#it just reads as so out of touch with the community you're supposedly protecting
deqdyke · 1 year
Can't believe I have to say this but if you're not Jewish please don't go around calling someone (even an alt right chud) a kapo. Whether or not the person you're talking about is Jewish. Most groups you'd be talking about have their own terms for traitors and even if they don't if you're not part of that group it's really really not you're place to aggressively use that terminology like that.
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pocket-sized-love · 29 days
Um... hello. I've never considered asking anything about this, but I've got an issue on my hands and I'd like to get a second opinion.
I take care of Ghost-type Pokemon. I hope to be a Gym Leader someday. My closest Pokemon to me is a Dusknoir. I've had him ever since he was a Duskull. In fact, he was my first Pokemon ever.
I've noticed changes in his behavior. Because they're so uncommon in the wild, few ever really see their behaviors toward prospective mates. But there are nights where he wanders off and brings back gifts for me. Other nights, I've found him bringing me my favorite kind of cakes.
I've never considered a relationship with any of my Pokemon because many places frown upon it. I've had partners in the past, but they've never worked out. He's always been there to help me through the issues, and I thank him for that. But I'm also nervous. He's gotten a lot more clingy as of late (I don't mind this. He's very nice and soft and his body always feels cool to the touch) and I'm wondering if that's due to the change in seasons.
He's so sweet to me. I'd want to know if there's anything I should be aware of. A lot of information I find conflicts, and I don't want either of us to get hurt if I decide to do anything deeper with him.
Um... Thank you in advance
I thought I read a study recently that was on-going regarding wild Dusknoir. The professor who discovered a very, very small group around the wooded area along the Bellchime Trail in Johto has been having a hard time with figuring out their mating habits and also how they are in groups. It's really interesting, but likely won't be of much use to you for some time yet. The other huge question is how they've evolved. The running theory is these are Dusknoir that were traded and then either released or left of their own will. That raises a lot of questions of course!
I've read finished studies that take years to compile and sort through the data that's been gathered! This study is so new still, so I'm sure it'll be a while before we get more info.
Saying that, I'll try my best to help you right now. (:
If you're interested in pursuing a relationship with your Dusknoir, the best thing to remember is that you know your Pokemon partner better than anyone. You know his tells, his likes and dislikes, how he behaves when happy, relaxed, fearful, protective. You know how he acts around other Pokemon, around other humans. Listening to your gut and, maybe this'll sound cheesy, your heart as well, is the best step to take when you don't know anything else about a certain aspect of a Pokemon's habits.
Being cautious for you and him is wise and shows how much you want to consider his well being and your own!
A more practical way to start accepting advances of course is to accept his gifts he brings you if you haven't already. You can always ask him what that means to him (I know it is not always easy communicating with Pokemon that are unable to write to respond) and using your knowledge of his habits and body language, I'm hoping that's a place to go from.
You could also reciprocate by getting him a gift as well. Something that he can wear or keep on himself. For Dusknoir, if he doesn't have one already, I've heard Ghost-types are particularly fond of Spooky Plates. It helps them connect with the world beyond supposedly, and it's been observed to give them more attack power in battles. You could even have it engraved with something like a message or a symbol to represent the bond you two have and wish to deepen.
Regardless anon, I hope this helps you even a little bit. I'm sure you'll be able to find a comfortable spot with your partner. He seems like a keeper for sure. <3 Best of luck to you, and feel free to come through again if you need help or if you just want to update us on what happens! <3
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