#it had a less fancy version too some sheepback rock or something but that didn't go with the flow
damnprecious · 7 years
s o f t   t a g
got tagged by @qayalec
the only rule if you do it, tag a few people/blogs you adore~
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? the ones I sing most often would probably be some by Sunrise Avenue, but also some Bon Jovi’s and a bunch of disneys? but pretty much anything I know 25% of the lyrics to? 
what are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to) maples and rowans are probably the favorites but I love them all. Of plants and flowers and stuff, I like rhododendrons and all sorts of small forest flowers.
favourite colour(s)? blue and orange
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)? most often it’s leafless trees or landscapes with cliffs as attempts to do shit in perspective. or swirlies. I have so many lecture notes filled with swirlies. Occasionally small flowers that’ll end up covering the page or just coloring the squares on the paper. 
how do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink? milk-based hot chocolate or glögi. 
favourite candle scent? my nose does not approve scented stuff
sunrise or sunset? most often sunsets, but there’s little as satisfying as starting the work day around 5am by driving past a beautiful sunrise over a lake. (thank god it’s the highway or I’d be stopping to take pictures every damn morning and end up late) 
what perfume do you wear if any? my nose does not approve scented stuff
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone? the only dancing I ever do is folk dancing, so occasionally some of the steps and I have no idea what they’d be in english. Polkka would probably be the one I’d be caught doing. 
favourite quote?
not all those who wander are lost - j.r.r. tolkien
what about side by side with a friend? - lord of the rings
Lähden etelään saadakseni olla yksin. Sieluni vaatii sitä täällä vietetyn ajan jälkeen, samoin kuin sieluni vaatii täälläoloa yksinäisyyden jälkeen -Nuuskamuikkunen (Snufkin, Moomins. Transl: I leave for South to be alone. My souls needs it after the time I’ve spent here, like my soul needs being here after loneliness)
favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)? hmmmn probably baking? Getting out of the house is a big one, a fine weather is perfect for me and my camera to cheer up, but it appears when anxiety spikes going to a nearby lake/sea is good for getting it out
fuzzy socks or house slippers? I literally just packed four pairs of woolly socks to take back to uni. .. .. .. . . no, wait, I lied, I only packed three pairs, the fourth will be going on my feetsies tomorrow morning. So. Yeah. Woolly. Socks.
what colour are your eyes? darkish blue
what’s your favourite eye colour on others? can I say every color when sun hits them? bc like that shit is pretty 
favourite season? why? fall, everything is so pretty and colorful and damn
cheek, neck or nose kisses no
what does your happy place look like? a forest when the sun seeps through the trees on a early autumn day, blueberries cover the forest floor and leaves have just turned and the first ones gently float down in a breeze you can just notice. You can hear the shuffle of your feet on the path that leads you to a shore where the smoothest uncovered bedrock is overlooking the glimmering waves that hit the rocks right by the shoreline
favourite breed of dog? I don’t really know many specific breeds and most definitely know nothing about their personalities (rowdy dogs are really not my thing, gimme calm boys), but I like the like mid-sized to bigger-ish but not big pointy-eared fluffs. y’all getting what I mean? 
do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? don’t want to get married, but color theme for a party would be gray and blue.
silk or lace? no
favourite weather? sunny, crispy winter days with -15 degrees Celsius with absolutely no wind. 
I shall tag @damatris, @mustetahra, @little-escapist, and @when-shes-gone if y’all feel like doing the thing ^^ 
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