#it has not been minecraft for THAT long. i just swung back round to it
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madcom-stuff-of-interest · 1 year ago
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so i've been playing modded minecraft with some friends recently
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parisianartistic · 5 years ago
title: river in the desert 
about: Sèbastien has been going nuts worrying over July leaking or investigating the letters. So he goes to get back his property
when: March 20, 2020
tagging: @hbickurt & @sq-muckraker
warnings: Age gap relationship, sugar daddy mention
Sébastien had to get it back. There couldn’t be any evidence of his relationship with Dean. He owed Dean the courtesy of keeping this to himself. For the last week, Sébastien found himself going insane. Endlessly, he would imagine scenarios and things that would happen if their relationship were to be uncovered. Eventually, Sébastien was driven to the internet to ask questions. 
Can a sugar baby be held to legal charges? Sugar daddies whose reputations were ruined by sugaring. Is sugaring illegal? Currently holding a student visa, what happens if I get arrested? 
None of it helped his anxiety. So he moved on to other things. Played Minecraft, programmed, even sat on the floor and pulled out his fancy painting supplies. But nothing made the dread go away. Sébastien really fucked up on this one. As he was rounding the corner after class, he paused at the Faculty offices. His eyes glanced over the signs. By the luck of god, Ms. July’s name stood out like a sore thumb. Ms. July, room 115. The thoughts evolved rapidly in his mind. Before he could even come up with a plan, his feet were moving along the corridor of the Faculty offices. His throat tightened as the numbers ascended. 107, 109, 111…. His eyes moved forward,  past the in-between rooms and calculated the room that was her office. It was just around the corner. His body picked up the pace. 
One second, he was about to turn the corner for the other offices, the next he was on the ground. His adrenaline pulled him up quickly. There the blonde was, right in front of him and on the floor with papers surrounding her. With the reflexes of a cat, Sébastien leapt up and jumped over her. As he fled the crime scene, he caught a quick glance to the side. There it was, Ms. July’s room. One of the largest offices he’s seen. He looked over his shoulder to see July had barely recovered to a sit-up position as he disappeared down the hallway.  
--------------- the next day ------------------------------------ 
Today was the day he needed to do it. Anxiety overtook him. Adrenaline drove him onwards. 
Just like the paintball game, Sébastien snuck through the hallways. Hoodie pulled over his head and limited eye contact. He knew what he was about to do was wrong. If he was caught, he would be in more trouble than any regular student. But what if somebody looked further into the letter. What if somebody caught him and Dean? 
This time, Sébastien peeked around the corner. His bright green eyes scanned the hallwa - and that’s when he saw her. Her signature blonde hair bobbing on the way to the common area. Sébastien felt his heart lurch forward. His long legs thrust forward and Sébastien made a direct path to her office. On his way there, he turned his head to look at the common area. His eyes caught sight of her going to the coffee machine. While he was looking, his eye also caught onto one Kurt Hummel. Rather than stopping, he held up a hand in a small wave and kept going. He got to the office and tried the handle. To his surprise, the door opened without any resistance.
Why? He wasn’t going to ask. He pushed it open and shut the door behind him. He heard the click in the door. That was the reason. The damn thing was broken. He breathed out and stepped forward.
When the automatic lights turned on, Sébastien nearly fainted. As he stood in the room, a chill ran down his spine. It was so wrong. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Even though he’d seen everything before, the objects felt alien to him. Anything he touched could possibly explode. He stepped forwards, his legs wobbling like the floor would give out beneath him at any second. Sébastien was used to painting for hours, and hours on end without a sigh of exhaustion. But now sweat rolled down his palms, as he advanced into the large office. 
First things first, the computer. Sébastien dug into his pocket for the flash drive, and approached the computer. Just like Bree taught him, he plugged it in. He knew it would take a couple of minutes, so that’s when he started to look through the drawers. He fished through the desk first. Tossing about everything in there to give any hint at where they could be.
He noted a small little key, and looked over at the files. Sébastien snatched it up quickly and went to the files. He quickly unlocked it and threw it open.
By some act of god or just sheer dumb luck, the minute he opened the cabinet he saw the label. 
        ‘Whiny brat kids.’ 
Sébastien opened up the folder, and right there on top was a photocopied version of his letter. Air whooshed out of his mouth with his sigh of relief. He couldn’t believe that he found them. Shutting the file cabinet, he went to the desk to replace the key.
By the time he looked up at the computer, it had unlocked.
“Oh Bree, you’re an absolutely genius.” He went to the command line and typed a full search for his letter. 
Then the door handle jiggled.
Sébastien's hands flopped on the keyboard as he looked up at the door. Gasping, Sébastien glanced at the desktop. All he saw on the screen was ‘moving files to recycle bin.’ 
His mouth hung open. He could barely register it’s words before he locked the computer. There was a loud curse from the woman, as the key was shoved violently into the door.
Sébastien clutched the folder against his chest and dove for the floor. His knees hit the floor head, but he ignored it. He scrambled desperately under the table and turned his back to the metal. Using his leg, he pulled the chair in. Once he heard the door swoosh open, Sébastien pulled his knees in. He grabbed his ankles and sucked in some air. His body and the air around him went still.
       ‘I’m so dead… I’m so dead… I am so dead.
Her stomps echoed against the floor as she approached her desk. His heart beat so violently in his chest that he could swear that the metal was thumping too. Her legs came into view. He knew that it was over. 
Then the phone rang. 
She remained standing as she answered the phone.
“Hello?” Her annoyance was obvious. There was some inaudible speech coming from the ear piece. “What? No, I don’t have an itch down there. Who is this? Who gave you this number?” Short and snappy. She had been receiving these calls all day. 
Sébastien acted quickly to this. He saw Kurt earlier. He was praying for him to answer immediately. Kurt’s message came like a ping from god.
He looked up when Ms. July slammed the receiver harshly. Sébastien felt his body leap at the noise. He cupped his hand over his mouth suddenly, hoping he didn’t utter a sound. He watched the chair in front of him pull out slowly. His body visibly shook as the legs swung in front of the edge of the chair. A tear glistened at the corner of his eye. Sébastien closed his eyes, and waited for hell to ensue.
       ‘I’m so fucking dead. 
Then the voice of an angel came trilling into the room. He didn’t know what happened, but it only took a couple of minutes for Kurt to get her out of the room. Once she left, Sébastien slowly crawled out from under the desk. His head turned everyway, looking for a sigh of her. He peaked over the desk and saw the closed door. His head turned to the computer. He pressed enter and looked at the results. Sébastien had accidentally wiped mostly everything from her drive. But he didn’t have time to think about it. He went to the recycle bin on the computer and emptied it.
He didn’t care. This is what she got for leaking the letters. He pulled the flash drive out and ran out of the office with the folder of the letters in hand. His long legs carried him quickly out of the building. He weaved in and out of the crowd and got to his bike. He opened the folder to see that they were all there. He stuffed it into the bag behind his bike, unchained his bike, hopped on, and pushed off. It was the fastest he’d ever gotten home.
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itonlyhappenstome · 5 years ago
Coronavirus Lockdown UK homeschooling Day 5
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So here we are, Homeschooling day 5, the end of the first week, the strangest week ever, swung from euphoria to despair and back again with every emotion in between. Sometimes freaking out, sometimes feeling like it is that lovely week between Christmas and new year with nothing to do, nowhere to go, no reason to get dressed, drinking and eating whatever you want whenever you want — anything goes!
It is all feeling rather Groundhog day every morning, that is because I guess I do not know how long it will go on for, even a holiday in heaven without an end date would be purgatory in the end. I think this is a situation that can only be some days reflected on positively in retrospect.
Was feeling really lack lustre this morning, as were the children, and it showed as they really REALLY could not be arsed to do anything, and I really REALLY could not be arsed to make them. I tried to get Seb to read with the bribe of something nice, but even that was not enough and he had an air of “stick your treat, you have nothing I want!” So we gave up and just let it be for the day.
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It is really true that you see the issues the teacher has and speaks of… OMG how do they do it with more than 1 child?!? I have wondered whether the virus was actually created by a think tank of Chemistry teachers, to get some respite, sit at home and watch “Bargain hunters” and to also show parents that their children can be complete and utter unreasonable arseholes, and the teachers are not the issue, its the kids! I am feeling after week 1 that I could not find it in my heart to blame them if they did….
I even tried to enthuse myself by convincing myself that the half a banana drawing on the pictogram chart looks like the end of a willy — but it was half hearted and a tedious attempt.
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Something else I am learning about, is my partner… He is being lovely and helpful, and stepping up and doing things (actually as I write this he has bought me Gin!). But is anyone else finding that you just do stuff and just do it without comment, but if your partner does it then it has to be pointed out, appreciated, praised. But if you get shitty about having to stop the world to give a round of applause, or causally mention thats great they tidied the kitchen but would it take that much more effort to actually take the food out of the sink….they are all huffy “fine I won’t bother helping again” But ITS SHARED MESS/CHILDREN!
And time management….. every. single. night. At dinner time… “Darling dinners ready!” (and this is no shock or surprise as I have been making it for the last fucking hour…) and he replies — “Oh is it? Hang on, I just need to go and check the Christmas tree lights/tidy the car boot out/repaint the house name on the dustbin/ sort through my ski clothes/file the last 2 years bank statements”….Or something similarly that really does not need to be done right at that moment…And we are not talking a meal that stays hot for hours like a carrot filled casserole, or a home made pizza that removes the roof of your mouth — we are talking about stir fry that is cold before you have put the first forkful in your mouth and cannot be microwaved. And he cannot understand why I get shirty and point out his time management skills in the household maybe need to be addressed. I apparently am “naggy”. (in my head “Oh just fuck the fuck off”)
Not sure why these issues are now magnified during lockdown…! To be fair, he is doing nothing wrong, everything is mostly winding me up as the walls close in on me — and probably being a bit hungover (daily)doesn’t help, but it really does feel like Christmas week!! The kids are also annoying me, the news, whats app, speaking, not speaking, inanimate objects, the guinea pigs, the milk cartons, people being perky, people being dickheads— I have never said “oh just fuck the fuck off” SO many times in my own head whilst smiling — well not since living in Bremen anyway!
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He did take the Children out for some exercise today so I could have my daily panic attack in peace, which was nice.
And on one of the multiple whats app groups there was the idea to have the children write inspirational chalk quotes on the drive outside your house for people walking by on lockdown exercise. What a great idea! So I took the time to do the same for anyone thinking of knocking on our door during this lockdown time to reflect my cheerful mood!
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As we decided to call a teacher training day today and the children were running feral and engrossed in a virtual minecraft reality world for the 8th consecutive hour… I went out! Yes OUT! Not OUT OUT, just to the Pharmacy and Supermarket, but it was a good excuse and reason to have a shower and change my clothes. And you know its well needed when after the shower your husband says “Wow, look at you! What happened to the smelly troglodyte who has been living here the last 4 days?!?”
Sods law the first time I wash my hair since day 1 and it rewards me with a bad hair day — so I go out looking like a weird praying mantis, convinced I am going to freakishly bump into every single ex boyfriend and childhood nemesis.
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Emily spent the day practising her make up for when the lockdown is finished so she can look pretty. Which is ironic really as last night she said to me “Mum, when lockdown is over can I please take you clothes shopping as you are a bit out dated, and embarrassing, and old fashioned” And I of course replied smiling “Yes of course darling that would be great!” And in my head I was saying “Oh just fuck the fuck off”!!
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Happy weekend everyone, have fun whatever you are doing. Is this what being retired or in a care home is like? The week days and weekends mean the same thing, you lose all track of the date/day and you cannot go out or have no energy to go out? Unless you are one of the retired people who likes Garden Centres to go to the cafe and eat a cream cake and sandwich with a knife and fork.
Stay Safe!!
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