#it just is fjkdkekwkwwnmwmw
insomniaticvoids · 5 months
Slides and faceplants into center of stage
So it is very important to learn credibility and also be aware of basic knowledge of safeness of things and how it is very much an issue of constraints and warping of data and information is something that occurs as a result of money and also lobbying.
Now this being said take any information you only can prove from one point as sketch.
If you take everything at face value I can tell you Radium is edible and will fix your acne and you'll think wow this guy knows what he's saying and then wonder why your turning green from the radium your eating
Advertisement and misinformation works and relies on you feeding in to what they give you and not doing your own digging. Some sources more than others.
There's a reason people thought things were safe when scientists and research screamed no and I always think to the radiation poisoning of radium watches.
Or the black mud stuff a certain category of mlms sell....
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