#it just vanished into the void
the-unknown-void · 7 months
He would like a word with you.
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finniestoncrane · 11 days
semi-regular reminder that my blog is nsfw, that i’m in my 30s, and that i kindly ask that no minors follow me or interact with me or my fics 💚✌️
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lionbearfox · 1 year
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inktober 1: the girls :) i want them to meet so bad
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tubbo--updates · 4 months
tumblr start registering and posting the updates first try challenge impossible!?!?
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
Warriors AU pmv idea
Tigerclaw centered, but Tiger meets Sasha when he tries to recruit Bloodclan; Sasha is Scourge’s mate (and keeps Bloodclan more friendly/helpful to each other) and uninterested, but Tiger won’t back down so Scourge Shreks him on the spot.
set to Bad Bad Leroy Brown
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revxrd · 1 year
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one thing about me is i’ll never get tired of drawing my ocs
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madmutts · 1 year
I. still feel like we should know more about the "bug man"(though that looks less like eyes and more like markings. maybe a mask but still) but yes singing lady's cool-
(I love music/to sing myself but I don't wanna get off topic again-)
As far as I can tell I only drew them once. But then again ALL OF MY VISION INDUCED ART IS GOOOONE
So even if I did draw them more I wouldn't be able to share it cuz it's GONE
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As I was going through some of the images just now, I found this cool perspective shot of what seems to be an early version of the Wolffort town and the castle up top!
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I feel like a crazy person that I'm actually begging Stoliz and Blitz to break up on the full Moon episode.
I feel like their communication issues can't really be solved within an episode, and seeing actually positive relationships with healthy communication in Hazbin Hotel spoiled me rotten.
Get that Bird Cloaca out of here.
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yinjiyang · 1 year
Vanishing Fate
@unpaidpiper liked for a starter
        Summoned.  Again.  While not obligated to answer the call, the timing just happened to be opportunistic and thus, Yin responded.  The description was vague but simple.  A missing child, disappeared from a secure room, all family and family friends had alibis...supposedly.  No witnesses, no clues left at the scene as though the little girl had just vanished without a trace.  Of course, there were a few likely suspects, but Yin had his doubts.  Nevertheless, he thought to investigate on his own, as was his usual motif.  In truth, he questioned the motives of the investigative team anyway, who seemed a bit too eager to point the finger and apprehend someone, guilty or not.
        Perhaps that was the reason that tipped Yin’s scales, that tempted him to nudge the team in one direction while he went in another.  Why?  Protecting the innocent, perhaps.  Perhaps protecting the guilty.  Only the subject of his own search knew the truth of innocence versus guilt.
        His voice was heard before his body was seen, the tone disembodied and haunting, soft and ethereal as it seemed to come from all directions around the one with the flute.  “They are searching for you...”
        Silently, he manifested, stepping from shadows with fluid, eloquent steps as he approached, eyes darker than the abyss locked onto the piper with an unblinking stare, accompanied by the chill of his immediate presence.  “Will you run or will you stand, I wonder...”
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jmrothwell · 8 months
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I'm trying to get the energy and motivation and desire to do...well. Anything. It's not really working out so well.
Like I know I need to write. I won't feel good about this stupid fic unless I work on it, finish it, edit it, etc. but I just...am drawing blanks as far as motivation.
I should draw. I feel better being creative. But there's no juice.
I should go to the gym. I like exercising, and I went yesterday after work and it was good, and with my work schedule changing again I won't be able to go on Wednesday for much longer...but I just want to go home and sleep for 12 hours.
Hell, I should actually try to find work to do at work. There's some things I could be doing; not much, but something...but what's the point? Nobody ever uses any of the stuff I work on in the catalog. Even with students coming back next week, nothing I do is going to feel like it makes any sort of difference or positive impact.
I need to catch up on CR and get excited for d20 tonight, but I just wanna lie down forever. Hell, I need to think about healthy actual food to eat and make, but all I've done is eat a sleeve of Ritz, insult myself, and decide that's probably enough food for the next few hours.
I'm really hoping the medication changes we're making are going to help, or at least cut some of this exhaustion and apathy off at the knees a little bit... I'm tired of not enjoying anything, not really, and of having things I like and want to do feel like this big obstacles that are easy to put off and ignore. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being unhappy.
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chenziee · 2 months
My 10 day vacation is starting tonight, if you don't hear from me, i have crawled into the den (the living room), surviving only on the most base needs (one piece playing on an actual tv instead of 1/3 of my laptop screen), doing important survival things (doing jigsaw puzzles)
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back from the nether straight to posting about hs just like that yes!!!!!!
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