#it makes me more excited for sk labs than I already was tbh
lnich · 10 months
I love that VHS Christmas Carol is a different kind of project than Starkid is typically known for. I love that they've redone it every year; I love that Clark and co. have felt comfortable changing around the format and even the story so each iteration is fresh and exciting. And it's been fun to see different people take on various roles in the show. AJ was so great as Scrooge this year!
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gtsvnbys · 6 years
safe & sound
secret agent!yugyeom x scientist!you
yugyeom is an agent under the south korean secret service, the same company where you help build and invent gadgets to save his life
but he has a massive crush on you and you’re incredibly blind to it
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guess what, the secret is out!
kim yugyeom is a secret agent for the sk secret service on the got7 team
he's not the youngest agent out there, but he's one of the tallest and smoothest
mostly bc he knows how to use his height to his advantage
he's alway light on his feet and super flexible
he's usually paired with jackson or leader jaebum for field missions
never bambam, bc last time they were paired together, ooH BOY
they almost blew up the wrong building before you and jaebum stopped them in time 
you're a scientist, inventor, computer genius extraordinaire for the sk secret service
you work with field agents but from the safety of the company hq
simply put, you hack into a couple databases to help them save the day and design weapons and gadgets to save their lives
but more importantly, it's saved kim yugyeom's life multiple times
did I mention this secret agent has a not-so-secret crush on you?
it started when he first saw you aka when he first met you
yugyeom was on his way to the lab with jinyoung and jackson, who were supposed to introduce him to you, the scientist, inventor, genius extraordinaire transferring over from the svt team
you were testing out a new set of smart glasses that were configured with whatever weapon you had in your hands, making it easier for the user to assess and aim attacks
you were in the testing area with a dummy, configuring the glasses to knives, spears, guns, bow and arrows, stun guns, etc. towards the target
tbh, all three of them didn’t know whether to be scared or not 
but then you strolled out of the testing area with a smile on your face and introduced yourself to them, and oh bOY WAS YUGYEOM HOOKED
love @ first slice, I mean sight
yugyeom always heads straight to your lab in his spare time off
he enters in super quietly bc duh SECRET AGENT, being sneaky is in the job description
so he always scares you before you notice him there
he likes just watching you work, sitting on a stool next to your workspace and watching you tinker with different mechanisms and flawed products
there's just something about his presence that makes you feel at ease, like you're a part of the team, and you never feel like uncomfortable around him
if you can't work in complete silence, this boy will tell you stories from past missions or play you a new song he heard and dance to it for you
when he dances, you get distracted, mostly bc he's bound to knock something over
he already broke a whole tray of test tubes, the vase of flowers you got from agent kim mingyu from the svt team (which wasn’t an accident), cracked your work tablet twice, and knocked over your new automatic lock-decoding mechanism to the point that the screen shattered
he takes your prototypes to test drive them for you without your permission
"yugyeom! I told you those smoke grenades were a prototype! why did you take them!" you try taking them out of his hands, but he holds it over your head and out of your reach
"I’m testing them out for you!" as you nearly climb on top of him, the grenade falls out of his hands, but he catches it by the pin
unfortunately activating the smoke grenade and making it impossible to be in your lab for a straight week
yugyeom brings you your favorite dessert every night for a week, "at least we know it works" he smiles sheepishly
"agent kim yugyeom! don’t you dare open that umbrella!" you shout across the room
but yugyeom's thumb hovers over the button with a smirk on his face as he hums, "why not?"
yugyeom likes to tease you a lot, he likes to see you all riled up 
but at the end of the day, he always treats you out to food in the cafeteria 
cafeteria?? sorry, I meant he secretly takes a car and drives you to wherever you wanna eat
if it means going to another country to get what you want, he'll do it
this boy is so whipped for you
and even though you're an absolute certified genius, you're blind asf to his crush
the guys always tease him about his crush on you
"hey yugyeom, (y/n)’s over there" bambam nods towards you at your workbench, mixing chemicals carefully with safety goggles on
yugyeom is hiding the biggest uwu ever bc you're so cute with your hair tied up, safety goggles on, and long white protective gloves and your stained lab coat on
yugyeom nudges him back, "I know, I can see her"
"you should go over and talk to her"
"maybe I will—"
"(Y/N), YUGYEOM WANTS TO TALK TO YOU" bambam shouts and then runs out of the room, making yugyeom cringe and making you almost drop your test tubes
when jackson’s with him on a field mission and you’re helping them with tech, he purposely shouts into the comm, "hey (y/n)! yugyeom likes you!"
"jACKSON NO" yugyeom has a heart attack before jackson mentions he turned off his comm’s mic before he said that
"hello? jackson? yugyeom? what was that?" you heard him say your name but then it cut out
when the whole team drops by your lab, mark is always winking at yugs from behind you and youngjae is smiling at you and moving his eyes from you to yugyeom quickly
jaebum and jinyoung always nudge yugyeom to snap out of staring at you with hearts in his eyes when you're explaining new gadgets and weapons 
but yugyeom can't help it, he loves it when you're completely immersed in your element
you prefer to stay in the confines of your lab, where there is no imminent danger, save for the explosive liquids and weapons and bombs in your lab
but that changes when youngjae runs in with the rest of the team, "(y/n)! you’re coming with us!"
"w-what do you mean?"
"we need you for a mission! don't worry, it's a quick in and out mission!"
when you go to the conference room to get the details of the mission, you're too busy reading over all of the debriefing papers till you hear jaebum clear his throat, "(y/n)? you listening? you and yugyeom need to sneak through the back of the hotel and go to the lower levels to sneak into their system and cut the feed. don’t worry, yugyeom will be with you the entire time"
after the meeting, yugyeom personally requests that you be taken off the mission but jaebum denies it
and you accidentally overhear it when you try to go back into the conference room to get your debriefing papers
which makes you upset, bc why wouldn't he want you on the mission?
which makes it awkward when it's just you and him sneaking into the surveillance room on the night of the mission, "so..."  
"so..." yugyeom's never been this nervous on a mission, not even on past missions that he was almost certain he was gonna die
your hand i wrapped up in his and his palms are sweaty, have they always been this sweaty? he thinks
when the coast is clear, yugs knocks out the guard and disables the security personnel so you can sneak into the room
after you hack into the surveillance feed using your equipment, you disable the mics on you and yugs’ comms
"yugyeom, why didn’t you want me on this mission?"
"h-huh?" you recount how you heard jaebum shoot his request down in the conference room and yugyeom is scrambling to answer you "is it something about me? did I do something wrong?"
"nO, (y/n), I was…" he mumbles something, so you ask him to speak up, "I was just worried"
"about you! I know this mission is simple and the hyungs are the ones in more danger right now, I was just worried about you. it's… if anything happened to you on my watch, I'd never forgive myself"
"I’m not a child, yugyeom, I can handle missions, I can handle going outside of my lab on a small mission like this"
"I know, I know," yugyeom continues on, "it’s just... I like you, (y/n). I like you a lot and I never want to see you hurt or get hurt and I know this might mess up things between us, and if you don’t see me as anything more than your colleague or your friend—then I respect that. but I want to give us a chance"
your brain is rattled with so many thoughts, "yugyeom..."
"(y/n), can you go into the mainframe and unlock the vault on the lowest level? I know for sure the stolen codes are here" jaebum interrupts
"jaebum, youngjae, there’s more security coming your way" jinyoung warns 
"got it!" youngjae's excited voice carries through the comms as jaebum explains the evacuation plan, "(y/n), yugyeom, pack up everything and meet us back at headquarters"
the drive back to hq is the longest ride you've ever been on 
but you and yugyeom have yet to talk about what he said 
mostly bc you don't know how to talk about it
bc you do like him a lot, but you're worried if it ends messy then there goes your whole friendship
and you can tell he's avoiding you bc he hasn't come to the lab in almost five days
and the lack of yugyeom has you in a slump:(
jinyoung enters your lab silently as you're tinkering with new lasering equipment, nearly singeing your hair as he taps your shoulder, "what is with you guys being so quiet! a small 'hi (y/n)' would be great to hear"
"talk to yugyeom, he's being moody" he sits on a stool (yugyeom's stool) next to your workbench, "I know he confessed to you, I heard it on the comms"
"I turned his and mine—"
"off? (y/n), you're not the only one who knows how to use technology" jinyoung quips, "seriously, tell yugyeom how you feel so you two can be together or he can move on or something. he's just acting short-tempered with everyone and I'm thisclose to slapping him"
"but what, (y/n)? you must feel something for him, how else do you put up with him everyday"
"but I'm worried that if we do try the whole dating thing and if we break up... then I lose our friendship, and I lose him"
jinyoung stares at you before taking in a deep breath, "why do you think yugyeom visits the lab so often, huh? or why he spends so much time with you during our breaks? or why he took jaebum’s keys to the helicopter to fly you to the beach that one time?"
"he stole his keys?"
"it's because yugyeom is in love with you. he is always willing to go the distance for you. he puts his everything into what he does and he devotes all his time and energy into completing the mission, into making sure there's all 7 of us at the end of the day. with what we do, we try to keep things non-committal, no strings attached because everything changes and there’s risks. but yugyeom is committed to three things: his job, his team, and you. don't dwell on the big questions and 'what ifs' in life, go out and get the answer yourself"
the next morning, you purposefully go out and try to find where yugyeom could be
the only place you think is the lab, but obviously, he hasn't been there
bambam gives you the biggest hint thru text: he's sulking in the helicopter hanger 5, he has jaebum's keys btw [11:23pm]
you sneak into the hanger and see yugyeom sitting in the driver's seat of the helicopter, just sitting there with a frown
you try creeping closer without a sound until you hear his voice for the first time in forever, "(y/n), you're a terrible spy"
he has this breathless laugh and you smile, "this is why I stay in my lab" you slide into the passenger seat, "speaking of, I haven't seen you around at all"
"I'm sorry"
"it's okay, I just missed you a lot" you mumble, fiddling with your hands
yugyeom looks at you, "I wanted to visit you, like I always do, but I-I felt… I don't know, I didn't mean to spring all that on you that night, I just wanted to be honest with you"
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything after… all of that. it was so sudden and all I thought about was that if we did go out and date and be happy together, what would happen if we fought and broke up after all that? because if we break up then we lose each other and I don't want to lose you—"
"hey hey hey, that won't happen" yugyeom grabs your hand, but when he makes eye contact with you, you chicken out and look away again
"you’ll never lose me" he places his hand under your chin and tilts your head towards him, pulling you in for a short, but sweet kiss
"uh, (y/n), this is probably really late... can I take you out? like properly?"
your cheeks are still pink from the kiss, "where to?"
yugyeom turns on the engine of the helicopter with a smirk, "anywhere you want"
wOW an impromptu dinner to anywhere in the world of your choosing;)
and then you return back to hq with a disgruntled jaebum asking for his keys back
dates with yugyeom are always spontaneous and exciting
he'd be in a different country with the team on a mission when he phones you thru his comms asking what you want for lunch
he brings you a unique token from every new place he visits
yugs tries to build something from your lab for you as a gift, but it accidentally shocks you whenever you touch it
you now keep said gift in a glass case on the top shelf of your desk
when you and yugyeom disclose your relationship to jaebum and the head of your division, they allow you to stay together, but separate you two from working missions together
but that's alright, you prefer to stay in your lab and yugyeom wants to see you safe and sound and happy doing what you love
now when yugyeom hangs out around the lab and it’s just you two, you bet he’s gonna be v touchy with you;)
but when your co-workers are around or his team is in the same room, the most he does is hold your hand or lean his head on yours
now when the guys tease him about you, they no longer find it fun and wanna barf when you and him accept it and play along
a lot of the time, yugyeom has to cancel on plans with you bc he gets called into a mission, but you understand
you just promise him to come back safe and sound:')
when jaebum and the team leave for a long mission with no service or connection or anything, you make a daily reminder of what time they're projected to come back
but then that time comes and there's no word of them, you start getting super super worried
and so you focus all your attention on new blueprints for a new device to keep your mind from thinking the worst
you're so concentrated on the papers scattered and balled up on your workspace that you don't even hear yugyeom come in again
you close your eyes and put your head on your desk, your frustration getting the best of you instead
you feel a poke in your side, and you shoot up out of your seat, grabbing your pencil in your fist, ready to stab the intruder, "STOP WHERE—YUGYEOM!"
you drop the pencil and wrap your arms around him tightly, tears brimming around the corners of your eyes, "you need to stop scaring me"
"I missed you too"
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