#it just feels like one huge lead up and it's like bro this is not a novel there is no 'twist'
whoviandoodler · 28 days
you ever go into a tag for a show or whatever and find several painstakingly created gif sets from interviews with the actors where they're just like. fully mocking fans? talking about them like they're the most despicable thing on this earth kind of bitter mocking. and on the one hand you're like, okay, i get it, fans can really be shit and get overly parasocial and think you owe them something beyond the work you created but on the other it's like. bro this makes me not want to engage with anything you do at all. ever. you don't have to sing your fans praises but you can do them the basic courtesy of professionalism and not ridiculing the entirety of everyone who both engages with your creative work and whose interest ultimately results in your paycheck.
#dan talks#dont expect this to breach containment but just in case locking it up#bcs there are like a million people out there who'll misconstrue what i said in a complaint post#theres just this air sometimes in fandom where actors etc go beyond boundary setting and into fanbase mockery#where ure supposed to nod along and mock as well bcs haha stupid fans but the whole time youre aware it includes u as well#ik this is a complex topic and a lot of stuff leads to creators getting bitter towards their fans#but oscillating between 'we love u give us money <3' and outright mockery just sits rly badly w me#creators i really love have started doing it too the last few months and its excruciating#to be clear i dont rly engage w anyone's private life ever and im lurker extraordinaire#i rarely know the actors' name much less care to watch their interviews and stuff thats meant to like give u a sense of peeking into#their private lives#and i have to assume those interviews are mandated?? so sometimes they provoke reactions not of their own volition and are thus bitter#idk lots of thoughts#i get it i rly do they're people too who get annoyed and do mean jokes about it like everyone else#but it gets a whole dif dimension when those mean jokes are public and get back to people they're said about#who are often not even the ones who did anything#the internet is not the privacy of ur friend group!! rules go both ways#managing your frustrations about being public and keeping to professionalism when you're online is a huge part of that job#you're a person too both means 'gtfo out of my house youre not my friend' and treating your job like it's a job and not a living room#gossip circle#maybe thats the thing??? that the comfort of a certain environment blurs the lines between professional and friend chat#just feel sad for those gif makers bro don't spend care and time on words that explicitly ridicule you#ok that's it for today thank you for tuning into dan central
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ohnoitstbskyen · 22 days
I deleted the ask, but someone wrote one basically saying "why do you post reaction videos to Helluva Boss? Don't you know the show exploits its workers and they're overworked and get burned out?"
And, I mean, I love your energy, person who asked, definitely hold on to those values and speak up about this. But also, I am afraid I might have some bad news for you about literally the whole entire animation industry.
As near as I can make out from the sparse journalistic reporting that's been done on SpindleHorse -- and as a sidebar, please for the love of god read actual reporting about these things and not just callout posts and fandom discourse -- as near as I can make out, SpindleHorse as a studio is neither all that much better nor all that much worse than basically anywhere else in the industry on their level. It seems like it is (or was? Hazbin Hotel seems to be run differently) a studio mostly run by contracting people on a project-by-project basis, which leads to a crapton of turnover, and a huge need for organizing and onboarding, which according to the reporting I have read, the producers and freelancers have struggled to balance and manage properly, which has negatively impacted a number of the workers.
Top that with the usual catty, clique-based backbiting, sniping and poorly managed conflict resolution that's just kinda endemic in creative environments mostly staffed by twentysomethings and stressed out freelancers, and you have the recipe for a workplace where a lot of people are going to have a great time and feel creatively fulfilled, and a lot of people are going to come away feeling justifiably burnt the fuck out and exploited.
All of this is... not especially unusual for the animation industry, or indeed for any creative industry. Which is not to say that it is good, or that it should be allowed to be normal, or that it shouldn't be reported on and criticized (and please for the love of god support unionization efforts because that's the only thing that will actually address these kinds of systemic problems). It's just to say that if those kinds of issues are the line in the sand you draw where you refuse to engage with a studio's output...
Then, for starters, say goodbye to basically all of anime, because the Japanese animation industry is actively in a state of crisis trying to recruit new talent because its working conditions and pay are so astonishingly abysmal. And the horror stories that escape from that industry make the issues at SpindleHorse look like summer camp at times.
But you also have to say goodbye to a lot of American and European animation. Please do not imagine that Disney and its subcontractors, or that Nickelodeon or Warner Bros, are benevolent employers. They exploit their staff brutally and are currently trying to crush the labor value of animation with threats of generative AI being used to replace jobs. But those corporations also have extremely well-funded PR departments and the ability to silence employees with NDAs and threats of blackballing, so you don't get to hear as many of the horror stories as you might from a smaller independent studio that's less able to silence criticism by holding people's careers hostage.
All of this is to say that 1) it's valid and important to have criticism of both large and small-scale animation studios, and to keep the well-being and happiness of the workers higher in your priorities than the output of Products™.
And 2) if you're going to have a principle for what kinds of problems make a studio's output morally untouchable for you, and what kinds of problems you think should make a studio's output untouchable to other people, you do need to apply that principle consistently to the entire industry, and not just to the independent animation studio that happens to be surrounded by the internet's most inflammatory fandom discourse.
If you don't apply that principle consistently, maybe don't send reproachful messages to strangers scolding them for not living up to your standards, and even if you do apply that principle consistently, maybe still don't do that, because it's mostly quite annoying, and doesn't really do anything to support animation workers struggling for better working conditions.
The Animation Guild in the US is currently in the middle of a bargaining process with their industry, and they have a social media press kit as well as relevant talking points on their website which you can use to post in solidarity with the workers. If it comes to a full industry strike, consider donating to their strike funds to help them maintain pressure. Outside of the US, try and find out what (if any) local unions exist for animation workers, and maybe sign up to their mailing lists. They will let you know what kind of support they need from you.
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sweetbans29 · 4 months
Mic'd - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You forget that your are mic'd up during practice (based on THIS request)
Warnings: ADHD reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Please don't scold me if I didn't get everything right. I tried my best, I promise.
Your mind never stops going a mile a minute. You were diagnosed with ADHD when you were a kid, it was something that your parents had to adapt to when it came to raising you. It was when you were in 4th grade when they decided to put you into sports. You started as a swimmer but your parents soon realized you were much better on land. That is when they put you in basketball and it just clicked for you. When you picked up a ball and began shooting, everything else began to make sense. It did a really good job of keeping your mind and hands busy on a singular objective.
You were put on a club and travel team when you went into middle school and continued playing through high school. It opened many doors for you including playing basketball in college. You toured a handful of schools and finally settled on Iowa.
Your freshman year was a huge adjustment as it was the first time living away from home. It took some major adjustments but you ultimately got there. The change to college classes was one of the hardest changes you faced. You were always struggling to keep your mind focused on one assignment when you had like 20 others to do at all times. It often resulted in you starting one, picking up another, and then trying to start a third before either of the first two were completed.
One of the girls on your team became your saving grace and one of your best friends. Kate had become someone who helped keep you grounded when the world was spinning and you could not be more grateful. Your friendship with her has helped you navigate the transition into college classes and playing college ball. She was always one to help keep you on task. The two of you have come up with a system to keep your mind focused when it feels like you aren't moving fast enough or don't feel like you have the control your mind needs.
Kate is also the one who was secretly working on getting you and Caitlin together. She noticed how both you and Caitlin would act around each other and took it upon herself to see two of her best friends and teammates come together in what she believed to be a perfect match. One thing led to another and you and Caitlin had begun dating towards the end of freshman year.
When the two of you got together - you decided it to keep it between the team. It wasn't that either of you was necessarily hiding your relationship, you were just both content with the world not knowing. You told the people that mattered in your lives and that was enough for the two of you. Also, nobody questioned it considering how much time the team spent together and how much time the two of you spent with Kate. To anyone looking in, the three of you were like three peas in a pod.
That leads us to today. The media team was doing a series where they were joining different sports practices and putting mics on some of the players. You had watched the series and thought seeing some of the school's all-star players behind the scenes was so fun. You were honored when they came up to you and asked if you would be the mic'd up player of the week.
They get you all set up and you are ready to go.
"Testing, testing," you say holding the mic that was pinned in your shirt up to your mouth. You then look at the camera. "We are here live from Carver-Hawkeye arena with yours truly."
You point to your number on your practice jersey and head into a huddle with the team to kick off practice.
While you are in the huddle you nudge Kate.
"Yo Kate, guess who is mic'd up for today's practice," you ask her and give the camera a knowing look. She laughs.
"Bro, I helped you put the mic on." She says and you let out an 'oh ya'.
"Do you have anything to say to the Hawkeye fans who are watching this?" You ask, pulling your shirt to catch what she is saying.
"You are too much," she begins and you hit her arm. "I would say sorry you have to listen to this one for the whole practice." She says and runs away to begin a drill.
You feign hurt and hold your hand over your heart as if what Kate just said broke you. Not two seconds later you are bouncing over to Caitlin and putting your arm around her waist.
"You ready to crush this practice babe?" You ask as she is finishing up stretching. Before she can answer you continue, "Your legs are looking extra nice today. I likey." She just laughs.
"If I just lift this a little," you say lifting the bottom part of her shorts to reveal her thigh a little more. "The team would see those little love bites you like so much." Caitlin slaps your hand and yells your name. You laugh and let her go, going to start a drill.
During the drill, you keep making comments about how fast you are and how no one can catch you.
"Speed." You say with laser focus as you are the next one to jump in the rotation. "I am speed."
Every time Caitlin does a good job you are caught yelling something along the lines of 'that a way babe' or 'that's my girl'.
During practice, Kate kept giving you weird looks but you think nothing of it.
During one of the water breaks, you walk up to Caitlin who is sipping her water. You lean against the wall.
"So, you come here often?" You ask in a flirtatious tone.
She pushes your chest and rolls her eyes. You come up behind her, wrapping your arms around her, and spin her around.
"You love me," you say as you put her down.
"You know I do," she says, kissing your forehead.
The rest of the practice is filled with little comments to your girl on how good she looks and how great of a job she is doing.
"Have you seen those edits that people are making of pigeons?” You ask one of your other teammates.
"What are you talking about?" they say back with a laugh.
"You know the ones where they draw like stick figure arms on them while they are walking around," you say. "Imagine being a bird and not having arms or hands."
You then stick your hands in your practice jersey and walk around. Someone throws a ball at you and you just let it hit you. It bounces away from you.
"Caitlin! Caity! CC!" You say running up to her with your arms still in your jersey. "Would you still love me if I was a pigeon?" You ask her.
"Of course, babe. You would be my pigeon," she says laughing her ass off.
"Good," you say. "Because you would be mine regardless of the animal you were.”
Not ten minutes later you are back in a drill.
"Oh ya, I got this," you say to yourself as you are going up for a layup. You flip it with your left hand and it banks in. "Money!" You yell and run to the back of the line.
As practice comes to a close, the team is scrimmaging. You go up to Kate and she reminds you of a very key detail you forgot about during practice.
"So, how was being mic'd up?" She asks and your eyes go wide, finding the camera that has been following you around the entirety of practice.
"Shit-fuck!" You whisper as you remember all the things you said during practice. "SHOOT - FUDGE" you yell remembering this was going to be on the media team's Youtube page.
You facepalm yourself pretty hard causing a nice slap sound to echo in the gym.
Caitlin runs up to you removing your hand from your face and kissing the place you just slapped.
"Don't slap yourself that hard babe," she says examining the slightly pink mark developing on your right eye and forehead.
"I fuc-messed up," you say and you point at the cameras.
Caitlin turns and Kate just stands there laughing.
Caitlin joins in on the laughing and brings you into her side, squeezing you and kissing your temple.
"Ehh, it was bound to happen sooner or later," she says.
After practice, you thank the media team for choosing you and you head back to your apartment with Kate and Caitlin.
"I can't believe I forgot about being mic'd up. I am so dumb,” you say as you crash on the couch. Your girlfriend comes and sits next to you, pulling your legs onto her lap.
"Don't worry about it babe - no one is going to care." She says rubbing your legs.
"Well, I don't know about that..." Kate says as she passes her phone to you.
You and Caitlin look at it and both of your jaws drop. The media team posted it and it already had 7,000 views. You scroll down to the comments and see people have attached links to their edits. You click on one and it takes you down a rabbit hole of edits that were already created shipping you and Caitlin.
"This is crazy," you say and hide your face.
Caitlin just laughs and continues to rub your legs.
"I think it's cute," she says with a smile.
"I royally messed up." You say.
"Hey," your girlfriend pulls you out of your thoughts, which she knows are going faster than you can comprehend. "If I would love you as a pigeon, I will love you through this, okay?" She says and lifts your face to meet hers.
"Okay," you say and lean in to give her a kiss.
AN: I would lowkey be the best mic'd up person out there. The thoughts that go through my brain sometimes are epic. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! And as always, thank you for your live and support 🤍
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persefolli · 1 year
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡
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𝐀/𝐧: 𝐆𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐎 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝟏,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝. 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬'𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭. 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!!!
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡
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You looked at Ronal with a sad look as she laughed along with her clique. They were currently laughing at your outfit, which was a little…odd to say the least. What hurt most is that Ronal had picked the outfit for you, and assured you that you looked just fine.
The two of you have been best friends for years, and the older the two of you grew the more…bitchy Ronal became. It got bad in highschool, to a point where you stopped attending for some time. After a huge fallout with her friends, Ronal came back running, and you let the feeling of nostalgia make your decision in forgiving her.
You graduated together and went on a journey of womanhood after turning 18. It wasn’t just you two though, you accumulated a very well known friendgroup in Awa’atlu, and everyone wanted to get in with the crew, but lately they’ve turned you into the punching bag of the group. 
“I’m gonna change.” You mumbled, walking off from the group and heading home, where you were gonna mope the rest of the night.
“Oof-” You grunted bumping into someone. Looking up you made eye contact with Tonowari, the future Olo’eyktan of the clan. “I’m sorry!” You nodded your head towards him and looked at him for approval. 
Tonowari was quiet, popular, but quiet. He mastered a lot of adult-like duties as a teenager, which made him a very tough warrior for his class. All the guys in your age group strived to be like him, if not, they wanted to look like him. He was tall, pretty, had nice hair, and smelled really good. Tonowari was humble. Even though he would lead the clan one day, he still opted to be treated like everyone else. 
God you were swooning again, like every other girl in the clan. 
Tonowari quirked his eyebrow and patted your shoulder. “It’s alright.” He said lowly. “Stay safe.” Tonowari jogged off to the beach, where his friends stood whooping and celebrating his arrival. 
You found yourself staring at him, looking at the way he smiled once he came in contact with his bro’s, but you snapped out of it realizing how wrong it was. 
Ronal had a big crush on Tonowari for a while, and with her popularity it was a slim chance he would reject her. Everyone shipped them together, and although Tonowari has yet to acknowledge her, Ronal relished the title of his future girlfriend and most likely, Tsahik. 
At home you changed your clothes, and began cleaning for the night, getting rid of your dinner bowls and laundry you’d done before you went out today. As the eclipse settled, you waited for the dreaded beast herself. 
“Y/n.” Ronal came knocking at the door. You huffed, folding one of your spare loincloths. You didn’t turn to face her as she approached. It was the same cycle of embarrassing you, apologizing in private, and doing the same thing the next day. 
“You should've come back.”
“I was embarrassed!” You snapped at her. 
“The top was fine, no one has perfect taste.”
You clenched the clothes and slowly turned your head to her. The audacity of this bitch! She was the one who got you the top, and told you that it flattered you compared to your normal clothing. Not wanting to explode, you nodded, turning back and doing your laundry. 
“Remember the bonfire is tomorrow, wear cute clothes.”
“What will you be wearing?” You asked.
“Something that will catch my future husband's attention.” Ronal twirled and chuckled. “Tonowari’s coming, heard from a birdie.”
“Oh.” You said. “Bumped into him today, he was going riding with the others.”
Ronal fell silent, and wasn’t in your line of sight. Suddenly you were spun around, Ronal in your face and nails dug into your shoulders. “What did he say? What did you say to him?”
“I apologized and he told me it was okay and to be safe.” You said swiftly, wincing in pain from her nails. Ronal let go and hissed at you, “Next time just walk off.”
The next day you spent inside, sewing decorations onto your top for the bonfire tonight. The bonfire was an annual celebration for the young adults of Awa’atlu, it was the only night you could let loose with no consequences. You and Ronal went every year, watching as guys set fire to large piles of wood and wrastle over stupid banters.
You braided pieces of your hair and pulled the braids back, curating some sort of half-up half down style. You were meeting Ronal at the bonfire, since she opted to show up after everyone else.
When you were ready you waited until the eclipse to leave your home, you merged into another group of Metkayina members who were heading to the other side of the reef as well. You looked into the sky and saw the hue of light coming from somewhere on the ground. Smoke rose from the fire and you sniffed, smiling at the smell of burnt wood spreading across the reef. 
Nights like this were really fun, it was a night you didn’t have to worry about hanging out with just Ronal and her minions. It was also a night you finally got a little attention from guys. 
You arrived at the sectioned off part of the reef with the group, eyes lighting up at the crowds of na’vi dancing and running around. People had already gotten their fix of drinks and rolled around in the sand drunkenly. “Y/n over here!” You heard a voice call you over. You looked and saw a person from you and Ronal’s friend group calling you over. 
“Hi guys!” You walked over and hugged the girl, taking the extra drink she had in her hand. 
“Ronal hasn’t come yet?” You asked. 
She shook her head. “You know how she gets. And look who's already here.” She pointed straight and you followed her finger to see Tonowari. He sat on a large stray branch, looking around at his friends that were chatting. He wore a beautiful necklace and his hair was prettily braided into rows that formed a bun at the top part of his head, the rest of his silky hair flowed beautifully down his back, going past his shoulders. Once again you were staring, but snapped out of it as cheering began. You looked over to see Ronal approaching, wearing a dramatic headdress and jewelry to complement it. 
You began clapping, inviting her over to your large group of friends who waited on her. 
“The queen has arrived.” Ronal twirled in front of you. She glared at you but slowly smiled. “You look nice.”  She commented. 
“Thanks. Wanted to try something new.”
“Better than yesterday's fit.” The na’vi who were there to witness the incident began snickering, causing you to frown. 
You shook your head and raised your empty cup. “I’m gonna go drink.” You made your exit from the crowd and found refuge near the drink table, where all sorts of intoxicated people hung out. “Fill me up.” You slid your cup over to the ‘bartender’ and watched as he filled your cup with a red substance. Nodding at him you took the full cup and began wandering around, looking at the different things people were doing. 
As you stood alone, feet planted in the sand, you felt a pair of eyes watching you. You looked around, attempting to find the source of attention but couldn't. 
You jumped, looking at the tall Metkayina male next to you. “Hi.” You softly smiled. He'd probably been the source of eyes.
“Remember me? We met last year.”
You quirked an eyebrow and inspected the male one more time. It took you a few moments but you perked up. “Oh yeah! The one from the keg stand.”
“In the flesh.” He chuckled.
“How have you been? I haven't seen you around.”
He sighed, “Busy as fuck. Training to become the general.”
“This young?!”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “I gotta get up there with the rest.” You nodded in agreement. A lot of the Metkayina males were very ambitious at a young age, so hearing what he was aiming for didn't come as a surprise.
“What about you?” He leaned in closer and smiled.
You felt yourself getting nervous, “I-I was thinking about starting a clothing business.”
“Shit, really?” He said hyped up. 
“Yeah.” You pulled at the top you were wearing. “I made this.” You displayed the fancy top you were wearing
“You look good in it.” He smiled, licking his bottom lip as he did so. You turned your head to avoid showing him the large smile that was forming on your face.
“How about we ditch this stand and go dance.” He nodded towards the na’vi that were closer to the fire dancing. “Fuck it.” You exclaimed and grabbed his hand as the two of you ran through the crowd to the dancers.
The bass of the drums boomed in your chest and you began dancing. Holding onto the guy's hand, you smiled as you gracefully swayed to the music. Even though it was a lot of people and it wasn't usually your scene, you still managed to block everyone out and have fun.
You allowed him to dance closer to you, grabbing your hips and pulling you in.
“You got better rhythm than me.” He complimented.
“I've been told.” You said cockily. The liquor began to flow through your system the longer the music went on, making your body grow looser.
“Hey Y/n.” 
You spin around to see Ronal getting a little groovy to the music. Internally you groaned but moved over to pull Ronal in to join. 
“Wassup Ronal.” You greeted.
“Nothing. Just wanted to be close to the action.” She began scooting back a little as the guy grabbed your hand and twirled you again.
“Where ya goin?” You asked.
In a flash, everything shifted. You were spun but pushed towards the empty space, and suddenly you were hit with a big wave of juice. The crowd fell silent and you stood in shock, opening your eyes to see you had been drenched in the jungle juice they created.
You looked at Ronal, betrayed. Everyone began laughing, even the guy you danced with.
“That was too good.” He said looking over at Ronal.
She had set you up.
 Every year there was a prank, usually it would be something silly like pushing someone into the ocean or being chased and chanted on by a group of guys, but this one was harsh. Ronal knew you spent time making the outfit for tonight, and she ruined it.
Slowly, you began treading the sand to make it to the main pathway. Tears escaped your eyes as you waddled away, sticky and cold from the nasty substance that was thrown on you. Ronal had gone too far, and this was your last straw with her.
You made your way away from the crowds, and found yourself at a cove further from the village. Once you got inside you yelled, screams echoing off the cave walls. “I hate her!” You screamed.
You whimpered as you peeled your top off, throwing the ruined design down. You slowly climbed into the cove pool, which was typically warm, and began to rub along your skin to get the stickiness off.
“Y/n?” A voice echoed from afar. You quickly used your arms to cover your bare breasts and sunk into the water. Footsteps approached and you began to rage, thinking Ronal was coming after you, but your eyes widened at who was there.
Tonowari stood on the pool edge, looking at you with somber eyes. “I saw what happened.” 
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments in silence. It was awkward considering you'd never interacted before.
“I'm okay.” You responded. 
A few beats of silence passed before he took a seat, feet dangling inside of the pool.
“Why do you let her treat you like that?
“She treats you like shit!” He half-yelled. “You're supposed to be best friends yet she sets you up to be pranked and embarrassed.”
You took a deep breath and came to the edge of the pool, resting your arms on the rock and leaning your head above your folded arms.
“It's harder than you think.” You responded. 
“Even so, you don't deserve that. Have you ever thought of getting her back?”  Tonowari asked.
You snapped your head to the young man, confused as to what he was alluding to. He was always so quiet, smart and level headed, this language wasn't like him at all.
“Just one shot to make her sorry.” He continued.
“Sometimes.” You confessed. You planned out so many routes of revenge over the years, which never went through because you were too pussy to go through with it.
“She has everything that you deserve. Friends, Popularity, Dignity. She took that away from you!” He spoke harshly as if he was done wrong. His passion was attractive, but it made you question why he was so riled up.
He slipped into the water, starling you with the splash. Popping up above water he shook his hair. “Follow me.”
He began swimming down the cove, going deeper and deeper into the elongated cave. It grew dark, and you found yourself growing scared, but the two of you emerged, swimming out to a whole new section of the reef.
“Wow.” You said in disbelief, hopping out of the water and approaching the shore.
“Just a little spot I know about.” He said. Your arms were still crossed as you were still topless, but the residue had washed off and you now stood wet in the moonlight.
“Why did you bring me here?” You were genuinely curious as to why he exposed his secret spot to you.
“So you can take something she doesn't have.”
He approached you with a sultry tone.
You turned to him, finally catching on. 
“You know she likes y-”
“Everyone knows. That's why it's gonna hit her harder.”
You looked at him dumbfounded before dropping your arms and smashing into him. The two of you fell to the ground but he recovered by sitting up. You climbed into his lap and kissed him deeply, cupping his face as you did so.  Tonowari leaned back slightly and had one arm wrapped around your back, pulling your lower body closer to him. 
The two of you moaned softly, continuing your attack on each other's lips. Tonowari’s warm hands lingered, before rising to grip at your bare breasts. You pulled away and watched as he kneaded your mounds and pressed kisses along your chest.
“Tonowari.” You said breathlessly. It was surreal to have a man like him under you like this, to actually touch you like this.
“Shhh.” He shushed you and reached for your loincloth, unraveling the back and pulling it to the side. You pushed him away from your chest, reaching for his, but he swiftly flipped the two of you over, so that he was on top and your back touched the sand. He finally allowed you to strip him of his cloth and watch as he sprung free, standing tall and erect for you.
“You see what you do to me?” He groaned.
Slowly you began spreading your legs, and he lodged himself between them, holding the underside of your knees. The two of you shared a moan as he began running his cock between your folds, judging at your clit with every swipe
“Tonowari don't!” You shakily said. You wanted him so bad, so deep, and he was teasing you relentlessly.
“Use your words pretty girl.”
“Don't tease me Wari, I want you.” You moaned out.
He let out a scoff and pulled back, slowly pushing forward and entering your slick hole.
You almost gave yourself a concussion from how hard you slammed your head back into the sand. You dug your nails into his forearms and clenched around him. He was thick, stretching you in ways a normal Metkayina man couldn't.
You held your breath as he continued entering you, pain pulsing through your lower body. Tonowari’s hand trailed to your neck holding a tight grip on you, and using his thumb to pull your bottom lip down. “Breathe for me.”
“Hurts.” You whimpered.  
“Feel me.” Tonowari let go of your thigh and grabbed his braid. 
“We can worry about it in the morning. Feel how good you make me feel.”
You knew this would be a bad idea, but you connected your braid to his anyway. As soon as tsaheylu was made, you arched off the ground, crying out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” He grunted. Fastening his pace, he let out stained grunts feeling your pain and pleasure mix into one. 
“More! More!” You coaxed him, ready to take him on. The pain was starting to subside but the need for him grew. You spread your legs wider and watched as he drilled into you with his head down, looking right where the two of you connected. 
“You feel so good around m-fuck!” He buried his head into your neck and thrusted faster, enunciating the loud slaps of skin the two of you echoed throughout the beach.
“I'm coming! Wari!!” You dramatically heaved out as you reached your first ever orgasm. 
Tonowari took a few deep breaths before pulling out, and flipping over again. His dick still stood erect, leaking with precum. Your braids were still connected, and you felt his exhaustion, but you also felt his oncoming wave of horniness.
“Make yourself feel good on me.”
You nodded and positioned yourself right above him, closing your eyes and you sunk down onto his length. The both of you let out a moan. “So big.” You stuttered out.
You moved to bounce upon him but he hissed, holding your hips in place. “Take your time with me Y/n.” He leaned back and licked his lips. “Make me work for it.” He began guiding your hips to rock along him slowly. Another wave of pleasure shot through you and you placed a hand on his chest, looking at him with misty eyes.
Tonowari whimpered and panted, driven wild by the way your hips rocked and the way your waist wormed back and forth above him. He wanted you so bad, and boy did you feel it.
You threw your head back and placed your hands on his thighs, giving a full view of his well you were taking him. “M’gonna…” He heaved, “Fill you up.”
This prompted you to lean forward and begin bouncing on him at a faster pace , moaning out his name as you felt him come close to his orgasm. “Fuck Wari!” You yelled out, feeling his orgasm come along. “Shit! Shit Shit!” He let out a long groan as he released into you, twitching inside of you and heaving.
You pulled yourself off of him and threw yourself in the sand next to him, laying on your stomach and panting heavily.
“I'm not finished with you.” 
Your eyes followed him until he disappeared behind you. Tonowari locked his fingers around your hips and pulled your ass up in the air. You waited patiently, expecting him to enter you again, but instead you felt a warm liquid followed by a warm muscle being pressed against your clit. “Oh Wari.” You purred into the sand, gripping at the grainy terrain you laid on top of. 
Tonowari sucked on the nub and released with a pop, groaning and resting his hand upon your ass.  He leaned back in and began running his tongue between your folds, poking and prodding at your fucked out entrance. You throbbed thinking about him licking up his release from your pussy, but your mind quickly blanked as he thrusted his tongue inside of you.
You moaned out loud,  not caring who walked by or who came towards this end of the reef. Tonowari thrived off your noises and began groaning as well, becoming more animated with the slick sounds he was making with his mouth. 
His tongue made contact with your clit again and began flicking at your nub, starting the buildup of tightness that resided in your belly.
“I'm gonna come! Just like that!” You coaxed.
Two of his fingers pressed inside of your hole and he continued to sloppily flick and suck at your clit, holding you steady with his other hand as you trembled.
“Wariiiii!” You screamed as that knot in your stomach snapped. You quivered under his touch. “That's right,” He began rubbing your orgasm out. “Get it out for me, Let it out.”
You clenched your jaw as he began slowing his pace on your pussy, coming to a stop as he knew you were sore by now.  He watched you slump back into the sand, humming out the last bit of energy you had left. You laid with your eyes closed, listening to the thumps of your pulse and the shuffling going on behind you.
“Let's go pretty girl.” Tonowari rolled you over and picked you up, walking you back to your pod with his hands resting on your underside.
The next morning you heard nothing but murmuring when you came around. A pit formed in your stomach at the possibility of them knowing what and who you did last night. But you also felt….satisfied. Today you would make it your mission to see Ronal's face, even if it meant a fist would connect to yours.
“Y/n!” You heard someone shout ahead. It was Tonowari. You looked around and pointed at yourself, and he narrowed his eyes.
Last night you remember him cleaning you up with water and a rag and kissing your forehead before he departed. It was a nice gesture, but you had no idea what that meant for the two of you.
Approaching him, he took your hand in his and began walking forward, making a few of the Metkayina members gasp. “I wanted to speak to you.”
“After last night?”
“Especially after last night.”
A pit of anxiety filled in your stomach and you began to stiffen. The two of you continued walking, until you got to a less crowded area of the reef. “I wanted to give you this.” He stopped and pulled out a necklace. You gasped at the aquamarine colored beads, one used for professing love to another. “I should've given you this a long time ago. A long time ago.”
You hesitantly grabbed the beads and looked up at him confused.
“I hope you didn't think last night was just a get back at Ronal. Or that it was a one night thing.” He stepped forward and grabbed your elbow. “I've been in love with you since highschool. I thought it was a stupid crush but…..” He sighed, starting to now stumble over his words. 
“Everyone else might see Ronal, but I see you.”
Your breath hitched. Tonowari, the bravest, handsomest, warrior, to be Olo’eyktan saw you?!
“I know last night was a horrible way of introducing you to the idea.”
“Idea of what?”
“Of being my Tsahik.”
You gasped again, knowing that it was a title that Ronal was expecting. Everyone always said she was the most qualified, so not only did you take her crush, you're taking her future.
“We've made the bond…in an idiotic way, but I wouldn't go back and change a thing.” He confessed.
You smiled softly, and placed the beaded necklace around your neck. Tonowari let out a breath of relief, happy that his love was being reciprocated. “I know that we are still so young, and you can change your mind about me whenever, but for now let me enjoy you, and love you unconditionally.”
You stood on your toes to kiss him deeply, sighing in pure ecstasy as he cupped your face and kissed back.
Just as the two of you finished, an entourage of people came walking straight for you with Ronal leading the group.
“Tonowari.” She nodded sweetly.
“Y/n.” She said blankly.
“What happened? Is there danger?” Tonowari said, a little concerned about the amount of people that stood around.
“No just….a little question. I heard something from a birdie and I hoped it wasn't true. Just wanted to check in.”
“What was said?” He asked unphased.
Ronal coyly rolled her eyes and played the shy act. “That you were planning to choose your future Tsahik soon.” She glared at you, thinking she had the upper hand.
Tonowari caught on. Ronal wanted him to claim her in front of everyone, but little did she know.
“I already did.” He smiled.
Ronal walked forward and shot you a look as she pushed herself between the two of you. “Oh Wari.”
Tonowari scoffed. “We actually made the bond last night. I didn't wanna waste any time.”
Ronal’s face dropped and she backed away, “B-bond?! But I didn't-”
Tonowari looked towards you and Ronal realized, “No.” She said in disbelief. “You're still so young- You don't even know what you want in a woman! No Olo’eyktan should choose on a whim!” She stammered trying to discredit your experience.
“We were all practically raised together. I know who and what I want.” Tonowari declared.
Ronal looked at you with an angry look. 
Normally her glare would make you cower and scramble to apologize, but this time you felt your lips curling up. Smiling at the bitch who no longer had the upper hand.
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mouwrites · 3 months
Creepypasta/MH - How They Would Welcome You Back (after not seeing you for a while)
Characters: Nina the Killer, Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Tim/Masky, Jane the Killer
Shouts your name when she sees you, and BOLTS into you
She crashes against you, almost losing her balance from the sheer force
Her arms are flung around you, pinning your own arms to your sides with surprising strength
"Eek! Y/n! Aah... I missed you so much!"
She giggles as she finally lets you go, settling her hands on your shoulders while she looks at you with a huge smile
She compliments your appearance eagerly, and blushes when you do the same
She can't stop giggling throughout the whole process though
Literally nonstop... but she's just so happy!!
Normally she'd suggest a more exciting hangout, like stalking people at the mall or... y'know... putting the laughter in slaughter or smth legal activities
But this time she just wants to stay home and hold you :3
And maybe watch a movie with ice cream too!
Pretends to be all nonchalant about it
"Oh, you're back. Hey."
Especially if others are around
But his eyes keep lingering on you, and though you're across the room it feels like he's looming over you
His presence is just so..... unsettling? Like, more than usual lol
Bro's just watching so closely
It'd make anyone nervous, but if you're dating Jeff you're definitely crazy enough not to be too disturbed
Because you know what's actually waiting for you when you're alone
Not murder, but:
He throws an arm around your shoulder and another under your knees, scooping you up wordlessly
Then it's cuddle time :]
He'll be doing something else while you cuddle, and he won't say anything, but if you try to move or get up he'll glare daggers at you
In his mind, you're making up for lost time together
Eyeless Jack
He'd have been waiting for your return
No matter how long he had to wait, he was always ready
Clean home (well, as clean as a cannibalistic demon's home can be), hot food ready, fluffy blankets on the bed...
So when you finally do come, he gets straight to the point
The point being spoiling you ofc
He loves taking care of you; that's his way of showing affection
So he's just excited to finally do that again!
He wouldn't have given you any physical affection when seeing you I think
The most he'd have done would've been to grab your hand to lead you along
"Y/n! I'm so glad to see you again... come on, everything's ready for you."
He's dumbfounded when he sees you again
Like, he just blinks at you
It's as if he never expected you to return :(
Then he pulls you into a hug, finally processing the fact that you're there
The same smell of cigarettes and coffee fills your nose, and you breathe it in deeply
(He's lowkey doing the same with your smell)
The hug finishes with one more super-tight squeeze, then he pulls away to look at your face
He's so smooth guys <3
But on a real note, he's just so surprised to see you; he doesn't know how to react
Trust me though, he's never letting you go again
I think she'd have something planned too
So when she sees you again, she gets really excited
She tries to keep it somewhat cool though, greeting you warmly with a kiss on the cheek and a hug
But you can tell she's trying not to act excited... she's rocking on her heels way more than "usual" (never)
Finally she tells you to close your eyes, and you can really tell she's excited now
She puts something in your hands and kisses you on the mouth
When you open your eyes, you see a jewelry box in your hand
It's your favorite form of jewelry (ring, necklace, bracelet, anklet, etc) in your favorite gemstone/color!!
She loves seeing you wear the things she gets you, especially when she puts so much thought into them
Just like she did this time ;3
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Bit of a different style from the other one, but here we go!! Thank you so much for reading, take care my duckies! <3
(divider by saradika)
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Hi!! this is my first time requesting anything but i was wondering if you could do creepypasta boys were you kiss / compliment there scars!
Kissing their scars (various crp)
Bro I scratched my skin right next to this burn last week and it HURTS so bad
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack
Notes: Reader is GN, fluff, these boys need help
CWs: talks of violence in.. well all of them, mentioned of self harm in Jeff's part
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You decide to kiss the gashes in his cheeks, the ones that he carved.. he never really viewed them as anything very negative; sure it reminds him of the night he killed his entire gamily.. a fact he has a very wishy washy feeling of guilt over depending on the day
At first he thinks you're trying to kiss his cheeks but you make it very clear what you're trying to do when you begin to compliment them- they've healed so well since theyve been put there
Between the three he tries to play it off the most, of course it looks nice- they make him beautiful, and he always will be beautiful! What are you talking about reader?
Hes not at all willing to be vulnerable around you, it doesnt matter how long you two know each other or how close you get he never.. really let's himself just be in his feelings around others
But just know that hes going to be sitting in bed tonight looking up at the ceiling replaying what you've said and going back over the events that lead him here- rare moment of self reflection essentially
But to your face.. hes just the same as hes always been, even teasing you for having such a huuuge crush on him- bonus if the two of you are already dating
Eyeless Jack
You rarely ever get to see him without the mask, but when you do.. it's best not to do something like this the first time you see his eye sockets- hes very cagey about his face in the first place and hes not quiet ready to handle more attention drawn to it. The first few times it's off it's best to meet it with indifference
But when more time passes, you're more than welcome to test the waters. You already knew Jack had a fair collection of scars, but there was a different feel to the burned and gashed holes where his eyes would have been
He wont let you kiss him, mostly because hes unsure of what exactly the goo was made of, as well as naturally not liking the idea of someone putting their mouth where his eyes just to be- but you're allowed to trace your fingers along the scar tissue
Hes never going to tell you what happened unless theres a reason to, hes very firm when setting this boundary. It's just something that makes him feel.. gross..
He already doesn't talk much but he becomes silent as you trace your fingers and talk to him
He might go back to wearing his mask all the time again for a while but it's not exactly your fault, it was just a huge step- it's okay to back up a bit to process things
Ticci Toby
Due to his CIPA he has a bit of a disconnect between him and his injuries, scars included. He didnt really feel them when they were being made, sure he may have felt some pressure depending on what caused it but other than that, nothing really.. for a lot of them he doesnt have much thoughts- neither good nor bad
The only ones that really make him feel something are the ones he sustained from the crash- they're scattered across his body...
If you kissed or complimented any other scar he would tease you for being a little "weird", even making it a game to guess where he got the current scar from- with outlandish answers of course
But the second you reach one of /those/ scars the fun is immediately cut, you can tell theres something off
Similar to Jack, its something that has to be eased into due to the weight associated with the injuries. It's not the fact that it hurt when he got them but they serve as a reminder of what he lost
The only one who really tries to change the subject, perhaps by asking if you have any scars or markings on your body or simply changing the subject all together
Probably the only one who wouldn't want to be complimented due to the nature of some of his scars
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sanspuppet · 9 months
Hey lovely quick request
Can you do “what would yunho say during sex?” 👀👀👀👀
I saw a txt yeonjun version and i automatically thought of you during a yunho version
- What would Yunho say during sex?
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W/T: explicit language, pet name (princess) MDNI
PAIRING: boyfriend!Yunho x afab!reader
A/O: mind goes brrr when it comes to Yunho, bro here’s the finest man alive and he can’t even help it. Plus, HIS VOICE OMMGMGGFGSG just imagine HIS voice saying the things you’re going to read soon…
thanks for the request! hope you enjoy <3
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“You like it, yeah? Being fucked like this in one of my favorite hoodies”
“Acting so good for me princess, but i’d like to take the lead now, want you to scream my name ok?”
“Just let your big boy take care of you, i’ll do all the work, relax baby.”
“Fuck… taking this huge cock so easily, look at the bulge in your stomach. So…ah— pretty”
“So close doll, gonna stuff you with my babies. Please let me cum inside…”
“Say that again. God, i love when you call me that. Yuyu’s gonna fuck his baby girl till collapsing.”
“Fucking look at how my veins are pulsing while i finger you, you love it don’t you? Take those fingers inside your stretched pussy”
“Such pretty noises you make, keep moaning like that, ‘m gonna cum soon”
“Right there, huh? Feels good? Fine, imma fuck you dumb now, get ready.”
“Open up princess, just a little more. A big boy like me can’t fit easily between you, need you to make a little effort”
“Oh god, it’s too tight… fuck. You’re squeezing me so much, I’m not gonna last any longer”
“If only you could see yourself right now… how my dick is buried inside your pussy… so hot”
“Already this wet for me and i didn’t even touched you? You’re such a needy slut, but after all i love you like this”
“Let’s cum together, wait a little more, please i swear i’m so fucking close”
“You’re so tiny… i wonder how the hell can you take this dick”
“So beautiful, such a work of art with my cum all over your stomach. Can i please take a picture?”
“It’s too much? Oh i’m sorry, you shouldn’t have flirted with Mingi, now you take the consequences”
“Just one more time, please i know you can give me that. Cum one last time, princess”
“Yes just like that… feels so fuckin amazing. Wanna reward my pretty doll after this.”
“You can’t believe I got hard seeing you like this? Touch me right there then, baby”
Bonus with a filrty Yunho:
“You look like the prettiest princess ever with that dress, despite i’d love to rip it off of you”
“Such a gorgeous bare face you have” smirking: “You know what else i love to see bare?” whispering to your ear: “Your body”
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omg i had sm fun writing this 🤭
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himbofan4444 · 10 months
Could you do a story where a genius chemistry major gets caught up in the jocks hazing rituals and they turn him into a jock slowly by melting his brains into cum leading to the finale where he cums his brains out along the quarterbacks ass
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I don’t want to sound conceded or like I’m cocky or anything, but I’m technically a genius. Like my IQ is high enough to classify me as a genius. I’ve been called perfect before because I’m really intelligent and rather muscular thanks to my time in the gym and my time playing football. I’m gonna sound like a total pick-me, but I’ve never really fit in. I’m so much more intelligent than every other guy that was on the team. But now that I’m in college, I’m hoping I can find at least one guy I can relate to.
My first day of college wasn’t great… The guys are literally the exact same as the ones from high school in mannerism and mentality. I guess I’ll just be out of place yet again. There’s a “sacred” hazing ritual that all new coming football players must partake in. I haven’t been told much but I know it’s humiliating. I step foot in the locker room, the putrid stench of stale musk and sweat fills my nose. Honestly I don’t mind the smell; I’ve grown used to it after years of exposure to it. There’s a line of freshmen standing shirtless just like me. I enter the end of the line and wait for further instruction.
The quarterback paces in front of the group of us, marching like a general. He stops in front of me and looks me up and down, his eyes resting on my crotch for an uncomfortably long time.
“Last year, one of our linebackers graduated. He was renowned for his massive horse cock. Since he left, we haven’t had someone to replace him and the team fuck stick. I think this man will be a perfect replacement!” the quarterback shouts, leading to a round of applause from the existing members and a weak clap from the upcoming ones. I look around, confused by his questionable proclamation.
The quarterback pulls out a battered football helmet and inserts it on my head. The helmet is tight and squeezes my head. God it kind of hurts. I chuckle, “Oh I uh- Thank you…?”
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“Yeah you’ll be thankin’ me real soon, bro,” the quarterback said, a smirk on his face. A flash of calmness washes over me, instantly numbing my anxieties and concerns. My dick jumps to life, sticking straight out in front of me. The other guys laugh at my obvious boner.
My dick isn’t that big, only about 5 inches, but it looks… bigger. The size of my boner continues climbing, soon becoming about 11 inches and thick as a beer can. The amount of blood required to keep me hard seems to be coming straight from my brain, leaving me lightheaded and dizzy. Then my dick starts leaking precum. Buckets of precum. My brain feels weird, almost like it’s a liquid. I can feel it sloshing around in my skull. I feel a weird draining feeling, like my skull is a faucet and it’s pouring down my torso. I feel the dripping stop when the liquid reaches my balls, inflating them in size to better match the girth of my horse cock.
God it’s gettin’ hard tuh think… It’s like my brain just been switched off. “Huhuhu,” I laugh dully, rubbing my massive dick through my pants.
I look down to see the quarterback on his hands and knees with his pants pulled down. He’s presenting his big… fuckable ass… Oh my god he’s so hot. Fuck… It’s getting harder to… Oh fuck! My dick unleashes a cascading shot of thick cum on his ass. I fall to my knees, still dizzy and very disoriented.
The established football players clap and cheer me on, someone taking off my helmet and giving me a noogie. Now I’m one of the star linebackers on the team and more importantly, I’m the brainless fuck stick of the team, willing to shove my huge dick up anyone’s ass without a thought.
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riskyraiker · 7 months
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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h4untedgrl · 24 days
she'll chew you up | p.sh
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—♱ genre/au: college au, non-idol au, one shot, sub!hwa x dom!fem reader, maneater! reader, ateez is a fraternity
—♱ warnings: drinking alcohol (drink responsibly!!), partying, face sitting, impact play, drunk sex, cowgirl, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), degradation (whore, slut), praise (good boy, baby, my love), slight dacryphilia, titty sucking, breathe play (please do this safely!), hair pulling
—♱ word count: 1.4k
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Men are easy creatures... just a quick glance at them and they were putty in your hands. Playing with a man's mind was your thing.
Park Seonghwa just so happened to be your next victim.
Ateez was known for throwing parties and these parties were huge. Everyone wanted to experience an Ateez party at least once during campus life.
You arrived at the Ateez dorm, knocking before Mingi opens the door. "Yooo, you made it! we've been waitin' for your fine ass" He shows you a smile. "Oh I bet you guys have been" You smile back at him as you walk into the dorm.
You take a look around the dorm looking for the bar. Finally spotting it, you start walking to pour yourself a drink. Taking a red solo cup filling it up with Malibu and pineapple juice. "You look beautiful tonight ___" a soft voice says, you look up to see Seonghwa eyeing you. "Why thank you Hwa, don't look to bad yourself." Red paints his cheeks at receiving a compliment from you.
You take a sip from your cup and lick your lips, making eye contact with him. "Don't look at me like that ___" Seonghwa's voice shaking. Aw he's so nervous. "Look at you like what hm?" Shooting another smile at him before you study his frame. So slender yet defined. "Fuck... I'll be over, you know near Joong"
You keep watching him as he walks over to Hongjoong, watching him say something to Seonghwa. "Bro she'll chew you up, did you not see how she was fuckin' looking at you?" He looks at Joong, slightly confused, "I honestly might let her do it, just look at her bro." All Hongjoong could do is laugh at Seonghwa. He's already heard the stories of how you can make the most dominant man a sub, and he definitely doesn't doubt you capabilities to do so.
The night proceeds, Seonghwa just can't help but admire you as you dance. Thinking about all the profound things he can do to you. Finally, Seonghwa builds up the courage to speak to you again. "Hey ___... do you think I can pull you to the side..?" He said quite softly with a slight slur to his words. "Yeah baby what's up?" You tilt your head as you look into his soft eyes. He swiftly grabs your wrist bringing you to his room closing the door behind him.
"I need you so bad ___" He whines out as he holds your hands. "What makes you think that baby, hm?" You say sending him another smirk. "You're just so fuckin' sexy... fuck I already told you stop looking at me like that" He runs his fingers through his hair trying to calm himself down. You grab his hand and lead him to his bed "Lay down for me." He quickly complies taking off his shoes as he gets onto his bed.
"You're gonna' make me feel good okay?" You say as you get onto the bed pulling up your dress and pulling your panties to the side. As you inch closer to his face you hear him moan out in anticipation. "Haven't even touch you yet and you're moaning. Are you a whore or something?" He quickly shakes his head, you can't help but laugh at him. "I think you are." Before he could even process your sweet pussy was placed onto his mouth.
He started to part you, licking over your nub placing his hands on your thighs "Don't touch me." Listening to your commands he puts his hands to his side. Moans escape your lips, feeding Hwa's fire. He picks up the pace of his tongue, his stomach starting to stir. "Keep going baby m' gonna cum." The vibration of his whines send you over the edge "Oh, fuck!" Your thighs quiver around his face, riding out your high before getting off his face.
"Please ___ lemme' fuck you" His voice shaky, and you can't help but notice his hard cock in his jeans. "You have to be patient my love." You say as you run your thumb on his pink lips. Oh how he hated being patient, he was usually the one calling the shots but there's just something different about you. You tap your thumb on his lower lip, "Stick your tongue out" He pouts before listening to your command, sticking out his pretty tongue. Taking your index and middle finger to it, "Suck on em' for me baby, be a good boy" His pretty lips wrap around fingers sucking on them before he lets out another moan.
"Take off your pants for me." You whisper into his ear, his eyes light up in excitement. He quickly sits up removing his pants and throwing them to the side. "Please ___.... I don't know how much longer I can wait." He pouts as he tries touching you again. "I already told you don't touch me" He panics at your stern voice, "I'm sorry ___, won't do it again I promise." You pull at the waistband of his boxers watching as his cock springs out, his tip coated with precum. "All I did was sit on your face and you're already this hard? I knew you were a whore." You laugh at him, as you start to fuck him with your fist.
He gasped at the thrust, "Oh my god, fuck!" His hips bucking up with the movement causing you to laugh at him again. "You're so eager baby" Hwa's thighs start to tremble "I jus' wan you so bad, need to feel you around me" You watch as more precum leaks from his pink tip circling your thumb around it, sending a shiver down his spine.
"Please, I'll be a good boy for you ___" His sweet begs send an ache to your core, "That's what I like that hear my love" You staddle yourself above his cock aligning it with you folds. Lowering yourself down on his dick. "Fuck you're so tight I don't know if I can last" He whimpers as he starts to suckle on his lower lip. "You better fuckin' last" Grabbing his face to make him look at you "I'll try but I can't promi-" You slap his slap his face "I'll get off right now, gotta' make me cum again" Hwa just nods his head letting out another whimper.
Once you adjust to his size you finally start to move, unholy sounds slip out of Seonghwa's mouth "Fuck- You're so wet" You pick up the pace chasing after your high. "You're such a good slut, feel' so good" You moan out "Wan' to you touch, can I touch you please?" Seonghwa pleads his eyes rolling back. "Go ahead baby, you can touch me now" His hands quickly move onto your waist, giving it a tight squeeze before moving them up to your chest. "Can I suck on em' please" He whines out as you give nod and pull down the top of your dress.
Seonghwa suckles on your nipple giving them a small bite, "So pretty, love em' in my mouth" Your right hand reaches his throat, your thumb and middle finger pressing down. Hwa's breath stifles, that lack of oxygen to his brain sends him into a frenzy "I-I'm gonna' cum, can I cum please?" You release your grip around his throat as you stop all movement, "Not yet baby, need you to last a little longer." A tear rolls down his cheek as he bites his lip again before apologizing "I'm sorry, I'll last for you I promise jus' feel so good." You lean in to give him a small peck as you wipe away his tears, "Poor baby, did I make you cry? Did I get your hopes up? You're jus' so needy." a giggle escapes your lips.
His cock twitches in you, "Fuck- you're such a slut, I feel you twitching in me baby" You start moving once again, and another tear rolls down Hwa's cheek. "You're so tight ___, oh my god" He latches back onto your left breast. "Fuck- baby I'm gonna cum, you're such a good boy" You tug at his shiny black hair, another loud moan escapes from him.
Your pussy clenching around his cock almost sucking him as you ride out your high. "Fuck-" Lifting yourself off of him, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Wait- where are you going..?" He questions as he watched you adjust your dress. "We can finish this later baby, goodnight Hwa." You smile at him one last time before closing the door behind you.
This definitely wont be the last time you see him.
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—♱ taglist- @vampzity @scarfac3 @dvrktvnnel @dollywoo @planetjaeyun click here to join!
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wayvchip · 21 days
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making out with wayv
genre/warnings: fluff, suggestive (minors DNI), established relationship, boyfriend!wayv
kun is definitely the type to constantly smile throughout the kiss and you can feel it when he does that, which makes your heart flutter. makeouts with kun are usually quite brief, and very gentle and sweet. kun would also frequently make sure to take short breaks in between kisses in case you ran out of air because he's just considerate like that.
ten would constantly tease you and get you all riled up. wbk ten is a huge flirt. he would smirk the entire time, whisper dirty things to you, and use a lot of tongue in his kisses. plus, his hands would be roaming all over your body and feeling you up. makeout sessions with ten usually lead to more because he gets all hot and bothered just by kissing you.
winwin would be quite shy and even hesitant at first, but quickly gets into the mood. he prefers if you take the lead at first, and then he'll take over after a bit. winwin definitely goes a little crazy when you grab onto the hem of his shirt while he's sweetly kissing you. bro has had so many kissing scenes from his dramas i truly believe he is more experienced than he lets on.......
xiaojun's kisses would be very slow and passionate, because he wants you to feel loved. he's extra and puts on one of his r&b playlists because he likes the romantic atmosphere it creates. xiaojun holds both of your hands in his hands during the whole makeout session too :(( be sure to expect very intense eye contact from him.
hendery KNOWS what he's doing. he knows all the right buttons to push and is a playful tease too, he'll literally pull away and chuckle just as you're about to deepen the kiss. tbh i can see hendery being a biter. now you didn't hear this from me, but i feel like hendery is definitely the type to do the knee thing (iykyk) while he's marking your neck up with pretty purple bruises.
yangyang would get wayyy too excited at the idea of making out with you and practically jumps on top of you, almost bumping his forehead into yours. he would smash his lips against yours and giggle in between kisses because he just can't contain his excitement!!! pro tip: play with yangyang's hair when he's kissing you, it makes him absolutely melt into a puddle.
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Round 1 - Side B
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firestar art by @kudos-si-do
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Kitty jesus, he believes in starclan which is the kitty version of heaven/god and yea. All the warrior cats characters except those outside the clans or those that are atheist believe in the kitty heaven and would irl be bri-ish and christian as hell so. The authors are all older british christian women and so the way starclan is written is like undoubtedly that.
The main religion in the series is extremely catholic coded. Most clan cats believe in Starclan and the Dark Forest(or heaven and hell). There is a set of rule they must uphold and follow, where following them leads to heaven and breaking them leads to hell. Their religious leaders are sworn to celibacy, and the punishments that "code breakers"(or cats who break the rules) face are extremely similar to situations people with religious trauma have gone through.
OP notes: apparently converted to avoid getting his balls cut?? Idk. The discord yet wild for firestar so I had to include him because it's hilarious hehehe
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
I need a part 2 of Beelzebub x Arché! Reader. What if the gods held a court meeting to see the potential danger of the reader and Odin's goals. When Odin wants to evade the assumptions of the people in the congregation (or even to the point of telling the reader to kill everyone there), the reader instead says that he does not want to destroy the people of gods or humans because he plans to marry Beelzebub.
Or showing how he REALLY loves Beelzebub by fuckin him shamelessly infront of them all.
Tyy pookie!! ^⁠_⁠^
Bro I love this😭 primordial god reader is mad interesting.
Beelzebub × Dom!male!primordial god!reader
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All eyes were on you, as you as you feasted on food, ignoring everyone's prying eyes. Man, food has really became tastier huh? It's been so long since you've eaten like this. Beelzebub just sat there uncomfortably, glancing at you a few times before returning his eyes down.
Everyone was suspicious of Odin, if anything bad was included in his plans that could potentially lead to the destruction of the gods, everyone knew they had to stop him.
Odin was obviously aware that there were too many of the strongest gods there, capable of ganging up on his ass. But, he knew that none of them combined, could leave a single scratch on you. But look at you over there, moronic and stupidly eating food without a care about giving respect. Hey, to your defense, you were alive before zues, and possible as old as the other primordials.
it should be THEM to pay their respects to you. But it was a little difficult to believe that you were older, looking at how young you acted. like a matured/(not really) matured young adult who probably eats pizza slices for dinner.
"Hey, old man. Are you sure you ain't up to anything suspicious? Things don't seem very 'normal' to me." Shiva spoke, two of his arms on his head while having his other two arms crossed. Odin closed his eyes, starting to get irritated, wanting to avoid anyone's assumptions and suspicions of his plans.
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
"then what about the guy sitting in this room right now? Doesn't seem to me like he's anyone you'd just walk by." Loki teasingly joked, knowing he'd get on the old man's nerves. "I agree, seeing a primordial god...isn't something you'd just see out of the blue" Thor spoke, everyone gathering their assumptions and ideas for the so called "all-realm-altering god".
Finally, Odin's last nerve popped, before he slowly spoke. "(M/n), if you want to prove to them that you are really so powerful, why don't you just kill everyone here?"
Everyone's eyes popped open, immediately turning their heads to you, who stopped chewing, your eyes slowly darting up to meet their gazes.
"what do you mean 'no'? You don't plan on killing all the gods and ruling over all realms?"
"Its not that I can't. I'm simply uninterested." With one more chew, you continued "I plan to marry Beelzebub." And with that statement, everyone was speechless. Zues chuckling while Loki grinned, "my my, I didn't know that even an all powerful deity would be interested in such.. matters~"
"ooh! Ooh! I have a question! How strong are primordial gods? Can we fight? Please please please??" A hyper, dog like god spoke. His name was...Anubis? Right, that's his name. He's quite energetic, you only chuckled and shook your head. "No, not right now. Once I settle in, I'll give you a good fight, okay buddy?" He whimpered sadly at your response, sitting down with a huge frown.
Then, you suddenly got serious as you looked back to the others.
"now, speaking of our marriage. If any of you try to interfere with my plans, it will end in bloodshed. Every single one of you will have their heads displayed on a shelf. Do not test me."
That statement was enough to make everyone feel dread. They knew that no matter how strong or respected they were, they can not lay anything on you. You were far more than just powerful. An unmeasured type of power that many seeked to have, but could never get.
Your hands trailed onto Beelzebub's face, giving him a heated kiss, and a beast like grin. His pretty face was a huge turn on.
you felt lust grow when you eyed Beelzebub, before standing up and bending him over. Everyone's mouth dropped when you started brutally fucking him at an intense speed, as he just took it, whining and crying for you. His legs spread wide open, his hole already very agape, which was proof of your cock inside of him a little while ago before the meeting.
"still so wide and pretty for me..."
Everyone present just decided to leave, knowing that they couldn't utter a word in your presence. Beelzebubs moans the only thing that could be heard in the room while you put him in multiple positions.
Odin sighed, deciding that he'd just have to talk to you some other time. For now, everyone should just leave you to the poor god, who was bended over and now covered in kisses and hickies. Your wife, male wife, as you'd like to call it.
When I tell you all of Valhalla shook from the force and speed of your pounding, I mean it.
You couldn't wait for the marriage, you'd fuck him in front of everyone after you'd seal your kiss, and that was a mental note you made sure to remember. You wer gonna show everyone who your territory was. And how they couldn't do a thing about it. Man, he'd look so pretty in a wedding dress.
You couldn't wait.
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ moving in with them after graduation
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• He wants everything to be perfect. He wants you to be happy every second of the day your home, he loves you so much haha. So expect him to be a little stiff and nervous at the beginning
• He establishes household rules with you. The rules aren’t stuffy or stiff but more so schedule like rules. Examples being who does what chores on what day, not to do this, boundaries, etc.)
• Riddles own household situation was AWFUL; so he wants the complete opposite for you! He won’t allow you to be reckless, but he won’t allow the house to feel strain or unwelcoming. So he gets you to help him loosen up a bit!
• He is NOT doing the cooking on his own. Get him a cookbook or help him with it lol, he won’t get cooking on his own. But it’s a cute learning experience + bonding time for you both
• Riddle unfortunately will not cuddle you in bed , which sucks since he’s a heater on his own. His skin is always warm, so if you want to cuddle him, just hold him
• Strict bedtime schedule for him. You can go to bed and wake up anytime but he’s in bed by 9:30pm and awake by 6:30am
• HE HAS A GARDEN GOING! He plants a rose field in your backyard along with some strawberries. It’s a red row outside. Beautiful though
• You don’t even have to worry about the bathroom tbh, Riddle doesn’t spend a lot of time on his appearance. He spends enough that he looks refined, but it’s not overdone either
• He actually found a struggle in picking a place aha, money wasn’t the problem he just overthought every aspect of the home. Whether or not you’d be comfortable, how much space would it be, the conditions. So you did help with the picking lol
• This is his first time actually losing contact with his mother, which is a larger step than you may think. But he’s okay with it since he’s doing it alongside you, and he’s so, so much happier since his everyday starts and ends with you
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• Ace is ecstatic to finally be moving in with you. He’s excited to finally take this big step into each others lives. Though he may not show it, he’s also pretty nervous. He doesn’t want you to get sick of him…
• God give you patience because you’ll need it. This man will test a tiny bit every day
• Ace isn’t very accustomed to household chores lol, so you may need to do some heavy lifting. He will do the dishes though
• I can see you two having smaller meals rather then larger ones, just smaller quick heat-up meals, unless your a huge cooker, then he’s not complaining
• He’s fucking NERVOUS when you two agree to sleep on the same bed, he’ll tease you while his brain runs miles on whether or not he snores or kicks in his sleep
• Everyday is pretty fun and chill with him, whether it’s just casually throwing pillows at one another; random hugs in the hallway, or just chilling on the couch watching movies.
• I can see Ace as a kid who sleeps with a light on 😭 so expect a little night light next to his side of the bed when falling asleep.
• Ace will mistake your clothing with his, and no he does not care. His clothes are yours, so yours are his. A fair deal, no?
• On the earlier days of the move in, Ace wanted to be seen as a reliable significant other, and would often do grand domestic gestures akin to one’s in books or movies. Later on though he’s chilled and it’s like living with a roommate.
• ITS A FIGHT FOR THE SHOWER, he’d spend an hour in the shower, and two in the bath. Bro takes FOREVER just to never brush his hair
• Ace is more of a roommate than a househusband, he can be annoying or caring. It really depends on the day haha.
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• He’s scared shitless. He’s making a huge step in his life moving in with you! It’s the first time he’s moving out of his moms home, and he’s worried moving in together will cause a small strain and lead to arguments
• All his worrying was for naught though, as once you two move in together it’s literally a cute slice of life perfect movie
• Deuce is either able to cook a good meal, or he burns down the kitchen. He can make smaller meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But larger meals is something he should get help on
• Speaking of meals he ensures you eat all three meals a day! It’s good for you, and if you’re not hungry he’ll mix up a fruit bowl or something small like that for you to munch on.
• It’s either shocking or not that his favourite thing of home life to do with you is shop. It’s kind of weird, but the process of creating a shopping list, planning meals, then going out and buying the groceries before helping carry them in just make his heart flutter. He’s helping you, and in a way it solidifies that you both are in each others lives.
• He may develop insomnia because he gets so nervous sleeping next to you! It takes a while before he grows accustomed to your presence. It’s not your fault, he’s just a nervous wreck.
• He FaceTime's his mom every week to check up on her 🥹 sometimes you’ll be next to him and she’ll talk to you asking for an honest answer on how Deuce has been holding up. It’s an adorable family situation. You guys aren’t even married but it feels like she’s your mama too.
• He wants to adopt a pet with you, doesn’t  matter what kind. I can see Deuce as a huge family oriented guy, so a small cat or dog (or something else if you’re allergic) to take care of together would make him super happy!
• He’ll probably do most of the driving around unless you enjoy it. He likes driving you around in a car, or he’ll take you out for a night drive on his magi-wheel after dinner
• He takes a lot of time in the morning to get his makeup perfect, and to straighten his hair haha
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• HE WAS SO EXCITED TO MOVE IN WITH YOU! Big step who? He only knows excitement!
• Through this you see all sides of Cater. He can’t bare to keep up his always smiles at home, so while at home you’ll see him be much more relaxed and quiet. He doesn’t keep to himself, but he isn’t as bright as he seems to be on average.
• He admits that he loves the concept of being in each others lives like this, making a permanent mark on each others everyday.
• He isn’t a huge eater, so you really don’t need to make lunch or even sometimes breakfasts for him.
• He makes daily posts on Magicam and Twstter about some things of your day to day, whether it’s a meal you make, just cuddling or funny stories you can expect an update on living from cay-cay everyday!
• He takes at least 10 photos everyday, you know those moms who take a photo of you every second? He’s like that, he adores memories. He has his own little album under the bed he sometimes looks through..
• He's HUGEEE on décor, so expect him to do most of the furnishing and going furniture shopping with you once you two buy a house! He loves it.
• The communication with the bathroom is actually pretty good, you both have a schedule for who will shower when, and you both do your makeup and hair together <3
• When in bed, he’ll wrap his legs and entangle them with yours! He likes feeling connected to you (if you’re uncomfortable with that, he may also hold your hand!)
• He takes you out on a date at least once every two weeks! Whether it’s in the home, or out for dinner he ensures to treat you and make you feel loved.
• Cater organizes your outfits for the day sometimes!! He’ll make you both some matching outfit plans sometimes, or he’ll spend the night before setting up outfits for the next day, going through the closets and working with you.
• He enjoys being able to relax and settle down with you in the comfort of the home, with a blanket over him not needing to worry about the stress of being unliked or ruining the mood. Simply enjoying each other.
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• You’d think you were living together for years by how perfect everything seems with him??
• He’s got the house all cleaned, and knows how to keep it that way, he has a schedule already set for you and him. HES GOT EVERYTHING !!
• As you should expect, he does most of the cooking, he likes having decent size meals, normally two food to each dinner (a side dish and main). He also always has dessert for you both ready! He bakes during the day sometimes when neither of you are working!
• Definitely tries to ensure if you have unhealthy habits you get them on the healthier side. Like poor eating habits and insomnia he tries to help best he can.
• Run for the hills, he’ll ensure you spend ten minutes brushing your teeth every morning and night. He never stops, he’ll spend 30 minutes in the bathroom just brushing his teeth istg
• Trey probably wakes up 7:30 sharp or something like that. So rip your ears if you don’t like alarms
• Househusband for real, he’ll do the chores around the house though sometimes you guys set a plan on who will do what
• He’s very schedule oriented, he has a day plan for everyday lol
• He’ll do the grocery shopping for you! But sometimes you have to go with him to ensure he doesn’t overspend on baking ingredients haha!
• Trey isn’t a huge cuddler but he will wrap his arms around you sometimes! Or he’ll touch skin with you
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aryxchse · 7 months
Well now you’ve offered please can we have the frank nsfw headcanons too 🙏🙏
frank zhang nsfw headcanons (aged up)
warnings ; nsfw, cursing and cute frank overload
a / n ; u guys r so sneaky fr
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- alright be ready for the cuteness because this man is not rough
- the most hot thing that he does is turning his some body parts into an animal parts that would give you pleasure
- like idk making his tongue a snake tongue or whatever
- he's big
- like, wtf big
- he could rip you apart if he wanted to
- but like, we're talking about frank
- he would fucking rip his own dick apart to not hurt you LMAO
- no matter how many times you guys did it, you still can't get use to him
- and he has insane stamina like he doesn't get tired and can do it till morning
- frank doesn't have anything in mind, he just wants to give you pleasure and you can use him however you like
- whimpers %100
- he's also shy and like, tries to hide himself into you
- frank. trying to hide himself. in your tiny petite body. lmao.
- sometimes his mars genes shows up and he goes hard a bit
- like, fastens his speed and forgets for a moment that he's HUGE
- but... who are you to complain??
- first time he saw the bulge in your belly he got panicked
- but you were like: babes thats hot wtf
- he puts his hand on your stomach and feels the bump and hes like: omg am i really that big
- easly picks you up
- like you're just some couple of grapes for him
- my size kink is showing up m sorry
- he likes fingering you
- and you like him fingering you
- anyways
- every sex with frank feels like first time all over again
- like you're some virgin who's afraid to have sex
- everytime he's gentle like the first time and im not joking
- "frank, harder honey. please." "you.. sure?" "FRANK."
- he worships the ground you walk on so when he cums in you he almost prayed you lol
- mars genes fr
- you guys def broke something
- probably bed and headboard
- also a headboard gripper because out of pleasure he can't help but hold onto something and he can't control his power
- so he doesn't want to hurt you
- instead he hurts headboard
- like that one scene from twilight were the bed is no longer a bed and just a mess
- no matter how much you try, you can't take him in your mouth fully
- but he doesn't complain, he can cum just from you licking his tip
- suprisingly he doesn't cum early, can't even if he wanted to
- and that leads to riding your orgasm
- and he's so sweet about it like: "i know baby, you're sensitive and im so sorry, but i need to go on a little bit more sweetheart, please, can i?"
- anyways i love frank, i love big guys, i love ares (the myth one) and i love guys who are related to ares. every ares kid is my boo, love u all
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
Ghostface Ethan headcannons
Ghostface!Ethan X Fem!Ghostface!Reader
Warnings - Fluff and smut, pervy Ethan. Dom!Ethan X Sub!Reader,
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+ When you arrived at Blackmore with the 'Core four', you met Ethan trying to help Chad settle in
+ Let's just say he took a 'quick' liking to you
+ You had always thought he was a cool person and you thought you both had connection with each other
+ You definitely flirted with him a lot
+ He would always be like flustered by what you're saying to him, and you would just laugh and leave him there
+ He would find it frustrating but cute at the same time
+ Then one day, your teeny tiny crush on him slipped out while talking to Tara
"Really, Y/N? The Nerd?""I dunno what it is."
+ And this is when she told Chad, and oh boy he was so happy because Ethan told him the same thing about you
+ Him and Tara worked on this plan for a whole week just for you two to get together
+ You were basically in love with him by the time they started the plan
+ You and Ethan were in the library, and he was explaining Econ to you because you had 'no' idea what you were doing in this class, and you just 'desperately' needed his help iykyk
+ You liked seeing him ramble on about Econ and all this other shit that he was interested in
+ Anyway, Ethan started to notice you were just watching him talk and pointed you out for it
"Do you even need my help?" He teased you, making your cheeks go a dark red.
"Yes, I really do, I just hate Econ."
+ Ethan wasn't buying it
"Let's leave, I don't think your paying much attention to me anyways."
Oh boy you were, just not in the way he wants.
"I am, I promise."
+ Eventually, Ethan started rambling on again and you continued watching him
+ He would totally fiddle with his fingers after figuring out you were watching him
+ This is when Tara and Chad saw you guys sitting and just chatting about Econ
+Chad stole Ethan and Tara stole you
+They both lead you to the same place but in different ways and directions
"Tara, where are we going, I have to go back and study."
"Studying can wait girl."
+ This is when Tara threw you into a closet and locked the door
+ This is when you realized it is a weirdly huge closet
"Chad let me out! This isn't funny bro!" You hear Ethan yell. You slowly walk around to see him banging on another door.
"Ethan..." You mumble, he turns around and looks at you.
"Y/N!" He slowly walks up to you and smiles brightly.
"Did Tara put you in here?" He asks and you nod. "Of course."
+ He notices that you both go set up almost straight away and that surprised you, he usually doesn't notice things straight away
+ The dimly lit closet and his face together to you was bliss
+ You could look at him and get away with it!
+ Not until he decides to break the silence
"Can I tell you something Y/N." He says and you nod. "You've been my friend for like ever, and I couldn't help for me to sometimes...well, fuck... most of the time, want it to be more."
+ You kissed him right then and there
+ Let's just you both had built up feelings
+ You both kissed until Tara and Chad opened up the door and you and Ethan kind of runed out
+ But you didn't rush the time that you had
+ You both down at the table and Tara and Chad kind of didn't matter to you both anymore
+ You both finished up studying and ended up chilling at your apartment
+ You both watched a movie but ended up just talking and or making out
+ You would go to his dorm or vice versa and would watch movies together
+ Baby, Sweetie, Princess and Doll. Those are the type of names he would call you
+ Then the Ghostface killings started
+ You 'knew' he wasn't Ghostface
+ Even though he leave and then dead people will pop on the news the night he left
+ And sometimes the people that have died would be guys that you have talked to the day before
+ But Ethan is sweet and kind and could never hurt a fly
+ You guys would cuddle all the time
+ And he would try to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible
+ He always made you feel safe and comfortable anyways so the way he was trying to do more was just perfect to you
+ Whenever you guys would fight, he'd leave and then come back with some roses or chocolates
+ One fight he left and didn't come back, and you were starting to get worried
+ Until your phone started to ring
+ You picked it up and you heard a voice you never wanted to hear
"Hey Y/N, I saw your little fight with Ethan." Ghostface says.
"Leave me alone." You half yell, not wanting anyone to hear.
"Come on doll." Ghostface whispers.
"Why the fuck did you just call me that?"
+ Then someone knocks on your door
+ You open it and to your surprise, Ethan, in a Ghostface costume, with blood, lots of it
+ Let's just say the shock you got, you couldn't even process it
"Look, I would never hurt you Y/N, I just need you to understand that this is who I am."
"Yes, But no, what the fuck?" You mumble, he takes more steps to get closer to you and you take more steps back until you're in a corner.
"Come on, Y/N I love you."
+ It took you a while, but you got used to it
+ Before you guys started dating, he would steal your underwear and you would have no clue
+ You would look for them and then they would pop up again the next day
+ Whenever you would call him, he would jerk off to your voice, you never noticed this until one time, there was such a clear moan coming from his end of the line
"Y/N." He moans.
"Ethan?" You cough awkwardly
+ He immediately stopped and claimed he was doing nothing and you would just brush it off
+ When you both started dating, he would do things that would turn you on and him at the same time like rubbing your bodies together to form friction
+ He would always make little remarks at your outfits
"Baby, that outfit look's so good on you, I can't wait to eat you out in it later." He winks.
"Come 'ere doll, I want to fuck you, you look so good."
+ But they somehow would always turn you on so much that you didn't even want to go out
+ The group had a joke about the most innocent couple and that was you guys
+ Little did they know that you both were fucking anywhere you could
+ You even fucked on Sam's bed!
+ Until one day you got caught fucking
+ Everyone knew you both were dating but not fucking every chance you had between yourselves
+ Anyway, I see him as a choking, dob but sub if he wants to, knife play type of guy
+ Like, once you knew he was Ghostface, he fucked you in the costume
+ I could also see him carving his itinals under your tits
+ God, any noise you make turns him on so much
+ Even if it is just a tiny whimper or muffled moan
+ But he goes crazy when you moan into his skin, he loves feeling the vibrations and everything
+ He'd fuck you anywhere like I said
+ If he met your parents, he'd totally be a dick and like turn you on by like rubbing his fingers on your inner thigh or just completely fingering you
+ He honestly would love the way you would cough to stop any noise from coming out of your mouth
"Ethan!" You yell whisper, "The fuck are you doing?"
"Y/N, no whispering at the dinner table." Your dad says. "Anything you want to say to Ethan you can say to us."
+ The self-control this man had to have for him not to tell everyone that he was finger fucking you
+ But he knew that you would probably dump him
+ And you never met his parents (Jee, i wonder why?)
+ He would fuck the shit out of you if you pissed him off
"Come on, use that dirty mouth on me now if you have no trouble saying shit like that to me when were in a fight"
+ And he would always make do want he wants (But he'd still make you get there in the end
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A.N - Just smt while I finish Y.J.N.M.T Part 4. That might be the final part because I'm done with that seires ngl. Pleae request smt. If you requested the JJ thing. I'm working on that, it is almost done. I'm also adding a new fiction to my list and that is The Summer I Turned Pretty. Jeremiah Fisher, Steven Coklin and Conrad Fisher
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