#it mainly involves us doing these shakesperian characters trapped in absurdly complicated games of cloack and daggers
fipindustries · 4 months
i said this before but it bears repeating.
what i love the most about my current roomate and best friend is that she, more than anyone ive ever met, has the capacity to play along with whatever stupid joke i start playing into.
i will start doing a bit or throw some ironic comment and she will, on the spot, no hesitation, no questions asked, respond in character, taking the statement at face value. and myself, never one to let go an opportunity for horsing around, will start responding along and suddenly we are both trapped in a 30 minute long improv session where we will construct incredibly detailed characters and lore, never breaking character, both refusing to let the bit end.
i never met anyone who could, so presistently and so convincingly play into whatever scene we spin on the spot. she wont wink wink nudge nudge at the camera, she wont break character, she wont snicker or become self concious about it. in a complete deadpan she will become a completly different person with the minimum ammount of prodding necesary to the point that at times it becomes hard to tell if she's joking
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