#it may have been a while but he still remembers how to spoil his snobby lil brat ok
caelcstis · 1 year
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praise me. // @kaiibacorp​ 'good boy' // @ diavolo from mammon dsnbkjfld hewrooo currently accepting !!
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                 WAS HE A LITTLE WEAK to such words? perhaps, and in many ways. 
                 he was just a prince who lacked the love of any of his parents or demons around him when he grew up that praise . . . was very seldom to him. of course, he couldn’t deny that it made his chest heat up in another certain way if he wasn’t careful. nothing could stop the warm flush of red spreading on tanned cheeks listening to his mate. 
                 ‘ you like it that much, hm? ’ he chuckled boyishly. he brushed off the shoulders of the new jacket he got for mammon as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. really, his entire attire was new and recently bought by diavolo. his favorite leather, jewels and chains crusting around his neck and wrapped around his digits . . . he was breathtaking like always. an awful he habit he had was spoiling, and mammon was equally just as awful in his greed to accept it all with a huge grin on his face. of course he knew he had to have his brakes on and knew when to stop . . . but sometimes he couldn’t help it. 
                 what kind of prince would he be if he couldn’t douse his lover in his riches? 
                 diavolo dipped down to press a warm peck to greed’s cheek and he hummed sweetly. ‘ you looked so excited going through the catalogs earlier, i couldn’t help myself. ’
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Now that I've actually read The Beautiful and Damned (essay still incoming), I've been thinking of an AU fic that explores what if Jamie did read the book in season 1. It....intrigues me for a number of reasons.
The fact that Jamie was the only one of the group to receive what is essentially a cautionary tale (no we didn't see most of the picks, but it feels safe to say that Jamie was the one Ted thought needed 'correcting')
The protagonist ends up a bitter, angry, abusive alcoholic. Granted Ted could not have known about Jamie’s dad at the time, but ough. Ted.
Giving this book to anyone and going 'here, this reminds me of who you are' is frankly insulting. I think if Jamie were to confront Ted about that, Ted would consider that half the job done. He clearly just wants Jamie to think about his actions and how he treats people. Unfortunately I could see this backfiring on Ted. He may not mean it personally, but I think Jamie would take it personally, especially because--
Aside from the fact that the protag is rich and full of himself and found to be charming, that guy is nothing like Jamie. In fairness to Ted, those are basically 3 of the 4 things he knows about Jamie. In unfairness to Ted, the other 1 thing he knows is that Jamie is a professional athlete who by definition had to work hard to get to where he is. Meanwhile the protag for TB&D has never worked for anything in his life -- the opposite of Jamie, our battler. In fact one of the defining traits and the reason the protag falls into being a penniless drunk is because throughout his life he was given many chances, and he ignored them all.
I think Jamie would likely get bogged down in the details. On the idea that the book was meant as a critique of him, rather than a lesson he could learn by. Another example of how Ted bringing up topics in a roundabout way tends to get misconstrued by Jamie as mind games.
Bonus round: the protag is very classist. The book occasionally alludes to the unfairness of this, but it is very much an ongoing topic for the protag on why he deserves all his money.
Bonus round: the protag is exceedingly misogynistic. The book almost never disagrees with this. Even season one Jamie 'women can do anything' Tartt would never.
So I think that a fic that explored Jamie's journey while reading this book would be fascinating. From the beginning where it's clear from the start that this protagonist is a spoiled, snobby twit to the end where the protag ends up a functioning alcoholic who yells at his wife and reminisces that by preventing himself from treating her in a physically violent manner, it makes him hate her even more. By the end of the book I can see Jamie being actively triggered by what's on the page--
--which would serve in a number of ways to kickstart Jamie's troubled history a good three episodes before the curse fire.
So yeah, this fic idea is less than a week old and I am still working on it but. Intrigued, I am.
Also I keep envisioning a running gag like that episode of The Office where Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada and Pam is keeping track of where he is in the movie by what he's quoting at her. Except in this fic, Ted (Pam) would not know what the hell Jamie was talking about for a good long while, because he hasn't actually read the book since early in high school.
Why do I think Ted hasn't read it since early high school? Because if he'd read it later, he'd probably remember that there's a guy in the book who kills himself by shooting himself. It's literally one of the last parts of the book, and it's meant to serve as a punctuation on the consequences of the protag's actions.
Just a thought, but I think if Ted had read it after his dad dying, he might not suggest it to someone. Even if the meaning of the book fit.
For fic related reasons though, this means that Ted's trauma could ALSO be introduced way sooner. In season one even! This fic could have so much bonding through book-relevant trauma it's crazy to think about.
So. Yeah. New wip thoughts in progress. Whoops.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
boyfriend jumin headcanons
theres no way hes been in a relationship before, never even kissed someone before. you best believe hes going to go all in hes so starved for love
he needs to hear every single thing about your life, even the littlest things. he will remember it all, and asks so many questions too. could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. your life is so different from his, he finds it fascinating. always wants to know more.
at the beginning of the relationship he has an extremely hard time controlling himself and finding whats right and wrong in a romantic relationship. you have to be very open with your boundaries or he’ll treat you like a doll, he cant help himself hes just so enamored.
does SO much research on relationships, he doesnt like the advice he finds but hes looking in all the wrong places. seven gives him links for real advice from real people reddit instead of mens magazines because those all suck. jumin starts to ask him for help whenever hes curious about something and seven will find a link for him to read. it helps bridge their relationship a bit more. seven is one of those friends thats amazing at relationship advice but for some reason desperately single.
even though he’s new to relationships and still trying to figure it out, that does not mean hes bad at it. no sir. this man was raised on romantic novels and cheesy soap operas. he knows his way into your heart easy peasy
the most beautiful arrangements of flowers delivered to your doorstep, your favorite foods from the most gourmet restaurants in seoul sent right to your work, hand written love letters sealed in wax sent to you while he’s away on business. declares his undying love for you over the phone almost daily.
hes never been around women much before, rikas the exception but he wasnt around around her like you would be with a lover. so hes interested finding out about your habits, routines, likes. the way you cook breakfast in the morning, the way you do your bedtime routine, your afterwork routine. always finding something new to love about you every new day.
he really adores anything and everything you think is a flaw. he prefers you with your quirks rather than aiming for perfection. theres nothing wrong with being “plastic” but the majority of those types of women he’s been around are the rich snobby type more than every day women. he prefers you. again hes never been close to many women so its kind of amazing but sad the things you can find to think harshly about. things he absolutely would never imagine someone being insecure about in the first place. he loves this body, it makes him upset when youre so critical to it.
he’ll explain to you what goes on behind the scenes of corporations and how exactly they make you insecure about those odd little things just to profit off of it, theres nothing wrong with you to begin with but if you believed that then they would be out of business, you see. knowing that aspect of things is why hes understanding but still saddened by your insecurities.
hes a very possessive man and is unashamed about it. hes never had anything as important as you to protect before so he doesnt care how ridiculous he may be sometimes, as long as youre safe. body guards, frequent calls, locations on, always wanting to be with you if he can. if that all bothers you i feel like that would be a bit of a disagreement area. his personality is naturally possessive and he does it out of love so bear with him please. he would definitely tone down as time progressed but for now he doesn’t want to let you out of his sight. trusts you, not other people.
he likes to observe you a lot, your day to day. it’s interesting to him even though it can be a little annoying to you sometimes. asks questions constantly. hes so curious. jumin let me go to the bathroom in peace hes literally a child
it makes him so happy when you laugh at his jokes. everyone else thinks they’re not funny but he doesnt care, as long as you laugh hes happy.
if you wear make-up it’s literally amazing for him to watch. he’ll stand in the bathroom and just observe. you can GLUE eyelashes to your FACE?! and its common?! this is so shocking to him. he had no clue. its kind of embarrassing for you but hes just so interested. never watched someone put on makeup before. the process is so intricate and careful, hes so fascinated by this strange magic. youre so smart too, he doesnt know any of the names of the things you use but always asks so he can remember for gift giving purposes. shades you like, shades you dont like, companies you dont buy from, your favorite brands. somehow has a giant mental notepad and writes all this down for safe keeping
speaking of smart he thinks you are the smartest person on the face of this earth. hes so confused at certain aspects of life and you help him get it. why do people eat fried chicken when its not nutritionally dense or even healthy to consume? it doesn’t make sense. because its yummy, jumin. wow, youre so right...
always texts you little reminders throughout the day to show his love. dont forget to eat breakfast dear. dont forget to wear sunscreen before you go out love, its hot today. dont forget that i love you so much my darling ♥︎ SO CUTE hes so caring
this man is so so touch starved, he always wants to hold you or touch you in someway. if he could bring you everywhere with him he would. he starts to get anxious if he goes too long without your comfort, truly doesn’t know how he made it for so long without it
not the biggest fan of pda but it depends on the situation. he likes making others jealous but he doesn’t want anyone else to see the way you look after he kisses you in that one special way that only he can. thats for his eyes only
loves showering you in anything you desire. you are spoiled. he’d buy you a whole ass island if you wanted one. he never understood how his father could just give away so much to a woman but now he cannot say a THING. he’d go completely broke as long as it made you happy
if you dont like tons of store bought gifts he’ll spend more time on meaningful ones. picking you flowers from the rooftop garden and arranging them himself, he embroiders as a pastime so he’ll make you cute little cat decals and stuff like that
he likes to do things for you like paint your nails, wash your hair, put lotion on you after a bath etc. loves it so much, if youre not comfortable with him babying you its totally fine but if you are he’ll do it whenever you let him
he has very cold hands. never really thought about them until he met you, really hopes you dont mind. tries to warm his hands up where he can before he touches you, but secretly loves when he runs his cold fingertips down your skin and you get gooseflesh all over. thinks its cute.
gets insecure sometimes. not really about his looks, but his personality. luciel is funny, zen is handsome and suave. yoosung is sweet and open with his emotions. he wonders frequently why you chose him out of anyone else.
all in all jumin is someone you need to get used to being in a relationship with, hes not the average joe and has a lot going on with himself that he needs to work through. but if you help him, love him for him, he’ll be the sweetest lover you could ever ask for.
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petri808 · 4 years
A Sun-Kissed Getaway
My artist partner @reishichi beautiful companion piece to my story. Rei was awesome to work with, sweet, go check out her art!!! 💜💜 This was for the @todomomo-mini-bang-2020 
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The scent of the salty ocean air held hints of life and notes of esoteric mysteries swirling through the breezes that wrapped along the sun-kissed beach they stood on.  He couldn’t have picked a more perfect spot to bring his wife Momo to.  Secluded and peaceful compared to the hectic city world they lived in.  The skies were radiant with different shades of blue as far as the eye could see and embraced at the horizon into the covetous waters like a lover returning home.
But as beautiful as this landscape was, it didn’t hold a flame in his heart like the gorgeous woman before him.  Her dark raven tresses float behind her in gentle wisps and flurries, only tamed in part by the loose clip that binds it up.  He watches her pause and bend down to pick up a shell, turning it in her hand before placing it back where she’d found it.  Always the curious bookworm, cultured and mindful of her surroundings.  She turns her attention to the ocean and closes her eyes.  
He smiles at her upturned expression as she soaks in this entrancing milieu.  It was one he could understand and appreciate too.  
Their work as heroes was a daunting task at times.  Not just physically taxing but emotionally draining when you’re dealing with the dregs of society.  Villains and the victims left in their wake.  Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if these degenerates could just stick to battling with the law rather than dragging innocents into the mix. But he digresses.  This was not the time to brood upon the negatives of their chosen professions.  
“Shouto,” a soft melody crosses his hearing, and he shifts his focus to its source.  He sees her outstretched hand, beckoning him to her.  
He smiles once more and closes the gap between them, taking hold and entwining his fingers with hers.  She squeezes and runs her thumb soothingly over the skin, wiping away the dissolution as if it’d never taken place.  This is why he loved her so much.  With just a tender touch, she could send away the weary and brighten his world anew.  He lifts her hand and places a chaste kiss to its back.  “Shall we,” he questions, gesturing to the stretch of coastline.  She smiles with a light blush filtering onto her cheeks and nods in agreement.    
They walk along the beach hand in hand in mellow conversation.  The warm white sand speckled with various shades from corals of long ago cushion each step they take.  It was nice, like a massage for their bare feet, and he appreciated that nature was kind enough not to burn today.  No other souls were around to disturb them, except for the occasional call of a seabird or the skittering of a hermit crab.  Just the tranquil roil of the waves ebbing and flowing against the sand or the shifting leaves of the trees that dot the edge of the shoreline.
It takes about an hour for them to make it to the end of the beach where a sheer cliff face rises up an unknown amount of stories and blocks their way.  This beach was carved from a valley and only accessible with four-wheel drive.  Of course, for those with a quirk like he had, travel to a remote location wasn’t so much of an issue.  But to make it a day when they could forget about their quirks and just be normal for once, he’d borrowed a friend’s truck to get through the forest trail.  
With no reason to hurry, they simply turn around and enjoy the stretch of paradise, making their way back to their little camp for the day.  It was almost lunchtime and his wife had prepared bento meals for them to fuel their day off.  Along with an oversized blanket and small cooler with drinks, it was the perfect set up for a relaxing picnic by the sea.
How unexpected, he mused as she produced a kitchen knife and began cutting into a small watermelon.  It was the perfect refreshing treat for this warm summer day.  He makes her a small table of ice to cut the fruit on and lay the pieces out to chill.  “Lunch was delicious Momo, thank you,” he kisses her cheek as she finishes chopping.
She blushes lightly in a smile, “you’re welcome Shouto.”      
He was a lucky man that his wife was such an amazing cook.  Cooking was one skill that he could never master no matter how many times his sister Fuyumi tried to teach him.  But he’s always been just a simple man, nothing fancy required, and content with a cold plate of soba.  His wife was a different story.  Raised to be the perfect balance of elegance and sophistication, used to the finer things in life, yet never pretentious or snobby.  
Though they’d come from the upper echelon of society, their families couldn’t have been more different from one another.  It was strange to him at first.  She was so settled and worldly compared to him, a top-ranked student and yet adorably self-conscious.  While he came from a broken home life, an overbearing father, while still managing to develop his own identity.  But he digresses.  They did have one thing in common.  He leans back on the blanket and closes his eyes to the memory.  
All through high school they’d been completely clueless, and it wasn’t until after graduation, with the help of their friends pointing out the blaring reality of their feelings for one another.
“What are you smiling about?”
Her voice pulls him back.  “Just you,” he takes the piece of watermelon she holds out to him, “and how happy you make me.”
“Aww,” she giggles and hides her smile behind her hand, “you make me happy too.”
Even after all these years he could make her blush with the simplest of compliments.  Her bright smile and the twinkle in her eye whenever she laughed or giggled always made his heart flutter wildly despite the stoic expression on his face.  She’s the only woman who could pull these emotions from him.  Others had tried and failed in the past, and maybe it was with that realization that he was finally able to process their friend’s words all those ages ago.  ‘You love her…’  
‘Yes, I do…’  It was because of her kind encouragement that he was truly able to forgive his father for all the man had done to their family.  Her support gave him strength and her love gave him fuel to be the best hero he could be.  
He feels a weight on his shoulder.  It was Momo resting her head against it while she nibbles on a piece of watermelon and stares out over the ocean.  He kisses her temple and wraps his arm around her, leaning his head against hers.  This would make a for a perfect picture, but he couldn’t bring himself to spoil the moment by pulling out his phone.  That was okay, such memories will always live on within them.
A light sigh and a shift by his wife to further wrap her arms around his mid-section.  She was so content it was a shame that they would have to leave this beach soon.  One didn’t need a watch to know the time, as the sun slowly made its trek across the sky towards the horizon, and the shadows from the tree line washed over their picnic spot.  He of all people understood the power of the elements, yet in that moment, even the roar of the waves was but a peaceful undertone to relax away all the painful toils of their lives and send them away to the depths of the sea.  
“So beautiful,” the words wisp out from Momo’s lips as she stared at the sunset.
How often do they ever get to enjoy this natural phenomenon, and today seemed even more spectacular than he remembered?  The reddish orange ball of fire sent colored heat waves stretching out along the horizon, like a distorted image on a television screen, and darkening the further it settled below the sea blue threshold.  But above it, the colors blended wildly with the sky to produce brilliant purple and blue hues broken up between the spattering of pink orange clouds travelling across the heavens.  
“It’s time to go,” he kisses his wife and gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“I know,” she sighs.  
“We’ll come back again.  I promise.”
She smiles, “thank you for today Shouto, I really needed this.”
He leans his forehead to hers and closes his eyes, cradling the back of her head.  There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her.  She was everything to him.  “No.  I’m the one who’s thankful,” he leans in and places a lingering kiss on her lips.  “You make me the happiest man in the world.”
“I love you Shouto.”
“I love you too Momo.”
And as they make their way over to the car, he wraps his arm around her shoulder to guide her, taking one last look at the expanse of sand and sea.  Growing up, he’d never expected to be as happy as he was with moments like this one.  Nevertheless, just like that setting sun, old childhood wounds dissolve away into the abyss, leaving just the starry skies that blink of possibilities.  There may not be any photographic chronicles of their adventure today, but the memories will forever be ingrained in their hearts and the love of a woman who helped him get here.  
❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍🥳🥳 Bonus Birthday add on: @reishichi​  Happy Birthday!
As he lay there in the early morning hours, the sun’s rays were just barely peeking through the sheer curtains. Shouto smiles as he gazes lovingly over his wife’s face imagining how lucky he was to have her in his life. It had been a few weeks since their little beach outing, and oh how he wished they’d had more time for such moments. To relax and pretend all the cares of the world had disappeared. If he could spin their world into a perfect utopia for her, he would do it in a heartbeat.
He gently brushes away the stray ebony hairs that have drifted over her face, careful not to wake her. Momo’s shift the evening prior had been a long one, and he wanted to let her sleep in as long as possible. She looked so peaceful lightly curled against his side, trusting of his protection. Her porcelain skin coming alive with the light of the sun.
There was only one thing he could think of to make their lives better than it already was, but it was something that brought trepidation and fears along with the excitement and bliss. He was afraid to bring up the topic of starting a family. Was he ready, were they ready? Oh, who was he kidding, Momo would be an excellent mother. It was he and his poor childhood that caused him the greater pause.
She would probably tell him the opposite, Shouto you’ll be an amazing father… he chuckles in his head as he remembers the long-ago recertification exam. As the baby of the family, he had no experience dealing with children. They were like strange creatures to him that he couldn’t understand. Some people take to parenting naturally, but he just knew that wouldn’t be him. And yet despite those concerns, the desire to have a child with Momo outweighed those fears.
Imagine it… going back to that beach with a little one in tow. Watching him or her scurry after crabs or chasing the waves as they ebb and flow along the sand. Building sandcastles and napping under the sun after a yummy lunch prepared by his wife. A picture of pure bliss that he would love and cherish and give the child all the love he never received growing up with his own father. Bet his siblings would be thrilled to be an aunt and uncle.
When the time feels right, he’ll broach the question. He kisses Momo’s forehead and rests his chin amongst her tresses, closing his eyes with a smile. Sleep my love, as we dream of a sun-kissed future.
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tsarinastorm · 4 years
Lace & Paper Flowers-Adam Sackler/Reader-Part 1
Rating: Explicit, there is smut
Adam sat in the elite Manhattan bar, drinking his seltzer and trying to get his mind off of things. It’s been three months since Hannah rejected him. He had told her that he wanted to be there for her and her baby, he had thought that they were meant to be after everything they had been through. Then that dream was soon spoiled. He went back to Jessa, thinking that maybe she was the one he was meant to be with after all. Things were over with Jessa too, not long after their reunion, they had another explosive row where his apartment was yet again trashed. After that he told her that he wanted to put things on hold, she took as her chance to make another exit. He had no idea where she was, only that she was no longer in the city. And that Hannah was no longer in the city, she was somewhere upstate with her baby boy.
               He had chosen this bar because it was elite, and the best place to find a woman who would put Jessa and Hannah to shame. It had been while since his last lay, and he needed a good fuck. He may be out of his league, but it would be worth it for one night. Maybe if he’s lucky it will turn out to be more than just fucking and more than one night. He decides that he’ll get a drink to loosen up, so he orders a shot of whiskey. While he’s debating whether or not to take a sip of the drink, he sees a beautiful woman walk into the bar. She’s wearing a tight-fitting, nude pencil skirt, white crop top and white jacket draped over her shoulders. Motherfuck, he is definitely out of his league here.  She takes a seat at the corner of the bar and orders a drink. He’s going to have to decide what to do: go and make a conversation with her and see where it goes, or act like a chicken shit and do nothing.
However, he doesn’t end up having to make that decision.
               You walk into the bar on Friday night like any other Friday. This place is one of your favorites, its bit too elitist for your liking, but you’ve met several nice people here. Oh, and the drinks are fantastic. The bartender knows how to make them with just the right amount of alcoholic kick while keeping a pleasant taste. This is a place you go when you want to clear your mind. And you had to clear your mind from: you were crazy busy with your writing, and someone brought up your toxic ex today. Your ex was a toxic individual, and you’d finally left the relationship and put him on block. Hearing his name today though made you want to unblock him to see what he’s up to. Maybe if you found someone new tonight, you could take your mind away from the stress even if only for a few hours.
               You sit down in your normal spot by the corner, order your normal vodka cranberry and you notice the man who’s sitting a few seats down from you. He has long, wavy black hair, is well-built, and has prominent facial features. He’s not traditionally attractive, but damn he makes your heart flutter. Suddenly you’re happy that you chose to dress more seductively than usual. You notice that he looks like he hasn’t slept in days, and looks troubled by something. He’s had the same drink since you walked in, and he hasn’t taken a sip of it yet. He keeps looking at it, obviously struggling with whether or not to drink. You assume he must be an alcoholic or someone who struggles with substance abuse.  You pick up your drink and sit down beside him.
“You probably shouldn’t drink that if you haven’t already.” He turns to you with shocked eyes and he pushes the drink towards you.
“It’s yours then. You’re right. I don’t know how you knew to say that, but you’re right.” You pull the drink towards you, away from him. You angle your body so you’re facing him.
“I can just tell. I like to observe. In my experience, anyone who’s struggling that much over whether to take a drink should probably not drink it for a reason,” you hold out your hand and introduce yourself, “I’m Y/N nice to meet you”
He takes your hand and adds, “I’m Adam. Thanks.  I needed that. What do you do? You must be successful to be here.”
“I’m a writer. Just like hundreds of thousands in this city. What about you, I can say that you must be successful too to be here.”
“I’m an actor, I do mostly theater work, and a few commercials here and there. I’m certainly not successful in the traditional sense. Though, I’ll warn you, the last writer I met was crazy. Crazy enough that it’s kind of given me a complex about all writers.” He says with half of a smile, likely meaning it as a joke but waiting to see if you take offense to it.
“You know what they say about actors, always so dramatic. I kind of have a complex about them too. I guess we’ll see if we can work past them or if our complexes are true.” You laugh and take the shot. Holy shit, that burns. You remember how much you hate whiskey. You can’t help but grimace with displeasure. Your reaction makes him laugh.
“You’re clearly not a whiskey girl. You know you didn’t actually have to drink that.” He says with a bright smile.
“Definitely not a whiskey girl. I can never control my facial expressions, I would be a terrible actor.”
               You spend the next few hours talking. You’ve had several drinks but you don’t feel tipsy at all. The two of you have talked about favorite books, food, things that are overrated, and things that are underrated. You’re amazed at how naturally this conversation is flowing. You’ve found out more about him than you ever would have expected to learn from a stranger in a bar. But he doesn’t feel like any stranger in a bar, you feel like you’ve known him your whole life. He’s talked about the plays he’s been in including giving you his best accents, the craziest people he’s met in the city, and he finally confesses that he was an alcoholic. You congratulate him on his sobriety, and tell him that it must be hard. You confess that you still lonely in the city and often find it overwhelming. You decide to talk about something else.
“So how did you find this bar? You say you’re not successful yet I’m supposed to believe that you coincidently end up in a snobby Manhattan bar?”
“Funny story. I came to this bar one time with one of exes, who was a successful artist, Mimi-Rose Howard. I guess I wanted higher quality company tonight so I ended up here. Though I’m certain I scream Prospect Heights to these people.”
“I’ve heard of her. She’s your ex? A good ex or bad ex?”
“I have no good exes, only bad ones. But I guess that says more about me than it does them. She chose to get back with her ex-boyfriend while I was still in the room to overhear her decision.”
“Damn, that’s cold. You live in Prospect Heights?”
“I do, I’ve lived there for years, just can’t make myself part ways with it. What about you? Where do you live? I’m still trying to tell if you’re like the other snobs from Manhattan or not.”
“Very funny, but no I live in Brooklyn. Park Slope. I have an apartment there I share with my cousin. She’s in Seattle most of the time though. I came to this bar one time with a date. Liked the bar so I came back here but didn’t like the date so I never saw him again.”
You lock eyes and you both find yourselves unable to look away for several moments. You make the first move by placing your hand on his knee. He makes the next move by leaning in mere inches from your neck, you can feel his hot breath on your skin. It gives you goosebumps.
“I think we should get out of here,” he whispers in your ear, then he presses a surprisingly chaste kiss right below your ear, where it meets your neck. If you had any doubts about taking him home tonight they are gone now only to be replaced with excitement. You stand up, he follows you, and grabs your hand. The two of you walk out of the bar. Then you remember you don’t know if you’re going back to your place or his.
“Your place or mine?”
“You choose. I’ll go anywhere with you tonight.” He squeezes your hand and pulls you closer.
“Mine. Let’s head toward the subway.” You say as you change directions realizing that you were going the wrong way. You sit so close to him on the train that he pulls you into his lap. His arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles into your neck. You can tell already that he’s a cuddler. That might be nice in the morning, but first, there will be other activities.
               He keeps a tight hold on you as you make your way passed the doorman of you building. You expect him to jump on you in the elevator but surprisingly he just keeps holding you as you press the button to your floor. You relax back into his warm chest, his hands are still around your waist and you can’t help but wish they’d sink lower. You can feel him hard against your ass. You think his cock must be huge.
               You unlock the door to your apartment. You take off your shoes, and throw your jacket down. Adam follows suit. You give him the tour as you pounce on each other.
“Living room” you say as you kiss him and his large body presses you into the wall, his tongue soon begs entrance in your mouth. You part your lips and his tongue explores every corner of your mouth. You take a breath and he’s pulling your top over your head. You then feel his warm hands on your breast, you can’t help but moan as he squeezes them then runs his fingers over your nipples. Your nipples harden and a whimper escapes your mouth.
               Your hands paw at his shirt until he’s pulling it up over his head. He pulls you close to him, then picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He smacks your ass which makes you wiggle.  You point the way to your bedroom as you kiss his neck, shoulders, cheek, any part of him that you can get your lips on while your hands grope the rest of him. When he gets to your bedroom, he throws you on the bed, and he searches for the zipper of your skirt. The second he finds it, it comes down your hips pulling your underwear down with it. You’re already embarrassingly wet at this point and your cunt throbs wanting friction and to be filled. You move your hand down to touch yourself but he smacks your hand away and he traces his fingers over your folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, Y/N” he says as his thumb finds your clit. He begins moving back and forth, varying from hard strokes to light. As his fingers further warm you up, his lips attack your neck, and you feel his teeth graze where your neck meets your shoulder.  You feel like you might combust, and you whine loudly when he suddenly moves his hand away from you.
“You’re going to need to use your words, Y/N. Do you want me to keep playing with your pretty cunt?” he says in a smug voice. The bastard is smug while you’re practically writhing.
“Yes please, keep touching me.” You finally break down and say. Normally you would never beg any man, but you felt like you’d burst if you didn’t come soon. His fingers return to you. One finger finds its way inside you, then he adds another finger, all the while he strokes circles on your clit with his thumb. He quickens the pace of his thumb, and crooks his fingers inside of you just so it grazes your g-spot perfectly. You can feel your orgasm build, you start to feel tingly through your legs and arms. You moan, and say, “More please, I’m gonna cum.”
“Good girl, using your words” he says he continues his ministrations then his lips latch onto your nipples and he gently sucks. That’s it. You come undone, you feel your orgasm rush through you and you thrust your hips up against his hand as your back arches off the mattress and your head falls back.
               As you’re coming down, you seem lick your cum off his fingers. You then grab his pants, and unbutton them. He obliges you and takes them off. Then you blatantly ogle his cock. It’s long, thick, and the most perfect cock you’ve ever seen. He notices your ogling, “Like what you see?”
You nod your head enthusiastically. You reach out and stroke him, and he grabs a condom. Then, he moves you so you’re positioned on your hands and knees with your head facing the headboard of your bed. You decide to reach for the headboard to hold onto as you feel his length teasing your folds. Then in one quick thrust he enters you, he gives you a minute to adjust before he begins ramming back into you. The sounds being made by him fucking you are absolutely obscene. He moves your hips up as you arch your back. That’s the perfect angle because he groans and quickens his pace. You moan as his cock hits your g-spot over and over, you can feel another orgasm coming. You take one of your hands from the headboard and start stroking your clit. He grabs your hair and pulls you up so your head is nearly leaning against his shoulder. His lips are suckling your ear lobe when you hear him say:
“Are you a dirty slut who likes my cock?”
“I’m a dirty slut who loves your cock,” you barely manage to say before your second orgasm rips through you. Your second orgasm is stronger than your first, you feel your legs shake, and your body feels like a flood has been released from a dam. And you moan like a porn star. You’re normally not super vocal during sex but you couldn’t help it. Adam holds you up for another minute before letting you down, and you crash unto the bed with Adam still pounding into you.
“Ah fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Adam groans as he gives you one more thrust before collapsing on top of you. You lay like that for a while both unable to move. He eventually rolls off you unto his back beside you and he pulls the condom off. You turn to your side to face him.
“I swear your cunt is the stuff of dreams, doll.” You laugh at that but decide that you’ll take that compliment. You lay there quietly just enjoying each other’s presence as you both continue to come down from your highs. He puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close so your head is laying on his chest. You finally muster up the courage to ask the question that’s been on your mind the whole night.
“So tell me about her.” Adam moves to sit up so he can look at Y/N, because there’s no way he heard what she just said correctly. He can’t hide the surprise in his voice while his mind goes into panic.
“You’re clearly upset over a woman, wasn’t that the purpose of this? I can tell by the way you’ve acted all night and my thesis was confirmed in the way you fucked me.”
Shit, he thinks. I already fucked this up is what runs through his head. I meet a nice girl who has her life together, we hit it off, have amazing sex and I’ve already scared her away he thinks to himself. He always finds a way fuck things up. He finds something to say other than what he’s thinking.
“Are you sure you’re not psychic? Because I think you’re psychic.”
“Not psychic, but I just know because I observe people like I already told you. I’m not upset by it, don’t worry about that. It was a good fuck, I came twice. It just seems like you need someone to talk to and I’m here if you want to vent”
“Well there’s a lot to it and it’s pretty fucked up, but I suppose it really started with Hannah.” For some reason he starts to tell Y/N the whole story from the beginning to the end. He has no idea why he feels like he talk to her, but he feels so comfortable with her, it has to be right.
“I met Hannah at a party.”
“It sounds like the two of you created a codependent nightmare with a real connection somewhere in there too. You liked that she needed you, and you fed her narcissism. And you went back because you thought you were needed and you wanted to feel that connection again.”
You tell Adam as you place a hand over his. You’re sitting facing him with your back leaning against his legs as he reclines against your headboard. You listened intently to his whole, twisted tale. It reminded you so much of you and your ex, it was scary. It was like he and Hannah were you and your ex from an alternate universe.
“Well you have more insight into that relationship than I ever did,” he says as he holds your hand and brings up to his lips to give it a quick kiss.
“I’ve been there too. My last relationship wasn’t very healthy either. It’s easier to see when it’s happening to someone else or once you’re out of it. And I always try to be introspective of my feelings and others as a writer. You and Hannah sound like a twisted Hemingway situation to me.”
At that last comment he has to laugh, “Can you continue to compare all of my life situations to literature?”
“Absolutely. Do you want some leftover Chinese, or I can order something?”
“Absolutely. I’m starving.”
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ftkd-arts · 5 years
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HC: Apple Bloom
I've come across new, different ideas for AB, so I'm updating my Harmonyverse HC for her, with a new full-body adult design! Onto the headcanons~
Her parents, Pear "Buttercup" Butter and Delicious "Bright Mac" Cameo, died very close to their youngest daughter's birth. Buttercup was left terribly exhausted afterwards, with so little strength she couldn't even hold her newborn in her arms. Doctors feared she wouldn't make it. With what Buttercup accepted as her final breath, she gave their foal a name. Daisy Blossom. (Granny Smith would later give the filly a name fit for the tiny, sleek filly; Apple Bloom.)
Yet, Buttercup lived through it. She was still weak and tired, but she was alive. On the first day she was allowed to walk around Ponyville, her and Bright Mac took out their oldest, Johnny, to the market with baby Apple Bloom. A few minutes into grocery shopping, Buttercup fainted. Bright Mac raced to help her. Only Johnny saw the supply carriage bumbling towards them, and in that one second he could yell, the young colt froze in terror.
Following the funeral, Applejack vowed to always, always protect Apple Bloom and her family, and Johnny inherited Bright Mac's name and his work. All siblings were contracted to their only remaining grandparent, Granny Smith, after some fight from Bright Mac's best friend Burnt Oak, who was the godfather of the children.
Big Mac and Applejack developed quickly. They couldn't make mistakes in raising Apple Bloom, their last connection to their lost parents. Applejack became a constant helicopter to her, making sure Apple Bloom was comfortable, happy, and healthy. Big Mac was more loose than Jack, but he did take care of the baby a lot, as stubborn AJ took up a wealthy amount of the farmwork.
The more Apple Bloom grew, the more she dreamed of freedom and uninterrupted alone-time. She fixated over proving herself mature, so Applejack would loosen the leash a little, if not all the way. One day, a thought crossed her mind; cutie marks. They were handled as the last step into puberty! She needed to earn her cutie mark to be a big mare!
Soon, she found the only other blank-flanks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and together they formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As roughly the oldest CMC (During the course of the show, Apple Bloom and her fellow classmates are preteen foals, while the Mane Six are in their 20s), Apple Bloom appointed herself the unofficial leader.
Apple Bloom was too young to remember her mother and father's faces from her own memories, so she always relied on pictures and stories from her family. The Apple children weren't aware that their mother wasn't an Apple, so they believed themselves pure-blooded. Applejack and Big Mac never questioned it... But it had confused Apple Bloom since she could think.
Apples were portrayed as strong, tall creatures. A mass of fluff, freckles, and muscles. True forces to be reckoned with. So why wasn't Apple Bloom?
Even before getting her cutie mark, AB was skinny, sleek, small and shimmery. She was curious and self-conscious. It was typical for the average Apple foal to have a growth spurt early into their tweens, and to come out as a new, fluffy and buffy pony. But she just wasn't.
That fact scared her. She hated the idea that she wasn't actually an Apple. That she was just some kid Granny Smith took pity on and fostered. How could she know for sure that Buttercup was her mother, or Bright Mac her father? Why didn't her real parents want her? Was she bad, somehow? Why wasn't she enough for anyone as-is? Not for Applejack, who wanted her to be a perfect, safe carbon copy? Not for her friends, who wanted her to be a commanding leader? Not for Anypony... No creature loved her truly, did they?
She had convinced herself that she was adopted when she met a mister Grand Pear. Finally, she got an answer to why her body was different. She simply had the athletic, slim figure of her mother, and that was okay. Apple Bloom was a little disappointed she wasn't a full Apple, but she was half-Apple, and that made her happy.
Luckily, tho, she did eventually have her growth spurt, late into her teens. Unfortunately to Bloom, this also attracted the attention of... suitors. Ew
Apple Bloom had always wanted to be so many things. Zecora's official full-time apprentice, the real leader of the Crusaders, the strongest Apple... And within a few years, she would achieve those dreams. She would build up her own future, packed with multiple professions (blacksmith, carpenter, engineer, farmer, potion brewer, dancer, fixer, head of a Youth Camp)... And those responsibilities would turn into an excuse as to why she didn't pursue a meaningful relationship.
Love was too messy for her. The idea of falling for somebody and them wasting her time wasn't a thought she favored. Romance was a fickle force, closer to Chaos than the friendship lessons she had been taught and had since mastered. She believed she had everything she wanted. That may have been true, if she wasn't terrified of falling in love.
She was scared. Terrified that if she found someone she really connected with, someone she built her life with and loved more than the stars, that that creature would be taken from her. No matter if the love was true, no matter if they were good and honest, even if they had a beautiful life together, that partner could be snuffed out. And it would hurt. So, so much. Enough that Apple Bloom would be left bitter, paranoid, depressed and alone.
It happened to Buttercup and Bright Mac. It could happen to anyone.
So Apple Bloom didn't have much of a love life. Sure, she had flings, but those were short and wild, with ponies she didn't actually love and that felt the same way about her. Her whirlwind fling with one Featherweight was never supposed to end in pregnancy. It was supposed to be uncomplicated summer fun. But life wasn't like that sometimes. Most of the time, it seemed. Now, because of her recklessness, a child was on the way, and she had no idea how to care for a foal, or a husband.
Featherweight was happy he was going to be a father, but at the same time, he never expected or wanted a baby with Apple Bloom. He only felt genuine friendship for the mare, and she felt the same. They had many long talks over what to do. Apple Bloom promptly crossed off the notion of an abortion before anybody had even mentioned it. Finally, they agreed to have and raise the baby together, as friends.
A week into the pregnancy, Apple Bloom revamped the Cutie Mark Clubhouse into a humble cabin. Featherweight moved in to care for her.
Nine months and a lot of chocolate-laced apple deserts later, Apple Bloom would deliver her first and only baby girl. As soon as she held the tiny filly in her arms, she felt something so fierce in her heart. She never wanted anything bad to happen to this little ball of fluff. She wanted her baby to have a full life, brimming with creatures that loved her. She had never felt something so powerful before the birth of her daughter... Buttercup would be her name, Apple Bloom decided. Maria Meadow Buttercup, after Granny Maria Smith and Pear Butter.
Apple Bloom loved Buttercup so much, she recognized the feelings she had been neglecting. She wanted to feel what love was like when it was romantic. Of course, her daughter was more important than dating for a long while, but after Featherweight moved out and could have Buttercup over at his apartment, Apple Bloom decided to try it.
AB didn't have much luck. Most of her (in hindsight, ill-picked) dates weren't very open-minded when she mentioned her newborn. It took only a few months for her to get frustrated with it. She slowly resented her even trying to find someone. She hated the rejection. She wanted real, true love, from a kind being that sparked something within her. Was that too much to ask?
Then one random day, she stumbled into an old friend. Diamond Dazzle Tiara, her old bully turned friend, who had changed into quite the business mare. She was working a manager position in Barnyard Bargains, her father's international retail industry. Humbly (or stubbornly, as Spoiled Rich would put it), Diamond refused to quit her job as the Ponyville Mayor's assistant. Apple Bloom remembered how convincing and snobby Mrs. Rich could be, and was secretly impressed Diamond had managed to subdue her.
Still, Diamond Tiara was obviously struggling. She needed a break. After Apple Bloom got a friend to fill in for Dia's shift, Diamond couldn't say no to a catch-up-coffee-date! (Which served as a subtle tell for Bloom; Diamond was single!)
Diamond Tiara had so much to spill. Apple Bloom was surprised to see the mare in such a frantic state. Where was the poised, graceful, cunning and confident young mare that Apple Bloom had said goodbye to when she went away for University in Prance? Diamond Tiara had changed, and with good reason.
The mare had been the bride of her university sweetheart, Snails (who would have guessed? Literally no one). They had been happy... until they weren't. And then Diamond had the dumbest idea she might have ever had. Saving their relationship with a baby didn't work. Now she was a divorced single mother with joint custody of their baby, Drama Queen, and, worse, she had had another daughter with wild ex-boyfriend Rumble, siring baby Loudmouth. (Diamond doesn't regret having her daughters, of course. She just wished it was under different circumstances.)
But, but, but, she was happy once she and life-long bestie Silver Spoon agreed to open a restaurant together. It was so fun being the boss! Being awesome bosses with her bestie! Being an awesome, good mother to her young children! It was amazing. She had been picking her life back together, and she had been happy.
Then her mother had to ruin everything even more. Diamond was somewhat afraid of Spoiled Rich. After the birth of Loudmouth, Dia had cut off communication with her mom. But she couldn't muster up the courage to say a much wanted 'no' when Spoiled Rich dropped by and pressured Diamond to go back to Barnyard Bargains. This wasn't what Dia wanted, she knew, but she couldn't find a way out. She needed out, she wasn't happy here, not as her mother's obedient pawn or as a respected employee of her dad's company.
Apple Bloom wasn't going to let her friend accidentally wreck her life. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara constructed a plan to help Diamond stand up to Spoiled Rich, and with support from friends and family, Diamond left Barnyard Bargains and helped Silver Spoon open more establishments, all while happily maintaining her assistant job and becoming a fitness coach.
Diamond Tiara soon moved in with Apple Bloom, originally as close friends... Until something more bloomed.
Other notes~
- Apple Bloom is now a flirty and fun, yet collected and stern mare. She's a good mother, probably the best out of the CMC. She graduated from needing some twisted version of freedom to actually having it, in the form of healthy independence together. Loves chocolate treats, charity work, detective novels, folk and hip hop music, mythology, trashy romantic comedies and cheap horror films, and horoscopes.
- Only rare ponies know Apple Bloom's full name, and that goes for a lot of Apples. They're a Clan of nicknames, basically.
- Apple Bloom isn't heavyset because of muscles, she is simply a plus-sized woman.
- Apple Bloom didn't attend University. She opted to have less on her plate during her pregnancy and the first few years of Buttercup's childhood. Now that Buttercup is a preteen and isn't as much as a hoof-ful as a baby pony, Apple Bloom takes online courses. She is aiming for a degree in carpentry, with minors in mechanical engineering and art.
- As a younger filly, Bloom preferred the calmer, quieter energy of her brother. Into childhood, strong, fearless and independent Applejack shifted into her idol instead. Still, Apple Bloom doesn't like to share either of her siblings, and was very hostile towards their respective partners at first, as well as new friends, old sweethearts, and the occasional friendly stranger. She is also very protective of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who she considers her first real friends. You bet she threatened the hell outta Tender Taps and Gilded Lily.
And she was even more pissed when Granny Smith got a girlfriend!
- Apple Bloom opened a Youth Camp for foals to try out different activities. These foals didn't have to be blank-flanks; it was opened to any kid.
- Her mentor Zecora broadened Apple Bloom's worldview farther than Applejack ever had. Zecora taught her about so many different plants, creatures, cultures, and most notably, religions. Zecora mentioned the belief of Magic (the Ponyverse term for real-world Wicca) to a teenage Apple Bloom, and from there on, Apple Bloom researched the hell outta it.
Magic was mostly a religion practised by non-unicorn ponies and species that were believed, by dismissive unicorns that spread it as the truth, not to be magically inclined. Apple Bloom was raised as a believer of Providence (a form of Ponyverse Christianity), and for a few years considered herself both a Witch and a Provider. She now defines as only a Witch. Wears a Wiccan necklace that promises protection.
- Tattoos do exist in MLP, and Granny was not happy when college-aged AB got roses on her arm. Granny wasn't that supportive of her second tattoo, either; Diamond Tiara's initials (but certainly not as mad as the roses).
- Humanverse Apple Bloom's name is Daisy "Blossom" Alma, and she is an Asian Australian American woman that rocks V-neck flannel crop tops and mom jeans.
- Part of the reasons why Bloom didn't want a shot-gun marriage was for Featherweight's best friend's sake, Pipsqueak. Pip turned jittery and awkward whenever Apple Bloom was around or the pregnancy (and the following newborn baby) was mentioned. Apple Bloom quickly realized Pipsqueak was deeply in love with an oblivious Featherweight, who was even more oblivious to the fact that he felt the same way. Shortly after their daughter was born, Apple Bloom match-made her baby daddy with his bestie, and those two are still together to this day.
- Apple Bloom is still friends with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, despite Sweetie's house being in Canterlot while she frequently tours Equestria as a pop singer, supermodel and exotic dancer and Scootaloo traveling the world as a Scout to reform creatures that need to be taught friendship. Sweetie Belle's job is very time-consuming while Scootaloo's is both time-consuming and dangerous as hell.
Apple Bloom worries about them a lot, Sweetie because she's a recovering drug addict in an industry known for hardcore corruption and Scootaloo because of her reckless nature. Apple Bloom regularly checks in with her old dance partner/Sweetie Belle's also-celebrity husband Tender Taps, the power couple's quietly confident daughter Bella Danzatrice, Scootaloo's surprisingly stable and non-wild genius wife Gilded Lily (who's AB's step-niece), and their shy, smart son Orion.
- Dia and Snails' daughter Drama Queen formed a Sister Squad with half-sisters Loudmouth and Champion (Snails and Twist's filly), and soon brought in Buttercup. Since then, little Buttercup is a bit more spoken than she used to be, but is still lacking in confidence. She's a soft-spoken, gentle, sensitive filly that's at the top of her class. She is most comfortable when with close friends or close family. Like her mother, Buttercup juggles many hobbies, but mostly enjoys crafts and perfume-making. Buttercup requires a lot of encouragement because of her poor self-image. Apple Bloom is always, always patient with her.
And that's the new rewrite! I felt like I left too much out last time, and I sketched an adult AB and made it the base of her new HC: Character. I'll probably be making new ones for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, too, since I've discovered new headcanons from other people that I like more than mine. Peace ✌️
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Rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing
Mostly white - I’m wearing my bathrobe. My mom got it for me and it’s great. It’s not the softest but it’s good and it’s got cool blue and grey horizontal stripes on the bottom. Normally it’s very frustrating for her to try to get clothing gifts for me, but she hit the nail on the head with this one.
Last band T shirt I bought
I’ve never bought a ‘band’ t-shirt. The artists I really love don’t have much in the way of t-shirts and if they do, they look really corny. Like I’m not gonna get a Streisand t-shirt and look like some middle-aged empty-nester out grocery shopping.
Last band I saw live
I guess our evening Jazz Ensemble - it’s professional adult musicians - at my school’s Jazz Ensembles concert. They’re great. As for non-school performances, I think? the last concert I went to was a Brian Setzer concert at the Hollywood Bowl with my mom a while back.
Last song I listened to
I tried listening to some contemporary pop from the Love, Simon (2018) soundtrack today and it was really difficult so now I’m at the computer enjoying some tumblr-time and listening to my most-chill and most-favorite Doris Day album.
Lipstick or chapstick?
I used lipstick once for my Katharine Hepburn halloween costume last year and - tbh lipstick is so much work - makeup in general. Like it would be fun to be a girl and wear dresses and be super pretty and stuff - but wo-MAN it’s so much work!
So chapstick. The tube I use is some Burt’s Bees pink grapefruit that I really love. This might sound weird but I only have it because a boy I had a small crush on once asked me to hold it while he changed clothes and forgot to collect it from me..
Last movie I watched
I went to the movies last weekend with @adamsberg​ and another one of my best friends and saw Love, Simon (2018). I really really really really loved it.
I hadn’t even heard of it until a few weeks ago I saw a trailer on YouTube, but I thought it looked great and it was everything I hoped and more. I have this soft spot for angsty contemporary teen dramas like this [The Fault In Our Stars (2014) and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) are also in this micro-genre]. While I love my classics, I also love these great movies that are being made here and NOW! Sometimes I feel apart from the rest of the world - and not in a good way. I wasn’t friendless in high school - but I wasn’t anywhere near as close to any of my friends as any of these movie teens are... as accepted and loved as I am to/by an amazing, small, group of my friends now. I have no horror stories, but I don’t have very many stories and that’s just it - I could have had so much more, but I didn’t. Part of it was because I wasn’t out yet and this film so wonderfully explored that. I highly reccomend it - and not just for the good plot, it’s hilarious and an overall great experience.
Last 3 TV shows I watched
911 (2018-present) 
Sometimes my mom’s taste in first-run television is pretty bad (NCIS stopped being good like a decade ago) but in this case I am totally on-board. Angela Bassett [WAIT HOW IS SHE 59???????] is an inspiration (I WANT HER CHARACTER’S HOUSE!), the writing and production values are generally very good - it’s a solid, interesting show. Still, can anyone tell me what the deal with that middle-aged white lady (who’s a few years younger than Angela Bassett but lowekey looks 20 years older) who dresses like a suburban mom trying to dress like her teenage daughter - like what’s the deal with her dating that guy in his 20s? 
Frasier (1993-2004)
My mom and I watch this show somewhat regularly as it’s on like every flippin’ night on the scourge that is the Hallmark Channel (generally decent reruns, but I hate the channel itself and their original programming is complete trash). In a lotta ways I really love it - it’s hilarious, witty, sophisticated, adult, and has the power to  create a real poigniant moment like you rarely see so fully-realized in sitcoms. 
It has its issues though. Frasier and Niles (especially in early seasons) can get annoyingly whiny/snobby. I get that their characters are kinda built around that, but there’s a point at which they take it too far and it becomes disengaging. Also it’s a super white-people-centric show (I wonder why Hallmark likes it so much...) so diversity could be a lot better. Still, it’s generally a high-quality program.
Gosh I don’t remember what else I watched last. I haven’t had a lotta TV time lately so Imma use this opportunity to plug...
Stranger Things (2016-present)
One’a my best friends, Grace, introduced me to this show and I absolutely love it. The period’s really well done - not just accurate, but alive and real and relatable. The acting and casting is great. Winona Ryder is a treasure and I have a shameless crush on Joe Keery’s amazing hair and the person it belongs to. The scoring is effective, interesting, and very different from the kind of film music I usually am exposed to (I’m really making an effort to expand my horizons beyond classic orchestral sounds lately). The production values are great - it’s just an amazing show. 
Last 3 characters I identified with
1.) Simon Spier from Love, Simon (2018)
While there are some things about him I definitely don’t identify with (message me personally if you wanna know specifics- I don’t want to spoil anything), I very much identify with his coming out story and coming to terms with his sexuality on his own terms. 
I feel like there are people who will criticize the film based on Simon’s extreme normalcy - like he’s honestly a fairly stock white, middle-class, suburban teenage boy and, aside from his involvement in theater and ‘ya know liking boys he doesn’t do much that would be considered “gay” - but that’s kinda the point of the film. Being gay is just something that is and anyone can be gay - they’re not weird or whatever just for being gay - that was one of my fears - that I would be treated (or even just feel like) some strange unwelcome outsider just because of this one thing.
I had a long conversation tonight with an older kinda mentor’y friend of mine (though I’m more of the mentor) who’s gay and who was having a really rough night. Among the lotta things he said was that all gay men cheat that there’s no true monagomous love in the gay community and like lightning I shot him down with a fervor and wisdom and riteousness that would make Kate proud (wayto blow my own horn). 
That’s the exact kind of idiotic prejudice that makes people afraid to come out in the first place. It’s fear that kind of small-minded judgmental behavior which was most responsible for me remaining closeted in high school. It’s a hard thing to explain to someone who hasn’t been there because after you’ve been through it, it can kinda feel like nothing afterwards -  all this fear and conflict and it’s really kinda purposeless. You find that people still love you and the people who don’t are really not good people anyway. I wish I had come out in high school, I could have been happier. But I am happy now.
2.) Tracy Lord from The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Dedicated followers may remember I rewatched this one a few wks ago on what would have been a date with me and my crush until he cancelled. That time I saw Trace and Kate herself through lenses less tinted than ever before, but still she’s there in all her glory and all her not-glory. Tracy is riteous, despises drinking and gets very contemptful of what she views as weakness, such as her ex-husband’s drinking problem or Mike’s cynical view of the rich. I am often that way (in large part due to the second-generation effects of my mom’s own east coast catholic upbrining) which has it’s merits certainly - that specific east coast almost ‘puritan’ toughness (I think Dick Cavett, said Bette Davis and Kate both had it) can be a tremendous source of strength and sense. It can also easily become cold, prudish, snobbish, and condesending. I have tried to unlearn these aspects and I am still working on that. This is kinda what Tracy’s arc is about, learning to be human and be loved and to love others.
Though it’s not as recent, the next one that comes to mind is
3.)  Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things
I already mentioned that my friend Grace got me into this show, but I didn’t mention that I only ever watch it with her. Not that I don’t really love the show - I do - but I like saving it for when we’re together - it makes it more special. 
Anyway, more than perhaps any other single character on that show, I identify with Nancy Wheeler. Regular suburban teenager who’s better - not just a regular suburban teenager - she’s aware of the sort of suburban ‘don’t do much with your life ‘cept rasie kids [not that there’s anything wrong with having and raising kids, that’s wonderful] trap. I also found the episode with her at Steve’s house really resonated with me. Barb telling Nancy “this isn’t you” really got to me. Part of me still has an internal ‘Barb’ that kinda ties in with the whole east-coast ‘puritan’y’ morality but there’s also the part of me that wants to be young and just a person and do cool things with my friends and kiss boys and watch great angsty contemporary teen dramas. They both have their merits and drawbacks - the young side has life but can be stupid and reckless - the old side is wise and careful, but can be paralyzing and stagnating.
Books I’m currently reading
I have a whole slew of books checked out that I’m supposed to be reading (for my own enjoyment).
The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard     by   Leonard Bernstien
I loved his The Joy of Music so I figured I would like this too. He’s a great music lecturer. I’m only like 5 pages in so far.
Elizabeth Taylor: A Private Life for Public Consumption      by    Ellis Cashmore 
This one I’m a little further on, though most of that was just the introductory timeline of her life with a key notating each illness/medical episode, marriage/actual or rumored romantic relationship, and neaar-death experience (her life is such ‘drama’).
I also have a book about motifs in Hitchcock’s films with the car picnic from To Catch a Thief (1955) on the cover. I haven’t started reading it yet.
And I have some book about Lerner & Lowe, the duo responsibly for My Fair Lady, Camelot, etc...
This was really really wonderful to participate in. Thank you, my amazing friends, so much for tagging me @adamsberg​ and @in-the-key-of-d-minor​. I’ve enjoyed lots of asks and tag games, but I’ve never felt this good about one before...
I tag
@hildy-dont-be-hasty @tyronepowerbottom @reluctant-martyrs @thevintagious @littlehappyrock @n2ninvisiblegirl @solasdisapproves @hepburnandhepburn and @her-man-friday
If I didn’t tag you but you wanna participate, have at it!
What’m I gonna do, fire you?
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96flowers-writings · 7 years
Christmas Memories
'Tap, Tap, Tap' were the soft footsteps of a young raven haired man as he walked through the deserted halls of Hogwarts. His emerald green eyes were focused in front of him as he walked towards the seventh floor. He wished to see that if, months later, the castle had repaired the room that he seeks solace in.
The war had ended in May and it was now Christmas Eve but Harry still didn't really have peace. He had seen too much in the last four years for him to just let it go in a few months. So as everyone had a party in their respective common rooms he had grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and left when no one was looking at him. That didn't mean that everyone else hadn't had their own hardships but so much had rested on him and it had taken it's toll. He just wished for one night alone, everyone was celebrating the life that was given to them and he wanted to mourn for the life that was taken from him.
That morning he had been in a relatively good mood, it was the first christmas after the war and he was looking forward to celebrating with his friends and his girlfriend privately without a bunch of fuss. But as he had spent the day with them they all talked of their families and past holidays and remembered them with fondness but he really couldn't join in as he never celebrated with his parents and after he came to Hogwarts there had always been something hanging over his head that stopped him from truly enjoying the holidays.
So as the day went on Harry just sunk into depression of not being able to remember the past without drifting into dark thoughts. So when the sun had set and the parties had started he grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and went towards where he hoped the room of requirements was waiting.
Stopping at the stretch of wall he turned and paced back and forth three times thinking I just wish for a place to drink and remember those who I have lost. Looking back at the wall after his third lap he was overjoyed to see a door appear in the stone. He walked swiftly toward it and pushed it open and was glad to see a replica of the sitting room at Grimmauld Place and a fire was lit. He walked over to one of the arm chairs and plopped down with a sigh of relief and smiled when a glass appeared on the side-table. Harry took the glass and poured three fingers worth of whiskey and sat back and allowed his memories to overtake him as he sipped his drink.
"Happy Christmas Harry" "Happy Christmas Ron"
"What are you wearing?" "Oh! My mom sent me a sweater. It looks like you have one to!"
"I've got presents?"
"Go away!" "Hermione, what's wrong?"
"You know how I said it was only for human transformations? The hair I used wasn't Bulstrodes, it was cat hair! Look at my face!" "Look at her tail!"
"It's a firebolt!" "Oh Harry can I have a go?"
"Put your hand on my waist" "What?" "Put your hand on my waist. Now!"
"Sirius!" "Harry!" "To Harry!"
"Hermione why are you hiding back here?" "I left Cormac under the Mistletoe"
"Happy Christmas Hermione" "Happy Christmas Harry"
Harry was snapped out of his memories at the sound of his name. Looking back towards door he saw Draco Malfoy standing there with his own bottle of Fire Whiskey.
"Don't just stand there Malfoy," Harry said as he refilled his glass. "Come take a seat. There is certainly enough room for both of us in here."
Draco looked unsure for a moment but then came and sat in the other arm chair in front of the fire. Another glass appeared on the side table between the two chairs and he took it and filled it like Harry did a moment ago. Sitting back in his chair he looked across at the man he once called his school yard enemy, but that had changed after the war.
When they had been invited back as the only eighth year class that has ever excited they had put their petty school days behind them and are civil to one another. Taking in the haggard appearance of the hero he spoke up.
"What brought you here?" Draco asked, his voice was open and concerned, a vast change from the snobby, spoiled brat he had been before. "You seemed okay during lunch."
This wasn't the first time Draco had caught Harry drinking and lost in his memories, it was just the first time he had come here. After they had come back to school the two had alway somehow managed to end up together if they wanted to drink. They knew that while questions would be asked, and frustrations would be vented, none of it would end up in the paper and there would be no judging between the two. Harry looked over at the blond before answering.
"I thought I would be okay today," Harry sighed. "I thought we would all sit around and talk about happy things, or talk of the future. And we did, but soon talk turned to Christmas from the past, to the talk of family and I started to think about my past. They talked of parents and presents and how their families were doing now and it I just couldn't help but remember I only had one Christmas with my parents and I can't remember it. All the Christmases I spent at the Dursley's I spent watching my aunt and uncle spoil my cousin and never being allowed to join the festivities or be loved. Then after I came to Hogwarts, different things were always hanging over my head. The Stone, the Chamber, Sirius' escape, the tournament, Voldemort. I just couldn't sit there with them when I couldn't really join in. What about you?"
"I'm sorry Harry, I wish you had a better childhood," Draco sighed, they only used first names in private because they didn't think people would like that their hero was friends with a known Death Eater. "I came because I just keep flashing back to last Christmas. It was horrible. I was trapped in the manner with my parents. We just wanted to run. You know the story. I just can't get it out of my head!"
"I'm sorry Draco," Harry sighed and filled his glass once more. "I wish you didn't have to go through that."
The two sat in silence after that. They both drank themselves to sleep in their chairs that night. No one really noticed that the two of them were missing just as they hadn't before and just like they didn't for the rest of the year. The two parted ways the next morning before the sun came up and all that was said between the two was advice from Draco.
"Harry I want you to listen to me. You need to let go of the past just like I do, but never think for one moment that your friends wouldn't have understood your position last night. You need to talk to them and open up to them about what is going on in your mind. They will support you no matter what. We all have bright future's thanks to you. It's time that we focused on that. We need to focus on the memories we are creating now rather than the memories that are plagued with darkness."
Harry had just looked at Draco a moment before he smiled a true smile and said; "You may never be a mind healer Draco but you are a good friend, and I understand what you are trying to say. It is time to look forward, but we can not forget the past in the process, just accept it and move on I suppose. Happy Christmas Draco."
"Happy Christmas Harry."
The two went back to their prospective common rooms and were greeted by their girlfriends and friends. Their own advice for and from each other still echoed in their ears and their hearts were a bit lighter. The two gave and received gifts and started creating the memories that in years to come would be talked about in the secret meetings.
The next Christmas the two were both at a ball thrown in celebration of all repairs finally being completed. They saw each other across the bar from each other and when no one was looking lifted their glasses to each other in remembrance of the last Christmas when things were still dark. Now things were bright and new and the world was looking up again.
It truly was a Happy Christmas indeed.
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Blog in which Anne Hathaway is a Giant Tree Monster (AKA: Secret-Diary Reviews ‘Colossal’).
Right. Righty. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I recently watched the film Colossal, and I have a lot of thoughts about it. It’s very important that you sit down, shut up and hear all of them.
My initial reaction to Colossal can be summed up as “yeah: that was a fun way to spend 1 hour and 50 minutes.” It’s funny in a low-key, quirky kind of way and the protagonist (Gloria- played by Anne Hathaway) is likeable and relatably fucked-up enough that it’s easy to care about her. Oh, and there’s giant monsters in it, which is always nice. It’s a good film- there’s no denying that. If you want a fun way to squander some time that will make you feel vaguely intelligent by association (because its an indie thing rather than typical block-buster fare), then go ahead and knock yourself out: this is the film for you.
However, the more I think about Colossal, the more off it feels. It’s like someone put all the elements of a good film together, but not necessarily in the right order.
OK. Before I can review it, I need to spoil it completely. Sorry. If you already know the plot, just feel free to skip this paragraph. It’s basically just a synopsis. Gloria (once again, played by Anne Hathaway) is an alocholic, out-of-work writer who gets kicked out by her boyfriend and returns to her hometown, ostensibly to rethink her like but, in reality, to get shitfaced on a nightly basis. While doing that, she reconnects with an old friend from childhood (I can’t remember his name, so we’ll just call him Neckbeard), whose behaviour seems slightly creepy and manipulative from the get-go. While Neckbeard is situating himself as Gloria’s patron-slash-enabler, Gloria herself discovers that, when she stumbles home drunk through a particular part of town, a giant tree monster materialises in Seoul in Korea and mimics her movements. She lets Neckbeard in on the secret and inadvertantly kills hundreds of people in the process. Neckbeard discovers that when he enters that bit of town, a giant robot shows up in Seoul and mimics his movements. Gloria tries to stop him making the giant robot appear in case someone gets hurt and his behaviour escalates from slightly offputting to abusive and violent. Oh, and he makes his giant robot deliberately go on a killing spree, because of course he does. Inevitably, Gloria is forced to kill him using her crazy giant tree monster powers. Then she stumbles into the nearest bar so that the film can spend its final sixty seconds hanging a lampshade on the fact that she’s still an alcholic.
All caught up? Good- now that I’ve explained the film, I can start picking it to death. Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room. How come, in a film where all the giant monster action is taking place in Seoul, there isn’t a single named Korean character whose actions have any real impact on the plot? Actually, you know what? Don’t answer me just yet. We’ll be coming back to that a little later. Just ackowledge the room elephant and move on for a minute.
The thing that’s been really bugging me though is infinitely more pedantic and less political: the entire second half of the film was completely avoidable. Let me explain, there’s a scene, right after Neckbeard discovers he can make a giant robot appear in Seoul when tries it out deliberately for the first time... but first he makes sure that there’s no-one in the area surrounding the giant robot appearance site who could get hurt (apparently, there’s an app for that). And there it is: plain as day. Gloria has an opportunity to get away before Neckbeard becomes a full-on abusive arsehole and Neckbeard’s own sense of biting inadequacy is ameliorated by his ability to make a giant robot materialise in Seoul and start breakdancing. Even Seoul gets its own resident giant robot, which has got to be the world’s best tourist attraction. At that point, if Gloria hadn’t decided that Neckbeard Must Not Summon the Giant Robot and started a fight over it, all the awful, harrowing shit from the second half of the film just wouldn’t have happened. Not that I blame Gloria as a character: she’s obvs meant to be traumatised by all the death she caused when she was the giant tree monster, so her reaction is understandable. It’s just that, knowing the whole clusterfuck was easily preventable and could have had a happy ending for all concerned robs the film’s ultimate payoff of any sense of catharsis. Instead of being viscerally satisfied when Neckbeard finally gets killed by a tree monster, I just felt a bit sad and empty. He didn’t have to evolve into the world’s most ginormous douch-kanoo: he could have wiled away his twighlight years boosting Seoul’s tourist trade through the medium of interpretive being-a-giant-robot.
Incidentally, that whole scene raises another nagging complaint. Gloria intervenes to stop Neckbeard doing his giant robot thing, but walking right up to him (meaning that her Tree Monster thing also manifests in Seoul) and slapping him in the face. If that fight had actually escalated, thousands of people in Seoul could have died... which is what Gloria was trying to prevent. She aims to prevent a giant robot killing hundreds of people by starting a fight with that giant robot, which could potentially kill many more people. Not to drag geopolitics into this, but you can tell the characters in this film are Americans, can’t you? Cough cough regime change cough. Seriously, had she been taking ethics lessons from Mass Effect’s Reapers? YOU CAN’T SAVE PEOPLE BY ENDANGERING THEM, DIPSHIT.
Actually, that brings us back to my point about how there are no fully-developed Korean characters in this film where giant monsters are attacking a major Korean city. Throughout the majority of this film, Seoul and people of Seoul don’t really matter: they’re just used as the manifestation of the psychodrama bewteen Gloria and neckbeard. That could be a deliberate comment on the way American popular culture views eastern countries, but it doesn’t feel like it. Maybe the writers just needed to signpost it better. Also, it means that when Neckbeard goes kill-crazy and destroys half of Seoul, instead of being shocked and appalled, I was just kinda hoping for a few juicy shots of the giant robot kicking over buildings. You can’t paint an entire city as nothing more than the backdrop for some mellowdrama between two self-destructive a-holes and then expect your audience to feel emotional when it gets stomped on. That’s not how movies work.
A few other annoyances remain to be addressed, but they don’t really work towards the overall theme of this piece, so I’m just going to splurge them in any order I feel like.
Firstly, there’s the issue of Gloria’s boyfriend (his name is Tim, but you’ll only ever think of him as ‘That Guy from Legion’). He’s way better villain than Neckbeard, but the film does nothing with him. He kicks Gloria out and then stalks her a bit and that’s it... but the subtleties of his behaviour and the way he goes about being a nob make it clear that, if the script had any interest in him whatsoever, he could be a really compelling, hateable villain. Unlike Neckbeard whose name I still can’t fucking remember.
Speaking of which, what fucking idiot came up with Neckbeard’s bad-guy motive. He hates himself and how small his life feels? What is he, a school bully in a 1990s infomercial? Look, we’re told he’s motivated by self-loathing, but we’re never told why. He’s relatively erudite as small-town villains go; he has a circle of friends and owns a respectable little bar; he has good memories of going around setting off illegal fireworks with his bezzies. There’s no compelling reason for him to despise his life other than the fact he lives in a small town and comes from a vaguely working-class backgroud, which just makes the film-makers seem weirdly classist and snobby. I imagine the pitch for this idea went something like this “Oh, of course he hates himself, Baron Fucksmythe: he’s rural and does an ordinary-person job. I mean, I hate him and you hate him- why wouldn’t he hate him.”
Then there’s the guy who hovers in the background for most of the film, then has sex with Gloria, delivers some furniture and fucks off never to be seen again. You know how non-sequiters are usually phrases or jokes that come out of the blue and bear no relation to the rest of the film? Well, Colossal may be the first film to have a whole character be a non-sequiter.
Finally- and I realise this is a trivial thing to piss-and-moan about, but I’m going to anyway- very few alcoholics caught in abysmal self-destructive spirals look like Anne Hathaway. Nobody whose liver is slowly failing them while they pour themselves another round falls asleep against a wall and wakes up with perfect skin, fabulous hair and impeccable (if hipstery) dress-sense.
Colossal is a good movie. Sort of. It’s even got a nice feminist subtext with Gloria realising that many of the men in her life are abusive fuckwads and learning to make herself independent of them. But it undermines itself at every turn. It can’t decide what to focus on. Is it a movie about alcoholism and the psychopathology of addicts and enablers? No, because that plot line never goes anywhere. Is it a movie about abuse and victimisation? Kind of, but there’s so much else going on, it’s hard to feel viscerally invested in that plot-line, so it lacks impact. Is it a comedy movie that tackles multiple issues with a tongue-in-cheek attitude? Sort of, but its not consistently funny enough to get away with it.
The film’s attitude towards small town, rural, working class America and literally the entirity of Korea undermine its progressive, feminist credentals with a faint air of classism and not-quite-racism while its light, quirky comedy creaks audibly under the weight of the hefty subject matter. With a little bit of polishing, these issues could easily have been resolved, and a lot of the film is enjoyable as is. But a bit of tighter focus, better characterisation and a more global attitude would have been very welcome additions.
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allfandomxreader · 8 years
Tumblr media
Pairings: Dean x Reader + (kind of) Chuck Bass Words: 1,897 Part: 2/? Warnings: Some swearing but I think that’s it. Summary: It’s Deans second day in the Upper East Side and needs a friendly face to show him around town and maybe even escort him to dinner. A/N: This is such a late update to this series, I’ve been super busy lately and had a bunch of writers block so I apologize to anyone who has been waiting for the second part, but here it is! This one is mostly dialogue, I’ve already started the 3rd part and I’m super excited for you to read that one as well. Feedback is always much appreciated. Enjoy! Tags: @nachoaveragejoe
You sat beside Dean in his father’s Impala watching the twinkling stars above. Dean’s hand was wrapped around yours, his thumb stroked circles on your delicate knuckles. He had something on his mind, you knew by his inability to look at you. “Y/N?” is voice creaks in a meek whisper.
“Dean?” you lock eyes with his own. Dean was never a boy to get nervous, not ever. His hand shook as he pulled away from your touch and reached for his pocket.
“I’d like to give you something,” he pulled out a tiny, silver band; the ring glistens in the moonlight. “I know it’s not the prettiest thing in the world, but that ring will come later,” he paused trying to gather his thoughts, “Y/N, I love you. You’re my first love and I want you to be my last, my forever and always.” it was a rare occasion that Dean would open up to you, usually he never spoke about his feelings. Of course, you always knew how he felt towards you, he didn’t need to say them aloud for you to know that he was madly in love with you. “Y/N, I promise that one day, I’ll give you the life you deserve. We’ll get out of this crap town and never look back. You’ll finish college and all of your dreams will come true,” He paused while slipping the ring onto your middle finger. “Any dream of mine will always be true as long as you’re by my side. I love you, I promise that I always will.” His shaking hands bring your fingers to his lips, he presses a single kiss to your ring finger and you knew that it was his promise to marry you someday.
It’s been five years since that night in John’s car, you’ve never had the heart to throw it out. You stand peering into your sock drawer at the box, you tried to gather your things for the flight and for your vacation but procrastination was getting the best of you. You pluck random garments off hangers and fold them neatly into your suitcase. You don’t want to take much, living on the Upper East Side has spoiled you with expensive clothes you didn’t need. You forgot long ago what it felt like to dress in simple jeans and a hoodie.
From across the room your phone buzzes. Dean’s name flashes on the screen in bright letters, unconsciously your lips curl into a smile at just the thought of him. “Hello?” your body sinks into your shared bed to listen to the man on the phone.
“Hey, change in plans,” New York streets come alive behind Dean’s voice, you can tell by the shortness in his breath he’s walking through the city. “I have to stay in New York a little longer to finish my case, it doesn’t look like we’ll make it to Lawrence after all.” a knot drops in your stomach, you slowly rise and peer into the city around your apartment.
“Oh, that’s okay,” you force a chuckle, “Guess it was pretty crazy to plan a vacation with someone I haven’t seen in years anyway.” Dean laughs at your comment.
“Yeah, probably. It’s only for the next three days, I’m sure New York is more exciting than Kansas ever will be,” laughter fills the silence between you, “I’ll need a tour guide to show me where the hell I am, interested?”
“Sure,” you catch yourself smiling.
When you reach the lobby, Dean is already waiting for your arrival.“I see you haven’t grown out of your plaid.” You eye the handsome man dressed in an old flannel.
“What can I say?” you flash him a smile before leading him out of your apartment building and into the city. The two of you roam through the streets, deep in conversation. You pass snobby strangers, businessmen in freshly ironed suits, and flirty teenagers during your stroll.
The wide diversity of people is what drawn you into New York in the first place. You weren’t one to need extravagant clothing or a luxury home– somehow that managed to fall into your lap. All you needed was inspiration. You studied the people you came across, homes, locations, all in the efforts to enhance your writing. New York gave you just that, it’s no wonder why you climbed to the top of your career so quickly.
“Care to join me for dinner?” you propose stopping in front of a restaurant, your feet aching for a rest from all the walking they’ve endured throughout the day.
“I couldn’t turn down that offer” his arm extends towards you to take just before you make your way into the dimly lit building. A young waitress seats the two of you to a secluded table in the back.
“I’ll be right with you,” she purrs at Dean completely ignoring your presence. Dean pays her no attention, he pulls your seat out for you and gently pushes you towards the table.
“You’ve kept your mannerisms. Brownie points for you,” you giggle as he takes his seat across from you.
“Only for you, you’re the only woman worth impressing.” Dean grins opening his menu, “I have an idea.”
“Oh? What might this idea be?” you cock your eyebrow to the man across from you.
“We’ll order for each other, I’ll find something I think you’ll like and you’ll do the same for me. Deal?” Dean smirks towards you.
“I’m intrigued, you’re on Mr. Winchester.” moments after the waitress returns, ready to take your order.
“What can I get for you, handsome?” she bites her lip looking over Dean as he reads her the order.
“I’d like to have the pasta special of the day, with white sauce, and a water to drink. Thanks.” he closes and hands the menu to the blonde beside without a glance in her direction. Her eyes flair at the lack of attention she receives from him.
“And you?” her eyes don’t leave Dean as you hand her the menu.
“I’d like the House Burger, cooked medium, side of seasoned fries, and a beer in a frosted mug.” you don’t even thank her, the way she eyes Dean causes jealousy to flourish inside you. She scribbles down your orders and hurries away. “Looks like you have an admirer.” You grumble, eyeing the woman as she walks to tend another table.
“I knew you’ve been flirting with me all day,” you playfully roll your eyes at his comment, “You got my order perfect, how’d you remember after all these years?” Dean asks, his fingers intertwine together on the table.
“You’re pretty hard to forget.” your voice is soft, anyone in the room could tell that there was still something between Dean and yourself, even if you’re not quite sure what that ‘something’ is anymore.
“So are you,” he admits, his eyes fall from yours unaware of where to look. Dean quickly clears his throat and tries to change the subject.
“Alrighty, here’s your water, sugar.” you didn’t know it was even possible for someone to set down a glass of water sexually, but right before your eyes, this woman proves you wrong. You scuff at her efforts to gain his attention. “And your beer.” She slides the mug toward you, “Anything else I could get you, dear?”
“No,” Dean says sternly, picking up on her purposeful acts, she lingers around your table a little longer before turning away in defeat. He offers a warm smile avoiding the topic of the amorous server. When she returns again, it’s to deliver steaming plates of food. You twirl your fork in the pasta and shovel a mouthful into your mouth, instantly you’re overwhelmed by impeccable flavors.
“I must say, you did an amazing job choosing my order.” you meet eyes with Dean who already has his mouth full of fries, “I’m guessing I did a pretty good job myself.” you smile as he gives you an enthusiastic nod.
Throughout the meal, the waitress checks on your table way more than necessary, whether it was to refill Dean’s beer, clear a single plate, or just to ask how the food is. You try your hardest to ignore her and to just focus on your night with Dean, you weren’t sure how many nights with him you have left.
“How is everything?” her question is directed towards Dean.
“Delicious,” he says through a mouthful of his burger.
“May I get you anything else?” she smiles.
“Some privacy would be lovely, thanks for asking.” you snap. Her eyes travel to you for the first time all night.
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are?” her face is appalled at your request.
“I know exactly who I am. I’m Y/N Y/L/N, a well-respected author that’s been mentioned in The New York Times Book Review more than once,” her face falls as you continue your speech, “Not to mention I’m Chuck Bass’ fiance.” all color drains from her face as she takes in the words you just spat.
“The Chuck Bass?” her mouth gapes at her sudden realization.
“The Chuck Bass, now if you excuse us,” you gesture towards Dean, “Privacy would be much appreciated until we ask for the bill.” you seethe through a clenched jaw, she scurries away without another word.
“Your fiance is Charles Bass? As in Bart Bass’ son?” he asks, his face full of concern.
“Yes, why?” You ask taking a sip of your water to cool down.
“My dad did some business with him this past year…” he trails off looking over you, “Small world.” he mumbles, “I didn’t know you became such a badass.” he chuckles completely changing the subject.
“What can I say?” you shrug with a smile.
You stroll the busy streets side by side yet again after your eventful dinner. The two of you walk closer than before, your hands brushing against each other’s every now and then, it took all of your power to resist the urge to hold his hand. “I wanted to say something back at the restaurant, it just didn’t seem like a good time for you,” Dean admits as you near your apartment building.
“I’m all ears.”
“Chuck Bass doesn’t define who you are,” he sighs, you look at him in confusion not following his statement. “At dinner– when you were talking to the waitress, you added that he is your fiance. I get that he’s powerful and well respected, but so are you. You’ve been mentioned in The New York Times Book Review multiple times and that’s pretty damn impressive. You don’t need him to let people know you have power or to demand their respect. You’re Y/N Y/L/N, you can demand respect with or without Chuck.” you’re taken back by his speech at first, tears threaten to form but you hold them back, not wanting to cry in front of Dean.
“I-” you search his face unsure of what to say, “Thank you, I needed that reminder,” you admit. You look ahead at your apartment, “Um,” you clear the knot in your throat away, “This is me” you sigh not wanting the night to end just yet. “Thanks again, Dean. Goodnight.” you lean up to kiss his cheek softly, before returning back to your home, repeating Dean’s words until you believed them.
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smile-smile-ichthys · 8 years
A Princess and Her Maid
Title: A Princess and Her Maid Game: Be My Princess Characters: Zain X @hifftn and Butler Luke X Me Description: A bond between a princess and her maid can be unbreakable, and the things they are willing to do for each other to be happy in love go beyond the call of a normal friendship.
Sooooo I finally wrote it @hifftn haha you said Zain so this popped into my mind. A while ago I said to Jazz I wanted to write something Butler like (well Be My Princess app was making a come back for a few sub stories, I got in the butler mood again) and since I owed her a fic, she said I could do this as her request, and so was born this fic. It’s very fluffy, a little funny but mostly fluffy. I hope it’s ok and you guys enjoy it! No smut, only suggestion between, surprise surprise, Jazz and Zain ;)
“Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young Prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar-woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold” the TV spoke to me and my Lady as we started the film she had promised to watch with me.
“Do you think if I dress up as an old beggar woman like that and gave Prince Keith a rose he’ll change his attitude?” My Lady laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh with her.
“I am not sure my Lady, do you reckon we should give it a try?” I asked.
I loved serving my Lady Jazz, every day was a joy, she was so loving, generous and we were almost like best friends. You’d think being the granddaughter of the great Nobel Michel would mean she was snobby and treated her staff awful. You couldn’t be farther from the truth. I had been serving her for several years now and she still made time for us on a Friday night to watch a film together. No-one objected to it, even Master Zain made sure we weren’t disturbed.
“H, remember you’re not around staff now, call me Jazz” she insisted again.
“Sorry” I chuckled.
Even though we had agreed behind closed doors I could call her Jazz, when other staff were present, or anyone else for that matter, I had to call her My Lady. It was a fair agreement. But an agreement I kept forgetting. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to care that I kept forgetting, she found it more amusing than anything.
“I have your snacks you requested, My Lady” Zain said, interrupting us, smiling at us laughing at the idea of Prince Keith as the Beast.
“Thank you, Zain, just put them down here” she pointed to the end of the bed.
“Are we comparing His Highness Prince Keith to a film character again?” he asked playfully, eyeing my lady. Something he did often.
“Maybe, I mean I have to get ready for his visit tomorrow anyway, so may as well have a bit of fun before he gets here” she grinned.
I, myself, was a little too excited for this visit. If Prince Keith was coming to visit, it meant his personal butler was too.
“So, who’s the character this time?” Zain asked, after placing the snacks on the end of the bed for us.
“The Beast from Beauty and the Beast” I said, chuckling.
“Ah, that’s strange, I would have said you two would have said he’s like Gaston” Zain chimed in the argument.
“He may be a little…you know, but he’s not as mean as Gaston, and Luke is a lot like Cogsworth at times” my Lady laughed hard the comparison, causing me to laugh again too.
“Well, it’s better than last week, comparing him to Iago from Aladdin was a new low for you My Lady” Zain stifled a laugh also.
“Hey, as long as we saw the comparison, that’s all that matters” Jazz grinned. It was always a joy to see those two bouncing off each other, like a married couple…maybe they’d be that one day.
“If you need anything else, just call My Lady” Zain bowed, and I’m sure I saw a small wink from him.
“I will, Zain, thank you” she said, watching the door close behind him.
“Ok, tell me” I said as soon as he was gone.
“Tell you what, exactly?” she teased “Nothing is going on”
“Oh come on, tell me, please?” I asked, moving closer to her to beg.
Her and Zain had been having a very secret relationship for several months, something I was incredibly pleased about, but man, she could be stubborn in telling me about it. I didn’t blame her, if someone on staff found out, it would spread like wild fire and become a scandal for her, it just wasn’t worth it. Problem was, since I was vowed to serve her for the rest of my life, whenever I wasn’t with her I was going boring duties around the palace, so hearing about what she got up to when I wasn’t around was almost the highlight of my day. But why wouldn’t she share this stuff with me?
“Not unless you tell me about Luke” she said.
Ah…maybe because of that.
I blushed hard.
“What about him? There’s nothing to say” I said honestly.
“Then, I’m not telling you anything” she winked at me.
I sighed, sitting back to watch the rest of the film. There really wasn’t anything going on between me and Prince Keith’s butler, Luke. Sure, we had worked closely together to ensure My Lady and the Prince got on together, but romantically wise? Nothing. I mean, even if I did like him, how on earth would I start something? We hardly saw each other. And we had to be professional when we did. Oh, but seeing how frustrated he got with the tea sometimes, it was rather cute to watch. Even at the dance my Lady had to attend with all of the princes present, Luke had approached me to talk, and I was sure I could see some red in his cheeks. But I never thought anything serious of it.
“When you’re ready to admit you like the guy, then I’ll tell you everything about me and Zain” she said kindly.
“I do like him, but in the way you see Master Zain? No” I said.
“And how do me and Zain see each other?” she asked.
“You love each other, I’ve seen the way you look when he comes into the room, your eyes sparkle with pure excitement, adoration, and it’s the same for Master Zain, whenever you call for him and I’m with him in the servants kitchen, he jumps to his feet instantly, his enthusiasm is something to truly behold” I explained “You two just…fit, does that make sense?” I looked up at Jazz to only see her blushing but smiling.
“It does” she said “thank you for the compliment”
“It’s not a compliment, it’s the truth, I do hope that one day you and Lord Nobel can work out a way for you two to be openly together”
“We’re working it out, don’t worry” She assured me “but, what do you feel when you see Luke? Because, I’ve seen him when he’s not around you just like you have with Zain, and believe me, whenever I mention you, he almost stands to attention, he’s even asked after you”
“What?” I asked just as the clock rang 10pm, I had to get back to work now “Excuse me, Jazz, please, sleep well and I shall see you tomorrow” I bowed once I was off the bed.
“We’ll talk more then” she winked “You sleep well too”
 Jazz POV
The morning meeting of Prince Keith went just as smoothly as ever, all thanks to Zain’s planning and co-ordination. I was proud of him, well, I always was proud of him, but more so today for some reason, maybe it was because of what H had told me the night before. Either way, Keith had been taken to his guest room and had settled well, he was even outside playing some tennis while I had slipped off to the grand hall for my dance practise.
H always came to watch when I practised, sometimes even joined in, it was this time I was determined to show her how much she liked Luke. So, I quickly pulled Zain into the room a good few minutes before I usually started.
“My Lady, a little forward today” he teased.
“Easy Mister Butler” I chuckled, placing a gentle kiss to his lips “I need a favour, if that’s ok?” I asked, as I kept a hold of his jacket.
“Anything, what can I do?” he asked and I quickly explained the plan.
Once Zain had left, I happily waited for H to turn up, and when she did, I handed her a practise skirt.
“You’re joining in today” I said simply “just follow me”
“What? B-but…” she started.
“No buts!” I grinned and clicked play on my IPod.
I could tell she was a little hesitant as she stood next to me, beginning to follow my steps. I had hoped that dancing with me would loosen her up, calm her down before what me and Zain had planned for her, and it seemed to work. She tried to sway her hips like mine and she was picking up the moves as best she could, until Zain knocked on the door.
“Miss H? You are wanted by Luke” he said, popping his head round the door.
“By Luke? Is there something wrong?” she asked, pulling her practise skirt off.
“Something about Prince Keith’s meal tonight I do believe” he said “He’s in the kitchen”
“Thank you, excuse me My Lady” she said, bowing to me, so cute.
I smiled at Zain as she disappeared and gestured for him to enter.
“Do you think he’ll tell her how he feels?” I asked, taking Zain’s hand.
“Well, he said he would next time he saw her alone, so here’s hoping” he said, kissing my hand.
It was rare we had times like these nowadays. My public and royal duties were getting more and more difficult and time consuming as the weeks went by. It was getting closer to my coronation and plans were being made, thankfully, though, not about a marriage. Even though Prince Keith, and the other princes, had offered themselves up, there was only one man I wanted by my side, and I couldn’t have him officially yet. Even if we had…had each other already.
“I miss you, daily” he said, pulling me close so we could dance together for a bit.
“So do I, I think I and my grandfather are making progress though, hopefully we can come out to the public about it soon” I said. It was a little lie, me and my grandfather still weren’t entirely sure how to do it, and we both knew that the public were almost demanding I marry one of the princes. But I couldn’t hurt Zain like that, I had to give him hope for now. I knew I’d work something out, it just wasn’t in the see-able future, yet.
“I understand, I will wait for you forever my love” he said, kissing me ever so gently. I couldn’t resist in pulling on his jacket to deepen the kiss. He was addictive, and it crushed me knowing we couldn’t go any further than this for now since I had to share lunch with Keith.
“Tonight? As promised, yes?” he asked when we parted.
“Tonight” I said, ignoring the pain in my chest. I didn’t want to say goodbye and go back to our professional relationship, it was becoming harder and harder every time we did. Why couldn’t we just have a whole day together? Just us two, never leaving the bedroom. Well, maybe after the coronation, I’d find a day to do just that. I’m sure H would help.
During lunch, I could clearly tell that Luke had told H how he felt, his cheeks gave him away, constantly being painted a bright red and struggling to pour the princes tea. His hands were shaking, bless him.
“Luke, you spilled the tea again!” Prince Keith shouted.
“I think your butler had something…or rather someone else on his mind” I teased, sipping my perfectly poured tea. Thanks Zain.
“Look, Luke, I don’t care if you finally grew a pair and told that maid how you felt, but seriously, I won’t allow you to go on your so called date tonight if you don’t just pour my tea!” Keith threatened and I couldn’t help but smile. This was why we compared him to the Beast, deep down he was kind and cared for his staff, and it made my heart swell more realising Luke had asked for the night off to spend with H. Finally.
“I am sorry, your Highness” he said, quickly getting his little ginger head in the game and poured his tea perfectly.
I smiled to Zain who smiled back knowingly, the whole lunch went without a hitch, if only I could have a love that could go somewhere like H.
I couldn’t believe it. Luke liked me. He liked me. Me. Of all people. I felt like someone from those romance films, the feeling of being in love for the first time. It felt scary…but I was excited to get to know Luke better, outside of our work.
I knew Jazz and Zain had set us up, I mean, when I reached the kitchen Luke just blurted out how he felt, taking me by surprise. How was that not a set up? Even though we were both a bundle of nerves, we happily told each other how we felt after the initial shock. He even asked me to go on a walk with him that night, something I eagerly agreed to. Would he kiss me? I certainly hoped so.
But, Jazz. She had done so much for me, and I knew that talks weren’t going well with Lord Nobel. It wasn’t that he was against the relationship, quite the opposite, I was quite sure he was the most eager for them two to be together out of everyone who knew. It was quite amusing to watch how doe eyed he got when those two were in the same room. But he knew how harsh the paparazzi could be, how harsh the kingdom could be to an out of the norm relationship for a princess.
I wanted to help them. I thought my plan would come in to play in a few months’ time, not now. I still wanted to spread information, stories, be more certain that it was working, but it looked like it was now or never. With my Lady’s coronation ever approaching, the expectation of Jazz to release who was courting her were mounting. I just hoped everything I had done until this point was going to pay off. With my fingers crossed, I approached Lord Nobel before I had to go meet Luke in the gardens.
 Jazz POV
My next day started without incident, until I turned my phone on and received several texts, e-mails, general notifications swamping my home screen, all of them saying congratulations to me. What the Hell? I stretched in bed, slowly getting up to get dressed before I even began to think about what they meant. I was still half asleep after all. I even spotted Luke walking with H down in the gardens, both of them giving her favourite horse a little walk around to stretch his legs. So, their date went well, good. But why were people congratulating me? Surely they should be celebrating them two?
It wasn’t until I got to my office I realised what had happened. The newspaper said it all. ‘Our Princess Dating a Butler’. Oh no. Who had told? Who had snitched? Oh no. I couldn’t have a scandal, not so close to the ceremony. My heart sank, worry settling in in an instant. What would happen now? To Zain? To me? To our relationship? I didn’t want to read the article, I knew how cruel the paparazzi could be, and yet, I couldn’t stop my eyes from continuing.
‘It has been finally confirmed’, ‘the stories are true’ and ‘calm those aching hearts’ were what caught my eye most, these sounded more positive than negative. What was going on? Instead of skimming, I decided to give the article a proper read.
My heart began climbing back up into its rightful spot, nearly jumping into my throat. This was a positive article. It explained how ideas from the general public about the princess falling for a butler was a fantasy that nearly everyone admitted to having, and the official release of a statement of mine and Zain’s relationship had sent the public into an enthusiastic frenzy. They were happy, extremely happy. But how? I rushed over to my grandfather’s office, but not throwing away the newspaper, after all, I saw further down the kingdom of Charles was jumping on the bandwagon. I kinda wanted to read about the stories of Prince Edward and his Butler coming out together. But that was a later read.
“Ah, wondered when you’d appear” my grandfather chuckled, Zain standing behind him, giving me his usual smile.
“What’s going on? Did you release a statement?” I asked, completely confused.
“I did, after I was assured the public would be happy at the news” Lord Nobel explained.
“What?” I asked.
“Someone had been planting seeds of an idea of us being together a long time ago” Zain said, smirking a little “that idea soon grew into stories, fantasies, it spread like wild fire throughout the kingdom, and soon almost everyone wanted their princess to marry whoever she wanted, the idea of a prince marrying her long forgotten”
“But…who…?” I asked.
“I think you know my dear, now, go thank her, I have some business with Zain so we can plan how you two are thinking of making an official appearance later today or tomorrow” my grandfather said happily.
I knew? Who…oh…oh she was going to get a talking to…and a big hug. God bless H.
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haosacademy · 8 years
Welcome to Haos (Kasey)
     At first glance Haos Academy seemed like something out of a romanticized dream. And I don’t mean in the status quo boy meets girl kind of fantasy either. This place felt like an eight-year old, princess wannabe, spoiled brat puked all her fantasies onto some dream land island, and Haos academy was the result. I could barely stand the sight of it without wanting to regurgitate the lunch I scarfed down on my way here. Then again that’d be a waste of my brother’s food and even I can’t deny he’s a damn good cook.
     Being Twins with the jack of all trades is real shit sometimes though when everyone considers you the bane of their existence. I am the quintessential screw up and since I have nothing else in my life to reward myself for, I wear the moniker with shameless hubris. I learned from a young age I wasn’t going to stand around and take anyone’s crap for events that are clearly, to me and Jack at least, out of my goddamn control.
     To give you some idea of what the hell I’m even talking about I have to explain the three middle fingers life has plastered on my past. They were never things like most people experience where they gradually changed me or I just happened to settle into being that way. No, my life has been pretty much who I was the day before, and the person I became when I woke up the next morning, and man do I enjoy when those moments smacked my birth…monsters, in the face like a ton of bricks.  
     The first finger arose when I was eight and my brother and I got separated at the flea market. For any normal child, you probably just stand in one place or look around while crying and weeping for mommy and daddy until some nice lady at the store finds you and helps you by calling for them or having you look with a security guard. Well I’m no normal child as you may have already gathered.
     For a little while, I walked around, hoping that maybe my brother would find me and save me from this feeling, the feeling of being abandoned and lost, like I was being left at the supermarket on purpose. I felt like I was losing it that day, but then that’s when I cracked. Something in me changed, not gradually, not even subtly. All at once, I stopped feeling abandoned, and started realizing that I had been given an opportunity to cause some much needed, and hilarious chaos.
     Once I realized that feeling, I did what any crazy little eight-year-old girl would do. I climbed the nearest shelf, and leapt into the arms of the first stranger I saw, knocking them clean off their feet and into the display at the end of the aisle. As we crashed to the ground, the man looked horrified as the young girl that just flew into him laughed hysterically and couldn’t hide the immense joy on her face. Yes, I knew it was risky, and no, I didn’t care how much danger that man or I could have been in if he had hit something else. That was just the feeling I got, and for some reason, I felt the immense urge to follow it.
     Before that day, I had never done anything that could be labeled as reckless, but when I woke up the next day, all I wanted to do was risk my life doing outrageous stunts and daring my brother to risk his with me. From then on, whenever I decided it would be a good idea to execute a bad idea, Jack got a sharp pain in his temple and rushed to stop me. This never changed even after all these years. As a result, to this day he keeps a close eye on me like I’m some sick puppy, but unfortunately for him, the years have made me stronger and faster than he could hope to be.
     That was just the first finger. I’ll bore you with the details of the rest some other time, for now I’ve got to figure out a way to survive this damn school. My family has been piss poor our entire lives, I don’t even know how they afforded this Princess castle bullshit, but I was damn sure going to make them regret every penny.
     Jack and I decided to tour the school grounds a bit since we found out that the entrance ceremony wasn’t for another few hours, and we didn’t know where the gymnasium was anyways. He knew I wouldn’t be up for asking some uptight stranger for directions, so he figured it best to settle for not letting me roam the grounds alone. Honestly, that was probably a good call on his part.
     Even though it reeked of rich kids’ pleasure, I couldn’t help but find the scenery sort of intoxicating. I never imagined breathing in air this clean and letting it all overcome me as it was, but it was alluring to have the smell of burning oil, rotting food, and cigar smoke replaced by fresh grass, sweet smelling flowers, and a mixture of perfumes that calmed the sen…. I mean this is gross and I could really go for a cigarette right about now.
     I decided letting my mind wander to all this girly crap was going to rot my brain, so I’d rather just rot my lungs instead. I grabbed Jack’s arm and pulled him into the shade beneath the windows along the wall at the back of the school and plopped down beneath an open window where I assumed nobody would be around to listen. I fetched my cigarettes from the inside of my leather jacket and Jack handed me his lighter, asking if he could catch a couple puffs from mine so he didn’t have to smoke his last one. Of course, me being the ever-loving sister told him for a dollar I’d love to share, and of course him being the agreeable older brother accepted my terms.
     For a few minutes, we sat silently, passing the cigarette back and forth as we contemplated what life at the academy would bring us. I couldn’t think of anything here that would bring me happiness. I hated meeting new people, I hated hearing stupid people speak, and I hated how everyone always likes my brother more than me. More than me, is actually the wrong way to state my situation. Everyone loves him. Everyone hates me. Always have, always will. Hell, what do I care anyways, I don’t need these snobby bastards to like me. I’ve only ever needed myself and Jack. That’ll never change.
     I finally decided it was getting too quiet for my own sanity, so it was time to try and at least strike a conversation with Jack to relieve some of this boredom. However, I never actually got to get any of the words out. Another voice caught my attention floating out from the window above our heads. A soft, sweet, and powerful voice all in one. A female’s voice. Singing a song from the room above us, a song that I recognized, but not in the same style. I knew the words, but for a moment, just a moment, I couldn’t put my finger on the name, but those words I knew all too well. I’ve only ever been trapped; why can’t I be free.
     This fire burns inside of me. It’s eating me alive. Why won’t you let me be. I’ll change my fate, just wait and see.
     I kept thinking as she continued the song. Trying to remember the original tone, the rhythm, something.
     Why am I alive? I know there’s something, left for me to find. How will I ever learn to fly if I don’t try. Sing with me of long lost freedom, how can I die, when my heart’s still beating.
     That’s when I remembered where I heard the song before. It was the last song Leave Me Dead played during their show in Silver city. I remembered every moment of that song, every note, every word, every beat of the drums. That was one of the greatest moments of my life.
     I jumped to my feet hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever was singing the song from the other room. The song felt the same as back then, when I saw Elisa singing live on that stage. The sound was different, but the emotion she sang with, that was something that couldn’t be faked. My heart began to beat out of my chest as I raised my head to peer over the window sill. Was I going to school with Elisa? Even I couldn’t be that lucky.
     Sadly, I was right. As I caught a glimpse of the figure in the other room, the only person in sight I laid my eyes on was a bottle blonde bimbo, crying and singing over a piano she was pretending to play as if she was serenading herself. I didn’t mean to think so badly of her, but how could her voice even possibly make me think Elisa was in here. There was just no possible way someone that looked like her should even know who Leave Me Dead is.
“I’m not a bottle blonde you punk rock bitch.”
     I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn’t realized that she had stopped singing and was looking straight at me from across the room. Had I spoken out loud? I couldn’t have. Jack would have stopped me before something bad came out of my mouth. What the hell just happened? I sat there stunned by her words as she wiped her eyes and indignantly picked up her belongings and made her way out into the hallway. Day one, opening ceremony hasn’t even begun, and I have already screwed up and made an enemy. Kasey, you’ve done it again.
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