#it jobs in dubai for foreigners
gccexchange · 2 years
7 IT Career Opportunities Trending In Dubai
7 IT Career Opportunities Trending In Dubai
Dubai is known as one of the most exhilarating and innovative places to work in the world. It is jam-packed with some of the fastest-growing, most forward-thinking companies and organizations. As well as fantastic career opportunities, the city’s growing economy and excellent quality of life make it a popular place to begin or further a career and live life overseas. The tech sector is very…
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kp777 · 2 months
Here’s Where Kamala Harris Stands on Climate
She pursued polluters as attorney general in California and later staked out bold positions as a senator, including sponsorship of the Green New Deal.
By Lisa Friedman
The New York Times
July 22, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris has for years made the environment a top concern, from prosecuting polluters as California’s attorney general to sponsoring the Green New Deal as a senator to casting the tiebreaking vote as vice president for the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in United States history.
As she runs for the White House, Ms. Harris is widely expected to try to protect the climate achievements of the Biden administration, a position that could resonate with voters during a summer of record heat. A clear majority of Americans, 65 percent, wants the country to focus on increasing solar, wind and other renewable energy and not fossil fuels, according to a May survey by the Pew Research Center.
Last year, Ms. Harris flew to the United Nations global climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she told world leaders that “the urgency of this moment is clear. The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging. And we must make up for lost time.”
That was a subtle reference to former President Donald J. Trump, who made the United States the first and only country to withdraw from the global Paris Agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. (The United States subsequently rejoined under President Biden.) The Republican nominee in the current race for the White House, Mr. Trump has indicated that he would again pull back from the global fight against climate change if he is elected in November.
“Around the world, there are those who seek to slow or stop our progress, leaders who deny climate science, delay climate action, and spread misinformation,” Ms. Harris said at the summit. “In the face of their resistance and in the context of this moment, we must do more.”
Republicans have targeted the Inflation Reduction Act, promising to overturn it if they win control of Congress and the White House. That law pumps more than $370 billion over 10 years into wind, solar, batteries and electric vehicles. It is designed to help the country move away from fossil fuels, the burning of which is driving up global temperatures. At their convention last week, Republicans promised to halt any transition away from oil, gas and coal, and to promote more fossil fuel development.
Asked if Ms. Harris would pursue the policies she supported as a senator, like the Green New Deal, her climate adviser, Ike Irby, said she would focus on implementing the Inflation Reduction Act, which she helped to pass.
“She will fight every day for all Americans to have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment,” Gina McCarthy, who served as national climate adviser under Mr. Biden, said in a statement Sunday. “Vice President Harris would kick ass against Trump.”
The vice president incorporated climate change into foreign relations, holding a round table in Bangkok to connect environmental activists with clean energy experts and starting a partnership with Caribbean countries to address climate change.
As a senator from California, the state that is at the forefront of climate policy, Ms. Harris promoted electrifying school buses to reduce greenhouse gases and to cut children's exposure to diesel engine pollution. She also supported efforts to replace lead water pipes and promoted measures to help agriculture become more resilient to drought.
But she also took positions far to the left of Mr. Biden on climate change.
She was an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a nonbinding resolution supported by liberal Democrats that called for the United States to transition to 100 percent clean energy within a decade while providing people with job guarantees and “high-quality health care.” The measure never got out of committee.
When Ms. Harris ran for president in 2020, her climate plan called for a $10 trillion increase in spending over a decade as well as a price on carbon, with a dividend that would have been returned directly to households. Economists have said that a carbon tax would be the most effective way to get industries to reduce their pollution.
She also favored a ban on hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, which Mr. Biden said he opposed. Fracking is a technique that injects water and chemicals underground at high pressure to extract oil or gas that is otherwise difficult to access. Environmentalists say it pollutes the air and groundwater. California regulators have taken steps to ban fracking.
As California’s attorney general, Ms. Harris challenged federal approvals of offshore fracking along the California coast. She investigated whether Exxon Mobil lied to the public and its shareholders about the risks to its business from climate change, and whether such actions could amount to securities fraud and violations of environmental laws, but the case did not result in a prosecution.
She would later claim during a Democratic forum on climate change in 2019 that she had sued Exxon Mobil, which fact checkers reported as untrue. She did obtain settlements from other oil and gas companies, including Chevron and BP, over allegations that they violated pollution laws.
In 2019, Ms. Harris joined Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, to introduce legislation that would require the government to consider the impact of environmental regulations or laws on low-income communities, which tend to be disproportionately vulnerable to climate disruption because they are often located in flood zones, near highways, power plants and polluted land.
As vice president, Ms. Harris does not use the phrase “Green New Deal,” which has been relentlessly mocked by conservatives, who use it as shorthand for all climate and clean energy policies.
Her Republican opponents are not likely to let her forget it, though.
“During her ill-fated and short-lived 2020 presidential campaign, Harris was an early and enthusiastic supporter of the Green New Deal and called for so-called ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030, all of it with a $10 trillion price tag,” Daniel Turner, executive director of Power The Future, a group that advocates for fossil fuels, said in a statement.
He called Ms. Harris part of the “climate cult that calls the shots in today’s Democratic Party.”
Evergreen Action, an environmental group, endorsed Ms. Harris on Sunday. The youth-led Sunrise Movement, which last week called on Mr. Biden to end his bid for re-election, praised his decision to step away. The group did not directly endorse Ms. Harris but said any replacement must “put forth a bold vision to tackle the climate crisis and fight for our generation.”
Other organizations said they were holding back an endorsement until the Democratic nomination process is completed.
Article share from The New York Times.
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collapsedsquid · 7 months
It’s sunnier in Dubai, the visa lasts longer in the US and the wages are better in Canada. Many foreign care workers had already been thinking of quitting Britain for similar jobs elsewhere before the home secretary announced on Monday that dependants of new applicants would no longer be welcome.
*Alex Jones voice* Folks this is a conspiracy, this is a plot by the elites to destroy and privatize the NHS
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shiningstages · 9 months
okay i can't get it out of my mind - tini dump about kate cinderella girls, and my dreams for both international girls and the producer ( aka developing oc man )
the international / foreign girls in imas: cinderella girls (as far as i'm aware) are Frederica Miyamoto (french-japanese, voiced), Yao Fueifuei (hong kong, unvoiced), Clarice (vague european (personally french or dutch inspo), unvoiced), Anastasia (russian-japanese, voiced), Layla (Dubai / UAE, voiced), Kate (London / England, unvoiced), Helen (vague european / american (personally italian / mexican inspo), unvoiced), Natalia (Rio de Janeiro / Brazil, voiced), Eve Santaclaus (Greenland, voiced), Cathy Graham (american-japanese (born in new york but has lived in japan) unvoiced), and Mary Cochran (San Francisco / America, unvoiced). I don't include Shiki here because, although she studied in American, she's Japanese and isn't from anywhere over there. I also don't include the three Korean-exclusive deresute characters since they're discontinued after that server shut down (but also shoutout to them I love them too). However they are all side characters, just not a part of the project.
Kate is my favorite unvoiced girl, specifically because our names are similar, as well as slight backstory stuff (her love for her parents; "She's an exceedingly friendly and social person, often greeting everyone she passes by. She's also very touchy in comparison to other idols, enjoying giving others hugs or kisses to show her affection." from her wiki page / events, very me coded). So, in my International Girls imas cingirls idea, Kate is the true protagonist, with Natalia being the leader of the group and acts like a dual protagonist. While she's not the first of the international girls to be voiced (that order being Anya > Freddy > Natalia way later > Layla > Eve most recently as of literally Christmas; congrats to her cingirl first place), I wanna give Natalia bunches of love and more spotlight to get fleshed out as a character as well, as well as her and Kate becoming besties. The International Girls story would just be them forming into a unit, learning to appreciate their differences as well as come to feel like a cohesive unit despite them, and ultimately proving themselves as idols on the stage.
The Producer for that idea, in my mind, is Lotus Juice (LotusP, if you will), since he's proven himself in his own field, is from New Jersey and fluent in both english and japanese, and is also in a duo unit with TakeP aka Takeuchi Shunsuke aka the producer for cinderella girls, so it all just make sense in my mind. Story-wise - LotusP gets invited to the job after TakeP offers it to him as a friendly favor, since they both went to college together and / or went up in the ranks together before TakeP started raising idols / doing his cinderella girls "power of smile" project. Inspired by him, and not wanting to look a gifted horse in the mouth, the rougher and older man accepts, with TakeP being his occasional talking partner for advice. LotusP, in my mind, is suddenly named Austin in my mind (don't ask why idk). And he just kinda acts like Lotus Juice (chill older guy who seems kinda gruff, but is really mature), yet also has like a rough tsun thing going as he's not at all good with taking compliment, and gets dragged into scenarios and forced to play the straight man for gags. It's almost like he doesn't want to be a producer, but he needs a job and wants to stay in the music biz, but he ultimately takes his job (taking care of all the girls' and their schedules, as well as personally helping with some of their songs' production) very seriously.
Another thing I wanted to look into for a bit of drama is idol v school life, specifically as Kate is an international study abroad uni student that becomes an idol. In the end, like in her stories, she proves to her dad that she can be an idol and go to school, and at the very end she graduates and becomes an idol full time. Freddy is also in college for design; she can graduate too as a treat. It also makes me want to make Kate/Nat/Freddy triple protags, as it fills out the kind of NewGen-esque protags the original cingirls had, as well as I think they'd make good friends.
(Also, if anyone asks, Layla's backstory of running away from a planned marriage to Japan with the support of her mother but keeping the father in the dark...I literally just learned that TODAY, which was WILD, and yes in my plotline idk if I wanna explore that or just ignore that so! Hmm!!!!)
Also the eleven full group's unit song would be titled "Universal Parade", after the unit in the mobage game (which originally consists of CathyNatKateMaryFreYao), and their outfits would be similar to the unit "Your Friends" (NatKateMary) outfit set in the original mobage as well (without the fluffy bit or with the fluffy bit reincorporated somehow).
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Also the actual outfits for NatLayla's unit "Sol Qamar" is very cool.
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brettforrestnews · 1 year
Bracing for US sanctions, Russian financier in Budapest was busy securing personal offshore assets, leaked documents reveal
Bracing for US sanctions, the Budapest-based, Russian-led International Investment Bank’s (IIB) former head planned to move his offshore assets from tax havens in the British Isles to Dubai.
Until April 12, 2023, it looked as though Nikolay Kosov, former chairman of the Russian-dominated International Investment Bank (IIB) in Budapest, had avoided the fate of many other influential and wealthy Russians—i.e. getting sanctioned by the United States. However, he knew that his situation could change at any time and so, late last year, took steps to ensure that he did not lose his accumulated wealth of some £14 million, or almost €16 million. 
According to internal bank documents obtained by , Kosov and his family planned to move their assets, held in tax havens in the British Isles, to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. He and his wife had been corresponding with an investment adviser in Dubai and an accountant in Jersey who had been handling their offshore company affairs for decades. This all happened as Kosov’s workplace, IIB, was already in a critical financial situation and trying to fight bankruptcy.
Since then, events around the bank have accelerated. On April 12, not only Kosov himself but also IIB were placed on a US Treasury sanctions list. The next day, the last European ally of the Russian financial institution, Hungary, announced to quit the bank. Subsequently, IIB decided to leave Hungary and move its headquarters back to Moscow.
The bank has been in a constant state of crisis since Russia’s attack on Ukraine last year, managing  both to become undesirable in the West and to some clear support from the Russian state. In this situation, the Hungarian government remained one of the last supporters of the Budapest-based financial institution. ( has previously published a detailed article on this based on hundreds of IIB’s leaked internal documents).
Among these documents were emails and attachments that shed insight into the private assets of Nikolay Kosov and his family. They also show that, during this turbulent period, Kosov lost his job as head of IIB, as he was not re-elected as acting chairman, and that the IIB tried to hide this information from the public.
Kosov may have been using offshore companies since the 1990s. There is evidence of this from years ago: in the offshore leak known as the Panama Papers, found dozens of documents featuring correspondence between Kosov’s family and their accountant. These documents revealed that, around 2015, the family had at least six offshore companies operating, all founded in the 2000s. Through these offshore companies, the Kosovs owned properties, mainly in London. The Jersey accountant whose name appears in the Panama Papers is the same one who helped the Kosovs late last year.
The plans to move the assets to Dubai are probably linked to the change of geopolitical situation due to the war. Andrea Binder, a German political scientist who studies offshore business, told that Dubai is still doing business with Russian investors who have been excluded from some of the world’s other major financial centers. Moreover, Dubai also offers a safe haven from Western sanctions. 
Nikolay Kosov is a prominent member of the Russian financial elite, having served on the boards of several banks, a career path that his son Pavelfollowed. The family also has a KGB background: Nikolay Kosov’s parents were members of the top elite of Russian intelligence. His father, for example, was a KGB liaison in Budapest in the 1970s. Because of this, Kosov spent his youth in Hungary before returning to Budapest in 2019 as IIB’s chairman of the management board. 
Before publishing this article, we have sent requests for comment to the IIB, Hungary’s foreign ministry, Nikolay Kosov and Natalya Kosova, the Kosovs’ Jersey accountant, as well as their Dubai-based financial advisors, but none of them replied. 
14 million pounds sterling
On 15 December 2022, IIB’s management and Nikolay Kosov, whose term as chairman of the IIB had expired, received really bad news: the director-general of the Belgian Treasury informed them that the funds they had frozen would not be released. He justified this by saying that several members of the IIB’s governing bodies were linked to the Russian government, specifically mentioning the Russian deputy finance minister, who is a member of the bank’s board of governors.
The devastating effects of the decision were detailed in an internal briefing for the bank’s management. It said that, in 2022, the IIB had used up almost all its liquidity reserves, so that if it did not have access to funds, the bank would face insolvency or would have to restructure bonds in May 2023. According to the document, the bank was facing a cash shortage so severe that it could not make up for it even by selling the loan portfolio. In the days that followed, bank staff corresponded about what could be done about the situation, including the possibility that the bank would have to leave the EU. 
But Nikolay Kosov’s attention was on something else: he was taking steps, with the help of his wife, to move his private assets to Dubai.
This is shown indocuments that are among the internal IIB files originating from a 2023 February leak. Among the hundreds of emails and other documents, mainly about the bank’s internal affairs, there are some that do not concern the bank’s business, but rather Nikolay Kosov and his family. The reason for this is presumably that Kosov also used his work email address for this purpose, and his wife at least forwarded a number of private correspondence to it. 
The wife, Natalya Kosova, was, íon December 6, already in touch with an investment adviser named Anton Ionov, who was working in the United Arab Emirates and with whom the Kosovs were about to sign a contract. Kosova also sent a draft of this contract to her Swiss lawyer and her Jersey accountant, Jackie Ollerenshaw. The latter made a few comments on the draft, one of which reveals that the family may have owned two Jersey-based trusts and a company registered in the British Virgin Islands.
Other leaked documents suggest that the Kosovs were planning to transfer some or all of their assets to the United Arab Emirates. In a document dated December 27, Kosov declares that his assets were legally acquired and that he qualifies as a so-called politically exposed person (PEP), also reveals that such a declaration was necessary to set up a Dubai-based foundation called the Froxa Foundation. The text says that the capital of the foundation, which will be registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), will be paid in by Kosov.
Another document, which the file name suggests is dated December 14, 2022, also sheds light on how much money could be involved. This document  is a so-called KYC, or “Know Your Client” form, which is designed to help financial service providers find out about their clients’ financial backgrounds to make sure their assets come from clean sources. The form, which is among the leaked documents, says that Natalya Kosova will be the prospective beneficial owner. The scanned, hand-filled document shows that Kosova is a Russian citizen, but also a Swiss resident and has a Swiss tax number. Handwritten notes on the paper also say that the “total asset value [is] approx[imately] £14 million” (almost €16 million). The source of the assets is described as “from existing trust structure in Jersey” and “c.v. of husband enclosed.”
The Dubai-based wealth management firm mentioned in several documents is M/HQ, which, among other things, provides wealth management services for wealthy families and specifically recommends the creation of trusts to manage family assets smoothly, to control inheritance, and to provide asset protection against “creditors, hostile takeovers.”
It is unclear whether the process has come to an end or is still ongoing, but at the time of publishing, there is no record of the Froxa Foundation or any entities in the name of Kosov or his family members in the Dubai company registers.  
Unlike the big Western financial centers and Hong Kong or Singapore, Dubai has not yet stopped doing business with the Russians, so it is logical that money from Russian big investors flows there, Andrea Binder, a Berlin-based political scientist and researcher who has studied the offshore world, among other things, told On the other hand, Kosov could have expected to be subject to sanctions himself sooner or later. As both the British Virgin Islands and Jersey belong to the British Crown, they are not independent of its jurisdiction, Binder explained, adding that Dubai is, so the West’s hand does not reach there as easily.
From earlier investigations, we  know that Kosov is no stranger to international investment and has been involved in offshore companies for decades. The huge internal dossier known as the Panama Papers, leaked from the law firm Mossack Fonseca, which set up and ran offshore companies, contains numerous references to Nikolay Kosov. These documents date back to 2015. Some of them contain internal correspondence, and include the name of the same accountant—Jackie Ollerenshaw—who was also one of the Kosovs’s correspondents last December in the leaked IIB documents.
Those older documents from the Panama Papers show, among other things, that in 2015 Kosov had six offshore interests, all registered in the 2000s in the British tax haven of the British Virgin Islands. https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/13001383 An email from Jackie Ollerenshaw from that time also shows that the offshore companies owned mainly London properties, one of them being used by the “client family” themselves. Others were occupied by tenants. 
And in a 2014 email, the accountant mentioned that financial services firms in Jersey— another tax haven—had been handling Kosov’s offshore affairs since 1994. “At all times we have been happy with the information held for him and at no time have any regulatory issues been raised. He has always had the highest respect from service providers here,” wrote Ollerenshaw. 
The exact origin of the Kosov family’s wealth, beyond the fact that senior bank executives are usually well paid, is unclear, but it has been previously revealed that they are indeed wealthy. A tabloid scandal in 2007, for example, gave an insight into this. Nikolay Kosov’s son Pavel was getting married at the time, and performers of his Moscow wedding included Mariah Carey (who has sung at multiple private events for Russian oligarchs) and Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke. However, Rourke drank too much vodka, became aggressive and was thrown out of the wedding party, according to media reports.
Kosov didn’t leave at his own will
At the end of last year, Nikolay Kosov had the headache not only of relocating his offshore assets, but also of losing his senior position at IIB. His mandate as bank chairman expired on September 17, 2022 and, according to the bank’s official website, no one has taken his place since then. The IIB has not made any public announcement about Kosov’s departure or his successor.
News of Kosov’s disappearance from IIB reached last year, when we asked the bank when and for what reason Kosov left the bank’s leadership. “In accordance with the Statutory Documents of IIB the term of the mandate of the Chairperson of the Management Board ended on September 17, 2022. Appointment of a new Chairperson lies within the responsibilities of the Board of Governors. The Bank shall await a decision on that matter. Until then responsibilities inside IIB are divided between existing members of the Management Board,” the bank wrote in response to our request at the time.
The leaked documents show that there were attempts by IIB’s management to keep Kosov as head of the bank, but these were unsuccessful. Indeed, at last year’s IIB board of governors meeting, Kosov, whose mandate starting in 2012 had expired, was to be re-elected as acting chairman for another two years. However, the proposal was defeated by opposition from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia, which announced their withdrawal from the bank because of the war in Ukraine.  
According to a December 2022 document—minutes of a meeting of the board of governors—Russia, Hungary, Cuba, Mongolia and Vietnam voted in favor of Kosov’s re-election, while the four countries that left voted against it. Although this still gave Kosov 68.5 percent of the vote, the bank’s rules required a three-quarters qualified majority. Kosov’s unsuccessful re-election follows a letter last September in which Romania formally indicated that it did not want a Russian president at the helm of the bank. “That statement by Romania is racist. They […] are against anyone who has a Russian nationality. I find it utterly disgusting, and unfortunately not surprising,” IIB’s chief financial officer Elliott Auckland commented on Romania’s position.
According to internal emails from September, bank staff then wondered whether they could hide the fact that there was no bank chairman, or if they had to make the news public. According to the correspondence, the bank was aware that this news would have a negative impact on the bank’s financial prospects. “We didn’t just change our CEO but failed to elect a new one,” a senior Russian IIB official wrote. “From the point of view of corporate governance it should be considered as a major event. However, I propose to avoid the announce of the event, if there is no direct obligations,” wrote another staff member.
“It looks horrible for us. If we don’t have to legally publish, I am against publishing. We will create a media storm most likely, and ratings will come under pressure at a sensitive time. Our task is to not draw attention to ourselves, and quietly manage our problems,” argued Elliott Auckland. One of the bank’s Hungarian managers agreed with him and urged others to remain silent. “If we announce, there will be noise around us again. It is not good for our rating discussion,” he wrote.
KGB family
According to the leaked files, a formal document was forwarded to Kosov from the bank on November 28, informing him of the cancellation of his powers as bank chairman. Kosov wrote that he needed this to remove himself and his wife from the list of diplomats accredited to Budapest. This list is maintained by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFA) and includes persons with full diplomatic immunity. These are the people who, under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, enjoy a number of advantages when traveling, shopping (tax exemption) and, most importantly, have immunity from investigations and criminal proceedings in the host country.
When the IIB’s headquarters relocated from Moscow to Hungary, the biggest controversy was caused by the fact that the Orbán government would have granted the institution and its staff extensive diplomatic immunity. The United States and other NATO allies feared that the IIB’s diplomatic immunity could have been used to allow Russia to deploy intelligence officers in Budapest. has previously revealed that the Orbán government, bowing to US pressure, eventually agreed to a compromise to limit the diplomatic privileges granted to the bank. 
No concrete information has been published on the active relationship between the IIB and Russian intelligence, but the institution is often referred to as a “spy bank” in Hungarian and international media. Apart from the controversy surrounding diplomatic immunities, the main reason for this is the family background of Kosov himself: the former bank chairman’s parents were members of the Soviet Union’s intelligence elite and spied, among other places, in the United States. Kosov’s mother, Yelena Kosova, was officially the first female Soviet diplomat at the Soviet mission to the UN in New York—unofficially, she in fact helped steal US nuclear secrets.  
Kosov’s father, Nikolay Kosov Sr., worked alongside her as a Soviet newspaper correspondent in New York, but he was in fact a spy too. Later, when the 1956 revolution was crushed, Kosov was part of a KGB task force sent to Hungary. KGB chief Ivan Serov directed agents to Budapest who, because of their previous Western contacts, could be involved in uncovering the alleged Western conspiracy behind the Hungarian revolution. Later, in the 1970s, Kosov Sr. became the KGB’s liaison officer in Budapest, so Kosov Jr. also spent his youth in Hungary.
Nikolay Kosov Jr. later became a diplomat himself in the 1980s at the Soviet Union’s embassy in London, where he worked—and became friends—with Andrey Kostin, who influenced him to switch to banking. As has previously reported, Kostin, a leading figure in the Russian financial elite, became chairman of Vneshekonombank and later VTB Bank (formerly Vneshtorgbank), while maintaining a close working relationship with the Kosov family. In 1998, for example, he took Nikolay Kosov as first vice-president of Vneshekonombank and then, as head of VTB, became the boss of Nikolay Kosov’s son, Pavel Kosov, who also became vice-president.
Pavel Kosov is not on any Western sanctions lists, but, as of October 2022, he is under sanctions by Ukraine’s National Security Council and its anti-corruption authority. Pavel Kosov is under sanctions because of his position as a state official—he is currently CEO of Russian state-owned agricultural lender Rosagroleasing. He was personally received and praised by Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin last June for the work of Rosagroleasing, including how they are helping to replace European imports.
Nikolay Kosov was exempt from Western sanctions until April 12, when the Treasury of the United States placed him on the sanctions list along with the IIB and two of its executives. This means that if the former bank chairman had any movable or real estate property in the US, he would no longer have access to it, nor would he be allowed to do business with US persons or entities.
Kosov was added to the US sanctions list despite the fact that he has not been officially a bank chairman since September last year. But it is not at all clear what his current role is, and internal emails show that he was still using his official bank email address at the end of last year. 
Moreover, in the aforementioned document in which Kosov was asked to reply to the Dubai wealth adviser on whether he was a politically exposed person, he made contradictory statements about his own position. In one place, he referred to no longer holding a high position at the IIB, and in the next line he described himself as an active bank chairman. 
In addition to Kosov, last Wednesday the IIB was separately placed on the US sanctions list. The decision was announced at a press conference by US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman, who described the IIB as a tool for Moscow to increase its influence in Hungary and the region. 
The day after the announcement, the Hungarian government announced that Hungary would also leave the bank—the last of the EU member states to do so. In response to this, the IIB announced on April 19 that it would leave Budapest and move its headquarters back to Russia, as its operations had become impossible.
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rayseuse · 2 years
What to do if you want a job in dubai and you're foreigner (temp visa)??
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nilam890 · 2 days
Dubai real estate market growth
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Dubai’s real estate market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by a combination of factors such as economic development, government initiatives, and increasing demand from both local and international investors. Below is an analysis of the key drivers behind this growth and the trends shaping the future of Dubai’s property market.
1. Recent Growth Trends
Strong Performance Post-Pandemic
After the global pandemic, Dubai’s real estate market rebounded strongly, with substantial growth in both sales and rental prices. The city saw a surge in demand for both residential and commercial properties as the economy recovered and tourism, trade, and business activities resumed.
2023 Market Overview: Dubai recorded one of its strongest real estate performances in 2023, with the total transaction value exceeding AED 300 billion ($81.7 billion), driven by a combination of local demand and interest from foreign investors.
Luxury Property Boom: High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) have driven the growth in Dubai’s luxury property segment, especially in areas like Palm Jumeirah, Downtown Dubai, and Emirates Hills. Luxury villas and high-end apartments saw sharp increases in both demand and prices.
2. Key Drivers of Market Growth
Economic Diversification and Vision 2040
Dubai’s government has actively promoted the diversification of its economy beyond oil through initiatives such as the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan. This long-term vision aims to make Dubai a global destination for business, tourism, and real estate by enhancing infrastructure, increasing the supply of affordable housing, and focusing on sustainable growth.
Job Creation: The growth of sectors like technology, logistics, and finance has attracted expatriates, increasing the demand for housing.
Population Growth: Dubai’s population is expected to reach 5.8 million by 2040, up from approximately 3.5 million today, further driving the demand for residential properties.
Government Initiatives and Pro-Business Policies
Several government policies have fueled Dubai's real estate growth, particularly by attracting foreign investment.
Visa Reforms: The introduction of long-term visas, including the Golden Visa (for investors, entrepreneurs, and specialized talents), has encouraged property investment by providing greater stability and residency options.
Freehold Ownership: Dubai offers freehold ownership rights to foreign investors in designated areas, allowing them to fully own property, which is rare in the region.
Business-Friendly Regulations: Dubai is a global business hub with low taxation, zero income tax, and attractive corporate incentives, drawing both companies and expatriates to establish long-term residency.
Foreign Investor Demand
Dubai’s real estate market continues to attract a global pool of investors, particularly from Europe, China, India, Russia, and the Middle East.
Favorable Currency Exchange: The strength of currencies like the euro, dollar, and pound against the UAE dirham has made Dubai’s property market more attractive to international buyers.
Political Stability: As one of the most politically stable cities in the Middle East, Dubai is seen as a safe haven for real estate investment, especially during periods of global instability.
3. Residential Real Estate Growth
Strong Rental Demand
Dubai’s high rental yields (averaging 5%-8%) make it an attractive market for property investors. The growing population, expatriate community, and strong demand for rental units in popular areas like Dubai Marina, Downtown Dubai, and Jumeirah Village Circle have driven this growth.
Apartment Demand: Apartments remain the most in-demand type of residential property, especially in central locations with access to business hubs.
Villas Surge: Demand for villas and townhouses has surged, particularly after the pandemic, as families seek more space and private amenities.
Luxury Real Estate Surge
High-End Properties: The luxury segment has witnessed impressive growth, with prime properties in areas like Palm Jumeirah, Emirates Hills, and Downtown Dubai seeing significant price increases.
Ultra-Luxury Projects: Dubai has also seen the development of ultra-luxury projects such as One Palm, The Royal Atlantis, and Bulgari Residences, which cater to HNWIs and ultra-wealthy buyers.
4. Commercial Real Estate Growth
Office Space Demand
Dubai’s commercial real estate sector is also experiencing growth, especially in key business areas like Business Bay and Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). As global companies expand or establish regional headquarters in Dubai, demand for premium office space has risen.
Flexible Workspaces: The rise of flexible and co-working spaces has seen strong growth, catering to startups, entrepreneurs, and freelancers.
Commercial Yields: Dubai's office sector offers yields between 6% and 9%, which is competitive compared to other global cities.
5. Off-Plan Property Development
Dubai’s off-plan market remains a key part of the real estate sector, with investors often securing lower prices and flexible payment plans during the construction phase. The ongoing construction of large-scale projects, such as Dubai Creek Harbour, Dubai South, and Meydan One, is contributing to the growth of the off-plan market.
Flexible Payment Plans: Developers are offering flexible post-handover payment plans, attracting both local and international investors.
Appreciation Potential: Off-plan properties often offer significant price appreciation once completed, especially in fast-developing areas.
6. Sustainability and Smart Cities
Dubai has placed a strong emphasis on sustainability and smart infrastructure, aligning with global trends toward eco-friendly developments.
Sustainable Communities: Projects like Sustainable City and Dubai Hills Estate are designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating green spaces, renewable energy, and water conservation features.
Smart Infrastructure: The city is investing in smart technologies for real estate, including smart home systems, energy-efficient designs, and automated building management systems.
7. Market Outlook and Future Trends
Expo 2020 and Its Legacy
The global Expo 2020 (which took place in 2021-2022 due to pandemic delays) gave Dubai a massive economic and infrastructure boost, attracting millions of visitors and sparking further real estate growth. The legacy of Expo 2020, including the development of District 2020, will continue to drive demand in surrounding areas.
Population Growth and Urban Expansion
Dubai’s population growth will continue to drive residential real estate demand, especially in suburban and new master-planned communities. The Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan outlines significant expansions in urban and residential areas to accommodate the growing population.
Increased Foreign Investment
As Dubai continues to open its doors to foreign investors through visa reforms and freehold ownership policies, foreign investment is expected to play a critical role in sustaining market growth.
Rise of Affordable Housing
While Dubai is known for its luxury market, there is a growing demand for affordable housing. Developers are increasingly focusing on affordable segments, particularly in areas like Dubai South and Dubailand, catering to the middle-income market.
Dubai’s real estate market has shown resilience and strong growth, supported by a thriving economy, government initiatives, and global investor interest. With ongoing urban development, new infrastructure projects, and a strategic focus on sustainability and technology, the Dubai property market is poised for sustained growth in the coming years. Whether you’re investing in luxury real estate, rental properties, or off-plan developments, Dubai offers a dynamic and rewarding market for investors.
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hriindia · 3 days
Trusted Indian Consultancy for Jobs in Dubai | HR International
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Indian Consultancy for Jobs in Dubai – Your Gateway to Global Career Opportunities
Dubai is one of the most sought-after destinations for professionals around the world. Known for its booming economy, world-class infrastructure, and tax-free income, it offers numerous job opportunities across various industries. If you're an Indian professional looking to move to Dubai for work, it's essential to have the right guidance and support. That’s where HR International, a leading Indian consultancy for jobs in Dubai, steps in. We connect skilled individuals with prestigious employers in Dubai, ensuring a smooth transition and successful career.
Why Choose an Indian Consultancy for Jobs in Dubai?
Navigating the job market in a foreign country can be challenging. From understanding visa requirements to finding the right employer, the process can be overwhelming. However, Indian consultancies like HR International offer services that ease these difficulties.
Here’s why choosing an Indian consultancy for jobs in Dubai is beneficial:
Expertise in Dubai’s Job Market: Indian consultancies have extensive experience with Dubai’s employment regulations and industry demands. This allows them to guide candidates more effectively.
Streamlined Visa Processing: Applying for a work visa in Dubai involves multiple steps, including document attestation, employer contracts, and legal paperwork. HR International handles these intricacies, ensuring a hassle-free process.
Strong Employer Networks: Consultancies like HR International maintain relationships with top employers in Dubai. Therefore, candidates can access premium job opportunities that may not be available through public job portals.
Personalized Career Guidance: HR International provides tailored advice on how to make your profile attractive to Dubai employers. Whether you're an engineer, healthcare professional, or IT specialist, we match you with the best opportunities.
Top Sectors for Jobs in Dubai
Dubai is home to a diverse economy, with job opportunities spanning various industries. HR International specializes in sourcing talent for several key sectors in Dubai.
Construction and Engineering
Dubai’s skyline is ever-evolving, with mega projects like the Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah leading the charge. Construction and engineering roles are always in demand. Positions such as civil engineers, project managers, and architects often feature on the top of employer requirements in Dubai.
Information Technology
As Dubai continues to position itself as a global tech hub, opportunities for IT professionals are growing rapidly. From software developers to cybersecurity experts, the demand is robust. HR International has successfully placed numerous IT professionals in some of Dubai’s leading tech companies.
Dubai’s healthcare sector is expanding, thanks to investments in medical facilities and innovation in health services. Therefore, skilled professionals such as doctors, nurses, and technicians are in high demand. HR International ensures that healthcare workers meet the licensing and qualification requirements necessary to work in Dubai.
Hospitality and Tourism
Dubai’s tourism industry is booming. Hotels, restaurants, and resorts are constantly seeking qualified staff, from chefs to guest relations managers. This sector provides many opportunities for those with experience in hospitality.
Finance and Banking
As a financial center in the Middle East, Dubai offers a multitude of opportunities for professionals in finance. Accountants, financial analysts, and banking experts can find high-paying jobs in Dubai’s financial institutions.
The Role of HR International in Securing Jobs in Dubai
At HR International, we have a simple goal: helping Indian professionals secure fulfilling jobs in Dubai. Our services are designed to provide complete support, from the initial job search to landing your dream role. Here’s how we do it:
Initial Consultation and Career Assessment
We begin with a detailed consultation to understand your career goals, experience, and qualifications. Our expert recruiters assess your profile to ensure it matches the expectations of employers in Dubai.
Tailored Job Search
Once we’ve evaluated your profile, we connect you with job openings that suit your skillset. Unlike generic job portals, our services are personalized. Therefore, you receive job leads that align with your qualifications and ambitions.
Resume and Profile Optimization
A well-crafted resume is essential for standing out in Dubai’s competitive job market. HR International offers resume optimization services, ensuring your CV meets the expectations of Dubai-based employers. We also assist in enhancing your LinkedIn profile, which is crucial in today’s digital recruitment landscape.
Interview Preparation
Preparing for interviews is a critical step. HR International provides coaching on how to handle interview questions specific to the Dubai market. From company culture to expectations on salary, we make sure you’re fully prepared.
Visa and Documentation Support
One of the most daunting tasks for job seekers in Dubai is navigating the visa process. Our team handles all necessary documentation, including attestation of educational certificates and employment contracts. We make sure that you meet all visa requirements without hassle.
Post-Placement Support
Even after you’ve secured a job, our support doesn’t end. We assist you in settling into your new role and help with any challenges that may arise during your initial months in Dubai. Our aim is to ensure you’re well-settled and thriving in your new work environment.
Overcoming the Challenges of Working in Dubai
While Dubai offers incredible career opportunities, working in a foreign country comes with its challenges. These include adapting to a new work culture, understanding labor laws, and managing living costs. Here’s how HR International helps you overcome these obstacles:
Cultural Adaptation
The work culture in Dubai may differ from what you’re used to in India. However, HR International prepares you for these changes by providing insights into corporate expectations, dress codes, and communication styles.
Understanding Labor Laws
Dubai’s labor laws are different from India’s, particularly regarding contracts, working hours, and benefits. Our consultants offer detailed explanations of these laws so that you are well-informed before signing any employment contract.
Accommodation and Cost of Living
Dubai’s cost of living is higher compared to most cities in India. HR International offers advice on finding affordable accommodation and budgeting your expenses. This ensures that you can manage your earnings wisely while enjoying the perks of working in Dubai.
Why HR International Stands Out as the Best Indian Consultancy for Jobs in Dubai
While there are many recruitment agencies that promise overseas job placements, HR International stands out for several reasons:
Proven Track Record: Over the years, we’ve placed thousands of candidates in top positions in Dubai. Our success stories are a testament to our expertise and commitment.
Comprehensive Support: We don’t just help you find a job. We guide you throughout the entire process, from job application to post-placement support.
Global Network: Our network of employers in Dubai ensures that you have access to the best opportunities. We maintain strong relationships with companies across industries.
Ethical Practices: HR International adheres to ethical recruitment practices. We are transparent about our fees and ensure that our candidates receive genuine job offers from reputed employers.
Securing a job in Dubai can be a transformative experience for your career. With the right guidance, you can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come with working in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. As a trusted Indian consultancy for jobs in Dubai, HR International is dedicated to making this journey smooth and successful for Indian professionals.
Whether you are a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, HR International can connect you with top employers in Dubai. With our expert recruitment services, visa assistance, and post-placement support, you’re in safe hands. Get in touch with us today to start your journey toward a fulfilling career in Dubai.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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getglobalgroup1 · 10 days
Oil and Gas Service Jobs in the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers
 The oil and gas industry in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, has long been a critical part of the nation’s economy, providing both local and international job seekers with lucrative career opportunities. The demand for Oil and Gas Service Jobs continues to rise, driven by the country's status as a global hub for energy production and innovation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer looking to make your mark in this industry, there are numerous opportunities for Oil & Gas Jobs in Dubai and the wider UAE.
In this blog, we will explore the different types of Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE for Foreigners, the hiring trends, and how to find the best Oil and Gas Job Vacancies in Dubai. This guide will cover everything you need to know to succeed in your job search in the UAE’s thriving oil and gas sector.
Why Consider Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE?
Dubai and the UAE offer one of the most stable and profitable job markets in the oil and gas industry. The country is home to some of the largest oil reserves in the world, and its advanced infrastructure attracts major multinational corporations to set up operations in the region. This creates a significant demand for talent, not just from the UAE but also internationally.
The benefits of working in Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE include:
Tax-free salaries: The UAE offers tax-free income, which significantly boosts your take-home pay.
High demand for skilled professionals: Engineers, project managers, safety officers, and technicians are just a few roles in high demand.
Diverse work environment: With a high number of foreign workers, the oil and gas industry in the UAE is diverse, welcoming talent from all over the world.
Career growth opportunities: With continuous investments in the sector, there are ample opportunities for career advancement.
Types of Oil and Gas Service Jobs in Dubai
The Oil & Gas Jobs market in Dubai is diverse, offering various roles across different stages of the supply chain, from exploration and extraction to refining and distribution. Below are some of the most sought-after positions:
1. Field Engineers and Technicians
Field engineers and technicians are responsible for on-site tasks, including drilling, maintenance, and installation of equipment. Their expertise is vital for the successful operation of oil rigs and refineries.
2. Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Officers
HSE officers play a critical role in ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of oil and gas operations. Given the hazardous nature of this industry, HSE professionals are in high demand to manage risks and prevent accidents.
3. Project Managers
Project managers oversee the planning, execution, and delivery of oil and gas projects, often involving multiple teams and resources. Their role is essential for ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
4. Geologists and Petroleum Engineers
Geologists and petroleum engineers are at the forefront of exploration, using cutting-edge technology to locate oil and gas reserves. Their findings are crucial for determining the feasibility of extraction projects.
5. Finance and Operations Managers
Finance and operations managers handle the business side of the oil and gas sector, managing budgets, resources, and supply chains to ensure the company’s profitability and operational efficiency.
Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE for Foreigners
One of the significant advantages of Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE for Foreigners is the open and welcoming nature of the UAE's job market. Skilled professionals from around the world are encouraged to apply for roles in the UAE’s oil and gas sector. The government has created favorable visa policies and incentives to attract global talent.
Foreigners looking for Oil & Gas Jobs in Dubai or the UAE can apply for positions in both the public and private sectors. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
Work permits: To work in the UAE, foreigners must obtain a work permit, usually facilitated by the employer. Once hired, the company typically handles the visa and paperwork for the employee.
Competitive salary packages: In addition to tax-free salaries, expats in the UAE often receive other perks, such as housing allowances, medical insurance, and end-of-service benefits.
Networking: Many foreign workers find jobs through networking. Attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn can be effective strategies.
Finding Oil and Gas Job Vacancies in Dubai
Securing a job in Dubai’s oil and gas sector requires a strategic approach. Here’s how you can find the best Oil and Gas Job Vacancies in Dubai:
Online Job Portals: Websites like GulfTalent, Bayt, and Indeed list thousands of Oil & Gas Jobs across the UAE. These platforms allow you to search by position, location, and experience level.
Company Websites: Major oil and gas companies like ADNOC, BP, and Shell often post job openings on their official websites. Applying directly through these channels ensures that your resume reaches the right recruiters.
Recruitment Agencies: Specialized recruitment agencies such as Petroplan and Airswift focus on the oil and gas sector in the Middle East. Working with an agency can help you get tailored advice and match you with suitable roles.
Networking: Industry networking events, such as the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC), are excellent opportunities to connect with potential employers and learn about upcoming job openings.
Skills Required for Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE
The oil and gas sector is highly technical, and most positions require a specific set of skills and qualifications. Below are some of the critical skills employers look for:
Technical proficiency: Depending on your role, you may need expertise in drilling operations, pipeline installation, or chemical engineering.
Problem-solving abilities: The oil and gas sector is often unpredictable, and companies look for employees who can adapt to changes and solve complex problems.
Health and safety awareness: A thorough understanding of industry safety regulations is essential, particularly for on-site roles.
Teamwork and leadership: Whether working in a team or managing one, excellent communication and leadership skills are vital.
Conclusion: The Future of Oil & Gas Jobs in Dubai
The future of Oil & Gas Jobs in Dubai looks promising, with continuous investments in the sector and a growing demand for energy globally. For both locals and expats, Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE provide not only lucrative salaries but also opportunities for career growth and international exposure.
As Dubai diversifies its economy, the oil and gas sector remains a key player in the country’s development, creating jobs across various fields, from engineering and project management to health and safety. If you're looking for a rewarding career in this industry, Oil and Gas Job Vacancies in Dubai are abundant and open to professionals from all over the world.
Start exploring the world of Oil and Gas Service Jobs in the UAE today, and take the next step in your professional journey in one of the most dynamic and exciting industries globally!
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emiratesvisa7835 · 12 days
How to Check if UAE Visa is Original or Fake: Simple and Reliable Services
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Simple and Reliable Services.If you're planning to travel or work in Dubai, it's essential to ensure that your UAE visa is genuine. With rising instances of visa fraud, knowing how to check Dubai visa original or fake is crucial for your peace of mind. We offer comprehensive services to help you check if your UAE visa is genuine and avoid falling victim to fake visa scams.
How to Check Dubai Visa Original or Fake
Wondering how to check Dubai visa original or fake? There are several ways to verify the authenticity of your visa:
Official UAE Government Website: You can verify your visa status on the UAE immigration portal by entering your visa number and passport details.
GDRFA Website for Dubai Visas: If you have a Dubai-issued visa, you can use the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) portal to check your visa details.
QR Code Scanning: Many UAE visas come with a QR code that, when scanned, should direct you to an official government website showing your visa details.
How to Check UAE Visa is Genuine
Knowing how to check if a UAE visa is genuine can save you from legal complications or financial loss. The easiest method is to match your visa details, such as your name, passport number, and visa number, with the information on the UAE immigration website. If everything matches, your visa is authentic.
Check Dubai Visa Original or Fake – Employment Visas
It's especially important to check Dubai employment visa original or fake since many people are lured by fake job offers. If you're holding an employment visa, always confirm it through the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) or the GDRFA portal. This ensures that the job offer and visa are legitimate.
UAE Visa Check: Original or Fake
Our expert team offers fast and reliable UAE visa check services. We can help you verify if your visa is real or fake by:
Assisting with online verification on official UAE platforms
Checking visa details such as validity, status, and expiration date
Providing consultation on what to do in case of fake visas
Why Choose Us for Your UAE Visa Verification?
Quick and Reliable Services: We offer fast assistance in helping you check Dubai visa real or fake through official channels.
Comprehensive Support: From how to check UAE visa original or fake to employment visa verification, we cover all types of visas.
Expert Consultation: If you're unsure about your visa's authenticity, our team provides expert guidance and support to ensure you're protected.
Don’t Take Chances – Check Your UAE Visa Now!
Whether you need help verifying a Dubai employment visa original or fake or checking a tourist visa, we’re here to assist. Avoid visa fraud and travel safely by contacting us for a UAE visa check: original or fake.
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havenhomes · 27 days
Best Apartments for Sale in UAE: Find Your Dream Home Today
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Apartments for Sale in UAE, Since the UAE government permitted foreigners to purchase apartments within the Emirates, the real estate sector has seen a significant surge in global investments. The UAE is celebrated for its breathtaking architectural marvels, iconic skyscrapers like the Burj Khalifa, and unique developments such as the Palm Jumeirah.
Once primarily known for its oil-driven economy, the UAE has shifted its focus towards tourism and real estate, which have become critical pillars of its economy. The growing tourism industry and expanding job market have directly fueled the demand for housing and residential units. To cater to the diverse needs of people from various cultural and financial backgrounds, the UAE offers a wide range of apartments for sale, varying in budget, size, design, and amenities.
Advantages of Living in the UAE
Living in the UAE offers access to a luxurious lifestyle and globally competitive career opportunities. The country is culturally diverse, attracting people from all over the world and offering rich cultural experiences and learning opportunities.
As a result, individuals, couples, families, affluent individuals, business magnates, and celebrities are increasingly looking to settle in the UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which are hubs for both professional opportunities and tourism.
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Explore the Residency Options in the U.A.E
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers various residency options, each tailored to different needs such as employment, investment, education, and retirement. Here’s an overview of the primary residency options available in the UAE:
1. Employment Visa
Description: Issued to expatriates who have secured a job in the UAE. Sponsored by an employer.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Job offer, valid passport, medical fitness test, and additional documents as required by the employer.
2. Investor Visa
Description: For individuals who invest in a UAE-based business or property.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of investment, business registration documents, and adherence to specific regulations.
3. Property Owner Visa
Description: For individuals who own property in the UAE. The value of the property typically needs to meet a minimum threshold.
Duration: Usually 2 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of property ownership, value of the property, and compliance with local regulations.
4. Retirement Visa
Description: Aimed at retirees who meet certain financial and residency criteria.
Duration: 5 years, renewable.
Requirements: Age of at least 55, proof of retirement funds or income, health insurance, and other financial criteria.
5. Student Visa
Description: For students enrolled in accredited educational institutions within the UAE.
Duration: Valid for the duration of the course.
Requirements: Proof of enrollment, financial proof to cover living expenses, and medical insurance.
6. Family Visa
Description: Allows expatriates to sponsor their family members (spouse, children, and sometimes parents) to live with them in the UAE.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Sponsorship by a primary visa holder, proof of relationship, and financial proof to support dependents.
7. Freelancer Visa
Description: For individuals working as freelancers or independent contractors.
Duration: Typically 1-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of freelance work or contracts, financial proof, and health insurance.
8. Golden Visa
Description: A long-term residency visa aimed at investors, entrepreneurs, specialized talents, researchers, and outstanding students.
Duration: 5 or 10 years, renewable.
Requirements: Specific criteria depending on the category, such as significant investment, outstanding achievements, or critical skills.
9. Green Visa
Description: Aimed at skilled workers, investors, and freelancers, focusing on long-term residency.
Duration: 5 years, renewable.
Requirements: Employment or investment criteria, proof of skills, or financial standing.
10. Transit Visa
Description: For individuals passing through the UAE for a short period, usually not intended for long-term residency.
Duration: 48 or 96 hours.
Requirements: Valid onward ticket, and possibly a visa for the next destination if required.
11. Remote Work Visa (Dubai Remote Work Visa)
Description: Allows individuals to live in Dubai while working remotely for an overseas employer.
Duration: 1 year, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of employment with a foreign company or business, financial proof, and health insurance.
12. Business Visa
Description: For entrepreneurs and business owners looking to start or manage a business in the UAE.
Duration: Generally aligned with business setup and operations.
Requirements: Business setup documentation, proof of investment, and other relevant papers.
13. Special Categories
Description: Includes visas for specific categories such as humanitarian cases or special skills.
Duration: Varies based on the category.
Requirements: Specific to the category, often involving special approvals or criteria.
Each visa type comes with its own set of requirements and procedures, and it’s advisable to check with the UAE’s official government websites or consult with legal experts for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Exploring residency options in the UAE opens up a world of opportunities for expatriates, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and retirees alike. Whether you’re looking to establish a career, invest in property, start a business, or enjoy your retirement in a dynamic and growing region, the UAE offers a range of visas tailored to your needs.
From the well-established Employment and Investor Visas to the innovative Golden and Green Visas, each option provides unique benefits and pathways to making the UAE your home. For those interested in business ventures, the UAE’s robust economy and strategic location make it an attractive destination. Setup Dubai Business can facilitate this process, offering expertise in navigating the regulatory landscape, setting up your business, and ensuring compliance with local laws.
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globoprime024 · 1 month
Comprehensive Guide to Navigating UAE Attestation Services in Dubai
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In Dubai, attestation services are essential for businesses and foreigners living there. Making sure your documentation is legally accepted in the UAE is crucial, whether you're finalizing legal documentation, seeking higher education, or landing a job. The UAE attestation process verifies the legitimacy of your documents, granting them legal acceptance in Dubai and other UAE cities. We'll cover all you need to know about UAE attestation services in Dubai in this tutorial, along with how Globoprime Document Clearing Services can make this difficult procedure easier.
What is UAE Attestation?
UAE attestation is a necessary process that entails confirming and certifying papers that were issued abroad in order for UAE authorities to accept them. A number of documents, including as birth certificates, marriage certificates, education certificates, and business documents, require this procedure. Attestation serves as confirmation that these documents are authentic and may be utilized lawfully in the United Arab Emirates for a variety of objectives, including work, obtaining a visa, pursuing further education, and legal affairs.
The Significance of UAE Attestation Services     Dubai requires that all documents submitted to government agencies, academic institutions, and employers be properly authenticated because it is a center for global commerce and expats. Your documents may not be accepted without this procedure, which could cause delays or application rejections.           
• Employment: To confirm an applicant's credentials and work history, employers in Dubai frequently request certified professional and educational certifications. • Education: To guarantee that your prior academic credentials are accepted by regional establishments, you must have them certified if you intend to study further education in Dubai.           • Legal Processes: Attested documents are required to prove their legitimacy in legal proceedings like real estate transfers or business setups.
• Residence and Visa: Your marriage and birth certificates, among other personal documents, must be attested in order to get residency permits, sponsor family members, or apply for long-term visas.            An explanation of the UAE Attestation Process You can manage the attestation process more effectively if you understand it. There are typically multiple stages to the process:
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1. Notarization in the Country of Origin: Prior to being used, the document needs to be notarized by the appropriate official in the nation in which it was issued. A local notary public or the appropriate government agency are involved in this phase.
2. Attestation by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Home Country: Following notarization, the document must be attested by the home country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Because it confirms that the document is authentic and was issued    by      a reputable organization, this step is essential.            3. UAE Embassy Attestation: Reaching the UAE embassy or consulate in the nation of origin is the next step. They will authenticate and further check the document to ensure that it is legitimate for usage in the United Arab Emirates.
4. The UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA): Lastly, the document needs to be attested by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as it gets to Dubai. This completes the attestation procedure and guarantees the document's legal recognition in the United Arab Emirates.      For each of these phases to go through without a hitch or be rejected, precise protocols must be followed.
Document Types That Need Attestation      Documents falling under the following categories usually need attestation in order to be used in Dubai:      
• Educational Certificates: To ensure their validity and applicability, degrees, diplomas, transcripts, and other academic records need to be authenticated.      • Personal Documents: In order for marriage, birth, death, and other personal certificates to be recognized officially in Dubai, they must be attested.          • Commercial Documents: In order to be accepted for use in business transactions in the United Arab Emirates, business licenses, powers of attorney, and other commercial documents must be authenticated.    • Professional papers: Attestation is frequently needed for employment and other professional purposes including employment contracts, experience certificates, and other professional papers.
Possible Barriers in the Attestation Procedure  The attestation procedure for the UAE can be difficult and time-consuming. Several difficulties could occur, such as:        
• Documentation issues: Typographical or informational flaws in the original papers may cause the attestation procedure to take longer than expected.   • Missing Stamps: A document may not be accepted for attestation if it is missing a necessary stamp from the issuing authority.         • Insufficient Follow-Up: To guarantee that the papers are completed on time, the attestation procedure necessitates regular follow-up involving several stages and authorities. • Legal Changes: It's important to be informed about any changes to attestation-related laws and regulations in order to ensure compliance.
The Positive aspects of Globoprime Document Clearing Services It can be difficult to navigate the attestation process, particularly for those who are not familiar with the protocols. Globoprime Document Clearing Services can help in this situation. Globoprime, which has years of experience in the field, provides thorough attestation services in Dubai, streamlining and simplifying the procedure.
•  Professional Advice: Globoprime's group of professionals is knowledgeable about the nuances of UAE attestation. They guarantee that your paperwork are properly produced and submitted by offering clear instructions and assistance every step of the way.
•  Efficient Processing: You can be sure that your documents will be processed promptly and effectively, avoiding delays, when Globoprime handles your attestation needs.
•  Complete Service: Globoprime provides a full variety of services customized to meet your unique requirements, whether you require attestation for legal, personal, or business documents.
•   Customer Support: If you have any queries or would like to know the status of your attestation, Globoprime's committed customer support staff is here to help.             In summary
For anyone wishing to work, study, or do business in the UAE, UAE attestation services in Dubai are imperative. The procedure guarantees that the appropriate authorities will accept and legally recognize your documents. You can easily traverse this intricate procedure by being aware of the attestation process and selecting a reputable service provider such as Globoprime Document Clearing Services.
Visit Globoprime Document Clearing Services for additional details on how Globoprime may help with your UAE attestation requirements. Your papers will be handled with the highest care and professionalism thanks to their experience and dedication to client satisfaction.
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hrinternationaluae · 1 month
Efficient Visa Processing Services in Dubai for Hassle-Free Travel
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A Comprehensive Guide to Visa Processing in Dubai
Visa processing is a critical step for anyone looking to travel or work abroad. Whether you’re moving to Dubai for a new job or planning a vacation, understanding the visa process is essential. This guide delves into everything you need to know about visa processing in Dubai, including the steps involved, common challenges, and tips for a smooth experience.
What Is Visa Processing?
Visa processing refers to the steps required to obtain a visa for entering a foreign country. This process involves submitting an application, providing necessary documentation, and, in some cases, attending an interview. The requirements and procedures can vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for, the country you are coming from, and your purpose of travel.
In Dubai, visa processing is a well-structured system designed to manage the high volume of international travelers and workers. However, the process can still be complex, especially for those unfamiliar with the requirements. Therefore, understanding the steps involved can help you navigate the system more efficiently.
Types of Visas Available in Dubai
Before diving into the visa processing steps, it’s important to know the types of visas available in Dubai. Different visas serve different purposes, and each has its own set of requirements.
1. Tourist Visa: This visa is for individuals who wish to visit Dubai for leisure or tourism. It is typically valid for 30 to 90 days and can be extended once.
2. Work Visa: A work visa is necessary for those who have secured employment in Dubai. It is typically sponsored by the employer and is valid for the duration of the employment contract.
3. Student Visa: Students who have been accepted into a recognized educational institution in Dubai will require a student visa. This visa is usually valid for one year and can be renewed.
4. Residency Visa: This visa is for individuals who plan to live in Dubai long-term. It is often tied to employment, property ownership, or family sponsorship.
5. Transit Visa: For travelers passing through Dubai on their way to another destination, a transit visa may be required. It is usually valid for 48 to 96 hours.
Each visa type has specific requirements and processing times. Therefore, choosing the correct visa category is the first step in a successful visa application.
Steps Involved in Visa Processing
Visa processing in Dubai typically involves several steps. Understanding these steps can help you avoid delays and ensure a smooth application process.
1. Determine the Visa Type: As mentioned earlier, the first step is determining the type of visa you need. Your purpose of travel will dictate which visa category you should apply for.
2. Gather Required Documents: Once you know the visa type, the next step is to gather the necessary documents. Common requirements include a valid passport, passport-sized photographs, and proof of financial stability. Work and student visas may require additional documentation, such as an employment contract or an acceptance letter from an educational institution.
3. Submit the Application: After gathering the required documents, you will need to submit your visa application. This can often be done online through the Dubai immigration website or through a visa processing center.
4. Pay the Visa Fee: Visa processing usually involves a fee. The amount can vary depending on the type of visa and the processing speed. Be sure to pay the fee promptly to avoid delays in your application.
5. Attend an Interview (if required): Some visa types may require an interview. If so, you will be notified of the date and time. It’s important to prepare thoroughly and bring all required documents to the interview.
6. Wait for Visa Approval: After submitting your application, you will need to wait for the visa to be processed. The processing time can vary depending on the type of visa and the volume of applications being handled.
7. Receive Your Visa: Once your visa is approved, you will receive it via email or physical delivery, depending on the application method. Make sure to check all details on the visa for accuracy before your trip.
Common Challenges in Visa Processing
Visa processing can sometimes be challenging, especially for first-time applicants. However, being aware of potential issues can help you avoid common pitfalls.
1. Incomplete Documentation: One of the most common reasons for visa delays or rejections is incomplete documentation. Ensure you have all the required documents before submitting your application. Double-check for accuracy and completeness.
2. Delayed Processing: Processing times can vary, and delays are not uncommon. Therefore, it’s essential to apply well in advance of your intended travel date. This gives you enough time to address any issues that may arise during the processing period.
3. Incorrect Visa Category: Applying for the wrong visa category can lead to rejection. Make sure you understand the requirements for each visa type and choose the one that best fits your needs.
4. Miscommunication: Miscommunication with visa processing centers or authorities can lead to delays. Keep track of all correspondence and follow up regularly to ensure your application is progressing smoothly.
Tips for a Smooth Visa Processing Experience
While visa processing can be complex, there are several ways to make the experience smoother. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process:
1. Start Early: Begin the visa application process as soon as you know your travel plans. Starting early gives you ample time to gather documents, submit your application, and handle any issues that may arise.
2. Use a Visa Processing Service: Consider using a visa processing service to assist with your application. These services can help you navigate the complexities of the process and ensure that all documents are in order.
3. Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about any changes to visa requirements or procedures. The Dubai immigration website and official government channels are good sources of up-to-date information.
4. Be Honest: Always provide truthful and accurate information on your visa application. Misrepresenting facts can lead to rejection and may affect your ability to apply for future visas.
5. Keep Copies of All Documents: Make copies of all documents submitted with your application. This can be helpful if any issues arise during the processing period.
The Role of Visa Processing Services in Dubai
Visa processing services play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of obtaining a visa. These services offer a range of support, from document preparation to application submission and follow-up.
However, not all visa processing services are created equal. Therefore, it’s important to choose a reputable service provider with experience in handling the type of visa you require. A good service provider can streamline the process, reduce the likelihood of delays, and increase your chances of a successful application.
Conclusion: Why Efficient Visa Processing Is Essential
In conclusion, visa processing is a critical step for anyone looking to travel or work in Dubai. Understanding the types of visas available, the steps involved, and the potential challenges can help you navigate the process with ease. By starting early, staying informed, and considering the use of visa processing services, you can ensure a smooth and successful application experience.
Therefore, if you're planning a trip to Dubai or moving there for work, take the time to familiarize yourself with the visa process. With the right preparation, you can avoid common pitfalls and enjoy a hassle-free journey. Dubai is a vibrant and dynamic city, and with the proper visa, you can make the most of your time there.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International UAE. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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proservicesdubai12 · 1 month
Attestation Document Services in Dubai: What You Need to Know
If you’re moving to Dubai or doing business there, you’ll likely need to get your documents attested. But what does that mean?
What is Attestation?
Attestation is a way to confirm that your documents, like birth certificates or diplomas, are real and valid. In Dubai, this means your documents must be checked and approved by several authorities.
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Why is it Important?
Attested documents are needed for things like getting a visa, finding a job, or starting a business in Dubai. Without attestation, your documents might not be accepted.
How Does It Work?
Notarize: First, get your documents notarized in your home country.
Home Country Attestation: Next, have them verified by your home country’s authorities.
UAE Embassy Attestation: Then, get them attested by the UAE embassy in your home country.
UAE MOFA: Finally, have them approved by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs once you’re in Dubai.
Tips for a Smooth Process
Start Early: Attestation can take time, so begin the process as soon as possible.
Check Requirements: Make sure you know what’s needed for your specific documents.
Choose a Good Service: Use a reliable service to help manage the process and avoid delays.
With the right preparation and help, getting your documents attested in Dubai can be straightforward and hassle-free.
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topsitesg · 1 month
Esports Tourism: Making Singapore an Esports Hub
Singapore has become a key player in the global esports landscape and also responsible for developing greater opportunities of what some industry leaders are calling “esports tourism. Singapore has the world-class infrastructure, government support and an active gaming community to make it a hot destination for esports events, tournaments & enthusiasts. Esports betting is growing, and most recently helped by the likes of Betvision88 who are dedicated to promoting building esports from strength to limit amongst both local and overseas visitors.
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Esports Grows In Singapore Now
Esports has gained popularity in Singapore due to a few reasons, including the rise of competitive gaming and more tournaments being held locally as well international ones. The league of Legends Mid-Season Invitational and the Dota 2 Asia Championships are among some large-scale events that have lured thousands of fans into Singapore to experience a grand spectacle, proving it may well be one of the top tier destinations for esports in future. It is located in Singapore (at least, for regional fans and players) so like anything placed there it is easy to both get into but impossible to leave. The futuristic complexes of the city, some still under construction like their Rolex Festival Arena and Dubai Exhibition Center are integrated settings to hold international esports competitions. On top of that, the backing eSports tourism is receiving from governments in various countries to help grow this nascent sector through more stable funding and infrastructure can be contributing factors as well.
Premier Esports Events and Tournaments
There are also a number of esports competitions in Singapore that attract local and foreign players. The first thing to note is that events like the Singapore Major, part of the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC), and PUBG Mobile Global Championship have placed this city on the global esports map. These tournaments not only attract participants, but also literally thousands of spectators who come to Singapore from all over the world just to observe these events in person. The opportunity to host esports events is big business, and a win for the city. Esports tourists mean more feet on streets and are a great way for hotels, restaurants or local businesses to increase evening foot traffic in their area. Also, they provide an avenue through which local talent could be provided with global platform and shape their future accordingly.
Role of Betvision88 in esports Tourism
Esports in Singapore is an interesting thing and Betvision88, with their robust esports betting feature, adds value to the esport ecosystem by creating a market for fans to capitalize on from popularity of these games. This includes the rising demand for betting due to esports tournaments growing in popularity. As Betvision88 has one of the longest list with options for you to bet on, like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends as an example.Esports bettingThe events at Betvision88 are further enhanced by the casino offering of esports ·betting. Match predictions bet on for betting purposes, just to add a little more excitement whilst the viewer watches. In addition, the channel constantly delivers about a big _esports competitions are very frequent since they increase profits of bookmakerspromos_and_bonuses_which in general results in new bettors What is more.
This post contains information on : Program, Diploma & Job Opportunities
As so many esports visas will land in the metaphorical Singaporean bin, they may well also discover career paths that do not involve falling into a game. Colleges are now creating esports management degrees, game development tracks and content creation programs. The idea is to educate so that the future have all they can to get ahead in an increasingly large esports scene. In line with this, and as singapore progressively gears towards becoming a hub for esports in Asia, more of our locals are seeking career paths — ranging from event management to marketing and broadcasting. Creating avenues into possible career paths where they can combine their passion for gaming and professional aspirations.
The ascension of the diminutive island city-state as an esports beacon reflects a general love for spectating multiplayer video games and Singapore's ambition to build itself into that ecosystem. Nationally, the future for esports tourism in Singapore appears to be promising with international majors like DreamLeague hosted at their shore and Betvision88 offering fans even more to bet on than before. As the competition continues to develop, it becomes possible for youngsters in Singapore to participate — whether by playing or following as fans, and perhaps building a career within the industry. Singapore is a sleepy fusion of tourism, education and career opportunities for esports enthusiasts across the globe.
Thank you for your reference:
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