#it is a lil.. interestin how quiet the room seems to be
todayisafridaynight · 9 months
About the Sawashiro trailer for Infinite Wealth... Ok spoilers here for Y:LAD, but I think they're implying that Sawashiro actually didn't kill the Seryuu Clan guy (forgot his name). The reason he says "The young master doesn't trust me anymore" is because when he got there the guy was already dead, Sawashiro thought that Masato didn't trust him to do it so he sent another assassin and tried to pin it on him. Sawashiro just waited there for Ichi to arrive because even if he wasn't the assassin, he lost his son's trust so he felt like it was over for him either way. That's my theory anyway but it would be wild omg
why you gotta disrespect hoshino like this we're only allowed to do that to hoshino from judgment
BUT interesting theory........
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Raison d’être - A Premature Burial 5
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(…Ah, Nazuna-nii sent me a message sayin’ somethin’ like, “you haven’t replied, what’s happening?” Sorry to worry ya…)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: The Itsuki's House Cellar
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Several hours later. In the storage cellar of the Itsuki household villa…
Mika: Zzz, zzz…♪
(…Nnah? Oh shoot, I fell asleep!)
(I’m a bit jet-lagged from travelin’ back and forth between Japan and France, huh… It’s also strangely dim an’ quiet here, so I got sleepy.)
(Ummm, ahh, looks like several hours have passed already. Anyone other than family was too much in the end, so I had t’stay back.)
(Are ya doin’ okay alone, Oshi-san?)
(But well, I am nothin’ more than jus’ a freeloader, I honestly don’t have any right to meddle into family affairs…)
(I remember this, this feelin’ slightly alienated.)
(Nothin’ I can do about that, though. I’m not Oshi-san’s family.)
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Mika: (… …)
(…Ah, Nazuna-nii sent me a message sayin’ somethin’ like, “you haven’t replied, what’s happening?” Sorry to worry ya…)
(I’ll reply sayin’, “All is good~, I’m a lil’ jet-lagged and slept”.)
(“Right now, Oshi-san’s talkin’ to his family about what actually happened with his Grandfather.”)
(“From what Oshi-san’s sayin’, it doesn’t seem his Grandfather’s actually passed away, or anythin’ that serious.”)
(“Simply another of his lies, so t’speak.”)
(“But, it’s been a while and he’s still not back yet, I wonder if there’s trouble. I’m kinda worried…” …Hm, writin’ somethin’ like this will have Nazuna-nii worryin’ too.)
(“Seems like everythin’s all good here, so don’t worry too much.” …There. ♪)
(“Thank ya fer carin’ about me. Even though you have nothin’ to do with us anymore, Nazuna-nii.”)
(…Wait, treatin’ Nazuna-nii like a stranger like this might get him depressed.)
(Nnah~… I’m no good at this no matter how hard I try at it. I just wanna give a normal reply.)
(Well, that’s good, I’ll send… There. ♪)
(…I have nothin’ left to do.)
(Oshi-san told me to pass the time by rummaging through the things here as I wish…)
(But what kinda place is this? A storage room? Though I heard that when Oshi-san was a child, he sorta made it into his own room at his convenience.)
(Originally, the cellar was made for his madman Grandfather to toss any junk he collected elsewhere into. There really are quite a lotta strange things in here.)
(I also have a habit of pickin’ up and collectin’ junk too, so I feel like I understand his Grandfather a bit more…)
(Or maybe, that’s why Oshi-san told me to wait here.)
(Heheh. Allow me t’appreciate the collection of a “like-minded” fellow!)
(Ahaha, all the junk here’s is splendid… At the Antique Market, I heard somethin’ about how they often sell off valuables here.)
(Hm? Whats this, a book with a lock? Is this somethin’ like a diary?)
(What an unusual dial lock… It’s inscribed with letters instead of numbers. So it’ll open if ya spell out a certain word?)
(It’s like solvin’ a riddle! That’s interestin’. I’ll use my spare time tryin’ t’solve it.)
(Though it’s someone else’s diary, so I shouldn’t look at it. Even if I do unlock it, I won’t be able t’see what’s inside, but… Hmmm, I wonder if I can find any hints anywhere.)
(Hm~… There’s ain’t anythin’ written on the cover.)
(Oh, but there’s a book over there with the same type of bindin’ as this (alleged) diary!)
(Let’s see, this one has a title of sorts written on it… “The Taming of the Shrew”[1]?)
(I wish I were more educated, I can’t get a hint from this at all.)
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Shu: —What are you messing around with?
Mika: Nnaaah!?
Y-y, ya scared meee! Don’t suddenly talk from behind me like that, I thought my heart would jump outta my mouuuth!
Shu: Hmph. If you don’t want to lose your vital organs, you better sew your mouth shut, then.
More importantly, Kagehira, things have gotten a bit troublesome… I’d like to ask for your assistance, if you don’t mind.
Mika: Nnah? Of course I don’t! I’ll always be of use to ya, Oshi-san~♪
Hm, huh? I just realized yer holdin’ Mado-nee in yer arms.
Don’t ya keep her somewhere safe whenever you gotta hurry back home like this, so ya don’t scratch her when movin’ about? Usually?
Shu: Hmph. I thought you had grown, but you’re still lacking when it comes to aesthetics.
This child here is not Mademoiselle. Although, she does look quite similar, doesn’t she?
I’d like to discuss some things with you, including that, so let’s move elsewhere. It’s unbearably dusty here.
It reminds me of when I was a child, when I was foolish and helpless, you see.
Mika: … …
[ ☆ ]
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1. A comedy written by Shakespeare. The plot depicts the story of Petruchio, the male lead, and the female lead Katherina, a stubborn "shrew" who is unwilling to respond to his courtship. The plot involves the "taming" of her through various methods to try to turn her into an obedient bride. I recommend reading a more detailed synopsis if you want to catch the small hints/references throughout the story!
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 1
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Yui: ( I have to retrieve my heart no matter what…! )
ー The scene starts in the carriage
Ayato: Oh, take a look, Chichinashi! The castle has come into view!
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: Heeh...Guess it’s to be expected with the ongoing Parade, but things seem pretty fired up in the surroundin’ city as well.
Hehe. I think we’re in for a good time...!
Yui: ...Hold up!
( A good time...? I thought we were going to look for my heart...? )
Ayato: Hm? Why are you frownin’...?
Ah. I bet you think that I’ve completely forgotten ‘bout your heart, aren’t you?
Yui: Uu...
Ayato: Hmph. How could I forget? I remember it very well!
But you know, we have to gather some information on this Walter guy first.
So I see no harm in enjoyin’ the Parade a lil’ while we’re at it?
Yui: Eeh...!?
( Can we really afford to take the slow approach...? )
Ayato: ...Are you that worried ‘bout your heart?
Yui: ...Well...
Ayato: Oi, listen up.
I��ll ensure you get your heart back.
So don’t worry. Trust me!
Yui: ...Yeah...
( ...Right. I’m the one who chose Ayato-kun after all...So I can’t lose faith... )
Ayato: ...Puttin’ that aside, guess I’m take a lil’ break before we arrive at our destination.
That bein’ said, I’m gonna borrow your lap for a bit.
Yui: ...! A-Ayato-kun!?
( He laid his head down in my lap...! )
Yui: ( Count Walter...I wonder why exactly he has stolen my heart...? )
( Um...I think it was called a ‘Kleinod’? )
( Apparently I’m still alive because one of those has been put inside of me to replace my heart but...Still... )
( ...Let’s not think about that now. Worrying myself sick won’t get us any further anyway. )
( It’s just like Ayato-kun said. I shouldn’t make myself unnecessarily anxious... )
Ayato: ...Zzー ...Zzー...
Yui: ( Fufu. Ayato-kun seems to be enjoying his nap... )
ー The carriage suddenly comes to a halt
Yui: Kyaah...!
Ayato: Uwah!?
Ayato: ...Ow!!
Yui: ( ...! Ayato-kun was sent flying from the rebound...! )
A-Are you okay...!?
Ayato: T-The fuck!? I was sleepin’ so comfortably too...!
Ayato: Oi, Familiar! Where did you learn to drive like that!? Cut the crap!
Familiar: M-My sincere apologies...! Someone suddenly jumped onto the road from behind the shadow of those trees...
Ayato: A person...? ...What? Who the fuck’s that bastard dressed in all black...?
Yui: ( ...A black-clad figure riding on a horse is blocking the path... )
( On top of that, he seems to be staring our way... )
Ayato: I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I don’t like this one bit...Fuck! Imma go give him a piece of my mind!
ー Ayato gets out of the carriage
 Yui: A-Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: Oi, don’t come down. Sit still and wait for me inside the carriage. ...Capiche?
ー He runs off
Yui: ( There he goes... )
( I wonder if he’ll be okay by himself...? )
ー The scene shifts to the outer area around Bernstein castle
Black-clad figure: ...
Ayato: Oi! Mr. Man in Black! You sure have some nerve to get in my way!
Who the fuck are you!? Get off your horse and name yourself!
Black-clad figure: ...I’m the gatekeeper.
Ayato: Gate...? Hmph! Strange name you’ve got there, mate!
Gatekeeper: I have no name. Gatekeeper...In other words, the one guarding the gate of the Demon World.
It is my duty to ensure that no unwanted intruders enter the Demon World...
I simply cannot allow that tainted woman who is neither demon nor human to set foot inside.
Ayato: Aah!? Oi, say that one more time?
She’s a tainted woman!? Imma send you straight flyin’ if you speak that sorta crap again!
ー The scene shifts back to the carriage
Yui: ( ...Oh no! I have to stop him! )
ー Yui rushes out of the carriage
Yui: Ayato-kun! Calm down!
Ayato: ...! Chichinashi!? Idiot! Why did you come out!?
Yui: Because...!
( At this rate, it’d turn into a fight... )
Gatekeeper: Hmph. I knew it...Oi, woman. You are under arrest.
Yui: Kyah...!
Ayato: ...! Not in my book! Let her go!!
Gatekeeper: ...!
Ayato: You really think I’m gonna hand her over to some creep like you!?
Let’s go, Chichinashi! Run!!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The two of them start running as the scene shifts to Glimmer Main Street
Ayato: Haah...Haah...Seems like we got away somehow.
Even if he chases after us, we should be fine amidst this large of a crowd.
Yui: Right...
( Still...I wonder if we should have ran away...? )
( What did that person mean with ‘a tainted woman who is neither demon nor human...? )
( He must have been talking about me, right...? )
( Being here might be more dangerous in my current state than I thought... )
Ayato: ...Oi, what’s wrong? Why do you look so glum?
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: ...Listen, Chichinashi. You are mine.
I definitely won’t let someone else have you.
So you’ve got nothin’ to worry ‘bout.
While I’m lookin’ for your heart, you can look ‘round the Parade and take it easy for a bit.
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( Right. Ayato-kun’s with me after all...I’m sure everything will be fine. )
( I’m sure he’ll save me no matter what happens... )
Okay. I will.
Ayato: Mmh! Let’s go then.
Male Vampire A: Oi, did you see it? The poster on the plaza...
Female Vampire A: Yes. one of Karlheinz’ sons is on the wanted list, right?
Male Vampire A: Yeah, it’s Sakamaki Ayato...
Yui: ...!?
( Ayato-kun’s a wanted criminal...!? )
Ayato: Ah? What did you say ‘bout Yours Truly?
Male Vampire A: ...’Yours Truly’...? Could you be...Sakamaki...Ayato...?
Ayato: ...? I mean, yeah?
Yui: ( ...! Ayato-kun just revealed himself! I have to cover up for him!! )
Let’s go over there!
Ayato: Aah? The fuck you doin’ all of a sudden...?
Yui: ( Either way, we have to get away from here...! )
ー Yui drags him away as the scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: ...Hmm, I see. I’m an outlaw, huh?
Well, I’m sure that ‘Gate’ guy or whatever his name was is behind it, right?
Hmph! He’s challengin’ me, huh? He’s got some balls then.
Yui: Anyway, that’s our current situation, so we should probably avoid crowded areas for now...
Ayato: ...Well, you might be right but...
...Say, Chichinashi?
Yui: Eh?
ー He pins her against the wall
Yui: ...Kyah!
Ayato: Aren’t you just makin’ up excuses ‘cause you want some private time with me...?
Yui: Eh...!?
Ayato: You should just be honest ‘bout it then. ...I don’t mind.
I was just ‘bout in the mood for that as well. Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Ayato: Nn...Haah...
Yui: Haah...! Gosh, Ayato-kun! Now’s not the time for this...!
Ayato: Oh shut up. You’re the one who enticed me.
Come on, look this way. I’ll give you one more. Nn...
Yui: ...
( ...It’s no use. I can’t push him away... )
ー Footsteps can be heard in the background
Male Vampire A: I could have sworn they went that way...
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( ...!! Somebody’s coming!! )
Ayato: ...Che. Seems like somethin’ got in the way. We’ll continue later. Come here!!
Yui: Kyah...Ayato-kun, wait...!
ー They run off again to an underground passage
Ayato: Fuck...That Gate guy totally ruined our plans to enjoy the Parade...
Oi, Chichinashi. We’re takin’ a break. Now!
Yui:  A-A break...? Right here?
Ayato: ...Let’s see if there’s any good spots ‘round...Well, guess we can just open one of these doors at random...There!
Yui: ( ...! He’s opening doors without permission...! )
Ayato: Oh. Better than I expected. We can take a seat and rest here.
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...Couldn’t this be the basement of someone’s home...?
( He just invited himself in...We’ll get yelled at if they find us! )
ー The scene shifts to an underground room
Ayato: ...Heeh. Well, it’s a lil’ dusty in here, but I guess it’s more comfortable than the place we were at before...
Well thenー... Guess I’ll kick back and relax for a bit.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun totally made himself at home... )
→ Call him out (☾)
Yui: ( I should probably tell him... )
...Hey, Ayato-ku...
Ayato: Come on, you should sit down here with me. I’m sure you’re tired from runnin’ ‘round, right?
Yui: ( Is he looking out for me...? It’s kind of difficult to call him out now... )
→ Keep quiet 
Ayato: Come on, you should join me here as well.
Yui: S-Sure...
ー Yui takes a seat next to him
Yui: ( It can’t be helped...If the resident of this house were to come down here, we can just explain the situation to them... )
( ...However, if this person has seen the wanted poster...What will we do...? )
( Perhaps we should explain the circumstances to the Gatekeeper instead, )
( and have the wanted poster taken down...? But... )
ー A flashback ensues
Ayato: ...Listen, Chichinashi. You are mine.
I definitely won’t let someone else have you.
So you’ve got nothin’ to worry ‘bout.
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( I truly felt happy to hear those words from Ayato-kun... )
( He got upset when the Gatekeeper called me a ‘tainted woman’ as well... )
( Despite some of his statements, I can tell he properly looks out for me... )
( I’ll stick to his plan for a while after all... )
( ...Wait, huh...? )
ー Ayato opens one of the cupboards
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Check this out! There’s so much interestin’ stuff to find in this room!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun!?
( He went ahead and opened one of the cupboards...! )
A-Ayato-kun...! You’ll get scolded for looking through other people’s belongings...!
Ayato: Haah? Who cares? It’s not like I’m tryin’ to steal anythin’.
Anyway, look...You should join me here as weーー
Ayato: ...!? Uwah...!!
Yui: ( The cupboard...!! )
Yui: ( O-Oh no...! It fell over...! )
Ayato: S-Shit...
ー Somebody rushes downstairs
???: ...Is someone there!?
Yui: ( ...! We’re busted! )
Ayato: ...Yeah. We let ourselves in for a bit, ‘kay?
House owner: ...! Who are you two!? What are you doing in someone else’s basement!?
Ayato: What do you mean...? Can’t you tell we’re takin’ a lil’ break here? Got a problem with that!?
House owner: Of course I do!!
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...!
We’re on the wanted list, so we have to somehow talk our way out before things escalate...!
Ayato: Che, shut up. I don’t need you tellin’ me that! ...There!
House owner: Uwah!
Yui: ( He knocked over a different cupboard this time...! )
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Now’s our chance! We’re gettin’ out of here!!
Yui: Kyah...! W-Wait, Ayato-kun...!
ー The scene shifts back to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: Haah...That was close...
Yui: ...Gosh, you definitely went too far just now!
Ayato: Aah!? Fuck off!
If we just stood ‘round there twiddlin’ our thumbs, we would have both gotten arrested!
Yui: ...Even so...!
Ayato: Anyway, we can’t return to the underground now...
...Guess we have no other choice. Okay, this way. Let’s go.
Yui: ( ...But that’ll take us back to the plaza from earlier, no...? )
Ayato-kun, wait...! Where are you...?
Ayato: I’ve got an idea. ...Lend me your ear for a sec.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There should be a dress shop right across the plaza. We’re gonna get ourselves some costumes there.
Yui: Costumes...?
Ayato: There’s plenty of people walkin’ ‘round dressed up as part of the Parade.
If we mix in with them, we’ll be able to proceed without gettin’ our cover blown, right?
Yui: ...I see! Way to go, Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: Heh! How’s that? Let me tell you, try and keep your head high. 
Bein’ all sneaky and trying to keep low will only make you stand out more in these kinds of situations.
Yui: ...Yeah, gotcha!
ー The scene shifts to the dress shop
Ayato: ...Phew. We made it to the store somehow.
Yui: ( Thank god... )
( I’m sure it’s because my heart is missing that nobody took notice of me, unlike the previous times I’ve been here...Right? )
( ...However, we can’t rest assured just yet. We have to make sure the employees don’t recognize us... )
Dress shop owner: Are you looking for something?
Ayato: Yeah! We want costumes for the Parade. For me...and for her as well.
Dress shop owner: Understood! In that case, I would highly recommend these outfits which came in just earlier today!
Ayato: Oh! Show us then!
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun’s acting completely normal... )
( I guess nobody would suspect we’re wanted outlaws like this... )
Ayato: Hm...There’s quite the collection. Oi, Chichinashi. Which one do you want?
Yui: ...Hm, let’s see...
( If we want to conceal our faces, a mask might be good... )
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: ...Hey, look at this one.
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: You over there! Stop fooling around and make your choice already! Your sense of danger is severely lacking! 
Yui: ...!
Ayato: ...What do you think of these nose glasses? All I gotta do is part my hair differently (1) to complete the look!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...Just now were you trying to...? 
( Imitate...Reiji-san...? )
Ayato: Hehe. Whatcha think? I sounded just like him, no?
Yui: ...Pfft....
Ayato: Ah! Why are you laughin’ your ass off!?
Yui: I-I mean...!
Ayato: ...You finally smiled. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: You’ve had a frown on your face ever since we came here. 
Don’t blame me if it gives you wrinkles. (2)
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...He was trying to make me laugh on purpose... )
Ayato: ...’Kay, guess this will have to do for now...
Yui: ( We got masks and costumes for the both of us...I guess we’ll be okay now. )
( We kind of got caught up in the flow and spent quite some time inside the store. )
ー They leave the dress shop
Yui: ( Ah...! We accidentally walked out without our disguises. We have to get changed somewhere... )
Female Vampire A: ...Ah, hey...Aren’t they...? 
Male Vampire A: ...I’m positive! It’s those two from earlier...! Seize them!
Yui: ( T-Those people from earlier...! T-This is bad...!! )
Ayato: Oi, we’re makin’ a run for it, Chichinashi! Come here!!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー They run towards the wagon area
Male Vampire A: They went that way!
Yui: ( They’ll catch us at this rate! )
Ayato: Fuck! No way I’m lettin’ myself get caught so easily!
Female Vampire A: They went that way!
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! We’re takin’ a shortcut! This way!
Yui: Eh!?
Crepe vendor: Crepes! Who’s in the mood for a fresh crepe?
Ayato: Get out of the way!
Crepe vendor: Uwaah! My stall!
Yui: ( H-How terrible...! )
Ayato-kun, you can’t do such a thing...!
Ayato: Whatever, just follow me! Do you want to get caught!?
Yui: Kyaah...!
( Even if he says that, this is messed up!! )
ー The two of them flee to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: Haah...Haah...Che, a dead end...
It can’t be helped...I’ll just jump up in the air the...Uwah!?
Ayato: The fuck!? ...Wait, this is...
Yui: ...! Could this be...
( It’s our...wanted notice, right? But...these portraits... )
( ...They look nothing like us...actually... )
Ayato: ...Hahaha....Ahahaha!
What’s this? Who made these sloppy drawings?
Yui: ...But in this case, we probably wouldn’t have gotten recognized even without dressing up...
Ayato: Well, you do have a point...
ー Somebody walks up to them
???: ...I have finally found you two. No more of this useless game of tag.
Ayato: ...! You’re...!
Yui: ( The Gatekeeper... )
Ayato: ...Chichinashi! Grab hold of me! We’re takin’ off!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun, let’s not...
Ayato: Ah? The fuck you sayin’!?
Yui: Even if we do that, it’ll just bring us back to square one...
Let’s go with this person and explain the situation to them?
Ayato: Haah!? What are you sayin’!? Why should we let ourselves get arrested when we’ve done nothin’ wrong!?
Yui: ...Exactly. We have to start by explaining why we came here and clear our names.
Ayato: ...Why should we...!?
Gatekeeper: Hmph. For being a tainted woman, you seem rather reasonable.
Ayato: Tsk...Try sayin’ that one more time, you punk! I’ll send you flyin’!
Yui: Ayato-kun! It’s fine! Just calm down, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: How can I stay calm!? That bastard talked shit ‘bout you bein’ tainted again...!
Yui: Please! Listen to me right now...!!
Ayato: ...Fuck!
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...I’m sorry... )
Gatekeeper: So? Have you made your decision? Well, you only ever had one choice from the very beginning.
Yui: ...We will come with you.
Gatekeeper: ...Very well. Come with me then. I have a carriage waiting for us on the main street.
Yui: ...Yes.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Let’s go, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: ...
ー They get in the carriage
And so,
we were taken suspect,
by the Gatekeeper.
The place we were taken to by the carriage,
was Bernstein castle.
The home of Count Walter,
and the exact same location we were headed ourselves...
It turned out that the Gatekeeper,
had been looking for us,
upon Count Walter’s direct order.
ー The scene shifts to the throne room in Bernstein castle
Ayato: Che. Tell us that right from the beginning next time!
That Gate-something is actually one of Walter’s underlings!
???: ...Well, well, my sincere apologies.
Ayato: ...! Walter!
Yui: ( ...! This man is Count Walter...! )
Count Walter: So you are Ayato, son of the world-famous Karlheinz?
Ayato: Hmph! You bet! Altho I don’t give a damn ‘bout the Old Man.
Count Walter: Please, don’t say that. And you must be...
...I see...You are, huh? ...Fufu...
Ayato: Aah? The fuck’s your problem...? Stop ogling her!
Count Walter: Fufu, don’t get so upset. Well then, let us use this opportunity to have a nice, leisurely chat. Take a seat.
Ayato: Oi...I didn’t come here for no chit-chat.
Give her heart back. Right now!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: I mean, I’m not wrong, am I!? All of this happened ‘cause this freak stole your heart...!
Count Walter: ...I see. Ayato, it appears to me that you have quite the temper.
I have actually been testing you two.
Yui: Us...?
Count Walter: Yes. Ever since I sent that card your way, I have been keeping a close eye on you from here the whole time.
To see if you, and your partner Ayato...
...are suitable candidates to possess a precious treasure of which only one exists in this world.
Ayato: A precious...treasure...?
Yui: Could that be...?
( Is he talking about my stolen heart...? )
Count Walter: Hence why I chose not to reveal my ties with the Gatekeeper in an attempt to observe how you would deal with him.
However, unfortunately, it seems like you two are simply not suited for this treasure.
Yui: ...No way!
Ayato: What do you mean!?
Count Walter: I am sure you will agree with me if you take a second to think back to everything you have done these past couple of hours?
Ayato: Fuck off! Why do we have to get told all this shit by a frickin’ thief, huh!?
Stop spoutin’ this nonsense and hand back her heart!
Count Walter: ...That just cost you another five points.
Ayato: Haah? The fuck are these points...!?
Count Walter: While we may know each other’s names, this is our first time meeting in person. On top of that, I am your senior by many years...
Yet you choose to behave in such an outrageous way, which can only result in a bad score, no?
I cannot see someone like that as a fit candidate for this treasure...
Ayato: Aah!? You’re in no position to tell me that!
Yui: ...! Ayato-kun!!
Count Walter: Haah...There goes another five points. This is just sad.
As I thought, I don’t think I will be returning this treasure any time soon. Give up and go home. Gatekeeper! Show our guests the way o..
Yui: P-Please wait! J-Just one more...! Can’t you give us one more chance?
Count Walter: ...Hooh.
Yui: I’m begging you! Without that heart, I will...
Please...! Just one more chance...!
Count Walter: Hm...I see...
It seems that unlike with Ayato’s case, you seem worthy of retaking the trial.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Count Walter: ...Well then, Yui-san. Out of respect for you, I shall give you one more chance.
Yui: ...Really!?
Count Walter: Yes. Well then...You two will go and set straight all crimes you have committed here in the Demon World.
Yui: Set straight...our crimes...?
Count Walter: ...Exactly. In the meantime, I shall watch your every move from here.
If you can satisfy me with your approach, I do not mind returning your heart to you then.
Yui: ...Really!? Thank you so much!
Count Walter: Fufu. Being capable of giving a genuine response to someone’s act of goodwill is an admirable feat. I shall award you one point for that.
Ayato: Aah!? Look at you favorin’ Chichinashi this whole time! I’m not diggin’ this!
Count Walter: Oi, Ayato. If you do not watch your words, you will lose points again? Why not take a lesson or two from her?
Ayato: ...!
Count Walter: Well then, get going you two!
Yui: ...B-But...What should we do exactly?
Count Walter: Fufu. You will have to figure that one out yourself.
All I can say is that you should think long and hard about everything you have done so far and fix things appropriately...That’s it.
Well then, I have high hopes for you.
Yui: ...Yes. Please excuse us now. ...Ayato-kun, let’s go.
Ayato: Ah, oi! Chichinashi! Wait!!
We returned to the city,
in a carriage which had been prepared for us.
The Count had been so kind,
to take down the wanted posters,
which meant we no longer had to hide ourselves,
while going from one place to another.
However, the real challenge starts now.
Let us take a deep breath and think first.
About the true meaning,
behind the task which has been given to us by the Count...
I have to somehow retrieve,
my stolen heart after allーー
While trying my best to explain the situation,
to Ayato-kun who seemed as grumpy as ever,
we settled in a waterside hotel.
ー The scene shifts to the hotel room
Yui: Ayato-kun?
( ...He’s not here...? )
( Could he be out on the balcony? ...He must still be upset, huh...? )
ー She steps out on the balcony
Ayato: ...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun. You must be thirsty, no? I’ve got some juice. I’ll leave it here, okay?
Yui: ...Um...I’m sorry...I was quite selfish back then...
Ayato: Che, my thoughts exactly! What was your problem? You just bent to that Count’s will like it was nothing...
He’s the one who stole your heart in the first place, remember!?
So why are we the ones who have to get tested!? It makes zero sense!
Yui: ...Yeah...
( I can’t blame him for getting upset...Still... )
Say, Ayato-kun? Listen?
Ayato: Aah? 
Yui: I don’t think you’re wrong...
When we came here and the Gatekeeper talked badly about me...
You got mad at him...Remember? That made me really happy, you see. 
Ayato: ...!
Yui: I was convinced you’d protect me no matter what. I told myself to have some faith in you.
Even when we were being chased around by a bunch of strangers, I knew things would be okay because you were there with me.
I want to stay with you from here on out too.
...That’s why I just have to get my heart back.
So we can be together in the future as well...
Ayato: Chichinashi...
Yui: I truly do feel bad for involving you in this as well.
If you don’t want to, I’ll handle it by myself.
I promise I’ll return with my heart, so you can...
ー He suddenly embraces her
Ayato: You really think I’d do that!? Don’t give me that crap!
...You are mine. How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Ayato-sama will definitely retrieve your heart!
I mean, doesn’t it only make sense? If you are mine, then so is your heart.
I’m not gonna let that bastard do with it as he pleases...!
Yui: Kyah...Nn...!
Ayato: Nn...
Oi, Chichinashi. Don’t ever say you’ll go by yourself again. ...Understood?
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
...Yeah. Gotcha. I won’t.
Ayato: Mmh...Well then...Let’s call it a day.
Starting tomorrow, we’ve gotta get started on that fucked up task given to us by the Count after all.
Yui: Yeah, good idea. ...Ah, Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Pwaah...Hm, what?
Yui: Listen...Okay? ...Thank you for everything...
Ayato: ...Hmph. What are you sayin’ out of nowhere...?
...Oi. I was gonna sleep but I changed my mind. Come here.
Yui: ( Eh!? W-Wait...Ayato-kun!? Kyaah! )
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Ayato: ...Oi, Chichinashi. If you want to thank me that badly, you better tend to me tonight.
Yui: Eh? W-What do you mean...?
Ayato: ...Let me suck your blood. I was just feelin’ kinda thirsty.
Don’t even try sellin’ me that juice of yours. It has to be your blood. Hehe.
*Rustle rustle*
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Ayato: Nn...Haah...Nn...
Haah...It really does taste a lil’ different from usual but oh well...
...It’s still your blood in the end.
In other words, every single drop of this blood belongs to me as well. Nn...
Yui: ...Ayato...kun...
Ayato: ...Oi, gimme more. Nn...Nn...
Yui: ( Even if his words are harsh at times, he always embraces me so gently... )
( I’m sure everything will be okay with Ayato-kun by my side... )
Translation notes
(1) 七三 or ‘seven-three’ refers to a type of hair style in which the hair is parted unevenly with 30% being on one side and the other 70% on the other, hence the name ‘seven-three’. Reiji has this hairstyle, so Ayato always refers to him as 七三メガネ or ‘shichi-san megane’ 
(2) Literally he says ‘Don’t blame me if your face never goes back to normal’
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
Sharing is Caring
Embo/F!Reader/Cad, minor Embo/Cad
Tags: PiV sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, choking, deep throating, Embo and Cad are sorta buddies, lots o' cum, overstimulation, shibari, slightly feral Bo
Here's the link to my masterpost
This one is for the group chat. Love you hoes
“I got company comin’ over, so ya better behave.” Cad drawled as he ran the rope he was rigging you up with along your waist. You met his gaze, your eyes shimmering nervously. You were too damn cute, he’d give you that.
“C-company?” You asked as he tied off the rope and took a step back to admire his handiwork.
“Don’ get all shy now. It’s just Bo.” He muttered as he turned to dig around in his dresser drawers for one of his numerous toys. He pulled out a wand vibrator, and turned it on with a smirk. He threaded the wand through the rope around your waist and angled it so it hit your clit just right. You gasped softly as he patted your cheek. “Keep quiet fer me, okay? I’d hate fer him to know dat yer in dis state.”
You nodded frantically as he slipped out the door. Your legs shook already. It was going to be a long night…
Cad poured Embo a drink from the bar, watching the other hunter with a keen eye. They were tentative allies, sure, but Cad would hardly say that he trusted the other hunter. Given the glances Embo shot him in return, the feeling was mutual. They had to be. One always had to be on their guard around other hunters. One could never guess where the others' loyalties lie.
Cad made his way toward Embo with drink in hand. Embo accepted it with a nod, not saying a word. Cad didn’t mind. Embo’s silence was one of the reasons he was tolerable compared to the others. Cad set his own drink down on the table and moved toward the panel on the wall, raising the oxygen levels so his company could drink without the risk of suffocation. Cad’s breathing tubes went to work filtering out the extra oxygen.
“Hear anythin’ interestin’ from de Guild?” Cad drawled as he eased down into his chair and gathered a pack of playing cards in his hand. Embo grunted as he set his mask aside and took a sip of his drink.
“There is a job coming up. They will not say who is hiring, but the payout is roughly five million.” Embo replied, and Cad whistled in response.
“Damn. Any interest?”
“Of course there is interest. But they need someone of a higher caliber than most within the Guild.”
“So who’s a serious candidate?” Cad asked as he dealt out a hand of cards. Embo grabbed his cards, and fanned them out in his hand.
“Bossk, Aurra…”
Embo chuckled as he glanced down at his cards. “Yes.”
“Guild-specific hiring?” Cad asked after taking a large swig of his drink.
“Unfortunately.” Embo reached for his drink and took a sip. “But I could get you in on it. 65/35 split sound amenable?”
“Sixty-five percent in my favor?” Cad teased with a quirk of his browridge. Embo rolled his eyes.
“No, mine. I would be getting the job, after all.”
“Doesn’t seem like getting de job is worth dat much. 50/50 split.”
“Are ya really tryin’ dis wit’ me?” Cad managed with a chuckle. He downed his drink and laid out a card. Embo glared down at the card, before looking at his own hand.
“You do it to me all the time. I think it is only fair to return the favor.”
“Oh fuck you.” Cad managed between snickers as Embo laid down a card of his own. Cad leaned back. “Now dat was a dumb play.”
“I still do not get this game.” Embo muttered as he finished his drink and set his cards down on the table face down. He gestured to the bar. “May I?”
“Go ahead. Bring de whole bottle while yer at it.” Embo nodded in understanding as he stood and approached the bar, before pausing halfway across the room. Cad frowned and leaned forward. “Somethin’ wrong?”
“It sounds as though someone is in pain.”
“Oh dat’s just my fuck toy.” Cad replied nonchalantly, and Embo blinked over at him.
“Should I… leave?”
“Nah. Just let ‘er be. I’ll take care o’ ‘er in a bit.” Cad leaned back and put down another card. Embo came over with the bottle of booze and set it down on the table, before looking at the card Cad put down.
“Why did you do that?”
“Wanted t’ give ya a chance.” Cad smirked as he flicked the cap off the bottle and took a swig, much to Embo’s dismay. Embo settled back in his chair, a look of discomfort on his face.
“You are not usually so generous.”
“What can I say? De prospect of two-and-a-half million makes me feel all warm an’ fuzzy.” Cad fiddled around in his pocket and produced a pack of cigs. He offered one to Embo, who took it and perched it between his lips. Cad leaned over to light it for him.
They thoughtfully smoked in silence, taking turns laying down cards until Cad inevitably won. Embo seemed distracted, though, and Cad wasn’t sure why until he heard you whining for him from the room nearby. Embo shifted in his chair, trying to ignore your calls, but Cad could see they were getting to him. His eyes brightened, his body went lax… he fidgeted with the cards as he tried to think of anything else. Cad was almost certain that he was hard.
Cad set down his cards and stood, slowly approaching Embo. Embo put out the cig on his hand and looked up at Cad.
“What?” His voice was husky despite himself. Cad chuckled as he gripped Embo’s chin between his fingers, and tilted his head back. He could feel Embo tense beneath him, unsure of Cad’s intentions.
“Do ya want ‘er?”
“I do not know what you are talking about.”
“Come now… ya can’t fool me. Yer eyes give ya away. Dey always do.” Cad chuckled as he released his grip on Embo’s chin; he instead patted Embo’s cheek. “Go on. Take ‘er.”
“I… do not understand.”
“Like I said, dat much money gets me feelin’ good. My only demand is dat ya aren’t doin’ dat gentle shit. Fuck her so hard she can’t walk. Got it?”
“And if she does not want that?”
“She will.”
The vibrator against your clit was pure torture at this point. A puddle of your fluids covered the floor beneath you. Your legs could hardly hold you up. You needed Cad to free you. He was so close by, you knew that he could hear you. You knew he could! You cried out his name once more as the door slid open and in walked… well… not Cad. Embo’s glowing eyes pierced through the darkness, and you shuddered, suddenly embarrassed by your nudeness and obvious arousal. Cad entered the room behind him, pushing Embo toward you.
“Cad, what are you-?” You asked as Cad came over to switch off the vibrator.
“I’m gonna let Bo take care of ya.” He hummed as he stroked your cheek. You leaned into his touch with a small sigh.
“If you do not want this, you are free to say so.” Embo muttered, and Cad chuckled, tangling a hand into the hair at the base of your skull.
“She’s a lil’ slut. She won’ say no.”
“You like to put words in her mouth.” Embo muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest. Cad went about untying you, before leaning in close and whispering in your ear.
“Go on, den. Speak t’ him. Settle his anxious lil’ mind.”
“I would like that.” You nodded, stretching your limbs as Cad untied them. Cad tossed the rigging rope aside, before sitting down in a nearby chair to watch.
You turned back toward Embo, who hadn’t moved from his position. He was waiting for you to make the first move. Ever the gentleman. You sauntered toward him, less gracefully than you were intending since your legs felt like jelly beneath you. He watched as you approached, unmoving.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to be shy.”
“I am not ‘shy’.” He muttered as he glanced over at Cad. “He wishes for it to be rough. Speak now if you are not amenable to that.”
“Cad knows how I like things.” You fiddled with the latches of his armor, surprised at how easy they gave under your ministrations. The armor fell to the floor. You pulled him down so you could whisper in his ear. “You should really listen to him.”
“So he says.” Embo muttered as he swatted your hands away so he could remove the rest of his clothes. You would have assumed he was displeased with the situation given his tone and… well… general demeanor. But a deep, loud purr rumbled from within his chest, and you knew that he was thrilled. Cad leaned back, watching with keen eyes.
Bo hardly finished undressing before shoving you down onto your knees. Your gaze landed on his cock and you swallowed hard; it was larger than you were expecting. You looked up at him, and then down at his erect cock.
“I don’t know if I can-.”
He brought his cock to your lips and you opened wide anyways. He tangled a hand in your hair and guided your mouth down his length - well, as far as you could without completely choking on him. He held you there, at your limit, watching as your face got red and tears welled in your eyes, before easing you off. You only got a moment of relief before he guided you back over his length, this time much faster. You gagged around him. He pulled away. He shoved you back onto his cock, much more forcefully. Tears streamed down your cheeks. When he pulled away, you let out a deranged little laugh.
“Come on, I’ve fucked ‘er harder den dat!” Cad called and Embo growled in response.
“Shut up.” He released his grip on your hair and instead started thrusting into your mouth, driving hard and deep. The slick sounds mixed with your gagging filled the room, and you cast a sideways glance toward Cad and he leaned back, legs spread open like the whore he was. A hand rested on his thigh, easing toward the obvious bulge in his pants.
Embo wrenched his cock out of your mouth and bent over to pick you up straight off the ground. He tossed you face-first onto the bed, and was quick to box you in against it. He leaned down, pressing his cheek to yours.
“I am going to fuck you now.”
“Please do.” You lifted your ass to press against his cock. He growled lowly in your ear as he rutted his cock along your rear.
“Good. Good girl.”
He lifted his weight off of you and pulled open your legs, before drawing the head of his cock along your swollen cunt. You mewled and whined, rocking your hips in an effort to push him further into you. You got your wish, much faster and harder than you were expecting. The air was wrenched from your lungs as you fell face-first against the comforter on the bed. He submerged himself to the hilt, and your toes curled at the sensation of him filling you up. You moaned his name, and turned your head to glance at Cad.
Cad offered you a wink as he palmed his bulge through his pants. Cad’s face was tinged with green, and his eyes were hazy with lust. You knew that he’d want to get involved somehow. You wondered if Embo would let him. The last thing you wanted was for them to get in a fight over you… though that would be pretty hot…
A hand went to your throat and the other went to your lower stomach as he fucked into you, fast and hard, like a frenzied animal driven to breed. He muttered something in his mother tongue, something so heavy with lust that you can’t translate it. The hand on your throat tightened. Your head lolled forward into the comforter. He lifted you, holding you in the air as he drove into you. You moaned, your legs shaking around him.
You managed to turn your head to watch Cad shedding his clothes and approaching. He put a hand to Bo’s back, and Bo’s head shot toward him, a feral look in his eyes.
“Easy dere.”
Bo replied in his native tongue, and Cad’s eyes narrowed.
“Don’ sass me. If ya remember, she’s my lil’ fuck toy.”
Again, Bo replied in his native language. His grip on your throat tightened until you stars filled your vision and you were gasping for air. Warmth pooled in your belly, threatening to spill over. Cad muttered a response in Durese, which eased Bo’s grip on your throat. You took a deep breath as he picked up his pace, fucking harder, faster. You hadn’t known that it was possible for a person to thrust that fast. Your whine pitched up.
Cad’s hand slipped underneath you, rubbing the area around your clit. It was swollen and hot, and your whine pitched up even higher as he chuckled.
“What a filthy lil’ slut, takin’ another man like dis.” The pad of his finger ghosted over your clit and your entire body seized, on the precipice of orgasm. “Won’tcha cum, lil lady? Hm?”
His finger brushed over your clit again and you were done in. You screamed out his name as your body went stiff and you squirted all over Bo. Fireworks sparked in every nerve, drawing euphoria to wash over you.
Bo pulled out of you, panting but not yet sated. You listened to his breathing as you came to, your gaze immediately drawn to him. Cad had a hand wrapped around Bo’s cock, and was stroking it lazily. Bo’s eyes were half-lidded at the touch, and he reached out to wrap a hand around Cad’s neck, though Cad was not about to let that happen.
“Don’tchu think about dat.” Cad growled, and in a flash Bo had somehow managed to lift Cad and toss him down onto the bed. He straddled Cad’s waist and pressed his hands down on Cad’s chest, not initiating anything sexual but letting the Duros know that he was trapped. Cad’s eyes were wide and his mouth was agape as Bo leaned down.
“You do not command me.”
Cad stared up at him a moment longer, before gathering his wits about himself and pushing at Embo with a growl. “Get off o’ me, ya lug!”
Embo obliged, moving off of him and setting his gaze toward you once more. You shivered and reached for him, begging for more.
“Hey, yer takin’ my cock now. He can watch.” Cad muttered as he moved between you and Bo, driving into you without another word. Bo’s eyes flashed and you knew he was displeased by this. Something about Cad pushing him to be rough had activated this feral aspect of him you had never seen before. He growled in his native tongue and Cad growled in response. “She’s mine, remember?! Now stop actin’ like some beast and let me fuck ‘er, ‘kay?”
“Don’t be rude, Cad.” You muttered as you reached for Embo, wrapping your hand around his cock and giving it a few strokes. Cad rolled his eyes but didn’t fight you as he thrust into you, not nearly as fast but just as hard as Bo had. At the same time, you pumped Bo’s cock, feeling it quiver within your hand. Embo wrapped a hand around your wrist, and helped guide you. He was rambling on in his native language, and you weren’t sure if he knew that you couldn’t understand him. You just nodded along as Cad growled and rolled his eyes again.
“Won’tcha shut up? Stars, I give ya booze and let ya fuck my girl and suddenly ya have so much t’ say ‘bout everything.”
“Make me.” Was all Embo said in response. Cad’s eyes narrowed as he continued to fuck you, grinding his hips against yours.
“I’ll bite chu.”
“Oh, so frightening.”
You managed a chuckle between your moans, and you leaned forward to lap at the head of Embo’s slick-covered cock. You delighted in the taste of yourself as you wrapped your lips around his cock. This drew him from his squabbling with Cad, which then allowed Cad to focus on fucking you. The room went quiet, save for the pants and moans of the two men. Perfect.
Cad drew his devilish finger around your clit, and you whimpered, the noises reverberating into Bo’s cock. He moaned softly at this. His eyes slid shut as he gingerly rocked his hips. You could tell by the quivering of his cock that he was close.
Cad pinched your clit, drawing an even louder whimper for you as the heat pooled in your belly once more. Bo hissed and eased out of your mouth, stroking himself as he neared orgasm. With a small gasp, he came all over your face and neck. You moaned in response, and Cad moaned as well.
“Yer so hot all covered in cum…” He muttered as his own pace grew erratic. He rubbed at your clit as he ground his hips against yours, and you orgasmed once more. Ecstasy coursed through your body as you twitched, dousing Cad with your fluids. He pulled out and orgasmed onto your stomach as you slowly came to. He panted, and moved to the side to allow you to sit up.
It was silent for a while, before Cad turned toward Bo.
“I’m gonna bite chu now.”
“I will bite you right back.” As if trying to prove it, Embo reached up to touch his mask.
“Wouldn’t be de first time.”
“And likely not the last…”
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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RP Log: (Bucket List) Cravs and Lin EAT a pineapple.
Aislinn North It was odd. The way Cravendy insisted on taking a longer, roundabout way to the Mists. They skirted the edges of Limsa Lominsa and while certainly less trafficked, it took almost twice as long as just plowing straight through the seaside city. But eventually, there had arrived. Aislinn pushed open the door to her apartment and heaved a sigh as she stepped inside, holding the door open for The pineapple toting Seawolf behind her. "Alright. Step 1 accomplished. Time to get down to Step 2." Eating it shouldn't prove nearly as difficult as finding the damned thing.
Cravendy Hound didn't seem excited about the prospect of going anywhere near Limsa Lominsa, or any places guarded by the city's forces. But ultimately, she went along with Lin's idea to head back to her apartment. At every exposed turn, Cravs would hold the pineapple up at her face, a weak attempt at hiding herself from...from who? She won't say to Lin. The faster they get inside, the better.
Cravendy Hound: "Aye, finally! Who knew findin' one would be such a pain." Cravs makes a beeline for the couches by the aquarium and roughly drops the pineapple on the coffee table. She takes a seat like she owns the place. "Nice lil' home ye got 'ere."
Aislinn North Shuts the door and shrugs off her pack, setting it down on the floor. Her lips tugged upward in amusement as Cravendy settles on the couch. "Glad you think so. Nothing too grand, but its homey and its mine." Two things that seemed to be more than enough for the Highlander. She wanders over to the couch but instead of sitting, she picks up the pineapple and inspects it, turning it about in her hands. She taps it, listening to its hollow 'thunk' in reply. "After all that, I sincerely hope this is a ripe one." She looks over at Cravendy and pauses, considering. The uncertain ripeness of the pineapple pushed aside for a moment, and valiantly tries again to get the woman to open up. "Still not going to tell me what in Limsa has you so spooked?"
Cravendy Hound crosses and uncrosses her legs as she thinks of what to say. How to cover up. But once hinted at, nothing could stay secret from Lin for long. She decides to keep it simple. "I'm wanted. Don't want to get arrested."
Cravendy Hound - After dropping that so casually, she refocuses her attention to the pineapple. "Does it smell sweet? That's 'ow ye check if a peach is ripe."
Aislinn North had the good grace to rein in her surprise, a mere impressed flatting of her lips and an upward nod in response to Cravendy's explanation. No stranger to being a wanted woman, Aislinn tests the pineapple, sniffing it cautiously. "What'd you do?" she asks bluntly. "Is this back from your days with the Hounds? Or something new?" The fruit smelled somewhat...well, fruity. Not exactly sweet but almost citrusy as well. She turned and retreated to the kitchen. "Can't sit here staring and sniffing at it all day. Only one way to find out." she announces as she goes in search for a knife.
Cravendy Hound scoffs. "Yeah. Mostly prickly assholes too prideful to let bygones be bygones. Mostly." She shifts in her seat with a shrug. There were, of course, many that held reasonable grudges given what she had did. But for everyone else, Cravs was set on never giving them any amount of satisfaction.
Cravendy Hound: "Do ye need a 'and? Otherwise..." She looks around the room. "Ye got any liquor?"
Aislinn North "Ones with some sort of authority behind them, I take it?" In answer to Cravendy's question about liquor, she points with the tip of the knife she held to the shelf of dark bottles that stood to her left. "Nevertheless, prickly asses or no, suppose it was a smart thing to avoid the city proper. Plenty of other ones out there." As she spoke, she cut the spiney fruit into sections. "Gridania with it's lovely forest elementals, for instance." her voice as dry as desert sand. She *may* have been needling the Seawolf. A little bit.
Cravendy Hound kicks her feet forward and bounds up, energized by the prospect of booze! She goes over to Lin's collection, picking up and observing every bottle with interest. Maybe bourbon would go well with this pineapple thing? Or perhaps rum - tended to mix with tropical flavors.
Cravendy Hound: "Doesn't matter where ye go. Land or sea, the world's full of pissed off buggers who'll give ye the other end if ye give 'em a reason to. At least in Gridania I'm not the target of any particular grudge."
Cravendy Hound: "Yet." She laughs lightly, though worry tugs at the edge of her voice. As if she expects it's just a matter of time.
Aislinn North tips her head, conceding to Cravendy's point. It was a sentiment Aislinn had found to be true more often than not. "Well, the elementals might be a sensitive bunch but they've got to be better than sitting around in a gaol. Besides, you haven't been chased out of the Shroud lately, right? So, there's that." Plating up the fruit she brought it back to the couch and set it on the low table before falling back against the cushions. "Alright, ready to scratch this one off the list?" she asks.
Cravendy Hound returns to the seating area with a wide grin and several bottles. She also has brought over a few empty glasses and drink-making tools - a spoon, a muddler, things of that sort. "I learned it was cause they didn't like me shootin' up the trees, accident or no. But since then my aim's come back, so the Elementals 'ave nothin' to gripe about anymore."
Cravendy Hound: "But we're not 'ere to talk smack about some invisible gods." She claps her hands together in anticipation. "Ready when ye are!"
Cravendy Hound reaches for a pineapple slice and brings one up to her nose. Yup! Smells like food alright.
Aislinn North She smiles, unrestrained and free. "Right." Reaching forward, she plucks up a section of the yellow fruit from the plate. "Let's see what this is all about."
Cravendy Hound takes a bite, and is pleasantly surprised. Not crisp like an apple, nor juicy like an orange. It's somewhere in between, with each chew releasing more sweet-sour juice from the fruit's flesh. "Huh! The texture is like if ye dried a lemon but kept it juicy somehow."
Aislinn North Biting down on the fruity flesh, she pauses, her eyes going wide as an explosion of sweetness and tang hits her tongue. She bites through the fruit and chews through the tropical, almost overwhelming taste. "Honestly, beats any piece of fruit I've had so far." she nods. "Though you're right. Almost...string-like." a quiet laugh escapes her.
Aislinn North "The real question. Was it worth the trouble?" she asks, her eyes lit with a dose of good humor
Cravendy Hound picks up another and munches thoughtfully on it. Eventually, she drops a few pieces into a cup and mashes it up. A splash of bourbon, a bit of ice, and it's done! She takes a sip, looking awfully pleased with herself afterward.
Cravendy Hound makes one for Lin as well. "The answer is no. No, it wasn't worth the trouble. But 'ey." She pushes the drink to Lin with a grin. "Cheers anyway."
Aislinn North She laughs once again, brighter, more concrete. "I dunno. Next time we'll at least know where to look. I bet we could find one in half the time." she says as she takes the offered drink and tries it. It wasn't half bad. She peers down into the glass. "Think of the drinks to be made, for one."
Cravendy Hound peers over to the pineapple top that's left on Lin's kitchen counter. "More likely we'd catch a tropical fever. Bah, can't we just...magic a new one into existence or somethin'? It's so far otherwise."
Cravendy Hound: "But it's mighty temptin'. The drinks we could make with this, that is." She tips her glass and finishes it, pulpy pineapple and all.
Aislinn North Tilts her head, giving the question serious thought. "Possibly? But I'm not sure about the ramifications of ingesting a magic pineapple."
Aislinn North "Eat at your own risk kind of thing."
Cravendy Hound: "Sounds interestin'. Everythin's aether, so food is aether. And so is magic. Just different forms then, right?" Cravs shrugs. "Magic is weird."
Cravendy Hound - The topic would drift further in that odd direction - of magic food, of completely /made up/ magic food and if one could magic flavors into existance. And when it got late, Cravs would finally take her leave.
Cravendy Hound gets up and pats Lin on the shoulder. "Well, this 'as been fun. Don't work too 'ard, okay? I can tell...and ye'll need yer energy for the next proverbial pineapple."
(Cravendy Hound) there we go!! :D )) (Aislinn North) ((The end of the pineapple saga!)) (Cravendy Hound) ahhaaha pineapple arc )) (Cravendy Hound) hehe I like to imagine each finished item being pinned up on corkboard somewhere :3 )) (Cravendy Hound) the older i get the more the idea of a scrapbook appeals to me lmao )) (Aislinn North) ((It was a lot of fun! And yes! With red string leading from one to the next like some disjointed trail no one could follow)) (Cravendy Hound) half super cute, half looks like it's made by a conspiracy theorist )) (Aislinn North) ((Exactly!))
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poptod · 4 years
Dreams of Valhalla
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Description: AU, Shelton and Sledge meet in a downtown bar and head back to Sledge’s place for drinks.
Notes: yeah idk what happened here. I tried writing in a different style but I have, quite literally, no idea what to think of it. anyway, enjoy this lil drabble :) some smut but absolutely not graphic in any way.
Word Count: 2.5k
Red lights blink in the distance. Down, down, the rain falls, landing like blessings on streets. Cast across like clouds stretched too thin, streetlights reflect in the black pools gathering in the dips of the cement. Underneath his feet the tiny pebbles crunch. They are here. They are always here, dancing eternally in the night that remains forever young, a dream of a life that lives off indulgence. In the moonlight he opens the door, clutching himself so tight that nails dig hard into his skin. As the music fills his head, swarming around him as wine swirls in the system, fingernails relax leaving only the memory of deep creases.
He sits alone, drinking a golden fire that burns his throat and warms his stomach. Swirling his glass, glancing in every corner, he watches those sparks in the eyes of dancers, dissipating into the haze of peach smoke. Fogged away, more vague than shadow and more shadow than person. He sits alone.
From laughter and fumbling men dark skin emerges, shrouded in purple silk, coated in marks and scars. Sunlight, that's his scar. Red and black. He isn't noticed - ever one to thrive in the back, soft like wings of birds that only ever fall south.
Fingertips drag across the wood, cold as circles of precipitation run up the edges. Moonlight pouring through sugar pane, lacing in shadow and glint. He looks up, up thin waist and sharp collarbones, up cutting jaw till eyes tangle in cold. Cold, cold to see, cold to the touch. Blue, green, and grey. Grey and violet - tap, tap, fingernails tap against wood and his breath leaves him.
You look lonely, words brush past rose lips, mumbled and unsure, broken and poised. He stares, he doesn't know how else to live, saying nothing as he sits. He sits across from, hands on the table and reaching for his world as leaves reach for sunlight - an endless dance of too much and not enough.
You're no different, he replies, purposelessly rough, uncharacteristically warm. He intakes sharp breath, edges of tender lips winking upwards so slightly he wonders how he sees it.
The both of us together... guess we ain't lonely no more, past a smile the words sing, obvious and muddled in holy space that sees no saint. No martyr knows their name, no angel blesses their presence. No. No, this is no place for saints. A gathering of unworthy, a company of those who dream only of being who they are not.
You're... glaze over his collarbones, the shadow of his clavicle deep, stubble against skin and sharp beneath kisses he cannot pray to know. You'd make a good model. For art, I mean.
Comin' on to me, are ya?
Wouldn't dream of it.
Oh, he can't bear to meet such sharp an eye, can't know the way his chest fills and deflates, not when his words spit like fire and fog all at once. I bet you would... wouldn't you?
He doesn't work, but silence says more than words ever can.
You'd love to dream of it. Pausing, mouth open and pink tongue tracing along lipped ridges. Dream of me, whisper in flushed cheeks, rapid eyes glance. Glance along skin, trace an outline souls dare not fill. Snafu - called by name, know nothing but insanity, thrive only in chaos.
He speaks his own name, mouthing the word like he's never spoken before. Every movement precise. Listen intently, he detests what he owns, detests all he is, listens too close. Too intent. So eyes still shine - scattered stars amongst unholy life, brighter spirit from blackened waste. Blackened death.
Nice name, says cold composure, written abhorrence clear as nothing ever is. Jumping chemicals and twisting romance to be decay as life. Mean not what you say, say not a lie; sorrowful, be soft, be tender.
And what's yours?
I already said.
No, he murmurs, you didn't. Snafu is a broken name, broken as stained glass, beautiful and radiant and horribly cutting. Bleed down the colors, wash away your light, Snafu is not a name. It is a title above all else, a category, a label. Not who he is, but full spirit lifts away cloaks in locked away rooms.
Hesitant, hesitant to speak, careful to reveal - Merriel, be Snafu or Merriel - swarm his head and be brave, thought-full forest.
You don't seem the type to come here, says Snafu and Merriel. Intoxicate his system, lock away inhibitions, enter whiskey-fire words. Scotch, Eugene corrects, and it burns down his throat, swelling warm.
I only visit every now and then, says Eugene, still alight with liquid fire, glowing in red light, dim in tarry cigarettes. Peach smoke, low and high, she lives forever in red light.
Lean forward, closer and closer, bear the heat and beg for the nearer. I'm lucky then, says Snafu, warped in his tone and drowned in quiet anticipation. Be free, but be quiet, and do not speak of your leisure. The thought-full forest awaits his return.
I wouldn't consider you lucky, says Eugene in words that slip too easy.
I am...
to see such a pretty sight, he murmurs, ghosts crawling over his skin like satin flowers, brushing against long eyelash and parted lips. No, not like this - blood cannot rush past his skin and taint his demeanor - not like this.
Now you're the one comin' onto me, says Eugene with a too-clear laugh, clearing his throat when humor twinkles effortlessly in Merriel's eyes. Broken memories aren't strange, to float in endless intemperance, but he is strange. Too common, and not familiar, unduly queer if not bizarre. Crystal glass still shines, glints in red light, raining like acid and persimmon sugar. Humor twinkles in Merriel - instability holes itself in Snafu. And Eugene, who remains as he always was.
And if I am?
No reply, no reply, no thought. It's so dark, red highlights along cheek and jaw, brow and lip - soft, ever enduring, halting his breath. No reply comes, not when he waits, not in patience.
Oh, Snafu leans impossibly closer, you're a virgin, aren't you?
No, replies Eugene too fast, caught in horrid surprise. Twitching, twitched eyelid, fingers still tap, tap, against hard wood, short nails sharp against water ringlets.
Forgive me fa' doubtin' you, but, drag hard gaze up chest, imprinting sacred echoes on pale skin, ya look... innocent. One a' the reasons I came up t' you.
Sorry to disappoint, says Eugene with a curt smile, tight fingers an aftermath of a war he fought too long ago.
Don't worry 'bout it, Merriel murmurs, touching for the first time his hand, reaching tendrils of rot through forest green, poisoning innocence with flowered offense. You're far more interestin' than my company.
Lean forward - grow closer, be nearer. Who's your company, asks he in quiet words.
Over there, see, says he, pressing cheek against cheek, guide vision to vision. Dance in crimson haze, swarmed with insobriety, strangers dance with one another in a sight yet rarely seen. They're all drunk as hell.
And you aren't?
He parts from him, but we remain close. Twirl and twinkle. Nose nearly touches his, a pure reflection of self in the glassiness of his close eye.
No, says Merriel, soft, but the smell of whiskey is on his word. Not yet.
Planning on it?
Only if I don't got a shot with you.
Eugene leans back. Moonlight is dark, but glints in the glass. Red still shines in his drink.
So? Merriel asks, unmoving, mouth parted.
So what? He almost challenges, edge of lips quirking up, slight and intrinsic.
Should I get drunk... or do I have a shot?
At what? Teasing - lilt, tease, quirk your eyes - it's all the same in him. Merriel adores that, Snafu finds a competition that exists nowhere else. The most exciting game. And he finishes; breaking out into a smile. How loving the smile that crosses him, how uncharacteristically loving, but Eugene does not need to know.
You're playing with me, he smiles true, aren't you?
Come back to my place, for the evening, suggests Eugene, rarely one to know a stranger. We'll see where the drinks lead us.
Got good liquor at your place, hm? says Merriel, who drinks carefully, warped lips against crystal. Too slow, gold liquid slides down his tongue, savoring no flavor - only time. Only time.
Better than here.
Really? Why come here then?
Better company, Eugene shuts his eyes, perhaps the first time tonight. Too entranced to look away, can skin bear the sun so long?
I am not one to turn down good drink, Snafu stands, Eugene trails eye up thin waist again, over slender fingers, against dipped collar bones, nor good company.
Be quiet, be still, but ask of me no silence - ask your intrigue what it trusts. Is this beautiful? Is that possible? Maybe, maybe the stars still shine, and they do. Scattered and meaningless, but they stand the same - that's alright, Eugene knows. Be peace within yourself; commit no adultery. Is it that? What's the name, with no label, no Snafu, no Merriel, no Eugene.
Tread onwards, feet steady. Stare in modesty, tell your trust, ask for her forgiveness. Good kiss, gentle kiss, lay upon her brow foretold woe. Be quiet, be still, and ask of me no silence.
Sing in the streets - rain beats mellow, hold another close, is there love in you? Blazes die every day but let him live, let him survive to know another. What eyes, streetlight reflections in meadow and stone. What beautiful eyes. Ancient eyes built on holy ground, a young face no one knows. Lead me home, says Merriel, but does not speak the words. Merriel, do not stray from me. Know the hymn, pray for salvation - be quiet, be still beating hearts, in tune with all the world.
Here, then? he asks at the black door, and Eugene reaches for the gold handle.
Photographs, worn and new line every hallway, great collections of flowers in vases and frames all the same. Too quiet, yet not tense - offer him your drink, honey and gold rolls down his cheek. Almost grateful, sit across from one another. No, don't let anxieties run course, don't free your sin, sit peaceful. Tumultuous thought, but sit peaceful.
You're right, says Merriel, his first sip burning cool in his mouth, y' do have better liquor.
Of course I do. I don't lie. Remember that about me, says Eugene, if Merriel will remember him at all.
Won't be the only thing I remember 'bout you, says he, biting at his lip till it pops, falling to pout in plum red. Kiss him, or dream of it - all the same they remain as they are, caught in limbo. Reach for him, not too fast, but hasten your speed; the night fades and love does not last, not beside perjury.
When daydream ends and reality splits, he can't see - nor can Snafu, through wide eyes none know the truth. Drink, touch, but only grace; not heavenly, not hellish, just human. Human. Yes, touch of theirs is human, trailing up freckled skin and scarred shadow. Mark him as yours. He belongs to no one, no soul - the night claims her prize, stumbling with alcohol-heavy footsteps up stairs and through hallways.
Ensnare passion in one moment, where the mist shatters and both sun and moon shine too bright in their eyes. He digs his nails, deep, deep, deep into dark skin, imprinting touch and memory into Snafu's waist. Shirk duty, and shirk responsibility - gentle and hurried clothes drop from shoulders, hips, piling on the floor as they move onwards. Tangled in affections too potent he falls, landing on plush blanket, surrounded by Eugene's golden light, caught in the ardor he glows.
Fuck, murmurs Snafu, stuck in mid-air as lips press against his bare chest, electrifying and lulling all at once. Tug at his hair, harsh, pull him upwards - he does that. Fingers interlock with auburn hair, forcing him away from concentration on task and towards love of a subject. Eugene asks, is this alright, not knowing it's too right. Merriel is far from broken and far from whole. Kindness is not foreign, no, not a foreign idea, though kindness for him is.
I might havet' keep ya, Merriel whispers, stroking down his cheek, fingers designed to hold only him. Born to know only his touch. He's crafted from brimstone, to touch the heavens unknown and unexpected; it makes him all the more overwhelmed.
How many times, asks Eugene, leaning back down, tugging with teeth at soft and scarred skin all the same, are you planning on trying to seduce me?
As many times as it takes, he answers, pulling closer, closer still - to tell where one ends and the other begins, be at peace, but do not be still - pull him closer. No light, none at all, but dull streetlight, distant songs ringing through empty streets, breezing past an open window. Too much and not enough, pull him closer. Closer still.
Grind, push and pull, grow closer, let yourself be warped - let inactivity and apathy shove you away - let yourself be entwined. He does, he does, but remains quiet. Don't let them hear, close the doors, close the windows - don't let them hear. Be mine, whisper unknown fondness. Yearn, or beg, ask for his touch, let him grow nearer. Let him lead, don't push, pull, grow nearer.
Fuck, fuck, I need you, mumbles Eugene, desperate as claw marks drag their path down his back, over muscle and spine, reaching to hips and pulling him closer.
Got a funny way a' showin' it, Merriel says, grinning too-satisfied when Eugene glares. He isn't a tease - not by his definition. Perhaps he doesn't move enough. Or too much. Cold eyes remain on his at all times, and the intensity of cold heat melts both composure and sense. Be still, beating heart, tango, do not lose yourself. She watches in red-tainted water, let her know - let her exist. It's alright, will it always be alright?
Two definitions, one label, three names, but do not lie to him. Souls cannot know the peace of another without sacrifice, so sacrifice his peace Eugene does - Merriel sacrifices a title, no doubt in his choice, immediate and irreversible. Permanent, for one night. For forever, for one evening. Do you understand? Can you hear the thoughts that make us ill? Can you remember your story?
No peace, no sanity, just surrender - he surrenders control, twirling through adoration till Merriel rests above him, stroking down his cheekbone, down his jawline and to his shoulder. Too familiar, not safe enough - stay sane, stay sane, stay sane - no, be still. Be known. And he lets himself be known by one who knows no others but himself. Venerate one another and say not a word, not another word, let him kneel before you. Let him worship the unholy, praise the unworthy; it's alright Merriel.
He says, sings, his name like a broken hymn, over and over, do not stray from me. Tears swell in the corner of cold eyes, overstimulated and overbearing, fingers tight around wrist and hip. Hold him close, nearer still, be tender. Lose peace and gain it all in a single moment - cry and rejoice in one second - forget all and know all in only an instant. 
Rest upon his bed, wander his thought-full forest. Light tarry cigarette, blow peach smoke, love in red haze. Rain still reflects light like persimmon sugar, do not be afraid, never love alone, be human and never lose that vehemence.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: A secret welcome Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: (...Classes are over for the day.)
Ran: (I’ll be officially joining the Red Club today...)
Ran: (I’m a little nervous about it.)
Ran: (Will it be okay if I just head straight to the Clubroom?)
Ran: (Right! I can ask Yata-kun about it!)
Ran: Hey, Yata-kun!
Misaki: Ack!
Ran: “Ack”? What’s with that reaction…
Ran: (I know that he’s no good with girls, but that reaction’s a little...)
Misaki: W-What? You need something from me?
Kamamoto: Why are you looking at me when you’re talking to her?
Misaki: Shut up! If you’re going to ask me that, then you do the answering instead!
Kamamoto: But you were the one who got approached with a question! So? What’s up?
Ran: (He’s been completely turned into Yata-kun’s personal interpreter...)
Ran: Err, I’m going to be participating in the Red Club’s Activities today and…
Ran: I was wondering if I can just head straight to the Clubroom like this, or if I should go to the Staff Room and notify Anna-sensei about it first.
Kamamoto: So she’s asking, Yata-san.
Misaki: Y-You don’t have to relay everything to me! I can hear just fine!
Misaki: I-I think it’s fine if you just head straight to the Clubroom. Don’t think too much about it.
Kamamoto: Well, the Clubroom will be closed if you head there too early so watch out for that too.
Ran: I see, thank you for telling me. By the way, Yata-kun? Are you heading straight to the Clubroom now too?
Ran: If so, then could I tag along with you inste-
Yata: O-Oi! Let’s go, Kamamoto!
Kamamoto: Huh? Wai- Wait a minute, Yata-san!! ...He ran off…
Kamamoto: Sorry ‘bout that, even though we’re in the same Club and all.
Ran: Not at all. It’s fine, I understand. I’ll just have to head there myself then.
Kamamoto: ‘Kay. See you then. Yata-san and I will head there later.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: I’ve somehow managed to find my way to the Clubroom…
Ran: (Seems like the door’s unlocked.)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Hello…?
Ran: ……
Ran: ...No reply. Perhaps there’s no one here?
???: Oh. You’re already here?
Ran: Wha-!?
Ran: K-K-Ku, Kusanagi-san!?
Izumo: Yes, I’m “K-K-Ku, Kusanagi-san”! Ain’t ‘cha a lil’ too early? No one’s here at this time.
Ran: I-Is that so...Huh? Wait, but what about you?
Izumo: I’m not counted since I’m not a student of Super Ashinaka Gakuen anymore. ‘Sides-
Izumo: I’m working here so I’ve got to come in early to prepare things before opening hours. Here, hurry and come on in.
Ran: Oh, right! Sorry!
Ran: (The Clubroom feels really huge now that we’re the only people in here...)
Ran: (It’s really quiet and the place feels a little chilly.)
Izumo: Hey.
Ran: !!
Izumo: You’ve been real jumpy since ‘ya came in. Did somethin’ happen?
Ran: No, nothing happened...I was just thinking about how quiet it is in here right now since it was so lively the last time I came here.
Izumo: Oh? Heh~ Ya’ scared or somethin’? That a ghost may pop out?
Ran: N-No! I did think it was a little chilly in here though…
Izumo: Hahaha. I’m just joking. Well, this place is only quiet now because of how early it is.
Izumo: It’ll get pretty warm once the rest of the Red Club start streaming in. They’re noisy ‘fellas and with the amount of people in here, the cold wouldn’t stand a chance.
Ran: Which means...that I came here at a pretty rare time?
Izumo: Hahaha! That’s a pretty interestin’ thing to say! Well, I guess it is rare, in a sense.
Izumo: Okay. I’ll make you somethin’ that’s only available durin’ this rare time so go take a seat.
Ran: Eh? Is it really okay for you to be doing that?
Izumo: Yeah, wait a lil’.
Ran: (It might have been a right choice to turn up early! I can’t wait!)
Izumo: You did say that it was cold in here, so will a hot drink be cool with ‘ya?
Ran: Oh, of course! That would be great, actually!
Izumo: Understood.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Sorry to keep you waiting. Here. drink this.
Ran: Hot Milk! Thank you so much!
Ran: Huh? Are these things floating on top Marshmallows?
Izumo: Yup. I tried arranging this drink with the simple mindset that all girls like sweet things.
Ran: I’m really happy since I love sweet things! Here goes then…
Izumo: It’d be great if it’s to your taste, but how’s it really?
Ran: ...Mm! It’s delicious! It’s sweet and warm...It has a really gentle taste to it.
Ran: I never knew that just adding Marshmallows to this would make it taste so much better…
Izumo: I’m glad you like it. There are many different ways you can pair together with Hot Milk but I’ll teach you that another time.
Ran: Really!? I look forward to it!
Izumo: Now then...You’re all smiles now so maybe I’ll clean up ‘round here or somethin’.
Ran: Oh, I’ll help too since you’ve gone through all the trouble to make me such a delicious drink!
Izumo: It’s fine, it’s fine. There’s no need. ‘Sides, today’s your first day participating in the Club, right?
Izumo: You looked real tense when you walked in here earlier so just drink something hot, sit there and relax, yeah?
Ran: Kusanagi-san...Thank you, I guess.
Ran: (He’s being really considerate about me; what a nice person he is...)
Izumo: But that fact that you’re willin’ to help me really moves me to tears.
Izumo: You’re the only one in the entire Red Club who has ever offered to help, ‘ya know?
Izumo: I’d really love to make all of them take a page outta your book…
Ran: (He just referred to me as part of the Club...Does he acknowledge me as one of them now? I’m glad if that’s the case!)
Ran: (Our ages aren’t all that far apart, but he has this real mature vibe around him so it’s really reassuring to talk to him.)
Ran: (Heh, I wonder if this is how having an older brother is like?)
Izumo: …-ey? Heeeeey? Can ‘ya hear me?
Ran: Y-Yes!
Ran: Sorry! I was spacing out…
Izumo: Haha. Don’t worry, I’m not mad or anythin’ so you don’t have to shrink into yourself like that. I’m just glad you aren’t asleep with your eyes open.
Ran: (Ughh...That was really embarrassing...)
Izumo: Do ‘ya need another refill of Hot Milk? You’re already done with your cup, right?
Ran: Huh? I can get it refilled?
Izumo: ‘Course. Oh, but keep this a secret from the rest since they’re not here yet. It’ll be troublesome if they all start naggin’ at me ‘bout how unfair this is.
Ran: Okay, it’s a promise; word of this incident will never get out.
Izumo: Yes, yes. How nice it is that you’re obedient. Wait a lil’ for your refill then.
Ran: Thank you so much again!
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Birthday Present
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
The Right Thing (pt 1 of 3)
Wreck-it Ralph AU 1842 words Content warnings: themes of violence, drugs, conversation of police brutality Characters: Surge Protector, Dr. Mario, Turbo, Fix-it Felix, Make-it Mavis, Maribo ( @nijimarii‘s OC )
Premise: Being in charge of safety for all games plugged into Game Central Station, the Surge Protector has the ability to instantly incapacitate a violent character. This is used only in the most dire circumstances, and only when he can be certain the move will be non-lethal. But what happens when his certainty is near disastrously wrong?
>Part 2<
Surge did the right thing.
He made a tough call. He made a snap decision that saved a life. He was only doing his job. He only ever did his job.
It was just an ugly truth of said job that sometimes, doing the right thing would feel so wrong.
He tried to hold onto these facts as he walked down the hospital halls. The game was actually fairly quiet that evening, the only sounds being soft beeping, muffled conversation between volunteer staff, and the echo of his own shoes clopping against the floor. Part of him wished for more hustle and bustle, if only to impede the numbness creeping into him. It had been hard enough fighting it as he spoke to the victim only minutes prior.
Surprisingly, she was not calling for any punishment of her attacker. It seemed possible that she may have been too shaken and confused to make a clear decision -- after all, her own account of the events seemed very vague, even when he asked her to repeat herself. He hated making her say it again, but her words just kept pushing him far away, back into the moment it happened. He could see it so vividly.
One moment, she was saying hello. The next, hands were around her neck, and the attacker’s furious screams echoed through GCS.
Then he saved her. That was what mattered.
Slightly raised voices perked him to attention as he found himself approaching the waiting room. He could see the back of Dr. Mario’s coat, but as he began to round the corner, something in his stomach dropped.
It was the attacker’s friends and family.
Well… friend and family member.
He had not been looking forward to facing Turbo and Fix-it Felix after what he had done. But, holding onto his resolve, he reminded himself that part of the job was also dealing with the aftermath of tough decisions. Civilians did not always understand why he did the things he had to do, but keeping them safe was always so much more important than being liked.
To his slight relief, the two did not actually seem to notice him at first. He passed them by carefully, finding a place to stand in the deserted waiting room while Turbo and Felix spoke to Dr. Mario. The doctor seemed to be calmly talking them both down, but for different reasons.
“Oh, Doc, are you sure there’s nothin’ I can do? I’ve healed Mavy outta some real nasty pain,” Felix was insisting.
“I’m afraid a’not,” Dr. Mario shook his head gently but firmly. “This is a problem with’a code, not’a hit points. The a’very best a’we can do is keep’a her brain active with’a electrolytes and’a music, and’a wait for her to’a stabilize.”
Felix seemed no less anxious, but he resigned. “Alright. You’re the doctor…”
Turbo was, unsurprisingly, less understanding. He tried to push past Dr. Mario, but he was blocked with a strong hand across his collar.
“What?” he protested. “You said all you’re doin’ is waitin’. How could I possibly get in your way?”
“I told’a you -- it’s not’a safe. For’a now, she’a needs to be isolated. Anyone being in’a proximity to’a her code poses a risk to’a both’a parties.”
“You’re puttin’ your own party at risk here, Doc,” Turbo threatened half-heartedly.
“I’ll’a take my’a chances,” Dr. Mario said flatly. “I’a promise, I will let’a you in the moment it is a’safe to’a do so. Both of’a you.”
“No,” Turbo said sharply. “Just me.”
Felix just sighed, giving the impression they had been over it a few times.
Over the intercom, a volunteer called Dr. Mario away, and he bid the boys goodbye for the time being. Left to their own devices, they immediately settled back into anxious, but tired bickering. Surge swallowed dryly, knowing it was time to own up and explain his actions to at least one sprite who would not want to hear it. Back straight, he approached slowly, until he caught Turbo’s eye.
As the Surge Protector, he had to deal with a whole lot of dirty looks in his life. For the most part, he was used to it. But the look in Turbo’s eyes was unlike any he had been served before. It was not dirty -- it was filthy.
Surge opened his mouth to speak, but Turbo cut him off immediately.
“Aw, look, Fix-it,” he growled. “He’s come to finish the job.”
Felix turned, and to Surge’s relief, his eyes were more concerned than anything else. “Mr. Surge Protector,” Felix greeted him shakily, cautiously, as if he believed Surge should not have been there.
“Gentlemen,” Surge finally managed to say gently but clearly, “I feel I owe you an explanation for my decision tonight--”
“Oh,” Turbo laughed in his throat, turning to face Surge fully. “Yeah. Yeah, y’do. ‘Cause, y’know, I find it real interestin’ that y’saw a girl who weighs like ten pounds n’ decided, ‘Hmm, I’m too chickenbits to fight her. Better freakin’ kill her.’”
Surge felt a punch inside his chest.
“Turbo,” Felix scolded quietly. “Sir, Mavy’s not-- she’s not-- I mean, she’s alive.”
“Oh, don’t, you’ll break his heart,” Turbo spat.
“I know she is,” Surge nodded. “Thank the Devs. I… understand that you must be angry with me. But please, believe me when I say it truly was the only way to save the little one’s life. Another second longer, and Mavis could have snapped her tiny neck in two. Trying to physically pull her off would’ve just been too risky for Maribo.”
“Ah! Okay!” Turbo grinned, spreading his arms a bit. “Now I get it. Ya had to decide whose life was more important, and obviously some innocent lil’ potato’s more valuable than a buff-poppin’ Easter Egg, right?”
He did not kill her, he assured himself. He did not know. He had no idea. He did the right thing.
When he heard the screaming, and he saw little Maribo dangling from Mavis’ hands, he came at the situation with what he knew. Mavis was high, which was risky in and of itself. But even with her violent outburst and her eyes shining a bright binary blue, she should have been safe. Her sprite’s colors were correct, she was perfectly opaque, she was upright and mobile, she was even forming full (angry) sentences.
All signs that it would have been safe to shock her.
“No,” Surge replied as calmly as he could. “I assure you, I had no idea how lethal a shock would have been for her in that moment. She was still exhibiting all signs of a sprite within safe shocking range. Had I known that her code was so fragile, I’d have never--”
“Oh, cut the bullcrit already!” Turbo advanced into his space, and Surge held his ground. “Y’just couldn’t wait for an excuse to off her, could ya? You’ve hated her since the day ya met her!”
“That’s not true,” Surge furrowed his brow. His eyes darted to Felix for a moment, who had clearly given up already, electing to sit hunched in one of the chairs, rubbing his face.
“Yeah,” Turbo nodded, smiling without a trace of happiness. “Yeah, y’have. Y’didn’t shock her to save anybody -- y’just wanted to get off to the sight of her hittin’ the ground.”
Ice water seeped from Surge’s heart at the memory.
It was not really the sight that stuck so viciously in his mind. It was the sound. Her body burst immediately into grating, distorted hissing and popping before she could even hit the floor. He remembered the dull thud of her head striking the ground, Maribo’s urgent coughing, and the alarmed gasps and shrieks of passersby.
The way her body lay motionless, her sprite glitching, flashing, shuddering, her binary darting in and out in warped clusters, making him think that he had just pushed her over the brink of corruption… That would not soon leave his mind.
“I took absolutely no joy in what I did,” Surge said slowly. “I’ve never wanted to hurt Mavis, not once.”
Turbo shook his head, his eyes venomous, stepping in even closer. “I know what this is, a’ight? Even if y’did kill her, it wouldn’t matter, because she’s a ‘junkie’. She’s a ‘problem.’ Her life’s not important to you, n’ there’s proof a’ that lyin’ in a hospital bed in here, barely alive, because y’didn’t care enough to try not to kill her. Ya freakin’ coward.”
Felix moaned in protest.
Surge met Turbo’s molten gaze, looking down with as much composure as he could find. Authoritatively, he instructed, “Step away from me, sir.”
“No,” Turbo hissed, barely above a whisper. “Shock me.”
Surge stared.
“Go on. Do it. Or am I somehow less threatenin’ than an Easter Egg with a tiny code?”
In his heart, he could feel the desire to push back, even a little bit. There was the fleeting thought that he was letting the little racing champion drive all over him, but his mind knew better. Turbo was in distress, and he was lashing out by trying to bully him. He dealt with his fair share of bullies in his line of work, and he knew that the very last thing one should do with a bully is give them what they want.
So he gave Turbo no reaction.
The smaller man’s face fell into a disgusted sneer, but still, there was some self-satisfied air to it that made Surge wonder if he had still gotten what he wanted after all. “That’s what I thought,” Turbo muttered, turning a cold shoulder and prowling out of Surge’s bubble. “Freakin’ coward.”
Surge took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. It seemed to him that he had long overstayed his welcome -- probably since the second he walked in, if he were honest with himself. But he did all he could.
“Well,” he sighed plainly, “I tried. If you wanna be mad, that’s fine. I get it. Just know that you both have my apology for worryin’ you.”
Felix looked up from his hand and returned the sigh. “I’m not mad,” he said gently.
Hands curled into obvious fists in his pockets, Turbo growled something behind his teeth that almost sounded like “I ain’t worried.”
“And…” he continued a bit more cautiously, “hopefully at least one of you understands why I did what I did.”
Both boys answered immediately, “I do.”
Surge swallowed. “Then… I’ll be on my way.”
As he turned to leave, part of him wanted to offer well wishes for Mavis, but it almost seemed like a bad idea. After all, it was his fault she was in there. Even if he only did what he had to.
It was his fault.
But he had to.
He had to.
Over the sound of his shoes on the hospital floor as he made his way out, as he fought the numbness creeping back in, he could have sworn he heard Felix’s voice say, “Turbo, for land’s sake. He was just doin’ his job.”
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misfitgirlwrites · 6 years
You’re Not Too Bad Yourself (Yondu + OC - Platonic) [Part Three]
Part One
Part Two
“No, and I ain’t tellin’ ya again, girl!”
“I'm not asking you to get me a hundred pairs of clothes! All I need some underwear so I can take a shower! You don’t have to pay for it, just drop me the hell off!” Red retorted, following Yondu.
“Don’ be a baby! We ain’t stoppin’ yet.” Yondu looked back to glare at the redhead who huffed and crossed her arms.
“I’ll go get the shit myself then,” Red mumbled, turning to leave the room.
“What was that?!”
“My business, that’s what it was!” Red hissed, stomping out of the room.
Kraglin’s gaze went from Red to a very annoyed Yondu. “She’s quite the handful, ain’t she.”
“She’s a pain in the ass,” Yondu growled, watching Red leave.
“Females really care ‘bout their hygiene.” Kraglin watched Red as well, “I think she said she’d go by herself.”
“Like hell, she will.”
Yondu followed Red and stopped once she went into Kraglin’s room and closed the door. He rolled his eyes and stood outside the door. Low mumbling could be heard, but her music was too loud to hear exactly what she was saying.
“Are ya really blowin’ ya cap over some clothes?” Yondu talked loudly so he could be heard over the music.
“I need to take a shower!” Red hissed in response.
“A lil’ dirt never hurt nobody.”
“Oh, that’s fucking disgusting.” The metal door slid open and Red glared up at Yondu. “I’m not apart of your crew, Yondu. I’m not disgusting, I’m not rude--to sum it up, I’m not male.”
Yondu let out a grunt. In his opinion, she was acting childish over this whole thing. “How old are ya anyway?”
“...Eighteen?” Red raised an eyebrow as Yondu paused.
“No wonder yer actin’ like a spoiled brat. Yer just a kid.”
“I ain’t no kid.” Red retorted.
Yondu was about to say something back until the music she was listening to caught his attention.
Teenagers scare the living shit outta me
They can care less as long as someone will bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they’ll leave you alone but not me
“What the hell is that?”
Red looked back at her cassette player. “‘S called rock music.” She looked back at Yondu. “If you’re not gonna get the clothes, I can go by myself.”
“I ain’t lettin’ ya take one of my ships just so you can run off.”
Red rolled her eyes, “I’m not gonna run off. I’m pretty sure you could track the ship if I did and it would take too much time to take out the tracking device; even for me. But if you’re that worried send Kraglin with me.”
Red crossed her arms as they glared at each other.
“Fine. Try anything and I’ll--”
“You’ll kill me. Got it.” Red cut him off, glancing down at his arrow. “You’ve been threatening me since I’ve been here.” She mumbled. She muttered something else, going to get her book bag, but Yondu couldn’t hear her.
“What was that?”
“Nothin’. Damn.” Red looked at him. “Just send Kraglin so I can buy my shit and shower.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Yondu closed the door.
What a pain in the ass.
Red sat quietly next to Kraglin as they flew through space. She had gotten what she wanted and the bag sat on her lap.
“...Cap’n said to meet him at Contraxia.” Kraglin glanced at Red and held back a chuckle once her face scrunched up.
“The planet with all those sexbots? Jesus fucking Christ.” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“You could enjoy yaself there, if ya wanted to.”
“Yeah. I’m not interested in that though. I don’t see why people like it so much either.” Red shrugged, eyeing the planet once it was in sight.
“Everyone is different. Or do ya think it’s jus’ a male thing?” Kraglin smirked.
Red squinted her eyes at him but smirked a bit. “It’s probably just a male thing. I wouldn’t be surprised.” She shrugged. “It sounds like you’re trying to make fun of me.”
“Nah, I wouldn’t do that.” Kraglin shook his head and chuckled. “The story behind that mus’ be interestin’ though.”
Red raised an eyebrow, “You think so?” She looked forward as Kraglin nodded. They were landing now. “I dunno.”
Her past was no one’s concern. She was going to keep it that way. It was quiet for a bit after that as they got out of the ship.
“Ever have a drink?” Kraglin asked as they walked through the snow.
Red’s cheeks heated up a bit, “How old do you think I am?” She flung her bag over her shoulder as she glanced up at him.
“So you have?”
Red looked away, “Drinking age is 21 where I was from. I’m three years off.”
Kraglin paused. “They sound strict on Terra, One drink wouldn’t kill ya.”
Red couldn’t say she wasn’t curious. “Don’t get me a nasty one.”
“‘S an acquired taste, really. We’ll just see if ya like it or not.” Kraglin chuckled.
“You can go to hell then!” Yondu yelled.
Red and Kraglin paused, slowing their pace to watch what was happening.
“I don’t give a damn what you think of me!”
“Then what are you followin’ us for?”
Red looked over at the man who responded. Kraglin mumbled a name under his breath, but she was still able to hear him. Stakar.
“‘Cause you’re gonna listen to what I got ta say!”
Red watched as Yondu and Stakar walked towards each other.
“I don’t gotta listen to nothin’! You betrayed the code! Ravagers don’t deal in kids!” Stakar glared at Yondu.
‘Kids. That’s plural.’ Red furrowed her eyebrows together. ‘There were more kids before Peter?’
“I told ya before! I didn’t know what was goin’ on.” Yondu tried to reason with the other Ravager.
“You didn’t know because you didn’t wanna know because it made you rich.”
“I demand a seat at the table! I wear these flames, same as you!”
“You may dress like us, but you’ll never hear the Horns of Freedom when you die, Yondu. And the Colors of Ogord will never flash on your grave.” Stakar moved closer to Yondu and grabbed him by his jacket, “If you think I take pleasure in exiling you, you’re wrong. You broke all our hearts.” With that, Stakar let Yondu go and walked away.
For the first time since Red met Yondu, she actually saw an emotion in him. It looked like sadness; regret. She couldn’t say she felt bad for Yondu. She lacked sympathy for men. And she was now questioning the choice she made, coming to him for help. Red and Kraglin made it to the bar and watched Yondu from there.
“Pathetic.” Taserface mumbled, “First Quill betrays us, and Tondu lets him go scot-free,” He started.
Red crossed her arms and glanced at him.
“We followed him because he was the one who wasn’t afraid to do what needed to be done. Seems he’s goin’ soft.”
“If he’s so-called, ‘goin’ soft’ what the hell are you whispering for?” Red chimed in, raising her eyebrows.
Taserface glared at the redhead and she growled in response.
“She does have a point.” Kraglin looked at Taserface.
“You know I’m right Kraglin,” Taserface replied.
“You best be very careful what you say about our Captain,” Tullk warned.
“Talk all that shit if you want. But your dick will be in between your legs if I make you say it to his face.” Red glared at Taserface.
He was about to say something but was cut off.
“Who the hell is that?”
Red looked over to see a woman. She was in a white coat and her skin was gold. The High Priestess. There was no mistaking her for someone else. Red’s mind wandered back to some of the missions she did for the woman and it instantly went back to how stuck up she was. Two women were rolling out a rug for the High Priestess to walk on and they were making their way to Yondu.
Red slowly moved closer to Yondu, watching the High Priestess. She smirked a bit once the rug got stuck. The High Priestess was way too high maintenance to be on a planet like this.
“Yondu Udonta, I have a proposition for you.”
Red raised an eyebrow but paused one they made eye contact. “Oh. Red Widow.”
Yondu looked back at Red as she smiled.
“Fancy seeing you on a planet like this,” Red replied, bowing a bit.
“I should say the same to you.” The High Priestess looked over at the bar with a look of disgust, “I wasn’t aware that you were a Ravager.”
“I’m not. Just on a mission. You know me.” Red shrugged.
“Yes, I do. Very good at your job indeed.”
“Thanks for the praise. What brings you here, Ayesha? You weren’t looking for me, were you?” Red teased.
“No, this is just a lovely coincidence. I came to see Yondu about someone I’m sure he can help me with.”
“Oh really?” She automatically thought of Peter but before she could ask, Yondu raised his hand.
“Go on back up there with Kraglin and mind ya business, girl.” He ordered.
Red glared at him and he glared back. “Go on.” He repeated.
Red rolled her eyes and mumbled to herself, slowly walking away. She wasn’t very far, and she heard the High Priestess say Peter’s name. That was all she needed for confirmation.
“Kraglin, I’m going to shower.” She said walking past him.
Red let the hot water hit her body as her music blared through the bathroom. She was trying to think of a reason why the High Priestess would want Peter. And after watching Stakar and Yondu, she was contemplating her choice to actually come here for help.
Red’s thoughts were cut off by loud banging.
“Get outta my bathroom!”
“I bet you don’t even use it,” Red mumbled as she rushed to finish washing up. She turned the water off and started to dry herself off. “Five minutes!”
“Ya shouldn’t even be in there! How the hell did ya guess the code?”
“Well, I’m not going to use a shower that everyone else uses. Thinking about it makes me want to puke.” Red put her clothes on and dried her hair. “And I’m a spy, remember? If I couldn’t guess something as simple as your mastery code, I would be bad at my job.” She rested the towel around her neck and opened the door to look at Yondu. “What does Ayesha want with Peter?”
“I thought I told ya to mind yer business.”
“This is my business. I told you what I’m here for and you go and take a job to give Peter to her?”
“Unless ya plan on paying more than three million units, I have to do what needs ta be done.”
Red stared at him. “...So, it’s really just about money to you? How many kids did you give to Ego? Huh?”
“None of your damn business now get out!” Yondu grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the bathroom.
Red tensed up and yanked herself away from him, “Don’t--” she took a breath, calming herself down. “I knew it. I shouldn’t have came to you, of all people, for help.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re no different and I was stupid for thinking that you were! You don’t care about Peter! You’re selfish and you only care about yourself--”
“You don’t know anything about me! Yer just a child!” Yondu hissed, moving closer to Red.
Red took a step back and shook her head. She quickly fixed her demeanor but it was too late, Yondu caught it. Fear. He raised an eyebrow as Red snarled.
“I know what’s right and what’s wrong child or not! You raised Peter, didn’t you? I thought you purposely saved him but now I find that very hard to believe.”
Yondu tried to grab her again but she stepped back and tensed up more, “Don’t. Touch me!” Rede’s voice was a bit shaky. “Even if you did care I guess it wouldn’t make a difference. Men are fucking useless.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, “They only care about themselves. Thanks for proving that. Again.” Red left his room with her things, leaving him alone.
“Little brat,” Yondu mumbled angrily.
He didn’t want to admit it, but what she said actually hit him hard.
Music: Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
Tags: @my-world-of-imagines
If you want to be tagged in ANYTHING just let me know!
Next part soon~
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tenebris-melodiam · 7 years
Lucas Baker x Reader: Game of Life
Pairing : Lucas Baker x Reader/Female Protagonist (18+) Rating & Warnings : Vulgarity, death by electrocution
“Goddamn, girlie! You’re bein’ pretty fuckin’ mean to your opponent, there! How come ya don’t cut lil’ ol’ Clarice some slack, huh?”
The male voice that echoed throughout the small room didn’t faze you, and you moved another trump card in front of the four numbered cards that you possessed. Once the card was in place, you heard the bet counter tick several times as the number on Clarice’s side jumped from two to six. If you won this round, you would only need to win once more before the red tick marker on your opponent’s side came to rest upon the crimson skull—and that would mean that you had completed this sadistic game. You had won the three previous rounds without a hitch, and you most certainly weren’t intending to change that any time soon. Although you couldn’t see the face of the woman in front of you, the meager, whimpering noises that passed through the cloth covering her head made you realize that your offensive tactic was working. She was growing anxious that your cards would win the match, and it was successfully breaking her down.
“I don’t intend on cuttin’ her anythin’. I don’t know her, or her family, so why the hell should I care whether she lives or dies?”
You said these words softly, almost as though you were speaking to yourself, but you noticed your sentence had earned an intrigued hum from the man watching all of this take place. Inhaling a breath through your teeth, you turned your attention to the machine to your left, admiring the handiwork that it would have taken to get such a relic working once more. Knowing that prolonging the round would break down your opponent further, you cleared your throat before glancing over at the televisions that lined the room.
“Y’know, I’m kinda interested in how you got this thing workin’ again. I ain’t gonna deny that you’re pretty sadistic in makin’ us play a game like this, but goddamn… the fact you got this thing workin’ again shows that you’re pretty smart, y’know?”
You heard nothing but the gentle hum of the electronic devices littering the room for quite a while, but eventually you saw the largest screen flicker, and once more, the face of the man who held you captive came into view. There was an amused smile upon his lips, and he leaned back in his chair as his hands came to rest upon his midsection once he made sure that you could see him.
“If you’re tryin’ to give off some kinda faux compliment, I’d advise against. I-“
“Oh, it ain’t no faux compliment. I mean what I say; seein’ somethin’ like this is honestly really interestin’.”
You watched as the male on the other end of the television cocked his eyebrow curiously, his lower lip pursing a bit as he seemed to think over your previous words. He then clicked his tongue, his thumbs tapping together rhythmically as he eyed you through the camera.
“Alright then, girlie. You got my attention now.”
“Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I’ll stay.”
Almost immediately after saying those words, the light upon Clarice’s side flickered to life, illuminating the cards that she possessed on the opposite side of the table. Now that you looked closely, you could see her body physically shaking, and you waited patiently whilst she decided on her fate. Hesitantly, she raised her free hand and hovered it over her cards, her reply indicating that she would stay with her current hand as well. Since Lucas now had his camera on and allowed you to see him, the grin upon his lips widened and he moved his hand off-camera to mess with something.
“Alright, you two. The winner is…”
Your (color) eyes stared at the television that showed two numbers, one being eighteen, and the other being nineteen. Whilst a victorious smile came to your lips, the woman across from you began to writhe and wriggle as she pleaded for help. The machine next to you whirred to life once more, the two prongs rising up before coming down to press into the skin of Clarice’s hand—the smell of charred flesh filled your nose, and the screams that came from her lips filled your ears. You watched as tiny bolts of electricity erupted from various parts of her body, the cloth upon her head growing darkened patches as the fabric burned. Once the device had done its work, the humming slowly died down once more, leaving the woman a sobbing, charred mess. For the first time since the beginning to the game, she finally managed to speak to you.
“H-how can you… be so fuckin’ heartless…? I have a family… a h-husband…”
“I told you. I don’t know shit about you. I ain’t got no sob story about how I got a family, or about how I got anythin’. Only one of us is gettin’ out of here alive, and it ain’t gonna be you.”
You heard an amused coo come from the speakers within the room, and Lucas moved himself closer to the camera in response to what you had previously said to the woman in front of you.
“Man, I think I can feel the temperature droppin’ in here! Such harsh words!”
You stupid as it was, the words that Lucas spoke brought a slight smile to your lips and made a quiet laugh escape your throat. This seemed to catch his attention, and he hummed to himself before pushing something off-camera once again. The cards in front of you dropped into a slot within the table, and you heard the dealer whir to life as the cards were shuffled within it. After a while, it spit two cards in front of you, and two in front of Clarice. This was it—it appeared that she didn’t have any trump cards that lowered her bet, since she didn’t use any upon her last round, and that meant if you won, she would die.
You glanced down at your cards, flipping the face-down one up towards you to see what number was scrawled upon it: eight. The other card you had received was a nine, so you started off with a relatively good hand. You sighed quietly as you watched Clarice weakly look at her cards, and then mumbled that she would stay. You blinked, rather confused as to why she would do such a thing with only two cards—it was then that you realized what card was face-up on the table: an eleven. You resisted the urge to frown, and then glanced down at your own cards; did you want to stay, or did you want to risk drawing another card? If Clarice had a perfect twenty-one, then she would win the round, and you would receive your first shock.
You eyed the woman in front of you, trying to find any evidence that she was bluffing. A twitch, a finger movement, anything at all to help you—unfortunately, you found nothing. To try and remedy this, you grabbed a trump card and placed it upon the table, lowering your bet down to zero. Once you had done this, you said you would stay with your current hand.
With the light now illuminating the woman across the table, she released a long breath of air before making her move. She placed not one, but five trump cards upon the table, each one raising your bet by two. This earned an amused coo from Lucas over the intercom, and you glanced over at the television to see him still grinning at the whole predicament. You heard your ticker click several times as it changed your bet number to ten, and you couldn’t stop your heart from leaping into your throat. If you lost, you were going to die. You now realized why Clarice had never used any trump cards—she was saving them for this very moment.
“Well, shit! Looks like ol’ Clarice ain’t gonna go down without a fight! Oooooh, this is so fuckin’ intense… I love it!”
You swallowed nervously, your (color) eyes darting between your cards and Clarice’s. You had no more trump cards to lower your bet, so your life, quite literally, was in your cards. You raised your hand, ready to call for another card and take what could possibly be the last risk of your life, but suddenly stopped—it was then that you heard a weak, almost inaudible whisper come from Clarice’s side of the table.
“Take it.”
You noticed Lucas staring intently at you through the television, and you took a deep breath before moving your hand slowly to hover over your cards. You immediately saw Clarice’s body tense up, and you said that you would stay. Lucas’s lips cracked into a wide grin, and he folded his hands together before placing his chin atop them as he leaned over the table.
“The winner is…”
You stared at the television screen, and when the numbers popped up, Clarice immediately cried out and broke down into sobs. A loud cackle came from over the intercom, and Lucas spun around in his chair before pressing down on something to activate the device beside you once more. You had been right in calling her bluff; her unknown card was only a one, which gave her a grand total of twelve. You stared at her as the device came down upon her hand, and surprisingly, she wasn’t even able to bring herself to scream in pain. Nothing more than gurgling came from within the cloth that covered her head, her body writhing, twitching, and wriggling as electricity ravaged it. Finally, her body went limp, and all sounds ceased from her; she was undoubtedly dead.
By the time you opened your lips and went to ask if the game was finally over, you saw that Lucas was now gone from the room he had previously been in. You furrowed your brows, but turned your attention to the metal door that was now opening beside you. You squinted as blue light flooded your eyes, and you felt the straps that previously confined your body come loose. Your hand was now free from the mechanical deathtrap as well, and you felt fingers wrap around your hand before tugging you up out of the chair.
“Y’know, I’ve seen all kinds of reactions from people playin’ this game… but I ain’t ever had someone laugh with me. I also ain’t ever had someone be so ruthless in tryin’ to beat their opponent.”
You suddenly realized who was speaking, and now that your eyes were adjusted to the new light within the room, you saw Lucas standing in front of you.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t so sure you were gonna call her bluff or not. But, a deal is a deal. I normally wouldn’t let ya go, but… you amused me. So ya earned it.”
Lucas expected you to run for the hills after hearing his words, but instead, you did something that honestly astounded him. You moved over to the device within the room, tinkering with it for a moment before looking back at him.
“Why would I leave? You still ain’t told me how you got this thing workin’ again.”
“Now, now… hold on. You wanna stay here? You’re playin’ a dangerous game…”
You stared at him for a moment, and then a smile crept across your lips. You figured someone as smart as he was would have figured it out by now, but apparently he was still rather clueless. So, in an effort to make him understand, you spoke.
“You think I don’t know? It takes one to know one, ain’t that the sayin’? I’m a sociopath, and you’re a psychopath… and I think we’d benefit from stayin’ together.”
Author’s Note (1): This was a commissioned piece—all ideas and writing were given/approved by the commissioner, and permission was granted to upload publicly.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] [SF] Spence - Chapter 2
‘Fore we got rid of Dr. McFuckknuckle and The Three Stooges, went through all their things and vehicles. No identification at all.
That tablet thing ‘Curly’ had was, along with bein’ a tracker for Spence, a maintenance console kinda thing. Get back to that here in a minute.
The doc’s car had some real interestin’ toys inside. Was a laptop, set up on a stand like in a police vehicle. Opened it up, and it lit up fine, but wanted a password, or a fingerprint. Lucky for me, once I pried open ol’ doc’s torn off hand and cleaned it up a mite, the thumbprint from that did the trick. Couple minutes of tinkerin’ got me my thumbprint authorized jest fine. Tossed that hand back over by its former owner. Spence followed the toss with his head, and chuffed. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish, right?’ He cocked his head at me, like he was thinkin’ that over.
Was a leather folder which had some papers, a small black nylon toolbag, and a power cord/adapter for keeping the laptop charged.
Plugged the laptop up in the shack, ‘fore we headed out to get rid of the trash.
Loaded the dead weight into the back of that SUV, jerry-rigged a tow for the doc’s car, got ready to haul out into the back-country. Plenty of room for Spence in the back seat. Opened the door and said ‘C’mon bud. It’s garbage day.’ Spence kinda ‘chuffed’, would not get in.
‘You gonna stay here, slick?’
Goddamn, he was sayin’ no.
‘Fair enough, you plenty fast, bud. Follow me.’
Headed out, and Spence was a joy to see in motion. He’d rocket out ahead, swoop around and jet right back. He was playin’ with his lil ol’ slow human. Such a cat, that guy. Wiseass.
Got to where we was gonna dump this sack o’ assholes, and made sure to kick Dr. MFK in the ribs until my leg was tired. Not that it bothered him much, made me feel better.
Not gonna get too detailed on where/how all that was dealt with. Some things are best left unsaid ... but no one is ever gonna find them, or their vehicles ... and there are a couple-three less incendiary grenades left.
Was a long walk back, but Spence had a time. He’d spot a jack-rabbit, start up that chittery thing he does, and off he’d go. Chase the poor lil bugger for a while, and then he’d stop, let that jack run off, look back at me, and speed on back. Keepin’ an eye on his human. Saw a buzzard off on high, ridin’ the thermals. Guess we wasn’t the only ones takin’ care of dead meat today.
Just managed to beat the rain, and nightfall when we got back home.
Was time to get back to those ‘stay tuned’ things, so made up some coffee, and started snoopin’.
That laptop and those papers had some info, but the rest here is some wild-ass-guessin’:
Spence is a ‘prototype weapons system.’ Was the only one that ‘was successful’. Seems ‘they’ (not clear on who ‘they’ really is, but ‘they’ had some deep pockets, as Dr. MFK didn’t seem to have much problem keepin’ the lights on) had built some kinda ’AI’. Too bad for ‘they’, this AI? That dog won’t hunt. Couldn’t manage to ‘code a hunting instinct.’ Some bright-boy lab rat fella decided to ‘look into the feline mind’ to get that ‘hunter/killer’ code.
Dr. MFK was that lab rat. Pretty sure the process died with him. Small favors.
Seems the idea that he come up with was what he called a ‘matrix’ that this AI thing could run in, and the cat ‘code’ part could be copied in there, to give them that missin’ piece. There warn’t no ‘organic’ Spence left in that shiny body, from what I could figger. Just that matrix thing, swaddled up in Spence’s metal and silicon innards, with Spence and that AI all mixed up together.
He also figgered out that ferals and cats not raised ... whaddyacallit ... underfoot? Well, not bonded to humans, they wasn’t gonna work either.
Bastard slaughtered a lot of cats. ‘Spence, Ima thinkin’ the Doc here got off light.’ Spence chuffed again. Ima guessin’ this time he was agreein’ with me.
Spence was a smart fella before, but now he’s scary smarter. Still good company. Conversation is nice, just too damn big for lap-sittin’.
Also figgered out that the tools in that bag were for openin’ up maintenance ports and the like on Spence’s chrome carcass. One of them had a port for connectin’ that little maintenance console up. Told ya I’d get back to that. Was able to find the tracker tag they had plugged into Spence. Pulled that sumbitch out and unhooked its battery. Put that all away in the toolbag. Oh yeah, Spence is stealth. I can’t claim to understand how it works, but I read that, and tried to take a picture with my old digital camera, and all I could see was a kinda washed out blur, like the lens was smudged. Does the same kinda thing to radar signals and the like, but I ain’t got no way to test that. The black magic don’t extend to regular optical cameras, but that’s ok. Hell, I wanna be able to see him.
Feelin’ kinda proud of myself at this point, so I closed Spence back up, grabbed a beer, and hit my chair. Spence sat on my left, and leaned his head on my leg. Put my hand on his ear, and he buzzed that purr of his, and lightly thumped his tail. We listened to the rain, until it faded out.
That was pretty close to the last time we felt peaceful.
Thinkin’ that ‘they’ might want to collect on their spendin’, and scoop up Spence. Yeah, well, fellas. Gonna have to go thru me first. Ima thinkin’ we two gonna hit the road. Dunno where to yet, but ‘they’ probably got the shack already nailed down. Also thinkin’ about that buzzard.
Next day, shit to do. Told Spence to guard the shack, and I’d be back. He chuffed and ima sure that was his version of an eye-roll. Walked down to the highway. Waved down the bus. Took that to the city (the other direction from town), and bought a new-to-me truck, with a camper shell on the back. Figgered that would give Spence some cover from all the lookie-loos.
Once I was back home, towed the trusty old truck out to the back-country, for a hero’s funeral. Couple less incendiaries. At least this time, didn’t need to walk back. Yep, could still see that circlin’ bird. Like that paintin’ ... this is not a pipe, and that ain’t no buzzard. Spence was chasin’ jack-rabbits again. I stopped the truck.
‘Spence!’ He spun around and come runnin’ back. ‘Hey bud. Ima thinkin’ you understand me a lot more than you used to. See that?’ I kinda pointed up the bird’s way. Spence’s head tracked the lazy circles for a bit, and then he looked back at me, head cocked. ‘Yep. Ima thinkin’ we on borrowed time. Those ‘they’ fellas are watchin’.’ He thought on that, and gave me a chuff. ‘Time to go, old fella’.’ He didn’t make a sound this time. Just cocked his head, like he does... and then walking over and givin’ me a head bump on my leg. Understood that perfect. I opened up the door, and he jumped in the back of the double-cab.
Got back home, and started packin’ up.
Got my back-country hikin’ gear. Packed some boxes with non-perishables. Loaded up the jugs of water I already had. Wrapped up our little armory in some tarps. Stowed that laptop and the other gear in my pack. Made sure my scatter-gun was loaded and handy. Was just finishing securing ever’thin’ down, when Spence made his chitter sound, looking back towards the road to the highway.
‘Goddammit, guess we outta time, bud. You stay here, in the truck. Let’s see what these assholes are up to.’
It looked to be one of the staties’ prowlers. I got no problem with the real authorities, but I made sure my sawed-off was in easy, hidden reach.
Prowler pulled to a stop. Could see two folks inside. In my experience with the staties, there’s usually only one per car. Somethin’ is not right here.
They both got out. ‘Good afternoon, sir.’
‘Afternoon officers, can I help you fellas?’
‘Yessir. We are out here, working with the rangers, letting people know that there is a very dangerous wild animal in the area. Have you noticed any signs? Any lost livestock? Pets? Anything like that?’
The one talkin’ was bein’ real calm and reassurin’ and walkin’ over easy like, with a nice, friendly grin. The other one was kinda off to the side, movin’ slow and steady, kinda like he was tryin’ to flank me... lookin’ everywhere but at me. Noticed that their sidearms were not the standard statie issue, but more like smaller versions of the Stooges’ weapons, with extended magazines. This is not a pipe, and these ain’t staties.
From where they was at, they couldn’t get a clear view of Spence, but he saw them. I could see him trackin’ their progress from the corner of my eye.
‘Well sir, don’t have any livestock to speak of. Was out hikin’ some today. Didn’t see no varmints bigger than a jack-rabbit.’ Was edgin’ my hand over to the sawed-off.
The chatty one smiled bigger, and started to reply, when the sneaky one finally got to where he saw Spence. He grabbed at his shoulder mike, and they both reached down for their weapons, but they never had a chance. I was spinning behind the truck, grabbin’ my scatter-gun, but I never even got it pulled.
I knew Spence was fast, but the last time he did this, I didn’t see the details. My buddy Spence is a beautiful goddamn chrome murder machine.
Spence went right through the side window of the camper shell. He tore into Sneaky, snipped both hands off clean, and slashed his throat deep, all in one move. Sneaky dropped, no sound but wet chokin’. Never even keyed the mike. Spence was over on Smiley in less than a heartbeat, before he could even get turned. Spence took that gunhand clean, and dropped ol’ Smiley on his back, and held him there, front paws on his shoulders, with the claws slid in for purchase, pressin’ down. Spence smiled, if you can call a mouthful of steely razors smilin’.
It was quiet, ‘cept for Spence’s metallic chirr, and Smiley’s sobs, as he clutched the stub with his remaining hand, ghost white face locked on Spence.
I walked over with my scatter-gun on my shoulder. Put a hand on Spence’s head and rubbed that ear. He thumped my leg once with his tail, not moving anything else.
Knelt down a little off to the side, up by Smiley’s head.
‘Son, meet Spence. Now, you and me? We gonna have us a little come-to-Jesus meetin’.’
submitted by /u/UndiagnosablePaella [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/36xvjcm
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Takeshi & Chiyo [Prologue]
Takeshi was absolutely baffled. How come he had absolutely no recollection of how he got here? He can't even place what was happening before he blacked out, really. It was unnerving for him, not not as unnerving as not knowing where Haruto was. How was he supposed to get in touch with the other to tell him he was alright? It was taking a good bit of willpower to keep a completely calm composure. ... Still, nothing was going to get done if he didn't make the effort to go around and ask people about their situation. He figured the smaller girl sitting on one of the chairs was unthreatening enough. Extremely unthreatening. Nothing wrong with approaching and trying to start some conversation. "Oi." Takeshi glanced down at the girl, his hands resting lazily in his pockets. "You've been quiet. Nothin' wrong with that, just wonderin' if you know something about our situation that the rets of us don't. Personally, I've got no idea what's goin' on here..." He shrugs, looking almost a little embarrassed for a moment. "I mighta... passed out or something? I dunno. Maybe I ain't got enough sleep recently. Still, it's kinda weird.... Feels like a lotta people ain't know what's goin' on. You got any answers?"
"M, me?" Chiyo looks to the side for a moment. She doesn't quite know how to respond to the hulking guy that just started chatting with her. She wants to do her best to help out and give a response. With a finger to her chin she starts thinking, trying to recollect any kind of memory. "Hmmm...."
"Ah, I'm sorry.. It looks like I really don't know what's going on either." She pauses for a moment, wondering what to do next. "Oh! But it's probably rude of me not to introduce myself." She stands up from the chair, aching slightly from being still for so long. She bows her head a bit and says "It's nice to meet you, my name is Chiyo Oshiro. I hope we can get along well..."
Takeshi hums, crossing his arms and making a thoughtful sort of expression- not that it was very visible behind his glasses. "Huh.... that's too bad...... Hope we can find someone that knows somethin' eventually. I ain't got any idea where this place is...." He rubs the back of his neck, "Kinda feels like we're on a boat? Maybe.... There's a lotta rockin' going on, hard for me to keep my footing. It's super disorienting...." He purses his lips, looking pretty disgruntled about the whole situation.
"Oh, yeah!" Chiyo is only just now noticing the slight swaying of the room. "Th, that's kind of strange... I've been on a boat before, but I suppose that this is probably what it feels like, right?" She smiles awkwardly. "H, have you been on a boat before?"
Takeshi shrugs, "Once or twice. I live on the coast, but... You know Hokkaido- it's never really warm enough to enjoy goin' out on a boat ride. Maybe if I were a fisherman or somethin', but personally I prefer stayin' indoors." He realizes now that he forgot to introduce himself. "O-oh, also I'm.... Takeshi Morishima. Shoulda mentioned it earlier.... I'm sure we'll get along fine."
"It's nice to meet you! I actually.. I'm more familiar with indoors as well, but I'm not entirely sure if I'd say if I prefer it." She smiles formally. "Um, s, so you grew up in Hokkaido? What was that like?"
Takeshi shrugs, "My job requires me to be inside a lot, but I guess goin' out ain't so bad once in a while. I'm not a real fan of the sun, though- cloudy days are more my speed." He hums, "Hokkaido.... I guess it's just about as barren as you'd expect. My town's real small, an' there's not much to do. Sapporo ain't too far away, but it's a bit of a drive. You live in the city?"
"Ah, yes. My parents were both... busy people, so the city was the best place for them to get where they needed to go quickly, I think." Chiyo pauses for a moment. "Um, what's your job? Y, you're a student of Hope's Peak Academy, right? Is it relating to your talent?"
"Mmmh, I see." He nods along, "Yeah, I am, actually. I'm the SHSL Video Editor. I've been workin' for this YouTuber, Haruto Mizushima. Heard of him?" He hums, "In any case, that means you're one too, right? What's your talent?"
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve heard of them before... I’ve never spent a lot of time on the internet, I.. I’ve been told it’s a somewhat...” she pauses, trying to find the right word, “unforgiving place to visit.”
“A, and yeah! I’m the Ultimate Chess Player. Although, I do, don’t think it’s as useful of a skill as video editing may be...” she smiles awkwardly.
Takeshi scratches the back of his head, "Yeaaahh, ya ain't wrong about that. Th' internet can be pretty brutal sometimes. Still, it's a nice platform for creativity, if you wanna showcase your stuff to a broader range of people." He shrugs, "It's the best place for me to do that sorta thing, anyway."
He hums, nodding with interest, "Chess player, huh? I think it's a pretty admirable skill. Gotta be real good at planning and formulating and everything. I'm no good at chess, in any case." He shakes his head, "Those problem solving skills'll probably come in handy here."
“Ah..” Chiyo looks to the side with a smile and a flush. “You flatter me! It’s really nothing, just some logic and planning...” Her hands go up to fiddle with her cravat. “B, but something like that is something that is present it every person, right? I’m afraid I won’t be as useful as you think...”
Takeshi shrugs, "I'm just speakin' the truth here. Logic and plannin' are still valuable skills to have. I'd say you've probably got more experience in that area than I do- my talent's more just... memorizin' how to do stuff. Bein' meticulous and all that. Bit of designin' knowledge here and there. I ain't gotta think too hard about any of that." He fiddles with his glasses a bit, "We're gonna need someone logical and good at plannin' t' get us outta this mess. I think you'll come t' be more useful than ya think."
"Ah, I see.." She still didn't quite feel that confident. Being kidnapped and held in a strange room is not exactly the same as playing chess. You don't see all the opponents pieces, and you don't even see the entire board. Even with all the logic and planning skills, it's impossible to make calculated moves without a great amount of hesitation.
The pessimistic thinking isn't exactly helping though. Maybe she should just trust and be thankful of this Takeshi for believing in her. "Th, thanks.. But I'm more than sure your talents will be fruitful for us, right? Having even a little bit of skill in technology.. Th, that will probably help, right?" She looks to the side. She really doesn't know what she's saying anymore.
He hums. He supposed eventually his talents might come in handy, but he still felt a bit disheartened about the look of their situation. "Maybe...." He hesitates, "If any tech shows up. Who knows how old this place is... the decor ain't like anything I seen back home, that's for sure..."
Takeshi runs a hand through his hair and lets out a labored sort of sigh. "Ah, well.... hopefully somethin'll open that door soon. If we can find any sorta tech, then we've got a lil' bit of hope...."
"Any sort of technology? What... could you do with it? Do you know how to hack..?" Chiyo puts a finger to her chin in thought.
He nods. "Yeah, done it a few times. Lotta troubleshootin' comes with havin' a technological job. I'm no expert, but I know I've been around the block." He shrugs, "But if there;s no tech, it ain't gonna do us no good."
"Ah, that sounds kind of thrilling actually.." Chiyo's cheeks seem to be flushed slightly. "Hacking... sounds like something you'd see in a spy movie!" She seems excited.
Takeshi blinks, before rubbing the back of his neck and giving an bashful huff of laughter, "Heh....  ya think so? It's not all that interestin' really, just a buncha numbers and code. I guess it can look pretty cool to watch, though... If I end up getting to try it, I'll make sure you're front an' center for it.”
"Huh? Really??" Chiyo grins and rests her hands on her cravat. "That sounds great! Th, thank you.. I'll be looking forward to it, ahaha.. If there's anything you'd like in return just let me know." She smiles at him.
0 notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato [Track 2]
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Original title: 夜の湖
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note: If there’s one thing Rejet knows to do with these CDs, it’s keeping us on the edge of our seats! The final bit of this CD was actual one of the voice samples released prior to its release and I remember being extremely intrigued by it back then! Even while listening to the actual CD, it got me super curious and I couldn’t wait to listen to the next track to find out what is going on with the MC.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 2: The Lake at Night
The two of you are walking through the forest until you eventually reach the lake.
“...Is this the place you’ve been dyin’ to visit? It’s just a regular old lake, no? There’s seriously nothin’ special ‘bout it at all...It was stupid of me to even expect anythin’ from you in the first place.”
You explain.
“Haahー!? The sunrise...? ...Don’t tell me you want to stay here until dawn!?”
You nod.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me. Do you even know how much time’s left till sunrise!? ...See you.”
Ayato tries to leave but you quickly stop him, insisting you can chat till the sun rises.
“What? Don’t give me that nonsense! Why did we need to come all the way over here just to have a chat? We can just talk at home!”
You shake your head.
“Haah? There’s other people around then? ...Oh. In other words, you wanted an excuse to be all alone with me?”
You elaborate on your idea.
“A quiet time, huh...? I thought you liked things to be lively though. Well, I won’t deny those dudes are hella annoyin’. I turn my back for one second and they try to make a move on you. I’ll admit we can never truly feel at ease in that kinda environment.”
He plops down on the grass.
“...There we go. ...Oi, hurry up and lend me your lap already. You don’t expect me to get comfortable without a pillow, right?
You take a seat next to him as he rests his head in your lap.
*Rustle rustle*
You smile and admit enjoying these times together. 
“...It’s nice to sit back and relax at times, huh? Damn, you really sounded like a granny just now. I don’t understand. This is just dull, you might as well be dead. ...I mean, you humans have a limited lifespan, right? Then doesn’t this feel like a waste? Isn’t it normal to want to enjoy yourself, maybe have some good food or something? ...Well, I’m a Vampire and immortal so I don’t really care either way.”
You explain.
“Hmph. If you like this, then whatever. You’re so easy to please. (1) But don’t come complaining to me afterwards.”
You chuckle. 
“Don’t laugh, geez. ...Actually, you’ve been actin’ kinda off. Like you’re in bad shape...or lackin’ energy. Did you eat somethin’ which had gone bad or somethin’?”
You retaliate.
“I wonder. Hehehe...Well, seems like you still have the energy to talk back at least. ...By the way, you remember the promise we made, right? I told you I’d suck your blood if you failed to entertain me, didn’t I?”
You flinch.
“Look at that pathetic look on your face. Did you think I had forgotten?”
You try and bribe him with the lap pillow. 
“Hmph. You’ll stay like this a lil’ longer? All you’re doing is lending me your lap though? You haven’t been tellin’ me any interestin’ stories either. ...Are you perhaps teasin’ me on purpose?”
You quickly shake your head.
“In that case, it makes sense.”
You frantically flail with your arms while trying to explain yourself. 
“Hehe...Hehehe...No need to get so desperate trying to deny it. Your funny expression is only becomin’ even more hilarious. I’ll content myself with that for now and leave the real fun for later. Guess you should be grateful to your own face.”
You say thank you.
“...Aah? Why would you thank me for that? Lemme tell you, but I prefer suckin’ your blood after scarin’ the livin’ hell out of you. It’s just not the time for that yet, that’s all. Heh!”
The wind blows in the background.
“...For real though, what are you gonna do ‘bout this depressin’ mood? You should take some responsibility and talk to me. Anythin’ will do at this point. You wanted to enjoy some idle talk, right? Come on.”
You bring up the past.
“What? Our first meeting? You really think I remember all of that? ...Ahー But if I recall correctly...I was nappin’ in the living room while the thunder roared outside...Right! I was woken up because you made a huge fuss.”
You tell him you were truly shocked back then.
“Haha...You mistook me for a dead person, didn’t you? Goin’ on ‘bout callin’ an ambulance or some shit. Bit of an overreaction, don’t you think? Yours Truly doesn’t just die! 
Well, I doubt you knew we were Vampires at that point. I was hella thirsty back then, so when an energetic-looking prey walked right up to me, I obviously had to go straight for a bite. Yet, that damn Four-Eyes had the nerve to get in my way!”
You tell him you nearly forgot about that.
“Excuse me? Don’t be forgettin’ ‘bout that when you’re the one who brought up this topic!”
You admit to being surprised Ayato recalls so much.
“I remember plenty of other things as well! You better don’t underestimate my memory! ...Actually, why don’t I help you remember a few more embarrassing moments? No need to be modest. Whatcha so afraid of?”
You flinch.
“Hehe...Are you scared of me?”
You hesitate.
“What? If you’ve got somethin’ to say, then spit it out.”
You explain.
“What do you mean you’re no longer scared of me like you were at first? You flinched just now!”
You frown.
“Why can’t you put it into words well? Don’t tell me you’re makin’ fun of me?”
You shake your head.
“Then what is it?”
You try and put your feelings into words. 
“Haah!? I don’t understand what you mean with ‘because we understand each other now’. Geez. ...But well, there’s a few things I learnt through living together with you as well, I guess. Humans are weak. They die so easily. They’ve got a limited life span as well. ...That’s not all. They love to fuss ‘bout the details and they’re so infuriatingly slow and clumsy. They get upset over the most trivial things or cry over nothing. Also...Sometimes the strangest things make them happy. Furthermore, they’d go through the trouble of comin’ to these kinda places. Ahー What a drag.”
You thank Ayato for keeping up with you. 
“Che...Why are you thanking me now? I really don’t understand that sorta behavior of yours. Fuck.”
You ask if he would like to head back soon. 
“Aah...? What do you mean ‘soon’? Of course I want to head home already! ...But well, you still want to stay here a lil’ longer, right? ...Just the two of us.”
You nod.
“Oh? You’re bein’ surprisingly honest. Do you want to be with me that badly?”
You nod again.
“Heh. You just said you want to be together forever, huh? Fool. You really think I’d let you go? You can no longer leave me. ...Not ever.”
You suddenly frown.
“What? Got a problem with that?”
You quickly turn your head and try to make excuses. 
“No point in tryin’ to hide it. You’re an open book after all. ...Don’t tell me you actually believe you could get away from me?”
You shake your head.
“If that’s not it, then don’t look so damn anxious. ...Heh. Actually, I bet you were thinking that you can’t live forever?”
Your eyes widen in surprise before you ask him how he knows.
“Heh. I know everything that goes on in that head of yours. ...Don’t be worryin’ about those kind of stupid things. Did you drag me all the way out here to talk ‘bout that shit? ...You didn’t, right? Pretty sure I told you to entertain me.”
Ayato suddenly pins you down.
“I bet you’re rackin’ your brain over complicated shit again? Good job gettin’ yourself pinned down. ...Just so you know, there’s no point in tryin’ to cover it up. Even if you keep quiet, I can tell by lookin’ in your eyes. Che...! I should just be the only thing on your mind. Well, I’ll just force myself inside your head if I need to. ...I’ll make it so you can’t worry about anything unnecessary.”
“I’m not lettin’ you go any time soon...So brace yourself.”
“...Hah. Come on. Sit up already. Don’t you understand? I’m givin’ you special permission to sit down on my lap. Hurry up...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Say…Doin’ this doesn’t feel half bad, does it? …Just admit it.”
"Come on. Don’t close your eyes. Make sure to watch…how you’re bein’ turned into a mess.”
"Hehehe…Seems like you’re ‘bout to lose it from sheer excitement. Show me more of that expression.”
"Don’t you dare let the other guys see you like this.”
You whimper.
“Listen up. You’re fated to continue havin’ your blood sucked by me like this. Both now and in the future. Foreverーー”
You nod.
“Heh. Glad you understand.”
Ayato gets up and wipes some dirt off his pants.
“…Woah. The wind has picked up. …Oi, we should probably head home soon. I don’t want to get nagged at later.”
You remain unmoved.
“Come on. Get up already. Or has your back thrown out? …Guess you leave me no other choice.”
“Come on. Gimme your hand. …Hah? What’s wrong? Grab it already.”
You shake your head.
“Oi, there really is somethin’ off ‘bout you? Come on.”
Ayato grabs your hand.
“…Eh? Doesn’t your hand…feel colder than usual? What’s wrong, for real? …Can’t you hear me? Oi! …Idiot! Don’t close your eyes! Answer me! Chichinashi!!
Translation notes
(1) Ayato calls her 無欲 or ‘muyoku’, which is used to describe someone who is free from any ‘worldly desires’. 
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