#it lingers after hanging out on purpose .I am pretty sure it notably always follows CWL back to aer base.
selfcontainedunivcrse · 2 months
11 12 22 for cVwoop <- Guy who is thinking about HOA
[11] What are small things that make them happy?
A lot of things (thankfully). It's generally easily amused with novelties, seeing a cute animal or something :]. It's happy with its own work, and likes seeing it and like. remembering that that exists. Its little desk and its displays in its house and its other contributions to the server. Also its just the type of person which everything reminds it of its friends, y'know >(^w^)<
[12] How high is their self-esteem?
Not great!! It believes itself to be pretty competent in a fair few skills, but it is very aware of its shortcomings. And it really beats itself up when it messes up, especially in an Interpersonal Fumble, and especially if anyone actually gets hurt (or it thinks that it is its fault). It also has a lot of the perpetual guilt of being alive and Not Doing Enough. Generally needs to be validated by other people that it is fine. There is also sort of an underlying understanding that it is different / weird / Something Wrong With It but this is like... less prevalent than beating itself up for the things happening Now.
[22] Do they have nightmares, and if yes, when did they start and what are they usually about?
I think it does fairly often. It's not someone who knows how to control what its thinking about or take its mind off of anything, and it is thinking about horrors Very Often. The aforementioned guilt of being alive. Especially when its alone, which would mostly be when people have split up to go home and rest. (Sometimes Finch is also home. This is not helpful for em anymore, even if they fall asleep together. Ey cannot stop Thinking About It.)
They would definitely be about the sculk stuff. Finch, sometimes, and the whole sacrifice thing. Arron and Popcorn getting hurt. Or getting possessed too. I think that a reoccurring one that would haunt it into having it more because it wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it would be being all alone in the little apocalypse bunker that it decorated to feel better, with the vague dream knowledge that it is Alone Now and Cannot Leave.
It used to consider dreams in the house it grew up nightmares on principle, but they're Really less worse than this. Sometimes there were buildings it did not recognize, a big clock tower on a cliff overlooking a river, kind of like the flower area.
It really hates when both types of scary dream combine into one scarier dream.
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