#it is also not lost on me that the above complaint may largely stem from the lazarus affair
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if i really scratch my head i think maybe the one thing all of this could stem from is mere discussion of the fact that talia and selina's histories with bruce sort of operate in the reverse and inevitably that factors into any contention with either relationship. like it can't really be helped that bruce and talia were married very early on into the latter's history and that this is integral to analyzing talia's entire dynamic with bruce, her evolving perception of her own place in the world, and her eventual decision to break free of bruce entirely. the constraints of a marriage with bruce as desired by her father are foundational lore to the early aughts of her character in a way that selina's settled domestic life with bruce is not. if we're talking about the golden age what was foundational to selina's dynamic with bruce was his ability to recognize above everyone else her consistent capacity for mercy despite her villainous goals on the surface. in post-crisis that was translated along the lines of a class struggle specifically. the villainous goals were interpreted to represent a defiance of men and the state and their collective violence, and they also formed a means of survival. what was initially merely a recognition of selina's capacity for mercy now became a potential recognition of bruce's own hypocrisies. selina acted as a symbol for petty criminals in gotham whom bruce would otherwise have written off as immoral wholesale bc to him the law was the law. and the remarkable thing about it was that none of it required selina giving even an inch to bruce. she was who she was and that was what made her utterly compelling to him. it's not a slight against selina that neither marriage nor a close civilian relationship formed the basis of her relationship with bruce and i don't understand why anyone would take it as one. marriage and domestic life for talia was a mark of the utter tragedy of her relationship with bruce. it was a fantasy and a delusion and it could never have given her what she wanted nor lent her any kind of agency in the long term. and i think when we meander into the realm of comparing the relationships we really start to diminish why certain aspects are important to either. why are the various patriarchal restrictions on talia's agency so integral to her character arc and its exploration of freedom? why is selina's existence in a sphere of life entirely distinct of bruce so integral to her character arc and its exploration of class? the constant back and forth between shippers on either end trying to equalize in terms of what either relationship has gone through in canon like it's a checklist to romantic validity is a bit absurd and i wish we would move away from it when analyzing the relationships or the characters
#it reminds me a bit of when i said that i think selina becoming a millionaire was a stupid development#that was insulting to everything newell and grant and moench had tried to build up about her in the early 90s#and people got upset and called me a hypocrite bc talia is rich. like my guy. can i help it that talia is rich#i can't erase her foundational character traits to make some sort of even playing field..#and frankly the fact that she and bruce are rich /is/ precisely what drives the whole argument about duty between them#they are in no position to complain or grow tired or languish in their reams of wealth#there is a duty they owe to the world while they have power and they have to suck it up and uphold that duty#it is the absolute least they can do and they know that. hence why talia is repeatedly on bruce's ass about it#it is also not lost on me that the above complaint may largely stem from the lazarus affair#where talia was portrayed to be ridiculously haughty and more than willing to show off her wealth#even though she didn't do that in like. any other comic in her pre-assassination era#and the lazarus affair as i have said so many times was a ridiculous comic anyways bc it setup talia and selina to be#combative ship fodder to fuel disagreements between dick and bruce. it is literally the first comic where they were ever#pit against each other. despite the fact that they had co-existed in harmony for a decade prior#and denny o'neil had gone so far as to establish both of them as bruce's definitive love interests in the 70s#like idk man it's not hard to entertain a little more critical thinking and poke at why the comparisons between them are nonsensical#a lot of it. a Lot of it. is stemming from people wanting either ship to one up the other. and you shouldn't fall for it#to be deleted#anyway. not making this rebloggable bc i'm sure you're all annoyed already but this whole thing has really confused me. so i've rambled
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DAY 2: In Bloom
for @saboace-week
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14037066 fff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12876532/1/In-Bloom
Day: Love at First Sight Word Count: 4096 Warnings: Fluff | So much fluff
There was a man perhaps no more than twenty feet from him, half hidden behind the front counter. Sabo didn't know how he had missed him, so distracted by the plants themselves that he must have merely skimmed over him, drawn to other things. Now, however, with his full attention riveted on the man, it seemed foolish. He was easily the most stunning thing here.
There was coffee in his veins. It surged under his skin and beat behind his eyelids—or maybe that was the migraine. It was hard to tell, admittedly. At some point he had lost track of time, of even the date, hours marked in coffee stains and empty mugs balanced atop each other like an abstract depiction of art around his desk. His laptop was dusty, screen smeared where his hands had brushed against the glass, fingerprints standing out in the glare of the overhead lights. He hardly noticed, used to it by now.
Koala would call him a slob, but at least he got his work done. Even if it meant multiple all nighters and a possessive claim on the coffee machine closest to his desk. It had gotten so bad that Hack had even printed out a new sign to hang above the counter. It read: Beware Rabid Chief, and Sabo couldn’t even deny that it was fitting, maybe even a little accurate.
For a group of journalists, they took their job seriously. Sabo even more so. He was the Editor in Chief, second only to Dragon within their publishing firm. Realistically, he could have sat back and enjoyed the lessened burden the position offered him, but instead he pushed himself even harder . They were making a difference, slowly but surely, working to peel away the veil the government cast over civilian eyes, and they were damn good at their job, but Sabo still wanted to do more. He was already in charge of their budget, their personal image on the internet in the harsh world around them, as well as being their primary hiring manager, even if he left most of the actual scouting to Ivankov. More than that though, he made it his personal mission to read over every single report before they landed on Dragon’s desk, as well as taking the time, occasionally, to write his own additions as well.
And he was exhausted.
A political scandal was in the works and Legislation was working overtime to bury it and kick it under the rug. Which, of course, meant that their entire publishing department was working overtime as well. But at least most of the staff still slept .
Koala wasn’t the only one that noticed Sabo’s late hours turned into early mornings, and the way many would come in to find him in the same outfit as he had been the day before. She was, however, the only one that harassed him about it. Among other things.
“You look like a raccoon that crawled into a tailors, robbed them blind, and then got run over. Twice.” Standing in precisely the wrong spot, in between Sabo and his closest source of light, Koala’s shadow stretched over him ( and his keyboard), her arms folded and eyebrows drawn. “Really, Sabo, it’s no wonder that you’re still single. Have you even eaten since I last saw you ten hours ago?”
Thoughts slow to process and left to blink at the sudden difference in light now that his face was cast into shadows, he was sluggish when his hand rose so that his gaze could fall on the beaten watch at his wrist. The timepiece blurred in his vision, numbers dancing in tangent with each other. He couldn’t really pick out the exact time down to the minute, but it was enough to realize that it wasn’t the same day anymore.
“Oh,” he paused, voice rough with disuse. “It’s morning.”
Koala gave an exasperated sigh, hands unfolding to reveal a small pastry bag which was promptly dropped onto his desk. It smelled of blueberries and his mouth watered. He was already reaching for it when a hand smacked gently at the back of his head, nearly dislodging his glasses from where they sat at the bridge of his nose.
“This is the third day in a row , Sabo. You��re no help to us like this.”
There was an arm in his vision, but he paid no mind to it until his computer screen went black. The whine, when it left his lips, was muffled by muffin crumbs but still just as pitiful.
“No, don’t even start with me right now,” Koala chided. “You’ve hardly moved in days, barely eaten, and I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep any more than that two hour period on Tuesday when your head hit the desk so hard it nearly gave Bunny Joe a heart attack.” She pulled at his chair and the wheels rolled back without complaint, Sabo’s outstretched hand, however, gave a futile struggle, his outstretched hands far too delayed. He sat back in the chair, arms crossed and pouting as she wheeled it away from his desk, out of his office and down the hallway, only stopping when they reached the front desk.
“Koala,” he whined, her name dragged out, eyes pleading . “Just let me at least finish the report I was working on. It’s almost done and I—”
“Nope! Don’t care. You’re going to run some errands for me instead. When you’re done, and only when you’re done, you can come back.”
She moved around to the front of the chair, pulling him to his feet with that damn monster strength of hers. His knees wobbled, just a little bit, but he remained standing on his own.
His lips parted to speak, but again, she beat him to it, her eyes sharp when they bore into his own. “Don’t even think about pulling rank on me, Mr. High and Mighty. I already got Dragon’s approval, so you don’t have a choice anymore. Besides, you’ll thank me for this later.”
Mouth snapping shut again, he scowled but it was halfhearted at most, the expression of a petulant child put into time-out. Koala pat him on the shoulder once and it felt onlymildly condescending before there was a folded piece of paper stuffed into his loose grip and he was abandoned with only the elevator as company.
He glared at it indignantly and took the stairs instead.
The list, when he opened it later, was annoyingly simple, but tedious all the same.
Go home.
Take a shower.
Get at least a four hour nap.
Eat a full meal. No, microwavable food doesn’t count.
Go on a walk. Outside.
Go back to sleep. Yes, before midnight. Yes, I will know if you don’t.
Sleep in, even if it just means staying in bed but not actually getting up.
It went on, of course. He did say that it was tedious after all, even if it was basically just telling him to do normal things like sleep and eat and not hide away inside his house for hours on end. Mainly, he was just annoyed that it was going to prevent him from working at all for the rest of the day. Koala hadn’t even let him take his laptop with him, so he wouldn’t be able to continue unless he went out and bought another one and by some miracle found a way to transfer over all of the files.
Fine, whatever, he could take a day off. It wasn’t that big of a deal, right?
Honestly, the only item on the list that really confused him was the last one. There was just an address there along with a shop name: Hibiscus Dreams. From Koala’s insistence that he find a plant that he couldn’t kill with neglect or accidental coffee consumption, it was safe to assume that it was a florist of some kind. She had also demanded that he bring back ‘ apology flowers ‘ for the office, so he would certainly hope that that was the case.
He was in no rush though, so he didn’t go that first day. Instead he sulked and followed the rest of the instructions begrudgingly and tried to ignore the way he did feel better after some proper rest, new clothes, and fresh food. Take-out—obviously. No point in burning down his kitchen and adding more things to the list.
When the following morning came and he was refreshed for the first time in ages, he was up and out of bed before seven. Koala may have demanded that he sleep in, but the multitude of hours in one place was already starting to drive him insane and he had gotten the rest she wanted him to. Besides, one quick google search had been enough to tell him that the store opened early, and the earlier he could get there, get the plants and leave, the sooner he could get back to work.
There was a website attached but he hardly glanced at it, just enough to confirm that it was the right address and nothing more. There was apparently a tiny cafe next door and it would be a decent enough breakfast to start the day, and his caffeine consumption.
Half an hour later, with a nearly empty mug of coffee in hand, Sabo stopped in front of a small, colorful shop partially hidden under the shadow of a nearby building.
Or at least, he assumed it was colorful. It was hard to actually pick up on beneath the plant life. Greenery had devoured the shop whole, vines crisscrossed along the brickwork, nestled into every crack of plaster and stone. There was a small awning over the doorway and archway just underneath, laden with flowers, blossoms of every color that spread out and multiplied, stretching dainty stems towards the sky. There were two trees nearby, close enough for the vines to have spread to them as well, climbing up the trunks, the branches strewn in white lights that caught the morning light like drops of dew. Most notable were the large flowering bushes planted just outside the shop itself, surrounding the edge of the building with wide green leaves and multicolored flowers larger than his fist dotted among them in the way blotches of paint met canvas.
Hibiscus, if the painted visage of the flower on the sign was any indication. Well, at least the shop was aptly named.
On the door itself was a small chalkboard, weather worn and chipped at the edges, the scratchy, bold lettering of OPEN smudged, but handwritten. A soft scoff left him at the messy handwriting, providing a brief distraction before his hand fell onto the handle to push inside.
There was a chime, bright and musical when the door swung inward, a far cry from the mechanical ding he was more accustomed to and it drew a brief flash of a smile to his features, the wind chime out of the corner of his eye made of tarnished copper and half hidden by leaves. And speaking of leaves —the entire shop was filled with them. Plants of all sizes and shapes overlapped amongst each other, layered into a rain forest of scents, a mountains face saturated with color and life.
His first thought was cluttered , but it was impressive all the same.
Even from where he stood, cerulean hues scanning over the room as a whole, it was easy to see how much care had gone into it all, a careful planning that situated certain plants in clusters together. And they were truly everywhere, hanging from the ceiling, stacked upon shelves, small pots nestled in between larger ferns and shrubs. Flowers were situated in a cluster of pots to his right, the arrangements beautiful and eye catching. There were even trees , some seemingly planted directly into the earth itself which was bewildering given that meant the owner had pried away flooring and concrete just to—what? Complete the look? Baffling. Why would anyone go that far? What kind of morondecided that was a good idea?
“Hey,” a voice spoke up, making Sabo startle. “Welcome in! Can I help you with anything?”
Sabo was already waving his free hand in denial, embarrassed that he had been caught in the doorway as his gaze shifted towards the origin of the greeting. “No, it’s fine. I’m just—” Whatever else he had been about to say died on his tongue, the last few syllables drawn out and fading to nothing on his lips.
There was a man perhaps no more than twenty feet from him, half hidden behind the front counter. Sabo didn’t know how he had missed him, so distracted by the plants themselves that he must have merely skimmed over him, drawn to other things. Now, however, with his full attention riveted on the man, it seemed foolish. He was easily the most stunning thing here.
Light streamed in from above, but it was only now, left to admire the way sunlight framed the stranger’s face like a lover’s caress that he even processed the existence of a skylight. Dark hair fell in a halo around his face, warm skin speckled in stars, creating constellations along the line of a strong jaw and neckline. And his smile— fuck —the way those silver eyes crinkled at the edges, a sign of how freely given the expression was, it was dazzling. Sabo was helpless in response, desperately taking in each feature, every small detail. There was a pocket of air lodged in his chest that refused to budge, thrumming with something terrifyingly warm that spread from there outward like melted honey or liquid gold.
He felt heavy with the sensation, weak to it.
Flowers seemed brighter besides the other, as if soaking in his presence, thriving. There were other things too, of course, wind chimes and trinkets that he caught at the edge of his focus, but Sabo couldn’t will himself to look away and take in anything other than the male himself, the way he shone as if illuminated from within. Dazzling. This guy was dangerous .
“You okay over there man?”
Sabo’s eyes focused all at once, the return of that voice enough to slap him from the dream like state he had lost himself into. Pulled back so forcefully, he snapped back to attention in the way a rubber band did, just shy of breaking.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, sorry.”
The man’s eyes were on him again, but the smile had faded, expression still soft but those hypnotizing eyes of his muted with concern and confusion.
Shaking his head frantically, Sabo snapped shut his lips that had parted in awe, eyes wide and color slowly creeping up his neck as that embarrassment from earlier came crashing down once more, submerging himself in it. He almost hoped that he could drown in it and put himself out of this misery.
“No! No, I—” He had just been standing by the door like an idiot, a gawking, moronic idiot, and now he couldn’t even talk without fumbling words and flailing hands. The coffee cup slipped from his hand and clattered against the floor, the meager remainder trickling out even as Sabo dropped to retrieve it. The movement caused him to step away from the door and it shut behind with with a creak of hinges, trapping him inside. “ Fuck, sorry I-I’m not normally like this, I swear.” Salvaging the cup, he was relieved to find that only a little had escaped to splash across the laminated floor. “Do you have a napkin or something? Ah—a paper towel maybe?” Standing up again, his back rod-straight, he was startled to find that the other had moved closer to him by now, away from the counter where flowers rest abandoned, mournful of lost company.
There was a small towel in his hand and Sabo’s attention only flickered to it when he leaned down to wipe at the mess on the floor, the stranger’s laughter soft like bells. “It’s fine, it’s fine. No harm done,” the man said. “This shop’s been through worse, so don’t worry about it.”
Frozen in place, he could only watch, mortified.
When he rose to his feet again and turned that same blinding smile back towards him again, Sabo swore that his heart skipped a beat.
“I’m Ace, by the way,” the stranger— Ace spoke, a hand held out in his general direction.
Up this close, Sabo could pick out each individual freckle, admiring the way his eyes glimmered with remnants of mirth and genuine benevolence. Suddenly self-conscious, he worried about his own appearance. Even after a day of decent rest, there was sure to be evidence of bruising under his eyes, beaten into him through extended neglect. He was too pale, the tan of his childhood faded with shadows and fluorescent lighting. Did he brush his hair this morning? He couldn’t remember in his rush to leave . God he hoped so; his bed head was atrocious. At least he was dressed nicely, right? Yes, of course he was. It was the one thing he was proud of.
And then there were the scars, the rough skin he didn’t bother hiding with makeup on days spent in the office. He winced at the thought, the reminder of his past, his upbringing. Fire. His hair wouldn’t be enough to hide the evidence of trauma on his face. It was harsh compared to pale skin. Ugly.
Realizing that he was staring once again, his arm jerked forward to grip at Ace’s before the offer could fall away, his grip maybe a little tighter than he intended. “Sabo—I’m Sabo. Sorry, again, about the, uh, coffee. I…” he cleared his throat, distracted by the warmth of the male’s hand in his, the way he could feel how calloused they were. Hard-working hands. He dropped the contact in another quick movement, wiping the lingering sensation off on his pants. “Uhm…”
Ace’s smile was gentle, understanding when his own hand fell away, the dirty rag hanging limply from the other. “Sabo, I already told you, it’s no problem. Seriously. The plants do worse everyday. A little coffee is nothin’ at all.” He stepped back a step and Sabo followed as if drawn in through magnetized force.
“Just here to take a look today or is there something in particular you were looking for?”
Right . He was here for a reason—not that it really mattered to him anymore. Koala’s list, even work was nearly forgotten.
“Flowers. Apology flowers?” Sabo wet his lips, his words hesitant as he followed Ace further into the shop. He cradled the remains of his coffee cup tightly at his chest, absently pressing his fingers into his earlier blunder. “Sorry, I’m not really...used to this?”
Ace only hummed in response, eyes cast about the room, glancing in the direction of the clusters of flowers Sabo had noticed before. “Don’t worry about it. Multiple I assume, or are you just lookin’ for one?”
That was at least an easy question to answer. “Multiple. Definitely multiple.”
Silver eyes were on him again and Sabo lost himself in argent pools, drowning. Again. There was laughter there, even in his gaze, but it was soft and lacked the edge of mocking he half expected, absent of judgement. He hadn’t known that metal could appear so warm and inviting.
“You don’t know a single thing about plants, do you?”
Sabo flinched, taken aback by the blunt statement. Surprisingly, he wasn’t offended. In the same way Ace’s eyes conveyed warmth, his words came off as gentle, consoling. Grip tightening a little further around his cup, he shook his head in silent admittance.
Ace nodded, expression almost fond before he turned away from him, heading towards a doorway at the back of the shop Sabo hadn’t noticed before. “Well, that’s fine. You’re actually here at a good time of year, now that I think about it.” There was a rustling from the other room, Ace’s voice a little muffled. “A few more weeks and I wouldn’t have hyacinth’s anymore.”
Despite himself and the knowledge that he probably shouldn’t , Sabo found himself moving again towards the far doorway, his steps hesitant but too curious to resist. As it turned out, the shop was longer than he first assumed, a separate room set up past the wall that opened up into a greenroom, complete with glass walls and everything. And, despite the seeming impossibility, there were even more plants crammed into this one space than the entirety of the first room. Trees and shrubs and vines clustered within every available space but they were nothing compared to the sheer number of flowers. He could likely name on one hand the species he actually recognized and the rest were beyond him.
And there was Ace, in the middle of it all.
Framed by plants on every side, with dirt smudging his hands and shoulder length hair pulled back into an unexpected ponytail at the nape of his neck, he appeared as a wood nymph must, or some other type of mythical creature. Sacred and wild.
“Probably safe to assume you don’t know the language of flowers right,” Ace spoke, eyes still on the flowers though his voice was obviously directed at Sabo. “Hyacinth, especially purple hyacinth like these, are the absolute best if you’re trying to apologize to someone. They literally mean ‘please forgive me.’ Seriously, how awesome is that? Flowers are great.”
His hands were unexpectedly dainty as Sabo watched his fingers skim over damaged petals, working through the collection of tight knit purple buds and snipping those that passed whatever inspection he was conducting, collecting the chosen few in one hand. It should have been boring to watch, but just seeing Ace’s soft expression was enough to keep Sabo entranced.
“White tulips are a must too,” he continued as he moved about the space, unhindered by Sabo’s gaze on him. “Another one that means forgiveness. A little bit of lavender, some violets and lily of the valley aaaand final touch—there!”
The flowers were held out to him in a flourish, dark purple, violet and pale whites twining together artfully with a small write ribbon wrapped around their middle. Sabo had been so focused on watching Ace that he had hardly noticed the actual design that had gone into their placement. They were beautiful.
“I—thank you. How much…?”
Ace was already wiping his hands off onto his pants, the evidence of a repetitive action painted in smudges of dirt against dark jeans. It was endearing.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. First time here, right? I definitely would have remembered you if you’d been in here before.” He moved past him and into the larger room again. “First bouquet is on the house! Besides, it’s supposed to be an apology right? I figure you’ve been put through enough already then, huh?”
Sabo gaped after him, nearly tripping over his own feet in the rush to follow after him, the flowers held with a gentle grip normally reserved for brittle glass. As if they might shatter in his hold.
“I can’t possibly just take them. You said it yourself. You won’t have some of these flowers anymore soon, right? That means they’re valuable,” he sputtered, eyes tracking Ace as he moved behind the counter again. “At least let me tip you or something— please .”
Ace leaned over the counter, arms folded and smile slight but sharper this time, sly . “If you want to pay me back, you’re just going to have to come again then, huh?”
Sabo flushed, heat returning to his cheeks in a rush that left his lips parted on soundless words. It probably wasn’t meant to come off as such an invitation but he was selfish enough to think it that way, to hope that Ace was asking him to come back as more than just a returning customer. And perhaps it was just a little cowardly to nod and flee, but there was laughter at his back when he did and the other’s smile emblazoned in his mind.
Later, when there were flowers sitting in a vase at his ( miraculously clean ) desk, Koala chided him for forgetting one, very important thing with a knowing smile and mischievous eyes.
He never did get that desk plant.
#tumblr why do you always make my formatting so weird#this is why i don't write on you#saboace#acesabo#saboaceweek2018#;;blurbs#too tired to fix the formatting#definitely recommend reading on ao3
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Super Mandro Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Super Mandro is a performance enhancement supplement designed to support dramatic increases in lean muscle without conversion to estrogen. The key ingredient, prohormone 1-Androsterone, is clinically proven to be 7 times more anabolic than testosterone, promoting stronger muscles, better definition, and improved muscle pumps. The product claims its potent dosage provides 330% more than what the leading competitors offer for half the price.
Liposomal technology ensures slower breakdown of the supplement, allowing more 1-Androsterone to enter the bloodstream. Increased absorption also increases potency, which reduces the amount needed to remain effective. This can prevent harmful side effects and save users money.
Our panel of experts voted Viritenz the best overall male enhancement product. It has been shown to boost production of testosterone, increase stamina, and enhance sexual performance.
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Super Mandro Ingredients and Side Effects
There are only two active ingredients in Super Mandro:
3-Beta-Hydroxy-5-Alpha-Androst-1-EN-17-One Bergamottin
3-Beta-Hydroxy-5-Alpha-Androst-1-EN-17-One: Also known as 1-Androsterone, this prohormone converts in the body into an active steroid compound called 1-Testosterone, which contains 7 times more anabolic power than testosterone.
1-Androsterone promotes dramatic lean muscle growth with no water weight, making it easier to sustain gains once the bulking cycle is over.
Bergamottin: Derived from grapefruit, this substance is known for its ability to enhance the absorption of other ingredients.
It is used in this supplement to inhibit the enzyme responsible for breaking down 1-Androsterone. The active ingredient is broken down more slowly, allowing for more of it to enter the bloodstream. This also reduces the amount users have to take to be effective.
Follow this link for a list of the best male enhancement products.
EDITOR’S TIP:Combine this supplement with a proven male enhancement pill such as Viritenz for better results.
Super Mandro Quality of Ingredients
Super Mandro discloses all its ingredients and dosages on the main website and extensively details their functions.
The main active ingredient, 1-Androsterone, is a prohormone that converts into 1-Testosterone in the body, which exhibits 7 times more anabolic ability than testosterone. It is unable to convert to estrogen or DHT, so it remains active as the potent compound 1-Testosterone after conversion.
Once converted, the anabolic activity begins increasing muscle gains and decreasing fat at a very fast rate. Effective protein synthesis allows body fat to be replaced with firm, hard body mass, and muscle definition becomes more pronounced. The hardness of muscle equals increased strength, which also improves endurance and stamina.
A formal university study using 17 male test subjects aged 18-35 indicated the same dose of 1-Androsterone as in Super Mandro greatly increased lean muscle mass and the amount of fat lost. It also significantly increased the amount they were able to lift, press, and squat.
The manufacturers claim that by not converting to estrogen or DHT the product carries no side effects. It is true that inhibiting estrogen conversion can prevent water retention and accumulation of excess fat, but there are still side effects associated with 1-Testosterone.
It can cause the same usual side effects associated with other androgenic hormones, such as acne and hair loss, especially if the user is already genetically predisposed to these conditions.
An interesting observation about side effects noted by the authors of the study was the positive change in the mental state of the subjects. They reported an increased sense of wellbeing and improved productivity and focus.
This is contrary to the widespread belief that Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid (AAS) derivatives invariably cause “‘Roid Rage” and other negative side effects, including diminished libido and liver disease.
These side effects can occur, but with responsible use, they can be reduced and even circumvented. The negative reputation largely stemmed from individuals abusing the supplements and misunderstanding how to use properly.
Despite responsible use and symbiotic stacking of other supplements, some user reviews reported side effects including:
Decreased libido.
Heart palpitations
The above side effects are rare, however, and occurrences can be further reduced by including in the Super Mandro cycle:
A sensible diet.
A mindful exercise plan.
A smaller dose of the supplement.
A shorter cycle.
Additional detoxifying supplements.
The makers of Super Mandro recommend at least one other supplement to help combat side effects and prevent damage to the vital organs.
As many seasoned bodybuilders know, the use of potent supplements must sometimes be cycled for maximum effectiveness and protection against damage to the body. Anyone using this product should already be aware of proper weight training methods and nutrition, as well as the correct way to cycle off anabolic supplements.
In other words, this product is not recommended for beginners.
Anyone with cardiovascular disease, prostate issues, high blood pressure, or problems with the liver or kidney should also avoid the product. It is also suggested that men planning on conceiving children within 1 year should avoid use, as anabolic hormones are known to inhibit the production of sperm.
Follow this link for a comprehensive list of the most effective male enhancement products.
The Price and Quality of Super Mandro
Super Mandro is moderately expensive compared to similar bulking supplements. One 1-month supply, a bottle containing 90 tablets, costs $64.95.
There is no trial or money-back guarantee available, and no refunds. Only unopened products returned within 14 days of delivery are eligible for store credit.
The product contains potent ingredients proven to dramatically boost lean muscle gain, but the side effects are another aspect to consider when determining value.
For many consumers, the benefits may not be worth the safety risk or the high cost of the product.
Check out which products topped the list of male enhancement supplements for the best value.
Business of Super Mandro
The manufacturer of Super Mandro is Hard Rock Supplements, a subsidiary of Strong Supplement Shop, and sold through their online store. Their contact info is:
Phone: 888-774-3539
Address: Strong Supplement Shop/Hard Rock Supplements
13659 Victory Blvd, Suite 319
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Email: support@strongsupplementshop.com
There are few complaints about the company on the Better Business Bureau website and similar consumer protection websites.
The few complaints we found were regarding delivery issues, not the product itself, though it should be noted that the delivery issues in question were not resolved by the company. No effort was made to recover lost packages and no replacements were sent.
On the plus side, the company does not require enrollment into complicated trials or automatic replenishment services like many other online supplement companies do.
The website provides very informative, easily-understood descriptions about the main ingredients and the science behind the formula. Dosage amounts are clear and usage instructions are detailed.
Click this link to see which products our panel of experts recommends for your specific male enhancement needs.
Customer Opinions of Super Mandro
Not all male enhancement products perform the same for everyone. Until you try Super Mandro for yourself, you will not know how it will work for your individual body.
Fortunately, there are online reviews available, allowing consumers to make informed decisions.
The customer reviews are generally positive, though plenty of side effects have been reported for this potent supplement.
“I can’t believe this stuff hasn’t been banned yet. I gained 15 lbs in 20 days. I feel like ripping someone’s head off, but…15 lbs. In 20 days.”
“Saw more gains with this than with any other bulking supplement. By far. My libido, on the other hand, is non-existent.”
“I was too lethargic to lift. I saw dramatic weight loss, but it doesn’t work for me in the gains department. I don’t feel healthy at all when taking it.”
“I had bad stomach cramps pretty much the entire cycle. Massive gains, but the cramps were not cool. I also felt really lethargic.”
The results of any male enhancement supplement depend on individual body type, allergies, proper dosage, and many other contributing factors. It is important to be aware of this when researching supplements based on customer opinions.
Click here to see which male enhancement product our panel of experts rated the most effective.
Conclusion – Does Super Mandro Work?
The main active ingredient in Super Mandro has been clinically proven to quickly and dramatically increase lean muscle gain with little to no water weight. The product claims it will improve muscle hardness, strength, and definition with no conversion to estrogen. Many positive user reviews confirm the supplement is capable of incredible results. The alarming number of side effects associated with the supplement, however, cannot be ignored.
A study performed by West Texas A&M proved the ingredient to be effective, but the same study concluded that it also impaired user health, particularly cardiovascular and liver function. Supplementing responsibly by staying within recommended dosages and following a sensible diet may help mitigate side effects, but our reviewers agree with science on this one. The possible harm counterbalances the potential benefits.
Our expert reviewers tested and compared many male enhancement products and agree: Viritenz is the best overall.
The safe, all-natural ingredients in Viritenz have been shown to boost testosterone, increase circulation to the muscles, and improve stamina.
Learn more about the science of Viritenz, and find out how it can help enhance your physical performance.
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