#it is so aggressively mid it ends up sucking. my advice? do not acknowledge this sequel
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calyroco · 6 months ago
How did Satan finally making his first appearance with a speaking role in the series that started with the horror of a woman being unknowingly manipulated by a satanic cult end up so...meh?
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martinbwtb840-blog · 6 years ago
10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need apex legends coins
So you want to know what I've learned after 150 hours in Apex legends. You want to know what are the five takeaways that I can give you as a newer player. Maybe a player who's been playing a while, and you just want to know another player's similar experiences. Well, that's what this video is about. Hopefully me saving you some trouble, maybe giving you some tips and also giving you just some general advice and experience that I've had after my first 150 hours of playing this great game. Now we all have our growing pains that we all have things that make sense to us at first, but some things take a while to really get into our heads for us to really understand and that's why I'm trying to make this video. So hopefully you don't have to be stubborn. You don't have to go through any of these crazy growing pains, and you can just hear a little bit about what works and what doesn't work and things that I figured out after putting a lot of time into this game and making a lot of videos from The weapons I use to the buffs and nerfs I feel like should be taking place and also to how I found myself getting more wins than not in apex legends. That'S what this video is going to be about. So, hopefully you enjoy. If you do make sure to leave a comment in the comment section below and let me know what you liked or any of your experiences as well you'd like to relate to and leave a like if you enjoy the video. The first thing I learned in apex legends - and maybe the most important thing to being successful, is to trust your instincts. I mean you know how people always feel like you know. What'S about to rain, I don't know why, but it's about to rain and then suddenly does rain, like that's that instinct, that I'm talking about in apex legends a lot of times you'll be like. I feel like someone's around me. I feel like a team is approaching us, be careful guys and that team will actually try to take a shot at you - maybe 10 20 30 seconds later, but you have to trust your instinct and tell your teammates about it. I mean I had this great experience where me and my friend were fighting in a very bad 3v3. We were caught in the middle and my buddy was saying I don't like this spot, but what's amazing is I was thinking the exact same thing before I even said it, but I didn't say anything: I'm like what we're doing it. We'Re here he's leading whatever, but I didn't say anything the second. He said it, I'm like. Yes, that I feel the same way we rotated, we let them fight each other and we ended up winning the entire game, and sometimes that's just all it is it's just trusting your instinct, knowing I'm in a bad spot, I need a move. I need to listen to my gut saying this is not the time for me to be now. It'S not always perfect. You can't always know, what's going to happen, two three steps ahead, but sometimes you do get that feeling, and I encourage you to listen to it very much like in life. If somebody gives you a bad vibe think that that might be are there for a reason. Maybe this person isn't for you for whatever reason, maybe they're going through something you don't want to get involved in maybe they're just bad news and you should stay away. Sometimes those inner instincts are really valuable and in a battle royale a survival game. I think it mirrors a lot of the things we may come across in life as well. If that's giving you a bad vibe, maybe had the other way. The second thing I learned is that gun does not make if man man make if gun. Now I love weapons here list I mean I'd, be a liar to say I didn't, because my first million view video was ranking and explaining all the weapons and apex legends check that out. If you haven't seen it, it goes over all the guns, but the one thing that I learned very quickly after that is that, no matter what a gun does on paper, how it feels in your hand, with your sensitivity, your aim, your monitor your keyboard, your mouse Is very, very different. Listen I'm not afraid to admit that I miss half of my shots on the way man, okay. I know it's o P, but I still can't hit half my damn shots and I'm not upset I'm just I'm just acknowledging the truth of life, and that is what happens when I pick up that gun and for you, you may have a similar experience. So the wingman could be the highest gun. It could be freaking mount Valhalla of guns, just raining above all the others, but if you can't hit your shots on it, what does it matter? It'S one thing to try to say: I'm gon na suck for a while to get good at the wingman. But if you're giving up a gun, you just had a great firefight in maybe an hour 99 you're, really good at tracing and and and and lining up shots when people are moving and getting that fast. You know assault rifle play or that that light machine gun play and you really enjoy that switch into a wingman doesn't make any sense. I mean trust the fact that you had a good fight. You just won you're using that gun. Well, keep going in my 150 hours of playing whenever I've tried to switch to the opie gun or the thing that's like I'm loving the Eva 8 right now, but there's a peacekeeper. You got to take the peacekeeper, here's a massive you got to take the Mastiff and I'm really enjoying my Spitfire. You know like have it combo or whatever it just is it I feel like I let myself down, because truthfully, I'm like I'm just taking this, because it's supposed to be better like not that I really want to take it. I do think that was a bit rambley, but I think it got the point across that. If you have a gun that works for you use it, you can make any gun very viable in this game. You could kill anyone with any gun except the Mo's amp. You know what here's the thing. The funny thing is about the Mozambique or the Mozambique in Mozambique, whatever you want to call it, I actually think that this gun has some potential. It needs a way faster, reload speed, though I will tell you that I've been thinking about the Mozambique recently. So if you guys want to see a video, if you guys want me to cover that at all, let me know I've got some things. I'Ve been playing, and that being said for those who want some more concrete information to finish up this point is that, yes, every weapon is gon na be different. You could be a boss with any weapon in this game as long as you work on it, or maybe it fits your personality or aiming style or your playstyle. But what I found to be really successful is really. I think the arts are 99, our 301. I think the peacekeeper, Eva eight, I actually have started to prioritize the Eva eight over the peacekeeper, of course, the way man, if you can use it, I think the Spitfire is an incredible weapon that I usually don't give up. If I have that early, I usually keep with it for the rest of the game. If I have enough ammo, I really think that it's just turning into more of a mid to close range type of meta, where aggression usually wins. If you overwhelm someone it's very hard for some person to 1v3 right, and so I think that's really what's turning out to be the most successful way to play apex Legends at this moment, we'll see if that changes. But I just haven't found a lot of sniper play to really be extremely successful against me now. The third thing I've learned after 150 hours of apex Legends is that hitboxes really matter now. I cannot verify from my own personal testing in-game with a friend that the Gibraltar, the Pathfinder or the caustic have bigger hit boxes than everyone else, but what is seemingly common knowledge right now in apex legends is that they do. I don't know where this got started from, but ever since I thought and heard that I started to see that it was way easier. In fact, and this could be placebo till we hit these characters now. One thing that is for sure is that their models are much bigger than the lifeline, the Bangalore models, that is for sure, and so it would reason to think that if you can shoot their model at all, they would then thus have a bigger hitbox right. If you, if you, unless bullets, are flying through the right shoulder of the Gibraltar and and they're only going to the length of the height of the lifeline right or something like that, then maybe you know that's not true, but I feel like because of their big Size they have incorporated a bigger hitbox for some of these characters. I think the way that apex has done. It, though, is they've, given these characters: defensive traits or mobility traits to be able to counteract the fact that they're bigger, but what that ends up meaning is that they're just easier to hit and in overall you get hit more playing these characters. That'S my experience! So you guys ready for the hard truth. I know it is a hard truth, because I am the guy who plays every character. I'Ve played I've got wins with all of these characters. I have played and got video for all of them in all of my videos. I love all of these legends they're great, but the problem is I win more with lifeline. I win more with Wraith, you know I win more with bloodhound and Bangalore and - and I think everyone else does as well - I mean I don't know if we have any stats released. I haven't checked it out, but my personal experience - and maybe it's placebo, maybe I'm thinking it and thus I'm seeing it - is that it's just easier to win with certain legends than others. Other legends have a harder path to get to the end goal than other ones. I mean life lines, passive Engler's, passive, they just they do better in a battle royale setting, in my opinion, I've injured alters. You know slow moving shield. You have to use in an 80s hitboxes aside, and so I found that it does matter if you want wins. If you're trying to be as successful as possible and getting dubs, I found that the Pathfinder, the caustic and the Gibraltar are very difficult to succeed with in comparison to some of the other top three legends like the The Mirage, the lifeline and, of course, the Bangalore. Now I know there is a guy out there, who's a 10,000 now or kostik main who's. Looking at me sideways, and I just want to say I'm sorry, okay, I can't do it. I just I'm not as good as you are, and you know if that's you you, the caustic man you're, the Gibraltar main you're. The Pathfinder main keep doing you, but in my experience, if maybe you're a general player, maybe you're just starting out - and you want the easiest time or you want to just just jump in not deep dive. Just jump in you know tip your toes in the pool of apex legends. That'S my advice. I think caustic and Gibraltar and Pathfinder are a little harder to have success with versus some of the other legends. I'Ve mentioned like lifeline Bangalore or Wraith. So take it as a grant. Take it with a grain of salt. Take it as you will, but that's my advice for some reason. You do not agree with me on that or you have a different opinion, make sure to leave a comment down below and let me know what you're think the number four most important thing. I realized about apex legends after 105. The hours is that the most important time in the game is when 8 to 10 squads are left. Now you may not realize this. It may seem like all my early game is important or my late game. Might. My last three squads are really important, but the eight to ten squads is really where I find the magic happen. This is what we call the mid game after the early game, not quite till the last three squads left and you pretty much know where everybody is or you you've already seen, one squad you're just looking for the other. This is where, basically, there is gon na be one fight for each squad. Every squad there's five on the battlefield. Every squads gon na find another squad right now. Maybe there's four left it's it's. Eight teams left every squad runs into another squad and if you win that fight you're in a top three a top four, that's basically all you need to know. When you see ten teams, it feels like you are so far away from being in that top two top three top four situation. But it's because every team is running into one team that really you got to cut that number in half. Imagine that one gunfight puts you into a top three: another gun fight, wins the game, and so it take your time, get really focused. You know, play smart, don't just rush around. This is where a lot of people get bored, they find themselves and moving, and I see a lot of my friends they just like start holding the W key. You know I'm saying they just run in no skills, no direction they're, just holding W like their mouse broke and they're on autorun from wow, try not trying to power level or something and you're just like hold on man. This is actually the most important time. I found that if you win that fight more so than not, you get yourself in a top-three situation and then it's it's a top three there's only two other teams, there's no hecticness. It'S just can't you hit your shots. Can you take some art positions? Do you have decent communication and you usually can get more wins that one of the best things is that you get this great level up of gear. You get all the extended mags. You get all the stuff. You'Ve been kind of. Looking for but don't quite have on your weapons yet, and when you get all that stuff, it becomes so much easier to win the game. So trust me what about 8 to 10 squads left? That'S when you want to focus up, it's only two full fights away. If every team has two full fights for basically getting a dub, so treat it like that and you will find more success. That'S been my experience in Apex LED now in my channel. I try to give you a different POV. A different perspective help you to think positively, I'm not trying to bash at all. I want to help you guys, raise you up and make you feel good after you, my videos, and this last one is a bit of a game-changer, because this is something that, as a competitor as a guy who played d1 soccer, who was drafted professionally. Who has been a very competitive guy from birth? I found was really enlightening for me. It'S that every time you win, someone else has to lose coming from a competitive background at UCLA getting drafted to DC United playing soccer, my entire life and just being competitive in general. It was hard for me to understand that when I wasn't winning something wrong wasn't happening right, like I thought that, if I wasn't winning, then the world was going upside down like I should be winning, but every time I'm losing I'm giving someone else. The experience of winning themselves - maybe it's their first game that they've ever won. Maybe they were the ones who out rotated, who paid a little bit more attention in that 8 to 10 squad moment and just found themselves in the high ground. When I was on the low ground and maybe checking my side monitor, all of these things could contribute to why I lost, but in the same vein there are the reasons why we win games. We listen to these tips. We get the right guns, we find our instincts tell us where to move, and we get the jump on to an opponent that is not suspecting us all of these things come back as a circle of life, kind of style, right where your success has to be Someone else's failure in this game and the same way when you fail and you're that champion sois that just barely goes down at the last the second place you give it someone else a chance to shine it's what makes battle Royales great, but it's what makes gaming And competition great and if you handle that with grace, if you handle that with the awareness that sometimes it is your turn to win, and sometimes it's not, then I think you're going to have a much better time in apex legend see the great thing about this Is that we realize that we have to participate in order to give someone that experience 57 of us have to be willing to die and not be champions for that one team to rise above the rest and it's kind of a beautiful. You know message. In my opinion, to say that you know we all are agreeing that it's not going to be our time every single day, every single moment, and we play with the knowingness that we're gon na have fun along the way and one day we're gon na make the Right decisions and we're gon na be on top. If you could take that approach from apex legends or from life into apex legends and an apex legends into life, I think you'll be happier. I think you will appreciate the moments you have failures, because you will realize they are on the stepping stones for allowing you to move forward as a player and as a person. Now we are essentially done with the video, but I've got bonus tips, so you do want to stay for this as well. The first bonus tip is that nuances apply to everything, not just life, but in apex legends, specifically a lot of people in my five ridiculous things than apex legends players do said. You know one shot is a good call if their one shot, you're right, one shot is a bad call, though, if he's not one shot or if he's one shot, you say that and then he heals you watch him heal and you don't say anything else. That is misleading to your teammate, because now he's not one shot, and you put him in a bad position or her or whoever it is at the end of the day to combat rezonings is bad if someone's actively shooting both of you, but it may be. The only thing that you can do you may be dead. If you try to stay alive, you know you won't win that firefight and your homies, the carry you may just have to go for it trust your gut. There are extenuating circumstances for every hard and fast rule in life and I'm a big bill. I'M a big believer in that they just in every situation, is slightly different. So do what you feel is best in that moment with what you know. Lastly, I think that one of the things we've learned - the second bonus tip and thing that I've learned over my hundred fifty hours is that respawn has been incredibly active in their patches. We'Ve seen a couple patches go through that it actually silently nerfed a few things, and - and this was very quickly - we saw the flight get nerfed. I'Ve been feeling last night that you can't fly over those walls and do the kind of a and D flight movement that you used to do. Where you look up that I showed in my last video you know longer, I think, can do one of the exploits of reloading very quickly for either the peacekeeper, the crater or one of those weapons. I think there's some very smart, very agile developers over at respawn that are doing a hell of a job, keeping this game on point and on task and with the introduction of the havoc and a pretty fun versatile, but not o P way. I have a lot of confidence for the studio in this game going forward. Overall, the biggest thing I've learned in apex legends is that it's a great game that I like playing and I want to continue playing and I will continue playing doing content form the channel alongside my other games as well right now, I'm still in that phase of Man, I just got to play this every day and I'm sure that will way and eventually but right now, I just am having a blast with it and I think, if you're new, if you're, looking to get into the experience of apex legends for the first time. Hopefully this this video has guided you towards a direction that you feel comfortable again I'll suggest it, but
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chemorygunko · 7 years ago
Global Check In - 3 April 2018
Kids, Selfishness & Irritation; Kidneys; Fatigue & Lack of Focus; Spiritual Journey Reality Checks & Recommitment; Internal vs External Validation; (Ego) Death & Resurrection; Big Level Ups; and Mercury Retrograde Downloads have started
Hi Beautiful Souls <3
So if you were looking for me the past few days and weeks, I know I’ve been a bit scarce - I am sorry lol ;) Been busy with stuff and then really needed some downtime.
LOL as we’re talking and actively planning the Sanctuary, I keep thinking to myself how much I’m looking forward to living somewhere where I can take a practice of silence for an extended period. The more I embrace the ascetic lifestyle, the more value I see in it, and being able to do a month of silence seems so amazing for me now.
I remember, about 14 years ago, thinking to myself that at some stage in my life I would take a year and REALLY study A Course in Miracles (ACIM)… and I’ve done that now and it was amazing. And for Lent we gave up difficult stuff (milk and related products, bread and related products, and shaving), and that was easy to be honest…. the shaving got to me a bit in the end and I was grateful to shave again, but sticking with it was easy.
Also I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I could ever be happy with anything but a life of money, comfort and excess, but wow…. things look different when you don’t view them through the filter of ego’s desire hey?
Speaking of which, how did your Lent go? Did you make it through? Any thoughts on the next fast period and what you’d like to restrain yourself with?
Next fast/tapas period is Ramadan, which runs from 15 May this year, to 14 June.
So, yes, it’s been a BUSY period as you can see above from the keywords list!
** Kids, Selfishness & Irritation
I do lump pets into kids because they are like that for many of us - and where this one played out for me was among my birds. So kids jealous and fighting and being noisy and generally getting in the way and demanding focus and attention.
This could also be a group of people, that look up to you, vying for attention, with bickering and politics among them.
Also a fascinating energy of one of a group of kids being clingy and underfoot. For me that meant I had Custard hanging from me all the time the past few days… I’d move her and she’d have climbed back onto me within a few seconds.
This of course led to irritation, which was then coupled with an energy of feeling selfish for not wanting to focus on them and wanting your own space.
Of the people I chatted to, quite a few fell into the guilt of selfishness. I had a different approach, obviously. LOL.
Each time it came up, I was reminding myself that we are their entire world - they don’t go out, do anything different. Their little setup and what we do with them is their entire existence. So I had to have compassion for them - in the end. Was just plain irritated the first few days lol ;)
Once I calmed down, the boisterous play fighting did not stop, but they did become more loving and less aggressive. Two of the birds are still being territorial over me though.
But I keep reminding myself we are their world - and getting irritated by them is akin to being rejected by God. It sucks.
So interesting worshipper level lesson there too, which I suppose is a God level lesson: understanding and having compassion for the experience of the worshipper.
Also an ego level lesson on how to attract ego… you attract more flies with honey than vinegar.
Explains why we couch this all in all-loving first and only introduce the truths later. If people didn’t believe that God loved them deeply, they would never move towards God.
** Kidneys
Kidneys represent fear metaphysically… so if you were one of those with kidney pain or problems, look to the fears you have.
What do I fear? What do I not fear? What should I fear? What do I wish would fear me? Who do I fear? Who do I not fear? Who should I fear?
You can always break questions down by when, where, what, who, why and how.
When do I fear? When do I not fear? Where am I scared? Where am I not scared? What am I scared of? What am I not scared of? Why am I fearful? Why am I not scared? Who makes me scared? Who doesn’t make me scared? How does fear impact me? How does lack of fear impact me?
In addition to the 5W&H, always flip dualities and ask the polar question to any question you ask, as above. You’ll be surprised at how we play out our resistance by asking a polar (opposite) question in the first place, when then polarity question we created second was actually the question we needed.
In simpler English, in case I fluffed that with my retrograde brain… you’ll often ask what makes me scared when you need to focus on what doesn’t make me scared kind of thing.
Your ego interferes by getting you to look for the opposite (wrong) angle. It’s one of the ways ego uses distortion.
We talk about the dark corrupting and distorting things, doing them backwards… this is an example of ego doing it on a personal level.
Remember ego is the dark.
** Fatigue & Lack of Focus
I was originally planning to work over Easter, but the fatigue was crazy. I was exhausted all weekend.
Largely this had to do with the holiday energy - most countries had a long weekend, and so the world’s morphic field was in holiday mode. This made focus really difficult.
Second reason was Easter weekend itself and what it means - especially if you are at or near Christ Consciousness on your journey.
If this your first year with Christ Consciousness then you can expect this slump pretty much every year over Easter, so prepare for it. And don’t plan to go away on holiday over Easter weekend ever - you’re very likely to want the Sanctuary of home base during this energy.
I had planned to work (going against this advice), because if I force myself into it, and push through, I can often slide into a workflow. I failed miserably this time LOL. Energy was way too overwhelming.
The reason for the slump is the death of Jesus… he dies the Friday, and we go through an ego death. It might not always be the kind of ego death you’re used to though - it could look like a recommitment or just a lot of exhaustion and hibernating. Then when the resurrection happens the Monday, you resurrect too.
So it will always, at minimum, hit you as a needing to hibernate and rest period. Being at home will just lighten your cognitive dissonance load and give you privacy if you need to have a more traditional ego death or spend some time wallowing or releasing emotion.
Remember that we now entering the speeding up shifting period (21 March to 21 June to 21 Septemeber plus 3 weeks’ integration til mid-October), so the fatigue is likely to be quite constant from here to mid October. The boosts you need now are energetic.
In practice, this means that you need to ignore and push through a lot of the physical pain and exhaustion. It’s shifting overload you’re experiencing.
Also remember your butterfly releases daily - http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/butterfly-release-videos-by-life-coaches-toolbox
Butterfly Release takes care of one the biggest ongoing physical challenges you’ll face with shifting, releasing your SB Junction. When you shift too much, it gets stuck.
Butterfly Release is a craniosacral therapy mechanism to unstick the bone, and will help you get unstuck as well. Often, feeling stuck in your journey is about the SB junction. Powerful little piece of knowledge to have if you shifting ongoing. So please use it!
** Spiritual Journey Reality Checks & Recommitment
So I’ve noticed a few people breaking through the free will stage of reality checks and commitment - big yay and awesome well done to you if you have: this is a big level up! Proud of you.
What this means - and looks like - is the following:
Up until this stage of your journey you’ve made commitments to the next stage of your journey without knowing what that actually means and how it will play out in your world - both the good and bad stuff.
Now however, because you have advanced far enough, you get to see the bad stuff that could happen before you commit to a stage. What takes more time to get used to seeing is the good stuff - that takes a few go rounds of this before you start looking for the good stuff.
What’s happened is that you’ve mitigated your ego enough that you can control it now - even if it’s still a stretch to do so. Therefore, you are being shown the consequences because they know that it won’t chase you away immediately anymore.
Also you’ve started seeing enough about how lessons play out, so you understand that something bad now can turn into something good later on - and you’re not looking for the instant gratification. So you can accept that, for example, you will lose friends or a specific relationship, without it being the end of your world. So they show you it’s a possibility.
If you’ve reached this stage, go out and do something to celebrate it today. This is a big level up and you deserve acknowledgement for it. Reward yourself because you should be proud - this is a huge milestone. You’ll only understand that in retrospect, so just trust me and go celebrate it today lol :)
The advice for this stage is look for what the positive benefits and long term benefits of this could be.
So short term I don’t pay bills and I feel ashamed, but long term I move more into an ascetic lifestyle and learning how to live without money so that I can create a money free world.
Short term my kids are angry cos they don’t get what they want, but long term they learn patience and to appreciate what they get.
Short term I act the way people want so that they accept me (external validation), which makes them instantly happy and me instantly unhappy and leaves me feeling disingenuous, OR I stand firm in my beliefs (internal validation) and watch how God rewards me with more detailed information because he’s seen me prove that I can stay true to him.
It’s always a trade off.
With recommitting, always remember that it is better to say no if you don’t feel ready, than it is to say yes and break your oath. So if you aren’t sure you’re ready then say not now, I’ll try again later.
But if you feel you can push through then my advice is do it.
You can always say to God that you will try and you will give it your best shot, but that you might need help. And then ask for the faith to know that you will succeed and can succeed - and keep asking for help.
** Internal vs External Validation
The internal vs external validation level up came to a lot of people this past week and weekend, so it’s worth touching on.
I repeat this often because it’s important: THE TEST FOR ASCENSION IS INTERNAL VALIDATION.
I can tell you this final test because you cannot fake your answer - you can either validate for yourself what is happening to you or you can’t. You can accept it or you can’t.
You can’t fake that resonance.
Internal vs external validation plays out in cognitive dissonance…. do you stand by what you know inside, that which comes from God, or do you bow to the pressure of what the people around you expect?
When it comes to choosing to listen and act, do you choose for God or the people around you?
You can only serve one, and you always serve one or the other.
The more you cater to people, the more you serve ego, because catering to them is catering to the demands of their egos. Just like people demand of God without giving thanks, treating God as if he is a servant there to fetch and carry for them.
Conscious manifestation and law of attraction anyone? Just tell the universe what you want and it MUST deliver - because God is BOUND to honor your free will and manifest what you create, if you create it properly.
They just forget to mention that this means you are rejecting God and treating him like a servant. We call this the Great Deception.
So, if you are not good at manifestation practice, it’s because you’re moving closer to God. It’s why so many of us battle with money and manifestation.
On the downside…. and there are always both down and upsides… on the downside, people are not going to like it when you stop catering to them. So this is going to turn into people rejecting you and problems taking place in your life.
On the upside, the more you listen to God and your internal promptings, the more God gives you in terms of information and downloads and understanding. And the better detail you get.
It’s a lesson of faith… you give the faith to God, and trust yourself to get the right answers and NOT let your ego filters get in the way, and in return God gives you better detail. And it comes more easily.
Because you have proven that you will stand firm.
So one hand yes, you face turmoil, but the rewards are faith, trust, patience, inner peace, security, self-trust, and surety. Knowing. I’d say that’s a fair trade lol :)
You can go through lessons energetically if you chase them and push through them as quickly as possible - this causes less life experience events to have to play out in your life.
It’s the miracle process: a miracle is a collapse of time that means that future events (arguments, clashes, break ups) do not have to take place in order for you to reach understanding. It’s a shortcut to a higher resonance.
So, if you choose to really forgive someone now, it’s a miracle that means that you don’t have to keep fighting with them for months, in person and in your head, to understand their point of view or why they did this.
The forgiveness miracle causes a collapse of time that means you don’t have to spend hours thinking about it and feeling generally crappy. That time can now be used for another focus area.
This also means that if you get through the lesson quickly, then you do not have to live out the experiences. So chase the lesson.
How do you chase the lesson? Mirrors lets you mine all the statements. Your job is to keep answering as many questions on the theme as you can within the first week.
Once you have the lesson and the resonance, then the life event experiences won’t need to be called into play.
Free mirrors of relationship tools at http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/newmirrors/
** (Ego) Death & Resurrection
So if you did have an ego death this weekend, as mentioned above, it was the death and resurrection energy.
Many of the ego deaths were linked to recommitment and level ups - and the ego death will happen because you have personal layers that prevent you from seeing the energy for what it is. You’re seeing it through those ego filters, which causes misperception, and so those ego layers need to go so that you can see it clearly for next time.
So it’s always the same energy arriving, but if it triggers your ego layers first, then that will cause an ego death.
They just keep coming back until you have cleared everything that stops you from seeing it.
You should have started feeling lighter yesterday and today…. if you aren’t then YOU ARE PERSONALISING - end of story. If you want to stop suffering, then you have to stop personalizing.
Pain is inevitable - suffering is optional.
So look for the relief and lightness. It is there in the field and many are responding already.
If you aren’t feeling it then you are stuck in your own suffering, caused by an ego layer you’re viewing this through.
SO FIND THE MIRROR or ego layer of separation! http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/newmirrors/
That mirror is a layer of your ego that stands between you and the truth.
Who’s going to win that battle… you or ego? Who’s calling the shots here? Or are you ego’s whipped little bitch lol?
** Big Level Ups
If you haven’t personalized too deeply, and you managed to pull yourself out of the ego death slump, then you’re probably noticing a big level up this morning.
Stuff you’ve been battling with for a while, you’ll suddenly understand. Concepts that seemed out of reach are suddenly easy…. why couldn’t you see this before?
This is a good time to laugh at yourself… it always seems so obvious once you’re there.
If you’re feeling the level up, then well done.
If you matched all or most of the symptoms listed, then super well done - you were linked to the morphic field and in sync with us, and experiencing field level lessons.
That’s a massive sign of how far you’ve moved out of personalization.
One major level up happening that is worth a mention is that a lot of people got their spiritual names in the last week or two.
So if you felt you got all or part of your name, then you were on cue too, yes.
** Mercury Retrograde Downloads have started
So if you are feeling the level up then you’ll have noticed that retrograde downloads have started.
Retrograde messes with communication and you’ll still get that to a large degree, but the reason for that makes it worth it…. most of the time we are sending messages to God, but over retrograde the communication “reverses” and we get messages FROM God more intensely.
So that 24 weeks of retrograde and shadow becomes the periods in which you get your best messaging and flow, past a certain level of enlightenment.
I have gotten some real gems already - including one I’ll do a separate post on this morning, an experiential analogy that helps you understand how layers of thought in agreement create reality.
So watch out for that post straight after this one.
If that’s not a complete wrap, well it’s pretty close hey ;) LOL :)
Do a Butterfly Release and a Go Ape if you need - instructions on my site and YouTube Channel or just google the terms with life coaches toolbox and you’ll find instructions.
So if you’re looking for any of my stuff just add life coaches toolbox to the google search phrase and you’ll find it pretty quick - should be first results.
This is a great way to search the blog too - I know it’s huge, but each article is a layer of a shift, and sometimes you just need that layer. So get into the habit of searching phrases and terms with life coaches toolbox added to the search to find stuff on the site more easily.
Otherwise, learn to use the sitemap at http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/sitemap-lct
The sitemap contains text hyperlinks to all the articles and resources. The articles are all plainly titled, so pretty easy to move around.
There are over 1,000 pages of content on the site - tools and info to suit pretty much every need.
However, using the google search option and the phrase life coaches toolbox means that you search articles by content and not just title.
So make it an intuitive challenge to zero in on the search term and see what answers that leads you to. Just remember to add "life coaches toolbox" to the search query :)
And to end, I’m going to repeat the Butterfly Release link to make life easier on myself: http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/butterfly-release-videos-by-life-coaches-toolbox
Some places you post pull the first link to create the linked item, and some use the last. Putting it in both places keeps you covered lol :)
There’s a random piece of social media posting advice for you ;)
Hope you have a good week - do your basics!!
Light, peace and harmony, Amara xo
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