#it just feels Wrong to single out the only visibly disabled person for comments/criticism abt accessibility yknow
mosspapi · 5 months
Man my prof made a comment during our crit this morning and it's still rubbing me the wrong way. (For context, our project was to be interactive with a touch screen table, and I did a drawing of a persons room that you could actually zoom into and look around and stuff.)
My prof seemed to really like it and be pretty impressed, but when I was talking abt how I wanted it to feel immersive and let you actually feel like you were physically in the space of the drawing, which is why it was actually zoomable and not just "click here to see the closeup", she made some comment abt making sure there were other ways to access it too- I don't remember the exact comment atp but it was smth abt people who don't have hands being able to still experience the work or smth. And like. I know this prof meant well and was genuinely trying to be accessible and considerate of different accessibility needs, which is a great thing!
But why Me specifically.
Everyone else' projects had the same issue, because we were all using the touch table which requires you have hands and good fine motor skills to use it. It's a touch screen. That's a limitation of the medium she wanted us to use. So why did she ONLY make that comment towards Me, the only (at least visibly) physically disabled person in the class.
Idk man. It felt so targeted and uncomfortable and I Know she meant it in a "I love your project and want you to consider making it more accessible so more people can see it" way, but it just felt So bad. Like again. Everyone had the same problem, but only the visibly disabled person was singled out for comments about it. Why.
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