#it just might take a long time for inspiration to stike
caterpillarinacave · 10 months
I could respond to my writing promts with short, one chapter, or couple paragraph story.
Or, I could begin an exspansive mutlichapter fic that I will obsess over, posting singular chapters over the course of months as one shots to test the waters, then begin to string everything together, steadily posting and updating this fic where, techincally, one chapter does, in fact, respond to the prompt.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Mutilated Mannequin (Part 18)
Breakfast is strangely quiet and Azula can’t place why until Ozai clears his throat. “I called Dr. Guhira. He said that he can do some revision surgery.”
Azula laughs, a few tears threatening to spill over. “Are you serious?” She pauses. “You want me to get more surgery?”
He clears his throat again. “I thought that you might…”
“No. No more. My face is already damaged enough.” Her voice hitches.
Ozai opens his mouth but Ursa’s voice fills the quiet. “What’s going on here?”
Her farther cringes.
“He’s being insensitive again, isn’t he?”
He casts her a pleading stare but she can only work to swallow down her tears.
Her expression only seems to kindle her mother’s temper further. “You and Zuko won’t have to worry about that soon.” She slaps a stack of court documents onto the table.
Something about it makes Azula’s stomach lurch.
“Azula, I’m trying to…I’m trying to fix this.”
“Then stop telling me to get surgery.”
“It’s different than…”
“I have to get to class.” She mutters as she picks up her bag and heads for the door. She doesn’t know what she looks less forward to, a run in with Jet during gym class or the tense conversation that she is about to have with Chan.
She makes her way to his locker and loiters there, running thorough her script until she sees him sauntering up. He runs his finger though his hairline. “You want to start or should I?”
Azula shrugs.
“How did I make you feel like you needed the surgery?”
“It wasn’t just you. It was actually mostly my father.” Azula admits before recounting the comment that inspired her to get work done. He rubs his face in the way that he always does when he is particularly stressed.
“I guess that, that was pretty shallow, huh?”
“I should have told you…” he trails off, “that you didn’t need the surgeries.”
She folds her arms and replies with a soft, “yeah.” It is all she can manage for the time. What’s done is done. She considers briefly, her father’s offer. But, no, she won’t let him goad her into another operation. Not for cosmetic’s sake anyhow.
“Homecoming probably didn’t help either.”
“No.” She agreed. Not that it was of any more use that she didn’t mention what had been bothering her so much.
“So, what now?”
Azula shrugs. “Nothing, I guess. I just wanted to let you know why homecoming ended the way it did.”
Chan nods. “Kind of glad that you did.” He scratches the back of his head. “Are things going to be less awkward now?”
“I hope so or this conversation was pointless.”
He lets out a loud curse when the bell rings.
“Don’t worry about it.” Azula dismisses. “I’ll just tell Kyoshi that I was having trouble carrying all of this.” She opens her locker and pulls out more textbooks than necessary. She hands them to Chan and picks up her bag. “"And that you were giving me a hand.”
 “Ah, so you’ve discovered the wonders of being ‘helpless.’” Tops grins. “It comes in handy sometimes.”
 “Is that why you’re wandering the halls?” Azula asks.
 Her grin widens. “ Hell yes!”
Kyoshi lets her join them for frisbee. “How intense can throwing around a flimsy disk get?” She clearly underestimated the sheer chaos three of the school jocks could stir.
The absurd amount of combined testosterone wafting off of Sokka, Chan, and Jet is enough to build a future resume for a frat house.
She is thankful for it; it keeps Jet from pestering her. She lingers with Katara and Yue at what she hopes is a safe distance from the sport related pissing contest. Though she has landed herself in the center of an age old rivalry.”
“Don’t let her get the frisbee!” Yue declares as Azula sends it sailing to Katara. Yue groans as the other girl’s hands clamp down on it. The girl looks smug. She tosses the frisbee back to Azula who passes it to Yue and then it is back in her hands again. She rolls her eye, realizing and accepting that they were never going to pass it to each other. 
“Mind if I join you guys?” Ruon asks. 
Azula passes the frisbee to him and he flicks it to the nearest person, Yue. “Sorry about your face.” He comments.
“It is what it is.” 
“Yeah. Chan was telling me a bit about it.” 
She finds herself pleasantly to have such a considerable amount of support. Frankly she had been almost certain that Yue would cut her out. Granted, the girl is tactlessly truthful but she has come to know that, that’s just the girl’s personality. She supposes that she appreciates the honesty. 
“Why aren’t you with Chan?” 
“I’ve taken eight frisbees to the face and we’ve been playing for five minutes.” Ruon shrugs. “I’m not into extreme frisbee.” 
The four pass the frisbee between one another. Azula watches it sail into Katara’s hands and Katara passes it to Ruon.
“Hey! You skipped me.” Yue complains as Ruon tosses it to her. 
Azula outstretches her good arm to catch it. Before she can, a different frisbee collides with the back of her head. 
“Careful, Longshot.” Jet leers. “We can’t mess up the back of her head too.”
Azula picks up the frisbee and glowers at Jet. Her gaze flickers between he and Longshot before she ultimately decides to toss it at Jet. She lands her hit square on his nose. Longshot chuckles, unaware that she still has one frisbee at her disposal. This one stikes his ear. She offers them the dullest expression she can muster, one that might even impress Mai. 
“Jesus.” Ruon remarks with a half laugh. “I didn’t realize you had such good aim.”
Azula shrugs. “I have many talents.”
“I think that Longshot is gonna whine to Kyoshi.” Yue comments. 
“Let him.” Azula replies. “Kyoshi likes me.” Even if she does get a lecture, the satisfaction of striking the both of them will outweigh it. Getting the last hit takes the edge off of the sting they left her with. 
But still, some tingles of doubt remain.
They carry her to math class and into lunch.
She wishes that her mind would stop lingering on the petty comments. They seem so small in comparison to the kindness everyone else seems to afford her.
She arranges her food, and simply observes the conversations around her. 
“Are you still taking Zuko to the comet festival?” TyLee asks. 
Yue grimances. “Oh God no.” 
“Aw, why not? He’s kind of cute.” 
“Gross.” Azula mutters. 
“The first half of homecoming was nice but then he started talking about Mai and it got awkward.” She pauses. “You still going with Kei Lo.”
“He’s nice and everything but he doesn’t like that I have to bring Tom-Tom along with us on our dates sometimes.”  Mai shrugs. 
“Soooo…is it too soon for me to asking him to the festival?” 
“Have at him.” 
Azula’s heart sinks again. She is still alone. She pretends to be interested in her meal, wishing that they would all just stop talking about dates and dances. She thinks of bringing up their sports teams, heaven knows that TyLee can talk about gymnastics for ages and Yue did love to boast about her award for her 500 meter freestyle. She doesn’t speak up fast enough.
“Are you going to ask anyone to the comet festival?” Yue asks. 
And again she takes too long to answer. 
“She can ask all the people she wants, nobody is going to say yes to a face like that.” Jet comments. “She couldn’t get a date before, she sure as hell can’t get one now.” 
“That’s bold coming from someone who lost his date.” Chan comments. 
“I’m taking Smellerbee.” He shrugs.
“Poor girl.” Yue comments, “I’d try to help her if I liked her, but she has one of those coconut haircuts and I don’t condone that kind of sin against hair.” 
“It least she isn’t made of plastic. Broken plastic.” 
Broken plastic…
Azula absently brings her fingers to her cheek. She hasn’t seen it yet, but she can feel the raised ridges of scar tissue. 
She hears Toph enter the conversation but the words never settle. The face Jet makes brings her some satisfaction, but it is fleeting as his words echo in her head. Moreso when she catches tunes in to hear him say, “you can’t even fucking see, of course you think that she’s pretty.” 
“Jet, my asshole looks prettier than you.” Toph grumbles. 
“How about this? How about you leave beauty related opinions to the people who they are meant for; people who can see. Blind people don’t get to call things beautiful.” 
Toph folds her arms over her chest and blows at her bangs. “Whatever I’d rather be blind then look at whatever you have going on.” 
She should say something. Anything at all instead of hiding behind the rest of them. But she had thrown away most of her fight with the frisbees and the rest of it has been sapped away by Jet’s commentary.
She thinks of Ozai’s offer. Dr. Guhira has always been good to her, at the very least he made her feel comfortable and like she had a choice. She can imagine that he’d be able to perform a healthy corrective surgery. 
“Good luck with the festival.” Jet’s voice cuts through her thoughts. “I bet that even that faggot Aang get more dick than you.” He offers her a final sneer before going to receive his high fives and words of praise. 
Katara starts to stand and Suki holds her down. “He can’t talk about people like that, Suki.” Her grip tightens around her empty water bottle. “Did you hear what he called Aang? Aang isn’t even  here!” 
A mist of outrage settles over the table. And through the fog, they don’t see her get up and leave. She leans herself against the wall just outside of the cafeteria. She could give her father a call…
The double doors open and Katara emerges. 
“You can get written up for ditching, you know?”
“I guess I’ll take my first write up then.” She replies. “Is this the first time…?” She looks at Azula before clarifying, “that people have talked to you like this?”
Azula nods. “I have to admit, I admire their sheer audacity.” 
Katara laughs. “I always thought that you’d have some crazy comebacks.” 
Frankly she thought that she would too. She seems to have them at the ready on TyLee’s behalf and on Mai’s...and Zuzu’s if he’s lucky and she’s feeling generous. But when it comes to herself she seems to lose her bite. 
“Not really.” Katara says. “I’m sure I’ll hear them soon enough.” 
Katara pulls her into a gentle hug. Usually that is reserved for only TyLee to do, but today she accepts the comforting gesture.
She is, once again, the first person to spread her picnic blanket on the ground. This time she is bundled up in a coat and several layers of sweaters that are just thin enough to accommodate her sling. 
“Hot chocolate?” Pathik offers. 
Azula holds her hand out. Stargazing and hot chocolate, she supposes that she can really use that today. She takes a sip and looks at the sky until bickering from below draws her attention away. 
Katara gives a little wave. 
“I can’t believe that you nerds talked me into coming here again.” 
“You say that every week, Yue. I think that you enjoy astronomy.” Azula speculates. 
“I enjoy the idea of free hot chocolate.” She wraps her arms around herself. “It’s too cold out for this.” She gestures to the telescopes. 
“Yes, but it’s the only time that you can see Canis Major.” Katara points out.
“And Venus is best seen this month.” Azula adds. 
“Who cares about Venus. I still haven’t gotten to see the moon.” She shiverers and burrows further into her coat. “Look at this.” She waves her arms around at the snow. “Too cold.”
“Maybe if you’d zip your coat, you wouldn’t be as cold.” Katara suggests. 
Azula hears a clatter and a muffled, “oh dear.” Katara wanders over and helps their professor pick up his telescope. When the remaining few students make themselves comfortable Pathik addresses them. “Today, I would like to start by telling a story to get us in the winter spirit…”
She never imagined that astronomy club with come with fairy tale read alouds. But then, Pathik has never been anything but whimsical. She isn’t opposed to his story choice either. 
“Hey, can I share your blanket?” Katara asks. 
Azula nods and tosses the blanket over her shoulder. 
“What about me?” Yue asks. 
“First come, first served.” Azula shrugs. 
She and Katara were the last remaining people after the telescopes have been packed away. Katara looks at her phone and bites her lip, “I forgot that Sokka had an away game tonight.”
“I’m sure that my limo has some extra space.” Azula replies. 
Her face slackens in relief. “For a second I thought that I’d be walking home. I mean, it isn’t that far but my nose is getting numb.” 
“Yes, mine too. Just like old times.”
Katara laughs, “I never thought that I’d have to help someone change nose pads.” 
“I suppose that I didn’t think I’d ever have to ask someone to help me with that.” The conversation fades out. In its place is the soft sound of sleet hitting the parking lot.
“He’s wrong you know.”
“Hmm?” Azula knits her brows. “About you not going to get a date to the comet festival.” 
“Can we avoid this topic?”
“I guess we can, if you really don’t want to go with me.” 
Azula stares at her for the longest time. “You...you want to take me?”
Katara’s hand squeezes hers and she nods. “I’d really like to give it a try. Jet was a horrible date…”
“So the bar is pretty low.” 
“So I need something extra special to make up for it. I figured that you like a challenge.” 
Azula smiles. “I do like a challenge, yes.” 
“So you’ll go with me?”
Azula nods. “I’ll go.” 
Katara leans forward, when Azula misses her cue, the girl rolls her eyes and pecks her nose instead. Katara brushes Azula’s bangs aside and leans in for a second try. Azula hesitates before tilting her head. The girl’s lips are meer inches from her own when two rapid horn bleats cause them both to jolt. 
“That doesn’t look like a limo.” Katara mumbles, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
“We’re having a family dinner.” Zuko calls from the car window. 
“We’ll have to drop Katara off first.” 
“She can come with us.” Ursa smiles. “There’s an open seat in the back.” 
“Thank you Ms. Kasai.” Katara climbs into the back. 
“You won’t be thanking us after dinner.” Azula whispers. “Family dinners are always…”
“Dramatic or weird.” Zuko fills in. 
“Are you going to tell me about your girlfriend?” Ozai asks, tapping the steering wheel. 
“Yup.” Zuko muses. “It’s gonna be weird this time.”
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lamurdiparasian · 8 years
Writing A Personal Statement For Graduate School Examples
The way to write a terrific Ucas personal statement for university or college
‘The magic formula to obtaining forward gets started’. Irrespective of whether, the American citizen writer Signature Twain expressed this or otherwise not is up for dispute. What on earth is not up for controversy, but, is your facts regarding the phrase, particularly when dealing with personal statement writing.
For sixth-formers returning to education following on from the longer summer season crack, institution can seem quite some distance off of. A dozen calendar months of classes, revision, tests and overall results withstand in between you and departure, so you could be forgiven for convinced that you have on a regular basis around the world in order to complete the application.
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While Ucas college or university program deadline is a couple of months out, Jan 15 will get there before very long and obtaining created now means you will not be struggling surrounding throughout the months right after Christmas time.
Original, you will have to sign up with Ucas and submit your details. You will then get to sign up for up to six modules. Make sure to go across research the training course specifications on your predicted levels coupled with a-range choices therefore you will not get declined just before you have even grabbed your exams.
You certainly will then have to outline your teaching and accreditations until now as well as to give information on any work you have obtained. It is also recommended that you nail along who will be giving you your academic research as quickly as possible – remember to give your teacher lots of time to turn it into a great one.
Eventually, before you actually send in the application, you will be inspired to incorporate your personal statement. This will be your chance to influence your university or advanced schooling that you are currently the perfect someone to examine their class.
For some people, writing a personal statement will arrive immediately. But for people who are being daunted about the possibilities of applying 4,000 people jointly, you are in a growing crowd. As Stuart Balnaves, skull of student know-how at Ucas, puts it: “Those three text – Ucas personal statement – can stike fearfulness into students’ hearts”, but it is possible to help make the experience quicker.
In the first place, jot back down main reasons why you wish to investigation your chosen program. Might it be another appreciation or perhaps good old rate of interest? Were being you empowered by a situation you read or does this contribute with the vocation you will sooner or later decide to pursue – whereby, what exactly is it that suits you concerning this position?
Furthermore, take into account what you could say you have carried out on reveal your reason for enthusiastic about this unique content. Have you acquired thing during a modern culture or golf club beyond the borders of classroom? Does one take advantage of looking at of your issue, if yes, what books certainly appeal to you and why?
Have you ever did the trick in virtually any jobs that help with skill sets that educational facilities might find tempting? Have you made it simpler for other classmates in school, have you volunteered or taken on work experience within your field?
“The optimum statements shows that your student is interested in topic; that they’ve studied it, that they’ve perfected an interest rate it in out in the open university, and this they’re acquiring their understanding and skills out of academia,” states that Liz Search, undergraduate admissions supervisor along the Institution of Sheffield.
Bear in mind, she suggests students and avoid rambling: “Some endeavor to let you know their life experience,” she remains, “sometimes this is genuinely priceless, but it must be applicable rambling, it needs to tell admissions teachers the reasons you have selected a precise content.”
James Williams, lecturer in degree during the College or university of Sussex, agrees: “Admissions educators are looking to notice that you have an awareness concerning program you might be putting on for,” he reveals. “Content of programs will be different at totally different educational institutions, and we all don’t visual appeal for applicants come to be far too very specific, but contenders needs to look for frequent topics and street address these.”
The trick is harmony. Contrary to what Oxbridge marketplace demand, most colleges will appear for prospects to break up their statements regarding their academic achievements in addition to their special-curricular activities – if these include relevant to your selected magnitude, the entire more suitable.
The post Writing A Personal Statement For Graduate School Examples appeared first on Screenprint Dynamics.
from Blogger http://lamurdis.blogspot.com/2017/01/writing-personal-statement-for-graduate.html
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