“It wouldn’t be like that. It wouldn’t - that was a - we hit rock bottom, but it wouldn’t happen again.”
“You can’t know that,” Sophie says simply, “So I am begging you, please don’t pull us all back into that storm. Think of Clara.”
The final punch meets its target.
You feel deflated, completely and utterly deflated. You avert your gaze to the paved stones beneath your feet, blink back tears.
In a way, Sophie’s right. You can never know it won’t happen again, that’s love though, right? You have known for years that they saw you and Frankie’s demise as wreckage they were pulled into, that you two became the problem friends as you both lashed out after the breakup, trying to retain control of the uncontrollable in the only way you knew how. You knew this deep down.
It hurts though. It is agonising to realise that every one of your anxieties and fears here was correct, that your friends still treat you with kid gloves, that you and Frankie will always be the problem couple. Even if you get back together, even if it’s perfect, everyone will be waiting for the storm to hit.
“Oh no, I’ve overstepped, I’m sorry. I - I - I’ve drunk too much. Ignore me. Wine makes me funky,” Sophie says, looking panicked.
If it’s a fight, if love is truly a battle, then you need people in your corner. You need to know that the people you love are rooting for you as well, that there is a support network. You require someone to encourage the two of you as things get tough, as you do battle against your anxieties, Frankie’s demons and anything else life throws at you and to know they won’t judge either of you.
It’s clear now that your friends are not in your corner though. Instead, they view you and Frankie as adversaries, not allies, and they’re always waiting cautiously for the next round of hits to land.
How do you try again if no one else really wants you to? If they all think the worst?
You ruined Sophie’s wedding. What on earth makes you think you deserve a happy ending with Frankie after that?
You needed Sophi’s buy-in, you needed her support. You hadn’t realised that until now, but it’s clear. You knew it the moment Sophie started speaking to you. There’s an anxious and scared version of you that requires your friends’ validation, their support that trying all over again is a good thing, that it won’t fuck up your daughter, or your friendships all over again.
Without this, you’re at sea without a buoy, without a lighthouse. You’re floundering in the dark in a lifejacket and rapidly realising hope alone won’t get you to land.
“I need to go,” you say, brushing Sophie’s hand of your arm and heading down towards the beach.
You walk across the sand nervously. You’re hoping the sea will have answers, will calm you down. The sound of waves lapping in and out is like someone soothing you, saying it’s going to be okay.
You sit down rest your head against your knees. You just need a minute, to let it out.
So you do, you finally let yourself break.
Several minutes later, you hear footsteps behind you and a concerned voice saying your name,
You look over to see Frankie. His top three buttons are unbuttoned and his brow is furrowed as he takes in your general demeanour.
“Where’s Clara?” you sniffle.
“Lia’s taking her back to our room, and we’ll meet her there. She also said she needs an early night with the wedding tomorrow. Hey, hey what’s - what’s wrong?”
“I think we’ve made a terrible mistake, Frankie, I’m so sorry,” you manage to say before you burst into tears. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Frankie pales, sinking next to you. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t think any of our friends want us to get back together - how can they all be wrong?”
“Santi isn’t all our friends. I told you he’s projecting his own shit.”
“It’s not just Santi!”
“Who said something? What the fuck did they say? This is our relationship, okay? It’s not theirs. They don’t have a say.”
“When we ruined their wedding, they do.”
“So, it’s Will or Sophie. What did they say? I’m going to fucking -”
“And storm into the rehearsal dinner and prove their point, yell at Sophie? Cause a scene and have tonight go down as yet another of our disasters?”
“You’re crying. Sophie had no right to -”
“I’ve had wine, it’s fine. It’s just hot and I’m worried about going home and - I’m fine. It’s fine.”
“It’s not.”
“It’s a reality check. I hadn’t realised. I thought they’d be happy for us, but perhaps they can’t be.”
“They’ll see,” he says desperately, “we’ll show them it’s real. That it’s different this time.”
“Frankie, I need to know, what happens when we go back?” you ask.
He sits down beside you and takes your hand. “I want to say something smooth, talk you through how I’m going to woo you, and I am going to woo you, tell you that it’s all going to be great.”
“Good start.”
“I can’t promise that though, not right now. Not knowing what you’ve just said. I want to think our friends will be happy for us, but they might not be. Or they might be cautious. It’s us though, it’s you and me. I know that this vacation has reminded me of how much I lost, how much I want every day back with you and Clara.”
“If our friends aren’t supporting us, how do we even carry on? What do we do? Do we cut everyone we love -”
“So what then, Frankie?” You barely recognise your voice between your sobs and the way it’s so shrill, so desperate. You had finally made peace with your decision, finally thought that maybe this was all going to be okay. That there was a future outside of this vacation bubble.
Frankie is silent for a moment. You feel how he’s rubbing your back, soothing you as you purge your emotions.
“You forgave me, right?” he says softly after a moment.
“For the relapse, for the mess I put us all through, for not talking to you. It took time, it took months, but you did, right?”
You nod.
“Maybe it’s like that for them. And if it’s not, we’ll show ‘em either way. I just - I’ve only just got you back. Please, don’t go anywhere yet. We won’t tell them, not until we’re home, until we’re sure. That way it can’t affect us, can’t bring us down when we’re trying. Don’t give up on us because of Sophie’s drunken idiocy. Please.” He pulls you tighter to him, one arm wrapped around and the other hand reaching to wipe away tears on the side closest to him. His hands are warm, radiating comfort and peace as you feel so adrift.
Maybe he’s the rock, maybe he’s the buoy. Perhaps that is what you are to each other as well?
You laugh, an ugly half-sobbing sound. “Okay, okay, I won’t. I promise.”
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Impurities II
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Synopsis: You’re the new girl at East Highland High, your only goal is to get through school. Until you come across Nate Jacobs
Gerne: slightly suggestive, fluff, slight angst
Pairing: Nate x fem!reader
Warnings: manipulation, lying, dark themes, let me know if I missed something
Song rec: saint - dpr ian | in my feelings- ldr
WC: +7k
Other parts: part one, part two,
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part as much as the last one :3 I’d love to make some other parts including smut because I kinda like where this story is going so tell me if you guys would be down to read that!! ᥫ᭡
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The next days weren’t that eventful. You went to school with Nate, you went to the mall with Nate, and you sometimes even waited for Nate until he was done with his football training.
The next week started out pretty smooth too. You got ready for school on Monday, before Nate picked you up, and you two drove to school and you went to your classes. Everything was going well.
Everything, except for lunch break.
The bell rang and you quickly stuffed your things into your bag, knowing that Nate was probably on his way to the cafeteria already.
You exited the room and walked towards the cafeteria, when someone suddenly stepped in front of you "We need to talk."
You looked up from the floor and found none other than Maddy. She had her arms crossed and looked at you with her usual confident stare.
You remembered what Nate told you about her, that you should stay away from her and that she's a liar, a cheater and simply a horrible person.
But you still couldn't be mean to her or ignore her. "About what?" You asked nervously. She rolled her eyes subtly "What do you think?" She answered.
Fair point.
"Listen, Nate and I aren't together if that's what you want to talk about. And even if we were, it’s not like we owe you any explanation." You didn't know where that surge of confidence came from. Maybe because she started getting on your nerves?
As if her constant stares weren't enough, she had to approach you now too? And she had the nerve to be annoyed when you simply asked what she wanted to talk about.
"Okay, I don't know what the fuck he told you, but it's probably not true." Maddy retorted "I just wanted to warn you, because you seem like a nice person."
You couldn't lie, you were curious about her point of view. You didn't want to betray your only friend, but it wouldn't hurt to listen to her explanation. It’s not like you'd believe her anyway.
"Warn me from what? I'm totally fine and Nate has been nothing but nice to me so far." Maddy scoffed, God, you’re so oblivious "So far, yeah that probably describes it perfectly. Did you ever do anything against his will?"
You thought for a moment Did I? "I take that as a no." Maddy answered for you "Nate only likes you because you do what he says. And," She looked you up and down "because you also wear what he wants you to wear. Seems like he didn't change at all."
You scoffed in disbelief "Nate has done so much for me, and he never forced me to wear this. He also never hurt me-." "Yet." She interrupted "It's only a matter of time until he does."
You stayed silent, not sure what to say to that "Nate loves control and he loves it even more when he has control over someone. He's fucking sick in the head, completely deranged!"
You didn't want to believe Maddy. There's no way Nate actually was like that, you knew him you spent so much time with him. Sure, he did have a short temper sometimes, but he never intentionally treated you badly.
And you knew that she treated him badly and not the other way around. How could she lie to you like that? Did she want you to drop him?
You weren't even his girlfriend and yet she went to such lengths to get back at him.
She's even worse than I thought.
"I know you probably don't want to believe me right now, because he seems like your only true friend and he did all these things for you. But all those things he does for you, are just another way for him to feel good about himself in some sick and twisted way."
What the fuck is wrong with her?
"Why would he buy all these things for you? Why would he make you change your style if he only wants to be your friend?"
She had a point, it might seem strange from the outside, but you knew that Nate only did that for you. He only gave you advice and compliments, and honestly? You felt way better about yourself compared to before.
"I appreciate your concern but it's really not like that, okay? I've known Nate for some time now, and if he would be as ‘deranged’ as you claim he is, I would've noticed by now, don't you think?" You responded as friendly as you could.
Maddy scoffed in return "Don't you think he's able to hide that? Of course he’s not violent towards you, you're like his new obsession. What would he do without you?" Maddy asked sarcastically.
"Maddy!" Nate's angry voice echoed through the hallway, making both of you flinch in surprise.
Maddy was scared, she knew what he was capable of, but she tried to keep her cool as he approached you two. "I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?" he said, his tone harsher than usual as he stared you down.
The hallway was almost empty, since most of the students were in the cafeteria already, but the ones that weren't, eyed the three of you. And it made you even more nervous.
You swallowed before nodding "I-I'm sorry-" "I talked to her first," Maddy interrupted. "someone had to warn her. Before you destroy her life as well."
That fucking bitch
She just couldn't keep her mouth shut, and it was pissing him off more and more. But Nate couldn't let his façade falter, especially not in front of you.
"You're insane... You always act like the victim, Maddy. You're so fucking desperate for attention that you involve innocent people."
You were so confused, first Maddy confronts you out of nowhere and then he appeared all of a sudden. And the other students were still staring as well.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You-" "Just like back then, when you fucked that guy in front of everyone. Did you enjoy the attention? Did you enjoy humiliating me like that?" Maddy's eyes widened as she scoffed, she couldn’t believe Nate was putting on this show in front of everyone "Don't even try to compare that to the stuff that you did, Nate."
Nate chuckled drily in response. "I love how you don't even deny it. Or how you lied about that guy taking advantage of you while you were drunk." He took a step closer to her "Don't ever talk to her again, do you hear me? If I see you fucking talking to her one more time, it's over for you."
Nate threatened as Maddy's eyes widened ever so slightly. Nate grabbed your hand and almost dragged you after him as he walked towards the cafeteria.
You stumbled along as he took big steps, you didn't dare to speak, you weren’t even sure what to say. Once you reached the table, Nate sat down pulling you along with him.
You looked straight ahead, too afraid to look into his eyes. Nate sighed "Y/n... Look at me." You slowly moved your gaze towards him. He looked worried, as if he had lost you, the anger from earlier seemingly gone.
But only on the outside.
On the inside he was fuming, wishing he had choked Maddy harder back at the carnival.
"I'm sorry for being angry back there... I just know how much shit Maddy talks, and I don't want you to worry about anything just because she needed attention again."
You nodded slowly "I'm sorry, yeah?" he repeated as he softly stroked your cheek with his large hand. You melted into his touch as you smiled and nodded once again. "I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place."
Nate smiled softly. He adored you so much, Maddy would always fight with him when he got angry, but you? You didn't, you simply accepted his apology and told him it's fine, accepting that he's the way he is.
"Yeah but it's not your fault. You're just nice to the wrong people sometimes." He reassured you once again.
Nate was still incredibly pissed at Maddy but seeing you smile and lean into his touch made him feel so much better. It was insane how good he felt when he was with you, how easily you trusted him.
Nate needed to keep you close to him, he couldn't afford to lose you and he 100% meant what he said to Maddy.
He'd destroy her if she ever tries something stupid again.
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"So, what's the special occasion?" You chuckled as you walked into the fancy restaurant Nate had picked out for the evening.
He told you to wear something pretty because you'd go out tonight. Needless to say, your mom was not impressed.
All she heard was 'Nate' and 'going out once it's dark outside' and she was immediately alarmed. Telling you to send her a text at least every hour.
She wasn't that displeased with your outfit this time though. You wore a midi dress with floral patterns and a v-neckline, combined with black flats and a necklace with a heart shaped pendant.
Nate definitely had plans for tonight.
It's been a month since you first met, and he decided that it would be the perfect day to finally ask you to be his.
This had to be the first time Nate was genuinely nervous to ask a girl out.
He was sure that you liked him too, but you never made any advances towards him. The only thing he did notice however, was your sour expression whenever some of the cheerleaders, or any girl for that matter, would talk to him.
He could tell that you got jealous, maybe even compared yourself to them, completely unaware of the fact that Nate only had eyes for you.
"Well, I'll tell you after we ate. Let's get inside first." He smiled as he took in your outfit once more while you walked inside the fancy restaurant. You didn't dare to move from Nate's side, too nervous once you saw how huge the restaurant was on the inside.
Nate greeted the receptionist and talked to him for a moment before he lead you to a beautifully decorated table for two.
Before you could even grab your chair, Nate was quick to pull it out for you to sit on. God, he's so attentive..
You smiled as you sat down "Thank you, sir." you said jokingly. Nate smiled as he responded "You're very welcome."
Once he sat down he passed you one of the two menu cards, before taking the other one himself. "By the way, I'm paying tonight so don't worry and order whatever you want alright?" he smiled warmly as he placed his hand on top of yours.
You looked up from the menu and locked eyes with Nate, ready to protest "Nate-" he shook his head immediately "Listen, it was my idea to take you here, and like I said, today is a special day and I wanna pay for it. So please let me, yeah?"
You sighed, knowing it's useless to protest anyways "Alright.." Nate chuckled, finding your pouty expression absolutely cute. You shyly looked down onto the table before you continued to speak "Can you... help me pick something out?"
He loved it so much when you gave him control, loved you so much.
"Of course, ba-" he cleared his throat, before taking the menu and looking for something nice, hoping you didn't notice that he almost called you 'baby'.
"Alright.. how about this?" He asked as he pointed onto something on the menu. You nodded, sure that you couldn't go wrong with pasta "I trust you. I bet you go here often."
Nate pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm not that often, I think I went here like twice. I really only go here on special occasions but so far I wasn't disappointed."
Another lie.
He visited the restaurant often, his parents sometimes ordered food there as well. He had plenty of chances to test out how good their quality was. And since today would be important, he had to make sure everything was perfect.
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Once the two of you finished your food, Nate was quick to call a waitress over. The waitress came over to your table, a smile on her face as she asked "Would you like to pay with cash or card?" Nate opened his wallet, before he pulled out his card "Card, please."
The waitress got her device out of her pocket and set it up before Nate quickly swiped his card over the display. It was such a simple task and yet he made it look so attractive.
Before the waitress could leave, Nate quickly pulled a fifty dollar bill out of his wallet and gave it to her. Your eyes widened as you realized that that was his tip "T-thank you, sir.." The waitress stuttered.
Nate usually doesn't tip that generously, he couldn't care less to be honest, but he wanted to impress you as much as he possibly could.
The two of you got up, and walked towards the exit of the restaurant, leaving the fancy place. "So, would you mind letting me in on your plan?" You asked as you walked towards his car.
Nate grinned sheepishly "Impatient, aren't we?" You jokingly rolled your eyes in response "Keep in mind that I have to be home in a bit." You reminded him as you walked ahead of him.
Nate suddenly grabbed your hand and spun you around, resulting in you stumbling into his chest. You looked up at him before taking a step back, your hand still in his "Don't worry your pretty little head, I already took care of that." Nate proudly announced.
You were beyond confused at this point. "Huh? What do you mean?" Nate chuckled at your confused expression. "I talked to your dad the other day when I was at yours. Told him that you'd 'be at a party' at my place today. He agreed and told me you could sleep at mine and that he'd talk to your mom about it."
You blinked up at Nate, surprised that he lied to your dad just so you could sleep at his. It had to be serious if he'd go that far "Wow... I... really?"
To be honest, it didn't go exactly like that, because he barely even listened to Nate, which obviously made him furious. He genuinely just wanted to club him with the nearest object.
He didn't understand how anyone could be so uninterested in his own family, especially you. Sure, he was happy that your dad agreed to let you sleep at his place, but he didn't even care about the reason, he just wanted to go back to doing whatever the fuck was more important, on his phone.
Your dad just came from work at that time, but Nate's pretty sure that he's always like this, simply from the stories he's heard from you.
"W-wait.. I didn't even pack things for that.. And you’re sure my dad just agreed like that?" Nate nodded "Yeah he did, and it's no problem I'll find something for you to sleep in, don't worry." Nate reasoned.
He couldn't wait for you to be in his clothes, in his bed, snuggled against him under his blanket. Fuck, he couldn't wait until he could finally wrap his arms around you and hold you close to him that you can't leave him.
Nate thought about sleeping next to you so often. He obviously also thought about sleeping with you and it felt like a dream each time.
He’d treat you like the goddess that you are.
Nate already made it his goal to make you cum as many times as possible before you pass out, and he'd do anything just to hear you moan his name. Just the thought alone had him throbbing in his pants.
Shit, he had to control himself and prevent his problem from growing. "Yeah? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts." You chuckled at his flustered response and expression. You didn't know how people could be scared of him, not when he was this cute.
"You're so cute sometimes." Nate didn't expect you to say that. He's been called many things so far but that was new. And he definitely would’ve prefered any other compliment.
In his opinion, 'cute' was something you'd say to your girlfriend, or maybe a baby or your pet but not to a guy like him.
He swallowed his pride and put on a smile "You're definitely cuter." He said as he leaned down, his face almost directly in front of yours.
You gulped before laughing nervously, your eyes wandering around in an attempt to avoid his intense gaze. Nate smirked before walking past you "C'mon let's go." He said as he opened the car door for you.
The ride was pretty quiet, mostly because you still tried to figure out what Nate could've possibly planned.
You were sure that it wasn't his birthday today, since you've talked about birthdays before.
Nate parked his car and the two of you walked towards what appeared to be a park, with a white gazebo in the middle. Now you were genuinely starting to worry.
It was starting to get dark already, the sun almost gone as the two of you were in a seemingly empty park, heading towards a gazebo.
Nate could sense your hesitation in the way you walked a bit slower and looked around, observing your environment. "We're almost done I promise." Was all he said as he entered the fancy gazebo, sitting down on the bench inside.
You followed him inside, looking at him like a lost puppy. Nate smiled warmly as he patted the free spot next to him on the bench. You sighed nervously before finally sitting down, your gaze locked onto Nate.
He was really happy that you could finally look at him without hesitation, unlike the first time he met you. You got so much more comfortable around him in general.
He cleared his throat before he started talking "Alright, so.. I bet you're wondering what's going on." You nodded eagerly "Let me ask you something," He said as he fully turned towards you "Do you know what happened one month ago, exactly on this day?"
You looked into his eyes trying to search for hints, but found none. You tried to think back, repeating the date over and over again in your head but to no avail. You shook your head in response, a small pout on your lips.
Nate chuckled "One month ago was the first time we met each other, do you remember?" He asked carefully, and your eyes lit up afterwards, remembering how kind he was from the beginning. "Of course I remember, you really saved me, I thought I was just destined to stay alone forever until I met you." You smiled as you thought of all the great memories you and Nate had so far.
Nate felt relieved that you felt that way, and not like he was the reason barely anyone dared to talk to you. Which he obviously was, with the way he glared at anyone who even dared to look at you in the hallways.
"I'm glad you think so, y/n. And I've been think about this, and about you for a long time." You tilted your head to the side as you waited for him to continue "I really really like you, y/n. Not in a way.. a friend should like another friend."
Your smile dropped as you finally understood what was going on. The fancy dinner, the fancy gazebo, him mentioning the first time you met. No, there's no way, he wouldn't- "I love you, y/n. I know this might be sudden right now, but I just had to tell you today. The date was perfect and I... I'm tired of hiding this from you."
Nate despised how vulnerable he was in front of you right now, but he also knew that he might be more successful this way, that him showing some emotions would result in you saying yes.
"I know that you haven't been in a relationship yet and I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. We can take things slow."
You suddenly felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. Nate was asking you to be his girlfriend..
He planned all of this to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You did not expect that. You weren't sure what you were expecting but this wasn't on your list. "Nate I... I don't know what to say..." Was all you managed to whisper as you averted your gaze.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel something for him, and the fact that he put so much effort into asking you out also touched you, but you were so scared of losing him, you needed him whether you wanted to admit it or not. You couldn't even imagine living without him from now on so why did you hesitate?
Nate stayed quiet as well, before reaching for your hand, in an attempt to get you to look at him "Y/n, I get it, you probably didn't expect me to say all that, but I genuinely mean it." You slowly raised your head and looked into his eyes once again.
The look he gave you was filled with sincerity and love and you wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is gonna be fine, that you're his "You know that I might not be here for long... I couldn't live with the fact that I have to leave you behind. What if you'll feel like you're wasting your time with me?"
Nate quickly shook his head "I'll never think like that, and I already told you that I'll find a solution if that should happen." Nates grip on your hand tightened before he added "Just tell me what you want right now. Without thinking of things that might or might not happen."
You sighed "I want to be with you, I just... really didn't think you'd actually want someone like me to be your girlfriend, so I never considered it.." Nate frowned.
'Someone like you’? What did you mean by that? Nate was sure that there was no one better than you, that you were the perfect choice for him.
"There's nothing wrong with you, and I'll tell you that over and over again if I have to. You're everything I want, I don't need someone else I only need you, I already told you that before." He replied, searching for your eyes once again.
You suddenly remembered that day you went over to his place and his brother showed up. When you sat on the sofa with him and he told you that you were everything he needed. So he really meant it like that.
You looked at him, a sad smile on your face "I need you too, no one has ever been able to make me feel so loved and important... Not even my parents... I can’t imagine going back to that… I mean, I was miserable before I met you." Nate tried to hide his smirk when he heard that.
He absolutely loved how dependent you were on him, he knew you'd need him eventually.
He softly placed his hand on your cheek, hoping you'd melt into his touch like you did back when he first did it in the cafeteria.
And you didn't disappoint him.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his touch in the chilly breeze. "Please.. Give me a chance to prove you I'll treat you good." Nate softly pleaded.
You opened your eyes, looking at him "I'd never doubt that, Nate.. I'm just really worried I-" Nate sighed before retrieving his hand, and you hated it, hated how cold you felt again.
"It's about what Maddy told you, isn't it?" Nate asked, his tone rougher than before. You quickly shook your head "No! Oh my god of course not. I know that she's lying." You scooted closer to Nate, your hands finding his this time.
"I trust you.. Only you."
Nate looked at you, a small frown still evident on his features. He kept quiet, hoping that it'll give you the final push to say yes.
You sighed as you thought for a moment. You liked him too, so why not give him a chance? You'll probably never be this lucky again. This is what you wanted, what you dreamed of.
You deserved some happiness for once. And you were sure he'd make you happy, just like he already did. And you'd do your best to make him happy as well.
"Nate, I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Nate almost jumped off the bench. You finally said yes, you were finally officially his. His eyes immediately lit up and he pulled you into probably the tightest hug you've ever had.
Nate sighed in relief, everything worked just like he wanted it to. No one would take you away from him now.
That was probably his biggest fear, that some guy would make a move on you and steal you from him. And it would've been so unfair too, because he was the one who turned you into his obedient pretty girl.
In his eyes, no one deserved you more than he did.
"I promise you won't regret it, yeah?" He mumbled into your neck before raising his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to your cheek.
You giggled as you tried to process the fact that Nate Jacobs was now your boyfriend. Once Nate let go of you, you noticed how cold it had gotten, and you shivered slightly.
Nate frowned "Are you cold? We can go home if you want to." He offered. "That might be a good idea. Only if you want to though."
Nate appreciated that you still let him decide, even though you were cold already.
He chuckled before standing up "C'mere." He said as he extended his arm. You stood up and walked towards him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, before the two of you walked to his car.
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Nate knew that he had to introduce you to his parents and he absolutely hated it. He knew that if he simply told you to go upstairs, you might think he doesn't want you to meet them.
You were quick to misinterpret things negatively sometimes and he didn't want you to worry about his parents not liking you or something.
You once asked him, when you came over for the fifth time why you haven’t seen his parents yet. And he told you he only invites you over when he's alone, because they’re weird. He quickly made sure to tell you that he just simply 'dislikes' his whole family to put it nicely.
Once he parked the car, he turned towards you and placed his hand on your thigh to grab your attention. You looked up at him with your beautiful eyes and he could've kissed you right then and there but he wasn't sure if that would've been too soon for you.
"Listen, my parents are probably home right now... Just a heads up, they might want to meet you. Are you okay with that?" He asked softly.
You felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest.
You've never seen them before, except on the family picture on the wall at the staircase. You had no idea what you had to expect. "I'm kinda scared to be honest.." You replied nervously. "What if they don't like me?"
Nate scoffed before shaking his head "Don't worry, they only hated Maddy, because she was really rude and she called my mother a cunt." Your eyes widened in shock "She did what?" You asked in disbelief.
Nate nodded as he looked outside the window "I told you, she was intense..." You scoffed in response "Yeah definitely, did she even contribute anything good to the relationship?" You asked genuinely curious.
Nate thought for a moment, did she?
"Well not really, but I don't care anymore. I have you now. You could never disappoint me the way she did, so don’t worry." He responded with a smile before undoing his and your seatbelt.
Once the two of you got out of the car and Nate locked the doors, he took your hand in his and walked towards the entrance.
He was kind of nervous as well since his dad could be unpredictable. But Nate already told his mom that he might bring you home today and she was thrilled to meet you.
He sighed before unlocking the door and walking inside with you. He just hoped Aaron wasn't at home or at least not downstairs this time.
You started taking your shoes off as quietly as possible, hoping that they wouldn't hear or notice you. Nate also took his shoes off before you walked the living room together.
His mom sat on the sofa with a glass of wine. As soon as she noticed the two of you, she placed her glass down on the coffee table and walked over to the two of you with a friendly grin.
"Hello sweetie, you must be y/n." She exclaimed before hugging you subtly. She then took a small step back and looked at you.
"Yes.. It's so nice to meet you.." You said as you tried to smile at her and maintain eye contact. You knew it would've been rude to not look at her, but you were still pretty nervous.
Then she looked you up and down, which made you even more insecure "Wow... gorgeous and polite, seems like Nate finally found the right one." Nate rolled his eyes before taking your hand back in his "Alright mom, we'll be upstairs then." He announced.
"Oh already? But-" "Yeah it's been a pretty rough week, we'll talk tomorrow." He interrupted before almost dragging you along with him towards the stairs "Again, it was nice meeting you Mrs. Jacobs."
You quickly added before following him "Likewise, Honey!" You truly loved how sweet she was. Your mom barely called you Honey, or Sweetie. She only used your name when she called for you.
Just as Nate thought he finally had you to himself, he heard the front door unlock.
He debated on whether he should turn around or not, before deciding against it and simply walking upstairs in front of you. Until he heard the person speak
"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your new girlfriend Nate?" It was Cal.
Nate was surprised when he entered the living room earlier and saw that his Mom seemed to be alone. But he was glad and hoped it'd stay that way.
But sadly it didn’t.
Nate sighed as he looked at you not sure whether to tell you to go ahead to his room or actually allow his asshole dad to introduce himself.
He noticed how Cal moved towards the stairs before he looked at you "I'm Cal, pleasure to meet you." He said before extending his hand.
You shook it, trying to mimic his firm grip but failing miserably. "I'm Y/n.." You almost whispered as you avoided his piercing gaze. You then retreated your hand before adding "a-also pleased to meet you."
You couldn't tell why but you felt the atmosphere shift in a way. It was.. eerily quiet. And you knew that there was something going on between Nate and his Dad. Simply by the way they stared at each other, and the way Nate talked about him sometimes.
"Alright, we're gonna go upstairs then." Nate said drily before gesturing for you to walk ahead. You quickly walked up the stairs, happy that you'd be alone with him soon again.
You didn't mind talking to his mom, but his dad scared the shit out of you. There was just something so dark about him. You wouldn't want to be alone with him.
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Once Nate finally closed the door behind you two, you sighed out of relief. "Sorry about him, he really knows how to make people uncomfortable.." Nate grumbled when he saw the relief on your face.
"It wasn't that bad." You lied as you chuckled nervously. "You don't have to lie to me. I saw how nervous you got when you shook his hand." Nate responded before plopping down on his bed and sighing.
Why couldn’t he just move out and live with you? All alone somewhere secluded where he has you to himself, far away from his and your family.
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to meet my parents." He reasoned. You walked towards him, and lied down beside him before placing your head on his firm chest "Don't worry it.. really wasn't that bad. I think your mom is really nice."
Yeah totally
Nate closed his eyes as he enjoyed the weight of your head on his chest. He could’ve stayed like this forever.
Until your phone vibrated in your bag.
You groaned before getting up and rummaging through your bag until you found it.
It was your mom, great… You totally forgot to text her during the entire time.
6 new messages
mom: Hey, when are you gonna come home? 5:45 pm
mom: Just talked to your dad.. Are you really going to sleep at his place?? 5:58 pm
mom: Are you okay? 6:20 pm
mom: If you want me to pick you up you can call me 6:49 pm
mom: hellooo? 7:02 pm
mom: please text me back when you see this I’m worried 7:15 pm
“Holy shit…” You scoffed. “What? Is it your mom?” You nodded before walking back to bed and showing him your chat.
Nates eyes widened in both amazement and terror. “Jesus, she’s so controlling.” You nodded while you quickly texted her back.
You had to give her Nate’s address some time ago, when you went over to his place more frequently. You were sure she’d actually get in her car and come over if you wouldn’t reply to her.
you: I’m fine everything is okay! stop worrying so much 7:17 pm
Nate got up from his bed and headed towards his closet, grabbing a basic tee and some shorts before he handed them over to you “Here you can wear this, I hope it’s fine.”
You nodded and smiled at him “Of course, thank you.” He smiled back at you for a moment “I’ll go to the bathroom, yeah?” He said before heading towards his bathroom.
You decided to get dressed while he’s gone, slipping out of your dress, folding it as best as you could and placing it neatly next to his bed. Then you put on his shirt, which was in fact long enough to cover your thighs, and his shorts.
You sat back on Nate’s bed until he came back from his bathroom. Despite being in his room so many times before, you never slept at his place. Because you’re mother was against it of course.
But you had to admit it was smart of Nate to lie to your dad about having a party, and saying that many people were gonna sleep at his, and you wouldn’t be alone with him.
You wondered if Nate had to lie to his parents like that too.
His mom was way more understanding than yours was, so probably not. And she seemed so kind too, you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Maddy insulted her like that.
You wished you would’ve moved here earlier, simply because you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a lot going on that you didn’t know of.
Like the Cassie situation for example.
You knew almost nothing about her, and it kinda scared you, because Nate mentioned that she was insane and extremely obsessed with him.
You didn’t even know what she looked like, so how were you supposed to stay out of her way?
You were certain that it would just be a question of time until she’d approach you as well. And you were also pretty sure that she won’t be as nice or as rational as Maddy was.
Sure, Maddy said all these bad things out of spite and because she hated her ex boyfriend. But Cassie? What if she’s still in love with him and finds out that you two are dating?
Nate entered the room again, taking in the sight of you in his clothes as you sat leaned against his bed frame staring ahead with wide eyes.
You looked so adorable and so… distracted for some reason. Nate walked up to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “What’s on your mind?” He asked as he stood in front of you.
The way you craned your head up to look at him, made him feel things he shouldn’t feel. Especially since your head was at eye level with his crotch.
He tried to focus on whatever you were going to tell him nonetheless “I’m just… worried. You told me about Cassie being obsessed with you and… what if she finds out I’m your girlfriend?”
Nate sighed. Because you had a point, but he really didn’t want to think of her or talk about her anymore. He was already glad that she barely went to school after their break up, and that he could keep you far away from her.
“You don’t have to worry about her, I told you I’ll protect you. Cassie is crazy but she’s harmless, except for yelling she can’t do much.” He tried to reassure you.
You looked down as you fiddled with the hem of Nate’s shirt.
You already were an anxious person, so the fact that your boyfriend only dated crazy people in the past, wasn’t exactly helpful.
“I feel safe with you… but we’re not always together at school, and I… don’t have any friends.” That’s when you realized just how alone you actually were without Nate.
You had no friends at all, now that Nate wasn’t your friend anymore but your boyfriend. It was sad, really. But what you didn’t seem to realize was that it wasn’t your fault at all.
It was Nate’s.
He was convinced you didn’t need anyone but him, even if that meant you’d have no friends. What would you need them for anyway when you had him?
Nate frowned “But you’re not alone either, you have me. Or… am I not enough?” He frowned. You immediately shook your head “No, of course you’re enough. You’re more than enough, that’s not what I meant.”
Nate smiled in response before you added “I just see all these girls walk through school with their friends and.. it makes me feel sad because I don’t have any friends I can talk to or walk through school with.. I sometimes feel like I’m getting on your nerves because I talk to you so much.”
Nate scoffed as he walked towards the TV "C'mon you could never annoy me." He assured you as he turned the TV on. Then he turned off the main light and plopped down next to you before turning on the bedside lamp.
When you didn't respond to him, he added "I understand that you want to have friends at school, but most of the girls at school are... awful. They're fake, and really mean and all they care about is boys and sex."
You really wanted to believe him but there’s just no way every single girl was like that. And Nate also couldn’t possibly know every single girl at school.
Nate looked at you and it was almost as if he could read your thoughts, because he knew you didn’t quite believe him.
And it irritated him.
You always believed him everything so why were you questioning him now?
He quickly changed the topic in an attempt to put a stop to your thoughts. “I still can’t believe you’re mine by the way...” He said as he softly intertwined his fingers with yours, smiling at you.
And it worked like a charm.
You smiled shyly as you avoided his somewhat intense gaze. You weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to him looking at you like that.
Nate decided to take it a step further, stroking your cheek with his other hand until you slowly looked back at him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly, almost as if he was scared you’d say no.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to kiss you, but you literally never kissed anyone before and you were scared that Nate would laugh at you.
“Um… yeah just… please don’t laugh at me.” you chuckled. Nate smirked “Don’t worry, I won’t. We’ll take it slow, yeah?” He said as he scooted closer.
He let go of your hand and moved it to your left cheek instead, cupping it gently as he pulled your face closer. He leaned in until his lips finally touched yours.
The feeling was foreign but you enjoyed it nonetheless. His lips were so soft as they moved against your own. You tried to mimic his movements as your brows furrowed in concentration.
Nate slowly broke the kiss as he searched your face for any sign of discomfort “How did it feel?” He asked as his eyes were glued to your lips. “It felt.. really good.” You responded quietly.
“Can we try again?” You asked as you fiddled with you shirt again.
Fuck, why were you so cute?
“Sure, of course.” Nate responded “You can touch me too, you know?” He added as he took your right hand and placed it on his shoulder. “Oh, okay..” You smiled before leaning in again.
Nate pressed his lips against yours once again. He could tell you were more eager this time when you leaned in first. You tilted your head slightly, like you had seen on TV several times, and it already felt more natural and deeper than the first kiss.
You felt incredibly excited with how close Nate was to you right now, and you also had this warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
It was almost like your body worked on its own. Your hand slid from his shoulder to his neck as you closed your eyes, and your lips finally seemed to move more in sync.
Nates hand moved to your waist in an attempt to pull you even closer, while your unoccupied hand moved to his cheek.
He pressed kiss after kiss onto your lips making sure to take his time with you, some kisses lasting longer than others.
You were the first one to break the kiss this time, since you were running out of breath. “Wow.. that was amazing.” You chuckled as you slowly removed your hands from Nate.
He smirked at you, clearly happy that you enjoyed kissing him, because he felt the same way. He was definitely glad that you didn’t straddle his lap though, because then you probably would’ve felt just how happy he truly was.
“Wanna do it again?”
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✎ Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part as well. If you have any questions/feedback please let me know ♡
- Cassandra
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