#it me its the xbox gamepass 10$ a month
game-pass · 8 months
Just realized i never introduced myself on here uhhhhh
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pls call me game / gamepass :D
⋆  i am a very busy, very tired animation student
⋆ i go by any pronouns
⋆ i am a gamer B]
⋆ i have many interests but this blog will likely be only cod stuff
⋆ i am awful about responding to things but pls feel free to dm / ask me abt whtevver<3 (esp if its about cod lore i love ranting about cod lore)
⋆ i am always open to drawing reqs and collabs
pls dont follow me if ur under 18, i prolly wont post anything too nsfw but i do not feel comfortable with having kids in my bubble <3
also i accept no bs, bigotry, or hate in my bubble so gtfo
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meowsticmarvels · 8 months
whats on your mind rn in terms of Games ?
OOH FUN.... assuming you probably asked this bc most of my interests are games LOL but i jhave some Thoughts on games in General and the industry as a whole. buckle up!
- currently im playing. a lot of them obviously but my most recents are persona 5 tactica and the sims 4 :] - fav fav games EXCLUDING THE SPECIAL INTERESTS . - ghost trick, UT/DR, NITW, TS4 ( i havent played any other sims except the sims 2 pets for the 3ds im sorry.), super mario galaxy, goodbye volcano high - the special interest ones include pokemon (fav out of main series is sun/moon, black/white, and scarlet/violet, but i do like many spin offs like mystery dungeon), mii/wii games (i.e. wii sports), minecraft story mode, and the persona games (never finished one but i've reached various distances in P2IS-P5 excluding some spin offs and stuff like i havent started P5S or P2EP. favs r 3 + 4 + tactica) ^ ask me about any of those (or other ones i like i.e. gvh) i WILL ANSWER even if its something thatd be faster with google im better - underrated gems i'd say goodbye volcano high, death road to canada, chicory a colorful tale, signs of the sojourner, aviary attorney, tails noir, blanc. ghost trick to a lesser extent ig but the others are indie - current main wishlist (inc. ones i Will emulate): shin megami tensei V, devil survivor overclocked, fire emblem 3 houses, professor layton, pokemon black 2, persona q2, persona 3 reload ( I Want. Now. its on gamepass but i literally need everything related to it you dont get it.), wii play motion, twewy, and okami. OH also in stars and time and oneshot. also disco elysium and hylics look cool too. AND CASSETTE BEASTS. fuck i hate when every game looks good. need to play murder of sonic the hedgehog also. and looking forward to billy bust up. OH AND I NEED TO PLAY THE STANLEY PARABLE. AND BALDURS GATE 3 - i think the only game i really truly regret buying is 1-2 switch. im sorry it was good for like 2-3 weeks when the switch was new now i just do not care - i love you indie games i love you games that in general are not afraid to be weird and deviate from stuff. get crazy with it - video games r kind of an art form. if you think about it - industry kind of shit !!! stop laying off your devs!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!! its been bad lately even my dad (a QA tester) got laid off a game he was working rly well on because they abruptly cancelled it. ok - i don't care for most FPS games. not my thing. too stressful. not enjoyable for me that much. im more of an RPG guy but i'm open to new things i played like food maker apps when i was a kid - speaking of industry stuff crunch is another thing severely a major problem. and the thing with sag aftra approving ai voices in games. Stop!!!!!!! - i miss e3 :( was a fun thing to look forward to each year - game preservation is also a real issue. like ig i get saving money by killing the servers on old consoles but in nintendos case people still actively use them theyre not that old. kind of dumb. xbox i get it the 360's been out since 2005 but 3ds/wiiu things are younger than me chill out - HATE when good fun mobile games are cash grabby. like STFU its more annoying than anything when they make resources impossible to get without paying. whats the fucking fun in that. i'd rather it be an easy way out last resort than oh i can get like 1 gem every month by doing this BUT if i pay i can get 10 of them for like 10 dolar. like ok die - waiter! waiter! more transgender as hell games please! (i.e. goodbye volcano high. that game changed lives) - also we need more autistic as hell games and i mean canonically. and not fucking Creepy Autism Simulator - more and better accessibility settings!!! i personally dont need many myself but it's important to me that others are able to play a game without severe issues due to disability. indie games doing great abt this based on feedback though ive seen a lot of good ones - any streetpassers in the chat thats all sorry it was long but i have a lot of thoughts abt Games in general. if theres any in particular u wanna hear abt shoot me an ask!!! can be one not on here i'm open to reccomendations or just things ive gathered from people who have :]
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theguitarloversa · 3 years
Shawn Layden: من الصعب إطلاق لعبة تكلف 120 مليون دولار على خدمة اشتراك
الكثير من جمهور PlayStation المستاء أصلاً من سياسات جيم راين كان يطالب بعودة Shawn Layden الرئيس الأسبق للبلايستيشن، أمس أطلق لايدن سلسلة من التصريحات يعكس من خلالها آرائه بما يحدث بمجال الصناعة، فذكر مثلاً أنه يرى أن “كثرة” عمليات الاستحواذ ستؤدي لانهيار الصناعة!.
ويبدو بأن لايدن لديه رأي خاص أيضاً بموضوع خدمات الاشتراك مثل Game Pass، حيث ذكر أمس في مقابلته حين سؤاله عن الجدوى الاستثمارية من خدمات الاشتراكات بالقول بأنه من الصعب إطلاق لعبة تكلف 120 مليون دولار على خدمة اشتراك تتاح للمشتركين مقابل 10 دولارات شهرياً.
وتابع لايدن بأنه لاسترداد قيمة الاستثمارات بصناعة تلك الألعاب – ذات الكلفة العالية – سيتوجب عليك الحصول على 500 مليون مشترك، ولذلك يجب أن تأخذ موقف الخاسر لتنمية تلك القاعدة أو الأساس. وتساءل إذا كان لديك 250 مليون جهاز، فلن تحصل على نصف مليار مشترك، فلم يكتشف أحد بعد كيف ستتمكن من بلوغ ذلك الهدف؟.
طبعاً شون لايدن لم يسمي الجيم باس بالاسم ولكن كونها خدمة الاشتراك الأفضل والأكثر انتشاراً فإن تصريحاته أحدثت صدىً كبيراً وولدت آراء وردود أفعال متضاربة لاسيما من جمهور اكسبوكس الذي نشر تغريدات تعليقاً على الموضوع كما هو واضح أدناه، وأنتم ما رأيكم بما ذكره شون لايدن؟
But Shawn, people are still buying games, and DLC, and micro transactions. I don’t ever recall a game to be exclusive to a “subscription service” and not available on retail.
What are you talking about ?
— Cassim Ketfi (@NotCassim) July 27, 2021
No it isn’t https://t.co/kA1p3l527V
— Nick (@Shpeshal_Nick) July 27, 2021
This is a terrible take from someone who should know better… especially when we’ve had literal examples of AAA games launching into #XboxGamePass and absolutely thriving. The diversity quip is also tone-deaf; last I checked Xbox had more diversity in their lineup than his 1/2 https://t.co/MNukmqnOSm
— Knottian | XboxEra #BLM (@DigitalScientst) July 27, 2021
Leave it to Xbox to achieve that which you consider hard. pic.twitter.com/knDOQGgIva
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(@_JaY_R0ck_) July 27, 2021
its very hard for Sony obviously but Microsoft isnt Sony Microsoft investors prolly wipe their ass with more money than Jim Ryan's salary
— 𝕋𝔼ℝℝ𝕆ℝ 𝔹𝕀𝕃𝕃𝕐 (@BJ_Terror_Billy) July 27, 2021
I'm not worried about diversity with gamepass. Flight Sim, Forza, Redfall Starfield, Sea of Thieves, Battletoads, Gears Tactics, Halo. Feels diverse to me.
Nintendo has a ton of diversity too.
There's only one platform doubling down on ONE type of game and it's not Xbox or N.
— Patrick Argonar (@Icepickdanza) July 27, 2021
Shawn Layden on #XboxGamePass: "It's very hard to launch a $120m game on a subscription service charging $9.99 a month. You pencil it out, you're going to have to have 500 million subscribers before you start to recoup your investment." pic.twitter.com/w8S5OcZy3m
— Gaz (@Gazondaily) July 27, 2021
"Ex PlayStation exec takes a swing at Gamepass" should be the headline.
Gamepass brings diversity with the variety of games, it brings players to games that they might not have necessarily brought. Gamepass makes gaming more affordable to people who are on low incomes. https://t.co/m3YHaLZkT8
— Revenator (@Revenator3) July 27, 2021
If you are worried about Game Pass' sustainability for some reason, remember you are the one paying $9.99, not $120m. https://t.co/WiVrZouiuo
— Bruno Costa | XboxEra (@brunocosta1_) July 27, 2021
The post Shawn Layden: من الصعب إطلاق لعبة تكلف 120 مليون دولار على خدمة اشتراك appeared first on سعودي جيمر.
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thegloober · 6 years
Microsoft: More than half of Windows devices in the enterprise are now on Windows 10
With just over a year to go before Microsoft no longer will support Windows 7 for free, the company has achieved an interesting milestone. More than half of all Windows devices in the enterprise are now running Windows 10, officials are saying.
Credit: ZDNet
Microsoft officials began floating this number at the company’s recent Ignite IT pro conference. During Microsoft’s Q1 FY19 earnings call on October 24, CEO Satya Nadella stated it quite plainly, telling analysts and press that “more than half of the commercial device installed base is on Windows 10.”
When I asked for clarification after Ignite, a spokesperson told me that “based on Microsoft’s data, we can see there are now more devices in the enterprise running Windows 10 than any other previous version of Windows.”
How does this map to Microsoft’s oft-cited statistic that there are 200 million commercial Windows 10 devices? It doesn’t really, as that 200 million number also includes small/mid-size business (SMB) customers, too, I was told.
Is it comforting or alarming that just under 50 percent of Windows devices in enterprises are still on an earlier version of Windows at this point?
This may not be as worrisome as it might seem, given volume licensees have ways to continue to get security patches for Windows 7 past the January 14, 2020 support cut-off date — either via terms of their Software Assurance agreements and/or by paying for these patches via Extended Security Updates.
Microsoft introduced Windows 7 in July, 2009. A number of enterprise customers didn’t begin deploying Windows 7 well into its lifecycle, and in some cases, only months before Windows 10 debuted in July, 2015.
While Microsoft execs are keen to play up Microsoft’s transition from the Windows company to a cloud vendor, Windows is still a significant piece of Microsoft’s overall business. Microsoft doesn’t break out how much of its “More Personal Computing” category comes from Windows. It also includes gaming, Surface and advertising in that segment, which contributed $10.7 billion for the quarter. “Productivity and Business Processes” brought in $9.8 billion and “Intelligent Cloud,” $8.6 billion.
Recently, a top company executive said that Microsoft’s cloud business was contributing slightly less than a quarter of overall annual revenues — a percentage that surely would surprise many, given how much Microsoft officials talk about the cloud and how little they talk up Windows these days.
As usual, Microsoft played up growth of its various “commercial cloud” — Azure, Office 365 commercial, Dynamics 365, and LinkedIn commercial services — as part of its latest earnings. In Q1FY19, Microsoft hit $8.5 billion in commercial cloud revenues, officials said.
An interesting statistic that Microsoft execs related threw out there: This fiscal year, Dynamics ERP/CRM is on track to hit $2.5 billion in revenues, with half of these coming from Dynamics 365 — and the rest on premises versions of Dynamics, I’d assume.
Office 365 Commercial subscribers hit the 155 million mark this quarter; Office 365 Consumer subscribers are at 32.5 million now.Gaming revenue was up 44 percent for the quarter, with officials citing strong GamePass, Xbox Live and hardware sales ahead of the coming holiday quarter. And server products continued to exhibit strong growth in the quarter, as well.
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Source: https://bloghyped.com/microsoft-more-than-half-of-windows-devices-in-the-enterprise-are-now-on-windows-10/
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