#it makes me laugh that she's always catching nick to help her with something
ofwrxth · 2 months
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"Oh, Nick, perfect." Nadia calls out to her son when he passes by the study. "Can you help me with something?" She sets a heavy box down on the table and gestures at him to come near. "Look what I found." On the lid is Aaron's handwriting Tuscany, 2005. "I think we should find the photos of Bella. See who else we can spot in them. I'm sure we'll see Chloe and Emine, the Arisons of course..." she rattles off who might be there. "You all would've been so young but I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it." She doesn't say that, in particular, she's searching for photos of Aaron and Bella but thinks they'll find them in this box. @manybcdthings
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sturniqlo · 2 months
His Two Girls- M.S
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summary: dad!matt husband!matt headcannons with his wife and daughter
cw: fluff, slight cursing
an: there will be many time jumps, from where their daughter was a baby to a girl in college | lowercase intended
dad!matt who always takes pictures whenever he's sees his two girls together doing anything and everything.
"careful, sweetie." his wife says as their three year old daughter cracks an egg into a bowl of cake mix. "did it!" the little girl cheers throwing her hands up. matt quickly takes out his phone and captures a picture of y/n smiling down at their daughter.
"ready?" y/n tells the little girl who is standing at the edge of the pool, floaty around her waist. "daddy i'm scared!" she turns back at matt who is sitting on a lounge chair, towel wrapped around him while he holds his phone up with the camera app open. "you can do it, baby. mommy will catch you!" he encourages her. "okay! here i go, mommy!" she jumps and matt captures the moment.
"what's going on here?" matt says, walking into the bathroom where he sees his wife and thirteen year old daughter. "she wanted bangs before she starts school, so i'm about to cut them." she parts her hair. "wait, don't cut them so short!" their daughter shrieks as she sees her mom putting the scissors to high up. "i'm not, just measuring." she murmurs, focusing on her daughters hair. "i'm about to cut it, matt, move. makin' me nervous." matt laughs. "i haven't said anything." he takes his phone out, capturing the moment when she cuts her hair. shock on both of their faces when they realized it's too short. "mom!" "matt, can you make a appointment at the hair salon." she puts the scissors down on the counter.
their daughter was back home from college for her winter break, and time to relax from many exams. matt had returned home from work and heard giggling from the kitchen and soft music playing. peering through the corner, he sees his two favorite girls rolling out dough for cinnamon rolls. something they always loved to bake together. he pulls out his phone and takes multiple pictures before making himself known.
dad!matt who cries on any milestone their daughter achieved/meets
"matt stop! i promised myself i wouldn't cry!" she lightly swats his chest, seeing his tears fall down to his cheeks as they watch their little girl walk in line to enter her classroom for her very first day of pre-k. "i can't help it, look at her." he points, they see their daughter wave at them with a smile, her two pigtails swinging. "oh my god, i can't look anymore." his wife's tears start falling.
"are you crying?" y/n giggles. "stop making fun of me!" matt wipes his tears looking away from his two girls. "look at it, her tooth is so small." she places it on a napkin. "there's a hole in my mouth!" their daughter screams from the bathroom down the hall.
"oh, look. she's next!" y/n pats matt's shoulder as she sees their daughter about to cross the stage. "here come my tears, shit. chris, record on my phone!" he passes his phone to chris who's sitting next to nick. "matt, my mascara." y/n taps her under eyes with a tissue. "look! she's about to walk." they all get up and cheer for her as she walks and waves at them. outside, they take pictures matt can't help but cry. "dad, why are you crying?" his daughter giggles. "look at you, you're growing up and you're about to leave for college. how could i not cry?"
"matt, why are you crying? she just used the toilet? "because she won't be using diapers anymore, she's growing up!"
dad!matt who always goes in daddy daughter dates every friday
"you ready, sweetie?" matt says as he sees his five year old daughter sitting on the couch. "yep! where are we going today?" she jumps off the couch, walking to her dad. "we're going to lunch and then we're going to do anything you want." he grabs her small hand, walking them to the front door. "excuse me, little miss? are you not going to say bye to me?" y/n dramatically gasps as she comes down the stairs.
"i'm not sure if your mom will let us go anywhere alone again." matt says, as he look back at his ten year old daughter in the back seat holding a small puppy. since she gets to choose whatever they do, she decided to to a animals shelter. when they walked in, the worker showed them a litter of puppies that had found in a dumpster. "let's get one." she had said and matt had gotten the paperwork. here they are now. "at lease we got a puppy." she said. at home, they had tried to sneak through the back door but, y/n was unfortunately in her garden nursery. "oh hey, you two. what'd you guys do to-" she drops her small gardening shovel. "matthew? why is she holding a puppy. and why are you holding dog food, bed and toyy?" she sighs. "surprise?"
matt and y/n's daughter had been away at college for about four months now. she had missed waking up to smelling her mom making breakfast, gardening with her, going shopping, baking and cooking. something she had especially missed was her weekly daddy daughter dates with matt. two weeks earlier, she had called her mom and let her know of her plan. y/n was excited, knowing how much matt had missed his weekly days out with their daughter. she had booked their daughter a ticket so she could come home for a week. "hey, matt! can you get the door?" y/n excitedly bit her lip. "who's coming over?" he gets up off the couch and walks towards the door. "not sure." she follows trying not to ruin the surprise. as he opens the door he gasps at who's behind it. "ready for our date?" "oh my gosh, you're here!"
"where you goin'?" y/n asks giggling, as he sees matt and their one year old daughter on his hip come down the stairs in matching outfits. "thought me and this little one should go to the park, and give you some needed alone time from the crazy one." he walks to her, placing a hand on the small of her back to lean down and give her a goodbye kiss. "the crazy one being you?" she mumbles against his lips. "okay." he says and she laughs. "we'll be back later. say bye to mommy." he looks at the baby on his hip and waves at y/n so the little girl can copy. "bye-bye." she does a small wave.
husband!matt who also loves going on weekly dates/ alone time with his wife and makes his brothers babysit
"should we?" y/n second guesses her and matt's first night out ever since their daughter came into the world. "yes, it's much needed, okay? we both need a break once in a while from parenting. it's been five months of straight craziness." he rubs her cheeks as they stand in the middle of their room. "you're right, but we've never been away from her for so long, the most we've left her with chris and nick was probably an hour max."
"and make sure you guys burp her a couple of minutes after feeding her, and no screen time for her, we don't want her to be an ipad kid. and-" matt gets interrupted by chris. "matt we get it, we babysat her last week and the many weeks before that." nick giggles at a funny face the baby did while holding her. "shoo shoo, parents night out, whoo! go do- whatever you guys were going to do." he pushes the couple out the door. "send me pictures, please. i can't go a couple of hours without seeing her face." y/n says before chris closes the door. "got it!" he says. "and don't forget-" matt gets cut off by chris slamming the door in his face. "did he just slam my own door in my own face?"
"any reason why we're not babysitting at your house?" nick says going through the baby bag. "no reason at all." matt smiles, "we thought she could use a change of scenery for once." chris fakes gags. "yeah, right." he says. "oh shut it, chris. sorry you can't get nothing." y/n places her daughter in his hands. at the door, nick follows to show them out. "please don't give us another niece or nephew until this one can do everything on her own, not sure if we can handle two babies at once."
"miss having you all to myself, babe." matt brings y/n's knuckles up to his lips to kiss them, pressing a longer kiss onto her the finger where her sparkly ring sits. this was another week where they dropped off their daughter at chris and nick house instead of having them babysit here. "yeah, me too. but i love our little family." she wraps her arms around him before falling backwards on the bed. "me too, care to expand it?" he kisses along her jaw, down her neck. "i would love to." she says before he slowly undresses her and unbuckles his belt.
husband!matt who reminds y/n to dedicate a whole day to herself to get a break from mom life
"no, matt, she needs me." she sighs. "i know, i know. but, you need a break too, even if it's from your own baby. i know we have our dates but you need a day for you. you're here at home with her all day everyday, i know you get overwhelmed sometimes." he puts her purse in her hand. "so, go out and come back whenever you want. you can get some coffee, eat lunch, get your nails done, i know you miss doing that, hang out with friends. whatever you want, m'kay?" he kisses her forehead. "are you sure?" "yes, baby."
"y/n your sister is here!" matt lets his sister-in-law in the house. "my sister? why is she here?" y/n says confusingly, feeding her eight month old daughter her bottle. "ouch?" her sister says and matt laughs. "it's your day!" matt says "i had one last week, though." "so? here, i'll finish feeding her. go get ready."
"a girls trip?" y/n says into her phone, talking to her best friend. "i don't know, matt works the whole week and i have nobody to watch the baby." matt walks into the kitchen where y/n is cooking. "oh! matt just got home." he goes to y/n and kisses her cheek. "where is she?" he refers to their daughter "she's napping." "so, what do you say, y/n?" her best friend says. "i'm going to have to pass up on that, sorry." "pass up on what?" matt says, grabbing a piece of garlic bread y/n had taken out of the over earlier. "i was just telling y/n about going on a girls trip." there's some ruffling in the background. "she's in." matt grabs yet another piece. "what? i am?" matt nods. "im sure i can pull some strings at work. you deserve a girls trip."
dad!matt who is overprotective over his daughter when it comes to boys
"that little boy is tooo close to her for my liking." matt mumbles to y/n "matt, they're six, and they're just standing in line." she says, laughing. "still."
"why're you so smiley and giggly today?" matt told his daughter as he picked her up from school, deciding that y/n should go to a spa to treat herself. "nothing!" she says in a singsong tone. "you're being suspicious." he opens the car door for her to get in. "timmykissedmycheekatrecess!" she blurts out and covers her mouth right after. "what was that, honey?" he says confusingly as he didn't understand her. "nevermind." "oh, okay?" later that day, y/n and their fifth grader were at the dinner table doing homework while matt finished up some online work. "guess what, mom." "what?" she smiles. "remember timmy?" she nods. "i remember him, yes." she recalls her daughters crush. matt, in the living room can't help but eavesdrop. "he kissed my cheek at recess today." matt gasps in the living room. "is that so? does dad know? he picked you up today." "now i know!" he says from the living room, getting up to meet them at the dining room. "who's timmy?"
"hey, dad." the now sophomore in high school walks into her dads office with a fruit bowl for him. "hey, sweetie. bring my wallet, i know you want something." he says looking up from his laptop, taking the bowl of fruit from her. "no, no, i don't want you to buy me something this time." she laughs and wraps her arms around him. "okay, you're scaring me." he hugs her back. "can i go out with a friend tomorrow after school?" she whispers. "have you asked mom." she nods. "she told me to ask you." "okay then, you can go." she lets go of him. "great, okay, because it's a date." she says quickly before she tries to walk out. "wait, wait, wait. come back here." she groans. "dad, you and mom said yes already." she turns back to face him. "does you mom know it's a date?" she nods. "and she's okay with it?" "yes, she was happy for me." "i want to meet them first, so come over here first and then you two can go." she gasps. "really? you're letting me go?!" he nods. "unfortunately, but, i know it's a part of you growing up, it was bound to happen anyways."
"mom, i would like you to meet, my boyfriend." she motions her arms to her boyfriend she met back at college. "it's nice to finally meet you, ms.sturniolo." the boy shakes her hand. "please, call me y/n. and it's nice to finally meet you too, i've heard many good things about you." she looks at y/n. "is dad home?" her daughter asks. "nope, unfortunately, he had to run into work really quickly to sign some papers. he'll be back soon though." the girl was a bit nervous for her dads reaction to meeting her boyfriend. he could be a bit overprotective sometimes. "i'm home! is my wonderful daughter here yet?" matt walks through the door and hour after she had arrived. "dad!" she runs to her dad who she hasn't seen in a couple of months. "oh, i missed you so much!" he hugs here, kissing her forehead, temple and cheek. "is he here?" he whispers. "yes, please don't do anything to scare him, he's nervous as is." she whispers back. "no promises." "dad!" he laughs. "kidding, kidding" he holds his hands up in surrender.
"who's noah?" matt holds his daughters phone up, as it was blowing up next to him while she was in the kitchen making a snack as matt's chicken got burned so now they're waiting until y/n gets home to eat an unburned meal. "a friend." she says, eating a spoonful of her cereal. "why is he telling you 'see you tomorrow love you so much?'" matt emphasizes on the he. "she is the friend i'm hanging out with tomorrow and me and her always tell each other we love one another." matt's face turns red in embarrassment. "oh- well she sent you some other messages, sorry."
dad&husband!matt who always reminds his wife and daughter how much he loves them.
"where are my two favorite girls?" matt walks into the living room, hiding his hands behind his back holding something. "we're here! we're here!" the seven year old little girl says from the carpeted floor where she was coloring with her mom. "hi, babe." y/n says. "alright, who's favorite color is pink?" he asks, already knowing the answer. "me, me, me!" the little girl gets up. "i believe these are for you." he pulls out a bouquet of pink roses from behind him. the little girl gasps. "they're so pretty!" "and who's favorite color is red?" he asks the little girl. "that's mommy's favorite color! mommy, he got you the same ones but in red!" "thank you, baby." y/n kisses his lips. "i love you two very much, okay?" he hugs both of them.
"you're amazing, i hope you know that." he kisses his wife's forehead as she just gave birth to their daughter a few hours ago. "thank you, matt." she says tiredly. "i love you so much, so so much. never forget that." he says as she slowly starts to fall asleep. "i love you more, matt." two hours later, y/n is still napping, and matt has been contacting and responding to more of their families messages until he hears his newborn start to cry. not wanting y/n to wake up he quickly gets up at attends to her. "hi, little one. don't cry, don't want mommy to wake up. she's been through so much, yeah?" he cradles her in his arms and she quickly stops crying and opens her eyes and stares at him. "look at your eyes, so much like your mommy's, and your little nose. you're beautiful." he rubs her small cheek with his finger. "i love you so much, and i will do everything to show you just how much. i'll do everything to protect you and your mommy, everything to take care of you two." he whispers. "i love my two girls."
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chrissv4mp · 3 months
the prologue , it was important. — | — ...back — | — next... — |
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summary: chris has an obsession with you, one of the most famous pop stars of the last few years. when he goes out to eat at a local diner with some friends, he spots you, and his obsession turns to something bigger.
pairing: stalker!chris sturniolo × singer!reader
warnings + topics: cursing, stalking, murder, weapons, blood, obsessive behavior, suggestive moments, breaking & entering, crying, arguments, chris is crazy, choking, drowning, etc. more than half of these topics are mentioned in later chapters, not the prologue.
author's note: if the person reading this is sensitive to any of the topics listed above, please do not read this. i am not responsible for your own media consumption, and will not change any aspect of the story for your own pleasure.
author's note 2: no but real talk, this is probably the most motivated i've ever been while writing/coming up with a story😭 i really hope all of you enjoy this and please remember this is just my imagination and is not real at all!!!
word count: 1.8k
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"don't be afraid of me,
i'm what you need."
chris laughs at his brother's joke, hand landing on matt's shoulder as he clings onto the brunette boy. nick just chuckles, glancing over at madison only to see her laughing her ass off as well.
nate smiles at matt, taking a quick look at chris before he lets out a quiet giggle. chris was always making the group laugh, he was just unintentionally funny at times.
chris begins to tickle matt with a cheeky grin on his face, resulting in his brother pushing him away. matt steps in front of chris before opening the door for his friends, flashing a smile at madison, nate, and nick. he only sticks his tongue out at chris, and his younger brother does the same.
matt couldn't help but laugh before following close behind the group, looking back to make sure nobody else was coming through the door.
"haven't been here in years." nick says, taking in the atmosphere of the older building as he looks around the place. he can't believe it's been so long.
madison listens with intent as matt chimes in, adding on to his brothers new topic, "yeah, i can't believe it's still up."
"we always went here after our lacrosse and hockey games for a celebration, even if we didn't win. it became a tradition until we moved to la, so it's special being here again." the middle triplet explains with a smile on his face, reminiscing the vibe of the place.
nate hums at his friends memories, looking around the small diner that was mostly empty. there wasn't many people who came here as often, but it was very popular back when the triplets were in high-school.
chris grabs both of his brothers, pulling them closer to him with a huge smile on his face, "yup, gotta love the memories we made in this place." nick grimaces at his brother's cheery tone, but he still pats his back affectionately.
matt just ruffles his hair before distentangling his and his brothers limbs, settling his hands in his jean pockets as he waits for someone to speak again.
"let's go sit?" madison suggests, and the whole group collectively agrees as matt and madison lead the way to a booth in the corner of the building.
all of them immerse in conversation as they look over at the menu, chris looking over at the kids menu occasionally and getting interested in the short list of options. chicken nuggets did sound good, but he wasn't seriously gonna get them.
"kid seriously got dino nuggets," matt laughs, and chris only flips him off, "shit is crazy."
madison looks over at chris, grabbing his forearm to slowly bring it back down on the table. as chris turns his head to look at her, she sighs, eyes wide in warning. "if you bark at me again..."
nick laughs, looking over at nate and matt to catch their reactions. nate snorts and matt laughs harder at his best friends reaction. he can't help but grab nates shoulder and rest along his back comfortably, tears almost pricking in his eyes.
madison forks a piece of steak into her mouth, looking over at chris to see that he's already munching on his meal.
"slow down, chris. you're gonna get the hiccups." matt says, tone warning as he looks at his brother with a slightly concerned expression.
the brunette picks up his sandwich before biting into it, his eyes trained on his younger brother as he bites down on a fry.
the others begin to eat, chatting in between bites as they get sucked into the topic of work. chris hates the topic, but he has no choice but to listen in. some of the stuff he finds interesting, like designs for merch and new ideas for vlogs over the summer.
he can't help but let his attention wander off from the conversation in front of him, eyes roaming the old diner and looking around for any other things that catch his eye. he doesn't want to think about work the entire rest of the night, that's actually what he wants to get his mind off of.
his foot taps against the side of the booths seat, his leg hanging off but not quite touching the floor just yet. did they raise the seating in this place? maybe, but all he could focus on at the moment was a girl sitting across from his friend group.
chris could only see the side of her face, but he knew who it was. he knew very well who hid in a booth at the back of the diner. it was y/n l/n, one of singers he's been obsessing over lately. what was she doing in boston? no, what was she doing in such a low-quality diner like this? he seriously didn't understand why huge a-list celebrities went to run-down places.
maybe for the aesthetic, the scenery. he does the same thing, but he never thinks bad of the places he goes to. nothing is really considered bad unless it's falling apart or smells horrible. like chobani yogurt. he couldn't stand the smell of that... substance. he wouldn't even clarify it as food!
"what the actual fuck." chris says out in the open, louder than he intended to but not loud enough that she could hear.
nick tenses up at his brothers tone, grabbing onto matts shoulder tight as he looks over at the younger boy, "what. chris, what?!"
matt winces at the small pain, but he also becomes alert, looking around the place for any signs of danger. he sees none, and his eyes return to chris again. everybody's eyes are on him now, but the longer-haired boys eyes aren't on them.
"chris!" nate exclaims, shaking his friends shoulder and finally making him come back to reality.
the brunette has to hold himself back from pointing, gripping the seat under him as he speaks quietly, like if he spoke any louder the building would collapse, "y/n l/n. y/n l/n is in that booth right-fucking-there, look, look!!"
the entire groups heads turn in sync, looking the direction that chris' eyes were pointed at. madison, nick, and matt's jaws dropped, and nate only looked around in confusion. madison began to shake matt by his shoulders, and he let her.
he was sure the entire group, minus nate, was in shock. they all had the same questions as chris, why was she here? who was that girl she was with? would she take a picture with them if they asked?
chris didn't give them any more time to think, practically jumping out of his seat and holding himself back from running straight towards her. he was about to meet his favorite female singer ever, and possibly even take a picture with her? how could this day get any better, seriously.
"hi, excuse me. sorry to bother you, but could i get a picture?" chris smiled, eyes glistening in the dim lighting of the diner, and maybe even in admiration of the beautiful girl in front of him.
she looked up from her friend, who chris knew as olivia rodrigo, and looked at him with a sweet smile. he swore her teeth glowed, "of course,"
she stood up from the booth, the drop being insanely tall for her shorter figure. chris had a couple inches on y/n which resulted in him looking down at the h/c girl. she cocked an eyebrow as she took a better look at him, eyes basically glowing at the realization.
"hey, aren't you that famous youtuber that films with his brother? correct me if i'm wrong, but you're chris, right?" she asks with slight confusion in her voice, and chris just stares in awe at the knowledge that y/n knows who he is.
y/n stares at him awkwardly, hearing olivia giggle behind her quietly. that's what snaps chris back to reality, and he nods his head, "yeah, yes, that's me! how'd you know? do you.. do you watch us?
he watches you. interviews, live performances, listening parties. that's what he meant, he wasn't some creep that followed around people he liked. probably.
she nodded her head as she looked up at the taller boy, still shocked that one of her favorite celebrities came up to her. y/n didn't even see him walk in, and now here he was, asking for a picture. "yeah! and i would assume you listen to me, hm?"
chris nodded happily, a grin on his face as he stared into her eyes with adoration. y/n was so much prettier in real life. now, he could really see all of her facial features, he could see the features that made her special, "yes! i love your music so fucking much. it always brings me up whenever i'm down, you're really a huge part in my life."
y/n made a gesture with her hands, putting them over her heart as she looked at chris with her doe eyes, "that means so much to me, chris. you're so sweet, thank you."
she couldn't help but wrap her arms around the boy, and chris only welcomed her warmly, taking in the scent of her perfume as his head rested on the h/c-girls shoulder. she smelled as good as she looked. damn, the things he'd do just to have her perfume on his nightstand.
fuck, the things he'd do just for her love, even. he would steal for her, and he had just met the girl. no, it felt like they've been friends for an eternity, and now they were just meeting again for the first time in a while. that's the real story. it's not fake.
"i saw you on the screens
i know we're meant to be."
matt opened the door again, beckoning all of his friends and his brother out the door of the old diner. he watched as chris stood still, leaning against the wall as he stated over at y/n. she was making small talk with her waitress as she signed on the bill.
chris couldn't get enough of the girl after that interaction they had. he couldn't get her out of his mind, she was just there, clouding all of his senses with nothing but y/n.
"hey, buddy!" matt snapped, and chris turned to look over at his brother who just stared at him with suspicion in his gaze, "are you coming or not? we don't have all night, y'know."
the younger boy shrugged, turning back to look at that beautiful girl, "i'll take an uber home. you guys can take madison to her hotel and nate to his house, i just have a few things to do."
matt sighed quietly, worry and suspicion flashing across his features as he looked at his brother. he just shrugged it off before walking out the door, and chris smiled when he heard the door shut.
he had things to do tonight, important things. his brothers wouldn't care if he was out late tonight, right? i mean, after all, he had to do this. it was important.
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comment to be on this taglist! @livialifesblog @zayyluvz @snowysosturn @mirioosos @1800-love-me
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333-luvsturns · 6 months
the hating game: one
other chapters: 2
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summary: matt and y/n have hated each other since they were kids. now, it’s their senior year and they can’t help but feel a specific tension between them — will they swallow their pride and come to terms with the new-found tension, or forever hold their peace?
contains: swearing, banter/arguing, mentions of alcohol/partying
pairing: grumpy!matt x sunshine!reader
a/n slightly boring first chapter but dw cus next chapter gets RIGHT into the drama! enjoy :)
matt’s pov;
Valentines day. You either love it, or hate it.
Personally, I fucking hate it.
The decorations everywhere, all that lovey-dovey couple shit, the roses, the secret admirers — I hate it all.
I walk through the crowded hallway — which, not to mention, is annoyingly littered in red paper heart cut outs. I make my way through the crowds of students, some walking at a normal pace, others deciding to stop in the middle of the hallway — or my personal favorite, the couples who make out against the lockers in the middle of passing time, which makes me psychically repulsed.
I finally make it to the cafeteria, to my dismay it has a huge banner hung above the first table in the room — ‘Get your chocolate roses here!’ and the table is filled with various chocolate roses, wrapped in plastic like a bouquet.
I pass that table and head towards the back, where my Nick, Chris and our friends all sit.
“Look who it is — Cupid himself!” Chris hollers when he spots me walking in, the whole table erupts in laughter.
I fake a dry laugh and sit down at my spot on the end, next to Nick. “Where’s your chocolate rose?” Nate asks jokingly from across me, “For your secret admirer.”
“I’ll go buy one and shove it up your ass,”
Nick turns to me with wide eyes, “Wow someones chipper.” He deadpans.
“Isn’t he always?” Chris snorts a laugh, Nate joining in beside him.
Before I can interject, a voice calls from down the table, two spots down from Nate.
“Cupid is here!”
I know that voice anywhere. I hate that voice.
I look up to see just who I knew it was, Y/N. With that smile that I swear never fades from her face, and that laugh that — though I’d never admit this out-loud — is so contagious, I hate it.
She’s like this constant ray of sunshine; sitting there, always shinning bright. It’s always annoyed me how happy and perfect she can be, she’s kind to everyone and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when they don’t deserve it.
God, I hate her.
Hate’s a strong word, and I know it. But she knows it too, and she hates me just as much.
“I bet you love this corny shit, Y/N.” I say, gesturing to all the paper hearts hanging in the cafeteria.
“I do, actually.” She quirks, shrugging her shoulders.
It’s true, she’s always loved anything corny and cliché; when we were elementary school, she’d make all of us a Valentines day gift, which consisted of homemade cards and some sort of candy.
“You’re like a grumpy old man Matt, lighten up.” She adds, and before I can see what exactly she is doing, she is tossing me something from across the table.
All I see is her throwing something, so naturally, I extend my arm to catch it. When it lands in my hand, I look at her; shooting her a glare which she doesn’t reciprocate and instead shoots me her signature smile, then I look at my hand.
A chocolate rose. A stupid, overpriced, chocolate rose.
I look back up at her, an unimpressed look on my face, and a stupid, toothy-grin on hers.
“Enjoy, Cupid!” She laughs, before returning back to her conversation with our friend, Amaya, beside her.
An absolutely ridiculous nickname she coined when we were seven, and unfortunately, ten years later and it still stuck.
“Happy Valentines day!” She beamed at me, handing me a red card, hearts drawn all over, and a bag of my favorite candy.
I look inside the bag, seeing the candy and looking up at her with a grin. “Thank you, Y/n!”
Y/n nods with a smile plastered across her face, “You’re welcome, Cupid.” She giggled before skipping back to the school playground.
Of course, we were seven and the nickname made no sense, but I didn’t mind then. Now, I’m positive she calls me that just to annoy me.
“Matt,” Chris says, which makes me snap from my thoughts and look across the table to him. “Did you hear what I said?”
I just shake my head at him, before he goes on to talk about our upcoming Hockey game on Saturday, Nate and Nick both joining in on the conversation.
As we all talk, I can’t help but let my mind occasionally and unfortunately, drift to Y/n — I can’t help but wonder if she misses our friendship; who we were before we hated each other.
Of course, she can’t stand me, I can’t stand her, but things used to be so different.
Eventually, to stop from letting her occupy my thoughts, I settle on this; there’s no way she wonders the same. No way.
y/n pov
I make my way through the crowded hallway, attempting to make it to my English class (somewhat) on time.
Just as I reach reach the classroom, my hand literally on the door knob — the bell rings.
I quietly walk into the classroom, which is already almost entirely full, and take my seat. “Miss y/l/n, you’re late — again.”
Well shit. “I’m sorry, the hallways are crowded. It won’t happen again.” I say, glancing at my teacher who is glaring at me from her desk.
“Good, because the next time your late, you’ll get detention.” She retorts, before getting up and beginning class.
I sigh and take my seat, hanging my bag on the back of my chair and opening my book. That’s when I feel a pair of eyes on me, and when I turn to my side I’m met with the really cute guy who sits next to me.
He’s the star basketball player, tall with blond hair. When I look at him, he’s already looking at me, and when he notices, he smiles at me.
I smile back at him — awkwardly, at that, before looking down at my notebook.
Adrien Cole, is his name. One of the most popular guys at our school, and not to mention has quite the reputation when it comes to dating. But, as far as I can tell, he seems nice.
Thankfully, English goes by pretty quick, and even more thankfully, it’s my last class of the day.
As I walk out the school, my best friend Amaya is waiting for me at the bench outside the door — her usual spot.
When she notices me, she practically jumps to her feet and falls into step with me. “Guess what-!?” She asks, in a sing-song voice.
“I have no clue-”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow and we are going! She exclaims, quickly rambling over her words and throwing her arms up with excitement.
I widen my eyes at her. If there is one thing about Amaya, she is the life of every party. She loves a good party, especially our friend Josh’s — every floor of his house is always filled, the yard is littered with red plastic cups, kids doing keg-stands, notorious for causing cops to be called — that sort of thing.
I can’t say parties are my favorite thing, but I don’t mind them. Besides, to me, they are a rite of passage as teenagers.
“What’s the occasion?” I ask.
Amaya just shrugs, “Parents away for the weekend, I think.”
As we continue walking, making our way off school grounds and down the street, I take in the weather; it’s nearing Spring, and not quite warm but not entirely cold. It’s classic Boston weather.
Amaya and I walk side by side down the neighborhood street, chatting about our days till we hear hollering behind us. “Guys-! Wait up!”
I turn around and see Chris, Nick, Matt and Nate walking towards us, rather — jogging to us, aside from Matt, who couldn’t care less, his hands shoved in his pockets, trailing behind everyone.
When they finally catch up and fall into step with us, Amaya is quick to excitedly ask, “Are you guys coming to Josh’s party tomorrow?”
“Josh is throwing a party?” Nate practically shrieks with excitement, looking between us all for reaction.
Like Amaya, Nate also loves a good party. Maybe a little too much.
“I refuse to sit next to Nate on the car ride home!” Nick loudly states, “I will not be thrown up on again.”
We all laugh at this, remembering the last party we went to, specifically how Nate claimed ‘Matts driving made him throw up’ and then the pure chaos that ensued when Nates alcohol consumption got the best of him.
That’s when I look at Matt, still trailing behind all of us, staring at his phone, not remotely engaged in the conversation.
Matt and I are aquitances at the most. If anything, I tolerate him, and he tolerates me. I’m not entirely sure when exactly we decided we hated each other, but it started somewhere before our freshman year. Before that, we were friends — just like the rest of us.
“Why are you staring at me?”
I snap out of my thoughts, and look to Matt. Who is now looking up from his phone and studying me with questioning eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, I was not staring at you.”
Matt chuckles at that, “I wasn’t flattered.”
He takes a step forward, finally walking at the same pace the rest of us were and stepping beside me. I glare up at him, and notice the smug smirk he has on his face, then up to his eyes that are half-lidded and glancing down at me as we walk.
That’s when he decides to ruffle my hair up, bringing his hand to the top of my head and messing up the half-up half-down style I had done.
I side step away from him, shoving his arm away as he laughs, “Fuck off, Matt.”
Apparently Amaya, Chris, Nick and Nate are still on the topic of the party, “Matt, we need a chauffeur.” Chris says, turning around to face us and walking backwards.
Matt is still eyeing me with a smirk, while I fix my hair and glare at him. “Matt,” Chris says again, this time louder and gathering his attention.
Matt looks to Chris, “What?”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow. Can you drive?” Chris says, again.
Matt looks like he in a deep-thinking state, “Last time I checked I am a licsended driver, yes.” He says.
Chris laughs dryly, “Real funny, Matt.”
Matt just grins at Chris, like he is proud of his stupid joke. “Depends on who I need to drive.” Matt says.
“Me!” Amaya calls out, “And probably Y/n, right?” She asks, turning to me.
I sigh, “Unfortunately, yes.” Matt is quick to answer, “Then, no.”
Everyone around us groans at this, “You two need to just suck it up and tolerate each other, I mean really, it’s fucking annoying.” Nick says.
Matt and I both glare at each other — it’s a classic look between the two of us, one that is practically laced with our hate for each other.
This time, Amaya interjects, “Seriously, you guys need to be friends again, this is getting ridiculous.” She scolds, pointing at us like we’re two small children who are getting in trouble.
Which, sometimes it feels like that.
“Fine.” Matt huffs out, “I’ll drive and you’re all paying for my gas money.”
Everyone shares another collective groan of annoyance as we continue walking, “Matt — Josh’s is two blocks away!” Nick argues.
Matt argues back — though, I think Nick wins as they are quick to fall into another conversation. That’s when Amaya turns to me. “So, what are you wearing tomorrow night?” She asks.
“I have no idea.” I sigh, shrugging. “What about you?”
“I was thinking — maybe you’d let me borrow that red mini-skirt you have?” Amaya smiles, hoping I’ll agree.
“As long as you actually return it.”
She scoffs, clutching at her chest like she’s offended. “Y/n! What do you mean, I always return your clothes-!?” We both laugh at this before I agree — under the circumstance that she really does return it to me.
As we all continue walking along the tree-lined sidewalk, all conversing about various things on our walk back to our houses, I feel a pair of eyes on me; looking up, I notice it’s Matt’s.
Obviously, I shoot him a glare, and he looks away — not without rolling his eyes at me, of course.
Sometimes I wonder where we went wrong, and I really try to remember what made us hate each other. I’m always unsuccessful and end up blaming it on Matt’s sudden attitude and tough, grumpy guy-persona that began the second we hit high school.
Maybe it’s the teenage hormones, or just growing up and growing apart, but every now then I miss when we actually got along.
I never dwell on it long, but this time, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks the same.
a/n next chapter gets RIGHTTTT into the drama lol. also, please don’t hesitate to lmk if there is any spelling mistakes etc. thank you guys!
p.s likes & re-blogs are very much appreciated:)
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christophersg1rl · 8 months
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lots of smut, names (ma/baby/mylove/mama)
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you and Matt were best friends until one day he catches you masturbating.
me,nick, and chris were all just sitting down on the couch watching tv, we didn’t know where Matt went, because the time we woke up he was already gone which sucked because he was your best friend and you loved talking to him. And seeing him (mostly). “𝐲/𝐧 me and nick are gonna go get McDonalds, do you want anything”chris questions as i tell him no because i needed some me time and Matt was out with one of his hoes, as we called them. “Make sure to lock the door once we leave y/n” nick glances at you as they walk out, you immediately lock the door. you decide to go up to your room, you lived with the triplets since you all had been friends since 2012. They treated you like their little sister, except for Matt. Matt always flirted with you, and it made you fucking crazy for him. Sometimes you would even think about him doing things to you at night, it made you go crazy. As soon as you got into your room you put one of your playlists on and dimmed your lights and grabbed your vibrator, it barely made you get off but since you didn’t go around sleeping with the entire world like your bestfriend Matt did, you barely ever got any dick. You slowly take off your lacy panties and put the vibrator right in your clit, it was your weakest spot. Once it was on your clit you moaned loudly knowing that nobody can hear you since nobody was home. The whole time you were thinking about Matt and his fingers slipping in and out of you.
I had just parked my car, I was with one of my sides all day, I had no one really and I always needed something to get off, and my side was just always there. I could tell that chris and nick weren’t home because their skateboards were gone, they probably had left to McDonald’s because they couldn’t get me to drive them. I realized the door was locked and grabbed my keys, I unlocked the door and thought nobody was home assuming y/n went with them. That was until I went upstairs and heard whimpers and they were LOUD whimpers. I got scared and said y/n’s name a couple times to see if she would answer. but she wouldn’t. as I open her door, I see her pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy.
I was so close to getting off until I hear my door open. holy shit it was Matt. “OMG Y/N I AM SO FUCKING SORRY” He says covering his eyes accidentally falling on the floor. “OMG MATT ARE YOU OKAY” I quickly put my lacy panties on and go to help him back up. “y/n I am so fucking sorry.” Matt says, as blood drips from the top of his head, he had got a scratch from falling. “oh matty let me help you your bleeding” I whine as I run to get my first aid kit, then run back to my room as I sit him down. “you know you could knock next time right?” I sarcastically say earning a little giggle from him. But I knew this was my chance to do something. I know he’s my bestfriend but, wouldn’t it be a little fun. I continue to take care of his scratch as I get on top of his lap, this ofcourse shocks him but he remains still. I rock my hips forward a little bit earning a groan escaping his lips. “all done matty” I say trying to get off him but he grips my waist. “your not gonna give me a boner and try to escape me already, y/n.” he says, putting his hands on my ass. “so wet already?” he laughs teasing my clothed clit with his big hands. “Matt please.” I moan into his ear, making him stop the teasing. “If you want something ma, you have to ask for it.” he continues to kiss my chest. “Matt please fuck me. I need you, I’ve needed you.” I whine. “how long has it been baby? How long has it been since someone has touched this pretty pussy?” he says now taking off my panties and sticking 2 fingers in me, causing me to moan very loud.he continues at a rapid pace, knowing my orgasm is about to come I moan into his ear letting him know I’m close. “cmon baby give it to me.” those very words made me come so hard and quick, I had never felt that kind of pleasure, it made me want more.”Matt I need your fucking dick now.” I demand. this definitely surprises him as I pull his shorts down and his boxers and god he was fucking huge. It literally slapped his stomach. “I want you to fucking ride me mama, you understand?”he groans as I simply nod and align his cock with my entrance, slowly pushing him into me. when I say he’s huge, I fucking mean it. “holy fuck baby your so tight I might just fucking cum now.” he moans laying his head back. “holy shit matty your so big” I moan jumping up and down his huge cock, I was already fucking close. that’s when I heard “we’re home” coming from downstairs, I covered my mouth quickly. This caused Matt to look up. “I have to get off they can’t catch us” I say trying to get off but he grips my waist once again thrusting into me even harder now, I have to cover my mouth so the boys won’t hear me. “Y/n your gonna be a fucking good girl and cum on my cock and stay quiet.” he demands. “I’m already fucking close baby. I’m gonna fill u up mkay?” I nod as he thrusts into me even harder, I felt my orgasm coming already. “matty I’m about to cum.” I whisper into his ear trying to be quiet as I hear nick and chris looking for us downstairs. “I’m cumming baby cum with me.” Matt groans quietly as we both reach our orgasms together, quickly getting dressed right after to go downstairs.
“So what are we?” I ask before leaving the room.
“Well you’re definitely mine now 𝐲/𝐧.” he giggles walking out with me,
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darksigns-exe · 10 days
she's a silver lining - girl!noah x matt dierkes
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warnings: swearing, oral sex (m receiving)
word count: 1.8k
masterlist | read: little remedy (girl!noah x layla (ofc) | taglist sign-up
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She counts the money again. They can barely afford to pay the venue fees, there’s no way that they can pay Matt and get dinner for everyone. 
“What are we doing about that?” Nick asks, “We have to pay him somehow.”
“I’ll figure something out.” Noah mutters in reply. 
Nick won’t like the idea that’s forming in her head. But she knows Matt, she knows how his brain works, and she knows that there’s one thing that she never gave him while they were hooking up. 
“Noah.” Nick warns. 
“Come on.” She swats his arm, “Have a little faith in me. I’ll just tell him that he’ll get a little extra at the end and that’s it.”
She can tell that Nick is shaking his head as she walks away, and in a way she gets it. Nick worries — maybe rightfully so.
Noah finds Matt at the back of the venue loading their gear into the trailer with Jolly and Folio. 
She gets his attention quite easily, Matt has never been very good at saying no to her. 
“Listen, we might have to decide between dinner and paying you tonight and — I know this sucks, and you’ll get paid in full, you will. Maybe I can do something else for you.” She suddenly feels a little ridiculous. 
It all sounded so much better in her head. 
“Should have known that, so that’s on me.” Matt replies with a bitter laugh, “Whatcha gonna do? Let me fuck you again?”
Noah swallows the urge to punch him right then and there. 
“I thought that I could blow you, but if you wanna settle for that.” She trails off as Matt flushes so brightly. 
She can practically watch him short circuit in real time. 
“Whatever you want.” She tries her best to sound nonchalant about it, but the flustered expression on Matt's face makes it all so hard. 
Knowing that she affects him like this is a little dizzying. Noah doesn’t see herself as someone people are attracted to. She’s tall, stick thin, with barely any chest to speak of. They’d called her a twig for the longest time. The tattoos help, but she still doesn’t think that she measures up to the girls these boys usually fawn over. In that way, Matt has always been rather helpful. 
“No — no, that’s fine. I — when is this happening?” It’s endearing how hard he’s trying to sound unaffected. 
“Just stay back when the others are getting dinner.” She says, brushing past him to catch up with the other two. 
Her quick departure only partially serves this little one-sided game she’s playing with Matt. Her own resolve wavers too quickly, and if she isn’t careful, Matt will see how unsure she is about all of this. And she absolutely cannot have that happen. 
The diner they find is acceptable, and Noah spends about five minutes dissecting her burger and stealing fries off Nick's plate before she announces that she’s not that hungry after all and that she’ll take her burger back to Matt. He’d previously said that he’d stay with the van just to be safe. She snaps a picture of Matt dozed off in the driver's seat before she smacks her hand against the window. 
He jumps, clearly disoriented, and flips her off as soon as he realises who the culprit is. 
Noah motions to the backseat before she rounds around the van to meet him there. 
“Brought you a burger.” She tosses the thing towards him, and Matt already has it in front of his face when she interjects, “I’m not making out with you if you taste like burger.”
As quickly as he was ready to dig in, the burger was deposited on the driver's seat for later. Noah scoots closer to him. They’ve done this before, so she doesn’t know why he’s so awfully nervous. Instead of letting him suffer for much longer, she pulls him in for a kiss. He eases up a little when she threads her hand into his hair. She’s never known Matt to be this nervous. Every time they’d met like this he’d been so sure of himself, and now he trembles like a leaf beneath her hand. 
Noah presses her hand against his crotch, feeling for his already half hard cock. Matt groans against her lips. 
“Been thinking about this?” She asks. 
He nods, looking a little meek. 
“Yea? Have you been thinking about me on my knees for you? Did that get you hard like this?”
She doesn’t know what has gotten into her tonight. 
The sound Matt makes forces a grin onto her face. She doesn’t feel mean enough to tease him for much longer. And really, she can’t wait to get her mouth on him. She never got to do that when they’d hooked up previously. It’s always been rushed with them, and Noah knows that they won’t have a lot of tonight either. She slides down onto the floor of the van and immediately gets to work on getting his jeans undone. Matt struggles out of them, shoving them down to his ankles, while Noah shrugs off her sweatshirt. 
She likes the size of him, big enough to satiate her, but not so big that she’d struggle with it. He sighs so prettily when she wraps her hand around him. He’s leaking so much by the time, she drags the tip of her tongue across the head. Above her, Matt makes a strangled little noise. In a way, she regrets doing this here, with so little time. The sounds Matt already gives make her want to draw it out, see what else she can draw from him. 
Noah only looks up at him when she takes him into her mouth. 
“Oh — oh fuck.” He groans, letting his head fall back against the headrest, “Noah.”
She loves the way he moans her name. His voice always breaks off towards the end of it, and it makes her feel as if he’s putty in her hands. 
Especially with this. Noah knows that she has a few good tricks up her sleeve, and not just because Nick let her try herself out on him a few times. 
She sinks lower on him, now eager to hear how pretty he’ll sound when he spills across her tongue. Matt’s hands are placed firmly on his thighs and really, she can’t have that. Noah places one of his hands on the back of her head. 
“Come on Matt. You know I’m not made of glass.” She can’t help but roll her eyes at how hesitant he is today. 
Usually he has no issue putting her through the mattress. This is unprecedented. Matt is never this gentle with her. His hand closes a little hesitantly, and Noah takes that as a sign to get back to work. She doubles down on her efforts, taking as much as she can of him into her mouth. 
She can’t quite take all of him, but she gets the reaction she’d hoped for. Matt’s grip on her hair suddenly tightens. She moans around him, letting her eyes fall shut. Matt’s quiet swears above spur her on, and Noah doubles down on her efforts. She pushes through the uncomfortable feeling to swallow down more of him. 
The longer she works him like this, the more she becomes sure that Matt doesn’t know what he’s doing at all. And it tracks with how flustered he was earlier. She hadn’t really considered this to be an option. In her head, Matt had seen and done most things already. Suddenly, she feels a little bit bad for having to rush him like this. 
Noah pulls off him again, but keeps working him with her hand. She makes a little bit of a show of it, moaning when she drags her tongue up the length of his cock. That seems to give him a little more confidence to direct her back down. 
“F-fuck Noah.” He groans, “Can you — can you take all of it again?” 
He lets out another beautifully startled moan when she takes most of him in one go. She places her hand on top of his, that still rests on the back of her head. Noah looks up at him when she shows him that it’s okay for him to hold her down. Matt finally gives a little pressure and Noah can’t hold the moan that bubbles from her. He does it again, and she feels him twitch against her tongue. 
The sounds that come from him now are bordering on desperate, and she’s sure that he must be so very close by now. She moans around his length and in return, Matt whines. Another bop of her head later, his hand tightens painfully, and she feels his cum spill across her tongue. 
Noah works him through it until his expression turns somewhat pained. She pulls off his cock, drawing in a deep breath to settle herself. Matt’s head is tipped back against the headrest, eyes pressed shut so tightly. He runs a hand across his face, letting out a quiet groan. Noah remains on her knees for a moment longer, just quietly watching Matt. When she eventually comes to sit next to him, Matt still doesn’t look at her. 
“Matt?” she asks, bringing her hand to the top of his still bare thigh. 
It’s surprisingly tender in comparison to their previous meetings. But Noah thinks that she needs to give him a little bit of that tenderness right now. 
“Matt, can you look at me?”
When he does, there’s an odd mix of emotions on his face.
“This was your first one, wasn’t it?” She asks, all she gets is a hesitant nod,  “Should have said something. Could have waited for a better moment.” 
“I’m by no mean against this happening again, but I liked it.” 
Noah thinks that he almost looks a little bashful then, and it makes her feel all warm and twisty inside. Her feelings for Matt are, for the most part, friendly, she knows that she’s not immune to a pretty boy getting flustered. 
She swats his shoulder in return, “Don’t get greedy now. We’ll see about that, but you should probably get dressed though. Can’t be long until the rest get back, and I don’t exactly want to explain this.”
Matt gives a curt nod.
Noah watches as he gets dressed. Maybe she should have waited to do this until they were staying in a motel again because now she finds herself aching for what he’d normally give her. 
The rest of their group returns, just as Matt reaches across the driver’s seat for the by now stale burger. Their chatter quickly drowns out the remains of the moment her and Matt had shared just then, and maybe that’s for the best. She doesn’t need to deal with any of this. Before long, Nick has slid into the backseat next to her. He tosses a somewhat messed up chocolate bar into her lap before dropping his head to her shoulder.
They’re barely out of the parking lot when Noah starts to feel herself being overtaken by the exhaustion of the day. She’ll deal with this on a different day when she doesn’t feel so awfully exhausted.
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taglist: @deathblacksmoke @circle-with-me @sitkowski @ladyveronikawrites @baddestomens
@malice-ov-mercy @chels3a-smile @ferduttini @somebodyels3 @itsafullmoon
@shilohrosechicken @poisongirl616 @mysticdoodlez @agravemisstake
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
19 | Annoying Triplet
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
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"Hey hey, it's me Dani and as you can tell by my title, I have a guest today." Dani smiles over at Chris.
"Chris Sturniolo!" He shouts throwing his arms up.
"Yeah, I'm with the most annoying triplet today." Dani looks over at Chris, who throws a straw's paper into her backseat, "Chris! Why are you throwing trash in my backseat? There's literally a bag right there for trash! That's how you repay me by being the first on my channel?"
"Sorry," He laughs, "Sorry Dani," He sings to her, "I'll make you a song." He starts so pretends to make music, "Like it?" He laughs more.
"I'm regretting my decision having you." She looks over at him, "And I want you here."
"Yes?" He asks with a playful look.
"Eww, the way you said yes." They both laugh, "Yes." She mocks how he said it making him laugh more, "That's how you sounded. A creepy old man."
"Oh sweetheart." He says in the same tone.
"Ahh! I'm having flashbacks to a man Nick and I walked past the other day. He was so creepy and he followed us to." Dani whines thinking back.
"He did?"
"Yeah, he did." She nods her head, "So Nick talked about my boyfriend."
"Should've called and I would've ran to save you from that situation." Chris tells her.
"I'd be like; Sir, I know my beautiful girlfriend is good looking." He explains to her so she tries not to blush.
"That's actually crazy." She covers her mouth. "You would run not even have Matt drive you?" She asks, "We were far from the house."
"Matt would have not driven me to save the day. Only because the he would want to save the day." Chris explains.
"That's true,"
"He always does." Chris huffs.
"He's done it twice." Dani laughs at him being moody.
"But it seems like he's done it more times."
"Not to me." She tells him.
"Seriously? Really?"
"Yeah, the phone and bowling." She explains the two times.
"And inviting you to move in." He adds.
"If you count that then you have to count all the times he's had my back in the podcast too. If that's the case, you have saved the day at times too." She explains to him, "Which I appreciate but you don't literally have to run to help me out. Saying your girlfriend is not gonna stop a creepy old man."
"We don't know that for sure so let's go test it out." He laughs then sees Tanner in the distance walking to his car and he sees them as well. "Oh shit, it's T-Clown." Chris says so Dani looks up to see him as well.
Dani flips him off as she starts the car, "Can you get the camera for me please. We gotta find a new stop to finish up."
"Bye bye till we cut back." Chris goes to grab the camera.
"Jackass." Dani groans.
Once they find an another parking lot with less cars they park and continue for Dani's video, "Excuse you." She says as he burps.
"You know he still gives me shit." He says then burps again.
"Excuse you," She says again for him.
"I just read them and laugh." He adds.
"Why haven't you blocked him?" She asks confused a little not understanding why he hasn't if he constantly sends shit.
"Because it's my daily routine to read and laugh. He's so stupid like it's ridiculous." He tells her.
"I have him and her both blocked. I don't need stalkers. Unlike you loving the attention." Dani makes Chris laugh.
"You aren't successful if you don't have haters." He says trying to make a point to her and something catches her eye.
"Something is on your face." She reaches over trying to get it off for him.
"Yeah attractiveness." He smiles causing her to laugh super hard, "But to asshole, I'm ugly like him. Dude, I just have a bad hairline." Chris says about himself.
"You have edits so..." Dani points out giving him a smile.
"And he doesn't."
"Exactly." She says so he laughs a bit.
"Do you have a favorite edit or one that sticks out?" He asks trying to catch her so she looks at him with a smile.
"I do actually." She pulls out her phone, "Let me show you my favorite one of each of y'all." She goes to her bookmarks and he sees each one of then had their on folder.
"You have more than one?" He laughs as she nods her head playing his first.
"This is my number one out of all of yours I like." She turns her phone towards him more so gently can watch it.
"The song is a choice..." He gives her a look with a cocky smile.
"Shut up before I throw you out of my car." She glares at him.
"Okay, now show me Matt's."
Dani goes to her Matt folder but doesn't play the one she favored the most and Chris catches her skipping that one.
"No, no! You skipped one." He takes her phone from her.
"Chris stop it!" She tries to get it back as he watches it. "And no, I'm not showing y'all which ones." Dani looks up at her camera.
"You got secrets." Chris laughs at her.
"No I do not!" She snatches her phone back. "They don't mean anything in that way." She explains getting embarrassed.
"Oh really?" He leans towards her.
"Yes, really." She smacks his forehead, "Most of my Nick one are funny edits. I fucking love them." She shows them to him and he laughs as well.
Getting back home, Chris follows Dani into her room, "You know you can tell me if you have a thing for Matt right."
"Well I don't so." She turns to face him, "A stupid edit means nothing so don't overthink it." She tosses her stuff onto her bed. "And I don't know why you think that either because your edit was very similar. So why aren't you asking the same about yourself?"
"Because I don't think you have a thing for me." He laughs at himself.
"And if I secretly did?" She crosses her arms.
"Well do you?" He steps closer to her.
"No, but why do you think I wouldn't like you like that?" She steps back from him.
"Because I'm super annoying. We have the least amount in common. I don't seem like your type." He uses what mostly sticks out to him personally.
"Yeah, we have the least amount in common but that doesn't matter. And yes, you're super annoying at times but that's what I love about you. You can always lighten up the mood and just by your laugh too. And you have no idea what my type is so don't say you're not it."
"You love that I'm annoying?" He gets a stupid smile.
"At times I do. So don't push it." She points her finger at him, "Now get out of my room."
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Leaf Pile
Pairing: Nick Amaro x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,039
Summary: A dreaded fall chore turns into a fun activity when Zara comes over for the week.
Warnings: None
A/N: This is Day 2 of the Season of Fluff 2023 prompt list that @katries created with the help of @mrsmatt
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It was well into fall which means the trees had gorgeous red, yellow, and orange leaves decorating the branches, leaves which ultimately fell from the trees and had to be raked out the yard and leaf blowed out of the driveway.
Raking leaves wasn’t your favorite task nor was it Nick’s favorite, but it had to be done. You were home before Nick which meant two things: he was working late and you would have to rake the leaves. You groaned as you exited your vehicle, heading into the house to drop off your purse and work items.
Out in the garage, you grabbed the rake and let out a big sigh. Let’s get this over with. You made your way out to the yard and began, in your opinion, the worst task of the fall season. You hadn’t been raking too long before you heard a car pulling into your driveway. You spun around hoping it was Nick because you were so getting him to help but to your surprise it was Nick’s ex wife, Maria and Zara. Sweet little Zara, you had only been dating Nick for a few months before he brought up having a daughter and being divorced. None of that bothered you, you loved Zara and overjoyed she warmed up to you quicker than you expected.
You were a little confused on my Maria was bringing Zara over a whole day early but honestly, you were happy about it because spending time with Zara was always fun. You discarded the rake by the tree and made your way to Maria’s car. You greeted them both and listened as Maria explained her leave time was being moved up from tomorrow evening to the next few hours. You didn’t ask questions but helped Zara out of the car. A few minutes later Maria left and it was just you and Zara.
“Let’s get your stuff inside and then we can watch a movie after I finish-” You abruptly stopped talking when you heard something fall into the pile of leaves you had started before Zara arrived. Whipping your head around to the sound, you let out a breath of relief as you saw Zara jump into the leaf pile once more. She looked like she was having fun so you watched as her smile grew each time she jumped into the pile. Before too long the leaves were scattered all over the yard once again, but this time you didn’t mind having to rake them again. “Wanna see who can make the biggest pile? Winner gets to jump into both piles.” You decided to make a game out of it, Zara’s only little once so why not make the most of it.
“Can we?!” Zara looked up at you with her big brown eyes that she clearly had gotten from her dad.
“Of course we can!” You beamed. “Come on, let’s get your rake.” You motioned for her to follow you to the garage. She grabbed her little rake and hurried back out to the yard, eager to make the biggest pile. You laughed watching her excitedly begin raking for a few moments before joining her.
Several minutes later, you decided it was time to measure the pile of leaves. “Okay Zara, let’s see who won.” Zara was quick to look between both piles, sizing them up. She took the inspection seriously, measuring how tall the piles came up her legs. You looked on as she compared them. You had purposefully made your pile smaller but not super noticeable because Zara was smart and would catch on if you made it obvious.
“Mine’s the biggest!” She exclaimed, finally deciding that her pile was, indeed, the biggest. You pretended to pout at her answer. “You can jump with me.” She offered upon seeing your ‘pout’.
“That’s so sweet Zara, but you won and get to jump in both piles.” You reminded her.
She shook her head, not having you being ‘sad’. “I want you to have fun and jump with me.” Her innocence was so heartwarming. It was something that Nick worked so hard to preserve, especially given his line of work and you agreed to help him with maintaining Zara’s innocence and making her childhood as fun and carefree as possible.
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll join you.” You finally agreed, giving her a big smile. You watched as her face lit up in happiness.
Zara directed you to your pile and she stood in front of hers. “On three! One…. Two…. Three!” You both jumped into the piles of leaves, laughing the entire time. Leaves went flying up in the air and came down onto your heads.
In the midst of all the laughter and fun, you and Zara failed to hear Nick’s car pull into the driveway. “What’s going on here?” You and Zara heard an all too familiar voice ask.
“Daddy!” Zara jumped up and ran to her dad. You stayed seated in the leaf pile just watching the sweet scene. You chuckled as Nick gingerly pulled leaves out of Zara’s hair before wrapping her up in a warm embrace. “We made leaf piles and jumped in them!” She informed Nick as she pointed over to where you still sat on the ground. You smiled and waved when his eyes met yours. “Come join us daddy!”
Nick couldn’t resist the chocolate brown eyes that stared up at him or the sweet, innocent face of his pride and joy. “Alright, show me what to do.” Nick let Zara lead him over to you and all the leaves. He helped you up and gave you a loving kiss to your lips while Zara picked up your rake and brought it over to Nick.
“I won the biggest leaf pile.” Zara spoke proudly. “Here daddy. It’s your turn. You have to go against me.” She handed her dad the rake which he accepted. “Winner gets to jump in both piles!”
“You’re on.” Nick nudged Zara lightly with grin.
The remaining afternoon was spent taking turns raking leaf piles and jumping into them as laughter filled the air.
Turns out raking leaves isn’t so bad when you have fun with it.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 13
Steve’s turn to come to the rescue? Hell yeah!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12
Steve’s painting was coming along really well. He was trying to get the expression on Eros’s face right. It was becoming a problem. There was just something about the eyes being closed that didn’t work.
But he was supposed to be asleep when Psyche came in, but when Steve tried to paint the eyes closed, he looked dead and not asleep.
Steve sighed and decided to talk to Joyce about it after class. He told Eddie go ahead to the parking lot and he’d meet him there.
“Hey, Mrs Byers,” Steve greeted. “I wanted to talk to you about my final.”
Joyce looked up at him and smiled. “Sure, Steve. What’s up?”
“I’m having a hard time getting the face right, can you help me?” he said and handed over the canvas.
She took it gingerly to avoid smearing the wet paint. “It looks as though the face is giving trouble.”
Steve nodded. “Especially the eyes. I want them closed for the Eros theme but with the pose he comes off looking like a corpse.”
“Which,” she said with a huff of laughter, “not the look you’re going for?”
“Absolutely not,” he agreed.
“Steve...” Joyce said gently. “You do know that the myths and stories idea is just a guideline? You don’t have to stick to a theme if you don’t want to.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Oh. Um...really?”
Joyce laughed. “Yes, Steve. Try it with his eyes open and I think you’ll find it will be fine.”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Mrs Byers.” He gathered up his painting and walked to the door.
“Hey Steve?” Joyce called out. “Why do you call me Mrs Byers? Almost everyone else calls me Joyce, except the really young students.”
Steve flashed her a bright smile. “It’s what I called you when I was babysitting Will. It’s a hard habit to break.”
She tilted her head to the side and then nodded. “Fair enough. Bye, Steve.”
“Bye, Mrs Byers.” He winked at her and walked off.
Eddie was waiting by his van having a cigarette when he spotted someone coming his direction.
“Shit!” he looked to see if he could just hop in the van and get away, but the other guy was too quick.
“Eddie? Is that you?” the far too cheerful voice cried.
Eddie closed his eyes and flicked his cigarette to the ground, grinding it beneath his boot. He opened his eyes and sneered. “Well, well if it isn’t Nick Mantrell. Did you get arrested?”
Nick was a tall man with light brown hair and deep blue eyes. His smile was as crooked as his personality.
“Daddy got me off,” Nick said with a smile that was supposed to be winning but Eddie had long since found to be smarmy.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Of course he did. But then, Martin Mantrell always did have more money than sense.”
Nick’s mask dropped and his face became a dark and sinister thing. “You keep my daddy’s name out of your dirty mouth.”
Eddie huffed out a chuckle. “Man, I thought you liked my dirty mouth.”
And suddenly the mask was back up. “You know I do, baby.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Nick?”
Nike grinned. “I just wanted to catch up. See what you were up to these days. It been so long since I saw you, baby.” He got close to Eddie and ran his hand down his arm.
“I’m doing fine,” Eddie said through gritted teeth. “The band’s got an agent now and we just finished recording a demo that they’re going to shop around.”
Nick looked pityingly at him. “Oh that so sweet. And you’re sure he’s a real agent?”
Eddie frowned. He knew that’s how Nick would get under his skin. He hated how it almost worked again. “Pretty damn sure. His other clients include The Kestrels and Lonnie Hunter.”
Nick’s eyes went wide. “Those are some pretty big names, baby. I’m sure it’ll all work out.”
Eddie shoulders slumped. “Why are you here man? At the school I mean.”
Nick smiled smugly. “I’m here getting my degree in business. Daddy’s going make me VP once I graduate.” He batted his eyelashes at him. “What are you doing here? I thought higher education was against the Munson doctrine.”
Eddie shifted uncomfortably under Nick’s gaze. “I’m doing a favor for a family friend. I’m the live model for her art class this year.”
Nick licked his lips suggestively. “Too bad it’s too late to take the class. Maybe I can convince Daddy to let me audit it for the last few weeks. You always did look your best right before I fucked you.”
Eddie began to squirm. “I don’t think you can do that.”
Nick leaned further into Eddie’s space. “I think you’ll find I can do a lot of things with a little bit of persuasion and a lot of money.”
Eddie’s face burned with humiliation and shame. He just wanted to go home.
A warm arm slid around his waist and soft chuckle breathed in his ear.
“Hey, Sunshine!” Steve greeted cheerfully. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you weren’t waiting to long.”
Nick reared back as if he’d been stung. “Who’s this then, baby?”
Eddie leaned into Steve’s side.
Steve cocked his head to the side and gave Nick his best mean girl smile. “Your worst nightmare unless you toddle off like a good boy.”
Nick sneered. “You always were a slut, Eddie. You would spread your legs for anyone with a good body and a playful smile.”
Steve eyed Nick up. “Honey, you aren’t my type and what Sunshine and I do is none of your business. Now shoo, before I get mad. And honey, the hulk’s a pussy cat in comparison.”
Nick turned on his heel and stormed off.
Steve sighed in relief. “Thank god that worked. I’m really bad at fighting and I would so fucking lose if we got in a fist fight.”
Eddie started giggling. And Steve flashed him a smile.
“You okay, now?”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, thanks for that. That slimy piece of worm-ridden filth is my ex-boyfriend. Met him when I was still young and stupid. It wasn’t until after the third time he cheated on me that I walked away.”
Steve bumped their shoulders together. “I’m sorry he was harassing you. Guys like that are what give gay men a bad name.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed. “How did you manage to insinuate that we were together without out right lying?”
Steve frowned for a second. “Oh, the double talk?” Eddie nodded. “I learned it at the bar. It’s a customer service thing. Make them think that I promised them something when I really didn’t.”
Eddie laughed. “That’s amazing.”
“You still up for that coffee or do you want to go home?” Steve asked.
He leaned into Steve’s embrace further. “I just want to go home.”
“I’ll follow you to make sure you get home okay,” Steve said, gently removing his arm from Eddie’s waist. “Do you want me to keep up company until I have to go to work or would you rather be alone?”
Eddie immediately mourned the lost of Steve’s warmth. “Would you stay?”
Steve nodded. “Of course. I’ll meet you there okay?”
Eddie nodded back. Steve gave his arm a squeeze and then walked away.
Eddie watched him go, the warmth from Steve’s body making itself home in his chest.
Yup, he was so fucked.
Eddie led Steve up to his apartment feeling a tad nervous. It had been awhile since he brought anyone back to his place. And yes he knew it wasn’t like that, but his heart and his libido were screaming at him to change that in their favor.
He unlocked the door and let Steve go in first, fearing his reaction.
“Oh, wow,” Steve murmured. “This place is amazing. I have the same fucking floor plan you do and yet yours looks more homey and lived in then mine.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Yeah, how’s that?”
He closed the door behind them.
“Robin and I both had parents that decorated our rooms for us,” Steve explained, “so when we went off on our own we didn’t have any real idea of how to make it ours. So it looks like a catelogue.”
Eddie pursed his lips and looked up. “Yeah, no. I can totally see that.”
Steve laughed.
“You want something to drink?” Eddie called from the kitchen.
“Just water is fine,” he replied. “But aren’t I here to take care of you?”
Eddie’s cheeks were red when he came out with a glass of water for Steve and a beer for him. “If you wanted to take care of me, big boy, we should have gone to your place.”
Steve grinned. “It’s not to late. I live two seconds away.”
Eddie grinned back. “Nah, it’s cool. I’m more comfortable here.”
Steve raised his glass, “Here’s to shitty exes coming back in our lives when we least expect it!”
Eddie chuckled. “Here’s that!” He raised his can and took a long drink.
“So how are things going on the finding fame and fortune front?” Steve asked after a moment or two of silence.
Eddie just shook his head. “I mean we finished the demo and our agent is going around to all the major labels starting with the ones closest to home and branching out. But it still feels like a pipe dream, you know?”
Steve cocked his head to the side thoughtfully. “Is that what the slimy ex said? That it was just a pipe dream?”
Eddie huffed out a bitter laugh. “Yes, but he just pegged an old insecurity that I’ve had for awhile.”
“Nothing quite like having someone opening old wounds for fun,” Steve said.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah. I had just heard of bands getting record deals right out of the gate by preforming at the Queen’s Crown...and I–”
Steve set his water down and scooted closer to him, to place his hand on his knee. “You guys should have gotten the deal. I don’t know why the agent was the only one that saw your potential...but seriously, Eds, you killed it that night.”
Eddie looked up at him through his eyelashes. “You really think so?”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “And not just because the new song was about me.” He winked at him.
Eddie burst out laughing. “So is the Jester and the King, you egomaniac.”
Steve winced. “Ouch! I’m assuming you wrote that one after I hit you?”
“Sure did, baby doll,” Eddie said with a grin. “And then after we talked I couldn’t leave it like that, so I wrote Thorns and Thistles.”
“It was beautiful,” Steve said, his expression soft and fond.
“I’ve been writing other songs for if they decided to give us the record deal,” Eddie said. “You want to hear some of them?”
Steve lit up. He looked at his watch and crumpled. “Shit. It’s almost time for me to go to work.”
Eddie deflated too. “Oh. That’s okay. Some other time.”
Steve got a wicked gleam in his eye. “You know...the new bartender hasn’t had an opportunity to tend with Opal yet...”
Eddie’s head shot up in shock. “Just what are you saying there, Stevie?”
“Well...” Steve continued. “Diamond has been saying I’ve been working too hard lately and that I should take more time to myself...”
Eddie’s eyes got the same wicked gleam, “Is Steve Harrington suggesting playing hooky for little ol’ me?”
Steve just grinned and pulled out his phone. He shot off two quick text messages. The replies came just as fast as he sent them. Both Robin and Diamond applauding his decision.
“Now, I’m all yours,” he said setting his phone aside and giving Eddie his undivided attention.
“How? Why?” Eddie stammered.
Steve’s face softened. “Look, I’ve earned some good will with Diamond after the incident with Nancy and I don’t mind using it to spend more time with you.” He put his hand back on Eddie’s knee. “Plus Crystal, the new bartender has to get use to running the whole night, he’s been there two weeks with me he needs to get used to working with Opal, because that’s who he’s going to be working with.”
“Chrissy,” Eddie corrected. “Call her Chrissy.”
Steve’s face brightened. “Chrissy then.”
Eddie hurried up to grab his electric guitar and sat back down. “This is one is called Flying Higher.”
Steve settled back into the cushions of Eddie’s sofa to listen.
Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428 @thedragonsaunt @ceaselessly-watching @imfinereallyy
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luvrrgirlllll · 28 days
July 4th ..
Thank u Tara Yummy & the Fourth of July party for this story! ;)
Part 1 of ?
Lmk if you want more. <3
Spicy / mature
"The water proof mascara was the best idea!" Tara said as we hold onto the pool side
"I'm full of good ideas. You'll see." I say taking a drink of my watered down Malibu and pineapple. I need a refill and I'm guessing Tara does too because the way she's currently frowning at her cup.
"Jack and coke?" I reach grab her cup from her hand.
I hear the sliding glass door open to my left and there's only 3 people that haven't came through that door yet.
"Nick! You made it!" Tara shouted jumping up and down in the pool.
"Yeah sorry we had a problem with our mech site! It was ridiculous I don't know why Chris thought it was a good idea to have a drop on the 4th of July.." I can sense his eye roll as he walks up to us.
"Hey y/n!" Nick catches me before I start to make my way to the other side of the pool to get out and run away.
"Hey Nick! I'm going to get drinks. I shake the cups at him. "I'll be back! Do you want a water or anything?" I asking knowing him and his brothers don’t drink when they come to Tara’s parties.
"Oh yes please! Thanks!" He shouts.
At first I wasn't contemplating running away. I really was going to make drinks for me and Tara then come back, but now I'm tempted to climb over the wall like queen charlotte, but unlike her I wouldn't let some brown haired angelic boy stop me.
As I walk past the glass sliding doors I see there's tons of people inside now. When did so many people get here? I catch a glimpse of my royal blue bikini that clings to my body and I can't help but want to stop and check myself out because damn I look good. I got to open them sliding patio door
"Hey! Wait! The floor is soaking wet. He went to get a towel." I look up from the puddle of water and grass that covers the white title to see two sets of icy blue eyes staring back at me.
Well fuck. So much for climbing over the wall.
I back up a ways as Carington drops 2 towels down on the floor.
"Sorry I didn't realize I was still soaked from the pool." He laughed drunkenly and walked away.
I feel their iced stares cooling me down with each step I take towards their direction. Of course I need in the fridge and freezer and Chris is leaned up against the fridge in his famous hoodie and a pair of shorts matches with white air forces. while Matt is leaned up against the counter right next to the fridge in a Boston red white and blue star ball cap, a plain white t-shirt and a pain of Jean shorts and air maxes as well.
"Happy 4th y/n." Matt says not moving at all.
"Happy 4th!" Chris chimes in with a cheery voice making me half smile.
"Happy 4th!" I say past the tightness of my vocal cords. Standing in front of Chris my eyes meet his.
"I'm in your way aren't I? So sorry." He says sliding over to the other side of the fridge.
"Thanks." I say setting the cups down on the opposite side of Matt because he refuses to move.
I open the fridge grabbing the pineapple juice. I open the freeze a little to hard hoping the fact that it almost smacked Matt in the face would give him the hint to move, but it doesn’t. His hand lands atop mine and the handle.
"Oops. Didn't see you there." I smile peeking over the door and I swear I hear him chuckle.
He releases my hand as I pull away to grab Malibu and ice tray. Can you get sun burn on the top of your hand? You can can't you because why else would my hand feel like it's on fire. Don't ask me why I have such complete opposite feelings for Matt then I do for Chris or Nick. There's just something about him that pisses me the fuck off.
~Maybe it's because you always want what you can't have.~ A voice in my head taunts me.
Shut up. I don't not want any part of Matthew Bernard Sturniolo.
"How's the party been so far?" Chris asks trying to make conversation.
"It's been fun. Played some beer pong. Won. Played corn hole. Won. Played chicken. Won." It's been great I say turning to put the ingredients back in their places. To my surprise the fridge and freezer were both opened. One door by Chris and one door by Matt.
"They have corn hole out there? We have to go play Matt." Chris says shutting the door.
"I don't think there's a game going on right now. Better hurry." I say flipping my half wet, but still curled brown hair behind my shoulders.
I grab our drinks and head towards the exit, but I know I'm not alone. I can feel both of them stalking behind me. I stop in my tracks and feel a brick wall slam against me.
"What are you doing?" I can feel Matt's annoyance from his words flowing over my shoulders.
"I forgot your brother wanted a water." I said sliding from behind him and turning a complete 180 to avoid his eye contact.
"Why are you such a dick too her" I hear Chris's low voice fade under the music and as I walk father into the kitchen to grab a water out of the fridge. I take a few deep breaths trying not to break my composure and go completely off on Matt.
I met the triplets 2 weeks ago. We all hit it off extremely well the first 2 nights. Then the 3rd night Tara had Nick and I over for a sleep over. Chris and Matt were out of town at the time. Then 2 days ago is when Matt's whole demeanor towards me changed. So I mutually returned the favor and the past 3 days have been nothing but constant ticks of the bomb that's about to explode inside of me.
Some random guy opened and shut the door for me as I made my way back to my friends.
"I thought you took the bottle and ran away." Tara laughed.
"Tempting, but I knew you'd be mad at me later for drinking all of the alcohol." I smiled as I sat down beside Nick handing him his water and her her cup.
As I took a huge gulp of the mixture in my cup the laughter and music filled my ears and instantly calmed me back down. I may have stole a shot or 2 from the bottle while grabbing Nick's water. But it's fine.
After what feels like an hour of chatting with Nick and Tara and all the other random people I hadn’t met. Everyone telling Tara what an amazing party this is and how beautiful her new house is. I feel like I've been baking in the sun. I decide I want to get back in the pool, but I have to pee first and my cup is empty, so a pit stop for a refill on my way to the bathroom is in my near future. I pull my self up from the hot cement and instantly feel the Malibu hit me. Shit.
"Are you going to pee? I have to pee too!" Tara says.
"Yes I'm breaking the seal & switching to water." I say picking my cup up from the ground.
"I need another water, I'll get us some while you guys go to the bathroom." Nick offers.
"Nick, you're so sweet." I look over at where Chris and Matt are playing corn hole with a couple others. Just the sight of his perfect glowing smile makes me want to smack him. I feel my blood literally boiling and before I can think the words fall straight from my mouth
"You know, Chris is super sweet too, but what happened to Matt? Maybe I'd be more attracted to him if he showed somewhat of a sweet side, but it's just not there and it's very disappointing." My arms crossed as I star at the beautiful boy across the yard from me. I look down as I hear Tara giggle and I look down at her wide smile and Nick is trying not to laugh too.
Fuck. "Im going to pee." I say again walking away.
"Wait y/n!” I hear Tara climbing out of the pool running after me.
I shut the bathroom door behind us and I can just feel Tara's questions invading my brain. It's like she's reading my mind.
"Please don't look at me like that."  I say taking a seat on the tub while she occupies the toilet.
"Im not looking at you like anything, but I don't know why you don't shoot your shot. You know almost everyone at this party is single. He's definitely your type?" She questions.
"That's the problem. He is my type, but he was all sweet at first and now he's been a dick to me the last 2 times we've all hung out. I didn't want to say anything because they are your friends. I've just been trying to ignore him."
"You don't ignore people that are mean to you. You silently get revenge. I think you forget I've known you since you were 8 years old." Tara teases.
We swap seats and I can't help but smile at the thought. She's not wrong. I do enjoy driving people crazy especially when they started it. It's not like I thought Matt and I were going to ever be anything, but friends, but since he's trying to make an enemy out of me then an enemy he shall get.
"Y/n, I know that look and I know that things are about to get very interesting." She says touching up her makeup in the mirror.
"We'll see." I say flushing the toilet and meeting her in the mirror to check my makeup out as well. My face is tan, with a bit of pink tones to it letting me know I definitely got some sun today.
We make it back down stairs and it seems like everyone has cleared out of the house. I look at the clock on the stove. It's after 6pm and I feel my stomach rumbling. I take a seat on the counter
"I'm hungry." I say watching Tara grab our mixed drink ingredients out to pour her up another drink.
"Wanna share this one since the bottle will be gone after this?" She offers.
"Sure why not."
I don't know if I really should drink anymore considering the words I spilled about Matt. I'm sure they will get me in trouble later. I don't know, maybe it's the alcohol, but Tara is right. He is my type and any other time I'd be trying hard to get his attention or get him to notice me, but I also told myself when I moved out here I wouldn't be that girl anymore. I'd have respect for myself and I wouldn't just let any guy have his way with me because he said a few nice words. Maybe it's a good thing Matt started being an ass because I was ready to show my interest but that next day he came back from being out of town and he was being so rude it made me shut back down. I feel my cheeks heating up and I can't tell if it's because of being in the sun all day or if I'm blushing or if I'm getting mad at him or if I'm mad at myself for thinking he was different. I hate drinking.
The clinic of the bottle hitting another in the trash can brought me back to reality.
"I'm hungry too. I was thinking we could go to the food trucks along the board walk and then watch fire works on the beach? That's where everyone's headed." She waved another empty bottle around putting emphasis on the vacant living room before dropping the bottle it in the trash can with another loud clinic.
"That sounds like fun!" I said hoping of the counter.
"We can leave here in a few? I want to get all these mother fuckers out of my house first." We laughed as I helped her pick up the living room a little bit before we headed back out to the pool.
Standing by the pool, I take a look around and Matt and Chris are no where to be found there's not to many people out here now either.
"Tara! We'll meet you-
Before I could register what happened or let out a scream my head was under water.
Someone just pushed me into the pool.
When I emerged my eyes immediately lock on the familiar ice from before, but this time the blue has faded and they are more grey.
Matt just pushed me into the pool and by the smirk on his face and Chris and Nicks hands covering their mouth. I can tell it was on purpose.
I swim over to the side without a word and no one else is brave enough to slice the tension either.
A hand is extended and I look up to see Matt's eyes again. Parts of me wants to cuss him out and a slim part of me wants to cry because I don't know what I did for him to be so mean to me. Plus my hair is ruined and will need washed tonight now.
"Thank god for water proof mascara" Tara dared to speak as she stood next to Nick.
A part of me wanted to break down and cry for being embarrassed and pushed in the pool by this asshole for absolutely no reason, but instead I decide to “play nice”. I take Matt's hand and let him start to pull me up as I use my other hand to help pull myself up a little bit.
"Let me help you since Chris made me-
I grab his hand with both of mine putting all of my weight on pulling him down straight down into the pool with me.
I didn't make it to the stairs before a hand gripped my ankle pulling me back under the water. Under the water is silent and peaceful when you're not fighting for your life. I feel the release of my ankle, but arms make their way around my waist holding me tight. My back feelings like it's up against a solid block of concrete. We are both out of the water and I try to catch my breath but it was cut short by the water running in my nose. Did this asshole just body slam me in the water? I push my way out of his grasp and swim fast up to the surface. Coughing the water out my nose and lungs Matt surfaces in front of me.
"Matt what the hell is wrong with you?"
I'm trying to keep myself up, but I can't see. My eyes are burning and we are in the deep end because I can't touch even on my tip toes. This water isn’t warm anymore compared to Matt's warm arms wrapping around me once more.
"Let me go you ass wipe!" I shout. Is he laughing at me?
I'm scared to open my eyes. I feel the sting of the tears wanting to break free. I manage to bring an eye open and I see my hand is covered in black mascara.
Don't break. Not now. Not here. Not around him.
"I thought this was water proof mascara Tara!" I shout again coughing the rest of the water up
"They are gone." I hear Matt say.
"Gone? Where the hell did-" they left us to go to the boardwalk and the fire works.
"Your makeup is everywhere." Matt states the obvious his arms loosen around me but don't quite let go even though I can fully touch the bottom now so I know he can.
"No shit. My eyes are on fire from the chlorine and the mascara." I feel tears escaping, but Matt wouldn’t be able to notice. This is so embarrassing and we are here alone. Why would they leave me here alone with him. Especially after I just told Tara he's been such a dick to me lately.
"Come here." I hear Matt’s irritation floating around me once again.
Before I have time to protest my arms are forced around Matt's neck and my legs are wrapped around his waist. At this point I'm too exhausted to argue instead I lay my head on his shoulder. I can't lie, his hands on my bare thighs is sending the remaining butterflies in my stomach up in chaos.
We climb out of the pool and my reflexes make me cling to him tighter. I hope I'm not too heavy for him the water probably made me feel like I was 20 lbs. He doesn't let me go. Instead his grip tightens a bit, I would be lying if I didn't say his grip on my thigh didn't hurt a little bit. I don't know what I would do if his soaked shirt wasn't the only things between us being skin to skin.
"Hold on to me.” He whispers in my ear.
I do as I'm told. He lets go of one of my under thighs picking something up from the ground. A second later a towel is placed around my body.
Before I know it we are inside the house heading towards the guest bedroom which is where I'm staying for right now. Matt tucks the towel under me, careful not to touch my pretty much bare ass thanks to my skimpy swim suit. He places me down on the counter in the guest bathroom and the switches the light on. Immediately I hear him laugh and I pull my wrapped up hands and towel to my face.
"Where is your makeup remover stuff?" I can see his smile as I peek through the towel
I blinked my eyes a bit under the towel. They still sting but not as bad.
"It should be in my bag by the vanity. It looks like a yellow bottle of water and then I have a makeup remover cloth in there too it's pink with strawberries on it."  I hear him ruffling through my bag before I finish my sentence.
"Okay here." He says coming back into the bathroom
"Thanks you can go now. I'm sure you need to go home and change before you miss the fireworks." I say hoping of the counter with my eyes glued to the floor.
I turn around and look in the mirror. I look terrible. The tears aren't stopping. One roll down and then another. How embarrassing.
"I see a figure move closer to me in the mirror." I didn't even think to make sure Matt was gone. I just figured he walked out when he brought me my stuff.
"Why are you crying?" He bends down to pick up the towel I dropped on the floor.
"I'm not crying. My eyes just burn." I say whiling my face with my strawberry cloth. Watching as the black under my face and the stains on my cheeks disappear a little more with each wipe. His eye roll says it all as he turns to walk out of the bathroom.
I listen as his footsteps fade away from the bathroom door but I can't hear anything else past the exhaust fan. The tears slipping down seems to be making the make up come off a little easier. I really feel so humiliated. I know it's only mascara, but really? I had to look like a rabid raccoon in front of a cute boy and he had to laugh at me about it! The tears are coming like a water fall now. Screw the food truck and the fire works. I'm taking a shower and going to bed.
I jump down from the counter and turn the water on. I wipe the tears from my face and I grab a clean towel from the cabinet under the sink and make my way over to the shower
"Are you taking a shower?"
"OH MY GOSH MATT! I thought you left." I shout throwing my towel at him. He catches it with one hand and the other is placed on the towel wrapped around his hips. Since the makeup is cleared from my eyes I can see his hair is still soaked, but his body is dry and bare now.
"Take a picture y/n, it'll last longer." He says tucking his towel tighter before folding up the one I threw at him. My eyes roll to the clear back of my head. His ego is vomit worthy.
He makes his way closer to me not taking his eyes off of me as he grows closer. I stand my ground with my stare on his. I'm not breaking my composure. I'm sick of him and his ego. Being a jerk to me and then carrying my from the pool, into the house up the stairs with a death grip on my under thighs. I feel the places where his hands where starting to sting. Remembering his touch.
Craving his touch.
No. Stop.
He places the towel over the top of the shower so I can grab it from the inside when I'm done. The warm water is heating up the bathroom quickly.
"I put my clothes in the dryer. If you hurry you can ride with me to the boardwalk and we can grab some food. We have a little while before the fireworks start." He says. I don't know when he got so close to me put drops from his hair slide down my breasts as he hovers over me.
He broke his stare for a split second watching the water trail down my chest. A smirk finds its way to my lips. I won.
"Take a picture Matthew. It'll last longer." I lean up and whisper in his ear. I can't help but let out a small chuckle and turn to the shower.
A familiar death grip finds its way around my wrists. Matt spins me around to face him. The storm in his eyes is a heavy grey blue.
"I keep trying to hate you, but the more I try the closer it brings me to you. Can you explain why that is sweetheart?"
My nose fills with the scent of mint.
"Maybe because deep down, you don't really want to hate me at all." I whisper back trying to keep my breath steady as I feel his grip tighten on my wrists.
In a flash my back is slammed up against the wall next to the shower and my wrists are pinned above my head. I feel the heat growing between my legs and I'm trying everything to keep cool as Matt stares me down waiting for me to break. It's like he wants me to crumble under him and his touch, but I won't. I can't.
His dips his head down brushing his nose against my jawline. I feel his warm breath against my neck and the wetness of his tongue as he slides its down my neck to my collarbone.
"Maybe. Maybe not." He catches the lobe of my ear with his teeth.
"I can tell by the way your body is starting to melt into me that you don't hate me as much as you wish you did either." I feel his warm hand tracing up my bare back and within a second my top is lose and sitting a top my boobs.
"Matthew.." I whisper.
"If you want me to stop. Tell me now." He grips on me everywhere loosens a bit.
"Y/n." He says firmly making my eyes fly open.
"Do you-"
"No Matthew. I don't want you to stop." I say breathlessly waiting for his touch to be more firm against me again, but it doesn't. Instead he drops my hands and takes a step back. Making me frown.
"Are you serious?" I say as he drops his hands to his sides.
"Your mouth is going to get you in trouble sweetheart." I smile at him and he returns the smile with a devious smirk.
His hands find their way to the sides of my bath suit top pulling it up and over my head revealing my breasts fully to him. I've never felt insecure around a guy before, but I've also not been fully naked in front of one in a long time.
"You're so beautiful." His beautiful blue eyes are calmer then before
He picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Matthew! Give a girl a warning before you just pick her up and carry her around." I laugh. He moves so quickly I don't even have time to think about what he's doing and I'm already set down in front of the bed. His hands find their way into my damp hair fisting it fully.
"Why are you so mouthy?" He taunts my neck with his lips and tongue again.
"I'm not I just speak my mind." I tease. I find my hands on his hips. His body is burning up. His skin is so soft as I let my hands explore all around as he trails kisses from my collarbone up to my neck and then my jaw. He holds us there as we both try and steady our breaths. I want him. I need him.
"Will you please just kiss me already?" I beg and I break.
I knew I'd get a smile out of him with that one, but I didn't think it'd look as genuine as it did. I was sure I'd receive a cocky smirk with a No and then he'd leave me hanging like this is all some kind of game, but he didn't pull away. He didn't laugh at me for giving into him instead he gently pulled my head to his and dipped down placing the gentlest of kisses on my lips.
Hope you enjoyed <3
Part 2??
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karatekels · 10 months
TIGmas Day #2 - Saturnalia
This fic is for @cortmac1989, who has asked for Valek romancing Reader at a Christmas masquerade! I’ve taken a bit of liberty with the request to stretch it out a bit longer – hope you don’t mind and that you all enjoy!
TW: Stalking; Voyeurism; Blood-drinking (due to vampirism); confession under duress (mesmerization); dark, rough sex; References to violence and murder; Gratuitously going against the lore (or lack thereof) of vampirism from the book/movie to fit my own agenda
Valek’s POV:
He takes care to press down with every step, ensuring that a footprint is left behind in the snow. It was important to never give the humans a reason to suspect he was anything more.
Jan Valek had always embraced the winter months; the loss of hours of sunlight giving him the opportunity to surround himself with people going about their lives as usual beneath the blanket of darkness. Christmas was quickly approaching, and Valek always found himself wistfully thinking back to his human life at this time of year. His family, their traditions, all long dead… watching people all around him, bright and alive and happily thinking of their loved ones could make him feel either moved or horribly depressed.
Tonight it has him feeling empty.
He makes to leave, to return home and to his lonely, meaningless existence, when something suddenly catches his attention: an intoxicating scent on the wind that washes away all traces of his melancholia.
Curious and almost unable to help himself, he tracks the scent. He knows that the aroma belongs to a human, but he can’t remember the last time he was so tempted by the bloodlust, feeling his canines start to lengthen and sharpen as his mouth waters. He pauses in his search of the source of the appealing scent, getting himself under control – he was able to relatively blend in with the humans when his vampiric instincts lay dormant, his features only revealing their true form when he was making use of his abilities to fight or feed. There would be time for that, once he had isolated the victim…
Nicking his tongue on a still-sharpened fang, he lets his own vampiric blood flow into his mouth, helping to distract him from the scent until he is able to continue his pursuit. Eventually, he comes across a small group of people bundled up for the weather and chatting amongst themselves. One woman, the source of his temptation, stands slightly apart from the crowd, watching the others talk with a slight smile rather than participating in the conversation.
“Everyone is coming on Friday night! No excuses!” one woman’s voice drowns out the others, resulting in a cacophony of whoops and groans from the others.
“Do we have to wear a mask?” someone complains, murmurs of agreement echoing him. “Halloween was months ago!”
“Yes!” the woman insists. “It’s going to be a fancy Winter Solstice masquerade, and you’re all cooperating. We haven’t all gotten together in years, and this will be fun!”
“Your version of ‘fun’ is very different from the rest of ours, Roberta,” another person chimes in, and the woman, Roberta apparently, scowls at the group.
“We will have my family’s manor to ourselves, with full access to their liquor cabinet. Am I really asking for so much here?”
A hush falls over the group for a brief moment.
“Masquerade ball it is!”
“Great idea, Roberta!”
“Can’t wait for Friday!”
Roberta smirks, pleased that the group has been won over, but Valek finds his gaze drawn to you, the wallflower, as you roll your eyes at your friends.
“Hey, how did you get Y/N to agree to come? There’s no way alcohol would be enough to win her over!” someone asks with a laugh, and you jump as you become the new topic of conversation. Roberta throws a friendly arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
“She’s staying with me while she’s here; she has to!” the woman announces smugly, and you give a bashful, reluctant smile.
“Plus, she described it to me like a Saturnalia celebration, so I’ll just hide in the corner and observe from a safe distance,” you add, your smile fading as no one recognizes the word or asks about it. Valek himself is surprised that you’ve mentioned the ancient Roman festival – it has no current cultural relevance that he’s aware of.
“Ugh! No nerd stuff, please!” someone chides you, and you scowl. “You’re supposed to be taking a break from all that, Y/N!”
“And you will not be hiding in a corner during my party!” Roberta insists. “Hopefully you and Michael will hit it off before then so that he can help you have some fun!” she winks roguishly at you, and Valek hears your heartbeat speed up as you blush.
“You’re going out with Michael?” someone asks excitedly, and the other women in the group burst into giggles.
“Roberta–” you hiss at her, yanking yourself out of her grip. “I’m not talking about this. I’ll see the rest of you on Friday!” you snarl, stomping off down the snow-covered street, clearly upset.
Valek ghosts after you, staying in the shadows. Perhaps the opportunity to feed will present itself to him – he wants to savour you, just the once, and if he wasn’t rushed at the thought of being discovered, there was less chance for an… accident.
“Y/N, wait up!” Roberta calls, jogging to catch up with you. You reluctantly stop to wait for her, tapping your foot impatiently. Valek takes the opportunity to move to the other side of the hedges that line the sidewalk you were on, allowing him to eavesdrop and watch you through the snow-covered pines without being spotted himself.
“I can’t believe you,” you grumble as she approaches, and from what he can see, the woman has the grace to look abashed.
“I’m sorry, okay? I wasn’t thinking,” she says, and you two set off down the path together.
“Why are you insistent that I go out with him while I’m here?” you ask quietly after a minute or two of walking in silence, and your friend peeks over at you, concern in her eyes.
“I just… I worry that you’re alone, Y/N,” she admits. “Your parents have been gone for a few years now, you’re away from your hometown and busy with school, and I know you’re not the most social person… I just want you to be taken care of, hun.”
You let out a deep sigh, your breath coming out in a spiraling, misty cloud.
“I’m fine by myself, Bob,” you tell her, and both your mouths twist into a smile at what Valek presumes is a nickname. “I appreciate your concern, but trying to force the issue isn’t going to get me into a relationship that lasts. The right person will show up when it’s time; I don’t want to rush it.”
“I get it, I get it. I won’t do it again, I promise. Just please give Michael a chance? For me?” she asks you hopefully, and you roll your eyes.
“Fine,” you give in with a reluctant smile. “But just a quick cup of coffee – I don’t want to be stuck at a restaurant for hours if this goes south.”
Your friend nods, a wide smile on her face, and skips off ahead of you, whooping into the night.
So, he wasn’t the only one that felt alone during this time of year, Valek muses to himself as he follows the pair of you to the elegant manor house where you’ll be staying. It was unfortunate, but truly made you the ideal ‘victim,’ loathe as he was to use that word. But you had no family, you were here for a short period of time… it would be easy to make you disappear in the event that he got carried away.
He doesn’t think he will – sure, your blood was inviting, but he finds himself equally, if not more so, interested in your brain.
One Day Later…
Reader’s POV:
You force yourself out of Roberta’s home, bundled up against the cold. You really don’t want to go on this stupid date, but you had promised, and you didn’t want to be rude to Michael.
You stifle a yawn as you make your way to the coffee shop, grateful that you’d at least be able to wake yourself up a bit with a nice, hot beverage. You hadn’t slept well the night before, and as twilight turns to dusk the darkness isn’t helping with your fatigue. Still, it’s a beautiful, clear night, the snow still thick on the ground and the treetops, so you do your best to enjoy it. Perhaps Michael would be late, and you could take some time to yourself; your journal and a bag of poetry were in your bag.
Unfortunately, you see him waiting for you outside the coffee shop as you approach, and he gives you a beaming smile that you do your best to return. No time to enjoy the night on your own, then.
Michael wraps you up in a friendly hug as he greets you, the embrace lasting slightly longer than you are comfortable with. You two weren’t complete strangers; he’d been a year above you in high school and you had seen each other at the few social events you had attended with your friends in the years since.
Once you grab your drinks you decide to make your way to the nearby park, making small talk along the way. Michael is… fine. He’s friendly, not leering overtly as he checks you out (you’re grateful again for the cold weather and the layers of clothing it affords you), and he even offered to pay for your coffee, but there’s just… nothing between you. You feel no spark, no real interest towards him, and every attempt you’ve made to tell him about your hobbies and interests he couldn’t be bothered to indulge you, always steering the conversation back to himself.
You’re disappointed, but not surprised. Like you had said to Roberta yesterday, you aren’t going to hit it off with someone by being set up with someone else. You’re old-fashioned, romantic, reserved, with a bunch of interests that people rarely wanted to hear about. Finding someone that you would connect with would be like finding a needle in a haystack, especially in this tiny town.
You sigh internally, trying to turn your attention back to Michael instead of counting down the minutes until you can go home.
You manage to make it an hour and a half before you start laying it on thick with the exaggerated yawns, and Michael eventually takes the hint, walking you to the entrance of the park.
“I hope I’ll see you at Roberta’s party on Friday,” Michael asks with a boyish grin. “I’ll be the one in the mask!”
You let out a genuine laugh for the first time that evening. “Yes, I’ll be there – she’s insisted on it!” you reply wryly, avoiding the subject of seeing him there. You’re bad at rejecting people – you hate disappointing anyone, for any reason – and are hoping that you can just go your separate ways without having to formally announce it.
Fortunately, Michael just wishes you a good evening with another hug that you force yourself to return before he turns to head home. You frown at his back. It’s not like you need him to walk you home – or even want him to – but the gesture would have been appreciated. Letting out the sigh you’d been keeping inside all evening, you turn to head back home.
“Excuse me,” comes a smooth, deep voice behind you that makes you jump; you hadn’t heard anyone coming up behind you. Turning around, you’re taken aback by the massive man that stands just a few feet from you. He must be nearly six and a half feet tall, with long, pitch-black hair that flows to his shoulders, blending in with his dark clothing. In contrast, his skin is incredibly pale, and his eyes were a piercing blue-grey that you can’t look away from.
You take a reflexive step backwards and bite back a gasp, and the man tracks the gesture before taking a few steps back. You feel guilty immediately – he seems polite, and you hope your jumpiness didn’t offend him.
“I apologize; I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says gently. “I merely wanted to ask if this was yours.”
He holds up a book which you immediately recognize as your poetry collection; it must have fallen out of your bag somewhere.
“Oh, yes! Thank you so much!” you exclaim with a smile, accepting the book from his gloved hand and returning it to your bag. “How did you know it was mine?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Nobody else is here. Someone was just leaving as I arrived, but he did not seem like the type to read poetry.”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing – no, Michael was definitely not the literary type. This man, on the other hand…
“He’s not – not for my lack of trying, anyway,” you say with a wistful sigh. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” you introduce yourself, extending a mittened hand to him.
“John,” he returns, taking your hand in his large one to shake it. Your skin never touches his, but you feel a thrill of electricity race from your palm up your arm, making you tingle.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” you breathe, finding yourself reluctant to step back from his personal space.
“And you,” he replies, not taking his eyes off of yours as if considering something. Your heart is thumping like mad, and you’re glad there’s no way he can hear it.
“So, the not-poet is a friend of yours, then?” John asks with an amused smirk.
“Who?” you ask, momentarily confused. This man’s presence is very overwhelming, and you find it hard to focus on anything else. “Oh, him! No, not really,” you say, rushing to get the words out. “We haven’t seen each other in years and were just catching up.”
“That makes a bit more sense,” he replies, and you cock your head at him inquisitively. “Someone closer to you should have the decency to walk you home, especially so late at night.”
You feel yourself flush, and hope that he attributes it to the cold.
“I don’t mind,” you say shyly, unable to look him in the eye as you speak. “It’s let me talk to you.”
Braving a look up at his face, you see him smiling down at you, his blue eyes glittering like the snow under the lights that line the sidewalk.
“May I walk you home, then?” he asks quietly, seeming nervous himself. “Provided that I would not be imposing.”
“You’re not imposing!” you say quickly, hoping that you’re not coming across as too eager. John merely grins at you before asking you to lead the way.
You slowly make your way back to Roberta’s home, trying not to shuffle your feet, but you can’t help it – you don’t want this walk to end. You and John talk about literature the way that you haven’t been able to with anyone outside of a college lecture hall, and it feels wonderful. John is knowledgeable, opinionated and thoughtful, and you’re both firing off questions one after the other. You can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so comfortable with a stranger; he doesn’t even feel like a stranger!
All too soon, you make your way to the front gate to Roberta’s home, turning to John with a sigh.
“This is me,” you inform him reluctantly, trying not to let your disappointment show. “Thank you so much, for giving me my book, and walking me home.”
“It was my pleasure, Y/N,” he replies warmly, before giving you that look again that has you desperately wanting to know what he’s thinking. “Have a good evening.”
“You too, John,” you say, giving him a timid smile. “I’m really glad that I met you.”
You fight the urge to look over your shoulder to see if John is still there, forcing yourself to walk up the driveway and to the large, ornate front door. The moment you close the door behind you, you press your nose to the glass of the window to check, but you can’t see him standing there. Turning, you lean your back against the door with a sigh.
What an absolute dream…
An encounter with someone like that, even just a one-off as this was – and your heart twinges at the thought of not seeing him again – made you believe that your approach to romance was correct. Why settle for just anyone when you now had evidence that someone like that existed?
“You look like you had fun.”
You jump, a guilty smile spreading across your face as Roberta enters from another room with a smug expression.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie flatly, and the woman rolls her eyes.
“Oh please, you look positively smitten. I’ll admit, I didn’t think things would go quite this well when I set you two up!”
You open your mouth before snapping it shut again, weighing your options. Telling Roberta that your good mood was from spending time with anyone other than Michael would beget a hundred more questions that you didn’t want to answer. A large part of you wants to keep John a secret, keep tonight something that belongs only to the two of you.
You hide a smile behind a feigned yawn, moving towards the stairs and the privacy of the guest room you were staying in.
“I’m not talking about this right now. Goodnight, Bob.”
“Sweet dreams,” the woman replies, her tone thick with implications. “I plan to see this romance for myself on Friday night!”
Friday Evening…
Valek’s POV:
He feels he’s making a mistake, but he just can’t help himself.
Entering a venue amongst a large group of people, their inhibitions lowered as they celebrate, their collective blood pumping in their veins, and your mouth-watering scent among them… For all his centuries as a vampire, Valek finds himself doubting his self-control.
He’s been taking precautions, to be sure – feeding far more than usual in the days leading up to tonight, the Winter Solstice. Tempting as you are, he finds he no longer wants to feed on you – he doesn’t think of himself as worthy.
He remembers that quote about the flower by Osho – about not picking a flower that you love, as it then ceases to be – and finds it appropriate for you. As much as he wants to take you, consume you, that would deprive the world of the beauty and life that you bring into it, should he get carried away.
Despite that, he’s going to see you tonight; he can’t bring himself to stay away.
You’ve made him feel nearly alive again, ever since your meeting a few nights ago. He’s been plagued by desires; for your blood, yes, but also for more of your conversation, your smile, your essence…
He has been tempting fate these past few evenings, needing to be close to you and content to just watch from a distance as you appear at one of the manor’s windows or walk into town with your friend. He doesn’t let himself approach the home, not wanting to torment himself, even as you sleep. Instead, he has left deep red roses on the doorstep every night for you to find in the morning. Somehow, you rightly knew that they were intended for you.
He adjusts the cuffs of his blazer, still unaccustomed to this type of modern clothing. He’s chosen a black three-piece suit and tie, his shirt a deep blue that matches his mask, his hair down, and finds himself feeling only mildly foolish. Based on the conversations he’d overheard when he had first spotted you, he assumes that this is customary.
Valek is not sure what he wants from tonight beyond getting close to you – again, this all seems like a risky endeavour – but he hopes that one night will be enough to tide him over for eternity.
It would have to be.
He makes his way to the party, the path to the manor familiar to him by now, and joins the throng of people. It doesn’t take him long to find you by scent alone, avoiding attention and standing off to the side, his wallflower. You’re wearing a floor-length, strapless blue dress and a swirling mask of blue, white and gold, your hair in an elegant twist that emphasizes your graceful neck.
Tonight will be difficult.
Reader’s POV:
You watch the party from a respectable distance – it’s truly a sight to behold, but not really something you want to partake in yourself. You promised Roberta you would stay downstairs and in the ballroom until at least midnight, but you’re finding it difficult to keep that promise, and it’s only just past 10.
“I did not take you for someone that would attend this sort of bacchanalia, Y/N.”
The voice sends shivers down your spine, your memories and dreams over the past few days not doing it justice. Your heart immediately begins hammering away as you turn to face him, and he is utterly resplendent in blue and black – your costumes compliment each other.
“John!” you exclaim, trying to keep the overwhelming joy you’re feeling inside. “I was coerced into coming. What’s your excuse?” you ask, curious, and he smiles secretively as he holds out a glass of wine to you. He is wearing gloves, even indoors, but you don’t comment on it as you accept the beverage. Your mouth is suddenly very dry, and you take a healthy sip of the wine, feeling warm.
“I’m quite certain that the entire town was invited. I recognized the address as your own and found it difficult to believe that you would be hosting something like this; I should have known subterfuge would be involved.”
You giggle, the wine going right to your head. “This is my friend’s parents’ place; I’m staying with her while I’m in town. She demanded I stay down here until at least midnight as a lodging fee.”
“You’ll have to introduce me to her at some point tonight. I have to thank you for ensuring your attendance,” he teases in his deep, smooth voice that has your cheeks flaming beneath your mask. “You are dazzling.”
You try not to hyperventilate, pressing yourself against the wall for support.
“So do you!” you reply quickly, trying to recover. “You look…” Stunning? Gorgeous? Delicious? Like a dark prince straight from my indecent fantasies?
“…noble! Plus, we match!” you tack on hastily, trying to move right past your corniness.
John doesn’t seem to mind, giving you a dashing smile that has you nearly swooning. Instead, you quickly finish the rest of your wine, needing the courage to continue having a conversation with this unattainable entity. Your talk quickly returns to your passionate discussion of literature, and you find yourself relaxing in John’s presence, almost unaware of the party surrounding you.
Looking back up at John – you find your eyes need to take frequent breaks from gawking at him to allow you to maintain some degree of focus – you see that he is looking at you with an amused expression.
“You’re practically dancing,” he comments, and for the first time you notice that you are indeed swaying to the music, an orchestral version of one of your favourite pop songs. “Would you like to?” he asks, and you immediately start to panic.
“No!” you cry out before it occurs to you how the rejection might be taken. “Not because you asked, I mean; I just can’t dance.”
“Nonsense,” he counters immediately, stepping closer to you and making you tilt your head nearly all the way back in order to keep looking up at his handsome face. “It’s all in the leading. May I?” he asks, extending a hand towards you. You bite your lip, setting your empty glass down on a nearby table before placing your hand into his much larger one, your fingertips tingly as they brush against the supple leather of his glove. That same feeling of electricity shoots up your arm and nearly has you letting out a moan; the alcohol clearly isn’t helping you keep your composure.
John leads you towards the edge of the dance floor, then turns and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer but not flush against him. He raises his other hand, still holding yours, then moves his gaze pointedly to your left shoulder, your arm still nervously pressed against your side. You slowly lift your hand up between your bodies, placing it on his broad shoulder, and he gives you a pleased smile. He guides you through the slow dance, his palm pressing yours in a way that somehow has you moving the right way.
“Wow, you were right!” you exclaim in surprise, hardly able to believe it. “It’s all in the leading.”
“You are also a very good partner,” John croons down at you, his eyes twinkling beneath his mask. “Very responsive…”
His words have you blushing and feeling nearly dizzy as you sway to the music under his guidance. You could happily get lost in this moment, in his blue, blue eyes forever…
But after a few songs, you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break; it’s almost hard for you to breathe. Reluctantly, you remove your hand from his shoulder, and he respectfully releases you.
“I’m going to go get some water if I can, provided Roberta hasn’t replaced it all with vodka. Can I get you anything to drink?” you offer with a smile, wanting to do something, anything for him. John’s lips twitch in amusement, but he declines your offer, and you move through the crowd, trying not to stumble in your haste to get to the refreshment table and back to him as quickly as possible.
You gulp down the cool water greedily, still feeling so warm all over. You’re desperate to return to John – you feel a tangible ache at being apart from him, and while you’re not sure that it’s a good or healthy thing, it’s not something you’re willing to endure any longer than you have to.
“I’ve been looking for you.”
Whirling around, you’re disappointed to see not John, but Michael, his black and gold costume a bit too ostentatious for your liking. But you suppose you’re being a bit unfair; there was nothing this man could do to hold a candle to John in your eyes.
“Good evening, Michael. Enjoying the party?” you ask politely, even as your eyes scan the ballroom for John – he’s not where you left him.
“I am now. Would you like to dance?”
You hesitate before giving your answer. You really don’t want to give Michael the time of day, but you’re not comfortable with rejecting him, especially surrounded by people you both knew. And even without alcohol, him possibly seeing you with John, or any other factors, men could be unpredictable when they were jealous or rejected. You look for John somewhat desperately one last time, hoping he’ll come save you, but he is nowhere to be found.
“Okay,” you agree noncommittally, unable to feign even a shred of enthusiasm. Unlike John, Michael pulls you tightly against him as he dances with you, his hips chasing yours in a way that makes you feel dirty and uncomfortable. You try to step away after the song ends, but he tightens his grip on you, giving you a pleading expression, and you resign yourself to another dance. He isn’t even bothering to try to speak with you, content to occupy your body rather than your mind, and you’re not upset about it as it allows you to keep your thoughts on John.
You manage to talk Michael out of asking for a third dance, but he doesn’t get the hint, attaching himself to your side as you move through the ballroom, still looking for John. He was so tall, so impressive, so utterly impossible to miss, that you’ve all but accepted that he’s left the party. You hope he hadn’t seen you dancing with Michael and gotten the wrong impression…
The large clock chimes twelve times, and you’ve never been more grateful for the sound. You’ve held up your end of the bargain to Roberta, and are now free to leave the party, and without John’s presence, there’s nothing to keep you here.
You fake a yawn, trying to look at Michael with an apologetic expression that you know rings hollow.
“Oh, I didn’t realize it had gotten so late. I’m exhausted,” you say. Michael looks pleased to hear this information, and the hair on the back of your neck stands on end at his expression.
“Would you like me to walk you to your room?” he purrs, and you suppress a shudder, certain that he will misinterpret it.
“Oh, no thank you,” you say clearly. “It was wonderful to see you again, Michael. Have a good night.”
You move past him without another word, not wanting this conversation to go on any longer, and hurry to the staircase and your bedroom. You slip inside and immediately take your mask off, feeling dejected. John’s presence at the party had been such a wonderful surprise, but his disappearance has left you feeling hollow and surprisingly upset.
There’s a knock at the door and you reluctantly open it, expecting Roberta to be chastising you. Instead, John’s tall form looms in the doorway, his dark mask still concealing his face. You briefly stop breathing, your heart thudding against your ribs.
“John!” you cry, the joy evident in your voice. “What are you doing here?”
“I saw you leave after speaking with that man from the park, and you looked upset. Are you alright?”
“I –” you start to say, but you pause, wanting to choose your words carefully. Were you alright? Probably not, considering you were head over heels for a mystery man you barely knew.
“I thought you had left, and I didn’t want Michael bothering me anymore,” you tell him instead, keeping things vague. “Where did you go? I was kind of hoping you would come rescue me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t have been proper.”
“Regardless, it would have been appreciated.”
John opens his mouth to continue your banter but freezes, his head turning to the stairs. After a moment, you hear the footsteps that had undoubtedly caught his attention; he must have excellent hearing. Feeling brazen, especially seeing as you don’t know if or when you would see him again, you take John’s hand and tug him inside, closing the door and turning out the light. You press your ear against the door, listening to the approaching footsteps. John watches you, an amused smirk on his face, and you glare at him in the silence. Eventually, the footsteps retreat, and after a moment or two of waiting, you conclude that Michael has gone, flicking the light back on with a sigh.
“You know, you could consider telling the man you are not interested,” John suggests with amusement. You growl at him.
“I shouldn’t have to outright reject him to keep him from trying to follow me to my bedroom,” you snarl, and he raises an eyebrow at you. “Plus, men aren’t always the most accepting of a rejection.”
John is visibly upset by the implications of your words, and something about his slight shift in demeanour has you feeling wary.
“Are you suggesting that someone hurt you as a result of you rejecting them?” he hisses, the sound making you shudder.
“It was a long time ago, and it wasn’t that bad,” you reply quickly, wanting him to settle down. “Loads of my friends have experienced way worse! It’s fine, John, really,” you add, trying to reassure him. His jaw is still clenched, but he takes a deep breath, clearly trying to calm down.
“Why would anyone respond with such anger?” he asks, sounding appalled. Perhaps the culture where he was from was vastly different from America.
“Most people only want to hear what they want to hear,” you say with a shrug. “No one is interested in honesty. I mean, I think I prefer the truth, but even I lie to people if the need arises – I’ve accepted that it’s necessary.”
“Do you mean you would always prefer the truth?” he asks, his eyes locking with yours with a serious expression.
“In every circumstance?” he presses, clearly fishing for something. It has you feeling nervous.
“Yes, I think so,” you breathe, your eyes at his back as he walks across the room to look out your window. After what feels like an eternity, he turns back to you.
“I have not been honest with you, Y/N,” he confesses, looking deeply into your eyes with a pained expression, and you immediately feel yourself choke up. Of course this wasn’t real; there’s no way that somebody like him could truly exist.
Best get the truth out of him now, then, so that you could move on. You can already feel tears pricking your eyes, so immediately affected by his deception.
“W-What do you mean, John?” you ask in a weak, timid voice, and he takes a deep breath before responding.
“My name is not John,” he begins, and you tense up, the blood in your veins turning to ice. “I am Jan Valek, the first and oldest vampire.”
Neither of you blink or say anything for a long moment, your eyes locked. Finally, you let out a breathless, slightly hysterical laugh, the alcohol burning away your nerves.
“T-That’s a good one!” you giggle, unable to contain yourself, and John surveys you with a mildly irritated expression.
“I could prove it to you, if you’d like,” he offers.
“Oh by all means, go ahead!” you agree, beginning to laugh harder.
In a movement far too quick for you to see, he closes the distance between you, taking you in his arms and lowering his head to the side of your neck for a long moment, inhaling deeply. Your laughter dies in your throat immediately. He releases you, taking a step back before reaching up to pull away his mask. Blue veins beneath his pale skin are now prominent around his eyes, and he opens his mouth, revealing a rapidly growing set of sharp fangs.
You scream, stumbling backwards, but then he is on you once more, covering your mouth and nose with a gloved hand and lowering you to the ground gently.
“Calm down, Y/N,” he commands you, a strange light shining in his eyes, and against all rational thought you feel your body start to relax, your heartbeat returning to normal.
“That’s good,” he murmurs approvingly. “Speak quietly,” he adds, his eyes doing the glowing thing again, and you feel the scream you had been building up fade away. He removes his hand from your face, and you wrench yourself out of his grip, scampering back and away from him.
“What…” you begin, clearing your throat as your voice comes out hoarse and soft. “What did you just do?” you demand, the alcohol helping you push past your fear into anger.
“Mesmerization – it’s a sort of hypnosis,” John – Valek, apparently – explains, his voice calm.
“You hypnotized me?!” you hiss, injecting as much venom into your voice as possible since you are unable to yell at him.
“I didn’t want you to draw anyone’s attention, Y/N, I apologize,” the vampire offers, somehow sounding both sincere and unrepentant.
“Why? Are you going to kill me?” you ask him, whimpering at the thought. Strangely, the thought doesn’t upset you as much as the fact that he has been lying to you.
“No.” His reply is forceful and immediate; he looks anguished at the mere suggestion.
“Then what do you want?!” you cry out as loudly as you can, tears streaking down your face. You’re very aware of how the cut of your dress and your updo leave your neck completely exposed, and you pull your hair out of its twist to fall past your shoulders, concealing you. You know that it’s a completely pointless gesture, but you can’t help yourself, the instinct to cover yourself overwhelming.
Valek watches you with a pained, sad expression.
“It is not your blood that I desire, but your heart,” he confesses, longing and desire filling his eyes. “When I first came upon you, I did want to feed on you. Your scent is… intoxicating,” he groans slightly, his eyes rolling back into his head. Goosebumps erupt over your body as pure, primal terror courses through you.
“But as I heard you speak, as I watched you, as I spoke to you myself, you captivated me,” he continues, as though he hadn’t just admitted to wanting to drink your blood. “I have never been drawn to another as I have been drawn to you, Y/N. I have lived over seven hundred years, and in you I find a kindred spirit for the first time; you make me feel alive in ways I long thought were impossible. I have never wanted another the way that I want you, and I know that I will never find another like you as long as I live. I would happily spend the remainder of my existence by your side, and you would be the only thing in this world that I would cherish.”
There is a prolonged silence between you as you struggle to think of something, anything to say in response. Eventually, you give up.
“What am I supposed to say to that?” you ask, your voice slightly hysterical. How could you believe any of this?
“Do you desire me in the same way? As a confidante, a partner, a lover?” he asks bluntly. “Please, beloved, tell the truth,” he adds, and you feel the mesmerization at work once more. You’re upset that he’s controlling you with his strange magical abilities, but the urge to answer builds within you, creating a pressure so great that you are quickly forced to respond.
“Yes,” you moan out the truth, the intense feeling immediately dissipating as the words leave your lips. “You have been everything I have waited for, everything that I hoped a soulmate could be.”
The look he gives you is that of a man seeing the sun for the first time, awe and euphoria practically pouring out of him.
“But this is too much!” you continue, brushing aside the guilt that makes your heart clench as you watch his own break at your words. “You wanted to hurt me, to kill me! You’re not even human! And you lied to me – how am I meant to trust anything you say, to trust you with my life, when I’m… I’m so scared of you right now!” you sob hysterically, wrapping your arms around your knees. “I don’t want to feel this way for you, I don’t want to love you!”
You force yourself to look back up at him, scared at what your rejection might cause him to do. He is frozen in his crouched position on the floor across from you, eerily still, an expression of pure agony on his face. His eyes flit to yours, and then he nods, standing up in a flash of movement that causes you to let out a strangled yelp. He lifts you to your feet before you can protest, his movements gentle and controlled, and you find yourself trembling in his grip.
“Sleep, beloved,” he murmurs, and your eyelids immediately feel heavy. He guides you to your bed, helping you onto it but making no move to join you. You know that you should feel upset, angry, terrified – who knew what the extent of his strangely hypnotic powers were? – but you find yourself trusting him against your better judgement. He covers you with the blanket, looming over you, and you close your eyes – it’s too difficult to look at him right now. Still, you feel a tear escape and trail down your cheek at the mess of emotions that would be overwhelming you right now if you weren’t so tired.
“Be at peace, my treasure,” he coos softly as you drift off. “I wish for nothing more than your happiness.”
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The next few days are hard and lonely. You had steadfastly rejected Roberta’s invitation to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve at a nearby ski lodge with your other friends, desperately needing to be alone. You’re grateful for the time to yourself – you know you wouldn’t be able to hide the turmoil of your emotions from anybody. You had initially wanted to get a flight back to school when you woke up the day after the party, wanting to be away from this place and anything that made you think of him, but a snowstorm had grounded all flights.
You’ve been too scared to leave the house, afraid of running into him despite knowing that he wouldn’t need to lie in wait for you in town if he wanted to see you. Regardless, you’re grateful for the fully stocked fridge and pantry – there was no reason you would have to leave the little bubble of safety you had encased yourself in.
You yawn once again despite it being the middle of the day, rubbing your eyes sleepily. The days since the masquerade have been devastating – you’ve floated around in a fog, confused and heartbroken and exhausted. You can’t get Valek out of your head; you dream of him, you think you see him in the shadowy corners of the manor… you recognize the symptoms of lovesickness and heartbreak from your favourite old romance novels, but you never expected that the pain could be quite so intense.
You’ve taken to jotting your thoughts and feelings down in your journal, just needing to get them out of your head – this isn’t exactly the sort of thing that you can talk to Roberta about. A shame, really; she’d been wanting for you to have a love life for years now, and now that you actually have a situation you can’t even come to her with it.
You wander around the manor, eventually ending up in the ballroom – you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to visit it since the night of the masquerade. You wrap your arms around your body comfortingly – the large, open space is incredibly drafty and cold when not filled with people. Your eyes instinctively move to the wall on the far side of the room where the two of you had stood, and you again feel overwhelmed by your emotions. You miss him terribly; not just his presence, but the way he made you feel worthwhile, hopeful for the first time in a long time.
But, as much as your heart aches with regret, you can’t stop the shiver of fear that runs through you at the thought. Valek was a vampire, immortal, lethal; he had wanted to kill you before you had even met!
You force yourself to head back to your room, the ballroom bringing up too much for you to handle just now. It’s dark again already, and you turn the bedroom light on as you enter. Your eyes flit to your journal, still laid open on your desk, bits and pieces of your handwriting jumping off the page at you.
… It isn’t only the feelings he sparks in me, but their depth; I never would have believed such intense emotion existed, let alone that it could be felt so much, and for so long…
… I haven’t had a restful sleep since that night, and it’s starting to affect even my waking life. I see him in every shadow, anticipate him around every corner; he has consumed me entirely, and I fear that it will go on forever…
You grimace down at your messy cursive, feeling pathetic. Who’s to say that he had even been genuine about his feelings for you in the first place? You could be mourning the loss of a relationship that he never even wanted.
You turn to sit on your bed, and as you do you notice that your book of poetry is open on your bedside table, a deep red rose placed along the spine as a bookmark. You freeze. You had buried that book in your luggage the morning after the party, and tossed the roses away immediately afterwards, not wanting to see anything to do with him, and you have been alone in the house for days now. Against your better judgement, you pick up the book, moving the rose to rest on the table and reading the poem on the open page.
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which i cannot touch because they are too near
your slightest look easily will unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers, you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens (touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose
or if your wish be to close me, i and my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly, as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals the power of your intense fragility: whose texture compels me with the colour of its countries, rendering death and forever with each breathing
(i do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses) nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
You find yourself tearing up as you read the poem with fresh eyes, Valek’s choice both beautiful and heart-wrenching. You’re still unsure if you can believe his feelings to be genuine, but if they are, you both share the same intense angst of an unrequited love. You take a deep breath, bracing yourself as you prepare to confront him.
“Valek?” you call out, your quiet voice still echoing through the silent old house. It was the first time you had said his real name; you haven’t allowed yourself to since learning it.
There’s a light breeze behind you and when you turn, Jan Valek is standing in the middle of your bedroom. Your heart races immediately, both in fear and longing, and you’re unable to tell whether you want to run into his arms or to run away. You survey each other in silence for a long moment, and then he finally opens his mouth to speak.
“Don’t!” you growl out, your voice not betraying any of the nervousness and fear you’re currently feeling. His mouth snaps shut.
“Don’t even think about trying your mesmerizing hocus pocus on me, Jan Valek!” you snarl, and he presses his lips into a thin line; you think he may be trying to keep himself from laughing, which only fuels your anger.
“Who the hell do you think you are? You follow me around because you want to… kill me, or eat me, or whatever, you spy on me, you hyponotize me into confessing that I’m in love with you, you break in, you read my journal, you go through my things!” you pause mid-rant to catch your breath, angrily tossing the book of poetry at him, and he lets it smack him in the chest, remaining perfectly still. “How am I meant to feel about all of this, Valek?! I’m scared, I’m angry, I haven’t slept in days, I don’t even feel like a person anymore! You’ve ruined me!” you sob, unable to look him in the eye, instead staring at the ground in front of his feet.
“But I don’t need to tell you any of that; God knows you’ve been watching me suffer this whole time,” you whisper softly, your anger completely drained from you and replaced with a painful emptiness. You hear a sharp intake of breath that makes you look up at him through your tears; he looks completely devastated.
“So what do you want?” you ask, bracing yourself for the answer, be it in the form of words or his fangs piercing your flesh. “Why are you here?” you demand, crossing your arms in front of you.
“I could not bring myself to stay away,” he admits in a quiet, pained voice, looking at the ground just as you had during your own little speech. “At first I was merely being selfish, needing to see you again. Then, I saw you suffering as I have been, and I needed to know that you would pull out of it, that you would be alright. But it has been days, and you are in such pain… I do not know what I can do to make it stop, but I will do anything you ask; I cannot bear knowing of your heartache any longer.”
Your heartbreak takes on an entirely different level of hurt as you watch this giant, otherworldly man come undone at witnessing your suffering. So much of your soul longs for Valek, your love for him rivaling all other emotions, and you find yourself needing to ease his pain, so intertwined with your own. But how to do it?
“Give me a minute,” you tell him quietly when he looks like he’s becoming agitated with your lack of response, “I’m trying to think.” He nods, seeming relieved that you’re planning on answering him at all.
You force yourself to confront all of the negative feelings that this man – for he was still a man, at least in some regard – to try to figure out where they were coming from and how they could be rectified. There was just so much that was completely unknown to you: who he was, what he was, what he wanted with you… perhaps getting some answers would help clarify things for you.
“You forced me to tell you the truth,” you remind him bitterly, and his mouth twists into a grimace. He certainly seems to regret his actions. “Will you do the same for me? Answer my questions honestly, no matter what?”
He nods immediately, the corners of his mouth turning up in a small smile. “I will never lie to you again, dear one. Ask me anything, and I will tell you true. And if at the end you wish to be rid of me, I will never bother you again.”
Your heart twinges painfully at the mere thought of never seeing him again, but you push your feelings down for the moment, giving him a nod.
“Sit first, please,” he implores you, gesturing to your bed. “You are exhausted, beloved.” You move back, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to get too comfortable and fall asleep. Now that Valek is here, much of the pain you had been enduring had gone away, being replaced with overwhelming fatigue.
“What about you?” you ask, crossing your legs under yourself.
“I do not tire as you do; my kind has no need for sleep.”
“Well, sit for my sake then, if you would. Looking up at you will hurt my neck after awhile.”
Amused, he looks around the room at his various seating options, then neglects them all in favour of kneeling on the carpet before you, looking up at you with pure devotion.
“V-Valek,” you stammer, peering down at him. “I meant in a chair…”
“I am where I wish to be, Y/N. Now please, what answers are you wanting to hear?” he insists, gazing up at you expectantly.
You decide to start with some of the safer, less personal questions – namely, the ones about vampirism.
“So… you’re a vampire,” you begin hesitantly, worrying your lower lip between your teeth.
“I am,” he answers, smiling at you indulgently.
“Does that mean that you kill people regularly?” You hold your breath, bracing yourself for the answer.
“Not regularly,” he clarifies. “I have killed vampire Slayers who attempted to kill me and mine, mostly.”
“There are vampire slayers?” you interrupt him, incredulous.
“Yes, they are a part of the Catholic Church.”
You blink down at him, stunned as you process that piece of information. “That’s… er… alright.”
“I do not make a habit of killing humans, Y/N,” he continues, returning to your initial question. “I have, on occasion, gone too far while feeding, and lost myself to the moment, but not for many years. It is largely an issue of self-restraint, and I have had centuries to develop that.”
You mull this information over.
“So you don’t normally kill people to feed on them?”
“Rarely, and never intentionally.”
“And how often do you feed?”
“Every week or so.”
“And do your… victims know about it?”
Valek looks away from you with a contrite expression. You wait him out for a long moment, staring down at the top of his head, but he doesn’t respond.
“You promised,” you remind him, and he looks back at you, ashamed.
“They do not,” he admits, and you find yourself reflexively leaning away from him. His eyes track your movement with an unhappy expression. “Please, may I explain to you why?”
You nod; if he’s willing to give you the truth, the least you can do is listen to it.
“Once we have fed, it is common practice to coat the wound in our saliva. It seals the wound and expedites healing. By morning, they will have a faint bruise, and the area may feel tender for a day or two, but nothing more. I typically mesmerize the victim to sleep beforehand; they never realize anything has happened.”
“You mesmerized me to sleep,” you point out with a cold expression. “Did you feed on me?”
“No, beloved, I assure you. I knew from the first minutes of our conversation that I would never in good conscience feed on you,” he reveals, sincerity ringing in every word. “Without your permission, that is.”
“Why would someone give permission to be fed on?” you ask, confused. “What good does it do them?”
“Companionship between vampires and humans is not unheard of, romantic or otherwise, though I have no personal experience with that sort of thing,” Valek says, and your heart skips a beat. “Some humans offer themselves to be fed on in place of unwitting victims, believing it to be easier on their conscience for befriending one of my kind.”
He rests his head on your mattress next to your legs, looking up at you with a scorching gaze that has your knees going weak. “I have also been told that the sensation of being fed on is nothing short of ecstasy.”
Your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself by adjusting your position – namely so that you can clench your legs together, darkly seductive images coming to mind. Perhaps Valek’s vampirism was yet another reason you had been drawn to him, your sexual fantasies far less innocent than your relative inexperience would suggest.
“Regardless,” you say, trying to get back on track – or at least away from the current topic. “Just because you heal someone up afterwards and they never know about it doesn’t justify feeding on them without their knowledge.”
“I agree with you; my reasons are entirely selfish,” Valek concedes, looking regretful once more. “But think of how you responded when I showed you what I am; how you are still afraid of me now.”
You swallow, thinking back to the primal fear that flowed through you as you had seen his true form for the first time.
“I do not enjoy being a monster, Y/N,” Valek admits, his voice filled with anguish. “I do not want to cause harm to humans, to see their fear and revulsion in their eyes. Not even if I can compel them to forget it by morning.”
You pity him, seeing the toll that the centuries of suffering he has endured has taken on him. It wasn’t his choice to be a vampire, you presume, and watching others be terrified of you for doing what was necessary to stay alive must be intolerable. Perhaps there is some logic to his approach…
You pester him with further questions, each of his answers only bringing up more questions. He tells you about his abilities – you grill him particularly aggressively about mesmerization – and how many of his kind there are, which prompts questions about how someone is Turned into a vampire. The interrogation goes on for ages, and you find yourself fighting your fatigue more and more as the night stretches on.
“You said that you were the first vampire the other day - How did you become a vampire if no one was around to bite you?” you ask, immediately feeling horribly guilty as the question has him nearly cringing. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to tell me.”
He looks back up at you appreciatively, slowly lifting a gloved hand to yours, stroking the back of your hand. You snatch up one of his fingers, giving it a squeeze with a shy smile, and his gaze softens at the gesture.
“I said that I would tell you the truth, my treasure, and I will. But thank you for your grace, Y/N,” Valek coos, and you feel yourself blush. He summarizes the brutal and unjust exorcism gone wrong, and you feel a vicious rage building within you that you haven’t experienced before.
“That’s horrific,” you hiss, nearly shaking in your anger. Valek reaches up without having to look, reclaiming your hand once more.
“Do not be angry, beloved – it was very long ago, and I have made peace with it.”
“How?!” you ask incredulously. “What could possibly help you get over something like that?”
“It enabled me to meet you.”
His tone is casual, as though it should be obvious that knowing you was worth torture and a warped, twisted life of immortality, though he can’t bring himself to look into your eyes. You’re sure he can hear the way your heart is hammering under your ribs.
“Valek… you can’t mean that.”
He smoothly gets to his feet, turning to look down at you with reverence. “I do mean it, little one,” he croons. “I may have accepted this existence centuries ago, but I have never been grateful for it until I met you. My heart no longer beats, but I feel as though it could for you, Y/N. I desire you in any and every capacity you would allow me to have you, my love."
The confession is everything you dreamed of hearing one day, and so much more.
“The other vampires that you mentioned before, the ones that were involved romantically with humans… how did those relationships end?” you ask hesitantly, and Valek’s eyes light up at the implication that you aren’t completely shutting down the idea of being with him.
“Some go their separate ways, some live out their partner’s mortal life with them, and others go on forever, the vampire Turning the human,” he explains, laying out your options. “I would never Turn you unless it was something that you wanted, Y/N,” he assures you. “I will be with you until your dying breath if you permit it, be that as a mortal or a vampire.”
You’re not sure when you moved off the bed, but you find yourself slowly closing the distance between you until you’re nearly in his arms.
“You are mesmerizing me, Jan Valek,” you accuse, looking up at him with unbridled longing. “You have to be. This can’t be real.”
“I assure you that you have the same hold on me, my treasure,” Valek purrs, his presence seeming to surround you, though he makes no move to touch you, as though worried the gesture might scare you away. “You have me completely at your mercy, Y/N. I will give you anything, you need only to ask.”
“I… I want everything that you are, Valek,” you confess, feeling as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders the moment you get the words out. “I love you; I need you.”
Valek slowly reaches for you, drawing you close to him with an arm around your waist, his other hand gently brushing a loose lock of hair behind your ear before cradling the side of your face.
“Kiss me,” you beg in a whisper, and he immediately obliges, bending to capture your lips with his own. The tingling sensation that had raced through you when your hand had touched his gloved one in the past pales in comparison to the sheer electricity that courses through you as your lips meet. Your desire fully overwhelms you as you throw yourself at him, leaping into his arms to twine your arms around his neck, your bodies flush with one another as you kiss him with everything you’ve got.
Valek seems briefly taken aback by your ferocity; it takes him a moment before he lifts you right off your feet, holding you against him with ease as you devour one another. His lips are surprisingly soft and warm, and incredibly inviting – you find yourself getting dizzy. Valek lowers you back to the ground, trying to break the kiss, but you cling to him; he ends up having to forcefully pull you off of him.
“You stopped breathing, beloved,” he explains with a chuckle when you pout at him, not even aware of your body frantically trying to catch its breath. You blush, horribly embarrassed, and he scoops you up, carrying you to the bed and sitting you down on it, moving to stand back from you, intent on waiting for you to calm down.
“That’s hardly my fault,” you say huffily, staring up at him with dark, hooded eyes, and he smirks down at you in a way that has your whole body trembling with need. “Please don’t stop!”
Valek has you on your back on the bed quicker than you can blink, looming over you with his larger form but pointedly not touching you. Impatiently, you reach up to pull him down but he thwarts your attempts, gathering your wrists and pinning them over your head gently with one hand. Such a little act of dominance has your eyes rolling into the back of your head, completely ready and willing to give yourself to him in any way he wants. 
“Tell me what you need, my heart. I want to taste your desire in your words,” he purrs, lowering his body closer to yours but remaining just out of reach.
He makes you want to let go and lose control and just feel, and you tell him as much, shamelessly begging him to take you and do all the darkly romantic, sensual things you didn’t think you’d ever be able to bring yourself to ask for. The heated look he gives you assures you that he will give you them all and nearly has you delirious with lust.
He moves agonizingly slowly, his hands controlled and precise as he undresses you. Every inch of your flesh exposed to his gaze is looked upon with adoration and awe, and he doesn’t stop to give into his burning desire to touch you until he has fully divested you of your clothes, relying on every shred of patience he’s developed during the course of his existence. Having not had his centuries of experience, you eagerly try to push his heavy coat off his shoulders, your fingers moving to the buttons on his shirt as he chuckles and moves to help you take off his coat.
“Patience, my dear,” Valek croons, taking hold of your hands once more as you squirm underneath him, chilly and impatient and desperate for his touch. “I fully intend to savour every moment of this as I make you mine.”
“But I want to see you!” you whine, pouting up at him and batting your eyes. He looks down at your naked form, desperate with need for him, and the pale blue veins around his eyes start to appear as he gives into his carnal desires. He licks his lips, and you see his fangs sharpening in his mouth.
“Fuck,” you moan wantonly as his vampiric side comes out. Instead of the fear that you had felt the first time you had seen him in this form, now it only sends a thrill through you; somehow, you want him even more because of the danger he poses. Valek, however, misunderstands and immediately moves to soothe you.
“It is alright, Y/N, just the similarities between bloodlust and my lust for you that bring this side out of me. I can stop if you are frightened, but I assure you that I am still in control of myself.”
“I’m not!” you pant, unsuccessfully trying to squirm out of his grip and pounce on him. “Please, Valek, I’m not scared of you doing anything except stopping.”
He leans down to kiss you once again to silence your complaints, and you happily oblige him, letting him kiss you into submission, his dark hair falling around you like a curtain. Still with his lips on yours, Valek tears his gloves off to reveal his long, slender fingers and sharp nails, running them lightly up your sides and making you arch up off the bed with a wail, your cries swallowed by his mouth.
He releases your lips, allowing you to catch your breath while he lays kisses all over your face as though he wants to claim every inch of you. You hope he does; you’re already all his.
“Your skin tastes of sunshine,” he murmurs seductively, his lips moving lightly down your neck to one of your shoulders, then slowly making their way along your collarbone to the other. “I would bask in your warmth forever if you would let me, beloved.”
“I will, I do,” you moan, reaching between you to try to finish taking off his shirt. A loud, purring rumble emanates from within him as your fingers stroke his bare chest, giving you a fluttering sense of pride. Feeling more confident, you slide your hands up along his neck to hold his face, tilting it upwards so that his eyes meet yours. He cocks his head at you with an inquisitive expression.
“You know that I love your old-fashioned approach to romance, Valek,” you tell him seriously, “and we will have my entire lifetime – if not forever – to take things slow. But I need to be yours right now. And I don’t want you to be gentle; show me that you desire me the way I do you – don’t hold back.”
He gives you a nearly feral look, his hands curling into fists as he tries to control himself; somehow, you are able to sense the energy he’s fighting to keep inside of him instead of tearing into something.
“You wish for a taste of darkness, beloved?” he asks, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the side. You gawk at his broad, pale chest, trying not to drool, and lick your lips. Valek hisses at the action, adjusting himself over his pants. You sit up, your hands moving to his belt; this time, he doesn’t stop you.
“I wish for a taste of you, Valek,” you tell him in a fierce whisper, looking up at him as you remove his belt and move to the button of his pants. “If being rough with me will make you feel half as good as I know it’ll make me feel, then yes, please. Claim me, my love. Make all of me yours.”
He pins you back against the sheets with a growl, his sharp nails drawing teasing patterns across your breasts, your nipples peaking as if to demand more of the rough treatment. You arch your back, thrusting your breasts into his hands with a needy cry. Valek is utterly merciless in his torment, bringing you to the threshold between pleasure and pain and keeping you there. You are practically vibrating with need as one of his hands trails down your torso to your thighs, parting them with ease. One long finger slips between your slick folds, grazing your clit, and you shriek, bucking your hips towards him. You hear him snicker softly against your chest, his lips and tongue continuing to tease your breasts as his hands move lower.
“You are otherworldly when you are giving into sin, Y/N,” he croons, his fingers insistent as they explore your entrance, slick with your arousal. You let out a whimper that he swallows into his mouth, his fingers working at your clit and not relenting until you’re on the precipice of orgasm before he backs off, only to repeat the action, edging you over and over until you’re nearly delirious. And still, all you want is more.
“Please!” you manage to beg him, your hands guiding his face to your neck, wordlessly trying to convey what you want. You’re losing all sense of lucidity, clinging desperately to your sanity as he brings you so close to the edge. Valek turns his head to the side, his tongue reaching out to lick the outer shell of your ear and making you shiver.
“Please what, my sweet? I want to hear you say it,” he whispers, and you can tell he is enjoying prolonging your torture.
“Bite me! Feed on me!” you demand shamelessly, your eyes shut tight as you try to focus on the feeling of his mouth on your skin, seeking any indication that he will give this to you. “Make me scream for you.”
You hear him inhale deeply, his nose lightly running up and down the side of your neck, and you turn your head to the side to give him better access. His fingers have stopped their endless teasing of your swollen clit, but you are still trembling in anticipation. You feel his tongue dart out and give your sensitive flesh a sinful lick, making you gasp for breath.
Finally, you feel him bite you, the only pain being a slight sting that only adds to the overwhelming pleasure that courses through you. You’re not even sure that ecstasy was an accurate enough description for this feeling coursing through your veins – the pleasure is absolutely indescribable. Your eyes roll back in your head, the parts of your body not currently pinned in place by his body thrashing out of your control as you come violently. You hear yourself distantly shrieking in rapture, moaning and whimpering his name, babbling for more as he feeds on you, his fingers relentless at your clit and drawing out your climax – or maybe he was just making you orgasm again and again without interruption.
Eventually, he ends his torment, licking your wound to seal it before lifting his head from your neck, traces of blood on his lips. He stares down at you with a satiated expression, trying to remove his hand from between your clenched thighs, still spasming and out of your control. You’re sure that your inner thighs will be bruised from how you had squeezed them against his firm hand, and the idea only adds to your bliss. He leans down to kiss you but hesitates, unsure of your willingness to taste your own blood. You’re able to gather enough strength and lucidity to force yourself to sit up and kiss him, pulling him down to lay on top of you. There is a slight metallic taste to his lips, but it is largely overshadowed by the intoxicating taste of Valek, an indescribable flavour that you’re sure you’ll never get enough of.
“Finally satisfied, my little temptress?” Valek asks teasingly against your lips, your body completely relaxed beneath him.
“Nearly,” you hum through a yawn, blindly reaching to remove his pants once more. He groans, rolling over with you and cradling you on top of his chest.
“You are exhausted, beloved,” he points out, stroking your hair affectionately. “There will be time enough for that later.” Stubbornly, you ignore him, pushing yourself up onto your knees and tugging his pants down his legs, trying and failing to dodge his hands as they snatch up your wrists.
“Valek!” you whine, pouting down at him. His lips quirk into a smile at your persistence, and you narrow your eyes at him before throwing one leg over him and straddling his narrow waist, inches away from where you really want to be. Valek stills, transfixed, and you slowly bend down until your face is right above his, feeling decidedly naughty.
“I believe we agreed that you would be rough with me, my love,” you murmur, one hand drawing teasing patterns across his bare chest. “I hope you don’t think I’m so delicate that I’ve already had enough of you tonight. I need you to defile me, inside and out.” You grind yourself against his firm abdominal muscles, and he growls. You decide to try the innocent approach next to get him to give in.
“Please?” you ask, batting your eyelashes down at him with the most innocent expression you can muster, and he lets out a wild snarl, rolling you onto your back again and tearing off the rest of his clothes hastily before positioning himself between your legs. You can’t see his cock, pressed against him as you are, but you can certainly feel it, the silky hard length rubbing against your thighs enticingly. Eagerly, you wrap your legs around his waist, trying to line him up with your entrance by feel alone.
“You will be my undoing, my treasure,” he tells you, his blue eyes locked with yours, and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you until your foreheads touch.
“And you will be my forever, Valek,” you reply, kissing him passionately. He thrusts into your wet heat in one fluid movement that has your toes curling and sets about claiming you yet again; you have only so much time before the sunrise.
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[FYI: The poem Valek chose for her is “Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond” by E.E. Cummings]
Hope you all enjoyed! Day #3's fic is looking to be more depraved than this one, if all goes according to plan... 👁️👄👁️ (It's a carry-over from Dark Desires October I didn't get to; sue me!)
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doctorcorby · 6 months
In Justice We Trust (76501 words) by thesavagesabretooth
catch up here
With Simon Blackquill and Athena Cykes assigned as their psychologists, the Phantom and Fulbright must grapple with their identity, their deeds, their future, and their love for the twisted samurai whom they betrayed.
All the while, Edgeworth and Wright find their relationship tested as they walk the narrow path between pursuing real justice, and the dark age of the law.
December 24, 8:50 pm
14 hours in an airplane was a tiring flight, no matter how excited you were to watch your rockstar bestie film a commercial, and by the time Trucy and the gang shuffled out to go pick up their luggage, even she and Pearl were dragging.
Pearl stumbled, and caught herself on Trucy's shoulder, giving her an exhausted smile. "Oops! sorry about that."
“Oop!” Trucy caught herself from stumbling too, flashing a bright smile at her as she managed to keep them both from toppling over. She yawned. “Don’t worry about it! I’ve never been on a plane like that before. It felt like we were flying forever.” 
"Right? And Mr. Nick and Mr. Miles were like, mostly asleep the whole time," Pearl giggled, straightening up a bit in Trucy's arms. "I'm glad we at least got to chat with Kay! Do you think she'll be too busy to go see Klavier with us?"
Trucy put a gloved hand to her lips, her arms around Pearl’s shoulders as they shuffled along. “It was nice to talk to Kay. I’d been wanting to get that pickpocketing secret from her for like, years. Maybe we can ask her? I hope not, I think she’d be over the moon to see it instead of whatever Mr. Edgeworth wants her to do.” 
"Same," Pearl nodded. She chewed on her thumb as they waited by the baggage claim for their suitcases to appear. She dropped her voice low. "Whatever it is, they sure aren't excited to tell us about it, huh?"
“Nope…I tried asking Daddy and he went white as a sheet and told me it wasn’t something to worry about." She sniffed in quiet frustration as she watched the baggage belt roll past “which usually means it really is.” 
"For real!" Pearl nodded. "Mr. Nick always tries to handle all his problems himself. That's why we always have to butt in and help him, right?"
“Exactly! Just like always, yeah? Because who’s gonna help him if we don’t?” She shook her head. “He really should have learned by now that the more he tries to leave us out, the more we get involved, right?” 
"He really should have," Pearl nodded, and continued to chew thoughtfully on her nail. "But um, we'll do that after we go see Klavier, right?”
“Well yeah!” Trucy gave her a squeeze, her hat slipping down her forehead. “Like heck I’m gonna miss his show after he invited us all the way out here! He’d probably cry from a lack of Trucy and Pearl gracing his stage.” 
"I bet he would! And that would be awful!" 
"Hey ladies!" A voice greeted them from behind. "Need a hand with your suitcases?"
“EEEK!” Trucy jumped, her had leaping a full inch over her head before plopping back down on her brow 
"Whoa, whoa, sorry!" Apollo Justice held out his hands apologetically as they both turned around to see him. "I didn't mean to scare you!"
"Well, um, you did!" Pearl pouted. "Gosh make some noise next time…"
Trucy stuck her tongue out. 
“Polly, you usually boom everywhere with that voice of yours!” She pointed to him with a grin. “for that you get to carry my bag for me! And Pearly’s too!”
Apollo blinked at her, and pushed his hair back. 
"Trucy, I just offered to.-- you know what, never mind. You got it." He laughed and grabbed both their suitcases as they came down the track. "I don't have one to carry right now anyway."
“Really?” Trucy gasped in surprise. “...why didn’t you pack anything, Polly? You’re gonna worry Klavier!” 
"No, no, I packed," he explained, hauling the cases across the airport floor as he looked around for Trucy's dad and the rest. "Well– okay technically Athena packed for me. I didn't have any time, so, she's got my suitcase… I hope."
Pearl giggled behind her hands, but Trucy noticed she was watching Apollo carefully. "Gosh, Apollo! Kind of scatterbrained, aren't you?"
"Sorry to disappoint you Miss Pearl."
Pearl meanwhile, glanced significantly over at Trucy, and Trucy remembered what they'd talked about the night before.
Trucy nodded seriously at her, before she put on her best and brightest smile. 
“Hey, Apollo…I wanted to ask you something when you got a moment for your favorite little employer.” 
"Huh?" He glanced over his shoulder at her. "Um, sure, of course Trucy. Maybe when we're settled at the hotel?"
As Trucy looked at him, she thought, maybe it was a trick of the light but his eyes, and his hair looked darker than usual.
“Hmm…” Trucy’s strange eyes stared him down for a long moment before she broke into a bright smile. “yeah that sounds great!”
December 24, 9:20 pm
At the hotel, Trucy and Pearl hurriedly got comfortable in their room together. They laid out their things, brushed their teeth, checked the channels on the hotel's tv, and giggled with excitement about going to see Klavier the next day.
Soon, Pearl said, "I'm gonna take a shower if you don't mind, Trucy. Are you still planning to talk to Apollo tonight?"
“Of course!” Trucy replied as she leaned up and stretched, using the motion to ease herself to her feet. “I think I’m gonna ask him about the ghost thing…when you channel someone you can see it, right? At least a little.”
"With the Kurain technique of channeling your whole body transforms," she murmured thoughtfully. "I don't know exactly how it works for other types of channeling or possession, but i think you can see it at least a little.."
“I think I saw some of it. Apollo didn’t look…exactly himself.” she murmured to Pearl. “I think it was his friend.” 
"I thought that might be the case. Um, Trucy?"
Trucy leaned in with a tilt of her hat as she placed it upon her head .“Yeah Pearly?” 
"Be careful, okay? If Apollo doesn't want to talk about it, maybe don't push too much? Um, I don't know him too well, and I didn't know the ghost that's hanging on to him at all– I'm sure he was a nice person, but…" Pearl trailed off nervously.
“But you don’t want me to be ghost murdered?” Trucy said with a serious nod “...I get it. Ghosts can be kinda touchy, right?” 
She nodded seriously. "Exactly. Ghosts don't always react like living people, especially if they're not being channeled by someone with experience, or if they don't know they're dead and you make them think about it. They can get um, I think the word I've heard used is 'erratic'."
Trucy shivered as the ‘worst case scenarios’ flashed through her mind. Still, she bonked herself atop the head with a broad grin.
 “I promise, Pearly. The minute he starts getting too weird or makes a sudden move, I’ll bonk him with Mr. Hat and make a run for it.”
December 24, 9:30 pm
Apollo was staying in the same room as her Daddy, but she was pretty sure that Daddy was with Mr. Edgeworth in his room, talking about whatever it was she wasn't supposed to know about. Probably a murder. It was usually murder.
Anyway, that meant she was reasonably confident that Apollo would be alone– or as alone as possible given the circumstances– when she knocked on the door, and as luck would have it, she was right.
He popped his head out the door, wisps of unruly hair flopping over his face.
"Hey, Truce!"
“Hel-lo Apo-llo” she sounded out the words with a playful grin, leaning in with a flutter of her cape. “Got some time for your favorite boss?” 
"Did my favorite boss send you to ask that?" he teased. "Assuming you mean you– come on in."
“Uh huh.” She stuck her tongue out at him, before she slipped inside. “You haven’t been around as much lately. I’ve missed you!” 
Apollo's hotel room was already a mess with Trucy's daddy's things– she saw one of his blue suits laid out over the chair. Apollo stood awkwardly by the desk, and smiled over at her.
"I've missed you too. But it's been quite a week, huh?"
“It’s been crazy.” Trucy agreed, tucking her dark hair over her ear as she shut the door behind her. “I didn’t expect to be traveling halfway across the world so soon!” 
"Yeah, tell me about it," Apollo said. He shook his head. "I didn't know until this morning. Feel like I've hardly had a chance to catch my breath."
“Yeah? I know I’m coming to see Klavier~” she mused as she plopped herself up on the table beside him. “Daddy’s also here but he won’t tell me why. Typical. Like he thinks he can actually keep secrets from me.” 
"He didn't tell you?" Apollo raised his eyebrows. "So, wait– you didn't think I was coming to see Klavier too, did you?"
Trucy leaned towards him with a shake of her head. 
“I’d kinda hoped! But I figured you were here with Daddy…which means you know what’s goin’ on.” She pointed her finger at him. “I wanna know, a secret for a secret, okay?” 
He crossed his arms, leaning against the desk. "What do you mean, a secret for a secret?"
“I mean I’ll tell you a secret we noticed in exchange for what Daddy’s doing here, Apollo!” 
"I mean, your dad's not going to be happy with me if I tell on him– although I can't imagine it staying a secret for too long with everybody here," he muttered. "...is your secret a good one?"
“It involves you?” Trucy offered with a bright smile. 
"It involves me," he repeated, narrowing his eyes. He sighed heavily, and Trucy watched him fidget with his tie, loosening it. "Alright. Fine."
Trucy snuck closer to him, inching over the top of the table with a huge grin. “you first.” 
"Okay," he pulled his tie open, leaving it hanging over his vest. Trucy thought she saw his appearance seem to shimmer strangely as he stood there, a far away expression in his face. "You probably guessed it's for a case. Some interpol agents were killed, and Edgeworth wants us to look into it."
Trucy nodded sagely. She took off her hat, and left it on her lap as she hummed.
“Yikes. Sounds like it’s kinda a big deal if Mr. Edgy is getting involved too. So that’s why Daddy’s being secretive about it.” She tilted her head at him. “...Innnteresting. Alright, as payment...about the thing I wanted to tell you…” 
"I'm listening," he nodded, his dark gaze flicked toward her.
“We’re secretly brother and sister,” she lied with a wicked grin. 
He snorted, and she watched his shoulders jerk in surprise. 
"What?" He rubbed his bracelet–it must have pinched him– and looked at her with one eye open, "Trucy, it's not funny to lie about that kind of thing."
She laughed, kicking her feet with an innocent grin on her face before she bopped the top of her head with her tongue out.
“Sorrrryyyy. I was just kidding around! Sorry…but the real thing is ah..” she bit her lip. “Pearly said she saw a ghost in you. Like…you’re possessed.” 
His chin jerked up, and his dark gaze fixed on her again. She watched him rub his bracelet again, this time with a different frown written across his face.
"Can you say that again?"
“Pearl says she can see another spirit in you.” Trucy tilted her head to the side, as her hand reached back to rest on Mr. Hat’s mechanism, just in case. “She’s a spirit medium, you know? And I’ll be honest…I’ve kinda noticed too. Sometimes you look just a little different…and act different too.” 
He looked away still rubbing his bracelet. He had to know that she wasn't lying.
"Pearl shouldn't make jokes like that."
“It’s not a lie,” Trucy said slowly, “or a joke. Pearl wouldn’t joke about that kinda thing, Polly. I know I can joke around a lot, but I’m being serious when I say I noticed it too…and Pearl super did.” 
"I don't want to say anything unkind about Pearl, but I think maybe she's just got an active imagination, and wrapped you up in it, Trucy." Apollo had crossed his arms tightly and protectively over his chest. "I know Pearl was raised to believe in ghosts, but is that something you really believe in, Trucy?"
She stared at him incredulously. “I’ve got eyes that can tell when someone’s lying, and a family of magicians. Plus, Daddy says his old legal assistant Maya used to summon her dead sister into her body all the time to give him pep talks and stuff.” 
"Trucy, not to be negative, but 'eyes that see someone lying' is more like weaponized anxiety than anything else. And I know what Mr. Wright says but– I'm serious, Trucy, do you really actually believe in ghosts? You're not 12 you know."
Trucy felt a sting of irritation, causing her to pout as she leaned back on the table. 
“Yeah, no shit, Polly. But I’m saying stranger things happen every day…and Pearly says she can see and channel ghosts and I believe her. Did you know?” She pointed to him. “You’re a lawyer, so you super should. The existence of ghosts is a legal fact, dummy. It was proven in court like, 8 or so years ago. They had an exorcism on live tv! Daddy’s nasty ex girlfriend, everyone saw it!” 
Trucy knew that Apollo must have seen it too– after all, Apollo had hero worshiped her daddy for a long time. That was what he had said, that Phoenix Wright had helped him want to become a lawyer.
"Just because it was accepted as evidence in court doesn't mean it must have been real," he murmured bitterly. "Trucy– I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to make you upset but I– I lost someone really close to me recently, you know? You can't just say things to me like ghosts are real and not expect me to be upset."
Trucy grimaced, looking down with a slight flush of guilt. She gripped her wrist, glancing up at him with her focused eyes.
“I..I know, Apollo. I know you’re hurting, a lot. Trust me.” She shrugged her shoulders gently “I’ve lost a lot of people, too. But…you seem different. Really different, sometimes…maybe I’m a little worried that you don’t think you can trust me to talk about it….or I dunno. You’re going to start getting distant…or whoever’s in there with you will.” 
"Trucy," he repeated. He looked at her with absolutely heartbroken, exhausted eyes. "Trucy, I know the last time you lost someone you were really young. But I am grieving, okay? You have to understand that I am going to be different because I'm seriously– I'm seriously messed up about this."
He put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her with a dark, haunted expression. "I'm not going to tell you I haven't been different. I have– I know I have. Even after I made up with Athena. But grief does that, Trucy. Grief can make you somebody else for a while. I can't– I have to– I have to work really hard to get over this big part of my life that's just been torn out of the world forever."
Apollo's voice hitched and broke. His fingers dug into her shoulders. "I have to, okay? I have to work through this, and get over it. I have to. You can't come in here and tell me that when I hear his voice in my head that's real, that that's really him. That's not– that's not healthy, Truce."
His big, haunted dark eyes looked terrified, and were beaded with tears.
Trucy winced under his hands. It wasn’t exactly true that the last time she’d lost someone she cared for was when she was young. She’d seen pictures of her father’s corpse far more recently than that, and pushed herself to smile through the trial, forged evidence and all.
It wasn’t like she forgot what grief felt like, or how badly the gaping hole a loss left could sting.. But she couldn’t help but think that maybe knowing they were there, with you still, was a comfort rather than something unhealthy and hurtful. She liked to imagine Zak Gramarye there in the crowd at every show, clapping proudly as she performed quite literally in his name.
But it was clearly hurting Apollo to even imagine the possibility. She hiccuped, her shoulders shaking.
“S-sorry Polly,” she managed to say, “I just t-thought, you know…it’d be nice if you k-knew it wasn’t forever.” 
His fingers dug into her shoulders for another moment, and then he pulled her into a tight hug. She heard him make a choked noise as he held her, and she felt his body shudder.
"Sor–sorry, Trucy," he murmured, holding her tight. "Sorry to be such a bastard about it I just– I can't. I don't know how I'd– sorry."
Trucy rubbed his back, feeling even guiltier. 
“You’re not a bastard…Pearl was worried about me sayin’ something. I should have thought a little more before I …y-you know…said anything.”
If there was a ghost inside Apollo…it wasn’t erratic…it was hurting. 
Apollo swallowed so thickly that Trucy could hear it, and he didn't let go of her, just nodding against her shoulder.
"Can I… can I tell you something, Trucy? Without you thinking less of me?" he murmured.
Trucy nodded against him, holding him tight. “Of course..we both say all kinds of stuff all the time. Nothing you tell me’s gonna make me think less of you, okay?” 
He took a breath, rough and raspy, still just holding her, face buried in her shoulder. "Clay wasn't just– he wasn't just my f-friend, Trucy. He was– we were– we were together romantically, y-you know what I mean? Like dating…"
Trucy’s eyes widened in sudden understanding. 
That explained a lot, honestly.
“Oh. Oh Apollo…” she bit her lip “I’m sorry…I didn’t know you guys were dating, I didn’t…” She felt even guiltier. This had all been a big mistake. “He seemed like a really great guy.” 
He squeezed her again, and she could hear his embarrassment when he said, "it wasn't exactly the kind of thing you talk about at work, you know."
It wasn't exactly something you talked about at work. Her daddy and Mr. Edgeworth didn't talk about it. She hadn't even known for sure that they were together until a little more than a year ago, when she'd been sat down for a 'serious talk'.
It wasn't that it was something illegal, or that it was wrong, per se, but it just… wasn't talked about. It wasn't respected. Certain people wouldn't take you seriously if you 'weren't the marrying type'. It had just always been that way.
Trucy remembered that it had come up at the trial about Aura, and everyone got embarrassed and tried to dance around the subject.
It made sense why Apollo wouldn’t have told her, no matter how absolutely ridiculous she felt the social ‘norm’ was. She knew the way her own heart tended to lean, without heed to the arbitrary line of ‘gender’...and her own attractions.
It just wasn’t something talked about– and Apollo was suffering alone because of it.
“I know what you mean ..but you can talk about that with me. I understand it.” She squeezed him tighter, “I’m sorry, Polly. I’m sorry you lost your boyfriend, and I’m sorry I pushed you on it.” 
He took a deep, shuddering breath, and squeezed her again, sniffling. "Thanks, Trucy. I appreciate you understanding…"
“Of course I understand,” she murmured against him, doing all she could to hug him as comfortingly as she could manage. “You can talk about anything with me, okay Polly? Anything.”
He nodded against her, holding her for another minute. Then he took a breath and a step back, arms still on her shoulders.
"Thanks… I'm sorry I snapped at you. I've been barely holding it together this whole week…"
Trucy rubbed at her eyes with one hand, shaking her head. “It’s been a really hard week for you guys…don’t be sorry okay? I pushed a little too hard.”
Apollo squeezed her shoulders more gently this time. "It's okay. I know you just wanted to help."
She smiled at him , her big and bright showstopper of a smile that won hearts at the Wunder Bar. “Because you’re important to me, dork.” 
He grabbed the rim of her top hat and pulled it down over her eyes gently. "You too, Truce. Even if I'm kinda shit at showing it right now."
“Wah!!!” Trucy bopped the rim of her hat to knock it back up with a puff of her cheeks. “You’ll get better. Just gotta retrain you on Trucy Wrangling, I guess. Just don’t let yourself fall too deep in your own head.” 
She shrugged her shoulders gently.
"I'll do my best," he said, slipping his hands into his pockets and standing awkwardly in front of her. "So… h-hey…"
Trucy tilted her head to the side. “yeah Apollo?” 
"If Pearls thinks I have a…" he shifted uncomfortably as he spoke, and she watched him clench his hands in his pockets, "ghost attached to me… what did she want me to do about it? Did she want to.. I don't know, perform an exorcism?"
“No! Of course not!” Trucy put her hand to her lips with a gasp. “No way! She just noticed it and I thought it might…help. To know. You know?”
"So she just wanted to… bring it to my attention, then?" he asked, raising his chin curiously.
“I mean yeah? She didn’t exactly grab my shoulders and go TRUCY WE GOTTA EXORCISE THAT GUY. More like she just pointed it out and I had to agree?” 
He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled, his face tearstained and rough. "Well, that's a relief. Here I was worried I'd have to dodge her coming around the corner with spirit charms."
Trucy leaned forward and wiped away some of his tears with her gloved fingers. “Nah, Pearly’s not that kinda girl. She’s nice.” 
"Well yeah of course she is. But if she thinks I'm possessed or something she might be convinced the nice thing to do is help me whether i want it or not, right?" He rubbed his face again, and then started to root around the desk for a box of tissues.
“I think she’d probably ask first, Polly.” She wiggled her feet nervously. “Don’t worry. Nobody’s gonna try to kick whatever ghost you totally don’t have with you out. Promise.” 
"Alright," he nodded. She watched him wipe his teary face with a tissue. "Frankly, because I think the stress of it might kill me, not because I have a ghost possessing me, understand?"
He gave her a wry smile, but his voice was firm.
Still, Trucy wasn't sure whether he believed it or not.
“Of course!” She flashed her smile again. “We wouldn’t want to add to the ‘are ghosts real’ question by having YOURS around too after you have a coronary.” 
"Yeah," he chuckled, rough and pained. "One ghost is too many, but two would be complete anarchy."
December 24, 10:15 pm
Pearl was carefully combing out her long, long, long hair after her shower when Trucy returned to the room after talking to Apollo. She'd only seen it down a few times before– it had to be all the way to her knees, if not her ankles.
"How'd it go?" Pearl asked softly, looking up at her as the door closed.
“Preeeetty bad.” Trucy took off her top hat with the same weighty sigh as her father taking off his tie after a bad day in the courtroom. 
"Oooooogh…" Pearl put a hand over her mouth as she frowned. "Nobody's hurt, right?"
“No, nobody got hurt.” Trucy shook her head with a sigh as she plopped herself down next to her, before letting herself fall back against the bed with an ‘oof’. “But he got really upset…told me that it’s not real, and it can’t be…and then got really really nervous that you were gonna try to exorcize the ghost.” 
She chewed on her thumb gently. "I was kinda worried about that… we'd better keep an eye on him."
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lovechrissturniolo · 16 days
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5/ day one - morning
contains: Lea & Chris talking and being interested in/ looking at each other
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After a 30 minutes intro Chris and Matt played Fortnite.
As the day was just dawning, Lea - sitting in the living area - noticed an unfavorable change in the light in Chris's room and she texted him:
I have to adjust your light if it`s possible? Your room is a literal lighting challenge!
No problem, go ahead. I open the door so they can't hear when you come in.
Chris tried to concentrate on the game as she slipped into his room, but he couldn't help but watch her out of the corner of his eye.
She had this deliberate posture and highly concentrated look when she was working.
It was kind of cute.
Lea was wearing blue jeans and a black baby-T, her long hair tied into a messy bun and subtle make-up. Chris had to admit to himself that she looked pretty good.
Her belt and the lower part of her belly were visible as she leaned over the table behind the camera making adjustments to the ring light.
Her being here during the stream was definitely better than some old guy, he thought to himself again.
Immediately afterward, he heard Matt yell and realized he'd been shot down.
“Chris! You're an idiot!”
“Fuck, sorry!” he shouted back, ruffling his hair.
As Chris leaned back in his chair, he caught Lea's gaze, who silently formed the word “Sorry!” and twisted the corner of her mouth.
He waved his hand to indicate that it wasn't her fault and smirked without looking directly at her.
“What's funny about that, you moron?” Matt joked from above.
“Nothing!” Chris answered, laughing about his stupid fault and rubbed his eyes. “Bro, I don't think I've ever played Fortnite this early in the morning! You can't expect my full concentration!”
“You better focus, man! We almost won that round!”
“Yeah yeah, all right! Go!”
Lea sat down on Chris's bed with her laptop and phone.
Sorry for the interruption!! I'll be off again in a minute.
You can also stay! You're not bothering me.
After the light was set, she moderated the chat without changing her location again to avoid making too much noise.
The madness in the comments was limited - probably because it was still early in the morning - so Lea kept catching herself watching Chris play.
He was one of the most expressive people she had ever met. Concentration, anger, excitement, joy - it was as if his whole body showed how he was feeling in every moment.
Something about his posture and facial expression was so fascinating that she could barely look away.
It was undeniably a beautiful sight to see him on her screen from the front and live from the side.
Chris noticed out of the corner of his eye that Lea looked over at him once in a while.
He somehow liked it and wondered what was going on in her head. Probably just the lighting situation, but maybe also personal interest?
Chris couldn't really log into Fortnite today, causing him to blow one game after another.
Eventually Matt had enough and they decided to have breakfast and try again later.
Lea disconnected Chris's computer from the stream, stated: "It's off." and gave him a thumbs up.
They unintentionally stretched at the same time and smiled sheepishly when they realized it. “Sorry about the interruption earlier. It shouldn't happen again.”
“Oh, please." Chris relented. "That's not the reason, I'm just still tired and play like shit!”
“That I can't judge, even though I've watched you guys play often.” Lea smiled.
Chris dropped onto the couch, stretched his hands over his head and mumbled: “I really should have slept more!"
“You didn't?” she asked casually.
“Not really well. Probably too nervous.”
“You guys really don't need to stress. Literally everything you try turns to gold anyway.”
“Nick says, you always have to be a little uncomfortable to be comfortable. That's what we do and why it works, I guess."
“That actually applies to my life too, I have to say,” Lea replied thoughtfully.
“You know what, I'd like to know more about that!” Chris replied quickly, sensing his chance to find out more about her and sat up.
Lea smiled involuntarily and wondered whether she was feeling a little too comfortable right now.
“You need to go support Matt, I think.”
“Is he already on camera in the kitchen?”
“Yes, he texted me to switch over right away.”
“Damn, this kid needs to chill, we'll be here for a while!” Chris sighed and made his way to the door.
“We talk later. I'll bring something for breakfast when I come back."
next ➡️
⬅️ index
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asyouleft · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Finally remembering that I always want to post WIP Wednesday but constantly forget.
Irondad for @happyaspie
“Hiya, Spidey,” came Mr. Stark’s voice from the suit and a second later, the man himself stepped out. Peter had been this close to Mr. Stark once, back when they went to the Stark Expo. He was in awe of the man and the suit then and now, it was much of the same. 
Peter almost fell off the building on purpose, running away from the whole situation, but he couldn’t get himself to move. Instead he cleared his throat, trying to sound much older than almost but not quite 16 years old. “Hi, Mr. Stark Man.”
The second the words left his mouth, he wanted to die right then and there.
Mr. Stark laughed, moving away from the suit and coming closer. “Mr. Stark Man was my father, please call me Tony.”
“I’d prefer Mr. Stark,” Peter said, words coming out of his mouth without his permission. “Can I help you?”
“Hm,” Mr. Stark said, stopping close to Peter, almost enough to touch him. “I just wanted to say hi. I’ve seen you swinging around lately, pretty impressive stuff if I do say so myself. That car you caught? Great job.”
And two Heartstopper fics for good measure:
“We should hang out sometime, it’d be nice to catch up,” Nick said, cutting him off before Charlie could escape the conversation. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “What’s your number? I’ll text you, so you can have mine.”
Charlie was a bit confused and worried at how strong Nick had come on. He tried to remember if they really did talk at any point but he could remember nothing beyond a brief hi once, maybe twice. Nick was a year above him and played rugby, something Charlie didn’t touch. He was never allowed to attend any parties, especially if Ben was going to be there too. 
“Oh uh,” Charlie stammered. He’d gotten a new number and phone after leaving Ben since he was in charge of their phone bills. He kinda remembered it but with Nick standing there, he couldn’t recall. He fished his phone out of his pocket, unlocking the screen. “I just got a new number,” he added. “I don’t really remember it, sorry.”
“Oh, let me give you mine,” Nick said, not deterred in the slightest. He rambled out his number, as Charlie typed it into his contact, labeled him as “Rugby Nick” for some reason. There were only 5 names in his contact list to begin with, it wasn���t like he wouldn't remember putting in Nick Nelson’s number. 
and my favorite new thing I'm writing (to which I had to find the least explicit part which is kinda hard apparently)
“Ah shit,” Charlie said, almost falling off the bed in his haste. “Where the fuck are my jeans?”
“Your jeans? Jesus, where are my pants?” Nick mumbled, getting up out of bed and scavenging around his floor. “We have to be better about this part.”
“Oh sorry,” Charlie said, rolling his eyes, but finding his jeans, pulling them back on while Nick struggled to get his shirt over his head. “I was a little preoccupied with the hickey you were sucking into my collarbone to stop and fold my pants.”
They dressed with just enough time, opening the bedroom door and getting in their “normal” cuddle pose just as Sarah came up the stairs. Nick had placed his laptop on his lap, making it look like they’d just been watching something. But if Sarah came any closer she might have noticed the laptop wasn’t even turned on.
“Hi boys!” she called out, her voice a lot louder than it needed to be. “I’m home and coming up the stairs.”
Charlie blushed, shoving his face into Nick’s shoulder as his boyfriend giggled. “God, I hate that she totally knows what we’re doing. This is just - so cringe.”
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chaosandbubbles · 1 year
Watch Me Watching You // Jason Kolchek Oneshot
Jason Kolchek X Female Reader
A/N: Hi everyone! I'm moving all of my shit over to this lovely blog--you may have known me before as yellowroseskolchek before tumblr decided to take a shit on me. All of my works will now be posted here, and I am going through and reposting everything. Sorry if repeats are annoying, but it is what it is right now sadly :( Please DM me if you'd like to be on my taglist for my Jason works, and alternatively if you'd like me to not tag you anymore!
WARNINGS AND TAGS: NSFW, MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, exhibitionism, Simp!Jason, Jason doesn't know how to talk to attractive women, Reader is a tease, assguy!Jason, pushy!reader, showoff!reader, opportunistic!reader, public masturbation, masturbating in front of someone else, sexual tension, cocky!Jason, Jason is a sweet talker, horny!Jason, horny!reader, strong!Jason, sex only protected by BC, GUYS I AM NOT KIDDING THIS IS FILTHY BEWARE, k I warned you though, y'all are a bunch of horny animals I swear--
Word Count: 2.9k
Jason Masterlist, Main Masterlist
YOU could always feel Jason’s eyes on you. Every single second of every single day.
From the very moment you stepped foot on base, his eyes were on you. As much as Jason liked to pretend that he was good at hiding his feelings, the boy couldn’t be more obvious about his blatant staring and gawking, as if he’d never seen a woman in uniform before. 
You were decently attractive—you knew that much—but you weren’t certain that it warranted this sort of attention. The man was normally so fucking confident, sure of himself, but the second that you entered the room? That all went to hell. He’d become a blubbering mess of nonsense, wincing at each nonsensical word that exited his mouth, before groaning and mumbling under his breath that he suddenly had something really important to do. 
There was one instance where you were working out with a couple of the other women in the weight room, and Jason walked in, his mouth falling open instantly when he eyed you in nothing but your very very short, ass-hanging out spandex, and a loose-fitting, flowy crop top. 
“Hey, Lieutenant,” Rachel had greeted, her mouth closed in a tight line as she attempted not to laugh. “You alright there? Or are you trying to catch flies?” 
Jason had shaken his head vigorously, his mouth closing shut, before his eyes downcast and he murmured, “It’s nothin’, I—I gotta go find Nick, I—fuck.” 
And promptly left the room, without so much as a second glance your way.
“You know that boy is like, pathetically into you, right?” Rachel pointed out and you scoffed, shaking your head as you made your way back over to your yoga mat for some squats. “And I know you’re not not into him either, Marine.”
“Yeah, well, if he’s so into me, then maybe he should man the fuck up and make a move,” you’d retorted, more than slightly disheartened that Jason couldn’t even seem to be in the same room as you for more than five seconds. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t flattered—Lieutenant Kolchek was quite the looker himself if you were being honest—but you’d be damned if you would be the one to make the first move. No, if he really were interested in you, he’d have to man up and prove it.
That didn’t mean that you couldn’t help…move things along, though.
You’d deduced impressively early on that Jason Kolchek was an ass guy. His eyes were constantly glued to your ass, and you made sure to walk out of a room with a little extra swing in your hips, directly within his line of sight. He also seemed to be a bit of a leg guy, and you always made sure to show off your calves whenever the opportunity presented itself. Working out on base? Short, tight spandex. Received an injury—even something as small as a scratch—to the leg? Roll up your pant legs until it healed. Extra hot day out in the sun? I’m just saying, spandex is magical.
All of these advances succeeded in keeping his eyes on you at all times, but that’s all that they did. Anytime Jason spoke to you, he was cordial, professional, and clipped. He rarely joked around with you, got to know you, or even scheduled you for the same night shifts. 
No, just showing off your assets in a public setting wouldn’t work. You needed to hit him where and when he was the weakest if you had even the slightest chance of getting any action from him. 
The moment that you realized this was the moment that your plan officially began to form. 
You weren’t an overtly clingy person; if Jason wasn’t interested in anything more than a sexually beneficial, no strings attached sort of relationship, then you could certainly provide that type of need. If Kolchek actually was interested in a real, boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship? Well, you wouldn’t exactly be the most opposed to that idea, either. Whatever he was willing to give at this point, you were more than willing to take. 
You just needed to give him a little push—show him just exactly what he was really missing. 
It started on a Saturday, as good things often do; it was hot outside, and you had taken every opportunity to be out in the sun, running in a sports bra and spandex. You’d been put on Jason’s “team” today for training, along with a newer recruit, Joey Gomez, and a couple of other guys you knew casually. Jason seemed to avoid you at every turn, giving you instructions without making eye contact or using your first name, even though he’d clearly warmed up to the other Marines. 
You’d rolled your eyes at him a few times—and he must have been looking at you at least a little bit—because the snappy sound of your last name would snap your attention to him every single time, and he’d glare at you, shaking his head before moving onto the next task. You quietly smirked to yourself then, going on to do pushups or run the mile or whatever the fuck came next.
You decided to up the ante—just a little bit, because you didn’t want to scare the poor thing away. You started doing your workouts closer to Jason, occasionally rubbing up against him if you could, making sure that when you bent down or squatted, your ass was in full view of his face.
At first, he didn’t react, Jason only stiffening up or turning his head away from your advances. Eventually, though, you noticed that he began to stand closer to you, as if he, too, were testing the waters of just how far you were actually willing to go.
After a few brushes of your fingers up his arm when you passed, “accidentally” downward dogging your ass into his business, and ensuring that he be the one to spot you for weights, you began to notice how flustered he truly was. His face was red and his breath was coming out in anxious huffs, and suddenly, his eyes were catching yours every couple of seconds with a certain heat beneath them, his teeth capturing his lips as he stared you down.
The two of you played this game for the better part of five hours, until it was time to break for lunch and you sauntered off to the bathrooms, alone. 
 You hadn’t even managed to get him to say five words to you, yet his stare alone was enough to make you absolutely heated. 
You ran to the farthest stall—a communal bathroom, unfortunately, but you were banking on the fact that you’d chosen one so far away that nobody would come to it—and pushed yourself against the far wall, your hands pushing your spandex down and away so fast it was fucking impressive.
Your plan had obviously backfired on you; you’d intended to get Jason all hot and bothered, but instead, you’d ended up that way, and you desperately needed some form of release before you could go back out there and keep training because if you didn’t, you feared you wouldn’t be able to focus on anything but the sweltering heat in your pussy.
Your finger found your nub quickly—way too fucking quickly, but you were much too far past the point of embarrassment to really give a fuck right now. You whined as the back of your head smacked against the wall, your eyes shut tight and your mouth formed in a little ‘O’ as you began to work your little bundle of nerves quickly, hoping for a short and sweet orgasm anytime now.
You were building yourself up quite nicely, your free hand clutching the sink and your teeth gritted as you began to feel the budding energy of release upon you, when suddenly, you heard a noise from just outside the bathroom.
Fuck, you thought to yourself, quickly pulling your hand away from your wet core and snatching your spandex from off of the floor, using them to cover your front and dashing into the nearest stall, closing yourself in and silently praying to yourself that whoever it was hadn’t heard a fucking thing. 
You squinted as you peered through the thin lines of open space between the stall door and the stall walls, your eyes widening as you watched none other than Jason walk in, running a hand through his hair nervously before heading into a stall of his own.
He hadn’t seen you at all, the man completely oblivious to just how filthy this bathroom had gotten and all because of him. 
Your first, and most rational, thought was to pull your spandex on and get the fuck out of there—but suddenly, a lightbulb went off in your mind. It wasn’t every day—or ever, really—that you got Jason alone, yet here you both were. Alone, and halfway across base, where you were certain nobody else would dare to venture out to. Shit, you were pretty certain that the only reason Jason was out here was because he thought that you wouldn’t be.
You let your instincts—and the budding, pleading promise of release—take over, and you exited the stall, coming to camp out directly across from the one you saw Jason in. You weren’t sure what he was doing in there; if he’d come here with the same intentions as you, you certainly couldn’t hear a fucking thing, and if his intentions were purely innocent, well that just turned you on even fucking more.
You smirked to yourself as you hopped onto the bathroom counters, hearing the flush of a toilet and turning your eyes to the cracks in Jason’s stall.
He was looking back at you, eyes wide and visibly anxious.
You bit your lip in a play on seduction, letting your spandex fall to the ground as you “dropped” them, your entire lower half naked and on display for him, if he so chose to watch. Something about the fact that he could watch—that he would be right there, staring at you as you climaxed—made you throb even harder than you already were in the first place. 
Not one to get performance anxiety, you leaned your head back against the mirror with a moan, shutting your eyes tightly as you allowed your fingers to crawl their way back to your folds, rubbing in and out as you whined and thrashed. 
You began to get sweaty, and Jason still hadn’t moved a fucking muscle, but you couldn’t tell between the bars of the stall whether or not he was embarrassed or turned on, so you continued to fuck yourself. You were getting close, and the fact that you could practically feel his eyes on you was doing nothing but amping you up even higher, to the point that you climaxed quickly and easily, letting yourself let out a brief shout as you came quickly.
Once it was all said and done, your hand moving out of you and you straightening yourself up on the counter, Jason exited the stall. His face was red and he avoided your eyes, stalking over to the farthest sink from you and washing his hands quickly, careful not to acknowledge your presence at all.
You stared at him in the mirror, but his face was carefully crafted into a blank canvas, giving absolutely nothing away. You wondered, briefly, if you had fucked up—if you had gone way too far and made him uncomfortable. 
It was only a minute before Jason stepped away from the sink and dried his hands before he turned to you and your now-covered self, his eyes wandering down to where you held the thin fabric of your spandex over your nakedness.
You watched him gulp as his eyes wandered back up to your face, his tongue in his cheek as he stepped closer to you. Your breath hitched as he laid a few fingers on your thigh and they danced dangerously close to your womanhood, his mouth turning up into a smirk as he leaned his mouth to your ear.
“Fun show,” he taunted, and you squirmed under the teasing edge of his fingers, pushing themselves underneath the fabric of your spandex and whisking it away. “But I can do it better than that.” 
Your chest was roaring up into flames now and you pushed him slightly away from you so that you could see his face. Gone was the embarrassed, nervous man that you had known, and here in his place was a confident, dominating Jason that you had never seen before. 
It was hot as a fucking middle-of-July summer.
“Oh, yeah?” You answered, finally finding your fucking voice. You leaned back into him, your fingers grabbing the collar of his t-shirt and pulling him so tightly into you that your noses were touching.  “Then put your money where your mouth is and prove it, Kolchek.”
Jason apparently didn’t need any more prompting, because he grabbed the back of your head fiercely, his fingers intertwined in your hair as he shoved your face against his, his lips smashing into yours beautifully as he kissed the ever-living daylights out of you. He stood in between your open legs on the counter, and even with you propped up this high, he was taller than you. 
Your own hands wound around his neck and kept him close to you, ensuring that he wouldn’t change his mind and back away suddenly, leaving you dripping wet and alone. 
“Don’t know how long I’ve wanted you like this,” Jason mumbled against your lips, his hands pushing up under your shirt and discarding it as you attempted to do the same with his. When you were unsuccessful, you broke the kiss, planting your lips onto his neck instead and sucking, reveling in the way that Jason moaned underneath your touch. You finally got his t-shirt off and threw it across the room, uncaring of where it landed. “So fuckin’ long—”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” you huffed out as Jason’s hands were now kneading your breasts, his lips locked onto your collarbone and sucking viciously. “Why do you think I masturbated in front of you?” 
You couldn’t see Jason’s smirk, but you could feel it on your skin as his lips made their way down your body, paying extra attention to your breasts, belly button, and hips before stopping just short of where you craved them the most. 
“Fuck,” Jason stated, pulling away from you and staring hungrily down at your glistening pussy. “As much as I’d like to eat you out, baby girl, all I can think about is how much I want to bend you and your sassy mouth over and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
You tilted his chin up with your finger, your eyes gleaming devilishly as he looked back up at you. Biting your lip, you leaned in closer to him, capturing his still-covered waist with your legs wound around, pressing your noses together and sucking on the lobe of his ear when you whispered, “You don’t have to be gentle with me, Kolchek; I don’t break easily.” 
That was, apparently, all he needed to hear because he pushed away from you instantly, undoing his belt as fast as he could and shoving his pants and underwear down his legs before he was on you again, pulling you off of the bathroom counter and hoisting you up, holding you so that you leaned against the wall at the perfect height for your waists to match up.
Jason wasted no time—and you didn’t want him to anyways—as he pumped into you at an angle, working hard to keep you up and fill you up at the same time. Your hands were both in his hair and your head was thrown back as you felt his thickness fill all of you, curving in just right to hit you where you most needed him. You couldn’t care less about the pathetic whining coming from your mouth, or the way that you shoved his head into your breasts, begging him to suck you off there too. Jason got the hint and began working your breasts as he pumped in and out of you, hitting a good stride with his mouth on your nipples, his dick inside of you, and his fingers working your clit. 
It was so much sensation at once that you were pretty certain at any given moment you were going to keel over and lose it, and you could already feel that this was going to be the most intense orgasm you may have ever experienced. Jason was stunningly silent as he worked into you, his brown eyes boring into yours as he watched your face make its pathetic movements each time he did something good.
It wasn’t long before the pressure of his fingers alongside the pressure of his member was just too much and you screamed out, bucking viciously as you both rode the waves of your orgasm. In the middle of it, you must have done something just right, because all of a sudden Jason was crying out with a groan too, pushing farther into you as you felt him dripping his load into you, grateful you had been on the pill since you turned eighteen.
When it was all said and done, you were both just a pair of sweaty, blissed-out bodies, holding each other weakly as neither one of you really seemed to want to let go. You rested your forehead on his shoulder and he kissed your cheek with a laugh that made you giggle along as well.
“So,” you blurted out, pulling away from him and caressing his cheek with your hand. He beamed up at you, the gleam in his eyes threatening to bowl you over. “Now that we fucked, do you think we could have a decent conversation one of these days?”
What? It was a valid question.
Jason taglist: @house-of-kolchek @kawaiiwitch224 @inactiveforidk @lorebite @yeslieutenant @kassiekolchek22 @pechvogel @buttermykolchek @emilykolchivans @e-jaegerenthusiast
forever taglist: @house-of-kolchek @lorebite @yeslieutenant @kassiekolchek22 @buttermykolchek @kawaiiwitch224 @ageofbajabule
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thewholecrew · 9 months
@headstrongblake said: “I love you.” / kass & o
after the shooting kassy tried her best to show up for octavia whenever she could, stopping by after classes to check on her, especially now that she was healed enough to take the next painful step and go through withdrawals to get herself clean. today kassy had the afternoon off and wanted to do something nice for o, to help her as best she could when her girl wasn't feeling as hot as she was.
offering a nod to bellamy as they passed, him on the way out and her on the way in, she held a couple bags in her arms as she slipped out of her heels and headed towards octavia's bedroom, "hey baby girl," she said quietly as she walked in to the dark room, "how are you feeling today?" she asked, getting her things settled on the dresser. she was quiet in her unpacking as octavia spoke just as quietly. she looked better than the last time she'd seen her, able to slowly sit up.
"how do you feel about a little tlc?" kassy asked as she pulled out some skin care products. "i got you a new water bottle, look how big this thing is, it can hold like 2 liters of water," she wiggled it, showing it off as she turned on the little twinkle lights for octavia. "i got green cuz i know it's your favourite colour, but it's also got little turtles on it," she shrugged, "let me fill this up for ya, you hungry? i bought some fresh apples that i'll cut up with some peanut butter if you want a bite to eat," she smiled, reaching out to gently brush octavia's hair behind her ear. "oh shush, it's nothing, gotta look out for my girl you know?" she teased.
with the water bottle filled and snack made, kassy entered the bedroom again, handing o the bottle while she placed the snack at the bedside table. grabbing her brush and the bag of products, she moved to sit on the bed behind octavia. "so," she began, gathering octavia's hair behind her to begin to gently brush it. "thought i'd catch you up on classes and everything, the campus is huge right? well today i found this little cafe on the far side and the coffee is actually so fucking good, so i think i'm going to maybe do work there between classes -- you definitely have to come one day, kay?" she chatted while she carefully brushed through the knots before braiding her hair.
"and i've met a couple classmates; aiden who's super cute, very freckly, sweet, andddd trinity, i actually didn't even realize she was in my class until we bumped into each other at the library," she continued, tying off the braid before shifting on the bed and placing a pillow in her lap. "c'mere, lay your head down," she patted the pillow as she then went through her bag. "i know you're not a big skin care girly but this will make you feel amazing -- or, at least a little better i hope?" she looked over at octavia hopefully and beamed when she gave in and laid back. kassy smiled, "okay, close your eyes, you can even fall asleep if you want," she teased as she sprayed a mist of rose water over o's face, watching with a quiet laugh as she scrunched her face in surprise.
thumbs then began to masssage along her skin as well as help ease any tension in her forehead, temple and jaw. "so yes, i'll continue," she laughed as octavia asked about trinity. "she's also cute, i think she'd fit in our group pretty well honestly -- i was thinking of possibly tryna set her and nick up," she grinned a little deviously as she applied a cream to octavia's face, fingers always gentle as they massaged it into her skin, light when tracing over the scar by her brow. "i think they'd be cute together okay, she's this little blonde thing, shy but i think there's some fire hidden in there and i'm determined to get her out of her shell," she laughed, "maybe when you're feeling better you can meet us for lunch and i'll introduce you to everyone," she smiled, looking down at octavia's peaceful face.
she still looked like she was very much going through the withdrawal process, but kassy hoped that a little pampering would help her feel better. kassy knew she always felt better when she pampered herself. after a face mask, some gentle massaging with a roller and a very light and playful pat to her cheeks, finally, kassy finished and octavia's skin was glowing. beautiful and dewy. "there," she said quietly, unsure if she had fallen asleep. she'd eventually stopped chatting and focused on what she was doing so she wasn't sure, not until those green eyes looked up at her and kassy smiled down at her best friend.
she watched as octavia sat up and turned to her, surprising her with a tight hug. thank you, she said and kassy shook her head, hugging her back but gently, hands smoothing along her back, "oh my god bitch it's no problem at all, you deserve it, okay? i'm so proud of you." i love you, she heard her best friend whisper and kass' dark eyes softened, giving o a gentle squeeze. "i love you too, and just because i'm busy with school doesn't mean i can't make time to pamper my best friend you hear me?" she teased, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "now i'm free for the rest of the evening so, if you want to just hang, maybe watch something, nap, chat more, whatever you want girly, i'm here for it. here for you."
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