#it looks like my packer ffs
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liketherice · 3 years ago
Morning all x
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official-queer · 6 years ago
i’ve kinda been bothered by this for a while so i’m gonna talk about it. i’ll put it under the cut tho. it’s about the debate on assuming ppl’s gender and pronouns
so like not even 2 years ago the consensus was to never assume ppl’s pronouns and gender, it’s never a bad time to ask for pronouns, etc.. and while i don’t agree that it’s always safe, i do err on the side of that being the rule, and dangerous situations being the exception (such as being in a majorly conservative group of people who you know would attack you for doing something so progressive, or when you’re with ppl ur not out to, or when you know your trans friend is with someone they’re not out to). 
what i don’t get is like... why we’ve gone full circle? i’ve been seeing people say that you should always just assume someone’s gender based on the way they’re dressed, and that asking for pronouns is humiliating and wrong. and this i completely don’t agree with and also have to ask, what the fuck??? where the hell did this come from??
you know what’s more humiliating than politely being asked pronouns by someone with good intention? always being assumed to be the gender ur not, no one ever questioning, thinking “yes this looks like a woman so clearly this is a woman why would i think otherwise”. i’d rather be asked my pronouns by 20 performative cis allies than go to a supposedly trans friendly group of ppl where they all just assume i’m a woman cause that’s what i look like and sometimes dress like.
and half of the ppl saying these things call themselves gnc like... lmao what do u think gnc stands for? guac no cheese? how are you gonna say “clothes have no gender and i am going to specifically debunk gender roles by going against what society expects of me” and then turn around and say “you should assume ppl’s gender based on how they dress”????? the hypocrisy?? 
like i get the mental gymnastics it took to get to this place, but it seriously seems to me like it’s the result of thinking in a downward spiral, and assuming that the discomfort of someone not knowing your gender when “clearly i dressed how i want you to see me!” is the worst case scenario in the situation of assuming gender. 
ffs i can wear a binder, packer, “men’s” clothes, have my short hair styled neatly, the whole 9, and still get ppl calling me a woman without missing a beat. that shit is what makes me fucking suicidal, which idk about anyone else but i’d rather be a little embarrassed that someone doesn’t know what gender i am (although i’d actually be flattered lmao) than have to live being terrified of going out and talking to people because i know that without fail, every. single. fucking. person. i talk to thinks i am blatantly and obviously a woman. even in explicitly LGBT spaces - people don’t bat an eye because i’m clearly a lesbian. 
and also idk this ideology of “assume people’s gender based on how they dress and present” seems hmm how to i say truscum-y! by which i mean it’s literal truscum idiology - that real trans people strive to meet society’s gender roles as much as possible, so you should know that someone dressed like a man is a man, and someone dressed like a woman is a woman. if you’re not dressed that way then don’t get offended when someone misgenders you, because clearly you’re not trying hard enough. 
i specifically hate that one post that i think might have been the turning point for a lot of ppl i’ve seen agreeing with this idiology, the one where the woman goes in for a job interview, dressed in a skirt, and the interviewer asks her her pronouns. and she just went on and on about how vile and humiliating this was and how no one should ever do that (iirc the post said something about the interviewer saying they ask everyone their pronouns but even if i’m misremembering lmao)
like. social rules don’t work this way. and maybe most of my frustration comes from being autistic and really needing social rules laid out for me. but literally all social rules are “this is what is appropriate however there is always exceptions where it’s not”. and it seems to me like the exception part of the “always ask ppl their pronouns/never assume gender” rule is getting focused on way too hard to the point that we’d rather always act like it’s never ok to do this courteous thing because YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT SITUATION SOMEONE’S IN!!!
but that’s the fucking thing. wrong crowds? being out with parents? things like that? those are the fucking exceptions. and you can’t tailor how you act to presume that everyone is with their abuser. like, if i have a friend who i’ve invited to a party and i’m hanging out with them and their partner, and i bring up the party, it’s not my fucking fault for doing so when i didn’t know the partner would later attack them for going to a party without telling them. it’s not my fault for talking normally when i didn’t know an abuser was around. and this really seems like shifting the blame onto people just talking normally for getting people unknowingly into trouble, esp when it’s really not even that common. if i’m hanging out with someone and their partner, and i ask that someone their pronouns, it’s not my fault for unknowingly outting that person in front of their partner. it’s not even fucking outting someone ffs
but it’s not about abuse and dangerous situations is it? all i’ve ever seen anyone say is that it’s humiliating. well unfortunately a few people with conservative outlooks on gendered clothing have to be humiliated in order to make progress. not really sorry.
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justmysicklypride · 8 years ago
Summary of the Bulletproof Love music video by Pierce The Veil
Fun fact: this is the second least favourite Pierce The Veil song of mine, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I just hope my jokes are funny
This video came out on my cousin’s birthday tf
Nice cufflinks bruh
Dem car accessories though
Is- is she drying a fucking belt? Jeez no wonder he dumped her in the end, she’s a fucking moron. How and why would you even wash a belt? Assuming it’s made up of mostly leather, wouldn’t water damage it? Hell, even if the process of washing the belt didn’t damage it, then what if it rains? I get that this most likely takes place in San Diego or some shit where the weather is (allegedly) nice most of the time but like it has to rain some time right? That would just leave water spots and shit on the belt
Though, judging by the vintage car and a shit ton of frankly unnecessary accessories they both seem to wear, it is likely they could just buy a new one
What is the point of wearing seductive clothes while hanging up laundry?
I never saw the point in those massive earrings like they’re so dangly and get in the way of everything
He did not catch the kiss, he just waved wow rude
Enter Pierce The Veil
Can I just say how much I love Vic’s outfit in this? Like something about Vic being in a tie just does things to me
Vic’s outfit also reminds me of TTOYL
I mean I failed cooking class but that’s not how you cook
Was the stove even on?
What even was she making
Okay but Tony’s electric guitar isn’t even connected to a fucking amp so like you can’t even hear what he’s playing
I miss his stretched ears tbh
Also they clearly put the dish (of whatever the hell that was) on the table so why is it back on the stove during Tony’s kitchen scenes? Like we’ve established that it tastes horrible so why put it back on the stove? Why not throw it away? 
And if Tony’s music segments took place before the dish was done, then again, why is the stove not on? Why is no one monitoring it? Why would you not continue cooking it until it’s done? I refuse to believe that the dish was from before any form of cooking taking place because that is definitely not how you add in ingredients. Who just dumps everything into a pan and hopes for the best? Even I know this shit. Maybe THAT’S why it turned out so bad
Okay but Vic is fucking hot like damn son I want that for my birthday
I love how the guy doesn’t even try the whole thing like he just tried out the sauce, like what if the food actually tasted good but he just didn’t like the sauce? I’d be pissed too if my husband were like that
How not to be discreet
SOMEONE’S triggered
I feel the urge to yell out “REJECTED!!!!!!” 
My phone that was playing this music video fell scaring the shit out of me
You know, I just realised, where the fuck in the house are ptv even performing during the music segments? Like I thought it was the living room but we see it in the next scene and it looks nothing like where they’re playing
My second thought is a basement and that just sounds like something a very intense fangirl would do, just kidnap an entire band and force them to play in their basement for all eternity- Actually that doesn’t sound like such a bad plan. Anyone wanna join me? I’ll keep Vic and you can have the rest, deal?
That guy’s confusion is literally me in school
“Who still throws their jackets over their shoulders?” - me, someone who still throws their jackets over their shoulders
Wow she changed outfits quickly, what is she, a sim?
Why does he look so offended that she’s talking on the phone? Is she not allowed to talk on the phone? Is she not allowed to have friends? I mean, if it were because of phone bills then I relate and 100% agree with but like if they could own a vintage car and a pretty big house with a shit ton of accessories and incredibly extra outfits, then I assume you can afford a measly phone bill
I never saw the point in abstract art tbh like I never see anything in them that means anything
Was that phone even connected to anything? How can she talk to someone if the bloody phone isn’t even connected to anything
Okay yeah, I mean I’d be annoyed too if someone were to move my legs like that instead of politely saying “hey can you like, not?”
It apparently pisses her off so much that she hangs up, if this were a video I would add a triggered count at the side and keep adding to it each time she gets triggered
I’m still not over Vic’s bracelet that says “I love boobies” like I cannot take it seriously 
Cute dress
Sexy Mexican- wait I wasn’t supposed to say that
Jaime’s bass is not connected to anything ffs guys use a fucking amp
The infamous line with the infamous part of the music video, it gets sexier every time I watch him do it
Simultaneous headbang
Now that I think about it, I think I actually own the same flannel as Jaime
I wish Vic were the one to take off the tie… and shirt… and jeans… and boxe- I mean what
Also more teleportation
They’re trying too hard to make this look sexual, you know what they could’ve done instead? Made Vic strip or something, that would’ve had a better effect
Like they’re trying as hard as me trying to make jokes about wanting to see Vic naked for comedic effect, neither work
Shaving is not that fun, stop spreading the lies
I was gonna say, that is such a waste of shirt like just take it off normally, but then I realised this guy’s fucking loaded so he could probably afford way more shirts
I mean, it’s a good scene, but you know what’d be a better scene? Vic taking his shirt off instead of this guy
Also, again, assuming this is San Diego we’re talking about here, there is no reason for that guy to wear so many layers
Okay but how is she teleporting? Are there secret tunnels or some shit all around the damn house? What is this quantum physics bullshit? I need answers
This scene just makes Vic’s “I love boobies” bracelet all the more amusing for me
Did they seriously move the entire drum kit to the bedroom? Props to them for effort honestly, especially seeing as the bedroom is on the second floor
Fastest packer ever honestly, like ironically I’m supposed to be packing right now at the time of writing this but instead I’m watching a music video of a song I in all honesty, really dislike, writing comments on everything I don’t get about it, and trying to come up with jokes about envisioning the lead singer of the band that wrote said song naked
I want that suitcase tbh
*Vic grabbing his collar* Holy damn that is hot… now take it off
Again, the leather jacket was washed and left to dry, and by dry I mean die like I feel offended right now by the lack thereof care for leather clothing and accessories
Lol NOW she realises she dun fucked up
That is a sexy scream right there
I feel like I haven’t taken the time to appreciate Vic’s guitar so I’m just gonna take a moment to do so right now
Okay moment over, along with the music video and the 20 minutes I’ve spent on this that I will never get back
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thehelmetgiant-blog · 7 years ago
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Custom mirror tinted New York Jets visor headed to my new buddy Rich in Queens. Rick ordered this one of a kind visor for his new Isaiah Crowell signed helmet! This is going to look sweet! Can’t wait to see it Rick!J-E-T-S...JETS JETS JETS! Don’t forget to follow us and like us on FB! www.THEHELMETGIANT.com #nfl #ifl #afl #cfl #nfc #afc #football #lombardi #superbowl #nflplayoffs #week1 #newyorkjets #newyorkjetsfootball #newyorkjetslife #jetsnation #jetsfans #jetsfootball #patriots #jets #bills #dolphins #giants #eagles #cowboys #redskins #buccaneers #panthers #saints #falcons #steelers #ravens #browns #bengals #jaguars #titans #colts #texans #chiefs #chargers #raiders #broncos #vikings #lions #packers #bears #rams #seahawks #49ers #cardinals #2018nflseason #2018draft #2018nfldraft #visor #customvisor #helmet #fantasyfootball #ff #ffbl #fantasy #customhelmet #football #footballhelmet #tintedvisor #customfootballhelmet #oneofakind #custom #riddell #schutt #xenith #underarmour #nike #oakley #speedhelmet #helmetgiant #thehelmetgiant
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junker-town · 8 years ago
How the Falcons coached their way out of a Super Bowl win
The better team lost in the Super Bowl. Retired NFL defensive lineman Stephen White breaks down one of the worst coaching performances ever seen in a title game.
It took forever for the NFL to finally post the all-22 after the Super Bowl. They had your boy out here fiending. Now that I have had the chance to review that film, I've come to one inescapable conclusion.
I was right.
Oh, if you thought this was going to be a column where I apologized for being wrong just because New England won, you came to the wrong place, jack! Yes, it is a fact that the team I predicted to win the game, the Atlanta Falcons, did not in fact win the game. However, if you go back and re-read my prediction column again, damn near everything I told you would happen in that game, happened.
If you also go back and listen to Ryan Van Bibber and myself on the Onside Kick Family Hour pre-Super Bowl podcast I even cautioned that Matt Ryan might melt down if the game was close and that all bets were off in that situation (I'm never ever forgetting his weird fumble in the NFL Championship game a few years back).
And let me say one more thing before I really get started that's likely to piss some of y’all off: the film also indicates that the better team lost. Atlanta had the better Jimmies and Joes ... on tape.
But hey, the better team loses sometimes.
Shit happens.
The most important thing for me since I am neither a Patriots fan nor a Falcons fan and I get paid to write about football, was that my pregame analysis matched up with what both teams ended up doing during the game. I guess we can assume that Troy Aikman doesn't read my stuff, however, since he seemed to believe that "nobody" thought the Falcons could jump out to a big lead on the Patriots.
As if the red-hot Packers with Aaron Rodgers weren't down 24-0 at halftime just a few weeks ago in the NFC Championship game to the same team.
Maybe if more folks watched film instead of repeated the prevailing narrative at the time, they wouldn't be so surprised about things happening that were utterly predictable.
But you ain't heard that from me.
Anyway, just to drive home how right I was let’s go back and check the tape.
I said Taylor Gabriel would have opportunities on deep passes.
He ends up with three catches for 76 yards, the longest going for 35 yards, and if Matt Ryan had been a little more on target with this throw he likely would have had a touchdown as well.
The guy in blue is falling down, and the guy in the orange circle ends up making the tackle, if that gives you an idea of how bad a throw it was. Still, it went for the aforementioned 35 yards though!
Who told you Dwight Freeney would have a big game?
Who even told you what pass-rush moves he would use? Speed rush for a sack. Bull to speed for a pressure on the pick six. Spin move for a big hit on Brady that would end up erased due to a defensive penalty.
And don't act like it was obvious, because Freeney only had three sacks this year, and like I said how many people were talking about him last week?
Also Freeney gets that sack on the first play after Matt Ryan fumbled the ball. Had he not gotten pressure, Chris Hogan (green circle) is gonna be open for a touchdown.
Remember when I told you about all the different weapons the Falcons would be able to use on offense?
Well Ryan completed to passes to seven different Falcons even though he only threw the ball 23 times.
So the Falcons had another game where they gave up more points in the fourth quarter than they had three previous three quarters combined?
Damn, that sounds familiar.
I also seem to recall telling you that pressure isn't Matt Ryan's kryptonite, but that if he was going to make a big mistake it would usually be under pressure.
And that I expected the Patriots to try to blitz him, where blitz means send more than four rushers, quite often. Well out of 30 pass plays New England sent five or more 11 times.
On another seven plays they ended up only rushing four, but it was the result of some players dropping and some players coming from off the line of scrimmage.
Add it up and the Patriots wanted it to at least look like a blitz on more than half of Atlanta’s passing plays. They got four of their five sacks on those plays (the fifth came oddly enough on a three-man rush) and that crucial fumble and fumble recovery in the fourth quarter.
On the other hand I heard some folks saying they expected the Falcons to blitz quite a bit, but I seem to recall pointing out to y'all that they don't really do that.
They usually blitz a little more than Seattle, but not much more. Instead, like the Seahawks, they prefer to play their base defense and only sprinkle in some blitzes here or there.
If you told me they would only blitz five times before the game I would've thought that was about right. In hindsight, knowing that New England ran 73 passing plays and the Falcons still only blitzed five times is a bit worrisome, yes, but quite honestly I'm more confused about the three man rushes.
And no I don't give a shit that Grady Jarrett got one of his three sacks on three-man rush. Fuck the three man rush forever and always as staff, company and record label.
Seven times, man. Seven times they went three-man rush for no apparent reason. And then there are these plays where they actually had somebody drop out who could've gotten a sack to rush three. My face is going to be frowned up for days after watching this film. FFS.
See those pictures up above? The guy in the red circle is De'Vondre Campbell and he can actually pass rush pretty well for a linebacker. The Patriots also didn't even bother to account for him on this play.
But he ended up dropping to cover green grass.
And the Falcons did this several times.
Like, on one of them Campbell finally decides: "Hey, why not go hit Brady since nobody is going to block me and it’s kinda boring back here in coverage after five seconds." He still got there in time to get a hit on Brady, but they called holding on the secondary anyway.
I said I'd never call three-man rush against Brady, and I for damn sure meant it. I have no idea how the Atlanta defensive staff thought it would work out.
*checks current NFL news*
Oh, yeah.
Also, I damn sure told you those rookie linebackers Campbell and Deion Jones could fly, didn't I? I know James White caught 14 balls for over 100 yards, but I still thought the linebackers did a decent job on him for the most part.
Except those two passes White caught right before he scored the game tying touchdown on a run at the end of the fourth quarter. I had to laugh because the Falcons played zone (I think it was cover 3) two times in a row, so the Patriots lined up in the same formation and ran the same play twice in the row because both times nobody could figure out who should cover White in the short seam area. That's taking advantage of an opportunity right there. Nobody better than New England at that.
If all else fails Falcons still had Julio Jones and, like I said he would, when it was time to win the game that guy can go and make the play you need in crunch time.
Just a damn shame that Dan Quinn pissed the game away.
Letting them off the hook
I will admit I wasn't right about everything. I definitely thought the Falcons would run more than one fullback lead play all game. They probably should have, especially when they were trying to milk the clock at the end.
I also thought they would throw to Mohamed Sanu more, which they also probably should have done. Definitely didn't see them playing as much man-to-man as they did (51 out of 73 passing plays).
What I was most wrong about, however, and what ultimately did Atlanta in, was how Dan Quinn would handle a big moment at the end of the game after losing to the Patriots in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago.
I never would have guessed in a million years that after Quinn had a bird's eye view of what happens when you throw the ball in a Super Bowl when the situation calls for running it, that he would turn around and make the same damn mistake.
To be clear Quinn blew that game. Straight up blew it. The shit was over. Kneel three times, kick a field goal and go home with a Lombardi Trophy. Hell if they just kneel on third down after the sack and kick the field goal it would probably still be live in the A right now.
I give the Patriots props for fighting their asses off and coming back to win, but after what should have been Julio's game winning catch they were fucking done.
Then Quinn let them off the hook.
I'm not absolving the players for that epic choke job. I will get to some specific plays here in a minute where they had opportunities to close out the game and didn't, but you can go back through the history of football and not find very many drives that end worse strategically, let alone execution wise, as the end of that Falcons drive. There just isn't a rational reason for even trying to throw the ball at all.
Not on second down.
For damn sure not on third down!
The fact that Matt Ryan got sacked on second down when they tried to throw and lost 12 yards was some football karma for your ass. I would've thought that would've been enough for Quinn after years of folks calling out the Seahawks for not giving the ball to Marshawn Lynch at the 1-yard line, but NOAP. The Falcons tried to throw it again and ended up with a holding call that knocked them out of field goal range for their trouble.
That's on the head coach.
Did I mention that Atlanta's starting right tackle Ryan Schraeder was out of the game with an injury at this point? Because he was. That's right, with Tom Compton in the game these idjuts decided to throw the ball on second and third down instead of running it and making history.
Pretty much everything that happened after that shouldn't even count because the game should have been over.
But it did count. That's why they had a parade up in Boston rather than Atlanta.
One more chance
What if I told you the Falcons still had a chance to win at the end of regulation, though?
Check out this play.
This is the last third down of the night for Atlanta’s offense. I realize not many people even remember this play, aside from the fact that Ryan almost threw an interception under duress, but uhmmm yeah ...
That dude in the green is Sanu and he's fixin’ to be wide ass open down the middle of the field because the Patriots tried to get cute with some Tampa 2 coverage. That guy in the purple circle? He is like the middle linebacker in Tampa 2, and if a receiver is even with the deep middle guy running up the seam vs Tampa 2, he's leaving.
All Ryan has to do is just chuck this one up, let Sanu go get it and we’re talking about the wild finish to the Super Bowl. Instead, the Falcons left their broke leg center, Alex Mack, on an island with Trey Flowers when the Patriots only rushed three. They got almost immediate pressure on Ryan, forcing him to throw it elsewhere.
It was only 18 seconds left, bruh.
Good grief.
How do you feel about that Falcons fans? Is it feeling like Salt Bae is sprinkling salt down his forearm right into an open wound?
Well hell, lets go back and reminisce and play Devil's Advocate on a few more plays to really get you nauseated.
Remember the sack and caused fumble from Dont'a Hightower (red circle) when Freeman whiffed? That's Taylor Gabriel in green about to get down the field in the hurry. The Patriots safety (purple circle) is breaking up on the other guy in the cutting route. It’s off to the races if Freeman gets his block here.
Still not sick enough?
Y’all let Tom Brady run for 15 yards on a third-and-friggin-8 because of shitty pass rush lanes. The longest rush of his career only went for 22 yards, and that was way back in 2006!
In the top picture, the guy in the green circle is Julio. Now, it might look like he is being doubled by the guy in blue, Malcolm Butler, but actually Julio is in man-to-man. The guy in purple, Patrick Chung, is looking up the other route and not breaking at all.
As you can see from the bottom picture Chris Long is being blocked just fine by Jake Matthews and Jones is open enough for Ryan to just dump it to him, take the 5 or more yards so Atlanta can kick the game sealing field goal. For whatever reason he waits just long enough for Matthews to get hit with a verrrry suspect fateful holding call to knock them out of field goal range.
Some help from the refs
Let me say this too, I'm usually not big on blaming the refs for a win or a loss. The refs may suck, but usually they suck for both teams. However, I do have a couple of questions for the crew from Sunday.
I just gotta ask, if you can call that holding on Matthews, why not call this one on Chung (red circle against Austin Hooper) on third-and-33 on the next play?
Or how about this egregious high/low at the point of attack on the screen in the red zone in overtime. It’s hard for even good offenses to recover after 15 yard penalties most of the time.
And hey, I know it was the first overtime in Super Bowl history and everybody was probably ready to get their afterparty on, but I'm not sure how you miss a hold this egregious when the blocker yanks the guy from behind and pulls him to the ground on his back.
I'm not saying.
I'm just saying.
Of course I could not end this film review without giving a shoutout to both Trey Flowers of the Patriots and Grady Jarrett of the Falcons who had 2.5 and 3 sacks, respectively, in the game.
Flowers also had that pressure at the end of the game that I mentioned before from a zero nose. He may have saved that victory for New England. He was just beating people up all game against the run and the pass. Both of those young cats look to be destined for greatness if they can stay healthy.
Ok, so I got that all out of my system and now I feel better. How about you? I don't mind picking the wrong team to win the Super Bowl, but when the team I picked just pisses away the game it is frustrating. I am not knocking the Patriots at all. I have a great deal of respect for all they have been able to do in the last decade with Brady and Bill Belichick. Five rings in seven appearances is just nuts!
But Just imagine for a moment that Robert Alford actually catches the interception ball that Brady served up with 2:28 left in regulation. How different would the conversation about Brady be if, after being baited into throwing a pick six earlier in the game, he threw the game ending interception into double coverage?
That play literally swung from a third Brady Super Bowl loss to a gain of 23 yards. Atlanta was so shell shocked that they weren't ready for the next play and gave up another 20 yards.
If that sequence didn't perfectly sum up the end of the end of that game I don't know what does.
(Also if Keanu Neal hits Edelman after Alford tips the ball up, it’s an incompletion and the Patriots have a second-and-10 at their own 36 rather than a first-and-10 at the Falcons' 41-yard line.)
That's not "hating," that's just being honest. Atlanta lost that Super Bowl more than New England won it. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter. The Patriots have yet another ring to add to their collection and the Falcons are stuck asking themselves what the fuck happened?
Such is life when it comes to sports, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. So yeah, I got the winner wrong, but most of the rest of the stuff came to pass. I just didn't account for Dan Quinn choking when it mattered most.
Congratulations to Joel Thorman, our resident NFL Blogfather, for winning the picks challenge this year.
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