#it is ofc andreil and kevjean both
kevindavidday · 1 month
so the premise of the new kevjean fic (at 10k words rn TRUST i am working on it) is something i posted about before:
jean and neil work under the main family and are ordered to take a hit out on riko a month before ichirou's wedding because the family has no use of him and he's a waste of resources and air. the only problem is, they can't find him. riko is entirely off the radar so jean and neil turn to the person who once knew him best a.k.a my beautiful princess kevin day. angst in the form of kevjean exes to lovers. jeaneil friendship is singlehandedly saving me. andreil as kevjean wingmen and disaster observers while they try to avoid the fact that they are also falling in love. did i mention angst? cuz there is angst
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