#it is all your falt and im going to cry
r-u-living · 4 months
Does anyone want a story cause I haven't gotten any requests and I really need to write something or my spleen will run away 😒
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Hi! If you aren’t busy can I request Fyodor and Dazai with prompt 6? ( sfw )
also have a lovely summer and take good care of yourself whenever you can!
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Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs Pairings:Dazai X Fem!reader Genre:Fluff,Comedy,Angst Format:One Shot Warnings:a tiny bit of Nsfw content in the middle,but nothing too fancy,mentions of giving birth,mentions of women's private part,cursing,slight Angst maybe…? Word Count:778 A/n: ofc honey! tbh im a bit bruned down on Fyodor so I just went and wrote Dazai instead! hope you don't mind <3 this is not proofread,and English isn't my main language so sorry if theres any mistakes in the content below
my 100 follower Event!
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During the last nine month,Dazai has learned one thing: Pregnant women are scary. "Goddammit!it hurts!" you said,while pressing your husbands hand,gazing at your doctor who was sitting in front of you, with a furious look on your face. "Its ok Mrs.Dazai.just a few more pushes and the baby will come out" the doctor said,while looking at your vagina which was getting wide open, because of the contractions you were experiencing. "what do you mean,"the baby will come out"? am I some sort of gum machine to you?" "what?no…its just how it works" "I don't care about how it works! just hurry up and get him out of me already!" you said,getting angrier,which made your face even redder than it was before. the doctor didn't say anything,but you could easily read his mind through his annoying gaze. what a loving mother. Dazai exchanged a look between you two,and got closer to you. "honey,why are you arguing with your doctor?" "shut up you horny peace of meat! what kind of dumbass would get his wife pregnant on their wedding night?" well,Dazai did,obviously. you sent daggers towards him and then closed your eyes,letting the memory of that night surround you. you,in a long,fabulous dress,with a light make up on,your hair waved down,freely dancing in the wind,were the definition of one word. breathtaking. Dazai was literally dying.being your husband was one of the best things that could've ever happen to him,but he wanted more. he was greedy.for your love,your body,your amazing scent. and of course that made him lose his mind when the ceremony ended and you two became alone. you were going insane,from the pleasure he was giving you.he didn't even let you take a break,was on top of you all the time, thrusting into you while whispering sweet things into your ear that made your heart beat even faster,just like the first time you layed eyes on each other. "taking me so well,my pretty wife.you look like a real fucking saint,making me want to become a sinner" he breeded you and breeded you and breeded you, and the results is what youre witnessing at this moment. "honey,im here for you! just hang in there a bit more and it'll be over before you know it" well,easy for him to say.nothing alive was going to come out of his holes.
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"hes almost here!push!" you gripped the mattress under you while starting to curse your husband that made you go through all this shit.you were still young,too young to get stuck with a baby and give up on your job,and your dreams. "I hate you Osamu!im going to ask Chuuya to murder you if I make it out of here alive!" Dazai nervously laughed and put his hand on your shoulder. "ok baby.come out of here alive and you can do whatever you want" "ugh! its…all your falt! oh my god its coming out of me!" the doctor carefully placed his hands under your baby boys body. "one last push ma'am and its over!" "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh my goddddddd I swear to god Osamu im going to cut your dick off when I get out of here!" you were going blind.it felt weird,it felt painfull,it felt unfair, and all these negative feelings ended when you heard your son cry. he was here,in your doctors arms,crying as he was meeting this unfamiliar place for the first time,gasping at the strange feeling of breathing the air for the first time he was experiencing. he was red,a few drops of blood in his belly, he looked beautiful. and you were the one who gave birth to this beautiful angel. "Osamu…look at him!" you whispered,unaware of your eyes that were raining heavily while looking at your son. you were a mom now. Dazai smiled at the sight in front of him.he was a dad now,and things were about to change because of the arrival of this little angel to your life.he wanted to get better for you two, he will get better for you two. he placed a kiss on your forehead,getting a hold of your hand that was shaking from the experience you went through a few minutes ago. you didn't realize it,but you became a bit weak. "I know baby…I know.thank you for doing this,now get some rest, Im sure he doesn't want his mommy to become sick,right?"
reblogs are wildly appreciated <3
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Jasper dancing with a short S/O?
tittle: put your head on my shoulders
get up
w-what you said as you were awoken from your sleep grogeness still lingering in your eyes
are you deaf or somthing i said get up NOW
before you could react a large orange hand wrapped itself around your nape eaisly picking you up and throwing you over her shoulder due to your short stature and light wight HEY you shouted PUT ME DOWN 
no response 
before you could finnish your sentence she once again grabed you by the nape and dropped on your feet causeing you to stumble and fall 
stay there and close your eyes she said
wh-what you stammerd 
ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMTHING RUNT jasper screamed causeing you to flinch i said close your eyes and and.stay.right.there.
quickly nodding your head and closeing your eyes you tried not to think about what she was going to do maybe she would leave you there  and starve you? had you done somthing wrong 
before you could answear any of your own questions you heard... music? 
ok you can get up now you heard and without hesitating you quickly got up while looking around the cave you could now see that you were standing upon a purple polka dot rug and in the corner there what seemed to be a casset player. playing-
suddenly jasper pushed you into her chest harshly and grabbing your hand 
and for a moment there was nothing you didnt you she didnt move the onlything you could hear was the beating of your own heart and breathing of your own breaths 
suddenly she began to move a step to thr right a step foward a step to the left turning all the while thats when it dawned on upon you. you two were danceing
i decided that this is the best way to tell you this said jasper in a monotone voice her gaze fixated on nothing simply staring at a point in the wall i want you to know somthing... im going to break you. at that moment you falt as if someone had took a sledge hammer to your somach. your mine your never getting away from me she continued stop trying to escape stop trying to plead your way out of this becuse hounestly she said letting out a little chuckle it gets funnier and funnier each time you try. you felt as if you might cry. so ill put it bluntly jasper continued  just give up i promise ill be real nice she said finnaly looking down at you a smirk crawling onto her face. finnally wet hot tears streamed down your face and you tore your gaze away from hers stuffing your face into her chest and slowly you began to drift off to in her arms letting the music consume you
put your head on my shoulder                                                         Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too Put your lips next to mine, dear Won't you kiss me once, baby Just a kiss goodnight, maybe You and I will fall in love (You and I will fall in love) People say that love's a game A game you just can't win If there's a way I'll find it someday And then this fool will rush in Put your head on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I want to hear Tell me, tell me that you love me too (Tell me that you love me too) Put your head on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I want to hear, baby Put your head on my shoulder  
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Listen i hate standard advice in things so heres a bunch of random advice to apply to your life as seems appropriate: Listen. This sucks. That sucks. I suck. U dont suck but like. Your life sucks. Idk. Theres probably like. Another fish or something somewhere. Idk. Fuck. I hate fish. Or maybe there isnt! Maybe youll never find love again. Who cares. Eat lots of sushi youll get mercury poisoning and die faster. Set something on fire. Tell him/her/them how you feel so he knows where yall stand. Fuck his/her/their friends, if they're cute. Remember to cry lots Find detergent u like because ur gonna spend lots of time in bed crying and detergent will make that less smelly Try to exfoliate and moisturize? Crying and sleeping all day suk for your skin, and you wanna feel and look your best on days when you are feeling good enough to go out. Joke abut killing urself but make sure your friends know you are joking If you actually wanna kill yourself, make sure people know you arent joking Is your calculator set in radians or degrees? Make sure to check. Take your shoes off before you do that thing. Just ask them out. If they reject you, at least you wont have spent months pining over them beforehand. Just break up with them. Dont proofread texts. Ever. This shows weakness and the creatures in the shadows can sense when you are weak Go rock climbing with a friend. Like right now. Tomorrow at the latest. If you meet someone with very different politics than yours who you dont like, you arent obligated to just put up with them to be tolerant. Unfriend and unfollow. If you meet someone with very different politics who you DO like. Be their friend. Talk politics. Learn why they think what they do. A pro life person recently offered to take me to a clinic if i ever needed to make a reproductive choice he didnt strictly approve of--he said he would beat off any would-be harassers and protesters with his own pro life talking points until they got confused and left "Look, the fact of the matter is that abortion is legal right now. Nobody has any business telling you you cant get one. And if you feel like its your best choice for taking care of yourself, im not going to judge you for it or talk you out of it. Just promise me you wont take the metro across town alone next time." Literally crying Everybody needs one friend who literally doesnt care about anything and just wants to play games and skip class. Everybody needs one friend who stays up late and one friend who gets up early. Cover your bases. Everybody needs one religious friend and one atheist/agnostic friend. That doesnt try to change your mind or show you the error of your ways. Send voicemails i fucking love voicemails. And SAVE THAT SHIT. If someone sends you a voicemail, keep it. Always. Email your professor. Now. Stop putting it off. Go tO THE DOCTOR JFC Dont stop inviting your depressed friends to parties. "Nah fuck that. You arent at falt for his smoking habit. Nicotine problems come from within." Stay friends with your exes, if they are good people. They can become best friends. Watch gossip girl with your ex boyfriend. Joke about how much of a slut you are. Enjoy how much of a slut you are. Make fun of people who treat you like its a bad thing. Tell cute gay girls they have beautiful limbal rings Wear fancy dresses Start a side blog Dont get involved in tumblr discourse unless you have the next four hours of your life free Dont go on second dates if you didnt LOVE the first one. Cocktails with duck fat are really good and have lots of alcohol be careful but like also.... drink up they are SO GOOD holyshit
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