#it just looks like it has a random line across its face
synthaphone · 1 month
my quest for the front facing lenny
i'm expecting this to be less useful than it is entertaining, because there is a good reason why they do not draw lennies from the front: really difficult
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these get kind of close?? they look better to me when the beak doesn't break out of the outline of the head, i think, which sucks for me because it means i have to tweak my sculpture lol
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this artist was very brave- this is probably the closest thing to a depiction of a front facing modern Lenny
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these are kind of unrelated but i'm posting them mostly because i think they look funny as hell, but i appreciate the ambitious concept
and finally, the holy grail:
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oh my god
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owen-writes · 7 months
Another random prompt
11th: “oh them? yes they’re super nice! here they are right now-“ *waves to reader who has a resting bitch face, across the room* “see, i told you, adorable!”
11th Doctor x Gender Neutral Reader
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The TARDIS had landed on a spaceship. Well, spacebase as the doctor keeps calling it. It looked well looked after and quite new as well. The TARDIS plopped you down right in the middle of what looked like a cafeteria or seating area. Many benches lined the room with a little hatch. But it all looked abandoned. As if it had never been used in the first place.
Your eyes scanned the room, and you landed on a plastic crate, full of things. And of course you had to take a look. So, you went one way and the doctor went another way, heading towards the hatch.
You dig through it, lost in the intricacies of the junk you'd found. Until you hear voices. Looking up towards them, you see the doctor, talking to someone through the hatch. You can catch some of the conversation.
"Where is everyone?"
"Not arrived yet."
They looked human, not much older than you. And they seemed friendly, holding a conversation with the doctor.
"I'm just the mechanic, always first to arrive."
"Why's this spacebase here?"
As you study them, you get lost in thought, your face contouring to its natural state.
"Who are they?"
"Oh, my friend. Super nice."
You hear your name, it's the doctor's voice. And you look up. He gives you his cheeky wave and the other person looks over at you. Then as quick as it began the doctor turns back around and carries on talking.
"See I told you adorable!" You hear the doctor say, louder than what he had been before. You knew it was to get your attention, as you hated being called adorable.
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[ pairing ] husband!heian era!ryomen sukuna x male reader [ genres ] fluffy romance with a villain [ cw ] phsyical contact, kisses (sukuna has a potty mouth in the nsfw version :3) [ author's notes ] i also wrote a nsfw version if anyone wants to see it, its also a bit longer than this cute one [ words ] 583 please reblog fanfictions when you read one you like! likes do not help writers' algorithms!
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sukuna yawned into his hand, sitting up in bed. he reached up with that hand and ruffled his fluffy, jet-black hair, a sigh escaping his lips. he then let out a soft, quiet sound one could accurately call a growl. he looked over at the boy on the other side of the bed, smiling. he reached out and let his fingers roam into your [color/texture] hair, his smile widening into a small grin. he let his fingers tangle into your hair and detangled them in a way that was uncharacteristically soft, caring and gentle for his usual murderous, aggressive, loud personality.
you slowly slid across the line from sleep to wakefulness, a small, sleepy smile inching onto your face in response to the gentle, loving feeling of someone else's fingers playing around in your hair.
"mm... morning, s'kuna..." you mumbled, smiling again. you slowly stretched your arms out in front of you, then just as slowly turned over onto your back and looked up toward the ceiling; when you saw who was to blame for the random show of affection.
instead of looking up at the obsidian ceiling of ryomen sukuna's bedroom, you made direct eye contact with the king of curses himself... the king of curses who just so happened to have your heart wrapped around his finger... and a wedding ring, as well.
sukuna grinned, looking you right back in the eyes as his fingers continued to frolic in your hair.
" cursed morning, darling... " he purrs into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe.
a soft blush about the same color of the insides of sukuna's irises (the area around his pupils) dusted your face; a grin crossed your face that matched the one on your husband's face. you reached up and made grabby hands at sukuna; he gladly obliged, letting his weight fall onto his elbow and leaning down to touch the tip of his nose to yours. you wrapped your arms around him and your fingers started to wander up and down his shoulders and the area of his spine that was the back of his neck.
sukuna smiled, cupping the side of your face in one hand and pressing his lips to yours. the kiss gave you some of the same feelings you had felt when you and sukuna had experienced that first kiss... it was soft, loving, passionate... but at the same time it was hot, it conveyed the eternally existing fire of need he felt for you, and it may have been slightly aggressive... and slightly possessive.
pff, "slightly," scratch that- sukuna would burn every civilization in the milky way galaxy to the ground if any living thing ever put a hand on you, whether harm was meant or not.
you smiled against sukuna's lips, pulling him closer and letting him pick you up with all four of his big, strong, war-worn hands, changing your positions so that you were sitting comfortably in his lap.
"mmmm... so pretty..." he purred into your ear. his hands roamed your top-naked body possessively as he softly broke the kiss, putting two hands on both sides of your face and touching his forehead to yours. his other two arms squeezed your thighs, then slid up to grip your waist before two arms wrapped around your lower back, gently but covetously forcing you closer to him so that your chest was pressed against his.
"mine." he growled quietly, his voice dripping with many emotions- love, obsession...
and the lingering desire to kill.
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© uraharasfavoriteexperiment.
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withleeknow · 4 months
rue de rivoli.
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pairing: hyunjin x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, semi edited lol, a little sappy and very self indulgent and inspired by a very specific instance in that one hyunjin vlog in japan 🤷‍♀️ word count: 0.9k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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hyunjin might be the worst - and you mean it, the worst - travel partner.
it’s all because of that ridiculously expensive camera of his and the little hobby that he’s taken up on.
“hey,” he calls out softly, trailing a few steps behind you as he raises the camera up to his face again. “hold it right there.”
you huff out a breath in mild annoyance, blowing some hair away from your face as the air escapes from your lips.
“seriously? you’ve taken a gazillion pictures already. this is the third time you’ve made me stop in the past thirty minutes.”
“but the lighting is just perfect.”
“we’re only here for a few days! i can’t see all the places i wanna see if you keep making me stop every two seconds!”
it was cute at first, how he kept asking you to stop in the middle of the street to snap a photo of you. it made you blush every time he did, because he would take another brief moment to admire the final product on his camera’s display screen and tell you that even though the photo turned out great, it could never truly capture how beautiful you are through his eyes. then he’d press a kiss to your cheek or a swift peck to your lips before taking your hand and tugging you along, en route to the tourist attractions that you’ve yet to come across.
to be fair, it’s still cute, and despite your feeble irritation, you still let hyunjin take his photos every time he asks. mostly because he would start sporting a gigantic pout on his face, coupled with the way his eyes widen like a puppy begging for a treat.
“please? you look so pretty right now. pleaseee?”
you acquiesce - of course you do - because who can say no to a cute whiny hyunjin?
you roll your eyes half-heartedly, and a bright grin immediately spreads on his lips because he knows that he’s getting what he wants, the smile so brilliant that it brings out his whisker dimples and turns his eyes into adorable crescent moons.
he patters over to you on light footsteps once the shot has been snapped, proudly showing you his handy work even though you secretly think it looks the same as any other photo of you that he’s taken - sometimes it’s your side profile with your hair covering half of your face because you’re too awkward to look directly at the camera, sometimes it’s you in random poses because you’re never sure what to do with your hands while getting your picture taken.
“did you even take any photos of the scenery?”
hyunjin shrugs, pretty indifferent to your question. “yeah, a few.”
“a few? give me that, let me see... you’ve taken two hundred and sixty four photos so far and only a few are of freaking paris?!”
another shrug, then cue one of the corniest things he’s ever said to you in your entire life. “you’re prettier than paris.”
sure, it’s a massively cliché thing to say, and a teeny bit cringeworthy to hear if this were a sappy romance movie. but coming from him, you know the sentiment is entirely genuine because hyunjin is nothing if not one of the sincerest people you know.
it makes you short-circuit as you stare up at him. the sun behind him softens by a fraction as it starts to make its descent, and the slowly fading sunlight looks as though it’s found a home as his personal halo. to have someone as beautiful as him tell you that you’re prettier than the city of love itself is quite honestly a little surreal, no matter how long you’ve been together.
“that was the cheesiest shit ever,” you comment, pretending to gag but knowing perfectly well that he can see the rosy flush on your cheeks. you mutter something else - for good measure - along the lines of never going on a trip with him again.
hyunjin laughs that endearing signature laugh of his, then he twists the cap back on the camera lens and once again lets the device dangle from the strap around his neck. he pulls you toward him with ease and kisses you deeply with a smile on his lips, one that’s warmer than the parisian sun could ever hope to be.
no, hyunjin isn’t a great travel partner. yes, mostly because he takes up all of your time trying to take pictures of you instead of letting you freely wander to the spots that you’d spent a lot of time bookmarking on google maps beforehand. he might be the worst person you’ve gone on a trip with because when you’re travelling, you like to be productive with your time and be able to do everything you set out to do in the limited number of days you have.
but even then, maybe it’s not that terrible having to miss watching the sunset in front of the eiffel tower because more exquisite than all of the most renowned artworks displayed in the louvre and more enchanting than any view you can spot from montmarte is your hyunjin that you adore, who’s kissing you in the middle of a street which name you can’t even pronounce.
any irritation you had from before slowly melts away. you don’t even care (that much) that you’re in the city of love.
any city is love when you’re with him.
(even when he messes up your travel plans sometimes.)
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki (italicized = can’t tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 04.03.2024]
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 5 months
Hi🩵 I hope you're having a great day
I was wondering maybe if you could make headcanons about how percy would be like in bed like his favorite positions and things he does to his s/o
What Percy would be like in bed NSFW warning
check out my masterlist for more NSFW->masterlist
tags: percy jackson
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missionary for starters: so he can see your face and your reactions from above.
talking about above, I think he would also enjoy the foreplay to start things off - placing his lover against the counter or on top of something and get between their legs.
There, he can take off their shirt or his own shirt and do things slowly. In his mind, the bed is where things really start, so he wants to get comfortable as possible.
the idea of pounding and going harder is for very obv. reasons a turn on but he is hesitant to do it because in the moment he gets really close, so hes afraid he'll cum.
he has the habit of not only staring but also looking away shyly when they stare back. Sometimes he will hold the stare until either looks away, he likes to build tension during and even before they start. When his s/o makes noises, his eyes flicker to their face, he thinks its really flattering that they moan because of him.
once after the first time(s) he would be comfortable enough to start using different positions.
He would stick with the classics, missionary, doggy-style (this one really got his heart pounding in his ears he was so turned on he couldn't breathe straight and kept panting).
He likes the idea of grabbing his s/o's leg or ankle and yank them into place, like dragging them toward him so he can get a better angle.
Percy wants to keep quiet, so he ends up scrunching his face ups and cocking his head to the side, biting down and clenching his jaw tight, sometimes even holding his breath slightly.
but as soon as he breathes, a noise always ends up escaping. its like a half-whine but its somewhat high-pitched and doesn't last long (meaning he doesnt let himself drag it out).
the sight of his s/o looking up at him or looking at them from behind makes his hands somewhat clammy and he feels embarassed that he needs to wipe them on the bedsheets.
praise him, dirty talk him (this one takes him by surprise) and he becomes such a love-struck fool willing to do anything to please his lover. He needs to know if he's doing well, otherwise he will spiral and his thoughts will consume him - to the point where he might even run away.
if his s/o takes the initiative he feels flustered but also insecure for a moment: was he not doing it right? mind you, this guy is a virgin and has not done things with anyone, so he can't help but feel insecure. but yet again, convince him and praise him and he is back.
once the sex and the pillow-talk comes, he imagines scenarios for the future: like his s/o straddling his thighs while they're either on the sofa or in his bedroom, his shirt thrown half haphazardly on the floor somewhere, gripping his s/os thighs and he's leanign his head back in pleasure ...
he takes more initiative, not afraid of grabbign your waist or hips during normal day-to-day activities...it becomes such a visible change that his parents are wondering what happened.
Percy becomes more and more confident in himself.
his favourite position is honestly anything really, he isnt picky. but if I had to choose one, I would say the position where his s/o is laying down on their stomach and hes ontop behind them.
he forces eyecontact, that's all I will say.
he frowns if they try to control their voice, he hates it and will grab their hands away. or do it harder just for them to not be able to hold back.
has tan lines dont ask where ...
handsy and grabby but it depends on what position they're doing and the timing, honestly it's pretty random.
whenever he licks his lips its pretty audible, you can just hear it from across the room.
quirks an eyebrow (not to be judgemental) if you say you're too shy, because you're both naked at this point sooooo. but not pushy.
wants to get to know your body: fingering, touching you anywhere, making out.
Im sorry i need to add on that i feel like hes the type of guy rhat would actually enjoy standing sex. Like his partner gripping the kitchen counter or the wall while hes behind. I feel like he loves to get a nice rhythm going and the sound of his balls slapping against them, the obscene wet noises coming from their genitals, the panting and moaning from the both of them, his fingers turning white from gripping their hips (he's trying to hold himself back), his mouth hanging open supressing his voice (he has a bad habit of holding his breath while doing this so when he finally breathes he's panting loudly), him grinding into the person to pause (again, hes about to cum), he wants to keep going for as long as he can, the idea of milking and dragging out an orgasm is his favourite way to do it. And when his partner finally lets out a long moan when they reached their climax, they unfortunately missed how Percy threw his head back and yelled in pleasure too when he came. I swear the walls slightly vibrated when he finished with that moan, his father is the earthshaker after all....
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bunnisari · 1 year
can you write one when its like, reader x plug!connie where they like toxic off and on, but he still spoils her and all that because they in love fr. he's like a real jealous type and is lowkey overprotective. but they always together and spend alot of time with eachother
No matter what you were always gonna be Connie’s.
No matter how many times you guys “broke up” you still belonged to him and everyone knew.
It was hard to strive as a now “single” woman. All of your old hoes were wiped off the face of the earth somehow (thanks to Connie). Any new guy that has the potential of being just a one night stand was scared away by a pair of emotionless eyes that stared you down from across the club.
Every night out with your girlfriends was ruined, any attempt to hook up with someone. ruined
Connie was everywhere you were. You blocked him on every social media, but he still created more accounts just watching your page. He also had eyes on you everywhere. You’d often see some of his most trusted guys at the mall, updating him on your safety.
His friends are so faithful to him it’s frustrating. Your bestfriends were his bestfriends, due to the fact that you were always around you all just became so close!
But when you have a girls night out with Mikasa and Sasha they are always cockblocking for connie.
“That guy was a dick Y/N”
“I dunno maybe you should just get back with Con”
Everyone around you did nothing but encourage you to get back with him, even your parents!
They love having him around and he’s excellent help in the kitchen!
Connie is fairly toxic but you won’t really notice until you think about it.
He’s got himself so involved in your life and everything you do, people can’t help but ask about him! And that was what he intended to do.
There was no possible way you could forget him, he was everywhere. You broke up with Connie but Connie didn’t break up with you.
You lasted 35 days and 45 minutes before getting back with Connie. Ever since you “broke up” with Connie, you’ve been focusing on a clothing line you’ve been wanting to release. You gave up on trying to go out and find simple one night stands. You were fairly sex deprived but didn’t give in. Nothing a vibrator couldn’t fix.
You were over men and their stupid ass inconsiderate ass feelings. Connie didn’t stop taking care of you though. You’d get random paypals and cash apps from Armin or Eren. $850 - FOR from Connie :)
You still were extremely grateful though. This particular night you decided to go to a party Ony was throwing. You were going out for yourself tonight, plus you haven’t popped out in a while gotta keep these bitches hatin
You walked through the entrance of the house, “Way 2 Sexy” blasting through the speakers.
“Heyy sexyy” Sasha drags out as she wraps her arm around you, holding a cup in her hand. You hug her back with a smile on your face, ready to get wasted.
After many mixed drinks and a blunts worth inside of you. You stumbled to a bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You lip synced to the song that was playing from downstairs, checking yourself out in the mirror. Your eyes were red and low, all your movements sloppy.
As you re-applied your lip gloss, a deep voice spoke out to you.
“You’re avoiding me” You jumped at the sudden voice, thinking you were in the bathroom alone. You looked back in the corner of the bathroom, seeing Connie lean on the wall. He looked good as always.
“Connie just go” You mumbled in irritation, not wanting to give into the man in your drunken state.
“What did I tell you about watching your surroundings mama, hmm?” Connie stepped closer to you, “Didn’t even notice me following you. How are you supposed to stay safe princess” Connie fake pouted at you, looking down at you with pity. You could reject him all you want but your face told it all, you missed him so much.
“Sshut upp” You slurred, attempting to walk around him and out of the door.
“Talk to me” Connie’s hand gripped your waist, pulling you back in-front of him. “There’s nothing to talk about, we areee overrrr” Your own eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t cry mami,” Connie cupped your chin, making you look up at him, “Just take me back. I promise I won’t fuck up anymore. I swear i’m going crazy without you, I can’t stop thinking about you. Just please come back home with me” Connie rushed out, the tattooed drug dealer fought the urge to cry. You’ve been ignoring him like crazy. A part of him felt like you were really done with him and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay Connie, I will” You nodded, letting your emotional state take over. Your arms wrapped around Connie, just wanting to feel him. “I’m gonna go home with you”
The next day you were sitting on Connie’s lap at Eren’s house. You sat pressing sticky kisses up and down Connie’s neck while he counted a few bands, a joint resting in his mouth.
Eren rolled his eyes as he walked pass you two on the couch. As annoying as it was, everything felt back normal again. You were right where you were supposed to be, with connie <3
thinking about toxic!yandere!friend group now but in a platonic way
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
Miles-42/Prowler Miles x GN!Reader
based off this post
@tainted-liquor hopefully this is okay 🥺
TW: Fluff, Kind of Short, No Plot, Mention of Ganke
"You're so frustrating"
You looked up to see your boyfriend, Miles G. Morales, looking down at you with his hands on his hips. He was scowling, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Whats your problem?" You huffed, giving him an annoyed look before waving him off and looking back down at the book you were reading.
He leaned down and tilted your chin up to force you to look at him, cupping your face in between his hands in the process. He squinted slightly as he looked directly into your eyes, eyebrows still furrowed. "Why the hell do you have to be so cute?"
You blinked out of confusion. His eyes were darting in between yours as he stared, deep in thought. "You good?" you asked, lip twitching as you tried not to laugh at how he was acting. What a dork.
"I'll be good once you answer my question."
He was dead serious. You snorted at this and pushed his hands off your face. "Stop playing"
"I'm not messing around!" he said, expression softening slightly. He sat down next to you, pulling you toward him as he pressed his face into your neck, effectively pushing your book out of your hands. "Hey-" you started to protest, but were interrupted by his voice.
"Stop tryna play hard to get" his voice was muffled as he spoke into your skin, arms wrapping around your waist. "its pissing me off"
You chuckled softly at this, resting your head against his, a slight smile spreading across your face. "I was reading that, dork"
"Read later. I'm here right now"
"You're always here"
You rolled your eyes. Clingy ass mf-
He looked at you, tilting your chin up so he could look you in the eyes again. You raised an eyebrow at him, biting back a laugh at his expression. He still looked mad.
"Who gave you the right?"
"What right?"
"The right to look so damn pretty all the time?"
"Has Ganke been reading you pick-up lines or something?" You asked with a snort, pressing your forehead against his.
He shrugged, closing his eyes at your movement, keeping his arms wrapped around you. "Where's this even coming from?" you whispered.
"Ion know. You just do stuff to me I guess."
A/N: This was pretty short but the prompt was also pretty short, so I think I did okay!! If there's anything that stands out to you or anything you think I should change, pls let me know!! <3
I genuinely have no idea how to write this guy 😭
He seems so average I'm sorry, like he'd act like most guys there's nothing defining about him that we know about because he had like 5 or 6 lines in the movie so I don't know how to write him in a way thats still accurate to his character and I don't wanna headcanon with some random personality cuz it would feel off to me yk.
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runa-falls · 2 months
*raise hand violently* PLEASE CAN I ASK ABOUT sub!miguel headcanons?!?!?!?!?!
What makes him whine, how pretty does his whimpers sound like?!?!?!
How gorgeous does he look when his eyes get all shiny and wet with tears because you won't let him come yet.
sub!miguel headcanons
basic summary: miguel is the whiniest, most pushy malewife and you are his protector, comforter, and safe space :3
a/n: OK BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RIGHT? (im so sorry lmfaooo) also does it count as headcanons if i have random scenes in between them?? wtvr *shoves fic in ur arms and sprints away*
content: suggestive + fluffy
bed habits (I'M TALKING AB SLEEPING YOU DIRTY BASTARD!) -- miguel is a sleepy, cuddly boy
he never has trouble falling asleep when you're around (except for when he - adorably - forces himself to stay awake so he can spend time with you)
this man is 6'7" but he still tries to curl up on your lap when you're lounging on the couch just so you can play with his hair as he dozes off
miguel owns a king sized bed, big enough to fit five people comfortably, yet he's adamant to take up all your space
it gets hot (i mean, he's hot -- literally, like his internal temp is higher than the average human) but even when you try to shove him away, he only pulls you closer to him
if you do, somehow, get away from him, he wakes up immediately with a sleepy groan, blindly reaching across the mattress for you:
you try to dodge his hands, laying precariously at the edge of the bed, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep. unfortunately, it only makes him whine like a spoiled child, "baby, closer. need you...come here" god -- he has such a cute sleepy voice...
but you don't let it sway you. you're already laying on top of the comforter, desperately trying to cool off and get back to sleep.
"it's too hot, miguel"
"but...i can't sleep without you" you can hear the pout in his voice
"just hold a pillow and pretend its me"
he sighs -- actually sighs like the dramatic man he is, "but it's not the same!"
you don't respond, refusing to continue this 3 am argument that you'll never win, and pretend to fall back asleep. maybe he will practice self-soothing or something and sleep by himself? maybe he'll be an adult about this?
silence settles in the air for a few minutes and you're nearly lulled back to unconsciousness. and then you hear the sheets rustle as he sits up next to you, suddenly fully awake and stubbornly staring down at you.
"mig, no amount of 'pleases' will convince me to sleep against your volcanic body"
"...how about just until I fall asleep?"
"but when I move away you'll wake up again."
you hear a quiet 'hmph' before you're promptly tugged back against his body. his face presses against your hair as he situates himself to engulf you in his warmth. "exactly, so don't leave me."
it's a common misconception that sub!mig likes to be the little spoon but actually he likes to cling onto you like you're a living teddy bear -- face nuzzled against your neck, legs intertwined with yours, and one large hand on your tit
you often wake up in a tangled mess, your neck stiff from the contorted positions he maneuvers your body into during the night
but you don't mind it anymore, especially on those rare morning swhen you wake up before him and you get to see those worry lines on his forehead soften as he sleeps soundly next to you
miguel is a soft and eager man:
it's his life mission to provide for you, to hear soft words of praise whisper from your lips
as soon as you're alone in a room, he drops the tough guy act and immediately searches for your warmth
miguel sticks to you like velcro when he isn't fighting crime in the city
and when he isn't with you, he's absolutely thinking about you
(of course he makes sure that you're thinking about him too with all the texts he sends you throughout the day -- adorned with cheesy emojis...)
this dude is so needy and desperate for your love, praise and approval that he's the one asking "would you still love me if i were a spider-mutant worm and i looked at you like this: 🐛 to say 'i love you'?"
would he call you 'mami'? debatable.
but he loves it when you call him honey, sweetheart, baby, bubby/bubs, hubby (he wants to marry you so bad), and puppy (WHEN HE'S KINKY BC HE'S A HORNY SOB)
you swear he whimpers a little when you tell him what a good man he is -- when you confess that he's your hero, even when he's not swinging around the city and lifting up buildings with his bare hands
his warm brown eyes search your face, a desperate quest for truth in every gentle word you speak. he's never been spoken to so softly in his life -- this tenderness, it's new...too good to be true
as time passes and your love deepens, he begins to realize that it's all true, that everthing about you is genuine, that he is loveable after all
miguel worships you:
he is definitely a worshipper when you let him be
on slower, more sensual nights, he makes sure to paint your body in kisses, from your ankles to your forehead it's almost tortuous
(maybe even bites if it's been a while since he's seen you)
he likes to kneel for you, make himself smaller so he can look up at you and appreciate everything you've provided for him
he's really whiny and pathetic though...
he wants to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. it helps him let go of this thoughts, anything that's weighing on him
it could be his heightened senses or just his desperation, but he needs to touch you all the time -- even just the light feeling of his hand against your thigh gives him a euphoric feeling.
so you deny him because you know how much he loves the delayed gratification and humiliation when you tease him for it.
"baby, you're acting so needy right now~" you decided to withdraw from the heated interaction to keep him at the edge. his eyes are dark, blazing with heat, as you speak to him with a syrupy sweet voice.
he pouts from the spot where he's kneeling for you, already achingly hard from the thorough petting session you just gave him.
"i'm not trying to be...just really need it." he's whining with a mixture of shame, frustration, and exasperation in his voice.
"It?" you tilt your head, a small smile gracing your lips.
"..." he doesn't elaborate. you can see a hint of pinkness creep up his neck as his eyes avoid yours.
he can get so shy sometimes. it's endearing. it makes you want to destroy him then put him back together again.
"honey, i can't give you what you need unless you tell me." you know what he wants, but you want to hear him say it.
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eccentricwritingbaby · 8 months
part one! part two part three
lando norris x fem!reader
summary - y/n y/l/n just needed a coffee when she walked into the shop, she didn’t expect to also walk out with a date. 
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you had just recently moved to monaco in order to get away from the ordinary life that you found yourself having. you were a person who needed adventure and opportunity which just wasn’t happening in your hometown. you maneuvered your way through the streets in order to reach your favorite coffee spot for your much needed afternoon pick me up. once inside, you patiently waited in line until it was your turn to order. 
“double espresso with almond milk, please,” you spoke quickly to the barista taking your order.
“no problem,” she smiled as you gave your cash to her while leaving the rest of your change in the tip jar. you then moved right over to the side in order to wait for your brew to be finished up. after a few moments the barista called out your order and you reached over to grab it. by doing so your hand was covered over by anothers and you briefly pulled your hand away.
“i guess there's two people in this shop with great taste,” you heard a swift british accent say to you.
“i guess so,” you chuckle, “i apologize you most likely ordered before me that's most likely yours,” you speak to the handsome stranger. 
“please take it, I don't mind waiting,” he says to you while eyeing you a bit, “but only on one condition,” he adds.
“and what may that condition be?” you question with a teasing smile, enjoying the attention from the attractive man.
he moves slightly closer to you and continues with his proposition, “that you wait with me for my order as well,” he speaks with a smile.
“well kind sir, you’ve just made yourself a deal,” you wink while grabbing the coffee and taking a seat at a nearby table. he moves over to sit at the seat across from you while taking you in.
“have i seen you somewhere before?” you ask, looking at him a bit longer.
he gives a quiet laugh while proceeding to say, “i do not believe we’ve met, love. i would’ve remembered a face like yours. i’m lando, by the way,”
“y/n,” you reply, “its lovely to meet you lando,” 
after many more words exchanged and lando’s - technically yours - coffee appearing, you sadly had to make your way out of the coffee shop and into your plans for the day ahead. you and lando begin to exit the shop, still laughing here and there at different inside jokes you had come up with in the mere hour that you had together. once you reach a certain navy lamborghini, lando halts his movements and speaks.
“well this is me,” he sighs, “but i do hope we can see each other soon?”
“i’d really enjoy that, lando,” you say as his heart feels as though it has skipped a beat with the sugary way you say his name. 
“then how about tomorrow night? are you available for a date?” he asks quickly.
“i don’t know, i may have other plans with a random stranger i met at a different coffee shop,” you tease.
“ha-ha very funny,” he bites back, “what if i grab your number and we sort this out later,” you smile and hand over your phone while he loads his number in.
“well i have to leave, but it was very nice meeting you, lando. hopefully we see each other again very soon,” you smile back up at him while he gives you his signature smile right back.
“same for you, y/n. i’ll call you,”
“i’ll be waiting,” you give him one last wink and begin your walk away. he was enjoying the view of you walking away when your movements quickly halted and you turned slowly on your heel. 
“holy shit, mclaren!” you look back at him and begin laughing, “that’s why you looked familiar!” you said between laughs, “wow i am so dim, i’m so sorry,”
he gives you a shy smile while nodding, “i actually am quite happy you didn’t catch on, i appreciate some normalcy sometimes,”
“well in that case, if you want something normal, you’re going to have to work for that date, mister,” you reply while giving a sly wink and continuing on your way. lando smiled and hopped into his car. he would definitely be working for his date with you, but it would very much be worth it - and he couldn’t wait. 
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l0serloki · 5 months
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First Kisses!
(Chamber, Phoenix, Reyna, Iso)
You get your first kiss with some of the Val agents!
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Chamber :
Chamber was shocked. You two had been flirting for quite a while but when he had never expected you to tell him you had never had a kiss. 
“You want me to believe someone as gorgeous as you has never been kissed?” He laughs it off at first, taking in your blushed splendor.
“Never.” You confirm with a little laugh. His hand makes its way across your cheek.
“May I fix that for you darling?” His voice is suave and his eyes shine through his glasses. Always so calculating. 
You could feel your heart beat out of your chest. It took everything in you to even mumble out a quick ‘yes’.
“I’m honored I am your first.” Chamber whispers in your ear before he leans in, his lips meeting yours. It was everything you had ever expected it to be. His lips were soft and moved gently as you learned the pace. By the time he had pulled away you were left breathless.
"You are a fast learner." He smiles as his thumb rubs at your cheek.
"And you are a good teacher."
Phoenix :
Phoenix and you were talking about random things from your guys childhood when the topic came up.
“I had my first kiss when I was thirteen.” He laughs and your eyes widen. You knew you were in the minority of people who hadn’t been kissed but.. thirteen?! That seemed so young!
“What? When was your first kiss?” He poked at you and you could feel the tension start to rise.
“Uh…” You sigh and a wicked grin appears on his face.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never had a kiss.” His smug look turns into one of shock when you slowly nod your head no.
“Right.. Well I think we gotta fix that.” He huffs as he reaches his hand out for your waist. “May I?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Go on then.” You roll your eyes but you can’t help but feel pleased. If you wanted to have your first kiss with anyone it would be Phoenix. You trusted him and knew he wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.
His lips pressed against yours as his warm hand rubbed lightly at your waist. As soon as it started it left, leaving you almost.. disappointed?
“Want another?” Phoenix grins at your look and cocks his head. Sly bastard.
Reyna :
“Let me give you a little kiss.” Reyna teased as her hand wiped at the crumbs on your lips. You could feel yourself grow nervous at the implication. You liked Reyna a lot. But you had never crossed that line with her. Frankly, you had never crossed that line with anyone.
“Y-you don’t have to.” You stutter out and she only coos at your embarrassment. 
“Do you not want one?” She asks and you don’t know how to respond. You do but if you tell her this is your first will she think you were childish?
“I do I just..” You stop yourself as you grow even more nervous.
“This is your first?” She grabs your hand and rubs it soothingly. You only nod as her smile grows.
“Then let me teach you how to kiss. You’ll like it, don't worry.” She breathes out as her lips meet yours. It’s a feeling like none other. You feel your body light up as she cradles you softly. 
“Just a few more, hmm?” She muses as she moves back in.
Iso :
You were listening to music together on his bed after a long mission. He had never played this music before and it almost felt like he had curated the playlist for you. You stared up at the ceiling with him as the melody continued to play. You could feel his gaze on you and you turned.
His eyes bore holes into your head and you suddenly felt nervous. It felt like he could see everything.
“Y/N, I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I really like you.” He says confidently and your eyes widen. You had liked him for a while but never dared to say anything.
“I like you too.” You choke out and a smile appears on the mans face. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you could feel yourself squirm. If you thought too much into it you would back out.
“Do it.”
He takes your word and pulls you closer to him, his lips melting against yours. You close your eyes as you let yourself relax at the new sensation. You had finally had your first kiss. And with Iso for that matter.
You two finally broke the kiss to come up from air. His hand stayed against your arm as he just smirked.
“You’re a good kisser.” He whispers out and you feel pride fill your body.
“Thanks, it's my first time.” You grin and his jaw drops to the floor.
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milkgemini · 10 months
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka X f!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: CHEATING (if you don’t like it, don’t read 😛), smut, minors DNI, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, language
It’s wrong. 
Those thoughts you’ve been thinking? The made up scenarios you’ve formed in your head? It’s not right. 
There are many layers as to why this case is out of reach. Unfathomable. 
For one, it would be in your best interest to not get fired here. You work for this man. Sleeping with the one you answer to, the person who has the power to terminate you with the snap of his fingers, wouldn’t look good to your boss, huh? 
But let’s cut the shit, and get to the real problem at hand. 
Jake Kiszka is not a single man. 
He has a partner. She is a lovely woman. Whom he’s been involved with for several years. You knew this from the way he spoke of her. Many times you’ve been witness to the rushed FaceTime calls he’s shared with her before stage. 
Oh, and there was that one time you caught yourself with your ear pressed to his dressing room door, listening to the way he spoke to her on the phone. His voice soft and sultry. 
“I miss you” her voice echoed from the other side of the phone. 
“Can you do something for me tonight, babe?” He asked. 
“Anything.” Her voice was desperate. You could hear the way she yearned for him through the phone. 
“Think of me tonight when you slip your fingers below that lace and pleasure yourself. Think of me the entire time. Say my name when you cum.” 
He was taken. Unavailable. Off the market. 
But you didn’t even feel bad. That was the worst part. 
You especially didn’t feel bad that night after eavesdropping on their phone call. You did exactly what he asked of her and thought of him the entire time. Just like most nights. 
But you weren’t crazy. 
There was a reason behind the pining for Jake. Every other time, the subtle flirtatious manner was reciprocated. 
You remember the times where his touch lingered longer than it should have against your skin. 
The times he brought you things like water or a snack, when that was quite literally your job for him. 
And what about that time he specifically instructed you to “remain side stage for the entire show”? 
You weren’t crazy. 
“30 minutes ‘til stage people. Let’s get a move on.” An annoying voice rang through your radio. 
Do they really have to update us every 10 minutes?
You added some pep to your step, despite the agitation of the constant reminder. 
These places all looked the same behind the scenes. Long boring hallways with a bunch of doors to random places lining the walls. 
The echo of your footsteps reverberated from the concrete floors to the cinder block walls. 
“What’s the rush?” 
The door to his dressing room was cracked. He sat lazily against the couch. His left arm draped over the top of the cushion, his legs crossed. 
That curled smile. Jake had this signature smirk. It was like the Cheshire Cat. Like he knew he would forever get away with the shit he pulled. 
“It- its 25 minutes to show. Shouldn’t you be…” You’ve lost your train of thought at the sight of him rising from the couch, dusting off the imaginary lint from the thigh of his pants. 
“I’m always ready for whatever the night has in store.” He answers your unfinished question, the shit eating grin still plastered across his face. He punctuates his sentence with a pucker of his lips. 
Before you even have time to process, the bathroom door inside the room swings open. 
“Hey babe, what do you think about this dress? Too much?” 
Jake’s long term girlfriend was at the show tonight. Sitting with him in his dressing room before he headed to the stage. Dressing up for him. Doing everything you wished for. 
You stood awkwardly as you watched Jake pull her body into his by the grip of his fingertips on her hips. 
“You look positively radiant tonight.” He reassured her. 
He planted the softest kiss imaginable to her lips - almost as if he intended not to let them meet. 
His eyes quickly shifted to your presence before fixing back on her’s. 
“Will you…. See if you can find Sam for me, love? Got something I want to do before the show.” He tucks her hair behind her ear as if to convince her of the task. 
She nods back at him with those annoying doe eyes. You wonder if she truly is as dull as you assumed. 
“Quickly.” He smacks her ass as she walks away from him. 
You can’t help but roll your eyes as you begin to walk off. 
“Oh do that again for me will you?” Jake calls from the dressing room. 
You peek your head in once more. 
“Excuse me?” Fake annoyance lacing the tone of your voice. 
“What would Layla think if she heard that?” You bring yourself further into the room. 
“And by the way, thats fucked up sending her on a wild goose chase looking for Sam. He’s never in the same spot for more than-“ 
He cuts you off by slamming the door shut, reaching his arm dangerously close next to your head. 
The lock switches beside you. 
“You’re catching on.” 
That fucking smirk. You can hear it when he talks, even if he’s turned his back to you. 
You study the waves of his hair that fall against the back of his suit. 
“You don’t want me like that.” His back remains to you as he fixes two drinks. 
“What?” You’re nervous. Your voice a high pitched whisper. 
“I see the way you glare at her. You’re jealous. But you don’t want me like that.” He turns back to you offering a glass of amber liquid. Your stomach turns, never being much of a drinker. 
Trying your best not to make a face, you sip at the drink. 
“And how do you know what I want?” A flirtatious edge to your tone. 
He takes a step too close to you. Angling his neck down to meet your face. 
“I know what you want, because you’re just like her. A good girl that wants a good man to treat her right. Shower her with love and reassurance.” 
He brushes the hair behind your ear, just as he did to Layla earlier. 
“But I think there’s something different with you.” He toys with the end of your hair, wrapping it around his pointer finger. 
You don’t even need to ask, he can read the question mark on your face. 
He huffs a laugh to himself with a tight lipped grin. 
Jake trails his fingertips, snaking them through to the hair at the nape of your neck. 
“I think you’re a slut.” He tugs your hair with force, causing you to expose your throat. 
He brings his mouth closer to the sensitive skin there, not letting his lips meet. 
“See, my Layla, she doesn’t have that darkness behind her eyes that I see with you sometimes.” 
The heat of his breath against you raises goosebumps to your skin. 
“She’s sheltered and shy.” He flattens his tongue before dragging it up your neck, stopping just below your earlobe. 
“But with you…” his voice is at a whisper now. 
“With you, I think I could tell you ‘Open up’ and you’d spread so well for me.” 
He kicks your feet apart, opening the space between your legs. 
With his pointer and middle finger, he rubs the inseam of your leggings that follows your slit. 
He watches your face as he starts at the front towards your clit, following the line back towards your entrance. When he reaches, he adds pressure to the circles he creates, pushing into you against the fabric. 
You try your hardest to seem unphased by his lustful actions. 
This isn’t right. Layla will be back any minute now. You think to yourself. 
As if to read your mind he answers, “Better be quick then.” 
Before you can process a response, his mouth meets yours with force. 
His kiss is a parallel opposite of what you witnessed with Layla earlier. 
His kiss with you is intense. Sloppy. Desperate with need. 
Jake licks into your mouth, his tongue sliding over yours. He’s winning the battle of dominance, and you’re surrendering with ease. 
He walks you backwards until he has you pressed against the closest wall. 
In between gasps of air, he groans softly into your mouth. 
You feel the calloused pads of his fingertips against the soft skin below your bellybutton as he tries to slip his hand beneath your leggings. 
Just as fast as he snaked them in, he pulls his hand away. 
You whimper from the loss of contact. 
He breaks the heated kiss from you, panting to catch his breath. 
“Take them off, now” he orders you. 
Immediately you bend at the waist, taking one leg out at a time. 
He studies the bare half of your body before gripping your face by your cheeks. 
With his free hand he holds your neck to angle you just the way he wants you. 
With clenched teeth he growls to you, “Do you always walk around your job with no underwear on like a fucking whore?” 
His words alone cause you to rub your thighs together, craving any sense of friction from remaining untouched to this point. 
He catches you red handed, and slaps the side of your thigh. His forceful touch leaving a sting that makes you want him even more. 
Jake adds pressure to his thumb against your throat. 
“Open.” He orders you once more. 
You obey, spreading your feet apart, inviting him in. 
He laughs softly to himself, “My girl. Such a good listener”
At last, the tip of his middle finger slides with ease through the center of your wetness. 
From the look in his eyes, you can tell he loves to watch your reaction. Loves to see the approval of his work. 
He teases the fingertip at your entrance. You buck your hips in his direction, silently pleading for more. 
“You want it?” He looks down at you. 
Your face is desperate as you nod to him. 
His jaw clenches once more, “Fucking speak up.” 
“Y-yes yes, Jake. I wan-“ 
Before you can finish your words, he shoves both his pointer and middle finger up inside of you, pumping them in and out at a steady rhythm. 
His lips meet yours again. The two of you moaning into each other's mouths in harmony. 
With each pump his fingers, he rocks his hips into you. 
“…there’s something different with you” You think back on his words. 
With your fingers wrapped around his wrist, you tug his hand from you - forcing his digits from inside of you. 
“I want you to fuck me, Jake.” Your eyes lock with his as you watch them turn a darker shade of brown. 
Without a word, he spins you around, your chest pressed against the cold white wall. He arches your hips for you to grant him better access. 
“Fucking dirty.” He pants into your ear. 
One hand is pressed to the side of your face, pushing you further against the wall, while the other fidgets with his belt. 
You hear the sound of it as it hits the floor, his pants  around his ankles. 
“Lift up.” He taps your side, motioning for you to lift your arms above your head. 
With a swift motion he pulls your shirt over your head and tosses it to the floor. 
Your back arches in hopes to close the space between you both. 
Jake swipes your hair to one side, over your shoulder, unclasping your bra with one hand. 
He leans in to press a delicate kiss upon your spine, simultaneously wrapping his arm around your hips to meet your clit with his finger. 
You whine at the sensation of the slow but steady circles he presses into you. 
He grips his length, slapping it against your ass. 
“I’m not going to be nice.” His voice a low groan as he teases you with the tip of his cock, sliding through your slick. 
“Please, Jake” your reply is muffled with your cheek pressed against the wall. 
No warning. No mercy. 
He slams his entire length inside of you to the hilt. The moans spilling out of you are closer to a scream. 
He makes his own ponytail in your hair with his fist, tugging with force. 
He grunts in unison with each pump inside of you. The tip of his cock brushing against your sweet spot with each push. 
The faster he pumps into you, the faster the circles against your clit become. With each swipe, he adds more force, pressing his finger harder against your bud. 
“And when you leave this room…” he pants. 
“Not a word. Not a suspicious look. Nothing.” He punctuates his sentence with a harsh smack to your ass. 
Unable to respond from the overstimulation to your clit, and the pressure inside of you, Jake becomes frustrated. He pulls harder on your hair than he has yet. 
“Do you hear me? Answer me.” Not once does he stop fucking into you. 
“YES, Jake. Yes. Just…” your response is nothing but a whine. 
He reaches around to pinch your nipple between his pointer finger and thumb. He twists and pulls as you feel the warmth pool between your hips. That familiar feeling of your climax approach. 
You grab his wrist again, forcing it back between your legs to your clit. 
“So close” you mumble to him, begging him to finish you off. 
Without hesitation he picks up exactly where he left off. Quick swipes against your throbbing clit. 
He pulls himself all the way out of you, slamming himself back deep inside. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head. Unsure of how much more you can take. 
Your muscles tighten to an uncomfortable extent as you hear three knocks at his dressing room door. 
“Jake?” The door handle wiggles. 
Immediately he wraps his hand around your mouth as he continues to fuck into you. 
“Not a sound.” He whispers into your ear, his pace slows but his thrusts are deep. 
“Are you in there? Why is the door locked?” Layla whines from outside. 
Jake quickens his pace, both his cock inside of you and his fingers toying with your clit. 
“Let go for me.” His whisper is even more quiet than before. 
He feels your walls begin to tremble and constrict around him. The muscles of your abdomen tense as you prepare your release. 
“That’s it. Keep going. Your pussy feels so much better than hers.” He mumbles into your ear, chasing his own high as well. 
“Jake!!” Layla pounds on the door again, “5 minutes ‘til show. What the fuck are you doing?” 
As the sensation of pleasure washes over you, your senses slip. Your eyes clenched shut, and ears ringing… there is no Layla. There is no show. There is no job. 
Just you. And Jake. And the feeling of him inside of you. 
He pulls out from you abruptly, his release following, sliding down the inside of your thigh. 
He picks his pants up from around his ankles, and quickly fastens his belt. 
You’re left remaining pressed to the wall, unable to move or process anything and everything that just transpired in the small dressing room. 
What am I going to do? How am I going to get out of here without facing Layla? 
Your thoughts paralyze you. 
You feel his tight grip on both of your shoulders as he spins you around to plant a quick kiss to your lips. 
And just like that, he slips through a crack in the door, open just enough so she can’t see inside. 
Frozen in silence, you stand naked in the room alone as you listen to their muffled voices through the closed door. 
“I couldn’t find Sam.” Her voice, defeated. 
Jake clears his throat before responding. 
“Don’t worry about it. I took care of it.” 
Taglist: @gretasimp @writingcold @wowkakashi  @spark-my-nature @gretavanbear
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libraryofgage · 9 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Part Three
Part One | Part Two
I got side-lined by the Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins fic for a hot minute (that big boi is at, like, 73k; he hefty), but here's the next part!
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
In the port city of Socotra, past the first big plaza and down a few side streets, is a small two-story shop with a sign that reads "C. C. Elixirs and Solutions." The shop is owned by a very nice young witch named Chrissy Cunningham who, currently, is doing her absolute best to not laugh in Eddie's face as he spins his tale of accidentally entering into courtship with a merman.
"Anyway," Eddie says, pacing in front of the counter with his hands splayed and his hair a mess, "I was wondering if you'd have anything that could help me."
Chrissy covers her mouth, swallowing down the bursts of laughter threatening to bubble up her throat. After a moment, she asks, "With what, exactly?"
Eddie turns to look at her, gesturing to the shop as a whole. "C’mon, Chrissy, you gotta have something here for me, right? Like, I don't know, a fucking manual or whatever."
"Of course I don't have a...," Chrissy trails off, frowning slightly as she looks at the storeroom door behind her. She's getting a very familiar feeling. It settles at the top of her spine like a shiver that's just waiting and waiting to happen but never does. Usually, this means something.
"Give me a second," she says, barely hearing Eddie's agreement before she heads into the back.
Her storeroom is a chaotic mess that only makes sense to Chrissy. Precarious stacks of books are randomly scattered across the floor, some of them holding plants or knickknacks on top. A few tables are filled with potion ingredients, magical artifacts that still need cataloging, half-filled notebooks, and dozens of pens. A few bookcases line the walls, and Chrissy wanders over to one of them.
She scans the spines, passing over books about fae marriage customs, common selkie family traditions, and in-depth essays analyzing Phoenix mating dances. Finally, her gaze lands on a thin, unassuming book. Its cover is made of sea-foam green leather, with waves etched into the spine instead of words. When Chrissy pulls it off the shelf, the front cover is blank. She doesn't remember getting this book, but this can happen in magic shops. Sometimes items just appear where they know they'll be needed.
Chrissy flips the book open, landing on the front page and grinning at the dedication that reads, "To all the hapless fools in love with a sea dragon's descendant. Here's to hoping you don't royally fuck it up."
Yeah, that's perfect.
She heads back to the front of the shop, immediately noticing that Eddie has placed trinkets and rocks on the counter. She recognizes a few of her protection charms (made of genuine silver, she'd like to add), some quartz of varying colors, and a ring set with a prismatic shard. Chrissy stares at the items before looking up at Eddie with a raised eyebrow.
"Stevie would love all of these," Eddie says, shrugging with absolutely no remorse or shame as he drops a coin purse onto the counter.
Chrissy sighs and digs a few coins out, ensuring they're all gold and all real by biting them before nodding. "You know, land-based magical items don't actually work on merfolk," she says, pushing the purse back to Eddie as she places the book on the counter as well. "So those protection charms and that prismatic ring won't do anything for him."
"Yeah, but they're pretty. He'll like them," Eddie insists. He then notices the book, and his eyes light up hopefully. "Did you find something?"
"Yep, seems to be exactly what you need," she says, sliding it closer to him and watching as he opens it to a random page.
"A common practice among merfolk is to collect trinkets during their pod's travels. Some trinkets won't be personally interesting to the merperson, but can be later used as courting gifts if they're relevant to the intended mate's interests or likes," Eddie reads, tilting his head slightly with a genuine interest that Chrissy usually only sees when he discusses new songs he's learned during his travels.
"Consider that one on the house. But I expect to meet this merman once you've finished your honeymoon phase," Chrissy says, pulling out a small velvet bag and placing the other items inside.
She gives it to Eddie, smiling once more when he nods, digs into his pockets, and drops another small pouch onto the counter. "Almost forgot. Here's some of that 500 year old ginseng you mentioned before," he says.
Chrissy blinks, staring at the pouch. Before she can say anything (like, for example, demanding to know how Eddie got his hands on so much of such a rare ingredient that only the most qualified of practitioners can even dream about seeing), Eddie has gathered his things and practically run out of the shop with a hurried goodbye thrown over his shoulder.
Excerpt from "The Lovelorn Fool's Guide to Merfolk Courtship"
The most important thing to know about courting merfolk is the levels of courtship, of which there are three. In order, they are:
Gift-giving: merfolk collect various trinkets throughout their life, including items they personally do not find interesting. Upon finding a potential mate, they will go through their collection and gift items they think the potential mate will like. To learn more about trinket collection, refer to Part II.
Harmonizing: unsurprisingly, singing is important to merfolk. In addition to being an enjoyable pastime, singing is another mode of communication. The ability to harmonize with a potential mate is vital, as it proves the two are well-matched. To learn more about song types, refer to Part III.
Pod Introduction: the final stage of merfolk courtship, pod introduction is the most important. Pods are sacred, and introducing a potential mate to the pod is an incredible show of trust and commitment. To learn more about pods and their structure, refer to Part IV.
Of these levels, gift-giving often takes the longest. Some merfolk give hundreds of gifts before moving to harmonizing, and others give one. Be patient and try to return each gift you receive.
While these are the levels of courtship, the actual establishment of mateship (consider this the merfolk equivalent of marriage, only it's far more permanent), involves the gifting of scales.
You can find more on this in Part V.
Steve stares longingly at the small window in Eddie's cabin, tracking the clouds and lingering on birds that soar by. He knows he can't be on the deck when they've docked, but scales, he's bored.
Are his guppies bored, too? Do they still play games, or are they too worried about Steve to sweep through the waters? Has Robin lost a few scales from exhaustion and stress? How quickly after hugging him is she going to kill him for being away for so long?
With a sigh, Steve drags his eyes away from the window and looks at his tail. Kelp is still wrapped around the wound, but he knows it's almost healed. He can flick his fins without hurting, and the wound has mostly scabbed over, fresh scales beginning to creep over the cut. Maybe a few more nights, and Steve will be ready to jump back into the ocean and find his pod and guppies again.
But that would mean leaving Eddie behind, and...Steve really doesn't want to do that. Because Eddie is the closest Steve has ever actually come to finding a potential mate.
He starts to sink into the water to submerge his head beneath the surface so his disgruntled and stressed air bubbles can rise from his gills. Before he can fully slide under the surface, though, Steve hears the familiar sound of Eddie's excited, hurried footsteps.
Steve perks up, gripping the edge of the tub as Eddie slams into the door, cursing at the pain as he opens it and stumbles inside. He looks at Steve immediately, his cheeks flushed and his eyes wide and a grin tugging at his lips to reveal dimples. He's carrying a small pouch in one hand and a book with a sea-foam green cover in the other.
"Stevie!" he says, kicking the door closed and walking over to the tub, "I got you stuff."
With that, Eddie crouches in front of the tub and holds the pouch out to Steve. He doesn't seem to notice how Steve's gills flutter, air pushing out in an excited, flustered pattern that would have made Robin tease him. Eddie doesn't know that, though, so Steve tries to ignore his gills and takes the pouch.
He opens it carefully, his gaze immediately caught on a ring set with a rainbow-colored stone. Steve's eyes widen, his mind swirling around the pretty color and how well it matches his tail and how it looks to be the perfect size and how it would still glitter even when Steve is deeper than the sun can reach.
He pulls the ring out, turning it over a few times before sliding it onto his left ring finger. He was right; it fits perfectly. It has a strange but ultimately harmless magic attached to it. Steve grins brightly, a small, barely noticeable hum bubbling from his throat as he looks back into the bag.
He pulls out each rock, studies them intently, and approves of their color and shimmer. With a nod, Steve places them carefully in the tub, clustering them on the left side of his tail, the side further from the door, for protection.
Finally, Steve pulls out a few of the protection charms. They're small and made of a material Steve immediately recognizes as something that tarnishes in water. He really likes them, though, and it would be a shame to not use them for something.
"Eddie," he says, looking up to see Eddie staring at him, his excited smile turning dopey.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" he asks, leaning forward and resting his arms on the tub.
Steve leans forward, taking a lock of Eddie's hair and studying it carefully. After a few seconds, he decides it's good enough. "Turn around?" he asks, his gills fluttering again when Eddie does so without question. After taking a second to calm himself, Steve asks, "Can I do your hair?"
Eddie hums, leaning his neck on the rim of the tub, giving Steve full access to his hair, the ends of which are dipping into the water. "Of course, Stevie. Whatcha wanna do?" he asks.
"It's a surprise," Steve tells him, moving some until he's partially sitting on his tail so he can properly face Eddie's hair. He places the pouch on the edge of the tub, letting it precariously balance, before running his fingers through Eddie's hair.
He's done this enough times for Max to know how to fix tangles without pulling. As he works, Steve relaxes, falling into a familiar rhythm, and starts to hum softly. It's a lullaby, one that he doesn't get to sing the guppies to sleep with anymore, but they tolerate it when he's caring for wounds or helping them scrub their tails or braiding their hair.
Steve divides Eddie's hair into sections and starts braiding. Every other inch, Steve takes one of the charms from the pouch and braids it into Eddie's hair. By the time he's done, the braid is decorated with silver charms, standing out nicely against Eddie's brown hair.
"Okay," he says, using a thin piece of kelp to tie off the braid, "It looks good."
Eddie hums, reaching back and carefully running his fingers over the braid. Steve watches, suppressing the urge to grab Eddie's hand. "Did you not like them?" Eddie asks, dropping his hand and turning around. The charms clink against each other, creating a quiet song that makes Steve's heart light and happy.
"I liked them," Steve says, pushing the pouch on the edge of the tub into Eddie's lap. "They tarnish in water, though. And their magic felt too strange. They look better on you."
"So, you gave me a gift?" Eddie asks, his smile hopeful and his eyes bright. Steve can't help returning the smile with a nod. In response, Eddie leans forward even further, like he's acting on impulse more than anything else, and presses his lips to Steve's cheek.
Steve's eyes widen, his gills burst, and his ear fins flare in response. To the untrained (human) eye, his reaction is similar to a cat puffing and bristling when faced with a threat. To the trained eye (Robin. And other merfolk, but mostly Robin), Steve's reaction is entirely common for especially flustered merfolk.
It's never happened to Steve before, and that just makes him feel more flustered. He doesn't want Eddie to see his flared fins, so he does the first thing he thinks of; Steve pushes forward and wraps his arms around Eddie's shoulders, hugging him tightly so he can't pull away. "Thanks," he mumbles, "for the gifts, I mean."
He hears Eddie laugh and feels Eddie's hands slide across his side and to his back to return the hug. "Of course, Stevie," Eddie replies, his breath warm against Steve's gills and sending a subtle shiver down Steve's spine. "I'm glad you like them."
Steve is gone. He can't imagine being away from Eddie. He can already see Eddie and the guppies meeting, and he can see Robin fucking with Eddie just to see how he reacts. Steve can see Eddie in the water with him, grinning as his hair floats around them. Steve can see Eddie and him lying together on a beach, warm on the sand and basking in the sun.
Most of all, Steve can imagine giving Eddie a necklace or bracelet of his scales. Maybe that should scare or worry him, but all Steve can feel is excited and warm, and he's more than happy to bask in that feeling for a while.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
They Do What in Where?: Attack of Kings Beelzebub Prologue *Spoilers*
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TW://kink involving Autassassinophilia is mentioned
Guys. Lovelies. Girlies. Peeps. Everyone. This is only the fucking prologue and I have so many emotions but only one thing on mind.
Fucking the ever-living s h i t out of Beel.
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Welcome back to Avisos, everyone. We got a good dose of it during the Beel event, but yeah yeah
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Beel sniffing MC will never surprise me nor will bother me because yeah sniff away.
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Horny from smelling hair? I love him. He could literally smell anything on you and would get hard this is amazing to me
So what's going on rn is that MC and Beel are on some kind of date and he's showing them around Avisos and the little stores and such. He's like having so much fun and being very clingy. May I add.
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MC keeps talking about him like this and I'm like Oh...yeah same brain cell because everything about him is u g h h h hgh hsoidnk
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So let me get this straight. "Everything" is legal. Like think of the worst thing you can think of and that shit is legal here. BUT being a homewrecker is where they draw the line 💀 I'm just throwing this out here, TW btw, but imagine getting thrown in jail for seducing someone else's partner to be with you but the guy across the street that literally raped and murdered someone is walking around free.
I guess that's just Avisos??? Lol
Moving on though, MC and Beel are walking up to the first store and the sign says
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NGL I thought this meant something else because it's BHM in the US (hey hey all of my blk peeps out there that follow!) and I had my own joke in my head about it...BUT it's its about fucking eating demon cum as a sauce.
That's a lot of fucking sauce.
Next we have
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They don't even explain what the forest of mushrooms is about. MC just says "that's all about men..." (i can imagine it's literally a fucking store full of dick) and Beel goes to explain the shop that's next to it where you can drink demon spit that's been distilled.
He's even tried it a few times and there's not much to go around.
i can imagine why...
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MC is pretty much worried about other shit though and wondering what was their end destination. And well-
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Hello my angry bby, yes he would be mad.
Because apparently MC was having tea with Sitri and Ppyong and the tea was too strong so Ppyong was flipping out and that's when Beel made his entrance..
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Just "HEY WHATS UP?" and took them away.
With his random ass, I love him.
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When Beel gets this way I always wanna cuddle his face and give him praises and kisses and words of affirmation because I feel he needs to hear that he's loved and needed along with physical touch.
But MC also wonders why everyone else seems so chill that he's just walking around when they're normally flipping out that Beel is in town. Turns out he may (or may not) have put a spell on himself so no one notices him.
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So my theory is, he's simply just diguised as a common looking devil of Avisos and not himself so that's why everyone is still running into him, bumping shoulders and not paying him any mind and MC is just MC.
Or...they both could be cloaked at the moment because I'm sure they'd recognize MC maybe...but I'm only going off how they interacted with MC during his Bloodshed card at the carnival. Also he starts sniffing up on MC again and it's getting him worked up so much...
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Time after time, MC is always goddamn wet around him. Idk how he fucking does this or how he manages this, but it only happens with him and I love that quirk about their dynamic.
But honestly...the fact those are his three favorite places to smell has me wondering though if he likes unwashed parts (armpits/genitals) because there's a stronger smell, and during times when someone ovulates...if he likes that scent too.
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I'm crying he's so fucking cute. He misses MC and that's why he's being so clingy and sniffing and being close and went to find them c h ok in fg
And MC starts going through the motions, even thinking about Minhyeok (HELLO WE ARE WITH BEEL RN FOCUS) and then finally tells him that they miss him too, and Beel is just all casual like "Yeah that's why I came to get you :D" c u t i e.
So they approach a store next where there's a knife, possibly surgical because Beel explains this
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Ah, so this kinda debunks my theory that the demons here can just change their gender without any kind of surgery (you know just magically change or shapeshift that sort of thing) But it seems that the Avisos' devil's reason for swapping is for spicing up their relationships. Though, I'd like to think it's there for reasons of just devil's wanting to change their gender regardless.
Which Beel brings up "it doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, the devils of Avisos will love you either way" and it's like breaking the fourth wall for us players ^^ because they wouldn't care.
So now we're coming up on another store, and a picture of a noose shows up. Now, I made a joke to myself saying this is a fashion store for the devils of Hades...but uh seems this store is-
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So I paused and was like...oh like those suicide assistance capsules we have IRL...?
And well...I didn't take all the screenshots but in short, it's a cafe that panders to those who get off on the act of dying/Asphyxiation/ being killed etc. I found the closest kink name for it: Autassassinophilia. (btw if someone else knows the closer exact name feel free to educate on this!) But yeah I was like huh, that's really not surprising that they have that there. It is Avisos. It is Hell.
Here's where it gets interesting tho-
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OHHH the owner is one of Luci's bois? (probably not a noble from what it sounds like...but what if...)
And MC asks if that's okay for a devil that's not from Avisos to be having a store like that here and Beel is just like
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LMAO POOR BAEL. Beel literally just lets him do everything and he can't be bothered to even know or care about the rules of his own country („ಡωಡ„)
So the date seems to come to a stopping point, and Beel calls it a "shelter". Well..
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First I turned the sound on (I keep it off if there's no voice acting involved) and well the sounds from chapter one's porno thing MC was watching was used for the devil guy and chick that are randomly fucking in the "shelter" when MC and Beel first enter.
MC is literally me because they're like "Oh uh I think we're in the wrong place." And Beel's like :D NOPE!
And then there's also me, noticing that the couch is covered in fucking whatever and I'm like
im sorry that's fucking nasty please clean the damn couch 💀💀💀💀
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So the reason he tells MC to say this...is because he slips their shirt off just all casual like and is teasing "Oh were you trying to help me???" YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU AIN'T SLICK. (lovingly)
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This is the last screenshot I took because anything else was mostly just MC being like "wow so uh this is about to happen isn't it..." and then it cuts out as the end of the prologue.
BTW what I learned by getting the Bloodshed cards and having read the prologues to them beforehand, they literally give us the first story node in the unholy board to read so one could pretty much skip reading it when they unlock it (unless they didn't take a peek at the prologue but that's just my observation)
I'm personally gonna wait until they make it in the regular gacha pool, but I did peep that the first 10 pull is half the amount of seals...which is a good tactic to getting folks to pull with the seals. I'm saving them up though for something I reallllyyyyy want possibly a Lucifer card or something in the future. But already....Beel's is making me feel some things and seeing his sprite with that tank top is having me act the fuck up.
ANYWAYS happy pulling everyone ^^ see you when I do Levi's prologue next~
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When the twisted wonderland anime comes out what are the things you hope they do better then what they could do in the game?
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To quickly clarify a few things (so new readers and anyone stumbling across this post doesn't get the wrong idea): firstly, we do not yet have any confirmation on what the Twisted Wonderland anime will be about. Secondly, I have previously expressed that I would prefer the TWST anime to be random slice of life rather than another main story adaptation. If we assume that the anime will be another adaptation of the main story, I don't think the anime staff has a ton of liberty in the alterations they can make to the source material. Book 2 is widely known to be the greatest example of Bad Writing in TWST, and it cannot exactly be swept under the rug since it's in the main story. I doubt anyone would be allowed to make massive rewrites to the script or to the series of events; the biggest changes we get are slightly compacted scenes in the manga and the light novel. For example:
Skipping lines that appear in the game. (Ex: in the Book of Heartslabyul, Ace does not joke about sharing a room with Yuuken.)
Combining scenes to save on time. (Ex: In the light novel, Yuuya and Deuce meet Leona for the first time not in the Botanical Garden, which is the case in the game. Instead, the mob student that broke the eggs meant for Ace's apology chestnut tart is a Savanaclaw kid that Leona shows up to reprimand.)
Adding slight details to fill in logical gaps. (Ex: Yuuya in the light novel is granted a NRC uniform by Crowley; the uniform is described to us, the readers. Yuu getting a uniform is never mentioned in the game.)
Continuing from the last point, new details can also serve to flesh out character motivations, backstories, and lore. (Ex: the Heartslabyul light novel informs us that Riddle faces social repercussions for his OB and almost got expelled from school; the Savanaclaw light novel sheds new light on Leona's motivations, and the same can be said of Riddle.)
So basically, the story (again, if the anime does end up following the plot of the main story) would be the same. What would make the anime different from the manga, game, and light novel is largely the medium in which it is presented. I have talked about this at length in a number of older posts, but here is one example of how the manga, uses visual storytelling (as it is primarily a visual medium). A manga chapter is usually limited in length due to it being physically printed and shared in a magazine alongside other manga; there is therefore a constraint on how long-winded it can be, and its limited pages must be used effectively. We need to think about the strengths and the weaknesses of each individual medium and how those strengths and weaknesses affect how it might slightly change how TWST I presented.
An anime is able to incorporate animation with sound in a 20ish minute time slot to tell a tale. It gets the same benefits of the game, but far more freedom of movement. There is, however, also a time constraint to be considered. One complaint TWST often gets is that despite half of its core gameplay (I'm not going to count reading as gameplay) being rhythm games, the music the game has is NOT memorable. While the anime most likely won't have a ton of original songs, I hope that it can at least creatively incorporate some of TWST's scores as background tracks to fun scenes and make them more enjoyable that way. The anime will also be able to... well, be animated!! We won't get just a static screen where a maximum of three characters are crammed onto the screen at once staring back at you. It's okay to have in the game to save on time and budget, but you have to admit it does get boring to look at after a while. But with an anime production, we can get exciting lighting and camera angles that result in cool animation! I hope that this will really help the TWST characters' stories come to life on the screen ^^ One scene in particular that I hope the anime will adapt well is the VDC/SDC performances of RSA and NRC. The game tells us that RSA's performance is clumsy and amateurish, but it still managed to capture people's hearts. The game also tells us that NRC was not able to perform at their maximum capacity because they were already physically worn down from dealing with OB Vil. I want to see these descriptions actually be realized on screen (the Rhythmic/Twistune alone isn't enough), as it could help us better judge and have an enhanced understanding of the situation. I know a lot of fans who, to this very day, still feel that NRC was cheated of the win and shouldn't have lost to such a lackluster performance from RSA, so I'm hoping that a fully animated version might give us more perspective.
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nowritingonthewall · 6 months
Hi! Can I ask for some random and domestic Poe HC? 🤧
Hello Nonnie, thank you so much for your request! I am sorry that my hcs always appear to escalate into mini-essays, I hope that you enjoy them anyway 🥰
!Content warning for allusions to past trauma (because it’s Poe) but it’s mostly fluffy!
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Domestic headcanons with Poe (x gn!reader)
- If you were honest, you would never have expected Poe to actually settle down after the Battle of Exegol and the fall of the First Order. After all, he had been on the run since he had been 16 years old, his family a bunch of rebels, his home scattered across the stars. You had fully expected him to make his new job as a flying instructor his whole new life, filling every second with something exciting to do, always chasing the next thrill, never slowing down and let himself think for even a minute.
Instead, after helping the New Republic to get back on its feet, he had put most of his energy and devotion into making a home with you.
Even though he loves his job teaching students (and spending a lot of time in his x-wing while doing so), he always makes sure to finish on time so that he can spend as much of the remainder of the day with you as possible. It has become one of your daily little rituals for you to wait for him, sitting on your porch, two mugs of freshly brewed caf in your hands. It never stops warming your heart to see that gorgeous crinkly-eyed smile lighting up his face as soon as he sees you waiting for him. Giving you an adorable little wave, he always quickens his pace before pulling you into a long and heartfelt hug.
Watching the suns painting the sky with the most beautiful colours imaginable, you’ll sit snuggled up against each other, listening to each other's daily adventures.
It usually doesn’t take long before Poe’s head grows heavy against your shoulders. The first few times he tried to fight it and wouldn’t stop apologizing, no matter how often you tried to assure him that you didn’t mind at all. But soon these late afternoon or early evening naps become just another part of your daily routine.
Poe spent more than half his life making sure that everyone around him felt safe. Now, with the war becoming a more and more distant memory each day, it’s like his mind finally allows his body to catch up on all the rest that he has been denied during all those years – finally feeling safe in your arms.
And there really aren’t a lot of things that you enjoy more than holding your sleepy boy with his head resting in your lap, one hand intertwined with his, as the other one plays with his hair. You smile at every patch of grey that you find among his inky curls, more than grateful to be given the precious gift of being allowed to watch him grow old with you. It makes the warmest and fuzziest feelings bloom inside your heart to see his worry lines relax under the soft touch of your hand as you listen to his content mumbling and cutest little sighs.
- He still can’t sleep without you around, though. Whenever he is in dire need of a nap, and the weather has gone too cold to sit outside, even under a heap of cuddly blankets, he’ll sit down on the couch, look at you with the most irresistible baby ewok eyes and his softest smile and tap on his chest to ask for his favourite human blanket.
Sometimes he falls asleep within seconds as soon as you snuggle up to him. Sometimes he finds that it wasn’t sleep that he craved after all but simply the comforting presence of you right next to him, listening to the soothing rhythm of your breathing as you drift into peaceful slumber until his breath synchronizes with yours in perfect harmony. And sometimes your planned naps turn into Poe and you talking nonsense for hours, exchanging forehead kisses and nose rubs between giggles.
Poe used to think that the only way to escape the constantly reoccurring ringing in his ears was to drown it out with something even louder. Now he realizes that all he needs to find relief is the soft warmth of you lying on top of him, the shape of your bodies fitting together as perfectly as if they had been custom made for each other.
- And he allows himself to take his time with everything that he does. No more bone crushing hugs that aren’t allowed to last longer than a second and that he’d hoped would convey everything that he hadn’t time for to tell you in case he wouldn’t make it back from a mission. No more quick and chaste kisses to whatever body part they would land on before hurrying off into the next briefing or meeting.
Now he makes sure to pour all of his undying love for you into every single hug until you feel nothing but warm and safe and cared for. Every kiss of him shows you that you are the centre of his universe, from the very first kiss in the morning to the last kiss goodnight. They have become so much more tender and gentler, yet they never leave a single trace of doubt about his feelings for you.
Quick shared showers that used to be a practical necessity turn into long shared baths that last until the water turns cold. Sometimes when you aren’t ready to step out of your cocoon of warmth just yet, you wrap each other in fluffy towels and make yourself comfortable on the heating unit waiting until you’re dried off.
As you cuddle up to each other, enjoying the closeness, you find a new softness and gentleness to your relationship that you had never thought possible. You are no longer clinging to each other for dear life, always scared that you might lose each other the next minute, constantly feeling like loving on borrowed time.
And Poe takes his time rediscovering and getting to know you all over again. Gently scrubbing your back in the bath or giving you a long tension-relieving massage. Learning everything there is to know about how you take care of your hair, while committing every single detail about you to memory. Not because he fears that every time might be the very last chance to do so but because he decided to commit every single fibre of his heart and soul to loving you. Because he chooses you. Over and over again.
It takes a while for him to get comfortable letting you take care of him the same way that he takes care of you. Yet every time it is your turn to hold him in the bathtub, he finds it a little easier to relax against your chest, melting into your embrace a little deeper. With every soft kiss pressed to his temple, he manages to let go a little further. As he rests his cheek against yours, while your hands are slowly caressing over his arms, he has never felt more vulnerable and at the same time more safe and protected than during those moments.
That’s when the tears tend to flow.
Those are the days when you make sure to take extra good care of him. Letting him rest his head against your shoulder as you carefully pat his back with a towel, gently kissing his tears away before placing a soft kiss on every single one of his scars, putting pain relieving lotion on his arm and massaging his tense shoulder. Only a few months ago this kind of special treatment would have made him feel more than uncomfortable. Seeing his own needs through your loving eyes, he slowly begins to accept that it is okay to take them seriously. And as he curls up against your chest, he doesn’t only allow it but he knows that he can completely trust you to take care of him.
- Poe has always loved to dance. Nearly as much as he loves to cuddle with you. Sadly, the days of the Resistance hadn’t exactly given you a lot of opportunity to do so and reasons to break into celebratory dances had been all too rare. So now he takes any chance he gets to hug you from behind, snuggle up as close to you as possible, rest his head on your shoulder and his cheek against yours while swaying the both of you to some music coming from your holopad or to a secret rhythm that only the two of you seem to be able to feel.
You dance in the morning while waiting for the first few cups of caf to brew, while waiting for something yummy baking in the oven, when you’re trying to dust the shelves, or while doing the dishes.
Doing the dishes never becomes a boring task with Poe. If he doesn’t turn it into a dance, there are bound to be lather battles that more often than not turn into tickle fights. And they always end with him using the dish cloth to draw you in for a long and wobbly-knees-inducing kiss.
This is also where most of your more serious conversations take place. It’s always been easier for Poe to talk about difficult topics while his hands have something to do. So whenever you feel like there’s something on his mind that he has trouble talking about, you’ll ask him “dish discussion?”, to which he answers with a relieved smile.
And, of course, should the topic require some serious hugging action, you can always continue your discussion on the kitchen floor, which proves over and over again to be the best place to solve any problem imaginable. And in case one of you should be in need of an even more comforting atmosphere, your kitchen cabinet features an extra compartment containing all the components required to build a blanket fort. It’s a habit that goes back to the early days of you joining the Resistance. And afterwards your blanket fort of safety can easily be converted into a blanket fort of romantic dinners and cuddle sessions.
- The two of you share a little garden with Rey, who doesn’t live too far away from you (I am sorry, LEGO, I refuse to believe that the trio would ever split up!). At least it was a little garden in the beginning. It all started when Poe noticed how Rey’s eyes would start to sparkle whenever she came across anything lush and green. So he began to present her with a special plant from every place that he visited. Pretty soon even her house was too small to accommodate her (not so) little personal jungle, so you helped her turning her backyard into a little garden. Which just kept on expanding. Because it never stopped warming Poe’s heart to see the way Rey’s face shining brighter than the suns whenever he found a new exotic plant for her.
He helped her create her special place of happiness both in her mind and in the physical world and you two are the only ones apart from Finn she trusts to take care of it. Even if your and Poe’s gardening sessions sometimes turn into several rounds of mud wrestling or splashy water fights.
Poe’s first very own gardening project featured the planting of a row of koyo trees. They weren’t even supposed to be able to grow in this climate but Poe Dameron has never been one to let logic or reason stand in the way of matters close to his heart. After all, he had managed to nurse a force tree back to health without any jedi tricks. And maybe Rey’s and Finn’s way with the force helped a little, too. Though he will always tell everyone willing (or maybe not too willing) to listen that it was your loving care that made the trees grow and flourish and bloom in the end.
His proud little face when he was able to harvest the very first fruit is another one of your many precious and treasured memories. Of course he let you have the first bite, almost a little nervous about your reaction.
The original plan was to turn the fruits into juice and jelly and lots of cakes. Which was a good plan. And it probably would have worked if the koyo fruits hadn’t been so damn tasty that you ate most of them before they ever had a chance to land in a basket. And what better way to spend the last days of summer than sitting lazily in the cool shadow of a koyo tree, taking turns to lie in each others lap while feeding each other freshly picked koyo fruits?
- During the nights when neither of you is able to sleep, you’ll climb onto the roof of your house, which offers a snug little platform that provides the perfect secluded retreat to lie on your back and gaze at all the stars in the galaxy. A galaxy that’s finally at peace.
Poe’s gaze keeps wandering back to you, though, and every time it does, he can’t stop smiling. As soon as you notice, you’ll snuggle a little closer to cradle his head and place the softest little kiss on his forehead, making him smile even wider. Softly stroking your cheek, he returns the kiss. On your nose, on your temple, across your jaw line, all over both of your cheeks, and everywhere he can reach.
You finally dare to make plans for the future again. Talking about all the stars and systems and planets you would like to explore together. Without rush, without being constantly on your guard, actually being able to look forward to visiting them.
The important thing is that Poe is no longer driven by the uncontrollable need to chase every single one of them. Because he has his own little galaxy lying right here by his side.
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amaya-eve · 1 year
Prettier than a Flower
“hurry up, i have places to be you know” wanderer complains, walking behind you in the crowded market place of sumeru.
lesser lord kusanali tasked you with getting the wanderer out of his shell and explore sumeru a bit. its been a while since you were able to go out of the akademiya, so you used this opportunity to grab some things you needed.
you decided to take him to the market, where he can witness the everyday lives of normal people and experience the hospitality of sumeru... and also because you needed to buy some new gear. but nonetheless you really were just trying to get him to interact with others!
today was beaming, the sun’s rays shone brightly and lit up the place, further glorifying the displays on the many stalls that lined the street. while viewing random stalls, you came across a shop that sold scrolls you’ve been looking for, and at a discounted price! 
“hold on a bit will ya? this is the last store i promise” 
he only sighed deeply as a response.
he had no other choice but to stand idly and wait for you of to walk around and see the place for himself. 
in his opinion, he’s seen enough and just want out of this place but a small cart that sold flowers caught his eye. 
the cart was very small, barely the size of a table but it looked well taken care of, especially the plants that filled it to the brim. it was a rainbow all over, from the body of the cart to its canopy.
‘blooming color’ a sign in front read. while observing a bright pink flower, he failed to notice an old lady behind him, with a sweet smile on her lips. 
“i wonder who’s the lucky person?” she said.
“you’ve been so attentive of my flowers my dear, may i help you choose one? just tell me what kind of lover they are, and i’ll pick the most fitting  flower!” 
“old woman, you got it wrong. im not getting flowers for anybody” scara said, crossing his arms seemingly offended.
a soft chime of bells rang from a distance. “wanderer! im almost finished here, just have to wait for the brushes” you called out to him and he turned to look at you.
you stepped out a bit, letting the light hit your face. the golden hue of light illuminated your features, making you more stunning than you already were. and as nature does, the wind blew at the perfect timing, slightly grazing over your hair and making it dance gracefully in the air.
at this moment scara’s world paused. time worked in slow motion and he was thankful it was because he has more time to appreciate your beauty. he was lost in thought and forgot about the situation he was in.
“so she’s the one? rightfully so.” she chuckled.
lost in his imagination, wanderer finally awakens. 
“she’s an acquaintance, nothing more.” he said while looking down, thought it did sound like he was convincing himself more that he was the old lady.
“take this” she said handing him a small bouquet of (color of your choice) flower. “i reckon they’re actually your lover, confess before its too late.”
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